world of Zedith
93 posts
a place to imagining
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worldof-zedith · 3 months ago
gue sering memendam rasa kesal dan marah sendiri. biasanya jadi pengen banget melakukan tindakan di luar kebiasaan. kadang perasaan pengen pijak kepala orang, ngebenturin pala ke tembok, nyabut kuku orang dan siram pake alkohol, dan hal-hal keji lainnya hanya jadi imajinasi liar dalam pikiran.
pertanyaannya adalah, kemanakah emosi-emosi tersebut (akan) bermuara? apakah tidak apa-apa jika tidak dikeluarkan dan hanya menumpuk dalam pikiran? ga akan jadi bom waktu yang pada suatu saat ketika sudah capai satu titik jadi ganas gitu, nggak kan?
jadi penasaran deh gimana ya cara meregulasi emosi negatif menjadi uang poundsterling
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worldof-zedith · 4 years ago
i feel so empty right noooooowww
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worldof-zedith · 4 years ago
Disaat seperti ini, kayaknya tinggal gue sendiri yang ga meninggalkan titik. Gue diam di tempat, memerhatikan teman teman gue yang satu per satu mulai pergi cari kesibukan. Tapi mungkin lebih tepatnya nyari cara untuk melanjutkan dan bertahan hidup sih.....
Dari tia teman gue, 1 udah nikah dan punya usaha. 2 udah gawe dan punya penghasilan. Dan gue? Ya masi mantengin twitter. Hahahahahahaha
Berusaha untuk ga banding2in idup ama punya org lain tapi sometimes i feel lonely sih... kayak... yah anjing karena gue sendiri yang pengangguran jadi bingung mau main ama siapa. Hahahahaha sedih.
Sudah lah... menikmati hidup ada dengan berbagai cara. Kita tau mana yang baik caranya.
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
So, few days ago i replied Erlend's instagram story like this.. i didn't expect that he would see my dm cz i know maybe there are hundreds of dms in his inbox.
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And today, he really sent me the video lmaoooo idk its awkward but it really made me happy😂😭😭 so here i just wanna share the vid with u guys cz why not and its reaaaaally calming even its just 8 secs vid🙂
September 1st, 2020
12.55 a.m.
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
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I'm sooooooo glad and feeling relief that this guy had been discharged from hospital because of that fcking covid-19. At July 27th he confirmed that he got positive covid-19 after had a rapid test. Toru felt fever and cold at morning and he decided to got covid test at the same day.
And after 10 days waiting for his news, this day august 6th, GLADLY he came back and made a post on his instagram and tell everyone that he's okay and say thank you to health worker and fans. It's a rare thing he update a selfie photo haahahaha love you リーダ さま!
And Taka commented on Toru's post and said 「本当によかった!」 yes, he really miss his neighbor, i guess. Lol.
This news was really made my whole week after passed some rough time... i did my colloquium and it was reaaaally made me crazy :)))))
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
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Ini menyedihkan sekali.
Pak Sapardi, Si Panyair Ulung yang kukagumi itu,
pergi untuk selama lamanya.
Bait-bait sajaknya kini kian terasa pada rongga2 dada,
Pak Sapardi, terima kasih. Karya-karyamu selalu bagus. Aku suka semua!
Walaupun banyak yang bikin aku mikir, tapi aku tetap suka. Cuma mikir puisi bapak aku merasa senang.
Bapak, baik-baiklah disana ♡ /07/19/2020
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
I just remembered something in back then,
When i was randomly waiting for my friend in her college. Wish that i could meet her in once because we've been never met for long time before. I did it for three times and got nothing at all. Idk what i was doing, i just knew that i miss my friend.
Day after day, months passed by. I never heard a news about her even once. Then my other friend had initiative to contact her first.
And what a news.
She came up with all her pain she had been keeping by her self. And she said that it all caused by my self. I was shock. It's blown my mind. Blow into that memories when i came to her college with heart full of hope.
Then, i just realized that she was avoiding me. All this time. She won't come to see me. She won't talk to me. She even won't be friend with me.
It's hurt. Even by now.
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
My imaginary self.
In some chances, i always want to be somebody else. But more precisely, I really want to be someone that i always imagine.
