#do you think if I change my middle name to Dreemurr it would make it more obvious
4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
I loveeee that I named myself Kris bc Kris helped me get out of a rut and I see myself in them so much and it’s euphoric being called the same name as them but also I jokingly got called Kris Jenner and I’ve never felt more distraught than that
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Deltarune Chapter 2 Had Out Awesome Undertale
on September 21, 2021 I beat Chapter 2 of Deltarune.
(also possible spoilers in this, so please only read this if you have beaten Chapter 2 of Deltarune.) 
it took me maybe a few days, but I finally got around to beating it. I hope no one take this the wrong way, but I think that Deltarune Chapter 2 has out-awesomed Undertale,
I still love Undertale but Deltarune's Chapter 2 is very....epic. (well I think is, and it's okay that not everyone agrees that it is more epic than Undertale.)
sure I had a little trouble here and there, but it turned out to be really fun and I do plan to play Chapter 2 again.
but starting with Chapter 1 first then working up to Chapter 2.
I'm glad I was able to play it, it seems you have to beat Deltarune-Chapter 1 first before you can play the Deltarune Chapter 1&2.
yes at first because I wasn't able to play the Chapter 2 at first, I decided to watch a walkthrough of it.....which I was only able to watch the next day.
but playing it myself was more fun and it really was awesome, it might take a few years (maybe either two or three.) until Chapter 3 comes out,
but it will be worth the wait.
don't know who Mike is though, unless it's Mike from FNAF lol......
can't be the Mike in the Undertale's Credits....must be a different Mike.  
maybe we will learn more about Mike from Deltarune in the future.
also I can't help but think that Kris might be the Knight, and they have this dark side to them and the one that Susie is truly making friends with
is the Player, who is the new "Kris" and keeping the Old-Kris's dark side in check so they don't do anything too dangerous....maybe?
I believe I know why I am not able to play Undertale Fan Game, Kissy Cutie.
it might have to do with it being how I couldn't play Deltarune Chapter 1&2, until I beat Deltarune Chapter 1 in the original.
it was a new save in the original, so it was good that beat that and then tried to open up the Deltarune Chapter 1&2 again.
and to my surprise the game started to play without that blue pop-up message.
I'm not sure if it is right, that the Kissy Cutie game will start to play normal after you beat the Undertale and get the happy ending.
but I guess I could try to see if that works.
I need to say this about Noelle from Deltarune..........
the whole Yandere-Noelle might be canon.....
just like how the Pie that Kris eats is canon, so must be the Yandere-Noelle.
also I think Catti either loves Noelle as just a friend or she might have a crush on her and sees Susie as a rival.
my headcanon is that Catti has a crush on Noelle and she sees Susie as her rival.
I don't know how many players have scooted Lancer to the table after he got turned to stone....
I do not know if Lancer ate the spaghetti or not, but I know when I did go back to that room (before facing Queen)......
the spaghetti was gone, and the stone Lancer was still at the table too.
there is a reason why I think Yandere-Noelle is canon......but maybe not as deadly.....unless we end up going down a Geno-Route.
I really hope to go down the Weird Route, Weird Route For Life.
Weirdness Is Magic!
I plan to play the Deltarune Chapter 1 & 2 version from the very beginning,
and work my way back to Chapter 2.
also while playing Undertale, I got this theory that pop into my head
that the two figures that Frisk and Alphys see when they are about ready to go face Mettaton.
my theory is that the two shadow figures they first see, aren’t the monsters that Frisk faces....
but it turning out to be Kris and Susie, who’s adventure might be in the Undertale Chapter of Deltarune......I guess that theory might be a bit crazy
and it is not likely to happen.
but I think there could be a possibility of Undertale appearing in Deltarune,
as a future Chapter, and there being a side story within the Undertale Chapter within Deltarune, and in the Undertale Chapter we do not have control of Frisk.
but we still hold some control over Kris, and it could turn out that in the Undertale Chapter, Frisk is on their Geno-Run and this time it isn’t the Player that is making them do it.....because in that Chapter we aren’t in control of Frisk and Chara isn’t either.
I do have a theory that the Red Soul in Frisk, is NOT Chara or even Frisk.
the Red Soul powering the underground that you can find in the True Lab when you are turning on the power on that generator thing.
if you look closely you will see there is a red type heart in the middle,
which might be Chara’s Soul, and if we do a Geno-Run in might be possible that Chara’s Soul will find a way to talk to us by some form of Soul Telepathic Link.
Chara ending up appearing in Frisk’s mind and speaking to us through the dark mind space in Frisk’s mind.
and the Red Soul that is seen in the Undertale game, the one that can be seen in the fights.......was never Frisk’s Soul.
the Red Soul is the Player, this means that the Red Soul in Deltarune
is also the Red Soul from Undertale and they are both the Players.
if this is true that would mean without the players,
Frisk in the canon of Undertale, is Soulless.
if we think about it, Frisk would have their own Soul in the Fanon AU.
it might be possible that Kris, when not having the Red Soul/Player’s Soul in them.
they are not as they appear to be, yes they could come off as a bit mischievous.
like with the whole eating all the pie
but what if there is a more darker side to Kris, and what if it turned out there was another Soul controlling Kris and they are the ones that rip out our Soul out from Kris?
remember what Asriel said before in Undertale,
when both he and Chara shared a body, the control over the body was split between them.   
it’s possible that Kris has more than one soul in them,
one being their own, the second being the one who acts as a villain,
and the third being us the players.
and if we decide to kill any one in the Deltarune Chapters
(or at least try to....)
then that might give the second soul controlling Kris even more control.
or not.....it could be that Kris only has two souls in them,
their soul and the Player’s soul.
I do have a theory that Kris might be the Knight,
well either them or Papyrus or Gaster or Asriel.
anyone of those four could be the Knight.
but the top suspect of being the Knight now, is Kris.
and this is thanks to what I have seen in Chapter 2,
both watching the walkthrough and even playing it myself.
it might be possible when we do take over Kris’s body,
we end up freeing Kris from another soul that might be the Knight.
it be interesting if when the choices pop up,
they come in two different colors to show which ones is what the Player would pick or Kris would pick.
the Player could end up choosing to pick what Kris wants,
or the Player could end up picking the the choice that isn’t the color that shows to be what Kris would want.
the color of the choices would be a Turquoise (Kris)
and Red (Player)
depending on the Player, we could choose to go with just the red color choices
or the turquoise color choices, if we choose the turquoise color choices
it can mean we value Kris’s opinion and want to show that their choices matter.
it be interesting if they add that in a future chapter.
  I'm thinking of changing my tumblr name again, even if it hasn't been that long since I had changed my first tumblr username...
but I still want to put down my original tumblr name on any new drawings I post on tumblr, just to be safe and so there will be no misunderstandings.
I still want my Tumblr to be about a Deltarune-Flowey The Flower,
so even if I do change my tumblr username to something that isn't "Flowey"
I still want to be Flowey The Flower type.....as well as a Crossover.
and if I do decided to change my tumblr username for the second time.
going from floweytheflower-of-deltarune to [redacted]
I will have to edit the last drawing post I had put up that had floweytheflower-of-deltarune on it.
I will keep thinking about it.
but anyway the Chapter 2 of Deltarune was really REALLY awesome.
and it does seem to be a bit more epic than Undertale.
which once again I still love Undertale, but Chapter 2 has out did it.
for some reason Queen reminds me of White Diamond.
I do have a theory about Susie,
that either one she is a orphan or two she comes from a abusive home
and one or both of her parents might treat her badly.
and she let’s out her anger by bullying others
and the reason why she eats chalk and the other stuff she shouldn’t.
is because she isn’t getting enough to eat at home and might be malnourished.
Susie might also not be only child, she might be a older sister or younger sister.
and her bond with Lancer, taking up the Big Sister Role to him.
might show she has a Protective Big Sister side to her.
it might be possible that she gives half of her food to her younger sibling
and Susie doesn’t eat much at home because of how her parents treat both her and her little sibling.
if it is true that Susie has a younger sibling, it might be possible that Susie’s younger sibling is in Toriel’s class.
and given some info in the Chapter 2,
we might know the bio-gender of Susie’s sibling.
which if you read what I wrote on top about not reading this unless you beaten Chapter 2....
I can say now, that it is possible that Susie might have a little sister.
and the little sister might be in Toriel’s class.
I did do a drawing of what I think Susie’s little sister might look like.
as well as what Susie’s Mom might look like too.
but I don’t want to post them just yet.
it be cute if Susie’s little sister appeared in a future chapter
and once meeting Noelle, Berdly and Kris.
the little sister tells them “you can’t have my big sis! big sis is mine!”
of course Noelle might find this really precious, maybe it will remind her how much she loved her older sister when she was Susie’s little sister’s age.
speaking of Noelle’s sister, I did draw up a ship drawing between her and Deltarune’s Asriel.
if both the Holiday and Dreemurr families are both Boss Monsters
then I hope they reveal that in a future chapter.
it might be possible that both the Dreemurr and Holiday families
come from a Royal heritage,
if this is true that would make Noelle technically a Princess.  
I’m calling Fan Headcanon on that theory.
also it is pretty obvious that Yandere Noelle is canon.
because of what we see in Chapter 2.
it might be possible that Kris has three souls in them,
one being theirs, the other being the Player and the other being possibly the Knight.
Kris’s true soul might be Turquoise blue type color.
what trait a Turquoise Soul is, well maybe it will be hinted in the game.
I really love Chapter 2 of Deltarune, and I know that Chapter 3 will be worth the wait.
and if Sans was hinting in Chapter 2 about Chapter 3, we might see it in a few years....then again I could be wrong about Sans hinting.
sadly we didn’t get to meet Papyrus in Chapter 2,
but we just have to be patient.   
I think that besides the Players choices mattering in the game,
I think Kris’s choices should matter too.
so when the choices do pop up, they should come in Red for the Player
and Turquoise for Kris.
if we choose the turquoise color choices, it is still gonna be Kris’s choice
as it shows we are picking what Kris wants.
it be interesting if that happens.
also I would still like to know who Mike is that is mention in Chapter 2.
it might not be the one that is in the credits, so it has to be a different Mike all together, but who they are is unknown.
I hope some of you agree that the choices of the Player and Kris,
should be in Red and Turquoise.
we might be the Red Soul in both Undertale and Deltarune,
but we should try to look at it being in a symbiotic relationship.
where we make sure to keep Kris and their friends safe,
and try to fight off the other soul that had control of them before we came into their lives in Chapter 1.
also it might be possible that while both Undertale and Deltarune are two different timelines and AUs of each other.
it could be possible that before the start of those two games,
one could travel between if he machine that allowed it was turned on.
the Sans from Deltarune, might of came from a non-stop Geno Route Timeline
and had no other choice but to take both himself, his brother and other survivors to the Deltarune Timeline where they would be safe from Frisk.
I and a lot of other fans might believe this to be canon, and it would make sense given the evidence of the former Grilby’s turned into convenience store.
like what if in a future Chapter that is called “Undertale: Geno-Route”
it shows the world that Sans and his brother came from
and Sans ends up telling Kris, Susie and the others that he had to leave because it was becoming too dangerous and he didn’t want to watch his brother die again by the hands of the human named Frisk.
the Frisk that we the Players make to be more innocent and being full of love.
might be different from the Frisk that is in the canon of the game
and who knows how Frisk was before we the Player’s taken control of them.
but we do know that the Red Soul in Deltarune, could be the same one in Undertale, which would mean that we the Players are the Red Soul.
and while Kris could of had their own Turquoise Soul before we came into the picture.
and Chara could have the same color Red Soul as the Player,
which is being used to power the underground.
it could turn out that Frisk in the canon of Undertale,
is Soulless and is only given a Soul that belongs to the Player....
so Flowey might be right about Frisk’s Soul not being theirs.
I am glad I finally figured out why I couldn’t seem to play Deltarune Chapter 1&2 at first, it had to do with not beating the new save I had that had to do with the first Deltarune Chapter 1 before the version that had Chapters 1 and 2 came out.
if you beat the first version, then when you click on the new Deltarune Chapters 1&2, the blue popup message wont show up and the game will run normally.
so it’s best to keep the original Deltarune download.
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llama-lord · 4 years
My Full Personal Interpretation of Chara
It’s my view that Chara was severely abused during their time on the surface, and began to view crying as weakness because of it. I'm not sure if Chara was actually trying to commit suicide, but I think they had suicidal tendencies, showing little concern for their own life. Undertale's intro shows Chara tripping instead of jumping, but it also shows them clearly seeing the hole and approaching it beforehand. Given that the injuries Chara sustained from the fall were far from fatal, as they were able to walk with Asriel's assistance, their cry for help could've been out of pain and/or survival instinct, rather than a genuine desire to live.
Pre-death Chara hated Humanity, but there was always a look of hope in their eyes (in the neutral ending where Asgore commits suicide, he tells Frisk “I'm reminded of the human that fell here long ago... You have the same feeling of hope in your eyes”), they loved Monsterkind, they loved Toriel and Asgore (while it’s possible that Toriel knitted the Mr. Dad Guy Sweater for Asgore, I think it’s more likely that it was Chara. “Mr. Dad Guy” is an awkward name, one that sounds like a middle ground between “Mr. Dreemurr” and “Dad”), and they loved Asriel more than anything. However, while Chara was capable of and showed genuine love and kindness to the Dreemurrs, sharing countless tender moments with them, they could be a bully sometimes. Although Chara never physically hurt Asriel, they frequently shamed and sometimes mocked Asriel for crying (mirroring their own treatment on the surface), and liked to playfully toy with his emotions from time to time. With no other friends and due to his own insecurities, Asriel looked up to Chara and came to idolize them. That said, while Chara's and Asriel's relationship was unhealthy, I doubt it was ever intentionally abusive until the plan came forth. Had Chara been made fully aware of how much damage they were doing to Asriel, I think they would've been horrified.
EDIT: I view the mindset that "big kids don't cry" as being picked up by Chara on the surface due to mistreatment. They shamed Asriel for crying under the distorted belief that they were toughening him up.
While I think Toriel and Asgore were decent parents, they never noticed Chara's darker tendencies, nor did they ever ask them questions about their life on the surface. When Asgore told Chara that they were "the future of Humans and Monsters" (I highly doubt Chara’s deathbed was the only time Asgore said this, given the weight of the title, and his bad habit of placing enormous responsibilities onto the shoulders of young children, seeing how he gave Frisk, a child no older than 12, the duty to "seek the truth" of the Prophecy so they can free everyone in the alternate Neutral Route where he commits suicide), his intent was to refer to Chara as living proof that the two species could coexist. However, Chara took it the wrong way, believing it now meant that they were responsible for everyone, giving them a complex, putting pressure on them as one of the Royal Children.
EDIT: I placed too much blame on Asgore in my initial write-up. It’s far more likely that Chara developed a complex from living with Monsters, and that being called "The Future of Humans and Monsters" was simply the icing on the cake.
EDIT: I think Toriel and Asgore may have recognized signs of abuse in Char, or just felt that something was off about them, but I doubt either of them realized how bad their issues were.
Poisoning Asgore was a genuine accident. I don’t believe Chara "laughed the pain away" nor laughed sadistically. There is a recurring theme of characters laughing and joking in stressful moments (Snowdrake's Father when he talks about his son ran away after his mother disappeared, Snowdrake's Mother during her fight in the True Lab, Mettaton NEO, Undyne when Frisk is beating her to death in the Neutral Route, Toriel when you oneshot her in the Genocide Route or betrayal kill her, Asriel when you hug him, Asgore when he kills himself in the alternate neutral ending, and Migospel, especially Migospel, as his entire theme is him putting up a happy facade to hide his pain). The only times we ever see sadistic laughter in Undertale are from Asriel, who is soulless, and Chara in the Genocide Route, which I don’t believe is an accurate reflection of the person they were in life. So, while I doubt that Chara felt particularly terrible over accidentally poisoning Asgore, I believe their laughter was relatively dry, hollow, and empty.
EDIT: I think Chara freaked out when Asgore got sick, but calmed down after realizing that he wouldn't die. There was still some guilt, but most of it left at that point.
Due to a combination of Chara shaming him for his tears in the past, and his own idolization of them, Asriel now looked down on crying, and saw Chara's (relatively) calm reaction as preferable to his, saying "I should have laughed it off, like you did".
Then came the plan. I think Chara was motivated by both revenge and a wish to free Monsterkind. Chara chose to commit suicide rather than kill the Dreemurrs for their Boss Monster SOULs. I've seen people theorize that Chara picking death of buttercups was self-punishment for what they did to Asgore. I'm neutral on this theory, but I'll acknowledge that there are far less painful ways to die that would've still appeared accidental. And in this moment, yes, Chara was intentionally manipulative (which is abusive). They belittled Asriel's emotions and played up his desire to be a hero by telling him that he could free everyone. When Chara discovered their shared control with Asriel after their SOUL was absorbed, they resolved to walk to the village themselves. When the villagers attacked, Chara tried to kill them all, and that's when he resisted. Asriel had just enough control to walk back to the Throne Room, where he died.
EDIT: I doubt Chara was lying to Asriel when they told him that they only wanted 6 SOULs. Chara had no way of knowing of whether they’d even be conscious, let alone share control with Asriel, after they died. That, and going back to their village would’ve re-opened old wounds, which leads me to believe that their attempt to destroy it was an impulsive act fueled by a power trip, not a pre-planned one.
I doubt post-death Chara is entirely soulless, because they would need a way to manifest themselves. However, Chara’s dialogue at the end of the Genocide Route implies that something happened to their SOUL, saying that “My 'human soul’...My ‘determination’...They were not mine, but YOURS.” While Asriel’s SOUL was completely destroyed, Chara’s SOUL shattered into fragments. At least one of these fragments latched onto Frisk's SOUL after they fell, due to the amount of determination that Frisk had, and their shared SOUL trait.
Fast forward to Frisk's fall. I'll state my main points here. I fully believe the narrator theory, but disagree with the possession theory almost entirely (more on that soon).
If you do not believe the narrator theory, you can skip the bolded passage below.
While Chara does not make a physical appearance in True Pacifist Route, I think they become a better person from it. Chara realizes that they were wrong, that Asriel was right, and that not all Humans are bad. And while Chara doesn't save Asriel or your friends, they give you a push in the end, saying "you can SAVE something else".
Asriel's admission that "Chara wasn't really the greatest person" rings true. Chara was far from perfect. However, I see this statement less as him actually condemning Chara, and more as him taking them off the pedestal he’d placed them on, and realizing that they weren’t a good role model. When Asriel addresses “Chara” after the True Pacifist Route, he has low expectations for them, saying "You’ve probably heard this a hundred times already, haven’t you…?", when he asks them not to reset. However, the fact that he was willing to even make an appeal to begin with, saying "Take a deep breath. There's nothing left to worry about", shows that, despite everything, he still has hope, even though it’s not much, that Chara will do the right thing.
(On another note, the fact that you returned in the first place, after Asriel asked you not to, after he said that he couldn’t come back, after you were EXPLICITLY told that the game would end after you left the Underground, doesn’t speak well of your intentions. Flowey’s expectations for Chara weren’t very high to begin with, but I believe that your return further lowered them. It serves as proof to him that maybe Chara hasn’t learned anything from this.)
Then there's the Genocide Route. Yes, the player not only starts, but is responsible for the overwhelming majority of the Genocide Route. No, I don't believe Frisk is possessed, at all, not until we are very close to the end. Until that point, Chara simply provides a Monster counts for us, and Frisk's more aggressive personality is simply a reflection of our actions. With Chara's SOUL fragmented, severely restricting their ability to feel love and compassion (they might benefit from Frisk's SOUL), there's hardly anything left to restrain their worst traits. Once we kill all 20 Monsters in the Ruins, feeding a desire for power, Chara is on board with us. Their dialogue changes from less joking and increasingly apathetic (“Not worth talking to”, “Forgettable”), with a trace of violent overtones (“Where are the knives”), to outright sadistic as we progress (laughing at the RG 01/02).
