#dj eric industry
thespectraltiger · 2 years
The Return Vol 4 - Dj Eric Industry - Historia y Orígenes del Reggaetón, Temp. 01, Ep. 04
Video y texto por Antonio Carlos (@thespectraltiger)
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Cuando escuchamos a DJ Eric Industry en su álbum The Return Volumen 4, de 1996, nos encontramos frente a una de esas producciones Underground que muestran la cercanía entre el Rap y el Reggaetón en la historia musical de Puerto Rico.
DJ Eric es uno de los productores y pilares del Reggaetón, nacido en República Dominicana y criado en Puerto Rico, que ha producido Rap, Gangsta Rap, Reggae en español y Reggaetón. A través de sus producciones diversos exponentes del Rap, Underground y Reggaetón alcanzaron notoriedad que los lanzaría a la fama internacional, como Lito Mc Cassidy, Polaco, y MC Ceja, entre otros. Este álbum está caracterizado por tener sonidos que giran en torno al Pounder-Riddim y al Raggamuffin, tan prevalentes en el Reggae en español. Pero tiene un especial énfasis en el Rap, tan presente en muchas de las producciones de Dj Eric. Tiene canciones clásicas del Underground, entre las que se encuentran "No Paciencia" de MC Ceja, "Don Federico" de Don Chezina, "Dale Rewind" de Felo Man que interpretó cuando tenía solo ocho años, "Yale Dime Por Qué" de Lito MC Cassidy y muchas más. Haciéndolo uno de esos discos compilatorios de los noventa lleno de éxitos que sonaban en las calles. La temática de sus canciones va de las tira’eras contra artistas de otros colectivos, el malianteo, los parties, la sexualidad, la pérdida del amor y la esperanza de regresar con una ex-pareja, retratos y narraciones de la vida en la calle, caseríos,  barrios y urbanizaciones, así como relatos de gente confinada en la cárcel y la pérdida de la libertad. Narraciones tiradas en barras llenas de historias, tan características del Rap y de la cultura del Hip Hop.   Todos estos temas asociados con lo urbano eran muy cuestionados por sectores conservadores y privilegiados de la isla, que creían que estas letras se alejaban de la supuesta respetabilidad que debía tener la sociedad puertorriqueña.   Revisitar Dj Eric Industry The Return Vol 4, álbum clásico del Underground, lleno de "rimas legendarias", como decía MC Ceja, es tener presente cómo la mezcla de diversos géneros dieron origen al Reggaetón como lo conocemos hoy en día. Es por eso que en sus canciones podemos ver el cambio del Rap al Raggamunffin, dentro de un mismo corte, sin que esto genere conflicto alguno y nos recuerda que no hay géneros puros, sino como el Reggaetón,  género sincrético, rico en cultura y tradiciones provenientes de Puerto Rico, el Caribe, Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos, y la diáspora africana.
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rhythm86radio · 2 years
EDM.com's Best of 2022: Performances & DJ Sets
EDM.com’s Best of 2022: Performances & DJ Sets
EDM.com proudly publishes four installments of annual year-end coverage: Industry Leaders, Performances, Music Producers and Songs.  To honor their creativity and deeply influential work to challenge the boundaries of performance, we’ve recognized 10 of the year’s best sets from around the electronic music world.  Alison Wonderland Alvarado Laundry, Los Angeles If you asked us to think of a…
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uneasylisteningradio · 4 months
The Ambient Experimental Industrial Harsh Noise Musicians Just Don't Understand: May 26, 2024
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Carole King - Pleasant Valley Sunday (Demo)
DJ speaks over The Battlefield Band - Ge Do Theid Mi Do M'Leabiadh
Zenda Jacks - Rub My Tummy Vaguess - Turn it Off The Vapors - Talk Talk Fuera de Sektor - Solo Ves Lo Peor
Mdou Moctar - Oh France Sally Skull - Tear Out Kleenex - Ü Clickbait - Pumpkin Spice Abyecta - Nacer, Crecer, Morir Patrik Fitzgerald - The Little Dippers
Chumbawamba - Isolation A State of Mind - …Is Not Enough Cyrnai - Sensitivity
Sadistic Exploits - Apathy Trial - Is This to Be? Cyrnai - Going Under Hypnosis
X-Ray Spex - Highly Inflammable Gut Model - Angry Young Men Spizzoil - Fibre Bad Bangs - Philly Retsu - 3 Years Victimize - Baby Buyer
Wreckless Eric - Dizzy Nusantara Beat - Mang Becak Rouge - Images XTC - Science Friction Nag - In Effect The Birthday Party - Blast Off
The Radiators from Space - Ripped and Torn Tank - Turn Your Head Around Armoured Flu Unit - Elsewhere Apartheid The Drin - Lens of a Devotee
The Undertones - Billy's Third Zoff - Sauerland Puffer - Iron Hand Naked - Frightened The English Setters - Tragedy Anti-Pasti - 1980 Ebba Grön - Turist I Tillvaron Crucifix - Steel Case Enclosure
The Magnetic Fields - How to Say Goodbye Double-O - Grey to Black DBR - Displacement Derya Yildirim & Grup Simsek - Darıldım Darıldım Leyden Zar - Danger Zone
Hunger Project - Assembly Crisis - Alienation Zyfilis - P.I.A. Death Culture Deprivation - Zitra
James Last - Tiger Feet / Radar Love / Jesus Loves Me
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Tim And Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! #26: “Jim and Derrick” | September 1, 2008 - 12:30AM | S03E06
One of the all-time greatest. It’s somewhat of an in-joke; in that a literal first-time viewer might not pick up exactly on what’s going on (you’d hope the more observant would at least be able to infer it’s satiric nature). This episode of Awesome Show presents, without fanfare or even any preamble, an alternate-universe version of Tim and Eric named Jim and Derrick. Jim and Derrick are basically the versions of Tim & Eric whose post-internet career paths had them so desperate to get on television that they became willing to bend to every network note ever given to them. It's as if Tim & Eric’s artistic vision was easily compromised by MTV money.
What we get is a frenetic nightmare of rapid-cutting, sweaty, shallow signifiers of easily digestible coolness, fad-chasing, and lowest-common denominator humor that sells itself with attitude rather than anything inspired. Jim Heckler and Derek Whipple host the show from an MTV-style faux-industrial studio with a DJ and a corporate sponsor in Turbo Fuel. Turbo Fuel is an energy drink that is immediately shown to have negative effects even in the cold open spot (a man vomits with ‘tude towards the camera, and we see blood trickling out of his nose post-chug).
Jim & Derrick are coarse and lazy; so much so that they come off as heroin addicts or something like that. They speak in all manner of embarrassing/trendy vernacular. It screams early 2000s in a way that their show usually doesn’t. They do segments about buying bongs (with Tim’s quotable line “plus, I like frogs”), skateboarding, tattoos, and they frequently cut away to other things that have little to do with scripted sketch comedy.
The only thing that actually qualifies as an in-universe bonafide comedy sketch in the whole thing is cheap and dashed-off, and co-stars a guy who just screams “dude on the writing staff”.* The “sketch”, ends with Jim saying “that’s wack”, then a back-patty musical interlude with a bunch of comedy-related buzz-words rolls out (including Tim & Eric’s favorite: “RANDOM”). They both declare “You’ve been sketched!” into the camera. The entire sketch is encased in a metal border. It gives the impression that the Jim & Derrick Show was at one time way more focused on scripted comedy, but then that aspect shrunk so much that sketches became once per episode, and they eventually started shrinking the screen to diminish the sketches even further. It's a physical manifestation of the comedy being "contained."
