#do i leave a mesage
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elasticitymudflap · 1 year
god, okay. fuck. i hate to say that i really underatand where simon's coming from, like, with his misunderstanding of betty and their relationship. because, well, autism. he's obviously used to being alone and people thinking he's stupid and weird, and is just very passive in his approach to other people in general. i know that feeling. it's a barrier you build around yourself to get through a world that refuses to understand you, and by this point you're so used to getting burned from making social missteps that you eventually stop trying to vocalize your own feelings and desires, so you're perpetually waiting for the other person to make the first move so you can follow:
'this cool girl i met has read my work and is really into it, she's so smart and even sees things in it that i missed! and she really wants to come with me on this next expedition? oh wow, okay, great! i mean, she's so excited about it she basically dropped her own plans and invited herself along, so this is clearly something she really wants to do! who would i be to deny her that?'
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'and wow is she ever great! on our expedition together she always knows how to handle obstacles, she doesn't even need my help! i really should be following her lead, she really knows what she's doing so much better than me! i'm so glad she wanted to be here and help me!'
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'i can't believe we found the enchiridion together! but she doesn't want to come along with me and take credit for its discovery? even though she helped me out so much and is so incredible and i really really like her- wait!! i shouldn't say that last part!! that would be really weird!! i don't want to make things weird!! she had a good time, and since all of this was her choice i won't try to stop her or make her feel bad or do something she doesn't want to. best to keep it professional.'
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'oh hey! she left a note for me in that book i was going to check out, god she's so funny-wait. oh my god, SHE thinks we had something special too??! she says she's going on that trip, but she wishes she could travel the world with me??! she even gave me her address so i can come find her??! okay, mesage received, I GOTTA GO TALK TO HER!!!'
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'uh oh, i don't know what to say to her, i obviously said the wrong thing just now and she thinks i don't feel the same way. i know she feels embarassed about the letter. i'll tell her letter was great!! it was incredible!! i want her to know that i want exactly what she wants, and that i feel the same way about her, i'll even say it to her the same way she did!!'
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all i'm saying is... from somebody of This specific perspective, i can totally see why he didn't question her not getting on the bus, dropping everything to come with him, and all of her other desicions she made in ooo:
'okay i'm FINALLY going to apologize to betty for how the crown made me scare her away 1000 years ago! wait, hang on, she seems really confused that i'm saying goodbye to her?'
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'oh no, we're running out of time but she feels really bad about the fact that she left me!! no, it's okay!! i want you to know that love you, and i forgive you for leaving me!! please don't feel bad about it!!'
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to him, betty is unquestionably strong, competent, capable, and confident in everything she does. if she didn't want to do something she simply wouldn't do it, much the same way that he knows she would move heaven and earth if she wanted to make something happen; and who would he be if he didn't give her the chance to let her try? he simply doesn't PERCIEVE her to be insecure, overly self sacrificing, and in need of him to be a lot less passive about her choices, the way that someone from the outside looking in obviously can.
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autism4autism couple my FUCKING beloved.
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makeitmingi · 11 months
Cause Baby You're My Muse [Chapter 55]
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Genre: Romance, Idol!AU, Music, Slight angst
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Producer!Reader, IdolLyricist!Mingi, IdolProducer!Hongjoong, Idol!Seonghwa, Idol!Yunho, Idol!Wooyoung, Idol!San, Idol!Yeosang, Idol!Jongho, cameo(s) by other celebrities
Summary: You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
Word count: 3.2K
"Tell us the truth about what?" Wooyoung opened the door, getting the attention of the 2 in the bedroom and the 5 in the living room.
"Tell us what? What truth?" Hongjoong stood up, heading to where Wooyoung was standing at the treshold between the bedroom and the hallway. Jongho looked at Seonghwa, who looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Seonghwa... Jongho... What are you two hiding?" Hongjoong frowned. Jongho could practically see the internal debate that Seonghwa was having.
"Let's talk in the living room, hyungs." Jongho stood up, wiping his palms on his pants.
"Jongho..." Seonghwa spoke, his voice strained with confliction.
"They already know we're hiding something, Seonghwa hyung. There's no point hiding it anymore, they should know the truth." Jongho said, walking out of the room.
"Okay...?" Wooyoung frowned in confusion but followed behind Jongho, leaving Seonghwa and Hongjoong there.
When Seonghwa looked up, he saw the hurt and betrayal flash in Hongjoong's eyes. Hongjoong has never given Seonghwa that look before, making the oldest chew on his bottom lip. But the captain didn't say anything, pursing his lips and following the youngest to the living room.
"Hongjoong..." Seonghwa sighed. He stood up and walked out to the livinf room but didn't sit down with the others. He opted to stand beside the wall, leaning against it.
"Speak. What truth?" San said.
"Wait, before Jongho says anything, I need all of you to promise me something." Seonghwa spoke just as Jongho opened his mouth.
"Considering you two have been hiding things from us, should we really owe you promises now?" Hongjoong asked. The others nodded in agreement.
"It's not a promise to us. It's a promise to Indigo." Seonghwa crossed his arms.
"Okay, what?" Yunho asked.
"When you guys hear what we have to say, no going to CEO Kim, Eden or anyone. If you're going to do something, tell us. No going off on your own accord and plan. And no spamming Indigo's phone with calls and mesages." Seonghwa said seriously.
"We promise." Yeosang spoke for the group. They were confused as to what Seonghwa meant but agreed for Jongho to be able to tell them what he had to say.
"Indigo... was forced to leave. That's what CEO Kim meant with his last comment." Jongho said.
"Forced to leave? By who?" Wooyoung asked.
"Indigo, on her own, has been dealing with threats. These threats have been escalating. They were first letters and emails then packages. She was even stalked at her home." Jongho revealed.
"That night she called Mingi, having a panic attack, that's what really happened." Seonghwa informed.
"I found out because I saw she was acting differently with Mingi hyung. Seonghwa hyung saw one of the threatening emails pop up." Jongho explained.
"Eden hyung knows because he was there when she received a package with blood and a dead animal inside." Seonghwa continued.
"That's why she moved house. The stalker ripped up her old house, that's the only reason she filed a police report because the landlord told her to. The final straw that pushed her to the edge was when she was sent pictures of us and Haneul. Indigo felt that she had no choice but to leave to keep everyone safe." Jongho said.
"What was this person threatening her about? Was it because she's a producer with us or that someone saw her with us somewhere? Like a jealous fan?" San frowned.
