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blacklegsanjiii · 10 months ago
Was rewatching Drum Island, and thought of a what if Sanji was somehow raised by Dr. Kureha.
Of course, this would mean Sanji knew Chopper before their in canon meeting, so Chooper would be his little brother.
Kureha finds this random starving eight year old and is raising him on this winter island where the king is trying to get rid of all the doctors. Sanji is terrified of her because she's not nice, not in the beginning. He's always cold and reading her few cook books over and over again. She is explaining that food is vital to medicine and healing so they start focusing on nutrition and diets on top of everything else. Sanji also has small and nimble fingers so he's a pro at suturing. They know Hilruck and his quackeries that he does, so when he gets a student that's a reindeer of all things they shrug it off. Sounds like him.
Kureha also has to know. She reads the news and sees what's going on. She brings it up to Sanji and says she knows what he is at some point but then shrugs and says his father's an idiot. He's smart, he quick, if Judge thinks him a failure for not being a weapon he missed on all the practical things Sanji can do. He's a great nurse and knows everything there is to know, on Drum Island at least, there is to know about nutrition and feeding people. She only talks to him about it once and they don't speak of it again. He trains against the soldiers who try to come after him and Doctorine.
Sanji is sixteen when the deer comes to live with him. He's taking care of his wounds as after Hilruk left him in their care to teach him medicine. They work well as a team and it's great, he's got a little brother who is a fuzzy little reindeer who is so warm. They curl up together more often than not because Kureha isn't exactly touchy feely. After what happened with the mushroom and Hilruk, Chopper's not exactly keen on being alone, not after his herd too. So Sanji holds him.
He's down in the village getting some supplies when he meets the Strawhat crew looking for a doctor and Dalton asks Sanji to take them to Kureha which he agrees to, he still kicks Nami and Luffy out of the way of an avalanche and is carried up by Luffy. They take care of Nami and Luffy before him and he gets a stern lecture from both of them as he gets. He shrugs as he gets up to start cooking and Chopper starts berating him that they did put a metal plate in his back and he needs to take it easy despite his super healing and Sanji laughs as he heads to the kitchen and starts cooking until he hears that rubber lunatic start chasing Chopper and yelling about meat. Chopper runs into the kitchen with tears streaming down his face and hides behind Sanji as Luffy chases in after him and Sanji kicks him away. Sanji manages to get Luffy to calm down a little bit as to not torment his little brother and so Sanji can keep cooking. Chopper tells Sanji to take it easy again or he'll get Doctorine to tie him down. Sanji joking threatens to let the idiot eat him.
Suddenly he has Chopper wailing and crying and begging him not let the idiot eat him, he's just worried, Sanji, he doesn't wanna die~. Sanji laughs and promises he will not let the idiot eat him but he does have to cook so he puts Chopper on his shoulders to be out of his way and safe from Luffy. They eat and then take food to Nami and Doctorine and they're all relieved to see her awake and the antibiotic worked. Sanji makes sure the food is appropriate for a pirate, especially one that's been sick recently. Then Wapol shows up and tries to take the flag that means so much to Chopper.
So they fight and win and yeah, Hilruk wasn't exactly lying. It was a good mirage as they're running to the ship. Sanji had always dreamed of finding the All Blue and he wasn't going to leave his little brother alone with a guy who tried to eat him earlier and his crew and they most likely need someone who will know how to take care of their diets for their travels. He meets the rest of the crew with his little brother and a literal princess. Pirates man.
Also he and Chopper make an excellent team in caring for their new crew. Chopper likes the green haired guy who seems to have a bone to pick with him. He doesn't get it but if Chopper's happy he won't exactly interfere. Zoro seems to lord it over him but Sanji shrugs it off because Chopper having someone who likes him is more important than whatever rivalry they have going on. If Chopper is trying to set him and the swordsman up Sanji is going to toss the little deer to Luffy for a day. Watch him.
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oifaaa · 1 month ago
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Was rewatching Punk hazard and got me thinking about how funny a role swap with doctor Sanji would be
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mcparkdraws · 4 months ago
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Nami knew what she was doing, and Sanji fell for the bait.
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omeg-ami · 10 months ago
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I need Law’s caffeine addiction to be canon. Please Oda I’m begging you.
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brydogop · 7 months ago
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part 1 of a one piece doctor au
part 2
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potatopassenger · 7 months ago
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Luffy proudly showing off his crew to Ace is so cute
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Was thinking about OP as a hospital drama and the strawhats as doctors wouldnt really work. But as NURSES whoooo boy now were talking
Imagine Zoro as a nurse. Insane
Imagine Nami as a nurse. She charges everything
Sanji? Hilarious
Luffy? The patients think they hallucinate him
Chopper is doing his internship/residency and no one wants him as a doctor
It would just be complete chaos and i need to see it
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fanaticsnail · 9 months ago
If I had a nickel for every time I fell for a tall, blonde man with distinctive facial features and long lanky legs, who smokes cigarettes to cope with the stress they're experiencing, with an older sibling who seeks to beat them into submission and wishes them dead, and changes their name to don a new identity into piracy: I'd have two nickels.
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Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.
(Beckman and Killer here). Both images screen grabs from one piece.
