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kiebs-creative-corner · 1 year ago
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Next up for witchtober is @sailorlaudna 's oc, Diwa, a cool ass psychic trainer and her partner, Thorn the Gallade!
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vosveti · 2 years ago
Gym day
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storyihaventnamedyet · 1 year ago
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their relationship, in a nutshell
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beast-of-mosss · 2 years ago
Guess who's writing a scene in their head instead of finishing their drafts?
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wanessadiwa · 6 months ago
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Wanessa - Não Me Leve a Mal (Let Me Live)
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sunilbairagi · 7 months ago
संत रामपाल जी महाराज के सत्संग क्यों सुनें?
गीता अध्याय 17 श्लोक 23 में वर्णित मोक्ष प्राप्ति के सांकेतिक मंत्र ओम्-तत्-सत् का रहस्य संत रामपाल जी महाराज उजागर करते हैं। इसलिए हमें प्रतिदिन संत रामपाल जी महाराज के सत्संग सुनने चाहिए।
#सत्संग_क्यों_सुनें #Satsang #Guru #Guruji #spiritual #God #moksha #heaven #satlok #bhagavadgita
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simranbansal · 13 days ago
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आदरणीय गरीबदास जी महाराज जी को 10 वर्ष की आयु में सन 1727 में परमात्मा कबीर साहेब जी मिले थे जिसके पश्चात उन्होंने गरीब दास जी महाराज जी को सतलोक दिखाया। इसका वर्णन "अमर ग्रंथ साहिब" में वर्णित है
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ffverr · 11 months ago
Happy lesbian visibility week to our favorite lesbian mutants!
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spiritualreetu · 1 month ago
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karotka · 28 days ago
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taapsee · 4 months ago
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अद्भुत भंडारा
511वे दिव्य धर्��� यज्ञ दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में 14 से 16 नवंबर को देश के 11 सतलोक आश्रमों में विशाल सत्संग,संत गरीबदास जी की अमरवाणी का अखंड पाठ,विशाल भंडारा,रक्तदान शिविर,नशामुक्ति जैसे अनेक कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए जाएंगे। आप सादर ��मंत्रित हैं
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diwatopia · 2 years ago
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★ cruel ; neteyam
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synopsis. as of recently, neteyam's been slipping away. attempting to get to the bottom of his negligence towards you, he spews harsh words that begin to form cracks within your relationship. will neteyam be able to fix this despite being the cause of your pain?
info. angst / no comfort, gn!na'vi!reader, 1135 words
warnings. arguing, yelling, outta pocket teyam (boo 🍅), one use of y/n, crying, grammatical errors, based off "queen elizabeth" fight scene :P
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neteyam has been distant.
physically, he's there, but mentally — he's lightyears away from you.
it hasn't always been like this though. during the beginning of your courtship, neteyam was nothing short of attentive and caring. he was everything you wanted in a lover but as of recently, he slowly began drifting away from you. at this point, he's been more of an acquaintance than a mate.
and if you were being honest, you couldn't help but find the situation slightly comical. your mind fills itself to the brim with memories of falling so deeply in love with one another, but now — now, he's just gone.
"you never have to hide from me," he told you.
his words were doused in honey, every single insecurity that plague your mind began melting away. he wanted to know the real you. not the village's tskarem, not the "golden child" title that the elders bestowed upon you.
he wanted to know you.
he wanted to drown himself in your scent, burn the feeling of your body next to his, he wanted to know the ins and outs of your soul.
"i am just neteyam when we are together. not the clan's future olo'ekytan, not the successor of my father. i am simple and plain neteyam."
the memory brings the smallest of smiles to your lips, yet it does nothing to ease the surge of loneliness that consumes you, your heart. it keeps you up at night, eyes wide open as you replay everything that had let up to this point of your relationship. you were beyond tired having to play this game with him, so you decided to bite the bullet and ask him.
"neteyam are you here — oh, kiri!" you speak out, sending her a sweet smile her way. she returns the gesture, "hi, y/n! he's near the shooting range." she states simply, going back to her weaving.
you thank her before scurrying away. luckily, he wasn't too far and you were able to catch up with him. your hands nervously tremble, wringing themselves out in hopes to stop the shakiness. your strides are slow, but with a few encouraging words, you will yourself to walk up to him.
as if on cue, he turns around and catches you staring. his eyes catch you off guard, sunflower-hued orbs swirling with something you can't seem to put your finger on.
