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gior-gio · 1 year ago
My band just uploaded a few of our demos! This EP is.. alternative hard rock would be a fair way to describe it- I don't know, I just like playing stuff
Give it a try, it's a 15 minutes little voyage with loud stuff, lesser loud stuff, distorted vocals, undistorted vocals, a little groove, a bit of silly-
They're homemade with love and sass.
Have a good one 👂
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pivotat50 · 7 months ago
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Learning the Solomon's knot or lover's knot
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months ago
SSR Idia Shroud - Room Relaxation Vignette
"Happy Birthday"
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[Mister S's Mystery Shop]
Idia: …Hrrm, I can't find the 15th Anniversary special Star Rogue diorama.
Idia: I told Sam-shi I'd look for it myself, so I wouldn't have to deal with him talking to me, but… There's way too much stuff here to look through!
Idia: And I came all this way 'cause I wasn't fast enough to get it online.
Idia: I can't go back empty-handed after telling Ortho that there's no way I wouldn't get my hands on one as a number one fanboy!
Idia: Oho? This shelf over here has a ton of specialty figures and other hobby stuff… EEHHHH!?
[products fall of shelf]
Idia: OUCH! OW OW OW!!
Jack: Woah!? That was close! Some of the falling goods almost scraped by my nose…
Idia: I-I-I didn't do anything! They just fell off on their own since they were thrown haphazardly onto the shelf!!
[Idia runs away]
Jack: Huh? No one said it was your fault or nothin'…
Jack: …What the, he's already gone! Idia-senpai… He looks slow and frail, but is he secretly actually pretty nimble?
Jack: Oh, man, and he just left everything on the ground. Ugh, I guess I'll have to…
Jack: …Hm? Isn't this box the one Ortho mentioned today…?
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: …Haah. And in the end, I just ran away… Without a Star Rogue diorama…
Idia: It's all because they sold it first-come-first-serve, instead of pre-order... Not my fault what happened earlier…
Idia: If I went back now, that terrifying beast of a man from Savanaclaw might still be there. I'll try again tomorrow…
Idia: K. Now that I've decide that, time to get all the annoying dorm work stuff done!
Idia: Uhhh, so, the notices I have to give the other dorm students are… Oh, right, the equipment replacement schedule, and the AC inspection time.
Idia: Just in case, I'll add "Important", "Good News", "Response Required", and "Read Immediately" to the subject… K, sent.
Idia: It sure is hard work bein' a Housewarden. Thought it's not that bad since I implemented a chat app once I became Housewarden.
Idia: Efficiency above all! No face-to-face meetings! Conserving my own energy is the best way to do things!
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Idia: Finished all my Housewarden tasks, and even took a shower, as annoying as it is. I'm awesome. I'd give myself 100,000,000 points out of 100.
Idia: Nice, so… It's finally me time!
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: Ah, I got a message from Ortho… He's spending the night in the first year rooms, huh.
Idia: Then, I guess I can just game all night by myself! Fheeheehee!
 [beep, beep!]
Idia: Hm…? What's with this reminder…? Man, right when I was getting into things.
「Survey on Quality of Life Improvements for the Student Body」
Idia: Ugh.. Right, that was a thing. You don't really see paper surveys anymore. Let me think, it should be around… Yep, here it is.
Idia: Uhhh, so what, they want to know what I'd like improved? I mean, kinda late to ask a third-year, isn't it? I can't really think of anything.
Idia: Sides, there were stuff I used to not like about the dorm, but I already made upgrades to all that stuff.
Idia: We soundproofed the walls and floors, installed commercial-grade AC, and the dorm-wide servers are of my own technical specs.
Idia: To live the perfect shut-in life, we can't not have walls that can't take loud shouting, or ACs that can't keep overclocked PCs cool, so~
Idia: …Ah, wait a mo'. I just thought of one issue I got. "There's not enough electrical outlets"!!
Idia: This kinda stuff needed specialized qualifications to do, so it's not like I coulda bought the parts and DIY it.
Idia: I'm using a power strip for now 'cause I have to, but I hate how the wiring just looks like spaghetti. Even a master wiring tech like myself can't stand a sight like that!
Idia: Oh, I just thought of one more thing. "I want to have the low-capacity breaker replaced"!
Idia: It's so weak that the breaker flips just 'cause I try to have 4 computers, the server, a 3D printer, microwave, and electric kettle all plugged in at once!
Idia: I mean, I'd set up a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) system in case of emergencies, so my computers and server was fine, but...
Idia: Because of that, my plan to add an AC unit and a refrigerator in my room went out the window. That was a nightmare. Oh, and…
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Idia: …Dyehehe. I said I couldn't really think of any, but it's hilarious how the ideas keep flowin' out.
Idia: I'll attach some of the numbers we have on the cost of estimated damages by having Ignihyde students continue to use those useless breakers.
Idia: The Headmage is pretty much influenced by profits, so. If I explain how it's necessary to get better equipment, then he might listen to improvement suggestions.
