#does this mean now i HAVE to write that fanfiction about the gang going to Japan to retrieve Niko's body I've been actively avoiding?
technically-human · 20 days
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Guess they belong to me the fandom now
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scatteredskittless · 3 months
Jeff The Killer headcanons
A/n: Creepypasta hyperfixation is going craaazzyyy right now 🙏
Warnings: Talk of murder, suicide, blood and knives
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🔪✮ My fav retired emo boy 😻😻
🔪✮ What I mean by that is he doesn’t exactly dress very emo as much as he used to, he’s more worried about what’s tactical when on missions and such.
🔪✮ But he does still have the infamous emo haircut 🙏
🔪✮ I don’t think Jeff’s as tall as everyone thinks he is, I think he’s around 5’9, maybe 5’10 on a good day.
🔪✮ Thrives off of energy drinks, doesn’t matter the kind. Red Bull is his favourite though
🔪✮ He’s pretty aggressive. Not just towards other people but towards himself too, he’ll self destruct and self sabotage and has likely made many attempts on his own life.
🔪✮ On a more positive note his favourite flowers are red spider lilies :3
🔪✮ Owns a knife collection. Bro has like a shit ton it’s a little bit wild (has a lot of pretty ones)
🔪✮ Blood kink. Sorry gang it had to be said
🔪✮ Carves his glasgow smile into the faces of his victims, It’s like his thing ig
🔪✮ Jeff’s room is actually a fucking nightmare holy shit
🔪✮ Smells bad, clothes everywhere, his bed rarely ever gets made and there’s just stuff all over his desk…
🔪✮ He doesn’t really give a shit though 💀💀
🔪✮ Best friends with Toby :))
🔪✮ An absolute fucking prick but he’s hot so I’ll give him that
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/headcanons/writing without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittles
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memyselfandmya · 4 months
Jwct countdown May 16-17 -> post-nublar shenanigans:
So, I had so many ideas for this prompt, and ended up only doing two. I will be writing more of them and maybe I'll put some of them on tumblr but a lot of them are going to go towards my fanfictions. I'm not used to this multiple point of view thing with limited action and so many characters so the 1st part is a little wonky. I really love the 2nd one; it's shorter than I'd like it to be but I'll probably end up lengthening it later on. Enjoy!
“I mostly play with the dinosaur mods,” Darius says. “Can we add—”
The loud chorus of “No!”s is unmistakably noticeable especially with his headphones on. He has to lift them from his ears for a moment while the group settles down.
“No offense, D, but I’ve had enough dinosaurs for a lifetime,” Kenji tells him. “I’m gonna make the server.” 
Brooklynn groans. “Don’t name it anything stupid, Kenji.” 
“I don’t even know why you bother,” Yaz says, propping her bandaged ankle up on her desk chair leg rest.  
“Too late,” comes Kenji’s response. “I just sent you guys the server invite.”
Groans are heard all throughout headphones when they see the server named “trauma-craft.”
“Really, Kenji?” Sammy questions. “That’s not even remotely funny.”
“Yeah, yeah, just join the server.”
“Hey, guys,” Ben says. “How do I join the server?”
Brooklynn sighs. “Oh my God, Ben really?”  
“I’ve never played!”
Darius and Brooklynn give Ben the run-down while the others join the server. 
“What I’m most surprised about is that Yaz, of all people, has already played minecraft,” Kenji teases. He’s loaded into the world but so far it’s just him.
“Shut the hell up, Kenji,” is what Yaz tells him. She’s next to load in and the first thing she does is punch Kenji.
Sammy giggles. “You have to admit, Yaz, you’re not the type of person you'd think plays minecraft.” Her character spawns right next to Yaz.
Yasmina scoffs. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, Darling. Don’t worry about it.”
“All right, I think I got the hang of it,” Ben says. He, Brooklynn, and Darius finally join the game. 
“The gang���s all here,” Kenji says triumphantly. He makes his avatar run around in circles as he sips from a (non-carob) juice box. 
“Well, I think it’s obvious what we do next,” says Sammy. They all respond at once. 
“Go mining,” Yaz says. 
“Build a house,” comes Darius’ response.
“Make weapons?” Is Ben’s suggestion. 
“Explore the map, obvi,” Brooklynn says.
There’s a moment of silence. Then comes Kenji’s voice. “Guys, guys. I think it’s obvious what we do first: punch a tree.”
“What I was going to say was we should go looking for a cute biome to live in,” Sammy answers. 
Hey guys, Ben texts the group chat one day when he’s visiting Yaz in South Carolina. Yaz and I are going to get our ears pierced together.
It was a completely random decision that they made. Ben’s mom just so happened to have some work in South Carolina to take care of so Ben tagged along to pay one of his closest friends a visit. They had been hanging out at Yasmina’s house all day, just chilling and playing games, when Ben says, “We should get our ears pierced.”
Yasmina looks up from the deck of cards she’s holding. “I already have my ears pierced, Dummy.”
“Okay, well yeah, but I’ve been thinking of getting mine done.”
“Sick,” Yaz says. “Do you think your mom’ll go for it?” 
“I mean, yeah probably.” He flops down on Yaz’s bed and stares at the ceiling. “My mom has been crazy nice to me lately. I think she feels guilty about sending me to Nublar.”
“Sending your kids to their presumed death will do that to you,” Yaz hums. “But yeah, my mom feels guilty about it too but it’s not their fault. We should be blaming Wu and the maniacs who made that place.”
“Oh, believe me. If I ever see Wu’s face again, I’m jumping his ass.”
Yaz smiles. “Perfect, we can tag-team him together.” The two fist bump and Yaz sets down her set of cards. “Now that you mention it… I wouldn’t mind getting a second piercing and Mom would totally let me. Do you think Sammy would like it?”
Ben laughs at the question. “I think Sammy would like anything you do. You could shave all of your hair off and she’d still love you. Have you guys said it yet, anyways? The “L” word? And no, I don’t mean lesbian.”
Yaz clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Yep, we have.”
“Yaz!” Ben exclaims, gripping Yasmina by the shoulders and shaking her while she fights the smile growing on her face. 
She ducks her head down to hide the blush creeping onto her cheeks. “Anyways, let’s go ask our moms about getting our ears pierced.”
