#dixie alley
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amassofhumanity · 4 months ago
Seven for a Sunday
Woke up at 1:55 am this morning. Wasn't sure which 1:55 it was, CDT or CST. Found out five minutes later when the clock fell back an hour. Ugh.
Whoops! Seven for Sunday didn’t happen.
Let’s go with Monday Musings.
We’re under a tornado warning. This has been going on for at least an hour. So far it’s missed us but we’re not out of the woods yet. Looks like one has a good chance of coming straight towards us.
My city doesn’t have tornado sirens. I’m in the south. Dixie Alley for tornadoes. The powers that be said it was because people nowadays have other ways of getting that information from other sources. Presumably they mean smart phones. I don’t know what their reasoning was prior to 2007/8 when smartphones became popular. 🤦‍♂️ I live about a mile from the university and they have sirens and I can hear them going off.
I finished training and certification for the new job this past Friday. They then surprised us with doing an hour of taking live calls. That was interesting. This is a temporary job that ends December 9th. I had two interviews lined up with similar customer service outsourcing companies.
One of these companies blew off my interview. They sent three emails the morning of reminding me of the interview. They never called. A few days later they sent a “We know things come up, blah, blah. you can reschedule if you want to.” Hard pass.
The other interview went well. I got an offer within a few hours. Unfortunately, I’ll still be working m current contract and couldn’t take the job. They reached out today with another opportunity but still not in my availability. They said there are other opportunities coming up and they will keep me in mind.
That’s all for now. I’ll keep you updated with how things turn out weather wise. The threat of severe storms will be around until at least midnight if not later.
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Okay I know I joke about tornado season a lot (cause I am a tornado nerd who lives in the south) but in all seriousness, please have a tornado safety plan. I know a lot of us don’t have basements so bathroom or interior room on the lowest level of your house away from windows. Never take cover under an overpass. Get in a ditch and cover your head. Don’t try to outrun a tornado. If you see a tornado forming or touch down and there’s no warning or sirens, call 911 to report an active tornado so they can get the warnings out. Don’t forget your pets!! Inside and in your safe space with you!
Don’t stay back to grab stuff. I understand that you don’t want to lose important or expensive things but they can be replaced, you can’t.
In the event that you take a direct hit from a violent tornado, STAY WHERE YOU ARE. if there is debris on top of you obviously get out of that but STAY WHERE YOU ARE AND WAIT FOR HELP TO ARRIVE!! DO NOT WANDER AROUND THE STREETS!! if there are power lines down, which there probably will be, DO NOT GO NEAR THEM!! The electricity radiates. You don’t have to touch them to get electrocuted.
Don’t wait until a warning is issued to start preparing.
As soon as a watch is issued or tornado possibilities are confirmed, put your shoes on, grab something to cover your head (preferably a helmet if you have one), and gather your things into your safe place.
By time the warning is issued you only have a few minutes, maybe seconds, to get to your safe space if you are to take a direct hit.
KEEP YOUR NOTIFICATIONS ON AT NIGHT!! Night time tornadoes have the highest mortality rate of any tornado. Make sure your phone is loud enough to wake you up! Especially if you live in a rural area with no sirens.
That’s about all I can think of right now but please please please don’t wait until the last second to get to your safe space. It’s better to over react than to under react.
Stay safe, my loves ❤️
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highqueenseleni · 10 months ago
Today the Midwest is dealing with a second day of crazy storms and tornado outbreak and it reminds me of a story. I moved to Pennsylvania when I was 15 and a couple years later I met my high school bestie, we stayed close for years, even when she eventually moved to Illinois like a year or so after school.
A few years later I wander off to the Midwest, camp myself in Kansas City and I went on a Facebook rant about how excited I was to see what the storms were like and how novel it was that there were storm sirens. It was my first time hearing one!
She, reasonably, replied to my rant with a frantic warning to not fuck around with Midwest storms, they are nothing like the weak things we got in the mountains, basically she gave me the riot act about not being an idiot. Having completely forgotten that I grew up in the (poorly named) Dixie Alley and experienced my fair share of tornados, devastating storms, flooding, and a Cat 5 Hurricane. The reason I never heard a storm siren is because back in the 90s the south didn't believe in them, apparently. She very quickly agreed that I was fine and told me to go enjoy the storms and just try not to get struck by lightning while doing photography.