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inoreuct · 1 year ago
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zoro: i hate him he’s annoying >:|
also zoro: *basically exhibits courtship behaviour and catches a giant fucking fish with his bare hands because he realises sanji’s homesick just by the cook saying he wants to make a certain dish*
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fully-caulked-wagon · 2 months ago
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TWILIGHT TIME. TWILIGHT TIME. TWILIGHT TIME. (I have a feeling this is gonna be another of those ones that only I find funny-) [This is the link for a post of the alternate coloured/shaded versions of this becaush I liiike them 😭]
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months ago
Eri Reader x Straw Hats- Mother's Day
-You smiled brightly, looking down at all the handmade cards you had been working so hard on for the past few days.
-It was Sanji who told you about this holiday, Mother’s Day, and what people usually do.
-You had so many mothers now, ones that had adopted you over the past couple of years during your journey, and you wanted to celebrate all of them!!
-Sanji was willing to help, enjoying your enthusiasm, and since the ship was docked at an island for a few days, he took you out to get the supplies for your gifts.
-You ran to Sanji with the completed cards, and he kneeled, “Have you finished?” you nodded, beaming brightly, “I just finished!”
-He ruffled your hair gently, giving you a grin, “Well then, let’s get to the post office!” you nodded and grabbed your hat, disguising yourself as he took you to the post office to mail out the ones you needed to mail out so they would arrive in time along with the gift Sanji helped you pick out, carnations.
-You kept only one card, meant for Robin, as you were going to give it to her personally. You couldn’t wait for Mother’s Day!!
-Two days later, you snuck out of your room, sneaking to the kitchen where Sanji was waiting for you, both of you holding your index fingers to your mouths, trying to be sneaky as you helped Sanji make pancakes and coffee for Robin.
-Nami knew of the plan, and was in charge of keeping Robin in bed, which was amusing, as Nami was clinging to Robin, telling her to cuddle her some more, which Robin thought was cute.
-When you came in, holding the tray carefully, trying not to spill anything, with Sanji peeking in, making sure you were all right, Robin’s eyes went wide as you beamed, “Happy Mother’s Day mama!”
-Nami held her hands to her mouth, trying not to cry, thinking you were adorable as Robin melted as you handed her the tray. She smiled, seeing the pancakes, coffee, the handmade card, and the carnation.
-Before she ate anything, Robin picked you up, hugging you close, pressing a kiss to your temple, “I love it Y/N. Thank you so much!” you smiled up at her, hugging her close, “I love you mama!”
-There was a crash as Nami and Sanji both collapsed to the ground, overcome with cuteness.
-Bell-Mere couldn’t help but smile, looking down at the card she got from you and the one she got from Nami, and one from Nojiko, three carnations as well, as she beamed, seeing how much her girl’s appreciated her.
-Kureha chuckled softly, seeing your card, reading over it that even though you saw her as a grandmother, you wanted to celebrate her on Mother’s Day, twirling the carnation around her fingers, thinking you were sweet.
-Otohime was ugly crying, holding the various presents and cards from her children, you included, “My children are all so sweet!!” her children who were present, including Shirahoshi, were trying to calm her down, but she was just so happy!
-Scarlet couldn’t help but smile, reading the card with Violet and Rebecca, who were reading over her shoulder, thinking that you were adorable for sending a card wishing her a happy Mother’s Day. She held the carnation from you and Rebecca, smiling softly, happy.
-Sora beamed down at the card you had sent her, Reiju and Zeff reading it over her shoulder, seeing how thoughtful you were, sending her a Mother’s Day card. She smiled warmly, looking at Sanji’s card next, complete with another carnation, matching your own. She was so grateful to have such thoughtful children as Reiju surprised her with a carnation of her own.
Happy Mother’s Day to everyone who is a mother, either to a child or a fur baby!!
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thejollyrabbit · 1 month ago
AU idea: not my art but this...
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Has anyone done an AU of this?
"Dr" Luffy: wanted to save lives after losing Sabo as a child.
"Musician" Zoro: got so lost he never found bounties, so he started street performing to make ends meet.
"Sniper" Nami: When caught stealing, she would run away while fighting off her pursuers from a safe distance.
"Wizard" Usopp: he built the Clima Tact by accident while trying to impress both his old crew and Kaya.
"Assassin" Sanji: Would "deal" with any trouble makers at the Baratie with deadly efficient quickness.
"Brawler" Chopper: Angry at the world for rejecting him.
"Swordswoman" Robin: Learn to properly defend herself growing up, knowing she couldn't always depend on her powers/surprise.
"Waiter/Bouncer"Franky": Opened a club/restaurant to employ his family in Water 7.
"Cyborg" Brook: Tried to rebuild his body, and had the "skills" to do so because he was the one who'd repair his old crews Amps.
"Swordsman" Bepo: Is a swordsman.
"Furry" Trafalgar Law: Is a Furry.
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jake-is-screaming-in-tune · 6 months ago
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I put too much effort into this.
The reference:
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dykealloy · 1 year ago
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immabitqueer · 3 months ago
If you guys won't hate on the parents of One Piece, I will. Where you are weak l am strong. And I don't care if they're beloved or have reasons either. I dont even care if their kids forgive them canonically. Baby, I can hate on One Piece parents you haven't even thought of as valid parental figures.
~OP is only just past Enies Lobby, ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS~
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itsjustnk · 8 months ago
my two current obsession:
the "i will kill you" husbands and the "sorry for killing you" husbands
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