Idia: Nice, mission clear. Time to watch some new anime episodes while grinding levels in my gams.
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Idia: See, nothing beats watching anime while mindlessly leveling… Ooh, I pulled a rare one!
Idia: I thought I'd be bored of this anime 3 episodes in, too, but it's actually starting to get interesting!
Idia: Well, now that the mood's getting good, I just gotta let loose! TIME FOR A SNACK PARTY!!
Idia: …Huh? I'm out of my favorite snack. Ugh, I completely forgot to re-order some more when I ate all of it last time.
Idia: If only the Mystery Shop had 24-hour delivery service… Maybe I should add that to the survey?
Idia: Nah, nevermind, I should just focus on the anime. NOTHING'S GONNA BRING ME DOWN!
Idia: Woah, the animation's clean…! They're all movin' so smoothly… Maybe the production team changed this week?
Idia: I'm getting pretty into the main theme song, too! Heehee, fheeheehee…!
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: Urrghnn… Aaarghh…
Idia: Gah! Urgh, what's that noise…? What time is it right now…?
Idia: Urk! Everything's so bright, I can't see anything… How's it morning already…? Wait, before that, where'd that noise come from…!?
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Idia: Huh…? Ortho…? Weren't you spending the night with the other first years…? Oh wait, is this just a message…?
Idia: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"…? Oh, right, today's my birthday! I completely forgot, since there wasn't anything to look forward to…
Idia: I'll just write back… Thanks, Ortho.
Idia: Urp…! But now I feel a bit sick…! And my whole body hurts…!
Idia: I fell asleep running my games, and I'm just stiff all over. Can't I just go move to my bed and go back to sleep?
Idia: Nah, if I end up crashing and forget to login and get all the birthday login voice lines, I'll never recover. Gotta wash my face or something…
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Idia: Woah, I can see how crazy my bedhead is reflected in the monitor! I think this every time, but why does my hair end up this bad whenever I fall asleep at my desk?
Idia: Kinda looks punk, but that's totally a different vibe from my usual, lawl.
Idia: Meh, my hair can be whatever. Not like anyone looks at me, anyway.
Idia: It's a pain to go all the way to the washroom… I'll just use magic like I normally do. I'll chill the water, then.
Idia: Normally, I'd just leave it here, but… My face feels so dry after pulling that all-nighter.
Idia: But I'm all good. I'm a functioning nerd, so I know how to fix it.
Idia: Ta-da~ I don't really get it, but here I go with the number one most popular all-in-one cream~
Idia: Putting on lotion and moisturizer one at a time is a waste of time. Just plap it on, and ta-da, done. Next is my clothes…
Idia: Nah, nevermind, I'm not gonna change. Now all I have to do is to jump into all my games and collect the birthday login voice lines. Fheeheehee.
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Idia: Perf, I've gotten them all for now. …Huh? There's another message from Ortho…
Idia: "I was planning on picking it up in the Mystery Shop after classes, but if you can't wait, you can go pick it up whenever"…?
Idia: Well, I gotta go right now, then! That means I have to finish getting ready.
Idia: I don't really wanna go outside, but… I can't keep my poor Star Rogue waiting! Hyah!
[Idia magics hair and clothes]
Idia: K, bedhead fixed. And now, onwards, to the Mystery Shop!!
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[Main Street]
Idia: Fheeheehee…! Look at this craftsmanship…! It looks just like the scene I imagined as a kid!
Idia: Ortho… Did you look for this Star Rogue diorama because you knew I was sad I didn't get it?
Idia: Wheew~ The best thing in the world is a little brother who thinks the world of his older brother, and is really good at search functions~!
Jack: Hm? Is that… Idia-senpai? Good morning.
Idia: GYAAAAAA!? J-Jack-shi…? Why are we making contact two days in a row…?
Jack: I mean, it's not really anything, but… I heard from Ortho yesterday that today was your birthday, is all.
[Idia runs away]
Jack: Happy Birthday. So, uh, did you get what you were looking…
Jack: Huh, he's already gone! Ugh, I don't get him at all.
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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girlishguitarist · 2 years ago
I always feel so weird when I see companies making mega expensive “punk” and “goth” clothes. I used to know this other person who kept on wanting to get into the goth scene, and another one of my friends literally was so willing to help her and get her started out with like music recs and clothing tips and she’d constantly tell us. “Oh, but dressing goth isn’t accessible for me. I don’t have the money.”
Which y’know makes sense, not everybody has the money to drop on getting goth clothes. Especially when your priorities are literally keeping a roof over your head and paying bills. We’re all from working class families here. But then we just kind of realised she was referring to the shit you’d find on like… Killstar or Dollskill and everything made a lot more sense. It’s been making me think. Ever since alternative subcultures such as goth, such as punk, even grunge tbf have made their way into mainstream fashion trends on the internet it’s made people believe that the only way you’re able to get clothes to “dress the part” is to fork out shite tonnes of money to these ridiculously overpriced online clothing stores. (You don’t even have to dress goth for example to be goth because it’s a music based subculture but that’s a whole other thing.)