And that’s how Yaz and Ben end up at a tattoo parlor (don’t go to Claire’s, kids) sitting next to each other as they wait to get their ears pierced. 
WHAT!? OMG SEND PICS WHEN YOUR DONE, comes Brooklynn’s reply. 
When Ben sets his phone down he begins tapping his finger against the seat’s armrest. “Is it bad I’m getting kind of scared,” he asks, watching the man prepare the needle.
Yasmina rolls her eyes and laughs. “Man up, Pincus. What happened to the Ben who defeated Toro?”
At that Ben’s face reddens. When he said it back on the island a kajillion times, it was like a badge of honor, but back home on the mainland, whenever he told anyone they looked at him like they would a person who just lost an arm in a war: with pity.  “Yea, yea. You’re right,” he says. 
Their parents are waiting up front so it’s just the two of them until the piercers come up to them, needles primed. “Are you guys ready?”
Ben looks at Yaz for a split second and then nods to them. “Hold my hand,” he says, stretching his arm out towards Yasmina. She groans but holds it anyway. 
Ben takes it like a champ. He hardly even notices when the needle pierces through his skin and the earring he chose is placed in the new hole. The second ear goes just as smoothly.
Yasmina isn’t as lucky. 
She’s gotten her ears pierced before, back when she was younger, so she’s relaxed up until the point the piercer disappears behind her head. She’s right by Yaz’s ear and on the very edge of her sight to the point where Yaz can’t even see her, but her presence is certainly there. 
Deep down, she knows that she’s not on Nublar and the woman right next to her isn’t a dinosaur coming to sink its teeth into her neck but her mind is a sick little thing that loves to seize her with fear. Yasmina closes her eyes but the image of Nublar won’t disappear and she’s certain that Blue is approaching her, hunting her. She has to run—but she can’t.
Ben’s calm until he notices Yasmina’s hand tighten around his and he glances at her to find her eyes shut tight and her knuckles turning white from gripping the armrest. The woman finishes with her just as quickly as Ben had but even when she walks away, Yaz is still hunched over and what hair that’s not in her ponytail shades her face. 
“Yaz,” he says, hesitantly. “You good?”
“Mhm,” she responds, but Ben can tell that she’s not really there. He doesn’t know why he bothered asking when the answer was so plain to see, however he does know that he has to help her in some way. He knows Yaz isn’t one for touch but when he tries to pull away, her grip tightens around his wrist. “It’s over, Yaz,” he says. “You’re okay, I’m here.”
It takes a moment but eventually Yaz’s grip loosens and she sits up a little straighter. She’s still staring at the floor, though, and avoiding his gaze. 
 “Do you want some water?” Ben asks, before digging through his fanny pack which he still makes a habit of wearing. He takes out a mini water bottle and hands it to Yasmina who accepts it gratefully and downs it all in one gulp. “Thanks,” she whispers once she’s done. 
“Of course,” Ben tells her. 
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thevagabondexpress · 7 months
something something gangs of ketterdam something something geography
Take a look at the available maps from the Grishaverse and you'll notice something. While maps of Ravka and Shu Han and Novyi Zem are nice and interesting and pretty to look at, and the Ice Court has reasonably good description, that one map of Ketterdam? Yeah. It's rendered in so much incredibly beautiful detail that you can literally see the city's devils (see what i did there? eh?). Six of Crows, and Crooked Kingdom particularly, have a very intense love for and understanding of geography that seems to be unique in the series. Alina Starkov is ostensibly a cartographer and yet Ketterdam is the city I could confidently find my way around and probably direct tourists around as well. And when you think about it, this actually makes a lot of sense. For the Crows that live there, knowing your geography could be a matter of life and death.
I was never in a gang (thank God and my faerie godmother) but I grew up in the poorer neighborhoods of a big city so I know enough about them to know that the experience Leigh describes is pretty accurate. Among the various simplicities and complexities of group crime (major organized as well as four dudes in hoodies alike), territory is a big one. It's brought up in the books, the Crows have Fifth Harbor, it's theirs, and the Black Tips pay a hefty price for encroaching on it. Gang territories are like political borders and if members cross over from their place of residence to somebody else's, it's tantamount to an invasion. The Crows would need to know the city like the back of their hand for more than just profitable purposes and it shows in the books.
Not only that, but many of them have other personal reasons to be good at geography. Kaz is not just a gangster, he's ostensibly a king among them. He's deeply involved, he's got enemies, he's got pies. He's going to want to know who everyone is and where they are so he can stay as many steps ahead as he does. Inej grew up living a nomadic lifestyle, traveling in caravans along routes laid down by probably centuries' worth of tradition. Plus there's the Fold to worry about. Or at least there was. She would have learned navigating from her family from a young age, would've learned which towns are safe and which are not, which roads to use and to avoid. She would have then applied that knowledge to the city easily, probably near-subconsciously, once she could walk in it freely. Plus, I mean, she's getting around by rooftops, she's going to need to know more than just street signs. Meanwhile, Nina is a spy and soldier, quickly learning the lay of the land was no doubt a part of her training, and Wylan was born and raised in the city. Even living in the wealthy districts for most of his life (he wasn't in the Barrel that long before the start of the book, remember), he'd still have a native's grasp of the world around him. Jesper and Matthias are the only characters who don't have a geography connection beyond trying not to start a gang war and Matthias is the only one who genuinely wouldn't probably care. Well, I guess Kuwei probably wouldn't give much of a damn about geography either if we're counting him, but he spends most of his time in the story being shunted from one place to another by other people.
So yeah. When you think about it, geography's gonna be hella important to the Crows and it makes sense that it shows up like this in the books. Now, do I necessarily like that I could probably give Barrel breakfast restaurant recommendations to a friend? Not really, unless I'm writing fanfiction. But it's fun knowing why. Now, the mystery of why Alina isn't this geography-knowledgeable when she's literally a cartographer . . .
(tagging @tleeaves @4uru and @immortalarizona for your thoughts if you have any)
update: map:
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ambrossart · 2 months
I decided to write my own it fanfiction because of you!! ive read some of your and other critics about bowers gang stories and im trying my hardest to take those in consideration, but i also feel like im late lol the it fandom is almost non existent 😔😔 do you have any advice or tips?