EDIT: Judging from the dialogue for the stove after killing Toriel and the dialogue for killing dogs in a Neutral Run, I think Chara may (at least initially) have shame for what they are witnessing in the Genocide Route. However the thrill of gaining power ultimately overrides it. It’s essentially a guilty pleasure.
EDIT: Looking back, while Chara doesn’t actually kill anyone before Sans, it’s plausible that they helped us deal more damage in certain fights. A possible reason why we deal so much damage to Toriel in the Genocide Route is that Chara lashed out. Flowey has feelings of abandonment associated with Toriel (”She'll find another kid, and instantly forget about you. You'll NEVER see her again.”). Given that Toriel refers to Frisk as “my child”, and Chara’s final pre-death memory was of their betrayal, Chara could’ve felt betrayed by her, even though she was a decent parent.
I doubt Asriel’s “recognition” of Chara in the Genocide Route is an accurate reflection of what they were like in life. There is ample evidence to conclude that, not only did Asriel genuinely think that Frisk was Chara in EVERY route, but also that he held onto this delusion the ENTIRE time. Furthermore, there are multiple inconsistencies with the interpretation that Asriel will only quickly conclude that Frisk is Chara in the Genocide Route, and takes much more time to do so in the True Pacifist Route:
1. Omega Flowey toys with Frisk in the Neutral Route, despite seemingly wanting their SOUL.
2. Flowey’s dialogue for sparing Asgore in an aborted Genocide Run directly contradicts the notion that he thinks Chara would only be cruel.
3. Omega Flowey saw the name of Frisk’s SAVE file right before the fight, which alone should’ve been enough evidence to make him think that they are Chara.
4. Flowey’s spare dialogue doesn’t change in an aborted Genocide Run, directly contradicting the notion that he doesn’t think Chara would care about anyone else, as he still threatens to kill “everyone they love”.
Here’s something to consider:
Given how long it took for Flowey to go insane, he is likely aware that Chara will not necessarily be as violent as he is. By giving him evidence for him to conclude that they actually are (killing everyone in the Ruins), Flowey gains enough confidence to drop his charade.
Perhaps the strongest piece of evidence that Flowey thinks that Frisk is Chara in every route is his reaction to being spared in a Neutral Run. He should not be confused by the concept of mercy, as he has undoubtedly been shown mercy himself many times during his own resets.
In other words, it’s not that Flowey can’t understand the concept of mercy itself, it’s that he can’t understand why this person specifically would show him mercy. Although Flowey is aware that Chara may not necessarily be as violent as he is, this scenario is different. If there was ANY time to have a kill-or-be-killed mindset, this was it. Flowey gave us every possible reason he could for us to kill him, and sparing him is the strongest challenge to his delusion that Frisk is Chara. He simply cannot understand why “Chara”, who tried to kill the villagers when he refused, would show him mercy after what he said and did.
Asriel makes three colossal mistakes in the Genocide Route. First, he talks as if he's equal to Chara in strength, that he could kill them if he wanted to, saying "Creatures like us wouldn't hesitate to kill each other if we got in each other's way", making them turn on him (I see this line as serving as proof to Chara that Asriel hadn’t learned anything from the village incident). Asriel flees to the Throne Room. We fight Sans, with Chara making the final attack for us. We confront Asgore, who Chara attacks for us. This is where Asriel makes his 2nd mistake, destroying Asgore's SOUL, trapping us in the Underground. His final and fatal mistake is when he begs for his life instead of hiding in the ground. The Chara who Asriel begs for mercy from is, for the most part, soulless; they cannot and do not feel any love or compassion for him anymore. Asriel neglected his own belief that Chara was soulless, when he told them "No... you're empty inside, just like me". Asriel has given Chara plenty of reasons to be angry, and with nothing left to hold that anger back, Chara proceeds to hack him to pieces. This is when Chara finally makes a physical appearance. While there are plenty of other Monsters left in the Underground, murdering the person they loved the most in life is the point of no return for them. This is important because I don't believe that Chara would've intentionally killed Asriel prior to their death, even at their absolute worst, even if he betrayed them. But here? Chara sees killing Asriel as the elimination of the one person who always held them back, and the final step to abandoning their humanity and ridding themselves of the emotions that they now believe only ever hurt them. They've found a better partner, us, one who will always give them what they want. With their goal to achieve power in this world accomplished, Chara believes that its existence no longer serves a purpose, and asks us to erase it. And if we refuse, they think it's hilarious, that we believe we have a choice here. When Chara says "SINCE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IN CONTROL?", it doesn't mean they were possessing Frisk, nor does it mean that we never had in control. We controlled Frisk, we had countless chances to abandon this path, but we pushed all the way to the end. Chara has been betrayed before, and was caught completely off-guard. But this time, they came prepared. If their partner tries to turn their back on them like Asriel did, they'll override their decision, because they have final say, and they WILL get what they want.
EDIT: I’m on the fence on whether Chara actually hesitated to kill Flowey. I will say that, unlike with Asgore, they were willing to hear him out at the very least.
As far as the Soulless Pacifist Route goes, I fully believe that Chara kills your friends. However, this is not done out of malice. If Chara genuinely wanted your friends dead for good, they would’ve kept the world erased. This is simply a demonstration of power by Chara, to show that they are the one in control.
Other thoughts:
Despite Asriel’s betrayal, Chara doesn’t seem to hold any strong feelings of hatred or bitterness for him outside of the Genocide Route, and until the “Creatures like us...” line, given how there's no push to kill him in an aborted Genocide Run.
Everything after this point are mostly unsubstantiated headcanons and beliefs of mine. Feel free to continue reading if you are interested.
In my opinion, Asriel’s trauma is often underestimated in fan portrayals. While he has healed to some extent from the True Pacifist Route, taking Chara off the pedestal he once placed them on, his sense of self-worth is still in dire need of repair. How intentional the trauma inflicted on him was is simply a reflection on the perpetrator. It is irrelevant in measuring the damage.
I don’t think Chara is completely fixed by the True Pacifist Route? While Chara has certainly learned something from observing our actions, they still have plenty of work to do on themselves. However, while they can’t change what they did, with Frisk’s help, I think they can try to make up for it by becoming a better person.
While Chara is inherently in a better position than Asriel after the True Pacifist Route (Chara benefits from Frisk’s SOUL and fragments of their own SOUL, while Asriel is completely soulless) I think Asriel will be much easier to help. While Asriel could easily get his form restored by SOUL donations from 7 generous dying Humans, I doubt Chara will ever be able their own body again. The absolute best case scenario I see for Post-Pacifist Chara is them peacefully body-sharing with a consenting Frisk.
Asriel is not obligated to forgive Chara, or (while I doubt he’d be this bitter) even talk to them ever again. That said, Asgore and Toriel owe Chara a lengthy talk. Chara is responsible for their own actions, and their circumstances do not excuse them, but, while they failed themselves, Asgore and Toriel failed them too. This talk can be one for understanding, and, hopefully, reconciliation.
I strongly dislike the concept of killing off Chara under the guise of “setting them free”. It does not heal Asriel’s trauma, nor does it accomplish anything else.
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missholoska · 5 years
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At long last, it’s the goats’ time to shine ✨🐐
(For anyone unfamiliar with my Swap content, see the character sheets for Papyrus & Sans, Undyne & Alphys, and more about Underswap MH here!)
Before the usual further rambles under the cut I want to properly explain one little detail in Asgore’s info box: Asriel being his nephew. I didn’t change this just for the sake of it! It has to do with everyone's roles and actions making sense to me and keeping certain details intact, and I'll talk about it more in Asriel's character sheet but here's the shortest way I can explain it:
Basically Asriel being alive in Underswap and still being Toriel and Asgore's son without any of them aging doesn't really make sense to me, and physical distance doesn't seem enough reason for none of them to have aged a day in 100 years, as Boss Monsters should. I've also seen (and liked) some Swap takes where Asriel instead has only a distant relation to the Dreemurrs or even none at all, but speaking purely for my Underswap it just feels kinda sad for him to have nothing to do with them.
So my middle ground for both of these points is Swap MH Asriel is their nephew instead, allowing him to have a close family bond with both Dandelion and Orchid without any of them aging, and lets him be separate enough to live his own life in Snowdin in UT Monster Kid's role. His parents are dead and about as relevant as MK’s biological parents, which is uh. not at all, but that’s just how it's gotta be.
As I've often said with Underswap MH, I don't mind if this doesn't appeal to everyone! I know it might be odd even with thought-out reasons for it, but in the end I'm still just doing what I want with my version.
anyway on with the enormous amount of extra info for these two:
Because they have no biological children (and to be clear, it's not that they can't have kids, they just didn't), Dandelion and Orchid are physically younger than their UT counterparts. Personally I don't think they were that old when they gained their Boss Monster immortality and I headcanon UT Asriel as 10 when he died, so I see UT Toriel and Asgore as being physically around their late 30s and early 40s respectively.
It took a while to figure out why Orchid would ever kill the six humans because it always felt out of character for a Swap Toriel who retains some of UT Toriel's personality. I can't see her killing anyone voluntarily at first, but UT Toriel is able to kill UT Frisk accidentally, so likewise killing the first human to fall after Swap Frisk was not intentional. She still tried to reason with every human who faced her, but being unable to convince them to stay in the Underground in peace and already having blood on her hands, was resigned to her duty.
On Dandelion's side of events, he still has UT Asgore's traits of being prone to anger in grief and somewhat cowardly about his duty, hence him still calling the declaration of war on humanity but then backing out on it. Feeling like he'd betrayed the memory of their children and knowing he'd hurt Orchid emotionally, he exiled himself to Ruins, assuming that in his absence she would call the war off again.
Orchid's reason for not using a human soul to cross the barrier (i.e. exactly what UT Toriel calls Asgore out on) is that taking the first child's life traumatised her on top of her grief in not wanting to follow the doomed footsteps of her adoptive children. As she's still Toriel she still considered doing exactly that, but wasn't emotionally capable of it and is very aware of her hypocrisy.
...basically if you think the eternal fandom slapfights over whether Toriel is just as bad as Asgore or either of them did nothing wrong are a mess, it's definitely even more complicated in Underswap MH. They both made wrong decisions in grief, but in the end both deserve mercy too.
Orchid's throne room, rather than being covered by a bed of golden flowers, features the same black tree seen in front of UT Toriel's home, with red leaves covering the floor (meanwhile the Ruins has no red leaves). Her throne sits directly in front of the tree and the room is darker, and the original game's room of coffins in New Home is nonexistent as Orchid buried the fallen humans in the throne room to show them what respect she could.
Instead of trying to destroy the Ruins' exit like UT Toriel, Dandelion leads Chara there when they ask to leave and tells them the monsters on the other side will try to kill them. He apologises and says it is his fault for that, and the least he can do is give them the choice to stay with him in safety or prove that they can survive out there, and as mentioned above they can always change their mind and come back.
Dandelion could hypothetically still do the orange/blue eye-flashing attack UT Asgore does, but doesn't because he's the tutorial boss. In Orchid's battle, the orb of her sceptre flashes orange or blue before she attacks with flames of the same colours (she'd also destroy the mercy button with a column of fire).
I spent too much time thinking about whether Orchid should still speak without contractions like UT Toriel, because speech styles are mostly swapped but it's such a Toriel thing, so... I decided her natural thoughts/spoken words still lack contractions, but she forces herself to use them fairly often to try and keep up with modern speech. Meanwhile Dandelion mostly speaks without contractions, but occasionally some slip out.
Given that I'm a Bigtime Soriel Shipper™ it's probably worth mentioning that the role equivalent of UT Sans and Toriel's friendship between Noodle and Dandelion remains platonic, primarily due to Noodle being aromantic. But Dandelion is panromantic and Noodle would definitely be his wingman if anyone took his fancy, and their bond is incredibly important to them both! They basically have one of those friendships where sometimes you just make small talk and chat about mutual interests, and sometimes you both unload your entire life's emotional baggage and support each other's mental health.
and yes because I have to give a mention to my beloved Swap Soriel: Neptune initially has no intention of telling Orchid about his feelings for her because he doesn't want to make their friendship awkward, but he ends up blurting out how much she means to him when she's feeling especially bad some time in post-pacifist. As mentioned above she doesn't feel the same at first and their friendship continues (no man has ever been as genuinely happy to be friendzoned as Neptune), but she begins to return his feelings before too long. There's actually so much more depth to their friendship I'd love to share immediately, but trust me it'll be much better in comic form ;v;
I've forgotten the flower meanings of dandelions I read while I was looking up yellow/gold flowers to name Asgore after, but most of the reason I chose that for him is because I see Asgore as part lion and he is very fine and dandy. As for Toriel, apparently purple orchids represent things like royalty, respect and dignity which sounded fitting!
I swear I absolutely will not let my current pattern of procrastinating on the next character sheets for a whole entire year continue, I want to get the last three done much quicker!! Chara and Asriel will be next :D
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sudoscience · 4 years
New In Town: Background Info
Click here for a version with working hyperlinks.
Although it's never explicitly stated by the games, I'm going to assume the story is set in the US, or at least a country like it. The existence of monsters likely altered the course of several events in human history, so it's possible things are actually radically different. For the purposes of this story, I'll assume most things are still the same unless stated otherwise, (e.g. the American Revolution was still in 1776, and World War II was still in the early-middle of the 20th Century.).
Let's also just go ahead and say the story takes place in 201X for now.
[For the record, I pronounce 201X as "twenty-ex-teen". I guess you could say it "two-oh-one-ex", but why would you? I also assume it refers to the whole decade, so, for example, when I say "the early part of 201X", that could mean anywhere between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2014.]
Humans and Monsters (Current headcanon)
Humans and Monsters (Old) (Preserved for posterity)
Master Post
Humans and Monsters
Humans and monsters have always coexisted relatively peacefully, at least as well as humans and humans. There have been some smaller wars over land and resources, but nothing like the war in Undertale (hereinafter "The War").
Someone still remembers that other universe, though. The universe where monsters freely used magic. The universe where a monster could absorb a human SOUL. The universe where the monsters were sealed underground and later systematically slaughtered by a human child. Perhaps that someone is W. D. Gaster. Perhaps it is Chara. I haven't decided yet. Until that time comes, I'll call that person Individual 1.
Individual 1 remembers the world of Undertale, but the version they remember is the one in which the genocide route takes place. After that world is destroyed, Individual 1 uses their DETERMINATION to bring the world back. They restore the world to long before The War takes place. Individual 1 convinces the King of All Monsters (who is probably someone other than Asgore) to strictly curtail the use of magic. It is Individual 1's belief that the only way to prevent The War from occurring is if humans never learn that monsters can absorb their souls. This is why we don't see evidence of magic in Deltarune.1
Sometime in 1965, a man in Twin Falls (Bill Hammond) learns of the monsters' hidden power. He attempts to alert the government, but it's years before anyone in power takes him seriously. Most people view him as a crackpot; he's this universe's Alex Jones. However, he begins to gain a following among the commoners, who take to calling themselves the Arcane Enforcement Unit. Hate crimes against monsters become more frequent, and the government establishes the Directorate of Inter-Species Relations to combat this.
Hammond's influence grows, and he runs for president multiple times, though he rarely gets more than 2% of the vote. In 1996, his campaign performs surprisingly well, but he is assassinated. His following was strongest in Twin Falls, and it once again becomes a hot spot for anti-monster sentiment, only this time it extends to humans who are considered "monster sympathizers", including Kris's birth parents and eventually Rudy, who is born around this time.
Paul and Judy Harper are DISR employees in Twin Falls. In 2003, the year Asriel is born,2 the DISR begins a joint operation with DHS and FBI to infiltrate the AEU, which is now suspected as a terrorist organization. The Harpers are assigned to the team, Operation Golden Flower, as undercover agents in 2005. In 2007, Judy becomes pregnant. Later that year, their cover is nearly blown. In order to keep their child safe, they begin making arrangements with some old friends of theirs, the Dreemurr family in Hometown. Their son is born in December,​3 and adopted by the Dreemurrs immediately. A few months later, Paul and Judy are killed; their death is not publicized classified in order to avoid jeopardizing the operation.
In the early part of 201X, an AEU supporter named Noah Trey Ullman is elected mayor of Twin Falls. This is when things really start to go south. Ullman incites violence against monsters and monster sympathizers. They usually stay out of the majority monster neighborhoods, but they tend to target monsters who are known to affiliate with humans. This is what prompts Rudy to move to Hometown.
Humans and Monsters (OLD)
Humans and monsters have always coexisted, but there's always been a lot of tension between them. For most of their history, they've lived more or less independently of each other. As humans began to industrialize, they began to expand and encroach on monster territory.1 Interactions with monsters became more frequent, as did altercations. While there hasn't been an outright war between humans and monsters, there have been frequent skirmishes, akin to the US and the Native Americans. There was a period where humans sought to make use of magic, primarily by employing the monsters. The monsters were often subjected to inhumane conditions, and uprisings, while infrequent, were not unheard of.
Knowing that a monster with one or more human souls could become a being of great power, this practice was eventually outlawed. Humans became reluctant to hire monsters at all, and most monsters eventually relocated to their own settlements. These are similar to Indian reservations, with the distinction that they are not considered sovereign. In order to keep things under control, the government created the Directorate of Inter-species Relations in the mid-19th Century. Under the pretense of fairness, the DISR banned the use of magic about 100 years ago;2 this would theoretically allow more monsters to be hired, so long as they weren't being exploited for their magical abilities. In practice, because magic is so central to a monster's existence, this drastically changed the monsters' way of life. Initially, smaller acts of magic were allowed, but as more monsters moved into settlements, their interactions with humans became less frequent, and the humans became more fearful, having only the legends and rumors to inform them rather than their own experiences. Eventually, all magic was banned, and the Arcane Enforcement Unit was created in 1956 to enforce said ban.
Of course, some monsters remained in the human cities. They felt they still had ties there, and refused to move. They are largely relegated to their own neighborhoods, and the AEU does its best to "gently encourage" them to relocate. Other than the AEU, very few humans interact with monsters.3
What happened five years ago?
There was a change in leadership at the AEU, and they became much more aggressive in their policing.
[I think this was a separate subsection because I originally planned on writing more, but now it seems pretty silly to have a subsection with just one sentence.]