The way trends are today with this whole, “aesthetic” thing along with the consumerist HELL that is fast fashion sparks a wave people just buying swathes of overpriced clothing to hop onto a clothing trend that is actually ripped from a subculture they don’t really understand? Like part of the whole core of these subcultures is that we are anti-consumerist and anti-capitalist. You are a fucking joke.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking negatively about people who truly want to get into these subcultures. There is nothing wrong with that at all, of course there isn’t. I’m talking about people who will see a fashion trend and just hop onto it and really have no idea what they’re doing. (This is part of the reason why I believe it’s unlikely we’ll ever have a new subculture as big as previous ones ever again because of just how everything is a trend now.)
Fashion that has been born from these subcultures has always been DIY. Making your own battle jackets, thrifting pieces of clothing and tweaking them to be how you want. Like… I don’t know about you babes but I don’t think goths in the 80’s were getting their clothes from fucking Hot Topic.
The fact that companies are now and have been making ridiculously priced pieces of clothing to capitalise off of: 1.) People who want to hop on trends because they don’t want to make the clothes they just want the style now, and 2.) People who want to genuinely get into subcultures such as punk and goth but may be misguided as to where to get clothing just makes me so fucking mad because it makes getting into the fashion within these subcultures seem inaccessible and consumerist-ridden when they’re absolutely not meant to be.
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bartoszsims3 · 2 months ago
Bruce’s Day Off: DIY Adventure
Chapter 1
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It was Bruce’s rare day off in Riverview, and instead of taking a relaxing break, he decided to tackle something he had been putting off for weeks: assembling the chair he impulsively bought online. The box had arrived days ago, heavy and slightly intimidating, but today, with coffee in hand and determination in his heart, Bruce was ready.
He opened the box and laid out the pieces on his living room floor. There were more parts than he expected — screws, bolts, and what seemed like an unnecessarily thick instruction manual. "How hard can it be?" he muttered, glancing at the cover. Famous last words.
An hour in, Bruce had already managed to attach the seat backward, drop an essential screw under the couch, and accidentally tighten a bolt so much it wouldn’t budge. Frustration mounting, he took a deep breath and leaned back on the half-assembled chair, only to have it collapse beneath him.
After some creative problem-solving (and a quick internet search for a tutorial), he finally made progress. By lunchtime, the chair was starting to resemble something functional. He smiled, proud of his work.
By mid-afternoon, it was complete. He plopped down, testing its sturdiness. "Not bad," he said, spinning around like a kid in a new toy.
Bruce spent the rest of the day relaxing in his new chair, scrolling through his favorite art forums and sketching some ideas for his next piece. It wasn’t a glamorous day off, but it was a productive one—and Bruce was oddly proud of his new DIY skills.
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camsons · 1 month ago
Things are going to get a lot worse. But we have to always remember that this is temporary. There will still be love and care and parties and celebrations and community within us. It's imperative that we create and maintain community, a community that's able to weather the incoming storm. We have to love our trans brothers and sisters and siblings every single day until we can no longer, until all of the lights go out. We have to love each other everyday as if it were our last. Because everyday could very well be the last. The real material conditions of trans people in America are going to get worse. But we have to fight. We have to fight for ourselves and make community ourselves and love ourselves because no one else will. Trans people have to rely on each other in order to get by. Stockpile hrt, diy if you have to. Learn self defense in order to protect yourself and others, by any means nessecary if you have to. Participate in mutual aid, share resources with those less fortunate. Not just in your local communities, but online as well. Every trans person is your family. You may not like them, they might not be your friend, but they are your family.
Thank you for reading my thoughts. I know today is not a great day, and there likely won't be many great days ahead. But we still have to find solace and comfort within the few moments of respite we can get. I love you.
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doctordeathawaits · 3 months ago
Hi. I know you’re busy and you have a lot of asks. But I wanted to get your advice on something.
I really enjoyed your tips for obtaining and hiding disability aids. I think it’s a really good post for both transabled people (yall don’t get enough love love yall) and cisabled people whose parents don’t want to admit they need an aid or aren’t safe people to tell about needing an aid.
I fall into the cisabled category. I need a medical helmet. I’ve brought it up to my parents several times. They’ve ignored me. They’ve accused me of seeking attention. It’s gotten to the point where I’m not bothering to tell them anything anymore.
I don’t have my own credit card or debit card. I’m not allowed to buy anything online without explicit permission. And I’m sure as hell not asking. I can’t drive due to my disability. So I’m limited to the stores in biking distance. I checked my local Walgreens today. They had lots of disability aids. But no medical helmets.
I’m at a loss. So I’m turning to you. Your post was so good. I’m wondering if you could help with a less common aid. Thank you and have a nice day.
I am so sorry to hear that it's the case , i hope that in the near future you are able to get the assistance that you deserve < 3 But some things you could try to do :
Regarding stores :
Since you mentioned Walgreens having some disability aids , you could request the store manager if there would be a possibility for medical helmets - and even ask for them to inform you when they would have it in stock . You can call customer service regarding this too : 1-800-WALGREENS (1-800-925-4733) .
