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proxylynn · 7 years ago
Dreemurr Academy #11 (UnderSwap Gaster)
Dreemurr Academy, a prestigious closed-off college for monsters and humans alike of all ages and worlds.
This includes myself, though I'm sort of an in-between.
I'm Lynsie, the human anomaly. I'm a human, but I can do magic like monsters. I'm an oddball.
That's the thing about making a school that is open to multiple alternate dimensions. Weird things are bound to show up. Even a bunch of the same person. From what I saw on orientation day, the same faces are scattered around all around.
To fix these type of issues, everyone that has a multiple or doppelganger is given a school name so there's no confusion.
Other than that, it's fairly normal. The hierarchy is the simple.
The Deans are made up of the same people, skeleton monsters that go by the name of Gaster. One is a teacher of the Sciences, goes by Wingding. He's a kind and understanding man but is known to pull a prank or two. They all speak in a typeface sign language but use telepathy magic so others understand. It's been said no one has ever heard their real voices and those that have are no longer at the academy.
Another Gaster dean teaches Home Economics, he goes by Wingy. He's a bubbly sweet guy that loves his work. Nothing makes him smile more than seeing the joy on a student's face when they take pride in being able to do something they first thought they couldn't.
Another Gaster dean teaches the studies of Magic, he is called Fall. At times, he can be cynical, malicious, and sarcastic. He has a commanding presence that exuded gravitas, authority, and control, able to keep a class quiet without effort. Yet there is a kindness to him, it's rarely seen, but not unheard of.
Another Gaster dean teaches History, his nickname is Dings. A cold, bitter, and sometimes childish man. He tends to hold grudges against troublesome students and is extremely spiteful toward those whom he dislikes. Yet those that can take his punishments are rewarded with his respect. He is a teacher that commands respect and whose grades are earned with doom hanging over your head.
The Professors are also skeleton monsters, but not all are the same person. The Psychology professor is a guy named Papyrus but goes by Stretch. He's the favorite among students because he's so laid back. He chews a toothpick in class to suppress his urge to smoke, but we all know he does so when on break. He's really good at reading students and helps out when able. All in all, he's the cool teacher.
The Literature professor is a Papyrus that is called Fell. He is the one teacher everyone dreads. Very strict and old-fashioned. He does not tolerate interruptions and will humiliate those he feels need to be taken down a notch. Such things take their toll on him and often squeezes a stress ball that he keeps on his desk. But he is a very passionate man when it comes to his work and takes his subject seriously, even though this makes him into a bit of a grammar nazi which is why many students get low grades.
The Biology professor is a skeleton called Sans that sometimes goes by Classic, whatever that means. He is very cheesy and comes off as lazy, making puns that have people cringe yet secretly love them. He is very protective of his students and will go out of his way to help them. He does not tolerate bullying of any kind and can be quite scary. He's the second favorite among the students.
The Physical Education professor is also a Sans that goes by Pain. He is also a stern and old school type of teacher, only he tends to be crueler in the humiliation of students that are unprepared. While his scope is all around, he prefers the darker side of the study. Using borderline violence to weed out the weak that think taking his class is an easy A. There is mercy in his dojo, but it must be earned with blood, sweat, and tears.
The Students are broken into four groups based on which part of the four years they are currently in. The first years are called freshmen. Second years are sophomores. Third years are juniors. And fourth years are seniors. There are some variations on this topic, but this hierarchy of college students is still readily recognizable by everyone.
Me? This isn't my first rodeo but not my last. I'm a sophomore and have gotten the gist of who's who and what's what. I get along with students and teachers. I've always been a middle ground type of girl.
I didn't come looking for friends, but they just seemed to find me. Funny enough, my buddies are the brothers of the professors. Stretch's brother is a freshman, his name is Sans but goes by Rascal. Fell's brother, also a Sans, is a sophomore like me and goes by Edgy. Classic's brother is a Papyrus, a freshman that goes by Papy. And Pain's brother is a sophomore Papyrus by the name of Slim.
I've always been a tomboy. I prefer the company of guys. They're different and fun, even if they can be a bit odd sometimes.
Rascal, as the nickname implies, is the school clown/prankster. He likes to test his limits and challenge authority, even dishevels his uniform to assert his individuality. He comes off as a slacker but secretly is very deep, clever, and loyal to a fault. He likes taking his brother's class so he can improve his skills with messing with people, mostly his brother as he disrupts his teachings when he sees a chance.
Edgy is shy around new people and slow to open up, enjoying a laugh with friends when able. Though he appears weak or even nerdy because of his glasses, he is far tougher than he leads on. He doesn't take crap from anyone. When alone, he's angsty and borders on straight up angry. Getting a pissy attitude when annoyed. Like his brother, he is very passionate about literature and does his best to impress his brother, going so far as to become the teacher's pet.
Papy is easily the most lovable guy in the whole school. Very cheerful and optimistic, he tries his best no matter what. He doesn't like conflict and tries to keep his brother out of trouble when the teacher pulls a prank. I find it sweet of him to take his brother's class even though he doesn't particularly enjoy it, just so he can stay close to him. Like I said, this guy is a lovable soul.
Slim is easy going. He doesn't take things too seriously and never breaks a sweat over hard exams. The only thing that breaks his cool is his smoking, he really gets tense if he goes too long without his fix. He's incredibly smart and instinctual, good traits to have when dealing with his brother. While he does attend his brother's class, he merely does so as a request of his brother who likes to make sure he doesn't slack off due to not being challenged enough.
All of them are oddly related to each other in some form. Gaster's, Papyrus's, and Sans's are brothers. Yet I see them all as different people. I value them. They're helping me even if they don't know it. I am not so confident in myself. I tend to isolate myself, go at things lone wolf style. It's how I've always been. Then I met them and slowly my world began to expand bit by bit. I'm still not comfortable with others. But with them, I can step out from behind my mask for a bit, and really be myself around them.
Today is a typical day. It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like these, it's perfect weather for a game of catch or a trip to the beach. But for me, this is not the case. Lately, there's been one class I am less than getting by in and, as sexist as it sounds, it's a class I should be doing well in...Home Economics.
Home economics, or as Professor Wingy likes to call it, domestic science or home science, is a field of study that deals with the economics and management of the home and community. It deals with the relationship between individuals, families, communities, and the environment in which they live. Situated in the human sciences, home economics draws from a range of disciplines to achieve optimal and sustainable living for individuals, families, and communities.
Historically, home economics has been in the context of the home and household, but this has extended in the 21st century to include the wider living environments as we better understand that the capacities, choices, and priorities of individuals and families impact at all levels, ranging from the household to the local and the global community. Home Economists are concerned with promoting and protecting the well-being of individuals, families, and communities; they facilitate the development of attributes for lifelong learning for paid, unpaid, and voluntary work. Home economics professionals are advocates for individuals, families, and communities.
The content of home economics comes from the synthesis of multiple disciplines. This interdisciplinary knowledge is essential because the phenomena and challenges of everyday life are not typically one-dimensional. The content of home economics courses vary, but may include: food, nutrition, and health; personal finance; family resource management and planning; textiles and clothing; shelter and housing; consumerism and consumer science; household management; design and technology; food science and hospitality; human and monster development and family studies; communication and extension education and community services, among others. The capacity to draw from such disciplinary diversity is a strength of the profession, allowing for the development of specific interpretations of the field, as relevant to the context.
These things make up the class and these things are stuff that a girl like me lacks skill in. As a still mostly antisocial tomboy, things of this girly nature are not so easily mastered, at least some of it isn't. Things like family finances are simple enough. Family finances typically address theoretical issues of organization and management processes related to family spending, economic decision-making, saving and borrowing. This is so we may learn information about household production and human capital development while learning about economic crises, public policies, human capital, and resource management.
Nutrition is another easy one. Nutrition commonly addresses the role of nutrition and food intake in an individual's life as well as nutrient sources and requirements for an individual's well being. Within a nutrition course, students may study topics that include digestion, absorption, and metabolism. Students may also learn about dietary recommendations, nutrient deficiencies, and toxicities.
Textiles is something I am not so good at. In the textile-related course, students may study the types of textiles and their properties. They can learn to identify a variety of fibers. Generally, students also learn about the selection, use, and maintenance of various textiles related to both apparel and interior design. Many textile courses offer students hands-on experience, and students come to understand various processes and finishes for fibers that can help them establish the value of textiles as consumers, designers, and merchandisers.
Merchandising is one I'm apparently failing at. Merchandising courses typically discuss the business principles related to retail, apparel, and services. Within these courses, students may learn about approaches to inventory styling, pricing, and timing, problems in the retail industry and marketing theories. These courses may also give students an idea of planning and budget a business.
Family Studies is easier than I thought it would be. Courses that discuss family studies address and analyze issues, theories and research of human development, family development, and relationships. Students may review external factors and individual decisions that impact the family structure.
Education is simple, obviously. Students can learn about different educational philosophies and research methods. They might study the use of instructional technology, the needs of students with disabilities and the curricula followed at different stages of learning. Additionally, they can delve into studies of educational psychology.
Financial Management for Individuals and Families, yes, it's basically like the first one but I need the credits. This course explores basic budgeting, use of credit, home buying, insurance, investments and other financially related topics. Students learn how to develop personal or family financial plans for their households, including savings for retirement, college or home buying. The class is taught primarily through lecture and discussion.
Family Ecosystems and Relationships are like family studies, but more of a pain in the ass. Participants in this class study various relationships within families and the issues surrounding them. The curriculum addresses the family as a social unit in a larger society. Discussions related to family dynamics, changes throughout the life cycle, and social conditions help students illuminate factors that may place stress on a family. Other possible topics include prevention of teenage pregnancy, domestic violence, family planning, conflict resolution, and non-traditional family structures.
Interior Design and Aesthetics, I'm failing this one because I could care less about this shit. Coursework addresses the aesthetic, social, and economic aspects of home design and decoration. Students learn to analyze homes for furnishing and equipment needs, taking into account aspects of functionality, aesthetics, and durability. Also discussed are environmental concerns in the home and the needs of diverse populations. Students may design a home environment using drawings or collages.
Diet and Meal Planning is more my jam, but not really, I'm a jelly kind of girl. This course covers the planning and organization of family meals. The curriculum addresses family size, nutritional needs of family members, economic levels and family schedules. Students learn about the meal traditions and requirements of different ethnic backgrounds and ages. Recipe writing and critique may be included. A lab unit affords students the opportunity to prepare meals under instructor guidance.
Then there's my pure talent course, cooking, and all its forms. Cuisine Technique Essentials teaches fundamental cuisine skills that will provide a solid foundation of technical knowledge. Techniques are apply-able to a number of carefully selected recipes to develop practical abilities. This course has been designed to improve confidence in the kitchen at home and provide an essential repertoire of skills that can be applied daily to a variety of dishes.
Cuisine classes are like a buffet, everything you want in one place. Master basic to advanced culinary techniques that apply to any style of cuisine. Explore French culinary traditions, global cuisines, and current trends. It addresses the principles of nutrition and food science, and their application within culinary arts in the following disciplines: health, science, sustainability, and gastronomy with an emphasis on nutrition. Perfect for the culinary enthusiast or people looking to gain a little more confidence at home in their own kitchen, it's a great way to discover international cuisines, cuisine techniques and creative cooking with vegetables as you can hone your culinary skills, as well as becoming more creative in both taste and presentation. The Core Units of this class are: Traditional French Cuisine Skills. Cuisine Kitchen Operations. Food Safety and hygiene. The Core Objectives are to demonstrate fundamental basic cuisine preparations and cooking techniques including: knife skills. Basic classical vegetable cuts. Fish filleting skills. Elementary sauces and emulsions. Basic stocks and derivatives. Basic doughs (e.g. pasta and puff pastry). Introduction to plating presentation. Basic plated desserts for restaurants. Elementary methods of cooking e.g. braising, pan-frying, boiling, deep-frying, roasting, and steaming. Identify French culinary terms. Follow health, safety and hygiene regulations. Identify wine & alcoholic beverages. Obtain basic cheese knowledge. Develop personal kitchen organization and management skills.
Gastronomy & Nutrition is pretty interesting. Exploring Gastronomy through practical culinary skills alongside the principles of Nutrition. Learning about current food trends and how nutrition, health, and food interact. Adapting recipes, creating innovative dishes using global flavors and acquiring knowledge of seasonality and sustainability. The program focuses on introducing practical culinary skills for healthy cooking, gastronomy lectures, and seminars, the science of food and sustainability in the context of the current health and wellness industry. Students undertake practical culinary classes, introductory nutrition theory, gastronomy seminars, tastings, and excursions. Through the study of nutrition and culinary arts discover how the intake of food can have a profound impact on health and well-being. Alongside this, students learn key skills in kitchen organization, food safety, business aspects of the food industry. To complete the program students undertake written assignments which involve weekly culinary practical assessment, recipe writing and costing, nutrition analysis and research, packaging, branding and social media in the health food industry along with gastronomy research projects.
Modern and Classic Sauces, because broth is awesome. Sauces are the foundation of French gastronomy and many other international cuisine styles. In this cookery course, we're lead through the preparation of a number of classic and modern variations. We learn to create an essential range of sauces, stocks, emulsions, and coulis to complement a wide variety of dishes. Content for our Modern and Classic Sauces course: Mother sauces (e.g. béchamel). Secondary sauces (e.g. bordelaise). Modern style sauces (e.g. cucumber and mint espuma). Basic sauces (e.g. beurre blanc). Sweet sauces (e.g. crème Anglaise). Basic stocks (e.g. white chicken stock). Emulsions (e.g. mayonnaise, vinaigrette). Fruit & vegetable coulis (e.g. parsley coulis, raspberry coulis).
Creative Vegetables is not the least bit fruity. With vegetarian food becoming increasingly diverse, this cooking course aims to teach creative and sophisticated meat-free recipes which everyone will enjoy. Throughout the class, we're shown how to enhance the flavors of unusual ingredients while also learning fundamental cuisine techniques. The content of our Creative Vegetable cookery course: Using different types and parts of vegetables (e.g flower bud, leaves, tubers, roots, bulbs, grains). Using unusual vegetables and edible plants and flowers (e.g. nettle leaves). Vegetable cooking methods (e.g. pan fried, deep fried, poached and baked). And recipes for different vegetarian diets.
Bakery, Danish Pastries & Artisan Breads are a tough cookie to master...Heh...food puns. Learn typical French bread making techniques and processes for making bread. Make specialty danish, regional and artisan bread and learn how to apply advanced yeast production methods to uncover the secrets of artisan bread making and traditional boulangerie (bakery). It all aims to teach students a variety of techniques like basic bread doughs, viennoiseries, and sourdoughs as well as the essential knowledge required for running a small bakery business.
Pastry & Confectionery is the sweetest of classes. Courses range from specialized ateliers, basic through advanced levels of pastry and confectionery craft making, plated and boutique style desserts, world delicacies and precise decorating techniques to help you develop your skills whilst improving your creative flair. The wide range of exciting gourmet short courses ranges from Pâtisserie techniques, learning macaroons and chocolate demonstrations, all of which provide a truly unique culinary experience. Cake decorating is one of the most popular specialist pâtisserie courses, which passes on the intricate skills needed to complete modern decorating designs along with essential patisserie techniques and an insight into fundamental business acumen.
Cheese itself has its own specialty course. This is a program that introduces students to the world of cheese, students will learn how to prepare cheese platters, and to pair them with wine and cuisine. This program is designed for cheese lovers and people who are interested in pursuing a professional role in the food industry. The content of this program includes an introduction to the history and cultural background of cheese, manufacturing process, and pairing cheese with wine and other beverages. Students will attend demonstration and practical classes taught by Cheese Professional Association instructors. This program provides students a practical approach to learn more about cheese systematically.
Wines & Spirits is a tipsy subject of study. The school offers a comprehensive Wine Studies course which is 45 hours long and covers all the fundamental aspects of wine culture and history. A perfect course for anyone wanting to enter the world of wine for the first time. In addition to this many wine workshops which examine particular wines from particular regions of the world – including Old and New World wines. Food and Wine pairing workshops are also very popular. The school also offers innovative courses on making cocktails, teaching all the latest trendy cocktails from around the world. A unique course exploring the world of boutique Beers is also available for connoisseurs of this tasty beverage.
