#do you think if i yelled loud enough i could start beef. it could be really funny. you know it would. cmoooon
medouse · 5 months
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there are many. many things. i could say about heracles kindness. but its also the kind of thing that would get him to kill me so maybe i shall keep that to myself for now. but yeah you certainly are zeus' son alright.
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mariposa-writes · 2 years
The Assistant - Part 2
Summary: I hate writing summaries...
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: let me know what you think! I love feedback, thanks!
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It was 9:56 when Travis texted you asking for your apartment number. You didn't bother replying and just walked outside to find his car, which was parked in front of the unit you stayed in.
He was standing outside the car, leaning against the hood. "I was going to see if you needed help." He said, opening the door for you.
"I'm fine, but thanks."
"So this is where you live?" He asks eyeing the building suspiciously.
You could tell he wasn't fond of the place and wouldn't be spending an extra time here if he didn't have too. Argentine wasn't the best area to live it, but it was more affordable than Johnson County.
"Do you live with anyone?" Travis asked, realizing he really didn't know much about you.
"Maybe you should." He said under his breath but still loud enough for you to hear.
"Why would I? I like living alone."
"Well, I was just thinking that maybe if you had a roommate you could afford a nicer and safer place."
You were slightly offended that he was judging your apartment so harshly. "It's not a bad place to live. Most of the neighbors are good people, just trying to survive with the little money they have."
"You said most not all." You rolled your eyes, already regretting this little doctors appointment.
"Well the few that aren't so great stay out of the way. They actually aren't that bad, they try to keep the violence away from where the kids play and try not to included innocent people in their beef." You liked where you lived, maybe you could do without the nightly gunshots but for the most part it wasn't bad.
"Alright, whatever you say." He said holding up a hand in mock surrender, while keeping the other on the steering wheel.
The rest of the ride was relatively quiet, besides the music playing softly in the background.
The doctor’s appointment went well and in 5 days you were supposed to have your surgery. You just first had to get your knee to bend to a 90 degree angle.
You spent all week working on it, and it was much harder than you thought it would be. You were about to call your best friend when Travis’s called ID popped up in your screen.
“Hello?” You said answering the phone, confused on why he was calling
“Hey, it’s Travis” he replied
“Yea, I know.” You we’re wracking your brain on why he was calling when it finally hit you. “You’re not calling to cancel on me tomorrow right?” You asked starting to worry.
You let your mind get the best of you more often than you’d like to admit.
“What? No. I was actually calling to see if you wanted to stay here so we wouldn’t have to wake up as early tomorrow” he explained, “ I know you’re not really a morning person.”
“Uhh, are you sure?” Over the past year and a half while working for Travis you’d had many late night and early mornings, but you had never once stayed over at his house. Even if you were only gonna get 3 hours of sleep, you would go home for them.
To be honest, you didn’t really want to be alone tonight. You were nervous about the surgery, even though it was a basic routine. You’d never been out under the knife before and this was stressing you out more than you cared to admit.
“Yea, I’m sure. I can pick you up in an hour. Also the doctor said you’d need someone to watch over you so I figured you could stay at my house for a few days. Maria will be here and she can help you.”
“Okay, sounds good. See you in an hour.”
About an hour later Travis was knocking on your door. “It’s open” you yelled from your bedroom. He slowly entered not, wanting to over step.
“You ready to go?” He called.
“Yea, just grabbing my bag.” You walked into the living room with ur bag slung over your shoulder. Travis was standing in the middle of your living room, looking around at what he could see.
Your apartment had always been the perfect size for you, one bedroom with a living room, kitchen, and bathroom but with Travis in the room it suddenly felt to small.
He hadn’t noticed that you had walked in yet, you cleared your throat getting his attention “Ready to go?” You chipped, ready to get Travis out of your space.
He cleared his throat like he’d forgotten how to talk. “Yea, let’s go.” He took your bag from you and and carried it to the car.
It was silent for the first half of the ride, which you were normally fine with. You guys didn’t talk much unless it had to do with work. “Thanks for doing this Travis.”
“Yea, it’s not a big deal.”
You wanted to protest tell him that it was a big deal. He was paying for the extra expenses you couldn’t cover, he got you a good doctor, and most importantly he was there for you through this whole thing so far.
Which was something you never expected from him. You expected him to fire you since you wouldn’t be able to do your job for at least three weeks.
Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you thought. He wasn’t ever some raging asshole boss, but he liked things a certain way.
You guys never talked about your personal lives, you knew more about his due to your job but you never openly discussed or asked about his. You just let him tell you what he wanted to.
He pulled into his garage and helped you out if the car. Your knee was only getting worse, it was giving out more often and becoming more painful to walk on.
Travis kept a hand on the small of your back, the whole way into the house. Catching you when your knee gave out, on the way to his kitchen. "Hungry?" He asked as you sat down on the stool at the island in his kitchen.
"Yes, but I can't eat until after the surgery tomorrow."
"I forgot that you had to fast."
"Yup, worst thing about this dumb surgery." You laughed, earning a small chuckle from Travis.
"Ok, I figured it'd be best if you stayed in my room since there's no stairs to get there. Maria changed the sheets and set it all up for you."
"You don't have to give up your room."
"It's fine, I'll be staying in one of the guest rooms upstairs."
"Don't argue." He said placing a glass of water in front of you. You glared at him, but didn't argue. "I have some stuff I need to do tonight, but I was thinking we could hang out once I'm done."
"Yea, that's fine."
"Perfect, make yourself at home. I'll find you when I'm done." You nodded as he walked upstairs to his office. You got off the couch, not sure what to do. You felt like you needed to work and be doing something productive.
But instead you sat on his couch and powered on his gaming console. He already had NBA 2k23 in so you decided to play that. You play with the kids in your apartment complex when you watch them for their mom. She normally pays you back in the best baked goods in the world.
You'd been playing for about an hour when Travis walked into the living room. "You play?"
"You any good?" He asked sitting down besides you and grabbing the other remote.
"I'm okay," You lied not wanting to brag. You liked to think you'd gotten pretty good at the game, often times beating the kids you watched. "Why, wanna play?"
"Yup, just don't be sad when I beat you."
"Ok," You said, rolling your eyes.
The rest of the night consisted of you and Travis playing different videos games, you beating him in NBA and MLB. He beat you at Madden, "That's not fair you have an advantage over me!" You protested, "You can think all strategically about the game since you play in real life!"
"Oh, your just mad you lost." He said powering off the console. "You're a sore loser." he mumbled.
"I am not a sore loser. It just doesn't happen often so I'm not used to it."
"Oh really?" he raised an eyebrow at you, clearly not believing you.
"Yea! See your used to it, I'm not." You smirked, knowing you were getting under his skin.
"I'm used to it? Who has a super bowl ring and who doesn't?" He asked pointing between you two.
"Oh, that was like 2 seasons ago, get over it." You laughed, as he rolled his eyes.
"Alright, well I think this is a sign to call it a night. We gotta be ready to go by 6:15."
"Okay." You nodded, getting off the couch. Travis walked you to his room.
It felt surreal being in his room. You rarely came in here, not ever really needing too. If you did come in it was to grab something from his closet real quick and leave. "Bathrooms, in there. Call if you need anything."
He said getting ready to leave, just as he was about to close the door you called him. "Travis?"
"Thank you." He smiled, "I mean it."
"I know, you're welcome. Now go to bed." He shut the door to his room and you could hear him walking away from the door. You climbed into his bed, it was comfier than you could ever imagine and it smelled like him despite Maria changing the sheets.
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wonopia · 3 months
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[WC] . 1400 prev ! mlist ! next
by the time it was 1:10, the three boys had already made it to the beach. it was blazing hot, and the wind was not as refreshing as you’d expect it to be but the sound of the ocean waves and the smell of the salt water made them feel a little refreshed.
sunoo wore sunghoon's dark blue fishing hat (sunghoons favorite) and had on a light n dark blue colourblock patched button up shirt with dark blue shorts with a white traced cat along the bottom rim. sunghoon had his backup light beige fishing hat on and a white short sleeved shirt with beige/brown flowers embroidered on it and wore his white swim shorts.
jungwon had on a full white (off white) outfit; he had a white no sleeved shirt topped with an off white button up and white swim shorts.
in their arms were the ‘camp’ gear; such as pull out chairs, 2 coolers, a duffel bag (full of their extra clothes), a canopy, and a white pull out table. they immediately found a bonfire pit no one had already claimed and started to set up their items.
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“jungwon,” sunghoon called out.
“huh?” jungwon mumbled, turning to him. “the foods done, eat up. jay and heeseung are about to head out here so eat before they steal it all.”
“thank you for cooking,” jungwon thanked before grabbing a paper plate and collected pieces of meat, including some rice from a container they brought.
“and wonie?”
“yeah, whats up sunoo?”
“why have you been on your phone so much lately?” sunoo asked, curiously wondering how someone could have him smiling and laughing so much just by looking at his phone, “you looked really happy yesterday.”
“oh well-“
“remember sun? the girl, yujin or something along the lines of,” sunghoon reminded him, sunoo gasped at the memory while nodding.
“oh yeah,” sunoo recalled, “so is she pretty? clearly seems funny, whats she like? do you like her?”
“relax sunoo!” jungwon laughed, “first of all, yujin is not a girl. he’s a boy and second of all, we just met.”
“so he’s an option?” the blonde haired boy striked an eyebrow at him.
jungwon rolled his eyes while shaking his head, “no, eat up and stop talking to me about this.”
“yeah, enough about jungwon,” sunoo stated, “hey sunghoon-“ sunghoon groaned at the sound of him being brought up, “have you talked it out with misaki?”
“oh yeah, have you?” jungwon asked.
“i don't know what you're talking about, i never said i was going to talk to her about it."
“right but i just thought that you'd come to your senses and.. i don't know. ask her why she decided to break it off?”
“i'll think about it,” sunghoon replied, sitting beside jungwon. jungwon lightly elbowed the boy, “i know you don't want to lose her. actually think about it, okay?”
sunghoon gulped at the thought of seeing her again.
“o.. okay.. stick to your own girl problems,” he muttered, stuffing food in his mouth.
sunoo chuckled at his response before eating his beef.
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time passed by a little quick, one blink they had just arrived there. second blink, heeseung n jay arrived followed by tae. then third blink, it was nighttime and half the school was partying next to the campfire.
“since when did chaewon get a boyfriend?” jungwon asked sunoo, almost yelling because of how loud the speaker was.
“no clue, ever since her glow up two semesters ago a bunch of people were asking her to the school formal.”
“why? are you interested in her? i can put in a good word for you-“
“no no no, i was just asking,” jungwon corrected him, sun gave him a unconvinced look, “seriously. im not interested in chaewon.”
“how about rei?” sunoo pushed, he’d been being a matchmaker for many people the following year and half of the matches are still together, “dont you like her?”
“i’ve never even met her.”
“well nows your chance,” he shrugged taking a sip of his coke.
jungwon felt refreshed by the change of the wind, it was humid just a couple hours ago and now there was a cold wind brushing against his face.
“i heard a rumor that you liked her,” sunoo sipped his drink sassily.
jungwon nearly choked on the air, “excuse me? i’ve never hung out or talked to her? how could anyone possibly think that?”
“you guys did have 2nd period physics together,” his best friend pointed out, “and i kind of believed the rumor for a while. you would tell me how you got put at the same table with her for an assignment and freak out that she talked to you, but eventually you got quieter.”
sunoo laughed at the memory. jungwon on the other hand was lost and confused, “when did i talk to you about that?”
“right before your birthday week.”
jungwons eyes lit up before smiling, “ah now i remember.”
“yeah.. but do you seriously not like her?”
“i’m letting this conversation go,” won sighed, “stop talking to me about this.”
“no but like.. not even a little bit?” sunoo pushed. jungwon gave him the eye before walking off, away from the crowd.
he brought himself to the other side of the beach before sitting down and pulling out his phone.
meanwhile, with yujin. she and her friends were bundled up onto hanni’s living room L couch. they were watching ‘alice in bordeland’ before watching it, they made a bet about who would be on their phone first, many people betted niki due to his short capacity to stay focused but niki and jake chose yujin.
they all arrived at hanni’s house around 4, it was now 8: 14 and they had now reached the start of episode 5. surprisingly, jake hadn’t gotten bored yet, niki had fallen asleep by the start of episode 4, and everyone else was deeply interested in the show, even making side comments every now and then.
yujin’s phone buzzed lightly beside her, it was until the second buzz when she realized it was her phone. it was jungwon. she carefully looked around to make sure people weren’t looking, grabbing her phone in the process.
jake started to dozed off, his head tilting back before regaining energy to stay awake, beside him he could see slight movements. as expected, he saw yujin typing on her phone. he attempted to peek over her shoulder, “who’re you texting?”
“holy shit,” yujin exclaimed quietly, accidentally bumping into jakes head when she turned to face him.
“fuck! you smacked my face with your face!” jake basically screamed.
“jake, you are so dramatic,” yujin spat at him.
“she smacked me with her face! this is assault!” he exclaimed, catching everyones attention except niki who was still sound asleep on the floor, “and she went on her phone.”
“you already lost?” soob laughed.
“i had faith in you, jinnie,” hiyyih mumbled loud enough for yujin to hear.
“now, since you lost, you gotta share what was so important that you had to check your phone,” hanni reminded while clicking pause on the remote.
“yeah yujin, what was so interesting on that device in your hand?” jake mocked, earning a glare from her. she pulled the blanket roughly more on her side, ignoring jakes whines.
“it was jungwon, thats all.”
“would we consider that important?” hanni asked, turning to hiyyih and soob. soob shrugged, yawning before resting his head onto the pillow beside him.
“well yeah,” hiyyih nodded, “its important since its so obvious yujin is falling for him.”
“WHAT?” yujin shrieked out of surprise, “i do not like jungwon.”
“okay, girly, dont get too defensive now,” soob muttered, the sleepiness getting to him.
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© wonopia 2024
open TAGLIST: @nodiotter @ilovejungwonandhaechan @sol3chu
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fandom-junk-drawer · 1 year
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern AU) - Error 404 Brain Not Found: Bonus Scene - Part 2
Geralt 'hmm'ed distractedly as he watched the tv. He was vaguely aware that Jaskier was talking, but that was nothing out of the ordinary. Jaskier was always talking, or singing, or making some kind of noise.
Geralt blinked as something Jaskier had said brought itself to his attention. It had been something about his mouth, and balls.
"I said 'How many cheeseballs do you think I could fit in my mouth?'"
Geralt shrugged, "I don't know, one? They are pretty big."
"That's what she said!" Jaskier said almost automatically, then contiued, "Not the actual ball of cheese ones, I mean the little crunchy snack ones that come in the barrel."
"I don't know, three? Four?"
"How many do you think you could fit in your mouth?"
Geralt shrugged. They looked at each other for a moment, then Geralt said, "I'll get the keys."
One quick trip to the grocery store later, and they were sitting on the couch, shoving cheeseballs into their mouths and grunting muffled numbers at each other
"What the f**k?" Yennefer asked, having walked in to see them covered in orange cheese dust, and looking like chipmunks getting ready for winter. They made grunting and mumbling noises at her, excitedly trying to sign numbers at her.
"Never mind, I don't want to know."
From then, it became a sort of competition. Geralt and Jaskier would see a small food item and try to see how many they could fit in their mouths.
Yennefer walked by the kitchen one morning to see Geralt and Jaskier standing at the table, a variety of small food items arranged before them. She didn't even try to entertain the idea that they were being considerate enough to make lunch.
Neither of them could cook a decent meal to begin with. They regularly sent Yennefer photos of their failed endeavors. Broken dishes, melted kitchenware, shattered knives, food on the ceiling, food on fire... She's seen it all.
No, this was not an attempt at a meal. The foods laid out on the table were too small, and while they had the odd vegetable and fruit sprinkled in, they were mostly junk foods like chips, candies and other sweets.
It was some kind of stupid game, Yennefer knew. She could tell by the score card and how Geralt was carefully counting out loud as Jaskier stuffed blueberries into his mouth, which didn't look like it had room for much more.
Yennefer poked her head in the doorway, said "Dookie!" then walked away as Jaskier spat his mouthful of blueberries all over the floor and wailed in dismay.
They had to try to either play the game while Yennefer was out, or play in secret. It was exceedingly difficult to play if Yennefer was around because she would sneak up on them and yell random things that would make one of them spit their food out.
"When his pickle tickles the back of your throat!"
"Mud cupboard!"
"Starting out small with the ball gargling training?"
"Butt nuggets!"
"Stink wrinkle!"
"Beef hula hoop!""
"Bum fluff!"
"Hershey squirts!"
P*ss flaps!"
"You going to spit or swallow?
"Peepity poo!"
"Dirt star!"
It was almost always Jaskier who ended up spitting everyting out and almost choking.
So now they were out on the back porch, trying to be really quiet, which wasn't at all suspicious, while they tried to see how many twinkies each of them could fit in their mouth
Yennefer happened to walk by and see them. Jaskier and Geralt both had their mouths stuffed to where they almost couldn't close them. It was equal parts disgusing and humorus.
Jaskier was right in the middle of using both hands to cram one more twinkie into his mouth. Yennefer could not stop herself.
She paused at the door and asked, "Did Geralt fill that twinkie for you?"
Jaskier immediately started giggling, and fumbled, trying to catch the bits of mushy twinkie that fell out of his mouth. Then he tried to stuff them back in while making incoherent noises, which, judging by the tone, were strings of cuss words.
The sight made Geralt laugh, and with his mouth full of snack cake, he'd sounded like a barking seal.
Jaskier lost it. He gagged his twinkies onto the porch and laughed so hard he wheezed.
Geralt laughed even harder, which made Jaskier laugh more.
The bard went to grab the edge of the small table to support himself, and slipped in the twinkie mush, landing right in it. Geralt just gave up and dropped on the ground, barking around his mouthful of sponge cakes.
Geralt: *seal noises*
"A-a seeeeaal! A f***ing...sEAl!" Jaskier guffawed.
They laughed until their sides ached and Geralt finally got smart and spat the massive hunk of twinkies out.
It was hours later before either of them remembered that Yennefer had f**ked up their count, and even after they did remember, all they could think about was Geralt's stupid Seal Laugh.
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keyh0use · 11 months
okayyy these are so good!! how did rafe realise he was properly in LOVE with barry
okay so Rafe ran to Barry for everything. like he's upset, angry, needs to plot revenge, wants to relax and hangout, has good news, wants to eat/drink with someone, his dad yelled at him, etc., all roads led back to Barry
so I think Rafe always felt something more than physical attraction, he wanted to know Barry, like really know everything about him and spend time together just enjoying each others company. like friends, but not really
they do all the stuff eventually y'know; probably starts with one armed hugs that turn into full on embraces however brief and then hand holding in private. kissing, sex, whatever, the relationship develops very quickly I feel Rafe has tons of soft, happy, overwhelming emotions that revolve around Barry that just keep growing. and yeah, he wants them to work out (they will, he'd never let Barry leave) and he desperately wants to make his man happy
The first time I love you rattles around in his brain is in a quiet moment where they're both relaxed and everything is easy. I think that it could happen like in bed in the early morning, cuddled up under the blankets and talking about how their going to spend the weekend, playing with eachothers fingers. Or over dinner Rafe burnt but Barry insists he likes it better that way and stomachs eating half of it before Rafe forcefully takes it away and they giggle together about it while ordering pizza or whatever. But my fav is probably while they were doing something Barry loves, like fishing and Rafe joins him because his heart feels so full when he hears Barry laugh at him because a fish touched him or how gentle Barry's guidance is while teaching him how to cast properly, never shouting at him for doing it wrong like the other men in his life because Barry is safe.
so Rafe thinks I love you but he doesn't say it because he's a doer! He figures why tell Barry how he feels when he can show him; so anything the older man wants or needs Rafe gets, always gives his full support and does anything he can to reduce Barry's workload thinking that's enough to get his feelings across (but Barry does need to hear it) Someone else (for me, Topper) was the one who drilled it into his head that he is in love and should say it like Rafe and Topper are eating brunch when his phone lights up and there's a photo of him and Barry as his background. Topper makes a joke about Barry's clothes ("Who's that homeless man beside you?" you know, something like that) and Rafe gets defensive and says he loves how his man looks & Toppers like yeah?? 'cause you're in love with him, Rafe, I'm not 😒😒 (Topper and Barry actually like one another and find their fake beef hilarious, but won't admit it)
And like, yeah, of course Rafe is in love with Barry, how could he not be? But when he admits they've never said it out loud, Topper's jaw is on the floor
You two don't say you love one another? How long have you been together, dude? Long enough! He's crazy about you, man.
And when Rafe tries to say he shows Barry and that's enough, Topper calls him an idiot <3
Rafe does rush home to confess afterwards
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namjuwun · 1 year
Staying. Trying.
crossposted on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49513432
ZB1, no ship, jiwoong-centric, autism, overstimulation, minor meltdown, stress stimming, hurt/comfort, miscommunication, crying
The lights were too loud, well technically everything was, but that’s beside the point. The lights in particular were the loudest.
I write Jiwoong as autistic bc i relate to him a lot and bc writing technically counts as therapy. tw for overstimulation, descriptions of a minor meltdown, being misunderstood, and yelling
hey! i'm not writing this to say 'ooh jiwoong has autism i have diagnosed him' im literally just writing this as a completely self indulgent thing. autism (like everything) isn't a monolith and the traits i've written here are mostly my own and are in no way supposed to be representative of all autistic people :) anyway sorry for the pain
also! i couldn't find what the dorm sitch is rn so i made it up
The lights were too loud, well technically everything was, but that’s beside the point. The lights in particular were the loudest. They beamed up at Jiwoong from the front of the stage, taunting him in their directness. His ears felt like they could start ringing at any second. One minute he was excitedly waving at zeroses and answering questions, and the next everything hit him at once like a semi truck. He tucked his hands into his sleeves, grabbing at the cuffs and fiddling with the buttons. ‘Only five more minutes, Jiwoong. You can make it.’ he cheered himself on in his head, blinking slowly and deliberately. 
The seconds ticked by slowly, but they did tick by. Jiwoong was second off the stage. He smiled wide and waved goodbye, he’d done this routine enough to be convincingly ‘normal’ looking. He tried to not rush Hanbin as he grabbed the hands of the zeroses who waited so patiently to say hi face to face. Jiwoong did his best to do the same. Smile and touch and interact. It wasn’t that he didn’t like his fans, not at all. He just felt this crushing weight on his chest after the whole day, like his battery died hours ago and he was still trying to ring out the last drops of juice. 
They finally made it to their van, and after one final wave goodbye as they pulled away, Jiwoong put in his headphones. He slowly let his face drop, he’d learnt way too many times that changing expressions too quickly freaks people out. He shut his eyes and waited. All he had to do was wait, and then he could lock himself in the bathroom for at least ten minutes before anyone came knocking. Unfortunately, God hated him. With a tap to his shoulder, Jiwoong felt his stomach churn in frustration.
“Jiwoon-hyung!” Matthew poked at him cheerfully. “I know you’re not sleeping.” Jiwoong opened one of his eyes to look down at his seatmate. He was smiling bright as ever. Lucky.
Jiwoong hummed a noise of acknowledgment, too tired to make his mouth say words.
“What do you want for dinner, Hyung? Ricky wants chicken, but Hao-hyung and Hanbin-hyung are voting for Chinese. But, Gunwook, Taerae and Yujin want beef, like at a restaurant.” Matthew rattled the options off, counting on his fingers. “Which one do you think is best?” He looked up earnestly.
Honestly, the thought of putting food in his mouth at the moment made Jiwoong feel queasy. “Chinese.”
Matthew paused. Something flitted across his face, but Jiwoong couldn’t pick up exactly what. “You sure? We can get something else if you want! We could all get different stuff delivered!” Matthew placed a hand on Jiwoong’s arm, making him flinch slightly. He really hoped Matthew didn’t notice.
“Sure.” He closed his eyes again and took a deep breath. “Do whatever you want.”
The hand slowly dragged away. Jiwoong was thankful for the silence and the lack of stimulation. He took another breath, clearing his chest. Finally, plans were made and he could coast for the rest of the night. Minimal crying hopefully included. The rest of the drive was more peaceful than normal, the only real noise was Hanbin talking to their manager in the front row and Gyuvin playing a game on his phone. Maybe he wouldn’t even have to lock himself in the bathroom today. 
They pulled up next to the Dorm, and everyone stretched and grabbed their stuff. Jiwoong held the door as Matthew and Yujin got out. Weird, neither of them looked up at him like normal. Something was off. Jiwoong tried to reason with himself, saying that they were probably also just tired from their long day, but it ate at him a bit. He grabbed his bag and went to shut the door but it slipped from his hand. His efforts to grab it again just ended up catapulting it even harder into the latch. It closed with a loud thud, causing everyone to jump. Jiwoong sighed deeply. “Sorry.” He slung his bag over his shoulder and hurried inside. He paused to shake out his hands in the lobby. 
By the time he got there, the members were all crowding around the elevator. Jiwoong shuffled up next to Zhang Hao, nodding his head towards the light above the doors. “Ah- There’s a delivery man going up right now with a trolley. It’s gonna be a second.” His eyes wandered around the room as he explained.
“Hmm.” Jiwoong grunted. “I’m taking the stairs.” He didn’t want to deal with all nine of them squishing into an elevator right now, especially with the variable of a potential delivery man visitor. 
Jiwoong was first to the dorm, first in and out of the shower, and first changed into comfortable clothes. The dorm was oddly quiet. They ordered food by passing Hanbin’s phone around, they all waited in their rooms or showered while it was getting delivered, and even eating was a strangely silent affair. It all felt much too familiar for Jiwoong’s liking. He didn’t know when, or how, or why, but he knew that he must’ve done something wrong. Did he do something at the fansign? Was he rude to zerose? Or was this something farther back that he just started noticing. Jesus, this feeling sucked, and it sucked even worse to sit in. He finished his bowl of soup and threw out the container in the kitchen. If he could manage the courage, he could ask right now, while everyone was here. Get it over with.
‘Oh, you didn’t notice? None of us liked you, we were being nice.’
‘I can’t believe you didn’t realize! Jesus, you really are dense.’
‘Wow, way to care about your so-called friends.’
He shook out his head. He knew those thoughts weren’t productive, they just made him feel like shit. It didn’t stop them from happening, but at least he knew, right? He flapped his hands, and groaned, hopping a little in place. Gathering all his strength he walked back out to the living room and stood in front of everyone. They all looked up in awkward silence.
“…Jiwoong-hyung?” Taerae said cautiously.
“I’m going to bed now.” Jiwoong blurted and turned on his heel. Stupid. He hurried into his and Ricky’s room. He flopped on his bed. “Stupid, stupid. That’s not gonna fix anything.” Anything he ever tried to do just seemed to make everything worse.
Then there was a knock on the door. Jiwoong sighed, he knew this was coming but it still sucked. Why couldn’t anyone just let him wallow? “Come in.”
Hanbin stepped in, closing the door behind him roughly. Jiwoong jolted at the noise. “Kim Jiwoong.” He stomped his way up to Jiwoong’s bed and stared down at him. Jiwoong could already feel his eyes start to burn. “Look, I get it, it’s been a long day, you’re tired. But is that really any excuse to take it out on the members?” Hanbin was fuming underneath his student body principal tone. Jiwoong might be dense but anyone could’ve seen that. “This is absolutely unacceptable, especially for the oldest member. What did Matthew even do to you?” He stood with his arms crossed, awaiting an answer.
“...Matthew?” Jiwoong questioned under his breath. He thought through every time he talked to Matthew today. What did he do to Matthew?