"No. We believe it was someone inside KQ. Because the person found out she was dating Mingi and wanted her out." Seonghwa said.
"Mingi ah, breathe." Yunho reminded. Mingi didn't even know that he was holding his breath.
"She didn't want anyone else to know. The police offered to launch an internal investigation but she didn't want that to affect our comeback so she told our CEO that she was going to leave." Jongho said.
"That's why she moved out the country. That's why she made Mingi hate her."
"No... No..." Mingi shook his head. He felt like someone had just punched him in the stomach.
"She knew that by making Mingi hyung hate her, all of you would too so it would make her leaving easier." Seonghwa whispered, tears spilling down his cheeks as he thought about everything you went through on your own.
"Oh God..." Wooyoung sobbed. San pulled him in, letting the smaller cry against his shoulder.
"Why didn't you tell us?!" Hongjoong yelled and stood up with so much force that the side table fell to the ground with a crash.
"She made us promise not to tell you until she was settled in her new place. She didn't want to be called back. It was the least we could do after everything she's been through." Seonghwa reasoned.
"That's bullcrap!" Hongjoong said and stormed out of the dorm, letting the front door slam loudly.
"Indigo..." The immense guilt made Mingi's chest hurt so much. He doubled over.
"She didn't want you to know, Mingi hyung. She knew you would blame yourself if you knew so she tried her best to hide it." Jongho said with dismay.
"No..." After everything you've had to deal with on your own, Mingi still said all those hurtful things to you. It made him want to throw up. He ran to the toilet, emptying his stomach contents. Yunho was quick on his heels, rubbing his best friend's back. Mingi leaned on his hands, sobbing loudly.
"Mingi, you didn't know." Yunho comforted.
"Oh my gosh... I said all those terrible things to her... And she just stood there... And took it... I'm a horrible person... I asked her if she even loved me." Mingi cried.
"And she suffered so much on her own. She couldn't even tell me cause she was worried about me and I treated her like that."
"You know Indigo shoulders everything on her own. That's not on either of you." Yunho said.
Yunho took Mingi out of the bathroom to sit with the others. San was still comforting Wooyoung, Yeosang wasn't around but Yunho guessed that Yeosang went after Hongjoong.
"Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell me? You just sat there and watched me let her go..." Mingi strained, asking Jongho and Seonghwa. The two suddenly seemed like an island on their own, separate from the others.
"It wasn't our place to tell, Mingi." Seonghwa said firmly. Jongho nodded his head sadly.
"But I had the right to know! I was her boyfriend for God's sake!" Mingi yelled. San let Wooyoung go to stand up between Seonghwa and Mingi, in case Mingi lunged at the oldest.
"You know she keeps everything in and shoulders everything on her own. Why would you keep the secret for her?" Mingi asked.
"You're her older brother right? You and Hongjoong hyung. You're supposed to protect her when I can't!"
"Mingi hyung, you know that's not fair. Seonghwa hyung tried his best, we all did, myself, Eden, even CEO Kim. But you know how Indigo is." Jongho defended.
"I couldn't protect her, I promised to keep her safe but she was anyhting but..." Mingi shook his head.
It was best the separate everyone now. While Yeosang and Hongjoong were still out, San brought Wooyoung away, Yunho brought Mingi to his own room and Jongho sat with Seonghwa in the Matz's room. The two hugged each other and cried, they saw it coming, they knew from the moment they kept your secret.
"Mingi's right... They didn't know but we did and we still couldn't help her." Seonghwa said.
"Hyung, you know Mingi hyung just said that out of anger and frustration, probably guilt too. He doesn't mean it so don't take it to heart." Jongho patted the oldest's shoulder.
"This is a mess, Jongho ah."
"It is. But we'll recover. We always do and always will." Jongho comforted.
Life in America has been good. Good in a sense that you've been so busy that you barely have time to mull over the events in Korea or miss Ateez, especially Mingi. Whatever free time you had was spent on Haneul.
"Haneul!" You went to pick her up from school. The company got you a small car so you could get to and from the office. At the same time, you could drop Haneul and pick her up after school.
"Unnie!" Haneul ran out, crashing into your arms. You chuckled as you hugged her, holding her hand.
"How was school?" You asked while walking with her to the car.
"It was good. I learnt a lot in English class today, I got a star for getting everything right in my spelling. My friends think you're cool because you make music." She informed.
"What?" You laughed. You guessed to kids, 'making music' was better and cooler than other jobs out there.
"But I'm glad you did well in spelling, especially in English. I say we go get ice cream sundaes?" You suggested. She nodded her head excitedly. She climbed into the backseat, obediently putting her seatbelt on. You began to drive to the ice cream parlour that you two always frequent.
"What did you do at work today, unnie?" Haneul asked as you drove. She always liked asking that after you ask her how school was, you appreciated that she did that.
"Well, I met with some other people who also make music. Then we talked about upcoming work." You informed.
"Are you meeting BTS?" Her eyes lit up.
"Baby, since when did you like BTS? I didn't even know that you knew who they were." You chuckled. You didn't particularly expose Haneul to Kpop so it wasn't from your influence for sure.
"My friends like them. They say BTS is really really famous, like Korean princes." She shrugged.
Wait until she realises how popular Ateez is. Bunny pancake oppa and bear oppa are also just like BTS, singers and performers.
"I see. Well, to answer your question, maybe. I'm not sure which singer I will be working with yet because I'm still new." You said to her, smiling at her through the rear view mirror. She held onto her bunny and giraffe stuffed toys that were in the backseat.
"We're here." You parked and both got out. You already knew what Haneul wanted so she went to table to wait for you to order. After you ordered and paid, you sat with her.
"Joong oppa!" Haneul suddenly squealed, pointing. You turned around in panic, did Ateez find you?
"And San oppa!" She continued to point. Only then, did you realise she was pointing at the television that was playing their music video.
"Oh... yeah..." You forced a laugh as you calmed yourself down.
"Here you go." The employee smiled as she set down the ice cream cups, laughing at the awe on Haneul's face. She obediently thanked the server before digging in.
"Unnie?" Haneul looked up at you as she ate a spoonful of ice cream. You hummed in acknowledgement.
"Will the oppas come visit us?" She asked.
"I don't know, baby. The oppas are busy so it's hard for them to take a break. We're pretty far away." You lied. Of course you felt bad for lying to her but there was no way you could tell her the truth. You took her and ran away to America so you would never have to see the Ateez boys again? Haneul might actually hate you.