First off, I love that you’re working on your own fic. That’s so awesome!
Second… gosh, I don’t even know if I’m qualified to be giving advice. My writing is so niche, and I feel like there are better people to ask about this kind of thing. I mean, there has to be, right? Or maybe the fandom is that dead. 😬 😂 I dunno, I’m kind of an outsider when it comes to the IT fandom. Apart from writing Paper Men, I don’t interact with it much… or at all, honestly. I’m like a kid playing alone in the sandbox. Sometimes other kids stop by, say hi, compliment my sandcastle, but for the most part I’m just entertaining myself.
So here’s my generic, cliched advice:
Write the fanfiction you wanna read.
Seriously, do whatever you want.
When I started Paper Men, I stopped caring about what everyone else is doing.
This is truly the best advice I can give you: do whatever you want.
Now, to get more Bowers gang specific (I'm assuming you're writing about the Bowers gang. If not, some of these still apply):
Accept these characters for what they are: 🗑️🗑️🗑️ and 🔥🗑️
You can't fix them. You can't change them. I don't care how special your character is. I don't care how "in love" these boys claim to be. These guys are horrible people and partners, and nothing is gonna change that. Nothing.
This is especially true for Henry and Patrick. Henry's way too damaged and Patrick can't magically grow a conscience, so embrace that or stay the hell away from them.
With Belch and Vic, you have a lot more flexibility, especially if you’re going the romance route.
That doesn’t mean you can’t have Henry and Patrick in relationships. You just have to tread carefully and understand your limitations. The rules are different with those two.
Book!Patrick and movie!Patrick are separate characters, so if you wanna make Patrick a little softer, go with his movie portrayal. Since he had such little screentime, you can give him whatever personality you want.
Don't romanticize their violent/abusive/toxic behavior. Seriously, don't.
Avoid the New Kid trope at all costs. It's been done to death at this point.
And no, the Bowers gang won’t be nice to the new kid. Ever.
At best, they’re just gonna ignore them.
Odds are your character isn't going to be close friends with both the Losers club and the Bowers gang. These groups are natural enemies and, more importantly (and especially if you're following the movie canon), they're in completely different age groups. The Bowers gang are all 15-16 and the Losers are 12-13. These groups rarely mix.
If you’re gonna have all the canon characters be drawn to your character, you better give her/him/them one helluva magnetic personality. Otherwise, it’ll seem forced.
Don't have invisible parents. Yes, I realize Derry is full of abusive/neglectful parents, but I feel like many writers go this route simply because it's more convenient. No parents means no rules. But it also isn't very realistic.
Please, please, please, don't ignore Belch and Vic, especially Belch.
Better yet, write about Belch! Nobody ever does 🥺
If you haven't already, read the book.
Sorry, it's hard to give advice without knowing more about your story. I don't know if you're writing a romance or not. I don't know what characters you're focusing on. I don’t know if you’re creating an original character. So if you want more specific advice, you can always DM me or shoot me another Ask. My inbox is always open. 😊
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oseytorvan · 2 years
There is a lot of discussion in the fandom about Hiccup's life after httyd 2. There are a lot of fanfictions in the fandom about how difficult it is to survive the loss of a father while being a tribal chief. And that's fine! But why do we talk so little about what path Astrid went through after the second part? 
Stoick and Valka's dream came true – they found a daughter in the person of their son's fiancee. But Astrid Hofferson was not born into a Chieftain's family and was not raised as the heir to the throne. Despite the status of the leader of the gang, which she shares with Hiccup, Astrid does not understand all the difficulties of managing the village. 
Yes, Astrid was devoted to Stoick as a chief and admired him endlessly, but she did not see how Stoick collapsed into his armchair by the fireplace. She did not see how Stoick applied pieces of ice to his inflamed head and, hunched over, looked wearily into the fire. Astrid didn't see the tears in his eyes. Hiccup saw it. Stoic never gave up in front of his people, so Astrid, like other Vikings of Berk, saw only one (1), rather superficial side of the coin. 
“TO MAKE YOU CHIEF! Oh, my gods! Hiccup, that's amazing!”
“Well, it's a lot of responsibility”
“I mean, chief. What an honor”
But Hiccup becomes the chief, and Astrid begins to realize that something is going wrong. She is still puffed up with pride when her fiance leads the tribe forward. She sees how Hiccup finds and applies innovative solutions that his father would never have thought of, and becomes increasingly convinced that Hiccup is ideal for this position. But… 
The encouraging smile he gives the Vikings does not touch his eyes. His gaze is clouded by a tart tension. Hiccup never found himself. Hiccup misses his father. Hiccup does not have time to cope with all his duties. Hiccup tolerates the distrust of Vikings from other tribes. Hiccup gets tired of the moral pressure and daily work. Hiccup closes in on himself. And, as one of the closest, Astrid sees it.
She used to be unhappy when Hiccup and Toothless ran away together, preferring flights and research to duty to the tribe. Now Astrid watches Hiccup write scroll after scroll, and finds herself almost wishing he would run away. He needs rest. 
Astrid no longer glows with pride when Hiccup gives her part of his duties - she herself asks him about it because she wants to lighten his burden. Astrid was one of the strongest Vikings of Berk and was very proud of it, but she is beginning to realize that the weight that Hiccup carries on his shoulders, only he can bear. 
Astrid looks up at the monument of Stoick the Vast. He ran the tribe alone, coped with the loss of his wife alone, and raised his son alone. Astrid is amazed by Stoick's steadfastness, but she understands that she does not want the same fate for Hiccup.
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(Astrid is trying to force Hiccup to rest. Another small point demonstrating the development of her character).
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sankttealeaf · 4 months
Do you have anym more modern au ruetash headcanons you might share? I love that fic too along with lsdl.