Hanbin’s posture slowly shifted as he stared at Jiwoong’s confused face longer and longer. “Wait…” He started pacing. “Do you not know? Why he’s upset?”
Jiwoong looked up finally, face covered in remorse. “Matthew’s upset? God, can you please just tell me what I did? I didn’t mean to upset anybody?”
Hanbin raked a hand down his face. “It’s not just Matthew, Hyung. Hao and Taerae too.” 
Jiwoong’s stomach turned. “God…” He heaved a sigh, trying to not let any tears form. 
“Hyung. You’ve been sighing and scowling for hours. How else are people supposed to take that?”
Jiwoong, whipped his head to the mirror on his vanity. Sure enough, the scowl lines were etched deep into his forehead. “No…” He couldn’t hold it anymore. He let his face fall to his hands. He choked out a sob. “Not- not aga-gain…” he muttered with the little breath he had. “Why does- does it have to be so- so har-ard?”
Hanbin stood back in a mix of shock and confusion. “What?”
“ Everything! ” Jiwoong sobbed out, curling into himself and rocking. “It’s so- so easy for everyone else! It’s no fa-fair!” Jiwoong was inconsolable, sobbing into his knees and hiccupping. “You don’t understand. You don’t- don’t get it.”
“Jiwoong-hyung…” Hanbin’s voice was suddenly gentle, like he was trying not to spook a deer. “What’s happening?” He tried to place a hand on Jiwoong’s back but he flinched away from the touch.
“Please- please don’t.” Jiwoong said in between breaths.
“Okay! That’s okay!” Hanbin floated his hand above Jiwoong, not sure what to do otherwise. “Deep breaths, Hyung. We don’t need to talk until you’re able to.”
Jiwoong made a strangled noise and nodded. He breathed as big as he could but it came out stuttery and weird. Even that made him plunge a little deeper back into it. He choked on his spit, coughing and letting out a desperate noise.
“Hey- hey now. No, come on, don't give up.” Hanbin moved to squat in front of Jiwoong. “Can I hold your hands?” 
Jiwoong frantically shook his head no. He felt like he would explode if someone touched him right now. His ears were already ringing.
“That’s okay, that’s okay. Can you try and look at me?” 
Jiwoong uncovered one of his eyes. Hanbin was all blurry but he was basically visible. He stared up at him with big frantic eyes, but forced a little smile.
“That’s good. C’mon, breathe with me.” He raised both of his hands, palms up, in front of his chest. “In.” He sucked in a lungful of air with a noise. Jiwoong tried his best to do the same. “And out.” He lowered his hands again. “One more time, okay? In... Out...” The breaths were coming a little easier. “Good. Good job, Hyung.” Hanbin gave a half-hearted smile. “Feeling any better?”
Jiwoong took a few more breaths before responding. He sniffled and wiped his face on his sleeve. “Mhmm.” He looked away. “Thank you. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey, it’s alright.” Hanbin reached for his hands again but stopped himself. “Do you need anything? Water?”
“...Yes please.” Jiwoong flopped over onto his side, utterly exhausted.
“Be right back.” Hanbin made a gesture for Jiwoong to stay put and scurried out the door. Jiwoong heard the ambient murmuring of his bandmates no doubt asking what all the noise was about. It took every ounce of strength left in Jiwoong’s body to not curl back up into himself. 
The conversation drifted in as Hanbin reentered the room. 
“Are you sure he’s okay?” Jiwoong heard Gunwook whisper loudly.
“Later, later! He just needs water.” Hanbin closed the door on the expecting dorm mates. “Jeez, they’re nosy today.” He chuckled lightly. He placed the glass of water on the nightstand. “Here you are. You want some alone time?” Hanbin didn’t seem even slightly angry anymore. It didn’t make sense. 
Jiwoong shook his head. “Stay.” He hesitated for a second before reaching out a hand. 
Hanbin made his signature ‘o’ surprised face and gently took his hand by the fingers. He sat next to the bed, not letting go. “You can talk whenever you’re ready, Hyung.” He stroked down each of his nails one by one. “I can wait.” 
Jiwoong nearly started crying again at that. It didn’t make any sense. A minute ago Hanbin was yelling at him for being rude. But now, now he was sitting on his hard bedroom floor, patiently petting his hand. Waiting for him to be ready. 
“Thank you.”
“Hmm?” Hanbin hummed, rubbing gentle circles on each of Jiwoongs joints. “For what?”
“Staying. Trying.” Jiwoong sniffled. 
“That’s not something you should have to thank me for, Jiwoong-Hyung.” He turned to meet his eyes. 
“Huh?” Jiwoong swallowed the lump in his throat. 
“I’m sorry I was so quick to yell. I was just worried for the members. If I would’ve known…” He trailed off. 
“It’s okay. I mess up like this a lot. I’m used to it.” 
“You shouldn’t be.” Hanbin turned his whole body to hold both of Jiwoongs hands.
“I’m sorry.” Jiwoong wiped his eyes. “I don't know how it happens. I just want to say what I mean. I don’t know why I’m so hard to understand.”
“Ah-“ Something like a light bulb seemed to go off in Hanbin’s head. “So earlier, when you told Matthew to ‘do whatever he wants’ you meant…?”
Jiwoong scrunched his face in confusion. “That he can do whatever he wants?” Jiwoong sat up. “I’m sorry, I’m really confused. What else could it mean?”
Hanbin held back a giggle. “Sorry, sorry. Usually when people say ‘do whatever you want’ they mean it in like a ‘you’re not going to listen to me anyway so why even bother telling you’ way.”
“ WHAT? ” Jiwoong’s mouth fell open. “Oh my god, I had no idea.” He sat, dumbfounded for a moment. “Jesus, I have a lot of people to apologize to.” He smiled, tears still rimming his eyes. 
“It’s okay to talk however you want Jiwoong.” Hanbin shrugged. “As long as everyone understands the intent I don’t get the big deal. I mean, we’re all members, we’re gonna have to be ourselves around each other at some point.” He chuckled. 
“I guess you’re right…” he took a big swig of his water. “I don’t think I've actually drank any water today.”
“Jiwoong-hyung!” Hanbin scowled. “That’s not good for you.”
“Sorry, sorry. I’ve been busy.” He smiled.
“You’re lucky I saw you eat today or I’d be shoveling those leftovers down your throat.” Jiwoong chuckled at Hanbin’s very serious expression. 
“I’m okay, really.”
“You better be. We still have to debut.” Hanbin pinched the skin on Jiwoong’s index finger lightly. 
They sat for a moment, Jiwoong drinking his water and Hanbin massaging all the knuckles on Jiwoong’s hand. It was comfortable again. It never happened this quickly. It was… nice.
He hummed in reply. 
“Thanks again. For working with me on this. People don’t usually… try? I can be a handful, I know, and it just… means a lot.” 
“Do you think you’re the only handful here?” Hanbin laughed brightly. “We’re all handfuls, Hyung. We just have to figure out how to balance everything. We’re brand new at this- at being a group. There’s gonna be bumps.”
Jiwoong stared at Hanbin for a moment in adoration. “Have I ever told you how glad I am that you’re the leader and not me?”
Hanbin laughed again. “No I don’t think you have. But I appreciate it.” He stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans. “You wanna come talk to the boys? They're all worried about you.” He reached out a hand. 
Jiwoong took it and stood too. “Do I look like I’ve been crying?”
“Oh, very much so. Sounded like it too.” He knocked their shoulders together. “We’ve all cried on national tv before, this is nothing. Well maybe not Ricky. But Gyuvin’s told me about it, apparently his bottom lip quivers.” 
Jiwoong chuckled. “I’ll have to see that one of these days.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt you will.” He dragged him towards the door and opened it. Gyuvin, Yujin, and Matthew all practically toppled on to the floor.
“Jiwoon-Hyung!” Matthew rebalanced himself then rushed over. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?” He looked up at him with big moony eyes. 
“Yeah, I’m okay now. Just got… overwhelmed.”
“Tell us next time, Hyung!” Gyuvin whined. “Then we can help.”
“Do you need anything?” Gunwook muttered. “I can make tea.” 
“I’m alright, I promise.” Jiwoong beamed. 
And he was. :)
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duskyskz · 3 years
50/50 - Chapter 1
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Warnings - Toxic relationship, verbal/physical assault (NOT with main pairing), eventual smut but very very slow burn, boxer minho, trust issues reader, development on dom/sub dynamics, sex education to a degreedetailed tags to come with individual chapters.
After the final straw in your patience and self confidence leads you to moving in with your neighbour, you spend months unlearning bad habits and opening doors you shut yourself out from in your last relationship.
Word count: 5.5k
Minho watched as you picked up the corn cob, placing it gingerly in the basket on your arm, moving onto asparagus sprouts. How own hands are empty, not yet having decided on the groceries he craves that week. Instead he watches, from the irritated skin on your wrist to the focus of your eyes as you inspect potato bags in the next stall over. He’s just a neighbour from the same apartment complex, he’s seen you a handful of times at most before the current week yet since he started noticing your steps he can’t seem to stop.
You breathe out heavily, adjusting the basket on your forearm and he stills, frowning when you readjust the woven handle once more along your arm. There’s a coloured faintness there, and traces of fingerprints that make his stomach twist inside out uneasily. He knows your name, as of a few days ago. It looks like it aches. It’s still an urgent boundary to cross, what he’s about to suggest.
“You could stay the night with me, if you want. If that’d be easier.” He’s only a step behind you, having followed you quietly down most of the farmers’ market now. The sunhat he recognises you from by now bounces among the sea of hagglers on a wednesday morning. “I know fights in relationships can be rough, so if you need a place to crash for the night, my couch is free.”
You wish you could tell him how much you cannot possibly do that, but Minho’s offer is so innocent and well-intended you don’t have the heart to outright decline. “Thank you, Minho, but we’re fine. I’ll be alright.”
He doesn’t need to read into your smile to understand the rejection, trying not to let it phase him at the implication you’d be going home again that night. He knew better than to ask if you needed help carrying your bags after the first time he’d offered and your knuckles turned white.
“Alright. But you know my flat number if, right? If something happens.”
“If something happens.” You promise, and leave him with a nagging sense of discomfort as your dress fades into the morning crowds.
You don’t think of doing it as you enter the concrete building block and pass the elevator to the staircase. It would be too inappropriate, too out of the question to even consider. A night at another person’s house? At another man’s house, even more so! No way would you consider breaking a rule like that. You couldn’t step out of line like that. Yet as you passed the third floor, one you now knew held the possibility of the unexplored, you hesitated for a moment.
No, surely it wouldn’t be worth the scolding you’d get after. Would you even be able to sit still for an hour, without twitching? The handprint shaped bruise on your wrist still aches dully with the weight of the food basket as you open the door to your shared apartment two floors higher. You no longer notice the relief that sags your shoulders when you realise the house is empty apart from your own presence. You take in the respite of silence while unpacking the vegetables, trimming the corn cob for stir fry later in the evening. It's followed by bamboo shoots and chicken breast, which you’ve just about got simmering when the front door clicks open.
You hear him before you see him, taking as long as you can to plate the food before turning to face the man you shared a home with. He doesn’t return it, eyes glossing over you to inspect the dinner plate you slide before him.
“You know I prefer rice noodles.” He tuts out, frowning. His feet come up to rest on the other chair, but you weren’t going to sit at the table anyway, opting to linger by the counter. “And beef, your chicken sucks.”
He chews loudly, groaning as if to make sure you’re aware of your culinary inadequacy, but his face never lifts from the plate. He wasn’t wrong, really. Your cooking was barely edible enough to provide nutrition and you didn’t know how to make it better.
He keeps talking still, even as his pointer finger comes in contact with your forehead to accentuate his point with a harsh poke that makes you lean backwards against the counter top.
You don’t apologize. It’s better to not make any noise, you’ve come to learn, keeping your head toward the floor and body still and you’re almost impressed with yourself when the plate is thrown into the sink by you with a piercing clatter, not caring if the porcelain splits
The food is half eaten, but you don’t comment on the waste either. You’ll eat alone later, but the mess makes your exhaustion rear its head again when you think of cleaning it.
You know it’s no longer love that stops your words in your throat. The fluttering in your heart froze up into apprehension first, then fear and indifference. The physical alterations hurt, but they were only skin deep. They only lasted a few days, and once the ache faded you wondered if you felt the pain at all. The verbal attacks, that made your head hurt more. But you stopped talking back, because then they stopped faster.
The door slams again, rattling the walls loud enough to make a point of your boyfriend’s absence and shining light on all your failures as a partner. He wouldn’t be back tonight, or maybe even the night after that. You let your knees turn to cotton, slumping to cold kitchen tile. You don’t clean up the noodles in the sink. You’re not hungry enough to eat your own portion.
In a burst of conflicting emotion, you feel yourself stand and head to your bedroom. Maybe it’s the tiredness that made a home in your bones, maybe it’s the stress rattling them every time you’re in his presence, watching your step and calculating his every action before it happens. Maybe it’s the lack of all of that when you push your partner from your mind and let your heart betray you for a second to think of softer brown eyes instead, living in the flat two floors below you. It’s some twisted amalgamation of it all, probably, that makes you pluck your mascara from the bathroom, alongside a toothbrush and (on second thought, in case of emergencies) minimal changes of clothing into your backpack. You haven’t had use for it in a few months, not having gone further than the main streets of your own town in that time. It still fits enough for a weekend trip, and the weight of it hangs on you heavier than the clothing you packed would allow.
Would you really do it?
Minho could be mad at you for changing your mind, and maybe you couldn’t take that. You’ve developed a defence mechanism for one person, but could you for another so quickly? If his voice raised at you, you’re sure you’d cry on the spot like you used to the first few times in this house, too. But maybe you wouldn’t have to, maybe he wouldn’t even be home after you’d rejected his offer. He had no reason to be home, so you’re just going to check and confirm there really is no chance and no hope of you escaping this hellhole, that’s it. Your hopes would be rightfully crushed and you’d return with your tail between your legs, clean up after dinner, and head to bed like the fool you are.
Locking the door after you, as your housemate didn’t bother to, you trudge down two flights of stairs to the last door down the corridor, marked with a cat-paw print welcome mat and burgundy painted door. You knock twice with shaky fingers, and the sound is so light you wonder if he’d have heard you even if he was home at this late hour.
“Jisung, I said not tonight!” There came a shuffling from the other side of the door, and you were seized with fear of facing the other possibility - that Minho was no longer considering you’d come by, as you told him you wouldn’t, and he’s going to yell at you for ruining his night. The thoughts lurched forward at you as his footsteps grew louder, pounding in your head so loud your eyes blurred so instantly you couldn’t focus on the door opening and Minho’s silhouette against his low living room light.
“Y/n?” His response comes stalled too, letting a beat of silence pass between you as no words left you. He wasn’t shouting yet, so you took the chance to apologize as quickly as you could before the situation worsened. Your limits were thin tonight.
“I’m sorry, I know I said I wouldn’t come and that’s really stupid, I’m sorry.” Your thumb dug into the strap of your backpack at your feet. “It’s really late so I’m sorry if I woke you -”
“No, it’s okay.” Minho protests before you can word your final ‘sorry’, moving aside to reveal the rest of his hallway. “I wasn’t asleep yet. Come in.”
And that’s it. You expected more, to be honest. Some kind of questioning at least, scrutiny at your visual (and mental) state.
You don’t enter right away, thoughts wooshed out of your head. You don’t even think if he’d scold you for leaving the door open so long, but Minho just waits in the hallway, giving you space to cross the threshold of his home when you’re ready, watching as your expression blanks once the door closes behind you and he has to ask if you need help for you to take off your shoes and break out of the thought train. You hang your coat among his, after asking if he’s okay with that, and doing the same for your shoes. You hold your bag close, resting it on your lap as you sit down on your neighbors couch.
Minho looks the same as he did this morning, grey hoodie and equally nondescript jeans with a pale wash ending just below his ankles. He hangs around the hallway a few meters away from you, and you can tell he’s thinking about what to say before he voices his thoughts.
“Did something happen?” You hadn’t expected him to be so direct. You didn't consider this scenario beforehand, so you couldn’t answer instantly. “You said you’d come then. If something happened.”
“I’m not sure.” You decide to answer truthfully, though he may be unhappy with the vagueness of the statement. “Nothing out of the ordinary happened tonight, so…” You let the sentence trail off, but he knows the implication.
So I’m not sure why I came.
“That’s fine. Nothing has to happen for you to visit a friend.” Minho accepts your hesitance easily, and you’re instantly grateful for his keen senses. “It is late, so I’m not sure if you ate yet?” You shake your head. “I have some lunch leftovers I was going to heat up if that’s okay with you, though.”
Lee Minho was a glorious cook. Michelin level, you’d go so far to say, had you ever been to a Michelin star restaurant in your life, but you were convinced he’d qualify. Turns out his leftovers consisted of seared steak, grilled vegetables and an assortment of flavoured rice balls, which he served you with cucumber salad you saw him purchase at the market earlier that day. This was more elaborate than any meal you’d attempted to cook in your life, and you’d tell him so were you not so occupied devouring it. Minho didn’t think you noticed him glancing at you across the table, but the amazement in your eyes filled his heart entirely. He’s seen you look content, happy even on days he’d catch you by the vegetable stalls and spark conversation despite your brisk pace.
After he’d washed up, insisting you remain seated (which filled you with visible unease, to both his amusement and greater concern) you were forced to address the trickiest part of the night. You’ve had sleepovers before, but never with a boy. Never as an adult.
Stunning you for the second time that evening, Minho seemed to harbour no such fears.
“You can sleep in my room if you’d like, and I’ll move to the couch for tonight; but if you’re not comfortable with that, I’ll bring some blankets out for you into the living room.” The ease with which he approached the subject settled into your own head, and you nodded at his suggestions.
“I’d like to sleep here, please.” You pat the couch you’ve gravitated to after eating, quickly becoming the centerpoint of the apartment to you. Minho leaves for the few minutes it takes him to prepare a fresh duvet and pillow cover and you take the moment of isolation to break through the dam of thoughts clawing at your brain since arriving an hour ago. You weren’t sure if the time went by rapidly or dragged on. You only let yourself take in minimal information about the situation - taste of the food, the colour of his kitchen tile, the fabric of his clothing and softness of his living room rug. Small, manageable pieces of the greater dilemma you didn’t want to give attention to yet.
Midnight air mingles with your sigh as you lean back on your hands and tilt your head toward the window. Minho kept his curtains open for a glimmer of the nightlife. There wasn't much to see from the 3rd floor, but yellow light still flickers over rooftops and storefronts.Your musings are cut short when a mountain of bed covers drops beside you, delicately placed at the opposite end of the sofa. He must have switched off the other house lights on his way back, letting only the shy orange lamp illuminate his profile.
“The bathroom is on the left in the hallway, and my room is at the end of it, the last door to your right.” You note his directions in your head, nodding to show you’re listening. “Alright, I - I’ll let you sleep.”
“Goodnight, Minho. Thank you.”
He lingers by the doorway, balancing from one foot to another with an unfocused gaze. You don’t budge as he watches you, though he doesn’t seem to realise he’s staring at your feet, then your hands and face until your eyes meet halfway.
“I’m glad you came here. It’s good that you’re here.”
You don’t know how to reply to that statement, so you don’t say anything, and Minho leaves you with another soft goodnight and a flood of anxious thoughts.
Night fell rapidly, so much that when you switched off the remaining lights and laid to sleep. You were so stressed it made your head hurt, but the emotional toll made exhaustion greater, and you fell asleep within an instant. Minho’s duvets were plush, so big and fluffy you couldn’t see your own hand when you pressed down on the sheets. As you faded in and out of coherency throughout the night, a weight appeared by your feet. Too tired to be alarmed, you opened your eyes only when the warm pillow stood up, patting its way over to your stomach. It purrs against your cheek, whiskers tickling your nose as you blink back at it. It’s not surprising Minho has a cat - you’d picked up feline mannerisms in his behaviour before. It was endearing, now seeing the same slow blink in the eyes of the creature responsible for his habits.
It nudges its little head into your raised palm, rubbing against your hand. You give into the request happily scratching behind its ears, urging it to lay down next to you so you both could go back to sleep. The cat’s long body gives you something to focus on, easing the remnants of nerves from your brain.
You wake up more rested than you had been in weeks, despite pressure cramping your shoulder from the small couch you’d slept on. The living room is warmed by morning sunlight, though you’re not sure what time it is yet. You have no missed calls, and just one message from a student confirming the time of your session today. Creaks resound when you stretch, straightening out your bones from the night . The cat is nowhere in sight, but Minho must already be awake by the sounds coming from the adjacent room and you’re struck with embarrassment that he may have seen you sleeping. He would have walked right past the room, and since no door stood in the wide archway, he probably saw you drool right onto his pillowcase.
You consider sneaking out right then, grabbing your possessions and darting out the hallway, but you couldn’t leave without thanking him for letting you escape yesterday and for feeding you.
“Oh, hello.” The cause of your inner turmoil dips his head through the doorway, wiping his hands on a dishcloth. “How did you sleep?”
“Good, thank you.” Your knees bump against each other as you sit, patting down your hair. Minho looks well rested too, though his own hair isn’t combed yet and he’s not dressed to leave the house. Grey shorts this time with a plain white shirt hang off him, and he looks perfectly at home like that, humming a greeting at the floor when the cat you’d nestled into last night curls around his feet. White and ginger patches cover it’s fur, it’s belly a pure cotton shade as it rolls onto its back at your feet.
“You already met Soonie, right?” He laughs, pointing at your sweater, and belatedly you realise light-coloured cat hair clings to every inch of the fabric at your front.
“He came in to sleep here last night.” You pick at the frizzy hair to no avail. “I’m sorry if it got on your duvets, though…”
“It’s fine, my bedroom is covered in hair no matter how much I brush them out.” He joins you on the sofa next to the bundled bedsheets, placing the cat gently on his lap. Soonie makes himself content atop his legs, white paws dangling from the side. “I made breakfast for when you’re ready, and if you need to shower - I’ll grab you some towels.”
A shower did sound good, so you accepted his offer eager to strip from the clothes you slept in. Sweat was already making your sweater cling to your skin, and the cat hair combed through the fibers wasn’t doing the itching any favours. Not wanting to use up too much of his hot water, you rinsed yourself in record time. You packed your toothbrush, but not any shampoo, so you skipped out on washing your hair - taking Minho’s shower gel would be too much. You didn't want to go too far in his hospitality, and now he even cooked for you twice.
How could you repay that?
How were you supposed to make that worth his time?
You turned off the water then, not wanting to let your thoughts make you stall in the hot stream. You skipped out on wearing your sweater again, clothing yourself in the vest you had underneath and the pair of jeans you had last night. Feeling lighter now that the grime of sleep was washed from your skin, you looked around Minho’s bathroom before exiting. It was plain for sure, but accents of his personality lingered in the kitty paw-print of the shower mat, mint-scented shower gel and matching shampoo-conditioner set.
You’d never dwelled on whether Minho was a 3-in-1 shampoo user or not, but the knowledge he had dedicated creams and gels for each job reassured something inside you. It suited him. Yet the knowledge felt intimate, as if seeing the brand responsible for his mint and tea tree scent was encroaching on a level you weren’t supposed to know about as his neighbour.
You stood just beside the kitchen entrance, watching Minho set different dishes around the table top. Every flat inside your complex had similar layouts, so you were already familiar with the structure of his home. Still you watched, accidentally memorising the cupboard he stored his cups and cutlery.
“You can sit down, you don’t need to wait.” You faced his back, but he must have felt eyes burning on him. You sat down quickly, considering his words. Minho didn’t seem to mind a lot of things. It was unusual, being made aware of just how much instruction you relied on in unfamiliar settings.
And Minho smiles so much. It sets all your self preservation nerves on edge, analysing for underlying motive in his movement and sentences. You could clean his house if he asked, and replace the ingredients he used for your food. That would be the least you could do, and you’d settled on going about it as soon as he left for work - if he would leave. You had no idea what he did with his life apart from keeping you company on morning grocery hunts. But he was just so darn polite! He asked if you wanted any hot sauce, offered to butter your toast, even cleaned your dishes for you (again) that you had no idea what he could expect in return.
“Hey,” He calls over from the sink, “Give me a list of things you like so I can plan dinner later.”
“Why would you need that?” You still, glancing away from his mug collection.
“I only know you like courgette and hate leeks,” Wiping his hands on his jeans, he leans against the cupboards looking at you intensely. “And...you will be here for dinner, right?”
Would you be here that long? You weren’t expecting to. You’d go back two floors above and clean up the spilled noodles from last night, as your partner would have not, regardless of whether he’d returned home or was still out doing his mystery business. Minho frowns when you don’t answer, crossing his arms as you bow your head. You don’t want to anger him now, but how could you stay here any longer?
“Why would you want to go back there? It’s bad for you to be around that.” You know that, both at surface level and deeper - but how were you supposed to disappear? Sourness spread through your bones when you unearthed the feeling. You’re really scared - and you have been scared for years, but you never considered the feeling as such because opportunity never presented itself to escape. To admit you had to escape from something would be to admit you feared it, that you had been hurtt. You don’t know if you’re ready for that process.
“I don’t have anywhere else I can be, I still have things at that house, I can’t just leave.”
“You can.” Minho contradicts you immediately. His voice is level, gentle and coaxing, even though a strong resolve trembles in it. “You can stay with me as long as you want to. You don’t have to pay rent or anything, since I don't have a spare room but you can take my bed or stay on the couch if you like. Stay here for a few days, just - to feel better. It’ll make you feel better.”
He’s come to sit across from you, enough to give you space but enough for you to see worry lines around his eyes as he speaks. “I’ll give you space if you need it, just let me know if I can make things easier for you.”
“I’ll have to go grab a few of my things, I only got bare essentials yesterday.” Minho perks up right away, as if no tension hunched in his shoulders just seconds prior. It’s not as hard to agree as you thought it would be. You’re terrified, yes, of a step you know won’t end here. But you’re also more rested than you’ve been in so long, and the strain of all the stress become routine for the past years that you’re willing to grasp any straw at breaking the cycle. And Minho was nice. Everything you’d read between the lines of his actions was kind.
“Okay. Let me give you my number so we can talk while I’m not here, and you know - if anything happens, call me.”
You did go to fetch more of your things, after reassuring Minho it would be best if you went alone. If someone else was home, you could pass off your absence as work-related - it would be harder to explain why you weren’t alone.
His presence would just cause issues, and he eventually agreed to leave you on your own after you promised you had his number saved. You would also pay rent, but about ⅓ of it - on his insistence you got no proper room but a living room couch, and at your insistence you’d be using his utilities and house space. Your neighbour - housemate?- had to leave to do his own occupations, but assured you he’d be back within a few hours to help you.
You thanked him again for everything before he left saying you’d send him a list of your favourite food when you were done packing, and you set about your own tasks. He’d left the house keys with you, making the point of you more likely to be home before him.
They weighed heavy in your hand, the implications of the trust in his gesture more than the object itself.
You didn’t have a lot to move, but the transfer still takes you a few trips up and down concrete staircase. The majority of your haul is books, your own towels and toiletries. You’d have to perform an impromptu closet clearout, quickly deciding which old pieces to keep and which were better left in the past. Since Minho’s flat was similar, but inhabited one person only, his furniture would be cast to contain belongings of one. Working from home meant you were spared the task of office clothing or showy pieces, so all you had to part with was a few aged sweaters. You grab your laptop, a selection of favourite cups and plates so you don't have to borrow Minho’s all the time - though was it really borrowing if you would share the house?
