#do you have any idea who the FUCK you're talking to?
hemipenal-system · 2 days
If I consent to a man breaking my jaw and ripping out my nails, the man who agrees to do it is a bad person. An extreme example but it should drive the point home, no?
Doesn't matter if I consent to being choked. Whoever WANTS to choke someone out to get off is a bad person.
Whoever wants to pretend to be raping or abusing someone to get off is a bad person.
"an extreme example but it should drive the point home, no"
no?? if you know the risks and accept them and give unhindered, clear and informed consent, then no, there's actually nothing wrong with someone doing that stuff to you. because, and viewers at home can say it with me, THAT IS HOW CONSENT WORKS
but y'know, what we're *actually* gonna look at here is the assumption that the person doing that to you is a man. maybe y'all would stop seeing kink as an inherent expression of patriarchy if you internalized the fact that not every man is dominant and not every woman is submissive. also, you know, that there are gay people.
but no, because that would require you to actually deconstruct the ideas you have in your head about how every man has to be an aggressor and how testosterone makes people violent and how every man secretly wants to do this kind of thing to every vulnerable, weak woman, the implication being of course that any woman who engages in this kind of thing by choice has something wrong with her
which is fully just misogyny but thats a tangent from the actual point here
"Doesn't matter if I consent to being choked. Whoever WANTS to choke someone out to get off is a bad person."
furthermore, i think you should also deconstruct this idea that kink spaces are all dominants who want to hurt their submissives, when in reality it's a dominant doing those things because they know their sub likes it just as much if not more of the time.
let's look at that "doesn't matter if i consent to being choked" line. um. yes it does?? knowing your risks and giving informed consent is literally the entire thing here. you do know that there are safe* ways to choke someone that are legitimately taught to people in an attempt to minimize permanent harm from that sort of thing, right? when you see things like "don't use thin metal handcuffs on your partner" and "keep safety shears within arm's reach when doing ropeplay" and "drink gatorade and go pee after sex" you know those are all things people do to reduce risk, right?
(* no form of breathplay is 100% safe! know the risks and do research on how to minimize them before you play!!!)
"Whoever wants to pretend to be raping or abusing someone to get off is a bad person."
hey look at that key word i italicized in that quote for your ease of reading! it's all pretend! because, once again, viewers at home say it with me, THAT IS HOW CONSENT WORKS
there's no actual rape or abuse happening if you have proper consent and safe word setups in place. the key to this whole thing, which is why any of this stuff is actually possible to do ethically, is the fact that, at any time for any reason at all, either the dominant or the submissive can stop the scene. literally all kink is, is an ongoing, revokable agreement between at least two people to do things that might not be ethical irl.
(before y'all toss another strawman at this, yes there are people who break consent rules, and yes they get tossed out of kink spaces for it)
kink is fucking theater. when hamlet stabs polonius, you don't accuse hamlet's actor of being a murderer. this is morally the exact same thing as going to the theater and watching people talk in iambic pentameter and stab each other.
there's also kinks that have basically negligible risk of temporary or permanent harm, just so you know, but of course you're not going to mention those ones. you know, because you're a weirdo who just wants to police what people do in the bedroom
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merwgue · 2 days
Why Feyre as High Lady Could Lead to the Night Court's Downfall (Or, How to Ruin a Court in 10 Easy Steps) comming from someone who is planning to study international relations and whos whole family is quite familiar with it:
Look, we all love Feyre. She's fierce, she's brave, and she can paint a mean flower. But let's be real: as High Lady of the Night Court, she's a Fucking diplomatic nightmare. If there were an award for "How to Piss Off Every High Lord and Their Neighboring Courts," she'd win it. Twice. Here's why Feyre's reign might just bring the Night Court crashing down faster than rhys can growl or cum to the image of his child
1. Explosive Temper and Poor Diplomacy Let’s talk about the High Lords meeting in A Court of Wings and Ruin. Remember that? Feyre’s blow-up at Beron wasn’t just a passionate defense—it was a major diplomatic fuck-up. Yes, Beron was being a total asshole, but diplomacy often means biting your tongue and playing the long game. Feyre's outburst could have easily cost them an alliance with the Autumn Court, potentially turning Beron into an outright enemy. With Hybern on the horizon, losing any potential allies could have been catastrophic. Instead of keeping things cool and trying to find common ground, she let her temper flare, risking everything Rhysand had worked for to keep the courts united. Feyre basically threw a damn match onto a pile of political dynamite.