Fish and Shellfish is quite the catch. Home cooks and gourmet enthusiasts with a passion for 'fruit de mer' will be inspired by this cookery course which focuses exclusively on fish and shellfish. Here we learn the essential cooking skills required to expertly fillet and prepare a variety of fish and shellfish. Alongside these techniques, we're taught how to prepare a range of exquisite recipes, all of which can easily be replicated at home.
The Art of Sushi is raw but tasty. We observe, make notes, and ask questions as the Professor prepares each recipe and shares special tips and techniques for preparation. Here, we try your hand at creating the recipes with plenty of one-on-one guidance from Wingy.
Gourmet & Short Courses are mainly for beginners, gourmet enthusiasts or those wanting to be the best house party host, a wide range of courses have been designed to satisfy the time and budget conscious. All this and more can be found in Wingy's class. Yet no matter how hard I try, there are portions that have me struggling and it's dragging my grades down. I hate that. I hate failure for stupid shit. Why do I need to know the difference between silk and velour fabrics? Why do I need to know how to lay out furniture in my living room for maximum feng-shui? Why does it matter what fork I eat salad or cake with? Things like that are pointless to me but are the reasons my grades slip and I bash the trashcans behind the school to vent or I'd boil over so hot you'd be able to cook on my head.
The only thing that does help cool me down is that I can make it all up with extra credit. Boosting my grades in other parts of the class transfers over to my weaker set to compensate. After each major test and I know it'll affect my score, I cook something from the advance skill book that we haven't covered yet. My first grade-boosting meal was a Turducken. The ultimate in Thanksgiving overkill, turducken consists of a chicken stuffed inside a duck that is then stuffed inside a turkey, hence the name tur(key)duck(chick)en. The trick of roasting the perfect turducken comes in ensuring all the various meats, which require different temperatures to be cooked to perfection, don't dry out and remain tender and juicy. In addition, turducken requires the ability to debone the birds, while keeping the skin intact.
Another dish was Baked Alaska. This cold, creamy ice cream is packed within a charred meringue crust ranks among the most decadent of desserts, while also ranking as one of the most difficult to prepare. Not only does this dish require baking a sponge cake and making from-scratch meringue, it also needs to be lit on fire. The trick lies in placing it in a very hot oven for long enough to firm the meringue without melting the ice cream, bake for even slightly too long, and you wind up with a melted puddle beneath a scorched meringue topping.
One I was particularly proud of was when I baked a Soufflé. There are plenty of things that can go wrong when attempting a soufflé, as egg whites that aren't beaten enough will cause a fluffy, towering soufflé to tip over. Even a tiny bit of egg yolk in the mixture can result in collapse; the protein molecules from the yolk will surround the air bubbles before they can grow large enough to cause the soufflé to rise. The most difficult thing about making a soufflé is whisking enough air into the egg whites, to ensure that it rises in the oven and doesn't collapse afterward.
Then there was my Beef Wellington. Working with puff pastry can be tricky enough, but combined with cooking a cut of beef tenderloin inside of it, and the whole process becomes infinitely trickier. The tenderloin needs to be cooked to juicy perfection, while the puff pastry should be crispy and flaky, not a soggy mess, and will typically require a meat thermometer to ensure perfection. It is fiddly to wrap this dish and also difficult to cook it and ensure that the beef is rare in the middle but the pastry is golden brown.
Oh! And one time I made Gateau St. Honoré. It shouldn't come as a surprise that this French cake dedicated to the patron saint of bakers and pastry-makers is no walk in the park. As Le Cordon Bleu likes to point out, the complicated recipe requires no less than four different pastry elements; puff pastry, pâte à choux (the same dough used when making cream puffs), caramelized sugar and Crème Chiboust, a filling that combines pastry cream and Italian meringue.
I've made these and more. But today I am aiming even higher. This time, I shall create my masterpiece...The Baumkuchen. For a cake the Germans call "the king of cakes" and the Japanese call "the ultimate wedding cake," the Baumkuchen doesn't really look like a cake or behave like one. But it more than makes up for its oddities with rich flavor, history, and symbolism. It resembles a hollowed cross-section of a craggy tree trunk or a planet's rings, hence it's name which literally translates to "tree cake" in German. Depending on how you make it, it can have up to 21 delicate, sugary stratums, which give it a light yet chewy texture. The crowning quality of this specialty cake is the unusual method of preparation. To make the nearly paper-thin layers, the baker coats a spit with sponge cake batter, mounts it over a heat source, originally an open fire but today in a specialized oven, and bakes it rotisserie-style, rotating the spit slowly until the first layer is baked. This process is repeated 12 to 20 more times until the spit forms the cylindrical core of the cake. Once cool, the cake is sliced into rings and slid off the spit.
The Germans lay claim to the Baumkuchen and have records of a recipe and a name from the 15th century. But the Germans may not have been the first to bake cakes in this fashion. There are references to making a cake on a log over fire from ancient Rome. Wherever the cake may have originated, it lingered in Europe until the 20th century, when it took Japan by storm thanks to a plucky prisoner of war. During World War I, the Japanese Army captured baker Karl Juchheim from his home in Tsingtao, China, which was under German control at the time, where he'd been operating a pastry shop.
In captivity, Juchheim baked Baumkuchen for an exhibition staffed by war prisoners in 1919. When he was released a year later, he opened his first shop in Yokohama, the beginning of what would become a national craze. The appeal of the cake is in its many layers, the layers are said to represent the accumulation of happiness, making it a strong icon of luck in Japan. The treat became popular in Japan thanks to a post-war environment in which people craved sweets, especially moist sponge cakes. It was this passion for the Baumkuchen that led Juchheim's former employees to open a shop in his honor. The shop became the Juchheim Group, which still exists today, operating under the slogan: "a faithful pursuit of authentic, delicious flavors."
I know, a lot of random stuff. But cooking is more than just mix flour, butter, eggs, sugar, vanilla, and poof, you got food. Even though that's actually the ingredients I need to make this. Cooking is an art form and like all things, there's usually a back story that sometimes is really surprising.
There is, however, a mandatory requirement for doing extra credit in Wingy's class. While you are allowed to use the kitchen alone to practice, you're only allowed up to three times and then you only get the credit if you can show that you can while he watches. Before you perform, he inspects the room and then inspects the room again right after to make sure there were no possible means of cheating. I know it sounds crazy, but you wouldn't believe how many try to cheat or get by thinking his class is easy. Wingy takes his job very seriously even if he can be childish when working. Even though he knows I don't cheat, he inspects the room out of habit and I respect him to do what he needs to. So with this being my attempt day, I prepare what I need and make sure things are clean as he does his check.
"So how are things, sir? All good?"
"✞ ✡ 👎📬 ❄ 💣 ✋💧 💧 👍🕆 👎📬" (VERY GOOD. THE ROOM IS SECURED.)
"Not what I meant, but I could've phrased that better. My bad."
" ✏ ✡ 🕆 💣 ✌ ❄ 🏱 💧 ✌ ✡📬 📪 💧✋ ✡ 💣 📬 ✌ ✋❄ ✈🕆✋❄ 🕈 📬" (OH! YOU MEANT PERSONALLY. HEH, SILLY ME. ALL IT QUITE WELL.)
"That's good."
"✌ 👎 🕈 ✌ ✡ 🕆✍" (AND HOW ARE YOU?)
"I guess okay. Nothing really new happening in my little world."
"❄ ✌❄ 👍✌ 💧❄✋ 👌 😐 👎 ✋ ✌ 🏱 💧✋❄✋✞ ✋ ❄📬" (THAT CAN STILL BE LOOKED IN A POSITIVE LIGHT.)
"How so?"
"✌❄ ✌💧❄ ❄ ✋ 👌✌👎 ✌💧 ✌🏱🏱 👎📬" (AT LEAST NOTHING BAD HAS HAPPENED.)
"That...Is very true. Thank you, sir."
He smiles and once done with his inspection of the room, has a seat on one of the tables behind me.
" 😐✌✡ 💣✡ 👎 ✌ 📬 🕈 ✌❄ 👎 ✋👍✌👍✡ ✌ ✡ 🕆 👎 ✋ ❄✋ 💣 🕈✋❄ ❄ ✋💧 👎✌✡✍" (OKAY MY DEAR. WHAT DELICACY ARE YOU DELIGHTING ME WITH THIS DAY?)
"Well sir, today I'm attempting to make a Baumkuchen."
" 📬 ✋🕯✞ ✌ 👎 ✋❄📪 👌🕆❄ ✞ ✌👎 ✋❄📬 ✌ ✡ 🕆 💧🕆 ❄ ✌❄🕯💧 ❄ ❄ ✌ 👎✍" (OOOH. I'VE HEARD OF IT, BUT NEVER HAD IT. ARE YOU SURE THAT'S NOT TOO HARD?)
"Have some faith in me sir, or you won't get to lick the bowl."
"👌🕆❄ ❄ ✌❄🕯💧 ❄ 👌 💧❄ 🏱✌ ❄📬" (BUT THAT'S THE BEST PART.)
I can't help but giggle at him. He can be so cute that I have to keep reminding myself he's a teacher/dean and not one of my friends, or else I'll end up cursing like normal which he's not a fan of.
" 😐✌✡📪 ✡ 🕆 😐 🕈 ❄ 👎 ✋ 📬 ✠🏱 ✌✋ ✡ 🕆 🏱 👍 💧💧 ✌ 👎 🕈✌ 😐 💣 ❄ 🕆 ❄ ✋💧 💧❄ 🏱 👌✡ 💧❄ 🏱📬" (OKAY, YOU KNOW THE DRILL. EXPLAIN YOUR PROCESS AND WALK ME THROUGH THIS STEP BY STEP.)
"Sir, yes sir."
I slip on an apron and show him everything.
"For this, I'll be using the following ingredients. 1 cup butter at room temperature. 3⁄4 cup of sugar. 8 eggs separated. 2 tablespoons of dark rum. 1⁄8 teaspoon of salt. 1 cup of flour mixed with 1 cup of cornstarch. And 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract. Also, some chocolate bars to make into icing because come on, it's chocolate and chocolate is awesome."
He snickers and I get to work.
"First, I whip butter and sugar well until creamy. Gradually, I'll add the egg yolks and the rum, salt, vanilla, flour, and cornstarch to the butter-sugar mixture until a light, foamy batter forms."
"✞ ✡ ✋👍 📬" (VERY NICE.)
I do as I said, such basic stuff doesn't take long.
"Next up, I shall beat egg whites until they are very stiff and fold them gently into the batter."
"✋ 👎 🕯❄ 😐 🕈 ✌👌 🕆❄ ❄ ✌❄📬" (I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT.)
"✡ 🕆 👌 ✌❄ ✋❄ ✌ 👎 ❄ ✌ ❄ ✍ ✋ 👎 🕯❄ ❄ ✋ 😐 ✋❄🕯💧 ✌ 👎 ✋👎 ✌ ❄ ✋✞ ❄ 👌✌❄❄ 💧❄ 👍😐 💣 💧✡ 👎 💣 📬" (YOU BEAT IT AND THEN ARE GENTLE? I DON'T THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE THE BATTER STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.)
It takes me a moment to get the joke but when I do I nearly drop the batter bowl.
"Oh my god...*giggles* That's fudging priceless."
Like I said, I try not to curse around him.
"👍✌ 🕆 👎 ✌ 📬 ✌ ✡💣 ✌👌🕆💧 ❄ ❄ 👎 ✡ 🕆 💣✋ ❄ ❄ 👍 ✌ 👎 🕈✋❄ ✌📫💧✌ ❄📬" (CAREFUL DEAR. ANYMORE ABUSE TO THE FOOD YOU MIGHT GET CHARGED WITH A-SALT.)
I have to put the bowl down to avoid messing up. Now I see who Stretch puns with when I'm not with him. Wingy is a pro.
"Please sir...*snickers* While I love this, I can't concentrate while my gut busts."
" 💣💣💣📬📬📬✋ 💧🕆🏱🏱 💧 ❄ ✌❄🕯💧 ❄ 🕆 📬 ✌ ✋ ❄📪 ✋🕯 💧❄ 🏱 🕈📬 👎 ❄ ✡ 😐 ❄ 👌 ✡ 🕆📬" (HMMM...I SUPPOSE THAT'S TRUE. ALRIGHT, I'LL STOP FOR NOW. NO NEED FOR THE YOLK TO BE ON YOU.)
" 😐✌✡📪 ✋🕯💣 💧❄ 🏱🏱✋ 📪 ✋🕯💣 💧❄ 🏱🏱✋ ✋ ❄ 🕈📬 📬📬📬❄ ✌ 😐 ✡ 🕆 🕆💣 ✋ 💣 📬" (OKAY, I'M STOPPING, I'M STOPPING RIGHT NOW. HEH HEH...THANK YOU FOR HUMORING ME.)
I give him a warm smile.
"No need to thank me. I enjoy it. I like being able to help make others smile."
A touch of green color dusts his cheekbones as I continue to the next step.
"Now then, I pour about 2 tablespoons batter as a thin covering into this 8-1/2 inch springform pan greased with butter so nothing will stick. We don't want this thing breaking because it won't let go."
"✋ ✋😐 ❄ ❄ ✋ 😐 ❄ 👍 😐🕈✌ 😐 🕈💧 ❄ 👎 ✋💧 ❄✌💧❄✡ ✌ 👎 🕆💧❄ ✌💧 🏱 👌 💣💧 💧 ✌ ✋ 🕈✋❄ ❄ 💧📬" (I LIKE TO THINK THE COOKWARE KNOWS THE FOOD IS TASTY AND JUST HAS PROBLEMS SHARING WITH OTHERS.)
"Sir...That is the most adorable thing I have ever heard."
"✋ ❄ ✡📬" (I TRY.)
"Okay, now you're stealing my lines."
"🕈 ✌❄ 👍✌ ✋ 💧✌✡✍ 🕆 ✋😐 ❄ ✌❄ 👍✌😐 📪 🕈 ✌❄ ✡ 🕆 💧✌✡ ✌ ✡ 💧❄✋👍😐💧 💣 📬" (WHAT CAN I SAY? UNLIKE THAT CAKE, WHAT YOU SAY REALLY STICKS ON ME.)
His words end up touching my heart. Focus girl, you have a cake to bake and grades to make.
"Next, on the uppermost oven rack, I broil the pan in the preheated for 2 minutes or until golden brown. I must maintain watch carefully, as this browning can take place very quickly. After that, I'll repeat until all the batter is gone. There should be about 14 to 16 layers. When the cake is done, I'll let it stand a few minutes before running a sharp knife along the sides of the pan. Removing the cake from the pan and make sure it's no longer piping hot. Once the cake is cool, I'll finish the cake with a thin icing made from the highest quality chocolate available."
"✞ ✡ 👎📬 🏱 👍 👎 🕈✋❄ ❄ ❄✋💣 📫👍 💧🕆💣✋ 💣 ❄✌ 📬" (VERY GOOD. PROCEED WITH THE TIME-CONSUMING MONTAGE.)
"This isn't TV, sir. A montage won't play out."
" ❄ 🕈✋❄ ❄ ✌❄ ✌❄❄✋❄🕆👎 ✋❄ 🕈 🕯❄📬 👍 💣 📬 ❄🕯💧 💣✌😐 💧 💣 🕆 🕆❄ ✋❄📬" (NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE IT WON'T. COME ON. LET'S MAKE SOME FUN OUT OF IT.)
I give him a look as I put the pan in the oven.
"Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?"