You hurry as much as you can, but it still takes three trips up and down to completely transfer all traces of your life to the flat below. By the time you’re done, you decide to clean the small apartament to make organisation easier. It’s rapid work when you focus and separate Minho’s laundry without thinking about it. Darks, lights, and the sparse touch of coloured denims among his closet. Then you hoover, and by the time you finish hanging up the damp clothing on the balcony, it’s a while past lunchtime.
The turning of a lock swipes tension over your shoulders before you recognise Minho in the hallway, shuffling off his running shoes and hoodie. You meet him halfway, wiping your hands on your jeans to rid the laundry moisture.
“Hi,” His skin is flushed as if he’d been running, sweat sticking to the baby hair around his forehead when he smiles to greet you. Minho looks worn out, shoulders pulled high and taught. His breathing is laboured as he walks into the house, and only when he passes the threshold does he release the air in his lungs to slump in one of the barstools. “Did you get your things?”
“I don’t have a lot, so it only took a few trips.” You nod, following him to the kitchen. “I put most of them in the living room for now, though…”
“That's fine, we can go through the drawers and make space for you after we eat.” He reassured you, seeing you tug on your sleeves. “You didn’t send me a list of things you like to eat, so I got things I remember you buying instead.” His voice lilts into a pout as he looks at you, lips jutting into a pout before reaching into the bags he brought.
A strange feeling climbs higher and higher up your throat with every item he stacks on the counter and you wonder how much he actually spent on just foods you like. It grows stronger when you recognise your coffee brand, the cookies you got last week as he bumped into you that morning. A selection of fruits you used in a cake you gifted him last month, and sundries to fill the cupboards with.
“I can’t cook.”
Minho looks up at your confession, pausing from arranging the food.
“I mean, my cooking is edible at best.” You elaborate, looking away from his face to his hands as you lamely explain. “I could never, uh, make it taste good.”
“I’ll cook then.” Minho nods, shelving the sauce jars. Your eyebrows pull together and he must have noticed your hesitance, turning on his heel towards you. “Or I can teach you, slowly.”
“You can help me cook, and I’ll show you how to season different foods. We’ll start with things you like, so you already know how they’re supposed to taste. Then we can go from there.”
You want to ask if he’s sure, if it’s not a bother to have you around while he works to have someone hover around him needing assistance, but you do want to learn - If your food could taste half as heavenly as Minho’s cooking did, you’d be content. So you agree and he cheers at you, excitement contagious. And before you know it’s coming, there’s a surge in your heart at the sight of him again that makes grinning back at him a thoughtless action.
Cooking with Minho is more eventful than you expected.
When you watched him before, he navigated the kitchen with a practiced ease that made your awkward stumbles all the more prominent.
“Where do you keep knives?” He hands you a small knife, it’s green handle foreign in your palm.
“My hands keep slipping…” You fumble with the peeled onion as Minho tends the rice, tipping in a spoonful of white wine. The sting makes your eyes water, hazing your vision of the offending white bulb.
“You need to hold it with your other hand so it stays still, like a claw.” His hair was still damp, but now the moisture was from the shower he took before starting your lesson rather than sweat. You could recognise the mint scent in his shampoo and how it spilled over to his clothing, and no matter how reasonably awful it should have smelled mixed with raw onion you were cutting and the steam of boiling rice, you couldn’t get enough of the sensation. Minho acts open around you, treating you like a friend he’s known for years rather than an acquaintance from the farmer’s market. Only a day passed since you entered his home yet you felt so seen in his eyes. You must have been testing his patience not being able to cut a straight carrot slice without his help, but he never raised his voice above a patient hum. Sure, he did laugh a few times when your cucumber sticks came out triangles rather than evenly cut stips, but even his humour came without bite. His laughter was never at your expense, and it was kindling your heart alight at an alarming speed.
Minho (and his flat) became comfortable to you rapidly, and in the passing days your interactions all came more naturally than the last. Minho would leave around noon and come home just after 7pm, looking like he ran a marathon while you’d finish up your studies and the few zoom tutorials you teach for extra income. Despite his initial apprehension, he was grateful you took on cleaning duties so easily - he still insisted on doing the dusting and cleaning his bedroom himself, but it made you feel better to have some kind of input into house upkeep when you couldn’t contribute in many other ways. In the mornings he’d pass by the living room and you try your ebay to already be awake to spare yourself the embarrassment of Minho seeing you drool in your sleep, and in the evenings you cook together. Minho insists on increasingly difficult recipes, and you try to keep up despite recurring failures.
Five days into your coexistence, Minho is late.
Of course, you’ve only been part of his schedule for a week, but his arrival never differed by more than a few minutes - the gym he worked at was just a few blocks down the road. Tonight you wait with your phone in hand as 8pm rolls around, thumbs hovering over the call button. He did tell you to call him in case anything happens, but did that go both ways? If something happened to him, would he let you know too?
You knew he would not.
You weren’t nearly as reliable in that department, and it’s not like you could do much else than call emergency services - something he would surely do himself if he could call you in the first place. You can’t quite bring yourself to sit on the couch, leaning against the doorway to the living room with your eyes on the front door so intently you almost forget to blink by the time the handle starts to turn.
The unlocking click echoes in the silence you’ve sat in for the past hour and you shoot up, straightening your posture when the door finally gives way.
A/N: Sorry this is a day late, I was exhausted yesterday when I got home so had to delay it a little bit but now we're started! As you can tell this will be an incredibly slow burn, but I hope you enjoy the ride and see the development grow because I promise the deeper build up is worth the wait.
Tags: @healinghyunjin @lizsvcks @glitteryskzstraykidsdream (can't tag for some reason;;) @changbinscypher @spilledtee @linours
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takenyoomies · 3 years
Bonten Abbey: (mis)Aventures to the Arcade
Sanzu Haruchiyo was known for many things...pill-popping, being late, and most importantly, wrecking the flow of the weekly Wednesday board meeting. What would this week hold? None of the other members of Bonten wanted to find out when he was once again late to the meeting which only spelled one thing for them. Disaster. Word Count: 8.7k Read on AO3
It was a Wednesday, and a Wednesday meant one thing for the Bonten gang. The weekly board meeting that nearly every single member in the top brass gang seemed to dread, loathe, and despise. It was often typical for each member to discuss their part for the designated five minutes. However,  going over time would cause extreme tension in the sardine-can-sized conference room that would rival being trapped in a room with a rabid badger. In addition, there were times when other off-topic conversations occurred that in Akashi Takeomi’s quoted words were “an absolute fucking mess.” All in all, the meetings tended to go through without a hitch. However, today was not one of those days as Sanzu Haruchiyo strolled into the conference room with a shit-eating grin that rivaled no one else,  fashionably late, of course.
“Hey, Sanzu!” An annoyed Mochi shouted at the man who entered, whipping his head around at the sound of the door closing, teeth barred and fists clenched in anger.
“Yo, Mochi.” Sanzu waved, trouncing over and sliding down into the uncomfortable and hard leather seat.
“We have a set meeting time, jackass.” Kokonoi hissed.
“Like he’d  ever  listen to that Koko….” Ran laughed, shaking his head.
“Important business called me.” The pink-haired man sighed blissfully, shrugging almost sarcastically to the platinum blond accountant’s dismay.
“I doubt that highly.” Rindou breathed.
“Oh, and what would that be?” Takeomi chimed in, a brow raised as he put out his cigarette.
“I’m  so  glad you asked!”
Reaching into his pocket with excited fingers, the pink-haired mullet sporting man pulled out a folded piece of paper. One would think this was some grandiose plan, some information regarding their competition, something important. But, no, Haruchiyo Sanzu unfolded the piece of colorful paper and slammed it onto the mahogany conference table, looking up at the group of men with a smirk.
“...Please tell me it’s actually important this time.” One of them said with a sigh. It didn’t matter which one.
“Oh, trust me, it’s of the utmost importance.” Sanzu assured, holding up his right hand, “Swear on Mucho’s grave.”
“The last time you used that, we ended up deserted at some movie theater that was showing a crappy porno...so that’s out the window, and you’re about to be too if this is something-” Mochi ranted, taking a glance at the piece of paper, “Are you fucking serious?” He asked in disbelief.
“What is it this time?” Kakucho finally spoke with an exasperated sigh, standing up from his seat and walking over to take a look at the piece of paper, “An arcade?” He asked with a raised brow as he looked over to the pink-haired man.
“Yeah, they’re running a deal where if eight people come as a group, you get 50% off.” He leaned back in the chair, putting his feet onto the table with a thud, “Therefore, I think we should take advantage of it and get off our depressed asses for a change.” Sanzu concluded with a nod.
There was a click in the background as Takeomi lit another cigarette. “I’m fine without having to babysit for the day.” Takeomi stated, then taking a heavy hit off of the cigarette, exhaling upward, “Interrupting a meeting for this is rather pointless, Haruchiyo Sanzu….”
“I think it sounds like a good time. Reminds me of when we were back in Tenjiku, right Rindou?” Ran turned to his brother, who sighed and shook his head.
“Yeah, I guess there’s some nostalgia there.” The younger Haitani agreed.
“2-1.” Sanzu stated, pointing to the others in the room, “Mochi, Kakucho, Koko….” He said to each as he pointed to each of them with his index finger, pausing as he hovered over the sleeping Mikey, not daring to wake him up.
“It’s a waste of our funds, and judging from the fact we recently recovered from the great  Bonten Has To Eat Instant Noodles For Two Months issue...It’s a no from me as well.” Kokonoi explained as he slid his hands together, “I’m sadly not in the mood for instant noodles again.”
Sanzu rolled his eyes, “Stop being a drama queen, and it wasn’t  that  bad.”
“It was fucking awful. What the fuck are you talking about?” Mochi argued, “Just for that, it’s a no from me too.”
“Bullshit, you’re voting based on emotions.” Sanzu cried out, swinging his feet off the table and slamming his fists onto it with a loud thud.
“What if I am?!” Mochi screamed, holding his fists up, dropping the flyer onto the floor for Kakucho to pick up.
“Oh god, here we go again…” The younger Haitani laughed, laying onto the surface in front of him as he watched the fight unfold.
“Zero days without incident at a Bonten Board Meeting….” Takeomi sighed, shaking his head in dismay.
“Did we ever have a positive count…” Kokonoi asked in confusion.
“Nope.” Ran snorted as he shook his head.
“I think it’d be interesting.” The normally quiet Kakucho spoke up, placing the flyer onto the table near the sleeping blond.
“See? I knew Kakucho was my favorite for a reason.” Sanzu pointed towards Kakucho, who blinked and pointed towards himself to ask ‘who, me?’.
“Didn’t you say Rindou was your favorite last week?” Ran questioned, an index finger on his cheek in sarcastic thought, “Oh right, it was for  ‘agreeing with you about how strawberry shortcake is better than strawberry cheesecake’  …” Pointing at Sanzu.
Rindou jabbed his brother in the stomach with an elbow, causing the taller of the two to emit a dull ‘ ow,’  “Don’t bring me into this.”
“That was an important conversation. Mochi was trying to say cheesecake was better than real cake,” Sanzu clarified, “I’m not going to rehash old beef, though.” He held up two hands as if to say he didn’t care. However, it only seemed to anger Mochi more as he drew back a fist. Kakucho began to get ready to hold the brawny man back for the umpteenth time.
However, a small yawn from the front of the table, causing every person to freeze. Mochi and Kakucho returned to their seats quickly as the blond who had once been asleep opened his dark, inky eyes.
“...All of you are unnaturally quiet,” He finally spoke, looking around at each of the men seated at the table. He then glanced down at the sheet of paper that was settled in front of him, “What’s this?”
Sanzu gulped. This was officially a make-or-break moment for his plan, “Ah, Mikey...it’s for an arcade that’s running a deal….” He trailed off nervously.
The blond’s obsidian eyes glanced over the information listed on the paper before pausing at the section relating to food and looking back up at the group of men, “We’re going.”
Sanzu smirked and looked directly at Takeomi, who looked as though he wanted to crawl into a ditch and die, “Sanzu - 1 Takeomi - 0.” He jousted.
“If we were keeping track history-wise, you’d be so far in the red you’d be begging for someone to come save you,” Takeomi shot back, shrugging his shoulders and standing from his seat. He walked towards the door of the conference room, turning his head to Sanzu, “but you do that enough already, huh?” Finishing with a dry laugh as he exited the conference room.
“What the fuck? I’m not Koko.”
“I’m right here…?” Kokonoi shook his head in disbelief, standing from his seat at the table with a huff and kicking the chair back into place, “If I have to eat instant noodles for two months again, I will  never  forgive any of you assholes….” Pointing a finger around the room, stopping before Mikey, turning on his designer heels, and walking out of the room. You could hear the faint echo of his heels trailing down the concrete hallway.
“And then there were….” Sanzu counted himself and the heads in the room, holding up one hand to count only to realize he didn’t have enough fingers, “Anyways, when are we going?”
“The flyer said the deal is only good until Sunday; therefore, we need to go before then.” Kakucho informed the group, “Since it’s Wednesday, and we each have jobs to do until early Saturday morning...I’d suggest Saturday afternoon.”
“Overall, that sounds like it would work with our current plans, Kakucho.” Mikey agreed, his obsidian gaze staring holes into the heterochromatic man’s soul.
Kakucho nodded his head, “I’ll be taking my leave now. I have some things I need to tie up.” Then, standing up from his chair, pushing the chair in, and silently walking out the door to the conference room.
“We’ll get going as well, then.” Ran suddenly spoke as he stood up lazily, a scuffling noise coming from the chair.
“You act as though we’re going to the same place….” The younger Haitani breathed, shaking his head and rolling his lavender eyes at his brother’s statement.
“I thought you said we’re going out for lunch?” Ran pouted, hands on his hips.
“I said I was going to get lunch, and you invited yourself again.”
“I don’t see what the problem is with that?”
“Everything, everything is the problem with that.” Rindou turned to his brother as he finally stood from his place at the table with a huff.
“Can I come wi-” Mochi started to ask, only to be interrupted.
“NO!” Both Ran and Rindou yelled simultaneously to Mochi.
“Tough crowd…” Sanzu snorted to Mochi.
“Listen-” Mochi started, cracking his knuckles, only to be shot a look by Mikey.
“I’d be careful Sanzu, Kakucho already left, and that makes the chances of your face getting smashed in about 8-2.” Ran pointed with some underlying amusement, almost hoping that there would be another fight.
“Wow! Is everyone Koko today?!” He asked incredulously, putting his head in his palm and looking at the older Haitani, “If I didn’t know better...you did our taxes, Ran!”
“...But, I do help with those?” He questioned in a confused tone, blinking.
“Leave him. He’s hopeless.” Rindou sighed, “Mochi, come with us to lunch before you get put on punishment duty by Mikey.”
“I wasn’t gonna do shit.” Mochi huffed, glaring at the pink-haired man, “What are you lookin’ at?”
“Nothing, nothing...it’s just-” Sanzu paused, leaning forward in his seat to get a closer look at Mochi.
“It’s just what?” Mochi spat.
“Your beard...you shaved it crooked this morning, and it’s the funniest fucking shit I’ve  ever  seen.”
Yes, it was at this moment that Mikey indeed questioned if he formed the deadliest gang in all of Tokyo...or if he formed the most immature band of toddlers in all the land of Japan.
“So, who's driving?” Sanzu asked lazily on that faithful Saturday afternoon.
“The last time Rindou drove, he floored it past an old lady because she was driving the speed limit and nearly crashed us into a gasoline tanker, so...I vote not Rind-OW what was that for?!” Kokonoi yelped, getting elbowed in the side by Rindou.
“She was going eight under the speed limit, number one, and number two. I drive fine compared to somebody!” The long-haired man glaring over to Mochi.
“Eat shit.” Mochi replied, flipping Rindou the bird, “Let Kakucho drive; he’s safe.”
Sanzu groaned loudly, “But Kakucho drives like a grandma.”
“And how is that a bad thing?” Kakucho sighed, shaking his head.
“We’re gonna get there at sundown if you drive.” Sanzu pointed out.
“Oh, true.” Ran chimed in with a thoughtful nod.
“I don’t drive  that  slow.”
“Yes, you do,” Sanzu breathed, “Next.” Kakucho held out his hand, only to put it down in defeat.
“Alright, since Sanzu is an absolute fuckwit about this, I’ll drive. One catch, though,” Takeomi spoke up as he threw his cigarette onto the pavement, crushing it under his shoe.
“Ooooh, Takeomi enters the chat.” Sanzu mooned.
“Shut up,” He shook his head, “I get full control of the radio.”
Everyone went silent, staring at one another in horror.
“Sanzu, let someone else drive,” Kokonoi spoke up finally.
“Yeah, please, let someone else drive.” Rindou shook.
“I don’t want to deal with this for 45 minutes.” Mochi looked over at Takeomi, lighting another cigarette, who had a sinister look in his eyes.
Mikey finally strolled down into the parking garage, noticing no one was in the bus, “Who’s driving.”
“Takeomi is,” Sanzu replied, a collective sigh from the group as Takeomi chuckled to himself.
As everyone began boarding the bus, Mikey clung behind with Kakucho, only to ask a singular question, “Does this mean he has control of the radio again?”
“We’re sadly going to be listening to Russian death metal for 45 minutes….”
Mikey stared ahead before reaching into his pocket and fishing out two pairs of earplugs and handing Kakucho a couple, “Tell no one.”
The dark-haired man blinked as the other walked onto the bus, Sanzu slamming on the horn while screaming at Kakucho to “get his ass on the bus,” much to Takeomi’s annoyance as he tried to shove the pink-haired idiot away. Inwardly, he wondered about the kindness as he embarked on the self-proclaimed Bonten prison bus, holding the earplugs in his fist.
The route navigation guidance will start…
“Yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up.” Mochi chided the navigation system.
“Don’t insult her. You’d get lost getting out of a paper bag.” Rindou snorted.
Takeomi turned his head around and glared, “I hear any more arguing, and all of you will wake up in a walk-in freezer.” He said with a sweet smile, putting the bus into gear and starting to drive out of their base.
“You’ll never take me alive!” Sanzu retorted after a moment, snickering to himself as Takeomi visibly winced in anger.
“Yeah, that’s the point, dumbass,” Kokonoi replied, slapping the back of Sanzu’s head with an open palm.
“Takeomiiii Koko hit meeee-”
Takeomi gripped the steering wheel with one hand, his knuckles on that hand turning white as his other hand skillfully reached for the pack of cigarettes and a lighter that laid on the center console. He plucked a stick out with his lips, throwing the pack back down and flicking the lighter to light the cigarette. He inhaled deeply, holding the smoke in for a long while as if to contemplate his current life choices, such as why in the world he ever agreed to play babysitter to a group of overgrown idiots and be their chauffeur for the day. Finally, his eyes looked into the rear-view mirror, meeting Sanzu’s mischievous cerulean ones, “Good, you deserved it.”
“Fuck off, Takeomi.” Sanzu puffed, Takeomi only turning up the music louder in a petty act of revenge.
“Look what you made him do!” The blond man shrieked in horror, everyone else on the bus, minus Kakucho and Mikey, glaring at the pink-haired offender.
“I didn’t do anything! He turned it up himself!” Sanzu defended.
“I’m rating Takeomi 1 star on Uber,” The older of the Haitani brothers joked, “Worst music choices, worst attitude, smokes in the car-”
“You can walk if you want,” Takeomi called out, “But remember, I had to carry you home after that mission because you twisted your ankle because you decided to wear those new Gucci shoes...I think you’d be too far up shit creek to stand on your own.”
Ran blushed furiously, “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone!”
Rindou snorting and holding his sides, “Bro, that’s why you were limping that week? You said you slipped on the ice...It was your shoes?!” He wheezed.
“Oh my god, you’re absolutely hopeless, Ran….” Kokonoi facepalmed, chuckling.
“I am not. I’m reporting you to HR!” The short-haired man pouted, crossing his arms.
Sanzu snorted, “Did you mean Kakucho?” Looking over to the dark-haired man who was staring out the window, “Oh shit, he’s brooding.”
Mochi sighed, “Someone get the tissues ready.”
“Earth to Kakucho, come in to Kakucho...Return to planet earth!!” Sanzu yelled, causing Takeomi to glare at him in the rear-view mirror.
“Sanzu, that walk-in freezer has your name on it...I know a place relatively close by.” Takeomi threatened.
Turn left at the next intersection, then turn right.
“Bullshit, that’s the long way.” Takeomi hissed, throwing his cigarette out the window angrily, “Who designed this.”
“Please do not take us on another scenic route again…” Sanzu whined painfully, “It’s on the GPS for a reason. We do not need to relive the Black Dragons glory days.”
Takeomi rolled his eyes, “For your information, my glory days have nothing to do with getting us there faster.”
“Mhm...keep telling yourself that.” Sanzu replied snarkily, “Are we there yet?”
“Mikey, do you still have the duct tape in the bus?” Kokonoi perked up suddenly, clapping his hands together, “I suddenly thought of a great project for us!”
“I don’t like the sound of this project.” Sanzu objected.
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll just  love  it.” The light-haired man reassured Sanzu, brushing his hand against his arm gently, the other retreating with disgust. Kokonoi snorted with laughter, “What, scared?”
“No, I don’t want to catch your reverse sister complex.”
Kokonoi stared at the other with his mouth wide open, Sanzu rolling his eyes in return, “I was at the Kanto Incident, don’t act like people don’t have ears when you and what’s his face were out there screaming about it….”
“Yeah, you were screaming about it, Koko.” Mochi agreed, Sanzu blinking that the man had agreed with him.
“Oh yeah, I remember that!” Ran exclaimed.
“Survey says Tenjiku remembers it Koko.” Sanzu shrugged.
“Go to hell, and stay there.” Kokonoi huffed, blowing his bangs off his face.
Sanzu crossed his arms, smirking smugly, “You’re just mad because I won.”
“Oh god, he’s crying.” Mochi whispered, nodding his head toward Kakucho, “Sanzu, you just fucking  had  to bring up Tenjiku, didn’t you?”
“Nice going Sanzu, that’s the 3rd time this month you did it, too.” Rindou pointed out, “I don’t think we have tissues in the fucking bus anymore.”
“Why the fuck not?!” Mochi hissed, “Oh wait….” His eyes trailing over to the elder Haitani, who was looking to the side inconspicuously.
Rindou’s eyes narrowed as he looked at his brother, “Yeah, hm, perhaps because someone decided to hop in with a fresh bullet wound….”
“Listen, it was a bad night...week...month….” He attempted in defense, each increment of time making Rindou raise his brow higher and higher, “ Year?” Finally, causing the younger brother to nod in agreement.
“Wow, Ran...it’s almost as though you’re more useless than Sanzu,” Takeomi muttered sarcastically, offended gasps resonating from both Sanzu and Ran.
“At least I know how to cook without setting the fire alarms off,” Ran spoke incredulously.
“You forgot the sprinklers too.” Rindou chimed in.
“Hey,” Sanzu spoke, turning his head to them.
“Please, let us all not forget about the time he came to a meeting to discuss the fine intricacies of how orange juice makes you taste weird after you brush your teeth,” Mochi added, shaking his head in disproval.
“I’m right here!” Sanzu yelled in a huff.
You have arrived at your destination.
“Thank fucking god,” Takeomi sighed, putting the bus in park, “Someone wake Mikey up.”
Surprisingly, the arcade was located in a relatively remote part of town compared to where Bonten typically walked their regular routes. However, this did not stop several people from staring as the rag-tag crew disembarked the converted prison bus.
“Hey, hey...who are those people…”
“They look kinda scary.….”
“Alright, so game plan time.” Sanzu began as they walked towards the doors of the arcade.
“I’ll go in, so you get the deal. However, I’ll be standing outside to smoke otherwise.” Takeomi concluded.
“What?!” Sanzu shrieked in disbelief, “No, you have to participate.”
“No, I don’t.” The scar-faced man replied coldly.
“Let it go Sanzu, Takeomi can keep watch.” Kakuchou offered, “And he needs a break too. He just drove for almost an hour.”
Takeomi nodded his head in agreement, “Couldn’t have said it better.”
Sanzu clicked his tongue in annoyance, looking over to the blond for help, “Mikey….” He pleaded in a petulant manner.
“Let him rest.” Mikey stated, “He’s been pulling overnights, too.”
Takeomi smirked towards Sanzu, who only seemed to get more aggravated as he aggressively pulled open the doors to the arcade with a loud, “Fine!”
The arcade was anything you would expect, loud, smelled a bit musty, and was vibrant beyond compare. However, there was a slight scent of cheese for some strange reason. Heading towards the counter, the eight members of Bonten cashed in for several game cards that were quickly handed to none of than Hajime Kokonoi himself.
“Wait, why me?” He asked incredulously.
“Weren’t you the one who said,  oh, I don’t wanna eat instant noodles for a month ?” Sanzu mocked, shaking his head.
“Yeah, but we’re all adults here and can manage fine….” The platinum blond trailed off, looking around in a confused manner.
“Yeah, Koko, don’t be a hypocrite.”The older Haitani agreed, hands on his hips.
“Are you seriously agreeing with him?!” Koko cried in astonishment.
“Well, I think that settles it,” Sanzu said with a smirk, “You can go play like, one game or something like that.”
“Sanzu, is the word ‘nice’ in your dictionary, or did that get removed when you started your drug usage?” Kakucho asked, blinking.
Sanzu turned and looked at the other man, “I could say something right now, but it would amount to the fourth time this month.”
“Alright, let’s just get on with this shit.” Mochi finally said, shaking his head.
“Yeah, Yeah...I’m going….” Sanzu waved his hand as he walked in the other direction, likely off to find something that piqued his interest.
Ran turned to Rindou, “I wonder if they have DDR here….” He wondered aloud, his lavender eyes glancing around the area only to light up in amusement, “I see it!”
“Oh, it’s on.” Rindou smirked, “Ready for a revenge match, bro?”
“Like I’d ever miss it for the world.” Ran laughed as they both made a bee-line for the machine.
“What are you gonna, do Kakucho?” Mochi asked, turning to the jet-black-haired man.
“I’m not sure; I haven’t been to an arcade since….” He trailed off and looked to the floor.
“Get out of your head for once.” Mochi punched the other lightly in the shoulder with a grin, “Can’t stay in there forever, huh?”
Kakucho looked towards the other man and nodded, “You’re right.”
The two began walking around, attempting to find something to do in the vast array of games and activities, stopping now and then for Mochi to try something and only failing at it miserably, only to have Kakucho show Mochi how to do it properly. Eventually, both came upon a motorcycle racing game, their eyes lighting up as they used to long ago.
“Mochi?” Kakucho asked quietly, though loud enough to hear over the several kids screaming in the background.
“Yeah?” He asked.
“We’re playing this.” He declared.
“I mean, I figured when you stopped right there and were staring at it like it was some sexy chick at the strip club.” Mochi snorted, Kakucho staring at him as though he had two heads.
“Your disrespect for women is unimaginable.” He huffed as he hopped onto the motorcycle.
Mochi let out a hearty chuckle as he climbed onto the adjacent motorcycle, “Preaching respect women while in a gang that deals with prostitution,” He slid the card into the reader twice, “That’s some funny shit.”
“Oh screw, you.” Kakucho pouted as he swerved the motorcycles to select the rider, pausing over a white-haired rider and selecting them.
Mochi stared a moment, blinking at the fact Kakucho had chosen a character that looked like Izana. He shook his head and chose a random character, not exactly caring.
“Oh fuck me, this ain’t nothin’ like the real shit.” Mochi cursed as he attempted to steer, crashing out several times with a string of curses.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about; this is pretty easy?” Kakucho replied, already in 1st place.
“How the fuck!” Mochi swore in anger, attempting to climb back into a semi-reputable position, only to realize he was in 9th place, closing in on 10th.
