#does anyone actually have irls on their tumblr accent
spirithalloweeping · 2 years
bro wait if my irls come to tumblr does this mean i have to create an account with my real name attached to it…i don’t think i’m ready for that😭tumblr is for fandom, anonymity, and being embarassing
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh S4 Ep 25: Oh Hai Mai
Heyyy we’re back. Thank for bearing with me, it’s been kind of chaos over here. Everything from a pandemic (we are very sloooowly reopening over here but I’ve been quarantined so long I can french braid my damn leg hair.) to important political protests, to getting an evacuation order because an arsonist burned down 90 acres in the heat of summer (luckily we’re all fine), to a vole that ate everything in my pandemic self-care garden so I lost my entire mind and waged war and dug so many holes and put out 17 mouse traps and set off so many critter bombs under the ground trying to kill the little bastard like it was Caddyshack (It’s still alive, ps, I lost that war). These last 3 months have been the longest decades of my life. The only month longer was the one where I’m pretty sure I had mono and it made me positive that my basement was haunted.
Man, bring back my haunted basement, Sorry if this comes through in my writing, I tried but, I can’t edit it out. You get FML-Rachel today.
Lets get back to a good, mindless distraction, lets turn on Yugioh.
BUT------->it just so happens that this episode of Yugioh has cop stuff in it, I’m just going to be blunt. We’re going into Valon’s backstory, he’s very much a victim of problems within the bizarre Yugioh legal system, and much like a Gotham supervillain, he is a symptom of the problem more than the cause.
I’m not going to ignore that, but in case you are overwhelmed about that right now, if you want to like...save this for later--I have another FMA recap coming out soon that I wrote in a simpler time before....the corona freakin ruined us all.
Last we left off, we were on the heels of Joey Wheeler, who decided to book it down the street because he wants to murder the hell out of Valon.
Youknow...Joey is one hell of a protagonist. He just does...so MANY antagonistic things.
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Joey has decided that although the world is ending, and everyone left alive will be absorbed into the Great Leviathon’s big yummy tummy, which can only be prevented by three people, of which he is one of--he’s going to go sprint in completely the other direction.
We even managed to get Kaiba on board. We were ready. We were done, but then Joey had to lose his freakin mind because that’s just what Joey Wheeler does sometimes.
Normally heroes avoid the call to duty because of a severe lack of self confidence, but this is Joey, and he’s going to avoid the call to duty because of too much self confidence.
And so Joey and his Chaperone turn a corner and walk into this random orc who’s just casually living his best life and touring SF.
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One of my worst fears walking through SF, tbh. Running into high school people. Not so much the orcs.
Yo, I wonder what the bushman was doing through all of this? So IRL, we have this guy who just...hides in a bush and jump-scares tourists. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be in a bush and then just...all these orcs show up and you’re all.
...oh no, now I’m the fool...
I just want to know if bushman made it, or if he’s in a paper card that’s just a picture of foliage.
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, Joey was already in the process of running, so they just turned around on this street of...so much parking.
Like y’all there is SO MUCH PARKING this episode. I was trying to pay attention to anything else, but like...do you see this!? It takes nearly half an hour usually to get a spot but this--this right here?
And the crazy thing is, recently my bro had to go pick up some old guy from a cruise that...got quarantined...and so bro had to go the Pier and like--this is what the city looked like. This is a pandemic, it’s just lots of parking, so I want to criticize Yugioh, and I normally would, but I can’t. I’ve seen the receipts. They called it. This is what the endtimes look like and it’s so much parking.
Also, they were too lazy to draw cars but damn, they called it.
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So, left with no other option, Joey decides to...be Joey, and punches a huge orc covered in armor.
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So Valon’s here, because apparently SF has just...no one left alive in it except for these few kids and that one Uber Eats driver. I imagine it’s a lot easier to find Joey if you just follow the only one screaming in Japanese in a Brooklyn accent at the top of his lungs.
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And Valon decides that this one way street isn’t good enough, and that they must duel somewhere else.
I assumed it would be a tall structure, but considering Kaiba just blew up the tallest structures in the Financial District...I was like...what else is tall? And bear in mind, I’m a mess, so I was like...OMG I wish it were Macy’s!!!
Now I hear you saying that’s weird, and we shouldn’t have a very fancy Macy’s in 2020, and you’re correct. but we still have one, and the top floor is just...a massive Cheesecake factory, and I can’t think of anything more 00′s than a Yugioh duel on top of that specific Cheesecake Factory.
And I’ve never really thought before about where the best Yugioh duel would be, and it’s there. It’s at the high rise Cheesecake. Listen Yugioh, if you need an insider to choose locations for your Netflix remake of S4--call me.
So anyways, instead of doing the right thing and going to the Cheesecake Factory on top of Macy’s like any other self respecting 00′s teenager, Valon and Joey are going to drive through the most boring parts of town.
They had an opportunity to go chase eachother through any tourist attraction, Lombard street, Ghirardelli Square, the Palace of Fine Arts, China town, reuse some assets and drive through Japan town, that fountain that looks like Yoda--but no...they decided to drive through literal trash.
Just...a missed opportunity, and it should have been a Cheesecake Factory.
Also, I totally and fully acknowledge that a strange nostalgic affection for the Cheesecake Factory is a weird Millennial thing (much like our weird encyclopedic knowledge of Sailor Moon) but listen. You have your thing, too. You go do you, I’m gonna soak my sorrows in a bowl of Chinese chicken salad so wide, it’ll last me 3 days.
Anyways, Joey’s gonna steal that guy’s bike.
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Yugioh just predicting the future in 2003. We actually have a HUGE problem right now with vehicle theft in the city to an almost comedic degree, which is partly why the parking situation has gotten so incredibly dire. It’s kind of incredible that this guy left his bike out because after about 1 day in the city you learn pretty fast that you need to be constantly checking on your street parked vehicle--I mean, that guy was just asking for it, honestly. If Joey hadn’t taken it, some other guy would have absolutely taken it, (even that orc would’ve taken it, the city has no consideration for cars.)
Sorry --one sec-- that was an earthquake just now. As I’m typing this. Just a little guy. Just a little treat for me...
...but still like...c’mon. I’m also getting this weird issue where Tumblr doesn’t save my drafts so like...this is like the 3rd time I’ve had to write this like...I just want to make a Yugioh post for my tiny funtime tv blog, Universe. Don’t @ me right now, Universe.
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...is it the space between two piers? What is this? We don’t have rivers in SF, it is a peninsula covered in very steep hills. Like very VERY steep hills. All water just rolls into the ocean and there’s a couple of lake thingies but...no rivers that I know of (And like maybe this is a thing, and I just haven’t seen it? Learn something new every day.)
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*loud, audible sigh* home. Where we belong. At the warehousssssssse.
Back at the RV base, Duke Devlin is still babysitting. Maybe this is to make up for the two seasons he spent trying to date a girl Rebecca’s age, that they felt like going out of their way to show that he has indeed no longer horny now. Got to hand it to them, that’s a lot of character development right there. Although at the same time, it has made Duke Devlin a very non-character.
But imagine how insanely complicated would it have been if Duke got involved in that bizarre love-square that is Yugi, Tea, and the Ghost that killed Yugi by accident.
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PS that’s either a freeway onramp (which is too far South from where they were, I think) or it sure does look like old Embarcadero behind them. Youknow, that lifted street from the 80′s that fell down in Loma Prieta and was never rebuilt? I just freakin love that it’s still here in 2003. This bizarre Yugioh alternate California.
Anyway, because this is alternate California, Seto set a massive fire and the entire city didn’t immediately go up in flames. Apparently they just kinda ran away from the explosion and damage before anyone noticed.
Probably because most people on Earth are dead anyway, so what more can these two actually do?
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And so Yami ends up getting lectured by the wife.
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And justifiably, the wife seems to have absolutely no confidence that Yami will be able to do a damn thing right.
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Wifes all around this episode.
Speaking of,
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At this point, Arthur Hawkins senses that Yami’s nearby, so he opens the door just to freakin dump some guilt on him.
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...Rebecca seems to be a character that’s mostly there to recap the lore and also to dump on Yami. I don’t mind that. Yami needs to get dunked more often, and I’m saying that in S4, where the entire season’s tagline is “how many times can we dunk on Yami?”
So lets check on Yugi, how’s that kid doing? It’s been quite a number of episodes since we last saw him.
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Yep, still hanging out in the Han Solo cosplay room.
And then, because I guess everyone is just hanging out in the same 4 blocks, Mai and Tristan have a heart-to-heart.
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In the show, this conversation was Mai (who is now a serial killer) saying “Oh hey, Tristan, where’s Joey?” and Tristan saying “It’s ALL YOUR FAULT he wants to kill Valon--thanks a lot, Mai! GODS!” all indignant like.
Not how you would ordinarily talk to a serial killer, just saying. No one from the Yugi crew fears this woman...at all...and she has killed over 20 people in front of them and is trying very hard to kill Joey Wheeler all the time.
Like what would it actually take for them to fear this woman? They can’t, right?
Meanwhile, Valon is trying to explain to Joey that his obsession with Mai is in fact damaging any relationship they could have had.
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So then when you’re like OK...this is actually very valid points on Valon’s part, and Joey really does need to step back and let people make their mistakes considering Joey was barely a part of her life to begin with. But then, Valon just turns a 180 and...it becomes a catty love triangle where only one person in the triangle even feels romantic emotions.
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I just...so Valon is doing this fight because he thinks Mai is in love with Joey.
This whole time I was like “well maybe it’s more that Valon is trying to defend Mai’s right to make her own choices” but no...he just straight up thinks Mai is in love with Joey. And, in fighting Joey, Valon himself is ignoring Mai’s life choices
Just a whole lot of misunderstanding that would have been fixed with better ways than dueling with cards. At least that one guy in S2 who tried to marry Mai actually dueled HER instead of some random guy.
It just really feels like these boys are having a pissing contest and Mai was never let in on the deets that this was even happening.
Mai needs to hang out with older men. Set her up with Roland, this is ridiculous.
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Back at the RV, which got very, very big in this shot, Seto has an odd convo with Mokuba about how they are probably not going to get Kaiba Corp back. And then no one really argued with him about that.
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He’s taking it really well. Maybe because this isn’t even the first time or the second time or even really the third time Seto’s lost everything. Kid’s really freakin great at failure. At least this time Mokuba isn’t currently abducted, which is really good improvement for these two.
Outside the RV, Tristan has decided to...give up as well, just right here, in the middle of traffic. Then he gets Orc’d...these orcs are kind of like Slenderman, in that they kinda...show up...but then that’s all they do because the designers didn’t actually want to animate anything.
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And then this happens.
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God bless this story boarder for this random series of events presented in just this way.
Also here’s yet another example where Tea just has...no fear. She’s actually only out here because she was like “that’s it, we’re getting another driver” and was going to chew out Duke Devlin. The Orc being in the middle of the road was not the reason she walked out here.
Anyways, Yami killed it because everyone here can just throw cards forever, these things are not threatening.
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The subplot of everyone refusing to drive with Duke Devlin after he busted his car in Death Valley is still ongoing, and it’s still low key hilarious that no one will outright say “Duke, your driving is just so bad” and instead, Duke just has to sit there and watch Joey STEAL A MOTORCYCLE just so he won’t have to drive shotgun with Duke Devlin.
Rebecca, our plot-dump device, then informs us that Valon has Special Rules.
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Because Valon, if you’ve forgotten, has a card that allows him to physically punch his opponent in the face.
They should have invented that card a long time ago TBH.
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SO, lets get into Valons tragic backstory. First off, go turn on your Les Mis Soundtrack, because this is some old school cop stuff.
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So apparently Valon, as a child just...stayed in the system forever. We don’t know why yet, but lets just assume that it’s tragic and heavy handed. If he steals a loaf of bread and ends up in 12 Juvies (which is a line from the show and not an exaggeration--12 Juvies) then I will expect him to be singing by the end of this and I will be very disappointed if he does not.
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Anyways, he was such an asshole, that he caught the attention of some very illegal rich bastard who was trying to turn prisoners into...card murders. (it was Dartz.) because apparently...Dartz also funds prisons and that is...that is some deep lore.
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And so probably about the same time that Yugi was Dueling to the death on Pegasus’ Island, and about the same time that Marik was hanging out in the ocean next to Pegasus’ Island with a pair of binoculars, and about the same time that Noah was underneath Pegasus’ Island just watching Pegasus steal KaibaCorp, Dartz decided to make his OWN murder island--because I guess he got jealous.
Anyway, Valon won, and didn’t even need to set anyone on fire.
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Those little green things there--those are all souls of prison inmates.
Millennials got DARK, OK? Freakin...we had a show for 9 year olds that went deep into the school-to-prison pipeline and didn’t even try to hide it under any layers of symbolism. Like Hunger Games at least had two people survive.
This was a show to sell PAPER CARDS.
Now, there’s a lot of good conversation going on right now about errors in the modern justice system on not just a local scale, but on a global scale, especially regarding racial profiling and criminalization of poor, sick, and young, and we better keep pushing it. But it’s surprising when people pretend like this hasn’t been talked about for a long time. Because...we’ve been talking about it in kids and YA shows for a long time. This is not something that just popped up in 2020.
Like millennials didn’t invent this obsession with dark and gritty stories with uncomfortable themes. It’s been around for thousands of years, but back in the 90′s and 00′s, a lot of shows for YA and younger enjoyed talking about the problems with prisons and abuse of power with our justice systems--a lot. Batman, X-men, Death Note, so so many, hell, even the OC.
And like, don’t get me wrong, we still have these shows running around, but I’ve been there’s been a trend of stories (not saying names) where just...nothing bad happens. And, that’s kind of sad because...they CAN have small elements that are more progressive in them, but only brought forth with a very risk-free cotton candy fluffy coating to make the majority of the population happy.
