#do i have a three hunters tag i cant remember
acourtofsnakes · 1 year
The Absence Of Sound - Freefall, Chapter 3 || The Bad Batch x Jedi!Reader
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Summary: The Batch catch a lead of where you might be, but is it too good to be true? And a certain angsty clone realises he doesn't have a heart of ice after all.
Warnings: nicknamed reader (Ghost), sleazy guy who cant say no, unwanted touch (a hand on the neck), swearing, canon weapons, The Boys being hot, Reader being a badass, arguing, tension of the spicy kind, mention of slight panic
A/N: The chapters in this series are split into sections, Before and After. The before chapters are set during the Clone Wars, before TBB, with a slight AU. Just a little heads up in advance for chapter 4... You have been warned. 🥲
Words: 5.8k+
Tags: @arctrooper69
Series Masterlist | Series Playlist
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“Well, I gotta say boys, I’ve seen scum in the depths of prisons look happier than you.” Cid strolled into the parlour, dropping a box of credits on the table, payment for their latest mission. 
None of them answered her, barely even acknowledged her, or the credits. As it had been for the past four months, the table was covered in maps, scraps of information, datapads old and new, bounty pucks, everything. Any hint of information, any part of anything that could be relevant. 
For four months now, in every spare second they had, The Bad Batch were searching. Hunting. 
Seeking out their lost companion, their fallen partner. 
You were more than just a member of their tight-knit, rag-tag collection. 
You were a part of them. 
And they couldn’t leave another behind, not again. 
“There seems to have been a lot of activity across these three systems,” Tech flicked through the information on his data pad, the holo in the middle of the table reflecting the same data, “Activity that would not be explained by our usual kind of enemies. Unexplained attacks at any given point of time, surges of energy that people cannot explain, sightings of someone that no-one can quite remember.” He adjusted his goggles, rolling his shoulders a little.
Echo was poring over a collection of bounty pucks, brow furrowed in concentration, “Would she have been that obvious though? I mean, we know her. We know how she operates, how she thinks… She’s our Ghost, if she’s in hiding, why is she letting herself be seen?” The answer already hung there in his words, but it felt like a curse to bring it to light, to snuff out a possibility before it even had the chance to be real.
“Because she knows we’re looking for her. She’s ready to be found. She’s telling us where she is so we can go and rip apart whoever is keeping her.” Wrecker growled a little, thumping on fist into the plan of the other hand, his grey eye smouldering.
“Hunter? What do you think?” Tech turned his attention to his brother, his sergeant, the one he looked up to. 
Hunter was staring at the scattered research across the table, rubbing his fingertips along his jaw over and over again, those senses of his telling him something, telling him this wasn’t right. He shook his head, “No…” It was a soft murmur, before he realised Tech had spoken to him, “No. Something about this isn’t right.”
Tech looked down at the data, ticking it over, “If we leave now, we will be at Moraband in less than two rotations. I can get us through jump points that limit the amount of time we waste. We can go to the planet and inspect for ourselves, what is going on.” 
Wrecker’s head followed the conversation, turning to each brother in turn before he rose from his seat, rolling his neck, “I say we do it. If she’s there, we find her. If not, we bust some heads until someone tells us where she is.” 
Hunter sighed heavily through his nose, skin prickling again but he nodded once, “Get everything you need, we leave in ten.” He just couldn’t shake the feeling that they were wrong about his.
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You had to hand it to yourself - you’d managed to make something out of the mess your life might have handed up being. 
That’s not to say your time in the Jedi Temple was unpleasant or unhappy, it wasn’t. They were some of the happiest memories you ever had, learning how to harness the Force and wield the legendary weapons you’d always dreamed of touching. 
Of course, you did come to the Temple under more devastating circumstances. An attack on your home planet when you were young caused chaos and destruction, turning your once peaceful surroundings into that of fire and blood. 
You vividly remember the moment it all happened, the moment the world turned in on its head and your parents ran with you through the wreckage of the town square, trying to make sure you didn’t look too closely at the scarlet staining the pretty cobblestones like oil.  
Running, running, running. 
Endless running until another explosion rocked the very ground beneath you, throwing you off your feet and ripping you away from your parents. Something pushed into you when you tried to stand, some kind of invisible, weightless energy that kept you down, hidden, seconds before a wave of those awful creatures tore through the plaza, gunning down everything in their path. 
There was so much dust, so much smoke. 
So much screaming and pain. 
When it cleared, the silence was terrifying, like all the life had been sucked out of the world… because it had. 
Your parents had drawn the attention of the monsters so they wouldn’t find you, clutching each other's hands in the growing pool of blood painting the floor. 
Such agony and rage and confusion, all shooting through your body, grief, helplessness - a whirling torment growing wilder and wilder, like the churning sky of a storm before it snapped and that same energy had burst out of you. 
It blew everything away in a ten-foot radius, leaving you in the centre, sobbing and clawing at the ruins of your home world. 
That was how the Jedi had found you when they came to help survivors. Sitting in the centre of a storm, near passed out from exhaustion and grief.
They took you back to the Temple, running a few tests on your Midichlorian count, and to see if you were okay. 
And everything went from there. 
You became part of Anakin Skywalker’s little unit, becoming best friends with his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and causing just as much mischief for General Obi-Wan Kenobi. 
The four of you were inseparable, working together in a beautiful, coalescent unit, and you even became close with Anakin’s Clone unit, the 501st, led by Captain Rex. 
Ah, how you adored Rex. His easy way of looking at the world, the endless calm that flowed out of him like water whenever you reached out with the Force. 
He commanded his men more like brothers, worked side-by-side with Anakin as though they shared the same blood too. 
Not to mention, he always had a soft spot for you and Ahsoka, and he was one of the first people to notice that you processed the world differently, after Ani mentioned it. 
Perhaps it was this difference that he saw, this unsettled, frantic energy thrumming consistently through your blood that made Rex suggest something. 
That something happened to be by way of a unit of five, Clone Force 99. 
The Bad Batch. 
A group of ‘defective’ clones born and bred for their differences and altered skills, who were efficient and always successful, even if their methods looked like one of Anakin’s mission plans. 
They owned the fact that they didn’t fit it, accepting their differences and turning them into their strengths and pride. 
Rex begged for help on the mission on Anaxes, considering you were the only one who believed his theories about Echo without hesitation.  
And it was there that you slotted in like the sixth puzzle piece. 
The boys were fascinated by you, and you were in turn fascinated by them. 
You weren’t as uptight as other Jedi Commanders they’d met. You felt things and expressed them in ways they’d never seen before. 
You laughed brightly, teasing them with a mouth that could have shocked some of the General’s they’d seen. 
You fought like a whirlwind, your grace and skill honed until you became a blur of light on the battlefield, leaving the Batch staring after you with wide eyes and parted lips. 
They witnessed your anger at the state of Echo, your friend, watched you tear through the enemy with your sabers flashing like bolts of lightning, your fury threatening to rumble the skies. 
Hunter marvelled at your efficiency, something they’d seen only in the brief time they’d known Anakin, but there you were, burning as fiercely as he did yet eyes skipped over you when it mattered. 
A storm, he called you. Always feeling and thinking so intensely, crackling with life yet no one knew when you were going to explode into light next.  
It was after that mission, when you were watching Echo choose to stay with the boys that you realised how right things felt with them, how you didn’t have to mask the fact that you saw the world through an altered lens. You didn’t have to master the emotions that sometimes bubbled over with no warning and dragged you through the undertow. 
Rex must have seen it too, must already have known and spoken to Hunter, because he took you aside and suggested that you stay right where you are, with them. With people who you burn brightly with and not be dimmed. 
And although you missed your friends, missed this family that had held you back from the precipice of oblivion… 
This felt right. 
This felt like home. 
They felt like home. 
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The sounds of the cantina were a pleasant hum in the background, dulling your senses and providing a sort of blanket to dissociate into. 
It was another successful mission under your belts, another tally to add to your repertoires. 
The Marauder was being refuelled, so Hunter suggested you all do the same - considering Wrecker had again eaten through everyone’s ration packs… Again.
All the boys were seated at a table, relaxing after the mission but still with that keen alertness. 
It was your round of drinks, and you’d slipped through the crowd to the bar, ordering from the droid and just listening to the hum of everything around you. 
You watched the droid potter around preparing your drinks, toying with your credits on the bartop, flipping them in and out of your fingers absently, just to offset a bit of that lingering energy leftover from escaping possibly another near death experience.
Really, it was like being back with Anakin and the others, there was a remarkable similarity with plans having to be changed right at the almost moment for some reason or another.
The thought brought a faint smile to your lips, how you’d gotten a similar family yet one completely different, one that you fit snugly into and wouldn’t change for the world. 
“Now, there’s a smile I could get used to seeing.” An unfamiliar voice broke your haze, your sensitivity alerting you too late that someone was next to you, bordering on too close. 
Clearly, you’d disassociated harder than you meant to, since you were usually so aware of your surroundings and space, hating it when people you didn’t trust came too close.
Exhaling softly through your nose, you turned your head to the side, examining the male that had bothered you. 
He was human, older by the looks of his greying stubble and the flecks through his hair which was swept back with careless abandon but clearly styled as an attempt to look rumpled. 
He had pale green eyes which lingered on you with too much curiosity, too much weight that didn’t sit well on your skin. 
“Ah, well. Unfortunately for you, this will be the first and only time you get to see it.” You turned to face the droid again, senses now in complete focus but you put off reading his signature yet, not wanting to know what lived in his head before you gave him the chance to walk away. 
The man frowned a little, letting his head fall to one side against his shoulder, elbow resting on the bar with his chest open to you - a cliche sign of dominance if ever you saw it. “Aw, cmon now don’t be like that, I’m just playing.” He ducked his head further, that ridiculous smile on his lips that reminded you of a slimy beast.  
Patience. Calm. That’s what we’re practising right now. 
“I’m only going to say this one more time, and I’ll make it super clear for you.” You didn’t even look at him, instead nodding thanks to the droid as your drinks were placed in front of you, “You will not be leaving this place with me hanging off your arm like another trophy to add to your collection. You’ll be leaving on your own, okay?” 
The man visibly bristled from the corner of your eye, rising up to his full height and he sidled even closer, so close you could smell the alcohol on his breath, the stale sweat clinging to his clothes as they brushed your armour, “Is it because of those boys you’re runnin’ with? Those clones?” He scoffed, looking over at your boys and then back at you, “You realise they’re expendable, right? They’re all the same. You’re never gonna get anythin’ different. Whereas with me,” he actually gestured to himself, “You’ll have somethin’ you’ll never forget.” Then, as if he had bantha dung for brains, he rested his hand on the back of your neck. 
Every muscle in your body wanted to jump and rip his hand off you, to snarl in his face and laugh when he realised what he’d done.
But such anger isn’t the Jedi way, is it, Ghost? We shouldn’t be giving into such feelings of darkness. 
You rolled your eyes internally at yourself and then gazed at your unwanted friend with a stare that Ani and Rex used to say made Hoth look like the sands of Tatooine, “Are you really that dim, or are you just planning on losing a hand tonight?”
Your boys would make a meal out of him. 
Come to think of it, you’d make a meal out of him whilst they watched.
His hand flexed on the back of your neck, making your skin crawl, your stomach roil and you visibly saw the cogs turning over in his mind, trying to work out how to play this at an angle that you supposed would have you falling to your knees for him. 
The feeling of your skin crawling was suddenly soothed, senses pinging and alerting you to a familiar presence. A deadly one. 
The feel of howling winds and low burning fury, the cold crackle of something waiting to be unleashed. 
“I suggest you remove your hand from the Commander’s neck. She isn’t known for her patience.” The cool, liquid rasp of Crosshair emerged from thin air, arm extended and unwavering as he almost delicately pushed the muzzle of his blaster into the cheek of your ‘admirer’.
Despite the position he now found himself in, this guy still seemed determined to stick to his stupidity, “You think I’m afraid of a little girl? What are you, her bodyguard?”
Your body was suddenly washed over by the crackle of fires, of strength as hard as durasteel, the creeping awareness of another type of predator in your midst. And beneath that? A fierce protectiveness and loyalty. 
Hunter prowled over from the table, pausing just a few feet away. He was all broad shoulders and glinting eyes, one hand occupied with the casual flip of his knife, “You’re not all that smart, are you?” He moved between you and the older man, weight settled in one hip.
Said man in question scoffed again, hands held up in surrender as the tangy taste of fear began to spill at the edges of your senses, “Like I said, you think I’m afraid of you? You’re just some kinda jumped experiment, hard to be afraid of something with no life.”
Crosshair laughed softly, the velvet hum of a knife on steel, “I can’t wait to see how this ends.”  
His amber eyes flicked over to you, silently checking you were okay, that no harm had come to you. He probably didn’t even realise he was doing it. 
Hunter had that predator's gaze locked firmly on the man’s, pinning him with that smokey stare, just daring him to move, “Oh, we’re not the ones you should be afraid of.” He jerked his head backward, motioning to where you sat behind him at the bar still, head resting on your fist now, “It’s her you need to watch out for.” 
A smirk crossed your lips as Hunter mimicked exactly what you’d thought earlier, and you merely shrugged at the man with no attempt at disagreeing, sipping your drink as you watched the scene play out in front of you, “He’s not wrong there.” You slipped the edge of your cloak back, revealing just a small percentage of the glittering weapons strapped to your body, not to mention the sabers hanging at your hips. 
The man paled, his cheeks hollowing and skin turning sallow, “You - you’re a Jedi.” He opened his mouth, swallowed. Swallowed again. Then he licked his lips, a bead of sweat tracking down his temple, “I didn’t realise.” 
You were still for a moment, then slowly swivelled your chair round before hopping lightly to the floor, stalking toward him on footsteps that were silent, even though the bar was now quiet, bated, “So, you only would have stopped if you knew I was a Jedi?” You reached Hunter’s shoulder and he moved back a pace, allowing you in front of him without a single hesitation, “You're saying if I weren’t a Jedi, you wouldn’t have cared if I said no?” 
Crosshair hummed, pushing the muzzle of the blazer deeper into the flesh of the man’s cheek, cocking his head, “I’d be careful. You’re digging yourself into a hole you most certainly won’t be climbing out of now.”
He sputtered, opened his mouth, closed it again, trembling head to know now as he met that stormy, ice cold look, “I- I didn’t - I wouldn’t-“ He broke off with a noise, casting a glance around for someone to help him. 
But no one would. The other patrons of the bar had clocked you all as soon as you’d walked in, the painted armour of the boys and yourself, Wrecker’s size, Crosshair’s predatory sweep of the room, the sabers dangling at your hips, as well as every other weapon on your body. 
They wouldn’t help this man, not now. 
You smiled at him, a smile that was all fangs and fury, the silence of the bar allowing that smoky, dark voice to be heard within you, “You, you, what?” You laughed, hand barely twitching and Hunter’s knife slipped free from his vambrace into your waiting fingers. 