"Oh..." She said, disappointed. If she was a puppy, her ears would be pressed to her head in sadness now. You smiled softly, reaching out to pat her head.
"Do you miss them?" You asked softly. She nodded her head.
"I'm sure they miss you too, baby." You told her. No, you didn't want to say you missed them too.
After ice cream, you took Haneul home. You gave her a bath and made a really simple dinner for the both of you. Before she slept, she wanted to have a call with Jongho.
"Hey, Indigo." Jongho greeted.
"Hi. I'm gonna hand the tablet to Haneul. She went to the bathroom." You informed. He nodded.
"Listen, Indigo. Actually there's something important I need to talk to you about." Jongho said. You would have said no but you saw the desperation on his face and in the tone of his voice.
"Alright but speak to Haneul first. I'll call you after she goes to bed." You told him just as Haneul ran into the room excitedly. She climbed onto the bed and you handed the tablet to her. You heard her greet Jongho happily as you left them to talk.
As you were doing the laundry and putting Haneul's clothes in the cupboard, you heard their conversation.
"BTS?! No, no no! I don't allow it. You can only like Ateez, little bear. Ateez only." You heard Jongho say. All of Ateez was possessive, not only Hongjoong it seems.
"Why?" Haneul tilted her head cutely.
"You love me, right?" Jongho asked. You couldn't help but snicker, knowing where this was going. Haneul nodded in reply.
"Then you can't love BTS. You can only love one group and if you love me, that means you love Ateez more." Jongho reasoned. Haneul frowned slightly, trying to understand his rational.
"You're funny, bear oppa. I can love everyone!" Haneul exclaimed as she burst into a fit of laughter.
"You're killing me, little bear." Jongho grunted.
You shook your head and went out to let them talk. You always did chores little by little so there wasn't much tidying around the house that you needed to do, thankfully. So while waiting for Haneul to finish, you laid on the couch with your laptop over your thighs, going through some work.
I go for that 타오른 채 불길 속에 욕망을 베어내 손댈 수 없이 커져만 가 huh I’m gonna keep it up, for that 커져가는 속삭임을 뒤로 숨길 수 없는 본능이 날 깨워 멈출 수가 없이  갈기 갈기 부딪쳐
Even hearing Mingi's voice on a track still made your heart lurch. Missing him was something you just had to continue to suppress until it was no longer there.
"Unnie?" Haneul poked her head out of the room. You sat up, putting the laptop aside as she ran to you.
"I'm done talking to bear oppa." She handed the tablet to you. You smiled and nodded your head, reaching out to pat her head. At least you had Haneul with you. Standing up, you held her hand to put her to bed since it was late.
"Sleep, baby." You whispered and tucked her in. Haneul wanted to try independently putting herself to sleep instead so this was something new you were both trying.
"Goodnight, unnie." She wished as you went to turn off the light, leaving the nightlight on.
"Goodnight, my love." You kissed her forehead and left the room, leaving the room door ajar just in case she needed you.
You grabbed yourself a coffee from the fridge, wanting the caffeine to curb the migraine you were starting to have. You peeked into the room and saw that Haneul was already asleep.
"Hi Jongho." You greeted, propping the phone up on your desk in your home studio.
"Indigo. Thanks for calling back and agreeing to speak with me." He said.
"It's fine. What did you want to tell me? Or talk to me about." You cut to the chase, already feeling that slight sinking feeling in your chest as you looked at him. Jongho was the person you spent the most time with before you left, you both shared a lot of good memories working in the studio together.
"Right. I thought you should know that the rest of Ateez know the truth behind your departure. By 'the truth', I mean, they know about the stalker, the death threats, all that." He informed.
"H-How...? I didn't want them to know yet. Not so quickly." You frowned at what he told you.
"I'm sorry, Indigo. A lot of things happened and it just came out. Admittedly, it was my fault... " Jongho sighed.
"The hyungs... They were falling apart, we were all falling apart. I wanted to tell them but Seonghwa hyung said no, we have to respect your wishes." He said.
"But I didn't know what other alternative there was. CEO Kim put us on early vacation and I was scared."
"I'm sorry, Jongho. I didn't mean to cause all that to happen." You shook your head, finally understanding why he said what he said.
"Hongjoong hyung was a mess, he barely came home anymore. Mingi hyung was a shell of himself, Yunho hyung was stressed trying to help him. Wooyoung hyung overheard Seonghwa hyung and I talking. Then it all just came out." Jongho explained.
"I understand. It's alright, Jongho. I know it's not your fault or Hwa's either. The truth was bound to come out sooner or later." You sighed, leaning back.
"No, Indigo. This isn't you fault, you have nothing to apologise for." Jongho denied.
"So what happened?" You gulped.
"Hongjoong hyung stormed out, Wooyoung hyung and Mingi hyung broke down. They're mad that Seonghwa hyung and I kept the secret from them. Expectedly, Mingi hyung is inconsolable."
"I shouldn't have implicated the two of you in the first place. It isn't on your guilt for keeping my secret, alright? Tell Hwa that too. It was all me." You said.
"I just... couldn't let them speak of you in such an ill way. When you didn't nothing wrong, you were just a victim. But they were making you to be the bad guy. It was fair, it wasn't right." Jongho shook his head as he began to cry. You softened, wanting to just hug him to comfort him.
"You and Hwa have been shouldering this all on your own, Jongho. I thank you for that. Especially since you've been maintaining this relationship with Haneul. She loves it." You bowed your head.
"Of course, she's my little bear. And compared to what you've been through, this is nothing." He said.
"But Indigo, do you think you'll come back?" He asked.
"I don't know. Maybe I will but not for a while. I've started the settle into a routine for myself here with Haneul. And work has been good." You told him.
"Can you at least tell me what company you signed to?"
"Big Hit... They gave me an offer and Eden thought it was good to accept, considering the circumstances as well. I'm in HYBE America's space but my projects mainly come from Big Hit in Korea."
"Wow... That IS a really good opportunity. I agree with Eden hyung, you'll only go up with your talent. I'm glad they recognises your talent. You deserve to be recognised for your talents and who better than the biggest entertainment company in Korea?" Jongho smiled.
"Thanks for saying that, Jongho. I-"
"Jongho?" Hearing another person's voice, you quickly hung up. You didn't know why you did that but you panicked and instinctively, ended the call.
You didn't even know who it was, you didn't have time to discern the voice. But on the off chance that Mingi was there, you didn't want anyone to hear you speaking to Jongho.
