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Stem Cell Regeneration Morphic Field - 3.5 Hz Binaural Beats - 111Hz, 528Hz -Subliminal Affirmations
According to a study named "Increased Wound Healing Effect of 111 Hertz Sound Frequency in Male ICR Mice"
conducted by: Jake Wilson Binaday, Al Christine Gobres, Adrian Abbarientos, Katherine Diesta, Kathleen Marquez, Rushaine Palomillo, Athena Heart Lobos, Christopher Lita
Department of Biology, College of Science, Bicol University, Legazpi City, Albay, Philippines
"The 111 Hz (and its Higher Octaves) is known for cell rejuvenation which is associated in cell regeneration. The use of this frequency in wound healing has been explored. After the experiment was conducted, it have been found that 111 Hz frequency made the wound healing process faster. The 111 Hz frequency is known to induce the release of beta-endorphins which in turn induces the expression of the cytokeratin 16 gene. This gene produces the protein Keratin 16 (KRT16) which speeds up the wound healing process. Therefor the use of this sound frequency in healing wounds could possibly be of use to increase the wound healing process."
528Hz is Solar-Plexus Chakra Frequency which is also the Frequency for DNA Repair and Upgrade to facilitate better Cell Regeneration.
A number of studies have proved that the transplantation of neural stem cells in multiple organs has an important therapeutic effect on activation and regeneration of cells, and restore damaged neurons. 111Hz Frequency can induce Stem Cell Generation in body; Stem Cells are responsible for cells and tissues repair and significant amount of Stem Cells can regrow body organs as well.
This Deep Meditation Music consists of 3.5Hz Binaural Beats with Carrier Frequencies 111Hz and 528Hz one by one with 30 Seconds interval. Beside Frequencies, there are Subliminal Affirmations for Stem Cell Regeneration and General Cellular Rejuvenation, below normal human hearing range
This Meditation Formula is a Morphic Field.
Feel free to listen it on loop, you can sleep with it playing on loop.
After Listening to minimum 7min, Morphic Fields continue to work for approximately 8 hours and get fade away. Listen atleast once every 8 hours in order to maintain the effect for 24 hours.
It is necessary to drink plenty of water during whole day while listening to any Meditation Music Formula specially Morphic Fields.
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LUCKY GIRL SYNDROME | Unleash Power with 396Hz Healing Frequency Subliminals (High Fq)
Step into an extraordinary journey of transformation with our video, "LUCKY GIRL SYNDROME | Unleash Power with 396Hz Healing Frequency Subliminals." Harness the power of the 396 Hz frequency, celebrated for its ability to remove fear, guilt, and other subconscious blocks that may be limiting your potential. As one of the most searched concepts on YouTube, this frequency aids in realizing your dreams and ambitions, while nurturing the Miracle Healing Energy within you.
#LuckyGirlSyndrome #MiracleHealingEnergy #396Hz #SubliminalHealing #SubconsciousBlocks #MiracleFrequency #LawOfAttraction #DNAhealing #PersonalGrowth #SpiritualHealing #Abundance #Prosperity #LifeAbundance #HealingMusic #ManifestDreams
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Hay Sahabat E3A Clinic.. Memiliki kulit yang sehat dan cantik adalah investasi jangka panjang lho!!! Karena dengan kulit sehat akan kamu nikmati maanfaatnya seumur hidup mu. Yukk Konsultasikan masalah kulitmu sebelum terlambat di @e3aclinic.. #e3aclinik #E3Aclinicjakartatimur #emilyaesthetics #antiagingtreatment #antiagingserum #antipenuaankulit #antiaginglaser #beautyclinicjakartatimur #beautyclinicjakarta #antipenuaankulit #klinikkecantikanterlengkap #klinikkecantikanjakarta #klinikkecantikanjakartatimur #klinikaesthetics #perawatantubuh #perawatanwajah #wajahglowing #ultherapyjakarta #ultherapyjakartatimur #dnahealer #pyramidfacelift #wajahcerah #menolakpenuaandini (di Klinik Kecantikan E3A) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5fJYZXlF_7/?igshid=x1d462ddh11d
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Lets Talk AGING 🤔 🧬 Telomere Shortening~~ Chromosomes lose telomeres over time 🚫 chronological age ~~ risk factors increase over time 🦠 Oxidative Stress ~~ oxidants damage DNA, proteins and lipids 🍩 Glycation ~~ glucose sugar binds to and inhibits DNA, proteins and lipids How to slow aging 🔥 💫 maintain healthy weight 💫 reduce chronic stress 💫 exercise regularly 💫 eat rich antioxidant foods 💫 take high quality supplements #healthnut #sciencegeek #fancyedgy #investinyourself #holistichealth #holistichealing #dnahacker #dnahealth #dnahealing #beauty #glycation #telomeres #livinglonger #qualityoflife (at Newburgh, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bza-qjig6Co/?igshid=joadute6a315
