#dizzy spells
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howlingday · 5 months ago
Ruby: Hey, Jaune! I, Ruby the Great, just learned a new magic trick! Wanna see~?
Jaune: Uh, sure?
Ruby: Great! Now, think of the most embarrassing thing you could be wearing right now.
Jaune: ...
Ruby: Aaaaaand... HA-PRESTO~!
Jaune: WAIT-
Jaune: (In a virgin-killer sweater)
Ruby: Wh-Whoa...
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tetsunabouquet · 2 years ago
When Eyes Meet (Murasakibara Atsushi)
A/N: Here I decided to make a Murasakibara version of an Aomine fic I wrote. The Soulmate concept belongs to the American comic series, ElfQuest. Aomine - Kise - Kagami - Kuroko - Akashi - Midorima
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You already had gathered the small excess pile of candy, and was waiting for Murasakibara. Because of health conditions, you were often dealing with fatique and dizziness. As a result, your mom had began packing your bag with a bag of candy every day. "You're always low on energy, so it would be good for you to eat a few whenever you get your dizzy spells, sweetheart!" Your mom had chirped when you spotted her doing that. She had a point. But the bag she always bought, contained various flavors. You liked most of them, but the strawberry one was so sweet you felt like you would vomit pure sugar. Your mother agreed. So now, you were left habitually with strawberry leftovers. Thankfully, one of the wealthiest kids in school had a gigantic sweet tooth, and a roommate that would limit his amount of times to the local grocery store. His name was Murasakibara, and with Himuro around, it pretty much drove Murasakibara to your pile of strawberry sweets like an ant that had gotten a whiff of sugar. He bought your excess strawberry candy, and he paid the original bag price. You had thought of just asking for half the price of the bag, considering the strawberry ones made up like 25% of the bag at best and still have profit, but Murasakibara always paid the full price. When you asked him about it, he said he did it so you would keep selling them to him only. To make up for his kindness, you always gave him any of the leftovers of the flavors you did like too. And so, he basically funded your sugar rush. Both the two of you were pretty grateful to Murasakibara, it was a somewhat expensive fix, buying candy for your dizzy spells every day. You felt yourself perk as you saw his large figure approach you, and you waved. "Murasakibara-san." You greeted, as the purplette stood still in front of you. "What's up y/n-chin?" He asked lazily, but not at all disinterested. "Pretty good, today wasn't bad. I have a few lemon left too." You turnt around to the pile, scopping them up into your hands. Murasakibara's eyes glittered like a child's when the candies slipped into his hands, and if you didn't think he was worried about dropping one then it would almost appear as if Murasakibara withdrew his hands from yours a little too slowly. You walked with him, side by side. It was peaceful, as it usually was. Whenever you were walking side by side with Murasakibara, it felt calming. Like his presence sent a wave of comfort down your spine. You often wondered if he considered you a casual friend, like you saw him. He often left you guessing, and whilst it annoyed you, somehow you felt way too nervous to actually ask him if you were friends. Why you did not know, or perhaps you did but you just rather didn't want to really face it.
You later on wondered outside of the campus, considering Yosen was a boarding school. It was a really nice day, in Akita. You enjoyed the afternoon sun. As you turnt around the corner, you saw Murasakibara resting under a tree, eating chips. "Hey!" You greeted, looking at him. "Hello, y/n-chin." He greeted, as he stuffed his mouth full. You gestured at the spot next to him, and with a small nod, you sat next to him under the tree. "It's a nice day, isn't it?" You asked, and received another nod. You relaxed against the bark, the sweet breeze filling your lungs, playing a bit with your hair. The scent of food and nature filled the air. "Hey, I thought Himuro had limited your chips stack?" You questioned, curiously. "He Recognized last month, he's a lot more busy nowadays." Murasakibara confided to you, and your eyes widened out of surprise. "That's great news! I'm happy for him!" You chirped. Recognition was a natural phenomenon that happened as long as mankind could remember. People had always had two names. One used by everyone, and one more intimate, special. The name of their soul. This was a name one would only share with their parents, perhaps a sibling or a friend as close as a sibling. There was one special instance, where someone knew your name instinctively. Recognition was when two people would lock their eyes, and somehow, they'd know the other's soul name. Recognition usually led to a lifelong romance. It was, as society dubbed it, 'the moment you knew you found your soulmate.' Many people had wondered how Recognition worked. There seemed no pattern, no rule. Some people Recognized upon first glance, others did after already knowing their partner for a while. Some even had known the person they Recognized since childhood. It just happened. Recognized couples looked so happy, it seemed like there was a superior type of romance about it. It made fairy tales with their talk about true love, make a lot more sense. Hearing Himuro found the love of his life was great news, obviously, but there was a little nagging voice at the back of your mind. One that told you to push the topic. Murasakibara just continued to much silently. "But if you can buy snacks again, you don't really need my candy deal, anymore, do you?" You asked, realizing that for the past month, Murasakibara had been buying your candy whilst he had access to his old snacks again. "I don't need it, but I like your candy." You looked at him curiously. "Do I need to remind you that you buy them for the full price? Why do that when I'm at best giving a third of the bag?" "I know. But it tastes better when it comes from you." Murasakibara mumbled, looking even more interested in his chips then usual. Your heart skipped a beat. "Murasakibara-san," you breathed with a small blush, trying to think of what to say. Murasakibara turnt to look at you, his violet eyes staring into your e/c ones. "Huh? I thought I told you I want your candy for myself," his voice sent shivers down your spine. 'Is it my candy, or is it me, Murasakibara, that you want for yourself?' The thought hit you, and you bit your lip. As you tried to take a deep breath and stared into his eyes, wanting to take the leap of confession; the universe gave you a helping hand. "Mahr?" The name came to you, and Murasakibara quickly turnt away. You watched as he stood up, and he looked at you with a surprisingly red face. "I think I need to be alone now. I'd like to talk to you later though, Shiel-chin." Your face broke out in a large grin, and you nodded. Finding the love of your life, was definitely a moment that you'd need to sink in so you watched him go in peace. A happy, serene smile plastered on your face. This was only just the beginning.