I love hearing your head canons about Rue and Gortash, they’re so cute and I just want to read nice things about them whilst they suffer and through lsdl😭
Also when I’m reading lsdl now I’m always like ‘oh my god no….this is terrible. The pain. The angst……can’t wait for the next chapter.👀’😂
THANK U!!! i love these two in any universe and i will make them suffer for it<3 anytime i think too hard about them i do feel a little sad. one day i'll be nice to them. not today, though 🤭
some silly modern au headcanons that have been floating around in my brain lately! (some may become proper chapters in that fic):
they first hook up at some big conference in waterdeep. theres only one bed in the hotel and both of them indulge a little too much in the open bar at the place they're at. its a one time mistake until they wake up in the morning and do it again
rue actually gets on really well with karlach and despite the fact she signed an nda about her and gortash hooking up, karlach is the first to know ("please. you can do so much better. look at my friend wyll, he's cute and single and so much better than gortash" - karlach, moments later)
rue has broken into gortashs apartment many times before. he expects to see her there now and its weird when she isnt
gortash ends up picking rue up from various nights out with karlach & the gang after shes drank too much and drunk-called him, saying how she misses him (they saw each other hours ago) and how she wants to go home (and by home she means his place). he does so every time and gets vaguely threatened by karlach to keep her safe
rue posts a photo of her sitting opposite gortash in a fancy restaurant with the caption "first date kind of nervous" and immediately deletes it. fans go crazy
i like to think theres full on conspiracy theories about them being together or not. people are piecing together a timeline. others say it doesnt matter, hes only using her because his policies are so bad. a small group of people write fanfiction (rue sends them all to him because she thinks its funny)
she really eggs on their followers to think theres something there. posting pictures of her wearing his shirts. tagging him in videos of her walking around the city. asking people for reccommendations on good places for dates. its a blast. shes loving it
theyre so silly to me!!!! ahhhhh losing my mind over these two guys!!!!!! thanks for asking about them! theyre the only thing in my brain ever
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faggotadeux · 2 years
i wish people put in more '60s accurate details in their fanfictions so i present some things from the '60s the characters in the outsiders would have seen/used/experienced.
school lunches
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this is what the gang most likely would have had at school lunch. people don't really talk about school lunch in their fanfics but i really think they should. could you imagine the romance of eating "weiner wraps" with ponyboy?
these honestly sound disgusting no wonder dallas dropped out.
rip johnny cade you would have loved high school cheezy breadsticks.
EDIT: it said in the book that the greasers didn't go to the cafeteria for lunch!
halloween costumes
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this one required two pictures because i wanted to show the true demon from hell itself that is the beatles mask halloween costumes. i wanna see someone write a fanfic about bob sheldon jumping johnny cade but dressed up as paul mccartney. now that would haunt my dreams.
'60s halloween costumes were honestly so scary even when they weren't trying to be.
could you imagine like a little baby four year old ponyboy going trick or treating and seeing those eyeball things? no wonder the kid has anxiety and ptsd.
60s fashion
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i could make a whole post about clothing (dresses, housewear, school clothes, bathing suits, fuck even underwear) but for now i just wanted to highlight some of this stuff. if you're going for 1965, these looks are a bit more socy but cute! i wanna see cherry pop off in that orange dress.
if you're writing a few years after the main plots of the book (after 1966) that fashion could probably be seen with a lot of the characters! i could see ponyboy popping off with that sweater on the bottom left.
EDIT: fashion also depends on region! what people were wearing in Tulsa was different from what people were wearing in Miami, and vice versa.
semi-unrelated but we should acknowledge that mrs. curtis was a housewife in the 50s and for sure would have worn those pretty housewife dresses. she's so cool. we should talk about her more. EDIT: it's unlikely that she would have because of their financial status.
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i know that the characters are a bit old to be playing with toys- but they might still mention them in conversation. and these toys are perfect for any baby fanfics!
i know cherry would have SO played with those barbies. i would read a whole fic about cherry's barbie dreamhouse. could you imagine marcia and cherry playing barbies together? so cute. i could die.
if you're looking for toys the gang would have played with, i would look at toys from the 50s, especially for older characters like tim shepard and darry curtis.
EDIT: they most likely wouldn't have had that many toys! maybe only one or two.
christmas decorations
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christmas in the '60s was so cute! i could so see cherry with one of those aluminum christmas trees in her house.
the second picture does a good job of showing what some kids might have gotten for christmas, along with what their tvs and other items looked like.
again, this is pretty soc-centered, but it can give y'all some good ideas for a nice '60s christmas fanfic with the gang.
to start, a lot of the things here are revolve around the socs, and that's because they're rich. people idealize and remember the things that the rich had over the poor. even if the gang wouldn't have had these things, they still would have seen them around!
if you really want to go deep: look at boomer meme accounts. i know it sounds stupid, but trust me. you'll see tons of things like "no kids these days know what this means" and they think they're better than younger generations because technology has advanced. it's a great way to learn about some of the small things people had to do everyday that won't get talked about.
there were some parts of the '60s that were really cute. obviously, other parts of the decade weren't so i advise you all to be careful with how you write decade-accurate pieces. racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and many other issues were rampant at this time. (general psa: you can write gay characters in 60s fanfictions! gay people did exist in the 60s.)
i do this thing in my fanfiction i like to call "vintage touches" where in would incorporate things from the original text/60s like drive in theaters, music, record players, fashion, etc. but, i would still have the fanfiction take place in the modern day.
this was a very fun post to make and i hope y'all like it! if anybody wants anything they want to see, please shoot me an ask! this is just scratching the surface.
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babyleostuff · 10 months
the anime issue is being brought up now because someone was trying to call out another idol for watching it (this case was also a little old). Now every idol who’s ever mentioned it is being dragged into the conversation. The original call-out might have just been a random shot by the type of people always out to cancel idols. This one just happened to gain traction now
Made in Abyss was extremely popular and well-acclaimed for its plot, characters, and world-building when it was released. I’m not surprised multiple idols have seen and mentioned it. The story is a gory horror fantasy, that does edgy things to be shocking and sensational. It’s a medium where you’re often ignoring distasteful or immature jokes, caricature, tropes, etc as embellishments to an otherwise interesting story. You might become desensitized and overlook things you would be more alarmed by if you thought of it in a real world context.
I will say that the manga is by far the worst offender, the anime is cleaned up a little, and the Korean adaptation might be sanitized even more. I understand people’s complaints because the disturbing themes still aren’t exactly hidden, but I don’t know if I expect a casual watcher to be watching with a critical mindset. Sometimes someone’s just watching a popular anime without thinking that deeply about it.
