#divus crewel x you
s7-evermore · 3 months
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can you do Finding Out Your a Girl with Floyd and maybe the teachers???
Here's Floyd 🖤🖤🖤🖤
When They Discover You're a Girl | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
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Divus Crewel 
“This explains a lot…but also not enough.”
He wondered why his dogs were so willing to act as though they were touch-starved puppies around you
Or why they seemed on edge when your friends would try to make contact 
It also reinforces why you were so well behaved compared to his usual curs
He’s appalled his sweet pup has been forced to hide in a den of wolves
In all honesty he might’ve figured out a lot quicker then others
Just picking up on your natural habits and demeanor a lot quicker then many of the other teachers
“From this day on, you will come to me if you have any problems. Do you hear me, pup? Come. To. Me.”
He refuses to let you go through this alone not without his mountainous wisdom on potions to chase those naughty pups away
He openly is the most protective of you 
And prepare for your weekends and breaks to be fought over by hm and Crowley 
“Wait Divus! I need someone to manage the school!”
“Forget it Dire! My pup needs a proper home and I refuse to leave them here with a decrepit bird. Come Pup, if we do return you'll have a whole suitcase full of belongings to carry back.”
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Mozus Trein
“I suspected as such. You remind me of my daughters.”
He is probably the first to notice you’re hiding something or that you’re just different from the rowdy boys he’s used to teaching
He sighs as he confirms it with you
“This just isn’t right. To leave you all alone in the school full of rambunctious ruffians.”
He’s the first to volunteer he take you somewhere else his home+
He’s sure his daughters wouldn’t mind coming to meet the latest addition to the family
Definitely sends Lucius to report back the next person he’s goign to burden with as much work and pressure as possible
They can’t taint you if their too busy trying to not make their grades plummet
And don’t bother pleading your case…even if your very cutely calling him ‘papa’ or ‘grandpa’
That won't stop him from destroying their college career
“I’ve heard enough of your protests, Lucius has observed that these boys can’t seem to control themselves around you! And as your guardian I can’t stand for it!”
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Twisted wonderland incorrect Quotes #31
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Floyd: *T-posing on a counter in octanvale* HI AZUL
Azul: *not looking up from his book* Good morning problem child
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Crewel: I hope you realise this kind of idiocy will not be tolerated in my class
Mc: Well is there any other type of idiocy you’d like more
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tswhiisftteedr · 8 months
Good Pup ☆ One Shot
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☆Mean!Sciences Proffesor!Divus Crewel x College Freshman!Fem!Reader:
After seeing you excel in his class, Professor Crewel interest had peeked. You were not from this world, and your academic knowledge was far too different from what was taught here, too different for it to be considered fair for you to study such material at the college level, a lost cause, he thought at first. And yet, he couldn't help but feel proud as you quickly rose to become one of the top students in his class. One day after potionology you had forgotten your textbook behind, and being the great teacher that Divus Crewel is, he ought to give back to you. After looking around for a bit, then spotting in a hallway talking with your friends, he happens to overhear about your secret thoughts on him…
Based on this ask and poll.
Warnings: Mature Content, Swearing/Explicit Language, Spanking(of ass, thigh, and pussy, by hand and pointer), Choking(on dick lol), degrading names, pet play ig?(just names like pup, dog and mutt but not anything else in that area). READER IS A COLLEGE FRESHMAN AS NCR IS ONE IN THIS FIC SO THEY ARE AT LEAST 18, CREWEL IS CANONICALLY 32 SO KEEP THAT IN MIND BEFORE ENGAGING.
Note: This is sort of a remake of ‘Personal Training’ but instead of Professor Vargas, it’s our dear sadistic Divus Crewel. Like a different Au, so the encounter between reader and professor Vargas didn’t happen here. Also why are all the proffesror mean you may ask, well the answer is quite simple… I like to bullied by authority figures/people in charge and those fics self indulgence 🤪✌️. Also for future request, if not precise what type of behaviour you want for the love interest, i will default to writing mean!dom!character or pervy!dom!character cuz that’s i like lol.
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☆ more under the cut. ☆
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Ever since starting classes at NCR Wonderland, you felt off about begin your academic journey as a college Freshman. Sure you were the right age for it, but wasn’t it a bit to much of an ask to start with college courses, especially with most of the mediums being different from your world? But at last you had no choice but sucking it up, working harder than any other student in your year to keep up. Though you did enjoy some of the classes, just because they had familiar concept. Magic analysis was like any other analysis class you had taken before the topic was just different, you also had music which was the same as back home, and of course there was Potionology…
That class was your beacon of hope each week. You genuinely enjoyed it, not only because it resembled chemistry, making the 'laboratory process' easier to grasp, but it was also the only class where you could actually use magic! The mixtures you created could do things you could only dream of in your world. Moreover, making such complex and potent elixirs made you feel useful. You felt competent with this world's materials because of it, even if Crowley didn't find a way for you to return home, you possibly could get around. Of course, there was another tiny reason why you loved the class so much, actually it was a pretty significant one. Even in your own thoughts, you couldn't deny that you were practically drooling at your professor each time you entered his classroom.
But how could you resist? That man was incredibly hot, smoking even. And his voice, god! It was undeniably sexy. Plus, the way he addressed you was so appealing: Generally, he would call you a 'pup', 'good girl' or 'good dog' when you did something right or answered a question correctly. He'd say 'bad dog' or 'bad girl' if you made a mistake.
He would also refer to himself as your trainer, at some point asking of you and Grim to address him as "O Great Crewel" or "Master/Master Crewel" instead of "Professor Crewel", as a form of discipline.
And fuck was that hot, honestly that was the primary reason you worked so diligently in his class. Hearing his praise and being able to call him "Master" only served to fuel your fantasies.
You wondered how he could discipline you in a more 'physical' way. Would he use his pointer or his hands on your thighs and ass when spanking you? Would he continue to use the usual nicknames, or would he resort to degrading names like 'slut', 'whore', ‘needy bitch in heady’ or perhaps 'greedy pup'? The curiosity from it was driving you mad, to the point where you even considered pulling your panties to the side and touch yourself at the sound of his voice, as taught class unbeknownst to it all.
Naturally, you wouldn't actually do it. After all, even if your noises didn't give you away, the smell certainly would. (You were certain the beastman in your class would detect something like that.) However, there was a certain allure in to the scenario.
