#does he have a mullet? what does his face scar look like? what about his body scars? does his side bangs go left or right?
abstractr · 1 year
now can you make them kiss
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yeah sure
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green-alien-turdz · 8 months
i want you to go over each and every small character detail you add and explain i love your mind and your art dude no homo
Okay, here we go
STAN: Peace sign pin on his hat n sometimes wears preachy shirts about environmentalism bcuz he's an ecofag. He has faint old scars on his arms n thighs cuz he used to cut. He's often covered in bruises bcuz the CD shows are tightly packed n he will inevitably get hit at least once.
KENNY: Covered in shit load of scars bcuz dead as hell. He's missin a visible top tooth bcuz it got cracked as shit n asked the gang to pull it out for him, which they very poorly did. While he doesn't care about havin nice clothes, he likes comedy shirts bcuz he'll lose his mind if he can't make someone at least chuckle.
CARTMAN: Stretch marks bcuz he a big bitch. His hair is the exact same bcuz he got so used to it as a kid n now has anxiety about changin it (he will never admit this). He also likes wearin funny shirts bcuz Kenny got him goin on that. Bro also wears tight or more showin clothin when he feels cuz he couldn't give less of a shit about how other view his body.
KYLE: Mouth scars from Human Centipad (he just kinda ignores the scars now. He couldn't come to terms with them, so he just numbed himself to them), sh scars bcuz that bitch ain't well. Jewfro in full bloom as he just doesn't care n he REALLY needs to take better care of it bcuz it's so matted. CD shirt 95% of the time bcuz it's like his #1 comfort item.
MARJORINE (or Butters if we're goin by show name): She keeps her hair at that very specific length bcuz it's long enough to where she feels more feminine, but short enough to where her parents don't suspect anything (but gettin allowed to grow it that long took a lot of convincing). He eye left eye is scarred n not able to move much due to the throwin star incident (she is blind in that eye). She does have old sh scars from middle school when she had to come to terms with bein trans n she was extremely confused n conflicted about all of it. She likes wearin skirts bcuz it makes her feel more feminine, but has to get dressed once out in public, so it's somethin she can quickly get on and off if need be.
IKE: Long hair/mullet adjacent bcuz he is just likin the look right now n after Sheila made him keep his hair short for majority of his childhood, he's just kinda feelin out different things. I gave him freckles bcuz in Cartman Get's an Anal Probe, Kyle calls him a 'freckly kid'. Bro got them glasses bcuz he grew up on the computer. His front tooth is cracked n brown bcuz he n Kyle were wrestlin n Ike hit a table. And while it's not completely uncommon for people to start growin facial hair in middle school, Ike started to bcuz Canadians hit puberty earlier.
KAREN: She has a birth mark on the left side of her face (did this in placement for the weird maybe dirt stain she has in the show). Her hair is long n all over the place bcuz she doesn't really brush her hair (you can blame Kenny for the influence) n she cuts it herself but is not too great at layering. Growin up impoverished n around the ideologies that Stan n CD always talks about made her rather angry in the sphere of politics n human rights, so she is very vocal about her opinions of the shit she sees (which is why she always writes shit on her clothes). She can also sometimes be seen wearin a rasta coloured beanie, which was Kevin's before he died.
CRAIG: Usually wearin his work hoodie (Fagoccini's Pizzaria) bcuz mf doesn't care to put in effort outside of that seein as he works so much. Bro wears a similar hat to the one he did as a kid bcuz it brought him a lot of comfort, n now that his hairline is recedin n he's baldin a lil bit at 18, he wears it bcuz he's a lil insecure. He doesn't give a shit that his teeth a crooked n gapped cuz it doesn't effect shit, but he does have a bit of an underbite that pisses him off bcuz he swears up n down that's what makes his voice sound so nasally.
TWEEK: Hair all fuckin wild bcuz he cuts it himself, n loses patience quickly n starts choppin. He also has white streaks in his hair which started appearing after his parents got arrested n durin his very long detox (from the stress of the info and on his body cuz of the dependency). He's got scratches all over his face n body from stress scratchin, meltdowns, n a few mishaps here n there. Bro also got sh scars bcuz bro got a lotta shit that went down n his brain chemistry is FUCKED.
WENDY: She cuts her hair short bcuz she wants to have a more androgynous appearance, but is still very confident with bein feminine n shit like that. When she started to become more human rights n social justice oriented, she started to get into boxing (as well as wrestling in school). She thought it would be a good to know how to fight if it came down to it. Plus she could already kick ass before, n she just thought it would be best to hone that ability.
BEBE: Started changin quite a bit after she had a whole moment of thinkin that she would turn out exactly like her mom (she has nothin wrong with her, just doesn't want that life). While she's still into things like cheer, she also started lookin into things that weren't what she was used to. She ended up findin Pink Flamingos, n became obsessed with Divine ever since. She dyes her cuz she feels better with it. n while she still does her makeup conventionally, she likes doin a more dark colour palet.
CLYDE: He's just Clyde. Dude's appearance didn't change that much bcuz he didn't change much. Some mfs just kinda be like that.
TOLKEIN: His mom suggested he try different hairstyles to be more connected with his culture bcuz he was havin a moment where he felt a lil blah bein the only Black dude his age in the area. He doesn't do upkeep as much as he should though, so things are a lil messy, but he doesn't see a problem as workin on the farm makes everythin messy so much faster anyway.
JIMMY: Bro just dresses casually. He doesn't really care about clothes or shit bcuz he can get people's attention with his comedy. Ladies man as fuck
HENRIETTA: Always has the best outfits bcuz she got into sewin so that she could start makin shit that she specifically wanted. She has a few tattoos- some are stick n pokes she did with her friends, others her mom signed off on when she was still under 18. She tries to ward people off with her makeup, which works rather well in South Park. She has both old sh scars from her emo moment (where she was just doin it cuz that's what she was told emo's did), n ones from later on where she was just feelin super empty n couldn't find a way to romanticize it like done previously.
FIRKLE: He's still in middle school so he doesn't go AS out there with his fashion bcuz he doesn't have the in-school support of his friends anymore. But still does dramatic makeup which he gets in trouble for all the time.
MICHAEL: Simple clothes that he's comfortable in, but not so simple that he feels like he's conforming. Pierced his ears up n down bcuz he was told he couldn't. Pierced his own eyebrow 3 different times bcuz it keeps growin out. Knee brace due to arthritis, unfortunately. A shit load of sh scars bcuz he always tries to act so stoic n unbothered around everyone else, that it led to him breaking down all the time in private bcuz he wasn't allowin himself to feel things.
/\ They have a matchin stick n poke 'nevermore' tattoo bcuz they thought it'd be pretty dope n they wanted to connect themselves with eachother via blood usin the same needle (don't do that, it's not great to get other people's blood in ya) \/
PETE: Dude's mom is extremely supportive of him bein goth, so much so that she was the one dyin his hair as a kid bcuz he asked. He has a very specific style that he likes n sometimes he goes through his grandpa's old shit to find stuff to wear (usually altering it to be more dark in appearance).
(There are others I have designs for, but bcuz I haven't posted them much, imma just stop here.)
Enjoy this fuckin novel, bro. Thank you. And I'm sorry, but I'm a full homo kind of guy
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witchmachi · 9 months
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grimmichi hockey au<33 (+ some words)
Ichigo spots him as soon as he walks in. His hair gives him away, blonde strands sticking up and falling in the front. It forms a mullet in the back.
If the hair doesn’t give him away then the scar does. Long and jagged, it stretches across the entirety of his right cheek.
It looks like a set of wild, sharp teeth; a ferocious jaw stained in blood.
He’s a regular here. Why this customer comes here instead of the various coffee shop chains in the area, Ichigo will never know. He doesn’t even like the coffee here. Always complains it’s too weak. Doesn’t like the service either, scowls at the staff and complains about having to wait. Ichigo bickers with him often.
Ichigo knows something’s off when he orders a double-double. The bastard only ever orders his coffee black, like he’s trying to prove something in his cool-guy leather jacket with a tacky metal chain hanging off his jeans.
Ichigo raises his brow, “Not your usual black?”
“If I wanted black, I would have said black,” he pushes each syllable out his teeth.
Ichigo raises his hands in surrender, “Whatever you say.”
Ichigo makes his coffee: two creams, two sugars, two wads of spit… at least, Ichigo likes to pretend that he’s spit in them.
His customer is waiting by the counter with his arms crossed, watching him intently.
Ichigo caps the coffee, slides it to him and plasters a sweet smile on his face, “Here you go,” the smile drops, “hope you choke on it.”
Grimmjow immediately rips the lid open, and without even looking down at the coffee, stares Ichigo square in the eyes and says: “I ordered black. Since when do I get this pussy shit?”
Ichigo almost laughs at how ridiculous this is. Wants to laugh because he knows his manager doesn’t give a shit about him being rude to asshole customers.
“I’m not making you another one, that’s what you ordered.”
Grimmjow leans over the counter and Ichigo gets a whiff of his cologne. It smells of smoke and cedar,
“No, it’s not.”
Ichigo leans even closer, “You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that? What if I came to your job and bothered you while you were trying to work?”
Grimmjow looks triumphant. As if he had just won the lottery, but only it was rigged and he already knew he was going to win.
“Do it then.”
Ichigo scoffs, if Grimmjow thinks he won’t come bother him wherever he works, he’s got another thing coming.
“Alright asshat, where do you work?”
Big grin. Big dumb stupid grin. Big idiot grin plastered right on his big idiot face.
“Google it. You know my name.”
Ichigo blinks, and then he’s gone and out the door with his double-double...with his double-double that he doesn't even like.
‘Google it…?’
Ichigo slips into the storage room and whips out his phone. ‘Grimmjow’ is quickly typed into the search engine.
It’s a bizarre name, Ichigo had never heard of it before he started coming to the shop.
Ichigo hesitates for a moment, ‘Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Look it up...give me a break!’
Ichigo stares in shock at his phone screen. He feels a mix of embarrassment and bitter, bitter, pettiness swirling in his stomach.
🔍 Grimmjow JaegerJaques, number 6 on the Québec Blades, NHL.
‘N H L ? !’
If Grimmjow thinks he won’t come to his next game to heckle him, he definitely has another thing coming…
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nothingbutnowhere · 3 months
Hockey player au! John "Soap" Mactavish headcanons
Note: extremely suggestive of ghoap and a little hint of ghoap x reader if you are so inclined to read it that way (she/her used)
Defenseman. Loves getting dirty in the d-zone corners, double teaming opponents and getting his stick in there, but still good at penetrating the o-zone and he's not afraid to drop down and hammer it in. The puck that is. (these are all things I've heard on broadcasts of NHL games, the innuendos that the play by play guys use are insane).
Menace! Absolute fucking menace!!! Mean bastard on the ice, intense in the locker room during games. Sass and tough guy act during media availability, all part of his rugged charm. But practice with the boys? He gets silly. Watch out! You could be getting pranked.
Backcheck, forecheck, paycheck. Heavy hits along the walls, BIG open ice hits, and killer hip checks (my personal favorite). Throws the type of hits everyone is always arguing about on twitter 🙄 He can be found in front of the net pushing and shoving opponents around. If you want a stick in the back he's your guy. Many, many a player has ended up in a headlock, getting a face wash after the whistle. On the shorter side for a hockey player which broadcasters always bring up but you'd never know by just watching him on the ice (they just hate a short king (anything under 6' is short in the NHL)).
He'll fight anyone, including the refs because that was a terrible icing call he absolutely had the guy beat! No he was onside! Tripping?! He dove!
Constantly dropping the gloves and getting into trouble. He'd be an enforcer if he wasn't a damn good player too. It's a good thing the players union keeps the fines low.
There's a whole YouTube page dedicated to his fights and hits with paragraphs of arguments on the legalities in the comments.
Scar on his chin from a skate cut during a game. Very scary in the moment because it bled a lot. Needed a ton of stitches but no major damage. 
Has more points than you'd think for a non-offensive defenseman. He really is good in the corners and swiping pucks off sticks, popping them out to the offense. Many goals have been scored by a Soap takeaway and a stretch pass to spring Gaz for a breakaway.