Kakucho tilted his body through a turn and smiled; he was having fun with this. He truly missed being able to go to the arcade with friends, with Izana. He wondered if they could do this more often...if Bonten could. He was drawn from his thoughts as Mochi swore loudly again, making him laugh, “Mochi, do you need help?”
“How the fuck are you gonna help me from there?!” The bulky man swore, now in 12th place—dead last.
“I...don’t know,” Kakucho admitted, crossing the finish line and setting a course record for the game.
“This is some ungodly level bullshit right here,” Mochi complained, trying to back himself out of an in-game ditch.
Kakucho continued watching for several minutes until Mochi finally crossed the finish line, “Well done.” He congratulated.
“Oh fuck off, enter your damn name.” The bearded man hissed in envy.
Kakucho entered his initials into the game, listed under 2nd place. He wondered who had set the 1st place record for the machine, though it was likely impossible to figure out.
His head turned when he heard a cry of frustration nearby, one that he knew...Koko?
When the group had split up earlier, Haruchiyo Sanzu had given him one rule. That was he was only allowed to play one game. Several ideas ran through his head, virtual poker, which allowed him to recoup the money they were blowing here, the weird slot machine game that looked rather promising, and then, of course, the game where you had a coin and slid it down a slot to push more coins off a ledge… All of those were lovely ideas, Kokonoi thought, that was until he landed upon a red stool in front of a screen that read Deal or No Deal. He’d heard of this reality television series before, and he knew the premise.
The blond pursed his lips as he sat down, assessing the machine. There were 16 buttons on the front labeled 1 through 16 in the shape of what looked to be briefcases. Kokonoi assumed they were to represent the motifs from the show. He sighed, figuring that, if anything, this was going to be the game for him. He slid the game card through the reader, slumping onto the stool.
Get ready to play: Deal or No Deal.
“Fuck me…” Kokonoi sighed in annoyance, watching as the said sixteen cases appeared on the screen with various ticket amounts ranging from one to five hundred. Large letters appearing stating to ‘follow the cases,’ which essentially signified you were supposed to pick the largest amount.
“Oh lovely, some RNG?” He muttered sarcastically, “It’s not like we don’t get enough of that in those gacha games kids play these days….” The cases shuffled around the screen, stopping and showing designated numbers that corresponded to the buttoned below. He thought a moment before pressing the nine button.
Choose your case...this will be your personal case.
“Yeah, I already did that-” Kokonoi hissed in annoyance, spamming one of the buttons to no avail.
You chose case number nine.
Now pick five cases.
“I feel like I’m playing some fucked up lottery.” He sighed, noticing the clock and swearing under his breath as he scrambled to choose a number, “Let’s continue with the ongoing theme of my name.” He pressed the 1 button.
One of the virtual women on the screen opened the case to reveal a low ticket amount, Kokonoi nodding his head in approval. He pressed the 13 button, the game echoing his choice once again to show yet another low ticket amount.
“And I thought poker was a rush.” He mused to himself, pressing the 8 button. This time, a larger amount was revealed.
“And all good things come to an end.” The light-haired man sighed as he then pressed the 15, another low.
“Back in black,” He joked, leaning back as he assessed the board for the final number, “Alright, let’s try 6.” It was a high number.
There was a ring from a telephone, causing Kokonoi to look around in confusion, only to realize it was the game, “This is such a weird game….”
That’s the bank.
“Oh good, am I getting paid?”
Here is the offer...Deal or No Deal...
A ticket amount appeared on the screen, Kokonoi’s inky eyes narrowing, “That’s it?!” He cried in frustration, hitting the NO DEAL button quickly, “I think that one gang we took out last week had a better offer for us than that.” He huffed.
Now open four cases.
“Again?” He asked incredulously, shaking his head, “Fine.” He pressed the 2 button, revealing a large amount, “Goddammit.” He thought a moment as the clock ticked down.
Hurry up.
“Oh, this game did  not  just tell me to hurry up.” The fair-haired man stated saltily, pressing the 16 button, low. He smirked, “See, can’t rush perfection.” He pushed the 10 button, low again.
“One more until the bank comes crawling back to me….” Kokonoi thought aloud to himself, hovering over the 14 button and then pressing it gently. Another low amount. The phone began ringing again in the game, music to Kokonoi’s ears, in all honesty.
There’s the bank again.
“Who else would it be?” Kokonoi mocked as he waited for the offer to appear on the screen.
Here’s the offer...Deal or No Deal…
Kokonoi thought a moment as the in-game clock ticked down. While this was a remarkably better offer than the last, he knew that there was still a significant chance he would be able to win big, and after all, it was an arcade. And not to mention, the bragging rights over Sanzu would give him mental clarity for the next month. With that thought, he pressed the NO DEAL button.
Now pick three cases.
Kokonoi sucked in a breath, his heart pumping, and he rubbed his hands together, “This is starting to feel like poker.” He pressed the 3 key. High. Swearing under his breath as he then pushed the 12 key high again. He stared up at the ceiling, his grand plan starting to fall apart as he looked down and pressed the 7 key, hoping for some luck. Low. Kokonoi sighed to himself as the phone rang, knowing the offer would look like garbage compared to the last, and laughing hysterically when it was less than half of what it originally was, quickly pressing the NO DEAL button as if he had never seen it.
Now open two cases.
“I don’t know if it’s good or bad, that the highest amount is still there, or that the offer they just made was so bad I wanted to leave here and never return..” Kokonoi chuckled to himself, questioning his life choices up until this point, pressing the 5 key. High. He then pressed the 4 key, also high.
“Wait...doesn’t that mean…” He stared and blinked, “I have either the 1 ticket or 500…”
The phone ringing again to make another offer, Kokonoi spamming the NO DEAL button as he came to the realization.
Now, let’s open your case.
As the in-game woman opened the case, Kokonoi leaned forward, only for the case to reveal...One ticket. Hajime Kokonoi had won, one ticket. He screamed, slamming his hands onto the machine before holding his head in his hands, staring at the floor in anguish. By now, Kakucho and Mochi had made their way over to him.
“Koko, what happened?” Kakucho asked, leaning down to attempt to make eye contact.
“I took a calculated risk...and for what.” The blond sobbed, his hand nearly tearing his hair out in frustration.
“Uh...Koko, it’s just a game.” Mochi laughed, amused by the entire situation.
“Do you think we can put a hit on Howie?” Kokonoi asked after a moment, looking up at the two of them.
“Who the fuck is Howie?” Mochi asked.
“Isn’t that the Deal or No Deal guy?” Kakucho asked, and then noticing where they were standing, “The answer is no, we are not killing someone for your petty revenge.”
Kokonoi huffed and crossed his arms, “Fine.” He looked around, “Where’s Ran and Rindou?”
“Oh, they’re with their fan club.” Mochi snorted, “Go see for yourself.”
“They really do have it, bro!” Rindou said with a huge grin, pointing towards the bright and colorful Dance Dance Revolution machine in front of them.
“Why wouldn’t they? They had it when we were growing up in Roppongi?”
“Okay, but who the fuck knows about a weird arcade Sanzu chose.”
“You speak only the truth…” Ran laughed, stepping onto the pad and sliding the card through the reader, “Oh nice, we get three songs?”
“Remember before we’d have to keep a cup of quarters on the floor, and we’d always spill it?” Rindou asked, tying his hair into a bun and joining his brother on the game’s vibrant pad.
“Yeah, and you’d always blame me for it even though you were always the one who did it!” Ran pouted, flipping through the songs and pausing on one, the music filtering through speakers as he turned to Rindou with a sinister smirk, “What was that about a revenge match?”
Rindou grinned, crossing his arms triumphantly, “I’ll gladly bust your ass at Kimagure Mercy any day.”
“Do you still remember how we do it?” Ran questioned as he selected it, sliding off his suit jacket and slinging it over the back of the railing.
“How couldn’t I.” The bun-sporting man rolled his lavender eyes, “Aren’t you the older one, gRANdpa?”
Ran’s eyebrow twitched, “I’m not above sibling punishment Rindou.”
“Oh, I’m shaking.”
The was applause from the game, signifying the song was about to start. The two brothers faced forwards, the intro starting and patterns beginning to fall down the screen. The two started to move in unison, swaying back and forth to the beat. It wasn’t until the first verse hit that what Ran mentioned began.
The Haitani brothers had begun to dance while playing Dance Dance Revolution.
Rindou glanced over to his brother, “Oh my god can you stop being such a show-off for once?” He huffed through a laugh, clapping hands with his brother to the beat.
“Please, it’s on my wiki article!” Ran cried out, “Just like you’re a big brute.” He bopped his head.
“I am not!” The younger retorted, squinting at the screen.
“Don’t mess up, Rindou!” Ran teased and purposefully pushed the other a bit in one of their claps.
“Fuck off!”
A crowd began to grow, mainly teenage girls enamored by these two men playing the game in such a spectacular way. All of them were excitedly watching as the two played, starting to ask each other questions such as “Does anyone know their names?” “Who are they?” “Do they have an Instagram?”... Eventually, when Rindou’s name was mentioned, people began to cheer for him. Naturally, this caused a significant issue for Ran Haitani.
“Hi ladies, I’m Ran~” He sang, causing them to squeal, a smirk plastered on his face, and an annoyed groan from Rindou echoing in response.
“In another life, I wonder if you were destined to be a host.” He sighed, accidentally missing the tile on the floor, “Shit!” he swore loudly.
“You see what you get, Rindou; respect your elders.” Ran snorted, the other man glaring at him from the corner of his eyes.
“When this song is over, you better run…” He whispered, “It’s over in 23...22...21…”
“I’m so old, my hearing…” He joked, Rindou nearly grabbing his hand during one of the claps and breaking it.
The song wrapped up, Ran turning around and waving to the group of girls and Rindou slouching forwards, primarily due to rage, though also due to an insatiable desire to beat his brother to a pulp in Dance Dance Revolution.
“Oh, you want more?” Ran asked with a lazy smirk as he waved to the “fans”.
“We have 2 more songs.” Rindou huffed, rolling his eyes, “It’s a waste of money.”
“True,” Ran nodded his head, “Let’s pick an easier song then!” He reached for the buttons only to have his hand slapped away by the younger, a dull ‘ow’ leaving his lips.
“No, we’re playing this song until I beat you. It’s that simple.” Rindou explained, hands on his hips.
“Fine, fine.” The older relented, “Don’t blame me if you can’t beat me.”
By the time Kakucho, Mochi, and Kokonoi made it over to the Haitani brothers. The crowd was sizeable. The arcade staff attempted to get the crowd to disperse, as it was becoming a fire hazard to the facility.
“Hey Ran, Rindou, what happened here?” Mochi asked as he finally made it to the front.
The two stepped off the machine and walked over to the group, Rindou grinning as the elder brother shook his head, “I reminded him who the rightful heir to the DDR throne is.”
“Please, you only beat me once.” Ran sighed in exasperation and exhaustion.
“And that still means I beat you.” The long-haired man spoke smugly.
“Wait, so that crowd...was all for you two playing a rhythm game?” Kokonoi questioned, “That’s insane.”
“I hope they don’t follow us home, or Mikey is going to have our heads,” Kakucho pondering the probability, “Then again, they might see Takeomi and get a bit scared.”
“Is he still out smoking?” Kokonoi pondered, tilting his head to see if he could see him, “I can’t see him.”
“I thought I saw him come in with Sanzu earlier?” Ran spoke up, the entire group staring at him.
“That can’t be right. Takeomi would never go with Sanzu…” The blond-haired man stated, slightly bewildered by the information.
“Oh, there he is.” The younger Haitani pointed, Takeomi wearing a shit-eating grin as he walked back outside, the entire group then spotting a pissed-off Sanzu.
Sanzu was officially bored. He thought that coming to the arcade would be an excellent way to spend some time away from things, though it only seemed to create more issues. What was worse was everyone else seemed to be doing their own thing, so there was no one left to mess with or bother. After an hour of wandering around and playing several games that held his attention for a few minutes or less, he set his sights on a bigger and better prize: Akashi Takeomi.
Yes, in actuality Akashi Takeomi was dangerous. He likely could kidnap Sanzu as he slept, lock him in a freezer, and then feed him to the fish...Though where was the fun in not messing with someone like that? He smirked to himself as he walked outside to see the scar-faced man unsurprisingly smoking.
“Ew, how many have you smoked today?” Sanzu spoke, holding his nose in mock disgust.
Takeomi didn’t even look at him, “Half a pack, give or take.”
“Smoking’s bad for you, y’know.”
“Drugs are too, but you don’t see me trying to give you a 12-step lecture.” Takeomi retorted dryly, Sanzu cackling in response.
“I gotta hand it to ya. That one was funny.” The pink-haired man pointing to the other.
“What exactly do you want?”
Sanzu clasped his hands together, “Dearest Takeomi, you’ve been out here for over an hour...I think it’s about time you came inside and actually enjoyed what we came here for.”
“No.” He replied with a laugh, “Nice try though, really love the theatrics...maybe we can get you a job with the prostitutes.”
Sanzu groaned, “Can you stop being a stick in the mud for once and be fun?”
Takeomi felt something inside him snap. Honestly, he just wanted to sit outside and smoke. He wanted not to have to deal with a specific pink-haired buffoon who continued to ruin his Saturdays over and over each week. Instead, however, he turned to the other man with a sickly sweet smile, throwing his cigarette onto the ground and crushing it under his shoe, “Sure, Sanzu, I’ll play one game...let’s go.”
“Really!” Sanzu’s face lit up with excitement, “Okay, let’s go!”
As they entered the arcade, Sanzu and Takeomi walked around a moment, regret beginning to wash over the older as his head began to pound from the noise and light.
“So, what do you want to play.” The pink-haired man asked, tipping his head to meet the other’s gaze.
“I don’t know, and I haven’t been to an arcade in fuck all knows.” Takeomi hissed, rubbing his temples, “Can you make it quick?”
“Jeez, I didn’t know they made you when the dinosaurs still walked the planet.” Sanzu grumbled, “Let’s go for a shooter then.” The two of them walking towards a Western-style shooting game that had plastic guns.
“Why am I not surprised.” The dark-haired man breathed, shaking his head.
“What? Sorry, I’m good at what I’m good at?” Sanzu mocked, shrugging his shoulders, “Anyways, it’s pretty self-explanatory...aim, pull the trigger, boom.”
Takeomi smirked. What Sanzu didn’t know was, he knew how to play this game. He knew far too well how to play this game because, during his days as a Brahma captain, Senju and himself would often sit in arcades and play. Sanzu Haruchiyo had sentenced himself to an early grave with this one, no matter how good a shot he was.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” The pink-haired man nodding his head towards the machine.
“I’m broke; you pay for it.”
“How the fuck are you broke if you- Nevermind.” Sanzu started, shaking his head and sliding his game card through the reader, “Let’s settle this.”
The older stepped up to the gallery, picking up the model gun and testing the weight in his hands before settling on a position.
Enemies started popping onto the screen, Sanzu quickly shooting the targets that were his color. He thought to himself it would be easy to best the older man until he realized he was keeping pace, and his score was already twice his based on the accuracy bonus.
“Hey, hey, hey…” Sanzu started, beginning to get ruffled by the sudden turn of events.
“What is it Sanzu, maybe you should aim a bit better, or is that too difficult?” Takeomi replied cooly as he blasted the head off of a zombie, “Oh, that was a good one.”
“Are you  shitting  me?” He cried out in response, “You actually know how to play this?” Sanzu was aiming for one of the enemy bonuses. However, he missed miserably. He swore under his breath, much to Takeomi’s delight.
“It’s been a good oh, what did you call it...era.” He mused as they made it to the boss level, “But for someone as young as you, this must be easy, right?” His voice dripping with poison.
“There’s still the boss level. I can-” He looked at the scores, feeling the color drain out of his face.
“What was that, Sanzu? My old deaf ears can’t hear you over the sound of your absolute thrashing.” He chuckled, “But don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll recover in time to hear you cry.”
“Do we just need to get you a nicotine drip? I don’t think the patch is gonna cut it with you.” Sanzu groaned, “Or, do you want one of my pills? Those might take your edge off too.”
“Take the joke, Sanzu,” He sighed, the game finishing out and Takeomi writing his initials in the records list, “Have a good time trying to beat that, though.” The older smirking, patting the other on the back as he walked towards the entrance, shit-eating grin plastered across his face as he pulled out another cigarette from his ever-dwindling pack.
Sanzu stared at the score in disbelief. He couldn’t beat that score today. He would have to come back another day to beat it, but he would beat it, no matter what. He stomped his foot in frustration, only to notice the entire Bonten group was looking, sans Mikey. He blinked and did what any person with an IQ between 85 and 115 would do...make a break for the food court before he could be harassed.
Was this the main reason Mikey agreed to this excursion? He didn’t want to admit to it. However, when the flyer said they had six different types of taiyaki in the featured food court, Mikey was sold instantly on the idea, as embarrassing as it was. He quietly walked towards the counter, scanning the menu with his pitch-black eyes only to discover there were, in fact, now eight taiyaki options. He smiled softly to himself as the person operating the counter looked on in confusion at the strange man in front of them, “Can I help you?” The food court employee asked him, tilting their head to the side slightly.
“Taiyaki, all of them,” Mikey said, sliding a large bill onto the counter.
“Do you mean all of the kinds or...all of them, all of them.” The employee clarified, thinking to themselves.
His eyes lit up, “I can have all of them?” He asked.
“As long as you pay for them, I don’t see why not...It might take a bit, though, because we warm them in an oven, so they get kinda crispy.” The employee explained, noticing the glimmer in his eyes.
“All of them, then.” Mikey clarified, adding another bill on the counter.
“Do I know you from somewhere, though?” They asked as they handed him his change, causing Mikey to pause for a brief moment.
“I haven’t ever met you before.” He replied, walking to one of the tables and sitting in the uncomfortably hard seating. It was nearly impossible to take a nap here due to how loud and bright it was, as well as how unbearable some of the smells were...Who honestly authorized it to smell like nacho cheese? Though, he also realized he was in a food court. Slouching down into the chair, he wondered what the rest of his gang had decided to put their minds to that day. He assumed Sanzu had found something involving guns and roped Takeomi into it as well, smirking because he knew that Takeomi had played before. Kokonoi had likely found something involving money, and The Haitani brothers honestly were talking up a storm about Dance Dance Revolution before they even arrived. Mochi and Kakucho were the two members of the group he wasn’t quite too sure about. He made a mental note to ask Kakucho when they boarded the bus again later that day.
“Alright, here are the first few, careful though, because they’re extremely hot.” The employee warned, setting a tray in front of the light-haired man, “I’ll keep them coming.”
Mikey reached forward and grabbed one of them, mentally noting that his hand was burning, though not exactly caring as the gratification of the taiyaki was going to be worth it in half a second. He bit in and leaned back in bliss. He was elated as he continued to eat through the pile of confections, completely losing track of time. He inwardly began to feel that the Russian death metal car ride from hell was worth it, and so was having to deal with Sanzu complaining about everything. And so was-
“Mikey, are you okay?”
He wanted to snap his neck.
Sanzu stared at the fair-haired man, who looked as though he had passed out in his chair, only for him to lean back up with a menacing stare slowly, “I’m fine.” He said coldly, taking another angry bite of the taiyaki.
“O...Oh…” The pink-haired man replied, nodding his head nervously as he backed away, “That’s a lot of taiyaki there.” He pointed towards the ever-growing pile of confections.
“I know. They’re mine.” Mikey responded as he finished the first, licking his lips and picking up another, “Where is everyone else?” He questioned as he bit into the sweet and bitter flavor of matcha.
“I saw them a couple of minutes ago; they’ll probably be here in a minute...Takeomi is smoking.” He informed the other, omitting the absolute ass-kicking he had received.
As if on cue, the group walked into the food court; however, the mood quickly changed as Kokonoi held up his phone, “We need to go, one of Ran’s fangirls posted them on their Instagram; and we need to get out of here,  now .” His eyes narrowing.
“Why are we blaming my fangirl for this? They’re just as much of Rindou’s as mi-OW” Ran once again getting elbowed in the side by his brother.
“We wouldn’t be in this mess if you didn’t name drop both me and yourself, so now you’re  really  more useless than Sanzu!” Rindou scolded him, “And you’re supposed to be older than me!”
“I’m RIGHT here!” Sanzu replied, raising his hands in exasperation.
“Cry me a river Sanzu, oh wait-” Mochi snorted, laughing at his own joke.
Kakucho grinned, “Mochi, that was surprisingly good coming from you.”
“I know, right. I surprise even myself sometimes.” The brawny man beamed.
“I hate all of you.” Sanzu huffed, crossing his arms.
“We hate you too; now let’s get going before we have to shoot our way out of a fucking arcade?” The long-haired blond replied in a haughty tone, motioning for the exit.
“Mikey, get a to-go box,” Kakucho suggested to the blond sitting at the table, eyeing the remaining taiyaki sadly.
“I’ll leave them.”
“Shotgun!” Sanzu yelled as they exited the arcade, Takeomi making eye contact with him and shaking his head.
“There isn’t even a passenger seat. What are the drugs hitting you that hard?” Kokonoi questioned him with a laugh.
“I’m assuming the cops are coming then?” Takeomi asked as he fished the keys to the bus out of his pocket, starting to walk with the group.
“ Oh yeah, Ran and Rindou are Instagram famous; Koko show him.” Mochi snorted, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Why is it always...fine.” He attempted to argue as he pulled up the post on his phone, revealing a video with nearly 500 likes and 130 comments.
“Wait, I didn’t see it yet!” Ran yelled as he ran over to Kokonoi, smushing his head in to see, “Wow, I look good… Rindou does, too, of course.”
“Shut the fuck up, you cretaceous period cretin.” Rindou hissed, flipping him off from afar only to have Ran run after him.
“Stop running in the parking lot!” Kakucho yelled, shaking his head, “I swear to god…”
“You have to admit, though, it was a good time.” Mochi stated with a smile, “We should do this again.”
“Alright, everyone, get on the fucking bus, or I’m leaving without you,” Takeomi yelled, hopping into the driver’s seat.
“And who died and made you king?!” Sanzu yelled only to smack his head on the roof while boarding the bus, causing Mikey to snort from a laugh uncharacteristically.
“Wait, did Mikey just laugh?” Kokonoi asked, genuinely amazed.
“I made Mikey laugh!” Sanzu cheered, patting himself on the back.
“Wow, if only we could hurt you more...then maybe we could restore all of his emotions…” Takeomi whispered to himself.
“What was that?” Sanzu questioned, leaning forward.
“No, nope, nothing.” Takeomi lied badly.
“That’s what I thought,” Sanzu replied with a smile, sitting back in his seat, Takeomi groaning and reaching for his pack of cigarettes only to realize there weren’t any left. He sighed heavily, leaning back into the cushion of the driver’s seat and staring up at the tattered ceiling. It was going to be a long drive home, huh.
In Toyko, the conflict with a group named “Bonten” intensifies...However, they seem to have a soft side too…
It was once again a Wednesday, except this week Sanzu Haruchiyo was on time, and there were no off-topic discussions. Instead, all that was discussed was saving Bonten from the PR nightmare the Haitani brothers had created for the gang. And, of course, the now planned hit on Howie Mandel. However, the damage was done, and the gang’s reputation seemed to go from “dangerous and deadly” to “upcoming idol group.” However, Mikey didn’t seem too troubled by it, though it wasn’t exactly possible to tell what he thought until it was too late.
Takeomi sighed as he once again lit a cigarette, staring off into the distance, “Here’s to another fucking Wednesday.”
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bittenwritten · 3 years
Idle Gossip
[Harley Quinn 2019] Scarecrow x [Villain] reader
*reader is gender neutral* [Reposted from my Wattpad account]
It all started with your invitation to the Penguin’s nephew’s Bar Mitzvah coming through the mail slot. Normally, you’d prefer to keep to yourself and not attend any social gatherings. However, on this occasion you’d had a rough week and a fancy get-together seemed to be just what the doctor ordered, and so you decided to bite the bullet and attend. Unfortunately, what you seemed to completely forget, until the day of the Bar Mitzvah, is that you'd actually have to talk to people. Great.
You decided that cancelling now would just be more hassle than it was worth, and so that is how you ended up sitting round a small table with a few of your fellow Legion of Doom members discussing the recent drama that was the JoQuinn break-up. Other than the Joker blowing up the host of Good Morning Gotham, this was the first time you were hearing about the whole drama, so it was all news to you. Well, I say ‘conversation’, it was more so just Scarecrow gossiping at the group about the whole hullabaloo while everyone else was becoming tired of the non-stop gossip coming out of Jonathan’s mouth. Well, everyone but you. You couldn’t for the life of you explain, but you just seemed to hang onto every single word that came out of his mouth as he rambled on.
 You weren't even really listening to what was being said anymore, you were just so transfixed by the way he spoke, there was some kind of devilish charm to it that made you feel weak in the knees.
 You’d only recently realized your feelings for the twig of a man on a collaborative heist, where you had to suddenly drag him out of Batman's sight and ended up pinning him up against the wall. Neither of you even said anything, you just stared at each other for an uncomfortably long time until Batman walked in and caught the two of you like that. It had to be the most embarrassing point in your career, but there was something about that flustered look on his face that made your heart skip a beat.
Back in the present, Twoface looked like he was about to lose his patience before the door to the atrium swung open. Two figures stood in the doorway, the more extravagant of the two had a massive tiger on a lead in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other. You didn’t even recognise her for a split-second but her pale-white skin was an immediate give away to her identity, it was the Joker’s ex, Harley Quinn. Behind her stood the more intimidating figure of Poison Ivy, she seemed to be more disinterested with the whole thing. Harley took a swing from the bottle and threw it over her shoulder, only to stop dead in her tracks as she looked around in horror, you could only assume she mis-read her invite in regards to what type of party this was. Glancing over to your fellow villains, they seemed to be just as confused as you were.
“Well, this is an interesting development” Scarecrow commented, resting his head in his hand as he leaned forward. “You know...” he started “i bet there’s something going on between those two” he used his free-hand to gesture towards the two.
“Y’know what, I’m starving.” TwoFace quickly stood up “Bane, buddy, how's about you and I go check out the buffet?” 
“Sure, sounds good.” Bane said in his usual upbeat tone.
“Yeah, good idea.” Scarecrow added as he began to stand out of his seat.
“Nah, nah, nah.” TowFace cut him off. “Y’know two’s company but three's a crowd-” he clearly just wanted an excuse to get away from the non-stop gossip that was giving him a head-ache.
“You two just stay put, we’ll be back in a sec” and with that he bee-lined towards the buffet table with Bane following closely behind. Scarecrow slowly sat back down and stared in confusion at the two before turning his attention to you.
“Wonder what got into them” he laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah, I wonder.” you agreed and took a quick sip from your drink.
His expression turned to a more deadpan one. “Well I mean you could at least try to be a bit more subtle with it.” he scoffed.
“Sweetheart, if I was to be subtle about anything, you wouldn’t pick up on a single thing I was implying” you shot back, leaning towards him and taking another swig from your drink.
“Oh, like your obvious attraction to me.” he joked and raised an eyebrow as you spat out your drink in surprise.
“S’cuse me?!” you managed to sputter out once you recovered from your coughing fit.
“Oh give me a break.” he rolled his eyes. “I know I can be a bit oblivious at times but not to this extent.” he said as a smirk formed at the edges of his mouth.
“What are you talking about?” you laughed nervously, trying to relieve some of the sudden tension that had been created. He looked at you like you’d just asked him who Batman was before answering. 
“I mean, you avoiding me recently, your longing stares.” he put a hand on his head in overly dramatic fashion, which admittedly got a slight laugh from you.
