Bitten Written
20 posts
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bittenwritten · 2 years ago
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
I just finished season one and I am SAD AND ANGRY THEY DID JONATHAN LIKE THAT! Luckily we can just ignore cannon! Anywho, how do you think scarecrow would react to their so getting into a fight with Joker (verbally or physically) I want to fight the clown
That was my exact feeling when I finished season 1, but at least we can pretend it never happened :’)
Scarecrow’s s/o getting into a fight with Joker:
Ooh boy- this man has never felt this flattered and overwhelmingly horrified at the same time in his life, but- OH. GOD. WHat are you doing?
Honestly, he’d gotten pretty used to the backhanded comments. To the point where it seemed like a given when being around Joker.
Even if it did strike a nerve and silently gnaw at him for the rest of the day- which honestly happened more than he’d care to admit- he’d never actually say anything about it because… well I mean, you’ve seen Joker.
You, on the other hand, had no qualms with cussing Joker out to hell and back.
Especially after a particularly harsh jab at your relationship.
After trying and failing to tear you away, Jonathan genuinely began to wonder if this is seriously how you both die.
To his relief, it had seemed you’d finally finished your swearing match (if not on a slightly heated note) and were about to turn away.
Cue Joker trying to grab your arm, only to be met with a healthy dose of pepper spray (and potentially fear toxin) in the face.
And then you and Johnathan scarpering before Joker could get back up off the floor and reach for his gun.
To say he’s had a heart attack would be a gross understatement- he’s having a full-blown aneurysm and he’s definitely going to have words with you once the two of you are out of harm’s way, he does have to see Joker at least once a week after all.
Then again, he’d be lying if he’d said that knowing you’d always have his back didn’t make his icy heart melt.
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
How do you think scarecrow would confess to someone he has a crush on?
He wouldn’t
Look, he likes you- a lot-  but to say he’s reluctant to tell you would be an understatement.
He's well aware that he’s far from conventionally attractive, even with his mask off. You’re just out of his liege entirely, and he thinks he knows that.
But a solid month of coaxing from Bane and Harley would make anyone cave eventually.
He pulls you away from whatever you're doing and finds someplace private to confess, so at least if you turn him down, it’ll only be the second most mortifying moment of his life .
As he clears his throat time he forces on some false confidence and a little bravado as he begins his little monologue about how you sort of mean a lot to him that was completely unscripted and not at all rehearsed for hours in the mirror- shut the fuck up.  
But it all begins to spiral when he makes the mistake of locking eyes with you for more than a millisecond and now all of a sudden he’s stumbling on every second word and sweating bullets as it slowly dawns on him how out of his debts he was. 
As he continues rambling his confidence quickly takes a nose-dive and the suave but unattached facade crumbles with it, leaving behind a wreck who doesn't know whether he’s been talking too long and looks like he could fold in on himself the second you stop smiling and– …
He suddenly falls deathly silent as his brain tries to muster up what little coherence it has left to work out why you’re grinning ear-to-ear like that.
It had to be a part of some cruel joke with him being the punchline, how could he be so fucking stupid to think this was a good idea-
Before he completely dies on the inside and possibly the outside, please just hold his hand and tell him you feel the same.
Oh boy, you can’t think of a single time he’s smiled any brighter than this. Give him a peck on the cheek? He’s done for.
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
Remember when I said I’d be back after the holidays? Yeah, me neither. Seriously tho, I’m sorry for taking so long to get back, life just got really shitty for a while and i just burnt out. I’m still not taking anymore requests but i will finnish the ones i already have. 
Thanks for your patience, have a good one
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
OHMYGOD, GOD BLESS YOU FOR BEING ALIVE, I've been DYING to see some Harley Quinn 2019 x readers! YOURE THE SAVIOR IVE BEEN PRAYING FOR. Anywho, sorry to disturb, but, I was wanting to ask, if it is possible... could you please do a Bane and Scarecrow with a short chubby S/O please? If you're okay with it!
Bane with a short, chubby s/o:
He loves to pick you up from time to time, he just thinks your adorable.
Loves you no matter what shape you are.
Will 100% deck someone in the face if they were to be rude to you.
Scarecrow with a short, chubby s/o:
Like he does many others he towers over you, so no surprise there.
He thinks you're perfect just the way you are.
If he hears that someone has been giving you trouble he will not hesitate to give them a big ol’ dose of fear toxin.
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
I know this is a bit late but happy holidays! I’m always supper happy when I see you post. I hope you have a fantastic New Years! <3
Thanks so much, and a Happy Holidays and New Year to you too!
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
I see very little angst on this blog… could we get Bane and Ivy with a so that “takes a bullet” for them? Such as taking a hit that could be fatal in order to protect them? Hope this isn’t too dark!
        Ivy with s/o who takes a bullet for her:
It was supposed to be a simple mission, break in, kill the heads of Ace Chemicals and get out. Or, it was, before the alarms were tripped and a hoard of guards were sent after the two of you.
One of them had gotten a clear shot on Ivy when you quickly shoved her down to the ground and received a nasty shot to the shoulder.
