#dixie mafia
inwokewetrust1981 · 2 months
The Plot to Kill King--Interview with William Pepper
The Plot To Kill King Interview With William Pepper
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allengreenfield · 6 months
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reverietruecrime · 2 years
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🚨 New Podcast Episode
Buford Pusser, a former Marine and wrestler, became Sheriff of his small, hometown county of McNairy, Tennessee in 1964. He had brawn, brains, the heart and fierceness of a lion, but could be gentle as a lamb. Buford took on the State Line Mob and Dixie Mafia as he cleaned up the county. During his life, he experienced a mixture of major triumphs and heart wrenching tragedies, which were portrayed in movies, tv series, and books.
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murielsmurders · 2 years
This Dixie Mafia episode has been hitting lately! So glad people are enjoying this banger, Muriel brought the heat.
Mississippi MURDER 1987-style! Who killed Biloxi power couple Margaret and Vince Sherry in their own home? Muriel takes us through the Whiskey Rebellion, bootleg slot machines, Mayoral drama, under the table wiener rubs, and yellow Firebirds. Part 1 of 2.
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Almost Paradise S02E09 Old Times.
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dixieforsmash · 2 years
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ckerouac · 1 year
So I have to say that after the first two eps of Justified: City Primeval, I love what the inclusion of Willa brings to the story.
She's exactly who she should be - a sheltered middle class white girl who takes joy in being a little shit. Because she's 15 and every 15 year old has the spirit of a little shit. You're pushing against boundaries because that's what you do at that age. I don't know if that's Vivian's natural pitch to her voice or a choice, but I love that they're going with such a high pitch because it really emphasizes that she's a child.
And her being a child is so important to the story and what we get to learn about Raylan because this is the first time in the series that we're getting to see Raylan from the eyes of someone who cares about him but doesn't know him. Yes, he's her father and they very clearly have a relationship from the very first scene in the car (the teasing about texting, the 'we don't have to tell mom' suggested in a way that that's worked before and she's a bit of a daddy's girl, the good natured sulk of a kid that's not uncomfortable with that parent, and the lack of worry of her face when he shoots out the truck tire because she trusts her dad to take care of her). But how many of us actually knew our parents when we were teenagers? We didn’t.
Raylan, for good or for ill, and for reasons justified or not (see what I did there?) has a lot of anger inside him that gets shoved down. We know this. And everyone who we meet in Justified already knows this about him. You have folks who knew him growing up, knows his family situation, or was a direct cause of a lot of that trauma - Arlo, Helen, Boyd, Ava, the Bennets, etc. You have folks who work with him and know the man who shot Tommy Bucks at lunch for reasons justified or not - Art, Rachel, Tim, the Dixie Mafia, the Detroit Mafia, etc. And then you have Winona, who knows him well enough to be married, divorced, and then co-parenting with him. The most outside view we get of him is Loretta, who is also a child but a child who has a wildly different set of experiences than Willa and is not surprised when violence comes to her door.
Which leaves Willa as someone who very obviously loves her father, but the father who is dry humored, stubborn, a little indulgent, etc. Raylan was confronted with his past in Justified and what it did to him, and he's very obviously keeping that from Willa. When they're talking about what route to take home on their road trip, she suggests going through Harlan because 'that's where we come from, right?' And he deflects because he doesn't want to show her that part of him and his history. (This is yet another little point I love that shows that even if Raylan isn't the custodial parent, they still have a great relationship because Willa constantly uses 'we' instead of 'you' and I love that they do that here. And he's going to be blaming himself hard for not getting back to the hotel sooner, which I am here for that guilt).
We get to see Raylan as Willa sees him.
And when Raylan is absolutely beating the shit out of Clement outside the hotel, we are cheering because this asshole threatened Willa, and he needs to stay away, and we want Raylan to defend his daughter, and we want to see that anger slip through, and we want to see it, and we want him to do it, and we want...
And then we turn around and realize that Willa is seeing her father for the first time as the angry man we all already know he is, and that we enjoy him being. And it fucking hurts. Because we have to confront that this is not a good thing we want him to do and to be. Because here is the only person who never saw him as 'the angriest person I've ever met' like Winona says in the pilot, watching him beat a man on a sidewalk in what looks like to her a complete unprovoked situation.
So what happens now? How is her innocence about her dad broken? And how does Raylan deal with the one person who never knew him as that Givens boy from Harlan seeing what he’s willing to do?
I love that we get to see that. I can't wait to get that answered.
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abelvis · 2 years
Summary: Austin!Elvis x Virgin!reader during the 50’s. Trying to court you, but initially you weren’t interested. He tries for some time, and you finally go to see him in concert, and it changes the way you think of him. SMUT at the Motel.
Warnings: SMUT, slight period (50s) sexism, reader is a big virgin, fluff
 Notes: some inaccuracies around the timeline of the Hayride, Graceland, and Dixie (imagine she wasn’t with Elvis ever) but fitting for the purpose of the story.
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 Elvis had been trying to court you for some time now, always showing up at your doorstep with flowers for you – which was mighty brave considering the conservative soul your father was. He often referred to Elvis as ‘that damn rock n’ roll greaser boy’. He wasn’t Elvis’ greatest fan to put it lightly.
 Despite Elvis’ efforts to pursue you, you still showed him no interest. You saw him as a friend and nothing more, seeing as you were all part of the same friends group. He cared for you, and you did like having the protection of him and the other Memphis Mafia he had around him.
 “Hey baby, looking mighty fine tonight darlin’” Elvis almost shouted at you, he just couldn’t contain himself after seeing you at Graceland with everyone else.