He'll tackle his teammates during their or his celly. He really truly cares about the boys. It's evident in the way he plays, how intense he is on the bench, and the helmet kisses. Wait, what? Yep, hockey players will sometimes show physical affection via helmet or even a kiss on the cheek. Not often, but it's all very sweet 🥹 Drives hockey twitter wild.
Chews on his mouth guards like they owe him money and he can extract it by destroying them.
Oh, you wanna fuck with Ghost? You're gonna have to go through him first. Will go feral on a guy for so much as breathing in the direction of his goalie. Ghost appreciates him very much. Probably. The bond between a goalie and his defensemen is so special, something you'll hear (in not so many words) from Soap himself. At the end of a win he'll have the longest head bonk to Ghost. Saying what? We'll never know cause neither of them will ever be mic'd up.
I say this for Gaz too but THIGH. This man's thighs are tree trunks. Rucks up short shorts on purpose. For the media. And the guys. Ask twitter and they can provide many examples.
Mic'd up status: You cannot. Under any circumstances. Mic this guy up. You'd have to bleep the whole thing for broadcast. Shorsey levels of explicit, he's gotten unsportman like conduct penalties for it. He and Gaz are a dangerous duo when it comes to chirps.
Hockey hair status: Excellent. Mohawk is 10/10. Starts a new trend with the kids. Absolutely does warmups without his helmet to show off the flow. (Could also see him with a mullet 100%). Ends up with so much facial hair during the playoffs
Roster pic: kinda bad :( why does he look surprised? Why is his face so red? His hair is fucked up?? They didn't even fix his trademark look?! Where the fuck did they just pull him from to take this photo??? (I love when players have shitty roster photos idk it's so funny to me)
WAG status: only recently in a serious relationship. She's sweet and pretty, instantly good friends with the other WAGs and taken under their wing since this is all very new to her. Surprisingly, has dark hair (most hockey WAGs seem to be blond??). Posts a lot on social media, generally seems to be having a great time. Always seems like Ghost is in the background of pictures of her and Soap? Hmmm.... Don't ask twitter about that.
I do NOT consent for my works, part of my works, or my ideas to be used for ANY form of AI.
More hockey au: Ghost | Soap | Gaz | Price
Note: WAG stands for wife and girlfriend or the plural, used to refer to sports guy's significant others. Yes it is heteronormative.
A/N: I didn't factor nationality into this. There have been very few Scottish-born NHL players and all of them were raised in Canada. Do with that what you will. I'll never actually write fics for this, but I have headcanons. I know a moderate amount about hockey and next to nothing about cod so apologies. Completely unserious. Just some silly little thoughts :) plus letterkenny reference!
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rreskk · 11 months
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HEADCANONS: dating North Yankton Trevor (fem)
TW: angst, smut
-The Midwest was an… interesting time for Trevor. His unreliable nature of starting fights between “gangs”, drug hustling, doing these small-job heists that would have his mugshot printed on every surface in towns, his head being wanted on a stake by the authorities. He was constantly aware and paranoid as there wasn’t a lamppost without his “wanted” poster, alongside his best buddy, Michael.
-He’d use your home as a safe place, and this causes break-ins by warrants, gang-members, people who want Trevor dead. One time you were having sex on the sofa to warm up since the power cut out, and the front door was slammed open.
-This meant you spent the majority of the time sleeping around in motel rooms whenever you were to see him. This avoids your address being the main centre of his whereabouts. But this does strain your relationship. Due to his constant move around, you grew distant as you couldn’t keep up with these new motels and “jobs” he was doing.
-So arguments were common, especially over the phone. The daily “you promised you’d come” by Trevor and your repetitive “I couldn’t. You know that”. Face to face arguments were common as well. Trevor would get fiercely upset when you’d turn up to see him after weeks of no sex or calls. He’d cry, smash things up, snort drugs, sob in your arms until it was all calm. By all means, you spent most of your “hook ups” trying to comfort Trevor and his borderline personality.
-He’s very vocal about you to his crew-members, and sometimes they can be assholes about it. Whenever you go out, he’ll be high and drunk on whatever, laughing alongside his friends as they’d objectify women, hire some hookers who would strip and give them all lap dance. While Trevor wouldn’t accept a lap dance, he’d always drunkenly beg for you to do one in front of everyone so he could “show you off”. If you decline, he’ll get pouty and moody, giving you snarky looks and smoking more drugs out of spite.
-When he wasn’t around any bad influences, he was the funniest and sweetest guy ever. Constant cuddles and dirty jokes that would make you ugly laugh. Trevor would take you out to small diners and you both would rush home to undress and fuck after the sneaky squeezes of your thighs and breasts throughout the dinner.
-Sex would be very involved and needy. The Midwest is always cold and somewhat snowy, so he’s desperate to feel your warm body against his. You’ll find that he uses your tits as pillows and face warmers out of everything. When he’s fucking you stupid, he’d be hiding in between your breasts like his life was depending on it. Hence the constant rashes from moustache and bite marks from his teeth. Because he does it constantly, the marks are beginning to be permanent, scarring you lovingly.
-He would accidentally leave bags of drugs and illegal cash around your house when he does stay over for some nights. You try to end this habit but he always forgets to bring them with him when leaving. This would mean you’d have to travel 2 hours out from the town just to meet him in some shady corner from where he’s staying with his guys. And whenever you weren’t there to support him, Trevor would always look like a horrid mess when he’s out with his buddies for jobs. Uncut mullet, scruffy facial hair, eye bags, new cuts and bruises.
-Trevor doesn’t understand your disgust when he hangs around with his crew. Being so drugged and loyal to his unlawful friends, it definitely causes mishap in your relationship. Michael seems okay but the way he introduces Trevor to new ways of ruining his life, you grew out of favour, causing many arguments between you and Trevor.
-This meant that your relationship was off and on. Breakups after breakups, making up and fucking, a few weeks together and being this happy family, then weeks to almost months where he’s away doing god knows what. Every time you attempt to cut him off completely, he always lures you back with his charms and promises to change. It’s all lies but because he’s so dependent on you, leaving him would put him in an even more suicidal mindset. You wouldn’t bare the idea of losing him, so you’re trapped in this cycle.
-Trevor does attempt to change whatever may be bothered you. Whenever you are invited to hangouts, he’s by your side and (almost always) persuades some sort of alone time in the public toilets… Having you bounce up and down on his cock while he’s calling you “the one and only” and moaning loud enough to make his buddies know. This was his way of reassuring you that he’s always thinking of you.
-You’d know nothing much of his background, even with the amount of time you’ve known him. Trevor refuses to talk about his mother, and he certainly expresses deep hatred when talking about his biologically father. You assumed his mother was quite a figure to him as Trevor, unconsciously, would call you mama and mommy during sex, when he’s close to his climax. Due to his vague answers, you have researched to your ability and made assumptions that he suffers from traumatic mother issues. And you’d mention this during arguments, causing some real problems in his trust.
-But at the end of the day, Trevor refuses to lose sight of you. Even though he’ll spend months on end out of the state, he always returns on your doorstep with this cheeky grin and grabby hands. So you welcome him with open arms since he was someone special to you, despite his assholeness…
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bleeding-hart · 5 months
visuals for the marauders
putting this here so I have a reference later when I'm actually writing and posting the fanfic (rn I just have a good chunk plotted out and some scenes in my brain). Also including their pronouns so it makes a little more sense. For their clothing, it's just their choices when they don't have to wear the school uniform (I hate the uniform deeply imo no one looks as hot in robes). I am taking artistic license with their designs bc I can make them look better than their canon designs do easily. If I said something contradicting these earlier, ignore it, I've got shit memory and adhd.
Sirius (he/they/she): long hair, one of those really queer nonbinary bun type things? She wears half goth half casual punk clothing stuff (like fishnet shirts under sleeveless black hoodies/ corsets with leather band jackets, etc. Definitely a spikey black boots/spiked collar type person). Decently pale skin and really dark blueish eyes, like the night sky right before it fades to black or the sea during a thunderstorm. They do their own piercings which has given them more than one infection, but he does have some successful ones (nose bridge, eyebrow, lots of ear stuff, and snakebites). Remus will insist to do it for them if he knows that she has a new idea, and he's significantly safer about them.
Remus (he/they? He/him? Somewhat cis but has a complicated relationship with gender): short golden brown hair that's in a barely noticeably mullet style. Nostril piercing (Sirius said it would look good on him so he did it). Warm-toned light brown skin with a lot of freckles that you generally can't see, dark amber eyes. Dresses for comfort over style, which usually means t-shirts, sweatpants and beat up old sneakers. Their only very noticeable scar on their face is one over their lips and chin. They have more, but the others are more skin toned.
Peter (he/they, sometimes it): generally very cute, light skin with some freckles and messy wavy blonde hair, pale sky blue eyes. Sirius is trying to convince him to let them give him snakebites but he's very on the fence about it (he barely even wears makeup so he isn't the most adventurous about that stuff). Thick/long lashes. Tends to wear muted neutral colors. The only jewelery that he's consistent about is a leather bracelet he always has on his left wrist. Tries to not be visually noticeable, tends to hang around the back of the friend group and let the others get all the attention.
James (he/him probably): longer curly/wavy dark brown queer mullet (tboy energy) and warm brown skin. Dark golden toned brown eyes. People tend to think he and Remus are cousins or something which he thinks is really funny (he's definitely turned around and started making out with him for as a bit when someone asks them if they're related). Usually wears brown dyed or bleached jeans and reddish-brown/brown/green-brown/yellow t shirts and tops for the cohesive and effortless energy. Paints his nails bright colors whenever he can as a contrast to Sirius's chronically flaking black nail polish. Has his lobes pierced but usually just wears gold studs. Wears gold bands around his biceps so he can flex when he wins a quiddich (<- I did not check how to spell that, you know what I mean) match
Regulus (he/him): he prefers to wear more formal clothing because that's what he was raised doing and the layers help him cover up any raised areas on his binder, but when that isn't an option/he's too depressed to do anything fancy, he wears black hoodies that are significantly too large for him (barty or evan's usually). Makeup tends to give hm dysphoria, but he always fills in his eyebrows and he'll put eyeliner on his waterline when he's going to an actual event. He pierced his tongue as an act of rebellion when he was younger and now he just fidgets with it a lot, other than that he just has his lobes done (he got them as a newborn) and he always leaves them empty in hopes that they'll seal up.
I know what the others look like but this is long enough as is haha
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legendary-guest · 7 months
There are a lot of ideas out there as to what Dr. Drakken and Shego get-up to post-Graduation. From remaining in traditional villainy, turning good, laying low and going corporate to a life of domestic bliss.
Well, what about... Dr. Drakken becoming a teen pop sensation? Becoming hero of the world has reinvigorated public interest in his hip-hop debut on American Starmaker. It becomes a huge hit! Ridiculous views on the Internet, the song is being played on the radio, in malls, it's everywhere! A record label reaches out to him - they want an album. He's the biggest thing since the Oh Boyz. Pardon from the UN, a medal, acknowledgement of his genius and now his artistic prowess is being recognised, too?! He's a real Renaissance man (he pronounces the 'c' as a 'k')! Like, what's-his-name - Leonardo Decaprio! How can he say no, Shego? Like everything he does, this is not without consequence. The song's popularity serves as Junior's villainous breakdown - he is seething with jealousy, with fury. Shego's old, out-of-shape, so-pale-he's-blue boss, with a face that not even the world's most prestigious plastic surgeons can save - not to mention that nasty scar! And his hair! His awful, terrible - what is that - a mullet? The 80s called, they want their biggest mistake in hairstyle history back where it can stay dead and buried. It even looks like he cuts it himself! Senior. Sr. can see what's happening, and he can't believe it. Is this it? Has his son found his villainous purpose? His raison d'etre? He can hardly keep his composure, he's about to cry tears of joy, of villainous joy!
O, and how poetic, Senior Sr. goes on as Junior - paces, o, he's pacing like he's actually thinking - no, plotting, scheming! - to have it be that his teacher's former student rises up against her employer! Well, it doesn't quite roll off the tongue and it's a bit of a convoluted trope, but it will have to do. It's the modern era, after all, things change.