Notes for New Info
There are several reasons I decided to scrap the old backstory, but this was probably the main one. I really liked the theory that Deltarune takes place after the Genocide Route, and I wanted to expand on that. I'm no longer sure I buy that theory, but I still think it's a cool idea. ↑
As noted in the "Headcanon for Existing Characters", I originally planned for Asriel to have started college early, which would further demonstrate how exceptional he is, and also factor into the resentment Kris wishes they didn't have of him. This is also his first semester of college, which is why Kris is so worried he'll have changed. I think I'll keep him a freshman, but increase the age gap between them. When Asriel gets back from college, he'll have just turned 19, while Kris will be turning 14 very soon. I'm assuming he's returning for Thanksgiving Break (and also that Thanksgiving still exists in this world), and this is the first time he's been back home since he left for college. ↑
Yes, Kris's full name is Krismas (no, not really). Their birthday is 22 December, and Asriel's is 15 September (unless there's an official birthday listed somewhere, in which case it's that). I hope it's okay if I write that Kris is biologically male, even though they identify as non-binary. Since I've already changed their pronouns in the main story, this is probably the only time it will ever be mentioned, unless maybe they go swimming or something. I got the idea from @caretaker-au and how they represent Chara as male non-binary (is that the right way to say that?); I know some people find that blog to be problematic, but I think that was more to do with them drawing porn of Chara and Asriel, not because they drew Chara as biologically male. (For the record, I was not aware of that when I started following them, especially since Tumblr banned porn a year before I even bought Undertale.) ↑
Notes for Old Info
Another reason I dropped this: I'm pretty sure this was inspired by @wolven0ne-universe's "Long Road" AU. Actually, there's a lot that was inspired by Long Road, even in the new backstory: the decision to have multiple OCs, the way magic supposedly works, humans exploting monsters for their magic, a shadowy organization that abducts monsters because of their magical abilities, etc. Some of this is attributable to the fact that I never read fanfics prior to playing Undertale, so some of these were "inspired" by Long Road simply by virtue of it being, like, the second fanfic I ever read, ever. (The first was "Flowey is Not A Good Life Coach".) Anyway, my point here is that I dropped this backstory in part because I didn't want it to be too similar to Long Road, not because I suddenly stopped liking Long Road. ↑
Here's an additional reason I changed the backstory: I wasn't sure if this was a believable timeline. I feel like it's plausible that human society would forget that monster magic involves a lot more than just a monster's ability to abosrb a human soul in just 100 years, but that doesn't seem like nearly enough time for monster society to forget that monsters can use magic. Plus, if monsters and humans have coexisted for all of human history, and monsters have been using magic for like 99% of said history, that seems like it could have created a lot of ripple effects that I would spend way too much time thinking about. Like, what if the existence of magic resulted in the first Industrial Revolution happening in the 15th Century? What would Earth look like in 201X if that were the case? I just didn't want to deal with all of that. ↑
Other than wanting to believe that Deltarune takes place after the Genocide Route, the next most important factor in my decision to scrap this backstory is that it's just really dark. The story has enough potentially depressing shit that I didn't need to add a monster Trail of Tears on top of it all. Plus, I was worried it might come across as racially insensitive. ↑
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Chapter 3: They deserve to be heard too... well. Some of them.
Spoiler: Sans is finally here.
You are welcome. 
*Your POV*
After agreeing with Mr. Dreemur and W.D. Gaster, my work partners just watched them go, then they stared at me. Those looks, the hate in their eyes, and their whispers made me uncomfortable. When I'll be able to do something without being criticized.
But at that moment, I didn't care. I nervously laughed, then went to my office to take care of some business, that including the cleaning. It's not as bad as my apartment, but it's not the cleanest place in the world either. And that's how it went; cleaning and typing. Lots of fun, of course.
I arrived at my apartment and... I don't remember clearly what I did. Probably the basic. Or well, maybe not the basic, since I bet I didn't sleep that much.
'Cause after that nap I was eating fucking cereal at 5 am, not to say I was already showered.
"Stupid brain" I muttered, feeling tired yet excited. Today marks the day I sold my soul for the monsters and to show humanity that these creatures aren't freaks. Well, I'm not sure. I haven't met enough, after all.
After eating, I put some makeup in my i-want-to-die-but-not-yet face. Just a bit, since society asks for it. I really hoped it wasn't like this but, hey, I can't change everything! Besides, a lot of girls like makeup, so I feel obligated to at least look "presentable" in that aspect.
And then, my day started. At 5:15 am. Just great.
Since I'm just a young person who's still dealing with college, my money it's not enough to actually buy a car. But hey, I have a bike. And public transport. And that's what I picked.
The underground subway was somehow a quiet place, mostly because everyone's still craving for their beds. I strongly relate to these people, if I'm honest. Everyone's minding their own business, too tired to talk or to make a strong scene.
I silently put my headphones for a bit, listening to those classics of rock. Yeah. This is pretty much my life. Hell, even my ringtone is a rock song, that being "Sweet Child O' Mine" from Guns N' Roses. I was thinking to change it into something more... professional. Then I remembered that nobody should give a damn, so I shrugged it off.
A whole playlist was enough to make the trip more bearable, trying to not lose my adulthood on those legendary guitar solos or in Bon Jovi's wonderful voice. Those little yet powerful details on each song reminded me why I still had faith in this world. And the sign indicating my destination brought me back to reality. I sighed.
I walked a short distance and finally arrived at that living hell called the Congress. Being part of this greedy government it's completely out of my standards, but now, I wasn't regretting it at all.
I took a seat in the non-workers area, looking like I was a mad teenager coming to reclaim her rights. Except, that I was looking pretty calm and patient. I checked quickly my phone and see it was 6:10 am. Oh well. At least I can play Mario Run for a bit; it has been ages since I did.
While a simple yet pretty loading picture showed up on my screen, my mind only had one thought: "What if they decide not to show up?"
*Frisk's POV* (lol)
I was giving my hair the final touches when I heard Goat Mom shouting my name. I rushed down the stairs and met with everyone- well, almost everyone...
"SANS! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE IF YOU DON'T COME!" Papyrus screamed in a horrified voice, looking at the clock for the thousandth time.
"gimme a sec bro, k?" Sans answered lazily, not even making an effort to raise his voice.
"THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID TEN MINUTES AGO!" Papyrus cried, again, looking at the clock.
And then Sans teleported, wearing the same freaking clothes.
"Are you serious?!" Undyne exclaimed, visibly angry for such a waste of time, then we all rolled our eyes when he just winked and shrugged it off.
"Now that we all are ready, let's go!" I exclaimed enthusiastically, carrying Flowey's pot while I tried to forget that episode with Sans "We are still in good time! We have exactly... HOLY COW! FIVE MINUTES?!"
"welp, shit" Sans muttered like it wasn't his fault, getting some glances from his brother.
"Let's run, then!" Undyne cried out, carrying Alphys and starting to run.
I ran after her, Papyrus with Sans in his shoulders following me. Hell, even Mettaton was running like crazy. We can't miss this opportunity; this is our only chance!
We ran between students and boring workers, most of them with a hint of hate in their eyes. However, there wasn't any time to feel intimidated. God. If humans weren't so inconsiderate, we could have just teleported thanks to Gaster's powers. But nope. They are not allowed to use any freaking magic.
Well, I shouldn't be thinking like this. I need to be positive for everyone's sake. But still, I feel confused. Is this what hormones do? But wait, they only act like this when you are- oh. I'm twelve years old. I somehow forgot.
We ran and ran until we arrived. "Congress", the sign read. The building had an old look, but it seems it was purposefully done that way. The place itself looked pretty boring, so I just secretly prayed to don't fall asleep.
The door was slammed open, and people's stares gave us an uncomfortable welcoming. Sans climbed down of Papyrus's shoulders, realizing how bad it looked.
"*About time you take things seriously" I signed to him, with a teasing smile on his face. He looked like he was about to give me the middle finger until a young lady approached us, with a kind smile on her face.
"Hello," she said sweetly, making me relax for a bit. "My name's (Y/N) (L/N), and I'll be the one helping you through this".
Oh, so she's (Y/N)? I never thought she would be THAT young. She's really pretty, I must say. Bright (e/c) eyes that match perfectly with her skin tone. (h/c) hair not too long neither too short. She was tall, yes, but not a giant. She looked really fine. I wish I look like that at my twenties.
"Hello, Miss (L/N)" My mom intervened my thoughts, bringing me back to reality. "I'm really pleased about your kind behavior. I just hope we won't bother you that much..."
"Nonsense!" she exclaimed with a cheery tone, trying to put any awkwardness aside "I am more than open to receiving all of you in my office. Just follow me, we'll discuss everything more privately upstairs".
She guided us to a place where two elevators remained. Since we were too many people, we had to divide into two groups. Lucky thing there were elevators in the Underground, so this wasn't anything new to anyone.
When she made sure everyone was on the fourth floor (asking us how many we were), she started to guide us through the hallway. Everyone was mumbling while looking at their surroundings, staring at some paintings of famous politicians. Well, I don't think they are that famous. I've only heard of them thanks to my history books and those cringy contests on TV. Like, knowing who was the president at 1895 doesn't make you the smartest kid in class. You are just a freak who talks too much with an old man, mostly being your grandfather.
Suddenly she stopped, then opened a door with the number '486' on it.
"You can come in now" She sighed sheepishly. Wonder why. "Let me know if there aren't enough seats".
The room was quite huge, actually. She had at least ten chairs in front of a dark chocolate desk, that had an intimidating and elegant seat behind it. That must be hers, that's for sure. She had a plaque with her name on top of her desk, a small glass with pens, and a Lenovo laptop. Strangely, she had no photos of her family.
It turns out we had enough seats for everyone, but we all couldn't be in front, so we ended up doing two rows. It looked like a really small cinema. One problem, though, was that Asgore couldn't fit comfortably on his seat.
"Is there a problem, Mr. Dreemurr?" (Y/N) asked worried, watching the embarrassing scene of Asgore shifting into multiple positions. Oh God, why me? Before he or anyone could answer though, she went for her fancy chair and started to move it.
"Oh, Miss (L/N), you don't need to-" He was cut off by the impotent seat in front of him, with a slightly panting girl a few inches away.
"You can seat here, Mr. Dreemurr" She smiled widely, probably 'cause of the King's shocked face. And yes, I just remembered I should think of him as the King. Then, (Y/N) took the other chair. "I'll sit on here, don't worry".
After making that move and putting the big chair in the center, she finally took a seat. She looked insecure for a brief moment but smiled anyway. That kind of reminds me of someone...
"Now that we are all settled up, I guess we can start" She stated. And with that, our talk began...
It was less boring than I thought. Yes, she asked us a lot of how life was in the Underground, but none of us seemed to mind. What we mind, though, was Sans's stupid puns which, surprisingly, made her giggle quietly. He seemed to notice this, so he kept them going. It's not like I don't like puns, but this was just too much. (Y/N) didn't seem to bother at any moment, though.
But, hey, everyone felt comfortable. She made some comments now and then, most of them full of irony and sarcasm. It was fun and for a moment we forgot about our problems. It just felt like meeting an old friend again, but that's impossible. I mean, I hadn't met her before, so... yeah.
But, as soon as the conversation started, it ended as well. Everyone shook hands with her, including me.
"*Are we going to see you tomorrow?*" I asked in signs, not thinking at all.
*Your POV*
"*Are we going to see you tomorrow?*" Frisk signed with a smile that immediately made me feel shivers down my spine. That's not something I see often, that's for sure. Frisk looked at me worried, though. Guess I did some expression that wasn't supposed to be there.
"...sure thing, Frisk," I said, way quieter than I wanted it to be. Quick, change your tone (Y/N)! "We have a lot of work to do, after all!"
She let out a sigh of relief, along with other few. It was a nice feeling. Knowing that they wanted to see me again made me ridiculously happy. And I didn't put it away.
We were already out of the elevator, on the main floor. The sun was setting, painting beautiful colors in the sky, like always. The thing is, monsters couldn't say that before. Heck, some even didn't get the chance to look at this. Whole generations, I bet.
"Miss (L/N), is it okay if we have your number?" Mr. Dreemurr asked, and smiled wider once he probably saw my shocked face. It just caught me so off of guard I didn't have the words. A short skeleton just smirked at my reaction, then I could finally talk.
"S-sure thing!" I exclaimed, which made the skeleton laugh. Just great, I'm being shamed by a skeleton shorter than I am. Way to go, (Y/N).
I reached for my presentation card, and with hesitation, I wrote down my personal number on the back. Wow, it's been ages since I've done that.
"Here it's my business number, and in the back, you can find... m-my personal number" I reluctantly said, knowing it sounded really weird. Why I wrote it down, again?
I looked away slightly, only to notice that skeleton smiling again. Oh no. I swear to God if he says anything weird, I'm going to-
"kinky" he chuckled, containing laughter. I want to kill myself so bad right now.
"SANS, WHAT'S KINKY?!" A taller skeleton asked, and I mentally cringed. And I quickly took note of that name, since it's familiar as fu- oh wait.
"Sans? Like, Comic Sans?" I asked bluntly, forgetting the whole other topic.
"oh, so now catching my name?" he joked with a wink, making me feel worse. "nah, just kidding. but, yeah, that's my name. it's 'catchy', isn't it?"
I sighed, while he just chuckled- again. This Sans guy is making me look bad. And Asgore just watched this whole scene. Great.
"Great! We can add you to our group chat, sweetie!" Mettaton (who I learned their name in the middle of the 'celebrity topic' conversation) winked. What's with the winks today? I feel like they are kink-shaming me (which it's probably what this guy and that skeleton are doing).
"And we'll just call you with the business number if it's something more serious" Mrs. Dreemurr added, obviously unaware of Mettaton's intentions. I gulped. I just hope he doesn't spam me with lewd stuff or something like that. Already happened at high school, and honestly, I feel like an immature teenager again.
Then they all gave their quick goodbyes. Some shooked my hands. Some hugged me. Some smiled. And others even cried.
"Thank you so much for giving us hope." A female (judging by her voice) skeleton said, sobbing quietly on my shoulder. I froze in shock, but I eventually returned the hug.
"It's no problem, believe me" I muttered softly, while a soft smile made its way to my face. "After all, you deserve to be heard too".
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ut-sudden-changes · 7 years
Update Entry 1.
Hey there, thought it would be best to make a sort of update post, since it’s been awhile since my trip from Chicago.  Right now I’m in the middle of taking a financial class for Highschool, during the summer. I’m doing an entire school year long equivalent of work in the timespan of 1 month. It HAS to be done by August 1st, or that would be 140 dollars wasted, and I would have to take the actual course and the end year test. This is my top priority at the current time, and will interfere with the release time of the next part. There is a high chance that the part will not be out until another week or two, since I have to complete 160 lessons, 4 tests, a final exam, and a final test for a certification, all in 30 days, thank you for your patience. Let’s start with info about the next part. The script for the next part is already fully written, and is about half way done with panels. All major sprites have been finished, and the Doggo fight is completed. Expecting a release by next Sunday, or if not the Saturday after that. No promises.
Now let’s get to the BIG reason why I decided to make this post... Sudden Changes’ first part, was released on September 1st, 2016. We are nearing the 1 year anniversary in a bit over 2 months. In that time span, there have been 9 official parts release and an april fools part released. That’s an average of around 1 part a month, and we’re right now at 425 followers, which is real cool! But I think it’s time I addressed something, the first part of Sudden Changes was created when I really didn’t have a firm grasp of the story. The reason Flowey didn’t show up in the first part was because I didn’t know who Flowey should be, I had 4 people in the papyrus role, Undyne was hecking CHARA’s role of all things, sans was monster kid’s role, THERE IS NO REASON FOR THE GOLDEN FLOWER PATCH IN THE STARTING ROOM, and the story has vastly changed into something I feel is immensely better. Which is why I want to show you... That Sudden Changes' Ruins, Director’s Cut ( probably just going to be named redux or something ), is something that’s going to happen.
The First Panel of Sudden Changes Part 1 ( OG )
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The First Panel of Sudden Changes Part 1: Director’s Cut
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As you can see, we now have custom mapping in the ruins. But that’s not all, oh no! The entire ruins will be completely redone.  Here are just a few rooms: 
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* Tileset made by Frigadae and TheTrueRyan   The Dreemurrs, Before and After:
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Updated Talksprites:
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Updated Battlesprites: 
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Redone Undyne + Whimsun
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New Overworld sprites for the Ruins Inhabitants:
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Flowey hasn’t changed at all since the 340 followers things, I guess he has a side sprite now... so... Yeah.