Perhaps a classmate would inform your professor, leading to a public reprimand. You picture your professor criticizing your behavior while you stand in an embarrassing position for all to see. Your skirt would lifted and he would be abusing your behind, probably edge you during the spend of the whole lesson. Then right before the bell rang, he would touch your sweet spot one last time, and right around his fingers you would squir-
Oh, right, the bell. Class had just ended. You snapped back to reality and turn to your friends. From their expressions, it's clear they've been trying to get your attention for a while.
Hastily gathering your things, stuff them into your backpack, and follow your friends out of the classroom. Unbeknownst to you, the potionology textbook you need for tonight's homework is left behind on your desk.
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You soon reach the hallway where you and your friends usually sat at a break. It's lunchtime, and as per your routine, you start your daily rant about your professor to Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, and Sebek. Grim is also there, but as always, he is so focused on his food that he isn't paying attention.
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Meanwhile, Divus was getting ready to head to the teachers' lounge to enjoy his lunch when he noticed the Potionology textbook on your desk.
Even if he didn't know where you sat during class time, he could tell that it belonged to you by the fact that it had small pawprint stickers surrounding your name on the book’s bridge. The memory of you telling him that customizing the book that way was the best resurfaced. After all you were a "good pup, so why not add the paw prints to match the statement.”, you had told him when he inquired about the decorations.
That comment made him chuckle, which brought a bright grin to your face. While it's true that he would refer to his students by such names, at no point in his career did a student use the term to address themselves. To be honest, he finds it cute that you adore the name that most of your peers detested. You simply smile and giggle anytime he uses it to compliment you, and you pout like a real puppy when he corrects you. ‘Truly adorable.’
He actually liked you. Regardless of how your entourage behaved, you were an excellent student who did not cause any problems. You paid attention in class and worked really hard to achieve the highest grades not only in his class but in others, but it appeared to him that you were more interested in the course that he taught compared to the rest. In non-magical courses, you received an average of 70-80, and your sciences marks were in the 90s, slightly higher grades.
Divus also liked how, despite the restricted male uniform, you had altered the uniform to be more fashionable with the consent of the headmaster. Instead of the dull pants that came with it, you wore a skirt that was little longer than mid-thigh but did not reach the knee. It was elegantly embroidered with a swirly thorn pattern, and you wore stockings to match it. A work of art in the man's eyes, which made you even more favourable to him; he adored when someone had a true sense of fashion.
Despite your puppy-like demeanour when he spoke to you, there was a gleam in your eyes, a lustful one at that. You looked at him as if you wanted him to bend you over your desk that very instant, practically eye fucking him throughout the lecture. You may not realize that he noticed, but as a desirable man, he was highly aware of such things. He observed as you unconsciously rub your thighs together, while he chewed you up for a small error; he 'was expecting better from such a bright girl like yourself, this was extremely disappointing'.
Even though he kept it to himself, attempting to maintain professionalism, him still being your teacher and all. Maybe you weren't as horny as he believed, just slightly flustered by the charming way he addressed you, especially coming from a handsome man like himself. However, no matter how sweet you were, you couldn't fulfill his desires. He craved someone he could dominate and control, someone who to basically bully into submission. You were far too innocent and gentle for that. He assumed that if you did have any sexual thoughts about him, your fantasies would be quite vanilla in nature.
‘And oh, boy, was he wrong!’ That was his thoughts when he overheard the conversation between you and your friends, having finally reach the hallway you usually frequented, your potionology textbook book in hand.
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A bit earlier,
You and your friends had started eating and you were babbling;
“Okay, lisent, like hear me out-“ you begin,
“I am not hearing, YOU out. You’ve already said enough.” Sebek quickly retorts.
“Valid point, but, but think about it. Hot mean teacher disciplines you with a spanking while degrading you.” You suggest,
“NO!” Sebek tells you horrified.
"Come on, Sebek, don't be so ip tight. I may not be into that kinda of stuff, but Y/N has a point. I don't get the appeal, but Professor Crewel does fit her type.” Ace tells the distress crocodile.
“But he's a teacher, OUR teacher. I don't understand how people can have crushes on their teachers, but openly lusting for them should be prohibited! Also, not discussed like any other normal subject!” Sebek tells the card soldier.
“I agree with Sebek, you should keep such intimate thoughts to yourself.” Jack adds on,
“Ya say that but chur tail be waggin' like an exited puppy. It’s obvious ya like hearin' bout the naughty stuff from missy over there!” Epel comments.
“That’s not-“ Jack begins, but cuts himself off, like Epel said his tail was wagging crazy so he couldn’t deny anything. So “whatever!” was all he said, followed by a huff and a frustrated growl.
"Look, I'm not saying people should go out of their way to fuck their teachers; it's just that the man who potentially would fulfills all of my desires and fantasies happens to be my teacher. And, honestly, he must be aware that his nicknames and actions would turn some students.” You say to the group,
“What? How’s that?” Deuce questions.
“Come on, it's not like you can't go to NCR if you're into things like pet play or bdsm. He must have known that each year would have some students who fit that description. Don't tell me you thought he was completely clueless towards that?” You explain,
“Well when you put it like that, I guess Professor Crewel probably knows about it.” Deuce sorta agrees.
“He’s probably just ignoring it, pushing it to the back of his mind and pretending that it’s not real.” Ace comments,
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too. But at the end of day, the fact that he’s aware doesn’t change much, I still won’t get him to bend me over his desk” you say with a dramatic sigh, making both Epel and Ace laugh.
“Honestly even if there was some stellar chance that he could be into me, he’s probably in a relationship already. If he isn't married, he is most likely casually dating someone.” You add on.
“Yeah, too bad for ya!” Epel says with a snicker.
Unknown to you and your friend group, the same professor you were discussing was right around the corner, listening in on you thirsting over him.
And truthfully this was a shock to him. Sure he might have found you attractive, but also he had convinced himself that you couldn’t fulfill his desires. Now turns out both of your fantasies aligned, and he was going to make good use of that knowledge.
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Now heading towards your group the clacking sounds of Divus’s heels made all of you turn around. Some of their expression where terror, some confusion but Ace and Epel looked like they were holding in a laugh.
Clearing his voice, “Miss.L/n, just the person I was looking for. You had forgotten your potionology textbook in my class, so I went looking for youu in to hand it back, you wouldn’t want to miss tonight’s homework, now would you?” He told, as passed you the book.
“Oh, um, thanks professor Crewel!” You exclaimed a bit distraught, ‘did he hear what I’ve been saying or what?’