*”dude on the writing staff”: It’s LA comedy stalwart Joe Wagner, who did indeed hold similar jobs on a lot of shows, some good, even! I remember he posted on a message board I was on and he hosted a podcast that I remembered being good, even though I don’t remember the name of it. 
Other touches include an announcer who is the same guy from the then-current Carl’s Jr. ads, which were very bro-ey and usually featured Playboy models eating large drippy hamburgers. There’s also transitions that look like they came directly from VH1’s I Love the 90s, featuring internetty imagery like folder icons and whatnot. There’s also frenetic cutaways to a “creepy” old man who makes googly faces at the camera with fake old-timey film effects covering it, to telegraph nasty jokes like when Derrick says he wishes Elisha Cuthbert was his daughter in a gross, suggestive way. 
She’s in this, by the way. Jim and Derrick interview her and it does not go particularly well, with Jim and Derrick rudely cutting her off when she’s about to actually get to say anything of substance. She rolls her eyes and says “great” seeming genuinely annoyed. This is an incredible bit of acting, because a significant number of people believed that her annoyance was genuine, and that the wool was pulled over her eyes. I vaguely recall (but unfortunately don’t have) a video commentary for this episode that aired on Adult Swim’s website. They assured the audience that she was in on the joke, and indeed, if you seek out the blooper reel for this season you’ll see the first time Tim cuts her off in the same manner, she bursts out laughing. 
Speaking of guest stars, John Mayer is in this episode during the fake commercial. I remember Tim & Eric discussing this almost as if they put him in here via process of elimination. Mayer wanted to be on the show and they had a little trouble finding a place for him. He also filmed a “you’re watching Jim and Derrick” bumper that didn’t wind up getting used. 
The commercial is for a GF Spooner, which is basically like a baby bjorn that you strap your girlfriend into. It comes with fake arms that she can cuddle with, keeping your arms free. It’s purpose is to wear at concerts so you can double-fist Turbo Fuels, and hold hands with your male friends. The woman in the commercial was vaguely familiar to me: She plays one of Howard’s girlfriends in the criminally underrated program Austin Stories. I remember Tim trying to make Doug Lussenhop squirm during the video commentary, suggesting that he tried and failed to hit on her during production. When Doug doesn’t take the bait, an exasperated Tim suggests that he’s just looking for ANYTHING to talk about that’s even a little bit interesting. AGAIN: I wish I had it!
Another segment of note is Bradley Needlehead, in the Viral Clip of the week. This is an alternate version of David Liebe-Hart, singing a song about being a crazy guy that believes in aliens. It seems to satirize the lack of respect an MTV-style network would have for a guy like DLH. Though Tim & Eric’s “respect” for DLH is a little questionable, I do agree that they are kinder to him than most would be. In that video commentary, they said DLH directed that segment himself, dashing any expectations of him being blindsided by it. To be a fly on the wall during that session. There’s no footage of this shoot on the DVD. 
Holly Brown makes another appearance on the show; her bit is sorta slight, and I’d wager that it was a gift they were giving her so she could put it on a reel to try and get on-camera announcer work. Her presence fits with the whole vibe; many of these shows will have hot women as correspondents or hosts. The main comedic takeaway from this one is the concept of Tordos Flavor Dust, which has little to do with the actual scene.
The show ends with Jim & Derrick doing a Turbo Boost chug contest, where a hot, but uh, artificial-looking woman, smiles and sprays a keg tap of Turbo Boost into both Jim & Derrick’s mouths. We eventually see blood coming out of their eyes and ears, and they succumb to the toxic beverage and collapse dead on the floor. The woman never stops smiling and spraying Turbo Boost. DJ Drez doesn't stop the beats, either. Then we get a slideshow of fake production logos, including, most memorably, Gregg Turkington saying “Egg Zackly” as a parody of their own “Abso-Lutely” 
This one’s not just in the pantheon of great episodes, but it also joins the ranks of episodes that I’ve watched over-and-over again, so much so that they sorta lost most of their power, so I have to go off memories of how good it was. I recall telling somebody that I laughed so hard at this episode that it caused me to punch stuff that I own while watching it. It’s only with that kind of hindsight that I can recognize that some of the sketches are a little more potent in their satire than others. But the whole thing works incredibly well, and even the weakest bits have inspired jokes and ideas.
A welcome respite from an otherwise lackluster season. Say what you want about season three, but one will forever be able to point to this episode and say "at least that season had Jim and Derrick".
Jim and Derrick at Spring Break
I forget exactly when and why these were produced, but Tim & Eric did additional Jim & Derrick "spring break" sketches. It would make more sense for them to have been produced for Spring Break 2009, but I'm putting them here for relevance. I don't think they repeated Jim & Derrick on Awesome Show itself.
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marcellocruz · 1 year
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Se você acha que já passou por festas eletrônicas, clubes e DJs , Anyma pode levá-lo de volta aos quartos escuros! Na esteira de Eric Prydz e seus shows absolutamente mágicos chamados “ Holo ”, o produtor Anyma transforma seus shows em lugares de inovação simplesmente impressionante.Musicalmente, passaremos rápido porque Anyma sendo de fato metade da dupla Tale Of Us , suspeitamos que temos aí o crème de la crème da cena techno mundial. O que nos interessa aqui é o visual porque o artista italiano desenvolveu - com este novo projeto solo - toda uma meta, ligada ao transumanismo e ao metaverso . Rodeando-se do artista Alessio de Vecchio (que já trabalhava com Tale Of Us) , Anyma oferece assim projeções gigantescas, delirantes, imponentes, que vêm tanto nos desestabilizar quanto sublimar a música tocada pela artista.O exemplo mais recente, o encontro de Anyma no clube Printworks em Londres – um lugar industrial perfeito para receber esse tipo de show:
Ao impor – como Eric Prydz – uma narração visual em seus shows, não mais fazendo do visual, o complemento do DJ set, mas um verdadeiro trabalho dentro da obra – Anyma está no caminho certo para agitar a cena techno e dar à luz vocações, estabelecer um novo padrão. Porém, desconfiamos que tudo isso exige muito investimento, muito dinheiro e salas capazes de receber shows gigantescos. Por enquanto, portanto , estaremos satisfeitos com Anyma , uma artista extraordinária que questiona o lugar do artista, entre a música, o design e as novas tecnologias . Dissemos na introdução que estamos longe do bom e velho DJ set do país!!!