"hey..." you say, tone unsure. the sunlight sparkles, flashing through tiny openings of leaves as they sway in the wind. the mossy floor quiets your footsteps as you get closer, standing next to him wordlessly.
he parrots your greeting before going back to his previous task. he draws his bow, eyeing the target that stares back at him. "have you been well?" you ask hopefully. he shrugs, muttering something about being busy and that he's fine. your lips purse at the lack of communication on his end.
"okay, stop. what is wrong with you?" you ask sternly. your eyebrows scrunch in displeasure, subtly creating space between you and him by taking a step sideways. he looks back at you, surprised at the sudden fierceness to your voice.
he sends you a quizzical look as if he genuinely had no clue what you were hinting at, "i do not know what you are talking about." he states it as if it were a fact.
you roll your eyes at his deflection, crossing your arms irritably. "do not play this game with me," you scoff, sounding like a parent scolding their child. neteyam's eyes downcast shamefully towards the bow in his hands, the seriousness of the situation beginning to crash down on him.
"look, i know you have been having a hard time with your duties, but 'teyam, i'm here for you. there is no need to run away from me, from us —"
"there is no 'us'," he cuts you off, not sparing you a single glance. "there is nothing here. you have absolutely no knowledge of what it takes, what is thrust upon me as the next olo'ekytan. i am forced to love you, a simple clans person who does not contribute a single thing to this village," he grunts out, nostrils flaring in irritation.
"yes, i have my duties but i will not be forced to go through yet another day where you think we are true lovers. so back off." his voice grows angrier with each word. his words resemble a whip, every word that tumbles past his lips begins to hit you again, and again, and again. his breath gets caught in his throat as his face flushes a darker plum color.
your jaw drops slightly, an instant gasp leaving your lips. the tiny noise knocks neteyam out of his defensive state and with every passing second, regret begins to consume him whole.
both of you stay silent for second, just staring at each other in search of how to respond, to no avail. he watches your face morph into one that is more closed off, walls building themselves high as you straighten out your posture before responding.
"my mistake," you swallow thickly, voice almost mocking him in a sense. "i apologize for thinking there was an us. i thought i was speaking to just neteyam, not the chief's son. forgive me for thinking otherwise." your tone is monotonous, gaze meeting his in an intense staring match.
his brows drop, eyes widening as his frown begins to grow deeper. "y/n..." he tries to take a step closer to you, in return you take a step back. you cut off his advances before they can even start. "i am truly sorry for the fact that our entire relationship was a mere inconvenience for you."
neteyam hisses as if you had slapped him across his face, and after everything he had just spilt, he wouldn't be surprised if you actually did so. but there you stand, the sparkle in your eyes dimming. his mouth open and closes, trying to muster up enough words to form a proper sentence. and to rub salt into his freshly cut wound, "was there anything else the chief's son needed to say to me or am i free to leave?" you ask calmly, eyes never leaving his.
his hands twitch nervously, biting the inside of his cheek as he contemplates his next move. "there's nothing else to say on this matter," he mutters.
you nod affirmatively before turning your back towards him. as you begin walking away, neteyam's hands instinctively reach for you, calling your name desperately as the space between you and him grows bigger.
he knew he had messed up, big time.
"that's enough, neteyam." your voice stern, pointing an accusatory finger his way. he continues to watch your retreating form, heart willing him to run after you, yet his brain forces his body to remain deathly still.
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⋆ ˚。 ୨୧ reblogs / feedback are highly appreciated. thank you!
★ diwa's notes. i always write fluff n shit so i decided to change that LOL there might b a pt 2, not sure tho :P
© ilupearls 2023.
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storyihaventnamedyet · 1 year ago
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ugh these are like a year old oof
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beast-of-mosss · 2 years ago
Guess who's writing a scene in their head instead of finishing their drafts?
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badger-with-a-boa · 11 months ago
For lesbian visibility week, here are my favorite women kissers 🧡🤍🩷
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wanessadiwa · 6 months ago
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Wanessa - Não Me Leve a Mal (Let Me Live)
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