“I mean for fucks sake, just now you were making eyes at me throughout the conversation about the break-up.” he added. Your body stiffens and heats up as he finishes his sentence. God, were you that obvious? 
At this point, your face was as red as a tomato and you were stumbling over your words as you failed to come up with a rebuttal. Luckily you were saved from this hell when Bane and TwoFace returned to the table, stopping him from continuing his accusation. You sighed in relief and looked back over to him, he still had that smug smirk on his face that always made your heart flutter. 
“How's the food over there?” you asked.
“Eh, nothing worth spoiling your dinner for.” TwoFace shrugged, sitting back into his seat.
“Uh-oh, who are these trouble-makers?” Harley walked up to the table.
“Nah, I'm just kidding- I know it’s you [name], Scarecrow, TwoFace, other side of TwoFace, Bane-!” you all laughed at her imitation. “I'm gonna’ blow up this Bar Mitzvah” Bane grumbled.
“Quinn, Great ta’ see ya’! Where've ya’ been hiding?” TwoFace asked.
“On your left side where you can’t see shit!”
You all burst into laughter again but this time you couldn’t help but steal another look at Scarecrow. You loved the way he looked when he laughed, from the way his eyes lit up to his dorky smile, you just couldn't get enough of it but you quickly looked away before he could catch your staring.
“So guess who came up with a plan to kill Batman, uh, ya girl-” but before she could continue a looming shape appeared behind her.
“Look who’s trying to run before she can walk”. Well, as if your night couldn’t get any worse, the Joker was here to completely derail it. Great.
The others laughed and you plastered on a fake smile.
“Mazel Tov!” Bane greeted him.
“Glad you're here, J-man. Pull up a chair, doesn’t bother me-” Harley pulled out the menu.
“So who’s going beef and who’s going chicken?”
“You are going somewhere else-” Joker demanded.
“-because this is the Legion of Doom table! Why don’t you find the crazy bitch table?”
“Spoiler: it’s not a real table” Bane chipped in.
“That was implied-”
“Oh” Bane frowned.
“Who wants to ditch this jester and tear up Gotham with me?!” Harley yelled, which was only met with manic laughter from the Joker.
“Laugh, laugh with me” Joker ordered. You did your best to sound genuine as you forced a laugh, like the others, but you weren't too sure how convincing you sounded.
“Uhh, you know what, who needs ya’ this table is too far away from the dancefloor anyway!” Harley stomped off.
Joker pulled up a seat and sat down.
“Sorry about that folks, women am i right?” None of you really felt comfortable with that last comment.
“Joker, nice to see ya’, didn’t think you’d make it” TwoFace said, greeting him.
“Well, of course, how could i miss such a big event” he grinned, to you it seemed a bit disingenuous but you let it slide.
“Now, what did I miss?”
“Scarecrow was just telling us how Harley dumped ya’.” TwoFace explained.
“Oh really?”
The smug grin on the Joker’s face dropped as he shot a glare at Scarecrow, who was currently sweating bullets.
“Oh I'm sure you're definitely in a position to talk, Crane, seeing as your single ass can’t even get a date, let alone dump one. And for the record, I dumped her.” you could feel the condescending nature of his tone as he spoke. Jonathan looked down at his drink as Joker continued to talk down to him.
You desperately wanted to say something but were snapped out of your thoughts by a loud voice screaming “assholes-”, you all quickly turned to see where the voice came from, only to find it was Harley bitching about you all to Ivy. Joker shot her a smug grin before turning back to the group. He opened his mouth to speak again only to be cut off.
“But they don’t know shit-” Harley screamed again, shaking their table as she slammed her fists onto it. Luckily, this seemed to distract Joker from his rant long enough for him to forget.
“Now, where was I?” 
Thinking quickly you came up with an answer.
“You were talking about dumping Harley.”
“Ah, yes. Can you believe that, the bitch even blew up my hideout out of spite-” he started going on and on about how he was totally the one who ended it. You looked over to Scarecrow as he sighed a breath of relief and mouthed ‘thank you’. You smiled and nodded at him before facing back to the pasty-white madman in front of you. 
By the time Joker had finished his rant, the food had arrived. It was pretty good, but you and Scarecrow were both too busy stealing looks at each other while the other wasn’t looking to enjoy it. 
“Uuh, my chicken’s rubbery.” Joker grumbled.
 “Ooh, your beef looks good” he said as he slid Bane’s plate over to himself.
“Uh, fine” Bane sighed as he reached for the plate of chicken, wanting at least something to eat.
“Ah-“  Joker swatted his hand away. 
“I might finish that.”
“Well, then, what are we doing?-” Bane protested, but was cut off by a voice over the speakers.
“Hey, everybody, let’s give it up for Joshua’s Bar Mitzvah. Huh?” Penguin stood on stage next to his nephew, Joshua.
“It was very special, for me it was when I realized it was my dream to become a crime lord” he wiped a tear from his eye before continuing. 
“So today, I force that dream onto you.” The crowd cheered as he placed a top-hat, that was identical to his, onto Joshua’s head.
You look out of the corner of your eye and catch Scarecrow staring directly at you. Though he was wearing his mask, you could tell he was blushing by the way his eyes darted away from you as he straightened himself the moment your eyes met, only daring to look back at you to see if you were still staring back at him. You flashed him a cheeky grin as you playfully winked at him, you could swear that you saw his heart completely stop beating inside his chest as you did. 
“Okay, Joshua, get ready for your first caper! Good luck fighting off the guards, also known as Gotham Chuckle Hut’s finest improvisers, and stealing that cash-ola, otherwise known as ‘Joshua Bucks’!” The curtains began to open.
“Go Joshua- Oh my God-”
The curtains opened fully to reveal what seemed to be a massacre. The improv troupe lay in pools of their own blood, you could even see the bone fully stick out of one man’s leg for crying out loud! The culprit stood in the doorway of the vault, after somehow getting it open, and was holding some of the ‘Joshua Bucks’. Judging by your table’s reaction, you could tell who it was. Your suspicions were confirmed when the perp spoke up.
“Hey, Joshy, Mazel Tov!” Yeah, it was Harley. You could get a better view of her as she walked closer and picked up one of the men so it looked like he was standing.
There was an audible gasp from the crowd as she dropped him again, further exposing his bones. In contrast, Joker started laughing maniacally and nugded Bane.
“This is fantastic! You’re probably not laughing because this is sort of how you screw up.”
“You ruined the Bar Mitzvah!” Penguin stated as he walked forward as the crowd booed.
“-and crippled an improv troupe!”
“Meh- oh well”
Bane, TwoFace and Bane quickly stood up, but you and Scarecrow were only now snapping fully back into reality.
“If you two could quit your eye-fucking session and hurry up, it would be greatly appreciated-” Joker snapped at you both as he and the others made their way to the vault room, before you could say anything to defend yourselves. You both looked at each other for a split-second but you quickly pushed down your feelings of embarrassment and speeded after them with Jonathan hot on your heels.
“-and that's our show, folks!” Harley announced and took a bow before darting towards the exit.
“I've got this.” Penguin said, cocking his umbrella gun and taking aim.
There was a loud ‘thud’ as Harley fell to the floor as the tranquilizer dart took effect. You all gathered round to see what was happening.
“Say ‘goodnight, Puddin’.” Joker spoke with a smug grin on his face.
“You think… this is gonna’... stop...me?” her words became more slurred as she slipped into unconsciousness. Joker only laughed at ths threat.
“Hah- She even sounds like you!” he laughed as he turned to Bane.
“Oh- I don't think… Do I sound like… You never hear your own voice I guess.” Bane sputtered out, as two of Penguin’s henchmen picked up Harley’s limp body. You all walked out of the vault room and joined the crowd as the music started playing again.
“I’m assuming this is all you’ll be gossiping about for the next year.” you spoke in a hushed tone as you nudged Scarecrow’s arm. He simply rolled his eyes at you, but did nothing to cover up the dorky grin on his face as he did so. 
“Perhaps.” he said, pausing before he continued.
“When I do, would you like me to leave in the part where I repeatedly caught you staring affectionately at me or no?”
“Oh really, ‘cause I could've sworn that I caught you only a couple of minutes ago doing the exact same thing.” you scoffed, leaning towards him.
 You see a hint of momentary panic in his eyes as he tries to conjure up an excuse and push down the feeling of… warmth?- he got in his stomach as he remembered the part where you winked at him, he couldn’t explain it but it felt familiar. Then it hit him like a brick, he knew exactly where he’d felt this before. He’d felt the same weird, warm, fuzzy, confusing feeling when you had him pinned against that old factory wall and were staring into his eyes. He’d rather die than admit it, but you looming above him, the way your chest rose and fell as you panted, the fact that your mouths were so close that if he so much as tilted his head upward your lips would be touching, might have just awoken something in him.
He shook himself out of his thoughts and saw you still waiting for his answer.
“Guilty as charged.” he shrugged and laughed nervously.
Before you could continue, you both noticed four men carrying Harley, who was tied to a chair and just regaining consciousness now.
“Cut the song- No Horah for Harley” Penguin ordered as the men placed the chair down a couple of feet away from him.
“Hey, it's gonna’ take more than a souped-up parasol to keep me from kicking your ass you fat, flightless bird.” Harley snapped.
“The mouth on her!” Penguin turned to Joshua.
“What better way to become a man than by-”
“-Ohh! Than by touching your umbrella? Whoo!” Joshua snatched the umbrella from his hands. 
“Yes! I’ve been waiting for this!” he stated as he pointed it towards Harley
“Any last words before I kill your dumb, blonde, stupid, smelly-”
“-That’s too many adjectives,” Scarecrow whispered. You nodded in agreement.
“-Idiot ass!” Joshua finished.
“Hey, Joshua, make sure you aim it directly at my head ‘cause you don’t want to miss in front of your friends and family-”
“I won’t miss” Joshua stated as his hand began to shake.
“I don’t know.. That trembly finger’s telling a different story-” she taunted.
“I-it’s not trembly, it’s just- I’ve never shot an umbrella before-”
“I bet there’s a lot of things you’ve never done, like: drunk a beer-”
“-I drunk a beer, like all the time. I always drunk beers” his voice became as shaky as his hand as he looked around the room.
“I bet you still believe in Santy Clause.”
“I-i don’t! I’m Jewish and tonight I’m a man!”
“Oh, that’s right, i forgot that I’m talkin’ to a newly grown man- I mean you’ve already finger-banged somebody.” There was a loud gasp from the audience. Well, this got uncomfortable real quick.
“Wait, what?!”
“I mean you have, haven’t you, you didn’t lie about such an important milestone, right?”
“Y-yeah it happened!”
“Are you sure?” Joshua’s body was fully trembling at this point as he looked over to his uncle, who glared back at him, waiting for him to take the shot.
“I-I don’t… I don’t know… it was dark” he stammered .
“It was at camp, at night… it was me and her and it was dark. I definitely did something” 
“Oh, Joshy, do you really think you're ready to kill someone if you’ve never even finger-blasted a girl?”
“You’re right- I’m not ready” he started to sob as he ran into his mother's arms.
“I told you we should’ve gotten him the dollhouse like he asked, Oswald-” she hissed
“It’s not a dollhouse! It’s an army base with sound  effects of real screams, and it’s the only thing I wanted!” his voice broke half way through his sentence.
“Your dead, Quinn” Penguin spat as he aimed his umbrella at her, but then the sound of glass breaking filled the room and a man fell face-first from the ceiling, followed by Poison Ivy lowering herself down from the newly made hole with a vine. Harley greeted her before doing a front flip onto her back which broke the chair, and something else , you assumed by the way she reacted.
“Uuh, i thought that was gonna be way cooler-” she hissed as the Joker walked up to her.
“Harley, you're not a solo-act, you're a sidekick, an afterthought. No one is ever going to take you seriously. Admit you’re nothing without me and you walk away alive. Or you can die!”
“Welp, easy choice.” the weird green man got up from the floor.
“uh , lovely Bar Mitzvah. Mazel, mazel.” he began to walk away.
“Are you leaving?” Ivy asked him.
“Uh, no-”
“I ain’t admitting shit!” Harley hissed as she picked herself up. Joker only sighed.
“Boys?” he called on the four of you, you all grinned and raced to grab your weapons from the table.
“I’ve got TwoFace.” Harley stated.
“I’ve got [name] and Scarecrow.” Ivy confirmed.
“I have-oh wow- oh God- wow.” Kite-Man stared up to see Bane towering over him, who got even bigger when he started pumping venom into himself.
“You- you’re looming! Um, alright, I’ll take, um… if you don’t mind if you could scootch just a little.” he asked, looking past Bane.
“Boom, onsite coordinator. Looking kind of brittle there, won’t see it-” Bane swatted him to the other side of the room before he could finish.
TwoFace opened fire on the two, but Ivy used her vines as a shield for herself and Harley. Within seconds, Harley was flung over the top of the shield and landed behind you and Scarecrow. You both turn around just in time to dodge the first few swings of her bat but as Scarecrow stepped back Harley kicked his gun right out of his hand and yelled for Ivy to pass her TwoFace’s gun. You spun round to see if Jonathan was alright, only to be met with a bat to the back of the head as Harley snuck up behind you, which caused you to fall forwards. You braced yourself for the feeling of your head hitting the hard tiles but were caught on your way down. You looked up to see Scarecrow grabbing you by the arm, you pushed against him and were able to get back on your feet and tossed him his gun. You glanced behind him to see Harley aiming TwoFace’s gun at his back but fired before you could get out a warning. As the bullets punctured the canisters on his back, the force of the fear toxin rushing out sent him flying. You covered your mouth and ran away to avoid the fear toxin that was already causing people to hallucinate, grabbing your gun as you did. Thankfully, Scarecrow landed a couple of feet from where you were and you rushed over to him. You offered him your hand and quickly pulled him up.
Behind you, Harley continued firing from the stolen gun before Penguin was able to shoot it, causing it to explode in Harley’s hand. As she stepped back in shock, she bumped into TwoFace who pulled out two dual handguns. She began to back away to Ivy as you, Scarecrow and Penguin walked up to join TwoFace, weapons drawn.
“Let’s get out of here!” Ivy yelled. Harley looked behind you all only to see Joker filming the whole thing.
“No, let’s fight! Maybe Kite-Man can help!” They glanced over to where Kite-Man was and witnessed as Bane repeatedly punched him in the head while he had him in a choke-hold.
“Bane, quit dicking around with Kite-Man and get those two.”  Joker snapped.
“But he was attacking me-”
“With what, a kite? Just do as I tell you, you dumb, freakish monster!”
“Bane, why are you letting him talk to you like that?” Harley asked.
“In fact, why do any of you let him talk to you like that?” she began to raise her voice as she looked at the four of you. You all lowered your weapons and looked over to where Joker stood.
“He doesn't even have powers-”  you felt your body stiffen as you shifted your gaze down to the floor. 
“His only power is bullying you into doing what he wants. I should know, he did it to me for years.”
“Don’t listen to her! She’s nothing.” Joker protested.
“She makes a good point, I don’t like how you called me a monster” Bane interrupted him.
“Yeah that was pretty harsh” Scarecrow chipped in and looked to you as you nodded in agreement.
“Oh my God, it’s just an expression-” Joker tried to explain it away before Bane interrupted him.
“Also, let’s talk about dinner-” Bane crossed his arms. “I selected the beef well in advance and you stole it from me, you said you didn’t even want to come to this ‘stupid thing’.”
The crowd gasped.
“My thoughts exactly, this is a monumental night for young Joshua.”
“I’m the Joker, I was joking, okay? Oh my God, I’ll kill her myself.” he said, pulling out his gun and pointing it to Harley’s head, only for Ivy to stand in his way.
“Ivy, if you could just, y’know, just move so I, I can just kill your friend.”
“Absolutely- over my dead body.”
“Uhh- female friendships!” he groaned as he got ready to shoot, but Ivy’s vines suddenly sprouted up behind him and surrounded the three. 
The sudden action caused you to step back and instinctively grab onto Scarecrow’s shoulder, which caused him to freeze momentarily before melting into your touch.
Joker aimed his gun at Ivy’s head but she didn’t move a muscle as her vines closed in on him. High-pitch laughter came from his pocket as his phone rang. He began yelling into the phone about some sort of building issue with his base and ran off, but you weren't really paying attention. You looked down at where your hand was, only to notice a large red stain on his upper-arm, it took you mere seconds to realize that it was blood, his blood even. You assumed he must have knocked into something sharp when he was sent flying a couple of minutes ago. You must have looked fairly shocked, as Jonathan followed your gaze down to the wound and tried to brush your hand away.
“I-I’m fine. -really-” he started, but you only grabbed his arm and noticed a multitude of smaller blood stains all over his right side.
“Jesus, Jon, what did you land on, a pile of cutlery?” you asked, more concerned than anything else.
“Well it might as well have been.” he grumbled, quickly glancing over to the, now, broken table he had landed on.
“Right, well, let’s get you patched up.” you said, lightly tugging on his arm.
“Oh, there’s no need, honestly-” He protested before you cut him off.
“-Jonathan, there is a massive gash on your arm. Now come on, I have a first aid kit at my place.” you began leading him to the main exit.
“A-at your place?” he froze in his tracks.
“Yeah? What’s with the shocked face?” you looked back at him.
“You know I don’t bite, right?” you grinned at him. You said your goodbyes and thanked Mrs. Cobblepot for your invitation before dragging him off despite his insistence that he could just ignore it until the party was over and sort it himself.
“Look, you’ve made it clear that you don’t like it when I help but-”
“That’s not what I meant-”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I… I just didn't want to trouble you, that’s all!” That answer came a little too fast for you to fully believe it but you thought it would be best to drop the subject as it clearly flustered him.
As the two of you walked out into the warm summer night you loosened your grip on his upper-arm and let your hand glide down his arm and wrap around his wrist, not daring to go the full mile and hold his hand, though you could swear you saw a hint of disappointment in his eyes as you did. As the two of you stepped into the parking lot and found your car, Scarecrow cleared his throat.
“[Name]?” he glanced over at you as he got into the passenger's side seat.
“Yeah? What is it?”
“It’s okay if I stay the night, innit’? It’s just that my hideout is on the other side of the city and it’s already really late-”
“Well as long as you don’t mind sleeping on the couch, then sure.” you said as you pulled out of the parking space and onto the main road.
“Cheers, luv.” 
 What followed after that was near miss with an oncoming truck and your face becoming a bright red colour as your brain temporarily short-circuited. You looked over to make sure Jonathan was alright, only to see him gripping onto the seat like his life depended on it. 
“Jesus- if you don’t like me calling you that then you can just say so- Bloody hell!” 
“It’s not that, it’s just-” Your brain was working at 100 mph trying to talk your way out of this because: God- did you love the way he called you that. Unfortunately for you, he quickly caught on and was going to give you hell.
“Oh so you like me calling you ‘luv’, then?” The corners of his mouth curled up into a smirk as he noticed the massive blush on your face. 
“Wh- no- that’s not what I meant!”
“Sure thing, luv.” His smirk had turned into an ear-to-ear grin as he saw your face turn an even darker shade of red. This just elicited a loud, frustrated groan from you.
“I swear to God- do you want me to crash this car!” you snapped at him, smacking your hand off the steering wheel, which was only met with laughter as you yelled a string of expletives.
“You wouldn’t do that.” he stated, still giggling to himself.
“What makes you so sure of that?” You scoffed but you couldn’t deny the way your heart sped up when you saw the dorkiest grin on his face.
“You care about me.” He teased, resting his head on the back of his hands.
“Shut up.” You lightly punch his shoulder.
 You tried to cover up the growing smile on your face with your free hand but failed as Jonathan noticed and pulled your hand down from your face, unintentionally encasing your hand in his. It took you both a while to realize it but once you did his hands immediately shot back to his sides and didn’t look at you for the rest of the car journey instead opting to twiddling his thumbs.
“We’re here.” you called, snapping him out of his daze.
You stepped out of your car and into the apartment block. Seeing as you were both still in costume, you darted for the elevator and hit the button. As the elevator began its ascension you  took this opportunity to take a breather, knowing you would have to leg it to your apartment at the very end of the hallway lest someone see you and call the police. You sighed and leaned against the railing while looking at your reflection in the mirror but you couldn’t help noticing the way Scarecrow straightened the noose around his neck as if it was a tie. For fucks sake, if this keeps up you might just lose it. He met your gaze in the mirror and grinned at you.
“I mean, if you want to watch you can just look at me, it’s less creepy.” he chuckled but suddenly stopped as he winced in pain and grabbed his arm. You straightened yourself and rushed to his side. Luckily, you’d reached your floor and as the doors opened you grabbed Jonathan by the wrist and led to your apartment. You quickly looked around before inserting your key into the door, as you fumbled with the key, Jonathan remained eerily quiet compared to his usual gossipy self. You finally got the door to open and the two of you walked into the empty apartment. You felt about for the lightswitch and eventually found it.
“You go sit down, I’m just going to get the first aid from the bathroom.” you gesture towards the couch and walk off. You rummaged around for a bit, eventually finding it at the very back of the cupboard, you checked it’s contents to make sure you had the right stuff. You made your way into the living room and found Jonathan holding a book you’d left out on the coffee table earlier. He looked up at you and then the first aid kit in your hands.
“Right.” you started, taking out a few bandages. “Show me your arm.” After a few minutes of struggling he managed to roll up his sleeve and outstretched it to you. You gently took his hand and sat down next to him. You, deciding that it was probably best to treat the biggest cut first, took out an antiseptic wipe and lightly dabbed the wound Jonathan winced at this but a soft smile from you seemed to help.
“[name]?” He took a deep breath.
“Thanks for looking out for me. I know I can be… difficult at times -but I really appreciate you dragging me here instead of leaving me to bleed out at the party.” he laughed nervously and averted his gaze from you.
“You're probably one of the closest friends I’ve ever had.” his voice cracked slightly.
You slightly cringed at the word ‘friends’, well, I suppose you better get comfy in the friend-zone. He swallowed and returned his arm to his side before continuing.
“A-and I’d like to be more than that-” he sputtered, beginning to fiddle with the ends of his noose. 
“You… would?” you looked up at him, your heart feeling like it would burst out of your chest if it beated any faster than it already was.
“Yes.” he grabbed your hands and put them between his.
“I like you- a lot! I like your eyes, your face, the way you always know how to make me laugh” he snapped out of his daze.
“-But, I mean if you don’t feel the same way I completely understand, actually on second thought this was a horrible idea and you probably don’t so I’ll just leave and save you the trouble of kicking me out, like you should-” you could hardly keep up with the word vomit coming out of his mouth as he shot out of his seat.
“I’m sorry, I’ve probably wasted your time ‘cause you probably only see me as a friend and I’ve most likely just ruined our friendship so I’ll just leave and I swear you’ll never have to see me again so-” he made a break for the door but you quickly yanked on his wrist which almost caused him to fall backwards.
 He caught himself just in time but was beginning to wish he’d just fallen to the floor instead as he realized he was using you to support himself and had wrapped his arms around your neck. He tried to push himself away, only for you to snake your arms behind his waist and trap him there. You could practically feel the warm air of his breath on you skin as he panted, you could feel yourself melting into his arms and did not stop him as he squeezed you tight. After a few moments, you managed to sit him back onto the couch.
“I want to be more than friends too.” you spoke softly, not missing the ear-to-ear grin on Jonathan’s face.
You leaned onto him, your head resting on his shoulder, he froze up for a split-second before wrapping one arm around your waist and pulling you closer.
“So, how far off was I?”
“Hmm?” you looked up at him.
“Remember earlier? When I said I saw you giving me looks?”
You gave an exasperated sigh and smirked.
“Was it Bane or TwoFace who had to point it out to you?”
“Both.” he answered with a slight laugh.
“But you’re not denying it!” 
“Why would I, you were doing the exact same thing?” you scoffed, giving him a light punch on the arm.
“Oww- okay, okay, fair point.” he laughed as he pulled you back close to him, brushing a strand of hair out of your eyes and behind your ear.
“Y’know, if you were anyone else I would’ve killed you” you only half-joked, tracing shapes with your fingers onto his chest.
“I know” he laughed, placing a hand under your chin and lightly lifting it so you two were making eye-contact.
“-And that's what I lo-” he cut himself off. “I mean, like about you” he smiled sheepishly.
You only smiled before cupping his face and pulling him closer.
“I love you too, you fucking dork” you chuckled before leaning in and kissing him.
He practically jumped out his skin when you did, but as the realization sunk in he wrapped both arms around you and kissed back, eyes fluttering shut. His lips pressed softly against yours, as one of his hands travelled up your back and cupped the back of your head. The kiss itself was very soft and didn’t last too long, maybe only a couple of seconds, but to you it felt like an eternity. Your lips finally parted when you both were in desperate need for air, but that dazed look on his face made you want to do it all over again.
“You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that.” you smiled up at him.
“Same here” he added, before quickly pulling you back in for another kiss.
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primalsouls · 4 years
white rabbit pt 3
langa hasegawa x gn! reader (pt 1 - pt 2)
anon: omg is there going to be a part three of the white rabbit ?? i liked it a lot but its ok if you dont want to write a 3rd part :D
⚠️ : mentions of blood (like from small cuts??)
theme: general
note: sorry if the part where they skated is badly written lol. ive not good with "action" scenes. 💀 anyway, here is part 3! i hope you like it, enjoy it, and thank you for reading! no proofread, sorry for any mistake. let me know what you think. :)
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Skateboards were lined up beside each other. Their owner stood on them with ease, readying themselves once the horns go off. The crowd watched with anticipating gazes. Whispers were thrown among themselves on who would beat who. Bets were placed. All eyes set on the young pair. Excitement and anxiety swim around the atmosphere.
Langa took a deep breath. His baby blue eyes looked over to his group of friends. Reki sent him a wink, mouthing "good luck" toward him. Miya and Shadow talked among themselves what the White Rabbit would do to Langa. Said boy was nervous, for the time during a beef. He was nervous. Going up against his crush. Was probably not the best way for first impressions. Maybe, just maybe a beef wasn't a good way to talk to his crush. At all.
Before the race start off, Langa turned to the other skater.
"[Y/N], good luck." Langa said, surprising them with a kind smile. [Y/N] blinked, repeating his words through their head before a click of the tongue was heard and their eyes narrowed.
"I don't need your well wishes." They started quietly, voice low and steady. "I'm gonna win and you'll be the one leaving S. Not me." Langa was taken back by their words. He picked up the broken tone on their last two words. "And it's White Rabbit to you and everyone else. We're not friends and we'll never be." As they spoke, the traffic lights above them, went on one by one. When it reached the third light and the horn went off at the same time [Y/N] said those last three words, they dashed away from the crowd and Langa, already starting to get ahead of him. Langa froze a bit, watching them skated away. His head repeated their words over and over. It made his heart stirred uncomfortably inside, a heavy feeling settled inside his chest.
"Langa! What are you doing!?" Miya called out, bringing the boy out of his thoughts. He glanced over to them. Miya's face scrunched in a pissed manner as Shadow and Reki stared at him confused.
"Ah... Sorry..." Langa mumbled before he prepared himself shortly and took off with ease speed. Reki watched with a frown on his face.
"What's up with him?" Shadow asked as they all watched the bluenette disappeared from their sights. Reki shrugged, turning to the other two.
"I don't know... He look upset for a moment there." Reki said, scratching the back of his head. "Langa," he started off, catching their attention. "He has a crush on [Y/N]." His voice was low, wanting to keep it between the three of them but Shadow was shock at the confess he repeatedly the sentence loud enough for the small crowd surrounding them to hear but Reki and Miya shut him off, whispers being thrown at him to quiet down. "You guys heard me right." Reki continued, pulling them away from the crowd and headed to the large screen displaying Langa and [Y/N] racing down the old mine. Langa was still a bit far from them it made the watchers believed he won't be able to catch up.