This was the moment when she was certain that you were an absolute moron {affectionate}.
She quickly takes care of the rest guards with her vines and hauls your ass out of there and back home.
Is she grateful? Well, obviously- but Oh my God never do that again.
       Bane with a s/o who takes a bullet for him:
A quick bank robbery was all it was supposed to be, but judging by the fact that you're being surrounded by armed security- you can assume it didn’t quite go to plan.
Now, he was pretty sure he could’ve taken a hit because, well, you’ve seen the man- 
So you could only imagine his shock and horror when you actively jumped in the way of a bullet for his sake.
When you get home he’s going to give you a firm talking to while he’s patching you up.
He 100% appreciates the sentiment but please don’t do it again or this man will have heart-attack.
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
Requests Closed
Requests are going to be closed for a little while for the holidays, I’ll try to finish the requests I’ve already got but it’’ll take a while.  Hopefully I’ll be back soon but until then, happy holidays!
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
Could you do some head cannons for bane and scarecrow with a s/o who tends to cry when they are having strong emotions?
Bane with a s/o who tends to cry when they are having strong emotions:
He could see that you’ve been working yourself to the bone lately and the effects were becoming more and more clear.
So when he sees you starting to tear up it's not entirely out of the blue.
He pulls you close to him and just lets you cry into his chest, he’s not entirely sure what to do after that other than give you some reassuring compliments.
Once you’re done, he’s going to keep holding you tight and not let go until he’s certain that you feel better.
Don’t think this means he’s just going to let you go straight back to working though, you’re going to spend the rest of the day unwinding and that’s final.
Scarecrow with a s/o who tends to cry when they are having strong emotions:
The way Joker poked a hole in every scheme you proposed at the last few L.O.D meetings was really beginning to tick Jonathan off, so he could only imagine what effect it was having on you.
It became very clear, however, when he noticed you choking up as you halfway through your rant.
The moment he realizes that you're crying he’s going to sit you down and let you cry it out, occasionally brushing the hair out of your eyes.
When you're ready, he’ll see if you want to talk about it but whether you do or don’t, he’s going to make sure you’re alright.
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
How do you think Bane and Scarecrow would react to “accidentally” getting a bunch of all around their neck?
First off, I’m super sorry how long this and the next post took to make, a lot of things in my life have gotten pretty hectic, so thanks for your patience. 
Alright, I wasn’t 100% sure about what you meant so I kinda’ just assumed you meant h*ck*es/ b*tes, I’m so sorry if I got it wrong.
TW: References to s*x, nothing graphic but it's implied, please don’t read if you're under 18.
Scarecrow “accidentally” getting a bunch of bite marks on his neck:
To say he’s flustered would be an understatement.
His face is somehow a deeper shade of red than his shirt.
He knew things had gotten a little… rough last night but it was only now he was realizing how much of a biter you could be.
He’s never been more thankful that he wears a mask as part of his costume, or else he’d never live it down.
But just because he’s embarrassed about the whole thing now, don’t think he’s not going to return the favour next time.
Bane “accidentally” getting a bunch of bite marks on his neck:
Well… he certainly didn’t expect any of that.
Not that he’s complaining though, he enjoyed it.
That’s not to say that he’s not a little bit flustered when you first point it out, or when he’s looking into the bathroom mirror as he’s getting ready for work, or when  he’s thinking about it all day until he goes home.
He likes to think of it as a reminder that your his and he’s yours, even if other people can’t see them because of his mask.
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
Bane and scarecrow with a cuddly and affectionate so?
Bane with a cuddly and affectionate s/o:
Loves every bit of affection you give him. He doesn't get much anywhere else so happy to get anything from you.
His favourite thing is when he’s doing something and you surprise-tackle him into a hug. He just loves to see the playful glint in your eyes when he looks down to see you.
He tries his best not to squeeze you to death as he hugs you back.
He’s just so happy to have you in his life.
Scarecrow with a cuddly and affectionate s/o:
Like Bane, Scarecrow isn’t used to any positive attention, so when you two started dating it took him a while to get used to it.
His favourite thing that you do is when he’s working late into the night and you sneak up behind his shoulders, kissing the back of his neck as you do.
He can’t really explain why but there’s something so… domestic about it that makes him putty in your hand.
It’s also one of the only ways to get him into bed without any complaining, so it’s a win-win all round.
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
Heyo! First of all, L O V E your work, the way you write scarecrow makes my heart FLUFFY. Second, Halloween is almost here! How would scarecrow react to having his so surprise him with a Halloween party/date of sorts. Lots of creepy (yet somehow romantic) decorations, spooky themed food, and Mayhaps a little slow dancing with the master of fear. Don’t worry about writing it if it’s too much, and if you do write it don’t feel bad about not getting it out before Halloween. I hope you are having a wonderful week! <3
Thank you so much! I absolutely loved writing this, hope you enjoy it. =]
Scarecrow with a s/o who arranged a surprise Halloween date:
Honestly? He’s downright flattered. This is probably a dream date for him!