Finalmente, e como Anyma é antes de tudo som, observe que metade do Tale Of Us acaba de assinar um novo título em colaboração com Camelphat , chama-se " The Sign
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eeraygun · 2 years
Top 192 Sonic Releases of 2022
000. Autechre, Gescom & Sean Booth - Hanalgig 001. Lala &Ce & Low Jack - Baiser Mortel 002. Rosalía - MOTOMAMI 003. Pontiac Streator - Sone Glo 004. VOICE ACTOR - Sent from my Telephone 005. Stone - Earth FF 006. Persher - Man With The Magic Soap 007. Various Artists - Lamkin: Versions & Variants Across the Northern Hemisphere 008. Various Artists  - V4 Visions: Of Love & Androids 009. Vanessa Rossetto - The Actress 010. Romeo Poirier - Living Room 011. Various Artists - Ghost Riders 012. Ben Bondy - Camo 013. Félicia Atkinson - Image Language 014. TLIM SHUG - bbbootlegggs 015. Paperclip Minimiser - Paperclip Minimiser 016. Honour - HBK Vol 1 & 2 017. res_és_nostre - res_és_nostre-modular_juns 018. Authentically Plastic - Raw Space LP 019. Purelink - Purelink 020. Cypher - APPX-10 Glasgow 021. Planet 1999 - this is our music ♫ 022. pent - live fold 023. Rhyw - Honey Badger 024. Signe Lidén & Espen Sommer Eide - Vertical Studies_ Archival Spirals 025. Catartsis - Acier Leste 026. Hoavi - Posle Vsego 027. Various Artists - SLINK Volume 2 028. Various Artists - Ever Since We've Known It_ More North Carolina Mountain Singing 029. Metrist - Forova 030. Derek Bailey - Domestic Jungle DAT 031. Various Artists - Begging the Moon_ Phleng Thai Sakon & Luk Krung, 1945-1960 CS 032. Romance - Once Upon A Time 033. FKA twigs - CAPRISONGS 034. Angelo Harmsworth - Vent 035. Mistareez - xenosonic 036. Shygirl - Nymph 037. Gilla Band - Most Normal 038. Second. - Rasuba EP 039. excel dj - phishermen 040. bad lsd trips - bad lsd trips 041. Duval Timothy - Meeting With A Judas Tree 042. Jennifer Walshe - A Late Anthology of Early Music Vol 1_ A 043. Perfume Genius - Ugly Season 044. claire rousay - everything perfect is already here 045. Two Shell - ❖-secretbox-❖ 046. Noémi Büchi - Matter 047. Ojerime - Keep It Lo 048. Reinartz - APPX-08 Sequences 049. ayrtbh - EP8 050. Ulla - Foam 051. Felicity Mangan - Wet On Wet 052. JJ+JS - peeled 053. Boomerang - 300's 054. mu tate - the body is round 055. mos fet & eustress - surf031 056. Ura - Baby with a Halo 057. Frederik Valentin & Loke Rahbek - Together 058. James K - random girl 059. Chained Library - Dear Master 060. OL - Roaming 061. Mbulelo - Kalibre EP 062. Luc Ferrari - Solitude Transit 063. Various Artists - A Cloudy Dawn 064. perila - there are no words to describe it 065. Aldous Harding - Warm Chris 066. WOODMAN - WD1112JU2XX2 067. Scarcity - Aveilut 068. Kindohm - Merge Experience 069. bod -包家巷 - Music Made by Other People 070. Relaxer - Candy 071. Valentina Magaletti - A Queer Anthology of Drums 072. MINIKINGZ - ICONICY 073. Dominic Coppola & Angelo Harmsworth - Pavonine 074. Xenia Reaper - Plain 075. Kali Malone - Living Torch LP 076. SZA - SOS 077. Benedek - Zebrano 078. Laenz - Undue Valence EP 079. Moin - Paste 080. Hiele Kinsella - The Third Summer of Love 081. Richie Culver - Post Traumatic Fantasy 082. ssabæ - azurescens 083. datassette - Sentinel 084. Jacob Dwyer - The Devil Museum 085. Ani Zakareishvili - Fallin 086. ubu boi & r hunter - A Symbol for Disguise 087. Leikeli47 - Shape Up 088. Primitive Man - Insurmountable 089. Sébastien Forrester - Orpheus' Pipes (Object-Oriented Studies) 090. Henry Greenleaf - Kirkstone EP 091. K Wata -  Dot Dot Dot 092. Prison Religion - Hard Industrial B.O.P. 093. Rabit - What Dreams May Come 094. Minder - Sanctuary 095. John M. Bennett - A Flattened Face Fogs Through 096. Candy - Heaven Is Here 097. Smpl Smpl - Embryo Issue #1 098. Peter Rehberg - at GRM LP (Rec. 2009-2016) 099. Vod Kasat - Mavi Maskara 100. Quixosis - Burundanger 101. Klahrk & KAVARI - Wax 102. Ákos Rózmann - Mass_Mässa 103. Contour - Onwards! 104. Carla dal Forno - Come Around 105. Brent Faiyaz - WASTELAND 106. wrk.dat - w.d o2 107. exael - Ice That Melts the Tips 108. Vanessa Amara - Fonetica Amara 109. Eric Lanham - Objet Dirt 110. Pariah - Caterpillar 111. Fibre Optixxx - Iris 112. Hyd - CLEARING 113. Nikki Nair - Renormalization Support Group 114. Etch - Predator Trax 115. Cocktail Party Effect - SNKRX010 116. Leo Kupper - Complete Electronic & Voices Works 1961-1987 117. Wench - Greatest Hits '88 - '16 118. Inland - BRETT001 119. torschlusspanik - intersexual healing 120. Mathis Ruffing - Further Explorations 121. Chat Pile - God's Country 122. MOBBS - CH002 - Untitled 123. Charli XCX - CRASH 124. Objekt - Objekt #5 125. Ziyiz - Pattern Factory Method 126. XHOSA - Push It (Remixes) 127. Small Car NRG - Road Legal 128. Slikback - K E K K A N 129. Marco Zenker - Channel Balance 130. NUG - Napping Under God 131. Dauwd - Psssh 003 132. bookworms - untitled 133. Warm Currency - Returns 134. Asher & Jordan - Foliage 135. Quelza - 47030 136. EVOL - The Worm 137. Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers 138. Kibosh - Jumping Heart 139. Strugglin' - Pitch Pine 140. MORTIMER DUBATON – ATHENS VS PREDATOR 141. Lauren Tosswill - 1- 2 142. Beatriz Ferreyra - Senderos de luz y sombras 143. Moor Mother - Jazz Codes 144. Itoa - Oh No 145. Freundliche Kreisel - Freundliche Kreisel 146. Frankie - Styx 147. Gabor Lazar - Boundary Object 148. Atte Elias Kantonen - POP 6 SUSURRUS 149. INGI - Fade EP 150. borderlandstate_the best kisser in l.a - direct message EP 151. SYZ - Burner FM 152. Temudo - Fidelio 153. Ali Berger - Nonsight Vision 154. Sister Zo - Screw Cheek EP 155. Cucina Povera & Ben Vince - There I See Everything CS 156. Drummy - Double Stop 157. Jacques Charlier - Art in Another Way 158. B.Michaael - Built2Crawl 159. Omaar - Marcha 160. Laura Cocks - Field Anatomies 161. Katatonic Silentio - Les Chemins De L'inconnu 162. Notte Infinita - Atmosfera 163. Divide - La Terra Di Egherlak 164. Gallegos - Pump Up The Sound EP 165. Overland - Paryía 166. Lea Bertucci - Murmurations (w_ Ben Vida) 167. Fergus Sweetland - Punching The Core 168. Pub - Autumn 169. Siu Mata & Amor Satyr - Speed Dembow Vol. II 170. Panda Rosa - Threatened 171. Alien D - To My Friends Nick & Tony 172. Baby Blue - End of Sleep 173. Caroline Loveglow - Strawberry 174. Can't Read - Mind's Eye 175. Rroxymore - Perpetual Now 176. More Eaze & Claire Rousay - Never Stop Texting Me 177. Liew Niyomkarn - I Think of Another Time When You Heard It 178. Harba - TDITD 179. Eliza - A Sky Without Stars 180. Brendon Moeller - Highly Concentrated 181. Ctrls - Your Data 182. Rustal - Nexus Zeal 183. Atrice - Backrooms 184. age eternal - universal feeling cs 185. Product Toss - Go Way 2 186. D. Tiffany & Roza Terenzi - Edge Of Innocence 187. Roll Dann - Amargura EP 188. The Bug - Absent Riddim 189. S T I N 𝟡 - mi7 190. Jan Bruyndonckx - Rails And Other Tracks 191. Ludwig Berger - Pseudo-Volcanic Voices
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The Impact of Electronic Dance Music on Popular Culture
Electronic Dance Music (EDM) has transcended the boundaries of the music industry, embedding itself deeply into popular culture. From influencing fashion trends to inspiring new forms of artistic expression, EDM's impact is both profound and pervasive. This article explores how EDM has shaped popular culture over the years, examining its influence on fashion, media, technology, and social movements.
