#dm 2020s
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nicolascageisagoth · 5 months ago
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From official DM acc
Martin is excited to support this heart-warming campaign, Hopelessly Devoted 🐾 to support Celia Hammond Animal Trust.
As part of this special fundraiser, Martin has written a personal story about the love of his dog, and signed it alongside a photograph of him and dog Hedy. Hedy has signed it too with a paw print 🐾
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nicolascageisagoth · 1 year ago
The best 2023 🌹 album according our lovely British press 😌
PS they made a second take with this news about the Memento Mori album but screwed up again and deleted the post so quickly
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐎𝐅 : 𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐎𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 , depeche mode (1990) | gif series
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b3lphiee · 2 months ago
luz would 100% participate in the 2020 trend if you think otherwise you are WRONG
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kl4yc4t · 2 months ago
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My art commissions!
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demiboydemon · 6 months ago
Baby I have fic WIPs so ancient you can’t even comprehend 😎
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iirulancorrino · 2 months ago
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Witness me
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mediocremelatonin235 · 1 month ago
Chat is it wrong to still be attracted to Atem? Frankly idk cause I only started being attracted to him again post-DSOD and now my crush has been activated again AHHH god why does this feel so damn weird.
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youling-the-ghost · 10 months ago
I just got caught up on the bnha manga and boy do I have some thoughts about the future of the series. OBVIOUS SPOILER WARNING IS OBVIOUS
I don't know how to feel about the fact that bnha could be ending soon. On one hand, I'm glad that the final war arc is finally reaching its conclusion, but on the other hand, there are so many loose ends that I'm worried will never be tied up. I'm mostly worried about the future of class 1-A because every scenario that I thought of had something wrong with it:
Class 1-A continues studying at UA as if nothing had happened. This doesn't quite sit well with me because let's be real here, all of class 1-A were all more heroic than most of the Pro Heroes. Having them continue studying at UA would feel almost disingenuous to the entire final war arc. Despite this, I still feel like this is the best option for class 1-A. After everything that has happened, a sense of normalcy would probably be appreciated. Plus I'd love to see Shinsou as part of the hero course in their second year.
Class 1-A graduates from UA by default and all become Pro Heroes. I don't like this scenario for more personal reasons. The main reason why I love bnha so much is its academia aspects; I loved seeing the characters grow like actual students in a genuine school setting. Having the students graduate would be taking the main charm of the show away, at least in my opinion. Although I will say that it would be incredibly exciting to see the students that we've been following for the past 400 chapters become Pro Heroes, so I'm not entirely against this option either.
The hero society crumbles and heroes cease to exist, thereby disbanding UA and class 1-A. Honestly I'm only including this because it's a popular fan-theory, although I don't agree with it at all. It feels like a slap in the face to every student who faught in the war. It would genuinely be such a big disservice to have all of them who risked their lives fighting in the war, only for their dreams to be ripped from them. Another issue is that in my opinion, the heroes themselves isn't even the biggest flaw within the hero society. I feel like the biggest flaw with the whole system is how the general public views heroes. They see Pro Heroes as saints and pillars who can shoulder all of society's burdens and blames. Removing the job of Pro Heroes would just feel like putting a band-aid on an amputated limb, as the core issue of bnha's society shifting its blame onto others wouldn't be resolved. It would also just be scummy to title your series "My Hero Academia" only to remove the concept of heroes by the end of it. I'm not bashing Horikoshi's writing or even fans who support this theory, I just personally think that it's not a very plausible ending for bnha.
Again, I feel like option 1, where class 1-A continue to school as normal (followed by a time-skip when they become Pro Heroes) would be the best and most plausible option. However, I don't think it would be right for things to completely return to normal either.
I really hope that Horikoshi adds an arc after the current one that explores the aftermath of everything, including the public reaction to how hard the heroes faught against the villains and their unwavering spirit, which could also serve as a proper end to the overarching story of the broken hero society.
This is more of a tangent than anything else, but I CAN'T BELIEVE SHIGARAKI JUST DIED LIKE THAT??? I guess it makes me overly optimistic, but I genuinely thought at one point that Midoriya could save Tenko from All For One because it would be an incredibly fitting end for him. Tenko's main motivation behind becoming Shigaraki was the fact that not one person helped him when he was wandering the streets as a traumatised kid, and a common narrative that all of the League of Villains shared was how their fates could have been different had someone reached out a helping hand when they needed it most. Having Midoriya save Tenko from All For One would be such a satisfying ending, not only for the overarching story of the villains, but for those who wish that the villains could be redeemed. It would be such a perfect ending AND IT WAS TAKEN AWAY JUST LIKE THAT?? I don't buy it tbh maybe I'm just delusional but I have a feeling that the whole ordeal with Shigaraki isn't finished yet.
Lastly, IS MIDORIYA QUIRKLESS AGAIN?? Since Shigaraki had One For All when he died, that would mean that the quirk is also gone, right? So would that mean that he would no longer be able to become a hero? I could see this going one of two ways:
Shigaraki's not actually dead or One For All didn't disappear when he died, meaning that Midoriya can continue using it.