I could go long about this, and I’m getting very cryptic. If a kid escapes to more colorful worlds where nothing bad ever happens, that’s OK--sometimes you need that, but when nothing bad ever happens surrounding certain experiences where bad things normally happen--the meaning of the story changes because it isn’t a real experience anymore.
Like I don’t want to tangent too much, and I just had to delete a lot of examples, but I know a lot of people want to write stories about misrepresented minorities and about real deal serious situations and are just so afraid of misrepresentation that they go in completely the wrong direction by not putting in anything uncomfortable at all. I think it’s important to look at the work and ask yourself is this about the minority the work should be about--or is this work about patting the majority of the population on the back and saying neat, we’ve achieved utopia without having to even do anything?
...anyway, obvi I’m ranting, but I feel like we’re taking a step backwards when it comes to the importance of kids programming and that we do need to talk to kids about prison again. This is a show about paper cards, and they don’t do a great job at talking about...the reality of prison, this was exaggerated with genre stereotypes, but at least they didn’t cover it with rainbows and unicorns, because this isn’t about how great Joey and the “normal” people are at saving Valon, this is about how society screwed Valon beyond repair, and I am 99% certain we will see this guy’s soul stuffed in a brick above Dartz’ snake fireplace.
Like, yeah he duels to the death on an island, but that’s imagery that is very close to real life prison issues. We don’t talk to kids a lot about how a lot of inmates get enlisted into the military during war times (and quite literally...duel to their death...on islands). We don’t talk about how we use inmates to betray eachother for a chance at maybe getting amnesty. We don’t talk about how a lot of the victims of this system are essentially children, and have been caught in a system of endless prison for what will probably be the rest of their lives. We don’t talk about how we’re systematically turning kids into criminals so much in kid’s shows of late...and Freakin Yugioh just did in a filler season. 
....................I think our standard for modern kids programming to talk about serious issues is way too low if Yugioh just threw this out there in a filler season, is all I’m saying.
++++++++++++++++++END OF PRISON RANT++++++++++++++++++++++
 So, Valon is free but...is he?
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Not really, he’s just gone from one jailer to another, but at least this time he gets his own room. Don’t blame him for latching onto Dartz’ dream to end the world, because the world for him has been one behind bars. He doesn’t know it. Never been there.
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It’s just interesting juxtaposed to Joey because Joey had some sort of Season Zero history with a gang and I haven’t watched that episode yet.
So that’s it for now, again, I’m very slooow lately. I slept for 3 hours today...and I don’t know why. But hey--we all got through three (four???) months of this...we just gotta go...one month at a time.
That and I accidentally did my taxes early so there’s that. See? Good things still happen.
Also, because I only slightly referenced the most incredible movie ever made on San Fransisco soil, I’ll just leave this here. The true hallmark of our city.
Anyway you know the drill, here’s the link
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as someone who studied multiple languages in a language school, including english for 13 very long years across primary, middle and high school, and as someone who studied the development throughout the centuries of my own native language (italian) in the past 5 years of high school, let me say that this phenomenon of aave being wrongly perceived as “stan twitter slang” by so many people is incredibly interesting to me
in this post i won’t devolve into the racist implications of this phenomenon, as a white person it’s not my place to say what is racist and what is not, i just wanna talk about my own personal observation, from a language student’s point of view
as i’ve already said, my native language is italian, and before finding out about it on twitter and tumblr, i had no idea that basically 99.9% of what i thought was internet language, was actually just aave. hell, i didn’t even know what aave was
that can be very easily explained: i live in italy, i don’t know any african-americans irl. i mean, i know some Black italians personally, but in my day to day life i never hear anyone speaking english orally, and my only representation of what english sounds like is only coming from either my white italian teachers in english class, or the internet itself, and i’m sure that it’s like this for a lot of other young people here on the internet
i do find it interesting that most of non-native english speakers don’t even know what aave is, i know for sure that i wouldn’t know about it if it weren’t for Black americans talking about it on twitter and tumblr. i genuinely had no idea that Black americans even talked in a different way from nb americans until i started watching, out of my own personal choice, US films and tv shows with subtitles, instead of dubbed
besides the obvious and popularized difference between the british and the us accent (which, by the way, i could write an entire post about this thing alone, but i won’t talk about it now), if it weren’t for the internet i wouldn’t know that the UK has dozens of different accents, or that the US has different dialects, or that australians have a whole different accent
which brings me to the point i’m trying to make: language teachers should teach about the different accents and dialects; i don’t mean that they should teach you every single accent and dialect at the same time, because there’s no time at all to do that; but i mean that teachers should at least say that there are so many divergences from the usual grammatical rules within the same language
i think it’s extremely important to teach students that not everyone you meet who speaks a certain language will speak in the same way that your teacher does, which i mean yeah it should be obvious, but sometimes it just isn’t?
when you’re used for 13 years to listening to the same words being pronounced in always the same way, you start to think that that’s the only possible way to pronounce them, or that that’s the only grammar that exists
aave is especially an interesting dialect in itself because, as opposed to most dialects, is not regional, but rather cultural; and it can’t be classified as an accent because it’s not just the pronunciation of words that changes, but there are a lot of grammatical divergences from US english spoken by non-black people. it’s a dialect, but spoken by lots of different people scattered across the same country, which is... strange, and amazing at the same time
anyways, normalize teaching students about the more informal parts of a language - dialects, accents, and especially about aave in english, without treating it like a “funny” dialect, but rather as the extraordinary linguistic phenomenon that it is, students not only need, but deserve to know how complex and intricate and deep the language that they’re learning is; i think english is extraordinary as a language and i wish more people understood the complexity of it
and... don’t use aave if you’re not Black, just don’t, it’s not yours to use, and it doesn’t make you funny, especially when you don’t even know the grammatical rules, you’re only embarrassing yourself. i’m saying this as an italian who often sees non-italians trying to be funny by mocking an italian accent and doing our “funny” gestures (which are a language of their own btw)
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yakumtsaki · 5 years
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Alright you guys, sorry for the delay, I’ve had to restart this post 20 fucking times because my changes weren’t being saved in the draft and then I kept getting the ‘upload failed’ error. In case you don’t remember wtf is going on you might wanna re-read the last update (I certainly had to) which is apparently from JUNE 2018. Jfc I suck so hard. Now this was gonna be really long but tumblr wouldn’t post it so I’m breaking it up in 3 parts, part 2 to be posted tomorrow. For those that don’t feel like reading back, general recap of the last couple updates:
Jojo cheated on Wyatt with Max Flexor and my solution to that marital crisis was to adopt our first dog ever, a puppy hilariously named Maxx.
The puppy grew up to be an asshole and is constantly beating up the cats, who have turned into giant pussies (no pun intended) and are losing every fight to him despite the fact they’re named after Mortal Kombat characters. They’re a fucking disgrace to Alegra’s/Victor’s/Ronroneo’s memory and I haven’t settled on a cat heir yet because they both suck.
Jojo is perma miserable, I don’t even remember how much money away from his 100k LTW, and still not a werewolf despite my pathologically persistent attempts to make him friends with the wolf.
Fucking useless Wyatt didn’t get promoted while Komei was alive providing us with his 100 townie friends, we spent 20 updates befriending every rando that crossed our lot to secure his promotion, and then finally on the day he was supposed to become Captain Hero, Wyatt got, of course, fired and is now on track to take longer to complete his literal career based LTW than Komei took to get 6 pets on the top of their careers.
Absolutely everyone hates noogie addict Shajar, she got a Kylo Ren makeover, and we still don’t know what her sexual orientation is thanks to her ridiculous fitness/fatness turn ons and cleanliness turn off.
Golden child/10 nice points freakshow Cyneswith grew up, rolled romance with the most disturbing turn-ons/offs possible (grey hair/mechanical & charisma turn off) and the 20 simultaneous lovers LTW.
Wulf grew up into a kid, got an Amadeus makeover, is officially a Wyatt clone and the only member of this family I don’t completely hate yet.
Now I’d like to begin the first Union post in more than a year by requesting you do me a solid and lower your expectations for this thing as far down as humanly possible. Like really try to recreate the Jules Verne classic “Journey to the Center of the Earth” with your expectations here, because my brain is so fucking fried that there’s a 20% chance I randomly start citing sources at some point during this post. This grad school crap has seriously been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever. And speaking of bad trade deals, let’s get this update rolling with the man, the myth, the legend, the husband who managed to make Komei look like a dreamboat in comparison..
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..Wyatt fucking Union, née Monif. It’s been a long time, but I’m not gonna lie to you Wyatt, not nearly long enough. Looking good man, just one small question, where the fuck are your eyebrows?
-You àccidéntally deléted thém, imbécilé, et I cannôt exprèss my irritatiόn prόperly becausé I hàve non eyebrôws!
Did your selective French accent get thicker this past year or is it just me?
-It géts thickér whén je suis distrésséd, givé moi mon eyebrôws bàcc!!!
No can do, brother. Actually can do, but I think the Mona Lisa look is working for you, and more importantly I still hate you, so I’m just gonna hardcore ignore you for the rest of this post if that’s ok. Talk to me when you finally get promoted, aka never the way this shit is going.
It’s been lovely catching up.
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Jojό I mean Jojo, goddammit Wyatt, is spending most of his time building robots in the mausoleum (sweet hipster band name alert)..
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..giving financial advice in Shajar’s room (inb4 what’s the difference between the mausoleum and Shajar’s room)..
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..building evil snowmen alone in the middle of the night, like all mentally healthy middle aged men with 3 kids are wont to do..
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..and getting the piss harassed out of him by the cat ghosts in the bathroom (sweet hipster band name alert #2). How is this like the fourth time this happens in the exact same spot, will you just stop autonomously cleaning the bathroom after midnight? It’s obviously where the cats hang out, give it the fuck up already.
-I’m actively TRYING TO DIE you absolute moron, what does a guy have to do to get killed around here?
Yea can’t say that I blame you but not happening, you can commit suicide by Ghost Alegra after the kids fuck off to college, ok? I promise.
-Oh like you promised me being heir was a route worth pursuing??
Um obviously you too need to go back and re-read your own life story, because I spent the entirety of our “““cherished””” time together telling you heirship is a shitty gig at generation 2. And then to top it off you went and married Wyatt to ensure maximum shittiness, so there you go, fucking enjoy. God I am so sick of both of you losers and we’re only 5 pics in. Let’s check in with your spawn, I’m sure they can’t possibly be more annoying than their parents-
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-oh right, I forgot, this is the generation with 10/10/9 active points where the party never stops. Cyneswith are you somehow twerking to classical music?
-How else am I gonna attract all those hot senior citizens per my grey hair turn on and 20 lovers LTW?
Ok great yea I see how this is gonna go, you’re trying to entice people into voting you for heir based on how torturous playing this fucked up LTW is gonna be for me, well forget it, my readers are intellectuals and completely above such petty entertainment. (istg mofos, don’t even think about it, i already did Komei’s 5 pets career shit, i will burn this place to the ground if you saddle me with Cyneswith banging the elderly for 30 years)
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-No need to worry your stupid little head, I will beat Cyneswith for HEIR just like I beat her HAIR up daily! HAHA!
Shajar no offense but you’re a fucking war crime of a sim, nearly everyone who’s ever met you hates you including your parents, and the fact that you’re the alternative here is really not helping my situation in any way. Also how the fuck are you gonna be heir when the only thing you seem to be attracted to is giving noogies, you’re like one week away from college and I still don’t even know if you’re str8 or gay or bi or w/e the fuck you are. You have Jojo’s personality combined with..
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..yes exactly, DANIEL’S SOCIAL ABILITIES. I mean I was joking with the whole ‘Shajar’s the spawn of Satan’ thing, but this combo of traits was clearly drawn up in Hell’s boardroom.
ANYWAY. It’s a snowy Sunday morning, and anyone who has been a teen knows what that means:
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Time to go clubbing! Man I remember being like 15, waking up on a freezing Sunday morning and my mom making me a cup of hot chocolate before I drove off to the club. Those were the days.
-Uh, Shaj, when did you learn how to drive?
-Don’t be stupid, Cyneswith, people don’t need to ‘learn’ how to drive.
-They absolutely do, actually.
-Well what can I tell you, the dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
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-Here we are, safe and sound! Celebratory noogie!
-How many times to I have to explain this to you, Apartment Life townies are not people.
Can’t argue with that logic. Let’s just go in and find out what Shajar’s sexual orientation is once and for all so I can spend the rest of this update aggressively promoting Wulf’s candidacy.
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Now I consider ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ one of the dumbest sayings there is, but even I have to concede that this particular picture truly is worth a thousand words. Quick poll, what is more horrifying, Shajar’s literal Joker face or Cyneswith, whom I’ve never seen read a book ever, autonomously pulling one out in the middle of the dance floor, in what I can only assume is an attempt to attract old perverts with the schoolgirl routine?
And I know what some of you are thinking, you’re like ‘bro, you’re just reaching to make a bad joke bro, Cyneswith is just a sweet nice introvert and not like other girls, she doesn’t feel comfortable in the club’, well to that let me reply with another picture that is worth a thousand words:
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Yea that’s right, on the first minute of our first time out WE RUN INTO THAT ONE ELDER TOWNIE THAT HAS WRINKLE MAKE UP ON. GODDAMMIT CYNESWITH
Do you guys remember how Jojo was obsessed with Stephen Tinker as a teen? Are you seeing the connection here?? Those kids have literally inherited the worst possible traits from both their parents turned up to 11, it’s fucking unreal.  