“Try again. You know that’s not the appropriate way to address me, now is it.” He states making you rethink your words,
“Right, sorry, Master Crewel...” You spoke out.
“That’s much better. Now come along pup.” He said as he turn around and started walking,
“What- why?” you ask confused. And he turns his head to gaze at you.
“Well isn’t it obvious, you and I got much to discuss. Do not question me anymore today, or any day for that matter. Stand up and follow me right now, otherwise you will suffer greater repercussions than I originally planned to make you endure.”
“Oh, okay.” You squeak out and grab your belongs, now trailing right behind your dear professor Crewel, ‘oh, right, O Great Crewel.’
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You returned to your classroom, Divus locked the doors behind you. He had been sitting at his laptop for the past 10 minutes. You were sitting on a chair, on the opposite side of your desk.
"I have magi-mailed your other professors, they have cleared your itinerary for the afternoon. Lucky for us, today was the one I had spares in the afternoon as well." He informs you.
"But if this talk was going to take a while, I could have just come back after class," you say.
"No, I must have a chat with you right this instant.” Divus replies.
You only nod, turning to gaze out of the window to ease your nerves. Of course he noticed, so he turned his lamp desk on, it was bright, then magically closed all the blinds. He moved from his seat to your side of the desk, resting on it as he looked down at you.
“Now, let’s start this talk. Do you know why I brought you here?” He inquires.
“I’m sorry sir I don’t know.” Honestly you weren’t sure maybe he overheard you or maybe this was about something else.
“Not don’t play coy pup.” He told you sternly,
“Perhaps my grades sir…” you croak out, barely above a whisper.
“I guess you decide to persevere in your bad dog act, stand up.” He tells you, sounding exasperated.
“Don’t make me repeat myself mutt!”
Without a word you did as you were, the suddenly felt a had push on your back, not protesting anymore you just expect your fate as you were now folded upon the wooden desk.
“Looks like your not completely hopeless, but that one time show of obedience won’t exempt you from your punishment.” He said, you felt a somewhat thin metallic object glide up your right leg, you guessed it was his pointer. “Spread” was all you heard before the words were followed by a swift whip of the pointer.
You were dazed by the feeling, not completely registering the given order. This seem to irritate Divus, as another strike came down, but this time you react right on impact, now having your legs nicely spread out. ‘Your head was slightly dizzy, was this going the way you thought it was?’
But before you could linger on that thought, you felt Divus's hands remove your panties from your hips, letting them drop to your ankles. Your ass and cunt were now exposed to him. You heard a little shuffling, then his soft breath was in your ear. "Listen, since I'm not going to say it twice. I overheard you being a little slut, talking to your friends about how much you want me to hurt you. So that's exactly what I'm going to do, I'm going to discipline you to never forget how to address me, to never talk so lewdly in front of another man, and to make you incapable of living a functional life without me in it. Now, if you understand, say, ‘Yes, sir.’”
"Good. Now I'm going to spank you, and you must count after each hit and thank me for it, you may only address me as Sir or Master, if anything other than what I've instructed comes out of your mouth or you mess up the count, we'll start over and add 10 more strikes for you to go over. Also, you aren’t to touch me unless instructed otherwise.”
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By the time he reached strike 29, your bottom was a of deeper color than your regular skin tone, covered in marks and bruises. Your thighs were quivering from the constant impact of his hand on your sensitive areas. "Twenty-eight... Thank you, sir..." You panted heavily, biting down on your lower lip to suppress any further sounds of discomfort.
Crewel stopped suddenly, taking a moment to admire his work. He ran his fingers gently over your bruised ass cheeks, leaving trails of coolness where they brushed against your heated skin. "That’s wrong," he spoke out, a spank from his hand came down your ass this time. "You already said 28, this means we have to start over. But this time, we’re going up to 40."
You whimpered softly, your eyes widening in terror as you realized what this meant for your already sore ass. "N-No! Please, I apologize, sir! I'll count better!" Your pleas fell on deaf ears as Crewel resumed his merciless assault on your sensitive flesh. Each strike landed harder than before, leaving deep marks that would surely become bruises soon.
"One... Two... Three... Four..." Eventually, you reached number 40. The last blow sent waves of agony coursing through your entire body, and you let out a strangled cry. Tears trickled down your cheeks, streaming down your face as you struggled to catch your breath. "Thank you, sir..." You managed to choke out between heavy breaths.
After giving you a moment to recover, Crewel noticed the wetness between your legs and smirked cruelly. "You enjoyed that didn't you, filthy slut?" he growled, his voice lower than usual, almost seductive.
Grabbing hold of your waist and lifting you slightly before slapping your sensitive folds forcefully. The sudden contact caused a sharp gasp to escape your lips, followed by a moan of mixed pain and pleasure.
"What did you just say, mutt?" he demanded, his voice dripping with malice. "No, don't answer," he continued before continuing his barrage on your sensitive areas, alternating between your lips and clit, ensuring that you wouldn't forget this lesson anytime soon.
After several minutes of relentless punishment, he finally stop the smacking of your privates. Following it by cupping your dripping folds in his hand, rubbing them roughly, spreading your juices over your sensitive flesh.
Than bringing his fingers in view for you to see, sticky liquids all over them."You see how much you enjoy this, don't you?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.
Your body had shook after every blow, your moans had turned into sobs as you struggled to maintain composure. Through tears and gasps for air, you managed to choke out between breaths, "Y-Yes, sir... I love it!" your tone was desperate, pleading for more even though your body ached in pain. You couldn't deny the intense pleasure mixed with the agony.
“That’s it," he praised, his voice dripping with false approval. Reaching between your spread legs once more, he inserted one finger into your tight entrance, stretching you further than you could with your own. Despite the pain, a soft moan escaped your lips involuntarily.
"Now, beg me to cum, you needy bitch in heat," he commanded gruffly, his tone harsh yet somehow erotic. Your mind was a mess of conflicting emotions; part of you begged for release, while another part of you wanted to defy him and deny him what he sought.
You forced yourself to focus on the burning sensation of his finger probing deeper into your sensitive core, trying hard not to move or squirm too Your your body ached everywhere from the brutal punishment you had endured thus far. "P-Please... sir... I need you to..." your voice trailed off as he thrust another finger inside you, stretching your even further.
"More, please!" you managed to croak out between gasps for air. Your hips involuntarily bucked against him, seeking more contact, more stimulation. Despite the pain, the combination of humiliation and arousal was becoming too much for you to handle.
