#dmt elfs
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paulius11 · 2 months ago
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Dzingutis (archetype of the joker in the highest sense)
New thumbnail (pencils on black cardboard)!
The inspiration came from contemplating the bell symbol, as I've been making a lot of calls with them and 'waking vibrations' tracks like this lately - https://soundcloud.com/wakingvibrations/waking-vibrations-34
So the eyes of this hyperspace entity (the circles are like bells from below - the inside of the bell symbolizes the void as the natural self of phenomena, and the smaller circles that meet the edges of the larger circles are the ringing part that creates a vibration that manifests in the void and sinks back into it .
It is a consciousness-awakening rhythm where the colliding sound waves create a new and thus creating dream of creation.
But again, the essential purpose of a dream is the awakening of the same pure source that we are - and the ability to dream consciously!
So, in this miniature, I seem to convey a tiny shot of an infinitely complex and rapidly changing reality, which is basically simple and with its complexity only leads to that state of simplicity and enjoyment.
It is like a hyper-space joker that shakes out biases and reveals a living and wonderful dance of paradox in which we can find true peace.
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oliviridian · 1 year ago
at about a minute or two in a DMT trip, according to McKenna, one might burst through a chrysanthemum-like mandala, and find there’s a whole bunch of entities waiting on the other side saying, “How wonderful it is that you’re here, you come so rarely, we’re so delighted to see you.” They’re like jeweled self-dribbling basketballs and there are (other man: what?) so many of them and they come pounding towards you and they will stop in front of you and vibrate but when they do a very disconcerting thing which inhale is they jump into your body and they jump back out again the whole thing is going in a high speed mode where you’re being presented with thousands of details per second and you can NOT get a hold of them and they are these things saying, “dont give into astonishment�� which is exactly what you wanna do, you wanna go nuts with how crazy this is. And they say, “dont do that, pay attention to what we’re doing” while they’re doing- what they’re doing is making objects with their voices, singing structures into existence, they offer you things saying, “ look at this! look at this!” and as your attention goes towards these objects, you realize what you’re being shown is impossible, its not simply intricate, beautiful, and hard to manufacture but its impossible to make these things. the nearest analogy would be the faberge eggs but these things, these things are like the toys scattered inside of the UFO, celestial toys and the toys themselves appear to be somehow alive and can sing other objects into existence. so whats happening is the proliferation of ‘elf gifts’ which are moving around and singing, “do what we are doing” and they are very insistent they say “do it! do it! do it!” and you feel like a bubble inside your body beginning to move up towards your mouth and when it comes out it isn’t sound but VISION Vision vision they say “Thats it!! thats it!!!! keep doing it!!” we are now at minute 4.5 of the trip and you speak in this sort of glossolali , there is a spontaneous outpouring of syntax unaccompanied by what is normally called ‘meaning’ after about a minute or two of this, the whole thing begins to collapse in on itself and they begin to physically move away from you usually their finally shot is they wave goodbye and say “Deja vu, deja vu”
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dialmforolrik · 2 years ago
I remember this one time during a DMT flash there was this weird "dude" (not that he was anthropomorphic of anything, but he definitely gave off these just-some-guy vibes) made of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture and the smell of wet dirt but in the form of a small rubber dog toy. He was like "oh booy, look how I can streeeetch!". And then he bended till he had the shape of a cathedral, except the cathedral was built with the taste the color purple would have if you could lick it. Anyway I think about that guy at least once a week. Hope he's having fun wherever he is.
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earthscory · 1 year ago
growth inst [blonder] +6ru
I used playground.ai to create the images and animated them for a music vid of an Aphex Twin track. Thank you for your attention. Bye.
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eclipseeraofthebeast · 2 years ago
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The Deity Seed Enowayke | VOL 3 Eclipse Era of the Beast 
What lies beyond the Physical Realm? Entitles of light projection you could never imagine. The holograph matrix contains spirits of higher consciousness - ready to impart the wisdom of divine alchemy to seekers of Truth. 