“Thanks Elvis, you aren’t looking so bad yourself” you gave him a shy smile, acting bashful while doing so.
“What do you say you come see me tonight at the Hayride, and then we can go someplace quiet afterwards?” he whispered, winking at you.
“Elvis, I’ll come see you at the Hayride, but I need to be home by 10. I promised my Daddy” you pouted, knowingly flirting with him.
“Baby, he’ll be ok, I’ll get you home by 12?” he asked hopefully.
“Elvis, I’m standing by what I said!” you demanded.
“Ok ok, I’ll see you at the hayride sweetheart” Kissing your cheek then getting into his Cadillac.
You blushed as he did this, not really sure if you were feeling something for him. Have you tried to bottle your feelings up this whole time?
Your best friend Dixie smiled at you having watched the entire ordeal, you made an unsure face back which made her rush over.
“What the hell was that y/n?!” an excited tone about her question.
“Dix, I don’t know!” you squealed, while trying to keep your voice down as Elvis hadn’t left the driveway yet.
“Y/n, I think you need to give it a try, you won’t know unless you try!”
“Dix, I’m not sure. Should I? I don’t know” you battled with yourself and your inner monologue.
Dixie grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you “go for it sweetie, I promise you’ll be fine”
Scottie called over to Dixie “Hey Dixie, you coming baby?” They had been dating for a few months, with everything going well for them. You thought if it’s going well for them then what could possibly go wrong for you?
Bill shouted you over as you were the last one stood on the driveway; everyone had left.
“I guess you’re stuck with me y/n”
“Hey Bill, how’s everything going?” you said whilst walking over to him.
You always had a soft spot for bill, he looked out for you and was a really kind person.
In the car Bill pushed further with the Elvis thing.
“You know y/n, Elvis is mad about ya’” bill looked over to see you fiddling with your hands in your lap.
“Bill, I don’t know. What if things don’t work out and I can never show my face around here again?!” you were visibly nervous.
“Aw sweetie is that the only thing holding you back?” he said.
“Well, no, there’s also my dad. And my feelings! I’m not sure I’m that into Elvis, you know?”
“Well, that’ll break his heart into 2” he grimaced.
“I mean to say, I wasn’t sure, but I’m warming to the idea” you re-iterated.
The rest of the drive was uneventful.
You got into the concert hall and took your seat next to Dixie and a couple of the Memphis Mafia. A few acts had been on, and quite frankly you were ready for bed. That was until they announced Elvis, the girls went wild. Could you compete with all of these girls wanting a man who wanted you? He could have any of these chicks in a heartbeat – why you?
He walked onto the stage with a sultry look on his face, searching the audience. He smirked once he found you, and you shot him a coy smile back. You were so proud of what he had become, but that begged the question – could you deal with the fame and limelight of being his girl?
Elvis played Baby, Let’s Play House – part of you thought it was just for you as it was your favourite Elvis song. He did his usual Elvis jig, and the girls went crazy. All the while he was glancing over at you, like you were the only girl in the room. His performance made you gleam with pride for him, you were bursting with how proud you were. Then something clicked within you, how could you be so stupid? Of course, you wanted to give it a go with Elvis.
You couldn’t wait till you could see him after the performance. The next acts dragged, as you were so excited to see him. Finally, the Hayride was over, so you went to find him. Walking through the hall of dressing rooms you finally found Elvis’ dressing room. Scotty was inside but no sign of Elvis.
“Where’s Elvis, scotty?”
“He went round the back for some air, y/n” Scotty said, not even looking up from his guitar he was fiddling with.
You nearly ran outside to see him. There he was, your Elvis.
“Elvis!” you called, before running over to him.
“Hey Baby, did you enjoy it?” he asked with hopeful eyes.
“EP, Sweetie, that was the best I’ve ever seen you!”
Elvis beamed at the compliment. Before he could say anything else you chimed in again.
“What do you say we go some place quiet now?” mimicking him from earlier.
“Baby are you sure?” shock evident on his face.
“Let me go call my mother, I’ll tell her I’m stopping at dixies” you rushed off while Elvis nodded.
They let you into the office at the concert hall, you made the important call and met Elvis back outside where you were before.
“All good?” Elvis asked
“Yep, Sweetie, she totally bought it, I’m all yours tonight”
“Wow never thought I’d see the day. We’re all packed up now, so where would you like to go little girl? We can go to club handy, or the diner? Or go on a drive?” Elvis asked.
“Can we just go back to the Motel EP? I’m exhausted”
Elvis was a little disappointed, but he nodded and opened the car door for you.
On the way to the Motel, you were fidgeting again. 10 times more nervous than you were before you came.
“Hey pretty girl what’s on your mind?” Elvis caught on to your fidgeting, he had a concerned look on his face.
“Nothing, I mean it’s nothing to you, it’s fine don’t worry about it EP. It’s all fine.” You shot him a painted-on smile.
“I know something is wrong baby, I’ve known you for too long now if you think you can kid me. What’s going on?” Elvis said softly while placing his hand on yours.
“Elvis, I’m scared this won’t go the way we both want it to. And also, I’m a virgin, does that change the way you think of me because I’m not experienced like you?” naively you admitted.
Elvis laughed, and he couldn’t contain it. “Baby, of course I don’t think any less of you because you’re a virgin, that just means you’re all mine. And we don’t know how this will go unless we try hey?”
You nodded and left the conversation. It didn’t put you at ease one bit.
You arrived; Elvis opened the door for you. Finally, you had some alone time with Elvis.