"A crush? On [Y/N]?" Miya started slowly.
"aka the White Rabbit of S?" Shadow chimed in.
"Adam's sibling!?" Reki jumped when they both yelled at him in unison, causing him to take a step back and held his arms up to defend himself. He nodded rapidly to answer their three-part questions.
Miya shook his head, disbelief written all over their face. Shadow crossed his arms, head shaking as he disapproved of Langa's crush on the other skater.
"That's absurd. Of all people, this slime likes [Y/N]!? Did he hit his head or something!? Not only that, what makes him think beefing them would get them to like him back?" Miya paced back and forth, hands moving everywhere as he rambled on.
"Heh. He probably wants to see if they were compatible. I mean, it's such a uncool way to talk to your crush. If it were me, I would have just show them my awesome tricks!" Shadow exclaimed but when he turned to the boys, he received nothing but deadpan looks. "Why are you looking at me like that!?" Shadow glared, gritting his teeth.
"Oh, please, you wouldn't have the guts to do that in front of the pretty florist manager. Much less talk without looking like a fool." Miya taunted, smirking. Shadow splurted out insults at the youngest. Reki chuckled awkwardly. The redhead turned to the screen, the camera set on Langa. His brows knitted down. Reki could see he focused on something else than on winning.
"Langa..." Reki muttered, fists clenched by his sides.
Langa turned a corner, catching up to [Y/N] and the skaters that watched by the sidelines down the narrowed racetrack cheered for him and the White Rabbit. Most of them demanding the skater in front of him to guide him through their thorned pit. Langa didn't want this. He realized that now. This won't get him anywhere aside skating against them. And from the way they spoke to him in that little time between them, it sounded like anger flowed through their voice. He wondered why. Has he said something wrong to them? Has he spoke to them in the past and pissed them off in any sort of way? Langa couldn't recall any moment approaching them. So, why did they acted cold towards him? Why did he felt hatred from them? It bothered him. It upset him.
[Y/N] clicked their tongue. They glanced over their shoulder and noticed the boy catch up to them with great speed. They won't lose. They won't leave S. They won't be strip off their title. Off their everything they built. [Y/N] won't allow Langa to win. They had to win. Their life was on the line. Just the thoughts of it eagered them to speed up. They lowered their stance, picking up speed. As another corner came to view, the rabbit swirled side by side a bit, bend slightly and turned the sharp corner. Their breathing quickened. They were anxious for the race to come to an end. They know they be should careful but they wanted to end the beef already and prove to Adam what they were capable of being S's White Rabbit.
Langa. It was all they heard from their older brother. It disgusted them. Made their skin crawled. When their eyes first landed on the bluenette and the way he skate, it left them stunned. [Y/N] never saw anyone skate like him before. And when they saw Langa go up against their brother that one night. The way he avoided his signature move, Love Hug had left them astonished. [Y/N] only got hurt terribly when his brother practiced Love Hug on them and when their aunts questioned the bandages and injuries on them, they lied by saying they fell down somewhere. Bruises were always left on their body from that move. And it envies them that Langa found a way to avoid it.
[Y/N]'s handa clutched into fists. They reached into their single pocket on the front of their hoodie. They pulled out a long rope. Small, yet thick enough to hurl it at someone. It was littered with small sharp pointers that resembled thorns. The rabbit turned half their body a little towards Langa. As he came up behind them, a few feet away, they threw the rope with great force at him.
"Argh!" Langa covered his face when the object was thrown at him. He felt small thugs on his sleeves. He ended up taking a step back, making him lose his footing on the board but Langa forced his body to calm down and steady itself. When he tried to shoved the object away from him, it scrapped small cuts on his cheeks. He pulled down his arms down, looking around. Due to his small step back, he slowed his speed down, creating distance between them. The boy looked down at his arms and noticed small tears on his sleeves. No cuts created on his skin, though. But he did felt a hint of liquid streamed down his cheeks. Langa figured he got some cuts on his face and blood trickled down but he was scared to see it. He didn't have time to faint at the sight of blood.
A smirk was visibled on their face. With Langa's fall back, there would be no way for him to catch up. They were nearing the factory after all. Where the tracks narrowed down with no room to move or do tricks. The thought of reaching the winning line clouded their mind, [Y/N] forgotten what Langa was capable of doing.
And speaking of the young man, Langa made a couple of shortcuts to reach the rabbit.
It was beginning to look more of a chase now.
A bluenette skater chasing a white rabbit with crimson eyes. The factory being their thorns of pit.
[Y/N] looked around. Their eyes widen when they spotted Langa once again catching up to them. "What the hell!? How!?" They exclaimed. Cheers were heard from around them in the factory. It pained them. They were supposed to cheer for the White Rabbit. Not a pathetic boy who followed the rabbit down the hole. With teeth gritted, [Y/N] faced the boy completely, a deep frown on their face. "I won't lose." They whispered, coming to a halt by the stairs the narrowed catwalk led to.
Langa frowned slightly, looking around and trying to come up with a way to avoid the rabbit. Yet the same moment, he wanted to see what they would do.
"Oh no..." Miya said. Reki watched with mouth gaped.
"They're gonna hurt him. Real bad." Shadow added in.
"Langa... Langa, careful!" Reki shouted out with both hands around his mouth.
[Y/N] reached behind their back pocket and pulled out two black containers the sized of their palm and shaped like the spade. A single outlined white rabbit drawn in the middle of the spade container. As Langa neared them, [Y/N] raised their hands and like the stopwatch the white rabbit carries, time seemed to slow down around the both of them. Langa's eyes widen as the arms were pulled down, fingers releasing the containers, watching them aimed down at the space between them both. Shouts were heard from around them. Langa looked down at the ground once the containers hit the floor. Right before his eyes and [Y/N]'s, who still stood by the stairs, off the board, glaring directly at Langa with hatred, the containers exploded. Langa squinted when he noticed black like-vines popped out of the containers. They were thick like the rope from earlier, covered in thorns-like pointers as well. But this time, they were a little bigger that it looked like a tangled mess around the catwalk.
The thorned vines decorated the rails. From a far, it looked like an arch entrance was created. Langa closed his eyes and covered himself as he skated through the vines. His clothes getting caught on the thorns that looked like were getting closer. They were shrinking. When Langa glanced up, [Y/N] was already skating down the track, more arched vines coming life around the rails. They were spreading like they had a mind of their own. Langa bit his lower lip back. If he keeps going through the narrowed path, he would be cover in cuts, badly. And once wrong move would leave him blind.
He was determined. He would catch the rabbit.
Langa picked up his speed, deciding to go through the vines until he could figure out what to do. Blood spilled around his clothes from the cuts that covered his exposed skin but he didn't care at the moment. His eyes spotted an opening through the vines. Langa took a deep breath and jumped with his skateboard on that opening, a part of the rails that wasn't cover by the vines and swiftly rotated on the rail. A breeze going through his hair. [Y/N] glanced at their side and watched in shock as Langa clicked the front of his board on the rail that hasn't been decorated with their vines and moved once again with the other side of his board and jumped to land in front of the rabbit, a few feet away from them. The vines behind them both now, still spreading but with no one caught in their webs.
The White Rabbit was in rage. Langa escaped their hole. Despite the damage he received, he managed to crawled his way out and get ahead of them. They couldn't do anything else. The finishline was up ahead. Langa and [Y/N] tried to gather as much speed as they can.
"No. No, no, no, no...." [Y/N] whispered, pushing forward.
Reki, Miya, and Shadow were at the finishline, cheered for Langa to keep going.
Friends. It must be nice to have them. The support one gets. Having fun with them. They didn't had many friends growing up. Always isolated to their bedroom. They weren't allow to attend school like their brother had. No even oversea school. [Y/N] was stuck doing homeschool. No one ever knew about the child who came from another mother. Their father made sure no information about them were leaked out. Their father only paid attention to Ainosuke, after all. Neglecting only [Y/N]. Their aunts' so-called love hurts them. They didn't like the way they disciplined them. It traumatized them. A "love" like theirs was no love. Images was all they care about.
It sucks. And it wasn't fair.
Life wasn't fair.
"No..." [Y/N] stopped right on the finishline. Hands limped by their sides. Cheers grew louder around them.
But they didn't cheer for them, the White Rabbit.
"You did it! Langa!" Reki yelled excited, running up to his friend and threw himself at him. Langa huffed as he catched him but winced in pain.
"Careful, Reki! He's hurt." Miya pointed out, running up to them with Shadow. Langa waved a hand dismissively.
"I'm fine..." He said, resisting the urge to look at the cuts. His friends sighed at his response, shaking their head in disagreement.
Langa only smile before he looked around, looking for the other skater. He glanced back at the finishline and spotted them standing them, skateboard still on the ground, one foot to keep it from slipping away. Their head hanged low. Langa picked up his brother and walked up to them, believing he could possibly talk to them properly.
"It's not fair..." Langa heard them, yet their voice was barely above a whisper.
"[Y/N]... Wha-"
"Congratulations, my SNOW!" a familiar voice announced, cutting Langa off. Said boy looked at the source of the voice. From the entrance behind the crowd, Adam waltzed in on his board. Like the first time they met. "You did it! You defeated the White Rabbit! How wonderful." Adam applauded, stopping in front of the two young skaters. "You finally caught the rabbit and dragged it out of its hole." Langa frowned. "And I'm sure that rabbit knows what happens when its loses." Adam glanced at his sibling. Their fists clenched together.
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Reki called out, taking one step forward.
"The white rabbit leaves Wonderland. Forever."
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aetheternity · 4 years
Hard pass P4 (Levi x reader)
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Synopsis: Levi is forced out of his comfy dorm room and in a strange twist of events right into your arms at a college party.
"I talked to her!" Hange announced bursting into Levi's room with a slam of the door against the wall.
Levi just rolled his eyes, twisting his body away, with a huff he crossed his arms.
"Why would you do that?" Erwin questioned
"We needed answers!"
"Please tell me you didn't say anything outright at least." He groaned, squeezing his temple.
Hange rolled her eyes. "I didn't. Geez.."
"Oh yeah? How'd you phrase it?"
"I told her I heard from Moblit that she'd kissed Jean and I was curious as to if she was planning to get back with him. It's fine I'm always in her business." Hange said with a wave of her hand.
"You're always in everyone's business but go on." Erwin replied
"I really think Levi should just go talk to her." Hange stated
"Why the hell would I do that?" Levi butted in
"Because I'm pretty sure this is all a big misunderstanding!"
"What'd she end up telling you?" Erwin questioned
"Just that Jean kissed her out of nowhere and that she wasn't expecting it. She probably didn't even like it."
"Are you just inferring that she didn't like it or did she say that?" Erwin asked
"They were kissing for at least a minute and a half.." Levi grunted
"Geez.. how long were you watching? That's kinda creepy.."
"Hange.." Erwin tried
Levi sat up, turning to face Hange who was practically pacing the room. She randomly stopped crossing her arms over her chest.
"Listen, things are only gonna get worse from here if you don't suck it up and just talk to her.. I mean things can't possibly get any worse-"
"Don't jinx it Hange." Erwin interjected
"Well how should I phrase it! Look miscommunications are the worst things to exist in any kind of relationship. If you don't talk you can't learn anything so just go out there and talk to her!"
Levi sighed rolling his eyes. His stomach boiling over with an unnecessary amount of heat.
"It's just not a good time. And this is a very delicate situation. Levi should act when he's ready."
"Hange, we promised we'd help if he asked for it. Right now he's not asking."
With shaky fists Hange let out a screech that was practically inhumane, arms raised before her hands were coming down to scratch at her head in agitation.
"Fine whatever.." She finally agreed
Erwin reached over patting Levi's leg twice as he stood up. "We'll check in in a few hours if you don't come back downstairs, alright?"
It wasn't quite a question but Levi was still answering it with a nod. Erwin practically shoved a very disgruntled Hange out the door and it shut with a light click behind them.
And this would've been the kind of peace Levi had searched for since he'd been unceremoniously dragged on this godforsaken trip. But his brain was splattered with Y/N the image of Jean and her on the stairs replaying like a scratched record.
Levi turned over onto his back, placing his fists on his forehead. Teeth gritting as he tried and failed to calm his agitated nerves. That is until a couple knocks on the door shattered his immersion.
He turned his head in that direction. It definitely wasn't Hange or Erwin coming back. It wouldn't be so silent on the other end. Was it Y/N?
The next set of knocks were much harsher and now Levi was wrenching himself up from the bed, walking almost too fast to open the door and see-
Jean leaning against the doorframe. Jean with his weird mullet. Tall Jean and his peach fuzz of a dammed beard.
"We need to talk." He said plainly and before Levi could ponder or execute a response Jean was pushing Levi inside shutting the door behind them.
Levi didn't speak just stared up as Jean stared back. Though Levi was surprised to see a lack of malice in his eyes.
Jean put a hand out from his crossed arms, pointing his index finger at Levi. "I know you like Y/N."
Levi felt his heart drop at her name. His pulse quickening and his blood pooling to his feet. "What?"
Jean looked Levi over again in that way Levi hated. It made his blood bubble over as if were in a pot that was close to overflowing. Like Levi was an insect Jean had stepped on but could easily flick off the bottom of his shoe.
Jean began again. "There's no point in pretending you don't. I can tell."
"And what? Did you come here to tell me to stay away?"
Jean shook his head, lips slightly curved as he spoke again. "I'm not that kind of man."
"Seems like you were before she dumped you."
A flicker of something being held back something almost violent rose in Jean's eyes but it was barely noticeable after a couple seconds a little forced chuckle falling off his lips.
"I wanted you to know.. that I want Y/N too. I love her and I want her back but I'm not gonna tell you not to pursue her. Whoever she picks is whoever she picks, now I don't know you personally but I'm hoping you're not the kind of guy to purposefully sabotage the competition." He paused stepping closer. Levi looked up to meet Jean's eyes with the same bright intensity.
"Cause then things actually will get heated."
"Why.. can't you just step aside and let her be happy with someone new?" It was a question Levi hadn't even meant to ask but before he knew it the words were out of his mouth.
Jean turned from where he'd already begun to leave. "I made a couple of mistakes while dating her. One was letting her go and two.... two was being a guy she couldn't feel safe around."
He stepped forward once more. "But I've been working to correct two, she finally feels safe around me again. I can't let her escape if I have a chance to do better. I know you probably have your own reasons for liking her."
Levi felt a pit begin to grow in his throat but he quickly swallowed it down. Nothing about Jean had given him even the slightest impression that he genuinely felt for Y/N..
"And now this probably sounds a bit.. commanding but don't tell anyone I came to talk to you. Connie has already started suspecting that we have some kind of beef and he's an idiot who can't keep secrets if he finds out about your feelings Y/N'll find out that same day."
With that said Levi nodded and Jean finally took his leave. Retreating while Levi stood alone at the cracked door, head pounding with protruding thoughts.
Day three
When Levi finally came to it was pitch black in the room. His eyes strained open slowly forming a picture from pieces of darkness. A loud banging sounded not only from his chest but what he soon discovered was his room door.
With an angry grunt he slid out of bed, yanking the door so hard it slammed into the wall behind it.
"Damn someone's got bed head." Hange grinned
With a huff Levi was slamming the door forward again but unfortunately Erwin caught it and him and Hange quickly followed Levi back into the room.
"Come on Levi get up! We're going to the grocery store!" Hange yelled, jolting Levi back and forth with both hands.
"I told you he'd be asleep." Erwin said with a sigh and a small yawn. "We all should be asleep it's 1 am."
Fucking-" Levi turned over "One in the morning? Go fuck yourself please." He yanked one of the pillows from the head of the bed over his face.
Hange sighed, "I can't do it twice in one night. That's overkill."
Erwin pulled a face but chose to move past it. "Jean was in here earlier. Well.. yesterday. What did he say to you?"
"Wait! He was?!" Hange yelped
"How do you even know that?" Levi asked
"I saw him being weird in the halls and then I saw him enter your room so what did he say?"
"You're starting to become as annoying as Hange when it comes to gossip."
"What'd he say dammit!" Hange practically shouted.
A couple of soft knocks distracted them and they all turned. "Guys we're leaving in a couple minutes hurry and come downstairs." Y/N called
Hearing her voice no matter how many times set a flame in Levi's stomach with enough intensity to keep a neighborhood warm for the winter. Simultaneously coupling it with a frigid intensity akin to a blizzard that froze everything in the first place. An icy chill through his veins.
"Tell us!" Hange demanded
"I'm going right back to sleep so get out." Levi replied, tossing the pillow at Hange's head.
Erwin rolled his eyes. "Well, I guess Jean will get yet another chance to show you up."
Hange joined with a laugh. "Levi makes it so easy at this point."
Levi muttered a curse, quickly slipping his discarded jacket from earlier over his shoulders along with his coat, gloves, hat, scarf and a couple hand warmers slipped into his empty pockets. He reached for his phone adding the device to the list of things in his pocket.
"What the hell are we buying at 1am?"
Surprisingly the car ride had been quieter than Levi expected. Connie giving Jean directions, Sasha stuffing her face with who knows what, Hange and Moblit talking, Erwin listening to another podcast through his earbuds and Levi sat right next to Y/N.
They'd only talked briefly conversated thanks to Levi's impressively bad wording of things and his terrible stuttering which only seemed to get worse now that it was so late.
Jean had barely parked the car before Connie and Sasha pilied out with Hange behind them. Hange had only a thin hoodie on which was pretty irresponsible even for her.
"Where's your coat, Hange?" Moblit asked, slipping his coat off his shoulders.
"Huh?? Oh!" Hange immediately laughed "Must have left it back at the lodge."
Levi squinted at the two in the fairly darkened parking lot. Connie and Sasha had run up ahead and Moblit and Hange were talking amongst themselves. She was being weird even for her. Playfully nudging her shoulder with his and whipping her hair a lot.
"That's interesting." Y/N was surprisingly watching too. Her smile downright mischievous as she made eye contact with Levi. "What'd you think they're saying?"
"Ok, so they do have marshmallows here." Jean approached from behind forcing Levi's soul to ascend though he tried not to outwardly flinch.
"Oh good!" Y/N replied turning back to Levi. "We wanted to make s'mores. Or well Sasha had the idea and we all just agreed to it."
It was a split second. Almost unnoticeable the way it flashed away, Jean's eyes slightly darker with the way they flicked over to Levi past Y/N's shoulder.
"Oh you know what I also want!" She turned to Jean breaking the little gaze between them.
"Don't worry, I'll pay so get some snacks while we're here." Jean replied, his hand came up to Y/N's lower back giving her a gentle pat. To Levi's own irritation she stepped a little closer in their stride.
"Sasha will definitely eat anything I get." She continued the conversation.
Jean shook his head. "Don't worry, I'll hide some in my room and you can come get them whenever you're hungry. Whether it's afternoon or midnight."
"You're so sweet."
In the bright light stretching over the dark ground Levi could see Erwin almost at the entrance to the store. Just narrowly avoiding Connie and Sasha speeding past. Sasha with her legs kicking up in the cart loudly whooping and Connie pushing the thing at an alarming speed through the automatic doors.
"Shit." Jean growled quickly running to catch the two.
Levi quickly caught up with Erwin almost pushing him aside as he joined his stride. Erwin threw a glance over his shoulder. "Ok Levi, I know you're not good at this yet but.. she's alone. Why don't you take the opportunity?"
Levi let out an irritated huff. "We have nothing to talk about."
"I didn't stutter Levi."
The two of them walked side by side. Levi with both his hands in his pockets and Erwin holding his phone in one hand, while the other pulled his headphones off his ears.
"Do you need anything here?" Erwin asked
"It'd be nice to get some beef.."
"I want stew.." Levi responded with a small hum of weariness.
"Why don't you get beef stew in a can so you don't have to spend time cooking?"
"I like cooking."
Erwin threw his hands up in mock defeat. "Hey, did you see where Hange disappeared to?"
"Tch why would I be paying attention to that?"
Levi paused staring up at the top shelf before immediately making eye contact with Erwin. Erwin chuckled lowly, "What do you need?"
"Red wine."
"Oh wait I can get it for you." Y/N marched over. "Which brand?"
"W-well.. doesn't m-matter y-you pick." Levi inwardly groaned, kicking his foot back and forth.
Erwin gave a quick thumbs up that Y/N fortunately couldn't see before rushing off. Levi stood up straighter as Y/N handed him the bottle.
She let out a playful exhale. "Phew, Levi I didn't know you drink." She pointed to it. "Try not to get too tipsy it'd suck if you didn't remember how much fun you had on this trip."
"N.." Levi looked down at the bottle suddenly very conscious of his sweaty palms. "No, n-no I don't.. well.. it's for stew."
Y/N immediately nodded. "Sorry to assume." She smiled her own cheeks beginning to look flushed. Or maybe it was just Levi being hopeful. "Maybe we should go get a basket? Cause I don't think we're gonna see Connie and the cart till after we check out."
Levi was glad to feel the overly anxious sparks dying down. The basket about semi full. For whatever reason no matter what aisle they went down it was just the two of them in this big store. And as much as Levi definitely should've felt more concern he was also half hoping everyone had left them.
"Should we go look for everyone?"
Y/N pointed down another empty aisle with her thumb. She pulled out her phone, scrolling over the screen. "I mean, Jean, Sasha or Connie would've definitely called me before leaving the store so I doubt they did." She brushed a thumb over her lips.
"I'm sure they're fine.." Levi replied, though he was a bit concerned that she hadn't heard him when she didn't reply for about a minute.
"Oh! Milk that's what else I came for!" She said, pushing her phone back into her pocket. "Do you need anything else?"
Levi stared into the basket, pushing aside and removing one item to look under. "No."
"By the way when that beef stew is ready you'll let me taste right?"
Levi could only nod and then be quickly led through a couple more aisles quickly turning into the dairy section. It was noticeably colder here. Tubs filled with frozen pizza lining the center of the aisles with big fridges against the walls.
Y/N quickly grabbed the milk holding it against her chest. "Ok, now we can go find the others." She chuckled
Levi quickly grabbed the milk from her grasp, placing it in the basket. "What a gentleman." She said, her remark innocent as it may have been caused heat to flow through Levi's body like he'd been stuffed in a furnace.
"Oh.." She stopped
"This song! Oh! Come here Levi!"
Levi hadn't once paid attention to the music since they'd walked into the store. He didn't think he ever did but now that he was listening he immediately recognized it, though from where he had no clue? It sounded slow, not too slow to the point where it was boring but gentle and easy going almost.
"This is my favorite song! Come here."
"Wh-what're you?" His stupid voice cracked as Y/N pulled him in closer.
"Do you know how to dance?" Her breath flushed over Levi's cheeks. Sweet like sugar cookies was the first thought in Levi's mind.
"I need you to dance with me here though." She almost whined in her mild neediness. "Hmm I'll teach you."
Her fingers sifted perfectly into Levi's right hand. Other arm snaking its way under Levi's left arm to place his hand on her waist. And if he could catch fire and melt into the floor he probably would've by now.
"Follow my lead." Her voice was calm and soft. "Just shift your weight between your feet."
And Levi tried his best but he was stepping on her feet within the first minute. Surprisingly though she just giggled. "Don't move your feet ok. We can go the easy route."
Her arm outstretched itself on Levi's back, hands squeezing his as they swayed and rocked gently to the music blasting over the speakers.
"Much better right?"
Their bodies were pressed into each other like a perfect mold. Puzzle pieces slotting together in a empty dairy aisle at too early of an hour. This was the first time Levi was really able to look into her eyes. The color dazzling in an almost blinding way but he didn't look away.
No matter how scared that gaze made him feel it was in a good way. It was a perfect, warm, dangerous and relaxing combination.
The smile on her face had gradually faded but she kept her softened features. Lips slightly parted as the two of them continued to sway. She leaned in almost impossibly closer and Levi's heart was banging on his rib cage.
"Here comes the dip." She let out a breathy giggle as she slowly dipped Levi back. His hair flopping back from his face, everything turned upside down for just a few seconds before he was getting lifted close again. Right back into her arms.
So close. So perfect..
"You're such a fast learner." She said, continuing to rock him.
He kept up with the pace. Uttering a small thank you. He wanted to compliment her back but his brain refused to give him the words to do so and his throat refused him the saliva neccessary to make proper conversation.
"At some point we have to try this again, you know during a normal hour and in a different place."
The two of them once again fell silent and when the music stopped they were still standing together. Minus the hip swaying and the gentle dip. It was just..
It was almost quiet. Every noise that had once filled the supermarket seemed to leave along with Levi's fears. All of it exiting his body at once. He was standing here, holding the girl he liked in his arms, partially in her arms with their fingers intertwined.
Which.. speaking of intertwined fingers she was currently tugging at his. Their arms came down together and Levi let out a strained breath he hadn't even realized he'd held in.
"Levi.. I think I should tell you something."
Her face fell stern almost and Levi watched the quick movement of her throat as she swallowed.
"So.. in the store huh?"
"Huh!" Y/N stood taller, ripping herself unceremoniously from Levi. "Jean!" She chuckled nervously.
Jean let out his own little chuckle. "I know I never used to dance with you in the store. Glad you've got someone who would."
Y/N's eyes looked ready to pop from her skull and roll off. "I-I uh.. Jean it's.."
"Come, Connie and the others are already at checkout.
Y/N turned back to look at Levi as she quickly walked to follow Jean. And Levi could hear his teeth groan under the slight grit he administered. He yanked the basket up almost too fast storming after them with a grunt.
Jean had managed to cut the time to the line down by cutting across the aisles. That and he wasn't walking ridiculously slow with Y/N like some kind of old married couple.. Now that the image was place Levi actually began to wonder if that was how they looked together..
"Oi, how many times do I have to tell you to get out of the cart?" Jean asked as they finally joined everyone.
Sasha was a giggling mess inside the cart as Connie "unintentionally" tickled her stomach as he worked to remove items and place them on the conveyer belt.
"She can't right now or she'll crush some of the stuff." Connie replied
"She shouldn't have climbed in, in the first place." Y/N chimed in. "You know the way Connie pushes this thing is a hazard."
Sasha just let her head fall back in a fit of laughter as if that were the funniest thing she'd heard all year.
Y/N sighed quickly moving to help Connie as Jean moved past the three of them to the register.
"So how'd it go?" Erwin asked with a nudge as Levi lifted the basket up onto the edge of the conveyer belt.
"Jean interrupted us again."
"He's persistent." Erwin acknowledged "But then again I don't even know if he has to try, she seems kinda drawn to him on her own."
Levi watched as Jean and Y/N playfully fussed over the food sliding its way towards them. Their barely audible conversation including small remarks about the price and how they had definitely gone over the amount they had wanted to pay but Jean didn't let up.
"By the way where's Hange? And Moblit? I haven't seen them since we entered the store.."
Y/N was grabbing Jean's shoulder slightly rougher at this point her eyes rolling, teeth gritting together but she couldn't hide her smile. And Jean was still doing that thing that made Levi wanna shove him into on coming traffic.
His hand rested splayed on Y/N's lower back. And Levi had missed most of the conversation as it droned on lowly under the music blasting through empty aisles but this part actually struck him.
"You guys make a cute couple." The woman behind the counter laughed.
"See? She thinks we're cute." Jean took the opportunity as if it'd flung itself into his arms. Problem was it had. He pressed Y/N closer to him.
Though.. oddly enough Y/N only grinned, patting Jean's chest as he spoke with the cashier. Though.. her eyes trailed away and her smile was quickly fading. And Levi could see an opening.