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So a question I have, which would you be interested in more? Getting Part 10 first? OR getting Sudden Changes Part 1: DC first?  The choice, is yours. http://www.strawpoll.me/13453652
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proxylynn · 7 years
Dreemurr Academy #8 (UnderFell Gaster)
Dreemurr Academy, a prestigious closed-off college for monsters and humans alike of all ages and worlds. This includes myself, though I'm sort of an in-between. I'm Lynsie, the human anomaly. I'm a human, but I can do magic like monsters. I'm an oddball. That's the thing about making a school that is open to multiple alternate dimensions. Weird things are bound to show up. Even a bunch of the same person. From what I saw on orientation day, the same faces are scattered around all around. To fix these type of issues, everyone that has a multiple or doppelganger is given a school name so there's no confusion. Other than that, it's fairly normal. The hierarchy is the simple. The Deans are made up of the same people, skeleton monsters that go by the name of Gaster. One is a teacher of the Sciences, goes by Wingding. He's a kind and understanding man but is known to pull a prank or two. They all speak in a typeface sign language but use telepathy magic so others understand. It's been said no one has ever heard their real voices and those that have are no longer at the academy. Another Gaster dean teaches Home Economics, he goes by Wingy. He's a bubbly sweet guy that loves his work. Nothing makes him smile more than seeing the joy on a student's face when they take pride in being able to do something they first thought they couldn't. Another Gaster dean teaches the studies of Magic, he is called Fall. At times, he can be cynical, malicious, and sarcastic. He has a commanding presence that exuded gravitas, authority, and control, able to keep a class quiet without effort. Yet there is a kindness to him, it's rarely seen, but not unheard of. Another Gaster dean teaches History, his nickname is Dings. A cold, bitter, and sometimes childish man. He tends to hold grudges against troublesome students and is extremely spiteful toward those whom he dislikes. Yet those that can take his punishments are rewarded with his respect. He is a teacher that commands respect and whose grades are earned with doom hanging over your head. The Professors are also skeleton monsters, but not all are the same person. The Psychology professor is a guy named Papyrus but goes by Stretch. He's the favorite among students because he's so laid back. He chews a tooth pick in class to suppress his urge to smoke, but we all know he does so when on break. He's really good at reading students and helps out when able. All in all, he's the cool teacher. The Literature professor is a Papyrus that is called Fell. He is the one teacher everyone dreads. Very strict and old fashioned. He does not tolerate interruptions and will humiliate those he feels need to be taken down a notch. Such things take their toll on him and often squeezes a stress ball that he keeps on his desk. But he is a very passionate man when it comes to his work and takes his subject seriously, even though this makes him into a bit of a grammar nazi which is why many students get low grades. The Biology professor is a skeleton called Sans that sometimes goes by Classic, whatever that means. He is very cheesy and comes off as lazy, making puns that have people cringe yet secretly love them. He is very protective of his students and will go out of his way to help them. He does not tolerate bullying of any kind and can be quite scary. He's the second favorite among the students. The Physical Education professor is also a Sans that goes by Pain. He is also a stern and old school type of teacher, only he tends to be crueler in the humiliation of students that are unprepared. While his scope is all around, he prefers the darker side of the study. Using borderline violence to weed out the weak that think taking his class is an easy A. There is mercy in his dojo, but it must be earned with blood, sweat, and tears. The Students are broken into four groups based on which part of the four years they are currently in. The first years are called freshmen. Second years are sophomores. Third years are juniors. And fourth years are seniors. There are some variations on this topic, but this hierarchy of college students is still readily recognizable by everyone. Me? This isn't my first rodeo but not my last. I'm a sophomore and have gotten the gist of who's who and what's what. I get along with students and teachers. I've always been a middle ground type of girl. I didn't come looking for friends, but they just seemed to find me. Funny enough, my buddies are the brothers of the professors. Stretch's brother is a freshman, his name is Sans but goes by Rascal. Fell's brother, also a Sans, is a sophomore like me and goes by Edgy. Classic's brother is a Papyrus, a freshman that goes by Papy. And Pain's brother is a sophomore Papyrus by the name of Slim. I've always been a tomboy. I prefer the company of guys. They're different and fun, even if they can be a bit odd sometimes. Rascal, as the nickname implies, is the school clown/prankster. He likes to test his limits and challenge authority, even dishevels his uniform to assert his individuality. He comes off as a slacker, but secretly very deep, clever, and loyal to a fault. He likes taking his brother's class so he can improve his skills with messing with people, mostly his brother as he disrupts his teachings when he sees a chance. Edgy is shy around new people and slow to open up, enjoying a laugh with friends when able. Though he appears weak or even nerdy because of his glasses, he is far tougher than he leads on. He doesn't take crap from anyone. When alone, he's angsty and borders on straight up angry. Getting a pissy attitude when annoyed. Like his brother, he is very passionate about literature and does his best to impress his brother, going so far as to become the teacher's pet. Papy is easily the most lovable guy in the whole school. Very cheerful and optimistic, he tries his best no matter what. He doesn't like conflict and tries to keep his brother out of trouble when the teacher pulls a prank. I find it sweet of him to take his brother's class even though he doesn't particularly enjoy it, just so he can stay close to him. Like I said, this guy is a lovable soul. Slim is easy going. He doesn't take things too seriously and never breaks a sweat over hard exams. The only thing that breaks his cool is his smoking, he really gets tense if he goes too long without his fix. He's incredibly smart and instinctual, good traits to have when dealing with his brother. While he does attend his brother's class, he merely does so as a request of his brother who likes to make sure he doesn't slack off due to not being challenged enough. All of them are oddly related to each other in some form. Gaster's, Papyrus's, and Sans's are brothers. Yet I see them all as different people. I value them. They're helping me even if they don't know it. I am not so confident in myself. I tend to isolate myself, go at things lone wolf style. It's how I've always been. Then I met them and slowly my world began to expand bit by bit. I'm still not comfortable with others. But with them, I can step out from behind my mask for a bit, and really be myself around them. Today is a typical day. Classes seem to take longer than normal, which isn't necessarily a bad thing with most of them. Again, knowing how to get by and being ready for them helps big time. But there's always a chance of trouble in Dean Fall's magic class. This guy makes professor Snape from Harry Potter seem as kind as a newborn kitten. And when you're the only human student in his class, there's a lot of pressure to not only succeed but to perform better than your naturally magical peers. Lately, his progression scale has increased in difficulty. Like a video game that you put on very easy, a sudden ultra hard boss appears and wrecks your shit from out of nowhere. One week we'll be studying rudimentary magics, the next he wants us to perform advanced magics that we haven't even gone over yet. The whole thing is draining, both mentally and physically. The worrisome part about today is that Fall has been in a pleasant mood. Normally this would be a good thing, happy teachers/deans equal easy classes. But not with Fall. When he's in a good mood he gets creative in his teachings, and nothing is beyond his imagination when it comes to pushing his students to the brink in the pursuit of higher learning. I've dreaded something today, now I know why. "👍 ✌💧💧📬📬📬" (CLASS...) Crap he speaks, what fresh hell will be unleashed now? "✋❄ ✌💧 👍 💣 ❄ 💣✡ ✌❄❄ ❄✋ ❄ ✌❄ ✋ 💣✌✡ ✌✞ 👌 ✌❄ 📬📬📬👎✋ ✋👍🕆 ❄📪 ✌💧 ✌❄ 📬" (IT HAS COME TO MY ATTENTION THAT I MAY HAVE BEEN RATHER...DIFFICULT, AS OF LATE.) Oh shit! Who's the dumbass that complained? We're all doomed! " ❄ ✋💧📪 ✋ 💣🕆💧❄ ✌🏱 ✋ 📬" (FOR THIS, I MUST APOLOGIZE.) We're all dead! We're all...wait...What did he say? " 👎 🕯❄ ✋✞ 💣 ❄ 💧 😐💧📬 ✋ ✌💣 ✌ 💣 ✌ ❄ 💧💧📬 ❄ 💣 💧❄ 🏱✌ ❄📪 ✡ 🕆🕯✞ ✌ 👌 🕈 😐✋ ✌ ✡ ✌ 👎📬 💧 💣 💣 ❄ ✌ ❄ 💧📬" (OH DON'T GIVE ME THOSE LOOKS. I AM FAR FROM HEARTLESS. FOR THE MOST PART, YOU'VE ALL BEEN WORKING REALLY HARD. SOME MORE THAN OTHERS.) Weird...I just had a 'senpai noticed me' moment. But Fall's not my senpai, no, I don't even have one. Argh! Brain, quit being dumb right now! "💧 ❄ 🕈✌ 👎 ✡ 🕆 ❄💧📪 ✋ 🕈✌💧 ❄ ✋ 😐✋ 🕈 👍 🕆 👎 ✌ ✋❄❄ 🕆❄✋ 📬" (SO TO REWARD YOUR EFFORTS, I WAS THINKING WE COULD GO ON A LITTLE OUTING.) "Uh...Are you saying we're going on a field trip?" "👎✋👎 ✋ 💧❄🕆❄❄ ✌❄ ✌ ✡ 🏱 ✋ ❄✍ ✡ 💧📪 ❄ ✌❄🕯💧 🕈 ✌❄ ✋ 💧✌✋👎 ✡ 🕆 ✋ ✌ ❄ 🕈 🏱✏" (DID I STUTTER AT ANY POINT? YES, THAT'S WHAT I SAID YOU IGNORANT WHELP!) A wave of cheer sweeps over the room, but I'm not so eager as my classmates, and Fall notices. "✋💧 💧 💣 ❄ ✋ ❄ 💣✌❄❄ 🕆💣✌ ✍" (IS SOMETHING THE MATTER HUMAN?) "No, sir. I'm just waiting to hear the part of 'where' we are to go before expressing any delight." He smirks. "👍 ✞ ✋ 📪 �� 🕈✌✡💧 🕆✌ 👎📬 ❄ 👎✌✡📪 🕈 💧 ✌ 👌 ✋ ❄ ❄ 👎 💣🕆 💣🕆💧 🕆💣 💣✌ ✋👍 ✌ 👎 👎👎✋❄✋ 💧📬 🕈 🕈 👎 💧 ❄ ✌❄ 💧 🕆 👎✍" (CLEVER GIRL, ALWAYS ON GUARD. TODAY, WE SHALL BE GOING TO THE DREEMURR MUSEUM OF MAGIC AND ODDITIES. NOW HOW DOES THAT SOUND?) "Yes! Score!" "Nerd!" "Don't care, that place is awesome." "💧 ❄❄ 👎 🕈 ✡ 🕆 ❄📪 👌 ✋ 👍 ✌ 💣✡ 💣✋ 👎📬" (SETTLE DOWN YOU LOT, BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND.) [One bus ride later] Much to all of our surprise, Fall has allowed us the opportunity to walk around the building on our own. A lot of my classmates break off into groups of friends. And while a few of my buddies are here, we've all pretty much split up Scooby Doo style. I don't mind it. Being on my own is normal and it'll let me see everything to my heart's desire. And oh my god...This place is incredible! Such rich history. The vibrant scope of knowledge. My brain is in love with the endless stimuli. There's just so much! I must see it all! I must consult the map directory. "Let's see now. Where to get the most bang for my metaphorical buck? 'Magic planetarium'? See the creation of the world as well as the birth of life and where we all stand in the scope of the multiverse. Maybe. But let's keep looking. 'Recreated mutations'? A gallery of wax detailed figures of the brilliantly bizarre anomalies as found in recorded history...Damn, that's tempting. What else? Hmmm...'Gift shop'? Heh, that's funny. For real, what else...Oh! 'Hall of summoning'. For honoring those that have contributed to the betterment of all and invented new magics. Oh hell yeah!" Now I know that doesn't sound as cool as some of the other things here. But if there's one thing I've learned from Fall's class it's this, if you want to learn to be the best then you have to learn from the best. And if I want to be better than I am now than what better way than to look to those who have made this world what it is today. And holy shit this exhibit is huge! A hall of fame of all the most important figures in magical history. Even King Asgore is here, his countenance forever immortalized in a life sized painted sculpture and brandishing his trademark trident. Shockingly, Prince Asriel has a spot in here as well, though he has multiple figures in his exhibit. The really cool one to me is called 'Absolute GOD of Hyperdeath'...So badass! All the wonders. So many famous monsters. Hardly a human in sight. Can't complain about that though, humanity lost most of its magical abilities when it began focusing more on technology. A stupid move in my evolutionary opinion, but hey, that's just me, a random anomalous human. "I hate to feel so cliché, but it's like I'm a kid in a candy store." Going further along the many faces, I'm suddenly made to take a double take before coming to complete stop. The one, this person I did not expect to see in all this...My Headmaster. "W. D. Gaster...Inventor of magic electricity, discoverer of Determination, and creator of the Gaster Blaster?" The statue is of Dean Gaster, the sciences professor, and on either side of him are these strange skull-shaped weapons. "Huh...Did not see this coming." "✡ 🕆 💧 💣 💧🕆 🏱 ✋💧 👎✍" (YOU SEEM SURPRISED?) Fall says while standing behind me and I nearly jump out of my skin. "For the love of...! *huff* Give me a heart attack why don't you!" He just smirks. "🕈 ✡ 💧 💧😐✋❄❄✋💧 ✍ ✌ ✡ 🕆 ✠🏱 👍❄✋ ✌ 💣 ✋ 💧 💣 💣✌ ✍" (WHY SO SKITTISH? ARE YOU EXPECTING HARM IN SOME MANNER?) "No. But I'm also not expecting to have someone be behind me either." " 📬📬📬✌ 🕈✌✡💧 🕆✌ 👎📬 💧🕆👍 ✌ 🕈 ✋💧 💣 ✋ ✡ 🕆 ✌ 📬" (HEH...ALWAYS ON GUARD. SUCH A WORRISOME GIRL YOU ARE.) Cheeky guy. Must still be in a good mood. I ignore this and turn back to the exhibit. "So...Are you the same way?" He cocks a bony brow. "✋ 👌 ✡ 🕆 🏱✌ 👎 ✍" (I BEG YOUR PARDON?) "In your world, the alternate reality where you hail and your brothers are from, are you similar in this regard? All these things the Headmaster has done, did you do them as well?" "🕈 ✡ 💧 👍🕆 ✋ 🕆💧✍" (WHY SO CURIOUS?) "It's my nature." "✡ 🕆 😐 🕈 🕈 ✌❄ ❄ ✡ 💧✌✡📬 👍🕆 ✋ 💧✋❄✡ 😐✋ 👎 ❄ 👍✌❄📬" (YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY. CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT.) "Well, it's a good thing cats have nine lives then." He chuckles. "❄ ✡ 🕈 ✋ ❄ ✌👌 🕆❄ ✡ 🕆📬 ✌ ❄ ✌ 👌🕆❄ 🕈 🏱🕆💧 👍 💣 💧 ❄ 💧 ✞ 📪 ✡ 🕆 👎 🕯❄ 👌✌👍😐 👎 🕈 📬" (THEY WERE RIGHT ABOUT YOU. EAGER TO LEARN BUT WHEN PUSH COMES TO SHOVE, YOU DON'T BACK DOWN.) I smirk inwardly. "I take it Fell and Edgy talk to you about me." "❄ ✡ 💣✌✡ 💧🏱 ✌😐 ✡ 🕆 💣 ❄✋💣 ❄ ❄✋💣 📬" (THEY MAY SPEAK OF YOU FROM TIME TO TIME.) "Figured as much." "👌🕆❄ ❄ ✌ 💧🕈 ✡ 🕆 🏱 ✞✋ 🕆💧 ✈🕆 💧❄✋ 📪 ✡ 💧📬 ✋ ✌✞ 👎 ❄ 💧 💧✌💣 ❄ ✋ 💧 ✌💧 ❄ ✌👎💣✌💧❄ ✌💧📬 ✌💧 ✌✞ ❄ ❄ 💣 🕯💧📬" (BUT TO ANSWER YOUR PREVIOUS QUESTION, YES. I HAVE DONE THESE SAME THINGS AS THE HEADMASTER HAS. AS HAVE THE OTHER ME'S.) "Hmmm...Makes you think, doesn't it?" " 🕈 💧 ✍" (HOW SO?) "In the infinite scheme of things and the untold number of parallel realities, it's funny how the same things can play out for the same people even if there is a slight difference." He ponders this for a moment and then smiles. "✋ 💧🕆🏱🏱 💧 ✡ 🕆 ✌✞ ✌ 🏱 ✋ ❄ ❄ 📬 ✋💧❄ ✡ ✋💧 ✌❄ 👎 ❄ 🏱 ✌❄ ✋❄💧 ✞ ✌👍 💧💧 💧🏱✌👍 ✌ 👎 ❄✋💣 📬 ✌ 🕈 ✌❄ 💧 🕈 💣 ❄✌ 💧 👌 📬" (I SUPPOSE YOU HAVE A POINT THERE. HISTORY IS FATED TO REPEAT ITSELF EVEN ACROSS SPACE AND TIME. AH WHAT FOOLS WE MORTALS BE.) "*chuckles* Your brothers are getting to you, sir. You're paraphrasing Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'." "✡ 🕆 😐 🕈 ✌💧 🕈 ✌💧 ✋ ❄ ✌❄ ❄ ✡ ❄ 👎 ❄ 💧🕈 🏱 ✡ 🕆 ✋ ❄ ✋ 🕈 👎 🕈 👎💧 ❄✋ ✡ 🕆🕯 ✌💧 💧❄ ✋ ✋❄ ✌💧 ❄ ✡ ✌ 📬" (YOU KNOW AS WELL AS I THAT THEY TEND TO SWEEP YOU IN THEIR WORLD OF WORDS TILL YOU'RE AS LOST IN IT AS THEY ARE.) "That I do. Which reminds me...I apologize for being loud when Edgy and I recite in your home. Once the proverbial ball gets rolling, it