Hunter didn’t even flinch, merely rolling his shoulders and allowing a smirk to cross his features when you took his knife. It was a move practised dozens of times now.
The blade glinted in the dim light as you traced the tip along the man’s jaw, “You might be thinking because I’m a Jedi, I’ll be lenient on you.” Your eyes tracked the movement of the blade before flicking to meet his, “If I could be bothered to show you, you’d see the colour blade I carry and why you’d be better off with an actual Jedi.” 
He barely breathed as you nicked the edge of his lip with the blade, probably praying to every single thing he could think of right now. 
You heaved a sigh, a soft pout, “As it stands, I just came from a particularly difficult mission and I don’t really have the energy to waste on bottom-level scum like you.” A careless shrug, “Shame really.” You dropped your hand, still holding eye contact as Hunter extended his arm, allowing you to slip the knife back into the vambrace. 
The man sagged in relief, but only a few centimetres considering Crosshair’s blaster was still jammed into the side of his face. Then he snickered softly under his breath, “Knew it. All show. Just a pretty face tha’ keeps their beds warm.” 
Your foot paused before it hit the ground, body held with perfect poise and stillness, “Cross?” The tone of your voice was so light, you could have been asking for the weather.
There was the barest whistle through the air, a solid thump of knuckles impacting flesh and then a body hitting the floor heavily. 
A soft smile graced your lips now as the three of you walked back to your seats, “I’m starving. Let’s get something to eat.” 
Wrecker’s crow of delight filled the space, sparking conversation again as if the previous moment had never happened, and as if one of the patrons wasn’t being dragged outside spitting out teeth.
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He became aware of the footsteps trailing him fifteen minutes ago. Whoever it was must have thought they were doing a good job, or they didn’t realise exactly who it was they were following - as if the sleek grey armour wasn’t enough.
Still, he allowed it, if only to feed the curiosity tickling the back of his mind, the thrill that he hadn’t experienced in a while. If he was being trailed by an attacker, he’d have them incapacitated and on the ground before they could even blink… But maybe he would allow them a small chance first, just for entertainment. 
Just to feel something else other than the hounding desolation and anger constantly assaulting his mind.
And that itching, nagging feeling at his skin that had shaken him from his bed, the atmosphere in the room too tight, too charged. It was pressing on his skin, reminding him of not so long ago of the way the air would feel when you were wound up, on the verge of cracking.
Three more blocks, the wall of the fallen soldiers, his brothers, coming up before him and then the uneven thump of those feet was starting to grate on his already shredded nerves, igniting the cold temper he had always been known for. He slowed under the pretence of examining the names carved into the wall, each one clanging hollowly in his skull. 
One breath, then another, then - 
He swung round, blaster aimed, arm unwavering at the hooded figure lingering behind him who raised their hands quickly, “I suggest you think of a reason for following me very quickly. I would hate to have to ruin these floor-stones with the inside of your head.” The tone of voice didn’t even change, if anything he just came across bored. Empty. 
The figure shook their head, the hood shimmering with the movement but still keeping the face in shadow, “Forgive me, sir!! I wasn’t sure when best to approach you, my employer - they said not to give this information to anyone else, but also to approach with caution as-”
He flicked the toothpick from his lips with a near silent agitated grunt, ”Spit it out, my hand is starting to get tired.” A muscle twitched in his jaw, but his grip was unwavering. He had spent hours upon hours with a target in sight, hand curled around his weapon with his finger resting on the trigger, a trigger which needed only the barest touch from him before his enemy was on the ground. Hours spent willing his body into complete stillness, ready to burst into action at a moment’s notice.
A faint whimper, a half step back, “There is a storm coming.”
Everything in him turned to stone, the ice that usually encased his heart now sending splinters through his chest.
He hadn’t heard those words ever. Not once.
He didn’t even speak, simply sheathed his weapon, the memories threatening to break free of their confinement in his head. He turned away from the messenger, not caring who sent him or why.
There was nothing inside him but a raging, snarling, howling beast, clawing at its cage.
Desperate to be free, to hurt, to protect. 
And then, Crosshair ran.
As his feet pounded on the ground, he was battered with another memory, another flash of the past where you had been so alive, so vibrant, burning through the galaxy as you should do.
Every moment, both awake and asleep, he was given memories of you, even now, even when he could feel that your life was at stake, hanging in the balance. 
He wouldn’t know peace until you were okay.
“What’s your problem, Crosshair?”, Your voice echoed sharply around the clearing, the sunset bouncing off the hull of the Marauder, the pounding music of 79’s a soft hum in the background. 
What was supposed to be a relaxing evening off after a mission had quickly turned south, leaving you and Crosshair hissing at each other in the club until the barman asked you to take it outside. 
Crosshair was leaning against it, long legs crossed over each other at the ankles as he cleaned his rifle, “Problem? Oh, I’m not the one with the problem, Shade.” His words were all poison honey, dripping and lethal. He didn’t look at you, gaze focused on his task, a toothpick in the corner of his mouth as usual. 
Shade. That nickname only he called you, ever. 
You scoffed, pausing in front of him and crossing your arms, “No? Then what was that little comment about back there, huh?” Your gaze was all crackling electricity this time, ready to spit and spark, “What was it again? Oh, yes.” You held your fingers up to make air-quotes, “I’ll just run along to the next person that tells me I’m not bad?” 
He barely glanced at you, a careless thing that he knew just riled you up even more, “Is it not true?” 
That damn unruffled drawl, it made you want to shake him. Or strangle him. 
Maybe you would. 
“No. It isn’t true. You know I am very aware of what lives inside me, I don’t need anyone to validate that. No one.” The bones of your knuckles ached with how tightly you gripped your arms, if only to stop yourself from throttling him. 
How dare he? 
Now he finally looked up, spitting out his toothpick, “No? Then why do you go running to Hunter every time you need validation that you’re good?” He spat the word out like it offended him, pushing off from the ship and taking a step forward, towering over you. 
You refused to back down, meeting his glare with one of your own, even as you tipped your head back to look up at him, “You think I need validation that I’m good?” Stars, you were so angry. It pulsed through your body, making your heart rage and your blood heat inexplicably. 
Crosshair smirked, tilting his head, amber eyes fixed on you, reading every little expression on your face that he knew so well. “I know you do, Shade. What did you did today - that is who you are. I watched you tear through those traitors without a second's hesitation, without thought.” That liquid velvet if his voice was oh so tempting, drawing you in, wrapping you in his arms and coaxing you toward the truth. 
An ache was radiating out from your jaw where you clenched it so tightly, feeling that smokey darkness prick its head at Crosshair’s words, “Enough.”
He wasn’t finished. He stepped even closer, fully blotting out your vision, your senses with that velvet voice, “You were unstoppable. Ferocious. That is who you should be. Not bound by the rules of the Jedi you no longer follow. You should be using everything you have, everything you are.” The rise and fall of his chest was the only indication he was just as affected as you, “You have a beast inside you, Shade. Just like me. I’ve seen it. Time and time again. On the battle in Anaxes, when you tore through the people keeping Echo. Every mission after, I see that beast try to come out, but you deny it. Deny who you are.” With every word, his tone got snider, more sullen, more like a bite than a word. 
“I said enough!!” You growled at him, pushing your hands hard against his chest plate with a pulse of the Force, your own breathing heavier now as that beast in question shone through your eyes, seeing the world for what it was before you quelled it, stuffing it back down. “I’m not you, Crosshair.” 
You couldn’t. 
You couldn’t give in and let people get hurt again, no matter how good it felt, no matter how strong you felt. 
“No. You’re not. Because I wouldn’t have lied to myself over and over, I’d have accepted the truth.” Crosshair watched your internal struggle, watched you deny that half of your soul and he scoffed, shaking his head and stalking off to the steps of the Marauder, shoulders tense and agitation rippling off of him, “Typical. Why don’t you run along to Hunter? I’m sure he’ll pat your head and tell you it’s okay.” You’d never heard such viciousness in his tone. He knew where and how to cut you deep. 
Fury choked you for a second, along with something else, something seductive and intense and you chased after him, “The truth?! You talk of the truth, but what about you, Crosshair?!” You were right on his heels, the quiet of the ship enveloping you even as your combined emotions flooded the space. 
The walls, the chairs, everything rattled as a wave of force energy slipped from your control, butting up against him but it didn’t hurt him. As much as you wanted to strangle him right now, you didn’t want to hurt him. 
Crosshair didn’t even look over his shoulder, long legs stalking across the floor towards… anywhere, “What about me, Shade?” He even had the audacity to sound bored, like all of this was beneath him and you were just wasting his time. 
You growled at him, “You know exactly what I’m talking about. I see the looks, the comments, the way you clam up when someone else comes by us.” You grabbed his arm, spinning him round to face you, glaring up at him despite the seductive heat pounding through your veins, the tension thick, heavy, “Why do you hide that you care about me, huh?” 
The muscles in his jaw rippled, his entire body turning rigid and those honey eyes hardened to pure, solid gold. “Hide?” His voice was soft, caressing the word in such a way that you felt you were staring down a Loth-wollf about to bite. 
But you had just as much of that beast inside you, didn’t you? 
And you would never back down. “Yes, Cross. You hide beneath that mask of cold indifference, like everyone is beneath you, like you don’t care.” 
Crosshair cocked his head, hands clenching into fists before he folded his arms across his chest, his forearms brushing your own, “And what makes you think I do care?” His voice was still quiet, but you didn’t need to read his presence in the Force to know he was lying through his teeth, and almost succeeding. 
But you were too similar, the same sides of the coin, the same shock of lightning. 
“Bullshit.” You cut him off again, a laugh in your throat that was anything but humorous, only serving to irritate the pair of you even more, “I can see it. I can feel it through the Force yet you still act like this. You can’t try and convince me this is real. You’re lying to yourself, not just to me.” Your words cut like the edges of blades but you didn’t care.  
There was a beat of silence, a single heartbeat. 
Then he moved, pushing you harshly against the hull of the Marauder, a hand round your throat to pin you there as his other fist banged into the metal loud enough to have it ring in your ears, “I’m not the one lying to myself, Shade. You talk about seeing?” He was breathing heavily, head tilted down to yours, caging you in tightly, your mingled fury charging and choking the air, “Well I see what you so blatantly try to ignore when you look in the mirror. I see that beast inside you that wants to tear into everyone, to make them pay for you losing everything. I see it in the way you tear down fields of enemies without a second hesitation. And that’s what scares you. That I’ve seen is and I’m not afraid. Because I’m like you.”
You shook your head, opening your mouth to speak but then his hand tightening around your throat, thumb pushing into the soft flesh underneath your jaw to keep you there. It might have cut off your air slightly, but you couldn’t hide the faint hum of fiery pleasure, knowing full well it tumbled against his palm but you were both too furious to notice. 
Besides, he wasn’t finished. 
“You could be as… ferocious, as powerful as that all the time, if you just let yourself feel it. But you don’t.” His eyes were livid gold still and he leaned in, his words dancing across your face, hitting straight to the core of you, “You let go and yet still run to Hunter and let him tell you it was okay, it was just a slip of control, you’re still good.” His chest rose and fell sharply, “I would never make you be someone you’re not.” 
Your head spun, his words echoing in your mind, fuelling that confusion, that anger and you snarled at him, lashing out with the force but he held strong, “Why do you care so much, Crosshair? Why do you care what I am, what I do?” You couldn't lean forward so you pinned him with a stare, trying to catch your breath, “Why do you care so much that I go to Hunter instead?” 
Crosshair’s head twitched a little, as if he were going to shake it, “Don’t start down this path, Shade. You aren’t going to like where it leads.” His hand tightened reflexively, making you gasp a little and his eyes dropped to your lips, drinking in that noise hungrily. 
“Backing down from a fight, Cross? That’s not like you.” You narrowed your eyes at him, “You started this. You don’t get to run away just because the tables have turned on you. If you have something to say, say it.” The last two words were a hiss. 
He stared at you, then his face contorted in anger and something else you didn’t recognise, before he moved, his hand drawing into a fist and then he slammed it into the wall beside your head. The ship groaned in protest but he barely flinched, not even when he pulled that hand back and pointed at you, “I have been. But you haven’t been listening.” He held there for a moment longer, looking you up and down before he scoffed and walked away, a flash of something in his eyes… hurt? 
Crosshair didn’t even know where to begin unravelling what he felt around you, but he knew what he felt in this moment. What he would do.
He would tear apart every planet in the galaxy to bring you back from that monster that took you. He wouldn’t stop.
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silurisanguine · 3 months
OC Questions tag game (a-cosmic-elf questions answered)
I was tagged by @a-cosmic-elf in the oc questions tag game (answer 3 questions given in style of your OC then give three new questions to tagged people) I'm going to answer the three given me in with all 4 of my ocs as they are a really great way to develop them! - Seren Jones, Aeryn Ryder, Zofie Orel and Kiara Black
Since this is going to be a long post, answers behind a cut!
And I'll tag @vorchagirl @despicablediet and @bearlytolerant @staticpallour @fangbangerghoul @a-cosmic-elf @atonalginger @eridanidreams @toxiclizardwrites @therealgchu @aro-pancake with these three new questions to answer, no pressure though!
-Is there anyone famous you'd love to meet? -What is your favourite season (or weather if you don't have seasons)? -Is there anything physical you'd change about yourself?
First up Seren Jones (My Starfield Coemancer Starborn)
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If you had a YouTube channel, what would you make? "Youtube? Oh viddocs? I dont think I'd have a 'make' channel. Mine would probably be a vlog of my exploration. I see so many incredible things when I'm exploring places I'd want to share that. I already take so many photos, so I think yeah, think I'd like to do something like that." Have you ever dyed your hair, or got a radical haircut? "Before I became Starborn, my signature color and cut was a silver pixie hairstyle. But after a few universe jumps I wanted to get away from that look and find a new one as I'd kinda let myself go and it seems hair just keeps growing no matter what. So I went to Enhance and I got it dyed this bright teal blue in a sort of short bob. Don't know how long I'll keep it, who knows. I know a version of me had much longer hair similar in style to Andreja's and it looked good, so maybe I'll try that when I finally settle down again." What’s the worst book you’ve ever read? "Carrie of the Cosmos. I'd read everything at a mining dig on some backwater moon I can't even remember the name of now and that was left. It's so cliched and predictable." Next - Aeryn Ryder ( My Mass Effect Reyes Vidal romancing Pathfinder)
If you had a YouTube channel, what would you make? "Video documentaries huh? Not sure what I'd be allowed to do considering how Tann rode Keri's ass on her documentary. Maybe 'how to maintain your armour, no matter the environment' type thing or... 'The beauty of Kadara for non exiles who want to visit'....Maybe I do want to piss Tann off." Have you ever dyed your hair, or got a radical haircut? "My hair is bright highlighted blue and purple already! Had that since I was blacklisted by the Alliance and thought fuck it, let's do what I always wanted but never could before. Luckily I can keep it like this as the angara have these awesome dyes that Lexi found are safe to use on human hair!" What’s the worst book you’ve ever read? "I actually don't really read books...not novels anyway. I never have time to really focus on one for long. I liked some of the asari mythology books I used to read, so I guess those."