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```DNA Healing``` *Penyembuhan dan Pemulihan* untuk mental dan tubuh fisik. bersama Coach Lie Sauw Tjin Rabu, 13 Juli 2022 Jam 19.15 Jakarta (Pastikan Anda tidak terlambat. Ruang dibuka 30 menit sebelum acara dan ditutup ketika acara telah dimulai) Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87979039084?pwd=TndSUGVtTzYwVGlIRmY3VnlydVZrQT09 Meeting ID: 879 7903 9084 Passcode: DNAhealing Salam sehat sejahtera www.floarsitektur.com #dnahealing #healing https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf5AGn1viT1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Shamanic Healing in Leeds UK www.healingandherbs.com [email protected] #shamanichealing #shamanicpractitioner #shamanic #angeliquemol #healingandherbs #shamanicjourney #healing #healingenergy #soulretrieval #powerretrieval #pastlifehealing #dnahealing #cordcutting https://www.instagram.com/p/CIRWI9znXOZ/?igshid=10gecf27p4btr
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🔱🕺🔱 #reikibrasil #reikihealing #spiritualityquotes #enhance #pure #purityring #shamanichealer #upliftothers #men #women #mentalhealthadvocate #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #energyhealers #chakra #dnahealing #soul #blockage #abundance #consciousness #tarot #oraclecards #guidance #sufism #awakening #recovery #growthmindset #becomeabetteryou #attunement #reikiattunement (at Usa-shi, Oita, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7QsE-nnM2Q/?igshid=y1mhgij9q8vf
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Everything your body came with into this life has been passed down to you through your DNA. The science of epigenetics clearly shows how your DNA changes under stress, and how you then pass that DNA to your children. Over the generations, we literally accumulate stress from our ancestors. You have in you the part of your parents that make up your hair texture, eye color, and skin carnation. You have in you the part of your grandparents that makes your body resilient during times of famine. You have in you the part of your ancestors that make up your immune system strength and your digestive system chemistry. You have in you the part of our common ancestors that makes it impossible for us to digest pesticide-laden grains and makes us die from poisoning from our mercury polluted fishing waters. You also have in you the part of your mom that worries a bit too much, the part of your grandfather that felt suppressed during the war, the part of your ancestors that had their human rights taken away under another empire's occupation. On the bright side, we accumulate POSITIVE resources through our DNA as well. You have in you the unique bioelectrochemical signature of financial success, happy relationships, flourishing creativity, ideal mothership. You have in you the feeling of being nourished, being brave, assertive. I invite you today to investigate and examine your family's genealogy and identifying major stressors in your ancestor's lives. While you do so, don't forget to note the major successes and prosperities happening in their lives as well. Do you see any correlation between their biography and your current life? Which ancestor can you rely on for help with your current situation? Who could've experienced in the past what you currently seek in your life? #epigenetics #ancestry #ancestralhealing #dnahealing #timelinetherapy #pastlives #metaphysicalanatomy https://www.instagram.com/p/BuL-hsBH2Nc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=obtzwcw7uwn5
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DNA Ascension-Chromosomal Level 1 | Spiritual-Physical Body | Descending Through Centromere Gateway
For Complete Information, Read This Research PDF:-
-- https://soundsofwonder.com/pdffiles/AscensionFreqs.pdf
Note:- This Brainwave Entrainment is a Morphic Field.
This Brainwave Entrainment Music and all other Music on this Channel is not the Replacement for any Medicine or Medical Treatment, in any case. If you have Medical Issues, consult your Physician first. Use at your Own Risk ! We will not be held liable for any losses, injuries or damages arising from the use of our Brainwave Entrainment.
DNA Ascension:-
In order to distribute the Ascending/Descending Vibrational Flow throughout the Chromosomal Patterns in DNA, we have to pass the Vibrational Flow through the Centromere Gateway Openings with the help of Binaural Oscillation which can be achieve by using Solfeggio Tones and Scales; to advance (extend) our DNA Capabilities to achieve Manifestations and Transformations.