2. Alienating Potential Allies Ah, the Summer Court fiasco. Remember when Feyre decided it was a good idea to steal from Tarquin? Not just any theft, but a "Hey, let's be friends—JK, I’m taking your most powerful magical artifact" kind of theft. Brilliant move. And then she had the nerve to act all shocked when Tarquin was pissed about it. "What do you mean you're mad I stole from you? We're supposed to be allies!" Gee, I wonder why Tarquin wasn’t thrilled about that little betrayal. It's like borrowing your friend's car and returning it on empty, with a dent in the side. And by "borrow," I mean grand theft auto. Feyre, maybe try not to screw over potential allies next time? Just a thought.
3. Emotional Decision-Making Feyre often lets her emotions drive her decisions. While being passionate isn't inherently bad, it becomes a problem when it overrides logic and strategy, especially in the high-stakes world of Prythian politics. The High Lords meeting is one instance, but it happens repeatedly. Her open hostility toward Tamlin, even if understandable on a personal level, didn't help the broader cause. By pushing him further away instead of seeking some form of truce, she risked driving him into Hybern's arms. A High Lady needs to think beyond personal grudges to what’s best for her people and her court, and Feyre struggles with that balance. You can't just say "screw it" and go off on people when the fate of your entire court is on the line.
4. Ignoring the Complexity of the Night Court And let's not forget the Night Court's lovely little secret: Hewn City. You know, that underground hellhole they basically keep under lock and key. Rhysand and Feyre are all "Oh, look at Velaris, it's so pretty and free!" Meanwhile, half their court is rotting in a glorified dungeon. And what's Feyre's big idea for dealing with Hewn City? Oh, right, pretend it doesn't exist. Smart. Because ignoring a potential uprising within your own court is definitely the way to keep things stable. It's like the French Revolution all over again—if the Night Court were France, then Feyre's approach is like Louis XVI ignoring the starving peasants while hosting extravagant parties. Eventually, ignoring the discontent and keeping people oppressed leads to revolution. Treating Hewn City like an inconvenient problem rather than addressing it is a recipe for disaster.
5. Undermining Rhysand’s Diplomacy Rhysand spent centuries mastering diplomacy—playing the long game, keeping everyone in check. And then comes Feyre, storming in like, "Oh, you spent centuries building these delicate alliances? Well, watch me fuck it up in five minutes." She's like that one friend who always says, "Hold my beer," right before doing something incredibly stupid. Rhys is trying to keep the court from crumbling, and Feyre's out there acting like diplomacy means "scream at the enemy until they go away." Newsflash: That’s not how this works. This isn't some street brawl where whoever yells the loudest wins. It's politics. You know, the art of not making enemies out of every living soul around you?
Conclusion Feyre's got the passion, the guts, and the fighting spirit of a warrior. But when it comes to actually leading a court? She’s like a bull in a china shop, if that bull also happened to have a grudge against every piece of porcelain in the room. Being High Lady isn’t about who's right in the heat of the moment; it's about playing the long game, keeping your people safe, and not, you know, burning bridges with every other court. If she keeps going down this path—alienating allies, ignoring the needs of half her own court, and letting emotions drive her decisions—the Night Court is in serious trouble. Feyre needs to understand that diplomacy isn’t about who can throw the best tantrum. It’s about avoiding a revolution and ensuring the stability of your people. Otherwise, the Night Court might fall not because of an external threat, but because its own leader is too busy screwing things up from the inside.