Next Zofie Orel ( Deus Ex/Assassin's Creed OC)
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If you had a YouTube channel, what would you make? "Oooh in another life, one where I don't have to not make myself too known, I could do one of those hands visible only jewellery making shows. The camera would be on my worktop and I could show the intricacies of working with silver and gold." Have you ever dyed your hair, or got a radical haircut? "When I got augmented, they had to shave my head to install the brain implants and I decided then to change up my look as my mousey brown hair was just too boring. I love red so picked the brightest I could find and have had this colour ever since and no damn Templar Hunter is going to get me to change it!" What’s the worst book you’ve ever read? "I read this trite publication about Hatshepsut, that was obviously written by a historian who didn't like his theories being proved false by new evidence. A common thing with historians I've found. 'Cant possibly agree with that, my book says otherwise.' Thankfully the new evidence that was found proved he was talking out of his arse." Lastly Kiara Black (My Thief/ Dishonored OC)
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If you had a YouTube channel, what would you make? "What is a You...tube... channel? Huh... I wouldn't want to ever appear on a recording, thanks." Have you ever dyed your hair, or got a radical haircut? "Oh I once cut my long...long hair short with a pair of my father's sheers and nearly gave my mother a heart attack. All because I wanted shorter hair and she told me no. After that she took me to a barber and made him cut it into something 'feminine'. I watched that man like a hawk and since taught myself how to cut hair properly I've let it grow since then, but I mostly keep it braided back. With what I wear now, I might cut it again as the braid sometimes gets itchy against my neck. But dyeing it? My hair is black, almost blue-black, so no way would I dye it." What’s the worst book you’ve ever read? "The Seven Strictures...Militant religious doctrine masquerading as guidance."
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puppyyuri · 10 months
pinned post
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also acts as an faq of sorts
basic facts
main: @radspeon name: jo and/or yasha pronouns: he/him
art shit
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things i mainly draw: ponies, humans, furries, anime people if i'm feeling miserable(/j), a very specific pokemon(shiny espeon), pixel art things i do not draw: porn(excluding artistic nudity), complex machinery(though i intend to get better at that eventually, love me some machines), real people(excluding jerma, i do not trust myself to get the likeness correct for anyone else), intense gore things to look out for in my art: artistic nudity, blood, f and d slurs, extremely bright colors(always tagged as 'eyestrain'), cringe(if something being 'cringe' actually bothers you i do not want you here anyway), suggestive stuff(but nothing downright pornographic), lack of image IDs(i am unsure of how to write them in a good way, feel free to add them yourself when reblogging), flashing gifs(always tagged as 'flashing' and/or 'flashing gif) commission status: OPEN, PRICES NEGOTIABLE, STEAM MONEY AND DISCORD NITRO ONLY (add me on discord @ radspeon to discuss) pony gif requests: OPEN (please send them into my ask box, any generation is fine, pony gifs are free to use anywhere online or offline as long as they are credited back to me, don't use it to sell anything, and you send me a link to where you used it into my ask box) doodle requests: DEPENDS (i will only doodle your thing if i think its funny)
fandoms or whatever
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my little pony(all generations except five but especially three and four), mob psycho 100, banana fish(don't expect to see much of that though), YASHA(1996), rc9gn(mildly), vampire hunter d(bloodlust and the novels, currently on book 2), furry, trigun(stampede and '98), the summer hikaru died, danny phantom(mildly), adventure time(have not watched fionna and cake yet), jerma985, black butler/kuroshitsuji(sorry), and other stuff but i cant be bothered to remember rn
main ships(not in any specific order)
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mlp: twipie, rarijack, gildash, flutterlestia, mintypinkie(g3), lucora(luna and zecora), twiluna trigun: vashwood, millymeryl, vashmeryl(stampede only) mob psycho: reikubo, terumob, tomebomi, serirei banana fish: yuesing, asheiji, ibemax(mildly, i just rotate it around in my head sometimes), jessimax, dino x the meat grinder YASHA(1996): moichimayo, seichi, takerin, kenmei black butler: cielois, sebagrelle(mildly), madamgrelle(insane about this one) adventure time: man its just bubbline and simon and betty. what more do you want from me. fuck you, finnico as well. i dont care about canon anymore rc9gn: randulian(mildly) VHD: D x a therapist.
exlusionists, TERFs, proshippers, agere/petre blogs(nothing against you, its just my blog is very not kidsafe and you probably do not want to interact with me), pomegranate likers(/j)
tag list
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non-character-specific categories
#yasha's art -- .... its for my art. what more could you expect. #yasha's ocs -- general umbrella tag for my ocs, almost always accompanied by a tag for the character specifically, but probably not for characters who do not have names #gurfs -- my funny way of saying 'gifs,' i do NOT use this spelling for warning tags like 'fast gif,' 'flashing gif,' or 'flickering gif.' that'd make me a fucking dickhead. #not art -- tag for. shit that isnt art #pixel art -- tag for my dabbles in pixel art
#world: kihverse -- short for "knife-in-hand universe," this tag is for my oc universe where there is a guy who always has a knife in his hand whether he wants there to be or not. its an extremely terrible superpower. #world: godly foals -- tag for my current mainline project, godly foals, a book about a found family who have to kill two gods. it has its own production diary blog, godlyfoals.tumblr.com #world: khristverse -- au for my oc Sezja where she's a vampire in a wildly historically inaccurate eighteen-eighties and has a very hot girlfriend, Rebecca, who she is loyal to #world: furryverse -- general tag for my furry ocs. #world: mimiverse -- world for my oc raik mimi, his siblings, his kids, and a bunch of other characters. the lore is too covuluted. #world: daigoroverse -- underdeveloped world that has one guy in it, daigoro, the old goddess of werewolves and wine. she's a snarky old bag and we love her.
i would write more for my individual ocs but. theres too many, so. L. maybe eventually ill get to it. bye
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theoriginalladya · 3 years
A Constant Wish
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A Constant Wish
Summary:  An anniversary, but not of the enjoyable kind. Nine years on, and Commander Shepard is still dealing with the fallout from Akuze. It's up to Kaidan Alenko to guide him through it.
Tags: Sole Survivor, survivor’s guilt, death, grief, Akuze, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, mshenko
Characters: Caleb Shepard, Kaidan Alenko
NOTE: Four years ago today, my mother lost her battle with cancer. Today, even though I knew the date in my head, it didn't connect until my youngest brother mentioned something in our family text chat. It hit me like a ton of bricks, just as it did then. I've learned to move on, to keep going, to keep living, but this day each year is always the hardest fucking day to get through. And so I wrote this with her in mind for my Caleb Shepard who has his own ghosts to deal with.
Love you, Mom.
A daily thought, a silent tear, A constant wish that you were here
Kaidan wakes suddenly, inexplicably, to darkness and the sense that something isn’t quite right.  Not a nightmare, not someone waking him with a touch or a sound, but that unerring feeling that something is just… off.  It isn’t panic so much as a general unease, but he’s used to listening to his gut these days; it’s saved his life or that of a squadmate or even Shepard himself more than once.  
Rolling over, he discovers the bed is empty but for him.  That sends his heart racing faster than he expects and he nearly falls face first to the floor as he scrambles out from beneath the covers.  The time it takes to yank on his sweats and a t-shirt seems an eternity, but he is fully aware thanks to the cold flooring beneath bare feet.  
A thorough search of the upper part of the apartment finds nothing out of the ordinary.  The side note to that is he also fails to locate Shepard.  Granted, he still has half the apartment to investigate, but the fact he cannot find a recent trace of his presence is a bit disconcerting.
He descends to the lower level and begins by checking the back room.  Empty. Next, the living room and the bar. Also, empty.  The lights in the kitchen are dim, just the way they left them when they headed upstairs after dinner.  Still no sign of the man.  
Kaidan tacks his way across to the opposite set of stairs to head back up – maybe he missed him in passing?  As he walks past the hall branching off to his right into the den, habit has him glancing that direction.  In front of the faint flickering fire light, he catches a silhouette; a familiar shape seated at the poker table, hunched over, glass in hand. Unease morphs to concern and curiosity, and he pads down the hallway, calling out softly as he reaches the doorway, “Shepard?  You okay?”
The silhouette jerks suddenly as if startled, then relaxes with an exhale of breath.  “I’m fine, mo ghrá.”
Kaidan takes the response as an invitation to join him, and he slides into a seat at the table.  “Drinking alone?  In the dark? Gonna have to do a better job of convincing me you’re fine,” he challenges, albeit gently.
Shepard huffs; a soft sound and one nearly drowned out by the pop and crackle of the fire.  He sets the glass on the table, rises to his feet, and walks over to the small bar in the corner.  Within moments, he returns with a bottle and a second glass.  This he fills and pushes towards Kaidan, then tops off his own before reclaiming his seat.  “Not alone now, am I?” he asks, setting the bottle down with a heavy thud next to what look to be four playing cards.  
From his position and in the dimly lit room, Kaidan can’t tell which ones they are.  However, knowing Shepard as he does, he can guess their purpose.  Why are you down here drinking and doing card readings in the darkest hours of the night?
Taking the glass in both hands, he pulls it close but does not drink just yet.  Before anything else, he wants, needs, some answers.  “What are we drinking to?”
“Not what,” Shepard declares, blue eyes piercing through the dark to meet Kaidan’s as he lifts his head, “who.”
Kaidan acquiesces with a slight cant of his head. “All right.  Who?”
Shepard lifts his glass in salute.  “Sergeant Angela Nevarra.”
Kaidan frowns.  The name sounds hazily familiar; he’s heard it before but cannot place it.
“Sergeants Carter, Evans and Decatur,” Shepard continues, clearly not expecting a response.  “Corporals Harris, Simmons, Grassini, Aoki, and Meijer.  Malik, Masterson, Owens, Jenson, Weston, Alvarez…”
Kaidan listens in silence but keeps his eyes on Shepard’s face as he continues to list them off.  As the list gets longer, comprehension dawns.  Shepard stops reciting names at forty-eight and the quiet surrounds them again.  Cautiously, Kaidan asks quietly about one name that was not mentioned.  “What about Toombs?”
There is a hint of brutality in the way Shepard says the name which Kaidan doesn’t quite understand.  For everyone else associated with Akuze, there is a fondness, a reverence almost in the way their former commander speaks of them, but with Toombs, it’s different.  “That’s his name, isn’t it?  The one we ran into on Ontarom?  Back –”
Shepard tosses back the last of his whiskey, swallows it in a large gulp, and shakes his head sharply once.  “Aye, I remember.”  He slams the glass onto the table with enough force the platform quakes for a moment.  “Heard from him last year, did I ever tell you?”
It’s a rhetorical question, but Kaidan shakes his head anyway.  The time they’ve spent together since his recovery, since the war began, they’ve avoided the more… controversial topics.  Not that Kaidan blames him for not bringing it up; it’s probably just as well.
With a soft snort, Shepard grabs the bottle and pours another two-fingers worth of whiskey.  This is the third drink Kaidan is aware of, and he can’t help but wonder how many Shepard drank when he was alone, before Kaidan found him. 
Their eyes meet again, and the look in them… Well, Kaidan understands now just why the man’s name in Irish is sealgaire, the hunter.  It’s all Kaidan can do to hold his ground.  And, that is knowing that the look isn’t directed at him.
Shepard’s scowl is dark and foreboding as he tosses back this drink, and there is a vehemence in his voice Kaidan has only heard maybe twice since he’s known him.  “Threaten me without knowing what happened?” the commander bites out.  “Briseadh agus brú ar do chnámha!  Go hifreann leat!”**
Kaidan reacts immediately, reaching forward and prying the glass from Shepard’s long fingers.  “Okay, Shepard, that’s enough.  I’m calling time for the night.”
Shepard struggles momentarily, apparently not satisfied, but a moment later releases his hold.  Sighing heavily, he covers his face with his hands.  “Tá brón orm,”**
Kaidan pushes the glasses and bottle across the table and out of easy reach and moves to crouch beside him.  “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Shepard’s hands drop away, and when the blue eyes meet his again, Kaidan recognizes the truth.  His mother once told him that if an Irish man or woman expressed true sorrow for something, there would be matching sadness in their eyes.  The sheer magnitude of the sorrow he sees in Shepard’s gaze just now is enough to level the Reapers and end the war three weeks ago, he thinks.  He reaches over and runs a hand along Shepard’s cheek in a gentle caress of understanding. “Hey.”  
Shepard leans into the touch, eyes closing.  When they open again the sorrow still lingers, but not with the same intensity.  Without the glass before him to toy with, he reaches for the playing cards lying face up. “D’you see these?”
Kaidan spares them a glance, tilting his head to get a better look.  “Did you do another reading?”
“Aye,” Shepard agrees, “but not tonight.  These…  This was my reading that night.  On Akuze, before the attack.”
Past – Two of Spades.
Present – Ten of Spades.
Future – King of Clubs.
Crossing Present – Ten of Diamonds.
None of it makes much sense to Kaidan – it never has – so he looks expectantly at Shepard.  When he remains silent, Kaidan asks, “What did they tell you?”
Shepard pauses for a moment, turning his head to look straight at Kaidan.  “That my world was going to go all to hell once again, but that this time, on the other side, I would find a path to my future…”
Kaidan looks at the cards again.  He recognizes the King of Clubs – it comes up often in Shepard’s readings, though Kaidan isn’t aware of any special attachment to it. The rest he can’t tell of he’s seen in readings before or not.  Shepard’s hand flops onto Kaidan’s shoulder, his fingers toying with his hair near his collar.  When Kaidan smiles back, Shepard’s eyes flare with an intensity that might be unsettling under other circumstances, but thanks to recent events in their lives, he has a much better idea of how to deal with.  
Rising to his feet, he sighs.  Any further explanation on the cards can wait until the man is sober again.  “Come on, we need to get you back to bed, I think.”
Shepard follows without comment or question, and, surprisingly, without stumbling.  When they reach the stairs, Shepard surprises Kaidan by sliding his arms around his waist and hugging close to his back, resting his head on his shoulder.  “You understand, aye?”
Already a step above the man, Kaidan stops and half turns to face him.  The question is very open-ended and he cannot miss the obvious pain.  It isn’t difficult to guess what he is referencing. “About Cerberus?”  Shepard nods.  Sighing softly, Kaidan wraps one arm over Shepard’s at his waist, and tilts his head close enough to ghost a quick kiss across his lips.  “Do you honestly think I would be here now if I didn’t?”