becomes hard to stop." "✋❄🕯💧 ✋ 📬 ✌ 😐 ✡ ✋🕯💣 🕆💧❄ 👍 ❄ ❄ 💧✌ 💧 ✌💧 💧 💣 ❄ 👎 ❄ ✌❄ 🕈✋❄ 👌 💧✋👎 💧 🏱✌🏱✡ 🕆💧📬 📬📬📬✌ 👎 ✋ ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✋ 😐 ✡ 🕆 ❄ 🕆👎📪 ✡ 🕆🕯✞ ✞ ✌ 👎 🏱✌🏱✡ 🕆💧📬 ❄ 👌 ✡ 👍✌ 👍 ✌👍😐 ✌💧💧 🕈✋❄ 💧 ✞ 🕆💣 ✌ 📬" (IT'S FINE. FRANKLY I'M JUST CONTENT SANS HAS SOMEONE TO DO THAT WITH BESIDES PAPYRUS. HEH...AND IF YOU THINK YOU GET LOUD, YOU'VE NEVER HEARD PAPYRUS. THE BOY CAN CRACK GLASS WITH SHEER VOLUME ALONE.) Knowing what I do of Professor Fell, that makes me laugh a little. " 🕆💣✌ 📬📬📬" (HUMAN...) "Sir?" "💣✌✡ ✋ ✋ ✈🕆✋ ✡ 🕆 ✌ 💣 💣 ❄✍" (MAY I INQUIRE YOU FOR A MOMENT?) "Go for it." "🕈 ✡ 👎✋👎 ✡ 🕆 👍 💧 ❄ ❄✌😐 💣✡ 👍 ✌💧💧✍" (WHY DID YOU CHOOSE TO TAKE MY CLASS?) "A silly question. To understand my abilities and learn further." "💧 👌 ✋ ❄ ✡ 🕆💣✌ ✋ 👍 ✌💧💧 👎 💧 ❄ 👌 ❄ ✡ 🕆✍" (SO BEING THE ONLY HUMAN IN CLASS DOES NOT BOTHER YOU?) "Sir, I could care less if there are other humans in class with me. I'm not the biggest fan of my own kind. And as you can tell by the company I keep, I prefer being with monsters." "✋💧 ❄ ✌❄ 🕈 ✡ ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✡ 💧 ✌ 👎✍" (IS THAT WHY YOU TRY SO HARD?) I tilt my head in puzzlement. "Come again?" "👎 🕯❄ ❄ ✡ ❄ 👎 ✡ ✋❄📬 ✡ 🕆 🏱🕆❄ ✋ 💣 ❄ ❄ ✌ ❄ ❄ 💧📬 ✌ ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✡✋ ❄ 🏱 ✞ ✡ 🕆 ✌ 👌 ❄❄ ❄ ✌ ❄ 🕆💣✌ 💧✍ ✌ ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✡✋ ❄ 👌 👌 ❄❄ ❄ ✌ 🕈 ✌❄ ❄ 💧 ❄ ✋ 😐 ✡ 🕆✍" (DON'T TRY TO DENY IT. YOU PUT IN MORE EFFORT THAN THE OTHERS. ARE YOU TRYING TO PROVE YOU ARE BETTER THAN OTHER HUMANS? OR ARE YOU TRYING TO BE BETTER THAN WHAT OTHERS THINK OF YOU?) I don't like where this is going. I can care less what others think of me. I do what I do for myself and no one else. But I don't want him to think I have some stupid ulterior motive or some other dumb shit. "You should quit while you can, sir. You sound like Professor Stretch." " ✞✌👎✋ ❄ ✈🕆 💧❄✋ ✍" (EVADING THE QUESTION?) I look away from him. "🏱✌❄ ❄✋👍📬 ✌ 👎 ✋ ❄ 🕆 ❄ ✡ 🕆 ✌👎 💧 💣 👌✌👍😐👌 📬" (PATHETIC. AND HERE I THOUGHT YOU HAD SOME BACKBONE.) I hear my internal politeness glass shatter and I turn to him with an all too innocent grin. "Sir...Might I suggest you do one thing? *ahem* Shut the fuck up!" He looks at me in shock and the niceness in me is drowned out by annoyance as I let loose. " 📫 🕆💣✌ ✍" (H-HUMAN?) "Lynsie! My god damn name is Lynsie. And I'm not taking your class to prove I'm better than whatever crackpot psychosomatic theory you got cooking in that half baked oven you call a skull. I don't have to prove a damn thing to anyone. Not to you, not to the others, not to monster or human kind, just me. I'm doing this to better myself because I want to do so, not because I want to shove metaphorical crap in someone's face. So take your high and mighty head, pop it off that pipe cleaner you call a neck, and shove it up your bony ass because that's where shit is supposed to come from!" I'm so tempted to flip him off as an epic finisher but I'm too red faced with embarrassment and fear to sink my battleship any further. Fall is in shock, his normal unbreakable commanding countenance falters in befuddlement. A shade of crimson colors his skull as he is taken back by such an outburst. "✡ 🕆📬📬📬 ✌💧 ✞ 💧🏱 😐 ❄ 💣 ✋😐 ❄ ✌❄📬" (YOU...NO ONE HAS EVER SPOKEN TO ME LIKE THAT.) "I bet." What the hell? Brain, shut down and don't speak. "✡ 🕆 👎 ✌ ✋ ✋🕯💣 ❄ 🕆💧❄ ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✌👍 📪 👌🕆❄ ✋🕯💣 ✌ 💧 ✌ 👎 ✌ 📪 ✡ 💧✍" (YOU DO REALIZE I'M NOT JUST YOUR TEACHER, BUT I'M ALSO A DEAN, YES?) "I know." Quit talking! "✌ 👎 ✌ 📪 ✌ 🏱 💧 🏱 🕈 📬 ✌💧 ✋ 📪 ✋ 👍✌ 💣✌😐 ✡ 🕆 ✋ ✌ ✋❄ ✌ ✋✞✋ 🏱✋💧💧✋ 💣 📬" (A DEAN, A PERSON OF POWER. AS IN, I CAN MAKE YOUR LIFE A LITERAL LIVING HELL FOR PISSING ME OFF.) "I know." Why am I still talking?! "👍✌ ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✞ ✌❄ 💣 ❄ ✞ ✌ ✡ 🕆 💧 🕆 👎 👌 ✋ ✋ ❄ 🕈✍ 👎 ✡ 🕆 ❄ 👍 💣🏱 👎 ❄ ✌❄ ✋❄ ✋💧 ✋ ✡ 🕆 💧 🕆 👎 👌 ✋ ❄ 👎 ✋ ❄ ✋💧 ✞ ✡ 💣 💣 ❄✍✏" (CAN YOU NOT EVEN FATHOM THE LEVEL OF FEAR YOU SHOULD BE FEELING RIGHT NOW? DO YOU NOT COMPREHEND THAT IT IS I YOU SHOULD BE FRIGHTENED OF IN THIS VERY MOMENT?!) "Do you think I'm not frightened? I don't think I can move my legs because I know how fucked I am." He ponders this, then as if an idea just popped up in his mind after a moment or two, a dark smirk comes to him and he looms over my still form menacingly. "✡ 🕆 ✌✞ ✋👎 ✌ 🕈 ✌🏱🏱 🏱 ✋✌❄ ❄ ✌❄ 💧❄✌❄ 💣 ❄ 🕈✌💧📬" (YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW APPROPRIATE THAT STATEMENT WAS.) "S-sir?" " 💧🕈 ❄ ✋❄❄ ✌💣👌📬 ✡ 🕆🕯✞ 💣✌👎 ❄ ✋💧 ✌ ❄ ✌💧✡📬 ✌ 👎 ❄ 🕈 ✋💧 🕆 ✡📬 ✞ ✡📬📬📬✞ ✡📬📬📬 🕆 ✡❞📬" (OH SWEET LITTLE LAMB. YOU'VE MADE THIS ALL TO EASY. AND THE WOLF IS HUNGRY. VERY...VERY...HUNGRY~.) "Okay, that is very cree...!" I'm cut off by him grabbing my face and the sudden invasion of his tongue down my throat. I try to push him away, but something prevents my limbs from moving, no matter how much I pull. And from out of my peripheral vision, I see what it is...his magic. "💣💣💣💣📬📬📬👎✋👎 ✡ 🕆 ✌ ✡ ❄ ✋ 😐 ✋🕯👎 ❄ ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✌🕈✌✡ 🕈✋❄ 🕆❄ 🏱🕆 ✋💧 💣 ❄✍" (MMMM...DID YOU REALLY THINK I'D LET YOU GET AWAY WITHOUT PUNISHMENT?) "No sir, but this is..." "✡ 🕆 💧 🕆 👎 💧✋ 👍 ❄ ✌❄ 💣 🕆❄ ✡ 🕆 💧 👌 ✋❄ 💣✌😐 💧 ❄ ✋💧 🕈 💧❄ ✡ 🕆📬 👎 ✡ 🕆 🏱 ✋❄ 🕈 ✋ 👎 ❄ ✌❄ ✡ 🕆✍" (YOU SHOULD SILENCE THAT MOUTH OF YOURS BEFORE IT MAKES THIS WORST FOR YOU. OR DO YOU PREFER IT WHEN I DO THAT FOR YOU?) If I egg him on he's only going to get more daring. Maybe if I appeal to his more logical side. "You know sir, you never struck me as one with Martymachlia." That gets to him. "🕈 ✌❄✍" (WHAT?) "We're in public. People are everywhere. And eventually, we'll have to return to school. You're being awfully risky sexually disciplining me in the open like this. Why...What would the other Deans say?" I even make a looking gesture towards the display of his alternate self to really drive this further. My hope is that this will remind him of basic knowledge of approved/appropriate public displays of affection. "🕈 ✌ ✡ 🕆 ✋ 🕈✋❄ ❄ ✋💧✍" (WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH THIS?) "Oh come on sir. You can't tell me one such as yourself does not know of appropriate public displays of affection." " ✠🏱 ✌✋ ❄ 💣 🕈 ✌❄ ❄ ✌❄ ✋💧📬" (EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THAT IS.) Oh, sweet lord, he doesn't know. "Sir, public displays of affection are acts of physical intimacy in the view of others. What is an acceptable display of affection varies with respect to culture and context. Displays of affection in a public place, such as the street, are more likely to be objected to, than similar practices in a private place with only people from a similar cultural background present. Some organizations have rules limiting or prohibiting public displays of affection. Physical affection has been defined as 'any touch intended to arouse feelings of love in the giver and/or the recipient'. Physical intimacy is sensual proximity or touching. It is an act or reaction, such as an expression of feelings, including close friendship, romantic love or sexual attraction, between people. Examples of physical intimacy include being inside someone's personal space, holding hands, hugging, kissing, caressing and sexual activity. It is possible to be physically intimate with someone without actually touching them; however, a certain proximity is necessary. For instance, a sustained eye contact is considered a form of physical intimacy, analogous to touching. When a person enters someone else's personal space for the purpose of being intimate, it is physical intimacy, regardless of the lack of actual physical contact. Most people partake in physical intimacy, which is a natural part of interpersonal relationships and human sexuality, and research has shown it has health benefits. A hug or touch can result in the release of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, and in a reduction in stress hormones. As for the point I'm also trying to make here...Most people value their personal space and feel discomfort, anger or anxiety when somebody encroaches on their personal space without consent. Entering somebody's personal space is normally an indication of familiarity and intimacy. However, in modern society, especially in crowded urban communities, it is at times difficult to maintain personal space, for example, in a crowded train, elevator or street. Many people find the physical proximity within crowded spaces to be psychologically disturbing and uncomfortable, though it is accepted as a fact of modern life. In an impersonal crowded situation, eye contact tends to be avoided. Even in a crowded place, preserving personal space is important. Non-consensual intimate and sexual contact, such as frotteurism and groping are unacceptable. On the other hand, most people occasionally desire physical proximity to others, and will at times welcome a familiar and trusted person into their personal space. When a partner or friend is not available at such a time, some people satisfy this need for human contact in a crowded venue, such as a bar, nightclub, rock concert, street festival, etc. Make sense now?" "❄ 🕈 ✌❄ 👎✋👎 ✡ 🕆 💣 ✌ 👌✡ ❄ ✌❄ ❄ ✋ ✡ 🕆 👍✌ 👎 💣 ✍" (THEN WHAT DID YOU MEAN BY THAT THING YOU CALLED ME?) "What? Martymachlia? It is a paraphilia which involves sexual attraction to having others watch the execution of a sexual act." He gives me a funny look. "🕈 ✡ 👎 ✡ 🕆 ✞ 😐 🕈 🕈 ✌❄ ❄ ✌❄ ✋💧✍" (WHY DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT IS?) "*sigh* I'm a massive trivia nerd and the dorm room across from mine has a nymphomaniac living in it. He's so damn noisy, but not a bad guy. Anyway, I help the guy out with his studies from time to time and he'll just spout off into random stories. He'll mention something he doesn't know the name of, I'll either know what it is or I'll look it up for him. Long story short, he's learned even more crazy things and which makes me regret so much of my time doing so." "📬📬📬✡ 🕆 ✌✞ ✌ ✞ ✡ 👎👎 ✋ 📪 ✡ 🕆 😐 🕈 ❄ ✌❄✍" (...YOU HAVE A VERY ODD LIFE, YOU KNOW THAT?) "Like you wouldn't believe." " 💣💣💣📬📬📬👌🕆❄ 🏱 ✌🏱💧 ✡ 🕆🕯 ✋ ❄📬 ❄ ✋👎 ✌ 🏱🕆 ✋💧 ✋ ✡ 🕆 ✋ 🏱🕆👌 ✋👍 👎 💧 ✌✞ ✌ 👍 ❄✌✋ 🏱 ✌💧✋ ✋ ❄ ✋❄📬" (HMMM...BUT PERHAPS YOU'RE RIGHT. THE IDEA OF PUNISHING YOU IN PUBLIC DOES HAVE A CERTAIN PLEASING RING TO IT.) "Please no. Just so much no." He smirks. "😐 🕈✋ ❄ ✌❄ ✡ 🕆 ✌ ✌ ✌✋ 💧❄ ❄ ✋💧 ✡ 💣✌😐 💧 ❄ ✋💧 ✞ 👌 ❄❄ 📬 ✋ ✌👍❄📬📬📬 ❄🕯💧 ❄🕆 ❄ ✋💧 ✋ ❄ ✌ 💧💧 📬" (KNOWING THAT YOU ARE AGAINST THIS ONLY MAKES THIS EVEN BETTER. IN FACT...LET'S TURN THIS INTO A LESSON.) "What?" " 💧💧 📬📬📬 ✌🕆 ✋ 💧 💧✋❄✋✞✋❄✡📬" (LESSON ONE...GAUGING SENSITIVITY.) I jump nearly out of my skin when his hand gropes under my skirt and rubs into my panties. I don't really care for the uniforms for this very reason. Girls have to wear skirts, I hate it because of perverts taking up-skirt pics. And when creepy pervert stuff like this happens! "What the hell was that for?!" "😐 🏱 ✡ 🕆 ✞ ✋👍 👎 🕈 📪 ✡ 🕆 📬 👎 ✡ 🕆 🕈✌ ❄ ❄ 💧 ❄ 😐 🕈📬" (KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN, YOU FOOL. OR DO YOU WANT OTHERS TO KNOW.) "Know wha-Aaah! *covers mouth*" There is something in my panties! "*chuckles* ✌💧👍✋ ✌❄✋ 📬" (*CHUCKLES* FASCINATING.) I bite my lip and squirm uncomfortably. I don't know what he's done, but like hell I'm going to give into this and satisfy his sick need to 'punish' me. " 💣💣💣📬📬📬✡ 🕆🕯 💧❄ ❄ ✌ ✋ ✋ 💧❄ ❄ 🕆 ❄📬 ❄ ✡✋ ❄ 💧✋💧❄ 💣 📬 ❄ ✋ ❄ ✋ 😐 ✋❄🕯💧 ❄✋💣 ❄ 💣 ✞ ❄ 💧💧 ❄🕈 📬📬📬👌 👎✋ ✡ 💧 👍 ❄✋ ✌💣 🕆 ❄ ❄ 💣🕆💧👍 ❄ 💧✋ 📬 ❄🕯💧 ❄ 💧❄ ❄ ✋ 💧❄ 🏱✌ ❄📬📬📬 🕈📬" (HMMM...YOU'RE STRONGER THAN I FIRST THOUGHT. TRYING TO RESIST ME. THEN I THINK IT'S TIME TO MOVE ONTO LESSON TWO...BODILY SECRETION AMOUNT TO MUSCLE TENSION. LET'S TEST THE FIRST PART...NOW.) No...He can't possibly mean... "*sharp gasp*" Whatever is touching me, it starts wriggling around down there and I'm on the verge of snapping. " ❄ 👌✌👎📬 💧❄✋ ❄ 🕆 🕆👌 ✋👍✌❄✋ 📬 📬📬📬✡ 🕆 💣✋ ❄ 👌 🕈 👎 ✋ 🕈 ✌❄ ✡ 🕆🕯 ✋ ✋ ❄ 🕈📬" (NOT BAD. STILL NOT ENOUGH LUBRICATION. HEH...YOU MIGHT BE WONDERING WHAT YOU'RE FEELING RIGHT NOW.) "N-n-no shhhhit." It is not easy to speak when your face is contorting like you sucked a lemon. "✋❄🕯💧 💣 📬 ✋ ✌💣 🕈 ✌❄🕯💧 ❄ 🕆👍 ✋ ✡ 🕆📬" (IT'S ME. I AM WHAT'S TOUCHING YOU.) All I can do is shoot him a 'the fuck you just say' look and he grins. "✋ ✡ 🕆🕯✞ 🏱✌✋👎 👍 💧 ✌❄❄ ❄✋ ✋ 👍 ✌💧💧📪 ❄ ✡ 🕆 😐 🕈 ✋❄ 👎 💧 🕯❄ ❄✌😐 💣🕆👍 ❄ 💧🕆💣💣 👌 👍❄💧 📪 💧🕆👍 ✋ ❄ ✋💧 👍✌💧 📪 👌 👎✡ 🏱✌ ❄💧📬" (IF YOU'VE PAID CLOSE ATTENTION IN CLASS, THEN YOU KNOW IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH TO SUMMON OBJECTS OR, SUCH IN THIS CASE, BODY PARTS.) I am glaring daggers at his shit eating grin. "You dirty son of a-aah fuck! Will you stop for a damn second?" "❄ ✌❄🕯💧 ❄ 🕈 ❄ ✋💧 🕈 😐💧📬 ❄ ✞✋👍❄✋💣 👎 💧 ❄ ❄ ❄ 👍 💧 🕈 ❄ ✡ ✌ ❄ 👌 🏱🕆 ✋💧 👎📬 👌 💧✋👎 💧📬📬📬✋ ✋ 👎 ✡ 🕆 ✌👍❄✋ 💧 ✌❄ ✋ ❄ 💧❄✋ 📬" (THAT'S NOT HOW THIS WORKS. THE VICTIM DOES NOT GET TO CHOOSE HOW THEY ARE TO BE PUNISHED. BESIDES...I FIND YOUR REACTIONS RATHER INTERESTING.) "How so?" "✡ 🕆🕯 💧✋💧❄✋ 💣 📬 ✞ 🕈📪 ✋ 👍✌ ✡ 🕆 👍 👍 ✋ 📪 ❄ ✡✋ ❄ 😐 🏱 💣 💣 ✋ ✌ ✡ 🕆 ❄ 📬 ✌ 👎 ✡ ❄📬📬📬✡ 🕆 ✈🕆✋✞ 📬 ✡ 🕆 👎 🕈✌ ❄ ❄ ✋💧📬 ✞ ✋ ✋❄ ✋💧 ❄ 💧💣✌ 💧❄ ✌💣 🕆 ❄ ✋💣✌ ✋ ✌👌 📪 ✡ 🕆 👎 🕈✌ ❄ ❄ ✋💧📬 ✌ ✡ 🕆 ✌✞ ❄ 👎 ✋💧 ✌👎💣✋❄ ❄ ✌❄📪 ✌ 👎 ❄ ✋💧 👌 👍 💣 💧 ✌ 🕈 ❄ ✌💧✋ ✡ 🕆📬" (YOU'RE RESISTING ME. EVEN NOW, I CAN FEEL YOU CLENCHING, TRYING TO KEEP ME FROM GOING ANY FURTHER. AND YET...YOU QUIVER. YOU DO WANT THIS. EVEN IF IT IS THE SMALLEST AMOUNT IMAGINABLE, YOU DO WANT THIS. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ADMIT THAT, AND THIS BECOMES A WHOLE LOT EASIER FOR YOU.) Is he for real? Does he really think I'd give in? All I did was snap at him for him being a smart ass and he's trying to magic fuck me. Oh no...No way am I giving him the satisfaction. If he wants more, he has to earn it, and I'm not easy. "Oh, is that how this game goes? Well...Two can play that way." "🕈✌✋❄📪 🕈 ✌❄ 👎 ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✋ 😐 ✡ 🕆🕯 👎 ✋ ✍✏" (WAIT, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!) I grab his jacket's lapel. "Me? Heh...I'm evening the playing field." Yanking him down a bit, I latch my mouth on his exposed neck before giving the bone a nice hard suck and couple that with some licks in between the vertebrae, making him tremble with a stunned gasp. " 🕆👍😐📬📬📬❄ 👎 📬📬📬 *shiver* 🕈 ✌❄ ✌ ✡ 🕆 👎 ✋ ✍" (FFFUCK...THE HELL DOOOOOOH... *SHIVER* WHAT ARE YOU DOING?) "Oh, a little sensitive are you? Very interesting." He shoves me away before catching my wrists in the confusion, then twists me around and locks my now crossed arms around my chest as he has my back against his chest as he growls in my ear. "✡ 🕆 ✌✞ ✌ ❄ ✞ 📪 🕆💣✌ 📬" (YOU HAVE A LOT OF NERVE, HUMAN.) "I can say the same for you." "🕈 ✌❄ 💣✌😐 💧 ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✋ 😐 ✡ 🕆 ✌✞ ❄ ✋ ❄ ❄ ❄ 🕆👍 💣 ✌💧 💧🕆👍 ✍" (WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO TOUCH ME AS SUCH?) "All is fair in love and war, sir. You touch me, I touch you back. And by my calculations, I have yet to touch you enough to even the odds." " ✍ ✌ 👎 🕈 👎 ✡ 🕆 ✋ ❄ 👎 ❄ 👎 💧 🕈 ❄ ✌❄ ✡ 🕆 ✌✞ 👌 👎✋💧✌ 💣 👎 💧 ❄ 💧🏱 ✌😐✍" (OH? AND HOW DO YOU INTEND TO DO SO NOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN DISARMED SO TO SPEAK?) "Call me cheeky, but I've been told I have very well crafted assets." "📬📬📬🕈 ✌❄ ✋ ❄ ✌💣 💣✌ ✋👍 👎 💧 ❄ ✌❄ 💣 ✌ ✍" (...WHAT IN THE NAME OF MAGIC DOES THAT MEAN?) "This." I still can't believe I'm this stubborn that I'd really do this. I press back more on him and rub my ass into his pelvis. This has him twitching and faltering in his magic, his nigh unbreakable concentration being messed up by a female rubbing on him. Oh, what a show this must be for the sculptures before us. "*hiss* ✡ 🕆 ✋❄❄ 📬📬📬 ✌ 📬📬📬👍 ✌💧 ✡ 🕆 ✋ 👎✋ ✌❄ 👍 ✏" (*HISS* YOU LITTLE...GAHH...CEASE YOUR GRINDING AT ONCE!) "Hmmm...Nah. I don't think so. I want something first." "✌ 👎📬📬📬🕈 ✌❄ 💣✋ ❄ ❄ ✌❄ 👌 ✍" (AND...WHAT MIGHT THAT BE?) "I want you to admit you're more interested in this game than you're letting on." His cheekbones dust with dark shade of red. "✋ 👎 🕯❄ 😐 🕈 🕈 ✌❄ ✡ 🕆🕯 ❄✌ 😐✋ ✌👌 