#doafp season 2 spoilers
secretly-of-course · 2 years
sorry to keep complaining on main but I need to vent about this
I’m just. So Upset. about this whole leak situation.
I’ve tried blocking tags. I’ve tried blocking people. I haven’t opened pinterest or youtube in two days. And it’s still not enough. I still have seen spoilers. Maybe not as many as I would have had I not taken those precautions, but still enough.
And I feel like I’m (and as I’m sure everyone else is) at such a crossroads because like. Now I have to make the decision of watching the leaked episode and not say a word about it or not watching it and risk getting even more spoiled? It’s only been two days how are any of us supposed to last two weeks? Am I just supposed to not go online for two entire weeks? What am I? A cavewoman? As much respect as I have for people who are capable of that I’m too weak-willed for that.
I saw a screenshot of a moment I know would have squealed at in delight had I seen it live, and instead it just made me way to throw up. One thing about me is I hate knowing other people are watching and enjoying something while I am missing out. You know, when Hollow Mind aired I had to work that day, so I set my alarm for 5:30 AM just so I could watch it and react to it before going to work and I was freaking happy to do so.
On the flip-side, when DOAFP season 2 aired I only got through an episode and a half before our internet completely shit the bed. I was so upset that I cried. It took 2 days to fix and when I finally got to see the episodes and got back online to talk about it, it felt like the hype on tumblr had completely died down already and I had missed it. That was 2 days, how is 2 weeks going to effect this fandom?
I was so excited to see this episode, and now my excitement has been completely ruined. I was literally talking to my therapist on Tuesday how I feel I have been so much better mentally recently than I was a year ago, largely in part due to having toh to focus on and the new episode to look forward to. And I know, I know. I knew from the beginning that staking so much of my mental health on one show was a bad idea but frick I couldn’t help it. I haven’t cried yet but man I’m getting close. I already laid face down on the floor a while. Is this a healthy reaction? No. But what else am I supposed to do. I’m trying so hard to remain optimistic, to tell myself that I don’t know the whole story and there will still be surprises, but the truth of the matter is I’m not excited for this episode now and that’s fucking sad.
We should be making theories right now. We should be writing fics and drawing art. We should be rewatching the previous episodes in preparation. And instead we’re fucking dodging leaks left and right.
I wanted so badly to finish my Gus x Matty reunion comic before ftf aired and that’s just been ruined for me. I was even hoping I might have time to do a Hunter x Willow comic too and it just feels pointless now. I am trying so hard to focus on drawing my comic and writing my Steve x Katya fic and I’m just struggling to focus on any of it because I’m too upset. And it sucks because I know if I’m not careful I could easily slip into a creative block again like I was exactly a year ago before toh altered my brain chemistry. I don’t want to go back to being depressed and uninspired like that again.
I don’t know what to do really. I know everyone in the fandom is going through the same thing, I just had to get my thoughts out, even though they are very self-centered. I just don’t know.
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samsbarnes · 3 years
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↳ bobby cañero-reed’s season two journey
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nicholasnelsons · 3 years
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can we just talk about the look on bobby’s face here?? the relief when elena jumped into his arms because she’s always going to be there to love and support bobby. the way he trusts her and feels so comfortable around his little sister to come out to her. they never have to carry things alone and they both know that. their relationship is everything to me and i just love the cañero-reed siblings so freaking much
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kris-p-banana-bread · 3 years
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litrallytyrus · 3 years
there’s something about bobby looking past liam and jada flirting when they’re at the burger tot place & seeing two boys being obviously romantic with each other that makes me want to just like . Cry
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mmisery · 3 years
Anyone else torn because Bobby and CJ are so cute yet you’ve been a Cartero stan since day 1
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small-soft-nobody · 3 years
I was so ready to let go of cartero and be fully on team Bobby and CJ and then that last scene happened?!?!?!
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netflixaddictedd · 3 years
Me during the Bobby and CJ's date: they won't kiss. It's disney and Camila and Danielle already kissed this episode, there's no way we are gonna have another queer kiss
CJ: I've been wanting to kiss you, is that okay?
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watching doafp season 2 (I ain't done so don't talk to me about it yet lol) episode 5 and HE SAID IT!! HE FREAKING SAID IT!! THAT'S LIKE, WHAT, THE THIRD TIME ON DISNEY?? AND THE SECOND COMING OUT?? IDK CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG. Seriously though we were like screaming for him to do it like PLEASE BESTIE and then he DID and we L O S T O U R M I N D S!!! We had to pause and take a minute. HOOOO okay I'm having emotions. Still XD. I was already having emotions about "I love y'all but it's really great and healthy to move on but ahhh my boy but good for you" and then they hit me with THIS. Anyways, lol, I'm a mess and I loved it.
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turtlegirlave · 3 years
Can I just say how much I appreciate Diary of a Future President for having a main gay character where the conflict isn’t about him not being accepted by those around him,
I think not being accepted is something that should be represented, but it’s nice to see a queer character who has a family that accepts him and friends that accept him, yet still shows that just because the people in your life accept you doesn’t mean it’s easy or less valid to be a part of the lgbtqia community.
I also like that the show didn’t treat coming out as one singular event, and showed every time Bobby came out. The one with Elena really killed me
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hannah727 · 3 years
**Doafp s2 spoilers**
TWO GAY KISSES IN ONE EPISODE? This has got to be a Disney first
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toddtakefive · 3 years
Bobby: Because... I'm Gay
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someone make a tiktok with the she knows sound of liam finding out about bobby’s crush in episode 10 PLEASE!
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nicholasnelsons · 3 years
bobby rehearsing what he’s going to say in the mirror, being awkward in front of his crush, feeling left out when all of his friends have different clubs going on, being awful at lying to his mom, panicking when he has to talk for two minutes straight for a class speech, all while trying to figure out who he is has me yelling because it’s so freaking relatable. so true king
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kris-p-banana-bread · 3 years
I’m on episode six and while I’m really sad that Cartero most likely isn’t gonna be canon, but the way Bobby’s brain just kinda went “bobby.exe.is experiencing difficulties” at the new guy (CJ, I think) kickstarted my cold dead heart and I’m already taking a liking to it
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litrallytyrus · 3 years
spare thoughts if doafp2 perhaps ?
I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. now that it’s been a few days i’m finally stable enough to talk about it…
FIRSTLY. i was not expecting bobby’s whole gay storyline to be so …… canon? like last season he didn’t even say the WORD “gay”, and this season we got him full on smacking lips with another dude!!! i was absolutely blown away by that!
ELENA’S WHOLE STORYLINE. i loved the whole thing. from when she pulled herself out of the race because she realized she didn’t have the right motives, to her learning that a group project was meant to be a GROUP project, to entering back in the race with her new slogan, “here for you!” i think she did a lot of growing this season, and it was just so much fun to watch. i love her so much, it’s insane.
gabi is a milf. end of discussion
okay actually more about gabi; she was my favorite character in season one, and she CONTINUES to be my absolute favorite. mom of the year, she deserves the world, etc etc. i’ve said all of this before 😩🙌
CARTERO SLOWBURN IN THE MAKING!!!!!!! y’all. YALLLL. we need a season three because we need to see this play out. i have a feeling cj is just going to be used as a plot device to make liam all jealous & as much as i love cj, i’m Here For It.
and lastly, elena and emilio are a ship i did not expect to grow so attached to. i kinda liked the idea of elena and joey before just bc i thought it would be cute if joey really liked her back after all this time, but!!!!! once he stole her speech i was like NOPE. moving on. and emilio is such a sweetheart!!!! and i love their dynamic so much!!!!
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