Call other stores like CVS if they have anything available . If they do , having a friend go to buy it for you , give it to you and then you giving them the money back ( or giving them the money first so they buy it with that money ) is also an option .
Using a sports helmet as a temporary , but you can improve it for longer / more practical use . What you will need : A sports helmet ( hockey , football , skateboard , riding ) , cloth , padding , glue )
Try to find a helmet that fits - yet it's more spacious for your head for the foam - I mostly would suggest a ridding helmet that's a couple sizes bigger to be able to cover your head .
Take your cloth and cut it into small rectangles , I suggest 5 x 2 inch , cut two sides and sew the sides - only leaving one side open . Fill the cloth with padding , it can be cotton from a pillow or just lots of other cloth scraps , then sew everything shut so you have a small pillow . With the first made pillow , measure approximately how many you will need to fit inside the helmet .
You can then map out where all the pieces should sit in the helmet with a marker so that you wouldn't need to struggle of fitting everything .
Once you have all of them , take hotglue or elmers and coat the inside of the helmet . Then simply place all the pillows into the helmet and let it dry .
If you find that some of the pieces seemed too big and stuck out of the helmet - you can cut the excess off and just sew the pillow shut again .
Make sure that the helmet still fits snug and is comfortable , if you feel like there is not enough padding , you can do another round of the pillow - just this time using fabric glue / hotglue .
If your helmet doesn't have straps - cutting off the adjustable straps from backpacks , gluing it to the helmets sides , then sewing Velcro on the ends is an easy option for adjustable straps - make sure the straps are long enough to be really adjustable - while the Velcro is at a snug height .
You can do the same for the outside of the helmet for best protection .
Hiding :
While trickier , definitely not impossible , you can take a bigger hat and put it over the helmet in your closet so it's not immediately detected . Putting it in bags is also an option . You mentioned that you bike , so playing it off as a biking helmet can help .
I hope that you end up getting your assistive aid , sending the upmost love <3
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cherrygirlystuff · 6 months ago
From Myspace to Spotify: The Journey of Indie Sleaze Music in the Digital Age 🌐
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Hey there, indie dreamer! 🎸 Ready for a nostalgic trip through the evolution of indie sleaze music? From the early days of Myspace to the modern streaming era on Spotify, indie sleaze has undergone a wild transformation. Let's dive into how this raw, rebellious genre has adapted and thrived in the digital age, and why it’s still resonating with listeners today.
1. The Myspace Era: Indie Sleaze’s First Digital Playground
Back in the early 2000s, Myspace was the epicenter of indie music discovery. It was the place where bands could upload their tracks, connect with fans, and build a following without needing a major label. Indie sleaze artists were quick to embrace this new digital frontier, using Myspace as their stage and connecting with a global audience in ways that had never been possible before.
DIY Spirit: Myspace was a haven for the DIY ethos that indie sleaze embraced. Bands like The Strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Arctic Monkeys used the platform to share their music directly with fans, bypassing traditional media and labels. Their raw, unpolished sound fit perfectly with the unfiltered vibe of Myspace.
Visual Aesthetic: Bands and fans alike used Myspace’s customizable profiles to express their indie sleaze style. With an abundance of glittery backgrounds, band posters, and those iconic “Top 8” friend lists, the platform was a digital reflection of the era’s grungy, glamorous aesthetic.
2. From Downloads to Streams: The Shift to Digital Platforms
As the digital music landscape evolved, so did indie sleaze. The rise of platforms like iTunes and, later, streaming services like Spotify changed the way music was consumed and shared. This transition brought new opportunities and challenges for indie sleaze artists.
Digital Downloads: Platforms like iTunes allowed fans to buy and download individual tracks, making it easier for indie sleaze bands to reach new audiences. Artists could release singles and EPs without needing a full album, and fans could curate their own playlists of their favorite tracks.
Streaming Services: Enter Spotify, Apple Music, and other streaming platforms. The shift from downloads to streaming changed everything. Indie sleaze bands had to adapt to a world where music was less about owning tracks and more about playlist placement and algorithmic recommendations.
3. The Rise of Playlists and Algorithmic Discovery
One of the biggest changes in the music industry over the past decade has been the rise of playlists and algorithmic discovery. For indie sleaze artists, this new way of reaching listeners has both benefits and challenges.
Playlist Power: Playlists like Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” and “Release Radar” have become crucial for indie artists. Getting featured on a popular playlist can lead to a surge in streams and new fans. Indie sleaze tracks with their catchy hooks and raw energy often find a perfect home on these curated lists.
Algorithmic Challenges: While algorithms help discover new music, they also mean that artists need to navigate an ever-changing digital landscape. Standing out in a crowded field requires savvy marketing, consistent releases, and a strong online presence. Indie sleaze bands are learning to leverage social media and streaming data to connect with listeners and build their brand.