"Who are you talking to?" Wooyoung asked.
"Just a friend. What's up, hyung?" Jongho sat up, putting his phone aside when he noticed Wooyoung climbing into his bed.
"I know you talk to Indigo. I've heard you say hi to her before." Wooyoung said, hugging Jongho's pillow to his chest. Jongho didn't reply, neither admitting nor denying Wooyoung's words.
"Can you just tell me something?" Wooyoung looked up at the youngest. Jongho gave a nod.
"Can you be honest with me and tell me if she's okay?"
Series Masterlist
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first-edition · 2 years
Frost Bitten
Smut-day 7
Duncan vizla x reader. 
Sum- You decide to surprise your husband with an early Christmas present after a day of work.
CW- smut, 18+ themes and language, p in v, dom! Duncan, window sex, age gap, short oral male receiving.”
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The familiar sound of the black truck pulls into the drive way. You smile as you look out the window your husband coming home from a 3 day long work trip.
You watch as he hops out of the car holding a box and some grocery bags. He walks up the stairs seeing you waiting for him makes him smile a nod. 
You run to the door opening it for you immediately wrapping your arms around his neck kissing him. He kisses you back. Trying not to drop everything hes holding. 
“hold on. Hold on.” He chuckles placeing down the grocery’s.
“I’ve  gotten you a present.” he says you frown as he holds out the box to you. Inside you see theres a French bulldog. 
“oh!” You gasp smiling at the little thing.
“some girl was giving him away in town i know how much you like the frenchies.” He says. 
You smile picking up the dog in your arms. 
“what’s his name?” You ask. 
“he dosnt have one.” He says. 
“well rusty now you do.” You name him on the spot.
“i have a present for you as well.” You say “close your eyes, you demand he sighs and listens closing his eye as. The other is gone and concealed under the eyepatch. 
You put rusty down to explore the house and pull off your shirt and take off your pants. Revealing the red and white lacy langerie set.
“okay. Open” you reply he listens 
“merry Christmas Duncan.” You say the air shirt as he steps towards you his cold hands meeting your bare waist. 
“fuck..” he huffs.  “i-it’s not much but I wanted to surprise you with-” he cuts you off kissing you you meet his pace kissing him back. He pulls off his trench coat and boots. He pulls you up into his arms as your  legs wrap around his waist.
His hands wander your waist and thigh as he sets you on the side table in front of the window. His kisses move from your lips to your neck and chest. His hand holds the back of your hand in place as he makes his way to your neck finding your sweet spot. His other hand trails to your stomach find your puss he maneuvers his fingers between your thighs only to be met with the crotchless part of the set. 
He growls in your nape and pulls back for a second to take off his sweater and undo his pants. Your hands wander his chest and back keeping yourself entertained as he undresses. 
His erection is sprung free to your liking you place kisses along his neck and chest hopping off the table to move to your knees meeting his dick to you face. Taking it in one hand. You begin stroking his shaft causing him you sharply inhale. Making you smirk at his reaction to you. 
You open your mouth sticking out your tounge running it up the vein on his cock. Mouth fucking him. 
His fingers entangle themself in your hair. As he moans under you. he’s missed you and you know it the way he touches you and lets you take over.
You can feel him twitch in your mouth before he pulls you up to him kissing you and pulling you up back onto the side table.
He enters you beginning to fuck you without warning as pornographic moans leave your mouth. 
“I want to cum in your cunt not you mouth.” He growls in your ear. He pushes you down pulling your hip closer to him as he thrusts roughly into you. You grab onto the edge of the table feeling yourself clench around his dick making his moan out to you. 
Your climax hits you as you arch your back.
“ah f-fuck Duncan!” You moan out as he leans do to you kissing you and mesaging your breasts over stimulating you. Arching you back changes the angle of him fucking you making him spill his cum inside your cunt. 
Sloppy thrusts follow as he let you both come down from your high. 
“best present ever.” He says kissing your fore head letting his hand run down the fabric once more his erection growing once more.
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lexithwrites · 8 months
One shot / headcannon idea to maybe help get you writing for: wolfstar :)
Remus is a total major loser. Like he’s definitely not swag boy Remus he’s just some guy that constantly hangs around with it boys James and Sirius. No one understands why. He gets a little insecure about it sometimes.
(Obviously they always assure him that’s he’s fucking brilliant to them and don’t let him leave because they’re best friends but anyway, he’s just a loser boy, not very attractive, always keeps to himself and just reads all the time, blah blah blah)
And Sirius Black, the boy of Hogwarts. Like all the girls are fawning over him, hoping they catch Sirius’ eye. He’s just drop dead gorgeous you know but he just doesn’t care. Like sure he knows he’s hot and he gets quite cocky about it sometimes and uses it to his advantage to get what he wants and pull of pranks, but generally he just doesn’t give and shit and just wants to spend time with his Friends.
Hot as hell Sirius Black + loser boy not really attractive Remus Lupin = angsty pining.
And I don’t mean this in the way that Remus pins for Sirius and thinks he’ll never get him. NO! What if Remus doesn’t even know he’s gay. What if he just thinks he’s so jealous of everything Sirius is and blah blah blah (classic queer girls thinking they wanna be that cool older girl and then growing up and realising they just had a crush).
And it’s Sirius who’s so pathetically in love with Remus. Like since day one. And it’s all James and even Peter have to hear about but it can NEVER get back to Remus because obviously Remus isn’t gay and obviously he’ll reject Sirius because obviously anyone will reject him once they learn about all of Sirius’ scars and dark parts.
And so it’s Sirius just being so in love with this major loser boy Remus and not knowing what to do with it. And then Remus finding out and just being (1) confused as hell. (2) going into gay crisis. (3) wondering how the hell someone like Sirius would ever want Remus
I think that would be funny. Because we usually see it the other way around ya know?
Anyway, no pressure to write obviously, I just thought I’d leave this here anyway. I know the struggle of needing motivation to write lol. Happy writing and happy weekend!
(you're amazing for all the mesages btw)
remus being a fucking loser is my favourite thing, like he's so quiet and weird and just sits in cafes and reads books for hours—he's me, i am remus—and hates talking to people but works in like a damn cafe so he has to and then there's sirius who probably loves talking to customers and everyone on earth and he can talk about anything for hours and make people feel welcome and remus just doesn't get what sirius sees in him but sirius is lowkey like THIS GUY IS SO HOT AND QUIET AND MYSTERIOUS I WANNA CLIMB HIM LIKE A TREE—
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kyra45 · 1 year
Mam/Sir kyra45 I will Gonna leave this message because I will Deleete my tumblr In an hour After my work here But I will leave a message before I leave..