As soon as you got into the room, you planted your face onto his. He kissed you back, deepening the kiss, involving tongues. This was the most passionate kiss you ever had, of course it sent flutters all over you. His hands were rubbing all over you, in an endearing way of course. You both sat down on the couch in the motel room, playing tonsil tennis for a good 10 minutes until you broke the silence.
“EP, can we go to the bed? Pretty please?” you asked with a bashful smile on your face.
“Baby, I thought you’d never ask” he replied, the most excited you’d ever seen him.
He lifted you up and threw you on the bed. The bed was the biggest bed you’d ever seen. He laid you down on the bed, moving to lay on top of you, kissing all over your body.
“Darlin’, I’m only gonna do what you’re comfortable with. If you want me to stop, you tell me, okay?” he said in a sultry tone. You nodded back to him, face reddening by the second, this wasn’t sufficient for him.
“I need words baby” he added.
“Yes EP, okay” you replied.
While kissing, he started to undress you. The stockings came first, then the shirt and then the skirt. When you realised you were half naked you covered yourself with your arms, shy and embarrassed as no man had ever seen this much of you before.
“Baby, please don’t cover yourself up from me. You’re so beautiful, I want to see all of you” he spoke softly into your ear.
“EP I’m nervous, I’ve never been in this situation before” you admitted.
“I won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with; you just tell me, and I’ll stop baby. Do you want to carry on Sweetie?” he asked.
“Yes of course I do! Please Elvis, give me everything” you nodded to confirm you really wanted to.
“Okay just relax baby, I promise I’ll make you feel so good”
You looked up at him with trusting eyes. He peppered kisses all over your body, moving up and down, skating his hands around the waistband of your panties. You didn’t dress yourself in the most flattering pair, you didn’t know you’d be in this situation when you got dressed this morning.
“Can these come off baby?” he tapped the waistband of your panties again.
You nodded, holding your breath due to the excitement and also with how nervous you were.
He peeled them off your legs and threw them on the bedroom floor. You instantly shut your legs, on instinct and threw your hands up to cover your face.
“Can you open your pretty little legs for me please baby? Everything will be ok I promise” Elvis whispered.
You toyed with the idea for a couple of seconds, until you finally opened your legs for him.
“Wow princess, that is the prettiest little thing I have ever seen” he kissed your core, which made you jump. “Can I see that pretty face of yours?” Elvis pouted.
You took your hands away from your face to look at him. His eyes were full of lust, a scary hungry look on his face.
“Can I, baby?” he gestured towards your core.
 You nodded. You propped yourself up on your elbows so you could see what he was doing.
He put his hands on your thighs at either side to keep you open for him, and he delved straight in. His tongue licking a stripe straight up the centre of your core. Your head flew back, enjoying the unfamiliar feeling. He kept licking up and down, side to side, and even putting his tongue into you. He was enjoying the ungodly sounds coming from you, all at his mercy.
After 5 minutes of him attacking your pussy, you felt an unfamiliar feeling building in your stomach. You weren’t unsure what this was and whether you should have been enjoying it or not. At one point it got so intense you stopped him. You put your hand on his forehead to pull him up from your centre. “EP, I can feel something in my stomach, it’s a weird feeling I don’t know if I like it” you admitted.
“From the sounds I heard, I thought you were enjoying that baby?” concern evident on his face.
“It was really nice; I’ve just never felt this before” you were embarrassed to admit this.
“Are you sure you weren’t about to orgasm?” he asked
“Is that what that was?” you responded, shocked, as you’ve never felt an orgasm before.
“Can I carry on baby? You’ll enjoy it, I promise. You just have to trust the feeling and let go”
You nodded, and he went back to your centre. After a couple more minutes of constant stimulation from his tongue, he added his finger.
You clenched your legs together at the sudden intrusion, but his hands and head were stronger.
“Princess, you’re so tight” he said while he pulled back to admire the work, he was doing with his one finger.
“Elvis, I need your mouth on me” you said between pants and muffled cries.
“You’re doing so well princess, so so good” he whispered, then his mouth connected with your core again.
After a few minutes you relaxed and felt the familiar feeling building in your stomach again. Your breathing became erratic, and you were ready to let go.
That was it, you rode his face until it was too sensitive to move. Once you had come back down, he started moving back up to you.
“EP that was amazing thank you” you stroked his head while looking into his eyes.
“Baby we’re just getting started” he smirked.
He kissed you, so you could taste yourself on him. Still kissing you while he got himself undressed.
“Are you ready baby?” he said while lining himself up with your entrance.
The nerves kicked in again and your breathing took a hike again. You nodded, not quite sure if you were ready.
He started to push in, and you hissed in pain, he only just got the tip in.
Oh my god how big is he! You thought.
“You okay Little Girl?” he said while your eyes were closed.
“EP, its big, it hurts” you whined while your knuckles were white gripping the sheets.
“I know princess I know; we’ll go slow so you can adjust” he kissed your face.
He started to push further in, the pain was evident on your face.
“EP, go slow please” you whimpered.
“Of course, baby, anything for you” he replied.
After a couple of minutes of slow thrusting in and out you started to loosen up around him. Was that pleasure you were feeling? You loosened your grip on the sheets and put your hand on his back instead.
“You doing ok there, little girl?” he said, you opened your eyes to meet his. His eyes were hanging low, looking at you with complete wanton.
“Mmmm-hhhmmmmm” you confirmed, nodding, and giving him a shy smile.
“Can we move faster now baby?” he asked.
You nodded with the same “Mmmm-hhhmmmmm” sound. Shortly after his hips started to speed up, you weren’t expecting the feeling of the sudden change in speed.