The major complaints were the youth of the main characters and gratuitous nudity, body fluids and functions, torture, gore, etc. Maybe it’s jarring and horrifying to make you feel uncomfortable on purpose. But it’s frequent, often unnecessary for the plot, and a lot of it’s presented in sexualized depictions even if it’s completely not sexual within the story itself. A lot of people also question the author’s…interest and love of children.
So we’re battling a few moral dilemmas when engaging with this story. Separation of the artist from the art. Does the media one consumes reflect their values? Expectation of idols to be morally superior. And then some of the outrage sounds like rhetoric used leading up to literary (and fanfiction) purges, and you get to the slippery slope of censorship and banned writing.
I’m trying to present a little of both sides. Yes I hope people are able to look at stories like this and be critical of the pedophilic framing. I don’t want to normalize or imply support for the author, inclusion of these story tropes, or anyone interested in them in that way by promoting such works. But also people will write disturbing stuff and it’s up to you to police your intake.
Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Office, Friends, Brooklyn 99, Disney princess movies, Ghibli, Hunter x Hunter, SpongeBob - many popular stories and franchises contain problematic elements under scrutiny. For many issues, people don’t assume reading or watching it means you engage or support it (think stories involving mafia or gang violence, domestic violence, war, cannibalism, murder, even incest). Topics like sexual orientation, gender, and sexualizing minors seem to be the ones that frequently spark the most heated responses and threats of censorship.
That’s my long spiel on this topic. I don’t want to dismiss the concerns, because I do hope people are critical of the media they consume and recommend. Sometimes, that’s being able to parse through the good and the bad of a story and be aware of it. There aren’t completely unproblematic and unbiased stories just like there aren’t perfect artists, writers, and idols.
I’m not sure this will be directly addressed by any idols. Others have liked controversial stories, animes, characters, and people before and I think they usually just let it pass quietly. I imagine if they engaged with it as just a harmless piece of entertainment- they’re not going to think much more of it. Maybe idols will know not to mention it in the future
oh my, you’re so well spoken 👁️👄👁️
thank you so much though, this truly makes more sense to me now
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adiduck · 1 year
Hello! I adore your Star Wars fics and initially followed you for your AMAZING interpretations of Obi-Wan, Cody, Jango and the gang and your love of ducks (they are the best!). I desperately miss your writing and really want to follow you into new fandoms, but the problem is, I kind of despise Top Gun and think all the characters except Goose are assholes, lol. Would you be open to sharing what appealed to you abt Top Gun, Ice, and Mav? Hoping to be converted :D Thank you!!!
I've been trying to figure out how to respond to this. I think you're being up front with me, Anon, and not trying to imply that something I have been enjoying is somehow not worth the time and energy I am putting into it. If it's not to your taste, obviously that's fine! People like different things, and that's totally okay. 😉
So let me start at the beginning. First, please don't think I'm leaving Star Wars! I don't have any plans to do that, at least not right now. I am simply having a grand old time playing in a different fandom at the moment.
Second, and I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I like them because they're assholes, to be honest. Though I'd argue most of the characters I write are assholes. ;) Let me explain.
I'm going to give you my general thoughts on Ice and Mav, because that's who I'm having the most fun playing with right now.
I watched the first movie, and I asked myself, 'how does someone become this person?' and the answer is a combination of things--socioeconomic, backstory, the time the story is set, the context within which the characters are operating. From there, you (or rather, I) can ask: what about the hints? This character's actions have a very straightforward explanation, but I can also look a little deeper and go--he's standing awfully close. These two characters can't seem to look away from each other. This character is being sanctimonious, but he has a point. This other character is trying to prove himself so hard he's come back around to trying to make everyone dislike him.
They're imperfect people, which makes them interesting to me. It means there are things to explore. And then you add the portrayals we see thirty years later--where we see some things have changed and some things have stayed the same for these characters, but what the movie chooses to show of them is the end result of thirty years of staunch, unwavering love. And that's interesting to me. I want to hear a bit more about that. I want to poke it and see what makes it tick.
That's what fanfiction's about, yeah?
...okay and also I like planes LOL I'm really sorry but it's the truth 😅
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everafterfrisk · 2 years
Rwby isn't Pandering to the Audience's Desires
Whether it's youtube,reddit or Twitter,it's always the same thing
So let's go through each of them one by one
Bumbleby discourse
Claims I've seen thrown around are
"Blake and Yang only became Canon because of its toxic Fanbase" and queerbaiting
This conclusion has no real leg to stand on. While there have been toxic fans of the ship, not everyone who supports it acts this way.Also these people just completely ignores the clear slowburn love trope is prevalent with these two after the multiple hurdles the girls went through before coming back together.
•Like Nora compares her relationship with ren to Blake and Yang
•Adam claims "what does she even see in you" to yang
▪︎ Weiss's About time in Vol 9 Chapter 2
▪︎ In Vol 8 C10, Yang and Blake are shown with a soft blush before putting their heads together
If yall think that's queerbaiting
Then I guess the Earth is flat I suppose
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The show only cares about Shipping
This is simply untrue
Especially when we go through so many different plot threads outside of that
Just to name a few
▪︎ Nora finding her self worth
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▪︎ Qrow's Crippiling Depression
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▪︎ Blake's self depreciation and discrimination
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▪︎ Penny's themes of Choice and choosing it for herself
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Jaune's the Show's Self insert
I've seen this being claimed alot within the reddit community.
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What's my thoughts?
This has like zero merit
Just because one of the showrunners voices him doesn't automatically mean he's a self insert.
If anything Fanfiction make him as such as Battling Gods with ease or hell even being connected to them.