This Binaural Brainwave Entrainment is the Eighth (8th) part of DNA Ascension Chromosomal Level 1 Series in which each ear is presented with a different Set (Chord) of Gateway Tones to achieve the Binaural Oscillation which will cause the Centromere Gateway to open so the Descending (Recieving) Vibrational Flow of Spiritual-Physical Body could pass through the Centromere Gateway from Chromosomal Level-2 Pattern to Level-1 Pattern.
Pair of Gateway Chordal Tones:
--Left Ear :- 837 372 726 261 615 516 162 627 273 738
--Right Ear :- 738 273 627 162 516 615 261 726 372 837
Descending (Recieving or Leaving) Frequencies Flow:
Spiritual-Physical Body:- 837 726 615 594 483 372 261 159 948
Descending Frequencies have been played one by one in a circular loop.
Beside Binaural Frequencies, this Brainwave Entrainment also contains Subliminal Affirmations (Suggestions for Subconscious Mind) for DNA Repair, Healing and Upgrading to a better version of itself.
Use of Headphones or Stereo Speakers is must.
After Listening to minimum 7min, Morphic Fields continue to work for approximately 8 hours and get fade away. Listen atleast once every 8 hours in order to maintain the effect for 24 hours.
It is necessary to drink plenty of water during whole day while listening to any Meditation Music Formula specially Morphic Fields.
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ALL WISHES FULFILLED | Quick Wealth Manifestation with 777Hz | Miracle Healing Energy (High Fq)
#WealthManifestation #MiracleHealingEnergy #777Hz #Abundance #MoneyAttraction #HealingFrequency #ManifestDreams #LawOfAttraction #DNAhealing #Prosperity #Wellbeing #SpiritualGrowth #LifeAbundance #UniversalVibrations #FinancialFreedom
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Kami keluarga besar E3A klinik mengucapkan Selamat Hari Natal, kami berharap semoga damai Natal menyertai kamu dan orang-orang tercintamu, serta memberikan semangat baru dalam memasuki tahun baru... ☃️☃️☃️☃️☃️ Dan persiapkan Tahun barumu dengan penampilan terbaikmu bersama @e3aclinic... #merrychristmas🎄 #selamatharinatal🎄 #christmas #videochristmas #e3aclinik #emilyaestheticsandantiaging #beautyclinicjakartatimur #klinikecantikan #klinikaesthetics #klinikkecantikanjakarta #klinikkecantikanjakartatimur #klinikkecantikanterlengkap #klinikkecantikan #kliniklaserjakartatimur #kliniklaserterlengkap #fatfreezingtreatment #slimmingtreatment #facialtreatment #silkpeel #rf #rfwajahbody #dnahealer #antiaginglaser #antiagingtreatment #ultherapy® #fillertreatment #botox💉 (di Klinik Kecantikan E3A) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6czIr9Fs_t/?igshid=1aj2jkk6kzi84
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FUT2 GENE 🧬 Did you know 🤔 Your gut flora 🦠 plays a critical role in your immune system! It regulates immune responses, inflammation, removal of toxins & heavy metals, roles in your digestion and in the synthesis of B vitamins, fats and fat soluble vitamins. 🧫 Approximately 20% of the population have FUT2 mutations 🦠 Carriers of the FUT2 mutations have shown to have lower concentrations of gut microbe, bifidobacterium as well as a greater disposition towards Crohn’s disease and elevated serum concentrations of vitamin B-12 💊which have been linked to depression, anxiety and mitochondrial dysfunction. #vitaminb12 #guthealth #healthnut #biohacking #dnahacker #mutations #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #microbiome #healthandwellness #milsteinwellness #uforiascience #uforia #genevariant #dnahealing #telomeres #dnasupport #geneticsupplements #supplements #supportsmallbusiness https://www.instagram.com/p/CB-oThPATix/?igshid=4s0quzu89apq
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DNA Ascension Series - Chromosomal Level 1 - Spiritual-Physical Body - Ascending Through Centromere Gateway
For Complete Information, Read This Research PDF:-
-- https://soundsofwonder.com/pdffiles/AscensionFreqs.pdf
Note:- This Brainwave Entrainment is a Morphic Field.