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euniexenoblade · 2 days
any tips for dealing with hatemail? i get the general idea but something about being accused of bigotry with no evidence really irks me because I want to sort out any issues I have but I can't from the type of thing in hate mail and I have a feeling that's intentional to take advantage of my good will. is there anything you think would be good to keep in mind so I can not block out people giving genuine criticisms while also not spiraling? (I'm fine atm but I'm assuming the anons are only going to get worse with time)
The thing is, if you make a real mistake the people who help you realize it are not going to be anonymous name callers. That isn't to say that the people telling you that you fucked up will be nice about it, but hatemail has like, a structure to it. And people wanting to tell you you're spitting bigotry or propaganda will generally do it with their name shown. I do not take criticism from anonymous seriously, you shouldn't either.
On average someone is going to reach out via dms, privately, and talk things out with you. Granted, not 100% of the time, but it's nice to have your embarrassment private, and most people know that. Most people around you know you're a good person and want you to be the best you that you can be without making you look like a fool with zany one liners for notes.
Really, it's just identify their angle. Is the asker misgendering you? Calling you names? Questioning your intelligence? Weaponizing bigotry against you? What does the asker have to gain from this? To embarrass you? To hurt you? To teach you? Hatemail tends to be hyperbolic "you hate all trans men wahh!" Like of course you don't.
It depends but hate ail functions on vibes tbh. If the person isn't willing to say it off anon, it's bullshit.
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daengtokki · 2 days
hi!!! i love the way you write about reader and seungmins intimacy in the deity series. i was wondering for the requests leading up to minnie’s birthday, you could do a little oneshot or blurb about a first kiss between seungmin and reader??? doesn’t have to be related to the deity series at all hehe i just love your writing :)
Thank you anon! Here's a previous first kiss oneshot I did a while back, but I'm happy to write another one! We already know sk!Seungmin/reader's first actual kiss, so I was originally going to do something completely different. Instead, I decided to elaborate on their real first kiss, because it's actually quite important. I can't quite fluff it up, but...
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serial killer!Kim Seungmin/afab reader
wc: ~860
rating: um....fluff? dark fluff? angsty fluff... (contains: DEITY themes; sex, death, murder, language, etc)
the difference between these two headers is something
Day 4 of Seungmin's birthday oneshot countdown!
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“Hey, sweetheart…look at me,” he runs a soft thumb across your brow, and wipes away a stray tear running down your temple. Seungmin freezes, and the air catches in his throat. “Open your eyes,” he whispers.
It's been a long time since a lifeless body made him feel anything except relief and calm. Right now, his head is exploding with thoughts—it feels like a storm rolling in, slow and terrifying. The low rumble of thunder, and the flashes of light revealing the nighttime things you're not supposed to see...there here are so many parts of Seungmin's mind that he doesn't want to see.
He pulls at your chin until your lips part to listen for the movement of air. Still nothing. “Fuck.” The shakiness of his voice surprises him.
Who the hell are you, and why are you doing this to him? Dying in his bed without his permission. Seungmin doesn't have the time for this, nor the knowledge on how to fix it, but he has no choice. He has to either fix this or face the idea of gathering you up and finding somewhere to dispose of you. For a moment he imagines himself finding his phone and dialing 112, talking to a dispatcher... "I think I accidentally killed the person I was just fucking."
Shut up, he says to himself, but allows a nervous laugh to escape.
He climbs off of you and collapses onto his pillows, but his eyes don’t leave your still body
Why can't he just do that? Disposing of the body is the most important part of his job, so he's gotten very good at it. Looking at you, though...your soft, innocent face, your naked body, the scratch he left on your cheek. Something about rolling you up in his blanket and never seeing any of it ever again makes him want to scream. In some hidden part of his misfiring brain, a little connection is made without him realizing. He looks around at the dark room and sees a few pieces of the clothing he and you both ripped from your body.
Why can't he take it back?
He’s up again and walking on unsteady legs, still weak from the exertion
Is he shaky from the sex, or from fear? Both? The condom is ripped off and tossed to the side as he hunts for his sweatpants and pulls them up each leg.
Seungmin climbs onto the bed again and straddles your waist. Your cheeks are still flushed, and your lips, also still very alive looking, stay ever so slightly parted.