" 📪 ✡ 🕆 😐 🕈 ✋❄📬 *ahem* ❄ 🕆 🕯💧 ✌🏱🏱 ✌👍 ✋ 📪 ❄ ✋✞ ✋❄ ✡ 🕆 ������ 💧❄📬 ✌ 👎 ✡ 🕆🕯✞ ❄ ❄ ✌👍 ✡ 🕆 🏱 ✋💣 📬 ❄ ✌❄'💧 🕈 ✡ 🕆 👎 ❄ 🏱🕆❄ ✡ 🕆 💧 ❄ ❄ ❄ 💧❄📬 ✌ 👎 💧 🕈 🕆💧 ✌ 🏱✌💧💧✌ ❄✋💣 📬 🕈 🕯 ✋ ❄ 👎 ✌ 💣 ❄✌ 📬📬📬💣 ❄✌ 📬 📪 ✋❄ ❄✌😐 💧 ✌ 💣 ❄✌ 📬📬📬💣 ❄✌ 📬 " (OH, YOU KNOW IT. *AHEM* ♪ THE HOUR'S APPROACHING, TO GIVE IT YOUR BEST. AND YOU'VE GOT TO REACH YOUR PRIME. THAT'S WHEN YOU NEED TO PUT YOURSELF TO THE TEST. AND SHOW US A PASSAGE OF TIME. WE'RE GOING TO NEED A MONTAGE...MONTAGE. OOOH, IT TAKES A MONTAGE...MONTAGE.♫)
My god...He's absolutely charming and I dig his humor!
"♪Show a lot of things happening at once. Remind everyone of what's going on...what's going on. And with every shot, show a little improvement. To show it all would take too long. That's called a montage...montage. Girl, we want montage...montage.♫"
He smiles in delight and hugs me from behind, swaying us in a sort of dance. He's always been very affectionate. Especially when happy or when with his close circle of friends/family.
" ✋ ✌ ✡❄ ✋ ✋ ✡ 🕆 🕈✌ ❄ ❄ 📬 💣 🕆💧❄ ✌ 👌 ✋ ❄ ✌ 🏱 📬 ✡ 🕆 👎 ✌ 💣 ❄✌ 📬📬📬💣 ❄✌ 📬 ✞ 👍😐✡ ✌👎 ✌ 💣 ❄✌ 📬📬📬💣 ❄✌ 📬 " (♪IN ANYTHING IF YOU WANT TO GO. FROM JUST A BEGINNER TO A PRO. YOU NEED A MONTAGE...MONTAGE. EVEN ROCKY HAD A MONTAGE...MONTAGE.♫)
"♪Always fade out in a montage...montage. If you fade out...It seems like more time has passed in a montage...montage.♫"
"✌ 📪 💧🕆👍 🕈 ✋💣💧✡📬 🕈 ✋ 💧 ✡ ❄ 💧 💣 💣 ❄💧📬" (AH, SUCH WHIMSY. HOW I SO ENJOY THESE MOMENTS.)
"I aim to please."
"✌ 👎 ✡ 🕆 👎 📬 ��❄🕯💧 ❄ 💣✌ ✡ ✌💧 💧 🕈 ✡ ✋ ✋😐 ✡ 🕆📬" (AND YOU DO. IT'S ONE OF THE MANY REASONS WHY I LIKE YOU.)
I blush and look away to check the cake.
"Awww...You're just saying that."
" 📪 ✋ 💣 ✌ ✋❄📬 ✋🕯✞ 👌 ❄ ✌👍 ✋ ✡ 🕆 ❄🕈 ✡ ✌ 💧 🕈 ✌ 👎 ✋ 💣🕆💧❄ 💧✌✡📪 ✡ 🕆 ✌✞ 👎 ✌ ❄ ❄ 👍 💣 ❄ ✋💧 ✌ 📬 💧❄ ✡📪 😐 🏱✋ 🕆🏱 ✡ 🕆 🗐📬📁 ✌✞ ✌ 💧 ✋💧 ✈🕆✋❄ ❄ ✌👍 ✋ ✞ 💣 ❄📬" (NO, I MEAN IT. I'VE BEEN TEACHING YOU FOR TWO YEARS NOW AND I MUST SAY, YOU HAVE DONE A LOT TO COME THIS FAR. HONESTLY, KEEPING UP YOUR 4.0 AVERAGE FOR SO LONG IS QUITE THE ACHIEVEMENT.)
He allows me to take the pan out and apply more batter.
"When you have great teachers, learning is easy, and so are the grades that go with it. It's no big deal."
" ❄ 👍 ❄ ✌ ✡📬 🕈 ✋ 💧🕆 📪 ✡ 🕆 ✌👎 💧 ✌ ✋💣🏱 💧💧✋✞ 📪 ✋❄🕯💧 ✡ 🕆 🏱 💧 ✌ ✋❄✡ ❄ ✌❄ ✋💧 🕈 ✋ 💧 ✡ 🕆 💧 ✋ 📬 ✡ 🕆 ✌ 💧 💧🕈 ❄ ❄ 💣✡ 👌 ❄ 💧📬 ✞ ✋ 💧✌ 💧 ✋💧📬📬📬🕈 📬📬📬 💧💧 ❄ ✌ 🏱 🏱 ✌ 🕆 👎 ✡ 🕆📬" (ON THE CONTRARY. WHILE SURE, YOUR GRADES ARE IMPRESSIVE, IT'S YOUR PERSONALITY THAT IS WHERE I SEE YOU SHINE. YOU ARE SO SWEET TO MY BROTHERS. EVEN IF SANS IS...WELL...LESS THAN PROPER AROUND YOU.)
I put pan back in the oven.
"Rascal is entertaining, to say the least. But he's a good guy deep down. I can always trust him to have my back if something happens. Like the time I got ambushed by the preppies. Had he not shown up, I'd have gotten more hurt than I did."
"✋ 💣 👌 ❄ ✌❄ ✋ 👍✋👎 ❄📬 ❄🕈 ✞ 💧❄🕆👎 ❄💧 ✋ ❄ ❄✌ 👎 👎 🕆🏱 ✋ ❄ ✋ ✋ 💣✌ ✡📬 ❄ 💧 ❄🕈 ✞ 📪 ✡ 💧✌ 💧 ✌ 👎 ✡ 🕆 🕈 ❄ ✌💧❄ ✋ 🕆 👎📪 ❄ ✌ 🏱 ✋ ❄ ❄ ✌❄ ✋💧📬" (I REMEBER THAT INCIDENT. TWELVE STUDENTS IN TOTAL ENDED UP IN THE INFIRMARY. OF THOSE TWELVE, ONLY SANS AND YOU WERE THE LEAST INJURED, TO A POINT THAT IS.)
"Like I said, they were looking to cripple me. *growl* Can't believe they accused me of attacking them first. Those arrogant snot-nosed high and mighty think they're better than everyone else mother fuckers!"
I punch the table and he jumps in shock.
" ✡ 💧✋ ✏" (LYNSIE!)
I huff a few times to settle down.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you or swear. I've been trying to work on that with Stretch. They just make me so mad. I hate how they think that just because they come from money and are human, that makes them superior."
I go to pull the pan out but my punching hand is now a sore and slightly bloody mess, yet I manage.
" 📪 ❄ 💣 🏱📬" (HERE, LET ME HELP.)
Wingy tends to my hand, making sure I didn't break it and bandaging it up with the first-aid kit, all while I apply more batter the to pan with my left hand. Still calming down and now blocking out pain, I keep talking.
"💧✋ ✡ ✋ 📬 ✡ ✡ 🕆 👍✌ 🕆 ❄ ✡ 🕆 💧 🕈 ✋ ❄ ✋ 💣 ✌ 💧❄ ✡📬" (SILLY GIRL. ONLY YOU CAN HURT YOURSELF WHILE TELLING ME A STORY.)
"I know. I'm such a mess."
"✋ 👎✋👎 🕯❄ 💧✌✡ ❄ ✌❄📪 🕈 🕆 👎 ✋ ✞ 💧 ✡ 🕆 ✋ 💧🕆👍 ✋ ❄📬 ✡ 🕆🕯 ✞ ✡ 🏱✌💧💧✋ ✌❄ 📬 ✋❄🕯💧 ✌ ✈🕆✌ ✋❄✡ ✋ ✌👎💣✋ ✌ 👎 ✋ ✌ 🕈 👎📪 🕈 🕆 👎 👌 💣 ❄ ✌ ✌🏱🏱✡ ❄ ✋ 👎🕆 📬" (I DIDN'T SAY THAT, NOR WOULD I EVER SEE YOU IN SUCH LIGHT. YOU'RE VERY PASSIONATE. IT'S A QUALITY I ADMIRE AND IF ALLOWED, WOULD BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO INDULGE.)
"You flatter me, sir."
" ✡ 👌 👍✌🕆💧 ✋ 👍✌ 📬 ✡ 🕆 💣✌😐 ❄ ✋💧 💧💣✋ 💣✋ 👌✋ ✌👍 ❄✋💣 ✋ 💧 ✡ 🕆 💧❄ 🏱 ✋ ❄ ✌ ✡ 💣 ✋🕯💣 ✋ 📬 ✋🕯💣 💧 ✌🏱🏱✡ ✡ 🕆 👍✌💣 ❄ ❄ ✋💧 💧👍 ✏" (ONLY BECAUSE I CARE. YOU MAKE THIS SMILE OF MINE BIGGER EACH TIME I SEE YOU STEP INTO ANY ROOM I'M IN. I'M SO HAPPY YOU CAME TO THIS SCHOOL!)
"*giggles* This is a place of equality. No one is better than anyone else or given special treatment based on what race they are. Human or Monster, everyone is given the same opportunities. And you are only as good as you make yourself. That's why I chose this academy. I thought things would be different. That stupid things like pompous over privileged punks were left in high school. Seems I was mistaken."
"✋ ✡ 💧🕆👍 ✌❄✋✞ 💧 ✌👎 ✌ ❄✋💣 ✋💣✋❄ 🕈 ✋👍 ❄ ✡🕯👎 ✌💧❄📬 👌🕆❄ 💧✌👎 ✡📪 ❄ 🕈 👎 👎 💧 🕯❄ 🕈 😐 ✋😐 ❄ ✌❄📬 🕈 👍✌ ✡ ❄ ✡ ❄ 💣✌😐 ❄ ✋ 💧 👌 ❄❄ ✌ 👎 ❄ ❄ ❄ 💧 ❄ ✌❄ ❄ ✡ ❄ 🕆✋ ✋ 🕆💧 🕈✋ 📬 🕈 ✌❄ ✌❄ ✞✋👍❄ ✡ ✋💧 ❄ ❄ ✌ ❄ 💧 🕈 ❄ ✌❄ 🕈 👍✌ ❄ 👌 👌 ✌❄ 💣✌❄❄ 🕈 ✌ 👎 ❄ ✡ ❄ ✡✍" (IF ONLY SUCH NEGATIVES HAD A TIME LIMIT FOR WHICH THEY'D LAST. BUT SADLY, THE WORLD DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT. WE CAN ONLY TRY TO MAKE THINGS BETTER AND NOT LET THOSE THAT TRY TO RUIN LIFE FOR US WIN. FOR WHAT GREATER VICTORY IS THERE THAN TO SHOW THAT WE CAN NOT BE BEATEN NO MATTER HOW HARD THEY TRY?)
He kisses my wrapped up hand, a sweet and common gesture of his, which is fine with me. But the eye contact and way he seems to stare into my very soul shakes me. So much so that my less coordinated hand loses grip on the batter filled ladle and splatters us a little.
"I-i'm so sorry about that."
"✋❄🕯💧 ✌ ✋ ❄📬 ✌ 💣 👎 📬" (IT'S ALRIGHT. NO HARM DONE.)
We wipe away what batter we find on our persons and I try to get this cake done before I do something else foolish or more so. Though he remains at my side, making me a tad nervous.
"Sir...I can handle this."
"✋ 😐 🕈📬" (I KNOW.)
"Not to sound like a B-word, but then why are you...?"
Suddenly, he grabs my face and I'm like a blushing statue.
" 👎 💧❄✋ 📬" (HOLD STILL.)
He leans in slowly and my eyes widen big time. He's locked onto me and before something happens, I shut my eye tight. What I expect to feel is some sort of kiss, instead, I feel something like a tongue lick along my cheek then pulls away. I open my eyes to see him smiling with sugary innocence.
"💧 ✡📬 ✡ 🕆 ✌👎 ✌ ✋❄❄ 👌✌❄❄ ✡ 🕆 👍 😐 �� 👎 ✋ 👍 🕆 👎 🕯❄ 🏱 💣✡💧 📬" (SORRY. YOU HAD A LITTLE BATTER ON YOUR CHEEK AND I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF.)
My cheeks burn red and by the look on his face, I'd say he can literally feel the intense heat under his bony hands, making him blush as well with realization.
" 📬📬📬 💣✡📬📬📬✋📬📬📬✋ ✌🏱 ✋ 📬 ✋ 👎✋👎 🕯❄ 💣 ✌ ❄ 📬📬📬" (OH...OH MY...I...I APOLOGIZE. I DIDN'T MEAN TO...)
He actually seems scared, his eyes even watering. Like he just hurt me. That level of purity is so rare in these days. I admire him so much for it.
"Sir...*sigh* Wingy, it's okay."
"*sniffles* ✋❄ ✋💧✍" (*SNIFFLES* IT IS?)
"It is. So please don't be sad. Look, I'll do it too."
I turn the oven off and place the cake out to cook. Sure it doesn't have a lot of layers like it should, but I made it thick so that should help. With that secured, I dab my finger in the batter bowl and tap his cheek, making his eyes widen. Cautiously I lean into him and gently lick it off, causing so much green color to light up his skull.
"See? It's okay. Everything is fi...!"
He cuts me off by tapping a batter coated finger to my lips.
" 📬 👎 💧 ❄ ✋💧 👍 🕆 ❄ ✌💧 👌✌❄❄ ✡ ❄ ✡ 🕆✍" (HEH HEH. DOES THIS COUNT AS BATTERY TO YOU?)
I blink a few times before smirking.
"Wingy, you are the sweetest guy I know. But I know one way you can get even sweeter."
He tilts his head.
" ✌ ✡✍ 🕈✍" (REALLY? HOW?)
"Like this."
I kiss him, giving him a taste of the batter and he's stunned.
"There. Now you're sweeter."
I giggle to myself. Not noticing him feel his tingling mouth or lick the batter from it. Something in that moment, a spark flaring out from what was a silly joke among respected friends/pseudo-colleagues, it has him feeling something. A feeling that was new. A feeling that was thrilling. A feeling that he wanted more of. By the time my giggle fit ends he's returned to his senses and pulls me to him, much to my puzzlement.
" ✋✞ 💣 📬" (FORGIVE ME.)
His mouth smothers mine before I can even utter the question of what he meant. It's strange, part of me is saying this shouldn't be happening, but a louder voice in my head is saying this is something I shouldn't let slip away. Slowly, I begin to return his kiss. Feeling this, he stops.
"✡ 🕆📬📬📬✡ 🕆🕯 😐✋💧💧✋ 👌✌👍😐✍" (YOU...YOU'RE KISSING BACK?)
"Do you not want me to kiss you?"
" 📫 ✏ 👍 🕆 💧 ✋📬📬📬✋ 💣 ✌ 📬📬📬✋ 👎✋👎 🕯❄ ❄ ✋ 😐 ✡ 🕆 🕈 🕆 👎📬" (N-NO! OF COURSE I...I MEAN...I DIDN'T THINK YOU WOULD.)
"Wingy, you adorable goofball. *sigh* You are more than a teacher to me. You are a good friend. Someone I care for. While I don't know if I feel those powerful feelings like depicted in stories, I do know that I don't mind kissing you."
" 📫 ✌ ✡✍" (R-REALLY?)
"Yes. Really."
"📬📬📬 ✡ 💧✋ ✍" (...LYNSIE?)
"👍✌ 🕈 📬📬📬👍✌ 🕈 😐 🏱 😐✋💧💧✋ ✍" (CAN WE...CAN WE KEEP KISSING?)
He twiddles his hands nervously and I can't help toss him a bone...Ha! Bone...skeleton puns!
"Yes. I'd like that."