This Brainwave Entrainment Music and all other Music on this Channel is not the Replacement for any Medicine or Medical Treatment, in any case. If you have Medical Issues, consult your Physician first. Use at your Own Risk ! We will not be held liable for any losses, injuries or damages arising from the use of our Brainwave Entrainment.
DNA Ascension:-
In order to distribute the Ascending/Descending Vibrational Flow throughout the Chromosomal Patterns in DNA, we have to pass the Vibrational Flow through the Centromere Gateway Openings with the help of Binaural Oscillation which can be achieve by using Solfeggio Tones and Scales; to advance (extend) our DNA Capabilities to achieve Manifestations and Transformations.
This Binaural Brainwave Entrainment is the third part of DNA Ascension Chromosomal Level 1 Series in which each ear is presented with a different Set (Chord) of Gateway Tones to achieve the Binaural Oscillation which will cause the Centromere Gateway to open so the Ascending (Entering) Vibrational Flow of Spiritual-Physical Body could pass through the Gateway and travel from Level-1 of Chromosomal Pattern to Level-2.
Pair of Gateway Chordal Tones:
--Left Ear :- 837 372 726 261 615 516 162 627 273 738
--Right Ear :- 738 273 627 162 516 615 261 726 372 837
Ascension (Giving) Frequencies Flow:
Spiritual-Physical Body:- 495 516 627 738 849 951 162 273 384
Ascension Frequencies have been played one by one in a circular loop.
Beside Binaural Frequencies, this Brainwave Entrainment also contains Subliminal Affirmations (Suggestions for Subconscious Mind) for DNA Repair, Healing and Upgrading to a Better Version.
Use of Headphones or Stereo Speakers is must.
After Listening to minimum 7min, Morphic Fields continue to work for approximately 8 hours and get fade away. Listen atleast once every 8 hours in order to maintain the effect for 24 hours.
It is necessary to drink plenty of water during whole day while listening to any Meditation Music Formula specially Morphic Fields.
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DNA Ascension Series - Chromosomal Level 1 - Descending Vibrations Through Gateway - Mental Body
For Complete Information, Read This Research PDF:-
- https://soundsofwonder.com/pdffiles/AscensionFreqs.pdf
Note:- This Brainwave Entrainment is a Morphic Field.
This Brainwave Entrainment Music and all other Music on this Channel is not the Replacement for any Medicine or Medical Treatment, in any case. If you have Medical Issues, consult your Physician first. Use at your Own Risk ! We will not be held liable for any losses, injuries or damages arising from the use of our Brainwave Entrainment.
DNA Ascension:-
In order to distribute the Ascending/Descending Vibrational Flow throughout the Chromosomal Patterns in DNA, we have to pass the Vibrational Flow through the Centromere Gateway Openings with the help of Binaural Oscillation which can be achieve by using Solfeggio Tones and Scales; to advance (extend) our DNA Capabilities to achieve Manifestations and Transformations.
This Binaural Brainwave Entrainment is the Fifth Part of DNA Ascension Chromosomal Level 1 Series in which each ear is presented with a different Set (Chord) of Gateway Tones to achieve the Binaural Oscillation which will cause the Centromere Gateway to open so the Descending (Entering) Vibrational Flow of Mental Body could pass through the Gateway and travel from Level-2 of Chromosomal Pattern to Level-1.
Pair of Gateway Chordal Tones:
- Left Ear :- 837 372 726 261 615 516 162 627 273 738
- Right Ear :- 738 273 627 162 516 615 261 726 372 837
Descending (Giving) Chordal Frequencies Flow:
Mental Body :- [987 654 321] --- [876 543 219] --- [765 432 198]
Descending Frequencies Chords have been played one by one in a circular loop.
Beside Binaural Frequencies, this Brainwave Entrainment also contains Subliminal Affirmations (Suggestions for Subconscious Mind) for DNA Repair, Healing and Upgrading to a better version of itself.
Use of Headphones or Stereo Speakers is must.
After Listening to minimum 7min, Morphic Fields continue to work for approximately 8 hours and get fade away. Listen atleast once every 8 hours in order to maintain the effect for 24 hours.
It is necessary to drink plenty of water during whole day while listening to any Meditation Music Formula specially Morphic Fields.
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DNA Ascension Series - Chromosomal Level 1 - Ascending Vibrations Through Centromere Gateway - Mental Body
For Complete Information, Read This Research PDF:-
-- https://soundsofwonder.com/pdffiles/AscensionFreqs.pdf
Note:- This Brainwave Entrainment is a Morphic Field.