“EP this feels so nice” you whined, a hand still wandering his bare back.
“Only the best for my girl” he kissed your face while saying this.
He suddenly started to thrust deeper, and you felt him hilt at your cervix. You took a short intake of breath as it took you by surprise. He let out a small chuckle as he knew exactly what he was doing. The same unfamiliar feeling was building in your stomach again, you trusted it this time and went with the flow.
“EP I think I’m going to orgasm again, please don’t stop what you’re doing” you moaned between breaths.
“Ok baby noted” he nodded at this.
He decided to really throw you off the edge and circle his fingers around your sore clit, making you jump but bringing you to your orgasm a whole lot quicker.
“Can you let go for me again, baby?” he asked, voice still sultry.
You were never one to not follow rules, so you did as he asked you. The second orgasm was ground-breaking for you. You had never felt anything like it before, the perfect mix between pain and pleasure. He was enamoured by you and your pretty little sounds he was getting from you. You grabbed his hand to stop him when it got too much, he got the message and pulled away.
He pulled out of you and let himself go on your thigh, while you were coming down from your high. After your breath steadied to a normal pace, you smiled at him, which he shot you a toothy grin back.
“Baby, you stay there, I’ll be right back” he assured you with his hand halting you from getting up. He walked into the bathroom and came back with a towel to wipe you up with. After wiping his own finish off your thigh, he parted your legs to wipe you clean from your own juices. You jumped at the sudden touch as you were feeling really sore and beat up by now. Elvis sensed this and spoke up, voice still low and sultry.
“It’s ok darlin’ I’m just cleaning you up”
After he chucked the towel back onto the ensuite floor, he came to lay down with you and covered both of your bodies with the blanket on his huge bed.
“Elvis?” you said inquisitively
“Yes, pretty girl?” he answered back
“I think I love you” you spoke into mouth as you kissed him.
“Baby that is the best thing I have ever heard you say” his smile beamed from side to side.
“Can we go again?” you smiled shyly at him.
“That is the second-best thing I’ve ever heard you say pretty girl. Of course, we can, whatever my girl wants” he kissed you climbing on top of you again.
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doll-elvis · 1 year
Do you think he ever came close to marrying another woman before or after Priscilla?
this is such a great question, thank you <3!!!
and I am thrilled to say that we have quotes directly from the source because Elvis has actually talked about this in a few interviews himself 😫
to start I would say Dixie Locke is probably the closest he came to actually marrying a woman before Priscilla came along
And in these quotes he is referring to her:
In his July 1972 interview Elvis said “I got out of school, I was driving a truck. I was dating a girl and waiting for her to get out of school so we could get married”
And then in his press conference on September 22, 1958 Elvis said “I suppose the closest that I ever came to getting married was just before I started singing. In fact, my first record saved my neck”
Lastly in his March 24, 1956 interview with RCB he said “The longest I ever went with one girl was about a year and a half. I see her every once in a while. In fact I only broke up with her when I started singing”
The Colonel was very adamant that Elvis stay unwed and he didn’t even want the fans to know that he had a steady girl, like June Juanico references in her book, Elvis had to tell the press that he had several girls and that none of them were particularly special so that to his fans he remained “available”
June Juanico is another girl that I believe he pictured himself marrying (I just wish they would have stayed together, she was perfect for him 😭)
Anita Wood of course was in the running for marriage also and in one of Elvis’ letters to her he wrote “I guarantee when I marry, it will be Miss “Little Presley” Wood” however I don’t know how much intention he actually had when saying that, and I personally don’t believe, whether he met Priscilla or not, that he would have ever married Anita. I think their relationship was extremely fragile after the army and not just because of the other women
this is from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia”
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Now for post divorce- it would have to be Ginger Alden as he proposed to her. However, do I believe that had he not passed away that they would have gotten married? Probably not or at least not as soon as Elvis said they would. I can’t speak for Elvis but I believe the ring was more of his way to ensure that Ginger was his, as he did not want her to go back to her previous relationship and he was intent on having the son that he wanted, and Ginger was the woman he wanted to have the child with. Simply I think he believed a ring would make her stay and forget about the other guy she saw before him even if he never really intended on getting married
this is from Larry Geller’s book “If I can dream”
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As for Linda Thompson, who was his longest lasting relationship post-Priscilla, I don’t believe he ever intended on marrying her and I think that had to do with his views on marriage souring significantly after the divorce. And towards the end of their relationship especially, when Linda was at the age where she was ready for marriage and a family, I think it had fizzled out to more of a close friendship than a romantic partnership
this is from “Elvis: What happened”
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this is from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia”
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and lastly this excerpt is from Ginger Alden’s book
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gaylanrivens · 1 year
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The dixie mafia??? Is real??? Did we all know this or am I just stupid???