This moment is immortalised with a Polaroid picture - it's blurry, but it will have to do, since Junior is so focused. Besides, it gives an air of uncertainty, of mysticism, of - and Junior interrupts with a well-timed chastising exclamation of "Father!" Junior ropes in Bonnie, he must, for he will surely need some moral support and a beautiful partner in this caper. She agrees once he assures her there will be custom outfits for them to wear, only the very latest, and most expensive, in fashion today. Dr. D's debut album is called Blue Period. A very special thanks to @gogofordrakgo for volleying ideas with me, having him get a record deal and for having Dr. D pronounce the 'c' as a 'k' in Renaissance man.
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hiddenwashington · 1 year
                                       we are the april fools
welcome to the brain cell of the admin team working! we love a good bit so, here is a compilation of our bullshit for your memeing pleasure. enjoy!
**tw for nsfw, drug mention, alcohol mention, swearing
‘ fuck off you fucking gremlin ’
‘ mister mistoffelees is my cat boyfriend ’
‘ one is a kink, one is a crime ’
‘ i live for chaos you gotta feed me ’
‘ i’ll continue being an asshole for your amusement ’
‘ i’m ready, bring on the anxiety ’
‘ hey bro, what the fuck ’
‘ we’ll scar ourselves for valentines day ’
‘ and then she wrote me a novel about his cocaine addiction ’
‘ sponsored by ritz cheese crackers, absolute shit ’
‘ you have no legacy, your legacy is to be disappointed all the time ’
‘ you’re like some sad soccer mom that came for the wine instead of your kids soccer game ’
‘ karen can choke i would never forget the sangria ’
‘ your moms dead, i’m your problem now ’
‘ it is i, the mullet of your dreams ’
‘ you cannot mention pornhub! this is why you’re not hr ’
‘ i’m on the clock to knock your lights out ’
‘ i’m livin la tiddy loca ’
‘ she was hot, i don’t know what to tell you ’
‘ righting the world and the economy one karen at a time ’
‘ you can fight my brain and my anxiety sis we’re having ✨a terrible time✨ ’
‘ i’m on it drag that bitch to denny’s i’ll take her ass out ’
‘ can god stop vibe checking me ’
‘ today i learned that cocaine could be an antidepressant if the government weren’t cowards ’
‘ i had five shots of espresso, even god can’t stop me ’
‘ ted bundy is up first i will square up ’
‘ one day i will have the pleasure of going to hell and murdering freud ’
‘ i will not face consequences for my actions. you can not make me ’
‘ i can accept that i have a flaw or two. that’s it though, just two ’
‘ i know you try very hard, but you are very stupid ’
‘ let’s go straight, a thing we’ve never said before in this groupchat ’
‘ you better be ready to sleep with moth man - hi dad! ’
‘ that’s like the saddest uwu i’ve heard in my life ’
‘ i just want the thrill of rejecting a god ’
‘ you really think you could take on the kool-aid man and take no damage??? ’
‘ i don’t have a foot fetish, i’m just autistic ’
‘ i haven’t even learned multiplication, how am i supposed to know what a pyramid scheme is? ’
‘ do i look sexy while dying? ’
‘ have you been watching too much youtube? ’
‘ fucking ipad kids, man ’
‘ i can be sane about this i promise but not today ’
‘ i’m a catch and i can also sleep with a younger man ’
‘ how do you milk an oat ’
‘ fuck my dad ’
‘ sometimes you just need to start swinging ’
‘ i just watched a cat girl walk out of thin air in a starbucks ’
‘ isn’t that that furry thing people are into ’
‘ i’m gonna go on The Google and see if i can figure anything out ’
‘ am i high too? ’
‘ fuck off bambi ’
‘ since there was no warning and i make the rules here ’
‘ you’ll go where i say you’ll go ’
‘ does a - mother fucker ’
‘ gonna play chase the emo ’
‘ we love biting dilfs….? ’
‘ optimistic nihilism, right? none of us matter ’
‘ it’s kinda cringe to be kidnapped ’
‘ you rolled a 5, stfu this rabbit’s coming to brand you ’
‘ is he immune to KNIVES?? ’
‘ alright – now to kill this dad ’
‘ if you think garfield is going to stand against me in court, you’re out of your fucking mind ’
‘ no offense but you have like no mom vibes ’
‘ i think i got threatened by a furry ’
‘ speak of the cat lady and she shall appear ’
**shotguns frappuccino** ‘ there’s many ways to drink a drink ’
‘ these hands are magic, baby ’
‘ are you saying naruto is jesus?? ’
‘ your pride is going to get us killed ’
‘ you look like you could fit under a bush ’
‘ y’all test me… ’
‘ it’s your reward for being a dumb bitch ’
‘ i am SO GLAD you didn’t get vored by a cloud ’
‘ did you get so high/drunk you circled back to sober? ’
‘ try to crowd surf the third graders! ’
‘ some things are better off unknown , the phrase will haunt me but… ’
‘ we’ve summoned satanic tennessee ’
‘ what’s a chakra? i didn’t bring anything with me ’
‘ hey lady, did you give me crack ? ’
‘ there are no nutrients in my body, only spite! ’
‘ i’m here to be fun and cute! not smart! ’ 
‘ i don’t joke about setting timers ’
‘ eggs aren’t meat... yet ’
‘ this is being run by a bisexual maniac ’
‘ maybe nessie’s lonely, maybe nessie needs to get laid! ’
‘ biting is my kink ‘
‘ don’t worry, i will slowly eat away at you until you are a husk of a person ’
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Strychnine OC Intro
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Okay this took me longer then I meant to to post but the boy is here!! The gooey little guy :) Strychnine is a criminal necromancer working in Edornoldn, one of the few cities where necromancy is actually legal but hey, who wants to have to deal with all that regulation to reanimate corpses? He's the self proclaimed supervillain of Edornoldn, with Ambrose being his rival, also declared by him and not reciprocated by Ambrose. They’re really just a silly little guy. Name: Strychnine, also known as #07 by his "mother" Pronouns: He/they (physically male but they're made of goo so gender isn't... really there for them fully.) Age: 27 Sexuality: Gay In Whump: He can really do it all! He's typically whumpee or caretaker, especially given his bad past, but you know... he is a mad scientist. They’re not a sadist at all but if you got them angry enough... you could end up on the autopsy table. Personality: Oh he's a menace. He genuinely wants to be a cartoon supervillain, half of his persona is ripped straight from the large collection of comics he keeps in his lab. They’re very eccentric and a little childish, and extremely persistent in their friendships. If you befriend him he will NOT leave you alone. He's very cartoonishly "evil", prone to bouts of maniacal laughter and monologuing about his "totally evil plan" to Ambrose. They’re extremely intelligent and competent, they know exactly what they’re doing and how to do it, and they’re charismatic enough to get lots of clients and be somewhat popular as a necromancer in the criminal world. Despite his fairly non intimidating appearance, he does not take well to people trying to push him around or intimidate him into doing things he doesn't want to, and the threats of horrific violence with a smile like :D on his face usually do a good job at getting people to not try that again. Beyond their persona, they’ve actually got a lot of issues with their perception of self and their "evil" is often a coping mechanism to ignore his past. People with gooey murder hands were never supposed to be good people, right? Physical appearance: Strychnine is a very small and lean guy, he's only 5'2 with a fairly small body type in general. Due to their body composition, they don't build muscles or fat well, so they look quite scrawny, but hey, they do have enough strength to drag bodies around and saw through bones, so appearances aren't everything. He's got a fairly dark skin tone with freckles across the bridge of his nose and downturned eyes with yellow sclera and red and grey ringed pupils. They constantly look slightly teary/drippy. He's got a bright cyan mullet of hair, and while it appears to be locks, it actually has a texture more akin to putty. They've got cyan stitches tattooed around their neck and shoulders, with ribs tattooed over where their actual ribs are. He's also got large vivisection scars across his chest. His typical attire is a dark grey labcoat over a slightly transparent black undershirt, long pants with actual caution tape safety pinned around one leg, a leaded apron, safety goggles, and large steel toed platform boots for the height boost haha. He always wears a pair of thick rubber gloves, due to the fact that his hands constantly drip a corrosive black goo. Fun facts! - Due to his radioactive composition, he glows. His hair and eyes glow constantly, and his blood has a "glowstick" effect - They’ve got an extremely high pain tolerance, mostly because of their past. They’re sort of hard to physically whump because of it, he'll probably just be annoying instead - Again because he's full of goo and acid, he can and will, eat ANYTHING. He's vegetarian but also often likes eating totally inedible things like extra screws and bits of glass, mostly just to fuck with Ambrose. - Their hair also can burn things like their hands, but unlike their hands, it cannot burn through clothes or material, it can just cause 1st to 2nd degree chemical burns if you try to grab it His Toyhou.se is here if you want more information or to see more art
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s1ep1 "Pilot"
welp here we go again! the first episode of my two year long supernatural rewatch project! im pressing play, let to fuckery begin.
bullet points are thoughts as i watch, paragraphs are my closing comments!
Why do I pay money for amazon prime if they are gonna show me ads before what im trying to watch???
happy John Winchester feels incorrect, like where’s the assholery.
And poor Mary, dying for no good reason except to forward the plot.
AND FUCK AZELZEL or however you spell his name. They were so happy, they were a family!!! And yeah so what Mary was from a line of hunters or whatever BUT THATS RETCON!!!
god its been six?? years since I first saw supernatural but still the image of Mary of the dealing face screaming out in pain as the flames engulf the room is so chilling.
DAMN??? Sam got a 174 on the LSAT??? Good for him, i assume all I know about the lsat is from legally blonde.
justice for Jessica honestly, such a great girlfriend and Sam was a little shit.
Okay sam being all home defence over dean creeping around in the dark is kinda cute.
Sam and Jess were just a happy couple, Jess didn’t deserve all that.
“Dad hasn’t been home in a few days” “dads on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days” two sentences that make me regret starting this rewatch project.
“not normal, Safe” YEAH YOU TELL HIM SAM!!
I try and deny it but i am a sam girl.
DEAN TWENTY SIX??? oh my god, and still that attached to daddy.
Sam and Deans upbringing was basically a cult.
“you know there’s evp on that” yeah sam, its called static.
Sam should have become a lawyer. He wouldn’t be good, but it wouldn’t be hunting.
I LOVE YOU JESS, DATE ME NOT SAM!!! I would NEVER get you killed.
Oh yeah, this episode is a woman in white.
tits out, dead a fuck, “take me home” yeah I would 100% let her kill me.
Now that I remember this is a woman in white episode, i remember the plot of it. I actually really liked this episode’s monster of the week aspect. the woman in white was a compelling victim and perpetrator, and i really felt for her.
“it’s the greatest hits of mullet rock”
“driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole”
god I hate hate HATE the fbi badges, you two are babys, infants, CHILDREN!! Yall are NOT FBI agents!!!
“Why do you have to talk to police like that??” Damon Sammy? What kinda lawyer were you tryna become??
Oh yeah they are talking about dad again, this episode feels like it rapidly swings from feeling like any monster of the week episode of supernatural OR any plot driven episode.
um holy shit…. Dean shoving Sam against the pilled. Perhaps i know why wincest was the big ship until cas was introduced. (I mean like i dont ship it, but i can see why)
Okay the car driving itself was fun.
lmao dean at the edge of the river looking like a drowned fish is hilarious.
“you smell like a toilet” I’ve been reminded that supernatural wasn’t written for teen/young adult queer women and was actually written for white dudes.
“No chick flick moments” see my previous point.
“Jerk” “bitch” I hate this.
women in white are just so good, i love them.
ahhh the introduction of dads journal. The biggest problem solver in the entire fucking series.
this poor husband, kids gone, wife gone.
Jesus fucking christ, that jump scare jumped me scarred.
this poor girl, she just wants to go home.
kill him!!! I don’t want to watch another fifteen seasons of this horseshit
“Im taking you home” cringe alert 🚨
awww he’s not dead :(
Awww the kid ghosts :,(
wow that 2005 cgi does not hold up.
“If you screwed up my car, I’ll kill you” okay isnt the car the car that John brought Sam and Dean up in? How did the car become deans? John doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to buy himself a new car when the old one will do, and he certainly isn’t the kind to give his kid his car.
How did Sam and Jess afford this huge fucking apartment?