EDM and Fashion:
Rave and Festival Fashion: The rise of EDM festivals like Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival, and Electric Daisy Carnival has given birth to a distinct fashion culture. Festival-goers often don vibrant, eclectic outfits featuring neon colors, bold patterns, and eye-catching accessories. Brands have taken notice, creating festival-inspired lines that cater to this audience.
Mainstream Adoption: The influence of EDM fashion has seeped into mainstream culture. High-profile collaborations between EDM artists and fashion brands have resulted in collections that bring rave culture to everyday wear. Artists like Diplo and Steve Aoki have launched their clothing lines, blending music and fashion seamlessly.
EDM in Media:
Film and Television: EDM's high-energy beats and visually stunning performances have made it a popular choice for film and TV soundtracks. Movies like "We Are Your Friends" and documentaries like "What We Started" highlight the EDM scene and its cultural significance. TV shows frequently feature EDM tracks during party scenes, further cementing its place in popular culture.
Video Games: EDM has found a significant presence in the gaming world. Games like "Beat Saber" and "DJ Hero" are built around EDM tracks, providing an immersive experience that combines music and gameplay. EDM artists often collaborate with game developers to create exclusive tracks, enhancing the gaming experience.
Technological Innovations Driven by EDM:
Live Performances and Visuals: EDM concerts are known for their stunning visual effects, including laser shows, pyrotechnics, and intricate stage designs. The demand for immersive experiences has driven technological advancements in live performance setups. Artists like Deadmau5 and Eric Prydz are renowned for their cutting-edge stage productions that push the boundaries of technology.
Music Production Tools: The popularity of EDM has spurred the development of new music production tools and software. Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) like Ableton Live and FL Studio are continually evolving, offering features that cater specifically to EDM producers. Virtual instruments and plugins, such as Serum and Massive, have become essential tools for creating the genre's signature sounds.
Social Movements and EDM:
Unity and Inclusivity: The EDM community is known for its ethos of unity, inclusivity, and positive vibes. Festivals often promote messages of peace, love, and acceptance, attracting diverse crowds. This culture of inclusivity has led to EDM being a platform for social movements and charitable causes.
Mental Health Awareness: Many EDM artists and festivals have taken steps to raise awareness about mental health issues. Campaigns and initiatives at festivals provide resources and support for attendees, creating a safe and supportive environment. Artists like Avicii, who openly struggled with mental health, have inspired conversations and initiatives aimed at supporting mental well-being in the music community.
The Commercial Impact of EDM:
Brand Collaborations: EDM's widespread appeal has attracted numerous brand collaborations. Companies like Red Bull, Heineken, and fashion brands frequently sponsor EDM events and partner with artists for marketing campaigns. These collaborations not only enhance brand visibility but also provide artists with new revenue streams.
Festival Economy: The EDM festival circuit has become a significant economic force. Major festivals attract hundreds of thousands of attendees, generating substantial revenue for local economies. From ticket sales to merchandise and food vendors, the economic impact of these events is far-reaching.
The Future of EDM in Popular Culture:
Virtual and Augmented Reality: The future of EDM is intertwined with advancements in virtual and augmented reality. Virtual festivals and performances are becoming more prevalent, allowing fans to experience EDM in new and immersive ways. Artists are experimenting with VR and AR to create unique, interactive experiences that push the boundaries of traditional live shows.
Sustainability Initiatives: As the global focus on sustainability grows, EDM festivals and events are implementing green initiatives. From reducing waste to using renewable energy sources, the EDM community is increasingly prioritizing environmental responsibility. These efforts reflect a broader cultural shift towards sustainability in popular culture.
Conclusion: Electronic Dance Music's influence on popular culture is undeniable, shaping fashion, media, technology, and social movements. As EDM continues to evolve and adapt to new trends and technologies, its impact will only grow. Whether through festival fashion, immersive live performances, or its role in social causes, EDM remains a vibrant and dynamic force in the cultural landscape.
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priokskfm · 11 months
#MixOfDay #Podcast #Radioshow #LiveDjset #SlamRadio - 569 - Vera Logdanidi Vera Logdanidi's journey in the music industry began as a DJ in Kyiv, Ukraine during the mid-2000s. Since then, she has made significant strides as a producer, with her music finding a home on esteemed labels such as Rhythm Büro, Semantica Records, On Board Music, Dial Records, Corridor Audio and Secuencias Temporales. Her solo and collaborative tracks have received remix treatments from artists including Eric Cloutier, Artefakt, and Svreca. Moreover, her experiments in collaborations have led to joint live performances with Ukrainian producer Na Nich. Tracklist via -Spotify: http://bit.ly/SRonSpotify -Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/Slam_Radio/ -Facebook: bit.ly/SlamRadioGroup Archive on Mixcloud: www.mixcloud.com/slam/ Subscribe to our podcast on -iTunes: apple.co/2RQ1xdh -Amazon Music: amzn.to/2RPYnX3 -Google Podcasts: bit.ly/SRGooglePodcasts -Deezer: bit.ly/SlamRadioDeezer Keep up with SLAM: fanlink.to/Slam Keep up with Soma Records: fanlink.to/SomaRecords For syndication or radio queries: [email protected] & [email protected] Slam Radio is produced at www.glowcast.co.uk www.priokskfm.online https://ift.tt/ezWE42Y
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prnanayarquah · 1 year
Heritage Promotions Unveils Academy Members for Central Music Awards 2023
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/heritage-promotions-unveils-academy-members-for-central-music-awards-2023/
Heritage Promotions Unveils Academy Members for Central Music Awards 2023
Heritage Event Promotions, the organizers of the annual Central Music Awards have officially unveiled 24 Academy Members and District Representatives for the 12th edition of the award scheme. 
The Central Music Awards is organized annually to recognize, honour, celebrate and award hardworking and deserving artistes who have achieved greatness and have contributed immensely towards the growth of the music industry in the central region.
Since it’s establishment in 2012, formerly known as the “Obama City Music Awards”, the scheme has grown from 10 award categories to 37 categories. Fast forward in 2018 when Heritage Promotions took over from Candymania Entertainment, as part of Heritage Promotions’ action plan, District Representatives was introduced as part of the Academy Members to have a fair representation of all the 22 districts in the central region.
As the scheme celebrates its 12th anniversary this year, 24 Academy Members and Districts Representatives have been unveiled and assigned to special roles heard towards achieving a successful event. The Academy is composed of competent music researchers, digital marketers, public relations experts, media personalities, bloggers, music and events promoters with over a decade experience in the creative industry.