Shepard’s face screws up in confusion for a moment, an endearing look Kaidan doubts the commander would ever agree with if he is made aware of it, so Kaidan keeps the observation to himself.  Running his free hand over Shepard’s cheek again, he clarifies quietly, “Yes, mo shearc,** I understand.  You are not them; you never were.”
Hope wars with uncertainty behind those blue eyes; it’s strange to see Shepard this vulnerable, and a little disconcerting.  How much is the drink and how much just… is?
“You really believe that?”
Kaidan nods.  “Aye, I do,” he replies, echoing Shepard’s usual response and leaning in for another kiss. “Now, come on.  You need to sleep this off.  We can talk more about it later if you like.”  Though, as they ascend the stairs together, he is pretty certain it won’t ever come up again anytime soon.  Perhaps this time next year, but not before.  At least now, Kaidan is prepared.
** mo ghrá = my love
** Briseadh agus brú ar do chnámha!  =  A breaking and crushing on your bones!
**Go hifreann leat! = To hell with you!
** Tá brón orm = I’m sorry
** mo shearc = my love
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donvex · 4 years
thank you @glittercas for the tag!! this is so fun
rules: answer 30 questions about yourself and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
1. name/nickname: donte/donnie
2. gender: mostly man, like when a dog crosses a street and you say “look at that little man go!”
3. star sign: capricorn
4. height: 5′6
5. time: 7:54pm
6. birthday: 12/23
7. favorite bands/groups: set it off and pierce the veil are most of what im listening to right now
8. favorite solo artists: i like spencer sutherland a lottttt
9. song stuck in my head: can you feel the heart by bring me the horizon and we dont have to dance by andy black
10. last movie: i technically sat in the room while my dad watched the quick and the dead, and it made me think of dean the whole time
11. last show: i only really watch... let’s plays and streams now. if i didn’t love spn from middle school i honestly wouldnt be getting into it now
12. when did i create this blog: oh god. oh geez. i was around for the 2013 mishapocalypse. maybe.... 2012? 2010? unfortunately i purged a lot of older posts so i’ll never know for sure
13. what do i post: deancas right now, and some video game/dnd staples
14. last thing i googled: “starbucks partner hours” because i literally google this and then go to the first link, which is a reddit post, every time i want to check my work schedule
15. other blogs: i have an achievement hunter, among us, and shakespeare side blog all in various states of usage
16. do i get asks: every now and then i stumble into a fandom where i get writing requests, i got a lot more asks when i was in the IT and ATLA fandom. not so much anymore, i’m a small thing in the spn fandom. probably because i haven’t really posted original content for it
17. why i chose my url: don from my name, vex “because im vexing.” i remember i just wanted a one word url and now i feel like i cant change it because ive been branded
18. following: 175
19: followers: 1,242
20. average hours of sleep: 6
21. lucky number: i like three and seven
22. instrument: i dont play anything
23. what i am wearing: black jeans and a longed sleeve top from vans
24. dream job: well i have a bachelors in illustration and im working on a masters in english education. ig im trying to live that college professor fanfic au life
25. dream trip: italy or new zealand i think. idk ive never left the country, i want to go anywhere
26. favorite food: hmm. buffalo chicken
27. nationality: american italian
28. favorite song: my top spotify 2020 song was wolf in sheep’s clothing by set it off. ive also been listening to sunbeam by census on repeat
29. last book read: and then there were none by agatha christie
30. top three fictional universes id like to live in: damn. legend of zelda verse seems like a staple. dragon age except for the part where the world is always being threatened. just a general dnd verse
idk who to tag so here are a couple: @clownholy​ @queerical @thebloggerbloggerfun
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
memories of a younger generation din djarin x reader
christmas request info can be found here
"You may not remember me. I was a child." "Yeah, well, I shut everybody out. Don't take it personally. It's just easier." "You're the reason that I got this far."
Song: spirit in the sky my norman greenbaum
tag list: @cynic-spirit +++++++++
i sat in the corner of the cantina, watching those around me intently. it had been a while since id come home to Tatooine and i was beginning to regret the decision. i was taken from here after all but maybe that was a good thing. i looked up as the door opened, noticing a Mandalorian walk in with a pod following close behind him. i raised a brow as i took a drink, not recognizing the signet on his armor.
when i heard him ask for something from the waitstaff i became more intrigued. surely that couldnt be who i thought it was but the voice sounded all to familiar, even now as a grown up. i listened intently to him as he asked for information. he was searching for more like him. i almost couldnt believe what i was hearing. i stood slowly, walking to him as the waiter left.
"youve come a long way."
i said, standing at the edge of his table. he looked up at me, one hand on his waist.
"do i know you?"
he asked and i pulled the cloth down away from my face.
"you may not remember me. i was a child when we met after all."
i watched as he tilted his head to the side, his small green friend looking between the two of us.
"our paths crossed on mandalor, a long time ago."
i said. i was so sure it was him.
he asked and i smiled.
"you arent wearing your armor."
he noted and i sighed, moving to sit across from him.
"i had to leave it and the guild behind. the empire was taken down but i could risk being hunted anymore."
he sat back in his seat.
"what are you saying?"
i looked to the waiter as he came back with a bowl for the little one.
"oh is this your guest? my sincerest apologies madam hunter. i didnt know you three were together, may i get you anything? on the house."
i sent him a stern smile and nodded.
"oi-oi puffs for me and my friends. no rush."
i said and he scurried away.
"madam hunter?"
din asked and i laughed, shaking my head.
"ive kept imperial troops out of town for nearly a decade. ive regretted every day of it but it keeps me in good favor with the locals."
i paused, motioning to him.
"youre the reason i got this far."
when he went to speak the waiter came back with the plate of deserts, bowing once before leaving. i looked back to din, offering him one but he just stared at me.
"you are not the same youngling i remember during our training."
he said and i laughed a little to myself.
"always so sure of yourself din djarin. i most certainly am not the same as i was but maybe thats a good thing. working in the guild made me stronger but we both know ive always been pig headed when it comes to authority."
he laughed a little back, shaking his head. i looked to the table as the small one climbed to the middle, sitting down and shoving a puff in its mouth.
"you are right on that one y/n, you were never good at listening either."
i smiled at that, watching the baby consume another puff. i leaned into the table, folding my hands together under my chin.
"and you were the one to always listen. maybe thats why we worked so well together."
i reminisced for a second, looking back to him.
"ive missed you, din, ive missed our times together. oh the trouble we couldve gotten into over the last ten years."
he shook his head.
"im not like that anymore."
i sent him an amused look.
"you never really were in the first place, i on the other hand-"
i heard from across the bar, my hand immediately going to my blaster as we looked to them.
"you dont belong here."
he said sternly, raising his chest. din stood up to match him, getting closer to his face.
he challenged.
"no, and i think you need to leave. you take that thing with you when you go. i know about you and we dont need trouble here from you and your kind."
i stood up, pushing both of their shoulders back to separate them, moving in to look at him fully. his eyes went wide when he realized who i was.
"i think its you who needs to leave, friend."
he opened and closed his mouth a few times.
he said a little surprised.
"he goes, i go. and i dont think you all would survive a harvest without me."
he nodded quickly.
"yes madam hunter, my apologies. i didnt know he was with you."
i let him go and he bowed his head before walking to the opposite side of the bar, sighing in relief as he sat amongst friends. i looked to din.
"maybe its best we finish our business somewhere else."
i suggested and he nodded, placing a few silver pieces on the table for the food. i walked with him outside the cantina, the people around watching us intently.
"do you always draw this much of a crowd?"
he asked and i laughed, nodding to a few townsfolk.
"i dare say having you with me doesnt help, but im a namesake around here."
he nodded once.
"i see a lot has changed."
i looked back to him, opening the door to my hut and offering for him to enter. he looked around as he stepped down into it
"no they havent, we just havent been in contact since i got lost on that swamp planet. which i dont appreciate by the way."
i watched as he sat at my table, the pod moving in close to him.
"i thought you were dead."
he defended and i rolled my eyes.
he leaned forward.
"hey, if you wouldnt have been running around-"
"i lost the ship!"
i interjected, laughing at my own stupidity.
he asked a little bewildered.
"yeah, i forgot where we had landed and by the time i had found it back there was nothing but scorches in the grass. it did take me two days to find it back though so i get why you left."
he sat back and hummed to himself.
"well im glad you found your way home."
he said and i looked to the table solemnly.
"right, home."
he tilted his head.
"is something wrong?"
i shook my head no and stood up, walking to the kitchen for a drink.
"no, it just hasnt felt like home in a long time."
i heard him stand and i turned back around to face him.
"ya know, once upon a time you used to tell me everything."
i snorted.
"Yeah, well, its been a long time. now I shut everybody out. Don't take it personally. It's just easier."
he sighed.
"to bad things cant be the way used to."
i sent him a knowing smile.
"if only."
there was a long paused and i looked up to him again.
"what are you doing here anyways?"
he cleared his throat.
"im looking for more like us, i have to get this child back to its kind."
i crossed my arms over my chest.
"so you finally found your quest."
he looked back to the child sitting in its pod staring at us.
"i have."
i nodded once.
"alright, ill help."
he looked back to me surprised.
i swallowed.
"ill help. you know nothing about this planet and the people in this town trust me. its the least i could do for an old friend."
i walked slowly to the child, running my finger tips over its ear and hearing it whine.
"besides, im sure you could use it, being a single dad and all."
he sent me a look, even with the helmet on, i could tell he was glaring.
"i am not a single dad."
i laughed, picking the kid up and seeing it smile.
"yeah, sure."
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redwoodrroad · 4 years
tagged by
​ to answer some guild wars 2 questions! putting it under a tag because i think it’ll get a little long <3 thank you for tagging me!!
1. Do you have an idea before or after creating a character? normally i have a basic frame for creating a character, but i primarily get most of the characterization beats after i’ve made them. i remember in making my dragon age characters, i had an idea for what they should look like, but i let the story take me through the types of people they would end up becoming, and for being my first introduction to making characters that would stick with me for many many years, i think i adopted the same process for making other game characters like my dragonborn and then my guild wars 2 fellas too
for instance, i knew when i first made Arkus way way back when the game first came out that i wanted a pretty green fella who threw fire, etc; then as i progressed through the character creation and through making personal story decisions, i realized i was being drawn towards a particular characterization for him, one that’s sort of a know-it-all who loosens up over the course of his arc, etc
2. Which race is your favorite to imagine a story about?
probably sylvari! there’s a lot of really interesting stuff about them, and i get a lot of soulmate vibes out of the dream ;u;
3. Which race is your favorite to customize?
i primarily play human and sylvari but dhfgdjfghk i really dont do a lot of customizing unless it’s for specific character purposes? im not sure i do have a favorite! all of my characters have an aesthetic or color scheme i attach to them, and i might update them sometimes to closer approach that aesthetic vision i have for them. Arkus is dressed in whites and teals with the occasional tiny detail of red, and his mounts follow a similar scheme (his raptor i actually made to look like the moon); Eridunis is dressed in red and gold with the occasional tiny detail of green, and his mounts, again, follow the same scheme, and some of them are made to look like the sun
across my other characters, ive done similar things, and i think theyre all really fun to customize in their own ways!
4. Does the profession play a role in the visual?
yes! although not always in like an obvious way. Arkus is a weaver, he uses a staff, he now has the bifrost, so his outfit in many ways matches that. Eridunis is a Reaper, he uses a greatsword, he now has sunrise, so that follows his sun motif.
5. Do you often use the same faces?
i dont have a lot of characters rip lol they all have pretty different faces. i have 2 sylvari, one guy and one girl; 2 humans, both guys but one is meant to look significantly older, so they have very different faces (and i made the older man out to look like a particular character from another game; 2 norn, both guys, one i modeled after my skyrim character and the other i definitely made to look very different; and 1 charr guy, so like. clearly he’s on his own haha
6. Do you often use the same skin colors?
for three of my human-looking characters, they have lighter skin, so i guess yes in that case, but two of them were based on other characters who themselves have light skin. the fourth is Eridunis, and i specifically designed him to look Cuban, to match my family
as for the sylvari, i definitely designed them to have very different aesthetics and very different skin colors. one is green, and the other is sort of purple-ish
7. Do you often use the same tattoos? only two of my characters have tattoos in guild wars 2, both of them definitely different
8. Do you use the sliders for the face or not? yes! i definitely adjusted some things around for i think most of my characters
9. Do you bother to pick colors for the starter armor or not? oh absolutely--like i said, i always have an aesthetic im going for with the character, and i might not actually know what that aesthetic is until i get to that stage of character creation. i try to make each very different anyway!
10. Do you pick carefully the choices for your character base story? for Arkus and Eridunis, yes; i always try very hard to choose things that will align with my ideas for their personalities. and i still wish we had those emotional responses too!! Arkus was always the diplomatic / crown persona; Eridunis was always the charismatic / heart persona with a little bit of the diplomacy later, as he gets more mature
11. If no, is it always the same choices (ie. easiest to complete)? for my other characters, i dont really do story stuff! so i tend to go with what’s easiest or what’s most neutral. although i did make the choice in Amnoon to side with Joko’s army once, and once without taking any help (my primary choice for Amnoon was to invite the Sunspears), only to forward that achievement in the hero panel
12. Do you not bother at all and only use a makeover kit once in game? ive only used makeover kits like..... potentially once. i used it to revamp my sylvari girl and give her a slightly different vibe. i like where my characters are at right now, but i’ve considered altering some of my other characters too a couple times. i might go through with it one day but im happy for now!