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 3 months
Criminal Minds OCs part 2
Liliana Reyes, x David Rossi
mafia princess meant to marry the son of another mob boss to unite the families, he got in over his head and went on a killing spree, she was his final target (details tbd, but a family conspiracy to kill her and set the fiancé up as the head of both families) the BAU connect with her in their investigation and take her under their wing to protect her from the fallout, becomes part of the team (initially because of her expertise on every mob and mafia family in the country, works her ass off to prove herself as a valuable member of the team)
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Lizzie Mullins, x Elle Greenaway
18 year old with a passion for photography who works at a strip club, gets arrested while taking photos at a crime scene. Going through her camera, Hotch realizes that she’s not actually taking pictures of the obvious crime scene stuff, when Hotch asks her about it it’s because “it was out of place” and her photographs helped them solve the case, instead of legal charges she gets recruited to help them which might eventually lead into learning the communications liaison role from JJ but tbd on that part
it was still pre-canon, Hotch & Gideon recruited her, she's around 23-25 (same as Reid) in season 1
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Dixie Holden, x Derek Morgan
Former prostitute, sees so many coworkers attacked and even killed who are too afraid to come forward because of their own job and because they’re never taken seriously, Dixie decided to do something about it. Went to law school, secures herself a mentorship with Hotch even though he’s already working with the BAU. Dixie starts to feel that she can do more good with the FBI than as a lawyer and wants to help stop crimes before they happen instead of helping afterwards, works her ass off to become an agent
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Kelsie Karr, x JJ Jareau
Head empty just vibes
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Peyton McKinney, x Emily Prentiss of Elle Greenaway
Head empty just vibes
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Casey Browning, x Spencer Reid
Head empty just vibes
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(Special thanks @manyfandomocs and @ocmerunaway for putting up with me being the most annoying person ever trying to figure these out)
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This is regular good old marsh mud. Not what people from the Lowcountry call Pluff Mud. Pluff Mud is dark, viscous, and very stanky due to all the decomposed dead shit in it like grass, oysters, shrimp, fish, the occasional deer or raccoon, and missing members of the Dixie Mafia. So when you walk on marsh mud you usually only sink an inch or two like I did here.
The problem with marsh mud is it can hide pockets of Pluff Mud. So you’re walking along enjoying your day, and then all of a sudden you’re up to your ass in Pluff Mud. This happened to me the other day. I would have taken a picture but I was busy trying not to die, and to not lose my phone. 😂🤣😆
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gamesimp · 2 months
Mr American Pie- A Mafia 3 Fanfiction (Donovan X Reader) (Part 5)
Plot In First Chapter:
Warnings: racism, homophobia, vulgar language, Me/you/Mc is crazy knife dude
I got up and made breakfast. Donovan soon got up and he was having a hangover from the drinking last night.
"Aww fuck!!! My head is killing me!" Donovan complained while he sat on the table.
"Donovan, I told you not to drink too much." I was already worried that this would happen. But amazingly it only lasted for 2 hours.
Later that night, Lincoln assigned me to a racket at the bayou. I had to create a distraction for the Dixie Mafia while Lincoln takes the weed along with their boat.
I went into their hideout and broke a bottle on one of the gang members head alerting the rest. They opened fire and I took cover and fired back. I continued to wreak havoc until Lincoln was finished.
I shot a gas canister right next to one of them killing an entire bunch.
"How's that fuckers!?"
I went inside the house and kicked the door down and attacked the rest. I shot them all but one of the members pinned me against the wall.
"chết tiệt!!!" I gasped in shock as the man hit my head on a table.
"shut up you Vietnamese bastard!!!" He tried to stomp on my head but i rolled over. He got on top of me and beat me but I managed to reach the knife and stabbed him.
I stabbed him again and again and laughed maniacally like I did killing the other bastards who hurt my family, and those klan members who burnt down that diner I used at down a year ago back in Empire Bay. I got up and took a deep breath so that I could calm down. It just triggered the memories of the things I've done. Remembering those things makes me stressed and laughing has become my stress relief.
Note:(I'm not like this in real life😭)
I drove back to my house and went straight for the bathroom. Donovan heard me grunting and complaining in Vietnamese as I walked into the bathroom.
"You ok?" Donovan asked worrying about me.
"I'm ok! Go to sleep!" I replied for his oeace of mind. I put some dressing over my wounds and went to bed in a new set of clothes. Just as I was about to lay in bed, I realised I had left my clothes on the sink. Donovan was peeking into the bathroom.
"Poor man!" He commented upon seeing the bloody clothes on the sink. I stood behind him and reached for the light switch and turned the lights off.
Donovan gasped and turned around. And pointed his gun at me.
"Go to sleep. please!" I begged Donovan, not because of the gun, but because I dont want him to worry anymore. He looked at me. I slowly dragged my hand down his right arm and when I reached his hand, I slowly took his gun. I gestured for him to give me the cigarette. He gave it to me before he walked back into the bedroom.
I put out the cigarette in an ashtray and I placed his gun on the table.
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nightsinfoxx15 · 1 year
FOXX15 Character lineup pt.3
Lineup 7
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Out of all "John's" that was in the series, I manage to keep him in the series
He didn't really go through any redesigns, he stayed like that before I scrapped him and brought him back
Water and Fire manipulation
Silver Fox gay man
Featured in Shattered Nights and Nevada War
Justine's mother
She gone through a lot of redesigns in the past once I introduced her along with Marisol
at first, her occupation was a city marshal until I changed it to a business owner
average bible reader
Abuser and secretly working for Michele on the sidelines
Featured in Elementals and Madame Carolyn briefly mentioned (or shown) in Shattered Nights or Nevada War
Avid Swordswoman
Owner of Dixie's Arcade in the historic westside
She gone through a lot of redesigns personally (especially her adult design as shown in the picture)
Featured in Elementals, Madame Carolyn, Shattered Nights, and Nevada War (Including Next Gen)
Cerena's bestie along with Vivian and Raya's
Secretly likes Country rock music (She listens to Sly Teton)
"The Dark Moon Knight of Las Vegas"
The god granddaughter of Oscar, Carolyn, and Debra
Christopher's girlfriend
She gone though a lot of indecisive redesigning (Along with Christopher)
Featured in Elementals
The daughter of Azenith and Jamie
featured in Elementals (for a good moment) and Next Gen
I had a plan for her to take after her mother as a superhero
Kpop fan (Big LOONA, Astro, SKZ, and MONSTA X Fan)
Has a crush on Elijah (But they're besties)
Training with her mentor as a superhero and a swordfighter (Justine and maybe Carolyn)
Lineup 8
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Lusty Michele [Stormy]
Featured in Elementals, Madame Carolyn, Shattered Nights and Nevada War
Former lead singer, songwriter, and lead guitarist for her infamous band Sly Teton
Mafia Donna for her own mafia (There isn't really a name for her mafia but in the story they refer her mafia as 'Michele's Mafia')
Las Vegas' #1 Wh0re (She's one of the infamous Lust demons to have a body count of 1000+ since she moved to Nevada)
Her design has drastically changed as she was introduced into the series as the main antagonist
She had a plan to take over Nevada just to become a powerful sin demon (Take over the governor spot)
She can grow her height in her demon form (or without it) it really doesn't matter with her
Joey's love interest
Madame Carolyn
Featured in Elemental, Madame Carolyn, Shattered Nights, Nevada War, and potentially in Next Gen.