With the okay given, he giddily hugs me tight before suddenly plunging into a deep kiss, catching me off guard. Using my shock to his opportunity, his nimble tongue finds its way into my mouth and around my own, skillfully teasing me with subtle caresses. He kisses me hungrily, almost like he needs to do this to satisfy some craving he has, and honestly, I'm not about to complain. These things he's doing have me feeling more than expected and I am really enjoying all the affection he has to give me.
An intimate embrace follows as I sink into his care and wrap my arms around his neck. His hands begin to roam freely over my body. I can feel them travel everywhere, the soft and skilled hands of someone that cares, through the fabric of my uniform. When they come to a stop on my rear, he looks to me and makes sure I'm okay with this, when I give him the okay he softly fondles the plump flesh.
"💧 💧 ❄📬" (SO SOFT.)
"T-thanks, I guess."
"✌ ✡ 🕆 💧🕆 ❄ ✌❄ ✡ 🕆🕯 ✌ ✋ ❄ 🕈✋❄ ❄ ✋💧✍ ✡ 🕆 💧 💣 🕆 👍 💣 ❄✌👌 📬" (ARE YOU SURE THAT YOU'RE ALRIGHT WITH THIS? YOU SEEM UNCOMFERTABLE.)
"I'm okay. I'm just nervous. This is all very new to me.)
His blush increases.
"🕈 📬📬📬✋📬📬📬✋ 💧 ✌ ❄ ✡ ❄ 💣✌✋ ✌ ❄ 💣✌ ✌👌 🕆❄ ❄ ✋💧📬 ❄ 🕆 ✋ 💣🕆💧❄ ✌👎💣✋❄📬📬📬✋❄🕯💧 ❄ ✌💧✡ ❄ 😐 🏱 💣✡💧 👍 💣🏱 💧 👎📬 ❄ ✋💧 👍 💧 💧💧 🕈 🕯 💧 ✌ ✋ 📬 👌 ✋ ✌👌 ❄ ❄ 🕆👍 ✡ 🕆 ✋😐 ❄ ✋💧 *shudder* ✋❄🕯💧 💣✌😐✋ 💣✡ ✌👎 💧🏱✋ 📬" (WELL...I...I SHALL TRY TO REMAIN A GENTLEMAN ABOUT THIS. THOUGH I MUST ADMIT...IT'S NOT EASY TO KEEP MYSELF COMPOSED. THIS CLOSENESS WE'RE SHARING. BEING ABLE TO TOUCH YOU LIKE THIS *SHUDDER* IT'S MAKING MY HEAD SPIN.)
"I feel it too. It's like a warm tingly fuzzy feeling. But it doesn't feel bad...Does it?"
" 📬 ✋ ✋😐 ✋❄📬" (NO. I LIKE IT.)
"I do too."
"💣✌✡ ✋📬📬📬💣✌✡ ✋ ❄ ✡ 💧 💣 ❄ ✋ ✍" (MAY I...MAY I TRY SOMETHING?)
Softly he kisses me once more before slowly trailing kisses across my cheek and down towards my neck. My eyes flutter at the feeling. Heat radiates throughout my body in waves, sweet delicious waves. I'm already lost when he begins to nibble tenderly on my neck, sometimes rearing up and whispering cute nothings in my ear. I must admit, I like this stance as he lays his face on my shoulder and licks along my neck in long tasting laps. When he starts to cup my hand-filling breasts with gentle touches, I throw my head into his shoulder. I brazenly present all I have to offer while arching my spine back, my breasts more sensitive to his unique circling ministrations.
"✡ 🕆 💧 🕈✌ 💣📬" (YOU FEEL SO WARM.)
"You really know how to get my blood to boil."
"❄ ✋❄🕯💧 💧✌ ❄ 💧✌✡ ❄ ✌❄ ❄ ✋💧 ✋💧 ❄❄✋ 💧❄ ✌💣✡✍" (THEN IT'S SAFE TO SAY THAT THIS IS GETTING STEAMY?)
"I know I'm cool with it."
"💣💣💣💣💣💣📬📬📬✋ 👍 🕆 👎 🕆💧❄ ✌❄ ✡ 🕆 🕆🏱❞📬" (MMMMMM...I COULD JUST EAT YOU UP~.)
"Well feel free to dig in."
Given more approval, he continues to play with my chest. Even through the fabric of my apron, uniform's top and bra, I can feel the exquisite texture of bone with every acute sensation. When he pinches my nipple between two fingers and flicks it about briskly enough to barely leave an impression on the edge of madness, I feel as though my mind would explode right then and there. I shiver when he breathes a moan in my ear, my grip on him tightens and in turn, so does his own.
" ✡ 💧✋ 📬📬📬✋❄🕯💧 💧 ❄ ✋ 📬 ✌ ✡ 🕆 💧🕆 ❄ ✞ ✋💧 ✍" (LYNSIE...IT'S SO HOT IN HERE. ARE YOU SURE THE OVEN IS OFF?)
"Positive. I think that's just us that is cooking."
" 📬" (OH.)
"Is something wrong?"
" ❄ ✌ ✡📬 🕆💧❄ ✋ ✋😐 🕈 🕯 👌✌💧❄✋ 📬" (NOT REALLY. JUST FEELING LIKE WE'RE BASTING.)
"I swear these puns are going to be the end of us."
"✡ ❄ ❄ ✡🕯 💧 💣🕆👍 🕆 📬" (YET THEY'RE SO MUCH FUN.)
"So true."
Dipping my fingers in the batter, I offer him a taste to which he eagerly sucks on before sharing it with me in a tender kiss. Carefully, we end up against one of the tables as he unties the apron, letting it fall limply to the floor. There he helps lift me onto it, allowing me to be closer to him in height and letting him not have to slouch as much as if we were both standing. Kissing my neck, he begins to nip and suck on the skin, making me groan his name in building pleasure. A playful smirk plays on his face as he gently lays me down on my back, carefully positioning me with kisses and light touches. When I'm finally down on the table with him between my legs, I am beyond blushing from the way this looks and the way he looks as he smiles at me.
"✡ 🕆 😐 💧 👎📪 ✡ 💧✋ 📬 ✋ ✡ 🕆🕯 ✌ 🕈 💣 📬📬📬✋🕯👎 ✋😐 ❄ 💧✌💣🏱 ✡ 🕆 👌 🕆 ❄✡📬" (YOU LOOK SO GOOD, LYNSIE. IF YOU'LL ALLOW ME...I'D LIKE TO SAMPLE YOUR BOUNTY.)
It takes some time before I put that together. The level of flustered I am is enough to be thankful that no one else is around.
"I...*stammering* I...I don't know..."
"✋ 🕈✋ ❄ 👎 ✌ ✡❄ ✋ ✡ 🕆 ❄ 💣 ❄ ❄ 👎 📬 ✋ ✡ 🕈✋💧 ❄ ✡ ❄ ✋💧 🕈✋❄ ✡ 🕆📬 🕈 👎 🕯❄ ✌✞ ❄ ✌ ❄ 🕈✌✡📬" (I WILL NOT DO ANYTHING YOU TELL ME NOT TO DO. I ONLY WISH TO ENJOY THIS WITH YOU. WE DON'T HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY.)
"We don't?"
" 👍 🕆 💧 📬" (OF COURSE.)
He lies on his stomach down in front of me and nuzzles into my cheek, earning him some giggles.
"Okay, silly skull. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to keep going."
He gets all giddy, smooching me before pulling back some and turning around, seemingly mentally preparing himself for what is to come. Once he's gotten the resolve he needs, he returns to me, leaning forward with his face and takes one of my legs in his hand. Kneading into my inner thigh a few times while planting some batter on the skill on the skin and then licking it.
"👎 ✡ 🕆 ❄ 🕆 ✡ 🕈✋💧 💣 ❄ 👍 ❄✋ 🕆 ✍" (DO YOU TRULY WISH FOR ME TO CONTINUE?)
He kisses along my leg.
"👍✌ ✋ ✌ ✡ ✠🏱 💧💧 ❄ ✋💧 👎 💧✋ ✍" (CAN I REALLY EXPRESS THIS DESIRE?)
He moves up a little higher.
" 👎 ✡ 🕆 🕈✌ ❄ ❄ ✋💧 ❄ 👎 ✌ 👎 🕈✍" (OR DO YOU WANT THIS TO END HERE AND NOW?)
He rolls his lips up my thigh before pausing and looking me straight in the eye.
"❄ 👍 ✋👍 ✋💧 ✡ 🕆 💧📪 💣✡ 👎 ✌ ✡ 💧✋ 📬" (THE CHOICE IS YOURS, MY DEAR LYNSIE.)
The way he looks at me, drinking in my body, appraising me with a mixture of reverence and desire. I open my mouth to say something, but words fail me and I end up just breathing airily with a nod. Closing what little distance between us, Wingy kneels before me and begins peeling my panties off with shaky hands.
I watch him, visibly shivering with shyness and excitement, I can't help but think to myself that this is certainly not how I imagine this day going. Yet it's not the worst thing that could happen and it does feel nice that he's being so attentive to me. With his hands, Wingy raises up my rear just a few inches into the air, he then encourages me to bend my knees and spread my legs, opening myself up to present my womanhood flower to him fully.
" 💣 ❄ ✡ 🕆 ✋ ✌ 💧 👍 ❄📬 ✡ 🕆 ✌ 👎 ✋ 🕈 🕆 👎 👌 ✋ 🏱 👍❄ ✡ 🕆👎✌ ❄ ❄ 📬" (OMELET YOU IN ON A SECRET. YOU AND I WOULD BRIE PERFECTLY GOUDA TOGETHER.)
"Oh my god...You must be peanut butter because you're making my legs feel like jelly."
"✡ 🕆 ✌💣 💣🕆💧❄ 👌 👍 👍✌📫👍 ✌ 👌 👍✌🕆💧 ✡ 🕆🕯 💧 📫👎✌📫 ✋👍✋ 🕆💧📬" (YOUR NAME MUST BE COCA-COLA BECAUSE YOU'RE SO-DA-LICIOUS.)
"Wingy, you'll be the Burger King, and I'll be the Dairy Queen...You treat me right, and I'll do it your way."
Maintaining eye contact and without blinking, he shudders loudly with a deep shiver. He slowly delves beneath my skirt, fingers kneading my thighs as he breathes in deep the feminine scent that's been pooling since our fun began. He savors the scent, committing it to memory and licking his lips in preparation for the task ahead. Gently, he licks my sensitive slit from top to bottom, stopping briefly when he hears the thud of my head falling back in a moan.
"✌ ✡ 🕆 😐✌✡✍" (ARE YOU OKAY?)
"Yeah...Just didn't expect that to be so intense..."
" 📬📬📬✋🕯 ❄ ✡ ❄ ❄✌😐 ✋❄ 💧 🕈📬" (HEH...I'LL TRY TO TAKE IT SLOW.)
He returns to his tonguing of me. The sensation of the magic made appendage lapping at my sensitive sex like it were a lollypop takes me completely by surprise. It feels like he's worshiping my trembling form. At the very zenith of his tongue lashings, he takes extra time to twirl around my love button in a vortex of swirling taste buds.
"💧 👎📬📬📬" (SO GOOD...)
I barely hear him whisper, before he suddenly plunges his tongue into my warm depths, exploring every nook and cranny, much to my pleasure. And he's good at it too. With every new lap, he sinks a little deeper into the crevasse to partake of the moist delta, parting the trembling lips as he runs through the furrow and ravages my trembling sex buzzer, sometimes doing all these three things at the same time with the full length of his limber tongue. It roves, lays along the entire length and falls neatly into place. I shudder and moan, feeling juices dribble from my womanhood onto his magical in more ways than one tongue. I wriggle in delight, praising Wingy's skill with his tongue and begging him to keep going.
There is no protest on his end, only compliance as Wingy's tongue begins batting against what feels like my cervix, demanding entrance into my innermost sanctuary. This goes on for over five mind-blowing minutes, sending me into gasping and writhing pleasure. I dare to raise my head and look down with a fierce blush, he looks up and patiently resumes eye contact like I'm an invite to the banquet between him and mouthwatering juice dispenser before him. The look he throws me is enough to nearly send me over the edge but I'm still in need for more.
" 💣💣💣✍" (HMMM?)
"I need you..."
"✌ 📬📬📬✌ ✡ 🕆 💧🕆 ✍" (ARE...ARE YOU SURE?)
"Yes, please. I need you now!"
He needs to hear no further prompting, he leaves my body for only a moment, just long enough to unzip his pants and let his throbbing magic member out. The emerald green glow is all I see from where I lay. The smooth tip stands between my legs, riding up my womanhood admiringly. Not a word is spoken before the action happens, merely all too knowing smiles as his member presses into my womanhood and enters the moist opening in a single inward incursion, after that he slowly begins to oscillate into me.
He's turned me into a wreck as I hold onto him for dear life, feeling him enter me repeatedly then diving deeper each time. His hands continue to trace around my body to tease me and memorize every inch to memory. His eyes are closed, he's biting his bottom lip in concentration and bliss. My toes painfully curl in my shoes under the repeated bumps he does against my g-spot. Wingy has a real gift, he both has impressive girth and can use it well in rapid plunges into my yielding loins. He often changes his angle, until not an inch of my loosening walls have been deprived of a pleasurable inner invasion, as he brushes into my walls with deeply tender lunges.
Finally, I can bear it no more with his hot breath across my neck and sweet moans of my name in my ear. My body convulses limply around him, closing my legs to trap his waist and keep him as deep as can be, but with two firm hands, Wingy holds me in a climactic embrace. Only after he howls and I rock my hips forth to the involuntary rhythm of orgasm does his hold weaken. His hips slowly lose motion as the growing crescendo and steady rhythm fade, but he doesn't pull out, but finishes by jamming into me one last time and simply keeps his wonderful member in the magic spot for long enough to ride the sensation to a climax before it disappears.
" 📬📬📬💣💣💣💣💣💣📬📬📬 💧❄✌ 💧📪 ❄ ✌❄ 🕈✌💧 ✋ 👍 👎✋👌 📬📬📬" (OOOOOH...MMMMMM...OH STARS, THAT WAS INCREDIBLE...)
"Unexpected, yes. But a very enjoyable time none the less."
"✋ ✋😐 💣✌😐✋ ✌ 👌🕆 ✋ ❄ ✞ 😐 📪 👌🕆❄ ✞ ✋ ❄ ✋ 😐 ❄ ✌❄🕯💧 ✋ 🏱 ❄✌💧❄ ✌❄ ❄ 💣 💣 ❄📬" (I FEEL LIKE MAKING A BUN IN THE OVEN JOKE, BUT EVEN I THINK THAT'S IN POOR TASTE AT THE MOMENT.)
"You'd be right about that."
"❄ ✋💧 💣✋ 👎💧 💣 🕈 ✡ 🕆 💣✌👎 É👍 ✌✋ 💧📬" (THIS REMINDS ME OF WHEN YOU MADE ÉCLAIRS.)
"Why's that?"
"✋❄ 🕈✌💧 ❄ ✋ 💧❄ ❄✋💣 ✡ 🕆 💣✌👎 💣 👍 ✌💣📬" (IT WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU MADE ME CREAM.)
I can't hold back the laughter.
"You're so bad."
"✋🕯 ❄✌😐 ❄ ✌❄ ✌💧 ✌ 👍 💣🏱 ✋💣 ❄📬" (I'LL TAKE THAT AS A COMPLIMENT.)
"A shame that I didn't get to finish the cake."
