#dnd vedalken
dandelionmischief · 2 months
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Storm is coming....
Attack for Mothamiu on her lovely Vedalken storm sorcerer Nimara! ⛈️
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monstrifex-art · 5 months
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Sketch for Ophelia, my new dnd character.
She’s a Vedalken illrigger, a gunslinging explorer sworn to the Gore-Slick Serpent.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 28 days
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Triton! Elemental people from the plane of endless ocean. They can create clouds of fog, resist cold, see in the dark, and talk to pretty much anything that can naturally swim! They can't understand back, but the fish understand them! They're also amphibious and slightly smaller than humans, with an average size of around 5 ft (1.5 m)
Veldalken! A species of amphibious sciencey types. Thier friendships are forged in shared interests, are actually quite passionate despite and outward air of detachment/logic, and delight in the fact that nothing is perfect. Because if nothing is perfect, that means they'll always be something to work at improving! Important when you live like 500 years I suppose. Look, I don't really know MtG, and this came from an MtG expansion. but from what I'm reading I'm understanding "knock off Star Trek Vulkans of the sea."
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monoflaxart · 2 years
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Made some friends for Char'lee ^^ Rhognar is a Hobgoblin Fighter/Barbarian, Eadmonn is a Vedalken Wizard. Them and Char'lee are what is called Lazulites in Triton culture. When one of each of the three peoples is born in the same night, their fates are believed to be linked. They are raised together and develop a deep connection to one another.
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el-is-away · 26 days
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wizardry... alchemy..
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trucbiduleschouettes · 10 months
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Panadu's crew funny little mission going super well- don't worry about Faydra behind the glass
[Do not use/repost]
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soylent-crocodile · 11 months
Vedalken (Race)
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(Crosstown Courier by Chase Stone)
(Vedalken! Vedalken are one of Magic's wholly original races, created to replace merfolk as blue-aligned humanoids, since merfolk, generally, can't walk on land. Magic had since decided to just make merfolk fish people with legs, but vedalken stuck around. I like 'em, they're an example of Magic getting weird with it! They're also playable in 5e, and this is a rough, powered-up translation of their stats for Ravnican vedalken.)
Vedalken are blue-skinned amphibious peoples who historically make their home in large cosmopolitan cities. They are an intelligent people with a history of scholarship and allegiance to law; some say this emotional coldness is connected to their physical cold-bloodedness and the slowness of their heartbeat, but vedalken themselves find this idea offensive.
Vedalken are typically found as scholars, politicians, and law enforcers, and those of lower social stature tend to gravitate towards practical craftsmanship like watchmaking or copying texts. Vedalken adventurers are often those who find this culture stifling, although they tend to find themselves pursuing knowledge and observing patterns like the rest of their ken, often letting out passions that many find uncharacteristic of vedalken.
Ability Scores: Vedalken are precise and sharp; they get +2 to Dexterity and Intelligence, but -2 to Charisma. Type: Vedalken are humanoids with the Vedalken subtypes. Size: Vedalken are medium and have no size-based modifiers. Languages: Vedalken begin play knowing Common and Vedalken. Vedalken with high intelligence scores can select from Aquan, Elvish, Merfolk, Draconic, and Infernal Still Heart: Vedalken have a subdued and weak emotional response; they get a +4 racial bonus to will saves against emotion spells and effects. Amphibious: Vedalken have the ability to breathe both air and water, but do not have a natural swim speed. Ingenious: When rolling a knowledge skill check, Vedalken roll twice and take the higher roll. Polymath: A vedalken with the Arcane School class ability may choose to take a secondary school. She gains only the level 1 ability of this school, and may use the bonus spell slots granted by that school to prepare no more than two spells of her secondary school.
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Settlement: Lydestrum, City of Glass and Mist
Attracting artisans, merchants, and those who wish to go unseen among its splendours, Lydestrum is a centre for trade across the astral sea, a glimmering jewel of a port city set in the centre of an ever swirling cloudbank.
Surging aetheric currents surround the planetoid Lydestrum is built into, not only making unauthorized approach to the city nearly impossible, but also contributing to one of its greatest industries: capturing the magical potential carried along with those currents and storing them in great batteries that can be used to power jammerships, artifice, or great acts of spellcraft.
Adventure Hooks:
Though far less rowdy than many other astral ports, the Lydestrum harbour district is a paradise for adventurers, able to pick up rumours, goods from exotic reaches of wildspace, and potential employment across any number of vessels (of varying repute). If nothing else, the party can always pick up some extra work rooting out void beats and wild elementals that are attracted to the aetheric currents that surround the settlement, and frequently make their nests in the great tunnels that run beneath the city and its outreaching rockmass.