  Academy Members for Central Music Awards 2023 include: 
YUSSIF PHLOW BULLET- Academy Secretary
LEWIS TETTEH DADAS – Digital Researcher
NANA YARQUAH – Digital Researcher
NANA YAW – Event & Promotion Research
HENRY MENSAH – Event & Promotion Research
ALBERT BONDAH – Road Manager
KOBBY YOMMY – Cape Coast South
NANA BROWN – Cape Coast South
DJ QWEQU – Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem (KEEA)
SOLOMON EWUSIE (SoloVision) – Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem
ECK MEDICYN – Mfantseman Municipal
WYSE BRAIN – Mfantseman Municipal
QWAME MACSHAT –  Asikuma Odoben Brakwa
NAKAY ABRANTIE – Twifo Atti Morkwa
DON POT – Abura Asebu Kwamankese
ABDUL FATTAH YAHAYA  (Assin Talks) – Assin Central/Assin North
KOFI TUTU – Assin South
NANA ASANTE YEKYE – Effutu Municipal
MISTA CHANTI – Awutu – Senya East & West
EVANS ANNAN ACQUAH – Awutu – Senya East & West
  Issued by: Bismark Botchwey
Dept. Communications Executive
Heritage Promotions
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Fresh Pressed: Tony or Tony's Headline Debut This is Fresh Pressed, in which photographer Matt Weinberger takes us inside some of the rawest moments happening in NYC and beyond. Fresh Pressed is all about encountering the juicy ideas, aesthetics and people shaping culture through the lens of the city's many creative scenes.Tony or Tony's Headline Debut @ Elsewhere (2/11/23)Tony or Tony gave an absolutely electric performance at their debut headlining concert at Elsewhere, where they performed a number of unreleased songs. The band consists of Tony 1.2, Tony Z and Quick Tony. Tony 1.2 and Tony Z grew up together in Arkansas. They escaped a cult together when they were 18 and moved to NYC and started a band. They describe their music as a “combination of late style thumper rave and glissando core.” Some main influences on the band include Tiny Leg, DJ Klub Foot, The Five Discs, Chris & Cosey, Neubauten and Beethoven. Tony or Tony is making music you can dance to. Their next song, "New Toy," is coming out at the end of March. LaQuan Smith NYFW After Party @ Silver Linings (2/13/23)LaQuan Smith walks into the club. Young Paris is dancing around with a big smile on his face. A dapper-looking man introduces himself to you as “Food God." One table over is Teyana Taylor looking sharp as a tack, chilling with her crew. Diplo walks into the club with Eric Andre and Emily Ratajkowski. Eric and Emily start making out in the VIP section. You try a few times to get a good photo of them kissing but kissing is awkward so the photos look awkward, too. Also, taking photos of people kissing is an awkward thing to do. Whoops. Ice Spice walks into the club and gets established at a table next to Laquan Smith’s booth. Ice Spice gets on the table and does an impromptu performance. She slays. You peer to your left and dancing in the crowd is none other than Lil Nas X. He is super friendly and dressed like a fuzzy rainbow. This all might sound like a weird dream born out of picking celebrities' names out of a hat — but this wasn’t a dream. This was my night at the LaQuan Smith NYFW FW23 after party.Dion Lee NYFW After Party @ Boom Boom Room (2/10/23)Fashion is culture and, at the Dion Lee NYFW FW23 after party at Boom Boom Room, culture turned up. The party celebrated Dion’s newest collection, one undoubtedly worthy of praise, following an epic runway show earlier in the day. There was a surprise guest performance by Azealia Bank,s who hopped up onto the bar and sang to the room filled with an absolutely stoked crowd. Everyone had their phones out to record the performance and capture a glimpse of Azealia as she rocked the room. The fashion world was treated to a very special night and Dion Lee re-confirmed his spot as a fashionista cool-guy favorite — a shining light within the New York fashion scene.Acne Studios Loves Larry Stanton After Party @ The Hotel Chelsea (2/9/23)Sometimes fashion is bigger than what you wear. Acne Studios, in partnership with Visual AIDS, hosted an exclusive exhibition of work by Larry Stanton, followed by an after party to celebrate his memory and accomplishments. The event was a respectable ode to Larry Stanton, who died of AIDS in 1984. Despite the somber circumstances on which the event was predicated, the atmosphere of the event was cheery and optimistic, serving as a celebration of fashion, art and the community we have amongst one another. With slick fits and knits, stripes and a dash of elegant sleaze, the Acne Studios crowd pulled up looking undoubtedly stylish while carrying a creative, street-inspired edge. Cocktails and champagne were flowing and chatter echoed throughout the venue as fashion industry creatives and models intermingled within the multi-room event space at The Hotel Chelsea. R.I.P. Larry Stanton — may his memory be a blessing. Viktor & Rolf FLOWERBOMB Party @ Jeans (2/9/23)Fashionistas, iconic style, couture galore, and flowers, flowers, flowers. Viktor & Rolf’s FLOWERBOMB party celebrated Emily Ratajkowski as the face of the fragrance. EmRata showed up in style — wearing a chic outfit with her hair done up in a manner that Aphrodite herself might have been jealous of. Everyone pulled up dressed to impress, with outfits that had all the Ts crossed — attention to detail was not spared. Partygoers were treated to DJ sets by Mona Matsuoka and Bambii while dancing between the two floors of the event, with the occasional stop at one of V&R’s fragrance discovery stations. Bright, flashing, flower-filled video installations brought the whole party together to create an overall immersive FLOWERBOMB experience.The Lifionized: A "Grace" Release Party (2/4/23)NYC got treated to the often taken-for-granted luxury that is typically only seen in the suburban and rural parts of America: A classic rock and roll house show. The crowd was treated to performances by both The Life and Stella Rose and The Dead Language. Both bands ripped legendary original tracks worthy of becoming part of NYC lore. Curtis Everett Pawley of The Life hit the audience deep in the nostalgia gut, granting us a taste of throwback bliss while also carving a musical path into the future of what the genre of rock can be. Stella Rose’s vocals and stage presence are equally worthy of praise and her guitarist, Ben Arauz, is easily one of the best shredders in the scene, creating a genuinely heart-pounding experience. Related | Stella Rose Reveals Her 'Angel' SideAF94's Valentine's Dance (2/2/23)It’s not even Valentine’s day yet but with AF94, Halsey’s beauty brand, everyone is already celebrating love. This dance was straight out of a 1980s romantic comedy. Delicious small bites were passed around in excess and a table of treats, constantly refilled, gave all attendees something to feel sweet about. The evening had an absolutely wonderful guest list filled with beauty industry sweethearts and online style influencer heartthrobs. Balloons filled the ceiling and the open bar sported a generous menu of delicious concoctions. The analog photo booth was a big hit, sporting color photos printed via chemical processing, spitting out images of all the partygoers eager enough to brave the long line. The beauty crowd came through. A truly glamorous night. MegSuperstarPrincess' "F List" Party @ Studio 151 (1/31/23)Beloved downtown indie-sleaze grunge girl and major trendsetter MegSuperstarPrincess is the queen of the F List. She threw a release party for her new Film, titled F List, at Studio 151, a fun upstairs East Village venue known for its sushi nights and for having been the haunt for Rachel Rabbit White's iconic birthday party this past year. At Meg's F List party, the whole F list "celebrity" crew came through. The party was comprised of a solid crowd of people you may have heard of if you're into niche downtown club scene DJs, grifters, writers, fashionistas or the post-Dimes Square debutantes of tomorrow. https://www.papermag.com/fresh-pressed-tony-or-tony-2659362969.html
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! #7: “Abstinence” | March 25, 2007 - 11:45PM | S01E07
Another one! I think this one sags a bit, but it’s nothing too objectionable. Everything is good, but nothing is GREAT, or has stuff in it that sorta rubs me the wrong way. I think that’s because it has more guests than usual, and less Tim & Eric than usual.
We open with a sketch starring Will Forte, who is great, and this sketch is mostly good. It’s a local ad for Lazy Horse Mattress & Bedding. It’s been run through VHS to make it look authentically vintage, though the little animation still looks digital and betrays it’s origins. Sorry! I’m a verisimilitude appreciator! This sketch ends with a look into Will’s psyche, where he’s screaming and battling demons and ripping people’s arms off and wow, it’s twisted. His performance is great, and it looked like a lot of fun to shoot! I like how he trails off when he says “mattre–” to demonstrate how quickly you’ll fall asleep in one of his beds.
When the sketch recurs, it’s just these dark nightmare moments of Will screaming and blood-splattered. My main sticking point with this sketch is the little bit where he looks into the camera gingerly and introduces himself with a sing-songy “I’m a demon.”. That bit always seemed jokey in a way that is unwelcome to me when I’m watching Tim & Eric. I wonder if I’m the only one in the world who feels this way? Notably, the commercial states the store is off Richard Dunn memorial highway (RIP).