"✋❄🕯💧 ✋ 📬 ❄ 🕯💧 🕆 ✋❄ ✌💧 ✋💧 ❄ 💧❄✋ 📬 💧❄ ✡📪 ✌👎 ✡ 🕆 💣✌👎 ❄ 🕈 ❄ ✋ ✋🕯👎 ✌✞ ✋👎 ✌ 🕈 ✌❄ ❄ 👎 🕈✋❄ ❄ ❄ ✞ 💧📬 ✌💧✋👎 💣 ✌ 👎✋ ✋❄ ✞ ❄ 💣✡ 👌 ❄ 💧 ❄ ✌❄ ✋💧📬 ✏ 👌 ✋ ❄📪 🏱✌🏱✡ 🕆💧 🕈✌ ❄ 👎 💣 ❄ ✌💧😐 ✋ ✡ 🕆 👍 🕆 👎 💣✌😐 ✋💣 ✌ ❄ 👌✌❄👍 ✡ ✋👍 👍 ✌💣 ✌ ✌✋ 📬 🕯💧 😐 👎 ❄ 💧❄🕆 📬" (IT'S FINE. THERE'S ENOUGH OF IT AS IS FOR TESTING. HONESTLY, HAD YOU MADE THE WHOLE THING I'D HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH THE LEFTOVERS. ASIDE FROM HANDING IT OVER TO MY BROTHERS THAT IS. OH! BEFORE I FORGET, PAPYRUS WANTED ME TO ASK IF YOU COULD MAKE HIM ANOTHER BATCH OF HONEY ICE CREAM AGAIN. HE'S HOOKED ON THE STUFF.)
"No problem. I'll have it ready by the weekend."
"🕈✋ ✡ 🕆 👌 👎✋ ✌ ✋👎 💣 ✍" (WILL YOU BE NEEDING A RIDE HOME?)
"If you're offering, I won't turn it down."
"🕈 👎 🕆 📬 🕆💧❄ ✋✞ 💣 ✌ 👌✋❄ ❄ ✌✋ 💣✡ 💧❄ ❄ 📬" (WONDERFUL. JUST GIVE ME A BIT TO REGAIN MY STRENGTH.)
"No rush. I'm quite cozy."
I give him a nuzzle and he giggles while hugging me tightly. Some things never change, while others tend to evolve with the ebb and flow of events. I know not what this moment we shared will mean for the both of our futures, but there is one thing I would like to make happen. If I can, I'd try to ensure that every moment that is to come be sweet.
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jessironi · 8 years ago
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just a little something i decided to draw for the awesome @buttercupsticksnlicks ! Enjoy Butter!!!! OwO
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hamham613 · 8 years ago
Undertale Art Thief
Not sure if they r stealing since there are no claims that any of the art is theirs (they literally put no tags or notes and just posts other ppl’s art) but at the same time.... it sure looks that way since i see no tags or notes about the original artists but anyway...
@underpaquens2016xd has been posting quite a bit of undertale artwork from several different users that i follow and im quite sure they never got permission to do so... well I haven’t talked to them but reposting someone else’s art can hurt them. Just to list a few I see artwork from, there are others but I can’t remember who they are even if I recognize the artwork... (i think i got these right, not sure about the last one)
I don’t remember but does anyone know how to report an art thief?
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hell-ravens-art · 8 years ago
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Doodles again :3 Practising with the @buttercupsticksnlicks advises and references!!! Thank you, my dear nwn
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voidedcake · 8 years ago
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I sketched some of the people that inspired me to continue drawing and even post on tumblr @harujuurijuuri @ammazolie @buttercupsticksnlicks @eli-sin-g and obviously my girlfriend- hope you like it. 
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undertalefanforlifethings · 2 years ago
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made this for ss in the for gyftmas2022! I was @thefloatingstone
Secret Santa XD sorry to me so long to post here. this is outer fell that doesn't belong to me fun to draw design was by buttercupsticksnlicks
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bonelyfreak17 · 5 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: edgeberry - Relationship, us!sans/uf!papyrus Characters: US!Sans - Character, US!Papyrus, UF!Gaster, UF!Papyrus - Character Additional Tags: edgeberry, Alternate Universe - College/University, Heavy Petting, Tutoring, No Smut, almost sexy time, Studying, I'm Bad At Tagging, Based on a Tumblr Post, Anatomy, skeleton studies Summary:
Both Berry and Edge take similar classes in the same university. Gaster, sick of Edge's dismal grades, hires Berry as a tutor. Edge refuses to be taught anything so Berry must switch up his teaching methods...
Why yes I did write this when I was studying anatomy and pathology.... Why do you ask?
Slightly based off of Buttercupsticksnlicks Underuniversity AU
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0netype · 8 years ago
Word: Bottle!
Sans’ soul pained at the thought.It couldn’t be healthy keeping it all bottled up like that. 
His brother didn’t deserve to hurt when he already went through so much.
(Guessing Game!)
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theradicalace · 5 years ago
/post/188288569252/buttercupsticksnlicks-buttercupsticksnlicks (THIS ONE )
ohh okay i didnt recognize the post bc i only saw their old url on it. i didnt even think to check their blog 😔👊
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proxylynn · 7 years ago
Dreemurr Academy #12 (Undertale Gaster)
Dreemurr Academy, a prestigious closed-off college for monsters and humans alike of all ages and worlds.
This includes myself, though I'm sort of an in-between.
I'm Lynsie, the human anomaly. I'm a human, but I can do magic like monsters. I'm an oddball.
That's the thing about making a school that is open to multiple alternate dimensions. Weird things are bound to show up. Even a bunch of the same person. From what I saw on orientation day, the same faces are scattered around all around.
To fix these type of issues, everyone that has a multiple or doppelganger is given a school name so there's no confusion.
Other than that, it's fairly normal. The hierarchy is the simple.
The Deans are made up of the same people, skeleton monsters that go by the name of Gaster. One is a teacher of the Sciences, goes by Wingding. He's a kind and understanding man but is known to pull a prank or two. They all speak in a typeface sign language but use telepathy magic so others understand. It's been said no one has ever heard their real voices and those that have are no longer at the academy.
Another Gaster dean teaches Home Economics, he goes by Wingy. He's a bubbly sweet guy that loves his work. Nothing makes him smile more than seeing the joy on a student's face when they take pride in being able to do something they first thought they couldn't.
Another Gaster dean teaches the studies of Magic, he is called Fall. At times, he can be cynical, malicious, and sarcastic. He has a commanding presence that exuded gravitas, authority, and control, able to keep a class quiet without effort. Yet there is a kindness to him, it's rarely seen, but not unheard of.
Another Gaster dean teaches History, his nickname is Dings. A cold, bitter, and sometimes childish man. He tends to hold grudges against troublesome students and is extremely spiteful toward those whom he dislikes. Yet those that can take his punishments are rewarded with his respect. He is a teacher that commands respect and whose grades are earned with doom hanging over your head.
The Professors are also skeleton monsters, but not all are the same person. The Psychology professor is a guy named Papyrus but goes by Stretch. He's the favorite among students because he's so laid back. He chews a toothpick in class to suppress his urge to smoke, but we all know he does so when on break. He's really good at reading students and helps out when able. All in all, he's the cool teacher.
The Literature professor is a Papyrus that is called Fell. He is the one teacher everyone dreads. Very strict and old-fashioned. He does not tolerate interruptions and will humiliate those he feels need to be taken down a notch. Such things take their toll on him and often squeezes a stress ball that he keeps on his desk. But he is a very passionate man when it comes to his work and takes his subject seriously, even though this makes him into a bit of a grammar nazi which is why many students get low grades.
The Biology professor is a skeleton called Sans that sometimes goes by Classic, whatever that means. He is very cheesy and comes off as lazy, making puns that have people cringe yet secretly love them. He is very protective of his students and will go out of his way to help them. He does not tolerate bullying of any kind and can be quite scary. He's the second favorite among the students.
The Physical Education professor is also a Sans that goes by Pain. He is also a stern and old school type of teacher, only he tends to be crueler in the humiliation of students that are unprepared. While his scope is all around, he prefers the darker side of the study. Using borderline violence to weed out the weak that think taking his class is an easy A. There is mercy in his dojo, but it must be earned with blood, sweat, and tears.
The Students are broken into four groups based on which part of the four years they are currently in. The first years are called freshmen. Second years are sophomores. Third years are juniors. And fourth years are seniors. There are some variations on this topic, but this hierarchy of college students is still readily recognizable by everyone.
Me? This isn't my first rodeo but not my last. I'm a sophomore and have gotten the gist of who's who and what's what. I get along with students and teachers. I've always been a middle ground type of girl.
I didn't come looking for friends, but they just seemed to find me. Funny enough, my buddies are the brothers of the professors. Stretch's brother is a freshman, his name is Sans but goes by Rascal. Fell's brother, also a Sans, is a sophomore like me and goes by Edgy. Classic's brother is a Papyrus, a freshman that goes by Papy. And Pain's brother is a sophomore Papyrus by the name of Slim.
I've always been a tomboy. I prefer the company of guys. They're different and fun, even if they can be a bit odd sometimes.
Rascal, as the nickname implies, is the school clown/prankster. He likes to test his limits and challenge authority, even dishevels his uniform to assert his individuality. He comes off as a slacker but secretly is very deep, clever, and loyal to a fault. He likes taking his brother's class so he can improve his skills with messing with people, mostly his brother as he disrupts his teachings when he sees a chance.
Edgy is shy around new people and slow to open up, enjoying a laugh with friends when able. Though he appears weak or even nerdy because of his glasses, he is far tougher than he leads on. He doesn't take crap from anyone. When alone, he's angsty and borders on straight up angry. Getting a pissy attitude when annoyed. Like his brother, he is very passionate about literature and does his best to impress his brother, going so far as to become the teacher's pet.
Papy is easily the most lovable guy in the whole school. Very cheerful and optimistic, he tries his best no matter what. He doesn't like conflict and tries to keep his brother out of trouble when the teacher pulls a prank. I find it sweet of him to take his brother's class even though he doesn't particularly enjoy it, just so he can stay close to him. Like I said, this guy is a lovable soul.
Slim is easy going. He doesn't take things too seriously and never breaks a sweat over hard exams. The only thing that breaks his cool is his smoking, he really gets tense if he goes too long without his fix. He's incredibly smart and instinctual, good traits to have when dealing with his brother. While he does attend his brother's class, he merely does so as a request of his brother who likes to make sure he doesn't slack off due to not being challenged enough.
All of them are oddly related to each other in some form. Gaster's, Papyrus's, and Sans's are brothers. Yet I see them all as different people. I value them. They're helping me even if they don't know it. I am not so confident in myself. I tend to isolate myself, go at things lone wolf style. It's how I've always been. Then I met them and slowly my world began to expand bit by bit. I'm still not comfortable with others. But with them, I can step out from behind my mask for a bit, and really be myself around them.
Today, however, is not a typical day. Normally my time at the academy is focused on learning, a common thing done at schools. I pay attention to the professors, make sure my grades never falter, and still manage to work in some free time to spend with my buddies or chill on my own. You know, normal things and such. But lately, I can't keep focus. Why? Those god damn preppies have made it their mission to get me kicked out!
Schools have many reasons that they expel students, from cheating to bullying to altercations with other students or teachers. They may expel students for lying, theft, or engaging in prohibited online behaviors. Students can even be expelled for actions as simple as leaving school grounds without permission or tampering with school property. In short, you name the rule, and there's probably a school from which a kid can get expelled for violating it. After all, schools are communities, and like communities everywhere, they have codes of conduct that they expect their members to abide by.
Rarely are students who are expelled for fundamentally non-threatening but prohibited behaviors, like cheating, first-time offenders. Like other kinds of transgressions, students typically begin cheating on a small scale, such as copying a classmate's answer on a homework assignment. When caught, teachers or administrators may initially respond with counseling, which they can then escalate to detentions or suspensions if the behavior persists. That said, schools that have zero tolerance policies always have the option of expulsion if a child breaks their rules.
Until the late 1990s, the term "zero tolerance" was rarely heard in an academic setting. Now, many students hear it from the time they begin kindergarten, and unfortunately, this is sometimes because they've faced this sanction at some point in their academic career. If the school adheres to a zero-tolerance policy, you should never take it lightly. In private schools today, we have zero tolerance because it seems we need zero tolerance. Our experience at Manhattan Private School Advisors is those unacceptable students, and even teachers, behaviors are widespread. Social media and the Internet have made bullying and other forms of abuse commonplace. Academic cheating and disrespectful behaviors toward others seem to be soaring, and that's only among the kids. What about the fourth-grade teacher who peppers her Facebook page with complaints about the spoiled students and demanding parents she deals with?
These types of behaviors create a culture in which students and adults alike become inured to seeing their peers skirt or flout codes of conduct. And for students who are caught breaking a school's rules, the consequences can be harsh: The most severe punishment for a zero-tolerance policy is expulsion. At times, this sanction may seem unfair, a result of a student being in the wrong place at the wrong time or just being "that unlucky one." Is it fair? Sometimes it certainly is, and sometimes it's not. Can thirty students cheat on the same test and only one get caught and end up expelled? Absolutely. This is, however, the reality of zero tolerance.
With Dreemurr Academy being a prestigious closed-off college for monsters and humans, zero-tolerance is a big deal. Monsters and Humans from different worlds, timelines, or realities make for stricter rules of conduct as what is acceptable in your dimension may not be same when on school grounds. It's a strong request from all sides, but understandable for the greater good of higher learning. The only issue with this comes from those that think they are more deserving of treatment because they feel entitled. These people are the preppies.
A preppy refers to a subculture associated with the old private Northeastern university-preparatory schools. The term is used to denote a person seen as characteristic of a student or alumnus of these schools. Prep has become a colloquialism in the United States and has largely replaced preppy in modern usage. Characteristics of preps in the past, include a particular subcultural speech, vocabulary, dress, mannerisms, etiquette, reflective of an upper-class upbringing. The term preppy derives from the private, university-preparatory or prep schools that some American upper class and upper-middle-class children attend. The term preppy is commonly associated with the Ivy League and oldest universities in the Northeast and the prep schools which fed students to them since traditionally a primary goal in attending a prep school was admittance into one of these institutions. Preppy fashion derives from the fashions of these old Northeastern colleges in the early to mid-twentieth century. Lisa Birnbach's 1980 book Official Preppy Handbook, which was written to poke fun at the rich lives of privileged Ivy League and socially elite liberal arts college students but ended up glamorizing the culture, portrays the preppy social group as well-educated, well-connected, and although exclusive, courteous to other social groups without fostering serious relationships with them. Being well-educated and well-connected is associated with an upper-class socioeconomic status that emphasizes higher education and high-income professional success.
There are three groups of preppy students at the academy. There are the preppies that accept everyone, these are the people you want as friends and they don't think of themselves as better than you. It's made up of middle to upper-middle-class monsters and humans. They've lived lives that showed them how things are different between the social classes. As long as you aren't a douche, they will like you.
The second preppy group is made up of only monsters. They like the high-standards of being a prep type student and uphold a dignified code. They are like those students you look up to. They try to keep the peace against their darker twin. The third preppy group is the enemy of everyone at the academy. It's made up of rich snobby humans that, even though they attend a monster created school that is run by monsters, believe only humans should attend and get the best the school has to offer. They look down on all, both students and teachers. But those they really hate are humans that dare see monsters as equals. This is where they target me.
I don't often speak my mind on the issue, but once I give voice, I make it very clear that I am pro-monster to the point I go anti-human. That and I may or may not end up having to kick several of their asses when they start something. If they pick on someone because of what species they are, I am there. If they try to steal money from a monster simply because they claim they'll "put it to better use", I am there. If they jump me into an ally and try to kick my ass, well duh, I'm there obviously...and winning.
Though now they've taken this personal feud to new levels by trying to have me kick off campus. I'm guessing they're starting to see me as a threat. The longer I stay, the harder it is for them to do as they please. So how do you get rid of a threat? You take it away. How? With expulsion. What is the difference between suspension and expulsion? The main difference between suspension and expulsion is the amount of time a student must stay out of school. A suspension can only last for up to ten days. An expulsion can last up to one year.
A year out of the academy will not only damage my grades but will free them to establish more hold on the school. If I miss that much time, there will be no way I can make up enough credits to finish. My scholarship will die. I will have lost out on the best education imaginable all because of some assholes? Heh...What do these fools take me for? They are so painfully obvious that it almost hurts to ruin things for them...Wow, I can hardly think that and keep a straight face. There's no way I'd be expelled. Because unlike these preppy fuck nuggets, I don't pay someone to do the research for me, I actually know the rules.
