#v; the travelling witch 💛
pyrocicle · 7 years
|| belonging ||
@abrokenheartdisease con’t from [x] 
He was mid-slash for a crossing wound when he heard her quiet voice. Kicking away the body left behind, he turned to her, weapon disappearing. She seemed flustered… A hint of blue spread across his cheekbones as he looked away quickly again.
“Y-YES, THAT’S RIGHT. MINE. I WOULD’VE THOUGHT THAT WAS OBVIOUS BY NOW…” The words were sharp, but there was an underlying affection he was attempting to play off.
She still caught the blush, but knew better than to say anything by now. Instead she just squeezed the soft material of her scarf and smiled under the folds of it. She glanced down and away before she could find the words, shifting from foot to foot gently. Very flustered. She was wearing a scarf and gloves he’d made for her, both designed with her stims and tendency to hide in mind; the only way to be more obviously his would be a collar!
“well, ye-es... but it’s... it’s still nice to hear it. knowing it’s true is one thing. having it confirmed is...” It was difficult to admit she liked being claimed. Sharp as his words were, hers were soft. She had never thought she would feel this way, beyond something of an understanding of Daemon being hers. No, theirs. 
Knowing that Howl wouldn’t chase her off for Daemon’s sake, even hearing him say he’d miss her if she was gone... it was different than hearing he wantedexpected her at his side.
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pyrocicle · 7 years
{ @abrokenheartdisease } Dove being human occasionally got the travelling pair into trouble. Mostly it was in the darker timelines, and this one was no different. Someone had made the mistake of attacking Dove while she was shopping for a few practical things. She had dodged the attacks elegantly, knowing her alarm would bring her guard dog before she could form a counterattack.
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pyrocicle · 7 years
|| found ||
{ @abrokenheartdisease }
Dove's grip around Daemon's shoulders tightened minutely as they emerged from a cross-world teleport into a new timeline. Absently, she noticed it appeared to be a classic, and likely peaceful. Good. With any luck they could have a relaxing day for once. It was always a better day when she didn't have to call on their bond to yank the power right out of Daemon before he could use it. One hand gently stroked over the interwoven golden vines that circled his throat, under the collar Howl had gifted him. Maybe today was the day...
Her mind was already reaching for the void and the voice she knew lurked there.
[ * hello? ]
[ * Oh! Greetings. Are you here looking for the other stranger? He has been disturbing the natural order of things quite severely... ]
"there's a stranger here..." Her voice was dreamy and distant, but the warning could save their lives. [ * possibly. is his name Howl? he should look something like... ] words faded into her approximation based on Daemon's description.
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