He was moving faster than his brain could access the situation. "Y/N, I'll buy your milk for you." He managed, honestly proud of himself.
"Oh that's yours?" Jean asked suddenly snapped out from the conversation he'd been engrossed in. "It's cool Levi I got it."
"You've got everything else, let me." Levi replied
All the other groceries had already been piled at the end of the conveyer belt and Connie and Sasha were stuffing it back into the cart. Completely unaware of the current stare down that was happening right in front of them.
"Levi, I insist it's cool I have enough money." Jean retorted
"I already said I'd pay for it."
"You have your own groceries let me worry about the milk."
At this point Jean reached over but Levi was quicker snatching the milk off his basket and holding it to his chest like a newborn baby.
"Jean, just let him pay.." Y/N said
"I had already said I'd pay for you."
"Don't start this right now. Just let him pay for it so we can go."
At some point Moblit and Hange had rejoined the group and everyone was staring at the scene before them. Connie and Sasha with their hands deep in the chips Jean had paid for eyes wide with attention. Levi just looking to Y/N who was shaking her leg, arms crossed and hand on her forehead.
The cashier returned Jean's card and he almost snatched it away. "I'll pull the car up." He simply said
Y/N squeezed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger and everyone stared in awe, Jean's figure retreating to the parking lot as Levi slowly placed his own basket of food onto the conveyer belt.
He felt Erwin brush a hand over his shoulder before giving him a look. He approached Y/N as if she were a rabid dog on a leash. His fingers clenching as he inched his hand closer until it was rubbing her arm.
His gaze fell away, "A-are you.. ok?"
Her lips twitched at the corners and she returned Levi's affectionate grasp. Squeezing his shoulder with one hand. "Don't worry too much about me." She replied
Though the statement didn't help at all.
The walk to the car was surprisingly slow and awkwardly silent. Connie pushing Sasha along as she practically inhaled another bag of chips. Hange and Moblit matching pace with each other with barely enough space between them to fit a piece of paper from the look of it. And Erwin back on his phone.
"Thanks." Y/N said suddenly and Levi stared up at her in confusion. She glanced over and a small huff of a laugh fell from her lips. "Dancing with me." She elaborated
"O-oh! No problem.."
When they got to the car Levi held the door open for Y/N and she slid inside with a smile patting the seat next to her. Which Levi quickly took. The rest of the seats filled in fast with Connie being the last one in after he'd shoved the food into the back.
"Buckle up." Jean grunted, he snuck a gaze into the rearview mirror that Levi almost smirked at.
Y/N's little yawn didn't go unnoticed and it was even harder not to notice the way she leaned into Levi's shoulder. Her hair tickling his skin and making the entire car impossibly hotter.
"I hope you don't mind." She muttered so only Levi could hear. "I just find you kind of comforting."
(Hey Siri, play Sweet by Cigarettes after sex)
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mod-kyoko · 3 years
Soulmate alphabet with hajime
A (✿❛◡❛)
heya :) here it is! i'm sorry that it took so long!
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a...ging stops at 18 until you find your soulmate so the two of you can grow old together.
cw: it's angsty. pretty angsty actually but it's the kind of angst that turns into fluff at the end. let me know if you want me to write a less or non-angsty version
also attempted sewer slide
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everyone has a time clock
this time clock doesn't keep track of actual time, but marks how long a person has been living
whenever someone turns 18, their clock suddenly stops, and doesn't start ticking again until they meet their soulmate
it'd been a long life for you, to say the least
you were fully aware that you would stay 18 until you found your soul mate
but the problem is, it's been 57 years
you should have met them by now, right??
everyone around you always said to just be patient
but you tried that
you tried it for five decades
you witnessed your childhood friends grow old and die before you, while you stayed 18 forever
it was getting to be too much
after a particularly rough day, your mind heavy with worries and sadness, you made a decision that you never thought you would make
it was time
you never found your soulmate, and you never will
it was dark and gloomy outside, only further lowering your mood
you trudged down the street, heading towards a certain place
it didn't take long to get there
what little light that shone from the moon illuminated the waters below you
you stared out at the horizon, the wind lifting your hair off your shoulders
well, since you're here, there's no turning back
oddly calm, you hoisted yourself onto the railing of the bridge, a small smile displayed on your face
with your eyes closed, you took in the feel of the mist tickling your exposed skin, the earthy smell of the freshwater below
it felt nice
you would have took in your surroundings a bit longer if it wasn't for that yelling somewhere in the distance
you groaned, frustrated that someone would interrupt you
then you heard footsteps approaching, the yelling increasing in volume as if the person was running towards you
"hey! please don't do it" the stranger huffed, as if he was running as fast as he could, until he finally reached you
you didn't have much time to react before he yanked you off the railing, pulling you safely back onto the bridge
you glared at the stranger, while he caught his breath
"what the hell was that for??" you yelled, standing up and dusting yourself off
he met your eyes slowly, concern wrinkling his features
"you looked like you were going to do something bad" he said
you scoffed, anger clouding your judgement
"and that's your business how?"
even though you were yelling at him, he still looked at you with gentle eyes
"well, it isn't, but i still don't think you should do it"
you didn't know how to respond, instead you sank to your knees
your anger had finally dissipated, instead replaced with a deep, heartwrenching sadness
you began sobbing before the tears even spilled over
your cries were loud enough to be heard from blocks away, but you didn't care, you needed to purge your emotions
one wrangled sound after another escaped from your mouth
your body jerked with each sob as you clutched at your sides, while the stranger just stood there
"i'm just,,," you tried to say between hiccups "i'm so tired of living," you brought your hands up to your eyes, furiously wiping at them
the stranger finally moved, kneeling down in front of you
"hey, it's okay. wanna tell me your name?"
you sniffled, finally meeting his eyes
"it's y/n," you whispered quietly
the stranger offered you a smile
"i'm hajime"
after he said his name, two clocks ticked simultaneously
your sniffles immediately stopped, and your body froze
"was that..."
you shoved your hand in your pocket, desperately fishing for your little clock
you nervously pulled it out, gazing at the hands
they were moving again
"oh my god, you're here. you're finally here," you slowly looked back up at him, tears welling up in your eyes yet again
"yeah, it's me," he cooed, lifting up his arms as if to invite you for a hug
on instinct, you threw yourself on him, sobbing for the second time that night
"i'm here for you, okay? i know we don't know each other yet, but i'll stay with you, okay?"
of course, even after you met your soulmate, the road to mental stability wasn't clear
though hajime was always by your side, and he certainly helped
you were glad to finally be aging again, and even more glad that you could age along with someone for once
you were so glad you didn't jump that day
i have beef with hajime and i know i say that all the time but fr
this was so cute. but i can't simp aaaa
i hope you like it :)
-mod kyoko <3
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writingsoftheghost · 4 years
Room to Breathe
Based on this post by @sleepyvirgilprompts but I deviated from the intent a lot.
Tw: Panic attack, Unwanted physical contact, yelling, accusations, anxious thoughts, swearing
Ship: Platonic LAMP
Virgil was an idiot, a tired idiot, but an idiot. He’d just wanted out of his room, the shadows and the dark making it impossible to relax that night. Just like it had the night before. He was exhausted, he didn’t even plan to sleep that night, he just wanted to breathe a little. So, he grabbed his blanket and headed to the Light Side living room. It was the first time he’d really left his room in the last few days.
He’d turned the tv to the lowest volume and clicked on the first thing he saw. An episode of Over the Garden Wall. That was fine, Virgil liked the animation.The low volume was soothing, he turned the subtitles on and let himself zone out.
This of course was dumb, relaxing somewhere he shouldn’t be when he was exhausted. Predictably, he fell asleep.
He didn’t know how long he was asleep, but he woke up to the sound of footsteps, footsteps coming closer. He woke up slightly at that realization, looking around and realizing where he was, sending himself into a panic.
He looked around in vain for a place to hide, the tv was still playing softly, when the footsteps sounded impossibly close and Virgil had gone completely delirious with the cocktail of exhaustion and pure panic in his body, he threw the blanket he’d brought over his head and willed himself to stop breathing so loud.
Now, in any other state, Virgil would’ve recognized this as stupid and ridiculous. But right now, his brain seemed to be operating with a child’s ideas of object permanence. “If I can’t see them, they can’t see me.”
So when he heard Princey’s voice his heart almost stopped, “Hello? Patton?”
When Roman got no response, he tried again, “Lo?”
Virgil briefly thought of making a run for it, if he kept the blanket on his head, maybe the prince wouldn’t know it was him. This plan actially sounded pretty good, but just as Virgil was about to make a breal for it, he felt the blanket being tugged away from him.
He was too shocked to resist, suddenly, the anxious trait found himself staring into the eyes of Creativity.
“Anxiety!” The Prince cried incredulously.
Virgil flinched away at the loud noise, “Good Evening, Princey.” He said in a forced casual tone.
“What in Thomas’s name are you doing down here?!” Roman looked mad. Virgil could feel himself moving closer to the edge with every shouted word.
“I could ask you the same question.” Why was he making this worse?
“I live here, you creep!” Roman is in his face now and it’s too much, Virgil has to get out of there.
He pushes Roman away, not hard, but enough to get him to back out of his way. He runs to the stairs, panic blinding him. He bumps into something solid and firm, arms catch him from falling down the few stairs he’d made it up.
“Woah, there, kiddo? Whatcha doing down here so late?” Patton. Patton, oh no oh no oh no oh no...
“That’s what I’m trying to find out,” Roman huffs angrily from the bottom of the stairs. “He pushed me, trying to make an escape attempt. Good job, Pat, you got him.”
Patton frowns, “Anxiety?” He asks softly, “You wanna tell me what’s going on?”
Virgil lets out a strangled cry, Patton’s arms are still holding onto him, keeping him in place and it’s all too much. He can’t get away, he has to get away. He’s settled on flight, he didn’t want to hurt any of them, but he was so close to losing all control. Why couldn’t they just let him go?
“What are you all doing?” God no. Why did they all have to be here? Why couldn’t he have just stayed in his room?
Virgil was hyperventilating, he couldn’t get himself to focus enough to even explain himself. The only thoughts in his mind right now were, “Go! Go! Go! Danger!” And it was making it impossible to even listen to the words being spoken to him.
“Patton let him go, for Pete’s sake! He’s having a panic attack!” Logan snaps.
“Oh no, kiddo, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize-” Patton stops talking when Virgil yanks away from Patton’s loosened grip and immediately starts running up the remainder of the stairs. They all three flinch at the sound of Virgil’s bedroom door slamming shut.
Patton makes a move to follow the anxious trait, but Logan puts a hand on his shoulder, “Don’t.”
“But he-”
“Is in a serious state of distress, due to the both of you. I doubt he wants any comfort right now. Give him space,” Logan interrupts irritably.
“He left his blankie...” Patton mumbles sadly.
“Logan, that fiend was down here doing gosh knows what, and you want us to give him space?” Roman cries indignantly.
“Ro,” Patton frowns at the prince, “He probably didn’t mean anything by it. He hasn’t come downstairs in days, why’d you chase him out?”
“He was hiding under a blanket,” Roman rolls his eyes, “That’s pretty suspicious. You need to stop being so nice, Pat. Not everyone is good.”
Logan descends the stairs with a blank expression, he looks around the living room critically, “It appears he was watching television,” he drawls.
“Well, yes, I’m sure it appears that way,” Roman defends weakly.
“You chased my dark strange son away for watching cartoons,” Patton looks like he might cry. “Ro, he may never come back down here again!”
“While I doubt that’s true, he may be reluctant to leave his room for the foreseeable future.”
Patton shoots Roman a sad look. 
Roman huffs, “You won’t make me feel bad. It’s not happening.”
“Ro...” Patton whispers in a pleading voice, “He didn’t even do anything.”
“Maybe not this time,” Romman mumbles defensively.
“Any-” Logan pulls out a vocab card “-beef, you have with Anxiety is merely because he’s doing his job. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean you can treat him like a criminal for every little thing he does.” Logan states firmly.
Roman groans, “Why do you always take his side?”
“Because he needs the support,” Patton shoots Roman a firm look, “You shouldn’t be so mean to him, Ro. He doesn’t mean to make you mad, he’s just doing his job.”
“Okay, okay! Enough with the guilt trip! I’ll apologize to him!” Roman stomps up a few stairs before Logan stops him.
“Not tonight,” Logan looks at both sides seriously, “Neither of you should bother him anymore tonight. He needs some time to breathe. We can discuss it in the morning.”
Patton nods sadly, “My poor kiddo...”
Roman rolls his eyes, “Whatever, I’m going back to bed.” He never even gets the glass of water he came downstairs for in the first place.
Virgil spends the rest of the night on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop. For someone to come pounding on his door, demanding an explanation for the previous night, and his solemn oath to never do it again.
Neither of those comes, not even in the morning, when Virgil is sure everyone will wake up angrier than before.
Roman was probably furious. His worst enemy lounging on the couch. 
Virgil waited all day for that pounding knock, it didn’t come. Instead he spent the whole day expecting it. And being shocked when he heard a soft tap early on in the evening.
“Kiddo? I brought you some pizza?” Patton. Probably to lull him into a false sense of security. Still, he couldn’t bring himself to ignore the moral trait.
“No thanks, I’m good.”
Outside the door, Patton frowns. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” Virgil wants him to leave, he wants him to leave. The silence stretches on for long enough to make him start to think he had.
But then, “Anxiety, I’m sorry Roman chased you out of the living room last night.”
Virgil freezes, his entire body tenses up. He knows he should say something but his entire mind has gone blank.
“He really shouldn’t have done that, kiddo,” Patton continues, “I’m sure he feels bad about it.”
Virgil seriously doubted that, Roman didn’t feel bad. About anything, ever. “It’s fine, I shouldn’t have been down there anyway.” His voice sounds nonchalant, but the fact that this was just another way he’d never be accepted made his heart ache.
“Oh, Anxiety, no!” Patton cries in a horrified voice, “Kiddo, you’re allowed to be in the living room.”
“Yeah, sure. Thanks, Pat.”
“I mean it.” Patton’s voice had done solemn and serious. “Roman shouldn’t have chased you out, you have just as much of a right to be there as the rest of us.”
Virgil sighs and climbs off the bed, he stalks to the door and swings it open. Patton blinks at him in surprise, “You don’t really want me there. I appreciate the thought, I really do. But you and I both know I’d make it awkward. No one really wants the embodiment of fear and nervousness in a room, Pat. Thanks anyway.” He attempt to shut the door, Patton stops him with his foot.
“Wait! That’s not true at all, Anxiety. I’d love for you to come downstairs and hang out with us. Logan doesn’t mind you doing so, either.”
Virgil nods, “And Roman?”
Patton grimaces, “He’ll come around. But he doesn’t own the living room. You have just as much right to be there as he does.”
Virgil shakes his head, “I don’t want to piss him off.”
“Language,” Patton warns lightly, “and he’ll get over it. Why don’t you come down with me? I won’t let him chase you out again, promise.”
And he looks so hopeful, and Virgil didn’t even realize he’d nodded until he felt Patton’s hand grab his and suddenly he was being pulled along downstairs.
“Wait, Patton!” Virgil protests.
Patton stops in the middle of the hall, “If you don’t want to go, I won’t make you. But I really don’t want you to feel like you’re not allowed downstairs.”
Virgil nods, “I just don’t want a repeat of last night, I’m sorry I ran away. It was just...”
“Overwhelming?” Patton offers, “that’s okay, Anxiety. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m just glad you’re not mad at me, I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that. And besides, Roman promised me he wouldn’t do that again.”
“He did?”
“Yeah, I think Lo and I made him feel bad. He shouldn’t have chased you out.”
“I—are you sure he’s not more mad now? He did find me downstairs in the middle of the night.”
“Which you’re completely allowed to do,” Patton replies.
“I’m just saying, it was odd. And I know I’m not the easiest person to trust. Just...don’t be too hard on him about it, okay? He doesn’t deserve that.”
“Do you really mean that?” Virgil whirls around to see Roman standing at the end of the hall.
“Jesus! Are you trying to kill a guy? Who sneaks up on Anxiety?” Virgil cries exasperatedly.
“I wasn’t sneaking up on you, I just happened to over hear. But you really aren’t upset with me for last night?”
Virgil shrugs, “I was in your living room in the middle of the night. It’s fine.”
Roman shakes his head, “It isn’t, you...you were just watching cartoons. I’m sorry.”
Virgil’s eyes widen in surprise, “Thank you.”
Roman offers a tentative smile, “Would you like to come downstairs and watch a movie?”
Virgil smiles, “Yeah, thanks, that sounds great.”
Patton squeals excitedly, “I’m so glad you two made up! Now! Let’s go get Logie to make us snacks!”
I just ran with this i don’t even have an explanation
Taglist: @idont-freaking-know @aceawkwardunicorn @emo--nightmaree @a-yeet-bop-bop-boom @me-a-mess-morelikelythanyouthink @katlikethesword @tranquil-space-ninja @book-limerence @cute-and-angsty-princess
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studiobeebo · 4 years
~♡ Shio, Shoyu, Miso ♡~ [1/?]
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Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x Female (she/her) Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 1.9K
Genre: y’all already know it’s just gonna be fluff
A/N: so i made a lil thing sorta based off this cute thing i saw on reddit. idk what i’m doing pls don’t ask.
reblogs are greatly appreciated as they are the main way to get my works around so please consider doing so if you like it! enjoy!
When you had first met Megumi, you honestly didn’t think much of him.
Now, that’s not to say you didn’t find him attractive, but a cute guy around your age coming into the shop with a few of his friends just really wasn’t something very noteworthy in your life. You had only been helping your parents around your family owned ramen shop for about a year or so, but that was long enough to know that the general demographic was people who wanted a tasty, warm meal without having to blow too much money. Needless to say, teenagers fit that demographic fairly well. 
Your shop was well known in the area, but it was by no means fancy. In fact the building was a tad bit run down, you didn’t even have any decorations or anything hanging up on the walls and the entirety of it only seated maybe thirty people, so it was clear people didn’t frequent the place because of the ambiance. No, the reason you always seemed to have a steady stream of customers was that the food was simply so good that despite the lack of an enticing atmosphere or even many food options, people couldn’t help but be drawn to it. That mashed together with your friendly family and the decent prices made for a perfect little neighborhood place to eat. So again, when a group of three slightly noisy teenagers sat themselves down at one of the bar tables on the far side of the seating area, you didn’t really have any reason to bat an eye.
“Hey welcome guys!” You put on your usual cheery customer service voice as you filled their glasses with ice water, trying not to lean into any of their personal spaces. “Your options are salt, soy, or miso ramen, with or without beef and or pork. Do you need some time to think about it or do you think you’re ready to order now?” 
Like you said, there weren’t many options.
“Oh, can I get soy?! Or maybe- hm, maybe I’ll have miso…”
“You’re tasteless, miso is the worst kind.”
“I bet you’ve never even tried it, Kugisaki!”
“They’re going to need a minute to think. That bit’s hard for them.” 
The taller boy with dark hair and an apparently permanent scowl on his face groaned out in annoyance, his eyes only meeting yours for a moment before he turned to yell at the other two to lower their voices. You nodded with a smile, leaving them to decide and chuckling to yourself as you moved on to ask the customers at the other tables if they were doing ok.
“Ok! Excuse me- er....crap, what was her name again Fushiguro?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“I don’t know, usually you remember to ask the important stuff like that!”
The not-so-subtle arguing was enough to catch your attention as you made your way back over to the trio, your smile being a bit more genuine this time around in response to their odd yet funny dynamic.
“It’s (Y/N), sorry about that guys! So, what can I get for ya?”
The three of them listed off their orders and after you repeated them back for confirmation, you gave them a quick thumbs up before going back to the kitchen to put their orders in with your dad. Within a moment of your absence, Itadori was turning to Fushiguro with that excited puppy look that adorned his face almost 24/7.
“She’s kind of pretty, don’t you think?”
Fushiguro’s eye twitched, but luckily Kugisaki was quick to butt in with an argument of ‘How come you’re only asking him what he thinks, huh?!’. It was a simple question, but what annoyed him was the added use of ‘kind of’. Itadori was extremely simple, so the thought that he only thought you were ‘kind of’ pretty irritated him because how could Fushiguro be here doing a double take just to get a better look at your features every time you spoke to them while Itadori just barely took note of it? It was uncharacteristic, but he couldn’t disagree. He could tell you definitely had a slight air of putting on a cheery showiness for the sake of good customer service, but either way, you were...cute, and he was insistent on leaving it at that without bothering to admit to it out loud.
“I hope you both know you’re paying for yourselves.” He interrupted, hoping their argument had moved on from their waitress so that he wouldn’t be asked about his thoughts on you again. 
“Eh?! Since when were you so cheap!”
“Ok guys!”
The three of them jumped slightly at the sound of your voice, simultaneously turning to see you holding up a tray with three steaming bowls of ramen sat atop of it. 
“Soy with beef, soy with pork..” You listed off while setting the bowls in front of the copper haired girl and the smiley boy respectively, “And miso with no topping.” You finished, eyes flicking up to meet the dark haired boys as you placed the final bowl in front of him. It was only for a moment, but you could have sworn your saw a speckle of pink dust his cheeks before he looked away from you with a short “Thanks.”.
“Mhm, no problem.” You hummed out, scanning your eyes around the restaurant to see if you were immediately needed elsewhere before deciding to continue and indulge your interest in the three, or more specifically, your interest in the cute boy with the black hair. “So... you guys are from that traditional religious high school, right?”
The pink haired one’s eyes lit up as he struggled to finish the noodles he was halfway through slurping up so that he could speak.
“Yeah, yeah! I guess our uniforms are a giveaway..”
You laughed, leaning your back against the empty seat that sat next to them at the bar. As if you needed any further confirmation, you could tell he was the energetic extrovert of the group.
“Yeah, you don’t really see many of them around. Though I’ve heard it’s kind of a hard school to get into.”
“Pfft, maybe for normal people, it was no sweat for us.” There was that copper haired girl again with a confident look on her face as she too stopped eating to interject, though you hardly took what she said in a bad way as she didn’t seem to mean any harm from it.
“That so? Guess I’ll have to call you guys next time I’m having trouble with my classes, I swear I can barely manage the workload I get.”
“Haha I feel that, I actually started school elsewhere but I just transferred a few months ago! Oh- I’m Itadori by the way! This is Kugisaki, and Fushiguro’s the sulking rude one!”
“Hey.” Fushiguro finally stopped his eavesdropping to join in, sending a glare Itadori’s way, but he just seemed to brush it off as if he’d been under his friends' scrutiny plenty of times before. After a moment though he turned back to you, though as much as he wanted to say something to you, he didn’t really know what to say. He wasn’t like Itadori or Kugisaki who could just strike up a conversation with anyone anywhere, but while he turned over his conversational options in his head, you pushed away from where you had previously been leaning and gave a sheepish, apologetic smile that easily brought his attention away from his thoughts. 
“No no you’re good- Sorry, I should be leavin’ you guys to eat anyway. Just call me over when you’re ready to pay or if you need anything, alright?” You spoke, your words being directed more towards who you now knew as ‘Fushiguro’, however it was his two friends who responded with an affirmation before going back to their meals.
Once again you were off to tend to other tables and do the other tidbits of your job, though this time your head was filled with questions galore. Did Jujutsu Tech students come into town often, or was this some special outing? What grades were the three of them in? And most importantly, you wondered if they would ever be coming back? You weren’t one to get flustered or form crushes easily, but you had to admit you were a bit taken by Fushiguro. He was cute, sure, but he had a cool, mature air about him that could make anyone be left wanting to know more about him, especially because most of the conversation you did have was with his friends and not him. However once again your mental flow was interrupted by Itadori waving you over, barely waiting for you to make your way by their side to start speaking while the three of them handed over their respective payments.
“That was crazy good, (Y/N), we’ll have to come by some time again if that’s ok!”
“It’s not like she’s the one making it, Itadori.”
“You realize that a restaurant’s whole goal is to get people to come back, right? Of course it’s ‘ok’..”
Despite Fushiguro’s matter-of-fact statement, his eyes still shifted to yours as if he secretly wanted to know if you wanted them to come back as well and the smile you gave him in return only solidified the fact that he wanted to return either way. Though of course he boiled that down to ‘The service was good and so was the food’, but part of him knew that was bullshit.
“I’d love to see you guys around again!” You said, collecting up their empty bowls as you spoke. “I work most weekends and some days after class so you should try to stop in while I’m here.”
“Hell yeah!” Itadori exclaimed as the three of them got up from their seats one after the other, Kugisaki and Itadori saying their goodbye’s as they pardoned their way through the tables and other customers to leave, though Fushiguro stayed behind for a moment, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck as he spoke.
“...Sorry about them, it’s practically like wrangling preschoolers whenever we aren’t on du- er, in class.” 
He knew the apology wasn’t necessary and that you didn’t seem all that bothered by either of his friends’ lively personalities, but he found himself feeling a bit...left out in the fact that he had yet to really speak to you. Why he even felt compelled to speak to you in the first place was a mystery, but he figured that was one question that didn’t really need an answer for right now.
“Oh, it’s no problem.” You laughed, giving another smile as you tried your hardest to not act as fidgety as you were feeling on the inside. “I mean- I’ve got friends like that too so I-“
“Excuse me?” 
A polite voice cut you off halfway through your sentence and you turned to see an older woman waving you over, clearly not wanting to be rude but wanting your attention nevertheless.
“You’re fine!” You sputtered out, maybe a bit too excited as you slowly backed away from him, “I’ll see you around if you guys stop by again, huh, Fushiguro?”
His eyes widened slightly, a bit surprised by that hopeful tone to your voice before he nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips and a bit of slightly shameful excitement tugging at his heart. 
“Yeah, we’ll- I’ll see you around.”
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spine-buster · 4 years
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 22
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A/N:  So this chapter actually marks the end of the plot line of the movie “The Devil Wears Prada” -- I’m sure the dialogue after the Zamboni driver game from last chapter and the “By all means, move at a glacial place, you know how that thrills me” line was a bit of a hint.  Also, we’re striking that last scene where Andie apologizes to Nate in the restaurant because she had absolutely nothing to apologize for 😤 ANYWAYS, this means that from this point, up until maaaaaybe the final FINAL chapters (whenever this thing ends, because I still don’t know when), all content and storyline is original and not based on the movie, although it will still obviously be inspired by it.  We love consistency!  Have a great read, and enjoy!  Let me know what you think as always!
February 24th, 2020
Aberdeen Bloom watched as Brendan and Kyle were answering phones left, right, and centre.
Seriously.  At one point, Kyle had three on his ears.  He didn’t have three ears.  All because of the damned trade deadline.  And it was still only 9:30 in the morning.  
The room was set up the way she was told to set it up; prepared how Brendan wanted it prepared.  Every major voice for both the Leafs and the Marlies was in the room – Brendan, Kyle, Brandon, Dave, Reid, Leanne, Sheldon, Paul, Dave, Andrew, Jim, Troy, and even Laurence, Mike, Greg, AJ, and Rob from the Toronto Marlies.  At the front of the room, on the whiteboard, there were the names of all the players – even those in the system – glued to magnets so they could move them around.  On the other side were magnets with names of some other players from teams that they’d been looking at bringing in through a trade.  Three phones were hooked up in the room, and Brendan and Kyle were on their cellphones a lot.  There was a TV set up for video playback and hooked up to Reid’s laptop.  Brendan would exit and enter the board room at will while he was on his phone.  So would Kyle.  Kyle was dealing with most of the possible cap stuff.  There were worksheets everywhere.  
And in the back of Aberdeen’s mind, all she could think about was Tyson Barrie.