Well first episode done, i am not 0.00305810397% of the way done supernatural! Why have I cursed myself with this burden.
Overall I did really like this episode! I think that it does create intrigue into the storyline, while also introducing the monster of the week format. However I wish they did a better job a meshing the two together, it did feel like I was watching two separated shows that happens to smashed together. One monster of the week and one plot driven.
As for the monster of the week, I like women in white, i think they are a cool narrative function and aren’t region specific, they also aren’t indigenous folklore or spirituality significant / revered figures something that supernatural has a tendency to uh…. Lets say butcher, something that i can’t wait to deal with next episode.
For the arc’s plot I do think it does what it set out to do… introduce the plot of the show. Two brothers trying to find their father, who has gone missing. That’s really all I can say because honestly this arc was my least favorite the first time I watched supernatural I cant see that changing this time.
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haruchuiyo · 3 years
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synopsis: The euphoria he felt on his job, got taken away the day you barged into the headquarters. Wanting his euphoria back, he actively seeks you out and you didn’t know in the process of it, you would come to enjoy his presence.
contains: slight one sided enemies to lovers, slight pining, mentions of riots and explosives and implied torture, reader and sanzu has quite a big age gap, nsfw, eye-fu*king, virgin!reader, fem!reader, bonten!sanzu, breeding, big di-ck sanzu, overstimulation, belly bulge. usage of petnames: angel and baby. let me know if I missed any.
word count: 7k+
this is probs the longest fic ive ever written and probs one of the works I am satisfied with. I hope you enjoyed reading this.
I have NOT proof read this at all, so I apologize for any misspellings or grammar errors in advance.
The man’s heart and nerves get a rush of thrill and euphoria in the things he do, the excitement he feels on how responsive his lucky victims are. It’s stimulating for him.
The day he saw you, storming into the building, demanding a explanation for why your brothers money was deemed as invalid. The thrill he had felt stormed out of him. He desperately wanted it back. He needed it. And he could only grasp it by the owner who had taken it in the first place.
He was in the basement chamber, silently hiding behind his newest so called “victim”. Standing behind them makes them feel the fear of not seeing their perpetrator. Sanzu appears in front of them and he knows by the relieved breath that exited the victims lips, that seeing their perpetrator somehow makes them feel safe. And knowledgeable about what’s to come.
But Sanzu couldn’t feel the thrill. The stimulating thrill. He tilts his head sideways as he frowns while fiddling with the plier. The way the victims eyes widened in shock and terror should have excited Sanzu. But it didn’t.
And Sanzu knew why.
Sitting at a single round table in the coffee shop, silently reading through the pages of sources for your last research project, a flower appeared on the page you were reading on.
Looking up in slight surprise, you didn’t expect to be met with a certain man in a pink mullet and with outstanding scars by the corners of his lips, shaped like diamond stars.
Quickly shoving away your slight checking out on him, you frown at him instead.
“What are you doing here?” You snap quietly, not wanting to gather attention in the coffee shop.
Sanzu grins at you, taking a seat on the chair in front of you.
“Do you like this flower?” He asks, completely ignoring your question and blunt manner.
“No I don’t and answer my question.” You say, already feeling your patience running thin.
“For a young girl like you, I would have expected you to break down in fear at the sight of me.” He says, completely ignoring anything you’ve asked from him.
“What do you want me to get scared at? The manic look on your face?” You retort back, not wanting to deal with this criminal.
“The manic look on my face should give you thrills.” He speaks, his voice having a big hint of amusement. You swear you could see his eyes get glossy. He is enjoying this. Cause he is right. The manic look on his face does indeed give you the thrill. Because you’re not familiar with the manic thrill this man has and you’re curious. You want to find out how it feels and what it is.
“So I am right.” He is so proud and amused, his eyes flickers in happiness as he leans back into the chair while crossing his arms on his chest. He has the hugest grin plastered on his gorgeous manic face.
“No you’re not.“ You are quick to refuse, which only makes him grin wider.
“Doesn’t that hurt?” You blurt out, catching yourself in surprise at your sudden question after looking at his lips.
“What hurts?” He asks, looking curious of your sudden question. “Your scars.” You answer. Sanzu uncrosses his arms on his chest, leans forward to you and rests his elbows on the table. Silently looking at you for a few seconds, he picks up the carnation flower and slightly strokes the flower on your cheek.
“The scars healed, so no it doesn’t hurt.” He answers your question in his deep voice. He almost sounds dreamy now, not manic. You catch yourself liking the way he strokes your cheek with the pale red flower. You only grasp out of his attention and properly absorb it when you felt his thumb stroke the corners of your lips.
“It’s going to be late, for a young girl like you maybe it’s better to go home.” He says, abruptly stopping whatever happened between the two of you in the coffee shop.
“I’m not that young , I’m twenty two and a student in university.” You say, feeling surprised at yourself for even listening to him cause you’re picking up your stuff.
“And I’m not old, I’m a guy in the criminal world.” Sanzu says as soon as the both of you exited the coffee shop.
“You’re not making any sense.” You tell him as Sanzu chuckles, the corners of his eyes slightly wrinkled and his beautiful mouth is shaped into a smile.
“Do you need a ride home?”
“You didn’t answer my question.” You say and Sanzu raises his brow at you, looking confused. “What was the question?” He asks. You sigh, grasping on the tiny patience you surprisingly have left.
“What you were doing here.” You answer and Sanzu grins.
“Good question, angel.” He says.
That’s all he said before he managed to persuade you let him drive you back home. Before he had left, he had playfully waved his hand to your brother who stood at the front door, his face void of any emotions than just utter shock and terror.
It’s been weeks, and Sanzu keeps pestering you. And you find yourself not minding his presence at all as time went by. In fact, you feel safe and you feel thrilled. Or maybe it’s just the curiosity in you to find out how a esteemed criminal like him has it.
For these past weeks, each visit he brought a carnation flower. The flower is pale red and you thought it symbolized innocence connected with death.
That was until you looked up the meaning of the flower, that a gasp exited your lips as you were stunned in silence.
Closing your computer, you couldn’t properly process the fact until your phone brightened up and it was a message from Sanzu. Sometimes he sends you messages late into the night, asking what you are doing, telling you he is bored. And in turn you yell at him through the text that he has a meeting. And then he goes quiet after that and you felt relieved thinking he is focusing on the meeting.
That was until a few hours later, a call wakes you up in the middle of the night, about to hang up on the person until you see Sanzu’s name displayed on the caller’s id, you pick up his call.
“Yes?” You slump your head back down on your pillow, as you talk sleepily.
“Did you just wake up?” He asks. You scoff lightly.
“Idiot, look at the time.” You tell him and a few seconds later you hear a row of oh’s.
“I woke you pretty ass up, didn’t I?” Feeling your heart rush cause of his words, you scoff again.
“Yeah you did and I would like to go back to sleep.” You tell him.
“Of course baby, but just one thing.” The pet name has your heart soaring and you’re clutching onto your sheets with your free hand that isn’t holding your phone.
“How did you know I was in a meeting?”
“Because you sometimes follow a schedule, why?” You tell him, not realizing his intentions of asking you that.
“Thank you love, make sure to dream of me.” He says before he hangs up the call and you certainly couldn’t sleep again.
You were staying up late when you flinch in shock when you heard a sound on your window. Looking to see who it was, you peer out of the window to see it was Sanzu.
His suit looks crumpled, his hair disheveled as he had a couple of other small rocks in his hands. He had a shit eating happy grin on face as he throws a wave your way and you open your windows.
“What are you doing?” You manage to yell as quietly as possible. Sanzu shrugs his shoulders. He doesn’t answer but he drops the rocks from his hands and heads towards your way.
He grabs onto the pipes that are stuck on the front of your house and proceeds to climb up with clear determination on his face. Your eyes widen in surprise. “Get down, it’s dangerous.” You say, feeling worried in case he accidentally trips and falls.
“This height won’t kill me if I fall, baby. So don’t worry.” Sanzu says in between small grunts as he climbs up and finally reaches your window. He grips onto your window railing and places his chin on top of his hands and smiles up at you.
“I finally reached you.” He says, his voice soft. You ignore how his words seemed to have a affect on you, you push your window farther up and hold onto Sanzu’s arms.
“Sit here, I don’t wanna be the main culprit for your death if you fall.” You mutter as Sanzu chuckles in amusement.
“I just told you I won’t get killed from this height.” He says, his lips forming a small grin.
“Don’t care, now sit.” You order him as Sanzu happily obliged. He pushes himself up with his hands on the window railing and sits on it. He leans his head back on the wall behind him as he looks at you.
“Why did you come here?” You ask you move some stuff away from your window and seat yourself in front of him. He looks at you for good three seconds with a expression you couldn’t understand before he speaks up.
“I wanna take my girl out to a date.” He says as he slouches slightly as he trace the window railing. You look down at his hands, seeing fading bruises and a few new ones, feeling worried for him.
“Your girl?” You raise your brow in amusement as you look up at him. “Since when?” You ask.
“Since the day you barged into the building.” He says as he sits up from his slouching position to sitting up straight. He moves his hand over to where yours is placed on the railing and places his on top of yours. You look at him, wondering what he is up to now. He leans forward to you and you don’t lean back, wanting to meet him head on.
“I didn’t know I unknowingly entered a relationship that day.” You say, feeling your hands shake by the close proximity between you and Sanzu. And the look in his eyes were to much for you. His eyes looked so hypnotizing, you swear you could look at him forever without getting sick of it.
“Now you do.” Sanzu says softly as you see how his eyes averted from yours to your lips and back to your eyes again.
“So do you wanna go on a date?” He asks as you look at him in slight surprise.
“A date? Right now?” You ask back as Sanzu nods.
“Tomorrow?” He answers, questioning to see if you’re okay with it. You nod your head, trying to act nonchalant about the idea. Sanzu smiles at you.
“Great, I see you tomorrow.” He says as he places his hands on the railing and was about to move before you grasp his forearm, stopping him.
“You’re leaving now?” You ask, confused. He nods his head. “Yeah, why? You’re going to miss me?” He grins at you teasingly as you scoff.
“I’d do that when the global warming is fixed.” You mutter as you release your grasp on his forearm.
“Sure baby. See you tomorrow.” Sanzu says, leaving a quick kiss on your forehead before he jumps down on the ground from your window and lands smoothly on his feet. You gasp at the sight.
“Be careful.”
“Always, angel.” Sanzu throws a wink your way and a wave then he walks away. You catch yourself smiling at the sight of him before you shake your head.
Sanzu picks you up with his car, he slides down his window as he sees you exit your front door, locking it and turning to walk towards the car.
“Looking fine today, angel.”
“You don’t look so dashing yourself.” You promptly say back while holding onto your big bag as Sanzu lets out a laugh. “Ouch.” He says dramatically as he exits the car.
“What you got in there?” He asks as he points at your heavy bag with his head. “Blankets and some food.” You say. “Thought we could have some small late picnic?” You answer, unsure of what his reaction would be.
“Sounds nice, the place I want to show you fits your idea.” He says as you nod your head in relief. Sanzu opens the door to the front seat for you, but stops in his tracks as he sees you open the door to the backseat.
“What are you doing?“ He asks confused, you look at him equally confused back. “I’m putting this bag in the back, why?” You say as you put the belt over the bag for safety measures and close the door.
“I thought you weren’t going to sit in the front with me.”
“You wouldn’t even let me sit in the back anyway, idiot.”
He stops the car at a hill high up in the city, the stars glittering across the sky as you look up to take in the sight.
“This hill is so beautiful.” You say as you look up Sanzu’s taller form. “It’s one of my favorite spots.” Sanzu tells you as you look at him, prompting him to continue.
“I always go here to sell my drugs.” He says, looking serious but you saw the mischief in his eyes as you sigh in disbelief.
“I’m serious though, this is my favorite spot.” He says as he places a hand on your hips squeezes it to reassure you he was speaking the truth. You nod your head.
“You think we can sit on the hood of your car?” You suggest as Sanzu nods his. “Sure why not, makes it more romantic.”
“Never mind then.” You shake your head as Sanzu laughs at your reaction. “It’s a date, angel. Let’s make it one, alright hm?” He softly tells you as you look up at him.
