#dj ibon
ccoocckk · 1 year
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
✰Bourgeoiz Music Discovery✰
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coraggiogroup · 2 years
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esporaespazioa · 6 months
Ilia Belorukov-Gaudenz Badrutt / Alex Mendizabal / OL UZ
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aurkezten dute  /  presentan
astelehena / lunes
6 €
(errusia/suitza – free impro elektroakustikoa)
(Luis André + IbonRG –derio/sestao - free impro)
Gaudenz Badruttek (Biel/Bienne, CH) eta Ilia Belorukovek (San Petersburgo, RU; egoitza Novi Sad, RS) 2017an erabaki zuten bikote gisa lan egitea. Musika inprobisatua eta elektroakustikoa jotzen dute, isiltasunaren, soinu oso ozenen eta tartean dagoen guztiaren arteko harremanak aztertzen dituena. Gailu eta tresna elektronikoak erabiltzen dituzte batez ere. Beren lanaren gai nagusietako bat inprobisazioa da, soinuak eta giroa sortzeko testuinguru gisa, taldearen musikaren zati gisa.
OL UZ: Luis André eta IbonRG. 2022an Londreseko HEGOA zigiluak argitara eman zuen bikoteak ur putzu erraldoi eta abandonatu batean grabatutako free impro sorta batez osatutako lana. Espazioaren dardarak garrantzi handia du haien inprobisatzeko eran, Luisen tronpeta eta Ibonen ahotsari lotzen zaien hirugarren elementua bihurtzeraino.
Luis André e IbonRG forman OL UZ. En 2022 el sello HEGOA de Londres hizo público su primer trabajo, compuesto por una serie de sesiones free impro grabadas por la pareja en un enorme pozo de agua abandonado. La resonancia del espacio tiene una gran importancia en su forma de improvisar, hasta el punto de convertirse en el tercer elemento, que se une a la trompeta de Luis y a la voz de Ibon.
Alex Mendizabal (Donostia, 1961). Txiki-txikitatik partiturak konposatu izan ditu talde, orkestra, bakarlari, harri eta paperezko interprete eta abesbatzentzat, besteak beste. Oraingo honetan egingo duena enigma hutsa da. Honela iragarri digu berak:
Alex Mendizabal (San Sebastián, 1961). Desde muy pequeño ha compuesto partituras para grupos, orquestas, solistas, intérpretes de piedra y papel y coros, entre otros. Lo que va a hacer en esta ocasión es puro enigma. Así nos lo ha anunciado él:
o nvjfkj n tiowe vnwv v ifos vnjfdlwjng f nvckxbs jfns hgjkflwjgh riueowh nvn, mvcnvxn, n dn vj k dfvnf j ndg n feg oe oe goheoq l f oe wql fuiqhf dehuwiq fh w  hvie hnieq bnvc  nxjvklcnbs. fghdl kls- hb dvb.  fndjsa vdj as g vdcsjvh  dj v. scnajvqfjhr tiuoir qlhg  wje f9 43tkjdfkgvd ogk a.men (egitan hala da)
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55butterflie5 · 7 months
still rly good
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marisk-a · 2 years
New mix u guys
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africavibez · 3 years
DJ Wapsam – Ibon
DJ Wapsam – Ibon
DJ Wapsam Ibon Nigerian upraising talented Disc Jokey; DJ Wapsam comes with a minute cruise mix tagged “Ibon”. Listen Download & Enjoy Below:- https://www.africavibez.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/IBON-Cruise-mix-.mp3 DOWNLOAD MP3 Here
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herrensauna · 8 years
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Herrensauna #13 Artwork by Fritz Schiffers February 11th, 2017 at Bertrams Maybachufer 48, Berlin Germany Herrensauna X Fast Forward Productions You are leaving the heteronormative sector: Solid Blake [brokntoys | Apeiron Crew] https://soundcloud.com/solid_blake Kasper Marrot [Twin Cities | Oscillat Music] https://soundcloud.com/kaspermarott DJ Ibon [Fast Forward | BunkerBauer] https://soundcloud.com/i_b_o_n Kristian Andersen [Fast Forward | Lost2Reality] https://www.mixcloud.com/LAwoelck/fk-company-nineties-megamix/ Funeral Future LIVE [Fast Forward | Euromantic] https://soundcloud.com/count0group CEM & MCMLXXXV [Herrensauna] https://soundcloud.com/cemdukkha https://soundcloud.com/thetruemcmlxxxv Light & Visuals by Adel Alameddine http://timeandplace.net/
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br0k3nl0st · 2 years
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psikonauti · 4 years
Dj Ibon - Lullaby For Dry Eyes [KENGU001]
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vildetuv · 3 years
Me and my beautiful ex-boyfriend Dj Ibon is releasing our music relationship love-EP the 18th of September. This is a love bomb you guys! Also with a flipside crazy bananas B-side Napoca Dogs.