I didn't Said u are a bad person To me ,, I just mentioned u to my post because u also Share neechees post That they blame me with the scammers Here ..
I will Gonna delete my account later ,, I received Mesages and I know I deserve them .. I will Accept all the anger And hate to me but Please Don't try And attack my Son's life or my Mother ... Pray that I will Catch all the Problems alone and Not to any of My love ones ..
I Aplogize to all of u .. I Am dreaming to get my family A place to live reason For me to do that .. which is very Very wrong Because I lied .. but MY FAMILY KNOWS everyone Neighbors here know Where All the helped went ... My family ,, all for Family's I prioritise them Even until Now ..
I am not attacking your family/son I’m simply letting people voice their experiences because they deserve to let it be known about all you put them through and what all you did to people who simply wanted to support you and your family to the best of your ability. I am not telling people to message you or anything. But people have their right to be angry about what you did and I can not really control their decisions even when I tell my followers to not harass anyone.
You are aware that I use this blog to document scam information or archive anything that related to them. Even when your blog is removed again, I have already archived what I wanted to record to show it did exist at some point. You tagged me in a post and then when I posted saying I would not really partake in anything that happens you started saying other people were a danger for posting information and even threatened to involve the law against them for whatever reason.
All I ask for is that you consider the consequences of what you’ve done to those who helped you and now don’t trust anyone and lost their money in the process.
You can not blame people for what you did.
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marvelita85 · 2 years
You were in rage you didn't want to believe it but it was true, Alicent and that C*nt Hightower has put Aegon in the throne
- we need to go and make them pay for this treason
- y/n our father wouldnt have want this, they have dragons too
- three we have more, besides only Vaghar and Sunfire i doubt Helaena would rise with her dragon to war, Caraxes and Darkshadow, Mealys
- and you will have to go against your brothers... only 2 dragons know about war and they have one of them
- he is an usurper and i dont have love for Aegon i never did
- Im not talking about Aegon sister... - you looked away knowing who she was refering too but no matter whst you felt about Aemond your mind and hesrt will always be with Rhaenyra
When Jacaerys and Lucerys offered themself to go send the mesage of the queen and their alligence you would fly too
-I'll go to Arryn, our mother was an Arryn they will be on our side, Lord Corlys Velaryon appeared and to your surpise declare to your sister full suport of the fleet and Drifmark was an ally
You saw your sister saying goodbye to her sons
- you take care of youselfs and Im not your mother so just come and hug me - Luke and Jace huged you and you close your eyes smiling - I'll see you when you come back... you flew part of the jorney with Jace, Vermax and Shadow together till you part ways
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You werent there and it pained you but that pain soon become rage and you left Arryn when tou heard from your uncle that Like was dead and by the hand of tour brother who was too in stormend
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He was flying with Vaghar when you appeared in the sky, he couldnt see you but he saw your dragon and even Vaghar was bigger Darkshadow was faster and deadlyyou turn knowing he would follow, you were ready to go and light king's landing up but you hesrd your sister when drsgon's go to war everything burn
- is it true? -you asked looking at him walking to you Vaghar was at a distance ftom Shadow and his footsteps heavy on the sand
- it was not on purpose... it was an accident...
- was it? - you hold your sword to his chest - tell me the truth Aemond... you killed Lucerys...
- it was Vaghar I coulnt make her respond to me... please sister you have to believe me...
- you coulnt control her...what were you doing in stormsend?
- to close a deal with Borros Baratheon...for my brother...
- so I imagine Lord Borros offered you one of his daughters?
- how would you know that...
- I just know... go and marry the whore of Stomsend, next time we see eachother again... we will be enemies and as you took my nephew's life for your eye, Im going to take yours
- you cant hurt me as much as I cant hurt you...
- you did hurt me, you never though about what would Luke's death mean to me to Rhaenyra's... in means war
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- we can leave... to Essos... together...
- is too late for that Aemond... our desteny is already ser in motion... and I will probably die but I swear to you the Hightowers will desapear from this world and no memory of them will remain you make sure you tell your f*cking grandfather that he will be the first
- it didnt have to be this way... we could have been married and happy
- we could have, keep the blood pure as Targaryen do... but you are only half Targaryen and I cant marry my enemy - Aemond has an anguish look losing you was the last he would have wanted but for you Luke was the draw line you flew away from the beach leaving Aemond behind but your rage was somuch and flew over the plantations of kingslanding...
- dracarys... - you set them on fire and if they wanted a sign that you were saying the truth... now they knew
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spicywhumper · 7 months
Hello, I really like a lot of your stuff and the other is just too extreme for me personally to get into & enjoy, but you do your own thing and just wanted to say 3 things (:(:(:
Thank you for writing lady whump, it's firstly really well written and good, secondly helps me relate to the characters a teeny bit more and thirdly accounts for the giant sizeable gap in whump (:
It's absolutely okay to write what you do, even though it might be too intense or extreme is whatever, because YOU ENJOY IT (hopefully, im hoping) and that's all that really matters and no one has to read if they don't want to- ur very detailed tags & warnings and stuff makes that it clear and quite easy to avoid underiserables- and
For not having many nptes, I follow the lasy whump tag but tumblr is.. tumblr and it doesn't show up on my dash or when browsing through my tags and I have to manually search for it, so maybe that's why- especially if it happens to a lot of ppl and whump lovers- although idk really do take with a grain of salt. (((((:
Lastly, hope you enjoy your day!!!!!!!! ;) :)
from genuinelythioehat-is-whump
hello. i'm glad to know you enjoy some of it. i fully understand that (there's a reason i don't share a good part of what i write + try to have all the needed content/trigger warnings).
you're welcomed. thank you, i do try my best. there's nowhere near enough enough lady whump out there (personally, i think there's not enough female characters in whump in general).
yeah. i think that there's already the struggle with liking whump that never leaves. and when i first tried to be part of the whump community, i found a lot of negativity towards lady whump in general. and there's just a general "you write stuff like non-con = you must be a r*pist" that i've seen a lot in the last five years.
i do get pretty frustrated with the lack of notes and such - on the tame stuff, i do expect the dead dove to be skipped over -, nobody has to read it, i just would like if they did. tumblr's pretty bad at recomending posts of less popular blogs/that don't already have 100s of notes. (i stopped following the whump tags because it keeps me showing me all the whump that has attention i want but will never get)
(about enjoying: yeah, not really, i'm in a "i write out of boredom because apparently i've lost my passion after 15 years")
thank you for the mesage!
