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delhardespana · 7 months ago
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so once more my DnD character - Ba Gor the Orc, Three axes (or Hairy, recently).
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chrispineofficial · 10 months ago
reblog to make the paladin and the bard fuck nasty in DnD2
ANYWAY finally watched the DnD movie. i was fucking great in that right???? prayers up for a sequel so the paladin and the bard can fuck nasty
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chiliraccoon · 6 years ago
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captainelara-of-the-atlas · 6 years ago
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Lady Grandmother apologizing.
Not the best granny, but she did acknowledge her mistakes.
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theydrinkblood · 2 years ago
Im back
Hi guys I know I basically have no followers or people who wanna read my fics, but Im back. You may no by now but i was homeless for a bit so writing wasn’t at the top of my list, but im back. DnD part 2 is getting completely rewritten and I will be post about it and the rest of my fics a lot more often. 
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sweatybatsuitcaseroad · 6 years ago
Henrietta's pulling an olivia. You cant change my mind.
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beaumontbeauty · 6 years ago
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orcelito · 7 years ago
read thru the entirety of a 156,000 word rp in a bit over a day, just cause im taking some inspirations from it for the new dnd thing with nico. wanted 2 . Refresh. but i got super into it and i just wanna gush, endlessly, 
but sadly there is no one who even cares about this nico stuff, so like. Im Out Of Luck
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halflingnerd · 6 years ago
Name says it all. Hmu if you wanna talk nerd stuff dude.
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fangehull-og-drager · 8 years ago
Group 2: The Tournament of Morec
The grand city of Lionsroar is under their shoes, and they’re ready to enter the tournament. They make a new friend and they also make another encounter with a nasty group. The Tournament of Morec is ahead, and so is the goblet!
The adventurers have arrived to the great city of Lionsroar, which is the very heart of the kingdom of Heavensgate. Maybe I should actually introduce the area briefly. The Kingdom of Heavensgate is a large nation, valorously standing at the top of the world with borders with a more temperate region in the south, touching the smaller nation Raven’s Gaze. There’s also a vague border up north in the unhabitable wilderness. To the west, water, and to the east, some more minor nations and coastlines. It’s primarly a human kingdom, which honours more traditional means of adventurers, such as holy warriors and fighters. Mages have little place in Heavensgate.
Alright, back to the adventurers. As I mentioned, the adventurers have just arrived in Lionsroar, the capital of Heavensgate. As they walk through a district with shops, they enter a store full of weapons. Queek, fixated as he is, instantly buys a hand crossbow with money he, if I forgot to mention, stole from Fats McGee. Fats McGee manages to sell his homemade morningstar, made from some skulls and bones he found on a coast somewhere by his homestead, which the merchant of course somehow got the interest of buying. He bought a replacement weapon, which ultimately was more powerful.
After having done some shopping, they promptly managed to find the housing of the noble house of Griselda, which they had gotten a grateful response of being able to use their estate as housing while they were going to the Tournament behind held in the coming days. They all got a cold stare from the estate’s housekeeper, but was promptly invited in when he understood they were actually invited guests. They comfortably made it to their respective rooms, and Griselda Griselda, the mother, and apparent boss of the house, told them they could sponsor the ragtag team in the arena, even making them custom cloaks with their emblems on them. “Shouldn’t you go sign up for the arena? They close at the end of today!”, Griselda Griselda said.
The gang, all four of them, waddled to the arena district and found the registration boots. After standing in line for a while they made it to the nasal desk worker, asking them questions such as team name, sponsors, and some other frivulous stuff. They were abruptly interrupted by a question of “How many are you? You look like 4, you need to be 5 initial members to enter the tournament. If you don’t got one, you can pick from the … extras… over there…”. The gang decides, after some quick deductions that the half-orc was the best choice. The half-orc rogue awkwardly, but also confidencely introduces themselves as “Dr. Vendrick”, who has been serving as a makeshift medic in the current troubles in the underground thieves’ guild. All members gotten, they sign their team name as “Queek Queek’s Qlan”, and kept on trucking for the next day.
Shown into the arena’s underbelly, they were shown a small area dedicated to their lil’ team. Some scrawny guy comes along and explains to them the rules and the happenings going on today. They are set up to fight one versus one against scheduled by the roles they drotted down during registrations. All in all, this goes by fairly quickly and they all succeed, even though some were close to fainting, themselves. Even their newest recruit, Dr. Vendrick keeps up a good fight! They go out to celebrate, and then get ready for the next day where they are scheduled to fight against another team.
As they enter the arena they notice the enemy team wearing similar colours as the.. The cultists who imprisoned them. They are competing for the same prize, which is, of course as mentioned, the Goblet of Morec, one of the relics that the cult of Nahkra are out to get to summon great evils to this realm! They are lacking a member, which proves the cultists have already lost one member during the tournament. With an obvious advantage, the team quite swiftly beat the opponents, getting the crowd cheering as they are to fight the last fight in the coming days, which are rumoured to be a grand monstrosity!
Will the heroes win the grand prize? What could the horror that awaits in the last fight be? Are the cultists giving up on the Goblet of Morec? Find out in the thrilling ending of The Tournament of Morec!
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jicklet · 6 years ago
Choices re: Choices
Rules: Bold your options then tag some ppl to keep the game going. You can only choose one from each, no ‘both’/‘neither’ answers.
I was tagged by @breaumonts ! 💖 Haven't played in a bit so some of the newer books are out by default.
~Most Wanted or Veil of Secrets ?