🕆❄📬" (I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.) "Oh do not lie to yourself, sir. You're resisting this. Even now, I can feel your grip tightening, trying to keep a hold of yourself. And yet...you shiver. You do want this. Even if it is the smallest amount imaginable, you do want this. All you have to do is admit that, and this becomes a whole lot easier for you." He glares at the all too innocent smile on my lips. Paraphrasing his own words for use against him. "✡ 🕆 ❄ ✋ 😐 ✡ 🕆🕯 💧 👍 ✞ 📪 👎 🕯❄ ✡ 🕆✍" (YOU THINK YOU'RE SO CLEVER, DON'T YOU?) "If I weren't, I'd be failing your class, wouldn't I?" "❄ ✌❄🕯💧📬📬📬✌ 👎 🏱 ✋ ❄📬 ✋❄ ❄ ✌ ✡ 💧🕆👍 ❄ ✋ 📬" (THAT'S...A GOOD POINT. BUT NONE THE LESS, I WILL NEVER ADMIT TO ANY SUCH THING.) "Then my good man, I believe we're at a stalemate." "✋ ❄ ✋ 😐 ❄������ ✋ 💧❄✋ ✌✞ ❄ 🕆🏱🏱 ✌ 👎📬" (I THINK NOT. I STILL HAVE THE UPPER HAND.) "You don't have jack sh..." "uh...bro? that you?" Edgy's voice has both of us flinch, but since Fall is much taller than me and his coat is so big, he doesn't know I'm there...yet. "Oh, this'll be good." He harshly squeezes my wrists. "*whisper* ✡ 🕆 💧 🕆❄ ✡ 🕆 💣 🕆❄ 📬 *normal* 🕈 ✌❄ ✋💧 ✋❄ 💧✌ 💧✍" (*WHISPER* YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH. *NORMAL* WHAT IS IT SANS?) "have you seen lynsie? i haven't seen her since we got off the bus." "✌ 👎 🕈 ✋👍 💧❄🕆👎 ❄ 🕈✌💧 ❄ ✌❄ ✌ ✌✋ ✍" (AND WHICH STUDENT WAS THAT AGAIN?) "the human one. the only human in class. the same one who's been in your class for two years now." "✋ ❄ ✌👍 ❄ 💧 ✍" (I TEACH ONE OF THOSE?) "You ass." He lets one of my wrists go to grab my mouth and I grab him back with my free hand. "yes, you teach her. she's been to our house for fuck's sake!" "👎 ❄ ✌✋💧 ✡ 🕆 ✞ ✋👍 ✌❄ 👌 📪 ✋🕯💣 👌🕆💧✡📬" (DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME! I HAVEN'T SEEN HER OKAY? SO LEAVE ME BE, I'M BUSY.) "doing what?" "*muffled* Me~." He pinches my nose shut and now I can't breathe. "✋🕯💣 👍 ❄ 💣🏱 ✌❄✋ ✌ 🕈 ✠🏱  ❄ ✌❄✋ 📬 💧 🏱 ✌💣✡ ❄ 🕆 ❄💧📬" (I'M CONTEMPLATING A NEW EXPERIMENT AND NEED ABSOLUTE CONCENTRATION. SO PLEASE, LEAVE ME TO MY THOUGHTS.) "*scoff* fine. just know it's your ass on the line if wingding finds out you lost someone on this trip." " ✋🕯💣 💧🕆 ❄ 🕈✋ 👌 👍 💣🏱 ✌✋ ❄💧📬" (OH I'M SURE THERE WILL BE NO COMPLAINTS.) Edgy walks off and Fall returns his attention to my getting lightheaded form. "💣🕆💧❄ 👌 ✌👍 ✋ ✡ 🕈📬 ✡ 🕆 🕆💧 ✋ 👎 ✌🏱🏱 🏱 ✋✌❄ 🕈✌❄ 📬 🕈 👍✌ ✡ 🕆 ✞ 👎 ✡ 🕆 👌 ✌❄ ✍" (MUST BE REACHING YOUR OXYGEN LIMIT BY NOW. YOUR LUNGS BURNING, NEEDING AIR LIKE FISH IN NEED OF APPROPRIATE WATER. HOW LONG CAN YOU EVEN HOLD YOUR BREATHE FOR?) I hold up three fingers indicating for three minutes and grip my throat as my chest begins heaving rapidly. "🕆📬 🕆💧❄ 👌 ✌ 👎 ✋ 🕆 👎 ❄ ✌❄ 💣 📬📬📬 ✡ 💧✋ ✍" (HEY NOW, DON'T BE SCARED. I'M NOT GOING TO HURT YOU. JUST BE A GOOD GIRL AND PLAY NICE. CAN YOU DO THAT FOR ME...LYNSIE?) I'd claw his hands away if I had the strength anymore, so I give in, I nod in defeat and he smirks. " 👎 ✋ 📬" (GOOD GIRL.) He finally allows me the air I need and he supports me so I don't double over. "*gasps* Not cool...*coughs* So not cool..." "✋ ✋❄ 💣✌😐 💧 ✡ 🕆 ✌ ✡ 📬📬📬✋ ✌💣 ✡✋ ❄ ✋💧📬" (IF IT MAKES YOU FEEL ANY BETTER...I ADMIT IT...I AM ENJOYING THIS.) "I so *cough* knew it." "🕈 ✋ ✋ ✌✞ 🏱✌ 📪 💧 💣 ❄ ✋ ✌👌 🕆❄ ✡ 🕆 ✌💧👍✋ ✌❄ 💧 💣 📬" (WHILE I HAVE NO PARTICULAR PREFERENCE IN TERMS OF LOOKS OR TYPE, SOMETHING ABOUT YOU FASCINATES ME.) He tilts my head up so that I look at him. "✌💧 ✌ 🕆💣✌ 📪 ✡ 🕆 ✌ ❄ ✋✌ 💧❄📬 ❄ 👌 💧❄ 😐✋ 🕈 💧❄📬" (AS A HUMAN, YOU ARE NOTHING SPECIAL. NOT THE BIGGEST OR THE SMALLEST. NOT BEST LOOKING OR WORST.) "Really hammering my self-esteem into the ground there, sir." "❄ ✌❄📪 ✋❄❄ 📪 ✋💧💣 🕈✌ ❄✋ ❄ 👍 ❄✋ 🕆 💧🕆 🏱 ✋💧✋ ✡ ✌ 🕆💧✋ 📬" (LET ME FINISH. AS A HUMAN, YOU HOLD LITTLE VALUE. BUT I DON'T SEE YOU AS A HUMAN. I SEE A GIRL IN THE SHAPE OF A HUMAN BUT HAS THE SOUL OF A MONSTER. AND THAT, LITTLE ONE, IS WHAT HAS ME WANTING TO CONTINUE THIS GAME OF OURS. THAT, PLUS I FIND YOUR FIGHT AGAINST YOUR HYPER SENSITIVITY AND HIGHLY RESPONSIVE NATURE SURPRISINGLY AROUSING.) The forgotten magic that laid still between my legs begins to pulse with life again. "💧 ✋ ✡ 🕆🕯 ❄ 💣 📬📬📬" (SO IF YOU'LL LET ME...) We share eye contact, his eyes are soft, I've never seen that. I like that look on him. And it's all for me. "Promise me one thing first." "✌ 👎 🕈 ✌❄🕯💧 ❄ ✌❄✍" (AND WHAT'S THAT?) "Please...be gentle. I've...I've never been with someone." He smiles as softly as his eyes. "✋ 🏱 💣✋💧 📬 🕈📬📬📬 🕆💧❄ ✌✠ ✌ 👎🏱🕆👌 ✋👍 ✌ ❄ ✌ 📬" (I PROMISE. NOW...JUST RELAX AND TRY TO KEEP SILENT. REMEMBER, WE ARE IN PUBLIC AFTER ALL.) I blush, having forgotten that fact myself. He takes this as the moment and that magic made member slowly slips it inside me with very little trouble. "Huh." "🕈 ✌❄✍" (WHAT?) "Well, I always heard it was painful during the first time. But I hardly felt anything." "❄ ✌❄🕯💧 👌 👍✌🕆💧 ✋❄🕯💧 ❄ ✌❄ 🕆 💧✋ ✡ ❄📬" (THAT'S BECAUSE IT'S NOT AT FULL SIZE YET.) Skeleton say what now? "What?" "✋  🕈 🕆 👎 👌 ✌ 💣 ❄ 💧✋ 📬 ❄❄ ✋❄ 🕈📬 💧 🕆 👎 ✌✋ ✍" (I PROMISED TO BE GENTLE AND MY TRUE SIZE UPON ENTERING WOULD BE FAR FROM GENTLE. SO WE'LL BE STARTING OFF WITH A MORE ACCOMMODATING SIZE. THEN AS THINGS HEAT UP, I'LL LET IT GROW. SOUND FAIR?) I stare at him and blink in surprise. "That...I...Thank you." "👎 🕯❄ ❄ ✌ 😐 💣 ✡ ❄📬 *purrs* ❄ 💣 ✌ ❄ ✋ 💣✌😐 ✡ 🕆 ❄ 💧 👍🕆 ❞📬" (DON'T THANK ME YET. *PURRS* TELL ME AFTER I MAKE YOUR TOES CURL~.) His hold on me shifts to around my waist, to appear as though it's a hug and something not perverted, even as the member begins to move inside me. It's so strange. We are literally just standing there, not doing a damn thing. Meanwhile, there's a magically created dick in my panties and it's pistoning itself inside me in a slow yet tender rhythm. After a little bit of getting used to it, I find myself leaning back in Fall much to his interest. " 🕈 ✌ ✡ 🕆 ✋ ✍" (HOW ARE YOU FEELING?) "Mmmm...Really nice. And you can feel everything as well?" "*chuckles* ✌❄🕆  👌 ✌💧💧 ✋ ✋ 👎✋👎 🕯❄ ✡ 💣✡💧 ✋ ✌ ❄ ✋💧📬" (*CHUCKLES* NATURALLY. IT WOULD BE RATHER POINTLESS IF I DIDN'T ENJOY MYSELF IN ALL THIS.) "Ooooh...Such a tease. And here I thought it was all about me." "💣💣💣💣💣✋❄✡ 🕆✍ ✋❄🕯💧 ✌ 👍❄✋✞ ❄🕆 ❞📬" (MMMMMM...YOU'RE QUITE NAUGHTY WHEN AROUSED, AREN'T YOU? IT'S AN EFFECTIVE TURN ON~.) With that said I feel him shift inside. The member begins growing in both length and width. And even though this growth is slow, my jaw begins slacking in silent gasps from all the new areas it is touching in its steady pace. This pleases Fall to no end. "❄ ✌❄ 😐 ✡ 🕆 ✌👍 📬 ❄ ✌❄🕯💧 ❄ ✠ ✋ ✋ ❄ ✌ ✋ 👌 ✋ ✈🕆✋ ❄ ✋💧 ✋ ❄ 👌 ✌ 👎 ❄ ✌ ✋ 💧❄ ❄ 🕆 ❄📬" (THAT LOOK ON YOUR FACE. THAT'S THE EXPRESSION OF SOMEONE WHO'S BEGINNING TO REALIZE BEING QUIET IS GOING TO BE HARDER THAN FIRST THOUGHT.) I attempt to make a smart retort but half choke a moan and cover my mouth to keep it down much to his delight. " 📬📬📬💧🕆👍 ✌ 💧 ✌💣 ✌ ✡📬 ✋ ❄ 🕈 ✋🕯👎 ✋😐 ❄ ✋ 💣 ❄ ✌ ❄ ✌ ✡ 🕆📬" (HEH HEH...SUCH A SHAME REALLY. FOR RIGHT NOW I'D LIKE NOTHING MORE THAN TO HEAR YOU.) He leans his mouth into my ear and nibbles. "❄ ✌ ✞ ✡ 🕈 ✋💣🏱 📪 ✞ ✡ 👍 ✡📪 ✞ ✡ 💣 ✌ ✌ 👎 ✌  🕆 👎💧 ✌✞ ❄ 💧 ✋🏱💧📬📬📬 *shudders*" (TO HEAR EVERY WHIMPER, EVERY CRY, EVERY MOAN AND GROAN. TO HEAR SUCH SWEET NEEDY SOUNDS LEAVE THOSE LIPS...*SHUDDERS*) He nips his way down to my neck and the sensations have me squirming. I want to make noise, my instinctual brain demands I verbally respond to him. But I force myself silent, choking any sound back and biting my tongue when need be. Yet despite us both knowing we should remain as quiet, his desires aren't all that keen on my resistance to utter a sound. So when he suddenly bites down on my collarbone, it takes everything I have to make the groan that escapes as low in volume as possible. " 📬📬📬💧🕆👍 ✌ 👎 ✋ 📬 *soft moan* 😐 🏱 ❄ ✋💧 🕆🏱 ✌ 👎 ✋🕯 🕈✌ 👎 ✡ 🕆 ✌❄ ❞📬" (OOOH...SUCH A GOOD GIRL. *SOFT MOAN* KEEP THIS UP AND I'LL REWARD YOU LATER~.) Funny, wasn't this a punishment in the beginning? Screw it! He feels so good. His hands begin roaming along my sides and hips, making me sway into his touch. He can only just withhold how much he loves to see me overcome with desire like this. He moans lowly in my ear every time I clench my muscles around his member, gritting his teeth together as he quietly gasps and whispers shudders against me every time my body responds deliciously to the increasing movements he makes inside me. Every small thrust, every tiny jab he makes within me is met with a powerful response deep in my abdomen. Every inch of my skin feels as if it's lit up like fireworks, the blood running through my veins sizzle across my bones in an intense explosion, flaring within my innards like a blazing inferno. My fingers dig deep into my cheeks to keep distracted, his hands grab a tight hold of my thighs as the pounding quickens, and I stifle the urge to scream as the head of his erection suddenly hits a bundle of nerves deep within me. "✋ 🕈✌ ❄ ✌ ✡ 🕆 👍✌ 🕆❄ ❄ 💣 📪 ✡ 💧✋ 📬📬📬💧 ✋ ✡ 🕆 ✋😐 ❄ ✋💧📬📬📬✋ 🕈✌ ❄ ❄ 😐 🕈 ❄ ✌" (I WANT HEAR YOU CALL OUT TO ME, LYNSIE...SEEING YOU LIKE THIS...I WANT TO KNOW THAT I MADE YOU FEEL THIS WAY...MMMM...THAT FACE YOU'RE MAKING RIGHT NOW...DAMN YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU LOOK RIGHT NOW...) "*muffled* Fall..." " ✏ *hushed* 📬📬📬💧✌✡ 💣🕆 ❄ 🕆 ✋😐 ✋❄ 🕈✌💧 ✡ 🕆 ✞ ✡ ✌💧❄ 👌 ✌❄ 📬" (NO! *HUSHED* NO...SAY MY NAME. I WANT TO HEAR MY NAME ROLL OFF YOUR TONGUE LIKE IT WAS YOUR VERY LAST BREATH.) "*muffled* Gaster..." "✋🕯💣 💧 ✡📬 ✋🕯💣 ❄ 💧🕆 ✋ ✌ 👎✌❄ 💣 ✍" (I'M SORRY. I'M NOT SURE I HEARD THAT. CARE TO REPEAT THAT FOR ME?) "*muffled* Gaster!" " 📪 💣✡ 👎 ✌ 📬 💣 ✞ ✡ 🕆 ✌ 👎💧 📬 ❄ 💣 ✌ ✡ 🕆 ✞ ✋👍 📬" (OH NO, MY DEAR. REMOVE YOUR HANDS AND SPEAK MY NAME. LET ME HEAR YOUR VOICE.) I shake my head and he growls lowly. "✋ 🕈 🕯❄ 💧✌✡ ✋❄ ✌ ✌✋ 📬 *thrust* 💧✌✡📬📬📬*thrust* 💣✡📬📬📬 *thrust* ✌💣 ✏ *thrust*" (I WON'T SAY IT AGAIN. *THRUST* SAY... *THRUST* MY... *THRUST* NAME! *THRUST*) He orders, forcing the member relentlessly into me until the feelings stirring deep within my core feel like they're about to explode. His raw voice is draped with commanding lust as he grips a hold of my waist in his impossibly strong arms. My will has put up a strong fight against my sexual instinct, but I am good at winning battles not wars, so between the delicious feelings of the ways he touches me and the way it all synchronizes with his now harsh thrusts, I can't suppress the needs to call out to him anymore. "Gas...ahhh...G-gaster..." It's not too loud, but just enough to make him happy. "✌📫✌✌ 📬📬📬 🕆👍😐 ✡ 💧📬📬📬✡ 💧📬📬📬 🕆👍😐📬📬📬✋❄🕯💧 💧 👎📬📬📬" (A-AAHHNN...OOOH FUCK YES...YES...OHNN...MMMMM...AHHHN...OOOH H-HELL...AHHHN SOO...HHAHH O-OOH...HHNAHNN...SO AMAZING...I-INSIDE...HHHHAAHHNN...AHHH MNNFF...FUCK...IT'S SO GOOD...) "Gaster...Oooooh, Gaster..." "❄ ✌❄🕯💧 💣✡ ✋ 📬📬📬💣✋ 📬📬📬✌ 💣✋ 📬📬📬💧✌✡ ✋❄✏" (THAT'S MY GIRL...MINE...ALL MINE...SAY IT!) "I'm yours! *shaky gasps* Aaah fuck...Gaster!" "lynsie?" Once more Edgy's voice has us freeze and everything stops as he returns to the exhibit. "Uh...H-hey Edgy." "where were you? i was hoping we could see the magic planetarium before we have to...leave? uh...bro?" "✡📫✡ 💧✍" (Y-YES?) "why are you holding her like that?" Our faces flush in deep blushes and Fall is the first to think of a cover story. " 📬📬📬❄ ✋💧✍ 🕈 📪 ✡ 🕆 💧 📬📬📬🕆 📬📬📬 ✡ 💧✋ 👍✌💣 💧❄✌ ✋ ✋ ❄ ✌ ❄ ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✌💧😐✋ ✌👌 🕆❄ 📬 ✡ ✌ 📬 💧 💧📬" (OH...THIS? WELL, YOU SEE...UH...LYNSIE HERE CAME STAGGERING IN HERE NOT LONG AFTER YOU LEFT ASKING ABOUT HER. YEAH. SHE COMPLAINED ABOUT FEELING ILL AND STOMACH PAIN. SO, RATHER THAN RUIN THE CHANCE TO NOT WASTE TIME TEACHING MORONS, I OFFERED MY ASSISTANCE IN RELIEVING HER SAID PAIN. AND WHAT BETTER WAY TO RELIEVE PAIN THAN TO MASSAGE THE TENSION OUT OF THE MUSCLES.) Edgy looks at us unsure. "really?" Quick brain! Play along! "*sighs* As stupid as that sounds..." " ✡📪 🕆👍😐 ✡ 🕆📬" (HEY, FUCK YOU.) "He's telling the truth." "he is?" Now to seal the deal with the one thing that makes all males instantly want things to end without further information. "I didn't know it, but...I started my time of the month and..." "stop! say no more! as long as you're feeling okay, let's just go." "You sure?" Edgy just grabs my hand and drags me away from Fall. Fall blinks a few time in utter shock that it even worked. But then after a little bit, a tingle in his bones had him realize a certain magic is still in effect. A wicked idea comes to him and I know this because, in the middle of the magic planetarium show, a certain member springs to life. I had to claw my chair and bite my cheek to not let Edgy know what was happening. I'd be less mad about it had Fall just stopped there. But then he did it again on the bus ride back to the school. And then in once more in the classroom before everyone left. Yet that's when I got my revenge and fucked him proper till he couldn't think straight. Come to think of it, that might have been all part of his master plan. Eh...Who can really complain about great sex? I know I'm not and neither is he.
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gasters-story · 7 years
Chapter 10
Word Count: 2,633
Two figures with serious faces walked through the lab slowly as they examined the rooms. They halted in the room of Vedran’s death, standing just above his dust and looking down at it.
“What do you believe happened, your highness?” One asks as the other’s, or the king’s, gaze does not change. He looks around at the fatalities. The souls of the humans were shattered long ago, making soul collecting impossible even if wanted to.
“I do not understand completely what happened Nomeus, but from what I was told, Vedran had a strong bond with Aster, or Wingdin as he calls him.” The king looks back down at the dust, kneeling to begin collecting it in a medium sized glass vial.
“Aster is his human name, no? He probably didn’t want it to cause anything confusing or bad. We did bring back a dead person, and maybe with loved ones.” Nomeus replies, putting his own thoughts in. The king stops and stares for a moment.
“Most likely.” He finally stated, then soon continues on with what he was saying and doing. “With Vedran’s dust here… I can’t say it was Aster’s fault for this.” He continues, finishing up cleaning the dust and putting a lid on the container. “The possibility of him being a rabid experiment seems too low for all this.” For a minute, things are silent.
“It does indeed, your highness.” Nomeus says after some thought. “Do you believe the humans have something to do with this? It may explain their strange behavior recently.” The king thinks for a moment.
“Maybe…” He picks up the dagger where Vedran’s dust use to be, getting up and turning to Nomeus. “Some kind of magic seems to have been used to kill the humans here but…”
“But all that killed Vedran seems to be that dagger.” Nomeus continues for him. “I think we can kind of guess what could have happened now.” The king nods, thinking for a moment.
“I… Doubt he would cause anyone harm, at least from what Vedran told me. He might as well be hiding amongst monsters, maybe even scared for his life.” He states, putting the dagger back down. “Nomeus, get the guard to clean this up. Then I need you to try to find Aster’s location. I feel the humans are up to something so I’m hoping you will protect him if anything happens?” Nomeus nods.
“Yes, your highness.” He pauses. “I… have a feeling I know where and who he is. He’s already in great care, but I’ll keep him from any humans. I’ll try to get him to admit who he is, but I’ll need something as a test he wouldn’t expect to be one.” The king thinks for a moment, staring at the vial of dust in his hand.
“If that is so, try bringing him to Vedran’s dust ceremony.” The king begins to recommend, handing the vial of dust to Nomeus, who takes it. “See if you can get a reaction out of him from it. Their bond should show as well then. Maybe you also just need to mention the name to get some reaction.” He takes one last look around, and Nomeus nods.