He’s never had anyone in his life, before you, who gave him the time of day- let alone put time in effort into something they’d knew he’d like and it’s making him melt.
The fact that you even bothered to make the food yourself makes him so happy.
He can his heart thumping in his chest as you offer to dance, he’ll try to play it smooth but oh shit- oh God- oh ChrIST-
He’d be the first to admit that he’s not the best dancer, but he’s trying his best and that’s what counts.
Absolutely loves the closeness between the two of you, he can't explain it but there’s something oddly… comforting about it.
There’s something about the way you smile at him throughout the night that makes him feel so lucky to have you.
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
How do you think scarecrow would react with a s/o who likes to see if they can spook him?
Scarecrow with a s/o who likes to scare him:
He finds it absolutely adorable.
Seeing as Jon has probably been exposed to a lot of his own fear toxin, he doesn't scare easily. 
But there are times when you catch him off guard and when you do, he practically jumps out of his skin.
Though I should warn you, he does have some very fast reflexes so you might occasionally get whacked in the face by mistake. 
Once he’s recovered from the shock of you suddenly tackling him from behind, he’s melting right into you, although he’ll act pissed about it.
There's something about that smug look on your face that just makes him want to kiss you breathless. 
Though you best believe that he’s going to remember this the next time he’s creeping up behind you when you think you’re home alone.
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bittenwritten · 3 years ago
Scarecrow and Ivy with a magical so? They are able to cast spells and curse people that piss them off? Such as turning someone into an animal and making things float
Scarecrow with a magical s/o:
He’s definitely curious about your powers, so be prepared for a lot of questions.
Just warn him before you decide to (literally) sweep him off his feet, it’d save him the heart-attack.
Though he is grateful that you have this ability when he’s tormenting someone and shit just starts floating 5-feet off the ground.
He’s lost count of the number of times he has had to hold you back from cursing Joker.
While it would be cathartic, the consequences once he’s turned back from a rat just aren't worth it.
Ivy with a magical s/o:
She helps you with your spells from time to time, like:
“Oh, you need this one specific plant? Sure thing, babe, here you go.”
Your ability to make things float comes in handy when she needs to water her many, many plants, which saves her a lot of time.
You being able to turn people into animals is extremely helpful when you're both breaking into places as it lets her preserve energy for when shit gets intense and you need a quick escape.
One time she even asked you to help her deal with a chemical plant CEO by turning him into a rat and setting him loose in the sewers.
She’s really thankful for your help, it’s nice having someone she can depend on and who can hold their own.
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bittenwritten · 4 years ago
Can we get some love for the girls? Ivy and Harley with a reader who is very affectionate and loves to cuddle up next to them?
Harley with an affectionate s/o:
Okay, but like, you two are perfect for eachother.
She’s happy to finally have someone just as loving and affectionate as her.
She loves pda, she just wants everyone to know how much she loves you.
Harley loves it when you cuddle up to her on the couch after a long day of bashing people's skulls in, it makes her feel all fuzzy inside.
Anytime she feels down, all you need to do is hug her and give her a quick peck on the cheek and she’s right as rain.
Ivy with an affectionate s/o:
Ivy isn’t really used to affection so having you in her life is a welcome addition.
It takes her a while to get used to it, but once she does she’ll be more willing to initiate things. Emphasis on a while.
Her favourite thing after a long day is a warm cup of tea in hand and you curled up next to her in bed.
Isn’t big on pda but doesn’t mind small things like hand holding, just don’t go overboard.
Don’t get me wrong, she loves you, but after years of being treated like shit by others, it takes a lot for her to feel comfortable showing affection. But having you around has really gotten her to open up.
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bittenwritten · 4 years ago
Due to personal reasons posting might slow down a bit [more so than usual] but please feel free to request anything, all I’m saying is that it’ll take longer than usual. That’s all, see ya soon!
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bittenwritten · 4 years ago
Could you do little headcannons for Bane or Scarecrow with a s/o who loves the Halloween season and likes to do things like get the Halloween decorations out early or go out and shop for spooky things? It’s almost September and I’m already thinking about Halloween :>
Bane with a s/o who’s really excited for Halloween:
Although he thinks it’s a bit early to be celebrating, it makes you happy so he has no problem helping you out.
He really enjoys Halloween, especially now that he’s got you to celebrate with.
Need some help reaching a high up place? No problem! He'll lift you up while you add the decorations.
Loves helping you out with the Halloween shopping, he likes looking at all the decorations. 
His favourite thing to do during the Halloween season is going on walks in the park and admiring the scenery.
Scarecrow with a s/o who’s really excited for Halloween:
He’s just as excited as you are! He already looked forward to it each year but ever since you’ve started dating that was amped up x10.
Helps you decorate the house, his height definitely comes in handy when it comes to hard to reach spots.
When it comes to buying candy, Jonathan is the type to buy the full sized candy bars.
If he had to pick a favourite Halloween-related activity, it’d have to be pumpkin carving.
He’s happy to finally have someone as enthusiastic about Halloween as he is.
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