He listens carefully, and watches for the slightest movement in your chest.
he prides himself on his control, but sometimes he does lose himself in the moment
Your neck is still perfect and beautiful—not a single scratch or mark from his savage hands. He runs a soft finger from your jaw to the hollow of your throat, hoping to feel a slow pulse. Nothing. He looks at your lips...“Hey,” he moves a piece of hair away from your damp forehead, places his lips against yours for the very first time, and he fills your lungs with air.
Still so warm, and even softer in your impossibly relaxed state. Once...twice. He pulls away ever so slightly and looks at your closed eyes, not completely closed. He can see the whites of them just beneath your eyelashes from this angle. One more deep breath into you, and then he decides it's probably hopeless; why would any of what's inside of him help you come back? He wipes his thumb over your lips and closes them, but returns one more time for a selfish kiss. Seungmin take your lower lip between his and licks, tastes, and drags his teeth over the skin as he releases you and falls back onto the pillows.
“you see that, Daengmo?” he says, and points its face toward you, “I still can’t do anything right.”
He licks his lips and tries to get more of what he just took from you, but there's nothing left, and he can't make himself return to you for another taste. He's not very good at owning up to his mistakes, especially the big ones.
The bed moves, and Seungmin feels his heart beat against his ribs. He watches, frozen, as your fingers curl around the sheets...and you grip them, so fiercely your knuckles turn white. You don't make a sound, but the steady rise of your chest finally makes him move. He does it as slowly and softly as possible. Hands hover above your face, and he doesn't dare lay a finger on you. Not yet. Before he can think again, your eyes open, and you gasp and cough like you're ridding yourself of something poisonous. He doesn't have to touch you, because you come to him. Seungmin grabs you as you sit up and holds you steady as you gasp for air, but you don't want him. You push back.
Seungmin’s grip tightens on your shoulder, and he lets you fall back on the bed
He's seen plenty of terrified faces, but nothing like yours, because it goes right through him. There is no pleasure in the fear he's created in you.
“No…no, stop”
“I’m not going to hurt you…I promise”
His runs his palm down the cold, clammy skin on your chest, and then back up in a hopeful attempt to soothe something in you.
"I'm sorry"
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nothingbutnowhere · 3 days
Paid In Full (18+)
The Apartment Anthology
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Contains: 18+, Unethical and creepy maintenance man!Simon, I don't know how else to put this but he comes on your toys in your shower when he enters your apartment for maintenance, come eating, if I missed anything lmk
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It could be worse. Really, the building you live in isn't that old or in disrepair, just out of date. There's only been one thing you've needed to call maintenance for.
Despite this, you see the maintenance guy around a bunch, or at least his truck full of various tools and parts parked outside the buildings. The man himself proves to be elusive and you've only seen him when he came into your apartment to fix the heat. Tall, stoic, and handsome. Polite with his face mask and shoe covers. His eyes glance around your apartment, seemingly bored with the way his eyelids droop. Neither of you attempt small talk while he works and you stand awkwardly across the room. He scribbles down some info about the repair on a carbon copy sheet and tears one off for you, nodding when you thank him. His eyes travel down your body, making your genuine smile fade as you silently wish for him to leave.
It's the time when you don't see him in your apartment that causes an issue.
You're a person who likes to play solo. Regardless of whether or not you're getting laid, there's fun to be had in reveling in your imagination while you masteurbate.
And what better place to play than in the shower? Warm, steamy air, nice and wet and sensitive...
So not one or two, but three toys sit in the corner of your shower, their own little city line of dildo skyscrapers, varying in lengths and thicknesses.
Therein lies the problem. You usually keep them there. And why not? No roommates, the only one in there is you!
Until you're not.
You return to your apartment one day to a pink slip sitting innocently on your bathroom counter. The scribble you can barely make out reads: Ceiling fixed- upstairs bathroom tub leak, with the date and an illegible signature.
Your face drains of blood as you look over and see the open shower curtain.
Without a doubt the maintenance guy saw your toys.