Crewel chuckled darkly, enjoying the sight of you squirming and begging for more. Slowly, he began to move his fingers in and out of your tight entrance, teasing your sensitive spots with precise strokes. "Good," he praised again, his voice laced with malice. "Now, beg me for your orgasm properly."
Ultimately, survival instinct kicked in, and you forced out a broken plea, "Please, sir... I need to cum... Please..." your voice cracked on the last word, betraying both your desperation and submission.
His pace picked up slightly, thrusting faster and harder into your tight passageway. Your moans turned into high-pitched cries of pleasure as you neared the edge of ecstasy. Just when you thought you couldn't take any more, he stopped abruptly, leaving you hanging on the brink of orgasm.
"Not yet, don’t tell me you thought you would get what you want that easily, did you?" he growled, his voice cold and commanding. "You haven't earned it yet." With a final taunt, he pulled out both fingers, leaving your dripping. "Clean yourself up, mutt," he ordered harshly, before turning away from your exposed body.
You were a mess, your body trembling in pre-orgasmic bliss and frustration. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you begged him through sobs, "P-Please, sir... I'll do anything... Just let me cum!"
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Divus turned back to you, grabbing you by your hair and making you drop to your knees in front of him. Reaching down, he unfastened his pants and slid them down, revealing his massive cock, hard and throbbing with desire through his boxer. It flapped against his stomach as pulled his garment down, it was veined and pulsing with need. "Much better," he said coldly. "Now, show me how much you want it."
Swallowing thickly, you raised your head and tentatively wrapped your lips around the tip of his member, taking as much of it into your mouth as you could without gagging. Your tongue flicked out, tracing the head of his cock, seeking more sensation. You began to suck greedily, your throat stretching around his thickness.
Divus groaned, his hands grasping your hair tightly as he began to thrust his hips forward, forcing more of his cock into your willing mouth. Your gagging and choking sounds only fueled his desire further. "That's a good mutt," he praised between heavy breaths. "You take my cock so well, you filthy dog."
You struggled to breathe as he continued his brutal assault on your throat, your eyes watering from the burn in your nose and throat. Despite the pain, you relish the feeling of being completely owned by him, your body becoming nothing more than a vessel for his pleasure. You moaned around his cock, hardly able to form coherent words between the constant thrusts.
As he continued to pound into your throat, your body shook with each powerful thrust. your hands reached up, grasping at his thighs for support as you struggled to keep him in your mouth. The combination of pain and pleasure was overwhelming, causing your mind to spiral into a hazy fog of desire.
Eventually, Divus slowed down, pulling out just enough for you to catch a brief moment of air before plunging back in deeper than before. "Are you ready for your reward, whore?" he growled, his voice low and menacing yet laced with promise.
Without waiting for a response, he unloaded his seed into your waiting mouth, filling it to the brim with hot, sticky semen. You gagged violently, struggling to swallow every drop, your eyes watering from the intensity of the sensation.
He held your head in place until his orgasm subsided, then pulled out, leaving your filled with his essence.
Your vision spun as you coughed and gagged, your body still trembling from the intense asphyxiation. Slowly, you felt your body being raised, finding yourself laying on Divus's desk, your legs folded and spread wide open, exposing your wet and swollen folds to his hungry mouth. Before you good connect 1 and 2 together, he was already between your legs, his tongue darting out to trace along your dripping entrance.
"Oh sevens..." you whimpered, arching your hips upwards, begging for more contact. Pulling away slightly, he teased your sensitive flesh with light touches before finally plunging his tongue deep inside your core, sucking and lapping at your juices voraciously. His fingers found your clit, pinching and rubbing it harshly, eliciting another moan of pleasure mixed with pain.
Your body trembled on the verge of orgasm once more, as he continued to torture your sensitive spots. Your nails scratched at the desk to avoid grabbing his head, you were sure you would get reprimanded for it, the wood was left with white lines shaky lines on it. "P-Please, sir... I need you to—!" you managed to choke out between gasps for air before you was cut off by a powerful moan.
Divus pulled away from your dripping folds, his face covered in your juices. "Mhm is that so," he growled, his voice dark and menacing. "Sadly for you, I don’t feel like letting you climax quite yet, you greedy pup." He teased.
Your body shook with frustration and need, your entire being aching for release. "P-Please... sir..." you begged pathetically, your voice barely more than a whimper. Hips bucking upwards, seeking more contact, more stimulation.
For what felt like a millennium, he continued to tease your sensitive spots, pushing you closer to the edge of ecstasy only to pull away just when you thought you could bear no more. Sweat trickled down your back, staining the cool surface of his desk beneath you.
Finally, feeling that it was enough, Divus thrust two fingers back inside your dripping entrance, simultaneously rubbing your swollen clit with his thumb. “Now cum.”
The combination of sensations was too much for you to handle, and you cried out in pure bliss as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over your. Your pussy contracted tightly around his fingers, cumming so hard to be able to see stars.
Smiling down at you, he gave your cunt a small peck. Crewel smirked cruelly yet something sweet behind his eyes. "Seems like you’re beginning to learn your place well, pup," he said before moving closer again, his lips brushing against yours roughly. His tongue forced its way into her mouth, claiming ownership over your mouth once more, as well as your mind. He tongues wrestled violently, your saliva mixing together in a sickening dance, tasting each other on the other’s tongue.
After breaking the kiss, he stood up straight, looking down at you battered form with satisfaction. "Now, go home and get yourself cleaned up. We're finished for today." With that command, he help her up and walk her out of the school building, trying to avoid anything prying eyes. At her professor was kind enough to accompany her out, but she was on her when it came to walking home.
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“See you on Saturday in my classroom, Miss. Y/n” was all he said as he turned and left for school once more. Leaving you alone to recover from the brutal punishment she had endured.
You only replied by a weak “See you sir”, but only when arrive at your door front did it click ‘Wait we don’t have class on the weekends, does that mean—‘
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Thanks anon for requesting!
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are Open)
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
... omg young crewel is just floyd
Less Floyd and more a meaner version of Ace/a less lazy Leona. He's not prone to mood swings, or doing things just because he thinks it'd be funny. He's very calculated, he didn't want to listen to Trein’s dusty ass lecture because he knew that stuff already.
Not that he'd ever admit to any of those things. He insists he was never that "energetic" when he was a student, something that makes Trein roll his eyes and mutter some very impolite things because he still remembers how much money he spent on wine from his antics alone.