She was going to be the mafia donna and be the main antagonist but then I changed her whole character around after meeting the actual person based off of her
She the underboss for Michele's mafia (She was forced to be in her mafia)
Her whole existence to be the main antagonist was due to be the April 2020 Covid interview with Las Vegas Mayor and Anderson Cooper (Which pretty much killed her popularity and made me interested in doing more research on her during that time lol)
Married to Oscar, dating Debra (Polygamy)
Raised 4 kids (Clara, Carter, Donnie, and Oscar Jr.) and then adopted god granddaughter (Justine)
Michele's main target for everything
Her wrath demon had some changes but some are still preexisting prior to elementals. (It's not a curse, she just appeared to have it one morning when they moved to Las Vegas in '64 with Oscar) Stress and anger are two factors to cough up blood and be in a pent up mood. Impulsive anger can caused her to do these activities such as first degree murder and destruction of property (Mainly because Michele is her main predecessor of her anger)
Featured in Elementals (Potentially Shattered Nights and Nevada War)
She gone through a lot of redesigns but I came to the punk rock outfit which finalized her design in 2022.
Her main weapon is an axe guitar that turns into an axe.
Now that I got into her character more, I took a little inspiration from Marcelline from Adventure Time
Cerena's mother and Domingo's wife
She's the first Sun goddess of Las Vegas
She only went through like three redesigns (along with Domingo)
She was going to be a marshal like Josephine but I thought that didn't fit with her style at all
Featured in Shattered Nights, Nevada War and potentially Next Gen
He was going to be featured in Elementals along with two more people but i had to limit some characters and he had to be one of them
has a crush on Azenith (they actually got together)
He was also suppose to be the "guardian of the Atlantic ocean" but I changed it as I gone through and start deselecting characters off the roster
lineup 9
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Featured in Elementals
before I changed her design to a dragon. It was going to be a human but in the Air Force (Nevada has a Air Force base called “Nellis Air Force” located in North Las Vegas)
Her backstory kind of became a tragic accident after waking up from recovery in the base hospital but I changed it because I have no experience in experimental horror stories
Featured in Shattered Nights and Nevada War
can speak three languages, French, English, and Igbo (Nigerian)
She was supposed to be a warrior Princess but I changed her to be a warrior
She didn’t go through much but like two redesigns
Olivia (Díaz)
featured in almost ever story
city councilwoman for Las Vegas
The first rose witch dragon demon of Las Vegas
Friends with Marisol and Domingo
god aunt and trainer to Cerena
she gone through a lot of redesigns until I ended up changing her a rose based design of a Quetzalcoatl dragon from the Hispanic Mayan history
Olivia (Fierro)
Featured in Shattered Nights and Nevada War
She the mother of Elijah (adopted)
Olivia gone through of changing. I actually scrap her before I brought her back.
her powers changed from nature to earth powers (involving rocks)
Featured in every story
the husband of Carolyn, close friends w/ Debra (Polygamy)
father of 4 adopted kids (Oscar Jr, Clara, Donnie, and Carter) and 1 god granddaughter (Justine)
he’s the first known powers tier Angel as a private civilian in Las Vegas
former criminal lawyer
He’s just there in the background helping Carolyn as she goes through a lot of shit (✨supportive husband 101 ✨)
Martini enthusiast 🍸
his sword is based off his signature Bombay sapphire martini that the person that I based off of him drink (The martini sword)
him and Carolyn gone through a lot of redesigns for both their forms and human forms as well throughout the years
Part 4 coming soon
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eloisemeadows · 1 year
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i'm begging you please to come home
Song/Skeleton: Cecilia
Name: Eloise Meadows
FC: Sophie Skelton
Age: 32
Birthday: December 24
Gender & Pronouns: Cis-woman, she/her
Sexual & Romantic Orientation: Heteroromantic & heterosexual
Occupation: Receptionist/Guest Services for the Birch Bay Travelodge
Neighbourhood: Born and raised in Birch Bay, currently residing in a tiny apartment in Willowdale
Positive Personality Trait(s): Warm, friendly, idealistic, independent, supportive
Negative Personality Trait(s): Stubborn, people-pleasing, emotionally-driven and oversensitive, envious, insecure
Extras: Here is a little baby playlist that is era-appropriate to set the vibe! Please Mister Postman - the Marvelettes Here Comes the Sun - the Beatles I Say a Little Prayer - Aretha Franklin Do You Believe in Magic - the Lovin’ Spoonful Chapel of Love - the Dixie Cups Wouldn’t It Be Nice - the Beach Boys I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch) - Four Tops I Will Follow Him - Peggy March I Walk the Line - Johnny Cash Love Me Do - the Beatles Yesterday - the Beatles You Can’t Always Get What You Want - the Rolling Stones I Want to Hold Your Hand - the Beatles You Send Me - Aretha Franklin Put Your Head on My Shoulder - Paul Anka Fly Me To the Moon - Frank Sinatra Then He Kissed Me - the Crystals All You Need is Love - the Beatles Blackbird - the Beatles A Sunday Kind of Love - Etta James If I Can Dream - Elvis Presley This Magic Moment - the Drifters Hold Me Tight - the Beatles Oh!Darling - the Beatles If I Fell - the Beatles Across the Universe - the Beatles And some