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Right after I get over Wrinkle’s presence I turn around and what do I see, those 2, who have never had a non-noogie physical interaction, autonomously doing the family kiss thing. I didn’t even catch it on time because I was loling irl, we came out here so these assholes can find age-appropriate partners, and instead they’re kissing each other. Seems about right with this family, and clearly Striped Scarf’s dumb ass ships it.
-They look so much alike, it’s meant to be!
Yes, and they even share the same last name! Talk about written in the stars.
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Thankfully Abhijeet is here to save us from incest by perving on Cyneswith. GTFO ABHIJEET. Anyone like ‘bro townies just autonomously come to greet your sims on community lots regardless of age, stop calling them perverts’, see you in about 5 pics down.  
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I try to have Shajar chat up Striped Scarf and suffice it to say Shaj ~stole her heart~ and presumably put it on this stick to wave around.
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NO. CYNESWITH NO. I’m seriously having déjà vu of all the times I was like ‘NO. JOJO NO’, jfc.
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Shajar is unsurprisingly exhibiting no interest in socializing with anyone around her, instead she’s trying every activity this terribly lit place has to offer, and she looks demented while doing it:
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I’m feeling a primal urge to photoshop Darth Vader’s melted helmet on the bowling ball here, someone please remind me to do it for the heir vote photoshoot.
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That’s Denise Jacquet?! I can’t tell who anyone is for shit anymore. The default replacements are a scourge upon premade brands, I’m getting rid of them pronto. Speaking of scourges, where the hell is your sister?
-Who cares?
I wanna say ‘me’ but we both know that’s a lie.
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-So you see Cyneswith, just because something is technically ‘illegal’, doesn’t mean it’s morally wrong-
Yea yea fascinating stuff, now get out of the hot tub or I will fucking neuter you, I don’t know if a eunuch mod already exists for medieval games but I will make one if it doesn’t.
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Here, Cyneswith, drink some water, have a nice G-rated convo with your sister about violins and stop pissing me off. 
-First of all this is straight vodka.
-Secondly Shajar is talking about Mozart’s coprophilia.
-I sure am.
Amazing. Well, I guess it’s at times like these when you need to look inside your heart and truly ask yourself, what did you expect from Jojo’s children.
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-Ha, I went home and put on my most elderly-looking formal wear!
-I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave Ab <3
CYNESWITH SHUT UP. I can’t believe you people are actually making me miss Gunther’s teenage whoring, at least he kept it age appropriate.
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-Is some random lady pressing her breasts against my head?
She most certainly is, Shajar, because it is now crystal clear that this bowling alley doubles as the site of annual perv townie convention and we walked right into it-
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-and it’s also clear we have serious issues and are enjoying ourselves. Shaj I legit don’t know what to tell you, this is the first time you get along with someone right away and it just had to be the adult with the bad haircut and the flasher’s trench coat???
-You’re damn right it did.
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Alright then, I’m officially going to nope out of this situation, safe in the knowledge you’re a noogiesexual and nothing will actually happen with this freak, so I’ll focus on Cyneswith instead who is much more of a loose canon. 
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Here Cyn, talk to this guy, who I’m 90% sure is the same guy your father rejected in favor of stalking Stephen Tinker when he was your age.
-Ohhhh, he’s dreamy!
Omg really?? Halleluj-
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-oh never mind, you were of course referring to adult ass Brandon Lillard. I do like that our townies have recurring roles each generation, we should make rejecting Blondie a rite of passage in this family. We should also officially gtfo because this is happening:
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-Um, now that I’m looking at you in harsher lighting, it’s gonna be a no from me dawg. 
Oh, thank the fucking lord.
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-Let’s celebrate the fact we didn’t get hopelessly obsessed with any adults here by doing the traditional Dance of Normality!
-We beat Dad’s genes, we beat Dad’s genes!
-We’re normal!
Yes, and we’re definitely showing it. Can we please leave now so I can make sure I’ve uninstalled Inteenminator and turn off free will? 
-Nop! Venue change!
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-Got-out-of-the-car celebratory noogie!
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-Made-it-to-the-door celebratory noogie!
Shajar you unironically have a noogie addiction, I’m not kidding in the slightest, you need to see a doctor.
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Great, great, not another teen in sight and to top it off Denise followed us here to ensure maximum elder presence. I feel comfortable officially declaring this day a complete waste of time.
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God, the vintage pink dress and the pink alcohol combo is some straight up current era Taylor Swift nonsense. That’s it, we’re outta here, back home where no one is lurking, waiting to strike at us-
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-The Lord is my shepherd.
-Nop, I’m over it. Goodbye heathens, it’s been nice, hope you don’t find your paradise. 
UGH SOPHIE, my beloved Westboro lunatic, the last gangsta generation 1 cat we had.. I can’t believe you’re gone and all I’m left with is stupid Goro and D’vorah who can’t even beat up the fucking dog. This is truly painful.
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Yes, pets, I agree, Kaylynn is completely to blame for Sophie dying of old age. The time has now come to decide on a cat heir-
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-and since Goro ran away like a little bitch after Sophie’s death despite the fact he didn’t even like her, he’s automatically disqualified and will be going off to live on Melody and Daniel’s farm once returned to us. Congratulations to D’vorah I guess, on being the least terrible of two terrible options. 
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On the topic of terrible heir options, Cyn has non-stop wants to go on dates and have her first kiss and all that crap, and since our Sunday morning clubbing was a bust we invite over the matchmaker.
-Hello there young Union, I see your house has been upgraded since I was last here.
Oh right we haven’t required your services since Daniel was a teen and we lived in a trailer, well we are flush with cash now!
-Hopefully your payment reflects that.
It will!! Just please give us someone good, I can’t deal with single teen Cyn for one more second.
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-Oh my, what a beautiful BLANK PIECE OF PAPER.
-What do I look like to you, a money thawing service?
Does such a service.. exist??
-It does not, so I have to go home and use a hairdryer on this!
Just come inside and we’ll give you non-frozen money!
-No, no, you’ll get what you paid for..
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-Have a magical time!
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Lakshmi this was so fucking evil that I almost want to age you down and see if you and Shajar hit it off. 
-As if, the whole neighborhood knows what you did to Komei.
Helped him achieve his insane 6-pets-career LTW?
-Turned him into a servant while your sim was lounging around all day!
Oh yea I did do that. But Wyatt was also a townie and he does literally nothing, Jojo is the servant now!
-Only because Wyatt is too fucking stupid to do things! Word has gotten out, no townie will ever marry in this family again unless they’re brain dead, so it’s Wyatts only for you from now on, sister!
Well this has been a complete fucking disaster. It was great seeing you again, Lakshmi, thanks for the dream date with the adult farting machine, 5k well-spent.
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Pretty sure it was you bro, and yes, how about we don’t do that again.
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Wyatt has brought over Amanda from work! (Aka Victoria’s only friend and subsequent lesbian lover, who is really pretty and is definitely getting married in at some point, preferably after the brown hair genes have been weakened so we can go back to being gingers.)  
-Wow Shajar, your grandmother, God rest her soul, mentioned you were her favorite and now I can see why! Loving the Kylo Ren look!
-Is someone being genuinely nice to me?! What is happening?
-Yes, please stop being nice to her, Amanda, we don’t want her getting used to it.
Jojo istg.
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-Cyneswith dear, tell Amanda all about how much money your grandmother left you so she can stop being nice to Shajar. 
-Soooo much money, Miss Amanda!
-Ah, what a polite child I’ve single-handedly raised.
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-Now, Cyneswith, you really need to get back on the dating scene so you have ample time to find the perfect spouse and continue our line, since you’re clearly the only one of my children that is remotely heir material. 
-Dad, Shajar and Wulf are right next to you.
-Oh they are? I’m wearing my special contact lenses that make those disappointments invisible to me, but even better, they need to hear this. Shajar is a noogiesexual and thus incapable of reproduction, and Wulf is not even a Union, I mean have you seen that kid? Wyatt reproduced by himself like the amoeba he is. Now, your grandmother-
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OH FUCK VICTORIA, deleting the default replacements gave you base game hair!!!!
-That’s the part you’re scared by, not my Beetlejuicesque entrance?
There’s literally nothing scarier than your ghost sporting this haircut for all eternity, I’m re-downloading that default immediately. 
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-Oh mom, so good to see you! Let me just hug my beloved child, Shijer-
-Shajar, dad.
-SHAJAR, let me hug Shajar, like I do all the time. 
-I’m glad to see you’re not picking favorites among your children like I did, the way I treated David-
-Daniel, mom.
-DANIEL, is the one thing I’ve truly been regretting in the afterlife. That and not skinning Marisa Bendett alive when I had the chance. 
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-Well, as you can see by Shajar’s totally normal and not at all shocked reaction to my hug, I am a wonderful, fair, and emotionally available father. 
(Bruh this freaked me out so much when it happened, I mean I KNOW it’s an animation glitch but I was convinced my sims had become sentient for a good while after)
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-Is your grandmother’s ghost still on the premises?
-When will this nightmare end, paying attention to you is the worst. 
-Ok she’s gone.
-FINALLY. Now it’s back to the crypt for you, and don’t you dare go complain to her urn!
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-Ah, Stephen, Stephen, my life is crap and I can’t even🎵
And with the knowledge you have composed a theme song for Stephen Tinker, part 1 of the Union comeback update is concluded. Will Shajar’s sexual orientation reveal itself? Will Cyneswith find true love? Will Jojo become a werewolf? Will Wulf continue to be the only dignified member of this family? Will D’vorah have kittens? Will Wyatt do literally anything worth mentioning? Tune in for parts 2 & 3 to find out, unfollow button on the upper right corner for those who need it. 
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mbti-sorted · 4 years
How sure are you about George Harrison ISTP? I saw an interview, and he checks all the boxes that I use for identifying INTPs, so I clearly have something to learn. Would love to know more about how you typed him.
Anonymous said to mbti-sorted: I’m sorry to be asking you to explain your typing, but I’ve watched George Harrison go from ENFJ to INFJ, I could be remembering this wrong but I think at one point ISTP, and now INFP. I would love to know the details.
The Saga of Typing George Harrison:
1. ENFJ.  So you may or may not know that the original posts were a result of going through popular INFJ lists and thinking “I know @infj-zen, and I know people who I think of as consistent with her.  But none of these celebrities are consistent with the INFJs I know.” 
George seemed like an NF, but not an INFJ, not an ENFP, and not like ME (if you find someone who is like you, but off a little in a way you can’t put your finger on, it can make it really difficult to recognize them as similar to you - more on this later) or anyone else I thought was an INFP at the time.  And since I didn’t have a large selection of INFPs to compare to, I thought probably ENFJ.
2. INFJ.  After a while of gathering ENFJs, George again seemed inconsistent within the tag.  Maybe he actually was an INFJ?  Again, I still didn’t have anyone in the INFP tag who seemed like him.  The accent and the uncertainty of ‘perhaps on drugs?’ lets you excuse a lot of behaviour as being maybe an unusual version of another type.
3. ISTP.   Remember how I said George didn’t seem like ME?  @infj-zen had a lot of difficulty acknowledging that some of the INFJs that were less like her were right, and so the INFJ tag got typed and retyped a lot until it felt consistent to her.  A lot of those people returned to the INFJ tag, but George was one of the ones who didn’t make the cut.  But if he wasn’t ENFJ or INFJ or ENFP, and he wasn’t like ME…. an S type?
I’d just moved bunch of people to ISTP, so I was probably, at this point, just getting tired of dealing with it.  I have a tendency to stash people in types where I know they’re probably not right for a while in hopes that the next time I see them, it will all be clear.  Also, since tumblr had issues with the search function not working a while back, I started storing all the typing info in about four different places (tumblr -obviously, wordpress, folders of images by type and spreadsheet of all the asks/typings).  It now takes longer to retype since I have to do so in every place, so I get kind of cranky and avoidant about multiple retypings (why can’t things just be easy??)
4. INFP.  I found someone IRL, who @enfjpuppettheatre finally met and identified for me as an INFP.  I had been thinking maybe an INTP, because again, not like ME, and was resistant to the idea, but, she does know her NTs best of all of us and I came around eventually.  (Grudgingly).
Very happy to have George typed (with consistency!) now, and to be expanding the INFP tag as I find more people who are kind of like him.
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cosmicbug379 · 4 years
Get to know me game!
I was tagged by @longitud-de-onda-Thank you love! <3
I’m supposed to tag 21 people but I am not going to do that because I don’t think I even know 21 people and also I don’t want to annoy people.Also I added a read more because it got SUPER long and I don’t want to annoy people. 
Nickname: My dad calls me Bug, but he’s the only one who does 
Real name: Kylie
Zodiac: Okay I’m not into astrology so I spent like 20 minutes trying to figure this out, so if anyone would like to tell me what this means go for it, but I am apparently a Taurus sun, Taurus rising, and Aries moon
Favorite musicians/bands: Marianas Trench is number 1, followed closely by Josh Groban (don’t judge me), Queen, Elton John, Scott Helman, Jonas Brothers, Peter Hollens, Celtic Thunder and a lot of Broadway Musical casts 
Favorite Sports Team: I don’t really care that much about sports, but I was raised a 49ers fan because my dad grew up near San Francisco and I do enjoy tennis and my favorite player is probably Rafael Nadal and I also like Roger Federer and Serena Williams
Other blogs: none! But I’m contemplating starting a side blog for my writing
Do I get asks: Not many, but I love them when I get them!
Tumblr crushes: OH BOY
@rzrcrst is the love of my life and I adore her. Her fics are amazing and she’s a literal ray of sunshine and is just so absolutely kind and lovely and encouraging and she’s the reason I started writing again, and the reason I started posting my writing on Tumblr.
@longitud-de-onda is a beautiful wonderful person and I love her fics so much. She’s so kind to me and always encourages my writing and I love reading her comments about my writing. 