There was no warning down there and not great radars on the weather channel at the time, so you had to get really good at learning how to read a storm, the only direct hit with a tornado occurred when I lived in an apartment building top floor, there wasn't enough time to get lower so my mom threw me in the bathtub and threw a mattress over me, still have no idea how she moved that fast. Earlier that day I fell while playing and cut my hand and it scarred into the shape of a tornado, I like to think of it as a protective charm. That was the same year we weathered Hugo in SC, my first time seeing a hurricane eye and some of my clearest early memories.
I have lived in the Midwest (KC and Wisconsin) for a decade now and nothing I have experienced here matched what I experienced in the south. In part because the Midwest is so much better at warning that storms are happening. Thankfully the south is getting better, but it is still way too far behind.
I am sad that all the storms are popping to the south meaning no rain and I am going to have to water my plants :(
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alannah-corvaine · 10 months ago
no sleep tonight, just tornadoes and sky high anxiety.
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scatterpatter · 1 year ago
ur info... dump it...
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mari-animates · 2 years ago
Y'all do know not to shelter under and overpass during a tornado, right? Like you'd literally have a better chance in the open than under and overpass DO NOT GO UNDER THE OVERPASS—
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floweralleyblog-blog · 9 months ago
Each Face a Delight
June is daylily season here in North Carolina. I must work hard to have uneaten blooms. It is worth all the effort to see these beautiful faces. I say their names as I visit each plant to dead-head itswithered blooms. I will share a photo of each with its name. Trying to pick a favorite is difficult. There are qualities other than bloom color that make them desirable…stem strength and length,…
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officialbillhader · 1 year ago
Oh my gosh the tornado siren in the tv show came on and i got terrified that it was in real life
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francebaby · 2 years ago
i had a great evening that turned into “didnt mean to stay awake so long even though im tired as hell from dancing for 5 hours nonstop but i didnt trust my phone or anyone to wake me if the tornado watch turned into a warning” hdhhdjfh
i believe the storm cell has mostly passed so i should be fine but now the post anxiety wont let me sleep PLS THE BIRDS R CHIRPING
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jrswritings · 6 months ago
Tingles and Giggles - Chapter Four - Tyler Owens x Reader
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Get caught up with Chapter One, Chapter Two, and Chapter Three! Masterlist :)
Chapter Four - Out Wrangled
Tyler had paid for breakfast, leaving a generous tip for the gals who both gave you smiles and winks as they watched him open the door for you. 
“Are you ready to experience not Youtube star Tyler, darlin?” He asked, walking over to the passenger side of his truck. 
“And there’s going to be no crazy schemes or secret live streams to embarrass me?” You asked, leaning against the truck. 
“Promise,” he said, opening the door for you. 
You squinted your eyes at him, unsure if he was being serious or not. You got inside the truck, gently placing the flowers in the backseat so they didn’t get crushed. Tyler shut your door and walked around to the driver’s side and slid into his seat. Being inside the famous red truck made you feel like you were in some sort of spaceship with how many buttons and switches there were. Some of the labels in Boone’s handwriting made you giggle, ‘color booms’ and ‘stay putters’ were the best two of the bunch. 
“Admiring Boone’s handy work?” He asked, putting his seatbelt on and putting the key in the ignition. 
“I don’t know if handy work is the right word,” you laughed, “Maybe lack of English skills, but I’ll let it slide.” 
“Yeah, he ain’t the brightest bulb when it comes to that, but he’s great with a camera,” Tyler laughed, turning the key and the truck firing up. 
“I’m glad your music isn’t as loud as this morning,” you teased, putting your seatbelt and sunglasses on. 
“I thought no one saw,” he groaned, putting his forehead on the steering wheel. 
You laughed, “If I count as no one, then yes. No one saw.” 
“Ugh,” he groaned, leaning back and putting his cowboy hat in the middle of the dash, “No, you’re not a no one. But I was really hoping I went unnoticed.” 
“You? Unnoticed? Ha!” You said, putting your phone in the cup holder and squeezing your purse under the armrest. 
“What’s that supposed to mean, sweetheart?” He asked, looking over at you over his sunglasses. 