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sylvanfreckles · 2 months ago
Why does chronic pain have to hurt so much?
I have severe pain and horrible dizziness when I stand up, and the only cure for that is more standing up. Which hurts and makes me dizzy, but I've been assured it'll get better.
But why. Why does chronic pain have to hurt?
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amusementofaprincess · 4 months ago
I swear my body just hates me.
I’ve been getting dizzy when I stand up, I was blaming it for a few days on getting up too/not drinking enough water.
I drank plenty of water Friday, and I am currently more dizzy that I was before.
Like standing for more minutes make the floor spin. And when I go from sitting to standing my vision goes grey and my ears start to ring. It doesn’t matter how slowly I stand up.
My BP is on the low side normally (thanks to meds and genetics) and when I stand my heart rate shoots up. It’s normally on the high side (80s/90s) and it’ll go up to like 130 on me.
It’s like I finally get my skin and joints sorted (aside from the fact that I burned in the shade, while wearing sunscreen on Thursday) and body wants to throw something else at me.
I’m staying at my mom’s tonight - I live alone and don’t want to worry about standing up to fast, fainting and squishing a cat.
At least the hallucinations haven’t come back as far as I know. I don’t really have a way to know if those barely audible voices are real or not when I’m in an apartment with neighbors above, below and next to me.
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jelliefishhhh · 2 years ago
It really upsets me how my dizzy spells are not taken seriously. Like I’m so dizzy and my body is shaking to the point I can barely walk after like a small bit of exercise, just because it’s normal for me doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect me. But because I’m ‘young’ and ‘healthy’ nobody cares to look into it and just blames it on not enough exercise, and nobody will let me get anything to help me. Like I’d prefer if I didn’t need to have a person walk me back to the changing rooms but I’m not allowed. It just really sucks
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rastronomicals · 1 year ago
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6:46 PM EDT March 21, 2024:
The Ex - "River" From the album Dizzy Spells (April 24, 2001)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Dutch Anarcho-punk
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rookcoppinger · 2 years ago
Service Dog Tasks (for my specific disability) that I hope to train my dog in. We as a team do not use English commands, but the task is the same regardless of what language we translate it to
Orbit- circles around me to give more space. Also known as crowd control.
Watch my back- sits behind me or in between my legs to ensure nobody comes up behind me
Retrieval- if things get out of control, being able to go get meds
Alert- alerting to a tic attack/panic attack by noticing breathing, increased fidgeting, leg shaking, or increased tic movements
Deep pressure therapy- laying on legs or on chest if needed to provide a deep pressure and calming effect for the anxiety causing these episodes
Reminders- boops leg or jumps up to remind owner they need to eat, take meds, get water, etc at specifically trained times
Forward momentum/pull- helps pull using the dogs weight to help the owner either dizzy or dissociating
Intervention- putting the dog between the owner and their body to keep them from negative behavior(hitting, scratching, etc)
Intervention II- interrupting negative behaviors that aren’t quite on the same level as the others. Example, dog boops owner if they’re leg shaking, dog licks owners hands to prevent them scratching themselves
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get-well-advice · 2 years ago
Feeling Dizzy? Not anymore.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. I know, it is an extremely difficult condition to say fast. Although, it is an extremely common condition that I have seen patients present with to the clinic time and time again. It is most referred to as BPPV, essentially it is a condition where the small crystals of calcium inside your inner ear get loose. Which leads to intermittent vertigo spells especially when turning your head or when tilting your head up and down. If you experience vertigo only when turning your head or tilting your head up or down, this is a pretty good indication that you might possibly be suffering with BPPV. Thankfully this condition is extremely easy to resolve, all you must do is complete an Epley maneuver. To perform an Epley maneuver you sit on a bed, allow your head to hang slightly over the end of the bed, turn your head to the right and lie back quickly. Wait one minute, if you feel dizzy, then the right ear is your affected ear. If no dizziness occurs, sit up. Wait one minute, turn your head to the left and lie back quickly. Wait one minute, if you feel dizzy then your left ear is your affected ear. Complete this maneuver multiple times and you should feel relief within minutes. I would highly suggest that you look up a YouTube video when attempting this maneuver as it can simplify it much more. So next time you have vertigo spells you might just be able to diagnose yourself and save yourself a visit by having to see a doctor. Hope this helps! 