@lannister-slings-and-arrows another lovely fic writer who’s work I enjoy immensely. Also her tags on just about everything are both hilarious and relateable  and I love reading them
@tarrevizslas yet another lovely fic writer! A beautiful writer and also a very sweet person. She also always encourages my writing and is just an angel.
@landlockedmermaid77 is my irl best friend and she’s always so lovely and supportive and I haven’t been able to see her in over a month because of this stupid virus and I miss her so much. I promise I’ll start working on that Will Miler fic for you soon my love!
Lucky numbers: 17
What I am wearing: black It:Chapter 2 sleep shorts that say “Loser’s Club” and have a paper boat on them and a Dragon Age tank top with all the Love Interests from the first game on it and that is also way too big for me and shows a lot of side boob, but that will not stop me from wearing it lol
Favorite Food: Steak!!! and french fries! And I will also never turn down chicken nuggets.
Dream vacation: I’ve always really wanted to go to Ireland and Scotland. They’re so beautiful and green and I LOVE Celtic music and I’ve just always wanted to go. Plus if I go, maybe I will meet a cute person with a beautiful accent and we will fall in love lol
Dream car: I like cool fast cars and a Tesla would be cool if Elon Musk didn’t suck so bad. BUT I am also very small and I like to feel tall so I would also love a pick up truck or a jeep!
Drink of choice: Coke babeeey. but not Pepsi that’s gross. and water, I really love water for some reason
Instruments: I can KIND OF play the piano? Like well enough for vocal warm ups and to play a part for me to sing with, but like not very well. I used to play the flute and the clarinet but I was okay at the flute and terrible with the clarinet, the only song I actually played will on clarinet was when we did Duel of the Fates from Phantom Menace and that’s because I only had to play like 6 notes the whole time because it was the background “duh duh duhduhduh” thing over and over again. I do sing though! I love to sing and it’s my favorite and I wish I sang for people more because it’s like the one thing about myself I like and I’m not insecure about. 
Languages: unfortunately just English. Unless you count the little bit of Elvish I know because I’m a fucking loser.
Celebrity crushes: PEDRO PASCAL. Also Indira Varma, Oscar Isaac, James McAvoy, Diego Luna, Gal Gadot, Antonio Banderas (dude Take the Lead, Spy Kids, and Zorro really did a number on me as a kid), Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund, Orlando Bloom, Kiera Knightly, Johnny Depp, Robert Pattinson, Nathan Fillion, Brendan Fraser in the Mummy really did it for me and so did Rachel Weisz and the guy who played Ardeth. Okay I should probably stop.
Random facts: I have three tattoos, I can sing Phantom of the Opera if I have warmed up properly and I sing it very loud and also if I am alone and no one makes fun of me. I haven’t done it in a long time though so I would definitely need to practice before attempting it again. I have a scar on my leg from when I went to Maine with a friend and her family when I was in middle school (my family lived in New Hampshire at the time so it wasn’t that far) and my friend and I were walking in the ocean and the water was very cloudy and there was a huge rock I didn’t see and I ran into it and literally put a hole in my leg, like an actual hole, this was like 10 years ago and the scar is still there clear as day. I remember the lifeguard who bandaged it was named Jack and only remember because I was going through a huge Pirates of the Caribbean obsession. Oh, and it got infected so badly that if I hadn’t gone to the doctor when I did (about a week and a half after it happened) I would have had to have my leg amputated, but lucky for me I just needed some antibiotics! I was an Astrophysics major when I was still in school, and before that I was a theatre major and that was VERY fun. I also got about halfway through the baking program at my local tech college before I left because of issues with my mental health and because I wanted to go to school for theatre and music. I would love to go back either for Astrophysics again (this bitch fucking loves space) or Music/Vocal Performance.
Okay sorry that got SUPER LONG. If you read all of it, good for you and thanks! If not that is also okay because I don’t know how to shut up, and also I like attention but you’re not obligated to give it to me.
Tags! @lannister-slings-and-arrows @pascalisthepunkest @astrolo-galaxy
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saltyfilmmajor · 6 years
To start off, yes, I’m doing another essay on this. (Mel, this doesn’t change the fact that we are fighting because you know I’m right. So, write a paper or admit that I’m right.) This was requested by @sweetbouquetartisane because she wants to hear my thoughts on why I find Mr. Tom Cruise attractive, on a physical level anyway. And I am very inclined to write this first in the series of essays that will come out soon. But I digress, the main point is that Tom Cruise is a very good-looking man and that characters he plays from movie to movie bring out very different responses from me. So let’s dive head first on the characters of Barry Seal, Jack Harper, Ethan Hunt, and Danny Kaffee. This order corresponds from least favorite to most favorite. I don’t hate any of these characters. In fact, I love them. A little too much. But l Digress. 
American Made, for me as a film, was something I wished to watch for the historical nature of it, given that it sort of documents the situation surrounding the Iran-Contra affair (look forward to that essay soon). And so when I watched it the very first time this week, I was excited. I had never watched a film that directly talks about this stuff, especially with such a big-name star like Tom Cruise. He plays Barry Seal, a very crazy man irl who worked for the CIA and The Medellín Cartel and ultimately died before the Iran Contra Scandal went public. Now I’m supposed to hate this character very much cause of his involvement with said cartel and CIA, but from his very first words, he grabbed my heart and never let go. GOD, he’s so fucking charming it is insane. He speaks in a slight southern accent, he flies like a mad man. HE SPEAKS FUCKIN SPANISH, I JUST.
So, a bit of context about why that is important. Before I watched this film I was away in Guatemala visiting family for two weeks. Because of that, I was limited to Spanish only conversation. It got me thinking. Mel and I had a discussion on this about how great it would be if Ethan Hunt would speak Spanish on screen. We never get to hear it in a movie, and it was a very fun conversation. So I watched American Made the day I returned home, not knowing that Tom would be speaking Spanish. I FUCKIN LOST MY SHIT. I just couldn’t FUNCTION. And he starts off with very limited Spanish and over the course of the movie he gets a bit better. MEL AND I JUST LOST IT. I showed it to her the second time I watched (but she does not like Barry, she likes Schafer and she hasn’t watched to the end of the film.)
The outfits they put Barry in this movie, like in every scene almost, he has the Sleeves™ and Mel and I LOVE THE SLEEVES. Tom Cruise with rolled up sleeves, very good yes. Also, Mel, I know you appreciate when Tom is wearing a uniform and he wears a pilot uniform for a good portion of the beginning of the movie. 
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HE LOVES HIS WIFE SO DAMN MUCH. AND WHEN SHIT HITS THE FAN THAT’S THE ONLY THING HE CARES ABOUT, HIS FAMILY’S WELLBEING. THE VOICE KINK IS STRONG IN THIS MOVIE FOR ME. (yes Tumblr I have a voice kink, the least Extra™ of any kink I’ve ever admitted to, shut up. Well, that and the Sleeves™.) Also, he fucks his wife in a plane and it just stresses me the fuck out but also makes me feel things. I’m very conflicted about it.
Jack Harper, The Softest™ Man. I can’t thirst over him, it breaks my heart too much. BUT THAT WON’T STOP ME. Look, he just wants to live a peaceful life away from this bullshit. And HE JUST LOVES THE EARTH SO FUCKIN MUCH. AND VIKA IS JUST A STICKLER FOR THE RULES. LET HIM KEEP HIS FLOWER FOR FUCK’S SAKE. PLEASE DON’T HURT HIM HE JUST WANTS TO BE HAPPY AND LIVE LIFE ON EARTH. (also, he does have that scene where he’s restrained and its…. fuck)
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Ethan Hunt. Ethan Fucking Hunt. THIS MAN DRINKS RESPECT WOMEN JUICE FOR BREAKFAST LUNCH AND DINNER. He is such a badass and he cares so much about his loved ones it’s crazy. He just wants to protect the world and he fights his government to do the greater good. He clings of a plane, free climbs the side of mountains, marries Julia in the hospital before the mission (and then proceed to fuck in the medical supplies…JULIA YOU ARE A NURSE WHAT THE FUCK.)  He looks damn good wearing a tux and riding a bike. He has the sleeves in fallout. I just love him a lot.
Like ok look, not to go too in depth about Ethan’s character (Look forward to that essay as well) but he is an Extra Spy who cares too much and risks his life because ultimately he cannot let anyone die. He won’t allow it. The mission is all he has left, he has no life outside of that because he learned early on that the risk is too much for his loved ones. He’s always ready to die for the sake of a mission, and he speaks French and Russian. So, in turn, he dedicates himself to being the best agent, not for the sake of his government, however, (because the government is shown to be very sketchy.) It’s the embodiment of the thesis posited by James Bond in Skyfall. In Skyfall, when Bond is meeting  Q for the first time they have this conversation of Technology vs Old-school Tradecraft
Bond: Oh, so why do you need me?
Q: Every now and then a trigger has to be pulled.
Bond: Or not pulled. It's hard to know which in your pajamas.
Ethan Hunt is the embodiment of the critical thinking in the espionage trade. By that I mean, after his first mission gone wrong, he thinks about the decisions he makes. And it’s nice that people consider the consequences of their actions and don’t go shooting everyone who crosses their path. Ethan Hunt Certified Badass and Respecter of women. (also he has the scene in with the pole). He has an engineering degree and he was in the army. He DOUBLE MAJORED IN ENGINEERING AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS! HE’S A SMART BOI AND I LOVE AND RESPECT HIM VERY MUCH! JUST LET HIM LIVE A HAPPY AND NORMAL LIFE. (also he has those scenes...)
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And lastly our last candidate for evaluation. You know who it is, THAT’S RIGHT. LT. DANIEL ALLISTER KAFFEE SMARTEST SMARTASS TO EVER SMARTASS IN THE HISTORY OF SMARTASSERY. (Did I ever mention I have a thing for lawyers?) This is different from all the others I’ve mentioned here. Like Kaffee is not the Tom Cruise Action Hero™ he is a quietly intense drama boi. He’s insecure and masks it with a layer of cockiness because he is afraid of the shadow of his father’s legacy. It’s just so sad. He’s a very smart Boi who doesn’t apply himself because he understands that litigation is an artwork to itself and he’s trying to make sure his clients get the best deal possible. He knows that if his case goes to trial he cannot control the outcome, he can present his case but at the end of the day, it is up to the jury to decide whether his clients are guilty or not. I could discuss Kaffee, my actual husband, all day. He has some certifiable looks in this movie.
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And my absolute favorite HIS CLASS A UNIFORM.
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This man is such a disaster, he doesn’t know how to eat apples, he gets sick on boats (Jesus Christ Kaffee, You’re in the Navy.) All he has in his house is Yoohoo and Coco Puffs, He has a baseball bat fetish (not the sexual definition, the witchcraft one.) He fuckin walked in the rain drunk af and then proceeded to drive a few blocks looking for Joanne, while still drunk (Sam WHAT THE FUCK, WHY DID YOU LET HIM DRIVE???) When he tells Jessup to return to the stand and he drinks water, he’s fuckin shaking. He swears when he’s frustrated. His voice, oh my fuck, HIS VOICE. He gesticulates a lot in court as well (I’m thinking about his cross-examination of the doctor specifically) I don’t know why but I find that endearing. The way he speaks in court is so smart, and when he whispers, It just. IT’S Like ASMR but I like it instead of being creeped out. He just, GOD HIS VOICE. I LOVE IT. He never has a pen on his person, like Danny, sweetheart, please. He just. GOD I THINK I’M IN LOVE.
So that’s essentially my Deep Dive™ on Tom Cruise characters that I’ve watched this week. He’s just so charming in all these roles and they all have something different to offer. All are distinct people: Barry Seal, the most fucking reckless man ever. Jack Harper, the softest soul who just loves earth please just let him keep his flower. Ethan Hunt, the most badass Extra™ spy who consumes gallons of respect women juice. Daniel Kaffee, my Harvard educated smartass who is very fucking stupid. Each of them just provides me with a very different experience emotionally, but they all have their merits and I love them all.
(Mel, fuck you. I’m Right.)
