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gunsatthaphan · 5 months ago
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4 boys, 1 braincell 😌🧎🏼‍♀️
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nebulaad · 1 month ago
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Day 8 - Style Shoes You Dislike
Nikki has so many shoes I dislike, so I went with what I didn't like about the top: baby shoes. Baby bowtie shoes. Is it cheating if I just picked a matching outfit?
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barbieidol · 1 year ago
a message from ur sponsor
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shamsgoddess · 3 years ago
@undrowns​:    ‘  absently, a pretty piece she’d been listening to earlier is hummed. the song reminded him of aurora, ( it was lively, but sometimes, in a bridge, the melody dipped into a soft sound ) so it’s no wonder it’s become stuck in his head. so often does she occupy his thoughts: her songs would, too. digits dance upward upon the curve of her back, like the playing of piano keys, silently wondering which he’d have to press to play this tune she likes . . . but there’s no strings to pluck here, except the ones of his heart; so warm and tender at the sight of her. one cheek rests on a pillow across from him; and the other is gingerly grazed with his hand, fingers now brushing against the soft contours of her cheek, hoping the touch calms her like it does him. relaxation & sleep comes so much easier when they’re under the same covers, close enough that he can reach out and touch her. ( and he always does. ) he’s serene, but somehow more alive than he’s ever felt. does she feel that way, too, he wonders ? but it doesn’t matter; as long as she’s happy and at peace on this late evening . . .  ’
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  The  hummed  melody  drifted  across  the  silent  room  like  the  hem  of  a  chiffon  dress  gliding  across  the  dance  floor.  His  usually  raspy  voice  sounded  as  light  and  vibrant  as  starlight  draping  around  her.  Aurora  loved  it.  Of  course,  he  lacked  the  practice  and  control  a  professional  singer  would  have.  But,  you  don’t  listen  to  your  lover’s  voice  with  your  ears,  you  hear  it  with  your  heart.  And  her  heart  did  what  it  usually  did,  it  ran  after  him.
  She  forgot  everything  for  a  moment,  even  the  touch  of  his  hand  that  usually  left  her  in  fits  of  giggles.  At,  least  she  wasn’t  ticklish  right  now  !   Her  gaze  was  fixated  on  the  clock  mounted  upon  the  wall.  She  stared  at  the  needles  of  the  clock  waltz  into  the  next  hour  until  they  melted  into  a  hazy  blur  of  colors.
  It  was  the  abrupt  conclusion  of  the  song  that  seemed  to  wake  her  from  her  reverie.  She  turned  to  him  with  doe-like  eyes  glimmering  with  curiosity.
  “  Why  did  you  stop  ? ”  the  protest  was  gentle  as  she  absent-mindedly  bit  on  her  fingernail.   “  I  was  almost  asleep.  Well,  not  really,  but  I  could’ve  been  ! ”   she  halted  for  a  moment,  letting  the  silence  nestle  between  them.   “  You  know,  my  mum  tells  me  she  would  sing  me  lullabies  when  I  was  a  baby  ?   They  weren’t  actual  lullabies  but  popular  songs  and  commercial  jingles.  She  says  I  loved  it.  I  imagine  that  would  have  been  as  nice  as  this  is.  ”
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icharchivist · 8 years ago
@puurima replied to your post“YO CHAPTER 363 IS OUT”
Kurapika was so pretty in this chapter I die
s o true!! but also... when isn’t he pretty istg.
o(-( we’ll probably see him more in the next chapter so... hype ;O
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furiousflirt · 5 years ago
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completely shitty doodle to make up for my lack of reaction when I saw this notification :]
For those who don’t know, supericebeam has one of the coolest Vanny’s in the fandom and their art is so amazing and they are following this blog and i’m aaaaa
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cookiecomics · 2 years ago
don’t worry about i djkhfd just feelings below jsfhf avoid cw: medical stuff
man my relationship with writing is so just kjfhf complicated. Writing this fic means so much to me because im having fun with a story which is something i haven’t done in ages so i genuinely want to finish it.   cause my first thought when i found out about these benign tumors is that wow i want to finish something..yah know just in case things ever get worse. 
Like I try so hard to let ao3 be this space where i don’t have to worry about being perfect. I wanted to use it as a place to keep myself accountable, share, so it would drive me to finish it and in a way it backfired since now so many more people are reading it than I thought ever would that i feel nervous knowing its not perfect. 
I keep reminding myself its not supposed to be and the reasons i started in the first place. I just wish i didn’t have dyslexia and didn’t have all these health problems looming over me
im probably just extra nervous because of the CT and breast scans i have coming up.