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axolotlcipher · 2 years ago
People talk about pain and fatigue and stuff a lot as a fibromyalgia haver, but not enough people are talking about my mortal enemy: dizzy spells.
Brain fog is incredibly distressing, and pain is pain and tired sucks but being dizzy is just the most unpleasant feeling in the world!
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cybrrmutt · 24 days ago
dizzy spells and playing sax dont mix well
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potassiumprincess · 11 months ago
i think marinette is worse at resting when she's sick but adrien is worse at sitting things out if he's injured. i have no explanation, these are just the vibes
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digitalstowaway · 4 months ago
Modern au where nmj has a cardiac service dog named Baxia
Except Baxia eventually develops anxiety and so nmj has to treat his dog's anxiety disorder
Which in turn makes his own stress levels rise and makes his cardiac problems worse
And then Baxia's anxiety gets worse and you can see where this is going
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rastronomicals · 8 months ago
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3:28 AM EDT July 5, 2024:
The Ex - "Burnsome" From the album Dizzy Spells (April 24, 2001)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Dutch Anarcho-punk
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lichqueenlibrarian · 2 months ago
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anxiously-sidequesting · 4 months ago
are you sure you don't wanna yap about the necromancers some more
SO LIKE the unserious reason why i don't yap about the necromancers some more is because i don't think i've said anything that already hasn't been said (the unfair treatment that they're subjected to in ravenwood vs. the spiral, how malistaire's actions indirectly made the lives of his students worse/creating or even heightening ambrose's quiet distaste for necromancy, how the narrative ((understandably but unfortunayely)) largely moves past these characters because they're not the focus of the plot, duncan's ENTIRE CHARACTER, etc.) these are all things that I've touched on before and out of fear that i'd repeat myself every few months i just....... sadly put my favorite characters away BUT.... I WILL SAY THIS......
i feel like if wizard101 was a show that didn't have us as the main focus, i feel like it would be super appropriate to have Malorn or Penny or even Marla be in the young wizard's place as the Savior of the Spiral. I feel like the story would only be enriched from a necromancer's perspective; they're the ones more directly affected by pre-arc 1 situations and it would reveal a side to Ambrose that isn't quite highlighted with us because we're a blank slate - not a set character with a set school (like the Death school).
If Malorn was the young wizard that would be..... oh man. In a series where the fictional setting would have more freedom and options to explore itself rather than its game form, i can really see Duncan becoming one of the series' antagonists and being the perfect foil to Malorn. I already talked about this too but these two guys are PERFECT for each other as narrative parallels and focusing on their unique personalities, skill sets, backstories, relationships with each other and the outside world while also highlighting their glaring similarities would be METAL to see on television. Dare I say it will even give Duncan's "gets recruited into the Schism" arc actual substance and justice rather than the "surprise funny bully man from high school is now your plot twist boss fight and you get to see him squirm and cry pathetically after you beat him up!" thing..........
if Malorn WAS the main character i can already see Penny and Marla being supporting characters, maybe like THE three alongside other wizards like CEREN NIGHTCHANT, Susie and Artur/ maybe even throw Nolan Stormgate in there fuck it! But i definitely, DEFINITELY want to see Wizard101's story told through a necromancer's eyes more than anyone else's. There's just more at stake, more to care about, and more to connect with through the hearts and minds of someone under society's proverbial thumb like that
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truths33k3r4 · 3 months ago
Hey guys! Sorry it's been a bit since I've posted much- Things have been hectic and I got sick many times, so I've been doing a lot of resting lately. However~ BECAUSE I've been resting, I've been drawing a lot. :) So uh- enjoy!
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With my SIW character Expression Sheets, I used references from this graph of expressions- I don't know who the original artist was, but I still wanted to clarify that I used their graph!
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If you got any questions about any of my art, feel free to ask below, or send me an ask and I'll answer as soon as I can! :) Have a great day, guys!!
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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