songs that are not era-appropriate but fit the vibe: Mirrorball - Taylor Swift The Archer - Taylor Swift The Man - Taylor Swift The Lakes - Taylor Swift Lavender Haze - Taylor Swift Tied Together with a Smile - Taylor Swift Mine - Taylor Swift (...you might be sensing a pattern here) She Used to be Mine - Sara Bareilles Fight Song - Rachel Platten Better Place - Rachel Platten Sunlight - Hozier I Can’t Breathe - Bea Miller Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol Waking up Slow - Gabrielle Aplin Grace - Kate Havnevik Stand in the Rain - Superchick Wildflowers - Tom Petty Dancing Queen - ABBA (1976 so CLOSE) Dandelions - Ruth B. Don’t You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia (though I prefer the Madilyn Bailey cover) And a pinboard! https://www.pinterest.com/rachaelredridinghood/heavens-got-a-plan-for-you/ BIOGRAPHYtw: mentions of religion/religious upbringing (not detailed, just mentions), gender roles, war
In a home where she wanted for nothing, she somehow wanted for everything she did not have. From a young age, Eloise craved the great wide somewhere that only existed in the depths of her imagination. Eloise was born and raised into the warm embrace of what was the picturesque family: a dutiful father who worked hard to support their family, a doting mother who was there for every moment of every day of Eloise’s childhood, and Eloise was the final piece to the puzzle that was their white picket fence life. Her childhood was marked by dusty wooden pews on Sundays with lace gloves and stiff-skirts, hot humid days spent in her mother’s ever-so-loved-and-tended-to garden, brunches and tea parties with her mother’s friends at least once a week and ever-important trips to the library to add to the stacks of books in her room.  While her upbringing was steeped in the belief that her purpose was to become the image of her mother, an adoring wife and mother tending her own family and her own garden with her own brunches, the books she read were something of a guiding light that showed her another way. Fairy-tales, adventures and stories of the great and fantastical had Eloise dreaming of life outside of what she had been raised to believe was proper and expected, though those dreams were generally squashed just as soon as they came to light; more time in the garden, more time spent with her mother and her friends, that was what she needed. Less books would do her good.
In truth, it was more her father that was to blame for her ambitions with the example that he set. His influence on his daughter was strong, and Eloise was always over-interested in his work at the hospital. His care and compassion for the people of their town ran deep and left a defining mark on her young mind. An interest in medicine sparked when Eloise was hardly in double-digits, and despite her father’s appreciation for his daughter’s interest in his work, her parents doubled down on their insistence that Eloise live a life of domesticity. Her father worked hard so that his wife and daughter would not have to, and that was the future he wanted for his daughter.
Eloise kept those dreams on the backburner, learning that it was easier to keep those thoughts to herself than to bring it up again. Her aspirations and dreams fell on deaf ears, and it was better to stay quiet than have that fire extinguished time and time again. She focused on school, still spending her time with her nose pressed into books at every available turn. In every way, it appeared that she had reluctantly conformed to her parents’ wishes, even if she still yearned to follow in her father’s footsteps. It was easier to go with the current than against it, even if it left Eloise feeling like her future wasn’t her own.
It was hard, trying to find purpose when her path in life felt so rigid and out of reach from what she wanted. He made it easier, giving Eloise something to focus on that wasn’t doom and gloom or frustration. He made her smile, and at first that was enough; soon, she realized that he and he alone could make her heart pound right out of her chest in a way she had only read about, and it was twice as meaningful because she had chosen him. Naturally, her parents didn’t approve, but that was something she chose to ignore. Truthfully, it gave her just the slightest bit of satisfaction. She’d yielded in so many other ways, but in this way she would not.
Her parents were displeased when she began to work for the Travelodge shortly after graduating from high school, but Eloise found joy in being able to provide for herself even in just a part-time manner. Their opinions were still ringing loud and clear like church bells on Sunday: it was temporary, they insisted, as she’d marry and have a family of her own soon and then she’d be able to stay at home and live the life they dreamed. Of course, every time she brought up marriage or engagement or anything long-term with the man she’d chosen, she was met with objections. He did not fit the bill they’d ordered, and in their view was just as temporary as her job.
Even with the sense of fulfillment from her part-time gig and the happy hours spent with who she believed to be her one true love (just like in those fairytales, all those years ago), she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something missing. The call towards medicine was still so strong, though she’d never even applied to college. She knew her parents would never approve, and despite her age she still sought their approval. She ached and longer for her life to mean something and knew she would never find purpose from behind a service desk, or with a stupid cross-stitch or book in hand on a porch swing.