4. The Influence of Social Media: TikTok and Beyond
The rise of social media platforms like TikTok has brought a whole new dimension to music discovery. For indie sleaze, TikTok’s short-form video format and viral trends have become a new way to connect with fans and introduce their music to a wider audience.
Viral Hits: TikTok has the power to turn obscure indie tracks into viral sensations. Songs that capture the spirit of indie sleaze—whether through their raw lyrics, catchy beats, or nostalgic vibes—are finding new life on the platform. Creators use these tracks in videos, dance challenges, and memes, leading to a resurgence of interest in the genre.
Fan Engagement: Social media allows artists to interact directly with their fans, building a community around their music. Indie sleaze bands are using platforms like Instagram and Twitter to share behind-the-scenes content, engage with fans, and keep their audience updated on new releases.
5. The Revival of Indie Sleaze: A New Generation Embraces the Sound
Despite the changes in how music is consumed, indie sleaze is experiencing a revival. A new generation is discovering and embracing the genre, inspired by the nostalgia of the early 2000s and the raw, unfiltered energy that indie sleaze represents.
Nostalgic Resurgence: The early 2000s sound is making a comeback, with both new and old artists embracing the grunge pop aesthetic. The rise of vintage-inspired fashion and music is bringing indie sleaze back into the spotlight, with playlists and radio stations dedicated to the genre.
Cultural Impact: Indie sleaze’s influence is seen in modern fashion, film, and art. The grungy, carefree style of the early 2000s is being reinterpreted for today’s audience, blending nostalgia with contemporary creativity.
Final Thoughts, Babe: The Journey Continues
From the DIY spirit of Myspace to the streaming era of Spotify and the viral world of TikTok, indie sleaze has navigated a complex and ever-changing digital landscape. Despite the challenges, the genre remains as vibrant and relevant as ever, resonating with both old fans and a new generation discovering its raw, rebellious charm.
So next time you’re curating your playlist or scrolling through social media, remember the journey indie sleaze has taken to get here. Whether you’re rediscovering the classics or finding new favorites, the spirit of indie sleaze lives on—gritty, glamorous, and forever cool. 🎶✨
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the-flat-pack-kitchen-co · 1 month ago
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🌟 Transform your space into the heart of your home with The Flat Pack Kitchen Co.! 🌟
From sleek shaker doors finished in durable 2 pac to versatile laminates and stylish vinyl wraps, our intuitive online software puts you in control of every detail. 🛠️
Whether you’re redesigning your kitchen or updating a space, embark on a DIY journey with us. Get real-time support through free Zoom consultations with our expert kitchen specialists, and enjoy a seamless experience from start to finish.
🏠 Create more than just a kitchen—build a space where memories are made and cherished.
🔗 Dive into your DIY luxury kitchen project today!
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year ago
A joint statement from @polyamorouspunk and @safety-pin-punk- this is NOT a divorce kids, it’s just setting some bOuNdArIeS
Dear Punks,
We are gathered here today to talk about a shared view of the punk culture specifically in the tumblr bubble that we share between ourselves and also with so many of you.
To be frank, we get a lot of asks, which is a joy for both of us, and we love answering your questions with our opinions, other’s opinions, bouncing things off each other and our other mutuals, and directing you to anything that you might find helpful in your inquires. However, we get a LOT of asks specifically asking for permission or “Is it okay if I…”, and we really want to stress a point here:
Asking what you can and cannot do to be considered “punk” goes against being punk.
We get so many questions asking “will I be considered a poser if” and the best answer we can give you is: whatever your question is, the answer is PROBABLY going to be ”no, you wont be considered a poser”, BUT, asking if you’re going to be a poser if you do ‘xyz’ thing is gonna be what makes you look like a poser. Part of being a punk is deciding what’s right for YOU. It’s going AGAINST the grain. If you are ASKING what is acceptable, you are not ACTING in a punk manner. Punk isn’t about doing what someone says is okay, its about doing what you think is right.
Not only that, but it is very draining on both of us to receive numerous asks like this. As much as we want to answer every ask that comes our way because we genuinely WANT to help, for people to ask us questions, and to come to us for advice, when there’s a buildup in our inbox of questions asking for permission, one after another, they can be really draining. (And honestly, with how often we get asks about being a poser, the term feels very overused and watered down to the both of us). (We are taking the term poser away and putting it on the tall shelf kids).
Key loves getting asks about punk history and culture, and Punk loves getting asks about DIY tips, what’s worked for them, and both of us love talking music. In fact, we both listen to non-punk genres quite a lot as well, such as metalcore and pop rock. So, yes, we’re both team “You don’t need to listen to punk music to be punk”. But like with everything else, there’s a level of subtext in that statement. There are so many different genres of punk music. There are also so many different genres of alternative music in general. When the two of us say “You don’t need to listen to punk music”, we are not talking about the people who listen to music that explicitly goes against punk values. And we would hope that if you are existing in punk spaces online, that you can reason your way to understanding that without us having to explain it every time it gets brought up. 