The hosting segments are Tim & Eric looking very businessy. These bits are shot to look like an industrial video of some sort, where they are describing their brilliant work process which has involved firing their friends and hiring old men to save money. This has a very funny moment where Richard Dunn pitches a sketch to Tim & Eric where Tim has broken his fingernail and needs a pedicure. Honestly? A legit good idea. Richard Dunn wasn’t funny because he was an old confused man; he was funny because he just naturally was on Tim & Eric’s wavelength. The other old men, Tim & Eric noted on the commentary, were a little too borscht-belt and Dunn was actually sort of an outsider among the guys they got. This sketch also casually mentions that Richard Dunn had passed away, which at the time was just a joke. I remember me and other Tim & Eric fans watching along in real time were sad, thinking it could be real!
These segments frequently segue into a great DJ Douggpound bit of fun where tight close-ups of Tim & Eric’s faces making strange sounds or saying random words becomes a cool beat right before our very eyes. Stuff like this is what makes Awesome Show so great (job).
The titular sketch features David Cross as a Pizza Boy walking straight into a women’s locker room to deliver a pizza pie to an extremely hot woman, real-life adult actress Abbey Brooks. Am I going to deride this show for being “too Comedy Central” for featuring a large-chested woman? No. I’m not. I’m a hypocrite for not repeating myself verbatim. This sketch isn’t that good. It’s fine. I don’t consider it bad, but I do consider it mid. The part where David addresses the camera and says “I ain’t no ho-ho” rubs me the wrong way the same way “I’m a demon” does! Not to pick nits, but what the fuck else should I be doing here? 
This is part of a further outreach program teaching abstinence in general. Jan and Wayne Skyler are abstaining from sex (which Jan is happy about, but not Wayne… TYPICAL FRIGGIN’ GUY!!!). This leads to footage of a parade featuring a call back to Do Dah Doo Doo, which is being performed on a parade float. They’re tossing cold hot dogs to the crowd, who eventually start chucking them back. This seems less like a substantial sketch and more of “let’s use this footage SOMEHOW because it was so unpleasant to shoot”. But it’s brief and it’s funny.
Maria Bamford has a sketch that I neglected to write down, and I’m not even sure I can recall the premise of the show she’s hosting. Maria had previously lent her voice to Tom Goes to the Mayor in the Porcelain Birds episode (maybe others? I forget!). She’s hosting some lady show and melts down. I don’t know if she’s the MVP of the episode. While you can easily draw lines from David Cross to Tim & Eric, I think she’s more of a kindred spirit to their style of comedy. Dare I say that she’s one of the best living people currently? I honestly think she might be.
The last sketch to cover is Eric trying to open up an account with an automated kiosk at the Cinco International Credit Union. We get a Taargus reference, which is nice. The kiosk is uncooperative, and keeps saying Eric lives in a boat (rude). This is a solid sketch, but I wouldn’t call it a classic. Of their output, it’s the closest thing to a traditional sketch that they’ve ever done. Word on the commentary was that Eric didn’t like this sketch and was in a bad mood while doing it. It turns out fine.
The first four Awesome Shows are pretty incredible, and I think maybe 5-7 represent a minor mid-season sag. But I remember the next couple very fondly. Onward!
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Holiday Havoc: “Venture Aid 2006″ | Christmas 2006
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all those who give a shit. And to those who don’t: I hope you did your grocery shopping already and that you are somewhere warm.
Did I forget about this when I covered the end of 2006, or did I intentionally save it for Christmas Day? It’s a mystery, and always will be. Anyway, this is maybe one of my favorite of the Venture Bros. Holiday Havoc songs, and I like it better than other comedic versions of this song. You can download it here! I hope! Somebody probably has it on YouTube if not.
"You don’t have to outgrow anything if you don’t wanna. " Great point, which is why I still proudly watch MTV with the lights off, if you catch my drift.
Are they still showing Undressed? WOW... A sexual series. No, an IMPORTANT sexual series.
It's almost Christmas as I send you this mailbag (5AM Eastern on Christmas Day) what is a good gift idea for the Adult Swim fan in your life?
As an Adult Swim fan I would have to say a check for 6 thousand dollars to cover their IRS debt would be perfect.
Oh my god. It's Santa! Santa's here everybody. (ho ho ho) Santa has finally made it.
Santa... goddamn. Look, I know and you know that by staying up all night and waiting up for you I forfeit my right to your wonderful presents. But I just gotta say... meeting a proper legend like you is all the gift I need. Now... let’s have that beer I wrote to you about...
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paolojcruz · 9 years
Laptop Soul for Analog Hearts
The SaGuijo leg of the Fresh Filter Vol. 1 Bar Tour presents the vinyl revival as a vital part of the Pinoy independent music ecosystem.
Originally published on Bandwagon PH, June 2015
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On paper, the Fresh Filter Vol. 1 launch show at SaGuijo would most likely send a more cautious business planner into fits of rage. One might argue that the whole set-up ran counter to The New Normal of the commercial music industry. On a humid, wet payday Friday, co-organizers Jam 88.3 and Satchmi put on a show at the longest-running independent music venue in Makati, and didn’t charge any entrance fee. (For context, most gigs hover around the PhP200 range, including a standard drink.) Instead, the free gig was like a de facto come-on for listeners to buy the Fresh Filter Vol. 1 vinyl compilation, which brings together a curated slate of independent local acts, including all the ones booked at SaGuijo that night.
It almost feels like a deliberate fuck-you to the conventional wisdom of how to sell music in 2015. Instead of sharing digital tunes in the cloud, as a way to get fans to pay a premium for the live show, the Fresh Filter crew is putting the bands in front of appreciative crowds gratis, in the hope that they’ll fork over cash for a physical record. Between sets, Fresh Filter host (and Jam 88.3 DJ) Russ Davis repeated the spiel that buying the record would give direct support to the bands involved.
It’s a bold approach, no doubt – for one thing, there isn’t much reliable consumer data about how many Pinoy music fans even own a vinyl record player. That opens up a related marketing opportunity for Fresh Filter’s partners at Satchmi – they also produce the Motorino, a portable record player that’s branded as a starter model for vinyl newbies. Sure enough, they even raffled off a Motorino during the show at SaGuijo.
In effect, the organizers established that the goods – the vinyl compilation and the record player – were the real focal point of this live event. So where does that leave the actual performers?
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For what it’s worth, each act delivered a set worthy of the live experience – not just a sonic advertisement for their contributions on Fresh Filter Vol. 1.
Tandems ’91 opened the show, burdened with the difficult task of pumping up a crowd right out of their weekly grind. The group comes across like a gimmick band at first, with their affected preppy outfits and the air of eager fresh grads – as if Vampire Weekend had been formed at the Ateneo. But forget about their looks – there’s a genuine heart to their laptop soul. Channeling retro New Wave pop elements, the sound they coaxed out of their pads and controllers would not be out of place at a prom scene in a John Hughes movie. By the time they worked in familiar samples from “Careless Whisper” and The Eraserheads’ “Toyang”, they had won over the jam-packed venue.
In fact, their whole cyborg pop vibe pretty much set the tone for the evening, with electronics being a normalized part of the sound. Of all the acts on the lineup, it’s Autotelic whose songwriting hews most closely to the kind of straightforward, radio-friendly verse/chorus/verse structure that rockist critics hold so dear, and yet their sound is textured by Eric Tubon’s synth lines.
Up next were Flying Ipis, whose angular dance punk set the apart as the only group without any type of keyboard. It was almost like the inverse of what the other bands were doing – creating frenetic disco beats and danceable hooks with a traditional guitar, bass, and drum setup. The highlight was a newer song “Half Brain” with a memorable sing-along refrain – “You and I won’t be denied” – that could well be interpreted as an anthem for marriage equality in the Philippines.