What would the show look like if the Series did what the fans want
White Rose becoming a thing in Vol 4 and onwards(No shade to people who ship it, just that the Narrative paints them more as friends compared to say bumbleby or Renora)
Ironwood would be excused for letting mantle's citizens live and perish in dangerous conditions
Adam would get redeemed in the way I've seen most people write it
[Blake talk no Jutsu Adam into giving up via because he had a hard live then redemption is viable which just doesn't sit right with me]
Ruby would kill Cinder or something and go on this whole "The world sucks and I was wrong to think there is any good" type mentality
Roman becoming a Good guy and Become Oz's Host as well [and yes I checked out the rewrite, the execution is lacking]
Pyrrha comes back from the Dead and everyone just acts like nothing happen
Ozpin wouldn't be held accountable by the Rwby gang and will suffer zero repercussions
Cinder would get killed off for being "a idiotic villain"
The Everafter Plot would not exist
Yang would rush through her recovery Arc and "act like her old self as she's now grumpy and an asshole"
Ilia,Maria and Oscar gets erased from the Narrative entirely
Jaune gets the most overpowered Semblance in the show and sidelines the main girls
Weiss would have made up with whitley immediately without build up cuz "Weiss should know that he suffered too"
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shiroxichigo · 2 years
I'm gonna get a little personal so if you're not into that feel free to skip this post but--
I really love my online friends who I've made because of this fandom, and I love having mutuals here on tumblr to yell at about Bleach, and I simply adore all the silent people who like my posts all the time even if we don't chat, I appreciate you all
Because it gets so hard sometimes irl when I want to gush about Bleach but my friends or family either politely turn the topic of conversation somewhere else or flat out tell me to shut the fuck up
And it gets really annoying when I sit and listen to them go on and on and on about whatever dating sim they're currently playing, or about how Jojo is top tier anime, or how Attack on Titan is peak writing, or they brag about how they know every detail of the Harry Potter books, how they can't wait for the next Pokemon game, etc
And listen, all of those things are great (I'm serious, whatever you like is valid and I'm not here to judge it, and ofc I'm a Potterhead too lol), and I'm so happy that my friends are passionate about those things, but they won't let me talk about Bleach. Or they won't even pretend to be interested. And I've spent hours listening to them talk about their special interests but they won't even give me 5 minutes to talk about how awesome the first anime episode in 10 years was
So honestly, I'm super grateful for sites like tumblr that let fans meet. You have no idea how much a silly little edit of the Karakura Gang makes me smile, or how badly I gush over any fanart of Hollow Ichigo.
Because this fandom means a lot to me. It inspired me to write, and now I'm a published author. Waiting for the next episode or chapter gave me something to look forward to when it felt like my life was falling apart. When I was depressed, it gave me an escape. And now, when my anxiety is at an all-time high, it gives me somewhere to vent in the form of fanfiction.
So yeah, when I say "I love Bleach" I mean I love everything about it: the story, the characters, the fandom, the inspiration it gives me, the hope that things would get better when I was younger (and things did)! And when someone can't give me 5 minutes to talk about why I love it so much, it just hurts
So thank you guys for being here. Thanks for reading my stories and liking my silly little headcanons and my not-terrible but definitely room-for-imrovement drawings haha
It really does mean the world to me
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turtleboyz · 2 years
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So, what did I think of season 1?
Well, I like it! This being my 3rd time watch the first season. That being said, most of the jokes didn’t make me laugh. But rewatching the season you can definitely pick up the foreshadowing and hints. As for the show, I love the background and the neon lights!
So far season 1 is good! Personal I like that the first half was just the boys messing around and have fun. Then the second half was actually plot. I also really like that the touches on being yourself and that person and/or tradition doesn’t need to define you. This theme being taught more than once.
That being said, Game time!!!!
Mikey Abuse: in season 1 I counted 12 times Mikey was abuse. 6 being done by Donnie, 3 being done by Splinter, 1 time being Raphael , and the last 2 by Draxum.
Donnie- use Shelldon to fire lasers him. Called him (and the rest of the brothers) “dum-dum”, rewrites his brain and make him into a version of Donnie, darts him, and his gift made Mikey think “does Donnie really think I’m a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a padded suit so I don’t hurt myself?”
Raph-hit him with a door
Splinter-the first half of season 1 splinter was a neglected/emotional distance father. Lies a couple of times (also to the others) Also hits him a couple of times (both in training and having to fight one on one)
Draxum- constantly fighting him and the others, called the boys losers and morons, try to kill him and the others.
Yes. I know most of these aren’t really abuse, but I’m playing it safe and writing down anything I see that could be abuse. I want to get accurate data! That being said, if I miss or did anything wrong let me know.
How many time does Raph call himself in the 3rd person. 12 times! More or less. I noticed that Raph does it more off when his scared or angry.
You’re a kid, not a parent: 6 times! I thought there would be more time with Raph or one of the others would have to parent the others? Though 6 still is a big number. 5 of time it’s Raph, the last being Donnie.
Donnie does this to Splinter, yelling at him and saying that he’s going to change the tv channel to education shows. This apparently happen before.
Raph; all most of these, he talk in a baby voice.
To Mikey; “hey Buddy, uh, just checking in, making sure you’re uh, okay. Everything okay? You’re okay right?”
To Mikey: “of course you are-in seven to ten years. Right now, it’s just to dangerous.”
To Donnie; “ooh, hey Buddy. Hey, um really loving the gifts you got us. We-we know how long it took you to make ‘‘em and it was so thoughtful”
About Donnie: “yeah I know but he’s got such a softshell.”
To Franken-Foot “someone needs Raphy’s help?”
Last game, it’s a long one. Why do they do that? It’s just me finding characters details and some ooc things.
Leo can portal water
Leo can moves his portals with or without his wepond
Raph talk in third person
Raph eats the wet salami
Donnie can write in cursive
Donnie dosnt like bees or beach balls
Donnie like “cute but mean” types
Raph ruined a woman’s 95th birthday
Mikey + Raph like to wear the hippo costume
Raph catchphrase “jumping Jack flash” and “like a boss”
Mikey catchphrase “cowabunga”
Mikey + Donnie can build
Mikey + Leo know how to cook
Leo can code
Leo + Mikey likes unicorns
Splinter can get rat flu
Splinter writes self insert fanfiction
Splinter wears fish shoes (shoes that are see through and has a alive fish in them)
Donnie keeps said fish in the tank
Splinter eats stuff off the bottom of his slippers
The gang have movie nights
Raph is allergic to peanuts
Mikey can DJ and can play the mandolin
The boys can sing and dance
Raph collets and names teddy bears
Mikey maybe has diabetes??