And that goes for more than just that specific idea, there’s a lot of things we say that should be taken with nuance and your own critical thinking skills should be applied to. And on top of that, its also important to remember that we ALL come from different backgrounds and have different life experiences that have shaped our views and opinions. Because of this, we would also like to point out that you should not be asking us questions that involve us being your moral compass. Asking for opinions is one thing, but asking for what right and wrong is another.
There are punks out there who we’re both mutuals with who have differentiating opinions on topics, like whether or not punk is a music-based or political subculture at heart. Us having differing opinions than some of our mutuals doesn’t mean that us or them are less punk than each other. Since part of being punk is about thinking for yourself and going against what the mainstream and the masses think, then it makes sense that we don’t all agree on the smaller details. When it comes down to the real big problems, on topics like fascism, or bodily autonomy, or queer rights, etc., that’s what really matters.
We’re not the perfect role models for punk culture. We’re messy, flawed, human beings like everyone else. We like problematic things. We say shit that doesn’t always come across the right way. We can get irked easily from things on tumblr, either by asks we get or posts we see. We’re more than just our blogs. We have whole other lives outside of our punk worlds. We have different styles of fashion, different music tastes, etc. We do not live and breathe being 100% the perfect punk 24/7, but we try our best to make a difference where we can.
We genuinely enjoy being part of this community, but we also reserve the right to not answer asks that make us uncomfortable in any way, even if they come from a place of genuine desire to do what’s right. And again, we both do genuinely enjoy questions that ask for our opinions on topics, but asking for our opinions is a LOT different than asking for permission, which is something that we’ve both said a few times, but we feel like might not be reaching everyone who is thinking about sending in an ask like that. We thank you for taking the time to read this, and hope that our friends and followers understand where we are coming from and respect our wishes and boundaries on these matters, and hope you choose to continue along with us on both our individual and joint content.
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anondreamer117 · 10 months ago
Hello! My online name is AnonymousDreamer, but you can call me AnonDreamer or just Anon for short!
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I like to draw, paint, diy... Anything creative really! I write the occasional poem. I also narrate and sing every now and again.
I post my art here sometimes, but I also reblog other people's art a lot.
I'm just doing this for fun! If you want to donate to let me keep creating more art, here's my ko-fi!
Also, here's my link tree!
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Enjoy your stay!
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silversapphire5691 · 9 months ago
welcome beaaaaack to another episode of silver’s merch mysteries: the two part season finale (just kidding, but this post will be in 2 parts)
today we have a very interesting case: the hoops and yoyo top secret journal.
so if you follow my blog, you’ll know i’ve been a fan of the greeting card characters hoops and yoyo since before i could read and write. im always on the hunt for interesting things about them or lost media i can archive/help in finding.
well the other day, ebay notifies me that my saved “hoops and yoyo” search has a new listing. i click it, expecting it to not be much, but it turns out to be a listing for a diy journal kind of book.
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these kinds of books were all the rage in the late 2000s, i knew a lot of people who had the diary of a wimpy kid one and i had a junie b. jones diary too (shout out to junie b. jones fans). but i had never seen a hoops and yoyo book like this.
i save the listing and i do some research to see if this has been mentioned or archived anywhere. i try searching the title. nothing. i try searching the isbn number. nothing (although it is pretty blurry, i could have typed it wrong). there are absolutely no images or listings for this book that i can find. i even check worthpoint to see if maybe someone else sold it at some point. absolutely nothing.
by this point i knew i had found something interesting so i immediately buy the book. at the time of me writing this i have not received it, but i will post pictures and updates once i do. i think i have found some real lost media here!
some things i think are interesting: the back of the book says “this edition is only available for distribution through the school market.”
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you’ll also notice that the book was published by scholastic. so that led me to a theory…
was this book only sold through the scholastic book fair?
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i mean, that would explain the rarity. hoops and yoyo weren’t exactly the most popular characters even in their heyday, so i can’t imagine many kids bought this book anyway.
while im waiting for my order to arrive, i’ve been trying to find old catalogs from book fairs of old, but i haven’t found much. i’ll keep looking and see if i can find any other mention of this book anywhere online.
i wanted to hold off on making this post until i actually got the book but i got impatient. once i get the book i’ll post a follow up and any other findings i stumbled across while i was waiting!
see yall soon!
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kelseytheballerina · 2 years ago
the biggest thing i’m going to struggle with this challenge is the social media break on weekdays… any tips on that?
Well for starters, I just reblogged this post for you with practical tips.
Remember that social media is a very new thing and literally everyone who came before you (and depending on your age, even a part of your life) had life without social media. People entertained themselves, they learned, they traveled, they dressed themselves and discovered their style, they found cool foods they wanted to make, they kept up with current events, they found out about shows and movies they wanted to see, all without social media. And you can too. You are not required to be glued to your phone all day. You are absolutely allowed to log off. There’s no consequences for doing so. Very very very very very few things we find online are truly worth seeing and I can bet you a million dollars right now that you don’t remember even a fraction of the stuff you looked at today. It’s just not important! You’re missing out on nothing.