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mbti-enemies · 1 year
Hey guys, how are you?Both of you are NI doms, do you plan exactly how you will write the scenarios(or messages and homework)?Or just plan in overall and think in the details after?Because I was thinking about it, if you guys plan how do you do something (write for example) before do, this doesn't will take much time? When doing essays, for example.
INFJ: I love planning..... theoretically. i love planning in a daydreamy style, planning holidays, baking, art, rooms, and good days. i do very very minimal planning for essays and homeworks - with essays just a phrase for each paragraph max - and sometimes i just go for it - because its less of a daydreamy planning so i prefer to just get on with it and not worry. with messages i dont plan just type otherwise ill write the best mesage in my head and wont be bothered to type it out. with scenarios, if its not from real life, i hit the create post button and sit and think of a scenario.... although intj does most of the scenarios...
INTJ: tbh i veer between hardcore planner and the least planner person possible quite easily. I like a plan but only for certain situations- so things like planning holidays where I'd want to hit up a lot of places and things with school/work vibes I tend to plan and organise to make things more efficient (its the Te in me) and clear in my head. Kinda the opposite when it comes to cooking, good days, messages and sceanrios - they become the tapestry upon which one can paint dreams with the colors of spontaneity. So i prefer to just float along the gentle currents, trusting that each twist and turn will lead to a Wonderland of some sorts. (also when it comes to writing scenarios i feel like its rlly obvious its unplanned cause its j a rather fun mess if i do say so myself)
also when you don't plan you don't expect ..and when expectations relinquish their hold, a certain magic unfolds. As within a haze of uncertainty, you find freedom from predictability. You have the chance to awaken the childlike wonder that slumbers within, and the universe rewards your trust by guiding you towards unplanned moments that forever etch themselves upon your soul. So all you have to do is get lost within a dreamers reverie and take chances. Take a deep breath and let the ordinary transform into extraordinary. And who know maybe if you listen carefully enough you'll hear how the fluttering of butterfly wings carry echoes of infinite possibilities, or how the gentle rustle of leaves is just the forest inviting you to partake in the symphony of nature's whispers.
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shsl-box-worshipper · 10 months
Part 2 of The Little Terror From Beika
Part 2 to This. The Little XANA-ified Unchild Strikes Again @hexfloog
When Aelita saw the mesage that Jeremie had sent her, she bolted and never looked back.
Crud, she could still hear Jim shouting for her. While the man didn't notice Jeremie abruptly get and leave the gym in the middle of Mr. Kogoro Mouri's (rather booze-addled) presentation, he sure did notice when Ulrich joined him and then finally Aelita.
And so, here were the both of them. Jeremie had long disappeared by the time Aelita got out, and Ulrich went in the opposite direction in an attempt to shake Jim off, so he was only chasing her.
However, she knew her legs wouldn't give for much longer, she needed to lose him.
And, in the corner of her eye, she spotted her salvation: A bush large enough to conceal fully grown man, squished right between a trio of trees.
Taking no chances, and feeling her lungs burn from the constant panting, Aelita dived into the bush.
There, she finally lost him. Jim was at times like a tick, latching onto his prey and never letting go.
But still, she didn't make any moves until the sound of his rapid footsteps fully dissipated.
Aelita carefully stepped out of the bush, brushing off the leaves that stuck to her hoodie and catching her breath before running again.
Now without the fear of Jim following her, she ran at a more considerate pace, watching her surroundings so that she didn't crash into any trees.
However, before she even got remotely close to her destination-
Aelita skidded to a complete halt as she heard a child-like voice scream in what she could only assume to be pain. It sent protective instincts and even more adrenaline into her nerves, her eyes frantically darting around for the kid.
Thankfully, she spotted the kid only a few meters away, on the ground next to a tree.
It was a young boy, elementary school aged with a blue suit, a big red bowtie, sapphire blue eyes, big dorky glasses, and dark brown hair with a cowlick in the back and a tuft in the front.
He was holding his knee in pain and whimpering, small tears coming down his face as he held the appendage.
Out of concern, and knowing that the manhole cover that led to the sewers was close by, Aelita stepped toward the kid, her eyes soft and her hand reaching out.
"Are you alright?"
The boy sobbed and looked up at Aelita, his little sapphire eyes looking straight into her own green orbs in pain and desperation. Aelita then glanced at his knee, only to notice a small cut on it.
"Oh, you poor thing. Here, I'll tend to that."
Aelita carried around a thing of bandages in her pockets. Mostly because it made her feel slightly more prepared and because it meant she could easily patch up her fellow Lyoko Warriors.
However, right now, the boy deserved it more than anything.
So, she took it out of her pocket and opened it, revealing a small collection of bandaids of varying sizes and a diminished roll of gauze. Taking out one of the small bandaids, Aelita placed it carefully on the boy's injured knee.
"See, good as new!"
The boy sniffled a little before looking up at Aelita again.
"A-Arigatou, Onee-chan..."
Weird, this kid was speaking something other than French. Aelita couldn't recognize it despite having studied Earth for a year and a half now, but honestly, she didn't really care. Besides, the act of caring for someone, even a complete stranger, was something that transcended language barriers.
Oh, her phone!
Aelita stuffed the thing of bandages in her pocket before grabbing her phone out. On it was the phone contact that she associated with Jeremie.
Knowing this had to do with the activated tower, Aelita looked to the boy and asked, "Do you mind if I could get some privacy while I take this call?"
Surprisingly, the boy simply nodded and, while absentmindly scratching the back of his head, said in a thick accent of some Asian language, "Heheh, I don't mind."
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Aelita smiled before turning away from the boy and pressing the receive button on her phone.
Okay, wow, she didn't really expect to hear Jeremie shouting into her ear, but then again, she kind of deserved it. If it weren't for her not focusing on losing Jim earlier, she would be at the factory by now.
"I'm still on the campus! I'm sorry, Jim was busy chasing me and this boy-"
"Wait, what boy?"
Oh right, she had to explain the whole 'found a kid with a scraped knee' thing.
"There was a kid who scraped his knee that I found. I decided to help patch him up and all, since XANA hasn't had a chance to at-"
"Aelita, I think that kid IS the attack! HE TRICKED YOU!!"