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oepionie · 1 year
—"GOTTA ESCAPE THE VOID." overblot mc!
SYNOPSIS: The Ramshackle prefect has a reputation for frequently encountering fatal magical mishaps. And when a magical accident involving Crowley almost kills them, Crewel resolves to take matters into his own hands. But it appears that his impulsive decisions cause the prefect to reach their limit and go off the rails.
⊹ [ cw ] — heavy warnings, please read before you proceed. arguments with father, self-depricating thoughts, mentions of blood, protective parent, thoughts of offing self (only once), overblot mc!, miscommunication w friends, crying, physical fights ◞
⊹ [ tags ] — angst! gender neutral reader, crewel really embodies the 'cruel' in 'cruella', ace gets mad at you :(, deuce tries to comfort you through it all, crowley feels guilt (wow), crewel is vry vry angry and punches crowley, crewel has a mother gothel moment<3◞
⊹ [ w.c ] — 2.5k+◞ | 🦇masterlist◞
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YOUR VISION WAS NOTHING, but a myriad of colorful blurs and shapes. Muffled voices spoke to you, but everything was practically just incomprehensible, panicked babbling. The heavy pressure of metal was pressed up against your windpipe, restraining your breath as it wound tighter and tighter. Though, a few seconds later, it vanished as if it had never existed, bursting into bright magical sparks.
The gush and pool of blood surrounds your dirtied, tangled mess of hair, a dark scarlet seeping into the knotted strands. Kneeling before your body, Crowley felt his heart skid to a stop. The sight of your fatigued form writhing around the ground tore at his chest, claws of guilt digging in deep and dragging across thick tissue.
"Prefect…Can you hear me?" The crow murmurs, clawed hands pressing against the side of your pounding head as he guides it to rest atop his lap. Vibrant blooms of red stain the dark fabric of his pants, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
"Dad…it hurts s'much." You slur in hushed tones, your eyes wringing shut from the pain. That was enough for Crowley to put his arms around you.
He shielded your body with his torso, hands clawing at your back as he wracks his mind of what to do next. Hastily turning round, he shifts his gaze to the surrounding students, all of them looking equally mortified.
"What are you standing around there for?! Call the nurse!"
"Y-Yes, sir!"
Drip. Drip
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The pungent smell of alcohol and medication fill your senses as you groggily blink awake.
The familiar creaky wood of Ramshackle's ceiling greets you as you pull yourself from dreamland. Looking over both sides of your bed, you smile once you see both Deuce and Ace seated on a nearby couch. Both of them were quick to jump up and approach you, fussing over your bedridden form.
"Thank Sevens." Deuce murmurs, tenderly combing your damp hair back. You roll your head to the side to face him, but wince at the sudden throb of pain in your spine. Ace darts over and hushes you, gently repositioning your head to face front once more, making sure your neck was supported by a pillow. "Hey…It'd be great if you don't move so much…"
“Right. Makes sense. 'Nways…how bad was my injury?” You mutter, your recollections of the past event still foggy. All you could remember was that Crowley had fired a spell, and you somehow got into the crossfire.
“Fucking horrible.” Ace scoffs, looking at you sternly.
"Yeah, take it easy for a bit. The injury was…pretty serious. It was a miracle that the spell missed your head by a thread…" Deuce murmurs as he presses a gentle hand on your bandaged forehead.
Strands of blueberry hair fall loosely at the sides of his face as he stares down at you with worry. "You were out for three days."
"Ah…well—you know, me and my dumb non-magical ass. Always getting into trouble," you giggle, a cheery grin stretching over your cracked lips. Though it rapidly drops when you realize your two friends aren't laughing with you.
Ace shifts his gaze to the floor, hands clasped into a fist. "You're not dumb, prefect…"
"Well—I kinda am," You snort, tugging the blanket closer to your chilly form. "I really have to stop being around the old man's magic shows."
Unconvinced, Ace only shakes his head and scoffs at your jokes. The ginger reclines back into his chair, hands vigorously tugging and pulling at his hair. "You aren't. The real issue here is that deadbeat crow. I mean...hasn't he learnt anythin' from last time? What kind of idiot treats his child—"
"It wasn't his fault, Ace." Pushing yourself off the bed, you immediately interrupt him, voice stern as you rush to defend Crowley. "He didn't mean it. I got in the path of his magic. And—I'm pretty sure he's already beating himself up over this."
Sinking back into the bed, you clasp both your hands together. "It wasn't his fault. Sure, he's reckless and all but…but he's still my dad."
Silence washes over your room.
Ace was visibly frustrated, the blunt tips of his nails dug deep into his skin, nearly piercing past skin. With a final scoff, he stands from his chair and quietly excuses himself from the room.
The door slams shut with a blaring bang as both you and Deuce were left alone.
Sighing, the freshman takes your trembling hand in his, clasping it tight as his body temperature warms the cool skin. He draws your right arm up to press your palm against his cheek, eyes looking deep into yours.
"Professor Crewel is pissed," Deuce whispers as you trace gentle circles on his skin. A pair of shaky cyan eyes meets your concerned ones. "He was planning to—"
Deuce's mouth parted open and close and yet he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence. You cast a questioning glance his way, but Deuce shakes his head, disregarding your questions.
Surprise washes over you as you stare down at Deuce's hunched over form. It…wasn't like your friends to be so dismissive.
You, Ace, and Deuce had always been good friends. Sure you had your differences but you always communicated openly with one another. Nobody has ever been this...secretive.
Just…what was happening?
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
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The sickening crack of a bone echoes through the faculty room as the rough knuckle of Crewel's fist connects with Crowley's face. The headmaster reels, mask flying off as his hands fly to his bloodied nose.
Everyone in the vicinity quieted as the only noise heard was the potionology professor's labored breathing.
Then, without hesitation, Crewel surges forward. Loud commotion and screaming could be heard in the meeting room as everyone quickly circles around the two. A couple of hands seize Crewel by the arms, but the professor only grows more agitated, attempting to fight past the herd.
"Let me go!" Crewel roars, tugging his arm free as he attempts to swing a fist at the headmaster. "Dire! This is your fucking fault!"
"Divus! Calm yourself!" Trein scolds, arms locked tight around the man's torso. A few more pairs of hands restrain the professor as he is forcibly pushed down onto a couch.
His face was the epitome of unrepressed rage: With his cheeks drawn back in a deep sneer, eyes bloodshot red, and hair a knotted mess.