This is an opportunity for you to experience a full and satisfying life in the real world. So many books to read, pictures to draw, stories to write, clothes to make, workouts to do, daydreams to have, in-person visits to make, albums to listen to, recipes to try, at-home spa days to have, miniature sets to build, candles to make, DIYs to try, journaling to do, repairs to complete, bedrooms to redecorate, local places to visit, and time with family to share. Can all of this be done while also spending time on social media? Yes of course. But many times, we don’t do it because that time gets stolen from us with nothing to show for it.
Just bc these accounts exist doesn’t mean you have to use them. They’re not going anywhere. A few months off will do you so much good.
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year ago
A joint statement from @polyamorouspunk and @safety-pin-punk - this is NOT a divorce kids, it’s just setting some bOuNdArIeS
Dear Punks,
We are gathered here today to talk about a shared view of the punk culture specifically in the tumblr bubble that we share between ourselves and also with so many of you.
To be frank, we get a lot of asks, which is a joy for both of us, and we love answering your questions with our opinions, other’s opinions, bouncing things off each other and our other mutuals, and directing you to anything that you might find helpful in your inquires. However, we get a LOT of asks specifically asking for permission or “Is it okay if I…”, and we really want to stress a point here:
Asking what you can and cannot do to be considered “punk” goes against being punk.
We get so many questions asking “will I be considered a poser if” and the best answer we can give you is: whatever your question is, the answer is PROBABLY going to be ”no, you wont be considered a poser”, BUT, asking if you’re going to be a poser if you do ‘xyz’ thing is gonna be what makes you look like a poser. Part of being a punk is deciding what’s right for YOU. It’s going AGAINST the grain. If you are ASKING what is acceptable, you are not ACTING in a punk manner. Punk isn’t about doing what someone says is okay, its about doing what you think is right.
Not only that, but it is very draining on both of us to receive numerous asks like this. As much as we want to answer every ask that comes our way because we genuinely WANT to help, for people to ask us questions, and to come to us for advice, when there’s a buildup in our inbox of questions asking for permission, one after another, they can be really draining. (And honestly, with how often we get asks about being a poser, the term feels very overused and watered down to the both of us). (We are taking the term poser away and putting it on the tall shelf kids).
Key loves getting asks about punk history and culture, and Punk loves getting asks about DIY tips, what’s worked for them, and both of us love talking music. In fact, we both listen to non-punk genres quite a lot as well, such as metalcore and pop rock. So, yes, we’re both team “You don’t need to listen to punk music to be punk”. But like with everything else, there’s a level of subtext in that statement. There are so many different genres of punk music. There are also so many different genres of alternative music in general. When the two of us say “You don’t need to listen to punk music”, we are not talking about the people who listen to music that explicitly goes against punk values. And we would hope that if you are existing in punk spaces online, that you can reason your way to understanding that without us having to explain it every time it gets brought up. 
And that goes for more than just that specific idea, there’s a lot of things we say that should be taken with nuance and your own critical thinking skills should be applied to. And on top of that, its also important to remember that we ALL come from different backgrounds and have different life experiences that have shaped our views and opinions. Because of this, we would also like to point out that you should not be asking us questions that involve us being your moral compass. Asking for opinions is one thing, but asking for what right and wrong is another.
There are punks out there who we’re both mutuals with who have differentiating opinions on topics, like whether or not punk is a music-based or political subculture at heart. Us having differing opinions than some of our mutuals doesn’t mean that us or them are less punk than each other. Since part of being punk is about thinking for yourself and going against what the mainstream and the masses think, then it makes sense that we don’t all agree on the smaller details. When it comes down to the real big problems, on topics like fascism, or bodily autonomy, or queer rights, etc., that’s what really matters.
We’re not the perfect role models for punk culture. We’re messy, flawed, human beings like everyone else. We like problematic things. We say shit that doesn’t always come across the right way. We can get irked easily from things on tumblr, either by asks we get or posts we see. We’re more than just our blogs. We have whole other lives outside of our punk worlds. We have different styles of fashion, different music tastes, etc. We do not live and breathe being 100% the perfect punk 24/7, but we try our best to make a difference where we can.
We genuinely enjoy being part of this community, but we also reserve the right to not answer asks that make us uncomfortable in any way, even if they come from a place of genuine desire to do what’s right. And again, we both do genuinely enjoy questions that ask for our opinions on topics, but asking for our opinions is a LOT different than asking for permission, which is something that we’ve both said a few times, but we feel like might not be reaching everyone who is thinking about sending in an ask like that. We thank you for taking the time to read this, and hope that our friends and followers understand where we are coming from and respect our wishes and boundaries on these matters, and hope you choose to continue along with us on both our individual and joint content.
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good-beanswrites · 5 months ago
We were doing a roleplay thread of OoA. Mikoto (well, John) follows Kotoko to Mahiru's cell, and they tear the place apart.