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talonabraxas · 2 years ago
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Machine Elf Machine elves (also known as fractal elves or self-transforming elf machines) is a term coined by the late ethnobotanist, writer and philosopher Terence McKenna to describe the apparent entities that are often reported by individuals using tryptamine-based psychedelic drugs, especially DMT. https://non-aliencreatures.fandom.com/wiki/Machine_Elf?fbclid=IwAR13b1FY8b3PMjT3supUIh4ETjcQsg6YVXWIArXOs17xWA2sGzLx20jnJCE
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beautifult999 · 4 months ago
I’m pretty sure that they did a blessing prayer for me, like Adam said when it gets to this point of them trolling on me, they would. Because life got so much more 4th dimensional tonight and this morning (like on DMT) and I also saw the floating Angel feather and it floated on my right wrist too and I felt like the fact that I saw my Machine Elf visit me too, that something different is happening for me. I’m not like…hallucinating hallucinating like really bad though. Everything is normal. I just see things that other people can’t
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planetarybound · 2 years ago
Thorbahn is one of the first in a class of so-called “psychonauts” exploring new frontiers in hallucinogenic research, preparing to use a technology called extended-state DMT. When the drug is smoked, a trip lasts minutes—despite feeling much longer. But with a constant stream of DMT supplied to a user and blood serum levels of the molecule regulated, that trip can last hours or even days—seemingly an eternity.
The method might give Thorbahn and other psychonauts enough time to bring back detailed trip reports of their experience. An intriguing aspect of DMT experiences is a degree of similarity. The landscapes and beings can be recognizable to different users (a mechanical elf is a popular recurring visitor). And for Thorbahn, the trips seem “more real than real,” a quote heard often in DMT-experimenting circles. Advocates of extended-state programs want to know whether these experiences illuminate a new corner of the mind, even another dimension—or whether users are just getting really high.
Thorbahn, who has a background in biology and chemistry and runs an organic soil company in Colorado, was driving a highway late one night while listening to a psychedelics podcast when he first heard about the extended-state DMT program, DMTx, offered by Medicinal Mindfulness. The latter organization, founded in 2012 in Boulder, Colorado, by two psychotherapists, is a psychedelic therapy clinic and provides cannabis and ketamine-assisted sessions, claiming to have helped treat trauma, depression, and “feelings of meaninglessness.” Its website emphasizes that the clinic “fully complies with all local and Colorado State cannabis laws, and all federal regulations.” DMTx is a new offshoot, founded in 2016 with a long-term goal to “develop and implement FDA-approved clinical research” into DMT, according to its website. In the meantime, the website reads, “While we’ll continue to follow stringent safety protocols, working outside some of the cultural constraints of the FDA allows us to explore a model that is congruent with the passionate interests of the psychedelic community. Namely, to explore the important question: What in the world is really going on here?”
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dialmforolrik · 1 year ago
Those are most definitely DMT caves. Might used them for that elven realm campaign I've been working on.
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Now that Dimension 20’s “The Ravening War” is over I thought it’d be nice to share some of the projection illustrations I did for the show! It was so fun to design all of them!!
These were animated and edited a bit after I delivered them, but it was so fun seeing them on screen!! 🥺✨ I can’t thank Derek ( @kered555 ) and Ruby ( @mlmerry-wlwinter ) enough for bringing me into this project!!
instagram - twitter - more
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year ago
WTYP: The Shandor Building, Part 7
[Do you like the colour of the fanfic? This is long and if you expand it you're gonna get the whole thing, because Tumblr hates you. Don't say I didn't warn you!]
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Part 7: Disaster Roulette: Of Moths and Men
[Beware of strong language, mention of all kinds of death, gore, and Lovecraftian horror.]
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[SLIDE: The Silver Bridge.]
D: What?
A: All right, that was not me.
L: Where are we?
D: A bridge.
L: That doesn’t narrow it down…
R: It’s the Silver Bridge, over the Ohio River. First thing that came to me when you said “outdoorsy.”
A: Oh, yeah. It’s been a while…
L: Oh, sweet. I always wanted to do this one.
A: Yeah, we really needed a third… What the fuck is that?
[snarling, gnawing, sounds of a chain chipping]
D: Mothman. It’s Mothman.