Trein stands before the younger man, looking down at him with disgust. "Have you no shame? What will the prefect think once they hear of this?"
Across the room, Crowley spits out a little blood, blinking fresh tears out of his eyes. For the last three days, the crow has been suppressing all of its emotions; however, all of a sudden, he is overcome with an unfettered and unhindered flood of shame and rage.
When the headmaster finally turned around, he fixed Crewel with an expression so scathing that the potionology professor felt compelled to charge at him again.
Once, coldly, sharply, and bitterly, Crowley laughed. "It's my fault, you say? You think I don't know that?"
"Oh please—Dire. I couldn't care less about what you think." Crewel seethes, venom practically dripping from his lips. The alchemy professor strides forward, heels clicking against the floor as he grabs Crowley by the collar.
"You're a failure of a father. All you've ever brought their way is danger." The professor cackles kicking the crow's skin.
Digging deep into his red handbag, Crewel snatches out papers and jams it into Crowley's chest. The crow unravels the creased pages to read the text on the document, eyes ripping wide open as he realizes what it was.
"You…can't possibly." The headmaster sputters, hands shaking as he reads the texts again and again.
"Oh, but I can." Crewel sneers, taking pleasure in the look of fear Crowley sends his way. He snaps around, coat billowing up behind him as he briskly walks towards the entryway. "I expect those papers to be signed by tonight."
Before walking out of the room, Crewel spares the headmaster one final glance. "The prefect departs this Monday."
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Days after the event were all followed by violent storms that appeared to go on forever. Every night and day, the rain endlessly poured down from the bitter grey skies and roars of thunder echoed through the dewy clouds. Some days, it was nearly impossible to go to school.
It was almost as though Mother Nature herself was upset.
Just like how everyone was.
Crowley and your other friends shunned you like you had the plague. Even bright Kalim greeted you with a deep frown, a flimsy excuse slipping off his lips as he ran away. Only Deuce stayed by your side through it all.
The blueberry had told you everything was alright—that everything was normal and fine— but you couldn't help but be skeptical.
So when Crewel came to visit, you welcomed him right in. Eager to hear what he has to say.
The clatter and click of your father's heeled boots echoed through the walls of the dormitory as he examined the premises, comparing it to his own much more lavish flat back home in the city.
Finally, after an excruciating 5 minutes. his gaze flitted over to your bedridden form.
And the words he utters out next shatter your entire being.
"I'm withdrawing you from NRC."
The glass clasped in your bandaged hands slips from your grip, smashing onto the oak wood of Ramshackle's flooring. You raise your mortified gaze to scowl at your professor, jaw dropped open in shock.
"What?" you breathlessly utter. "What do you mean?!"
"I'm transferring you to another school." Crewel replies, pushing himself off the fireplace and slipping his thick fur coat off his shoulders. The scant light emitted by the candles atop your study table did nothing to help you navigate his form as he strode around your bedroom.
"Now. You might be asking why? For one, look at the…accommodations Dire provided you with."
Crewel kicks a piece of splintered bark aside while making a gesture towards the disorder and wreckage all around you.
In the evenings, you had to use candles because the ceiling lights seldom ever functioned. The flooring had so many tears and holes that they were virtually falling apart. On occasion, you could even see the scuffle of rats beneath. The roof leaked, horribly; You had no money to fix it so you placed a bucket below instead. The front door was broken, barely hanging on its hinges, evidence of all the times your friends visited and never bothered to knock.
All of these problems and so many more were present, but this dorm was with you since the very start. It provided you with a roof over your head…it helped you survive.
"So what?" You retort, leaning back into your bed and sinking deep into the scratchy yet familiar pillows. "I don't mind it!"
"A foolish decision." Crewel sneers, running a hand into his hair. "Your accommodations aren't the only problem. Your self-destructive habits endanger you as well!"
There it was.
Groaning, you wring your hands through your hair, tangling it up. "When are you gonna stop saying that I'm self-destructive!?"
"When you start acting like somebody that actually cares about their life!" Crewel barks out, hands grasping your shoulders. The sudden increase in volume makes you recoil, but you were stubborn and refused to give in just yet.
"But I do care about my life!" You sputter out. "Why can't you just—"
"Remember what happened when Rosehearts overblotted?" He reminds you, "You charged towards a bloodthirsty tyrant with no protection, no magic, and no plan." Crewel then crosses his arms over his chest, addressing you with a pointed glare. "And you have the nerve to tell me you're not self destructive?"
"Riddle is not a tyrant!" Crying out, you slam your hand against your bedsheets, face twisting into an unsightly sneer. "I was trying to save my friend!"
Crewel gets right in your face, returning the expression of anger you sent his way. "Those friends of yours only care about you when you're useful!" he thundered, jabbing a finger into your chest.
That comment immediately silenced you.
Your hand was clasped over your mouth, jaw dropped wide open in disbelief as a sharp gasp escapes your dry throat.
A poisonous and dangerously harmful feeling gripped at whatever remnant the professor had of a heart. It colored his thoughts with regret as he began to feel a twinge of guilt, the weight of words sinking in.
There was a deep sigh of resignation from Crewel before he put a hand on your shoulder and looked you deep in the eyes, voice lowering to a softer lilt. "Why is it that every other person in that dorm had the sense to run away from the blots, but you didn't?"
Kneeling down, your father gazed at you with such vulnerability in his eyes as he murmurs, "Do you know how terrified I was every time I'd get the same message from Dire that you were out fighting overblots again? Putting your life at risk for those rabid dogs?"
The recognition of your destructive habits hit you like a splash of ice cold water. With a guilty and uncomfortable grimace on your face, you averted your attention to the floor. "I just wanted to help."
Slowly rising to his feet again, Crewel casts a deep frown your way. "I know you do, but you're careless with your life and if you're not careful…one of these days, you're gonna die."
"I will not hear anymore disagreements about this, do you hear? I've allowed you to run rampant around these past few months. You will so as I say and I'll have you transferred by the end of this week." He says simply, dropping a pristine sheet of paper clasped in a clipboard before you. Your dull eyes flicker across the title as you grudgingly reach for the pen he offers you.
That blank line at the end of the page is swiftly covered by your shaky red signature and Crewel is powerless to stop the relieved sigh that heaves past his lips.
A surge of victory, certainty, and an intense sense of relief overpowers the tangled and conflicting sentiments of guilt that were swimming through his chest.
You were safe, that's all that matters.