Good thing Mappi wasn't around, but that's got to be a terrible thing to return to...
Mmm that's such an interesting thought -- the attack taking place in the room of the one person unaffected. The survivors guilt is Insane smh -_- I tried to lean into Mappi's voice and mindset for this, I'm not sure how it'll read but I'm super satisfied with the character study it gave me!
Every good housewife knows that a tidy home is a happy home. She knows how to take care of a tiny amount of clutter, since something as small as that can ruin the atmosphere. She knows how to approach larger disorganization before it causes distraction and agitation. The thing they don’t teach housewives, however, is how to handle a living space that has been wholly spattered with blood. At least, they hadn’t in any of the online articles that Mahiru had read. 
The woman hovered in the entryway to her cell, her hands brought up by her chest in an attempt to make herself as small as possible. The others had informed her that the day’s fight ended up in her cell, but she’d only been grateful she was away when it happened. It hadn’t even crossed her mind that the room may not be suitable to sleep in.
The door clicked behind her, locking her in for the night.
Furniture and possessions lay scattered across the floor. Her pillow and sheets had been flung about. She wouldn’t mind returning them to the bed if they were just kicked around the ground, but even in the dim light (her favorite lamp now lay in glass shards) she could see that they each held dark splotches of blood. The color was streaked across the floor, clinging to the back wall as well. 
Maybe nobody had thought to warn her about the state of the cell since there weren’t any huge puddles of the stuff, or because the lamp was really the only thing that had been broken. Mahiru told herself that they were probably too absorbed in the victims’ physical conditions to give it a second thought. It didn’t help the hurt rising in her chest – they could have said something. It would have taken two seconds to think about her and mention it. She could have at least brought a bucket and a sponge inside before curfew…
She bit down hard on her quivering bottom lip, scolding herself for feeling such self pity.
How dare she be anything but joyful that she made it out of today alive. So what, she had a little blood in her cell? It was better than that being her blood spilled somewhere. How dare she not be spending every moment in reverent gratefulness that the others made it out of today alive. Maybe it’d be rough to stay in the cell until morning, but at least she was guaranteed to make it through the night.
Fuuta and Amane’s faces flashed in her mind. She drew in a shaky breath. There had been nothing in her online articles about a situation like that.
But moping around never helped any household. The door was locked, so there was no chance of anyone coming back to cause any more mess. Though she couldn’t do anything directly for Fuuta or Amane, she could start drawing up a list of gifts and favors and favorite meals she could cook. It would be silly for her to cry now, with things going so well.
She should be happy. She should be happy. She should be happy.
And so she was. Mahiru used a scarf as a makeshift broom to sweep up the glass – every good housewife knows that safety comes first! She hummed a favorite tune as she collected the other objects around the room. The song wavered only once, though it returned with full force. She sang the cheery chorus with passion as she found one of her earrings had been crushed underfoot. It would make a fun DIY fix in the next few weeks – she always did love crafts! 
Once everything was straightened out, she moved to her closet. It was looking more bare after her verdict, but there were still plenty of things to choose from for what she had in mind. She picked out her thickest of clothes and laid them on the floor in a colorful, comfy arrangement – it would be the cutest little campout! In fact, if she pinned up her throw blanket in just the right way, it reminded her of younger years making pillow forts and having sleepovers. A little change in scenery can go a long way. She’d read that on a travel blog once, though she’d never truly believed it until now. 
She adjusted the blanket with a smile. As she curled up on a particularly soft sweater, she commended herself on the ingenuity. She’d gotten the room under control in less than an hour. If she could take on a project like this, just think of how happy a home she could run someday. 
Indeed, the space was downright adorable inside. One would never even know things had gotten so bad, she thought. One would never even know there was blood on the walls, just outside.
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punksdocrimes · 6 months ago
What this means is that I source my estrogen from grey marker suppliers online. It's safe, it works. I'm 10 months HRT as of today (Aug 20th 2024)
There's a lot of reasons for this, but it's mostly financial
And I've been in dire financial straits for a while now (short story: no car and I live in the middle of nowhere)
I have maybe 2 injections worth of EEn in my current vial. That's gonna be very quickly.
If you have even a few dollars to throw my way, I'd be EXTREMELY grateful
I HATE having to beg for money so this is like my final act of desperation.
I have $84.50 in my cashapp saved up. This is 1 year of saving up money, and $50 of that is from a friend of mine's donation earlier this year when I was wanting to start Progesterone (which isn't happening anymore because I don't have the income for it). To order a new vial is EXACTLY $84.50 for me (believe, it's a weird coincidence; but so is my 1 year anniversary injection being on my LITERAL birthday. Things are poetic like that with me ig 💀)
If you know anything about DIYing, it's that most vendors take crypto only. If you know anything about apps like Cashapp, they charge money for converting to crypto (obviously).
To complete this order, I literally JUST need $3 to cover the conversion cost
So please if you see this and have $3 to send, DM me and I'll send you my cashapp - and I'll be sure to pass the kindness forward
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