L: Cool! Alice, you still have your cursed phone? I’m getting a selfie!
[camera sound]
R: So, evidently, a certain amount of artistic license is in play, here.
A: Hello, Mothman! Big fan!
L: You said you were in a relationship with him.
A: I can be in a relationship and still be a fan, it’s cute!
[further camera noises]
A: Liam, put that fucking phone away, I have an actual camera in my purse. Somewhere. Under the phone slime. Oh, God… What sort of a lens do you want? How far away is he? Wait… [raising voice] Mothman! What are your pronouns?!
[snarling, gnawing, snapping]
A: I don’t think he can hear me. Or possibly “they.” God, Tumblr’s going to be pissed…
R: What we have here is almost certainly a pocket dimension, sort of a rift in reality, with its own internal logic and rules. I fell into one of these in the summer of 2017, while in an altered state of consciousness…
L: What, did you do a shitload of DMT or something?
R: Nah, I just ate a really good piece of pie. With real whipped cream. Funnily enough, I did meet a Machine Elf, but he just wanted to know where I got the pie. What we gotta establish is whether we have any say in what’s goin’ on here, or if Gozer is creating this reality outta whole cloth, as it were…
D [excited]: We definitely have some control over it! I knew something was up before we even started recording!
L: Because of the lava button?
D: No, fuck off, the lava button is brilliant. Rocz has never been drier or more informative, and Alice, Alice has serious anxiety, but she was quipping away not five minutes after falling through an interdimensional portal at a Tesco. And Liam… Liam… You have been… so… Liam.
L: Thank you?
D: It’s not a compliment! We have become the ultimate, most stereotypical version of WTYP and ourselves! It’s almost as if, as if…
A: What?
D: Nevermind. Call it an immune response! When threatened with an apocalyptic breach of our sanity, we are capable of falling so deeply into denial that reality itself bends around us in the form of a WTYP bonus episode!
A: Dev, denial does not work that way…
D: It does! Here, it does! A reality-warping Sumerian deity had us trapped in the fucking Kursk, a disaster with no survivors, and xe is trying to kill us, but xe let us go! As long as we keep podcasting, as long as we keep producing content that could loosely be construed as a bonus episode, we are invincible!
A: So, does it not matter that Mothman is eating through that suspension chain as quickly as he, she, or they can?
D: [crazed laughter] I have no fucking clue! But this is the only thing we can do, and we are brilliant at it, so let’s just keep doing it! Rocz! You keep quoting Wikipedia and your vast knowledge of engineering verbatim!
R: I already got fifteen tabs open…
D: Open thirty! Liam! Verbalise every last unhinged, irrelevant thought that pops into your head!
L: Can do!
D: And keep hating fish! And the Dutch! And Dutch fish!
L: And TERFs, Dev?
D: We’ll all help you hate the TERFs! And Alice, dear Alice…
A: Dev, I’m already under a significant amount of pressure…
D [warmly]: You don’t have to worry — not any more than usual. Just keep eating cigarettes and quipping up a storm, with intermittent anxiety, and we’re going to be fine!
L: Hey, uh, Dev…
D: And I, I shall continue to be irritated with all of you while futilely attempting to steer you back on topic! Now let’s get out there and be unflaggingly respectful of our guest’s pronouns, and of anyone or anything else that might show up, and mercilessly critical of capitalism, corporatism, and conservative… Con, uh… Conservative cunts!
L: Hey, Dev!
D [saintly, beneficent, faintly messianic]: Yes, Liam? Have you an irrelevant thought to share?
L: Uh, no, it’s relevant. It’s very relevant.
D: Oh. Yes? What is it?
L: Rousing speeches aren’t an established part of our podcast format and he’s — or she’s, or they’re — about to finish eating through that ch…
[snapping, rumbling and tearing, sounds of a bridge disintegrating, and screams]
L: Choke on me, fish!
A: I commend my soul to the glory of God and/or Mothman — whichever one of them is willing to save me!
R: Train good, ancient Sumerian deity bad!
D: Oh, God, why couldn’t I just stay on topic…?