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ccoocckk · 1 year
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dopecheddar · 6 years
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daily-coloring · 2 years
RA.852 Infinity Division - SoundCloud
Listen to RA.852 Infinity Division by Resident Advisor on #SoundCloud
Tunnel Canary - Beauty Secrets
Skinny Puppy - Choralone
DNAonDNA - Haifa
Electric Universe - Luna Overdrive
The Green Martian - Industry
Cocooma - District of Power (club mix)
Space Tribe - Out of Control
Virtuart - Time Cruncher
Caater - Hold that Sucker Down
NTBR - Jahia
Y2C - Mystical Time Zone (Infinity Division Remix) (forthcoming)
Kilbourne - ID (unreleased)
Spiderwrap - Arcane
Antiloop - In My Mind
Jason Cortez - God (James Lawson remix)
Infinity Division - untitled (forthcoming)
Prodigy - No Good (start the dance) (bad for you mix)
Kineta - Scorpius
Animistic Beliefs - Goblins Caught on Camera
Dj Ibon & Vilde Tuv - Mineral Hool
Aura T-09 & Basek - West Coast pt.2
Infinity Division - Something Dreamy (forthcoming)
Venetian Snares - Goodbye9/Hello10
Saftey Trance - Besos De Fuego
Pastis, Ninu, Xory & Fini - Vorfreude
Mutant Joe - Eyes Without a Face
Sy & Demo - Tears Run Cold
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todays-soundtrack · 5 years
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Mama Snake on a Sunday with no obligations and no expectations.
Other favourites include her Smoke Machine, Groove mix, Boiler Room x Dekmantel 2018. 
Back in 2016 Mama Snake and Courtesy started a label, Ectotherm, for the purpose of showcasing local talent. They released music from Schacke, Repro, DJ IBON, Rune Bagge. As of now, she is working on Amniote Editions.
I have to admit that music from Copenhagen has helped me hold on throughout a pressing and stressing start of the year and has been my quick fix after difficult days.
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theclubmap · 6 years
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THE DAILY TIP: +++ Shades with Boo Williams, Marie Midori, Mountak B2B Less Feeling at Watergate Club. Boo Williams geht einfach immer! Ich bin großer Fan dieser rumpligen Chicago Bouncer auf Relief Records. Hört euch mal "Midnight Express" an. +++ Nerang with Subjoi, Interplanetary Criminal, Paddy & Residents at Monarch Berlin. Von Subjoi hab ich nette Tracks irgendwo im Hinterkopf gebunkert, sollte also auch fetzen. "Love Shy" von ihm war fett und auch "Flow" ebenfalls.+++ Background. Codes #D9cb6a with DJ Ibon at Griessmuehle. IBON spielt über 140 BPM. Wenn du also heute Bock auf schnelle Fußgymnastik hast, biste hier richtig. +++ When Life Gives you Lemons AGAIN im Farbfernseher, weil... da ist bald Ende Gelände. https://ift.tt/2UMNHIu
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