“Shall I tell Aksinya of her father’s death, or would you like me to send someone else?” Nomeus asks, looking at the dust vial.
“Whatever works for you. She probably already knows anyways. He pretty much disappeared till now. She probably made the guess. Confirmation is all she needs now.” The king explains, and Nomeus nods in response. After a few moments of silence, the two decide to leave…
Meanwhile, Gaster sat outside of the school, watching everyone train. Nomeus had been called away from the school the moment they got there. Gaster was told to leave them be, and a large, brown and white goat monster with some crown on his head too talked to Nomeus.
It wasn’t too long till they started to leave and the class had a substitute that Gaster didn’t really pay attention to. The goat, who Gaster had guessed was the king, had left another, and presumably his son, white goat monster who seemed to like talking to Toriel a lot. Gaster was completely distracted by writing in his journal to not notice the new kid was walking up him a bit later after talking to Toriel for a while.
“Heya! What are you doing all the way over here?” The voice made Gaster jump, looking up at the kid while he held the open journal tightly. The goat monster didn’t seem to notice him jump, and just smiled and offered a hand. “I’m Asgore! Asgore Dreemurr!”
Toriel walks up behind Asgore. When she speaks, both the boys look her way. “That’s Gaster. He doesn’t talk much, but he’s new, so you really can’t blame him.” Asgore pulls his hand back a bit. Gaster growls inaudibly, not liking being talked about like this, even with good intentions.
“Is that so? I don’t see any reason to be shy though! No one means any harm here!” He turns back to Gaster, offering his hand again. Gaster hesitates, but then slowly goes to shake his hand with his bandaged one, quickly pulling away after. Asgore stares for a moment, surprised. “You're… hurt?”
Gaster just sits there and nods, really wanting to go back to his journal. He fidgets with his hand, not liking the way this is going. “I’ll be fine. It was just… An a-accident. I can take care of myself.” Asgore seems a bit surprised as Gaster makes a face to show he’s not too pleased with the topic and stops making eye contact by looking at his journal again. Asgore was going to say something, but was cut off.
“Are ya making friends, young prince?” Nomeus said walking up with the king behind. Gaster looked up and then at Asgore. Prince…?
“Trying to! He’s shy according to Tori though! A challenge for me then!” The prince seemed enthusiastic about all this, making Gaster shrink a bit more into a ball he already kind of was with his knees up to write on without looking straight down. The king came over and kneeled down to talk to Gaster better, offering a hand.
“King Gorin, as you probably know. If he is trying to be friends with you, then so shall I.” Gaster wanted to hide. Disappear from the world for a small time. Be forgot by others for a short while. Be unknown to the world until he feels a bit more comfortable. He shakingly shakes Gorin’s hand, and the king smiles at him. He shoots his hand back as quick as he can.
The conversation would have lasted longer if Ouphre hadn’t showed up to say something to Gorin. “There’s commotion at the front of the town, your highness.” She kneels and bows her head. Gaster notices she’s wearing some kind of armor as well instead of her normal everyday clothes of jeans and some top. “The human leader wishes to speak with you.” Gorin’s face went serious as she said it. He gets up, facing her, and then speaks.
“Where the commotion is?” She nods her head. “Alright.” He begins to walk off around the school building, heading to where the commotion is. Both Nomeus and Ouphre follow, Nomeus explaining to the substitute before actually leaving the school grounds.
The two goats and even the skeleton watch curiously before Asgore perks up. “Let’s go check it out!” He suggests, turning to the group. Gaster tenses up, while Toriel seems to take a moment to think.
“It would be nice to know what’s happening, especially you as prince…” Toriel thinks out loud, only to nod her head a bit later. “I’ll go with you Gorey.” She gives a smile saying so, only for the pressure to go on Gaster as they turned to him, giving curious looks. He shrunk back a bit as reaction, but eventually nodded as he fiddled with his scarf to cover his mouth.
Asgore smiles yet again, and as Gaster gets up, they head off to find out what’s happening. Asgore has a skip in his step, while Toriel calmly follows behind, and Gaster doing so as well but a bit sheepishly and unsure.
The three found a crowd at the entrance of the town. Asgore looked around for his dad, and without hesitation disappeared in the crowd with Toriel somewhat behind. Gaster, however, hesitated but eventually made his way in, squeezing past all the monsters to the middle of the giant ‘C’ shaped group. At one end stood Gorin, most of the monsters huddle behind as Nomeus and Ouphre stood beside him, magic spears in hand to defend anyone if needed.
At the open and opposite end of the crowd stood Chatch, a smirk on his face just like before. He seemed confident for coming all the way with only one or two of his own guards that stood by his side to the main capital of the kingdom of monsters, bearers of magic that most humans feared. Gaster saw him look his way, seeming to chuckle but it was covered by the murmur and whispers of the crowd.
“What are you doing here Chatch?” Gorin soon asks with a stern look. Chatch’s own look doesn’t seem to falter even with the powerful looking monster in front of him.
“Business is all.” Chatch replies, and Gorin gives him a hard, questioning stare. Gaster shrinks back into the crowd a bit, only to find Asgore behind him. Asgore smiles at him and stays at Gaster’s side, Toriel coming up and stays next to Asgore. Gaster looks at them for a minute before looking back at the two leaders like everyone else here.
“What kind of business do you need? What is so important that you cause commotion here?” Gorin asks and gestures around to the crowd with his trident.
“You already should know what I want.” Chatch says, making Gorin give a confused look. “The experiment. It’s location. We feel like there was someone that did something to make him either disappear or escape, and even killed off the humans left in the lab so there was no witnesses from possible opposers. And we have evidence to point towards your side of the experiment.” Gasps set out across the crowd as Gaster began to feel uncomfortable as he shuffled around in place.
“Are you accusing foul play on me and my people?” Gorin’s face was a scowl as he growled, but even with this, Chatch’s face grows more happy it seems.
“In a way.” Was his only reply. “A monster named Vedran was told to have close ties with the experiment. They also happened to have both disappeared at the same time. We also saw only human deaths in the lab, showing a threat as us. We believe the experiment could even being hiding among you, as it wouldn’t be hard with the way the scientist thought he was, species wise.”
Gaster looked at the crowd to see a bright, yellow scaled lizard who looked upset, and almost in tears. He had his guess to who, and if it was he felt bad over it, slumping his shoulders in shame.
“We do not have a clue what happened to the experiment, but we do know Vedran was killed by what I saw at the lab earlier.“ While Gorin said that, Gaster looked at the lizard again, only to see her gasp and begin to cry.
A sudden guilt rushed over Gaster as he watched her hear the news for the first time. Some monsters around comforted her, mostly the ones who noticed. By now the crowd was more quiet for her cries to be heard. Everyone seem just as affected by the death as her, as some even cried with her. *Everyone cares for everyone here it seems…* “We do not have the experiment currently in known possession either way. Your accusation is false.” Chatch finally changed his look by his face going to a more neutral but slightly upset one.
“Right now you have no way to show what you have of him being supposedly killed true, so that also says yours can be instead.” He says, and Gorin squints a bit at Chatch. “We’ll make a deal. You give the experiment back, we’ll leave you alone and continue the experiment properly. You don’t… “ He looks at his own guards, smiling. “We’ll have to take it down the road of war I guess.” Everyone was shocked, even the king himself. Gaster held his chest and took a step back, his face horrified.
“That’s too much for some experiment that can be simply replicated!” Gorin argues, practically baffled by the route Chatch wanted.
“I see it more as a way for monsters to attack us, ruining our experiments with them and taking them for their own. It’s a personal and concerning attack to us.” Chatch explains. “Makes you all a threat.” Everyone was dumbstruck by Chatch’s view. The crowd took a few minutes to actually start murmuring again to each other, and for even Gorin to think of a reply.
That was the point Gaster had to leave. He ended up turning around and heading back to the school. He hid behind the back where practice happens, and pulled out his journal. He was going to write, but after a few moments he ended up tearing up to make his vision too blurry. Over the fact war might happen because he ran away, because he killed over someone who was like a father’s death, because he felt too emotional to control his anger he never really felt too much before. It felt like his fault, and upset him for those reasons.
He tried wiping away the tears but they kept flowing, and he just grew worse with the emotions. He never had a time he actually cried properly before. Vedran’s death was upsetting but it made him more numb than anything. He was passed out the day of it mostly so he couldn’t really mourn until he was at Nomeus’s place and already accepted the fact.
“Gaster, are you alright…?” a voice says while he tries to wipe the tears away. He looks up, not really wanting anyone to see him as a mess like that, but it’s obviously too late now. Asgore had said it and was standing just in front of him, looking concerned. Toriel looked upset as well, and came to Gaster’s side and kneeled down.
Gaster stays silent for a bit, trying and kind of succeeding at wiping his tears away. “Y-yeah I’m just fine…”
“If something is wrong we’re here to help you know.” Toriel says with a sad look. He takes a minute to think of and say something.
“I don’t- really want to burden anyone with what’s wrong if something is. I just- would like it to be left alone- just to not have anyone worry.” Gaster mumbles, making it almost not that audible.
“We… Understand…” Toriel says, looking down a bit. “If that is what you wish, we shall accept it, but just know we are here for you.” Asgore nods in agreement.
“T-thanks Toriel- and you too Asgore…” Gaster replies and the other two reply with a smile.
“Call me Tori if you want, it’s what my friends do.” Toriel says with a smile, and Gaster nods. He wasn’t sure if he would actually use it though.
After that, Asgore sat down by Gaster’s side and Toriel too, but it was silent until Nomeus showed up, who was clueless of what happened. The day continued somewhat normally, but Gaster wasn’t in a very great mood from it. The warning was stuck in his mind all day from then on…
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sweetdreemurrs · 8 years
The Wedding
The day had finally come. Asgore and Toriel were going to be officially remarried.
Asriel was even the ring bearer. Chara meanwhile, was the receptionist greeting everyone who came to the open invitation. Flowers were still a bit strange to them considering all that had happened, so Frisk happily played the role of throwing flower petals. Undyne was happily playing the organ as Alphys double-checked that everything was in order. After making sure everything was going smoothly the small scientist let out a sigh of relief. Asgore and his groomsmen, a certain pair of skeletons, were in place and casually talking.
“come on pal, it’s nothin’ to be worried about.” Sans said.
“That is easy for you to say. You are not the one being married.” Asgore replied as he desperately tried to make sure his hair was in it’s right place.
“and i probably never will be. doesn’t mean you have to be so nervous. today is your big day, fluffybuns.” Sans said with a shrug.
“Well that was more us joking about all the meanings but-” Asgore said before promptly getting cut off.
“But nothing. You proposed, so you have to deal with it. It’s not your funeral, probably.” Gerson stated.
“Gerson-” Asgore started to say.
“Speaking of which she’s here.” Gerson said.
As if on cue, Toriel walked into the room, dressed in her beautiful silk wedding dress. It flowed all the way down to her feet and left a small trail behind her.  She was holding an equally beautiful bouquet of roses, pansies, golden flowers, and white carnations. She began her walk as the organ played. Frisk threw petals of red and pink down the aisle as they followed their mother. Upon reaching her groom, Toriel stood opposite of him while Frisk stood behind her.
“The rings.” Gerson said. Upon hearing the request Asriel ran up the aisle, rings in hand before handing them off to his parents. He smiled at the two of them before standing next to Papyrus. After a brief pause of Asgore and Toriel smiling at each other, Gerson began reading from his scripture. Upon reaching the vows, Asgore cleared his throat and began his speech. He had always had an excellent way with words, and she was quite curious as to what he would say.
“Toriel… I know that we have had our ups and downs in the past. But I want you to know that I live only for you and our family. I love you more than life itself, and I will do anything to please you. I know I have hurt you in the past, and it is something I regret with my entire being. I want to do everything together. We can travel, grow old together, everything. You are not just the woman I love. You are the person closest to my soul, and I plan on showering you with my love with every moment I share with you. There is nothing that can keep me from loving you, not even time itself. I love you Toriel and I always will.”
His speech had caused a tear to fall from her eye, which she quickly caught and wiped away. She couldn’t help but tear up a bit and laugh. It took her a moment but eventually she got to her vows as well.
“We have been through so much, the two of us. Prince Asgore Dreemurr. That is who I met in my small bakery countless years ago. I remember how hard you fought for me. You did not care for spoiled nobles or riches beyond your wildest dreams. No. You picked me. Your ‘Tori’. A simple maid who had worked her whole life just to survive. I remember how angered your father had become upon learning about me. Honestly, it was quite amusing but I digress. After what seemed like forever we were finally wed. And then disaster struck. We were in the middle of war. But I still had you. My ‘Gorey’. We rebuilt our kingdom, but in our own vision. There were no ‘peasants’ or ‘poor’. Everyone was finally equal but at the cost of our freedom. But it was something we were proud of. It became even better when we finally had our heir… our Asriel. You truly felt like a king then. And then Chara came to us and everything changed once more. We expanded our underground kingdom. We were no longer in Home. We were in Snowdin, Waterfall, Hotland, and everywhere in between. And then we found it. A large hole where we could see past the barrier and see the sunlight once more. This was the start of our ‘New Home’. Decades later and we are on the surface with another child and are to be wed once more. And what a journey it has been. We have indeed had our ups and downs, Asgore. But there is no one I would rather go through it with.”
“We gather here to unite these two people in marriage. Their decision to marry has not been entered into lightly and today they publicly declare their private devotion to each other and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...
“Do you both pledge to share your lives openly with one another, and to speak the truth in love? Do you promise to honor and tenderly care for one another, cherish and encourage each other, stand together, through sorrows and joys, hardships and triumphs for all the days of your lives no matter what?” Gerson said, raising a weathered eyebrow
“We do,” they promised.
“Alright, Toriel, do you promise to love and support Asgore as you take him to be your husband, and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion with him?”
“I do.” She looked back at Asgore and smiled before allowing Gerson to fit the ring on her finger.
“Last chance…” Gerson said jokingly to Asgore as he flipped to the next page.
“Gerson!” Both boss monsters said in a hushed whisper.
“Alright, alright, take a joke will ya?” He cleared his throat. “Do you, Asgore, take Toriel as your lovely wedded wife and live each day with kindness, understanding, truth, humor, and passion with her?”
“I do.” He said, looking into her eyes, a warm smile on his face.
“Then with the power within me, I name thee Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
The two lovers held each other’s hands as Asgore leaned forward and kissed Toriel. She happily returned the kiss, tears forming in her happy eyes. They finally got their happy ending. After parting she wiped the mist from her eyes and smiled up to her husband. He smiled back warmly before picking her up in his arms and kissing her multiple times. She couldn’t help but laugh at the affection.
He closed his scripture with an overly loud clap and raised his hands into the air. “Mazel Tov.” After a collective giggle from the crowd, he stepped down from the altar. “Well it seems like you two are all ready for the honeymoon. I’ll be going now.” Gerson said, tucking his book under his arm and walking past the two as Asgore lowered Toriel down.
“At least join us for the reception, you old fart.” Toriel said with a small smirk.
“Alright, alright.” The old turtle responded, a hint of laughter in Gerson’s voice.
At the reception, Asgore and Toriel were more than glad to answer questions. It was almost like the press conferences they were used to but with far more casual banter and certainly more friends.
After opening quite a large amount of gifts, jokes, and stories were told. Gerson had quite a few stories and was certainly not afraid to tell them.
“...So after hours of looking around the village for him, I finally find the prince. He was skinny dipping in the lake! His fluffybuns on display and everything! The thing is that he wasn’t alone either. A lady was there too, with her own fluffy rear to match!” He glanced towards Toriel. “When he finally saw me, his first thought was to hide her by pushing her into the water… He nearly drowned the poor woman!” He exclaimed, every one joining him in laughter.
“Do not say that... I was perfectly fine Gerson.” Toriel stated, turning red in the process.
“Either way, that was quite the first impression.” Gerson laughed.
The two newly weds were red as berries as Gerson continued his story telling, each small story turning their cheeks an ever darker hue.
Sans butted in as the two were slowly trying to hide themselves. “not to be the buzzkill or anything, but you two are forgetting something.”
The pair looked at eachother then back to Sans before the skeleton pointed to the bouquet that was sitting next to Toriel on the couch.
Every would-be bride got excited as Toriel stood up and had the flowers in her hand. She covered her eyes and tossed the bundle back behind her. Though, she overthrew it a bit. The bouquet soared over the heads of everyone who was vying to catch it and into the arms of none other than Burgerpants.
He looked over at the angry mob of women, and the sound of cracking knuckles came from Undyne.
“Why me?”
Asgore and Toriel are now married!
Holy crap! We finally got here! I’ve been working towards this moment for so long!
First of all, thank you to all of those who have supported me since the start of the blog a year ago. Thank you so much for sticking with me. Thanks to those just getting to know the story as well.
A special thanks to @mcdoogly or Doogle. Without him, my story posts like this one would be only 75% as good. Check out his amazing fanfics when you get the chance. He has some of the best fluff (as well as smut on his other blog) I have ever read. He is awesome and deserves some love. Also, he is amazing at writing Gerson, which is a small part as to why Gerson is a big thing in this. (The other part being that Gerson is just a great character in general.) Again, Doogle, you are amazing!
Special thanks to everyone I talk to, the people who I follow, etc.
Now then, the main story is over. However, don’t even think this blog is done. I will continue to answer asks and who knows, we might have another cookout scenario or something.
Thanks again everyone. You guys are awesome.
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Fallout 4: Placing “And Chara (Child)” Next To Sole Survivor Worked (A FNAF X Fallout x Undertale Crossover)
I tested it out, it does appear that the name I chose and adding “and Chara (Child) did end up appearing in that computer terminal in that same room that Sole Survivor/[Redact] wakes up in...
when looking at the names of the Pod Occupant Status...
the names came out as normal, only with a slight difference.
[Pod C1: Empty]
(which I think it could be reference to the Player in real life.)
[Pod C2: Mrs Callahan]
[Pod C3: Mr. Callahan]
[Pod C4: Mr. Able]
[Pod C5: Mrs Able]
[Pod C6: Nate and Shaun (infant)]
[Pod C7: Charlotte Emily and Chara (Child)]
[Pod C8: Mr. Russell]   
the reason why I chose “Charlotte Emily”, it having to do with FNAF and makes it seem like Charlotte Emily from FNAF is related to Chara from Undertale.
I like the idea that Chara’s birth name is Charlotte, like if we view Chara as a boy or girl or enby (that might be a Enboy or Enbirl depending if they a Nonbinary-Boy or Nonbinary-Girl, but they could just be Nonbinary and only go by Enby.) Chara’s full name could be either Charlotte, Charles or Charlie.
of course when I put the “and” part in the middle of Charlotte Emily and Chara (Child), I had to make the “a” part small instead of big “A”...
but it did seem to work and it does make it seem that Nate/Nora and Sole Survivor has more than one child, and makes it seem that Shaun has a older sibling.
I would of been done much sooner after checking that out, but there was something that got in the way of my quick check and getting back to my plans to talking about the whole placing “and Chara (Child)” along with the sole survivor’s name test....and that was having to eat, which I could of decided not to at that moment until I was finished, but I had to...
and because of how long it took to finish the said food and the time that was passing, I was becoming even more late to hurry up with what I wanted to do and get back to checking some stuff here on tumblr...
and I know I had a very long sleep and mostly slept most of the day away because of how long I was playing Fallout 4, and well it be nice if I didn’t have to eat right then and there, when I was trying to do that, but I guess I haven’t had anything since I woke up, and I guess it was a good thing I had something to eat, even if I was busy with that.
I’m going to sign off for a few hours, I will be back later, so my checking out some stuff like art on here will have to wait a few more hours.