Well it's time to leave the country and change your name and start a new life.
But something catches your eye. You step over to the tub and take a closer look. Lines of white streak the toys, some sort of liquid running down them.
That's- no. There's no way. That can't be come.
Against better judgment you reach out tentatively, pointer finger sliding through the mess, which sticks to you when you pull back.
You look at the slip clenched in your other hand. At the bottom, something is written directly on it in pen:
6pm for payment
Ok first of all that's not how that works, and second of all: fuck. He has a key. And you've seen him before, he's huge and muscular enough he can definitely pull the chain right out of the wall if you used it to keep him out. You're screwed. You're going to have to leave the country, this time for another reason. You should march right down to the rental office and demand to be let out of the lease. You should be grabbing your emergency bag and going to stay with a friend. You should be filing for a fucking restraining order.
But you're frozen, breaths ragged and loud in the enclosed space and your heart pounds in your chest so hard it nearly rattles your ribcage. The- stuff- on your finger is a glossy, milky white. You definitely should not be touching it. But you have to admit that deep down the real come (and not your own) on the toys looks good.
You stick your finger in your mouth.
I do NOT consent for my works, part of my works, or my ideas to be used for ANY form of AI.
Part 2
More Simon
So This amazing fic jogged a memory of the maintenance guy seeing my toys in the shower- mortifying btw- so naturally I decided to extrapolate into a fic. Because I'm totally normal!
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could you write your dating shauna hc please? i love your writing btw ❤️😭
Dating Shauna Shipman Headcanons
Ty anon <3
Implied fem reader, could probs be gender neutral, used she/her pronouns like once
Pre-dating/how you got together
The two of you started talking/hanging out because you were paired up for a project
At first you thought she hated you because she was always very quiet around you, like barely speaking to you even when you speak to her
Turns out she just had no idea how to make a conversation with you. That is, until she came over to work on a project and saw that you had a few of her favorite books. All of a sudden, she's very talkative. At least Shauna levels of very talkative
She starts hanging around you more, not really saying anything but if she sees you in the library, she'll come sit down next to you
After this happens for like the fifth time in a week, you ask her if she wants to maybe go get a coffee and study together
Shauna looks so shocked for a moment, and you wonder if you've misread the entire situation
Then she does her embarrassed little smile and is all "that sounds nice"
Two days later you're meeting her at a coffee shop and you have like the time of your life, she's so incredibly smart, but also so funny
You two start hanging out at least once a week, and sometimes you'll sit with her and the Yellowjackets at lunch
This goes on for a few months, both of you obviously having feelings for each other but neither of you saying anything
Until one day you think "fuck it" at the end of one of your study sessions, and kiss her when you leave. Just like a quick kiss on the cheek and you're out the door
She calls Jackie that night completely losing her mind, asking what to do
Jackie's all "Shauna she likes you. You idiot. Call her." But Shauna can't bring herself to call you
You're wondering if you fucked up the friendship until she's completely normal the next day at school
Nothing changes for like a week until she gets absolutely wasted at a party that you're both at
She comes to find you and she's so drunk that you're like "okay we're leaving." And you drive her back to her house
When you get there, she asks you to stay the night with her, and who are you to say no when she's this drunk?
You stay the night and she confesses she just didn't know what to do when you kissed her, and she didn't know if it was just friendly/that was how you showed affection
But she "has feelings for you or whatever and she knows they're probably stupid"
You're giggling and she's all pouty until you tell her that "obviously you have a crush on her you idiot"
OKAY now to when y'all are actually together!!
She leaves little notes for you in your bags/locker/ your room. They're mostly things she doesn't want to say out loud or reminders of things she wants to talk about
Loves to trade books with you and annotate them. Sticky notes galore. Some are like actual annotations and some are just "reminded me of you/us :)"
JEALOUS SHAUNA mmm... glaring when you dance with someone else at a party, even if it's literally Jackie or Taissa. She doesn't care, you're supposed to be hers.