After that, Moonwlk made their return to SaGuijo. Let’s put aside the TMZ-esque speculation about the reasons for the duo’s long hiatus. Whatever alleged drama happened between Nick Trinidad and Gabbi Buencamino, it seemingly had the benefit of intensifying their well-crafted electronic pop.
It’s worth noting that Nick’s laptop was fiercely emblazoned with a decal that said “REAL INSTRUMENT”. Maybe the producer doth protest too much? The pair led the crowd in a gender-split call-and-response of “Right now!” (women) and “Not yet!” (men) during “Your Electric Kiss Is Late Always”. The audience followed like a congregation to their minister. With a reaction like that, the defensive posturing seems a bit uncalled for.
Yolanda Moon’s smoothed-out Prince-ly indie soul felt like a comedown after the high of Moonwlk, but it was no less captivating. Singer Cholo Hermosa started things off from behind a keyboard decked out in blue Christmas lights. His vocal melodies hinted at middle-of-the-road yacht rock influences – and it felt more like self-confident attempt to broaden musical horizons than ironic appropriation. It seemed fitting, given how much the whole Fresh Filter Vol. 1 project is about embracing whole-heartedly the format of an earlier generation.
The final slot was reserved for cult favorites Cheats, and they’re tighter than ever. By now, they’ve just owned the whole Broken Social Arcade Stars comparisons, and focused on making that sound more cohesive. Their fans don’t mind that the group wears their Canadian indie rock influences on their proverbial sleeves, and just enjoy it for what it’s worth. All the familiar crowd-pleasers like “Crash” and “Accidents” resulted in fierce shoutalongs during the high-speed breakdowns.
At the end of the night, the Fresh Filter Vol. 1 gig was a study in contrasts. It showcased artists using the tools of the bedroom producer age – midi controllers, laptops, digital synths – to replicate or even fine-tune the sounds of previous eras. It’s easy to write this off as retro faux nostalgia, but ironically, the reason so much 20th century pop music is so accessible is precisely because it’s so readily available over the web.
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textbeak · 2 years
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TEXTBEAK - DJ SET DIS/ORDER BDAY PARTY THE HIGH DIVE DETROIT 01062023 https://www.mixcloud.com/Textbeak/textbeak-dj-set-disorder-bday-party-the-high-dive-detroit-01062023/ https://soundcloud.com/user-629254967 The Cure - High Gary Numan - M.E. HNN - Iris (Version) Wire - Practice Makes Perfect Suicide - Wild In Blue The Serfs - This Chorea Talk Talk - Such A Shame Luca Dell'Orso - Drive Fast, Brake Hard Fontaine SMC - Judgement Day KANGA - VITAL SIGNS (TEXTBEAK GHOST IN THE SHELL REMIX) Kontravoid - Impurities Soma Holiday - Shake Your Molecules Patriarchy - Suffer Curse Mackey - Mutatis Mutandis ft. MVTANT Xiu Xiu - Stupid in the Dark Ulterior - The Locus of Control White Ring - Leprosy SPC ECO - Be The Change The Golden Filter - Curtain Spike Hellis - Control (Rage) Ladytron - City of Angels Child of Night - Dirtworld (Delphine Coma Remix) Sally Dige - Immaculate Deception Ministry - I Wanted To Tell Her (Cold Trax Mix) Front Line Assembly - Digital Tension Dementia (Remix) Moev - Crucify Me SCANNOIR - Industrial Technology SIMBOLO - Synchrono (Mick Wills Edit) Eric Random, Stephen Mallinder - Stop / Begin Again MCL - New York Bill Pritchard - Black Souls Under White Skies Zanias - Follow The Body A Jokers Bizarre - Betaville (Timothy J. Fairplay Remix) Pixel Grip - Pursuit Yellow Magic Orchestra - Key (Sneaker Edit) H ø R D - Teen Offers (Mondowski Remix) FEE LION - Blood Sisters The Neon Judgement - TV Treated Yello - Bostich Pet Shop Boys - Love Comes Quickly (Boys' Shorts Edit) COMFORT CURE - Rain On The Bar SPECIAL INTEREST - All Tomorrow’s Carry (Kontravoid Remix) Gary Numan - Metal VR Sex - Surrender Joy Division - Atrocity Exhibition Revolting Cocks - Can't Sit Still Photo by @noelle.solringen taken at @seanhages installation at @333midland_annex_gallery #darksynth #darkwave #electronicbodymusic #industrial #gothic #goth #gothgoth #gothicmusic #gothmusic #synth #synthesizer #synthmusic #synthesizermusic #lofi #lofimusic #dark #darkmusic #80s #80smusic #retro #retromusic #Electronic #electronicmusic #ebm #bodymusic #techno #synthpop #newwave #gothpop #hypnogoth (at Detroit, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn6wLtdu9ox/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brn1029 · 2 years
On this date in the world of music….
November 4th
2020 - Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen was at No.1 on the UK album chart with his twentieth studio album Letter to You. Since touring was not possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the album was promoted with an online radio station. It features three tracks originally written prior to Springsteen's 1973 debut album, Greetings from Asbury Park, N. J.: 'If I Was the Priest,' 'Janey Needs a Shooter' and 'Song for Orphans.' Springsteen came across earlier recordings of these songs with John Hammond while assembling a compilation album.
2012 - Elton John
A copyright infringement lawsuit filed by songwriter Guy Hobbs against Elton John and his songwriting partner Bernie Taupin over their hit song 'Nikita' was thrown out of court. The Judge ruled that both songs shared similar themes and phrases, but that these were prevalent in modern music.
2002 - Elton John
Elton John and his lyricist Bernie Taupin received the Music Industry Trusts Award for one of the greatest songwriting partnerships of all time.
1998 - Mark E Smith
Fall singer Mark E. Smith appeared at Manhattan Criminal Court on assault charges accused of kicking, punching and choking his girlfriend and band keyboard player Julia Nagle at a New York Hotel.
1989 - Elton John
Elton John scored his 50th UK chart hit when 'Sacrifice', entered the charts. Only Cliff Richard and Elvis Presley had also achieved this feat. Sacrifice was initially released as a single in 1989, but stalled at No.55 in the UK and at No.18 in the US. English DJ, Steve Wright, began playing the song on BBC Radio 1 and the song was then re-released as a double A-side single, along with 'Healing Hands'. (Elton had a lot of stuff going on on this date, huh?)
1979 - The Police
The Police released 'Walking on the Moon' as the second single from their second studio album, Reggatta de Blanc which became the band's second No.1 hit in the UK. Sting has said that he wrote the song when he was drunk one night after a concert in Munich. The following morning, he remembered the song and wrote it down.
1978 - Crosby Stills Nash & Young
Crosby Stills Nash & Young were sued by former bass player Greg Reeves for over a $1 million claiming he was owed from sales of their album 'Deja Vu'.
1977 - Joni Mitchell
The Last Waltz, the movie of The Bands final concert premiered in New York. The Martin Scorsese movie also featured Joni Mitchell, Dr John, Neil Young, Van Morrison, Neil Diamond, Eric Clapton.
1972 - Johnny Nash
Johnny Nash started a three week run at No.1 on the US singles chart with 'I Can See Clearly Now', his only US chart topper, it made No.5 in the UK.
1971 - The Who
The Who opened up The Rainbow Finsbury Park, London, England appearing on the first of three nights.
1970 - David Bowie
David Bowie released his third studio album, The Man Who Sold the World in the US - the first with the nucleus of what would become the "Spiders from Mars", backing band. The album was released in the UK in April the following year.