I might change the name “Charlotte Emily” from the Sole Survivor’s name in Fallout 4, when I edit out “and Chara (Child)” but maybe I will keep Charlotte Emily’s name in there, or change the first name into a name that I think Charlotte Emily’s Mother would be named as....
I would have to check the Fallout wikia to see what name Codsworth would recognize and say with his voice, I know there is only some names he will recognize, and I want to choose the ones that he will be able to say in the game with his actual voice.
lucky the Player can change the name and even the appearance before leaving the Vault.
I still need to go to my other save, and try to find Dogmeat, I have to find that fluffy baby and hope nothing has happen to him.
anyway once again, fan theory confirms that if you had “and [Name] (Child)” but have the given name and possibly surname of the Sole Survivor come first before placing “and [Name] (Child)”, it does make it seem that Shaun has a Older sibling.
it doesn’t even have to be “Chara” it can be another name as well.
anyway I will back in a few hours, once again I didn’t mean to take that long, well it sure felt longer to me, I did want to hurry up and finish that and then get back on here, anyway I will be back later to check out some art.
and maybe I will do a post about a game theory, there is something I would like to talk about that concerns Prince Asriel Dreemurr, why the Resets are possible and why Flowey had it and the whole Frisk using the plunder ability to take it away from him....I will talk more about that in the next post after this, which wont be until a few hours or so...                           
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pyrocicle · 7 years
Muse Interview
Answering for four verses; Red’s, Daemon’s, trioverse, and chessverse.
Tagged by: @abrokenheartdisease​
Tagging: steal it fam
“Dove Jenni Dreemurr.”
“Dove Dreemurr.”
[They all started out as Jenni Lee Michaels, but circumstances caused their names to change--]
"yep! Red and Boss ended up naming me while we were figuring out Puppy - Theano’s - name.”
“pretty sure it’s the hair.”
“I was originally named for my grandmother - my middle name now. after His Majesty learned Mema adopted me he sort of insisted on doing the same, officially, and felt it was appropriate to use my chosen name as my official name.”
“when Her Majesty an’ Papa adopted me, since I didn’t officially exist, we just went with the name I use the most instead of the old one.”
"eeeeehn... HEY RED, ARE WE DATING OR WHAT? ... a’ight, dating but probably open-ish, question hasn’t actually come up” @starsgivemehp​
“eheheh, I have my puppy, so...” @abrokenheartdisease​‘s Daemon
“I gots m’bois~” @direfrail​
"a few cheap tricks - I can create barriers, use some divination, and I’m a pyromancer”
“due to the familiar bond, I have access to watered-down versions of Daemon’s powers”
“yep! I make bombs. and also help out with researching ways to break the barrier”
“eeeeehn... a few. most of them aren’t particularly useful here”
"bite me.”
“I’m gonna eatchu~”
“so’s yer fave.”
“pale blue, almost white”
"an extensive family on the surface. the skellies an’ Mema down here”
“my puppy?”
“m’bois, Puppy, Sparrow (bravery kid), Nicola (monster kid), an’ Elba (Albinoy, li’l skele girl)! Mema and Father. an extensive family on the surface. ”
“the bros, Puppy, Papa and Mother.”
"does Catpurnicus count?”
“... my puppy.”
Trying and failing to keep a straight face before doubling over and laughing, pointing at herself.
“... six cats.”
"Red judgin’ m’eatin’ habits”
“not always bein’ up to runnin’ Daemon”
“but I know exactly what it feels like to have a voice in the back of my mind--”
“... I miss my mom.”
"singing, dancing, making explosives...”
"shockingly, no.”
“frumious bandersnatch”
“a li’l bird, apparently”
[she’s also paranoid.]
"... Red. Boss. they’ve got better morals than I do”
“not anymore”
“nnnnnhhhhhh...” wiggly hand. Kinda, not really.
“Mother. Papa. Prise and Legall.”
"screw the gender binary in any and all forms, I’m fuckin’ pan.”
"I did. had almost gotten my AA” - First three
“yeah, workin’ on my bachelor’s degree.”
"... not seeing mom again”
“not being enough for Daemon”
“not being enough to save them”
“... I dunno”
"coat, sweater, pants, boots”
“coat, tank top, pants, boots”
"coat, sweater, pants, boots”
“tank top, shorts, boots or formalwear”
"considerin’ we just made the whole datin’ thing official, I think it’s a li’l early to be throwin’ the L word around”
“yep~ my puppy is my precious starshine~”
“yes~! see every name on my family list, I ain’ repeatin’ that with qualifications.”
Irritated look and silence.
"ghhhh... I’m not worried about that right now?”
“we’re currently homeless worldhoppers, does this really need more of an answer??”
“I’m a working princess, take a fucking guess.”
"... more than ya’d expect?”
“good question...?”
“a lot!! it’s exhausting sometimes.”
“a pretty decent amount. I don’t have a lot of time to spend with them, unfortunately, but I try”
"pieeeeee! second only to caaaake~”
“pomegranate juice”
“strawberry soda”
“mint tea”
“the hidey-hole”
“Sidi’s lap. shut up.”
“my goddamn room, not that I’m ever THERE.”
"Already with someone.” - first three
“...” nervous cough. “maaaybe.”
"32 F”
"neither, rivers and streams for the win!”
"I don’t have a specific type because i have several types.”
"lots. I like rope and chastity and breathplay and--”
“bast’s pinking tits, yes.”
0 notes
[RoyalTale] Chapter 1: The Eighth Royal Child
Summary: Frisk falls into the Underground and is swiftly adopted by the royal family. As the new Princess of Determination, she has a lot to get used to.
It hurt when Frisk fell from the top of Mt. Ebott.
She landed face-first on a flowerbed that seemed unusually soft and springy. Her entire body ached, as though she had belly-flopped face-first into frigid water. Groaning, she pushed herself up, then flopped back down as pain shot through her body. Something had to be broken, or at least cracked. Nonetheless, she could pick her head up to look around at the area. Aside from the golden flowers she laid on, the area was poorly lit. Her eyes gave her little information as to where she had landed. She had heard tales of the Underground beneath Mt. Ebott, where monsters supposedly had been sealed; while it was probably safe to conclude that she had landed there, she wouldn't be completely sure until she saw a monster in the flesh.
She could hear footsteps now, accompanied by faint humming to a tune she didn't recognize. Soon, the source of the sound appeared: a tall, white, goat-like monster, clad in a green and gold tunic, black pants, and a purple cape. The monster seemed surprised at the sight of Frisk; he cut off his humming and sprinted over to her. "Howdy!" he said once he got close, kneeling down to get closer to Frisk's eye level. She could see that his eyes were a vivid green. His low, loose ponytail hung rather close to her face when he bent down. "You've fallen down, haven't you?" Frisk nodded; that was one way to describe what had happened. "Here. Take my hand. I'll heal you." Frisk accepted the hand offered to her. A tingle ran through her body, and the pain faded away completely.
Awestruck at what had happened, Frisk slowly sat up, prodding various places and flexing her fingers to confirm that the damage had indeed been undone. "Feels better, doesn't it?" her savior asked. He offered his hand again to help her up, and she let him pull her to standing. "I should introduce myself... I'm Asriel, Prince of Monsters. Don't worry about any formalities. Just Asriel is fine." The phrase 'prince of monsters' confirmed that Frisk had indeed landed in the Underground. Though she was certainly out of her element, she couldn't bring herself to be more than slightly anxious. At the very least, she had lucked out and the prince of the region was friendly; perhaps others would follow his lead.
"Why don't you come with me?" Asriel asked. "I'll take you to the capital and help you get settled. Maybe we'll meet Connie on our way there." Frisk opened her mouth, intending to question what the prince meant by 'getting settled,' but he answered a different question instead. "Connie is the princess of the Ruins. She was actually the one who fell before you. She's kind of the baby of the family." He looked over his shoulder. "I'll tell you more as we go. Let's get moving, shall we? Mom and Dad will be happy to see you." Frisk decided to follow Asriel, not seeing any better paths to take.
The two proceeded through a large door, and the scenery changed. A purple labyrinth lined with red leaves sprawled in front of Frisk, and she tried to take in the sights as she walked. It seemed that she had to focus more on Asriel than her surroundings, as he had an awful lot to tell her. "The other princes and princesses and I... we're kind of like one big adoptive family. There are other humans down here, too, like Connie. When they fell, Mom and Dad decided to take them all in. So... there are eight Royal Children total, if you include me. Nine, if we include you too." Frisk's brows knitted in confusion at being included, and she tapped Asriel on the shoulder to get his attention. He looked back at her, his expression gentle. "Mom and Dad will probably want to take you in, too. That's why you make nine Royal Children. I know it's a lot to accept... but we'll make sure you get taken care of."
Frisk decided to stow her objections for the time being. It seemed like she was about to have some intriguing experiences, and it didn't seem like it would hurt to meet the others and get to know her new surroundings better. As the two advanced through the Ruins, Asriel pushed rocks onto switches and pulled levers. Even as he did this, he never stopped talking. "You look a bit older than most of the others were when they fell," Asriel said. "How old are you? Seventeen?" Frisk shook her head. "Sixteen?" Again came the negative. "Eighteen?" This time, Frisk nodded. "Ah, that would make you the oldest to fall, then. I mean, some of them are your age or a bit older, but they were younger when they fell. And that makes you my age, sort of! Monster aging is kind of complicated, and sometimes time passes oddly down here."
There was a large patch of spikes in the middle of the ruins. "All right, stay behind me through this one," Asriel said. Frisk did so, and the spikes lowered around them in a set path. "Puzzles are an important part of the Underground. They make things complicated sometimes, but they're a tradition." From there, more leaf-lined pathways appeared, and Asriel led Frisk through a particularly dense cluster of them. "I never get tired of how the leaves sound when you step on them. They're so crunchy. It's like getting to eat Popato Chisps without actually eating them."
After some more twists and turns, Asriel and Frisk stood in front of what was either a very small castle or a very large house. "And here we are," Asriel said. "The castle of the Ruins. There's an elevator here that'll take us to the capital. If I see Connie, I'll introduce her to you." Frisk followed him in through the double doors. The foyer of the castle seemed more like a large living room than anything suiting a castle; there was a simple rug covering most of the wood-paneled floor, and a number of couches and armchairs could be found throughout the room. Though it was tempting to ask for a break from the walking, she said nothing and continued to follow the monster prince as he led her to a dim room in the back of the castle.
"Hmm, no sign of Connie. I guess she stepped out for a bit," Asriel mumbled as he fumbled around for something in one of his pockets. Soon, he pulled a small green crystal out and held it to a hexagonal plaque on the wall. The plaque lit up, a section of the wall slid away, and an elevator door was revealed. "Here we are. Ladies first!" Frisk hesitated at first, but then decided to step into the elevator. She had come too far to turn back, and even if she did turn back, it was highly unlikely that she would be able to get anywhere. Asriel entered after her and pushed a button, and the elevator hummed and vibrated as it traveled through the Underground. Eventually, with a cheery "ding," it stopped, and the doors opened.
The elevator opened into a stone pathway. As Frisk continued to follow Asriel, she saw that the path opened to her left, giving her a good view of a city with stone towers and streets. She could even see people going to and fro around the area. "This is New Home, the capital of the Underground," Asriel explained. "It's where my family lives and oversees everything from." From there, a door led to a glimmering golden hallway, with stained glass windows lining the walls. The windows bore a peculiar insignia: a winged circle over three triangles. Asriel noticed that Frisk's attention was lingering on those and gave another explanation. "On the windows is the Delta Rune. It's kind of like our family crest, but it's also a symbol of a prophecy about someone who will free us all." Frisk continued to dutifully follow Asriel to the end of the hallway. They passed through a large door, and the next area was quite different.
The foyer of the castle seamlessly blended a homey atmosphere with a castle's spaciousness. The floors were polished wood, while the walls were an off-white that gave a comfortingly bland feel. In some places, tapestries and paintings decorated the walls. A few monsters of various types, from a humanoid made of blue flame to a floating eyeball, milled about; some called greetings to the prince. Asriel led Frisk up the thick purple carpet that was spread across the middle of the room. "We're almost there," he said. "Brace yourself. Mom and Dad can be a little, um, overbearing when new humans come, but they mean well." The wood flooring transitioned to grass around the carpet, and then to a swath of golden flowers. Up ahead, two monsters resembling Asriel sat on thrones next to each other, one with a glorious golden mane and beard and the other in an elegant purple dress. "I'm home," Asriel called to them.
The more masculine of the pair stood up. "Welcome home, son!" he boomed with cheer. He stood up, and the feminine monster followed.
"Welcome home, my child," she said, her voice warm. She tilted slightly to look behind Asriel. "Ah, but who is this? Has another one fallen down?"
"That's right. Mom, this is..." At that moment, Asriel's face fell. "Oh no. I never even got your name. I'm sorry."
"Frisk," Frisk said softly. "It's okay."
"Well, Frisk!" The manly monster chuckled. "Welcome to the Underground. I am King Asgore Dreemurr. Beside me is my lovely wife and Queen, Toriel. And of course, you've met our wonderful son already."
Toriel cleared her throat. "One of them. Asriel, have you seen Chara since you left?"
Asriel shook his head. "I'm afraid I haven't, but I'm sure he'll be home for dinner. You know how he is."
"I do indeed," Toriel said before looking to Frisk. "Chara is one of our Royal Children. In fact, he is the first human that fell into the Underground and the first one we took in. All of our children are precious, but Chara still holds a special distinction."
"He's my little big brother," Asriel said with a chuckle. "He came after me, but he's older."
"At any rate, we should get you settled," Asgore said. "Tori, do you think Frisk can help out in the Ruins? I think it would be a good start, so that Connie isn't there all by herself."
"I see no problem with that," Toriel said with a nod. "But first, I do believe that we should get Frisk properly outfitted, should we not?"
"But of course. After all, as one of the Royal Children, you need to look the part!" Asgore gave a high, piercing whistle, and two hummingbird-like monsters flitted in, along with a small cyclops-like creature wheeling in a strange device that looked like a goat skull placed on top of a television. "First, we would like to see your Aspect. It's a piece of you that dominates your spirit and colors your soul. For example, Connie's Aspect is Patience, and her soul is a bright blue. Chara's Aspect is Determination, and his soul is red. Let's see what yours is."
The goat skull pointed itself at Frisk, and an unsettling rattling noise filled the room. After some mechanical whirrs and clicks, there was a "ding," and a red heart showed up on the television's screen. "Another child of Determination!" Toriel exclaimed. She walked over to Frisk and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Chara will be interested in this news, I am sure. Now, please, come with me, my child. What you are currently wearing may be fine on a slow day, but you should have at least one nice dress." Taking Frisk's hand, she led her out of the throne room and down a hallway to the side of the foyer. The two flighty bird monsters followed along, and eventually they ended up in what appeared to be a tailor's studio, complete with dress forms and mannequins. "Here we are! Our royal tailors will handle everything from here. I will be waiting outside if you have any questions."
Frisk opened her mouth to speak, but changed her mind as Toriel made her exit. The two birds fluttered towards her with a tape measure, and all she could do was stare with a befuddled amusement as they gathered her measurements with a peculiar precision. After doing so, they fluttered off somewhere, leaving Frisk alone to wonder what was going to happen. A series of bizarre, disjointed mechanical noises jolted Frisk out of her brief reverie, and with another "ding," the noises stopped. The birds returned, holding up a beautiful red dress with transparent sections along the hem and bust, and a large bow on the back. Two fluffy white dogs also scurried in, one carrying a pair of red heels and the other carrying sleeves to match the dress that were puffy at one end. While the outfit was certainly showier than anything Frisk was used to, even she couldn't deny that there was a certain appeal to the getup, and so she let the birds help her into the dress with their little pulls and holds. When she was done, the dogs nudged a tall mirror over to her, her eyes went wide. Just a change in clothing seemed to overhaul her entire appearance for the better. Clothes really did make the man, so to speak.
At that moment, Toriel knocked on the door. "Frisk? Are they finished with you yet?"
"Yes, come in," Frisk called back.
The door opened, and Toriel stepped in. When she saw Frisk, she gasped dramatically. "You look beautiful, Frisk! Our tailors have done a wondrous job once more." The Queen took Frisk's hand. "Let us go back to the throne room. I am sure that Asriel would like to see your transformation." That last sentence made Frisk raise an eyebrow, but she voiced no objection.
Once Toriel and Frisk returned to the throne room, Asgore clapped his hands together. "Stunning! You really do look like a Princess of Determination," he said, beaming with joy.
Asriel was somewhat flagrantly gawking at Frisk. "Wow. You wouldn't think just a dress would do so much for a person, but it does." Frisk ignored his staring and nodded, and he regained his composure. "Mom and Dad are having some provisions sent to the Ruins for you, so it's time we headed there to get you set up. Maybe Connie will be in this time around, and you can finally meet who you'll be sharing the area with." As he walked by Frisk, he bid his parents farewell. "Mom, Dad, I'll be back in a bit."
"Safe travels, son," Asgore called after him. With that, Asriel and Frisk exited the throne room and headed for the elevator that brought them to New Home.
As they went through the hallway that led to the elevator, a masculine voice made Asriel stop walking. "Asriel." When the prince was unable to find the speaker, the source hopped out of the shadows, revealing himself to be a young man with shaggy brown hair, a tunic similar to Asriel's, a red cloak, and a rather rosy complexion. "Heh. All this time and you still can't figure out where I'm hiding when I do that to you?"
Asriel exhaled heavily. "All this time and you still don't get the hint that I hate when you do that," he said. Despite himself, he chuckled. "Still, glad to see you're home from wherever you wandered off to."
"Thanks," Chara said, patting Asriel on the shoulder. "And this fine lady is Frisk, I take it?"
"That's right," Asriel said. "Meet sister number four, Frisk, Princess of Determination."
"Ooh, another one with Determination. I think we'll get along," Chara said, flashing Frisk a charming smile. "Be nice to my big little brother, okay? He may be all handsome and strong now, but he was a real crybaby when we were kids. Still is, really."
"Knock it off," Asriel grunted.
"What's the matter? You don't want me to embarrass you in front of the new girl? That's too bad, because I've got a good one. Remember that time I dared you to eat a whole pie, and you did? Man, that was-"
"You ate everything else in the fridge before I even got three quarters of the way through," Asriel said. "We both got super sick, so I don't even know why you picked that story."
Chara laughed Asriel off. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Frisk, I take it you haven't seen him eat yet? This guy is practically a bottomless void. Between him and Dad, I'm surprised there's no bites taken out of the dinner table."
Frisk giggled, and Asriel sighed. "Why do you always pick on that?"
"Because it makes you squirm," Chara said. "Anyway, before you get too far, I should warn you about something, Frisk," he added, his expression becoming serious. "There's been whispers of a rebellion against the Royal Children. The rumors have been around since Connie arrived, but now that you're here, I wouldn't be surprised if things got more intense around here."
Asriel nodded solemnly. "It's true. I've been doing the best I can to investigate, but I haven't found a single lead."
"it's hard to go off aimless whispers," Chara said, his gaze fixed on Frisk. "But they definitely exist. Do you know why anyone would want to destroy our happy family?" He barely let her answer before he continued. "The barrier that keeps us trapped here could be broken with the power of seven human souls. With you here, we have eight. So... anything can happen now."
"Chara, she just got here. Why are you trying to scare her before she's even had the opportunity to do anything?" Asriel said.
Chara held his hands up as a gesture of surrender. "You've got a point. Monsters are nice people, and they're fond of the humans that are already here, so I'm sure they'll like Frisk too." He took a few steps past Asriel and Frisk. "Well, I'm going to go check in with Mom and Dad. Go get Frisk set up."
"Right. See you." With that, the brothers parted ways, and Asriel heaved a heavy sigh. "Don't mind him. Chara's a great brother, but he likes to tease. Anyway, shall we move on?"
Frisk nodded, and with that, she took the elevator with Asriel back to the Ruins.
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