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batsysims · 6 years
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didnt wanna do an actual Simself Edit™ so have an arrested development reference
i was tagged by @0cherub & i tag any1 who hasnt done this yet bc who doesnt like answering 125 questions abt themselves oh also @flavortowne im forcing you to do this sry
get to know me tag
1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? its batsy dont worry abt it
2. WHAT IS YOUR NICKNAME? its batsy dont worry abt it
3. BIRTHDAY? september 15
6. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE AUTHOR? ummmm idk lmfao i havent “read” a “book”” in like 5 years 
7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE RADIO STATION? 35 & 36 on sirius are like basically the exact same station but that doesnt mean i dont constantly alternate between the two whenever im near a radio
8. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FLAVOR OF ANYTHING? pink is a v trustworthy flavor
10. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE SONG? what kinda question is this wt f ive currently reobsessed myself w marina and the diamonds so honestly any of her discography
11. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORD? idk any words :^/ sry
12. WHAT WAS THE LAST SONG YOU LISTENED TO? wheels on the bus im exhausted
13. WHAT TV SHOW WOULD YOU RECOMMEND FOR EVERYBODY TO WATCH? man in the high castle. man in the high castle. man in the high ca
15. DO YOU PLAY VIDEO GAMES? almost exclusively sims and fallout but every once in a while some indie game i find on steam so. yea
16. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? never doing anything in my life and having nothing 2 look forward to!! yay
17. WHAT IS YOUR BEST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? probably my resiliency, maybe?? idk
18. WHAT IS YOUR WORST QUALITY, IN YOUR OPINION? my habit of allowing bad things to happen to me lol
19. DO YOU LIKE CATS OR DOGS BETTER? cats but im sorta kinda indifferent 2 both i think i might 1 of the 5 ppl on earth who dont like having pets
20. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? summer and fall
23. WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND? @flavortowne eye emoji
25. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOR? its natural brown but im thinkn abt going either red or blonde again
26. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU LOVE? like 3 ppl irl and everyone on discord u guys legit
27. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU TRUST? my person and @flavortowne eye emoji
28. WHO IS SOMEONE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? tom hardy. what is his end goal
29. ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXCITED ABOUT/FOR SOMETHING? tbh going 2 basic lmfao im!! lame
30. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST OBSESSION? as of right now,, spiderverse lol
31. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TV SHOW AS A CHILD? teletubbies was fckn legit and so was old school spongebob
33. ARE YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? im not superstitious,,, but i am a little stitious
34. DO YOU HAVE ANY UNUSUAL PHOBIAS? i cant deal w fishing poles idk
36. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE HOBBY? sims or stitching play foods 4 the kid to use on her play kitchen
37. WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? stop asking book questions
39. WHAT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY? piano & i try 2 pretend i know what im doing w a ukulele
42. WHAT SUPERPOWER DO YOU WISH YOU HAD? i had an oc that could read ppls memories like a scrapbook if he touched them and i always honestly thought that was. cool
43. WHEN AND WHERE DO YOU FEEL MOST AT PEACE? in my house!! the door b locked bitch!!!!
44. WHAT MAKES YOU SMILE? toddler being an idiot toddler
45. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY, IF ANY?  its not really,, a sport,, but i bike
46. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? cream soda in those glass bottles is top tier non-alcoholic beverage
47. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A HAND-WRITTEN LETTER OR NOTE TO SOMEBODY? i wrote a letter 2 my person telling him he was an idiot and by the time it was mailed 2 his house i was already living there lol
49. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? either ppl blowing vape in my face or holding something so close to my face i cant see i just go ballistic
50. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A CONCERT? nope unless u count a sesame street liveshow like 10 years ago
53. WHAT FICTIONAL WORLD WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN? this is horrible but the setting of new vegas i just feel like id be at home there, w the radiation and constant danger and dehydration
55. ARE YOU SCARED OF THE DARK? only when im looking in the mirror adlkfj start thinkn abt a different face showing up instead of mine idk
57. HAVE YOU EVER SKIPPED SCHOOL? skipped a whole year adlfkj
58. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PLACE ON THE PLANET? this is basic but i miss the tri-state area
59. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE? this is basic but i miss nj
60. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? yea :^/ a dog, a cat, and uhhhh 14 fish
61. ARE YOU MORE OF AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? night owl but honestly im just always tired
64. DO YOU PREFER EARBUDS OR HEADPHONES? headphones. they just work
65. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? nah but i need em
66. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GENRE OF MUSIC? i listen to everything tbh
67. WHO IS YOUR HERO? michael cera
68. DO YOU READ COMIC BOOKS? i used to read them religiously but not so much any more. i am reading the TAZ graphic novel tho
69. WHAT MAKES YOU THE MOST ANGRY? having to repeat myself 20 times. or being an idiot when i wanna start a new hobby
71. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? honestly i had a blast in econ and my law enforcement class
72. DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? a bro, another sibling, and a half-bro
74. HOW TALL ARE YOU? every time i measure myself im 5′2″ but the government insists that i am 5′3″ so w/e
75. CAN YOU COOK? yeap
76. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU LOVE? alcohol, bike riding, wearing stupid makeup
77. WHAT ARE THREE THINGS THAT YOU HATE? ppl holding me back, bird box, when my nail breaks before i can file it so its all oglee
78. DO YOU HAVE MORE FEMALE FRIENDS OR MORE MALE FRIENDS? uh idk?? i dont have,, many,,,, friends
82. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? 2 nights ago the kid pistol whipped me in the chin w her phone and it just hurt so bad it legit made me lose it
83. WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER? ok this is dumb as shit the kid is obsessed w Blippi and i have a mom crush on him afdslfkjs
85. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE APP? i am currently obsessed w L.O.L. Surprise! Pop but all in all probs Pocket Camp
86. WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR PARENT(S) LIKE? bad as parents but theyre fine now that im an adult and they have a grandkid they can like
87. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOREIGN ACCENT? i dont like a majority of them lmfao but idk maybe uh?? irish
88. WHAT IS A PLACE THAT YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TO, BUT YOU WANT TO VISIT? rly wanna go to nevada but im moving to the mojave soon anyways so
90. CAN YOU JUGGLE? nope
91. ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? i was raised christian but i dont rly give a shit abt any of that
92. DO YOU FIND OUTER SPACE OR THE DEEP OCEAN TO BE MORE INTERESTING? outer space my dood the ocean is dumb and scary
94. ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO ANYTHING? i mean. im lactose intolerant but thats abt it
98. DO YOU PREFER THE FOREST OR THE BEACH? forest ig bad choices
99. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF ADVICE THAT ANYONE HAS EVER GIVEN YOU? i dont think i was ever given advice, ever. maybe thats why im like this
100. ARE YOU A GOOD LIAR? idk i try not 2 lie unless its like. an obvious exaggeration for the lols
101. WHAT IS YOUR HOGWARTS HOUSE? wtf idk ok i just did one of those quizzes & im a slytherin?? what does that mean
103. ARE YOU AN INTROVERT OR AN EXTROVERT? more of an introvert but im ok w going out there if i gotta
104. DO YOU KEEP A JOURNAL/DIARY? i keep one for the kid but thats abt it
105. DO YOU BELIEVE IN SECOND CHANCES? nah. unless it was something stupid like burning food like im not gonna ban u from the kitchen
106. IF YOU FOUND A WALLET FULL OF MONEY ON THE GROUND, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? if theres an id i guess mail it 2 the address on there?? idk ive never just. found a wallet. i think this happens a lot less than all the hypotheticals make it out to be
107. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE? if theyre dedicated to it. i dont think ppl can just do it over night and i dont think its ever a 100% change
108. ARE YOU TICKLISH? dont touch me
110. DO YOU HAVE ANY PIERCINGS? 2 in both ears but thats it
112. DO YOU HAVE ANY TATTOOS? no :^( once im cleared for them tho deffo
113. WHAT IS THE BEST DECISION THAT YOU’VE MADE IN YOUR LIFE SO FAR? i hate that this is the answer but enlisting adlfkjs
114. DO YOU BELIEVE IN KARMA? yeah ig??
118. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING MEMORY? idk?? i get embarrassed but also get over it quick so like. idk
122. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON TV? i was on nickelodeon back when they had those cuts to the Live Studio Audience™
123. HOW OLD ARE YOU? 21
124. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE QUOTE? “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.”
125. DO YOU PREFER SWEET OR SAVORY FOODS? savory i almost never eat anything sweet
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jayfreezin8 · 3 years
at 28.
Throwback to the days when I’d waste my junior high days doing these surveys on Facebook. This post brought to you by looking through old Tumblr posts!
Who was your childhood crush? had a few irl... but for celeb crushes, i loved pete wentz and orlando bloom Do you like Red Bull? nope. Do you drink regular or diet sodas? not a big soda drinker, but regular coke or root beer is ok. Would you rather eat your pizza cold or hot? hot. What are you doing tomorrow? work. probably work on a puzzle. have anxiety. then sleep (hopefully) Are you over the age of 21? yep. i'm 28 holy shit. Would you rather date a girl/guy with a British accent or an Irish accent? i'm down. Where is the biggest scar on your body? two scars on my legs. Are you trying to avoid something by filling surveys out? nah. my life is boring. Have you ever had fake nails? i have. i find them annoying. Do you say the “f” word a lot? more than i should, not as much as i want to.   Has someone seen you naked in the past month? nope.  Does everyone deserve a second chance? yes, if they are truly repentent.   How many concerts have you been to? around 15, probably more. When is the last time you wore a dress? i wear a lazy dress almost every day. a formal dress? october 2018 when a friend got married Do you believe in karma? not karma really, but i do believe in natural consequences for a person’s behaviour, good or bad.  How many days until your next birthday? 298 days.   What are your plans for this weekend? work work work work work. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? nope. What’s irritating you right now? the fact that nothing in my life is easy and it fucking sucks right now. Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? yes.  Do you get distracted easily? very. pretty sure i have some form of undiagnosed adhd Is this year the best year of your life? 2020 was shitty, but i swear 2021 was the worst year of my life. Do you have a best friend? sure do. she’s the greatest human i know. (<---- same answer as last time, still as true as ever) Do you think it’s right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced? i honestly don't give a fuck. Last thing you drank? tea or water Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? yeah. but the feeling has passed Would you marry for money? despite everything, i'm still a bit of a romantic. so i guess no. Have you had braces? nope. You sleep more on your back, front,or sides? mostly front and sides.   Do you get along with your parents? not really.   Have you ever had a birthday party? yes. not since high school though.  What should you be doing right now? cleaning, probably. How do you feel about your life right now? bleh.   How’s this week been? so far, terrible.  What happened at 11:30 am today? i think i was doing a puzzle.  How did you feel when you woke up today?
ok. Kiss on the first date? why not.  Would you ever donate blood? i’ve donated before. Have you ever driven without a license? nope. What time did you go to sleep last night? i think around 12am Where did you buy the shirt you’re wearing now? maurices   Did you sing at all today? i did not actually.   When’s the last time you cried? couple weeks ago Do you believe in love? i do believe in love, just not sure if the romantic one is in the cards for me This time last year, can you remember who you liked? i haven't "liked" anyone in many, many years. Two days from now this time, where will you be? probably the same place. at home, in bed or chair. Do you think anyone has feelings for you? romantic feelings? probably not.  Have you ever thought you were going to marry someone? yeah. i thought i was gonna marry my high school bf, but thank god i didn't because he's a nut. Do you get butterflies around the person you like? used to when i was younger. i haven’t liked anyone enough to experience this phenomena in a long time.  Who was the first person you talked to today? i have literally spoken to no one today   How late did you stay up last night and why? 12am, probably because i couldn't fall asleep earlier Do you smoke weed everyday? nope.  Could you go a month without cursing? doubtful at this point. Have you ever ridden a horse? yes. and i will never again. it was a terrible experience.  You can take one friend on vacation with you, who? definitely mady. (but honestly i'd probably prefer to go by myself) You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life, what is it? can’t decide between coffee and chocolate milk and water. (because i am both a grown woman and a child.)  Have you ever been nice to someone who treated you like crap? yes. i’m nice to pretty much all people. or at least i try to be.  Are you anything like you were at this point last year? i've had a backslide over the past year. i was a lot more self-assured and hopeful last year.   Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn’t? yes.  When was the last time you felt like your heart was actually breaking? last week.  Who are your favorite people to talk to when you’re down? mady, sometimes. that's it. Does the person you like, like you back? no such person exists in my life currently.  When’s the last time you talked with the opposite gender on the phone? Who? couple days ago and it was my brother.   Do you think you are a good person? i try to be. What did you do today? watched youtube. did a puzzle. made tea. stress. What will you be doing in 3 hours? i should probably take the garbage out. Do you miss the way things used to be? yes.   Have you held hands with anyone in the past three months? nope.  Does anyone call you baby? nope. and no one will because i hate that.  Are you a patient person? definitely not. especially when the situation involves stupid people.   What were you doing this morning at 8AM? sleeping.  Have you ever thought you liked someone, and then found out that you really didn’t? this is a weird question because i feel that if you think you like someone, that means you like them. doesn’t matter if you change your mind later. that’s okay. Do you believe ex’s can be friends? i think it depends on the situation. me with my exes? nope.   What is the last thing you said out loud? idk Are you ticklish? a little bit Has anyone ever mistaken you for someone else? yes.  Do you like to text or call more? text. i quite literally never call people.  Do you have any kids? nope. What are you wearing right now? sweatpants and a tshirt   How was your day? bleh. What color are your eyes? grey-ish What are you listening to? pod save america podcast   How are your grades? well i took a semester off from school because of my mental health. Do you like sports? meh. sometimes hockey.
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myloveholtzy · 7 years
SNL Adventure 1/27/18
I actually wrote a super long post yesterday but Tumblr glitched and didn’t post it ._.
anyways I am incredibly grateful that I got to see Will Ferrell dumb anecdote: but my family doesn’t really have a lot of traditions and never celebrated a lot of holidays, but we watch Elf every year without fail and idk I just really love that we have that and idk thank you Will
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@blazermckinnon​ and I checked out the line on Thursday night and there were already 10 people so we freaked out and got in line at 1:30 AM Friday morning lol so that’s 30 hours in line
Also it was 26°- 34° so here’s what I brought and wore:
big sweater
2 pairs of pants
2 pairs of socks
winter coat
sleeping bag
snl blanket
HotHands Hand Warmers (LIFESAVERS my feet and hands were freezing so I bought a pack from Duane Reade)
I was super warm and actually got a lot of sleep lol
I think they let in 40-50 people? Not quite sure, but blazermckinnon and I were 3rd and 4th in line for dress rehearsal and we got to sit in the front row of the center section! Best seats we’ve had since the Melissa McCarthy show!