“Sorry, I’m just nervous.” You breath out. Sanzu looks at you understandingly. He gently grabs your hand and intertwines it with his. “It’s fine baby.” He says as he pulls up your intertwined hands to his lips and softly places a soft kiss on your knuckles. You feel your heart rate go up and warmth flooding at the sight of him doing it. Especially how he was looking at you the whole time he did it. He truly is so hypnotizing.
“I’m getting hungry.” Sanzu suddenly says and you finally let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in.
The night went on and you felt happy in Sanzu’s presence. His corny jokes and laughs never fails to lighten your mood and make you feel warm inside. The way his smile turns up and how his eyes seems to glimmer as he looks at you when you laugh and how he seems to fondly observing the way you talk and how he listens to you. Even the thought of what he’s done this beautiful night makes your heart race and you don’t know what to make of it.
You enjoy being with Haruchiyo. Heck, you love it. You hold your hands together as you think of that.
Sanzu saw how you quiet you’ve gotten and the stare you gave your held hands bothered him. He hated seeing you look so bothered by whatever you thought of. He detested it and he wanted to ease your mind and thoughts.
“Angel?” He calls out and automatically you listen as you look at him. “Yes, Haru?” Sanzu feels how how his chest tightened at your nickname towards him. He’s yet to reveal his true nature to his fellow friends in Bonten and yet here he is, telling it to a girl that barged into the headquarters to fight for her brother.
“What’s up?” He asks as he grabs your hand gently, pulling you closer to him as he does that. Your thighs touched his and you slightly shiver at the contact and you faintly grip onto his hands, thumbs brushing against the skin on the top of his hand.
“I like you, Haru.” You confess and Sanzu stills and you couldn’t bear looking up at him. You started to feel nervous and somewhat overwhelmed. Did I just confess? To a criminal at that? You wanted to grab your heart out for finding yourself in love with a esteemed criminal like him.
“Angel, look at me please.” You hear Sanzu call out to you softly and you shake your head as you hold onto his hands tighter. “It hurts, I’m nervous and I don’t dare looking at you.” You babble on as you stare at his hands, you don’t get how you still manage to softly stroke his hands while you’re almost having a breakdown.
“Baby, look at me.” Sanzu pulls out one hand from your grasp and pulls your head up to face his by grabbing onto your chin. Your eyes were closed and you heard Sanzu let out a slight chuckle at what you were doing. “Not funny, Haru. I’m gonna cry over here.” You tell him, your grasp on his even tighter if possible.
“Will you cry when I tell you I am in love with you?” He says and the words didn’t process in your brain properly. “Yes I will.” You said quickly, realizing what he said a few seconds after. You open your eyes in shock and see Sanzu look at you with a big grin on his lips.
“You like me?” You ask as Sanzu shakes his head. “You could say that, it could be love as well.” Sanzu says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Don’t play with me, Haruchiyo.” You say sternly. Sanzu dramatically winces at how you used his full name. “I wouldn’t go after you all this time and keep pestering you if I didn’t like you.” He says and you almost gape at his words.
“I thought you were teasing and obsessed with me.”
“Well I am obsessed with you, that’s for sure.”
“Bad obsessed?” You prompt, trying to tease him back a little. Sanzu grins only, mischief in his eyes and expression. He squints his eyes playfully as he closes the distance a little between your faces. You felt his hot breath on you and you shiver faintly, your palm feeling sweaty as you were slowly releasing your hold on his hand.
“Very badly obsessed.” He says with a low voice. “Like a stalker obsessed?” You ask again.
“I behaved like a stalker these past months, didn’t I?” Sanzu says and you chuckle in amusement. “I wouldn’t say that but you got a point.” You tell him as Sanzu smiles as he rubs your noses softly.
“So you got Stockholm syndrome?” He asks, pretending to act oblivious. You flick his forehead as Sanzu grins. “No you idiot.” You tell him.
“Alright baby, let’s go.”
Sanzu sees how empty the road is, he throws you a mischievous smile and you look expectant to what he is going to do. You get pushed back into the seat, feeling how the car engine speeds up and the determined and almost manic look on Sanzu’s face is exciting you. You look up at the roof of the car and find a window, a open roof. You slide the window to the side and sit up from your sit and grab onto the roof and stand up, taking in the cold breeze hitting your face. Your heart are beating so fast and everything felt exhilarating, like the speed and the thrill you feel out of it is a drug.
You feel a hand wrap around the back of your thigh and how Sanzu’s tightens his hold on your thighs, his fingertips practically digging into your skin.
“Be careful angel.” He calls out to you and you lean your hand down and squeeze his hand that are holding your thigh, as a sign to reassure him.
A few weeks after the first date, you were now in Sanzu’s car when you saw the smoke coming from several buildings, onto the road leading into your neighborhood. People were throwing small explosives into stores and blowing up a few cars. Safe to say, this place wasn’t safe to be in at this moment. You feel the car turn around and you look at Sanzu who has a pissed off expression on his face. His jaw is clenched and his grip on the steering wheel makes it look like he will rip it off anytime. No doubt, he could if he wanted to.
“Haru, do you know why this is happening?” You ask, your tone worried. Sanzu chooses to ignore your question. “Call Mikey for me.” He says as he hands you your phone. Not a moment for this to happen, but you couldn’t help but feel warm inside your chest at his action. He knows you didn’t like it when he uses his phone while driving, so he always tells you to call someone for him on his phone. Looking up Mikey’s initial on his contact list, you dial him and hand Sanzu the phone. Not even a few seconds later, Sanzu is already talking to his boss.
You arrived at Sanzu’s apartment complex for the first time and it had be because of a sudden riot happening in the neighborhood you lived in. Dropping your small bag in the hallway and taking off your shoes, you look around his apartment as Sanzu still is on the phone with Mikey. He sounds pissed off but keeps his voice respectful nonetheless.
You go back to your bag to pick up your phone to message your brother you’re going to sleep over at Sanzu’s for tonight. He didn’t seem happy but he knew the reason why you couldn’t come home today. You put your phone on the kitchen counter when you hear Sanzu bid bye.
“How did it go?” You ask as Sanzu approaches you. “Some small group of idiots decided to destroy a piece of land Mikey owns by rioting it.” Sanzu tells you as you look at him surprise.
“Mikey owns the area I live in?” You ask, feeling curious. Sanzu nods before letting out a sigh. He walks away somewhere and you follow him. He opens a door, enters and you enter as well. It was his bedroom.
He loosens his tie, unbuttons the cuff of his shirt. Then starts to search in his wardrobe and hands you a another similar shirt.
“Sleep in this.” He says, you take the shirt in your hands and then he goes back to search for something else again. And picks out a few briefs.
“I don’t have anything that will fit so my boxers it is.” You giggle at his statement as you nod your head. “It will fit well enough.” You say with a smile on your face, finding him quite endearing.
You sit on the edge of the bed as Sanzu is still standing in front of his wardrobe. Then you see him unbutton his shirt and his shirt slides off, revealing his scarred back. God, he looked so breathtaking just from his back view. The way his back muscles flexes from when he put his hands into the holes of his shirts sleeves. Your gaze slides down from his back to his lower back and the way his suit pants fits him so nicely, hugging his hips so splendidly has you wanting to trace your fingertips along his scars on his back, down on his spine and touch his skin overall.
He puts on a white loose t-shirt then goes onto unbuckle his belt and take off his suit pants. Now that his lower body is out on its full glory, you couldn’t help but look more. His thighs are so smoothly defined, you wanted to trace your fingers down there as well and touch him everywhere possible. You shift your thighs against each other as you look down at the shirt Sanzu gave you in your hands, feeling hot inside and embarrassed by how bothered you feel just by seeing Sanzu’s body. You glance up and see that he put on a Grey sweat shorts and then turns to look at you.
“Aren’t you going to change?” He asks and you swear you felt yourself almost startle. “Yes, of course.” You almost stutter out. “Where is the bathroom?” You add looking everywhere but at Sanzu and he tells you where the bathroom is and you hurriedly walked off.
Your sudden nervous demeanor didn’t go unnoticed by Sanzu. You felt so comfortable the first moment and now you’re suddenly nervous and fidgety? He knows why. There’s a mirror close to his wardrobe and how you didn’t see it, is a wonder for him. He saw everything, how you fidgeted with his shirt in your hands, how your chest slowly heaved up and down and how your pretty lips slightly parted. How you nervously moved your thighs against each other while gripping onto the shirt in your hands.
Sanzu was laying against the headboard of his bed, messaging in the secret shared chat with the rest of the bonten guys when he heard the door to the bedroom slowly slide open. He looks up and sees you fidget with the hem of the shirt you’re wearing. Sanzu is taller and bigger in frame than you, hence the shirt almost reached the middle of your thighs. If you had stretched your arms up, the shirt would slide up and reveal your pretty backside and a hint of your abdomen.
“This shirt is kind of short, honestly.” You mutter out as you approach the bed and sit on the edge once again. Sanzu crawls over to you on fours, sits behind you as he situated his legs on each side of your body, trapping you between his legs. He wraps his arms around your torso and gently pulls you into his chest. You almost gasp at the contact, considering how you felt and still feel because of the situations just a few moments ago, this contacts adds onto the pressure.
“I think it fits you prettily.” Sanzu murmurs, pecking the back of your head before nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. He places his hands in your lap and you softly hold onto them. “Does it fit me prettily because it’s your shirt I’m wearing?” You ask, your tone almost amused. You felt Sanzu’s lips curl up into a smile against the skin of your neck.
“You got that right.” He says. “Then I should take it off so I can look more prettier with my own shirt.” You retort back, Sanzu squeezes you against him.
“Take it off so I can look at your body as well.” Sanzu mutters and your eyes widen in shock. No way he saw what you did. It couldn’t be possible. But how? You look at Sanzu then behind him and saw the mirror. It is literally beside his wardrobe and you didn’t see it? Were you so caught up in savoring up his body through your eyes, that you didn’t see the mirror? Yeah most definitely.
“Angel, if you wanna touch me, do so. I won’t stop you.” Sanzu softly says, as his hands travels to your hips and squeezes it softly before he gently turns your body to face his and sits you sideways on the mattress. Sitting up properly as Sanzu does the same before you see him change his mind by placing you on his lap. You wrap your legs around his hips as you hold onto his shoulders.
“Are you sure?” You ask hesitantly and Sanzu nods in reassurance before placing one chaste kiss on your forehead and places his hands on your hips.
You let out a breath before you hesitantly place your hands to cup his jaw, trailing them up to trace your fingertip along his jaw to cheek. Tracing his eyebrows to his nose. You softly slide your thumb against his pretty lips and as you do that, Sanzu lets out a low soft groan and his eyes on you feels like a predator preying on it’s prey before devouring it. You let out a breathless breath and continue on what you’re doing.
You trail your hands down his throat to his collarbones, sliding down the neckline of his shirt, you stroke circles on his collarbone with your thumb before you go to grab the end of his shirt and slide it up wanting to take it off of him. Sanzu raised his arms and you fully take it off and his full torso on display and god, it’s so breathtaking as well. There’s scars and his torso is so slightly defined you place your hands on his clavicle, trail down to his chest and you stroke your thumb everywhere on his chest. Over his beautiful scars covering it and Sanzu hitches out a breath when he feels your thumb graze his nipple.
“Baby..” he softly mutters as he grips on your hips and you feel amazed at yourself for having the effect on him. And even at the opportunity to touch him like this, when you’re pretty sure he’s never let anyone touch him like this. You feel special.
You touch his sternum, lightly pressing your thumb on the place there and you feel Sanzu tighten his grip even more on your hips. You move your hips against his on his lap and almost let out a soft moan at how you felt his dick graze your clit. You heard Sanzu groan and you swear on your whole life, that was the most beautiful sound you’ve heard.
“Baby, I think it’s enough.” He says before placing his lips on yours and pushes you against the mattress, your hair splayed out on it as he tightens his hold on your hips. You grab onto his face and cup his jaw and kiss him back. The kiss is so ferocious and Sanzu lightly bumps his crotch against yours and you let out a moan into the kiss. Letting out a another one when you feel Sanzu sneak his hands underneath the shirt you’re wearing and trace his hands up your side and his fingertips grazes your underboob.