13. Do you like/use exclusive faces/hairstyles more? nope! i think i have an exclusive color on my aforementioned sylvari girl, but i’ve considered using an exclusive hairstyle for one of my nords, but i just havent decided it yet
14. Outfit or armor? both for different characters! Eridunis has worn the same outfit for some time now, but Arkus flits between several outfits and even one armor set (the outfits are for different environments, the armor is for when he’s in Research Mode). other characters i primarily have wearing armor, but most of them have like their “favorite outfit” that i might occasionally put them in
15. Do you stick with one armor for each character or do you change a lot? like i said in the last answer, Eridunis wears one outfit all the time and never changes (although i might update the colors sometimes); Arkus was wearing one armor set for a while and would wear an outfit in certain environments, and then i upgraded him to a different outfit, and most recently ive updated him to yet another outfit; the others i have even more flexibility with, i’ll sometimes change what they’re wearing if i find something i think will look good on them. sometimes i even look through the armor in the bank wardrobe, whether i have a skin or not, and i’ll internally plan out what i should work towards obtaining later
16. If yes, why? Is it for “RP” reasons or just aesthetic ones? aesthetic!
17. Do you have a timeline for your characters (ie. date of birth, armors throughout the story)? oh yes.... but only for Arkus and Eridunis primarily. Sibheal, my sylvari girl, sometimes fits in, but i haven’t worked out the details on her yet
18. Is there a title you use more than another? it changes from character to character, but yes for each
19. If yes, which one and why? Eridunis is “Romantic” but sometimes i put “Emissary of the Mad King” on him for halloween; other times i’ll use “The Inevitable” if im feeling spicy
Arkus is always “Archaeologist”, i know Morten is “Bounty Hunter,” and i believe Sibheal is “The Blazing Light.” the others i cant remember but i keep the same ones on them, each of them different from each other but mostly unchanging
20. What is a big difference from when you started the game to now in regard of characters creation (ie. going faster, going slower, making bold choices, settling on a particular style, etc)? again, i dont really create a lot of characters, but i’ve always taken my time... i think if anything it has become easier to settle on an aesthetic because i know i’ll be able to update things like armor and color later, to get closer to the vibe i envision. the last character i made was modeled after a character in a different game, so naturally i built his look to follow that particular aesthetic and wardrobe (after finishing character creation of course)
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thelazyeye · 5 years
so not to be gay or anythin but i think ur my favorite reddie author. im keepin up with angels in outfields and nothing worth having n i cant remember the last time ive looked forward to fic updates this much. i love the way u write both of them, n like. i get embarrassed RLY easily. haaaate reading smut because of it. but yours is so well written n never seems outta place basically the point of this ask was to say hey, thanks for writing rly fuckin good content and also do u have any recs? /v\
Yes to be gay but I think I love you
Thank you SO much this is such a sweet ask??? Like, so fucking sweet. I’m blushing. I’m honored. I’m thrilled. Also, I have TONS of recs. Some of them are the really big hitters that may have slipped through the cracks when the fandom resurged. Those I’m putting at the very bottom of this list. There is plenty of NSFW stuff and some MCD stuff so please read all the tags and warnings before you read the fics if you’re sensitive!
Scorpion Grasses by PimpedOutGreenEars
“Tell everyone… Tell everyone I’ll miss them. And Eds, tell him… Just promise to call him Eds for me every once in a while. So he won’t forget me.”
On his last night in Derry Richie shares a bottle of red wine with Beverly. He makes promises to send letters he knows he won’t remember to write, cries a lot, and then ends it with the boy he loves who’s just dumb enough to love him back.
Dig Your Grave by queenjameskirk / @cryingbilldenbrough
The memories don’t go all at once, but they are gone eventually.
Richie forgets.
That’s Where You’ll Find Me series by piginawig / @bookeddie
27 years later, Eddie survives the battle in the sewers. Richie is there on his road to recovery.
Fast Car (Had A Feeling I Belonged) by marsisaplanet / @marsisaplanetyall
Eddie wants to get out of Derry, so does Richie. Together, they make their escape.
Don’t Meet Your Heroes by LadyBoBo / @bisexualgoblin 
Eddie falls in love with Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier when he is twenty-three years old. Of course, at this point, he hasn’t actually met him.
Eurydice; The Original Comeback Kid by Vulcanodon
Richie makes a deal with the devil and Derry pays the price. The Losers reunite to deal with the consequences.
“Behind him, almost imperceptible, he hears the footsteps. Richie’s heart jumps in his chest and he lets out a rush of air but before he can turn Pennywise is in his ear saying, REMEMBER RICHIE: DON’T LOOK BACK.
“Okay, okay.” Richie says, every muscle in his body aching to turn around. “Old school, I can dig it.”
Die Tomorrow, Do It Today by hikash0 / (In progress also it’s poly losers club)
In the winter of 1992 something goes very wrong with Derry’s water system. Infection and disease take root while ghosts from the past rise up to greet the living.
The Losers Club rely on each other to survive a zombie outbreak. Maybe it’s time to confess a few things.
Into The Dark by nb_richie (shipit)
Richie and Stan have seen and dealt with a lot of cases in the years they’ve been working together, from cults to cartels. A case in Derry, Maine, proves to be one of the most horrific for them and for the two local officers they’ll be working with. And on top of it all, Richie keeps remembering things he’d rather forget.
Even When I Lose, I’m Winning by Enj0ltaiRe / @tozierboy
“A comedian?” Eddie asked, downright horrified, as he looked up at Beverly Marsh, stopping his cup of coffee before it touched his lips. “No. Absolutely not. I’d rather stay single for the rest of my life than date a comedian.” He said, spitting the world out as if it had a bitter taste in his mouth.
Anything, Everything by deathstranded
They’re cuddled up together on the sofa one night, Eddie’s head resting on his collarbone, watching some trashy action flick, when Eddie, out of nowhere, says, “Um, is it normal, do you think, to like it when it hurts during sex?”
Eddie has a pain kink. Richie isn’t so sure.
Meet Me In The Graveyard by Oldguybones / @oldguybones (In Progress) 
After almost five years apart, the Losers club reunites to spend the weekend together at Mike’s lakeside cabin. Armed with booze and total solitude, the gang plans to make up for lost time and catch up with those who were once the most important people of their youths. Tensions fly as lost love is rekindled and friendships are divided. But they soon begin to realize that they are not alone. Someone or something is out for blood and will not rest until they get it. What will the Losers do?
Versions of the Same Mask by tinyarmedtrex / @tinyarmedtrex
When world famous actor Ben Hanscom goes missing his wife calls in two very different people to find him. Richie Tozier, a well known bounty hunter who ignores any rules except his own and Eddie Kaspbrak, an exemplary detective who prefers to work alone.
Blackbird by michelllejones / @michelllejones
“Ho-ly fuck,” Richie whispers, and Eddie has never been so fucking scared. Not when he saw the leper, not when he confronted his mother about his pills, not when they fought It in the sewers. Never. Eddie screws his eyes shut and clutches at the material of his jeans.
Please be too high to notice, please be too high to notice, please be too high to notice
5555 by weepies / @finnwolfhard
“I am not harmless,” Eddie had said, his eyes thundering—a challenge. “I could ruin your life.”
“I dare you,” Richie had replied, a smug smile on his face.
I Might Be Dreaming, I Might Be Dead by andthewasp / @andthwasp
Insomniac brain surgeon Eddie Kaspbrak lives in a world where people share dreams with their soulmate.
Tear It WIth Your Teeth by belby 
"We could leave this place, Eddie,” Richie says. “God, imagine that? Not having to live in this trash dump anymore. We could go wherever we wanted. A different place every night.”
The Love of the Loser’s Club series by tozier / @rebeccabunch
Loving so much it hurts is a rewarding and dreadfully terrible thing. Seven people who all grew up in the wrong place at the wrong time know this all too well, but wouldn’t give their love up for the world despite it. That might just be the only thing any of them have in common. They hope it’s enough.
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vettelcore · 4 years
tagged by @spin-in-the-hairpin a few days ago thank you!! <3
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
1. Name/nickname: never had one because i dont think you can even make a nickname with my name?? if it counts my grandma always called me Wednesday Addams lol
2. Gender: female
3. Star sign: sagittarius
4. Height: 1,57cm or 5.2 for the heathens that don't use metric
5. Time : 23:09
6. Birthday: December 21st
7. Favorite bands/groups: it changes so often I don't have a fave group, but uuuh... I'll just say mcr because that's the only band I've been listening to lately
8. Favorite solo artist: Darkher !! i love her music
9. Song stuck in your head: surprisingly none lol
10. Last movie: idek remember... grave encounters i think? it was shit
11. Last show: peaky blinders
12. When did I create this blog: this one specifically 2013 i think
13. What do I post: started by being my f1 "side" blog later turned into "main" for various stuff
14. Last thing I googled: "movie about ghost hunters in mental asylum" because i couldn't remember what grave encounters was called fienehds
15. Other blogs: @ratviskonecny for hockey and @koshmat for the edgy esther
16. Do I get asks: like once a month if i don't say anything controversial kdkdke
17. Why I chose my url: Sebastian Vettel but make it into a cult
18. Following: cant check im on mobile but somewhere around 200? idk
19. Follower: again can't check but something around 1200 or 1100 idk
20. Average hours of sleep: when i have a clear schedule around 8-9 hours, on holidays its around the same, but all spaced out throughout the day :/
21. Lucky number: i dont have one but i like 21
22. Instrument: i played the recorder in school :)
23. What am I wearing: sweatpants, an old ptv shirt (dont...) and a cozy sweater
24. Dream job: sports photographer hired by my fave teams :)
25. Dream trip: japan cause im a weeb, Switzerland because pretty mountains
26. Favorite food: an absolute hate crime against italians aka pizza with vegan mozzarella, pineapple and black olives :)
27. Nationality: on paper spanish but mentally nationationless bc fuck this country
28. Favorite song: Moths by Darkher but I've had Dronning Ellisiv by Myrkur on repeat for... a while...
29. Last book I read: you think i read? uzumaki by junji ito if you consider manga a book
30. Top three fictional worlds: lord of the rings, narnia........ the hobbit because i can't say lotr again can i lol
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rieha · 4 years
tagged by @daggertongue thank you for tagging me!!
name/nickname: Griffin, Rieha, Rie, Roman(seems I’m always following the trend of people calling me by my ocs names alksjd)
gender: Male
star sign: leo
height: 5'1" I’m so painfully short😔
birthday: august 2nd
time: 1:01pm
favorite bands: mothermother, everythingeverything, ghost, lemon demon, Mili, ect (the list is long xD I like listening to pretty much any type of music, I go through phases with what type of genre I listen to the most at any given point)
last movie: vampire hunter D blood lust!(highly recommend if you like science fiction, gothic aesthetics and vampires)
last show: a random episode of game of thrones because my friends were already watching it(it is the only episode of that show I’ve ever seen aksdj)
when did i create this blog: uhh 2013 I think?
what do i post: idk I’m all over the place with my interests, but the one constant will always be vampire posting 😌
last thing i googled: Christmas card sayings
other blogs: A side art blog and that’s it. I post everything on main, my followers must hate whenever I get a new hyperfixation aslkjd
do i get asks: from time to time
why i chose my url: I’ve been going by rieha online for 15 years and I like to stay on brand. made it up when I was around 9 because I needed a username for some bootleg pookemon mmo and my favorite pokemon is Raichu, wanted something that sounded similar but I couldn't spell very well and ended up with Rieha
average hours of sleep: I sleep in like 4 hour bursts, so like 4 to 8 but regardless I end up laying in bed for 12 hours lmao
lucky number:101
instruments: I used to be able to play guitar and Pino when I was younger but I’ve completely forgotten how
what i am wearing: orange flannel button up with black jeans and socks that look like a skyline at night
dream job: the more I think about it the more I don’t know. I’d still like to be a geologist or archaeologist or do something in art
dream trip: id love to go visit ruins or old castles, wherever that might take me
favorite food: anything with potatoes
nationality: American
favorite song: can’t pick a favorite but the current song I have on repeat is take me by shining
last book read: I honestly cant remember
top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: HMMM this is a hard one, I feel like I’d die in any I can think of alksdj basically any universe with vampires in it so long as I get to be one alkalksdj
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Ghost Hunter AU
“yea boy im doing one of these bullet point outline things bc i dont have time to ever write this but im not letting this idea go to waste //dabs
sorta inspired by bfu bc i just started watching that yea boyyyy
this is such a mess im sorry
so lets set the context 
virgil and logan are both youtubers. virgil runs a paranormal channel, talking about different conspiracies and ghost stories and whatever; logan specializes in educational videos, specifcally history
and they watch each other’s channels and dont have a crush on each other what no
but then one day, their topics coincide
logan’s doing a video talking about the gruesome history of some old prison, and virgil’s doing a video on the ghostly legends that surround the place
they collab, and their viewers love it. they work really well together too; virgil’s spooky humor and logan’s skepticism mesh together and the fans adore them. it’s educational, it’s terrifying, and it’s fun. 
“hey, maybe we could collab more often?” Virgil asks when they go out for coffee after filming. “If... if you want.”
Logan does want
they make a joint channel not a week later
and thus begins their ghost hunting career
break here bc damn this got long shdfklhsdfk
virgil provides the terrifying ghost stories. logan provides the history. together, armed with their knowledge and their trust in each other, they conquer some of the most haunted spots in the world
including goatman’s bridge ofc
the video of logan yelling “FUCK YOU GOATMAN” goes viral within a few hours
“i cant believe you achieved meme status before i did,” virgil remarks, scrolling through their tag. “unfair.”
logan hastily pulls out his vocab cards. “uh — ah — then perish?” he says, and virgil laughs himself breathless
but then, they decide to investigate the legend of an old, abandoned house
it’s said that the house is haunted by an evil demon, who lures people inside and kills them in horrible, cruel ways. no one who sets foot in the house ever returns
so, naturaly, Logan and Virgil are going to spent the night.
they set up in the living room with sleeping bags and an ouija board and a spirit box and set to work
“Are there any demons in this house?” Virgil asks, ignoring Logan’s skeptical laughter. “Hello?”
The spirit box crackles and shrieks
and then
the clearest voice they’ve ever heard. even logan is shaken, eyes wide as he glances around the room. 
but the voice didnt sound angry, or evil, or cruel
it sounds scared
“GE̙͚̩͉T̺̯͔̲̟̍̈́̈ͤ͐ ̓ͤ̓̋O͖̳͔͕̺͚̯ͯ̃́̏ͬͩ̑UṬ̹̬͇͔̆̔ͨ͛̓” it screams. “GE̙͚̩͉T̺̯͔̲̟̍̈́̈ͤ͐ ̓ͤ̓̋O͖̳͔͕̺͚̯ͯ̃́̏ͬͩ̑UṬ̹̬͇͔̆̔ͨ͛̓ P͖̪̭͉̘̄͒͆ͮͬLE͚͎A̤͚̙͚̯̻͕ͯ̾ͦ̃ͯͮ̐SE”
virgil nearly drops the spirit box, his hands are shaking so badly. the room has grown so cold that their breath fogs in front of their faces. even logan has nothing to say.
they barely have time to share a glance before two men appear
one stands in the shadows, dressed all in black, his cloak billowing around him, one eye seeming to glow bright, poisonous yellow
the other has ashen skin and furiously beaming red eyes, hidden behind shattered glasses. his clawed fingers are curled into fists; his pastel-blue outfit stained with rusted red. one horn curls into a sharp point; the other is cracked off at the stump.
“i̻̘̽̂̏ͅ ̻͎̟̖t̞̞̅̍r̫̬̝̈́̂̏ȋ̥͎̰̟̲̠̯̉̋͆́̍ͥe̫͈̘͈̭͉ͩ͑̆̈́̐̾d ̣̥tô͚͓̤̥͐͌͛ ̄ͩͯ̑waṛ͑n̐̍͂ͦ ̞̹̣yͨ̔ͪͥͯou̟̻” he whispers, garbled
and in the split second before he lunges, Virgil spots tears in his eyes
they just barely escape with their lives. their gear is gone, left back in the house, and their lives are changed forever.