With a grieving heart, you nudge the pen and page back to your father dismissively, placing them both atop the bed. Crewel re-rolled the page and tucked it back into his handbag along with the pen.
The professor raises a hand to gently pat your shoulders as he bends down, pressing a kiss atop your head. "Father knows best."
As Crewel quietly takes his leave, he is none the wiser to the formation of impure, tainted tar-like blot dripping from your tears. Curling in yourself, you tuck your head into your knees, a broken sob spilling from your lips.
A sick and twisted feeling arises in your heart as you replay the argument you had with Crewel, and you start to wish that maybe, just maybe, Crowley's spell had succeeded in striking you.
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
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꒰ ♡🧷: if you want to be tagged for ALL of my works, comment here!
@keedas @spadecentral @crypticbibliophile @pastellepastary @cassidycampfire @cocomollo @poisonioushearts @kawaiipotatoghost@ramvuda @sweeneyblue1 @the-lost-anime-dad @kyraxiyn @mayaaaeo @fluffimemes @awkwardspontaneity @gussuri @lunavixia @heatofmyexoheart @pianopuppygirl @cross-crye @cerisescherries @teenage-discomfort @cecilebutcher @savanaclaw1996 @msykaroly @a-bit-late @imdevotedtoyou @syl-lithy @solomonslostsock @noidonothavetimeforthis @driftaway27 @supernovaicloud @yevenle @senpaiofotomeome
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rs-wonderland · 2 years
Crowley: You know why Yuu is still here and not on earth?
Crewel: Why? Bc your lazy to find there way home?
Crowley: No! It's bc they are orphan!
Crewel: What-?
Crowley: Orphans are never wanted!
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mrs-schoenheit · 3 months
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greenapplebling · 1 month
Continuing with the rambling over the descendants x twst AU I talked about in this post (more specifically in the tags)
Evie and Carlos have the easiest time bonding with Vil and Professor Crewel. With Crewel, everyone finds the way he talks to his students weird but it was really easy to clock him as Cruella's reincarnation. As a teacher, it's easier to go to him with the excuse of asking for advice and help without feeling out of place, so definitely more approachable
With Vil, it kinda depends if Evie is sorted in Pomefiore (which I'm going with lol), if she is then Vil as the Housewarden of Pomefiore automatically becomes more approachable to her. I feel like they'll clash a little when it comes to tastes in fashion but Evie is eager to learn everything she can from Vil, about skin & hair care, makeup, hairstyling, etc, etc... Vil will also teach her about Magical Potions and maybe they'll create the deadliest poison together (and the cure, per Evie's request)
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hazashiovo · 6 months
Twisted wonderland request post!
After a lot of thinking,I've decided to start writing for twst,so why not :)
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Riddle Rosehearts
One shots
Ace Trappola
Nsfw (aged up)
One shots
Deuce Spade
Nsfw (aged up)
One shots
Trey Clover
One shots
Cater diamond
One shots
Leona Kingscholar
One shots
Jack Howl
Nsfw (aged up)
One shots
Ruggie Bucchi
Nfsw (aged up)
One shots
Azul Ashengrotto
Nsfw (aged up)
One shots
Jade Leech
Nsfw (aged up)
One shots
Floyd leech
Nsfw(aged up)
One shots
Kalim Al-Asim
Nsfw (aged up)
One shots
Jamil Viper
Nsfw (aged up)
One shots
Vil Schoenheit
One shots
Rook Hunt
One shots
Epel Felmier
Nsfw ( aged up)
One shots
Idia Shroud
One shots
Malleus Draconia
One shots
Lilia Van Rouge
One shots
Nsfw (aged up)
One shots
Sebek Zigvolt
Nsfw (aged up)
One shots
School Staff
Dire Crowley
One shots
Divus Crew
One shots
Mozus Trein
One shots.
Damn this was long.
I'll maybe leave a few prompts in a future post.
Se ya 😽
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tallyanimatez · 1 year
A twisted wonderland mafia au
Authors note: So I had barely any ideas to write for the current aus I have, and since I've seen so many mafia aus in twisted wonderland, might as well join the party since I'm a sucker for these types of aus. Sorry for the lack of posting for who knows how long :D
1. A fresh start
Tonight was as cold as usual, the strong winds blowing at the curtains which are threatening to fall at any moment didn't make you flinch that much. After all, there was nothing to keep you warm and nothing you could use to shelter your self. All you could smell was the smell of rotting food, the stench of animal feces, and a tingling iron smell...
What a terrible end isn't it?
But you couldn't bother to go and poke your head into the "commotion" near your dwelling, you are exhausted, starved and thirsty. Your body would not dare to move an inch as if it would shatter against the wind, so you caved into the tiredness and sat there, curled up into a defensive state, to hope for the best that those hooligans will march off to wherever they want after they're done with their business.
You could also nip some of the cash from the dead body if they haven't taken them the next morning, it would be nice to have a decent meal-
"It seems we have another guest near our disposal area." To what you made out was a word from a man said. If they're going to kill off all the witnesses, it better be a painless death.
All of a sudden, you felt a hand on your head, gently patting you as if you were a dog.
"Oh look what I found, a pup in the alley, albeit their looks need more refining."
You groaned, smacking the hand that patted your head. What you don't need now is an empty compliment from a murderer, maybe you should have ran away if they were going to react like this.
"A little Imp? It's been a while since I've last seen them when I worked at a school, I thought nowadays these imps would be in human trafficking."
Okay. You're very annoyed.
Looking up with an unamused face, you probably saw a man who dressed like a super star with his furcoat and the other with skeleton looking features on their skin. You don't know the details fully with your eyes being blurry from all those days on the street.
"Well, since I am such a gracious man, what if we make a deal, little child?" Another voice chimed in
You perked at those words, a deal? You know adults hardly keep their promises, but would a mafia not? It's worth a shot to get yourself out of this wretched place.
"I'll hear you out, Sir."
"Pl-ease! Spare me! I'm sorry that I betrayed Sir Crowley, I-I needed to pro-otect my family fro-"
BANG. The man that was on his knees, trembling and begging for mercy now has a big bullet hole in his forehead. You aren't the type of person who takes in joy from torturing people, but seeing people begging for their life seems ironic to you. Nobody would spare a child who stole food even if they cried for forgiveness.
You took out a note to see what is next on your to-do list.
"Go back and report to Sir pain in the butt, looks like I just need to report back to him that I've dealt with the traitor that I'll get my next gig." You yawned, stretching your hands out. You've been working overtime lately just to earn a sufficient amount to feed yourself, your cat and pay for rent. The image of Grim giving you attitude just because you come home late for his dinner bloomed a smile on your face, an expression that nobody saw, nobody alive saw at least.