Lydestrum is a beautiful city, founded by architects who now use the great wealth brought in by its harbours and aether trade to build marvels across the plannetoid and in pockets of calm scattered throughout the churning clouds. One of the greatest of these marvels, the Mirador, was lost when an attack against the city centuries ago destabilized the winds and sucked the spirelike structure out into the ever shifting winds, never to be seen again. Driven by a desire to recover lost history and believing the structure has merely been trapped in the currents, not destroyed, an up and coming vedalken architect wants to hires the party to help him find this needle in the cloudstack, needing their help in exploring the dangerous reaches of the city and just maybe breaking into a few off-limits meteorological archives to get him the data he needs?
While many wonders might attract the party while out browsing the city’s aether-lit bazaar, what might most draw their eye is the Beacon Brightsmithy, a shop peddling a series of weapons and other devices seemingly made of solidified light. Operated by the Turevas, a father daughter pair of gnomes, the Beacon is a wonder hidden among wonders, Supplying many of the city’s military officers and warships with lightwrought weapons and willing to do the same for the party. On a subsequent visit however, the party find the shop in disarray, the younger Turevas distraught at her father's apparent disappearance and possible kidnapping... more on that mystery below the cut.
Background: The city of glass and mist pays no allegiance to any world-spanning empire, having instead been founded (as an art project of all things) by a group of Vedalken known as the “Faceters”.  This conclave of architects and cloudwatchers eventually evolved into the Lydestrum’s governing body, who see the city’s operation as secondary to its continued development as a thing of art. Proud to the point of jealousy over the “greatness” of their home, the Faceters are welcoming to traders of every stripe but all but shun any diplomatic or political oveture made their way, feeling that outsiders should be content to gauk at the marvels the conclave has produced and then get back to their lives of uncultivated ignorance  once they’ve passed beyond the cloud bank.
Further adventures:
Though the intial evidence around the Turevas smithy might point the party in the the direction of thinking he was kidnapped by some of the sketchier traders down by harborside, a closer inspection will reveal that though the workshop was tossed, none of the lightwrought weapons were taken along with their maker, meaning that the gnomish smith was likely not greed that motivated this crime. Witnesses will likewise report a group of rough looking characters in the area making their way to and from the harbour, but that they were all speaking the local dialect of vedalken without accent.
Investigations into the upper reaches of Lydestrum are likely to be hindered by the fact that that the party are largely regarded as ignorant tourists, their questions answered with slow explanations of the building’s history or directions back to the foreigner's quarter. They will have one ally though, Garahame, a conclave military officer and longtime friend of Turevas who’s just as concerned by the gnome’s disappearance as they are.
The internal politics of the Faceter conclave are broken up into numerous “sets”, non-exclusive factions and cliques that all have distinct opinions on how they want the city to be run. Garahame belongs to the “Tower” set, a largely isolationist faction that just so happened to be working with Turevas to create a building sized light cannon to act as a deterrent against any fleet or polis that would attempt to overtake Lydestrum like the attack that cost them the Mirador. These plans were discovered by the “Gate” set, a commerce based faction that oversee the city’s diplomacy and markets, who were pretty staunch in their belief that Lydestrum building a big gun and pointing it at all their neighbors wouldn’t be a good step for peace, and so abducted Turevas with the use of illusion and have spent the intervening time trying to show him the error in his ways. Whatever set the players end up siding with will have knock on repercussions on Turevas and throughout the city, potentially spelling prosperity for one and crisis for another. 
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picturesofgrandma · 5 months
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Commission for @ablubluh of her cool space detective guy!
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funktechnisch · 7 months
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MY DND GAME IS FINALLY OFF HIATUS and i can finally get back to having vaughn bother his blue boyfriend
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agatabednorz · 7 months
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Kami did a phenomenally stupid thing and pulled a card from the deck of many things. And it didnt blew up in her face!! :O
She got wings and I HAD to draw that! (Because of certain circumstances she couldnt keep them but still. She looked awesome for the durtion! :D)
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leidensygdom · 2 years
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So I still have a lot of artfight drawings in the backlog! This one is Tanara, belonging to @daisy-todd , which was a long due revenge from last year! I wanted to do a fuller pic and the character is just up my alley aesthetic wise <3 love some sci-fi fantasy stuff too!!
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amissa · 1 year
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I suppose i may post some of my art?? This is our dnd party, Wanderstuck.
Vrána (Crow) - halforc fighter Morgan - aasimar rogue Faros - tiefling paladin Amien - elf druid Fethved - vedalken wizard
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And here's my Vrána with Amien, her best friend, just chilling together.
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saimincoatl · 3 months
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I - The Magician
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vodachuck · 10 months
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First of a few character portraits for my fellow players: Stills, our party's druggie.
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el-is-away · 1 year
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some more stuffs
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