Donnie can read lips
Donnie does/sings to musical numbers
Mikey took rodeo classes
Mikey also used raph toothbrush
Raph is scars of puppets (or dolls or bunnies, it hard to say witch is it)
Raph crys when scared
Donnie has a titanium bust of himself
Donnie made a self cleaning toothpick
All the boys talk to themselves
Splinter can sing opera
Leo drinks tea
Mikey + Donnie believe in cryptic, Leo doesn’t
Donnie has pictures of their previous incarnations
Raphael has a social account
Donnie tech bo runs on batteries
April doesn’t have any human friends
April has a curse birthday
Donnie won “national library competition” 3 years in a row
Donnie can play guitar
Donnie is a fan of experiential learning
Things I found OOC (out of character)
Mikey and Leo fighting during the waiting episode
Leo and Raph fighting first meeting big mama
The boys think that Donnie doesn’t like them, that Leo think Donnie sees him as “broken”, and raph think the helmet is “condescending”
Next up! Character analysis!
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unofficially-ace · 11 days
Ivypool’s Heart liveblog yay
So far really enjoying this book, the prologue slapped and I actually feel a sense of mystery with this vision. Even though it’s a travelling book I’m still excited for it
If there’s one thing the Erins can actually write well it’s grief, and they’ve got a lot to play with in this book
The travelling gang is so fun, love all of these guys
Chapter 4 genuinely almost made me tear up, Ivypool and Icewing bonding over their shared grief just got to me ok
Honestly if Rootspring gets with Wrenflight by the end of the book I’ll scream
Ivypool why would you antagonise cats who are giving you information…literally so stupid
Beach the MILF hunter
I’m gonna need everyone to stop hating on the Sisters right now omg they literally have the most interesting culture out of everyone
Aughhhh I’m sick of the Clan cats always being in the right stop trying to make everyone into a Clan!!!! Let them be different I beg
Slate and Beach are basically incompetent uni students and I love them so much, they’re so silly
Why are they giving romance advice to these random guys what is this book
If the Sisters have no fans I am dead
Why do they also call humans ‘Twolegs’ and housecats ‘kittypets’ though…especially when Slate and Beach called them Twopaws earlier??? And greencough???? Why can’t they have different words for things oh my godddd
Warrior cats vs seagulls let’s goooo
Why do they feel the need to explain past plot points to me whenever they come up. I promise I didn’t start reading warrior cats at Ivypool’s Heart
Best part of warrior cats hands down is the attempt to describe human things in the way cats would. Erins when they have to describe a sandwich
I can’t picture this cliff/lake/beach combo for the life of me
Another Jake? Were no other names available?
The cats go to a zoo!
I need to know what type of wildcats these are, are they going to destroy the ecosystem if they’re released
Oh joy, I love retconned lore, welcome to the party Stormclan
If you took a shot every time Ivypool says “Run!” you would be dead
Why are the cats gendering the humans? How do they have any concept of human sex/gender?
Why is there a map at the front of the book that pretty much spoils the whole plot…I mean it’s pretty helpful because I haven’t been able to picture this journey at all but still
This feels like a fanfiction, who tf let their OCs into warrior cats
You’re telling me two whole clans were combined and then left the territories and nobody in Starclan remembers this???? And it was never brought up before?
My enjoyment for this book is rapidly decreasing
This feels like if Once Upon A Time did Warrior Cats
Also we literally had this clan combination plot happen in VOTS are the erins lurking on minecraft roleplay servers or something
At least the characters also think it’s wild that this was all forgotten so I hope we get some answers
Rootspring tries to eat a poisonous jellyfish and fucking dies /j
Power duo Ivypool and Icewing let’s gooo
Ivypool your lesbian is showing
Criteria for any female character in this book is that you have to have at least one dead child (unless you’re Whistlepaw)
I do like the idea that double dead spirits become part of the real world, at least we finally have some explanation for where all these forgotten cats are, but does that also count for the evil guys?
There is literally no good reason for the elders to not believe them are you serious
The river of spirits…yet another lore drop that should’ve been extremely important and relevant before this, and yet this is the first time we’re hearing about it
Wtf is tallstar doing here
If all living cats forgetting someone causes Starclan to forget them too, I feel like there should be far less cats in Starclan
Cats can just be re-remembered back into existence????
Okayyyy overall thoughts: I think it was generally a good book by warriors standards, the character growth was done really well, but aughhhh the retconned lore changes physically pain me and I will not accept Stormclan as canon thank you
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despairs-memorial · 5 months
Some talent swap stuff bc there are some I used to love a lot
Ult. Solider!Kiyotaka and Ult.Gyaruo/Fashionista Mondo
Alright, so this is mostly due to Mondo and Junko both having titles that are related to subcultures: bosozuku and gyaru, and Kiyotaka and Mukuro both having titles and designs that focus a lot on order. The whole AU back when I had the idea was to have Sukeban!Junko and Prefect!Mukuro, too, but I don't really want to write Junko right now so... :(
Solider!Kiyotaka would have been sold to pay off Toranosuke's debts and to pay off what the people who bought him paid for him, he would train as and work as private soldier for them, even getting into trouble with the law and gang members due to work in weapons trafficking.
Gyaruo/Fashionista!Mondo would have been scouted along with his brother as models at young ages, his brother being the more popular of the two. Mondo would get into a lot of trouble partially due to being manipulated by the older people around him, and Daiya would end up getting killed or dying due to an accident while trying to get Mondo out of a tough spot during a particularly rough party. Mondo cleans up his act a little after, but it's rough buddy.
Ult. Swordsman!Kiyotaka and Ult. Yakuza Mondo
Ngl, this is just because of some fan art and a fic I did back when I still wrote fanfiction which can be found here (I orphaned the account bc my low self esteem made me want to delete them and this was the compromise to make it all stop). I think the fic explains it enough that I'm not bothering.
Ult. Breeder Mondo
Look, the man loves animals, and he canonically comes from a rough neighborhood, I think? Or at the very least, he had a bad homelife, so him going to play with dogs and helping them have puppies in the streets, working with animal shelters, and other things like that aren't too far out of the realm of possibilities.