Who decides to expel a student? Usually, the Board of Education will hold a hearing so a decision can be made about whether or not to expel a student. At the hearing, a person or group of people will listen to what happened and make the decision to expel based on reports from the school, the student, and witnesses who saw what happened. The person or people making the decision at the hearing will usually be a neutral hearing officer such as someone from the community who doesn't work for the school district, or a neutral hearing board of three or more members of the Board of Education.
The Board of Education of Dreemurr Academy is made up of all the Dean Gasters and of course the Dreemurr family who founded the school. The Deans hold the majority of the power, what with them being at the academy constantly as opposed to the Dreemurrs. But the Dreemurrs are allowed to weigh in on the situation if they or the Deans deem it of significance. Examples would be if there were a threat to students or faculty, the facility itself, or the emotional well being of students or faculty that may cause repercussions that would be harmful to any person, place, or thing.
When can the Board of Education expel a student? A student must face immediate expulsion if he or she has a gun or other deadly weapon on school grounds or at a school activity, uses a firearm or other deadly weapon to commit a crime on or off school grounds, or sells (or tries to sell) illegal drugs on or off school grounds. A student may also be expelled if he or she breaks a school rule on school grounds or at a school activity, is disruptive or puts other people or things in danger on school grounds or at a school activity, or breaks a school rule off school grounds in a way that disrupts or prevents other students from learning.
If the Board of Education deems the case of expulsion to be legitimate then proper proceedings can begin and a school attended hearing date is set to allow those involved to make their case. The hearing must be held within 11 school days after he or she has been taken out of school. The only time a hearing can be skipped is if there is an emergency (for example, if the school believes a child is dangerous to himself or others if he stays in the classroom). The accused student has the right to get a written notice from the school before an expulsion hearing. The notice must explain which rule the school believes was broken and what the student did to break the rule. The notice must also tell you the date, time, and location of the hearing as well as how you can get an attorney to represent the student. If you don't have an attorney, you can bring someone else as an advocate.
You have the right to explain your side of the story at the hearing. You can bring witnesses with you and show evidence, such as documents that support your case. You have the right to question the witnesses that the school has invited to the hearing. You have the right to get copies of the documents that the school will be showing at the hearing. You can also get copies of written statements by teachers and witnesses. Make sure to ask for a copy of the student's entire school record, as there may be information in it that can help you. Asking to see your school record is helpful. As reading the record will help you understand what the school believes has happened. It should have information about the incident, including names of witnesses that the school might ask to testify at the hearing, and documents that the school may use as evidence.
What will happen at the hearing? While an expulsion hearing is not as formal as a court trial, it is a legal proceeding and it may be the only chance you get to tell your story. There is no right to appeal the hearing officer's decision in court if you are not happy with the outcome. The hearing will be recorded or someone will write down everything that is said like a courtroom stenographer. The hearing officer will listen while each party tells its side of the story and will then decide whether or not the student broke the rules, whether or not the student should be expelled, and how long the expulsion will last.
The school officials must show enough evidence to prove that expelling the student is reasonable. The school will go first in presenting its case against the student. It will need to prove that the student broke the rules by having a witness tell the facts to the hearing officer. The witness must be someone who actually saw what happened. For example, the principal or dean cannot tell the hearing officer, "I didn't see what happened, but the teacher told me so-so did it". A school official will ask questions of the school's witnesses. In addition to having witnesses say what they saw and heard, the school can show documents that support its position, including evidence about the accused student's past discipline problems.
If the school doesn't have a witness who was actually there when the incident took place, or if the school tries to prove its case using only written documents, be sure to point this out to the hearing officer. The student, his or her parents, or their representative may ask questions of (or cross-examine) the witnesses after the school official is finished questioning them. The purpose of cross-examination is to bring out additional information that might be helpful to the student's case. It will not help the student's case if you argue with a witness, even if you think he or she is not telling the truth. It is better for you and your own witnesses to explain what happened when it is your turn to speak.
Once each witness has spoken and any written evidence has been given to the hearing officer, each side may have a chance to make a final statement. This is your chance to briefly explain what you think happened and what you think should happen to you. Finish by asking the hearing officer not to expel you or to expel you for only a very short time if found guilty. To make the best possible presentation to the board, you will need to be prepared, organized, and polite. Angry words or behavior directed at the school officials or the board will only add additional stress to the situation and can even hurt your case.
Now with that little knowledge dump out of the way, what makes me so confident that I don't have to worry about any of this coming to pass? Easy really...I'm good friends with the faculty and their family. It's an unpleasant day in heaven if these fools can bring a charge against me that anyone in the academy would actually believe I would do. I'd have to have had amnesia to pull some of the crap they've tried to pin on me. From tagging lockers to keying faculty cars and even tampering with the science lab equipment. You name it, they've done it and tried to claim I did it. Which is why I sit in the Headmaster's office today instead of my bed where I should be at this hour. I am being accused of yet another bullshit wrong that I had no means of doing.
"And so you can clearly see, Headmaster...This...This swine has obviously made a mockery of this fine institution. I mean, just look at what she's done to the campus garden."
Lead douche preppy, Leighton Kingsley Emerson Winslow III, presents his overly expensive phone as evidence to Headmaster Wingding, who scrolls through said evidence.
"These pictures show that she trashed the once beautiful garden that everyone has worked so tirelessly to create and tend to for so long."
"Sir Headmaster, do I really need to be here? We know how this will go."
"Quiet, tart!"
"...You can get away with calling me a pig, but to call me a whore...Sir! You disgrace my honor. I challenge you to a duel."
He apparently does not like my mock French accent.
"You are a virus. Infecting this institution. But no more. Like a gangrenous limb, I shall see to it you are removed before you do any further harm."
"Eh. Whatever helps you to sleep at night, butt munch."
"Bite your tongue!"
" 🕆 ✏ 👌 ❄ ✡ 🕆📬📬📬 🕆💧❄ 👌 💧✋ ❄📬" (ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU...JUST BE SILENT.)
"Yes, sir."
"Understood, Headmaster."
He fiddles around with the phone for a bit more before setting his eyes on Leighton.
"✌ 🕆 👎 🕈 ✌❄ ❄✋💣 ✌ ✡ 🕆 ✌👍👍🕆💧✋ 👎 ✋ ❄ ✋💧✍" (AROUND WHAT TIME ARE YOU ACCUSING HER OF DOING THIS?)
"I believe the incident accrued around ten or eleven PM. She would've had the cover of darkness and no witnesses to worry about."
"🕈 ✋ ❄ 🕆 📪 💧 🕈 🕆 👎 ✌ 💧 👎 ❄ 👌 ✌😐 ❄ 💧👍 🕆 👎💧📬" (WHILE TRUE, SHE WOULD ALSO NEED TO BREAK ONTO SCHOOL GROUNDS.)
Wingding pulls out some reports.
" 💣 👍 👎💧 ✋ 🏱✌✋ 🕯💧 👍 ✌💧💧 *ahem* 💧���🕆👎 ❄ ✌🏱🏱 ✋ 💧 ✌❄ ❄ 👌🕆❄ ✌👍😐💧 🕆🏱🏱 🏱 ✡💧✋👍✌ 💧❄ ❄📬 💧 ✋💧 🕆 ✌👌 ❄ 💧🕆🏱🏱 ❄ 👌 👎✡ 💧 ❄ 🏱 ✋ 👎💧 ❄✋💣 📬 💧❄✌💣✋ ✌ ✋💧 ✌ 💧 ✌ ✋💧💧🕆 📪 💧❄🕆👎 ❄ ✋ 👎💧 ❄ 💣💧 ✞ 💧 🕆❄ 👌 ✌❄ ✌ ❄ ✡ ✋✞ 💣✋ 🕆❄ 💧 ✌👍❄✋✞✋❄✡📬" (FROM HER RECORDS IN PAIN'S CLASS *AHEM* STUDENT APPLIES GREAT EFFORT BUT LACKS UPPER PHYSICAL STRENGHT. SHE IS UNABLE TO SUPPORT HER BODY FOR SHORT PERIODS OF TIME. STAMINA IS ALSO AN ISSUE, STUDENT FINDS THEMSELVES OUT OF BREATH AFTER ONLY FIVE MINUTES OF ACTIVITY.)
"Wow, Pain. I know I'm not in the best shape, but did he really have to make it sound like I'm seconds from death's door?"
"So the girl is a sack of bricks. What does this have to do with anything?"
"❄ 🕈✌ 💧 ✌ 🕆 👎 ❄ ✌👍✌👎 💣✡ ✌ ❄🕈 ❄✡ ❄ ✋ 📬 👌✌💧 👎 ✌👌✋ ✋❄✋ 💧📪 💧 🕈 🕆 👎 👌 🕆 ✌👌 ❄ 👍 ✋💣👌 ✞ ✋❄📬" (THE WALLS AROUND THE ACADEMY ARE TWENTY FEET HIGH. BASED ON HER ABILITIES, SHE WOULD BE UNABLE TO CLIMB OVER IT.)
"Then she used a ladder."
" ✌👎👎 💣✌ 😐💧 🕈 🕆 👎 ✋ 🕆 💧 ✌ 👍 ❄ 🕆 👎💧📬 ✌ 👎 ✋ 💧 ✋ 👎 👎 👎✋👎 ✌ ❄ ✋💧 👎✌💣✌ 👌✡ 💧 📪 💧 🕈 🕆 👎 ✌✞ ❄ ✌✞ 👍✌ ✋ 👎 🕈✋❄ ❄ 💧 💧 💣 💧 ❄📬 ❄ 🕈 ✋ ❄ 🕈 🕆 👎 ✌❄ ✌💧❄ ✌✞ 💣✌ 😐💧📪 👌🕆❄ ❄ 🕈 📬" (NO LADDER MARKS WERE FOUND IN OUR SEARCH OF THE GROUNDS. AND IF SHE INDEED DID ALL THIS DAMAGE BY HERSELF, SHE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE CARRIED WITH HER TOOLS OF SOME SORT. THE WEIGHT WOULD AT LEAST LEAVE MARKS, BUT THERE WERE NONE.)
"Then she went through the gate."
" ✡ ✌👍🕆 ❄✡ ✌✞ ❄ ✌👌✋ ✋❄✡ ❄ 🏱 ✌❄ ❄ ✌❄ 📬 ✌ ✡ 🕆 💧🕆 💧❄✋ ❄ ✌❄ ✌ 💣 💣👌 💧❄✌ 🏱 👎 ✍" (ONLY FACULTY HAVE THE ABILITY TO OPERATE THE GATE. ARE YOU SUGGESTING THAT A MEMBER OF STAFF HELPED HER?)
"It must be if that is the only way."
"Dude, you are grasping at so many straws that it's sad."
"✋ ✌ 📬" (I AGREE.)
Leighton is not happy.
"Headmaster, you have the proof right there. Those images reveal her crime."
" 📪 ❄ ✡ 👎 🕯❄📬" (NO, THEY DON'T.)
" ✡ 💧✋ 📬📬📬🕈 🕈 ✡ 🕆 ✌ 🕆 👎 ❄ 🕆 💧 ❄ ✌ 👎 ✞ ✌💧❄ ✋ ❄✍" (LYNSIE...WHERE WERE YOU AROUND THE HOURS OF TEN AND ELEVEN LAST NIGHT?)
"I was at the movies. Managed to catch a late night screening of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 3."
"She's lying!"
"I have my ticket stub, douchelord."
"💧 🕈 💣 📬" (SHOW ME.)
I open my bag and take out my wallet. Rummaging through the pockets to produce said ticket stub and handing it over.
"Wha...Why would you just be carrying that?"
"I collect every movie ticket stub I get so that it helps me to remember the movie or get a refund if it sucked."
" 💣💣💣📬📬📬💧 ❄ ✋ ❄ ❄ 🕆❄ 📬 💣 🕈 💣 🕈 😐✋💧💧✡ 👍🕆❄✋ 🗏📬 💧❄✌ ❄✋ ✌❄ 🖲🖳🗐🗄 🏱💣 ✌ 👎 👎💧 ✌❄ 📂📂🖳📂🗄 🏱💣📬 💧 🕆 💧💧 💧 👍✌ 👌 ✋ ❄🕈 🏱 ✌👍 💧 ✌❄ 👍 📪 💧 👍 🕆 👎 🕯❄ ✌✞ 👍 💣💣✋❄❄ 👎 ❄ ✋💧 👍 ✋💣 📬" (HMMM...SHE TELLING THE TRUTH. MEW MEW KISSY CUTIE 3. STARTING AT 9:45 PM AND ENDS AT 11:15 PM. SO UNLESS SHE CAN BE IN TWO PLACES AT ONCE, SHE COULDN'T HAVE COMMITTED THIS CRIME.)
"B-but the pictures?!"
"✡ 💧📪 ❄ 💧 🏱✋👍❄🕆 💧📬 ❄ 💧 🏱✋👍❄🕆 💧 ✡ 🕆 🏱 📬" (YES, THESE PICTURES. THESE PICTURES ON YOUR PHONE.)
"A-are you implying I did this?!"
"I think it's fairly obvious at this point."
"✋ 👎 🕯❄ ✌✞ ❄ ✋💣🏱 ✡ ✌ ✡❄ ✋ 📬 ✡ 🕆 🏱 👍 💧💧 👎 ✡ 🕆📬 ✌👍 ❄✋💣 ✡ 🕆 ❄✌😐 ✌ 🏱✋👍❄🕆 ✋❄ 👍 ✌❄ 💧 ✌ ❄✋💣 💧❄✌💣🏱 ❄ 👎✌❄ ✌ 👎 ❄✋💣 🕈 ✋❄ 🕈✌💧 👍 ✌❄ 👎📬 🕆 ✡ 🕈 ❄ 💧 ✋💣✌ 💧 ✌ ❄✋💣 👎 ✌❄ 👌 ✋ 💣✌👎 ✌❄ ❄ ❄✋💣 ✡ 🕆 👍 ✌💣 💧 👎✋👎 ❄ ✋💧📬" (I DON'T HAVE TO IMPLY ANYTHING. YOUR PHONE CONFESSED FOR YOU. EACH TIME YOU TAKE A PICTURE IT CREATES A TIME STAMP OF THE DATE AND TIME FOR WHEN IT WAS CREATED. FUNNY HOW THESE IMAGES ARE TIMED AT BEING MADE AT THE TIME YOU CLAME SHE DID THIS.)
Leighton scoffs, blowing everything off.
"And why would I do this? What motive do I have for framing her?"
"The same one you keep preaching about in the halls every chance you get."
"Fuck you!"
" ✋ ❄ ✏" (LEIGHTON!)
Wingding slams the phone down and we both flinch from the shock.
"❄ ✋💧 ✋💧 ❄ ✋ ❄ ✌👍👍🕆💧✌❄✋ ✡ 🕆🕯✞ 👌 🕆 ❄ ✌ ✌✋ 💧❄ ❄ ✋💧 💣 ❄ ✌ 📬 ✡ 🕆 💣✌✡ ❄ ✋ 😐 ✡ 🕆 ✌ 👎 ✡ 🕆 ✋❄❄ ✋ 👎💧 👍✌ 👎 ✌💧 ✡ 🕆 🏱 ✌💧 📪 👌🕆❄ 💣 📬 ✋ ✌💣 💧✋👍😐 ❄ ✋💧 💧 💧 📬 ❄ ✋💧 ✌👍✌👎 💣✡ ✌ 👎 ✋ ✌ ❄ ❄ ✡💧 ✡ 🕆 🏱 ❄❄✡ 💧✈🕆✌👌 💧📬" (THIS IS THE FIFTH ACCUSATION YOU'VE BROUGHT AGAINST HER THIS MONTH ALONE. YOU MAY THINK YOU AND YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS CAN DO AS YOU PLEASE, BUT NO MORE. I AM SICK OF THIS NONSENSE. THIS ACADEMY AND I ARE NOT TOYS FOR YOUR PETTY SQUABLES.)
"But Headmaster..."