Making you wear her flannels out... especially if she isn't going to be there with you (also loves to leave lipstick marks/hickeys)
Gets VERY touchy when she's drunk. Arm around your waist, head on your shoulder. Kissing you any second she can
Less touchy sober, but still likes to be touching you, things like holding hands or just sitting next to each other
When you're alone, though, she will not let you go. She's def a cuddler
Double dates with Jackie and Jeff 😭😭😭 they're hella awkward because half the time it's just Shauna and Jackie talking and you and Jeff sitting in silence. Not your fave date nights
Shauna is a clothes stealer. You have any flannels? They're hers now. Sweaters? Great. You've been dating for like two months when you realize half your wardrobe is gone
In her defense, though, she likes it when you take her clothes, too.
You're constantly hearing shit about Jackie and all the other Yellowjackets. Like "Taissa and Van are hooking up, I think" and "Jackie won't shut the hell up about states" you honestly feel like part of the team
Eventual double dates with Tai and Van that are 10x better than the Jackie/Jeff ones. You actually feel like you can talk
Shauna is constantly giving you new book recommendations and you're like "how do you read so much you're always so busy" and she just shrugs
Modern! Shauna that hates TikTok but whenever you show her a cute couple trend she gives in and does it with you
Modern! Shauna who never responds to texts/dms. Even from you. If you have something you really need to ask her, you have to call
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lloydfrontera · 3 months
i don't think theo would relapse after rakiel dies but i do think he would overcorrect so hard to avoid it he'd end up developing a whole new eating disorder because of it. not really starving himself as much as controlling everything he eats down to the tiniest bite. not allowing himself to deviate from his diet at all and feeling extemely guilty and anxious when he does. in a horrible situation where nothing feels right and there's so little he can do to fix it, this is the one thing he has control over. this is the one thing he can do to make sure things go as well as they can. he fucked up once and rakiel had to step in to fix him but now his brother is gone and there'll be no one to catch the pieces if he breaks again so. he just has to make sure he never does. he has to control himself because there's no one now to extend a hand to help him up if he falls.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 16 hours
not sure it's my post to make particularly, but I do fucking hate how the concept of white guilt gets weaponized within white people ingroups to throw at each other in order to goad each other into emotional passivity, detachement and inaction, it's just so extremely not what the concept is about initially and is actually still an extension of white guilt it turns out!!! as it's still reacting to that idea and concerned by trying to sever oneself from its perceived effects, regardless of what those are and what they do and what bigger picture they exist in!!!! anyway.
#thoughts#personal#bad weird takes#I have seen SO many posts weaponizing white guilt as a thing you should be ashamed of recently#and therefore (generally) you should stop openly caring about palestine and in-community discordant voices from minorities!!#funny how that always goes#the appeal to reason very often opposed to “white guilt” in these messages is also... very revealing imo#like ok are we still on the Emotions VS Reason dychotomy as if the two cannot coexist and inform each other#as if this very dychotomy isn't based on pretty eurocentric imperialist ideas (with sexism sprinkled ontop)#and also the notion that you're stupid and childish if you feel guilty about the state of the world and your complicity in it#is fucking weird???#it's not bad to interrogate how we can offset the systems of oppression we benefit from!!! what is going on!!!#it's bad to use white guilt to center one's feelings over marginalized communities and how to be actually helpful sure!!!#and it's bad (unhelpful) to let guilt freeze us into inaction!! of course!!#but this is very much not what this is about whenever mentioned in these examples?#here it's the very concept that you “feel bad because of privilege” that is bad. it's just bad inherently apparently.#there seems to be weirdass mental gymnastics happening that seem to imply that it's actually based and epic to not feel white guilt#as if??? I don't know it would dissociate you from the causes??? ???? who knows#and so somehow!!! being a “more conscienscious” ally is to ignore marginalized communities' clear calls to action apparently!!#as you wouldn't want to burden them with your your embarassing urge to be helpful :/#REAL victims are being burdened by your behavior see. :/ no you can't talk to them nor see them they're conveniently always offscreen#being taken care of by actual Good Systems that we must trust instead of interfering or getting involved in any way :/#I swear there will be so very much to unpack about those last six months on the internet#I do find it grimly funny that all of these posts calling out its readership on “you let yourself be manipulated because of white guilt boo#are the ones. doing that. the most explicitly. but in reverse. using the concept of white guilt to shame people back into comformity.