Wait, if Jeremie was ri-
"Guess I got caught, huh?"
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stillm0nster · 10 months
8 / 31 december writing challenge - holiday edition! ft. @faeriemists 𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐊𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄 : alternative universe in which aeri is a witch & heedo is the prince she meets after she's given shelter in the castle.
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she had just arrived in the castle with a group of refugees, seeking shelter from the cruel plague that was slowly eating at the land behind the tall walls around the castle. a charming young girl who, albeit seeing death up close, had remained as carefree and happy as can be, given a roof above her head and an opportunity to serve the royal family. the way she met the young prince was out of naivete; following the music she heard early in the morning, leading her right to the chambers where he was with his mentor, learning to play the violin. his eyes were warm and curious and so were hers while the two children stared at each other. but realization seemed to have hit her and little aeri widened her eyes, taking a few small steps back, running off to somewhere like a scared wild animal– did she know who she laid eyes upon? maybe the golden circlet on his head was enough of a hint, something inside her told her to run.
the days began to pass, turning into weeks, months, years. she had become a fine lady, a servant for the royal family. but she proved her worth one evening while pouring wine, a gift from a neighboring land they said. heedo was first to try the drink but before the cup could reach his mouth, aeri's hand swatted at his own, the chalice falling from his hand and clinking on the stone floor, the red liquid splattered, creating a mess. it happened quickly, perhaps without her realizing it until moments later when all eyes were on her. “poison… i – i had something like … a vision!” the king has beckoned another servant to come forth and have a taste of the wine. it took no longer than a few seconds for the servant to fall on the floor, convulsing, body turning limp and blood softly leaking from their ears. from that day onward, aeri was no longer just a servant. she was like the young prince’s shadow. by that time, she had saved him and the entire royal family far too many times to count on the fingers on both hands. but there was something between the two of them, an energy. she knew that being with him was impossible, not only because she was a nobody and he was already being talked into a marriage with a princess from a neighboring land, but also her dreams and visions– she had always heard someone screaming ‘run’ when she dreamt about him, but she could never decipher those mesages. and him, the charming prince, never missed a chance to get close to her, yet never going overboard and doing something that would put them both in a compromising situation.
“do you want to go to a ball?” he spoke to her as they strolled down the empty, cold halls. aeri had a smile on her face, knowing that he meant the masquarade ball later that evening. “i will be there, serving drinks.” sadness was laced in her voice. “no, not as a servant– there’s something for you in your room. i’ll be waiting for you tonight, aeri.” with a charming smile, heedo ran off, having duties to tend to, leaving aeri confused. when she went to her room, she found a beautiful dress and a mask that had feathers and sequins all over it. he had sneakily taken care of it all. even for just a night, they could live out the life they both wanted but knew they couldn’t have.
nobody knew who she was– a mysterious princess from a far off land. he was thrilled to dance with her, again and again throughout the night. but as time was passing, aeri realized she had to go back, she couldn’t afford being found out, especially not by the queen, who seemed to dislike her a lot already.  “aeri! wait–” heedo ran after her, grabbing onto her wrist and leading her to a place he thought was secluded enough, a smile gracing his features. “the ball … it was great. i just…” he stopped for a moment, just to make sure there was nobody walking their way. then he watched her for a while; she looked so perfect, she was what his heart yearned for and within a blink of an eye, she was in his arms, lips capturing hers in a sweet kiss. but the act wasn’t long lived albeit desired by both. she had pushed him away. “i’m sorry—” he began, eyes blown wide in shock over his own actions. “why did you do that?!” she was on the verge of tears. “i know it’s wrong and i shouldn’t … i just had to. please, understand me.” that was the last thing he said before rushing off to somewhere else. poor prince, so in love with someone he could never have.
a few days passed, awkwardness lingering around the two while they met and spent time together daily. she was his shadow, after all. but one early morning, someone had the audacity to push the doors of her chambers open and grab aeri by the hair while she was still unaware of what was happening– it was no other than the queen herself, who was furious to know the servant had kissed her son. now, while aeri wasn’t an ordinary human being, she only used her powers for healing and doing good deeds, hence why the queen knew she couldn't mess with her. there was an actual emergency that she had to attend as well, hence being saved from the queen’s rage for now. the king wasn’t feeling well and aeri was summoned to his chambers where his two children and wife kept a close eye on what she was doing. heedo was quite worried because of the state his father was in, he wasn’t fully ready to sit on the throne so soon and he could only pray it wasn’t anything serious. aeri was checking the king’s pulse, a herbal potion brewed specially for the old man. she knew it wasn’t good when he threw up black liquid after drinking the potion. “it’s the plague! none of you had touched him today – right?!” she turned to the other three, making sure they haven’t done that, gaze lingering on heedo for a while. they all denied that and she suggested they leave the room right at that moment and not let anyone else come in, order to behead whoever else had contact with the king in the past few hours. “what about you?” heedo asked her, noticing the way she tried to hide her arm. there was a dark mark that surfaced on her wrist after being in close contact with the king, just like the marks on the old man’s body. she knew this won’t affect her in the long run ( she knew what she was already ). but he? he was concerned about her. “i’ll be fine, now go.” he didn’t. heedo managed to push out his mother and sister, locking the doors behind. “i helped him earlier…” pulling up his sleeve, heedo revealed his arm, having the exact same mark as she did, only bigger. it meant him, just like the king, was doomed to die sooner than later.
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“no…” she couldn’t believe it, and he was irritatingly calm, an annoying yet charming smile on his face. heedo already thought that both of them will find each other when they pass, maybe have a life in which they can be together. he had dragged her to the small living room beside the king's bedroom. the fireplace was bright and warm, contrasting with the sight outside– it had started snowing. heedo sat near the fireplace and sighed, watching the portrait of his family hanging on the wall above so majestically. it was a life worth living, even though he wasn’t that old yet. “i can’t wait to meet you again.” he spoke, patting the space beside him for her to sit. aeri lowered herself beside him, leaning into him. she was feeling a bit weak but that was only a momentary state and she would be back to normal soon but heedo? he couldn’t be saved from the plague. he held her close, the silence more deafening than ever. “why did you have to do this, heedo…” she had begun crying, tears thicker than water and redder than the finest wine. “it’s okay, i prefer to die than to have to live a life i wouldn’t be fully enjoying…” he was utterly selfish, leaving an entire kingdom without a ruler, leaving his fianceé a widow. aeri couldn’t bring herself to tell him the truth of her immortality, hence the tears that kept on trickling down her cheeks, staining them red. “shh… do you want to have one last dance?” he had suggested, which brought utter confusion to her. “there’s no music.” she mumbled, looking up at him as if she expected he had a solution for that. “just listen to the beat of my heart.” he reached over and wiped her face clean with the delicate fabric of his sleeves. then the two slowly raised to their feet, sinking into each other’s embrace and began swaying to the rhythm of his heart. it lasted for a long time, their last dance, until they both collapsed on the floor, lifeless.