This Brainwave Entrainment Music and all other Music on this Channel is not the Replacement for any Medicine or Medical Treatment, in any case. If you have Medical Issues, consult your Physician first. Use at your Own Risk ! We will not be held liable for any losses, injuries or damages arising from the use of our Brainwave Entrainment.
DNA Ascension:-
In order to distribute the Ascending/Descending Vibrational Flow throughout the Chromosomal Patterns in DNA, we have to pass the Vibrational Flow through the Centromere Gateway Openings with the help of Binaural Oscillation which can be achieve by using Solfeggio Tones and Scales; to advance (extend) our DNA Capabilities to achieve Manifestations and Transformations.
This Binaural Brainwave Entrainment is the Fifth Part of DNA Ascension Chromosomal Level 1 Series in which each ear is presented with a different Set (Chord) of Gateway Tones to achieve the Binaural Oscillation which will cause the Centromere Gateway to open so the Ascending (Entering) Vibrational Flow of Mental Body could pass through the Gateway and travel from Level-1 of Chromosomal Pattern to Level-2.
Pair of Gateway Chordal Tones:
--Left Ear :- 837 372 726 261 615 516 162 627 273 738
--Right Ear :- 738 273 627 162 516 615 261 726 372 837
Ascension (Giving) Chordal Frequencies Flow:
Mental Body:- [123 456 789] --- [234 567 891] --- [345 678 912]
Ascension Frequencies Chords have been played one by one in a circular loop.
Beside Binaural Frequencies, this Brainwave Entrainment also contains Subliminal Affirmations (Suggestions for Subconscious Mind) for DNA Repair, Healing and Upgrading to a better version of itself.
Use of Headphones or Stereo Speakers is must.
After Listening to minimum 7min, Morphic Fields continue to work for approximately 8 hours and get fade away. Listen atleast once every 8 hours in order to maintain the effect for 24 hours.
It is necessary to drink plenty of water during whole day while listening to any Meditation Music Formula specially Morphic Fields.
Do not listen to it while you are Driving or Operating Machinery, Only listen while you are ready for it.
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DNA Ascension Series - Chromosomal Level 1 - Descending Vibrations Through Centromere Gateway - Emotional Body
For Complete Information, Read This Research PDF:-
-- https://soundsofwonder.com/pdffiles/AscensionFreqs.pdf
Note:- This Brainwave Entrainment is a Morphic Field.
This Brainwave Entrainment Music and all other Music on this Channel is not the Replacement for any Medicine or Medical Treatment, in any case. If you have Medical Issues, consult your Physician first. Use at your Own Risk ! We will not be held liable for any losses, injuries or damages arising from the use of our Brainwave Entrainment.
DNA Ascension:-
In order to distribute the Ascending/Descending Vibrational Flow throughout the Chromosomal Patterns in DNA, we have to pass the Vibrational Flow through the Centromere Gateway Openings with the help of Binaural Oscillation which can be achieve by using Solfeggio Tones and Scales; to advance (extend) our DNA Capabilities to achieve Manifestations and Transformations.
This Binaural Brainwave Entrainment is the fourth part of DNA Ascension Chromosomal Level 1 Series in which each ear is presented with a different Set (Chord) of Gateway Tones to achieve the Binaural Oscillation which will cause the Centromere Gateway to open so the Descending (Leaving) Vibrational Flow of Emotional Body could pass through the Gateway and travel from Level-2 of Chromosomal Pattern to Level-1.
Pair of Gateway Chordal Tones:
--Left Ear :- 837 372 726 261 615 516 162 627 273 738
--Right Ear :- 738 273 627 162 516 615 261 726 372 837
Descending (Recieving or Leaving Gateway) Frequencies Flow:
Emotional Body:- 987 765 543 321 198 876 654 432 219
Descending Frequencies have been played one by one in a circular loop.
Beside Binaural Frequencies, this Brainwave Entrainment also contains Subliminal Affirmations (Suggestions for Subconscious Mind) for DNA Repair, Healing and Upgrading to a better version of itself.
Use of Headphones is must.
After Listening to minimum 7min, Morphic Fields continue to work for approximately 8 hours and get fade away. Listen atleast once every 8 hours in order to maintain the effect for 24 hours.
It is necessary to drink plenty of water during whole day while listening to any Meditation Music Formula specially Morphic Fields.
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