“No bra?” He mutters into the kiss and you slightly shake your head. “To bothersome.” You tell him. “You’re right. And this shirt is bothersome as well.” Sanzu says after he pulled away and holds onto the hem of his shirt you’re wearing. You arch your back up and raise your hands to give him the access to take the shirt off. With the shirt off, your whole upper body is revealed to Sanzu and he is savoring in the sight in front of him. You look so irresistible and so untouched, he is practically consuming the sight of you in. He traces his fingertips on your collarbone down to the middle of your chest then he circles each index finger of his around your nipple and you arch your back at the feeling of it, letting out a moan as you grip onto the sheets beneath you.
“Haru, to much.” You softly whine out as you shake your head. “Baby, I haven’t even touched you properly.” He chuckles lowly with a amused look on his face. Then he leans his face down and takes one tit in his mouth as he rubs the other tits nipple between his thumb and index finger. The stimulation is to much for you, you couldn’t stop letting out gasps and moans as you go to grip onto Sanzu’s hair. He swirls his tongue on your nipple, gently bites down it and tugs in it then drops it just to go back to lick it up. Then he drops that tit to give your other tit the same treatment and it is stimulating you even more. You arch your back against his torso and buck your hips against his crotch.
“Haru..” you moan out as you felt yourself come just from his ministrations on your tits.
“My angel came just from my tongue, how cute.” Sanzu utters out, his tone teasing and proud. His hands go to grab the hem of the boxers you wore and pulls it down, revealing your cunt and he saw how it wet it was and couldn’t help but smirk at the sight. He wipes the cum off of with his thumb and you saw it. You saw how he looks at you into your eyes and licks up your cum off his thumb and you whimper at the sight, finding it so sensual and so teasing.
“Mmm, so good.” He murmurs as he licks it all up from his thumb, all while looking at you. Seeing the expression on your face, your teary eyes and how your hair almost sticked to forehead cause of the sweat, it’s all so alluring to him. You looked like a mess and he loved it.
Taking the boxer completely off you and he stands up from the bed to take off his shorts and briefs and oh god, his cock. It’s so girthy, yet so long.
“Oh god, will it fit?” You manage to speak out. “You can take it.” He tells you.
You pull yourself up by leaning your elbow on the bed as you see him put his knees on the mattress and pulls you closer to him and you almost lost your hold onto the bed but managed to hold yourself up. But gave up as soon as you felt Sanzu touch your wet clit with his fingers and slowly sliding one finger that turned to two to three and slides them in and out of you. He pulls out when he feels you almost reaching your end. He lets out a amused chuckle at how you whimper at the loss of his fingers inside you.
“God kill me, your cunt is perfect.” Sanzu murmurs as he licks his three fingers then puts them close to your mouth. “Open your mouth, angel.” And you do and he makes you taste yourself and you moan around his lips which makes Sanzu let out a groan at the feeling. He pulls his fingers out of your mouth and grabs a hold of his cock and were about to line it up to your hole when he sees you pulls yourself up on your elbows again and watch his cock closely. He smirks in knowledge.
“I wanna see.” You tell him, your face and hair a mess yet you looked so adorable and beautiful in his eyes. “You want to watch my cock fuck your pretty cunt.” He says as you nod your head before he grabs a pillow to lay it under your ass, adjusting it so you could see.
He rubs his tip up and down your clit before he slowly slips it in, knowing it’s your first time. The pain was there but over in a few moments. You grip onto the sheets as you watch Sanzu line his thick cock further inside you. It is such a strange yet such a pleasing sight. You clamp down on his cock at the intrusion and Sanzu groans, the feeling of you tightening around him is to much but so good.
“Baby, does it hurt?” He asks, as he uses his other hand to stroke away your hair from your face and you shake your head. “Not anymore.” You tell him earnestly. He nods his head before he leans down to take your lips in a fast kiss, licking on your lower lip before he pulls away to further push his cock into you and he was finally inside you fully and he felt like he could finally let out a proper breath. He felt like he was where he belonged. He filled you up completely and he truly belonged inside you. You reach your hand down to touch to see how it feels on your hands, how his hips pressed against yours feels like. Sanzu watches it all with clear attention, loving how curious you are.
Then you slide your hands up to your abdomen, feeling a slight bulge there and you look there and see the outline of his cock and you almost groan in satisfaction.
“Haru, i feel you everywhere.” You breath out as you grab his hand to put it on your abdomen. “You’re taking me so well, angel.” He praises you and you could only softly moan at that. Then you feel him slide out of you completely and about to whimper about the loss of his dick in you, he slips in immediately and you cry out in pleasure as you hold onto his shoulders and wrap your legs around his hips even tighter.
He leans down to your ear, nibbling on your earlobe, slowly going down to your neck. You moan out in pleasure, gripping onto his shoulder even more. He leans away, circling your clit with his thumb to ease you up as he continues to thrust into you. You bite your lower lip at the sight of his thick cock thrust into you, the sight so arousing you feel yourself clamp down on him. Sanzu lets out a low groan, his grip on your hips tightening.
“Haru, I feel so full.” You whine out as you touch your abdomen, feeling the outline of his dick going in and out of you.
“Oh god,” you slur your words when you feel Haru do one hard thrust, hitting a particular spot inside you. “You feel so good, baby.” You hear Sanzu say as he continues to pound into you, his thrusts gradually getting slower each minute.
“Please, faster Haru.” You sobbed out as you grasp onto his shoulder tighter and his grip on your hips tightened as well, you’re sure it will leave his hand print on your skin. Not that you would’ve minded.
Picking up his pace, Sanzu starts to go faster, slamming into you with a force so good, your mouth is open and a drool just dropped down from your mouth as he thrusts into you.
“Shhh, angel.” Sanzu coos. “Didn’t know you were so filthy like this.” Bringing his face closer to yours, his eyes lidded in amusement at the cry you let out just now as a response. Sanzu wipes up the drool from your mouth with his thumb and rubs circles on your clit with the same thumb. Which stimulates you even more and you felt yourself almost reaching your point.
“So close, I’m so close.” You manage to babble out as Sanzu thrusts into you more and you felt yourself come down around his. But he didn’t stop, you sense his thrusts getting sloppier and then he reaches forward to you, leaning his body on yours as he manages to get a few more thrusts in before he fills you up completely inside with a groan slipping out of his mouth. He flips on his side with a grunt as he hugs you closer to himself, nuzzles your face to his chest as you hug him back.
“Oh god, Haru.” You manage to breathe out as you gently scratch his back, feeling his scars on your fingertips.
“Told you could take my dick.” He says, his tone teasing as you slap him on the back embarrassingly. You still felt his dick inside you getting softer.
“Are you not going to pull out?” You ask him as Sanzu lets out a small laugh at your choice of words. “Pull out? I will stay here forever.” He says as he hugs you closer to him. “I still need to pee though.” You tell him. “Then I will get back inside you?”
“No idiot, I feel sore.”
“I fucked you good then.”
It’s been a few days since you last saw Sanzu. The morning after your first time, you managed to be with your man for a few hours before one of the other executives of bonten called him and required him quickly. And then he had to leave. He told you would be back thé same day but it’s been a few days now.
You were back at the small cafe you usually study in, still doing your research that requires a lot considering it’s your last year.
Working on your computer, you saw a pale red carnation flower and you felt your eyes get teary as you saw the all too familiar flower before looking up to see the man you have missed for so many days. He still looked so breathtaking despite his shirt almost tucked out of his suit pants and his tie loose. God, how much you missed him.
Sanzu looks at you with a fond smile on his lips before speaking up. “Hey angel.” He manages to say before you grabbed his hand and dragged him outside the cafe to a alleyway away from anyone to see.
Once clear of sight, you push his shoulders out of frustrations.
“Where have you been?” You slap his chest this time. “Something came up and I needed to be away.” He admitted to you, he sounded guilty.
“You could’ve messaged me.” You slap his chest again. “I thought something happened to you. I thought you left because of the sex, heck because of me too.” You grip onto his shirt and Sanzu cups your face, wiping off the tears that slipped out of your eyes.
“I would never do that to you. I love you to much to leave because I apparently didn’t enjoy the sex?” He sounded so truthful and so honest, you wanted to cry even more. And he loves you? You couldn’t believe it.
“Are you okay then? You’re not hurt right?” You ask, tightening up his shirt in your fist.
“Well I did get hurt by your slaps on my chest.” He teases you and slap his chest for the third time. “I’m serious.”
“You care more about if I’m hurt or not than that I said I love you?” You lock your eyes on him and sees a wide grin plastered on his face. He sees how you were raising your arm again, sensing that you were about to slap his chest again. “Okay okay, fine. Yes I am okay. I did get a gunshot graze my hip though but I’m fine.” He admits and you gasp in shock at his admittance.
“Idiot, be careful. Have you take care of the wound?”
“Of course I have, angel.” He tells you softly as he places a soft kiss on the top of your head and your forehead.
“I don’t believe you, show me the wound.” And he shows and he was being half honest about his admittance.
“Idiot.” You mutter out as you softly touch the wound. “You didn’t treat it good enough.”
“Will you treat it for me?”
“I will since your incompetent ass can’t do it.” You retort back as Sanzu laughs and wraps his arms around you to engulf you in a hug.
“I missed you so much.” He confesses. “Me too.” You nuzzle into his chest as you inhale his scent that you missed a much.
“I love you.” He says and you hug his form closer to yourself. “I love you.” You say back.
“I know that or you wouldn’t hit me.”
“Shut up.”
tags: @sup-zfam , @shujiswife , @wooaaawoa , @sanzus-pill-bottle , @nalyana
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fablesofkitkat · 3 years
Heyyy this is just a random thought I had.. how about you give us Rindou's POV too for the Haitani brother *series*😛. What are your thoughts? I am just thinking out loud here😁
pov: meeting the Haitani brothers in the future
genre: a little smut
synopsis: you drifted away from Ran and Rindou in the future.
note: since I basically have no plot, pls  remember that I'll be shifting future and past. Haitani brothers as Bonten executives does funny things to me.
Blood is on my hands, but that never stopped me before
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You donned the hōmongi over you, wrapping it on your body, left over right, the kimono's embroidered pattern is a folding fan. It represents prosperity, expansion, and development. They're often used for greeting and during ceremonial occasions. This was the night you had to do your duty for the family. As part of the keiretsu (a dominating conglomerate unique to Japan), you were sent by your family to... entertain a criminal organization, Bonten. Your father could have done it himself, to have the contract signed, but he thought it wouldn't hurt to send you to sweeten the deal. You've avoided your duty long enough, it was time to do as you're told.
You sighed.
You got into the car, the chauffer greets you with a respectful tone. He was an old man, kinder than the previous chauffers you've had. "Miss, I'll keep the car running."
You smile in his reflection in the rearview mirror, trying to reassure the old man. "No need, I'll see you in the morning."
It wasn't the first time the chauffer had to drive one of his boss's daughters to get eaten by insane criminals. He grips the steering wheel. What use is being at the top when the only thing left to do was to fall?
"Enough." You say firmly, and then you added softly, "I like you, so don't do anything to get fired. Please."
The car stops in front of a skyscraper, it was completed in just 2 years and for a building that tall, built that fast, must be the power of money. This building was nothing but a show of Bonten's power. The chauffer opens the car door, you take the offered hand and steps onto the pavement. Your sandals made a satisfying clack.
"Miss, you don't need to do this–"
"Just do what you're paid for." You cut him off, coldly drawing the line. You couldn't afford kindness. Kindness gets people around you killed. "I'm not exactly pure and I'm just a bastard daughter, I have no respectable match unlike my elder sisters."
You cradled the brown envelope that contained the contract in your left arm and a kusudama's (decorative bag stuffed with fragrant aromatics) strap hangs on your right fingers. The receptionist tells you to wait until armed men arrives to escort you.
At the elevator, you meet a man with rosy pink hair that matches his long lashes, and a slightly droopy blue eyes. He has scars on the corner of his mouth. His arm sports a tattoo. Bonten. His striped gray suit compliments his features well. You nod in greeting.
"... you look familiar."
"That line works for you?" You tilt your head.
"Cheeky." He hums. "I dislike you."
"I share the same sentiments."