aeri stirred when it was that time of day, shortly after a sunrise, the sun rays bathing the entire kingdom in gold – the golden hour ( she had met him during the same time back then ). the rays of the sun tickled her eyes and she soon awoke, coming to her senses. the warm hands that she held into her own, were now colder than ever and the chest on which her head was resting was no longer heaving, the heart inside no longer beating. then it hit her – heedo was dead. the first man she had ever loved was dead and she couldn’t do anything. maybe she should have ran when she was first told so in her dreams.  
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daisys-reality · 1 year
Hello, I saw your mini game, and I was wondering if I could get a love message from my s/o? (I am okay with 18+ messages as well!)
Ty for your time!🤑💞
❊ SELF MADE MESSAGE CARDS: "Know that the relationship will only become a wholesome experience with the person you truly love." + "You are like a gift to me." + "Don't wait for me. I want you to be happy. And I don't know how long it will take for me/us to be ready." + "Masks. I'm not comfortable showing the real me." + "I'm sorry." + "I'm sure I'm dreaming about you but I can't seem to remember." + "Are you feeling the same way?"
❊ TAROT: They somehow feel trapped... mentally. They may or may not feel smothered in this relationship/connection. They feel like they cannot leave, but also cannot be honest with themselves in going about fixing it. Perhaps they are the type to stay passive, scared of communicating their boundaries and standing up for themselves...Mhm... They could feel like you have expectations of them that they can't meet. To be honest, I don't think you do anything wrong, it's just in their mind, they are projecting their fears onto this relationship...
❊ CHANNELING: (- I don't think those are from them... I think these are general mesages for both of you -) "Remember that your thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape your reality." + "Don't hold yourself back." + "There is no one else that can fulfill you if you don't realize that you have the power to do so yourself."
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𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐭 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬
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sleep-nurse · 1 year
heyo just seen your post and i wanna say im realy happy i can send my stupid little mesages even tho i only do it in anonym
when i saw that we became mutuals i started giggling so hard
it kinda felt like i just made a new friend which i havent done in years
i hope even when things look like they cant get any worse you remember that there are people (even if they are nameless) who care about you and are here for you
if you just want to scream and shout and let it all out just to make yourself feel better thats fine
i wish your life will be better each day
also no need to answer this ask i just wanted to tell you this
OUGHHHGHGH thank you anon,,..,..seriously thank you, reading this did make me feel something 😭😭 i almost wanna leave this in my inbox because it really means a lot to me HJKHSJFKHKJEHG
i do mean it everytime i say that you guys keep pushing me through, sometimes the only reason i'm still here is really because of yall 🥹
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fat-ugly-bus-driver · 2 years
MAGGIE? KH NY GOD. OH MY FUCKIGN GOOD LORD . THIS BETER NO T ME A NOTHER PRANK . PLEASE , COME HOME TO MAMA . i don t even Know if you remebr me ..i hope you did well .
I can't. I live in the UK now. I also still blame you for what happened, I could've died.
word s can t say how much i regret leaving you , magie. i know you don t trust me . i was nt thiking . i know you don t forgive me . but i stil l love you very much . i spent years loking for you , over 5 . i lost so much hair look ing for you . i just wanted you back into safety .
also , WHAT HAPUND TO YOU AFT ER YOU DISAPEARE D. WHO Took YOU ? WHERE DID YOU GO . i just need t know ..did someone tak d you in ? did you live on streets....please tell me .....ma ma loves you .
do you rember my voice ? your nursery ? your toys ....you could barly talk .. do y OU rember laying on mamas tummy ? me singing lulabies? comforting y ou at night ? your crib ? blanky ? do remebrr anything ?
i m not even sure if it s truly you , but i stil l had to write the mesage....mama misses you very much . i miss you . i am glad you are alive . please rspeond . how is your life now ?
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fanartalchemist · 29 days
‏Please don't skip
‏💔🥺🙏🏻Save our lives, please
‏I'm Oday from Gaza, Palestine 🇵🇸 This is my third account after the other two were suspended. I fight for everyone and I just want help with my campaign. I didn't do anything illegal. I just asked for help. I created a Go Fund Me campaign to get me and my family out of Gaza. My campaign was followed and verified by @el-shab-hussein / We live in very difficult living conditions. I got hepatitis from malnutrition, and there is no treatment here. We die every day from the heat of the tent and the insects and scorpions that accompany us constantly. My sister is about to give birth to her first child. Our biggest fear is where will this child live in these conditions? Help me afford the costs of leaving Gaza. I hope you can help us by donating or reposting. Rest assured that every amount you donate can make a huge difference in our lives
‏Your support and contributions are very important to us
‏Help me by donating or sharing the campaign link 🙏🏻❤️
‏This campaign was published and verified by @يا el-shab-hussein
Im sorry for the late mesage, but I will spread the word. may your people stay safe and healthy.
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viksteroni · 4 months
Hi! Just wanted to say a quick thank you for the breakdown of my Arya and the Stranger drawing ♥️ I think you caught pretty much every detail and symbolism* I packed in there. I have never had my art analyzed like that, and its a super fun experience, I feel very seen right now! :D
(*not to over-explain, but the fish in Nymerias mouth is also a throwback to a conversation between Jon and Arya about a possible combination between the Stark and Tully sigils, and the role women play in westerosi society)
Thank you for leaving a mesage! I'm new at tumblr, so i hope i'm responding on the right fuction.
Analyze art it's just something that i love to do and scroling to your profile, i already saw more art that i can and want to talk about. The endless details that you put on our art, show that you really love making it and that is really beautiful to see. I know that making art can be very hard sometimes, expecilly with so many details and meanings, so i just wanna to tell how much i appreciate your work and hope that one day i can make such a beautiful art like yours. 🩷🩷
(The fish on Nymeria mouth representing the mix of the Tully sigil with the Stark sigil and that connecting to the conversation between Jon and Arya is 100000 better that what i thought inicialy.)
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