- Rules of Engagement or The Royal Heir ? (cheating. Neither.)
- The Haunting of Braidwood Manor or It Lives Anthology ? (aw. Narrow choice but It Lives just has more time to dig into my heart.)
- The Freshman Series or High School Story/CA ?
- Red Carpet Diaries or America’s Most Eligible ? (didn't get very far for either)
- Bloodbound or Nightbound ? (didn't really play BB2 though, and got too annoyed over the cover change to continue NB)
- Home for the Holidays or Passport to Romance ?
- Perfect Match or Across the Void ?
- Hero or The Elementalists ?
- The Heist Monaco or Ride or Die ?
- Wishful Thinking or Sunkissed ?
- The Crown and The Flame or A Courtesan of Rome ?
- The Royal Romance or Desire and Decorum ? (ffff never finished dnd2)
- Big Sky Country or Bachelorette Party ? (Never tried BP, didn't finish BSC)
- LoveHacks or Platinum ?
- Endless Summer or Open Heart?
If you see this and play Choices, do it and tag me. :D
@fullbeaumonty I know you got tagged already, but tag me if you do it ^^
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m-2-shop · 3 years ago
GIRO 22 SSのキーカラーなのか、ヘルメットやグローブにライムカラーが散見されます。
#bicyclelandm2 #バイシクルランドm2 #ロードバイク #ロードバイク初心者 #ロードバイクのある風景 #富山県 #富山 #高岡市 #高岡 #富山の自転車ショップ #高岡の自転車ショップ #mtb #マウンテンバイク #マウンテンバイクのある風景 #マウンテンバイク初心者 #giro #girocycling
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mulletfriend · 6 years ago
introducing 2 dungeos 2 dragons (dnd2)
for every dead player character, you get a brick that you have to carry to every session. if you don't, the dm is legally allowed to kill you.
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captainelara-of-the-atlas · 6 years ago
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Oh no. I have a bad feeling about this. Somehow, I think the duke won't be playing by the rules. My prince, win my hand back! 😭 Please please be safe!
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warmchrysanthemum · 10 months ago
Reblog, so the Paladin and the Bard can fuck nasty in DnD2
ANYWAY finally watched the DnD movie. i was fucking great in that right???? prayers up for a sequel so the paladin and the bard can fuck nasty
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fangehull-og-drager · 8 years ago
Group 2: On the Road Again!
The gang makes it to a nearby coast village! Ztixx gambles, Fats finds a shady man and they all meet some thankful nobles on their way to Lionroar City, to enter the Grand Tournament of Morec!
The party runs through the woods for at least one or two days. They kinda lost track of time. They find a nice quiet village by the coastline. A small settlement with a nice little harbour. They make it to the tavern to rest, with the party bard, Queek, to provide them with free housing for the night with their entertaining nature. While in the tavern they find out that the nice lil' village is called Seastar. The party warlock, Ztixx, decides to play some card games around the inn and listen for rumours. All she hear is rumours about missing people, stolen valuables, and one particular woman being mopey about her sister, a guard at a nearby hold, being dead.
The party barbarian decides to go out and check 1) if there are any horses for sale, of which he buys one. 2) if there are any shady types around town, in which he finds one which he instantly begins pestering about some cave, in reference to a circlet. The thief, Nashen, says he has never heard of this circlet, but there is a nearby cave where Nashen says he's annoyed with, as there are apparently wolves there stealing items from him that he wouldn't mind getting back. The barbarian, blinded in the hunt for the circlet, decides to bring the rogue character to the rest of the party. The rest of the party doesn't understand what the barbarian, Fats McGee, wants with this character. He promptly leaves as the party comes to no conclusion. They go to sleep for the night.
Morning comes, and Fats and the party monk, Squink (short for Squid Ink Pasta), decide to go out in the woods to try and find some nice pets to tame, looking for wolves. They find... in a clearing.. a cat.... a crab.... and a... centipede... Squink tried to tame the cat with failure, and Fats McGee tried to tame the centipede, ending up falling unconscious (and having to roll death saving throws) from the centipede's poisonous bite. As he falls unconscious, the crab, the cat and the centipede scurry off together into the forest. When they venture back to the tavern to rest again, Ztixx and Queek are both pretty annoyed they have to postpone their departure towards the capital another day.
Next day, they get on the public transport wagon going to the capital city of Lionroar. They are stopped by two bandits, who wear outfits similar to Nashen's. Both the bandits promptly die from the ruthlessness of Queek and Squink. The wagon keeps going.
They make it to a trading post where they stay for the night. They buy some new weapons and sell some of their goods. They get back on the road in the morning, making it to the next stop, Riverend, a larger town. They stay in the tavern overnight. Ztixx beating a little girl in noble clothing, and Queek mocking her afterwards. The girl goes crying off to her parents. The next morning they go on the wagons again, with the noble family in a carriage now riding in front of them. Queek continues mocking the family.. A couple of bandits make it to the noble's carriage, threatening them and their little girl. The travelers manage to beat the bandits, and the noble family is thankful. They introduce themselves as the Griseldas. Mom, dad and daughter are respectively named Griselda Griselda, Da Griselda and Grüber Griselda. They are a travelling noble family from the neighbouring region to witness the grand tournament in the capital. They have agreed that the adventurers can stay in their estate in this region's capital, as well as spectator passes to the tournament.
How will the adventurers become champions in the grand tournament? Will the nobles sponsor them? Who knows? Find out next time on DragonBall Z.
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