I’m starting to get tired of Che’s standup because he just reuses the same jokes. I remember a lot of his bits, but I won’t give them away because they’re good lol what works works I looooove the warmup song so much asdfghjkl Kenan, Cecily, Kate, and Melissa have great voices and I adore them 💕Kate usually does something different every time. This time she did a air guitar windmill lmao When Will walked onstage as Bush everyone started screaming and cheering! blazermckinnon described seeing him as surreal and honestly yeah it was crazy I never imagined I would get to see him perform right in front of me. I remember watching The House last summer and thinking about how I would probably never get to see Amy or Will irl asdfghjkl They cut Kate from the monologue. She was supposed to come up to Will and ask if he was okay and he said something like, “It’s Kate McClinton!!!!” They also changed the line, “Lorne Michaels! The rudest man in show business!” to “Lorne Michaels! The rudest man in show business! You know it’s true, you get off on it!” idk I just thought it was funny The cast and crew seemed a lot happier, like they were all just excited that Will was there. I feel like they’re always stressed and worried about time, but I saw a lot of them smiling and laughing with the audience. The energy was just different and I’m really glad I got to be a part of it ☺️ I saw Kate dancing before the Reality Stars sketch and the Chucky Lee Byrd sketch! Also saw her sneeze and idk why it’s funny but she makes a face when she sneezes Before the Dinner Discussion sketch, Kate was trying to drink tea or something and she was struggling not to bump into anyone. She had a panicked look on her face and idk it was funny and relatable BIG MOOD I also saw Chris and Luke dancing before the Flight Attendants sketch lol Alex couldn’t stop laughing during the Commercial Shoot sketch and waited for Kate afterwards to compliment her Che was shaking his head when Colin told a bad joke lol and again during Pete’s bit (which was cut)
They cut a sketch where Mikey played Pinocchio, Will played Geppetto, Kate played the blue fairy, and Kyle played Jiminy Cricket. It was kind of dumb and had too many dick jokes but Will made it really funny with his accent and dancing lol They cut a sketch about a bring-your-daughter-to-work day at RE/MAX with Will, Aidy as Will’s daughter, Beck, Cecily, Melissa (as someone else’s daughter), and Heidi. It was pretty funny, but also kind of awkward? I understand why they cut it lol Mikey had a weekend update character called My Man that got cut. He talked about identity theft. Colin didn’t know his character’s name and just called him my man, my dog, daddy-o, etc. Pete talked about filming a dockers ad and how he had to ask strangers to take their pants off and exchange them for dockers. It somehow got really dark LOL but I like the joke he started with:
Colin: What happened to your arm? (gestures to Pete’s cast) Pete: Oh I punched a wall. It’s a really funny story! See, I have mental health problems. Colin: Oh? Pete: That’s it. That’s the whole story.
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Chris told us that he wants to make a different face for every picture lmao I love him so much he’s one of my favorite cast members right now
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Told Melissa that I love her new haircut and that made her reach up and touch her hair and she looked really happy and told me thank you!
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Colin, Beck, Kyle, Mikey, Luke, and Heidi also came out but didn’t really stop for pics because it was raining
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Thank you again to everyone that added me on snapchat!! I really appreciate it! I feel like I annoy everyone when I add a bunch of pics to my story on my personal account because they don’t actually care about snl that much
Really loved the show!!! I don’t think I’m ever going to get sick of watching the show live it really means a lot to me 💕💕💕
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I answered a lot of shit cause i was bored. enjoy or don’t i don’t fucking care
1: Name: Cheynne.
2: Age: 21
3: 3 Fears: Dying alone, never finding actual love, everyone dying but me because of something I could have stopped.
4: 3 things I love: Music, Good movies, Good acting and good accents in movies.
5: 4 turns on: Good smile, Nice eyes, If you look like you could kill me, nice hair
6: 4 turns off: Being a dick, Entitlement, if you act as if I owe you something, not telling me I upset you or did something wrong and then being an actual dick when telling me whats wrong.
7: My best friend: IRL? Myself. Online I have many.
8: Sexual orientation: Asexual panromantic
9: My best first date: Didn’t have one
10: How tall am i: 5’2. 5’3 if I stand up all the way.
11: What do I miss: When I felt true emotions.
12: What time were you born: 3:02pm
13: Favorite color: Black. Because it is the absence of all colors and I just like it,
14: Do I have a crush: On people I know? No. On actors yes. Many.
15: Favorite quote: “never more quoth the raven” and or “all we see or seem is but a dream with in a dream”
16: Favorite place: My bed.
17: Favorite food: Pizza or Chicken
18: Do I use sarcasm: no…none….
19: What am I listening to right now: Barns Courtney “hellfire”
20: First thing I notice in new person: Eyes or How they speak, like volume and tone.
21: Shoe size: 8.5 or a 9 depending
22: Eye color: Greenish hazel
23: Hair color: Natural is like a dark brown
24: Favorite style of clothing: Comfortable, leggings and my hoodie
25: Ever done a prank call?: Not that I can recall
27: Meaning behind my URL: I liked how it sounded in my head
28: Favorite movie: Currently…jeez…uh either CA:CW or CA:WS
29: Favorite song: Gasoline by Halsey
30: Favorite band: Don’t have one currently
31: How I feel right now: Dead inside…like normal
32: Someone I love: Love is very hard for me cause of things
33: My current relationship status: Single
34: My relationship with my parents: ummmmmmmmm Emotionally destroying. My father(s) can fuck off. And my mom is just a whole can of worms
35: Favorite holiday: Halloween
36: Tattoos and piercing I have: I have 2 tattoos one on my back and one on my wrist. I had my labret and my nose at one point.
37: Tattoos and piercing I want: *shrugs* idk man
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: Cause I hated myself. Idk actually it was in like 2012 so
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?: We don’t speak so
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: Hahahaha you act like I have IRL friends and family who actually care. no
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: My mother..yes
42: When did I last hold hands?: 2-3 years ago
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: less then 5 minutes
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days?: yep
45: Where am I right now?: My house. On my bed
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: Myself.
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: depends on what I am doing or where I am.
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Fuck no. thank god
49: Am I excited for anything?: Um Avengers: IW, Season 3 of Animal Kingdom, and Joe coles newest movie.
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: No
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?: every time I leave the house.
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?: Last Friday, One of my bosses left the store I work at.
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?: Ew. I don’t like having to see my mom kiss her boyfriend.
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: Yes and No
55: What is something I disliked about today?: Waking up to some shitty shit.
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: Finn and Joe Cole o I could tell them they are actually so amazing at every role they do. Sebastian Stan. And Bill Skarsgard
57: What do I think about most?: Fanfic ideas
58: What’s my strangest talent?: I can do a weird thing with my middle fingers.
59: Do I have any strange phobias?: Holes in things. But only sometimes
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Behind
61: What was the last lie I told?: Idk honestly
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Online
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: Yes, and Yes
64: Do I believe in magic?: I mean if I didn’t my witch sisters would be a little peeved at me.
65: Do I believe in luck?: Yes
66: What’s the weather like right now?: grey and rainy
67: What was the last book I’ve read?: smoke gets in your eyes: tales from the crematory.
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?: yes
69: Do I have any nicknames?: yes
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?: I worked in a deli and my hand slipped one night and I needed 6 stitches. My finger is forever warped from it
71: Do I spend money or save it?: both
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?: nope
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: yep sissors
74: Favorite animal?: Sloth,
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: watching “redlight” Cillian Murphy in that movie. Hes amazing
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Well he is just a fallen angel right, god cast him down and all archangels have no last name so.
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: You are my sunshine.
78: How can you win my heart?: Understand my past is very fucked up and in such has caused me to become a very unemotional and uncaring person at times.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: Finally
80: What is my favorite word?: Cunt
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr: @roman-ova @imaginesoverreality @animalkingdom-anonymous @bookofreid and so many more so
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Fuck off
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?: Yes
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: Teleportation.
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: How people really feel about me.
86: What is my current desktop picture?: A gif of Pietro from AOU
87: Had sex?: Nope
88: Bought condoms?: nope
89: Gotten pregnant?: nope
90: Failed a class?: many
91: Kissed a boy?: yes
92: Kissed a girl?: a few
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?: nope
94: Had job?: yep a few
95: Left the house without my wallet?: yes
96: Bullied someone on the internet?: when I was young and very dumb
97: Had sex in public?: Nope
98: Played on a sports team?: Only in PE and I wanted to die
99: Smoked weed?: Nope
100: Did drugs?: Nope
101: Smoked cigarettes?: yes
102: Drank alcohol?: yes
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?: Nope
104: Been overweight?: Still am bitch, hypothyroidism is a whore
105: Been underweight?: nope
106: Been to a wedding?: Yes.
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: every day
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?: yeah
109: Been outside my home country?: yep
110: Gotten my heart broken?: yep
111: Been to a professional sports game?: yes, hockey, basketball, and baseball
112: Broken a bone?: nope,
113: Cut myself?: I self harmed for 9 years so
114: Been to prom?: yep
115: Been in airplane?: yes
116: Fly by helicopter?: Nope.
117: What concerts have I been to?: Warped tour 2011, blood on the dance floor like twice.
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: Bitch….every day
119: Learned another language?: Yes German 1 and 2 in high school
120: Wore make up?: yep
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?: nope still am bitch
122: Had oral sex?: nope
123: Dyed my hair?: yes. All the time
124: Voted in a presidential election?: yep in the…2016..
125: Rode in an ambulance?: over 12 times
126: Had a surgery?: yes 2.
127: Met someone famous?: Yeah one of the guys from La ink and a few authors
128: Stalked someone on a social network?: yeah…who hasnt
129: Peed outside?: yes
130: Been fishing?: yes
131: Helped with charity?: yeah
132: Been rejected by a crush?: every time
133: Broken a mirror?: yes
134: What do I want for birthday?: My family to actually give a shit about me.
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i was tagged by @babypaulchen <3
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people (i wont tag anyone but feel free to do this)
— what was your last…
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my gf because I went home and wanted to know if we need some groceries 3. text message: to my best friend 4. song you listened to: “Wieder keine Zeit” by Feeling B cause my playlist decided its Feeling-B-time lmao 5. time you cried: last week because I m a melancholic lil shit
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: yes 7. kissed someone and regretted it: YES but I neither think nor talk about it 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yes but only ONE time and there is no need to happen again
— fave colours
12. BLUE in all its shades  13. black ( although its just a shade of light and not a real color #artistshit) 14. actually every color except for pure red (makes me aggressive af)
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: ye 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes because of talking strange shit with my workmate  18. found out someone was talking about you: uh... not that I can remember 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: yes and I’m glad everyone in my circle of friends is someone I can trust 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: yes
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: there is a bunch of irl friends
23. do you have any pets: yes my cutie of a black vampire cat!!! He lives at my grandparents home and his name is Tosker cause I’m a dumbass and thought Tosca is a male name lmao
24. do you want to change your name: nope
25. what did you do for your last birthday: celebrated it with my family (the same procedure as every year cause its the 23rd of december and in germany its one day before christmas)
26. what time did you wake up today: around 9:30 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching Scrubs
28. what is something you can’t wait for: /HYPE/ visiting Hamburg with my gurl <3 and SEE TILL LINDEMANN ON STAGE ASDFGHJKL
30. what are you listening to right now: B******** by Rrrrrrrrammstein
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: guests at work asking fucking dumbass questions
33. most visited website: Tumblr, dict.cc (my english is not the yellow from the egg lmfao - only germans will understand)
34. hair colour: brown with some lighter accents
35. long or short hair: short 
36. do you have a crush on someone: uuuuuuuuh mayyyyybeeeee its Till Lindemann atm maybe not WHO KNOWS /jazzy hands/
37. what do you like about yourself: my eyes and that I can kinda draw
38. want any piercings: yes
39. blood type: uh I have actually no clue
40. nicknames: Lou, Neo
41. relationship status: given to the most wonderful girl in the world @wiener-blut
42. sign: capricorn with fear of heights which is ridiculous for this kind of animal lol
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv show: ehm like ... there are a few rlly good and I can’t decide... 
45. tattoos: one (the logo of one of my  fav bands (its NOT R+))  but there will be MORE even if I kinda “promised” my mum
46. right or left handed: right handed 47: ever had surgery: nope
48. piercings: earrings 49. sport: I used to play volleyball at school ... let’s talk about sth else
50. vacation: I LOVE to travel, sadly I don’t have money to do so
51. trainers: nope thats against my morals and my coolness /cough cough/
— more general
52. eating: DID I HEAR FOOD?! but only the good shit
53. drinking: uh mostly water and tea hehe /gets drrrunk on teeeeeaaaa/
54. i’m about to watch: /shrugs/
55. waiting for: my brain to be more creative and my inner fangirl to shut up about SATURDAY /E S C A L A T E S/
56. want: head bang but this will end up with some bad neck pain
57. get married: yes but only because of better conditions AND because I m a sucker for romantic stuff
58. career: uhhhh .... some cool pirate princess/prince
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: both? both! both is good.
60. lips or eyes: eyes (eyecolors are the shit! and i’m kinda superstitious so i think one can learn much about a person through their eyes)
61. shorter or taller: i dont care actually, but taller lmao
62. older or younger: I like my men older but my women younger (my gf said so while she laughed her ass off)
63. nice arms or stomach: nice arms
64. hookup or relationships: relationships
65. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: yes 68. turned someone down: yep
69. sex on first date: nope
70: broken someone’s heart: no. (rare self-confidence breaks through)
71. had your heart broken: nah
72. been arrested: no
73. cried when someone died: yes, the day David Bowie died /cries/
74. fallen for a friend: /waves at my gf/
— do you believe in
75. yourself: only when I’ve talked long enough with myself to actually convince me
76. miracles: no
77. love at first sight: no
78. santa claus: yes /pouts/
79. angels: YEA
— misc
80. eye colour: blue-gray-ish
81. best friend’s name: Aljoscha <3
82. favourite movie: hmmm let me think about it for the next decades
83. favourite actor: it used to be Johnny Depp for a long time. now I’m not sure, but I still like him
84. favourite cartoon: does One Piece count as a cartoon?! (that was a big part of my teenage years)
85. favourite teacher’s name: my history advanced course tutor Frau Böhnisch (formerly Cieslak)
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donghun-s · 7 years
the very large sp3arb tag
so @sp3arb has tagged me in a total four tags recently and i’m finally getting around to all of them!! tysm for all the tags, meri (btw i love your name?? i think its super cute!) and i hope you learn a bunch of unnecessary stuff abt me lmao (under the cut bc this is a long ass post)
i dont have a name for this tag
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
im not tagging anyone bc im bad at things and most ppl i wanna know about, meri has already tagged so
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo - I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority  - I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling - I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie  - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages [i don’t speak two, i speak one and sign in another] - I have made a new friend in the past year
alphabet tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by Roxanne ( is it ok if I call you Roxy? I like Roxy) Actually @lxx-fxlix  And for some reason it did not give me the notification you did, I was casually stalking your blog when I saw:
A: age? 16 (01 liner)
B: birthplace? North Carolina
C: current time? 7:53 pm
D: drink you had last? Arnold Palmer (half sweet tea, half lemonade)
E: easiest person to talk to? for me, it’s my irl best friend gwen and my best friend on here, krys
F: favorite song? oof i’m super indecisive so i’m just gonna commit to mayday by got7 (it always changes but mayday has stayed on my constantly rotating playlist for nearly six months now; most are on for six weeks, max)
G: grossest memory? uh probably when one of my swim lesson kids tried to eat a bug (they were like four) and i had to make them spit it out into my hands 
H: hogwarts house? proud slytherin!!