" 👌🕆❄💧✏ ✋🕯💣 ✌ ✌✋👎 ✡ 🕆 ✌✞ 💣 👍 ✋👍 📬📬📬👌🕆❄ ✌💧 ✋ ❄ 🕈📪 ✡ 🕆 ✌ 💧🕆💧🏱 👎 👎 ❄ ✠❄ ❄🕈 🕈 😐💧📬" (NO BUTS! I'M AFRAID YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE...BUT AS OF RIGHT NOW, YOU ARE SUSPENDED FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS.)
Even I'm shocked by that, but not as much as Leighton. He does not handle this well.
"Su...Suspended? Me? Impossible!"
"Dude, chill."
"Shut your mouth, you filthy monster loving freak!"
" ✋ ❄ 📪 ✋ 💧🕆 💧❄ ✡ 🕆 💧✋ 👍 ✡ 🕆 💧 👌 ✡ 🕆 💣✌😐 ❄ ✋💧 🕈 💧 📬" (LEIGHTON, I SUGGEST YOU SILENCE YOURSELF BEFORE YOU MAKE THIS WORSE.)
"No! You shut up! You, you're beneath me! All you monsters are! This world would be better off if your kind was agh...!"
I couldn't stand his hate speech any longer and kicked his leg out from my seat, knocking him down.
"You have such a big mouth that really likes the sound of your own voice, but nothing that comes out of it is ever worth listening to."
Leighton gets up and grabs me by the collar of my shirt.
"You piss ant. Do you not know who I am? I am Leighton Kingsley Emerson Winslow III! I am heir to more money than you'd know what to do in ten lifetimes."
"And this is supposed to be intimidating or impressive why?"
He shoves me out of my seat, takes his phone back, and storms his way out the door.
"I will see to it that you lose this job and near be able to teach again. And you...Mark my words, I will do all my power to destroy you!."
With that, Leighton takes his leave and I pick myself off the floor.
"Wow...He needs to get laid big time."
"✋ 👎 🕯❄ 💧 🕈 ✡ ✡ 🕆🕯 💣✌😐✋ ✋ ❄ ❄ ✋💧📬" (I DON'T SEE WHY YOU'RE MAKING LIGHT OF THIS.)
"I'm not afraid of him. He's got issues and is just venting on others because he either is too scared to battle the real problem or he can't actually do so."
"❄ ✌❄🕯💧 ✌❄ ✋ 💧✋ ❄ 🕆 ✡ 🕆📬" (THAT'S RATHER INSIGHTFUL OF YOU.)
"Heh, I do pay attention to Stretch's class you know. Besides...Can't I enjoy some part of this? that asshole and his buddies have been messing with me for ages. It's nice to see karma bite back finally."
" 📬📬📬✋ 💧 💧✌ 💧🕯💧 ❄✌ 😐 😐✌ 💣✌ ✌💧 🕆👌👌 👎 ✡ 🕆📬" (HEH...I SEE SANS'S TALK OF KARMA HAS RUBBED OFF ON YOU.)
"You can say that..."
I lean over his desk and smirk.
"That was rather clever of you. And you came up with it so fast too. I'm very impressed sir."
Wingding merely smirks back.
"👎 ✌ ✋ 📪 ✋ 😐 🕈 ❄ 🕈 ✌❄ ✡ 🕆 💣 ✌ 📬" (DEAR GIRL, I KNOW NOT WHAT YOU MEAN.)
"Oh, I know you know sir. After all, I didn't finish off that jumbo popcorn by myself."
He chuckles and scratches the crack over his right eye.
"✡ ✌ 📬📬📬🕈 📬📬📬✋ 👎✋👎 🕯❄ ✋ 🕆 ✋🕯👎 👌 💧 🕆 ✡ ✌ ❄ 🕈✌✋❄✋ ✋ ✋ 💧 📬" (YEAH...WELL...I DIDN'T FIGURE I'D BE SO HUNGRY AFTER WAITING IN LINE SO LONG.)
"Don't worry. Like I said, I won't tell anyone you're a Mew Mew fan. Besides...It was nice just being able to hang out like that."
"❄ ✌❄ ✋❄ 🕈✌💧📬 ❄ 💧✋ 📬 🕈 ✋ 💧📬 🕆💧❄ ❄🕈 ✌👎🕆 ❄💧 ❄ ✌❄ 🕆💧❄ 💧 ✌🏱🏱 ❄ 💣 ❄ 🕆🏱📬 ✡✋ ✌ 💣 ✞✋ ✌ 👎 ✌👍 ❄ 🕯💧 👍 💣🏱✌ ✡📬 ✋❄ ❄ 👎📬" (THAT IT WAS. NO TENSION. NO WORRIES. JUST TWO ADULTS THAT JUST SO HAPPEN TO MEET UP. ENJOYING A MOVIE AND EACH OTHER'S COMPANY. IT FELT GOOD.)
"I understand why you didn't mention it during snobby douche lord's tirade. It wouldn't look good. You, the Headmaster, backing me up with an alibi...It would just make it look like favoritism and further instigate him."
"✋ 👎 ✌🏱 ✋ ✋💧 👌 ✌✞✋ 📬" (I DO APOLOGIZE FOR HIS BEHAVIOR.)
"Do not waste your time saying sorry for someone that isn't. Though, I do apologize that you have to deal with people like that. Humanity is a less accepting than it likes to believe it is. But at least we all aren't super racist assholes."
He sighs.
"✋ 😐 🕈📬 ✡ 🕆🕯 ❄ 👎 💧📬 ✡ 🕆🕯✞ 👌 ✌ ✌💣✌ ✋ ✋ 🕆 👍 ❄ 👍✌💣🏱🕆💧📬 ✌ 👎 ✋ 👍✌ 🕯❄ ❄ ✌ 😐 ✡ 🕆 🕆 👎 👎✋ 🏱✌🏱✡ 🕆💧📬" (I KNOW. YOU'RE ONE OF THE GOOD ONES. YOU'VE BEEN AN AMAZING INFLUENCE ON THE CAMPUS. AND I CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR DEFENDING PAPYRUS.)
"Hey, he's super sweet cinnamon bun that no one has the right to harm. I'm just happy I get to be his friend."
"✋ ❄ 💧✌💣 🕈✌✡📬" (I FEEL THE SAME WAY.)
He stands up and moves over to me.
"✋ 👎 🏱 ✡ 🕆 👎✋👎 🕯❄ ✋ 👎 💣 🕆👎 ✌💧❄ ✋ ❄📬" (I DO HOPE YOU DIDN'T FIND ME RUDE LAST NIGHT.)
I stand up straight and look at him funny.
"Why would I think you were rude? If anything, I thought I was rude. I couldn't keep my mouth shut and was pointing out sins in the movie. By the way, how far did I get to again?"
"🕈 👌 ❄ 💣✌👎 ✋❄ 🕆🏱 ❄ ✌ ❄ ❄✌ ✋ ❄✡ 💧 ✞ 💧✋ 💧 ❄ ✌❄ 🕈 ❄ ✌ ✌✋ 💧❄ 🕈 👍 👎 👎 ✌ 👎 ✌👍👍 🏱❄ 👎 👍✌ 📬 👌🕆❄ 🕈 ✌❄ ✋ 💣 ✌ ❄ 🕈✌💧 ✌ ❄ ❄ 💣 ✞✋ 📬 ✡ 🕆 😐 🕈📬📬📬" (WE BOTH MADE IT UP TO A TOTAL OF EIGHTY SEVEN SINS THAT WENT AGAINST WELL RECORDED AND ACCEPTED CANON. BUT WHAT I MEANT WAS AFTER THE MOVIE. YOU KNOW...)
I wave off his concern.
"*pfft* So you got a little loose. It's fine. It was happy hour at Chili's after all. What're a few drinks between friends for? *giggles* To be honest though...It was cute as hell seeing you drunk and still win the trivia tournament."
He blushes a faint hue of purple and rubs the back of his skull.
"❄ ✌ 😐💧📬 👌🕆❄ ❄ ✌❄🕯💧 💧❄✋ ❄ 🕈 ✌❄ ✋ 🕈✌💧 ✋ ❄ 📬" (THANKS. BUT THAT'S STILL NOT WHAT I WAS REFERRING TO.)
"Then what?"
"✡ 🕆📬📬📬✡ 🕆 👎 🕯❄ 💣 💣👌 ✍" (YOU...YOU DON'T REMEMBER?)
"Remember what?"
He's about to say it but hesitates. Moving up to me and whispering in my ear.
"🕈 📬📬📬🕈 😐✋ 👎 💣✌👎 🕆❄📬" (WE...WE KIND OF MADE OUT.)
"✡ ✌ 📬" (YEAH.)
I blush but just smile.
"Well, that doesn't sound as bad as you were making it. Silly skeleton."
"❄ ✌❄🕯💧 ❄ ✌ ❄ ✌❄ ✌🏱🏱 👎📬" (THAT'S NOT ALL THAT HAPPENED.)
"✋❄ ✌🏱🏱 👎 ✈🕆✋❄ ✌ 🕈 ❄✋💣 💧 ✌❄ ❄ 💧❄✌🕆 ✌ ❄📬 ❄ ✋ 💣✡ 👍✌ 📬 ❄ 💧 💣 💣 ✌❄ ✡ 🕆 🏱 ✌👍 📬📬📬" (IT HAPPENED QUITE A FEW TIMES AT THE RESTAURANT. THEN IN MY CAR. THEN SOME MORE AT YOUR PLACE...)
"Uh...Just how far did this go?"
He puts his hands up defensively.
" ❄ ❄ ✌❄ ✌ 📪 ✋ 💧🕈 ✌ ✏ ✌❄ 💣 💧❄📪 🕈 💣✌✡ ✌✞ 👎 ✌ 🕆 👎 ✌ ✋❄❄ 📪 👌🕆❄ ❄ ✋ ❄ 💧 ✋ 🕆💧📬" (NOT THAT FAR, I SWEAR! AT MOST, WE MAY HAVE FOOLED AROUND A LITTLE, BUT NOTHING TOO SERIOUS.)
I sigh with relief.
"That's good. Wait...What is 'too serious'?"
"👍 ❄ ✋ 💧❄✌✡ 👎 ✌ 👎 🕈 💧 🏱❄ ✋ 👎✋ ❄ 💣💧📬 ✋ 🕈✌💧 ❄ 👍 🕆👍 ✌ 👎 ❄ 👌 ✡ 🕆 🕈 😐 🕆🏱📬" (CLOTHING STAYED ON AND WE SLEPT IN DIFFERENT ROOMS. I WAS ON THE COUCH AND LEFT BEFORE YOU WOKE UP.)
"...That explains why none of that rings a bell with me."
"✡ 🕆 👎✋👎 🕈✌ 💣 ✌ ✌👎 ❄✋💣 ❄ ✌❄ ✡ 🕆🕯✞ ✞ 👍 💧🕆💣 👎 ✌ 👍 👌 📬" (YOU DID WARN ME AHEAD OF TIME THAT YOU'VE NEVER CONSUMED ALCOHOL BEFORE.)
"I remember it did not taste good straight."
"❄ ✌❄🕯💧 🕈 ✡ ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✋ 👎 💣✋✠✋ ❄ 💣 ✋ 💧 👎✌💧📬" (THAT'S WHY YOU TRIED MIXING THEM IN SODAS.)
I smack my forehead.
"Remind me not to do that again next time."
"✡ ✌ 📪 ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✌ ✡ 👌 👎 ✡ ✌ 👍❄✋ ✌❄ 🕈 ✡ 🕆🕯 📬📬📬🕈✌✋❄📪 🕈 ✌❄✍" (YEAH, YOU GET REALLY BOLDLY AFFECTIONATE WHEN YOU'RE...WAIT, WHAT?)
He looks at me surprised.
"❄ 🕯💧 ✌ ✠❄ ❄✋💣 ✍ ✡ 🕆 💣 ✌ 📬📬📬✡ 🕆 💧❄✋ 🕈✌ ❄ ❄ 👌 ✌ 🕆 👎 💣 ✍" (THERE'S A NEXT TIME? YOU MEAN...YOU STILL WANT TO BE AROUND ME?)
"Uh...Yeah. Why not? You free tonight?"
"🕆 📬📬📬✡📫✡ 💧📬" (UH...Y-YES.)
"Cool. Because I'm so challenging you for the title of trivia master."
He chuckles and pats my back.
"✡ 🕆 👍✌ ❄ ✡📪 ✋❄❄ 📬 ✡ 🕆 👍✌ 👍 ❄✌✋ ✡ ❄ ✡📬" (YOU CAN TRY, LITTLE ONE. YOU CAN CERTAINLY TRY.)
"And the loser pays the bill."
" 📬📬📬👌 ❄❄ ✌✞ ✡ 🕆 🕈✌ ❄ ✌ 👎✡ ❄ 📬" (HEHEH...BETTER HAVE YOUR WALLET HANDY THEN.)
[Later that night after much merriment and trivia festivities]
We drunkenly stumble into Wingding's home. My hands snake around him as he fumbles with his keys, feeling down his pants for his hipbone with reckless abandon, making him fight back a deep shudder.
" ✡ 💧✋ 📪 🏱 ✌💧 📬📬📬🕈✌✋❄ ❄✋ ✋ 👍 💧 ❄ 👎 ✋ 💧❄📬" (LYNSIE, PLEASE...WAIT TILL I CLOSE THE DOOR FIRST.)
"Relax, Gaster. I just want you to feel good. It's called being a generously gracious loser."
" 🕆💧❄📬📬📬 ❄ ❄ 👍 🕆👍 ✌ 👎 😐 🏱 ❄ 💧 🕆 👎 🕈📬 ✋ 👎 🕯❄ 🕈✌ ❄ ❄ 🕈✌😐 💣✡ 👌 ❄ 💧📬" (JUST...GO TO THE COUCH AND KEEP THE SOUND LOW. I DON'T WANT TO WAKE MY BROTHERS.)
"*whisper* Okay...But don't keep me waiting...Headmaster~."
I swayed over to the couch, trying to be sexy but most likely looking silly to a sober person. Wingding locks the door and approaches me, sitting down thus allowing me to resume our fun. I pull his tie off slowly and begin unbuttoning his vest then shirt. His hands feel along my sides, tracing the curves of my form and taking the time to traverse the clothe that rest upon the supple warm flesh his bones crave.
"💧 📬📬📬🕈 ✡ 👎 ❄ ✡ ✞ 💧 ✞ 👌 ✌❄ ✌ 💣✌❄ 🏱✌ ❄✡📬" (SO...WHY DO THEY NEVER SERVE BEER AT A MATH PARTY.)
"👌 👍✌🕆💧 ✡ 🕆 👍✌ 🕯❄ 👎 ✋ 😐 ✌ 👎 👎 ✋✞ 📬" (BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DRINK AND DERIVE.)
I snicker and move onto his lap, peeling away his torso coverings and feeling up his ribs, making him suck in air in bliss.
"What three candies can you find in every school?"
"🕈 ✌❄✍" (WHAT?)
"Nerds, DumDums, and smarties."
"✋ 📄 ✋💧 ❄ 💣🕆 ✌ 🕈✌❄ 📪 🕈 ✌❄ ✋💧 ❄ 💣🕆 ✌ ✋👍 ✍" (IF H2O IS THE FORMULA FOR WATER, WHAT IS THE FORMULA FOR ICE?)
"I don't know."
" 📄 👍🕆👌 👎📬" (H2O CUBED.)
"I heard oxygen went on a date with potassium today."
"👎✋👎 ✋❄ 🕈✍" (DID IT NOW?)
"It went 'OK'."
He chuckles and leans into me, planting kisses on my neck.
"✋ ❄ 🕆 ❄ ✠✡ 🕈✌💧 👎✌❄✋ 💣✌ 💧✋🕆💣✍ 🕯 💣 🕯📪 ✋ ❄✍" (I THOUGHT OXYGEN WAS DATING MAGNESIUM? 'OMG', RIGHT?)
Even when our minds are under the influence, we can't help but fall into our most basic traits.