[more screaming, slowly fading]
A: Are… Are we falling very slowly or is this a panic attack?
[shuffling, muttering, inaudible discussion]
D [triumphant]: It’s the slime! My shoes are full of psycho-reactive pink slime!
A: And my purse!
L: And this cursed phone!
D: And Rocz’s… And Rocz’s… Um.
A: Oh, fuck.
L: Is he down there? Do you see him?
D: We can’t do an engineering disasters podcast without Rocz! HE’S THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT ENGINEERING!
R [faintly]: I’m over here!
A: It’s Mothman!
D [laughing, relieved]: Well done, Mothman! Good job! Good man! Or… Or bug. Being. Good being!
R [faintly]: Technically, he shouldn’t be able to fly with that wingspan, let alone carry me! This is all very paranormal, and frustrating from an engineering standpoint! I believe he’s letting me down on the Ohio side of the river! Hang on, I’ve still got my laptop and a mic… [louder, clearer] Is that better?
D [applauding]: Yes! Brilliant! I’ll fix it in post!
R: Thanks, Mothman. Why did you save me?
MOTHMAN (MM): I like trains too. [sound of wingbeats retreating]
A: And now he’s going to save us too! Now he’s going to… Excuse me, Mothman! HEY!
MM [faintly, ever more distant]: Peace be with you! Remember to love each other! And take care of your infrastructure…
D: Oh, God…
L: Hey, uh, Rocz? How’s the water down there?
R: Hang on, I’m looking it up…
A: Are there sharks?
D: It’s a river…
A: Are there deer? ARE THERE DEER, ROCZ?
L [annoyed]: I bet there’s fish.
D: Is the water warm?
R: Wikipedia is a little light on the details! But it’s December 15th, so, uh, no, the water is not warm! Lemme see here… 44 degrees!
D: What? That’s like a bath!
A: Must be climate change…
R: Fahrenheit! So that’s, uh, 6.66, Celsius!
L: Fucking Gozer, xe thinks xe’s so funny…
A: Oh, shit, oh, shit…
D: Um, it’s very doubtful we’ll be able to continue podcasting at that temperature, Rocz, even if the equipment survives!
L: Can we flap? Try flapping!
[sounds of flapping and straining]
R: I do not recommend you try flapping! You don’t have enough surface area to make much of a difference!
A: Fuck.
L: Shit.
R: If you could construct a rudimentary glider, or even find a couple of pizza boxes…
L: Isn’t this slime supposed to be a little more, ya know, lively? Dancing toasters and stuff?
D: It likes music! Doesn’t it like music?
L: Jackie Wilson! It likes Jackie Wilson! Let’s sing “Higher and Higher”!
[pause, silence]
D: It’s no good! We don’t have the rights!
L: Fucking YouTube.
D: Wait, wait, wait! I’ve got it! [laughing, relieved] I’ll edit it out in post!
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[generic, public domain music]
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[SLIDE: The Silver Bridge overlaid with a record of Jackie Wilson’s “Higher and Higher.”]
R: And that is why Motown is, and forever shall be, better than Country.
R: No.
A: We like this one.
L: Something funny!
R: And cute!
A: Where nobody dies!
Part 8
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paulius11 · 1 year ago
With the help of my beloved Dalia Kievinaite, you will now be able to see such shimmering drawings of mine.
Here I represent one of the many elves/elementals who can guide our consciousness through its own deeper dimensions and portals.
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aksemmi · 1 year ago
you're in her DMs, I'm in her DMT. I'm a machine elf. we are not the same.
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transgender-scout · 1 year ago
weed anxiety scout is nothing compared to my DMT machine elf engie
well post the image boy i wanna see
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sewerfight · 2 years ago
I was quilting and making fun little geometric patterns alone and a fucking machine elf jumped out of the patterns and attacked me. Wasn't even doing DMT
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noise666 · 2 years ago
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lordascapelion · 2 years ago
Fuck that, I’m going to take a shitload of DMT, track down a machine elf and beat him black and blue until he divulges the secrets of antigravity so I can make a sick jetpack
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Listen, there's no secret mankind won't one day know and perhaps regret knowing
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