What i imagine is, i am a calm person in every situation. Even when i'm in danger, my inner calm is always there. I can think clearly and solve at that time. I always imagine that i can fighting in a cool way. I can beat people that bigger than me. I always want to fight or at least punch on someone face until they unconscious.
I really wanna have a gun. Not a stunt gun, but GUN. The sophisticated one. Eventho i can't fight well, i can shoot them in the head.
Another thing i really wanna have is a wistful eye. Its an additional thing to make my calm self become a cool character. Damn maybe i'm too much watching films but its okay. Lol.
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
I really love this acoustic version!😭❤
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
Just can't move on from this hype
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Wherever You Are, Ambitions Japan Tour 2018
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
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The only one jamet yg ingin kunikahi
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
Sepanjang durasi.
Dalam kurun waktu 180 menit itu, aku berkutat dengan berbagai sekat ruang dalam pikiranku. Membaginya jadi dua bagian, -bagian satu, aku sisihkan untuk memahami isi film. Bagian lainnya, aku membayangkan tentang kamu.
Aku membayangkan betapa menyenangkannya menikmati film bagus ini dengan orang seperti kamu.
Sebelum nonton, kita tukar tiket dan beli makanan. Saling mengingatkan untuk buang air kecil supaya tidak kebelet pipis ketika didalam teater yang dingin karna air conditioner. Kita melangkah dengan wajah bahagia dan cerah tak terkira. Sebegitu senangnya karena film yang sudah lama dinanti akhirnya tayang juga.
Aku duduk disampingmu dan sesekali aku melihat siluet wajahmu dari samping. Kamu terpingkal karena satu adegan dan aku tersenyum melihat itu.
Setelah filmnya selesaipun, kita masih sibuk membahas adegan aksi berdurasi panjang tersebut. Saling berbagi dialog mana saja yang kamu dan aku kira paling menarik. Sedikit berdebat karena berbeda makna yang ditangkap, atau saling mengiyakan dengan penuh semangat ketika jagoan kita sama-sama menang.
Hidup bisa jadi seseru hanya dengan membayangkan aku dan kamu menghabiskan waktu bersama, pada hal yang kita suka.
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
some things i’ve learned while studying in quarantine
drink more water instead of more coffee.
weekly goals are bullshit. set yourself 3-day goals. you’ll be less laid-back.
don’t just mindlessly stare at words. before you start studying, know your approach to it. have a plan.
summarizing the concept in your own words is the key part of taking notes. don’t just copy things down, convert them into your own way of talking, your own vocabulary, no matter how dumb and unprofessional it sounds.
don’t let the “studyblr aesthetic” fool you. studying doesn’t have to be pretty. summaries and notes can be messy as long as they’re comprehensible. you can always rewrite and reorganize them later. (honestly, you better do. and you better keep them.)
don’t throw away the papers you’ve solved your problems in. staple them to the fucking textbook. you need to see them constantly. cause you’ll need reminders of how far you’ve came, when you’re feeling discouraged.
don’t be an armchair analyst for your issues. if you have an idea then act on it.
remember: the exact point where it becomes difficult, is where your growth begins. take a deep breath, and try to focus on the paragraph in front of you.
get off your high horse and understand that if you’re a zero, you won’t go to 100 in a couple of days. first, you’ll need to reach 30, then from 30 to 60, and then from 60 to 90. nobody is 100 everyday. that happens very rarely.
you need to have fun everyday. you need to have peaceful time every single day. even on exam night. especially on exam night, actually. so make sure you’ve studied enough so you can have some time to yourself.
once you’re on a roll and in need of some challenge to stay on track, start writing down your studying hours. tell yourself you’re not allowed to do less than 80% of what you did yesterday. whatever the hell it was, even just one hour. so if yesterday you really studied for like, say 8 hours, today your goal is to study for at least 6 and a half hours. if you can’t keep up with that, make it 70%, or 60%. 
be forgiving of yourself. be kind to yourself. even if you bounced back and lost your streak. start again. as slowly as you did before. take your time. it’s okay, you were there once you can get there again.
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
They're really good in entertaining their fans. I can't stop laughing lmaooo😭😭😭
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worldof-zedith · 5 years ago
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Dah gada wibawanya byeeeee
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