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fedfear-blog · 7 years ago
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a wip that this song inspired me to do
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gamerwoo · 5 years ago
i still dont know who/what that sexual tension ask was aimed at and im scared djkhfds 
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b4kuch1n · 6 years ago
hey that "about ghosts" jjba comic you did is frickin cool and i just wanted to tell you that
aw haha thanks man!! I’m honestly really happy it came out that clean and purposeful, I definitely had no plan going in djkhfd
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calliopelovemail · 8 years ago
23, 25, 41
23. Are you dating the last person you talked to?
actually yeah! 
25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
no? no, i dont think so, i dont think its been 2 months so idk but i have a bad perception of time so idk. @ er when did we start dating im bad and forgot djkhfd
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gunsatthaphan · 3 months ago
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burnout syndrome || gmmtv2025
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askthepatchworkwalter-blog · 13 years ago
Both Mish-mash and I die a little on the inside whenever anyone refers to him as 'Mashy'
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icharchivist · 6 years ago
You'll probably burn me for heresy but in the beggining I honestly thought Lavi had a crush on Lenalee and wasn't at all into Allen before reading the49th name ace of spades meta you reblogged/linked to. Now I realize how much I was wrong.
oh my god sweetie no xDD don’t worry about that!
I mean, i have a major Lavi/Allen bias that everyone knows about, that’s why i often repeat i really try to not let my bias affects me even if i feel it’s not working. 
Lavi cares a lot about Lenalee and have a lot of scenes where it focus on it. I personally would argue a lot of them happened after they lost Allen for the first time and probably shook something in Lavi, but that’s my major bias to start with and it doesn’t lessen how much he actually cares for Lenalee and that he has seeds of that affection when he joined the Order as well. 
I mean, i’m a sucker for thematic relationship, so my bias will turn far more easily on Lavi/Allen in general, but Lavi/Lenalee stuff are definitly there, it’s up to everyone’s interpretation.
Personally I know when i reread the manga when it came out of hiatus years ago, i hadn’t read the manga in years then, and I was joking about trying to ship every combinaison of the main four and see excuses for that all the way. It just happened that down the line I couldn’t joke about Lavi/Allen anymore bc it hit too much of my  personal biases (and that I love Kanda/Alma too much for my own good as well, so i’m kinda stuck with only really overthinking those two at all time).
Hell, I think the very last pieces of fictions i’ve ever written were dgm prompts i posted on this very tumblr a few years ago (good luck finding them lmao) and I think I wrote…. 1 Lavi/Allen, 1 Kanda/Alma, 1 Kanda/Allen, 1 Allen/Lenalee and 2 Lavi/Lenalee. I don’t mind them, even those who aren’t my cup of tea. I see the potential of every single of those ships and i see why their dynamics can be interpreted as such in canon, and had done the excercice to play with those dynamics with those lenses in the past, that’s what i’m saying.
I just… really happen to only really care romantically about Kanda/Alma and Lavi/Allen (and even there if you ask me in canon i’d say it’s mostly one sided which breaks my heart. And that’s where fanon and overinterpretation enter but at least i know where to draw the line on this one lmao.). 
And really, shipping on themes might be my speciality but it doens’t mean it is the word of god, and there’s completely valid reasons to read Lavi as crushing on Lenalee (just like i also think Allen lowkey crushed on Lenalee when he arrived to the Order.). 
(also i mean multishipping/OT4 shipping is common in this fandom or at least it was a few years ago, so like hell if i mind. I have my preference sure and i’m mostly a monoshipper, but the reason those exists are because canon fuels it ahah)
So ye, don’t take my thematically “here’s how they affected each other emotionally” analysis to say it’s canon or crush worthy. Hell it’s also completely valid to agree that Lavi was affected emotionally by Allen to the point of opening out his heart, but ending up falling for Lenalee as those emotions started to pour in. That might not be my interpretation, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be valid, and he cares far enough about Lenalee and has a lot of focus based on how much he cares for her (mainly in the attack on the Order arc) to validate such a reading.
So don’t worry, I don’t judge on this sort of reading ahah. Don’t let my bias fool you i’m pretty chill with anyone’s readings ;O
Take care!
edit: also just to mention the49thname’s meta are freaking amazing and they also changed my life. I think those were the first few meta i’ve read in this fandom that made me more than excited to meta about this manga (and i say that while i was in theory’s forums back in the day, but this was what inspired me). There’s probably bias there as well but those meta were *kisses the sky* and i’m forever glad we have them. It changed everything to me and made me appreciate the manga soo much more. So i’m glad you had also new perspective since them, they’re freaking incredible and totally worth it.
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gunsatthaphan · 6 months ago
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"you said you like me. are you sure about that?"
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gunsatthaphan · 9 months ago
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GMMTV Outing 2024 out of context (not that it would make more sense with context) - part 2
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