I: in love? i love a lot of people, but i’m not IN love
J: jealous of people? not anymore, my self-esteem has gotten so much better in past years
K: killed someone? uhm a couple of times in fics (*cough* jinjin in not like this *cough*)
L: love at first sight or should i walk by again? not love but pls walk by again bc i’m probably enjoying your aesthetics
M: middle name? christine
N: number of siblings? one, an older sister
O: one wish? to adopt a kid with no family or an unhealthy one (obvs when  older and financially stable)
P: person you called last? my sister called me yesterday morning, and before that i had called my friend to tell him abt a near death experience when i was driving
R: reasons to smile? something good will happen to you, you’ll meet someone wonderful, and there’s always new experiences to happen
S: song you sang last? poet by bastille (an underrated fave)
T: time you woke up? about 8 am
U: underwear color? light heathered grey
V: vacation destination? i’d love to go to greece someday! santorini would be my first choice, and then my great-grandparents old village near thessaloniki
W: worst habit? probs my dermatillia (picking at acne on my face until it bleeds, then picking at the scabs, leaving a bunch of scars that will never go away)
X: x-rays? i got one on my tailbone one time, two years after i sprained it bc my mom didn’t believe me
Y: your favorite food? uhhh most anything tbh; i quite like the honey butter chicken sandwich from pdq
Z: zodiac sign? libra
✨ Fun Facts Tag ✨
Rules for this are:
Have fun with it!  
Tag some of your mutuals
1) Favourite colours:
orange!! and after that, any kinds of pastel or muted darks
2) Favourite song at the moment:
lotto by exo has been on replay in my head, my car, and my earbuds
3) Last book you read:
the sun and her flowers by rupi kaur
4) Last TV show you watched:
i tried to watch part-time idol bc hyunbin from jbj was in it, but within the first 15 minutes they set up an unnecessary relationship so i had to nope out of there real hard; i then reverted back to rewatching white collar for the fifth time
5) Last movie you watched:
does john mulaney’s nerflix comedy special comeback kid count?? if not, probably nightmare before christmas way back around christmastime
6) If you have a pet whats their name?:
four dogs: pheonix, kino, midge, and bess; three horses: little man, gem, and andy (ironically i’m allergic to dogs and horses, and my dad keeps buying more)
7) If you have siblings how many?:
one, my older sister
8) Favourite thing to do on a weekend:
i love doing my swim lessons and seeing all my kids!! i haven’t been able to lately bc of the weather, 
9) Best tumblr friends:
i only talk to @cheesyramynry on a daily basis, but i have a lot of blogs that i consider friendly acquaintances or casual friends as well!!
10) Favourite thing about yourself:
i value my compassion and empathy above all else; i am very much the mom friend and love to be it
11) Favourite memory:
ah i have so many; i think rn i’m gonna go with this past christmas, bc it was my last one with my grandfather
12) 3 weird habits:
swallowing gum, taking all my pills in descending size order, i tend to mimic how a singer sounds when i sing along to the song (ex: if they have a british accent, i’ll subconsciously sing in a british accent; if they stress certain syllables in certain ways, i’ll do it too)
13) What would you call your style?:
comfortable (stretchy jeans, t-shirts, hoodies) and with a few signature Gay Things (jean jacket, flannels, oversized mens’ button ups, a couple gay/bi pride shirts)
14) Odd talent:
if i have lyrics in front of me to a song i’ve never heard before, i can predict the pattern of the tunes and rhythm and sing along the first time
15) Do you have a tumblr crush?:
literally all of aroha and all of the sk fandom (y’all are the loveliest fandoms i’ve ever been a part of)
the stray kids tag
Rules: answer the questions in a new post, and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I’ve decided that in celebration of Stray Kids pre-debut album I needed to create a tag. The ultimate goal for The Stray Kids Tag is to learn about your Tumblr mutuals, and have fun answering the Stray Kids related questions!  Here we go:
1: When did you decide to join the Stray kids fandom?
i saw a thread of information abt the suspected nine members before they were officially announced and was like ‘yes i must stan them and love them with all of my heart.’ so uh,,,,, back in august or september??
2: What is your favorite episode of Stray Kids? uhm, i’m gonna expose myself rn and let y’all know that i’ve never actually seen a full episode of the show; as soon as i heard it was gonna be a survival show, i knew that i couldn’t watch it bc my heart was too weak and i was emotionally incapable of becoming too invested while watching it; but from clips, i quite like the episode with the 3:3:3 mission, and also the last episode when all nine were reunited and told they were going to debut together
3: Who would you say is your bias in Stray kids?
my initial one was chan, and they i got rlly confused, and then slowly came to realize that it was jeongin (anything else after that is a fucking mess)
4: Who would you say is your bias wrecker in Stray kids?
literally kill me all of them bias wreck me so hard bUT hyunjin, jisung, seungmin, and chan have been wrecking me so hard in particular lately
5: What line would you want to be apart of in Stray kids? uHHH not dance line bc swimmers have 0 coordination on land; i quite like singing even tho i’m not good at, so probably that, but i can also hit all of chan’s english rap parts in 3racha songs, and keep up with lafayette’s raps in hamilton, and a lot of the english rappers i like too so uh,,, sign me up for rap line too
6: What is the first song you heard of Stray kids? hellevator
7: What is the first song you heard of 3racha? i think it was either hoodie season or runner’s high
8: What is your favorite song on their pre-debut album?
young wings or school life or yayaya (or grr or 4419 or glow or hellevator)
9: What is a concept you’d like to see Stray Kids try in the future?
i love their current optimistic and slightly rebellious teenager concept rn bc its an Eternal Mood; but i always love myself a soft boyfriend concept 
10: if you could meet with the members of Stray kids for one day what would you say to them?
how proud of them i am, and how proud of themselves they should be; i would tell them about how they’re saying things that resonate deeply for their fans and i love that they’re talking abt real world problems; i would also make sure to tell them (chan and 3racha especially) to make sure to rest more, and eat well, and take care of themselves emotionally as well as physically; and finally i’d like to tell jeongin how wonderful he is and that he’s doing so much at such a young age (lmao he’s actually eight months older than me but that’s no the point) and to never lose his cute little smile
finally done!! meri, if you actually read all of this, uh thank you????? i hope you now know everything you wanted to know abt me, and probably more than you wanted to know
i’m bad at tagging people, so if you also made it this far and haven’t done some of these tags, choose one, or a couple, or all of them and do them yourself!! just say that i tagged you!!
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ofthewind01 · 7 years
Another Tag Thing
Tagged by @hyrulehearts1123​ - am I supposed to be doing things?
...Yes actually. But screw that.
Rules: Answer all questions and tag 20 people.
1. What is your nickname?
I don’t have too many, I prefer my real name (which I’m not revealing), but I have been called Windy and Sketch a lot.
2. What is your zodiac sign?  
Taurus. Whoo.
3. What is your favorite book series?
I don’t read as many books as I used to, but the original Percy Jackson is up there.
4. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
Not really.
5. Who is your favorite author?
Uhm...unsure. Again, I don’t read a lot. NEXT!
6. What is your current favorite song?
Ok, my favorite song pretty much changes weekly, but right now it’s a mix of Dangerous (Left Boy Remix), Two Birds and Older and Taller (Regina Specktor), Animal (Minor Key Version, Chase Holfelder), and who knows what else.
7. What is your favorite word?
Puscilanimous is a fun word. I like that one. I like many words. Too bad I can’t always speak them right.
8. What was the last song you listened to?
Closer + All Star Remix (DJ Dwibbit). I don’t even know why but it’s not bad.
9. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
The Great British Baking Show. It’s just so comforting, and honestly so much calmer than American Baking shows. Just so sweet and welcoming.
10. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
I spend more time on Youtube than on movies. It’s kinda sad. That and I overanalyze movies way too much. That being said, I just found an amazing movie called Ethel and Ernest and I’d highly reccomend that as a feel good (or feel bad) movie.
11. Do you play video games?
Heheheh no
12. What is your biggest fear?
Being unnoticed or unsuccessful. Or that I’m not doing enough. Or FOBO.
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion?
Uhm... I’m quiet? I’m not loud and obnoxious. Or interesting.
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?
I’m too quiet, and really passive. And I have a weird way of jumbling the English language.
15. What is your favorite season?
Fall and Spring are especially pretty.
16. Are you in a relationship?
Good question.
17. What is something you miss from your childhood?
Times where kids in the neighborhood would play outside together. Nowadays everyone is inside on their devices.
I’m not blaming them though, it’s friggin hot and humid down here in the day.
18. Who is your best friend?
I’ve got 4ish irl best friends, and some good friends all around, but I’m hoping to continue making new ones.
19. What is your eye color?
20. What is your hair color?
Brown. I’ve got the complexion of a turd.
21. Who is someone you love?
Family and close friends
22. Who is someone you trust?
Completely? Not many people. My parents? Probably?
23. Who is someone you think about often?
Characters I’ve made. It’s dumb but I think about fictional situations a LOT.
24. Are you currently excited about/for something?
I just started concepting a new comic that I’m hoping will be a success - right now it’s got a bit more potential than my other ideas.
25. What is your biggest obsession?
Writing and art, and Youtube. All good.
26. What was your favorite TV show as a child?
I watched a lot of PBS kids as a child, we didn’t have cable. But Fetch with Ruff Ruffman was a good one I always loved.
27. Do you have any unusual phobias?
Not really? I’m not that interesting. 
28. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
Behind. I want to work in film after all.
29. What is your favorite hobby?
Concepting, for art and stories alike.
30. What was the last book you read?
I haven’t read a book in a while =u=‘ I can’t remember. I’m probably going to read Les Miserables soon though.
31. What was the last movie you watched?
Ethel and Ernest. Great movie. Srsly.
32. What musical instruments do you play, if any?
I played French horn for a while, I could still pull that off.
33. What is your favorite animal?
EVERYTHING, mostly cats though. And dogs.
34. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
I don’t pay much attention to tumblr.
35. What superpower do you wish you had?
Flying. Or wind. Both very useful. However, the process of growing wings is awful.
Trust me I would know.
36. When and where do you feel most at peace?
The beach at night.
37. What makes you smile?
Corny puns, being in good company, cracking bad jokes.
38. What sports do you play, if any?
I was in Marching Band for 4 years - IT’S A SPORT
39. What is your favorite drink?
Sweet Tea, original or wild berry.
40. Are you afraid of heights?
If I have no protection, yes.
41. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Arrogant people who will defend a point without compromise or insight. And sudden loud noises. And little brothers. Ahem.
42. Have you ever been to a concert?
A few, nothing hugely popular though. Mostly Christian stuff... I need to get out more.
43. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An artist? I didn’t think about jobs much, but I always wanted to create.
44. What fictional world would you like to live in?
Something peaceful. Zootopia would be cool.
45. What is something you worry about?
I worry a lot ok that’s not new. What other people think of me is a big one.
46. Are you scared of the dark?
Only when alone.
47. Do you like to sing?
I’ve been in choir since kindergarden - what do YOU think?
48. Have you ever skipped school?
Nope. I was a good kid. Good and boring.
49. What is your favorite place on the planet?
Not sure, I haven’t been too many places. Florida beaches are really nice though. And so are the North GA Mountains.
And LA is especially beautiful. It’s pretty much all of that rolled into one.
50. Where would you like to live?
Big city, big opportunities. Like where I live now - ATL.
51. Do you have any pets?
A skiddish cat and a younger brother.
52. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
Early bird - I’m always the first one awake at a party. But I can play with the family pets then.
53. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
Sunsets. You don’t have to be up super early.
54. Do you know how to drive?
Yep. Not the best though, I’ve hit a parked car before.
55. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
Earbuds, they’re not as clunky.
56. Have you ever had braces?
Yep. For 2 years.
57. What is your favorite genre of music?
I’m not picky, but Alt. is my favorite.
58. Who is your hero?
Too many people, my parents are up there with people like Malala Yousafzai and John Lasseter. 
59. Do you read comic books?
Sometimes. I read a few webcomics, and run one myself though.
60. What makes you the most angry?
Sudden loud noises, and consistent loud noises. And arrogant world leaders. And arrogance in general.
61. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
Real book, I do get a bit more bored with electronic reading. Plus, books can’t die.
62. What is your favorite subject in school?
Art! And calculus. Not sure how that works.
63. Do you have any siblings?
A younger brother. He’s awful.
64. What was the last thing you bought?
...food probably. I like food. I think it was Moes.
65. How tall are you?
5′2″. It doesn’t help I’m skinny and short.