He’d been on her mind since the drive home, really, and since all the ramp up for the trade deadline started.  And she couldn’t help but wonder if Brendan and Kyle knew of him wanting to be traded and him being unhappy.  Did Brendan and Kyle concern themselves with the private lives of their players?  Even if the player said nothing?  That was the ultimate question Aberdeen needed answered, because now that she recognized all the clues, it was glaringly obvious to her how much Tyson wanted out.  She hadn’t said anything, obviously.  His name magnet wasn’t moving around much, but she knew how much he wanted to be moved.  She was conflicted.  
“This motherfu…” she heard Brendan mumble as he looked down at his phone.  “Can someone post a memo to the entire fucking league that we’re not trading Nylander, for fuck sakes,” he announced to the room.  “The core isn’t on the fucking table unless Connor Mc-fucking-David is in the mix.”
Aberdeen let out a shaky breath she didn’t know she was holding in.  William being traded was not, for some reason, a worry of hers, if only because everyone knew he was having a banner year and Kyle had made explicitly clear that he wasn’t going to be traded so long as he was GM.  
“It’s not in his contract but Spezza won’t go anywhere.  He wants to be here.”
“If Johnsson goes it’s one less player we offer up to Seattle when the time comes.”
“Can Kappy go?  He’s good bait.  He’s got a friendly contract.”
It didn’t help that everything ended at 3pm.  It also didn’t help that they had a charter flight waiting for them at 4:30 to take them to Tampa for their game tomorrow.  Aberdeen didn’t know how they were going to handle this timeline.  What if they made a blockbuster trade?  What if someone was shipped off to the west coast at 2:59pm and had to uproot his whole life?  Everybody in the room wasn’t exactly calm, but she didn’t know how they could take about trading these players as if they were cattle being moved.  She knew this happened in all sports, but now that she was a part of it (well, in the room – it wasn’t like she was making decisions), it made everything more complicated for her.  
“Tyson’s staying.  Tyson – no – Tyson – Tyson is – Tyson is staying,” she heard Brendan repeating to Kyle, in what looked like a semi-private conversation.  She couldn’t hear some of the other things he was saying, but some words were said loud enough.  Contract.  Avalanche.  Kadri trade.  Defense.  Rielly-Barrie.  
Aberdeen gulped.  Did Brendan think he was happy here?  Did Kyle?  Because she knew the exact opposite.  She knew Tyson wasn’t, but she was sworn to secrecy by Tyson that she wouldn’t say a word to Brendan.  But Brendan was wrong.  Tyson wanted out.  
Should…should she say something?
She liked Tyson.  She wanted to see him happy.  It was complicated, though, because she had no loyalty to him.  She did, in a way, as an acquaintance – as someone who overheard a private conversation and then was asked not to share the details of it – but she had more loyalty to Brendan.  Her boss.  The guy who was trying to build a team that would win the Stanley Cup.  The guy that her job depended on.  
Like, who was she loyal to the most?  If she actually said something to Brendan, would Tyson hate her forever?  Would the entire team turn their back on her and hate her forever too?  Because she couldn’t shut her mouth?  Because she was a tattle-tale and exposed—
—exposed a secret of one of the players to the boss?  But that secret was tied to his mental health.  It’s not like she saw a guy hook up with a teammate’s girlfriend or escort or do blow off a toilet seat or something.  This was integral to the well-being of a player—
She snapped out of her thoughts to see and hear Brendan calling her over.  She jumped out of her seat and ran over to him.  “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.  Sorry.  What do you need?”
“I think Chipotle is in order for lunch for everyone,” he said.  “Do you mind taking everyone’s orders?”
Seventeen Chipotle orders later, Aberdeen was waiting in the restaurant at a bar table, most definitely holding up the line that was starting to form due to her massive order.  She took out her phone and saw that William had texted her a heart earlier but she hadn’t seen it.  He had the day off.
how bad does tyson want out of Toronto? be honest
how do u know?
i overheard him and emma talking when they drove me home once is it really bad?
can i call u?
it’s not that he doesn’t like it here bc he loves the guys and he likes the city well he really didn’t like babs i think that’s a given but he found it really hard to transition from colorado to here like he couldn’t adjust and support wise he didn’t or doesn’t feel he’s been supported enough and he’s trying his hardest to mesh within the lines and be the guy he was in colorado but he just can’t and it’s driving him crazy
Aberdeen felt herself take a deep breath.  Not that she thought the conversation in the car was out of the blue or a one-off, but at least she had confirmation from another source now.  She couldn’t help but wonder if Tyson talked to the guys on the team about it.  Like, was it an open secret between them?  
why r u asking minskatt
She knew she’d have to lie about that one.  Even though William was her boyfriend, she couldn’t reveal any secrets of what was happening in that war room.  If she did, Brendan would probably put her head in a guillotine.  
all i see on twitter and the sports channels is us moving him they think they’re in the war room with us but they’re not and it’s just funny to me that they already think it’s a done deal
welcome to the toronto media i am getting traded too, haven’t u heard 😉
Aberdeen smiled.  He was such a little shit.  
you’re never leaving me.
never, minskatt ❤️
“Alright, I got seventeen bowls!” the cashier yelled, and Aberdeen knew that was her cue.  They were all stuffed into multiple bags and labelled appropriately, so she handed over the company card to pay.  Holding the four bags in both hands, she made her way back towards the office.  
When she got back, it was very chaotic.  The reports were now everywhere.  Half the people in the room had left to do God knows what.  Kyle was frustrated on the phone with someone.  And Brendan was nowhere to be seen.  “You might want to find him,” Kyle said as Aberdeen handed him his burrito bowl.  His hand was covering the receiver.  
Aberdeen nodded frantically.  She stopped putting all the burrito bowls on the table where people had been sitting, but for some reason grabbed Brendan’s before she began running around the halls, popping into rooms to search for him.  He was nowhere.  She tried texting and calling.  Nothing.  She thought about screaming his name down the hall.  Her mind was getting the best of her.  Why did Kyle need him?  Who was he on the phone with?  
Were they about to make a trade for Tyson?
She needed to find him.  She needed to tell him.
After circling the halls twice, she finally saw him walking, his winter jacket on, phone to his ear before ending the call and walking towards the board room.  “Brendan, Brendan, wait.  I need to talk to you,” she scurried to his side.  “Tyson Barrie wants to be moved.  He told—I overheard a conversation between him and his girlfriend in the car once when they were driving me home after a flight about how deeply unhappy he was here and how he sort of knew he was going to get traded or at least wanted to get traded somewhere so he wouldn’t have to be here and have the pressure on him and maybe be happy again and I promised him I wouldn’t say anything to you but now I am because I thought that maybe if I told you, that you could fix it—”
“Do I smell chicken?” Brendan asked suddenly, taking off his jacket.  
Aberdeen stopped.  Her brain felt like it just short-circuited.  “What?  No.  I—I specifically told them the beef bowl for you—”
“If I have chicken in mine, I will be very disappointed,” he said, taking his burrito bowl from her hands and giving her his jacket instead before disappearing into the conference room, leaving Aberdeen standing there in shock.  
The New York Rangers traded Brady Skjei for a first round pick.  The Edmonton Oilers acquired Tyler Ennis, who Aberdeen knew was one of Bee McTavish’s best friends.  Patrick Marleau went to the Pittsburgh Penguins.
But the Leafs stayed quiet.  Calle Rosen came back.  That’s it.  Tyson wasn’t moved.  He was staying a Toronto Maple Leaf.  Aberdeen wondered what he was feeling right now.  She wondered if he and Emma already had their bags packed for nothing.  As everybody went home, Aberdeen cleaned up the boardroom.  When it was time to go to the airport, she went to her desk to grab her suitcase.  Brendan was waiting outside his office.  
The walk to the town car was quiet.  The loading of their suitcases into the trunk was quiet.  The getting into the back of the car together was quiet.  The sitting there as Lou drove through the downtown streets and onto the highway to get to the airport was quiet.  
“You thought I didn’t know…” Brendan began, his voice low as he stared out the window.  When she heard his voice, Aberdeen turned her head slowly towards him.  “I’ve known what was happening for quite some time.  It just took me a while to find out what to do with Tyson.  A few teams were interested, and were probably willing, come July, to make him absurdly overpaid that he would have jumped at it.  But I had to tell everyone he was unavailable.”
Aberdeen felt a shiver run up her spine.  Unavailable?  If Brendan knew Tyson wanted to be moved – if he knew how unhappy he was – then why wouldn’t he move him?  
“The truth is, there is no-one available in the league right now that can fill his place on our team, regardless of how unhappy he is,” Brendan continued.  “Any of the other players would have found this job impossible and the team would have suffered.  Especially because of the way the media is here.  The list of writers, journalists, media personalities, analysts…they eat the players alive.  It takes a very special type of player to want to play in Toronto.  That’s why it was, and is still, such a big deal that John came home.  Hockey is a business, Aberdeen.  I’ve known for a while he was unhappy.  But I couldn’t trade him.  I couldn’t reconsider.”
Aberdeen took a deep breath.  And there it was.  Tyson Barrie was more valuable deeply unhappy here than he was happy somewhere else.  The realization hit her like a ton of bricks.  Hockey was a business, just like Brendan said.  Despite her best intentions, good people had to make tough decisions – Brendan’s was to keep Tyson on the team.  Brendan wanted to win more than anything, and he still thought he could do that with Tyson.
“But I was very, very impressed, by how intently you tried to warn me,” Brendan continued, finally looking at her.  Aberdeen found it hard to meet his eye, not showing any emotion on her face.  “I never thought I would say this, Aberdeen, but I really…I see a great deal of myself in you.  You can see beyond what people want and what they need…and you can choose for yourself.”
Aberdeen shook her head slightly.  “I don’t think I’m like that.  I – I could do what you just did to Tyson.  I couldn’t do something like that.”
“Hmph…but you already did,” Brendan said.  “To Peter.”
Aberdeen’s eyes bulged out dramatically.  “That’s not what I – no, that was different.  I didn’t have a choice.”
“Oh no no no, you chose,” Brendan said sternly.  “You chose to get ahead.  You want to be successful in this life, those choices are necessary.”
Aberdeen felt like she was about to cry.  She could feel her cheeks redden.  “But what if this isn’t what I want?  I mean, what if I don’t want to live the way you live or be in a career the way you conduct your career?  Not caring about people’s happiness and only caring about success.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Aberdeen.  Everybody wants this.  Everybody wants to be successful.  Even writers.”
Aberdeen hadn’t even noticed Lou had stopped the car because they’d arrive at the airport.  She could only watch as the door unlocked and Brendan slipped on his sunglasses for the bright winter sun, getting out of the car and walking back to the trunk to get his suitcase.  Aberdeen took a minute to process everything.  What Brendan had just said.  What he revealed to her.  
Dumb.  She was so dumb.  And she still had so much to learn.  
Aberdeen was quiet as she walked into the airport with Brendan.  She was quiet as they checked in, quiet as they walked to their private hangar, quiet as she saw some of the boys and quiet as she plopped down into a seat, stuffing her headphones into her ears.  She knew she should be thankful to be spending her 22nd birthday in Florida, but now, all she could think about was the conversation she’d just had with Brendan.  Even William arriving almost didn’t even register with her.
She napped on the plane, not wanting to deal with hockey for at least an hour of her day.  
The hotel was taking too long to get the key cards and reservations sorted for everyone.  Aberdeen tried not to huff and puff, but she was tired.  She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to out for dinner.  After the stress of the last two days, and especially today, she just wanted to get under the covers of her bed and sleep.  Sleep would make her happy again.  More than anything, she wanted to be in a good mood for her birthday tomorrow, even if she was working.
“Ab-er-deeeeeeeen Blooooooooom,” the way-too-perky helper called out her name.  Aberdeen approached her and got her room key, mumbling a thank you.  She was on the 5th floor.  
Auston had followed behind her, grabbing his as well.  When they rejoined the loosely assembled group, he took a look at her.  “You look really tired, Aberdeen,” he commented.
She glared at him.  She couldn’t believe the audacity of him.  She’d just been up for almost two days straight because of the stupid trade deadline.  Lucky for him that he didn’t have to work the last two days.  And lucky for him that he didn’t have to worry about being traded like most of the other guys on the team.  He could at least sleep at night knowing he wasn’t going to be traded for the next five years.  “You can just say I look like shit, you know,” she deadpanned.  
Auston’s eyes bulged out.  “No no no—I didn’t mean—”
“Whatever, Auston,” she grumbled, shaking her head.  “I know I look like shit, alright?  I don’t need you to tell me.”
“Aberdeen, I didn’t mean it like that at all—”
“It’s fine,” she shook her head again, grabbing her suitcase and dragging it behind her as she stomped away from him.  She didn’t have time for his excuses or for him trying to cover up his tracks.  She practically punched the elevator button so she could go up to her room before everybody else.  Screw waiting for everyone.  
She was barely able to unpack her toiletries into her washroom before the first text came through on her phone.  Of course, it was William.
saw u stomping away what happened?
She wasn’t exactly going to tell him what Auston said because God knows what he would do.
I’m just tired Willy.  I’ve practically been up for 48 hours.
but u need to eat
I’ll order room service, but I’m not going out for dinner.
She left it at that.  She heard her phone buzz a few times afterwards but she made a conscious decision not to answer it.  She needed to be alone with her thoughts instead.  She didn’t need to be around Auston telling her she looked tired.  She didn’t need to be around Willy who would be staring at her all night.  She didn’t need to be around Mitch and his hyperactive puppy personality.  She didn’t need to be around Tyson who was probably sulking at the fact that he wasn’t trad—
A knock.
She took her sweet time going to open it.  When she did, she was greeted with Jason Spezza and Jake Muzzin on the other side.  She almost wanted to shut the door in their face but knew that would be the rudest thing she’d ever done.  “We’re going for tacos.  You in?”
It was actually Jake who looked more taken aback by her statement than Jason.  She figured it was because Jason knew better.  “No to tacos?  I think that’s the first time in my life I’ve ever heard anyone say no to tacos.”
Aberdeen cracked a half smile.  “Have fun guys, but I’m exhausted.  I’ve been up for like two days because of the deadline.”
“That’s all the more reason for you to get a healthy meal in,” Jake pressed.  
Before she could politely decline again, she saw two figures out of the corner of her eye walking down the hallway towards them.  One was William – she could figure him out from miles away just by how his hair looked – but once the other came into focus, a lump formed in her throat.  Tyson was with him.  
“We goin’ for tacos or what?” Tyson asked.  There was a smile on his face.  A fake one for sure, Aberdeen thought, all things considering.
And then it happened.  She felt the blood and emotion rush to her cheeks, and she felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and responsibility for the man that was standing in front of her right now.  She’d tried to help him and her attempt failed.  And in that attempt to help, she betrayed him.  She couldn’t even look him in the eye.  “Please, just go,” she shook her head.  
“What?  What’s going on?” Jake looked in between Tyson and Aberdeen.
“Will you guys just leave me alone?” she pleaded, her voice strained as she felt tears well in her eyes.  “Please.  I’m so tired and I’m so—”
“Inside your room, now,” Jason pointed to her bed, not even waiting for her to make the first move, and instead just walking in himself.  Everybody followed – everybody except William – who took his spot leaning on the doorway so he wasn’t actually in her room.  But he was watching.  And every muscle in his body wanted to walk in with everyone.
“What’s going on?” Jason asked softly.  “What’s the real issue here?”
Aberdeen shook her head.  She still couldn’t look Tyson in the eye, but when she could, she almost broke down.  It took every ounce of strength in her not to burst out crying and maintain some type of composure.  “I’m so sorry.  I tried, I really tried—” she began.
“Tried what?” Tyson asked.
She hesitated.  “Listen, I know – I’ll understand if you hate me forever because of this – I know you told me not to tell Brendan what I heard Emma say in the car, but I couldn’t help it,” she began.  Tyson’s face visibly softened.  “I thought that maybe if I told him he’d actually deal you out, and you could be—you could be happy again, you know, or at least somewhere where—”
“—but he couldn’t, and he didn’t, and I just feel horrible for betraying you by telling him and I feel so responsible now for everything that happened and I can’t live with myself—”
“—Aberdeen, are you apologizing right now because I wasn’t traded?” Tyson asked.  Aberdeen didn’t respond.  “Aberdeen, come on.  You’re not the general manager or the president.”
“But I could have helped—”
“No, you couldn’t have,” he shook his head.  Though his words were short there was a softness and a sentimentality in his voice, even a hint of surprise that she’d even go so far as to feel responsible for not being able to deal him to another team.  He understood what she was getting at, understood why she was mad and was feeling this way, but ultimately, he was shocked that she was getting so emotional over it.  “You’re not responsible for that sort of stuff, Aberdeen.  I know you were trying to help, and I thank you for that, but the responsibility of what happens on trade deadline day falls on absolutely nobody in this room, not least the personal assistant to the president.”
She sniffled slightly.  “I just thought that if I told him he’d be more inclined—”
“It doesn’t work that way,” he shook his head, looking her in the eye.  “But thanks.  I appreciate what you did in its own way.  Just remember that it’s not your job to write the narrative.”
He was telling that to an aspiring writer.  Go figure.  But Aberdeen took in the words, really took them to heart, as she nodded her head quickly.  “I’m really sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.  And I don’t hate you,” Tyson said.  “I see where you’re coming from.  Just maybe don’t try to do it again.”
She let out the slightest of chuckles.  “Yeah, I think that’s best.”
“William?  What are you doing in Aberdeen’s room?”
Everybody whipped their heads towards the doorway to see Brendan Shanahan peeking in.  Aberdeen thanked the fucking Lord (and would probably pray the entire rosary tonight) over the fact that she was able to control her emotions and not cry during the interaction, and also that two of the men currently in her room were married with children and the other had a serious girlfriend or else it would all look very suspicious.  Brendan took a few steps in and saw Jason, Jake, and Tyson.  He didn’t look suspicious, but he didn’t exactly look happy.  He had a neutral look Aberdeen couldn’t make out.  “I’m not sure if I like four of you in Aberdeen’s room like this,” he said.  
“That’s my fault,” Jake piped up immediately.  “I was forcing her to come out to eat with us.  I was making sure she had at least something to eat since she kept saying no.  Tys and Spezz followed to make sure, too.”
Brendan’s look became much more neutral at Jake’s words.  “Hmm…I get it.  Healthy meals and all.  But she can order room service if she doesn’t want to go out.  She’s been up for the past two days almost.”
Jake smiled.  “Her words exactly.  We were literally just on our way out.”
“Have fun boys,” he said, dismissing them.  “And I’ll see you tomorrow, Aberdeen.”
She nodded.  Everybody filed out of her room, each one of the giving her one last look before leaving.  William was last, of course, letting his look linger for longer than the rest before letting the door close behind him.  She let out a deep breath.
love how that was the closest we’ve ever been to getting caught and i wasn’t even in ur room
The text came from William not even two minutes after he left.  Leave it to him to make light of it, she thought.  But it was the following text that got her thinking.
can u tell how the boys wouldn’t say a word now?
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strawbeebo · 4 years
~♡ Shio, Shoyu, Miso ♡~ [1/3]
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Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Megumi Fushiguro x Fem! (She/Her) Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 1.9K
Genre: Fluff
When you had first met Megumi, you honestly didn’t think much of him.
Now, that’s not to say you didn’t find him attractive, but a cute guy around your age coming into the shop with a few of his friends just really wasn’t something very noteworthy in your life. You had only been helping your parents around your family owned ramen shop for about a year or so, but that was long enough to know that the general demographic was people who wanted a tasty, warm meal without having to blow too much money. Needless to say, teenagers fit that demographic fairly well.
Your shop was well known in the area, but it was by no means fancy. In fact the building was a tad bit run down, you didn’t even have any decorations or anything hanging up on the walls and the entirety of it only seated maybe thirty people, so it was clear people didn’t frequent the place because of the ambiance. No, the reason you always seemed to have a steady stream of customers was that the food was simply so good that despite the lack of an enticing atmosphere or even many food options, people couldn’t help but be drawn to it. That mashed together with your friendly family and the decent prices made for a perfect little neighborhood place to eat. So again, when a group of three slightly noisy teenagers sat themselves down at one of the bar tables on the far side of the seating area, you didn’t really have any reason to bat an eye.
“Hey welcome guys!” You put on your usual cheery customer service voice as you filled their glasses with ice water, trying not to lean into any of their personal spaces. “Your options are salt, soy, or miso ramen, with or without beef and or pork. Do you need some time to think about it or do you think you’re ready to order now?”
Like you said, there weren’t many options.
“Oh, can I get soy?! Or maybe- hm, maybe I’ll have miso…”
“You’re tasteless, miso is the worst kind.”
“I bet you’ve never even tried it, Kugisaki!”
“They’re going to need a minute to think. That bit’s hard for them.”
The taller boy with dark hair and an apparently permanent scowl on his face groaned out in annoyance, his eyes only meeting yours for a moment before he turned to yell at the other two to lower their voices. You nodded with a smile, leaving them to decide and chuckling to yourself as you moved on to ask the customers at the other tables if they were doing ok.
“Ok! Excuse me- er….crap, what was her name again Fushiguro?”
“How am I supposed to know?”
“I don’t know, usually you remember to ask the important stuff like that!”
The not-so-subtle arguing was enough to catch your attention as you made your way back over to the trio, your smile being a bit more genuine this time around in response to their odd yet funny dynamic.
“It’s (Y/N), sorry about that guys! So, what can I get for ya?”
The three of them listed off their orders and after you repeated them back for confirmation, you gave them a quick thumbs up before going back to the kitchen to put their orders in with your dad. Within a moment of your absence, Itadori was turning to Fushiguro with that excited puppy look that adorned his face almost 24/7.
“She’s kind of pretty, don’t you think?”
Fushiguro’s eye twitched, but luckily Kugisaki was quick to butt in with an argument of ‘How come you’re only asking him what he thinks, huh?!’. It was a simple question, but what annoyed him was the added use of ‘kind of’. Itadori was extremely simple, so the thought that he only thought you were ‘kind of’ pretty irritated him because how could Fushiguro be here doing a double take just to get a better look at your features every time you spoke to them while Itadori just barely took note of it? It was uncharacteristic, but he couldn’t disagree. He could tell you definitely had a slight air of putting on a cheery showiness for the sake of good customer service, but either way, you were…cute, and he was insistent on leaving it at that without bothering to admit to it out loud.
“I hope you both know you’re paying for yourselves.” He interrupted, hoping their argument had moved on from their waitress so that he wouldn’t be asked about his thoughts on you again.
“Eh?! Since when were you so cheap!”
“Ok guys!”
The three of them jumped slightly at the sound of your voice, simultaneously turning to see you holding up a tray with three steaming bowls of ramen sat atop of it.
“Soy with beef, soy with pork..” You listed off while setting the bowls in front of the copper haired girl and the smiley boy respectively, “And miso with no topping.” You finished, eyes flicking up to meet the dark haired boys as you placed the final bowl in front of him. It was only for a moment, but you could have sworn your saw a speckle of pink dust his cheeks before he looked away from you with a short “Thanks.”.
“Mhm, no problem.” You hummed out, scanning your eyes around the restaurant to see if you were immediately needed elsewhere before deciding to continue and indulge your interest in the three, or more specifically, your interest in the cute boy with the black hair. “So… you guys are from that traditional religious high school, right?”
The pink haired one’s eyes lit up as he struggled to finish the noodles he was halfway through slurping up so that he could speak.
“Yeah, yeah! I guess our uniforms are a giveaway..”
You laughed, leaning your back against the empty seat that sat next to them at the bar. As if you needed any further confirmation, you could tell he was the energetic extrovert of the group.
“Yeah, you don’t really see many of them around. Though I’ve heard it’s kind of a hard school to get into.”
“Pfft, maybe for normal people, it was no sweat for us.” There was that copper haired girl again with a confident look on her face as she too stopped eating to interject, though you hardly took what she said in a bad way as she didn’t seem to mean any harm from it.
“That so? Guess I’ll have to call you guys next time I’m having trouble with my classes, I swear I can barely manage the workload I get.”
“Haha I feel that, I actually started school elsewhere but I just transferred a few months ago! Oh- I’m Itadori by the way! This is Kugisaki, and Fushiguro’s the sulking rude one!”
“Hey.” Fushiguro finally stopped his eavesdropping to join in, sending a glare Itadori’s way, but he just seemed to brush it off as if he’d been under his friends’ scrutiny plenty of times before. After a moment though he turned back to you, though as much as he wanted to say something to you, he didn’t really know what to say. He wasn’t like Itadori or Kugisaki who could just strike up a conversation with anyone anywhere, but while he turned over his conversational options in his head, you pushed away from where you had previously been leaning and gave a sheepish, apologetic smile that easily brought his attention away from his thoughts.
“No no you’re good- Sorry, I should be leavin’ you guys to eat anyway. Just call me over when you’re ready to pay or if you need anything, alright?” You spoke, your words being directed more towards who you now knew as ‘Fushiguro’, however it was his two friends who responded with an affirmation before going back to their meals.
Once again you were off to tend to other tables and do the other tidbits of your job, though this time your head was filled with questions galore. Did Jujutsu Tech students come into town often, or was this some special outing? What grades were the three of them in? And most importantly, you wondered if they would ever be coming back? You weren’t one to get flustered or form crushes easily, but you had to admit you were a bit taken by Fushiguro. He was cute, sure, but he had a cool, mature air about him that could make anyone be left wanting to know more about him, especially because most of the conversation you did have was with his friends and not him. However once again your mental flow was interrupted by Itadori waving you over, barely waiting for you to make your way by their side to start speaking while the three of them handed over their respective payments.
“That was crazy good, (Y/N), we’ll have to come by some time again if that’s ok!”
“It’s not like she’s the one making it, Itadori.”
“You realize that a restaurant’s whole goal is to get people to come back, right? Of course it’s ‘ok’..”
Despite Fushiguro’s matter-of-fact statement, his eyes still shifted to yours as if he secretly wanted to know if you wanted them to come back as well and the smile you gave him in return only solidified the fact that he wanted to return either way. Though of course he boiled that down to ‘The service was good and so was the food’, but part of him knew that was bullshit.
“I’d love to see you guys around again!” You said, collecting up their empty bowls as you spoke. “I work most weekends and some days after class so you should try to stop in while I’m here.”
“Hell yeah!” Itadori exclaimed as the three of them got up from their seats one after the other, Kugisaki and Itadori saying their goodbye’s as they pardoned their way through the tables and other customers to leave, though Fushiguro stayed behind for a moment, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck as he spoke.
“…Sorry about them, it’s practically like wrangling preschoolers whenever we aren’t on du- er, in class.”
He knew the apology wasn’t necessary and that you didn’t seem all that bothered by either of his friends’ lively personalities, but he found himself feeling a bit…left out in the fact that he had yet to really speak to you. Why he even felt compelled to speak to you in the first place was a mystery, but he figured that was one question that didn’t really need an answer for right now.
“Oh, it’s no problem.” You laughed, giving another smile as you tried your hardest to not act as fidgety as you were feeling on the inside. “I mean- I’ve got friends like that too so I-“
“Excuse me?”
A polite voice cut you off halfway through your sentence and you turned to see an older woman waving you over, clearly not wanting to be rude but wanting your attention nevertheless.
“You’re fine!” You sputtered out, maybe a bit too excited as you slowly backed away from him, “I’ll see you around if you guys stop by again, huh, Fushiguro?”
His eyes widened slightly, a bit surprised by that hopeful tone to your voice before he nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips and a bit of slightly shameful excitement tugging at his heart.
“Yeah, we’ll- I’ll see you around.”
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