“well,” virgil says, breathless and terrifed. “you can’t be skeptical anymore.”
“shut up,” logan says. 
the logical thing would be to stay away from the house. logan says as much, at least three times. but virgil can’t stop thinking about the way the demon had tried to warn them, had pleaded with them to leave
there’s more to this story, he knows it. he wont let this one stay unsolved
so they dig through the town’s history, find records of the house’s owners, search and search and search until finally
Dolos Morel. the last known owner of the house. though he lived hundreds of years ago, there are no records of his death. he was imprisoned young, sentenced to death, but he vanished the day before he was set to die. 
he’s yet another unsolved mystery. virgil’s so used to those, he almost passes it by
but one thing stands out, one thing that makes virgil sure he’s the guy
he was born with one yellow eye
“this is him,” he says, slamming the records down on logan’s makeshift desk in their hotel room. logan scans the papers and nods, eyebrows furrowed
“why do you care so much?” logan asked, though he has to admit, he’s become invested in this as well
virgil doesnt answer
tears pooling in crimson eyes flash through his mind
finally, he meets logan’s eyes. “too many people have gotten hurt because of him,” he says. “i mean — shit, logan, we’ve got a real demon and some sort of immortal asshole on our hands. we should at least try to get to the bottom of it. isn’t that what we do?”
virgil doesn’t know where this heroic streak has come from. logan isnt sure what to think of it
hes not blushing shut up
but he and virgil have been partners for years. he’d follow him anywhere.
and so, armed with as much knowledge on exorcism and demonic protection as possible, and as many lucky charms and bottles of holy water as virgil can carry, the two set off to solve the mystery
they sit in the dusty living room, side by side on the floor. virgil turns on the spirit box and takes logan’s hand instinctively, and logan’s too busy watching the box to notice
“Why are you here, demon?” Virgil asks, getting straight (gay) to the point. “Are you Dolos Morel?”
“n̟̮̆ͦ,̯̫̖̦̼͚ͫ͐̋̊ͧ̄ ̝no̙” the box whispers through a cacophany of static
“Is Dolos Morel in this house?” Logan asks, more serious than Virgil has ever seen him on a hunt before. 
the voice hesitates
then: “yes̰“
virgil and logan share a look. virgil opens his mouth to ask more questions, but then
“ÿ͍͈ͣou͎̱͔͎̫̥̻ͤ͐̈́͐̔͂̚ ͖̭͙͙ͅh̤̠͔̜̲̙ͬ́ͧ̒̍̚aͨ̔̊͌ve̜̮͖͔̅͊ͭ̽ ̞͎̼͖̬̼̅ͦͦͨ̑ͪͮͅto ́̑̈ͫ̆͑le̳̹͛̈a̞̥͕͈̪̙̞v͖̇e̳͈͔ ͍͇̝̯̟̌̓̊̋̂y̜̍ou̺̱̪̼̟ ͉͇̹̼̗̭͕h͚a͐V̥̮̤͇̫̤E͓̹̥ͯ̓̈́̚ͅ ̟̔T̫̻̃͛O͖̫̞̰ ̂ͩ͆ͥ̈́L̬̳̞͔͇̪̲̊̔̎̽̄́̔E̲̩AVE͍̩̦̜͎ͩ̓͋̍̈́͐ͅ ̞̘̫N̿̋̉ͤ̽͋̆O̺͊W”
he wants to leave, his legs are about to give out, but the fear in the demons voice roots him to his spot.
“No!” he yells. “We’re not leaving.”
the spirit box goes silent. no crackling, no static; it’s like they turned it off
the air grows deathly still
“very well,” says a new voice, clear as day through the spirit box. “enjoy your stay.”
the world shifts and hisses and crackles and then goes dark.
when virgil wakes up, he’s in a dark room. his hands have been bound. he struggles and yells and screams for logan, and his stomach drops in terror when there’s no response. 
“you can’t get out,” says the first voice they’d heard in the spirit box. it’s more subdued, a whisper. “there’s no escape.”
“fuck that,” virgil growls, never once stopping straining against his bonds. “tell me what the hell is going on. where is logan?”
he doesn’t know where this bravery is coming from, red-hot and acidic as he snaps at the demon he knows is waiting just outside. maybe he knows he’ll die anyway, whether he’s polite or rude as all hell
“i-i can’t, kiddo,” the demon says. 
virgil hears remorse in his tone, maybe, and clings to it as his only hope.
“we came to help you,” he says. “but i need to know what’s going on. are you working with dolos?”
the demon falls silent. for a moment, virgil grows disappointed
but then the door opens and the demon stumbles in, his own clawed hands pressed tightly over his mouth
he meets virgil’s eyes, and shakes his head. no.
virgil remembers another unsolved legend he studied a while back: a man who would summon demons to trap them in agreements, getting himself eternal life, eternal power, and eternal fame in the process
“you’re trapped with him,” he guesses, and the demon jerks his head in a shaky nod. 
he cant feel good about being right for long
a loud yell pierces the air and virgil’s lungs forget how to work. “let me out,” he hisses, as his mind screams logan’s name. “you have to let me out now.”
“I-I can’t!” the demon cries, tearing his hands away from his mouth. “Dolos forbade it, I can only attack —”
“Then attack,” virgil says without hesitation. he plants his feet firmly on the ground and says it again, tensing beneath his bonds
the demon lunges — virgil spins — and the demon’s claws slice right through the thick fabric tying him to the chair. they sliced through his shirt, too, and his back aches, but he doesnt have time to dwell on that. 
he’s gotta save the man he loves
Logan stands across the room from Dolos Morel, among a minefield of broken chair bits. his face stings where dolos slapped him, and theres no chance of escape
but he’s smart. he’s cunning. he’s already gotten some of Dolos’ backstory and only confirmed what he already suspected
he hears a crash in a room down the hall and knows
he is not going to die here
virgil bursts down the door, brandishing a water gun like a deadly weapon, and soaks Dolos with a loud warcry
“Eat holy water, you shit!”
Dolos splutters. “I’m human, you fool. Holy water cannot harm me.”
“no,” logan says. “but this can.”
and he grabs Dolos and punches him directly in the face
logan shakes out his hand with a wince as dolos collapses to the floor and virgil becomes Too Gay To Function
and the demon steps forward and kneels beside his master, placing his hand on the weird symbol on the man’s left wrist. 
Dolos wakes with a start as the demon grabs his hand. logan and virgil stand watch as red light fills the space between them
“s̺̱̆͑ͨͅa͍̣͌̾y i̒ͧ͌t̜͕ͧ̓” the demon whispers
dolos’ fight drains and he slumps against the wall, his glowing eye fading to dull brown
“I release you” he whispers, and crumbles to dust.
the demon stumbles away from the pile of dust. he sobs once, then twice, and then doubles over, trembling, his eyes overflowing with tears
logan laces his fingers through virgil’s as he straightens up
“Thank you,” he says hoarsely. “thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“my name is patton,” he says when he’s stopped sobbing, “and i owe you my life.”
so now virge n lo have a Demon Friend and theyve p much proved the existence of the supernatural, but they dont want to stop making videos
still, it’s a few weeks before either of them brings up the notion of finding another haunted place to investigate
but virgil cant stay away from the supernatural for long
“I found our next stop,” he says, shoving his phone into logan’s hands. “A theater mysteriously burned down there like, 60 years ago. they say the spot is haunted by the spirit of the man who died in the fire.”
logan scrolls through the article, and nods. “it looks interesting,” he says, and returns virgil’s smile.
“let’s go find this Roman Kingsley.”
i might make a second post abt roman if yall are interested owo
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73 Questions
I mas tagged by: @mrs-machinegun-norris about two centuries ago sorry
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
• 5
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
• #sadbicht
• Cause I'm a bad bicht you can't kill me, only I do that
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
• Aaron Taylor-Johnson
• Colson Backer
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
• The crazy bisexual is on the loose
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
• That I cant handle silence
What’s your wake up ritual?
• All my cats and family yells at me till I roll of take my meds and stare at the wall till I'm late
What’s your go to bed ritual?
• Make sure I cleaned the litter box and that my cats have food and water then is up to bed and reading anything and everything till I fall a sleep
What’s your favourite time of day?
• Night time (I get the zoomies), or when I'm home alone
Your go to for having a good laugh?
• I really like comedy and some that make me laugh even when I watched 1000 times: John Mulaney, Daniel Sloss, Russel Howard and Sarah Millican
Dream country to visit?
• As many as I can! I have an extensive list
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
• Last semester 3 professors at university were really supportive and understanding and I didnt expect them to be so kind or belive in me that much.
Heels or flats/sneakers?
• Sneakers everywhere all the time for any given reason
Vintage or new?
• Vintage bits and pisses of different eras but late 80s early 90s give me live
• And I'm obsessed with 70s buildings dont know why
Who do you want to write your obituary?
• An creative stranger - go nuts dude freak people out
Style icon?
• dont have one I guess
What are three things you can’t live without?
• My cats
• My phone
• My guitar
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
• I'm crazy about mustard
• My dad always says anything salivary can be better with cheese and anything sweet be better with chocolate - not that far from the truth
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
• Elvis Presley
• Jane Fonda
• Janis Joplin
What’s your biggest fear in life?
• Failure
• The dark
Window or aisle seat?
• Window: you can look at the view, it's better for sleeping and during the day sunlight for reading
What’s your current TV obsession?
• A have many, it's a problem, but right now mind hunter
Favourite app?
• Instagram and tumblr
Secret talent?
• I like to lie to myself and say acting but maybe just weirdly good at pretending to be good at things (ain't that the joke huh)
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
• I would say it was dumb, stupid and streamly dangerous but when I was 16 a friend and I went to some guys house in a very weird neighborhood and lied to our parents about it and only 1 other friend new (also our taxi couldn't find the house). We meet those two guys at a friends party and they said that they were throwing one and that we should go, and our dumb selfdestruting alcohol hunting minds though, why not. It was not a party. It was just a hang out with us and one other guy and to this day I dont know how we left at 7am (the only way to get out of there was the first bus because uber wasn't a thing yet and me and my friend were to scared of what kind taxi driver we would find) unharmed and not sexually harassed, given that one of the dudes that our friends new more hated me for a few months for not putting out for him, cause you know, men.
• I'm absolutely sure they wanted a sex party that didnt happen. But I did show my unasked skills of knowing every single black veil brides lyrics.
How would you define yourself in three words?
• Anxious
• Laud
• Loyal
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
• The stolen 80s tshirts from my dad
• High waisted shorts
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
• A comfortable pair of jean shorts that you feel pretty in
Superpower you would want?
• To stop time
• I get to anxious trying to time manage and it just snowballs from there. And sleeping in without being always late.
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
• Machine Gun Kelly (I stared listening to his stuff a few months ago)
• But always and forever is the passion that moves people
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
• Be/do to other people what you wanted to be done for you
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
• It's not just on your head it's a real thing, you're lot alone, and it ok to need help.
A book that everyone should read?
• Harry Potter: that even thou I have read multiple times it still is amazing and full of symbolism that people brush through some times.
• Women who run with the wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés
• My older sister made me start this book and its absolutely live changing and I belive should be obligatory to all women in this world. This book is a live long work by this psychologist and through miths, legends, folk tales and stories she puts together what she calls the wild women archetype and what is the feminine instinct is and how those tales teach us about it and how to have a healthy relationship with her.
What would you like to be remembered for?
• For being kind
How do you define beauty?
• It's an powerfull force within
What do you ~love most~ only love about your body?
• The shape of my eyes
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
• Listening to music and dancing around
Favourite place to view art?
• I dont understand sorry
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
• Static supernova
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
• Guitar and piano cant choose only one
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
• My planned ones:
• Orca
• Felix felicis
• Tree
• Mother earth
• Penicillin allergy (I dont trust nobody)
Dolphins or koalas?
• Dolphins
• Did you y'all know that orcas not only aren't whales but belong on the same family as dolphins?
What’s your spirit animal?
• Orca
Best gift you’ve ever received?
• My cats (even thou there are rescues they're my little special gifts from nature)
Best gift you’ve ever given?
• On my best friend wedding my friend and I gave a performance as siluetes (it was private beach and all the light were off and we had the car headlights behind us) I played the song you are in love by taylor swift while she did an beautiful performance on silks the song represented their relationship and how she shared it if us in a very sacred way and the silks was a representation of her herself and how the 3 of us saw in the last few years her transformation from a very broken person to the women she was born to be.
• Yes we were crying the hole time but was the most genuine and beautiful think I ever done so yeah
What’s your favourite board game?
• Dix it, its awesome go play it pls
What’s your favourite colour?
• Petrol blue
Least favourite colour?
• The color of lentil soup my mom makes it looks like a baby have serious digestive problems
Diamonds or pearls?
• Diamonds of the symbolic value of "the pressure that could've break us made us into diamonds insted"
Drugstore makeup or designer?
• Drugstore makeup, the one I know that are real brands hauahauahs
Blow-dry or air-dry?
• Air-dry
Pilates or yoga?
• Pilates even thou I must prefer sports mostly
Coffee or tea?
• My blood is coffee at this point
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
• Wolrd, because English is not my first language and specially in an American accent the pronunciation of wolrd if simply the worst and is absolutely obnoxious and unsettling.
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
• Dark
• But my absolut favored is a 70% cacao white chocolate. It's incredible but I only got to buy it twice :(
Stairs or elevator?
• Stairs, I also love to sit on them
Summer or winter?
• Winter. I only like heat if I'm inside very cold water
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
• If nutrition value doesn't matter, ice cream
A desert you don’t like?
• Orange cake. Bad memories and I vomit every time I try to eat it.
A skill you’re working on mastering?
• Singing and playing the guitar
Best thing to happen to you today?
• I think I made a online friend :D
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
• That I'm kind
Favourite smell?
• Buttering sugar
Hugs or kisses?
• Hugs i Iike to be permanently attached to some people at times
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
• Domestic violence
• Parenting
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
• Today I was trying to play this song called Ronan and cryed my eyes out like all the other times I tried before It's a song of child cancer in the mother's perspective
Lipstick or lip gloss?
• Lipstick
• I'm a red matte lip stan
Sweet or savoury?
• Sweet
Girl crush?
• Billie Elish
How you know you’re in love?
• The only time I think I've been in love I only realised it because they left and I didnt understand why i was severely hurt by it and changed the way I created all relationships after that. And then it hit me
• So pain and heartache.... yeah that's depressing as shit
Song you can listen to on repeat?