66. Can you cook?
I can, with a recipe. 
67. What are three things that you love?
Thinking, writing, drawing. 
68. What are three things that you hate?
Loud noises, rampant childishness, and those who think that the first two will give them power.
69. What is your sexual orientation?
I’m somewhere between straight and ace. Does that make sense?
70. Where do you currently live?
Georgia! Come for the who knows what, die of humidity.
71. Who was the last person you texted?
@hyrulehearts1123​ and another writing buddy. Yay writing buddies.
72. When was the last time you cried?
I think Sunday, for all of 10 seconds. I hate crying. I just do.
73. Who is your favorite YouTuber?
IHateEverything, as of right now. Having fun with that series.
74. Do you like to take selfies?
Sometimes, they don’t really turn out all that good though.
75. What is your favorite app?
If I had a favorite it would probably be iFunny.
76. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
Pretty good, they’re great parents.
77. What is your favorite foreign accent?
Children with accents - it’s just so friggin cute!
78. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
England, or anywhere in Europe really. I’ve never been there.
79. What is your favorite number?
Yours ;) jk I don’t have one
80. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
Space. Galaxies are breathtaking.
81. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
I’m pretty much the opposite of a daredevil.
82. Are you allergic to anything?
One type of obscure medicine. That’s about it.
83. Can you wiggle your ears?
84. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
Pretty often, even if it’s not my fault. That’s not healthy is it?
85. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
I like both too much to choose. Forest (when safe) is probably better though.
86. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
“If you don’t feel stupid, you’re not working hard enough.” - My dad about working hard
87. Are you a good liar?
Occasionally. I wouldn’t let you know though.
88. What is your Hogwarts House?
Gryffendor and Hufflepuff. Gryfflepuff? 
89. Do you talk to yourself?
More than I talk to real people.
90. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert. 100% Unless I’m around extroverts. Then I’m a dork.
91. Do you keep a journal/diary?
Only of story ideas.
92. Do you believe in second chances?
Yes, but it’s less likely someone deserves them after a long period of time of repeated actions.
93. Do you believe that people are capable of change?
Yeah, people can change. But people can also change back.
94. Are you ticklish?
I used to be... thanks friends.
95. Have you ever been on a plane?
Yeah, a bunch. Is that a new thing?
96. Do you have any piercings?
Nope, I hate needles. Hate them.
97. What fictional character do you wish was real?
idk. All fictional characters have pros and cons to bringing them to the real world.
I’m too analytical aren’t I? Let’s just go with Calvin and Hobbes. They’re harmless.
98. Do you have any tattoos?
Nope. I’ve only thought about one, but, once again, NEEDLES.
99. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
When I switched from a public school to a private school.
100. Do you believe in karma?
Eh, not really. People make choices that affect them in the long run, that doesn’t mean it’s a supernatural thing.
101. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Nope. I’m the only one with perfect vision in my somewhat extended family, until you hit some of my cousins.
102. Do you want children?
I couldn’t handle more than one kid. Maybe a dog will work instead.
103. Who is the smartest person you know?
My dad, personally.
104. What is your most embarrassing memory?
I can’t think of anything ultra-embarrassing right now, but I have a tendency to screw up the english language in strange and creative ways.
105. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
Only once, a while back. I need my beauty rest.
106. What color are most of you clothes?
Solid colors, mostly T-shirts. I look like a middle school boy most days. Not fun.
107. Do you like adventures?
Sure! I’m up for failing miserably.
108. Have you ever been on TV?
I was almost an extra in a Netflix movie - my family was up in New York City and we stumbled onto a set, and got to take part in it. I don’t think the scene was in the actual film though.
109. How old are you?
110. What is your favorite quote?
“Do not let anyone define you because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.”
-My senior quote, from Ratatouille 
111. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods?
Savory. Sweet isn’t bad though.
112. Have your friends ever badly disapponted you?
Most of them have (not too badly though) at some point, but I love them anyways.
113.  What is your favorite scent?
Home sweet home. Too bad you can’t bottle that one up.
114. Random fact you know?
Banging your head against the wall burns 150 calories an hour. Go try it.
115. What is your opinion on long distance relationships?
They’re painful and tedious, and don’t always work out, but if the relationship is strong enough you’ll perservere. Why do you ask?
PS screw tagging people. Just screw it
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hyucksbf · 7 years
92 statements !
aaaaaaa so i’m finally getting around to doing all the tag games ive been tagged in so yeeeee,, thank u @nakamottoyuta and @thenctscenarios for tagging me !!! someone else might have but i dont remember akksdhkkh
1. drink: milk
2. phone call: uhh ?? i think my private teacher ??
3. text message: to one of my music camp friends !!
4. song you listened to: 태양처럼 by day6, specifically this live bc it’s better than the actual studio recording tbfh
5. time you cried: i cried at music camp bc i was having an internal crisis w myself aha :)
6. dated someone twice: never dated anyone oops
7. kissed someone and regretted it: i was almost kissed at music camp but thank god i avoided it bc i definitely would of regretted it since i didnt even kno the dude lmao like pls u dont just get to take my first kiss like that thanks
8. been cheated on: again,, never dated whoops
9. lost someone special: yea :(
10. been depressed: yep
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: jsjdh nope and i never will bc alcohol is just so unappealing to me
12, 13, 14: pink, orange, and purple
15. made new friends: yes many !!! i love u all !!
16. fallen out of love: no...?
17. laughed until you cried: *music camp flashbacks*
18. found out someone was talking about you: yes but in a good way
19. met someone who changed you: yes many !!!
20. find out who your real friends are: yea kinda ://
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: dont own a facebook u nerds
22. how many of your facebook tumblr friends do you know in real life: changed it bc its more fun this way but !! shoutout to my irl friends who happen to be nerdy enough to also own a tumblr: @iwriteblogpostsnotsongs @graciasysaludo
23. do you have any pets: yes sjsjhj i have my best friend davidson the cat i love him then i have another cat whos really old shes like 17 but shes a sweetheart and then we also have two doggos (three if u include my grandparents dog who lives downstairs i love him the most aaaaa) and then two guinea pigs
24. do you want to change your name: sometimes i think of other names but i think ive created a name for myself with this one so i cant really leave it
25. what did you do for your last birthday: hsjhj i dont rememeber probably a small party or smth like that ???
26. what time did you wake up: uhh i think around 10:30 ?
27. what were you thinking at midnight last night: “why the fuck am i not asleep already”
28. name something you can’t wait for: districts next year aaaaaa !!!!
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: an hour ago ??
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: have be people be more open minded and nice
31. what are you listening to right now: first time by day6 bc day6 is the Shit i love
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: probably ??
33. something that is getting on your nerves: nothing really rn,, i’m pretty content
34. most visited website: u kno what it is lmao
35. elementary: if u have not completed elementary school yet pls leave tumblr pls
36. high school: gonna be a junior next year aaaaa im Excited !!!
37. college: hopefully ?? or a conservatory would be nice hsjdjdj
38. hair color: my natural color is ugli brown ew gross,, but i’m gonna be dying it a rose gold at the end of the summer !! its basically pink tho who am i fooling
39. long or short hair: i have short hair sjssj but its so long rn i can put it up in a little ponytail if i wanted to oml
40. do you have a crush on someone: do i ?? do i not ??? i confuse myself too much
41. what do you like about yourself: i like how confident ive gotten in myself this past year,, like i can actually be myself nowadays and not feel like i have to act a certain way or live up to other people’s expectations
42. piercings: aha no last ones i had got infected so never again :::)
43. blood type: i ?? have no clue ??
44. nickname: hunter with weird accented vowels,, hoonter, dad don’t ask it happened at midnight on the band bus,,, husband also band bus antics
45. relationship status: im in love w my clarinets
46. zodiac: leoooo yeeeeeeeee
47. pronouns: he + him !!
48. favorite tv show: hskkhhd theres too many pls,, but agents of shield has been a long time fave
49. tattoos: AAAA i want so many i have a List,, i want a giant lion on my shoulder bc im a leo,, then i want a music note behind my ear (i want that to be my first tattoo) then stars and planets on my collarbones bc space man,, also wings on my back, my birthday as a barcode somewhere ?? havent decided where yet + a heart on the inside of one of my fingers
50. righty or lefty: righty !
51. surgery: havent had any yet but i will at some point
52. piercings: i had some in my ears but they became infected and gross and yea no piercings for me thank
53. sport: my parents tried to make me play soccer lmao
54. vacation: the first one i remembered was going to the outerbanks,, but supposedly we went to maine when i was a lil kid but i dont remember rip
55. best friend: we met in kindergarten and are still best friends today aaaaa
56. pair of sneakers: sketchers lmaoooo rip me
57. eating: i’m chewing gum ?? does this count ??
58. drinking: water
59. i’m about to: go write some angsty markhyuck ::)
60. listening to: colors by day6 um Emo
61. waiting for: something great to happen !!
62. want: everyone to get along ::(
63. get married: nahhh
64. career: something in music !!
65. hugs or kisses: both are cute aaaa
66. lips or eyes: both are v pretty aaaaa why
67. shorter or taller: i’ll probably be shorter than everyone anyways with my 5′ 3 ass
68. older or younger: doesnt matter to me !!
70. nice arms or nice stomach: one, both or neither wouldn’t matter to me
71. sensitive or loud: loud !!! but also sensitive ??
72. hookup or relationship: relationship shakjdsk
73. troublemaker or hesitant: a good balance between the two would be nice lmao
74. kissed a stranger: thank god i didnt wowie
75. drank hard liquor: i dont drink so,,
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: i lost my fake glasses lmao
77. turned someone down: many times yes
78. sex on the first date: uh no
79. broken someone’s heart: i really hope not ??
80. had your heart broken: nah
81. been arrested: nope nope
82. cried when someone died: i cried when my cat died ?
83. fallen for a friend: no.. ??
84. yourself: yes !!
85: miracles: the concept is nice but idk
86. love at first sight: i believe that u can like the idea of someone at first sight,, but you cant love them at as a person since you don’t know them yet
87. santa claus: nah
88. kiss on the first date: i mean i guess ?? idk
89. angels: nope
90. current best friend’s name: i have too many to just name one
91. eye color: brown yeee
92. favorite movie: either pacific rim or sunshine both golden
now to tag: @softptg @omgnille1010 @featureless-spy @makkeuga @iwriteblogpostsnotsongs @peurodyuseu @haechance @hyukhyuck
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omnishamblegreg · 7 years
Tagged by @zmediaoutlet- your questions are brilliant and I apologise for the rants I may go on
1. What’s a hairstyle you would eliminate from existence, if you could?
Ho boyy, that flowerpot hairstyle all the boys got going on, where it's shaved on the sides and really poofy big on top, jfc no. Riddikulus. Each to their own but there are some extreme versions of it where just. WHO is telling them it is attractive. Not me tbh sometimes it works, when the contrast in length isn't massive, but that is a rarity. My cousins in tunisia had it the worst last year, they legit looked like pineapples
2. What was your favorite toy/game when you were little?
All the spy gear we had- walkie talkies, night vision goggles, sunglasses with mirrors to see backwards. Also when I was tiny we had this big cook little cook video game where you collected strawberries and it was feckin lit and only 1p on Amazon now which is a very reasonable price
3. Pick five desert island movies to bring with you to your own personal Elba.
I genuinely don’t know any!! Does pirates of the caribbean count when jack gets marooned ?!
4. Do you like sports? If so, which ones? If not, why not?
I like some but I don’t do any regularly! I like swimming, snorkeling, badminton, volleyball, netball, and kayaking A LOT. Notice how none of these require running and mostly favour tall people. Or are done while on holiday. Correction: just remembered I’m starting archery for 3 weeks soon which is dankk
5. Is there something you’re too afraid to try?
probs bungee jumping/sky diving. There’s a line where bravery becomes stupidity and I’m not tempting Anything. That flying thing over a fan though, I'd love to do that.
6. How many languages do you speak? Are there any you want to learn?
English obv, some conversational arabic (tunisian dialect), GCSE french. I want to learn arabic better, and I’ve got sillily intrigued by spanish after watching narcos. NOSOTROS BANDEROS
7. What was the first thing you got intensely fannish over?
Harry Potter, what else in year 4!
8. What’s your favorite thing about Tumblr?
How it can be a really friendly atmosphere. I just suddenly start talking to people and ?! It’s amazing how much we can gush to strangers Also all the tooth-comb analysing of supernatural in meta. I love the stubborn determination, the hunt for destiel in the subtext and props, yes please
9. What’s your mundane superpower? (Always on time, great handwriting, whatever.)
Fast typist, good parody-song creator, cat whisperer Apparently im good at describing why tv shows are so good, but i only do this irl. my tumblr tag descriptions are v lazy
10. What’s your favorite joke?
Right now it's my sister when we were at the airport: "How can we miss a Tunisair flight?! The flight will miss us!"
11. If Warren Buffett handed you a million USD to donate to a charity of your choice, which one would you pick?
Probably islamic relief or human aid
My 11 questions:
1. What’s the most disgusting food/food combo that you actually like?
2. Is there a book that you Really want to see made into a film/tv show? Who would you want for the cast?
3. Do you have any recurring dreams?
4. What kind of habits get on your nerves?
5. Are there any accents you love? Can you imitate them?
6. Can you dance? How on earth can you dance?!
7. Is there a story that lingers in your mind since childhood?
8. What creeped you out when you were little?
9. Think of or make up a pick up line
10. Describe your day in 3 words.
11. What is the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to you? Or- what romantic thing would you Like to happen?
I tag @spicyhag, @loveofmylonglife, @amazingbouncingassbutt, @justamusedmusings, @mayyourbeardnevergrowthin and anyone else should they wish ! 
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