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cherrymoonvol6 · 15 days
#lately i've been going to twitter to get some lunter action bc most fanartists are there#and god it's just so annoying that over there they're stuck in a 5 day cycle of the same discourse over and over again#is it okay to ship this or is this a dirty nasty morally questionable proship? uwu#then the realization is 'yes lunter actually isn't a disgusting perverted proship which makes it okay to exists even if i HATE it'#and then two days later someone is like um akshually it's disgusting because incest and here we fucking go again#god. we need to extirp anyone under 16 years old from the internet. you have not developed enough brain matter to be on social media#(now if you're an adult unironically arguing in that discourse you either have a lot of free time or i just need to block you)#but man. like i wanna say to those lunter defenders..... can't you see what's wrong?#can't you see that the moment you've chosen to accept the premise of there being 'good' and 'reproachable' ships you've already lost?#that someone will always be able to pick a 'problematic' aspect in any ship ever?#that entertaining that idea from the beginning is the absolute worst thing you could do?#like i prefer when people call lunter boring. okay yeah i do Not see what you're seeing but also#thank fucking GOD we're bringing up actually relevant stuff here#like part of me is so fascinated about this. how murder seems to be the only thing that's accepted in media as a narrative tool#(and at some extent even that is too much)#but this yet again goes back to..... well what the fuck do you interact with fiction and media in the first place#when you're COMPLETELY unwilling to acknowledge any of these things as FICTION (not real) in the first place?#where your favorite character is the most morally correct and your favorite ship is the 'healthiest'?#i just wish we were able to talk about who the characters are and what their dynamic means in the show you know#instead of recycling the same reasons why it's morally 'okay' to be interested in them over and over and over and over and over and over and
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impofthegasstation · 2 months
i feel weird and self conscious about my art again. sigh
the entire post ended up in thw tags ohb my god
#imptxt#ill talk about it more here#i do actually really like my art overall#i love my artstyle a lot it's so fun! lineless art awesome yay ^_^#i also really like the fact that i can very easily make super experimental art without feeling. bad or something.#BUT#i started drawing later than a lot of other people i guess. i haven't drawn since i was born i started drawing on aj when i was 9/10#and i didn't ever use references when i was younger which has made me incredibly. anxious about using them now :(. doesn't help that i am-#genuinely scared of using human refs because. i feel like they're staring at me#ive been seeing a lot art by people who are the same age as me or younger recently which is. technically a lot better than me currently#like. skills wise or whatever#and the ideas ive been having in my head have also become a lot more. out of my comfort zone/abilities#which is making me feel like i have to improve but. i don't really feel like it at the same time. i just want to have fun#but. i also want my art to be more interesting and dynamic anf just. Cool i want to have cooler art.#i haven't really used any tutorials but. None of them are really just. suitable for me from what i can tell??? idk man. different artstyles#to the one i have.#it's. it sucks.#i hate it.#sigh#ive also been feeling more guilty about yhe art i post recently???#idk. it feels repetitive and i don't want that. sigh.#i also wanna draw backgrounds man i love backgrounds but they're difficult#nothing is stopping me from doing that tbh. i just. have been very focused on drawing characters and ive been lazy with them#thankfully background refs aren't difficult for me to use.#ouuuhggvgg art js a Fuck why do i do it#(it's so fun hats why)#helllk wajt i just realised the reason why this is happening is because the thing im reading has fucking banger art#You Fucker. whatever you're forgiven god your art is so goals hs.#maybe i can. hm#AART YAY!!!!
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anarcho-masochist · 11 months
Okay, I thought this was universal but maybe my last three therapists were right that it is not:
Is it normal for boredom to be truly unbearable?
As in, worse than anything else, would rather get eviscerated while fully conscious, will do anything to escape it which might actually include suicide if no satisfactory options are available?