• When the sun goes down - Arctic Monkeys
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
• My own self but not a anxious depressed mess just to feel what it's like
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
• That I dont need to make decisions
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bangtanficrecs · 5 years
Lost & Found Batch #19
Can’t start up the blog again without posting the newest batch! As always, if you happen to know the fic the ask is looking for, reply to this post or send us an ask with the request number and title/author. If you happen to know any fics from Past Batches, those are more than welcome as well. Thank you!! ~ Admin P
1)  There are werewolves and hunters. Jungkook and his dad are hunters. The rest of BTS are like a pack. The people close to Kook and his dad Is VIXX 95% sure. Hunters have jobs like police and Kook started his job. Meet Jin who works in the morgue also meets v. Accidently finds out jin is a Wolf. Jin dosent come in for work. Meets V again eventually falls for him. Dad locks him in his room. Escapes from window to save the other BTS. His dad shoots him making VIXX distrust his dad. VKook/Ao3
I'm only human (after all) by Lalaithwen
2)  Hi! I want to ask if you know this fic. The members where assassins or something? And they were separated into groups with OCs or other idols. There were three people in a group with a person from rach classification. One of the classifications was named epsilon(?) Like I think the classifications were based on eyesight, accuracy, and intellect. I would really love if you find this!
3) Hello! I have lost a fic I was reading. It is a mafia au with supernatural elements where suga is the boss and rest is working for him and jimin was a succubus working in his brothel and then he was a witness suga was protecting him in his apartment so its mainly yoonmin and taekook was a side pairing. It was a long and chaptered fic and was soo good. had bunc of other kpop characters. Can you please help me find it thank you so much 😊 🙏🏻
浮世 U K I Y O by Sharleena
4) hi loves ♡ I'm hoping you could help me find a fic? it's basically namjoon/everyone but each chapter is a different storyline with a different pairing. in each story namjoon is homeless or really really poor and the member in that chapter helps him and they fall in love. and joon is always rlly bad at his jobs. one chap I remember was with hobi and he owned a dance studio that joon worked at and joon started sleeping in hobis office ^°^ hope you can help find it ~
Phosphenes by CynoDemure
5) Hi, I’ve been trying to find a fix where Taehyung isn’t a part of BTS, but suddenly they respond to his tweet and shit goes down and they offer him a ticket to tour and room with them. Tae is a YouTuber or has a channel and he lives in a really nice apartment and blasts BTS music to the point where someone comes up and yells at him? I think that happens, and BTS watch his videos. It’s on AO3. If you do find it then thank you so much.
Perfection by orphan_account
6) Hi hi! I was trying to find a fic. I think yoongi had gotten a tattoo and it was of a tiger?? And I think kookie was the artist??? That's all I remember sadly :<
watercolor by TheHalesNyx
7) Hi! I'm looking for a fic I lost track of a while ago. It was Namkook, & what I remember is that they didn't get along bc NJ makes JK feel inferior, but ot7 go on a trip & they end up rooming together. They all get drunk, & NJ ends up offering at some point to have sex with JK. It was ongoing, & the last part I remember is JK going off on NJ & walking onto the balcony & NJ follows. Super vague & probably unhelpful but does anyone know?? Any help is appreciated please & thank you!! ♡
8) Hi! Can you help me find a story?? I’m looking for a story where Jungkook moves into an apartment building where the rest of BTS lives after leaving a traditional family, might have been ABO. He meets taehyung and eventually lives with the rest of them, I remember that two of the members adopt two children and jungkook accidentally gives one of them food they’re allergic too. Thank you for the help!
dust by lotuschae (orphan_account)
9) Hi! I'm hoping you guys could help me find a fic? i'm looking for a taekook fic where they meet again at an event and taehyung didn't expect jungkook to present as an alpha. in the fic mates mark each others with scars and jungkook still has the scar that tae gave him when they were young (tae didn't have a scar cos they got scared from the blood). In the fic jimin is an alpha and the very start of the fic was vmin rushing to the event cos they fell asleep.  [cont] seokjin and namjoon are betas in the fic if i remember correctly. Also, i'm not sure if this is the same fic but jk set suga's contact image as yoonji and when he bumped into taehyung and jimin at the market yoongi called him to ask him to hurry and jimin saw the contact photo and was interested lol so he asked jk for yoongi's number thinking he was a girl. When tae and jm go to jk's dance studio he sees yoongi there with jk and thought they were twins lol. [cont] SORRY FOR SENDING SO MANY MESSAGES but i would be really grateful if you guys knew which fic (might be separate fics?) i'm looking for. I've tried searching tags and scrolling through my history but i couldn't find anything :( thank you so much in advance and sorry for spamming your inbox :')
10) Hello! I'm looking for a fic I read last year. It's a Namgi that I think is set in college. I don't remember much but it has a scene where Namjoon is getting beat up in a locker room/gym at high school and Yoongi finds him because he's going to basketball practice. Yoongi runs to get the principal and the bullies get expelled. Namjoon tells Yoongi/he figures out, that Namjoon planned it to get the bullies expelled. It's a how-they-met story. I think Yoongi was class president too. Thank you! :)
11) I looked through you tags and tried to find it on ao3 too but I can’t :( can you help,,,, it’s a junghope where (I think) Jungguk is having a hard time in college and Hoseok is like “hey make a bucket list of things you want to do” and so they do and then find feeling along the way. I very specifically remember two of the items on the list,, 1) riding a Segway 2) being fucked against a wall Thank you!!!❤️❤️
12)  Hi! I've been looking for a 1 (or 2) chapter jikook fic. Jimin recently broke up with an asshole. Jungkook works at some kind of gun range/shooting place. JM is convinced to take a class there, and JK asks him on a date. After the date, JM never calls JK, and it upsets JK because he feels like he was led on. Actually, JM's ex had been bugging him and emotionally abusing JM into thinking he wasn't good enough. In the end, JM explains it, and jikook get together. Thank you for your help!
13)  Hi, I'm looking for a age swap fic where the members wake up with their ages swapped. I remember the first one was Jimin and Jungkook waking up with their ages swapped, and then after that it was Yoongi and Taehyung, and then they would eventually forget that they weren't actually that age, and the other members were the only ones who knew that they weren't actually that age. Also there was Taekook (I think). Can anyone help me find this fic? Thanks
im not gonna call you hyung by aprofessorstale
14)  Hi! Could you please help me find a fic? I read this awhile ago and I can’t stop thinking about it. It’s a Yoonseok fic where Yoongi and Hobi got into a fight because I think Yoongi had a soft spot for Jimin and tried comforting him and Hobi was jealous or so. They decided to take a break from the relationship and all of the members urged them to talk it out but they were stubborn not to. Also Jimin and Yoongi were never dating. I’m sorry if it’s vague and not making any sense.
15)  Hey! Looking for this Jikook fic where they're both sons from rival companies but have been in a sexual relationship since boarding school? Can't remember the name. Thanks!
All Your Glory by eumorious
16)  Hi I'm not sure if you can help me find this since it's a smau and now a fic. Its jikook, hs. I think jm is rich and jk is a hockey player or something. But jm likes tae and asks jk to teach him how to do sexual stuff but also fake dates him and they end up real dating.
17) Hello, I've been searching for this one fic on AO3 where Jimin gets betrayed/stabbed? by Taehyung. Taehyung seemed to be really skittish and was freaking Jimin out. I also know Jungkook ends up marrying a detective? If you guys don't know it's okay!
18)  Hi! I’ve been looking for this one fic- I think it was Yoongi/Hoseok/Jungkook? And Yoongi was a tattoo artist along with another kpop singer (not BTS). I also remember at some point Yoongi gets a birthday cupcake that says “Hyung loves you” and he ends up attempting suicide too? Thanks for any help! 😭
Pati by signifying_nothing Note: The fic is locked and requires an AO3 account to view
19)  For the love of my sanity please please help me find this fic. Its taekook, bottom kook top Tae. Its either a two part chapter fic or two part serious. The first part I belive is a fic where taehyung does freaky ass shit to Jungkook so in the next part, jungkook gets revange on Tae. But more importantly, the second part features Taehyung being hand cuffed to the bed, and Jungkook is teasing him. Taehyung is very dom and frustrated at his sub. (A03) Thank you
Things To Do Before You Die by SevenSoulmates Note: The fic is locked and requires an AO3 account to view
20) I'm not sure if this account is still alive, but I'll give it a try. I'm looking for a bangtan fic where one of them lost his pregnant wife and after her funeral he went to the bar. He got drunk and got into one night stand and that person got pregnant. I don't remember the paring, but Jungkook might be one of them. I'm sorry for my English.
21)  hello! im looking for a series of one shots all in the same universe, its ot7 smut and was on ao3, with i believe 60+ parts? and it had hoseok as straight in the first few parts. ive been looking for ages but cant find it 😭
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percussiongirl2017 · 6 years
Title: Confidence
Pairing: None.
Summary: This was written for @mrsbatemotel53 challenge. Sam and Dean stop at a bar for drinks, but when the house band’s lead singer quits they see an unexpected face join the band.
Prompt: Paralyzer by Finger Eleven and I named my motel Starlight Motel.
Word Count: 1183
Warnings: None.
A/N:  REPOST OF AN OLD FIC. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Italics represent lyrics.
Buy Sam and Dean’s scents here!
     Sam and Dean walked into the bar hoping to drink away the case they just finished. They sat down at the counter and ordered their drinks. There was a band tuning on the stage and suddenly there was a loud commotion. The duo turned around to see the lead singer storm off the stage and out the back door labeled EXIT. The bassist set his instrument down and hopped off stage. He ran over to someone in the corner booth and talked in a hushed voice. Sam turned back around to the bar while Dean continued to watch what was going on. The bassist finished his conversation and the person in the booth followed him back to the stage. You had on boots and a pair of dark blue jeans that were riddled with holes and frays, but complimented all your curves. Your Jack Daniel’s tank top was covered by a red and black flannel. Climbing onto the stage, you pulled out your hair tie, allowing your black hair to cascade down to the center of your back. You looked vaguely familiar to Dean, but he couldn’t place who you reminded him of.
“Hey, everybody!” You called into the microphone. “So many of you know that this is a cover band and they’ve played here before. Unfortunately, Jake, their lead singer, just quit.”
     You waited for the crowd to quiet down before you continued.
“Calm down.” You laughed. “Lucky for Brett and the others I’m still in town and volunteered to fill in tonight.”
The bassist, Brett, grabbed the other mic. “A huge thanks to Y/N for agreeing to do this last minute. We’re very lucky that she was in town.”
     Y/N? Dean turned and nudged Sam’s shoulder to get his attention.
“What?” Sam asked while turning around.
“You know who that is?” He asked while gesturing to you.
Sam thought for a minute. “She looks familiar. You know her?”
“Dude,” He said. “Remember Y/N? She hunted with us for a while.”
“What?” Sam said while doing a double-take. “That’s her? Man, it’s been years since we’ve seen her.”
      While the boys continued their discussion, the band started up and you took off your flannel which raised a cheer from the crowd. Smirking, you grabbed the mic.
I hold on so nervously To me and my drink I wish it was cooling me But so far has not been good
It's been shitty And I feel awkward as I should This club has got to be The most pretentious thing
Since I thought you and me Well, I am imagining A dark lit place Or your place or my place
Well, I'm not paralyzed But, I seem to be struck by you I wanna make you move Because you're standing still If your body matches What your eyes can do You'll probably move right through Me on my way to you
     The boys watched in awe as you moved around the stage. Your tank top accented your curves as you danced to the music. You had changed a lot since the last time they had seen you. You moved freely and seemed more comfortable in your body.
I hold out for one more drink Before I think I'm looking too desperately But so far has not been fun
I should just stay home If one thing really means one This club will hopefully Be closed in three weeks
That would be cool with me Well, I'm still imagining A dark lit place Or your place or my place
Well, I'm not paralyzed But, I seem to be struck by you I wanna make you move Because you're standing still If your body matches What your eyes can do You'll probably move right through Me on my way to you
     You moved back towards the center of the stage and hooked the mic back onto its stand. Your lips just barely brushed the microphone as you finished the song. Dean couldn’t help but watch as you sang your heart out.
Well, I'm not paralyzed But, I seem to be struck by you I wanna make you move Because you're standing still If your body matches What your eyes can do You'll probably move right through Me on my way to you
Well, I'm not paralyzed But, I seem to be struck by you I wanna make you move Because you're standing still If your body matches What your eyes can do You'll probably move right through Me on my way to you
You'll probably move right through Me on my way to you
You'll probably move right through Me on my way to you
    The crowd cheered and Sam and Dean joined them. You gave the crowd a small bow before stepping over to talk to Brett. Now that you were standing still, Dean noticed something else that he had missed. You had tattoos. He could make out the anti-possession on your collar bone, however, he couldn’t see any of the others.
“Dude, she’s inked.” Dean stated.
“What hunter isn’t?” Sam laughed. “Every hunter has at least a sigil or ward on them.”
“No.” Dean shook his head. “She has more than one or two. Let’s go catch up with her.”
      Dean pulled his wallet out and paid their bill. You had already walked out so Sam went over and talked to the bass player. He met Dean in the Impala.
“She’s staying at the Starlight Motel down the road.” Sam informed him.
“Awesome. That’s the same one we’re staying in.” Dean said while starting the Impala.
      They took off down the road hoping to catch you before you left town. Pulling into the dingy motel, Dean instantly knew which car was yours. You always liked classic cars and had convinced Bobby to let you have one of the cars lying around the junkyard. Parked in front of the motel doors was a dark blue ’65 Mustang. Dean pulled in next to the car and the boys climbed out. As they walked around the front of the car, you walked out your door with your duffel on your shoulder.
“Hey, stranger.” Dean called.
You looked up from your phone. “Dean? Sam?”
“In the flesh.” Sam laughed.
“Wow.” You chuckled while pulling them into a hug. “It’s been years. You guys look good.”
“You too.” Dean smiled.
Sam looked at your bag. “Where you headed?”
“Bobby’s.” You answered. “Why don’t you guys come with me? We can catch up there.”
“Definitely.” Dean agreed.
     After returning the room keys, you climbed into your Mustang and started it, smirking as Dean’s jaw dropped slightly.
“You not the only one with a nice car.” You said out the window.
Dean started the Impala. “I wonder who has the faster car.”
“Let’s find out.” You challenged. “Last one to Bobby’s buys drinks.”
“Deal.” The brothers accepted.
     Both cars lined up on the empty road and you counted down over the roar of the engines.
You and Dean hit the gas and rocketed down the barren road leaving the Starlight Motel in the dust.
@impala-dreamer @feelmyroarrrr @mariekoukie6661 @latishiante1001 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @i-cant-believe-its-not-satan @ellie-andthemachine @spnbaby-67 @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @meeshw777 @rideandwritethings @sleepylunarwolf @moose-and-sqruille-lover @youre-acting-like-a-psycho @waywardasfudge @amotleyworld @fallenangelsneverfade @claitynroberts @wingedcatninja @carryonmywaywardwriters @dean-winchesters-bacon @death-unbecomes-you @arses21434 @lonely-skys @mannls @internationalmusicteacher @theloudkilljoy @closetspngirl
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maplestreetsims · 6 years
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get to know me tag!
so, i came to catfish you all with my updated simself, also i made her with alpha cc bc why not?