He keeps silent, bored at the conversation when you stop at your destination. A private lounge for Bonten's executives. You first take note of a man in his late 30s, a tall and slender frame and a slicked-back mullet in the colors of black and blond. He has a prominent scar that runs vertically down the right side of his face, starting from his forehead down to the rightmost corner of his thin lips. A cigarette hung on his lips, looking at you blankly. A large trench coat over his business suit. A shiver ran down your spine. You remember him.
Akashi Takeomi.
You turn to the next man sitting on the lounge sofa beside him. To the pair of men beside him–
Ran. Rindou.
They looked different. Ran's hair is now short and gelled to the side, dyed in burgundy and lavender color. The Boten syndicate's insignia tattooed on the front of his neck. He wears a form fitting suit that compliments his body perfectly. Rindo's hair is styled in a pinkish-purple mullet with dark blue streaks, and he wasn't wearing glasses. The Bonten tattoo is on the front of his neck like Ran. Rindou's hair reached passed his shoulders while Ran's hair has been cut short. You wonder if they remembered the passing comment you made in the past that you'd like to see Ran in short hair and Rindou with long hair.
But that was then.
You blinked yourself back to the present and acted indifferent, seating yourself infront of them, acting the role of a young miss of a keiretsu. You slide the envelope with contract carefully.
Kami. You didn't expect this. You didn't expect to meet the Haitani brothers once more. You wanted to avoid looking their way. Until shoes rested on the brown envelope and the dirt falls off. You raised your head in disbelief, Rindou meeting your eyes. He reached for a glass of liquor from a waiting staff, sipped a generous amount and uttered one word, "Strip."
Mochizuku boisterously laughed. "Oi, oi, Rindou. We can't be vulgar with the young miss. You'll scare her off."
Ran crossed his legs, hands interlocked on his knee. He just stared at you. If this was in the past, he'd smile at you. "If she wants her family's contract to be signed by Mikey, she'd strip for us."
Was this the same Ran who hated anyone who looks at you?
The indifference scared you, that you couldn't stop the small tremor on your hand to place your kusudama on the table. Your favorite fragrance wafted. Fuji. Wisteria. You couldn't turn back. You stood up, summoning willpower, remembering what you were taught; you sensually untied the obi and lets it drop on the floor, forcing yourself to maintain eye contact with Mochizuku. Rindou suddenly kicks the table aside, stands up and grab you by the wrist, whisking you away from the lounge.
Sanzu looks up at the ceiling and snapped his fingers, "Ah, I remember now. She's the precious hime you brothers played with back then. Did you call her hime because you knew she was a young miss?"
"None of your business." Ran scowled,  drinking his glass empty in one go.
"Rindou–" You called out.
He ignored you, dragging you away from the lounge. Rindou's long strides made it hard for you to keep up especially wearing a kimono which only allowed small, demure steps.
"Rindou– stop–" You plead. "My sandals–"
He stops and turns around, ready to explode with anger but one look at your disheveled hair, your sandal's strap broken, your kimono hanging loosely... he could only click his tongue, and then he proceeded to wrap his arms around your waist, and lifted you like a sack.
"Rindou, you can't just ignore me."
He kept silent.
"Well, you can. But I need to go back."
The elevator opens, and the operator asks, "What floor?"
Only for Rindou to drag the poor man out of the elevator, place you on the chair, closed the elevator and punched a button. He traps you in his arms, his one hand holding your face  as he reels you in a bruising kiss. His kisses are still desperate and mean. Spiteful. No regards to the mouth sores he'll leave on your lips. His tongue still likes to dominate you. He opens your kimono and cups your sex. The cool air hit your skin, making your nipples hard. You whimpered helplessly. He was mad at you. It's been a decade and he still couldn't forget about you. They couldn't forget about you. There were no shortage of women that went by their hands. It only left them empty. He parts his lips from yours, a string of saliva on your tongue.
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"Why?" He asked, his eyes half-lidded. Rindou thinks this is a dream. You disappeared. They tried to find you but there were no records of you.  As if you didn't exist. "You weren't supposed to leave us, princess."
"Rindou– I– you have to understand. You and Ran were my escape."
"Was it because we were delinquents?" His finger circled your clit, flicking your clit roughly that made your hips jolt.
You shook your head as he starts kissing your neck, murmuring against your skin, "Then why? Are we not good enough for you? Not good enough for a young miss of a conglomerate?" He sinks his teeth in your skin, and in a leisured pace makes his way down to your chest.
"I was always temporary, Rindou." Your hands raised to touch the tresses of his head. His hair unbearably soft. Without warning, he bites down; pissed off at your words.
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You pulled at his hair trying to get him off. You hissed, "That fucking hurts, Rindou!" Rindou chuckles. Kami, he missed you. Missed making you cry out. Missed the marks you leave on his back. Your nails scratching. You didn't know but it made him jealous whenever you braided Ran's hair. He'd never tell though. The sadistic glint in his eyes held promise, "You can't ever leave." Not letting you escape.
I feel bad for the elevator operator. He was just doing his job, asking what floor when he's kicked out. Sorry, Ran gonna sulk for a bit. 🥴 Rindou more violent than Ran but fuck it if canon doesn't prove me right that Rindou IS capable of being gentle.
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cherrydreamer · 3 years
Through some kind of inhuman good luck, or more likely just because he's a stubborn son of a bitch who won't even let a nightmare monster finish him off, Billy Hargrove survived that night at Starcourt.
He didn't come through entirely unscathed, but he doesn't show the faintest sign of being bothered. He still struts around without a shirt, happily retelling the tale of his heroic rescue to the hoardes of girls who line up to gush over the patchwork of scars on his chest, and he's even taken to pairing his regular necklace with the much more ornate medal of honour he'd received from the new mayor, letting it hang right against the worst of the raised, jagged lines on his skin.
And Steve can't help but seethe a little at the unfairness. How Billy could go through all that, all the same nightmare shit he'd been through, and come out of the other side with more hangers on, more attention and even more cool points added to his social tally.
He keeps it all inside though. It's not like you can say things like that out loud without everyone thinking you're even more of an asshole than you actually are.
And it's not like it's really impacting on his life that much anyway.
Until one night when Steve's working alone at Family Video- having finally passed his probation months after Robin sailed through hers and being rewarded for it by being granted the honour of most of the late night lockup- and he glances up as the door opens only to be faced with a familiar blond mullet and leather jacket.
Steve waits, expecting some kind of remark or quip. Some insult dripping from Billy's tongue or, at the very least, some interaction where he's left feeling small and stupid and awkwardly flushed and flustered in a way he doesn't like to think too much about.
But Billy says nothing. Doesn't even spare Steve a glance as he drifts slowly through the aisles, his fingers tracing over the spines of the cases, his eyes not quite following the movements. Sometimes he stops, staring in place for minutes, mouth moving as he mutters something to himself, then he winces and shakes his head and carries on pacing.
He's so fucking drunk, Steve figures, or high. Probably been at some party crowing about how he's a goddamn hero, getting his cup filled up and his dick sucked dry.
It's none of Steve's business. As long as Billy doesn't throw up in the store, Steve doesn't care. So he does what he does best when faced with something he doesn't want to deal with. He ignores it. Hopes it'll go away. Focuses his attention on an outdated new releases catalogue he'd already read from cover to cover the night before and waits to hear the shop door banging shut and the revving engine of whatever fancy new muscle car Billy bought with his juicy government cheque.
But instead, Billy comes up to the counter and clears his throat, pushing forward a stack of tapes with one finger.
Steve scans them quickly, raising an eyebrow at the eclectic selection, and then pushes them right back, "Six-fifty."
There's a beat. And then a rough voice, "I almost died."
Steve doesn't even look up from his magazine, "Still gotta pay, dude," he says flatly.
"I almost died," Billy repeats in a monotone, and this time Steve graces him with an eye roll.
"And we thank you for your service. Six fifty."
Billy still doesn't move, so Steve gives the tapes a firmer shove, the edge of the cases knocking hard against Billy's clenched knuckles, "C'mon Hargrove, that shit won't fly here. Keep being an asshole and I'll round it up to eight."
There's a pause. A long one. And then Billy's voice, a hushed, broken whisper, "I almost died?"
This time Steve looks properly. And this time he sees Billy. Sees the way he's half hunched over, his face pale and drawn, his bottom lip quivering, his fingers practically digging craters into the counter when he stares up with red-rimmed eyes and gasps,
"I almost died. And you were there."
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mulletmitsuya · 3 years
tw: self harm, drugs, alcohol, mental illness, mentions of attempted suicide, mania, hallucinations, mentions of sex, uhmm yeah❗❗❗❗
he didn't know how long he'd been sitting there. the meeting had ended for what felt like forever ago. he was fully clothed but the cold breeze coming from the slighly opened window made his body tingle. he could feel the goosebumps forming on his pale skin, and the back of his neck being tickled by his hair.
he needed to get it done soon. the mullet was growing out so it didn't really look like a mullet anymore. just long hair that wasn't styled. oh well, he'd get that done another time.
footsteps approached. he thought everyone had already left? maybe it was just Mikey. it was his apartment afterall.
in front of him appeared Hajime Kokonoi, confused expression worn on his face. seemed like he didn't think anyone would still be there.
He wore dark red lipstick that matched with his shoes and a furry white coat with a black skintight jumpsuit underneath. his hair hung loosley around his shoulders. looked like he had it trimmed.
Haruchiyo always thought Koko could pull off anything he wore. it was fucking annoying how good he looked. he always looked like he was giving someone bedroom eyes. especially tonight. he looked like a whore. maybe he just didn't like him.
"off to see your boy toy?"
"he's not my boy toy, we're in love. but i guess you wouldn't really know anything about that"
he didn't know where that came from, but then again, he wasn't exactly surprised. Koko was always mean. he couldn't tell if he was being a bitch or an asshole. traits Haruchiyo excelled in.
"i'm loved"
arms crossed, Kokonoi raised an eyebrow, dark red heels clicking on the cold floor tiles
"by who exactly?"
"he doesn't love you, you're convenient to have around. you're just a replacement."
"no, he loves me."
"he really does"
"has he told you that?"
"he doesn't need to"
Koko let out a chuckle of amusement
"people who love you don't hurt you, you know?"
he gestured to the scars on both sides of Haru's lips
Haruchiyo was silent for a while
"you hurt Inupi"
"we worked through it"
Haruchiyo laughed, for the first time in a while. the sound felt foreign coming out of his mouth
"bullshit. you use him for sex, and to forget about your shitty life. you're not capable of really loving someone."
"like i said before, you know nothing of love. you've never been loved, and you're incapable of it, so why do you think you can have an opinion on it?"
"glad we're done here."
with the rhythmic clicking of Koko's heels disappearing, Haru shifted in his chair uncomfortably, left alone with his own thoughts.
he wasn't completely wrong. Haruchiyo wasn't loved by many. but it didn't mean no one loved him. Mikey had stuck with him throughout all these years. they even built an empire together. He was Mikey's longest and closest friend.
he didn't need Mikey to show his love. he knew it was there.
"what are you doing here? the meeting finished over an hour ago"
who was that? his vision was blurred. which usually happened when he mixed drugs and alcohol. he couldn't recognised the features on the figures face. his voice sounded far away.
"i said, what are you doing here when the meeting ended over an hour ago? everyone's gone. Mikey doesn't like us staying too long after meetings."
"why are you here?"
"i was looking for you. you needed a ride so we came here together, remember?"
"i came here with my brother."
there was an uncomfortable silence for a long time. it seemed as if the person in front of him stopped breathing.
"you haven't called me that in a while, but yeah we came here together."
although Haruchiyo couldn't see it, Takeomi's eyebrows were furrowed with concern.
"are you high?"
he let out a little giggle
"when am i not?"
Takeomi sighed, not exactly suprised. He took a chair and placed it next to Haruchiyo's, placing his hand on his shoulder.
"you really need to slow down on the drugs, Haru."
"why? so you don't have to live with the failure of letting both your younger siblings die?"
he hadn't thought about that in a while. Haruchiyo was usually indifferent to his older brother, only talked to him when it was work related. he saw him as another colleague, if anything at all. so even he was suprised when he brought up his dead younger sister.
"no, i just don't want to see you hurting yourself."