And then came the war, and the draft. And then he was gone, and what meaning she’d found for herself in life felt as though it was slipping through her fingers. Time to break out those old and well-worn rosary beads, keep them in her pocket, taking time to finger through them during quiet moments with the thought of his quick and safe return the only thing on her mind. Eloise missed him in a physical way that she could not escape, and adjusting to contact only through letters was strange and took more time than she liked to admit. Work was a welcome distraction, though even that couldn’t help her thoughts from wandering: what would happen if she lost him? Who would she even be if she lost him? Best not to think about it, but she’d never been good at keeping her thoughts in line with what was best for her. Best to put her energy into those letters, writing her heart onto the paper to send away to him. Her heart was always safest with him, after all, even in a warzone. So she’d pour it all out for him, bleeding onto the paper along with the lipstick marks and a few spritzes of the perfume he’d always liked best.
They’d be married when he got back, they’d decided. There was no reason to wait any longer, even if her parents disapproved. Hell, maybe she’d finally mail those college applications away finally and take a dive at two dreams.
If he made it back. When.
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rottingmanifesto · 2 years
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Some writing I did for John, just to better get a feel for his style. Can’t say I adore it but I tried! Commentary > likes. Photo credit here.
March 12
It’s humid, hot, and stinks of that fucking river in-country. New Bordeaux, Louisiana— Bourbon City, playpen of Salvatore Marcano and his family (and not just in the mob sense). If I knew Lincoln wasn’t going to burn this city to the ground, I would do it myself. The rich residents have their blood filled with Marcano’s heroin or hate and the poor ones don’t stand a damn chance at social mobility. The American Dream might as well be a nightmare to half of the residents. Southern manners my ass.
The Father’s not a big fan of me, but unfortunately for him, I’m used to it, between here and the Company. At least he’s kind enough to let me set up shop here until I can find a better place, which really isn’t saying much in a shithole of a city like this. It’s either mob-owned hotels worth ¾ of my paycheck or shitty motels in hick-controlled Hollow. But I’ve had worse. As long as it’s not another backwater hellhole, I can bear it, no matter the outcome. Until then, it’s just me and the Padre. And Lincoln, when he comes back around. (It’s not an “if”, I know that much.) And when he does, I’ll be ready.
March 27
The Padre and I agreed on a schedule to keep things running in the house. He watches Lincoln in the mornings and nights, and I take midday and late night shifts. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve fallen asleep next to Linc on those late night shifts. Need to buy more coffee. The air is always stuffy in the Padre’s house (I blame Louisianan humidity) so we open up windows sometimes. Doesn’t seem to help.
Anyway, this paperwork is a goddamn maze already. If mobsters have got one thing right, it’s their dedication to pissing off federal agents. I’d almost admire it if I wasn’t one myself.
March 30
Christ, just how many rackets does this asshole have? I’ve spent 4 days straight solely on Sal’s capos— I haven’t even had the time to look into Sal himself yet. To his credit, he sure as hell knows how to allocate resources. Then I’m here, downing the Padre’s entire fucking coffee pot pouring over tax returns from 1962. Princeton education at work.
Current findings are relatively clear at least; Lou deals with pimping and drugs, Olivia gets her highs from fucking with the Southern Union (which I’m assuming is an offshoot of the Ku Klux Klan, though I can’t say for certain), and Tommy does just about anything he can find. Public face, Southern charm, middle management. Haven’t had the opportunity to look into Enzo Conti yet, but records indicate he’s the least dickish of the Marcano family. For starters, he’s not a Marcano. That’s already a plus in my book.
All that’s left after the intel-phase is writing up dossiers on all these fuckers. Not hard by any means, but might as well keep it brief for Lincoln’s sake. And my own sanity.
I also found a place just out of reach of the Dixie Mafia (racist southern assholes, albeit the “normal” variety) on the other side of the Hollow. Considering how many times the Padre has told me to go fuck myself, it’s probably for the best that I get a room sooner rather than later. It’ll be nice to smoke without someone reciting Psalms two rooms over for once. Goal is to set up a tac-op center in one room and have the room next door to sleep. No promises that I’ll ever use that room, but it’s the thought that counts.
On that note, Lincoln’s condition appears to be stabilizing over the past 2 weeks. He’s still unconscious for the most part but he’s breathing regularly. I always knew he was thick-skulled. He’ll pull through. No matter how long it takes, I’ll be here.
May 15
Just picked up information that Hoover’s fairy brigade has set up shop in New Bordeaux. Headed by some guy named Jonathan Maguire, sent here from DC to deal with the little Marcano situation. Late to the party (as always). Might pay them a visit, see what intel they’ve got already.
May 18
Finally managed to install a wire into the FBI’s tac-op center and steal their files. Really professional of them to leave it unattended, but then again, I’m the uncontrollable variable in this American experiment. So far, the files are mostly what I gathered already, but the background is sure-as-hell interesting.
1934 is the stuff of local legend. The FBI cites the “official” story as just usual mob bullshit— revenge for the murder of a family member— but there’s an issue. Sal could have gotten his father off the hook for the gambling debts if he wanted. He didn’t. What he actually wanted was to take over New Bordeaux’s increasingly divided crime underbelly. So, he used his old man’s death as a rallying cry for revenge, and then took over New Bordeaux with force and fear. Reason I bring this up; he doesn’t want his son to do the same thing he did.
June 6
First it’s John Kennedy, then Martin Luther, now it’s Bobby Kennedy. How much longer will this happen? The hell is this country fighting for? The fuck do we believe in? What happened to liberty and justice for all? What happened to men being created equal?
Jesus fucking Christ, I need a smoke.
Padre was nice enough to offer me a drink. At least he believes in a better America for all. Only if more priests were like that. Then maybe things wouldn’t be like this. The Father isn’t keen on violence but at least he’s not fucking spineless.
At least Lincoln didn’t have to see this shit. That’s the one positive here. The only one.
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