Ult. Prince Gundham and Ult. Breeder Sonia
Alright, the issue with Gundham being a prince for me is that Japan already has an emperor and everything, but I would say maybe a cousin or a bastard son of the emperor of Japan that, despite his eccentricities, does show a a great understanding what it means to be a good leader for the country and would make a great successor but isn't able to due to a legitimate child being able to ascend to the throne but isn't as good of a future ruler as Gundham is. His mother would still be his favorite person, and he would still want to be around her more.
We know from... dr:S that there aren't many biologists in Novoselic, so I think that in this AU, Sonia is a commoner, but she's also studied the animals of Novoselic and is pretty much the leading expert in their natural wildlife. In her efforts to learn more about them and to preserve them, she's learned how to breed skrongs and makangos (in a way that isn't stress related) along with other animals. I would probably add some other animals, but frankly, I have no idea where the naming conventions for the two that are known come from and I'm scared of making the name sound too stupid.
Ult. Clairvoyant Sayaka
Let. Her. Be. Psychic! But no, literally, she's a TV psychic in this AU, and she's popular both for her personality and for really understanding her clients. Even if she claims it's just intuition, she does do a lot of predictions that have no basis with the information she has and they come out to be true. She has a 50% accuracy rate with her predictions bc she deserves it.
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all-for-geek · 11 months
It's Halloween Time, You Know What That Means: My Obligatory MBAV Post!
So this is actually gonna be an outline for a fanfic I had an idea for a few years ago. I would work on it on and off, but I never had the motivation to fully write it out. I did however write out an outline of how I would do season 1 of the fic, so here it goes. I might still write this at sometime in the future, but I doubt it. Enjoy!
So this fic was going to be Benny x OC where the OC is Cali. Cali is secretly Calliope: the Greek muse of writing. She wanted to learn more about human and supernatural relations for a story, so she moved to Whitechapel. Also the episodes aren't in proper order because I was going off of Netflix and what made sense in my head.
Season 1 Outline
Lawn of the Dead - Cali moves to Whitechapel on the same day that the demonic animals start attacking. She bounds with Rory over writing fanfiction, and she meets the rest of the gang through him. Cali starts off hiding her true nature from the fang gang and vice versa.
Three Cheers for Evil - Cali would have been roped into the spying on the cheerleaders plot and magicked into a Stephanie's drone. Honestly might have skipped this one because the episode itself would not have changed much. At some point she runs into Grandma Weir and Grandma senses something off about her.
Friday Night Frights - Cali can see the ghost coach and remembers how he used to mistreat the nerd of Whitechapel. She misses out on the wrestling match because she is meets up with Hades in the Underworld and convinces him to unleash the Gym Locker of the Nigh.
Blue Moon - Rory and Cali find themselves hanging out more and feeling rejected by the rest of the group. Cali because she still isn't in on the vampire secret and Rory because of the whole werewolf thing. Rory accidentally lets slip that he is a vampire, and after the Werewolf!Ethan situation, the whole group. Cali does not reveal herself yet because she's worried that it will spoil her research.
Blood Drive - Cali is helping Sarah deal with cravings. When they go after the vampire nurses, the gang wants to leave Cali behind because she is "human", but that is short lived after she kicks the vampire nurses butts.
Doug the Vampire Hunter - Cali is starting to feel guilty about not telling her friends what she really is. She plans to tell them, but those plans are put on hold when Doug shows up in town. After he goes on the hunt for Sarah, she comes up with the LARPing plan and uses her powers to make it more believable.
Guys and Dolls - Cali is actively trying to tell her friends the truth, but everytime she tries to seems like something else comes up. When the doll comes to life, it drains Cali of some of her lifeforce and makes a comment about being stronger. Afterwards, the group confronts her and she tells them the truth.
Double Negative - Cali is getting used not having to hide her muse abilities in front of the group. When Evil!Benny comes around, he tries to persuade Cali to run away with him. She considers for a moment (before she realizes that it's an evil doppleganger) but is unsure why.
Smells Like Trouble - Cali walks into school is a horrible cold. The body that she came down in is prone to mortal needs and weaknesses like disease and hunger if she is on Earth long enough. Her nose is so clogged that she can't smell anything, so she is not affected by the love potion. She starts feeling jealous about all the attention Benny is now getting, but is not willing to admit it to herself yet. She goes over to Grandma Weir's house for a cold remedy, and they have a heart to heart. When she finds out that Benny made a love potion, she blows up and separates herself from the group.
Die Pod - Cali is still ignoring Benny. She puts in her earbuds to listen to music and becomes the girl infected by the plant. Most of the chapter is in Benny's perspective while he, Ethan, and Sarah work to save Cali. Afterword, Benny and Cali have a long talk and are back to being friends.
The Brewed - Cali, Benny, and Ethan are fighting against the zombies. Cali gets bit instead of Benny. She doesn't mention it because she assumes that she can't be zombified due to her being a Muse. She doesn't realize she's wrong until she's too late. As she's turning, she uses her last breaths to kiss Benny. The kiss slowly turns into a bite as her transformation completes. Afterward, Cali insists that she only did it because she thought she was dying and that they should just be friends.
Three Geeks and a Demon - Tensions are high between Benny and Cali as every time Benny tries to bring up the kiss, Cali shuts it down. When he suggests the seance, they get into an argument, and Cali leaves. Cali finds herself hanging with Erica for the night. Erica doesn't get Cali's crush on Benny, but she suggests Cali give a shot just to stop all her moping.
Jesse's Girl - With the dance coming up, Benny and Cali decide to try going to the dance together. They're plans are interrupted by Jesse coming back. During the fight, Cali gives Jesse a run for his money, but she isn't fast enough to stop Ethan from getting bit. The season ends with Cali and Benny deciding to try being an actual couple.
I didn't fully outline season 2, but there was going to be a throughline of the longer that Cali was on Earth, the more mortal she would become. After the Hottie Ho-Tep episode, she would go back to Olympus to recharge only to make a dramatic re-entrance at the talent show with her sisters to take down Serena. The end of season 2 was going to have Cali defeat Stern and the Lucifractor but have her lose her immortality in the process.
I hope you enjoyed! If enough people like this idea I might do drabbles or one-shots in this world here or there, but I probably won't do a full story. I'm working on three WIPs already as it is.
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