I saw @galaxsims did this and i thought it might be fun, so the point of this is to make a simself and answer some q’s so people get to know you better
I’m going to tag anyone who wants to do this, Just go crazy 
   - trash under cut -
1. What is your full name? Constanza
2. What is your nickname? most people call me coti, i had a few friends that called me constance tho
3. Birthday? July 1, 2000
4. What is your favorite book series? i dont read as much as i used to so i dont have one
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts? aliens yes, ghosts...maybe? just for the spookines of it all tbh
6. Who is your favorite author? i dont read dont come for me
7. What is your favorite radio station? i never listen to the radio, mostly spotify
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything? anything cheese flavored, or like pizza? idk im thinkin chips here
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? amazing, cool!
10. What is your current favorite song? literally queens entire discography??? like i saw bohemian rhapsody last week, i liked queen before but now im like on hyperdrive or something
11. What is your favorite word?  chaos
12. What was the last song you listened to? Somebody to love, by (you guessed it) queen
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch? hmm... i dont know, skam, maybe freaks and geeks
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? pride (2014) always makes me feel happy when i watch it, i really like it
15. Do you play video games? yes
16. What is your biggest fear? Ending up alone, but not romantically, more of like no friends, or family
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion? i dont know... i just try to be a good person?? like i put myself in others peoples shoes and treat them how i would like to be treated i guess, bc i know how its like being treated like shit and i wouldnt want that for anyone lol
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion? my socializing skills? or lack thereof 
19. Do you like cats or dogs better? i like them both the same
20. What is your favorite season? i dont like any season sjdjsdk
21. Are you in a relationship? nope
22. What is something you miss from your childhood? just.. happiness?? not only my own but like everyone in my family (yikes) also my innocence 
23. Who is your best friend? haha ha
24. What is your eye color? brown
25. What is your hair color? Dark brown 
26. Who is someone you love? no one honestly, maybe my pets?
27. Who is someone you trust? literally anyone who is nice to me, that’s bad
28. Who is someone you think about often? my friends, classmates
29. Are you currently excited about/for something? nothing currently
30. What is your biggest obsession? The sims, life is strange and detroit become human.....also queen?, weird combinations
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child? Art attack! also the cocodrile hunter??? that was my shit!!
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? I know i just said i trust everyone but like....i dont open up, like ever
33. Are you superstitious? No
34. Do you have any unusual phobias? Elevators?? and cars...are those phobias?
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Behind
36. What is your favorite hobby? Editing, playin sims... u know
37. What was the last book you read? I cant remember fghjkljhg probably something for school
38. What was the last movie you watched? Bohemian rhapsody rip
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? i wish i could play any musical instrument, but i suck tbh
40. What is your favorite animal? cats and dogs™
41. What are your top 5 7 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow?
@pollinationqueen​ @cosmic-espie​ @omiscanking @bloomlet @gunthermunch @cowberrys and @mellocakes ♥♥
42. What superpower do you wish you had? telekinesis??? um hell yeah why would anyone want anything else
43. When and where do you feel most at peace? this is weird but when im riding the bus home, listening to music
44. What makes you smile? my simblr, youtube videos...
45. What sports do you play, if any? i wish
46. What is your favorite drink? coca cola beech! 
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? I dont even remember, but i had to write something like that around this year at least
48. Are you afraid of heights? yes
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? it used to be hearing people chew, but i think im over it
50. Have you ever been to a concert? no, never
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? No
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? a vet
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? idk sis
54. What is something you worry about? my future, and my life
55. Are you scared of the dark? sometimes
56. Do you like to sing? yes, only when im alone
57. Have you ever skipped school? yeah, but i tried not to, it felt like i was missing out and that kinda made me feel like shit??
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? i dont think i have one, but more like a bunch of them? and only at specific times if that make sense, like the outside of that theater at nightime when i went to see a play with my friends a while ago
59. Where would you like to live? mmm maybe the usa? or anywhere where i could get to speak english all the time
60. Do you have any pets? a cat and a dog, Mercury and Candy!
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night owl, def
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets, im never up for sunrises anyways, unless i stayed up all night
63. Do you know how to drive? no but i hope that i do at some point, although im scared of cars
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? headphones
65. Have you ever had braces? nope, my teeth are as straight as me
66. What is your favorite genre of music? rock, indie...maybe pop rock?
67. Who is your hero? i dont have one
68. Do you read comic books? not really
69. What makes you the most angry? myself sometimes
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Real book all the way, when i do read that is
71. What was your favorite subject in school? cinematography class???? idk how it translates properly but that was my fave, although the teacher fucking ruined it for all of us tbh
72. Do you have any siblings? nope
73. What was the last thing you bought? a bus ticket
74. How tall are you? 4′9...yikes
75. Can you cook? not at all
76. What are three things that you love? this blog, my family and my pets
77. What are three things that you hate? hooo boy
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? i have 0 friends what does that mean? jk i actually would say its pretty equal 
79. What is your sexual orientation? yes
80. Where do you currently live? Uruguay, montevideo
81. Who was the last person you texted? my dad
82. When was the last time you cried? last week
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? jenna and julien, and probably every sims youtuber(seriously)
84. Do you like to take selfies? not so much
85. What is your favorite app? tumblr, or youtube
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like? its alright
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? portugeese
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? mmm all of them
89. What is your favorite number? 7
90. Can you juggle? Nop
91. Are you religious? no
92. Do you find outer space or the deep ocean to be more interesting? The ocean
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? hahah no
94. Are you allergic to anything? i used to be allergic to a bunch of shit when i was a kid but im not allergic to it anymore?? like chocolate, oranges....cats, and dust
95. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
96. Can you wiggle your ears? Yes
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something? always hopefully
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? i dont really ask for advice that often so...idk
100. Are you a good liar? No, but i try
101. What is your Hogwarts House? Hufflepuff
102. Do you talk to yourself? i used to talk to myself all the time, but now i barely do it, thats a good thing right?
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? no, i used to when i was a kid but it was pure garbage
105. Do you believe in second chances? Depends
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? look for an id to see if i cant turn it in, if not....well
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? Yes, but only in certain things
108. Are you ticklish? i dont even know, probably not
109. Have you ever been on a plane? no
110. Do you have any piercings? yeah, my ears
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? idk
112. Do you have any tattoos? No, but hopefully i will some day!
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? i dont know....
114. Do you believe in karma? yeah
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? no
116. Do you want children? yeah why not
117. Who is the smartest person you know? honestly i don’t know
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? doing a cindirella theatre play for my school when i was 12, i was cindirella, i dont wanna talk about it njxkcfxf
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? not that i remember, i always end up falling asleep, dosent matter if its like 10 minutes 
120. What color are most of you clothes? green.........i dont even like green
121. Do you like adventures? yeah maybe, depends on what it is
122. Have you ever been on TV? yeah i have actually lmao, it was on a kids tv show 
123. How old are you? 18
124. What is your favorite quote? “We don’t make mistakes, just happy little accidents” 
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? savory!!
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hellomissmabel · 6 years
Et coronam florum (III)
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Pairings: Forest spirit!Bucky x wicca!reader
Warnings: Death.
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Every spring, the forest spirits come to collect three gifts. These gifts allow the spirits to restore a part of your soul from a past life. But Y/N doesn’t believe in this tradition anymore and one year, the spirits take her with them into the forest.
A/N: I have the flu but managed to post it :) Written for @bithors
Series masterlist can be found here
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After you’ve closed your eyes, you open them again in the meadow near to the royal castle. You’d expected Bucky to bring your sleeping body to the edge of the forest, but he has been so kind as to take you as far as your new home on the other end of the realm. A blush rises to your cheeks with a warm feeling as you think about it.
When you’re welcomed back at the palace, a worried prince awaits you in your bedroom. He is happy to see you again and wraps you up in his arms, kissing you chastely. “I was worried I’d have to cancel the wedding because you wanted to stay in the forest,” he jokes with a soft smile and another tender peck to the lips. You don’t have the heart to tell him the truth.
As another year flies by, you grow accustomed to your life as a princess and you realise you’ve suddenly got more than three things to be grateful for. For instance your husband Steve, who will make a fine ruler one day and a great father in less than nine months. You have your friends and your brother, who is now also living in the castle.
The people of the realm love you and they understand how important the work you do is. In the past year, you’ve successfully re-introduced the forest to them. The flowers around the forest are thriving and after a heavy storm flooded most of the land surrounding the magical forest, you and the people of your realm worked together into restoring the nature of your kingdom. Something your mother would be very proud of.
So when spring comes around again, you’re the first in line to see Bucky and the other forest spirits again. You’re impatient because you have no idea how he’ll react, but you’re also proud as you’ve now got three gifts with you whereas in the past two years you only had one. Steve senses your excitement yet believes it’s for a different reason. He still doesn’t know that your heart will always yearn for the existence of a forest spirit and the man you’ve come to desire so secretly.
Darkness falls over the entrance of the forest and you immediately feel there’s something wrong. Firstly, all the spirits should’ve been here by now to collect the gifts and give their blessings. Secondly and more importantly, this side of the forest is a long way removed from the darker areas of the woods. This type of darkness is unfamiliar and frankly, dangerous.
You tell everyone to go home and return tomorrow, as obviously the spirits won’t make it today. The people oblige and don’t question your decision, as they know that as a wicca you’re connected to the forest in more ways than they can understand. When it’s just you and Steve and some of the royal guards, you move towards the entrance of the forest. Very carefully, you call upon the spirits with a soft enchantment, Steve chiming in once he catches on to your idea.
Your singing voice grows silent once you hear mumbling coming from nearby rose bushes, a bit further down into the forest but not too far removed so you can’t call it trespassing yet. Asking Steve to stay back and watch out for any spirits, good or bad, that wish to tell you off, you venture closer to the whimpers. It is then that you see the rose bush has no thorns and all the roses are in fact a vivid blood red.
Next to the rose bush is the forest spirit, Bucky, his beautiful left arm wounded as it bleeds and the blood inspires the colour of the roses. The forest doesn’t let his life force go to waste and uses his blood to create more roses all around his body.
“Bucky,” you gasp as you crouch down next to him, cradling his half-conscious body in your arms. “What happened?”
He can barely speak, his lips moving slowly as quiet whispers leave his mouth. “Some of the spirits turned against the forest. They’ve witnessed some of the horrors in the other realms, men invading villages, killing children and raping women and young girls. They don’t believe anymore in the good of the people and started to refuse gifts until eventually the rebellion grew and they started attacking humans too.”
“I tried to stop them from burning down your realm as well. I succeeded in driving them away but they knew where to strike me. Y/N, I can feel the forest accepting my sacrifice. I don’t have long, Y/N.”
Carding his hair away from his eyes, you attempt a few spells and herbal remedies with nearby plants in order to save his life, but they’re all in vain as he is right, the forest has already begun harvesting his magical abilities. His time has come.
“I have served this forest for a century, Y/N. I am one hundred years old. It is time for me to go.” His eyes plead with you, to let him go, to let him die. “But I will never leave you. I will be yours forever.” He releases a deep yet shaky breath and points to the roses. “You fill find me in every rose. You will feel me in every flower that grows here.”
“Bucky… Tell me what to do. I don’t want to leave you here,” you beg with the spirit, pressing your lips to his forehead as you cry soft tears.
He shakes his head and coughs, his face contorting in pain. “You don’t have to do anything.” After taking your hand in his, Bucky’s blue eyes turn a dark green as he completes the transformation. It takes you a while before you figure out what he’s doing. He is restoring your soul, fully restoring your soul.
“They have destroyed the Tree of the past. Us spirits had to absorb the energy of the leaves, it’s the only way we could save your people. I am restoring your soul and you will be a very powerful wicca now. Your child will be a very powerful wicca too.”
You rest your fingers on his lips and ask him to stop talking as it only causes him more discomfort. You want him to go peacefully. “Thank you.” Your eyes are sad yet your lips curl into a small smile. “I love you.”
He does not say it back but you know he does too. “Y/N, in your past life… you and I did meet. I was still human and you were the daughter of a hunter. I saved his life when a stag almost killed him. In return he offered me your hand but I declined.”
“Why?,” you ask confused, surprised by all this new information.
“Because I wanted you to choose for yourself.”
And with these final words, Bucky’s life force leaves him and cascades into the field of flowers that his blood has created, growing all around you now.
Wiping away the tears, you drop Bucky hand gently onto the flowerbed, his body slowly being covered by roses without thorns. In the distance, you can hear Steve calling out for you as he enters the forest as well. He immediately knows once he lays eyes on your tear-swollen cheeks and he sits down next to you while you both watch Bucky’s body truly become one with the forest.
Nine months later you welcome a baby girl into your family. Her name is Rose, after the roses without thorns that now grow all over the kingdom. Three years later, you give birth to a baby boy and decide to name him Bucky. When they are old enough to remember things well into adulthood, you take them to the place where Bucky’s body still rests. The flowers are always there, always blooming, and every year on the anniversary of his death, you lay a flower crown down onto his grave.
You’ve ventured further into the forest, with the permission of the spirits who are aware of your connection to Bucky and respect you, a wicca of great power and poise. Together with Steve, you eventually open the forest to all the people, learning them to appreciate the beauty of nature and the essence of giving and taking. When you give to the forest, the forest gives back to you. When you take from the forest, the forest takes from you. In the end, nature always has the final vote.
Bucky’s memory forever lives on in your children and the work you have done for the realm. Your children grow up to be loving and caring wiccas, and upon your death you as well as your husband Steve both join the council of forest spirits where you are reunited with Bucky’s soul.
 Tag list: @melconnor2007 @learisa @mrshopkirk @dont-speak-just-read @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @lovemarvelousfics @pleasantdreamqueen @petersunderroos @palaiasaurus64 @ssweet-empowerment @lovemarvelousfics @rrwilson66 @reniescarlett  @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @barnes-heaven  @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @a-little-hell-to-raise @knittingknerdy  @milkywaybarnes @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @persephonesinferno @honey-bee-holly  @delicatecapnerd @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @capbuckybuchanan @pegasusdragontiger   @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @sophiealiice @sarahmatthews7 @lumelgy @kudosia @moonbeambucky @suz-123 @breezy1415 @always-an-evans-addict @thefanficfaerie @4theluvofall @curvybihufflepuff @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @holomasque @pineapplebooboo @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67 @cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @daisiesandbooks101 @sarahgracej @jasurahe13 @nerdyandproud9 @geeksareunique @jesspfly @badassbaker @whenallsaidanddone @ailynalonso15 @thebookisbtr @animechick725  @true-queen-of-mischief @crazy-little-thing-called-buck @ugh-supersoldiers @california-grown @dreamer7black @flopmalum
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