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kemetic-dreams · 4 years
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Melvin Glover (born May 15, 1961), better known by his stage name Melle Mel (/ˈmɛli mɛl/) and Grandmaster Melle Mel, is an American hip hop recording artist who was the lead vocalist and songwriter of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five.
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Glover began performing in the late 1970s. He may have been the first rapper to call himself MC (master of ceremonies). Other Furious Five members included his brother The Kidd Creole (Nathaniel Glover), Scorpio (Eddie Morris), Rahiem (Guy Todd Williams) and Cowboy (Keith Wiggins). While a member of the group, Cowboy created the term hip-hop while teasing a friend who had just joined the US Army, by scat singing the words "hip/hop/hip/hop" in a way that mimicked the rhythmic cadence of marching soldiers.
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five began recording for Enjoy Records and released "Superrappin'" in 1979. They later moved on to Sugar Hill Records and were popular on the R&B charts with party songs like "Freedom" and "The Birthday Party". They released numerous singles, gaining a gold disc for "Freedom", and touring. In 1982 Melle Mel began to turn to more socially-aware subject matter, in particular the Reagan administration's economic (Reaganomics) and drug policies, and their effect on the black community.
A song "The Message" became an instant classic and one of the first glimmers of conscious hip-hop. Mel recorded a rap over session musician Duke Bootee's instrumental track "The Jungle". Some of Mel's lyrics on "The Message" were taken directly from "Superrappin'". Other than Melle Mel, no members of Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five actually appear on the record. Bootee also contributed vocals (Rahiem was to later lip sync Bootee's parts in the music video).
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"The Message" went platinum in less than a month and would later be the first hip-hop record ever to be added to the United States National Archive of Historic Recordings and the first Hip Hop record inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. Mel would also go on to write songs about struggling life in New York City ("New York, New York"), and making it through life in general ("Survival (The Message 2)"). Grandmaster Flash split from the group after contract disputes between Melle Mel and their promoter Sylvia Robinson in regard to royalties for "The Message". When Flash filed a lawsuit against Sugar Hill Records, the factions of The Furious Five parted.
Mel became known as Grandmaster Melle Mel and the leader of the Furious Five. The group went on to produce the anti-drug song "White Lines (Don't Don't Do It)". An unofficial music video starred up-and-coming actor Laurence Fishburne[3] and was directed by then-unknown film student Spike Lee). The record was falsely credited to "Grandmaster + Melle Mel" by Sugar Hill Records in order to fool the public into thinking Grandmaster Flash had participated on the record.
Mel gained greater fame and success after appearing in the movie Beat Street, with a song based on the movie's title. He performed a memorable rap on Chaka Khan's smash hit song "I Feel for You" which introduced hip hop to a wider and more mainstream R&B audience. Grandmaster Melle Mel & The Furious Five had further hits with "Step Off", "Pump Me Up", "King of the Streets", "Jesse", and "Vice", the latter being released on the soundtrack to the TV show Miami Vice. "Jesse" was a highly political song which urged people to vote for then presidential candidate Jesse Jackson.
In 1988, after an almost four-year layoff, Mel and Flash reunited and released the album On The Strength, but with up-and-coming new school artists such as Eric B. & Rakim, DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions, and Big Daddy Kane dominating the hip-hop market, the album failed miserably. Mel performed with The King Dream Chorus and Holiday Crew on "King Holiday" aimed at having Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday declared a national holiday. Mel also performed with Artists United Against Apartheid on the anti-apartheid song "Sun City" which was aimed at discouraging other artists from performing in South Africa until its government ended its policy of apartheid. Mel ended the decade by winning two Grammy Awards for his work on Quincy Jones' Back On The Block and Q – The Autobiography of Quincy Jones albums.
In 1995 Duran Duran did a cover version of "White Lines" featuring performances from Grandmaster Flash and Melle Mel and released it as the second single from the Duran Duran covers album Thank You':.
In 1996, Mel contributed vocals to the US edition of Cher's hit "One By One". Their version is only available on the maxi CD format.
In 1997, Melle Mel signed to Straight Game Records and released Right Now, an album which features Scorpio (from the Furious Five) and Rondo. This album took more of a harder rap style. It barely sold at all in the US and the UK.
Mel and Ralph McDaniels a.k.a. Uncle Ralph
In 2001, under the name Die Hard, he released the song "On Lock" with Rondo on the soundtrack of the movie Blazin. Die Hard released an album of the same name in 2002 on 7PRecords.
On November 14, 2006, Mel collaborated with author Cricket Casey and released the children's book The Portal In The Park, which comes with a bonus CD of his rapped narration. It also features two songs, "World Family Tree" and "The Fountain of Truth", by a then unknown Lady Gaga performing with Mel. The book was re-released in 2010. Also in 2006, Melle Mel attended professional wrestling school. In 2007 (at age 45), he stated in an interview with allhiphop.com that "I'm going to try to take some of John Cena's money and get with WWE and do my thing".
On January 30, 2007, Mel released his first ever solo album, Muscles. The first single and music video was "M3 – The New Message". On March 12, 2007, Melle Mel and The Furious Five (joined by DJ Grandmaster Flash) became the first rap group ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In his acceptance speech, Mel implored the recording industry members in attendance to do more to restore hip hop to the culture of music and art that it once was, rather than the culture of violence that it has become. He added, "I've never been shot, I've never been arrested, and I've been doing hip hop all my life. I can't change things all by myself. We need everybody's help, so let's do it and get this thing done."
On October 10, 2008, Mel appeared on Bronx-based culinary adventure show Bronx Flavor alongside host Baron Ambrosia. In the episode "Night at the Bodega", he appears as a spiritual mentor to sway the Baron from his over-indulgent ways and get him on the right path to success.
In April 2011, it was revealed that he would take part in a new hip hop/pro wrestling collaboration, the Urban Wrestling Federation. Its first bout "First Blood" was recorded in June 2011.
Mel also appeared in Ice-T's 2012 hip hop documentary Something from Nothing: The Art of Rap.
In August 2015, Mel appeared with Kool Moe Dee and Grandmaster Caz in Macklemore and Ryan Lewis's song and music video "Downtown".
In May 2016, Mel and Scorpio, performing as Grandmaster's Furious Five ft. Melle Mel & Scorpio, released their single "Some Kind of Sorry"
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priokskfm · 11 months
#FREEDOWNLOADS #FREEPROMO #RADIOCHART #SlamRadio - 569 - Vera Logdanidi Vera Logdanidi's journey in the music industry began as a DJ in Kyiv, Ukraine during the mid-2000s. Since then, she has made significant strides as a producer, with her music finding a home on esteemed labels such as Rhythm Büro, Semantica Records, On Board Music, Dial Records, Corridor Audio and Secuencias Temporales. Her solo and collaborative tracks have received remix treatments from artists including Eric Cloutier, Artefakt, and Svreca. Moreover, her experiments in collaborations have led to joint live performances with Ukrainian producer Na Nich. Tracklist via -Spotify: http://bit.ly/SRonSpotify -Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/Slam_Radio/ -Facebook: bit.ly/SlamRadioGroup Archive on Mixcloud: www.mixcloud.com/slam/ Subscribe to our podcast on -iTunes: apple.co/2RQ1xdh -Amazon Music: amzn.to/2RPYnX3 -Google Podcasts: bit.ly/SRGooglePodcasts -Deezer: bit.ly/SlamRadioDeezer Keep up with SLAM: fanlink.to/Slam Keep up with Soma Records: fanlink.to/SomaRecords For syndication or radio queries: [email protected] & [email protected] Slam Radio is produced at www.glowcast.co.uk Скачать: https://ift.tt/hjmDu6n https://ift.tt/ezWE42Y
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