“You’re basically a star in all of Tornado Alley, Owens,” you stated, looking back at him, “You could walk into a Walmart and be surrounded by people, even if they didn’t like you, they would flock to you.” 
He smirked, “Can’t help people enjoy watching what I do, but they’ll never enjoy it as much as me.” 
“It’ll be a hell of a way to go,” you said, crossing your legs and looking out the window, “Headlines stating Tornado Alley’s biggest Tornado Wrangler got out wrangled in his last tornadeo!” 
“Ouch,” he said, putting the truck in reverse and heading west of town. 
“You’ll be fine,” you said, rolling the window down. 
“You better hope so, otherwise you get to drive back,” he said, “And it’s a two-hour drive to where we’re going.” 
“Which is where? Do I need to inform my next of kin where they’ll find my body?” You joked, glancing over at him. 
“What?” He laughed, “You will be fine, I’ll keep you safe like my life depends on it.” 
“Good, because it does,” you said, looking over your sunglasses to watch his eyebrows go up, “My team is pretty protective of me.” 
He swallowed hard, “I know…” 
“Why don’t we listen to the radio?” you asked, turning the dial to hear the start of  The Dixie Chicks singing ‘Cowboy Take Me Away.’ 
This is where you had to decide how comfortable you were going to be with Tyler as this was the song you sang that won you the high school talent show. As you were debating on it, you noticed Tyler tapping the steering wheel along to the drums, at least you knew his taste in music was the same as yours.
As if it was planned, you both started to hum along softly before it got to the chorus. 
“Oh, it sounds good to me,” you sang softly, grabbing his hat and placing it on your head, “I said, cowboy, take me away.” 
Tyler glanced over at you, a smile coming to his face as he heard you sing. He’s heard a lot of great artists over his years of listening to music and seeing live performances, but none compared to the melody coming out of you. On top of that, putting his hat on while being in his truck? He fell even more head over heels for you, knowing deep down he was to do everything in his power to spend his life with you. 
“I wanna look at the horizon, and not see a building standing tall,” you sang softly, adjusting in your seat to put your boots on the dash, “I wanna be the only one for miles and miles, except for maybe you and your simple smile.” 
As he drove he pictured just that, the idea of having a little slice of Heaven with you sounded so peaceful. All too soon the song ended and moved onto one he could sing along to, even though he knew you could too. 
“Little place is a little bit understated, yeah, the O.J. 's always concentrated,” he sang, rolling his window down, “The AC’s broke so we gotta sleep naked, it’s a good day for livin’.” 
“Since when can this cowboy sing?” You asked, looking over at him while swaying your feet to the beat of Joe Nichols’ ‘Good Day for Living.’ 
“Since I was little, how about you Miss American Idol?” He asked, “You’d be America’s next big star, bigger than Lainey Wilson.” 
“Haha, I’ve tried back home,” you said, playing with the hem of your shirt, “Didn’t get me very far so I came up here and started storm chasing.” 
“Have you ever thought about going to Nashville?” He asked, knowing he would hate if you left, but he wanted you to live your dreams. 
“No, if I did grow into anything, I wanted to do it organically. Not the cookie-cutter molds that usually come out of Nashville,” you scoffed slightly. 
“Oh, you seem like you’ve had a bad experience with it?” He asked, his tone being hushed as he didn’t want to bring up any bad feelings. 
“I didn’t personally but one of my uncles tried and was told to do the opposite of what he was doing to become a star,” you said, “It is what it is, but I vowed I would never do it that way.” 
“Understandable, darlin��,” he said, leaning back into his seat and driving with his left hand. 
It was silent in the cab for about a half hour of the drive, just listening to music and feeling the warm breeze on your skin. You glanced over at the clock on the radio, it reading 10:26 am. You had been driving for an hour since leaving the diner, and you still had no idea where you were headed. You weren’t sure what all there was to do in Oklahoma besides chase storms or a rodeo. While you were thinking over all the things you could figure out to do in the state, your phone ringing pulled you from your thoughts.
Asher was calling you. As much as you appreciated him being a part of Storm Riders, he followed you around like a lost puppy and did everything you told him to do. If you told him to jump into the Grand Canyon, he would. 
You picked up your phone, answering “This is (Y/n).”