"*giggles* Actually, oxygen first asked nitrogen out, but nitrogen was all like 'NO'."
"*snickers* ✋ ❄ 🕆 ❄ ✠✡ ✌👎 ❄ ✌❄ 👎 🕆👌 👌✋ 👎 🕈✋❄ ❄ ✡👎 ❄🕈✋ 💧✍ 😐💧 ✋😐 💧 💣 🕯💧 ✌ 🕯 🕯📬" (*SNICKERS* I THOUGHT OXYGEN HAD THAT DOUBLE BIND WITH THE HYDROGEN TWINS? LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE'S AN 'HO'.)
He can't help but laugh at this nutty line of science jokes. He's not known for partaking in them like this, but if the jokes are in his line of knowledge, then they will tickle his funny bone. Plus, his brother Classic and a good number of my other bony friends are masters in the art of punning. So my skills in jokes are all thanks to them.
"I wish I was adenine."
"✡ 🕆 👎 ✍" (YOU DO?)
"Yeah...then I could get paired with U."
"🕈 ✌❄ ✋💧 ❄ ✌💧❄ 💧❄ 🕈✌✡ ❄ 👎 ❄ 💣✋ ❄ 💧 ✠ ✌ 👍 💣 💧 💣 ✍" (WHAT IS THE FASTEST WAY TO DETERMINE THE SEX OF A CHROMOSOME?)
"Do tell."
"🏱🕆 👎 🕈 ✋❄💧 💧❞📬" (PULL DOWN ITS GENES~.)
"Mmmm...Don't mind if I do~."
He flinches a little when I unfasten his belt and zip his pants down.
"*shudder* 📫 ❄❄✋ ✌ 📪 👎 🕯❄ ✡ 🕆 ❄ ✋ 😐✍" (*SHUDDER* G-GETTING EAGER, DON'T YOU THINK?)
"Is that a complaint?"
" ❄ ✡ 🕆 ✋ 📬" (NOT ON YOUR LIFE.)
"Good. Then allow me to work my magic on you. Because not only are we scientists, but we have the ability to do each other on a table, periodically."
I trace my fingers in between each sensitive bone. Hazily memorizing the smooth texture and enjoying the way his face shifted differently when certain places were touched.
"I'm going to learn how to please your body the same way you teach me about the Krebs Cycle...By going over it repeatedly every few semesters~."
He gulps as I lean into his chest, curling my tongue around ribs and sucking on them slowly. He groans as his hands claw at me, one in my hair clutches my head so it can't move away and the other is under my thigh to help the support.
" 📬📬📬👎 🕯❄ 💧❄ 🏱 ❄✋ ✡ 🕆 🏱 🏱 💣✡ 💧✡ ✞✋✌ 🕆✋👎📬📬📬" (OOOOOH...DON'T STOP TILL YOU POP MY SYNOVIAL FLUID...)
"*coos* As long as you bring your stirring rod, I'll bring my beaker~."
The hand in my hair pulls me up and he slams his mouth to my own, deepening the kiss with his magic made tongue.
"🕈 📬📬📬✡ 🕆 😐 🕈 🕈 ✌❄ ❄ ✡ 💧✌✡📬 *moans* ✋❄🕯💧 ❄ ❄ 💧✋ ❄ ✌ 🕆💣📬📬📬*shudder* 👌🕆❄ ❄ 💣 ❄✋ ❄ ✠❄ ✌👍 🕆 ✌ 🕆✋👎📬" (WELL...YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY. *MOANS* IT'S NOT THE SIZE OF THE FLAGELLUM...*SHUDDER* BUT THE MOTION OF THE EXTRACELLULAR FLUID.)
"Then why don't you and me...*groans* take this potential energy...*swoons* add some acceleration...*gasp* and make some kinetic energy all over this couch~."
He pulls me back and we just stare at each other for some time.
"✌ ✡ 🕆 💧🕆 ✡ 🕆 🕈✌ ❄ ❄ ✋💧✍ ✋ 💣 ✌ 📬📬📬🕈 👎 🕯❄ ✌✞ ❄ 👎 ✌ ✡❄ ✋ 📬" (ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT THIS? I MEAN...WE DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING.)
"Gaster...I'm as positive as a proton. So don't be a negative electron. Or else this will become as exciting as a neutron...no charge."
"✌ ✋ ❄📪 ✋ ❄ ✋❄📬 🕆💧❄ 👎 🕆👌 👍 👍😐✋ 📬" (ALRIGHT, I GET IT. JUST DOUBLE CHECKING.)
In one fluid motion, he pulls my shirt up and off me to join the other removed clothes scattered on the floor. He looks at me, then looks at my chest, now back to me, now back at body, now back to me.
"You okay?"
"✡ 🕆 💣🕆💧❄ 👌 ❄ 🏱 ✌💧 📬 👌 👍✌🕆💧 ✋🕯💣 💧❄✌ ✋ ✌❄ ✡ 🕆 👍 ✌✞✌ 🕆 🕈📬" (YOU MUST BE TELOPHASE. BECAUSE I'M STARING AT YOUR CLEAVAGE FURROW.)
It takes a moment before I have to cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud.
"Oh my god...You are so bad that it's actually sexy."
" ❄ ✞ ✡ 👎✌✡ ✋ 👍✌ 🕆💧 ❄ ✌❄ 📬" (NOT EVERY DAY I CAN USE THAT ONE.)
"Well if that's the case...If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me...smooth or rough~?"
His face blushes deeply and he blanks of emotion. Suddenly he moves me off him so he can stand up. He hastily picks me up and blots to his room, kicking his pants off along the way. His underwear shakes off till it's around his ankle and it would've been fine till it catches on the door when he tries closing it, so we tumble over each other.
Thank god we're wasted or that would've hurt a lot more. Now a sober person would be so turned off by being dropped on the ground with the efficiency of a farmer chucking a feed bag into the back of their wagon, but not us. In our messed up state, we found this hilarious. Laughing as we get back up, totally not caring if there are two other people sleeping at whatever time of the night this is, and fooling around as we get to his bed.
I shove him onto the bed, putting on a sloppy striptease of removing my skirt and panties, finishing with the unveiling of my ample chest. While he clearly appreciates the show, the dropping of my skirt alone made him produce a magical purple member and by the time he sees my breasts that bad boy is at full mast.
"You know, I can supply the Ligase to lengthen your strand. Or how about a little Telomerase to extend DAT chromosome~?"
Resting on his elbows, he licks wipes away some escaping drool and gulps with a weary smile.
"✋ 👎 🕯❄ 😐 🕈📬 ✋ ✞ ✌ 👎 ❄ 🏱 ✋💣 ✞ ✌ 📬" (I DON'T KNOW. I LOVE A GOOD THREE PRIME OVERHANG.)
"Three? Oh no sir. You are more of a good hard five prime end to me."
"✡ 🕆 ✌❄❄ 💣 📪 ✋❄❄ 📬" (YOU FLATTER ME, LITTLE ONE.)
I crawl on top of him and kiss up his ribcage.
"How about we make like the change of base law, with you on the bottom, and me on top~?"
" ✡ ✋ ✡ 🕆🕯 👌 ❄ ✌ 😐✡ ✌❄ ❄ 💣✡ ✌ 😐 ✠✋👎 📬" (ONLY IF YOU'LL BE THE ALKYLATE TO MY ALKOXIDE.)
"Okay, but why?"
"👌 👍✌🕆💧 📬📬📬✋❄🕯💧 🕆👍 🏱 ✋ ✋👍 ✌ 👎 ✌👎✡ ❄ 👌✌👍😐💧✋👎 ✌❄❄✌👍😐 ❄ ✌ 🕆❄ ✡ 🕆📬" (BECAUSE...IT'S NUCLEOPHILIC AND READY TO BACKSIDE ATTACK THE HALOGEN OUT OF YOU.)
He spanks me and I yelp. This first worries him, that fear subsides when he sees the giddy look on my face.
"No more waiting. Once you hit my G1 spot, we'll get this cell cycle started~."
"✋ ✋ 👍 🕆 👎 🏱 ✌💣 ❄ 🕆 ✋✞ 💧 📪 ✋ 🕈 🕆 👎 ✌ 👍✌❄ ✡ 🕆 ✌ 👎 ✋ ✋ 👍 ❄✋ 🕆 🕆💧 💣 ������ ✡ 👌 👍😐💧📬" (IF I COULD PROGRAM THE UNIVERSE, I WOULD ALLOCATE YOU AND I IN CONTIGUOUS MEMORY BLOCKS.)
"Gaster, slip between these beta-pleated sheets and get to know my alpha-helix."
He shudders hard and grabs my face, pulling me into a heated kiss while my body does the rest of the work. Straddling the delirious skeleton, any restraint evaporates as I lower myself, my aching virgin flower desperate for contact. My thighs quiver as I touch his wobbling column of maleness, the slick pre-goo coating my engorged clit, smothering it with tingling warmth. Oblivious to the apparent size difference, my body pushes downwards, my knees giving out, forcing his member against the entrance roughly. The need to be speared on his magic made boner is an overwhelming urge, egged on by the leaking pre-goo currently pumping into my love hole. With strength born of unnatural lust, I grip his shoulders and drive myself downwards, feeling myself stretch painfully as I take in his length.
Keeping the kiss, I feel his hands grab me by the thighs, forcefully grinding up and down along his length. Every inch of his towering slick rod presses tightly against my inner walls, smearing more of his wondrous pre-goo into my body with every stroke. Now with this rhythm in mind, I pick up the pace, heartbeat thudding in my ears as like a guiding metronome, making him convulse as his man-bit vibrates as I slam down on it over and over again. I find myself swooning loudly at the feeling of him thickening, bulging out at the base and slowly fattening inside me until it feels I might burst. With a throaty moan, he cums, erupting magic goo into what feels like my womb. My eyes roll back as it fills me, swooning as I feel the liquid pleasure seeping into me. My wall clamp down, trapping his essence inside, his orgasm dragging on. The copious fluid attempts filling my needy core. But I'm not ready to end it yet.
He pants and lazily looks at me.
"✡📫✡ 💧✍" (Y-YES?)
"You know...It's not the length of the vector that counts, but how you apply the force. And right now, there's some intense pressure in my core that needs you to add further heat to make my diamonds. Get the hint?"
My words rattle in his skull before his sockets widen.
"🕆 👎 💧❄ 👎 👎 ✌ 📪 🕆👎 ✌ 👎 👍 ✌ 📬" (UNDERSTOOD DEAR, LOUD AND CLEAR.)
The once very professional skeleton grabs me around the waist and flips me over while somehow maintaining our sexual connection. Now taking the reins of this drunken dance of ours, he fondles my softball-sized jugs, squeezing and mauling them with his calcified hands. Lulling to his care, he gives no warning when he shoves himself down hard into me, slamming his hips forward in an especially deep thrust. My eyes go wide in shock, seeing stars as he rams the massive member past spots that break my intoxicated mind. Wingding works his hips fast, piston-pumping his long shaft in and out. The rampant babbling coming from my mouth hiccups with his every thrust, and my body is racked by oncoming orgasm after possible orgasm.
"Aaah...Oooooh...Gaster...Aaah-aaah-oooh...Yes...Yes...Don't stop~!"
" 📬📬📬 ✌ ✌📪 💣💣💣💣 ✡ 🕆 ✋😐 ❄ ✌❄ ✌ ❄📪 🕆 ✍ ✡ 🕆 ✋😐 ✋ 💣 ✋ 💧✋👎 ✡ 🕆📬 ❄ 💣 ✡ 🕆 ✋😐 ✋❄📬" (OOOO...HAHA, MMMM YOU LIKE THAT A LOT, HUH? YOU LIKE FEELING ME INSIDE YOU. TELL ME YOU LIKE IT.)
"I love it! Oh yeah...Oh, there...right there! Take me! I need it! Harder! More please!"
"✡ 💧📬📬📬 👎📪 ✡ 💧✏ ❄✌😐 ✋❄✏ ✌✌✌ 📬📬📬 ✡ 💧✋ 📬📬📬❄✌😐 ✌ ✋❄✏ ❄✌😐 ✋❄✏ ❄✌😐 💣✡ ✞ 📪 💣✡ 🕆💧❄📪 ✌ 👎 ✌ 💣✡ 👌 ✋ ✏ " (YES...OH GOD, YES! TAKE IT! AAAH...LYNSIE...TAKE ALL OF IT! TAKE IT! TAKE MY LOVE, MY LUST, AND ALL OF MY BEING!)
"G-gaster...So hard...So tight...So hot...Oooooh...Ah...Aahh..."
The sensation of him filling me up causes deep shudders to rip from the depths of my throat. My head begins to swim as he rakes along my inner walls, tugging, catching and massaging from the inside as he starts to vibrate in building release, causing me to lock my legs around his torso in hopes of smashing him to limits unknown. As my mouth hangs open in lust, he loses himself to the ecstasy, roughly impaling himself in me hard enough to leave bruises on the pair of us. His eyes clenched tightly shut as he revels in the feeling of my warm wet insides lavish him in all the right ways. Eventually, his efforts finally force me over the edge, my hungry sex lips clench tightly over him, rhythmically squeezing as it attempts to milk his shaft, and he certainly doesn't disappoint. With a yell loud enough to match how much the bed has been quaking, he erupts violently within me, his hot magic love goo pouring into my depths again, his face twisted into a snarl of pleasure and satisfaction.
Slowly I start to come down from this orgasmic high, mostly because I'm about to past out. The sensations are beginning to settle, but then I realize Wingding isn't slowing down. His hips carry on with their pumping right through his orgasm and continually slam into me. He persists long after the climax knocks him out, masterfully working me the entire time. I fight the urge to black out solely out of sheer respect for his ability and curiosity to know how many times he can go for. I lose count rather quickly thanks to my brain shutting down and the couple more orgasms I get along the way, but after his final release, his hips slow down till they just stop. His member fades inside me, copious oddly satisfying fluids struggle to stay inside me, but there's no doubt a sticky purple stain on his sheets. With his body draped over mine, I limply put my arms around him and fall into a blissful sex-induced sleep.
[Meanwhile: In the hallway]
An alert Papyrus and a groggy Sans stare at their elder sibling's bedroom door in utter disbelief.
"i don't think that would the wisest move to make."
"do? we do nothing."
"sometimes there are things you can't do anything about."
"i know. but it's too late to do anything and i don't think anyone wants to see what's on the other side of that door after hearing the stuff e heard."
"now, let's just get back to bed and try not to dream about whatever just happened in there. okay, pap?"
"goodnight, pap. and...*yawns* sweet dreams."
Papyrus returns to his room but Sans continues to linger a little bit out of sleepiness.
"heh...didn't think those two could get that wild. *yawns* i'm so putting them through the walk of shame in the morning."
With that, Sans sluggishly returns to his room and his bed. The tomorrow was going to be interesting.
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laelaxh · 8 years ago
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This artist is amazingly talented. They’ve worked super hard to get where they are, both in drawing and their place in the Undertale community. 
Please support them by reblogging their post on the custom heads they’re making for cosplays for Undertale and by looking at their art. It’s really amazing honestly and support through their Ko-fi 
Thank you for those late night streams where you’d even draw some of the crazy stuff in the chats and your wonderful undertale drawings.
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spookym00kie · 8 years ago
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For my Senpai: @buttercupsticksnlicks
I Hope you like it! They are not fighting just staring!😊😘
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cowdragons · 8 years ago
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@buttercupsticksnlicks requested their boi,,, here he is,, the boi
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parakeetbutler · 8 years ago
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Lazy ass art. 20 minutes of effort just for you @buttercupsticksnlicks @buttercupsticksntricks
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0netype · 8 years ago
give in to the taller blue headcanonnn. imagine us sans full-on dipping us paps.
WHO SENT THIS I’M SC R EAMIN G!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
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@buttercupsticksnlicks LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE
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happykittyshop · 8 years ago
When I find one of my plush babies at a Undertale convention photo shoot x3
I also see @buttercupsticksnlicks and her boyfriend cosplay too <33 I know you already know this, but wanted to point you out again x3
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