"if anything, i'm treating myself. drugs make me feel good, so fuck off"
"they're fucking you up, remeber what happend last time?"
last time was a blur. he remembered someone slicing away at his skin, and holding his head under water. he put up a good fight, but he kept slipping on the bloody floor, which was his downfall. the person left him there without even cleaning anything. so he was blamed for the mess.
"i told you. that wasn't me"
"the only person in there was you."
he rolled his eyes, Takeomi was so fucking annoying.
"look dude, i'm just tying to enjoy my trip in peace"
"your last trip made you hurt yourself."
"you're really starting to piss me off."
Takeomi stared at him for a long time. he wished he could go back in time and fix things with Haru. it hurt to see his brother like this. he knew it was his fault.
"ok, I'll go then. call me if you need a ride."
he stood up to leave.
as he reached the door he looked over his shoulder at his little brother. memories of a short haired, happy, healthy Haruchiyo flooded his brain.
he really fucked up
Haru heard the door click shut.
finally, some peace and quiet.
he poured himself a glass of whiskey, downing it in one go. and then another
and then another
and another one after that
he couldn't form any thoughts
just the way he liked.
"i thought everyone had left."
he turned around, startled. for a moment he forgot this wasn't his apartment.
"i saw that you didn't look too good during the meeting, so i wanted to stay, just incase you needed anything."
"i don't."
"i can sleep on the couch, just incase you need anything."
although Mikey appretiated it, he wasn't in the mood to deal with people. especially an extremely intoxicated Haruchiyo. it seemed as if he wasn't as manic as he usually was, but he still didn't want to deal with it. plus, he wasn't exactly thinking about being mindful of someone's feelings.
"i'm not a child, so you can go now."
"are you sure?"
he stared at him for a long time. trying to find... something in his friends face.
but there was nothing
his eyes were empty
devoid of emotion
he wished he could be a better help to Mikey. he was probably going through a lot mentally. he couldn't imagine what it would be like losing 3 sibling who he loved. then his friends. then his sanity.
he felt like he and Mikey understood each other. he lost his sanity pretty young. he couldn't even remember if he had a childhood. the only constant in his life, was Mikey
"hey, Mikey?"
"do you love me?"
maybe he shouldn't have asked that. because now Mikey was looking directly at him. directly into his eyes. but his face didn't change. still nothing.
"you should leave, Haruchiyo."
he didn't know if him saying no would have been worse. he didn't want to know
withought a word, Haruchiyo walked out of the apartment complex into the cold streets of Roppongi.
it was buzzing with life.
usually he'd enjoy the scenry. but it just felt off. like some kind of distant dream he couldn't hold on to.
he never really truly belonged. no matter how many times he'd mold himself into what people wanted him to be. it was never enough
he, was never enough.
"huh" he breathed out
guess no one loved him
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pretty-setter-bois · 4 years
love language
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request; may i request paladins of voltrons love languages and how they act when they have a crush? 💓
summary; the paladins and their love languages.
word count; 737™
warnings; none :)
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if his crush keeps their cool, then he keeps his
if they were flirty on the other hand...
he would definitely blush all the time
his scar isn’t the only thing that’s pink
he knows playing favourites isn’t fair, but he can’t help the way your eyes twinkle when he gives you a task you like
he’d check up on you, probably be overbearing
he doesn’t like to be possessive
only does it when he absolutely needs to
so in battle
like he goes full out
will always push you behind him in the face of danger
it’s an instinct
and you don’t mind, bc u like him back <3
he’s skeptical 
what are these feeling?
more whatsoever, why are they only around when you are?
then it becomes more than that
the mere mention of your name, the thought of you
they all have his heart racing
lance picks up on it bit by bit
he may be dense, but he’s a love expert
keith gives up and asks lance
lance just says it straight out
“you’re in love with her, my dude.”
and keith goes “???”
insert pikachu meme
then he realizes it and gets all blushy-blushy when you’re around
will do small things for you
the type of boy who would put his hand on the edge of the table when you bend down to get something because he doesn’t want you to hit your head
always checks up on you from time to time
has done risky things for you, and will do them again
but who’s to say you won’t repay the favour?
like we’ve seen with allura, the person he loves changes him for the better
he’s obviously going to flirt with you
but you see through it — the more he flirts with you, the more you see him changing to be a better version of himself
he’s a lot more selfless, a lot more open-minded
he even gets along with keith
that won’t stop him from blowing up when you take mullets side, tho
the times when you compliment him are the best times of his life
he gets all red and short circuits and doesn’t have a response
he’ll geek out about it to his garrison squad (hunk & pidge) after, and they get so tired of it that they eventually tell you
you find it cute and end up doing it just to get his reaction.
besides that, he starts going to the training deck to improve his fighting
wants to help out more on missions, will often be spotted with coran for plans
bby just wants to be enough for u <3
bakes cookies for you
will make the heart shaped without noticing
will stutter and blush
compliments you like no other
on missions he’s always fixated on you
if scared, he doesn’t worry about him, but about what could happen to you
accidentally confessed to lance,,, blue boi teases him ab it to this day
pidge caught on, and makes subtle references
the only time lance and pidge team up is to tease bby hunk
sometimes pidge will defend,,, other times she will tease more than lance
hunk doesn’t like being in a room with you, pidge, and lance alone because he feels like he’ll get found out
will knock by your door to leave you small treats
likes to spend his time listening to you
is the type of boy to pay attention to everything u say
remembers the little things
romance is not her forte .
asks matt for help,,, gets her even more confused
she recalls that allura told her she could speak to her ab personal things
tells allura,,,, and she gets v excited
gets coran involved with altean courting advice
in the end, she gets tired and gives up
decides to make you a little robot
gives it to you, and the look on ur face is so <3
she experiences blushing
gets all nervous and confused
wants it to happen again
you’re a pretty flexible person when it comes to the paladins, so she finds something in common with you pretty easily
she teaches you coding
her heart goes /\/\/\/\ everytime u’r interested in her stuff
on missions, she always asks you to go with her
feels safer with you around
i canon that you are all taller than pidge, since she’s... 4′9″ i think
overall cutie .
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psychdelia · 4 years
okokok i’m personally a long haired billy stan and i would have loved to see him grow his hair out super long and curly but,,, post s3 billy with short hair. the sides are cut but on top he has a mess of unruly chopped blonde curls that are short but growing out.
when he first leaves the hospital he wears jackets and hoodies with the hood up. if he doesn’t have a hood, he wears beanies and keeps them covering his ears. whenever people ask why, he just says he’s cold. which. isn’t a lie, but more a variation of the truth. he does run cold these days, much prefers sweatshirts to half unbuttoned tops (but he does miss those during the summer.)
he’ll never admit to being insecure about his ears. he feels they’re a little big. maybe stand out too much. the worst is when they turn red when he’s blushing or cold and they draw more attention to themselves. he’s always hated them, since his mom left up until now. she would always tuck his hair behind his ears, tell him that he’s perfect with a kiss to the forehead. he hasn’t had anyone to do that for him in years.
when he woke up in the hospital to short hair, he cried. pressed his hands over his ears, hiding them and blocking out all the beeping machines and white noise around him, breath ragged as he silently sobbed into the pillow.
his hair had grown out a little by the time he was able to leave the hospital. the sides weren’t as bare and the top of his head consisted of blonde curls that weren’t long enough to style but too short to keep contained in hoods and beanies. a couple of curls usually spilled out onto his forehead. when he moved in with joyce, she took on the role of moving his hair out of his face with a gentle touch and warm smile. she’d ask, “you bringing the mullet back anytime soon, blondie?” and billy would chuckle. shrug as he responded with a “think i’m just gonna let it grow out.”
max and the other little shits liked to mess with him. they were afraid of him in the beginning, kept their distance and avoided him at all costs. he couldn’t blame them, though, as he had grown afraid of himself as well. it took lots of therapy and joyce holding him as he broke down countless times about the way his now trembling, scarred hands were used to kill against his will. however, once the party discovered he had gone soft due to a miscommunication about the walkie talkie channels and they all woke up at 2am to billy crying and quietly calling max’s name because he had a bad dream about all the shit he put her through before possession... well they just weren’t as afraid of him. they’d bug him as if he was their older brother. kept tugging at his hoodie strings, stealing chips out of his bowl, begged him to watch movies and play d&d with them. he refused to play d&d never lasted through a movie, always fell asleep halfway through to the sound of the tv and not-so-quiet whisper commentary, mostly coming from dustin.
on one cursed evening, everyone was there for movie night. piled on one couch and the floor were the party, robin, steve, and billy on the other couch, steve sitting between the two. nancy and jonathan managed to slip away but not before billy glared at jonathan since he couldn’t leave AND they were supposed to smoke tonight, earning an apologetic thin smile and shrug. as usual, he got halfway through whatever the shits were making him watch again before falling asleep. except this time his head landed on steve’s shoulder, curls spilling out of his hood and brushing his forehead and steve’s neck. he woke up when the movie ended, groggy and tired with his face buried in the crook of steve’s neck. he groaned, annoyed at dustin, mike, and lucas all talking over each other at the same speed and volume, not processing the position he was in until steve chuckled and he felt the rumble against his lips. it sent billy flying back towards the couch edge, suddenly awake as he stared at steve with wide eyes and pink cheeks.
“woah, hey,” steve looked at billy as if he were a wild animal, approaching him with gentleness and warmth. “mornin’ tiger. you fell asleep man, no biggie.”
billy swallowed the dry lump in his throat down, tense muscles finally going lax as he slumped against the couch. he glanced up only to find steve smiling and robin smirking knowingly, sipping on her coke as she stared at a frazzled billy.
the two got closer after that, steve and billy. steve always sat down closest to billy, sometimes making room for himself in a space much too small, gently shoving billy aside to plop down before pulling billy half onto his lap. one time in particular it was billy who had left his room to find no open seats available. steve just. stood up and grabbed billy’s hand, dragged him back to his original spot on the couch. billy figured steve was offering his spot up. was in the surprise of his life when steve plopped back down and grabbed billy’s hips, urging him down onto his lap. billy’s cheeks immediately reddened. sitting on steve’s lap, his back to steve’s chest, was already one thing. to be in a full room with everyone’s shocked eyes on them?
billy tried to escape. he really did. steve had other plans if the strong arm he wrapped around billys waist and the softly whispered “relax” was anything to go by. it took about ten minutes for billy to relax in steve’s arms and lean back against him. his cheeks remained red, alongside the tips of his ears hidden under a beanie. he hadn’t expected steve to grab onto his hips, gently squeeze his love handles and press his thumbs into them as he hooked his chin over billy’s shoulder. by the time he managed to sneak his hands under billys sweatshirt, skin-on-skin contact as he grabbed at his hips again, fingertips digging into the new softness, billy was a wreck. his face was on fire, his body betraying him with every hitched breath and lean back into steve’s embrace. he nearly lost his mind as steve pressed a kiss to the back of his neck, now shaved bare and exposed to the world, hidden from the room around them. billy scrambled to get up, rushing to the kitchen with a mumbled “thirsty,” eyes glued to the floor.
and of fucking course steve followed him into the kitchen. he shot him a weak glare when steve asked, “what’s wrong, baby? my lap not as comfortable as my shoulder?” while grabbing at billys hips again, urging him close. billy gave in, letting steve pull him close and rest a possessive hand on the small of his back, holding their bodies flush. “you’re an asshole.” billy huffed, shaking his head. a few stray curls fell into his face and steve’s other hand shot up, fingers twitching, hesitating before reaching over and pulling billys beanie off.
and like. billy wasn’t expecting that. he was maybe expecting a cheek cup or a finger tucking his hair back into place. but now he stood exposed, growing curls messy atop his head and the tips of his ears red, out for the world to see. he saw as steve’s eyes looked his face over, lingering on his flush and then his lips for a second too long before flicking over to his ears. he hummed softly.
“you’ve got cute ears,” steve murmured, leaning in and pressing a kiss below his lobe. “and a cute blush.” steve took his pierced lobe into his mouth, metal hoop cold against his tongue. “and an even nicer ass.” the hand on the small of billy’s back dipped lower, grabbing a handful of ass and squeezing.
billy smacked steve’s chest playfully, huffing out an “asshole” as steve cackled, pressing kisses up his neck before planting one on his lips.
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