“(Y/N)! What am I supposed to do on a day off? I’ve already gone through the whole checklist you made for me when it’s a clear day, but now I’m stuck sitting in the van waiting,” he said, “Everyone went to the big town close by to go shopping and sightseeing.” 
“Why don’t you take the drone out and fly around the area, see if you can find some wildlife, and get some cool pictures of nature, Ash,” you said, bringing your hand to your forehead and rubbing circles gently. 
“Where are you even? Your truck is here, but you’re not. You weren’t even here when we all got up,” he said, you could hear the shuffling of papers and a door opening. 
“I went out with someone,” you stated plainly, “Go fly the drone, and if you get bored call Willow or Jade. I’m going to be unavailable for the rest of the day.” 
“O-Okay,” he said and hung up. 
You sighed, “I love that kid but he needs to grow more independent.” 
Tyler laughed, shaking his head, “Send him with us for a while and he’ll learn quick.” 
“Really?” You asked a little too quickly. 
“I’ll let Ben ride with you so he can get better shots of Ol Red here and the team shooting more fireworks into a ‘nado,” he said, smirking. 
“Only you, Tyler,” you laughed, leaning onto the armrest and laying your hand over the edge. 
Tyler glanced over and decided it was now or never. He took a deeper breath and grabbed your hand with his, giving it a soft squeeze. Why this caused you to jump, you’ll never know, but it did.
Want more? Here's Chapter Five!
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kawaiijohn · 2 months ago
Severe weather outbreak (storms, strong long track tornadoes) expected today (December 28th 2024) during the afternoon and continuing into overnight hours in the deep southern USA
Particularly east Texas, all of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama!
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And before you ask: November to May ish is tornado season in Dixie alley, so this sort of thing isn't unheard of. Just not super common.
Stay weather aware and have a plan y'all.
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gothamcity-official · 1 year ago
Red Hood's monthly children's book club
Tonight is the monthly book club run by Red Hood in Crime Alley. It is meant to keep homeless children educated and prepare them for the future. Parents are allowed to bring their children if they are under the age of 15. 
The book they will be discussing from last month is Because of Winn-Dixie. This month's book is reported to be Charlotte's Web. 
If you do not know the address, one of your neighbors does. 
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bxtbxys · 2 months ago
Outdoors 6C from Dixie
“Fuck am I glad you’re so impatient…” Jason groaned as he had mounted Dixie up against the wall in a nearby alley after a mission, grinding into her hips.
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egberts · 2 years ago
little rock, north little rock, jacksonville, and other cities in central arkansas are being hit with multiple tornadoes and really bad storms right now. a huge, fast tornado tore through west and north little rock, hundreds of people are injured and it's predicted to be a mass casualty incident. if you live anywhere in dixie alley be very weather aware today, it's going to get worse and an outbreak is already predicted to be underway. 3/31/23
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fabdante · 3 months ago
Headcanon that DmC Dante's wardrobe is an absolute disaster Dante calls "whatever I was able to buy or steal from various places, usually the thrift stores". Could 100% see him beating up or killing a demon and then pausing to check their shoe size. If it fits, Dante's stealing it. Unless he really can't get the bloodstains out. Man is absolutely like a cryptid for the Limbo City laundromats.
Like. He shows up back in Paradise (Kat and his new base, after the first game) wearing a long, ankle-length skirt, somebody else's shoes, a jacket that looks either like a bowling alley carpet threw up all over it, or like a Dixie cup in shirt form, and (probably) no shirt. And maybe wearing socks, if he's lucky.
Kat: "What the hell are you wearing?"
Dante: "Clothes."
(Like that, "What'cha got there?" "A smoothie." meme.)
I know preboot Dante is a peacock (affectionate), but I feel like reboot Dante just kinda doesn't care, y'know? Which can have its own charm.
I could definitely see it! I tend to style reboot Dante around like grunge and other alt aesthetics.
Like, what you're describing here is very archetypical of old school grunge fashion, which was largely an anti fashion movement built from poverty so like the clothes were all just largely hand me downs and things people could buy/nab from the local thrift store. It's got this magpiesque vibe to it also which I personally find very fun.
Anyway yeah I could definitely see that!
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autumnal-thunder · 8 months ago
Historically quiet tornado season for Dixie Alley this year
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