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snekdood · 1 year
stop blaming people blame their governments
stop blaming people blame their governments
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
sometimes you have a trigger that cannot be reasonably and easily accommodated for, because it would require the people around you to police themselves to an extent that is not healthy for them to do.
that doesn't make your triggers and your trauma any less real or valid or *deserving* of accommodations, but deserving does not necessarily always mean that those accommodations are possible.
sometimes the best way to handle your triggers is to recognize what triggers you and do what you have to do to handle them when they come up. find coping mechanisms that work for you, and as much as you're able to, be open with the people in your life about it. even if they can't make sure you never have to interact with something that may trigger you, they can be a support system for you to ensure you'll survive the blows as they come.
it's not always possible to avoid what triggers you and it's not always possible for others to do that for you. (to be clear: i'm not at all saying people should *seek out* content that they *know* will trigger them or that they shouldn't remove themselves from situations that are triggering when they have the ability to do so, but that sometimes it's not that easy.)
(disclaimer: this is not psychological advice and i'm not saying this applies to everyone.)
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aethelredism · 8 months
i finally saw promising young woman last night because i am nothing if not dedicated to the hater lifestyle and i knew it was going to be awful but i did not realize it was literally going to be the worst movie i've ever seen in my entire life.
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simptasia · 1 year
personally i don’t think anything should cost money. if it were up to me, we’d star trek this shit up and do away with that needless cause of so much suffering
however. bare min? we should at least make it so things that humans (and animals) literally need to live? that should be free. so that would be: food, water, medicine, housing, and the means for temperature control
those five things, at the very least, should be an undeniable right to all living beings. the fact that so many people can’t wrap their minds around that baffles me. and tells me my dream of No Money is a long way away
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tfw you want to write up a proper post detailing What the Fuck about a particular thing about a character, but you're too exhausted and out of sorts to figure out the best way to format it and you'd rather make an actual concise, relatively coherent post instead of just reblogging it over and over with 'jesus fucking christ'
#LL tag#this post brought to you by adam using his intimate knowledge of a cult victim's religious trauma to shame him for being suicidal#by calling him 'a weakling' and not a real member of his race for it#after saying in his narration that it's explicitly and categorically impossible for him to be depressed because of his race#just straight up 'being suicidal is a sin and if you do it you're a filthy sinner who will go to hell' shit#because threats and other emotional manipulation aren't as effective if he doesn't care about giving up or dying#and then talks about 'leaning on him with one last question when i can see he's most vulnerable'#and the authors treating this as like mildly edgy moral dubiousness instead of a despicable thing to do#even by what should be his own goals and standards; and then having the gall to act like he's being ~compassionate and giving him a chance~#and trying to ~change him~ by telling him.............. that there's nothing wrong with being what the cult would consider 'weak'#and then chalking it up to rex's morals being 'in his blood' (jesus fucking christ lmao) when he tries to stonewall him#is just. something. it is really fucking something#adam is a piece of work miles above and beyond what the creators intended him to be#and the things he does get called on and makes any indication of being sorry for or trying to change do not even slight make a dent#in the depths of the truly evil shit that he believes. even when he tries to kill ella he blames it on being a mogadorian#instead of taking responsibility for MAKING THAT CHOICE HIMSELF. and then ella immediately goes 'no ur fine i was rooting for u lol'#and the others' response to this is to talk about how ~it's not nature you can choose to be more like us than you think~#instead of going 'YEAH SO. THAT WASN'T IN YOUR NATURE BUDDY. OWN THE FUCK UP'#and his idea of taking that to heart is 'awesome maybe it /is/ possible to torture them into changing. don't GAF if they suffer though'#and also he has demonstrated drooling over the idea of getting to torture other mogs to death in ways tailored to them specifically#& also says ~compassionately~ and p directly that he has hopes he'll eventually be able to torture his little sister into loving him again#anyway yeah please keep him away from rex and every other mog forever#LL crit tag#fuck off adam#dyn: but i'm helping you anyway#racism cw#torture cw#suicide cw#religious abuse cw
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