One For All really is gone and Midoriya is quirkless again, but he continues striving towards his goal of being a hero despite not having a quirk.
I think both options have potential and I wouldn't be opposed if either option becomes canon. Although, if Shigaraki gets revived for some bullshit reason, I might just riot. I know I literally just said that I'm not against Shigaraki not actually being dead, but that would require a plausible explanation for why he's dead but not actually dead. I think the most plausible explanation right now would be if somehow Shigaraki's quirk mutates and the "restore" part of it returns, which could "restore" his body again. But even that is a little...eh to me. Either way, I'm excited for what's in store.
You thought I was done, well SIKE! Let's talk about Midoriya's dad! Horikoshi has confirmed in 2018 that his identity will be revealed at some point, but it's nearing the end of the final war arc and still not one hint has dropped about Hisashi Midoriya. I feel like this could end up being another "Aoyama is the traitor" situation, where we think that Horikoshi has forgotten about this plot line, only for him to come back to it in full force that makes total sense in retrospect.
The most popular theory right now is that Hisashi Midoriya is actually All For One, and I actually kind of agree with it. I don't think that this is 100% going to be what Horikoshi goes with, but I think it's a pretty interesting idea that also has decent plausibility. Apart from the evidence that other fans have accumulated, there's also a lot of merit in the storytelling that could stem from this reveal:
It has already been established that the public is willing to turn their backs on heroes, no matter how much they sacrifice to ensure the safety of the civillians, if they believe that the hero is "immoral" in some way. The reveal that All For One is Midoriya's dad would be like the "Dabi is Touya" reveal except 10 times worse because this isn't just some villain, it's literally All For One. The public would not take it well, and that could be a great segue to directly addressing all of the issues about the hero society that Horikoshi has been building up.
This also completes the foil contrast between Midoriya and Shigaraki; two kids who were victims of the broken hero society, one born from a villain and one born from a hero, who become the opposite as they're taken under the wing of the greatest hero and the greatest villain. There's just something so poetic about that that I love.
Let's say that Tenko Shimura does get saved by Midoriya, imagine how he'd feel when he finds out that the person who saved him is directly related to the person who caused all of his pain and grief. It would probably break him, and this could lead to such an interesting arc of Tenko re-adjusting to a normal civilian life, dealing with the backlash that's bound to happen, and learning how to trust Midoriya again. It's such a compelling idea that I'm itching to write a fic about it.
But apart from that, there's also the fact that there aren't many other ways that would make the reveal interesting enough to justify it being such a long mystery. Think about it, there's probably a good reason that Horikoshi kept Midoriya's dad a secret for so long, and it would be lame as hell if he just turned out to be some guy. Having All For One be Midoriya's dad seems like one of the few ways for the reveal to be compelling. I could also see Midoriya being related to the Todorokis in some way, but then it would just feel like the "Dabi is Touya" reveal with extra steps.
And with that, I'm finally done with this ridiculously long post. Again, depsite my grievances, I'm super hyped to see what's to come with the series, and I'm genuinely so excited for chapter 424 to come out.
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sunlessea · 4 months ago
i rly cannot catch a break guys lol
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nicolascageisagoth · 1 year ago
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Dave Gahan, Depeche Mode, Memento Mori tour '24
Great shot! (Author is unknown)
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minnaci · 3 months ago
happy thanksgiving! so so grateful to have met so many cool people through this lil bloggie :') thank you all for caring about me and listening to what i have to say even when i am getting a little freaky with it :') we are celebrating non-traditionally in my mind you all can come over and i'll make nasi lamak and we can cuddle pile after!
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artfulfashion · 1 year ago
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Millie Bobby Brown for Allure Global 2023, photographed by AB + DM
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dulcebot · 8 months ago
hiiii im working on the group's subunits and i was wondering if anyone wants their oc to contribute in any of these songs? ^___^
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redtailfins · 2 months ago
nearly got called an omega in conversation welcome back 2020!!!
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pepsinister · 2 months ago
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1. I would kill for this rn
2. I don’t think I cooked this on new years????????
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echoinggrimreaper · 5 months ago
text biased rp
heyoo, so i really fucking miss text biased rp. i used to do them a bunch back before tumblr removed the group chats feature and then i moved on to discord and i might get back into that tbh but basicity im making this blog to ask if any one would be down to do semi lit to lit rp ^-^
im down for oc and oc or oc and character or character and character. the fandoms im in atm and am down to rp for are
dc/batman (comics or mat reeves film specifically) 
xmen (movies or the evolutions series) 
resident evil (pref 2 or 6 but down for like aus)
slashers/ horror films (most clasic "typical horror" films ngl)
anyway yeah, if your down/interested in any rp of the above fandoms or wanna do oc and oc then comment on this post and I'll drop u a message
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