Rrrriinnngg Rrrrrinnggggg.
You wasted no time and answered the call, only to receive another news.
"What did you just say Mister Oh so generous Dire Crowley?"
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it-happened-one-fic · 1 month
Hours in the Moonlight: Persevering Afterlight - 8. A Word of Advice
Summary: Meeting one of Crowley’s lackeys had definitely not been on the to-do list for tonight, but such is life. And who knows. Maybe you’ll actually end up learning something useful from this man that will help you get the ball really rolling in this investigation.
Series Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Vampire AU/ romantic/ angst/ angst with comfort/ fluff/ sfw/ platonic interactions too!
Trigger Warning: Vampire
Word Count: 1860
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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I followed the leonine vampire through the chilled hallways in silence. Watching as his clan members shifted out of his way, all the while they eyed me with a perfect myriad of expressions. None of them welcoming.
And, honestly, it was awkward to be walking around without Jack, and I rather missed his presence. At the very least, I got along with him. I still wasn’t sure as to where I stood with Leona.
It was a relief when we reached what seemed to be a more official room, filled with potted plants and overlooking the trees that bordered the city.
I glanced around, hoping that it was going to be Sam, but instead found myself greeted by a wholly different face.
I frowned slightly at the man with two-toned hair that was evenly divided in the middle so that one half was an inky black and the other pure white and who looked my way with an almost coldly appraising stare. 
I hadn’t paid him very much attention on the night I’d met Crowley and his posse, but now that I actually looked at him, he was an incredibly handsome man, if rather imposing.
I glanced slightly over at Leona, who barely met my gaze before he turned and left the room, letting the door click shut behind him as he left me alone with this man. Whoever he was.
And the frustrating thing was, I couldn’t even really blame Leona. After all, this was part of my job. I was the one working under Crowley and having to report back to him. Leona had nothing to do with that and honestly seemed like he wanted nothing to do with my investigation of this clan he was currently in charge of anyway.
I watched in nervous silence at the man who remained leaned back in his chair, the plush coat wrapped luxuriously around him being mashed only slightly by the position as he continued to look at me, “Pup.”
I almost flinched at the slightly sharp tone of his voice, not sure as to how to react to being called a ‘pup’ of all things but already realizing I definitely didn’t want to get on this man’s bad side.
I might know next to nothing about him, but there was an aura of strictness to him that had me nodding as I stepped closer, already nervous about what this man wanted even as I nodded, only fumbling slightly before I managed to answer him, “Sir.”
His lips twitched at the singular title that slipped from my lips before he stood, turning to face me fully, “What have you found?”
I almost grimaced at his words. I wasn’t surprised that Crowley was already wanting a report. He’d struck me as somewhat unpleasant to work for, and I’d somehow figured he’d be impatient about this entire ordeal. But still, I had hoped for a bit more time than this.
“Nothing as of yet, sir,” I shifted slightly under the weight of his gaze, bracing for whatever he was going to say next. If Crowley was anything to go by, it would be some sort of threat.
I watched carefully though as the man tilted his head and walked towards me. He stopped just a few steps away, eyeing me like he was measuring something.
I felt myself start to fidget under his analytical gaze until he let out a sigh and strolled past me towards the door. Confusing me until he called in a notably sharp tone that brooked no argument, “Follow me, pup!”
I faltered at what was apparently my new nickname, but found myself scrambling after the man. Honestly not wanting to find out what would happen if I disobeyed his orders. Because that was exactly what they were. In no way did that tone imply a request.
I caught up to the man with relative ease, glancing his way nervously when he stayed silent as I trotted hurriedly up to him.
“Savanaclaw is the clan that has had the most members lose their minds; however, it is also filled to the brim with some of the most obstinate vampires in existence.” He spoke like someone who was giving a lecture, his tone firm as he led me down a path that was largely uncrowded. And almost like the members of this clan were avoiding his presence.
But perhaps they feared him. At the very least, he came across as very imposing, both from a mere first glance and after he spoke.
I remained silent, not sure of what to say as he continued, “Most people suspect that the reason so many individuals of this clan lose their minds is because of the fact that a good number of Savanaclaw’s members are afflicted by both wereism and vampirism.”
His words made me frown as I pondered his phrasing. 
Most…. That implied there were some who suspected otherwise, which meant there was another explanation.
And that made sense. Because if it was due to struggling with both wereism and vampirism, then why were there so many vampires in these hallways who had both and seemed perfectly fine?
Ruggie, Jack, and Leona didn’t seem to be anywhere near losing their minds, and the same could be said for the majority of the vampires I’d seen in these hallways.
They might be openly hungry, unwelcoming, or unfriendly, but not insane.
Plus, if it were a combination of wereism and vampirism causing vampires to lose their minds, then why did vampires who weren’t originally werewolves also lose their minds?
I could feel his gaze on me as I looked towards the man who continued to stroll next to me at a brisk pace, letting his information sink in but letting me know that he was only going to be so patient. I probably only had until he reached his destination to figure out what he meant.
“It’s caused by something else outside of the effects of having two diseases, isn’t it?” The man’s lips twitched like they wanted to curve up into a smile, but he wouldn’t quite let them.
“Sharp one, aren’t you pup? A word of advice then,” He bent at the waist, grasping my chin firmly and forcing me to look him directly in the eyes.
My own eyes widened at his motions, and I felt my entire body go tense, bracing for whatever he was going to say and do as he stared at me unflinchingly with sharp grey eyes.
“If you’re going to have any success at your job, you will have to gain each of the clan’s trust, and I suggest you start with the one in charge. Once you win over the king, the rabble will usually follow,” He eyed me meaningfully before his hand slipped out from under my chin and he turned. Continuing to walk down the path that had led us directly towards the front door of the Savanaclaw clan’s headquarters.
And all at once, for a brief moment, I was reminded of what Vil had been like when I’d first met him. Regal, and with a certain level of disdain that had melted away as I’d gotten to know him.
I shook my head slightly though as my steps slowed. Because this man was in no way Vil, but he also wasn’t the worst person to have to work with. Or at least that was the feeling I was getting right now.
The man paused, his red gloved hand on the doorknob as he glanced over his shoulder at where I now stood, staring at him, “Someone else will be by once more in a few days to receive a report from you. I suggest you have one ready by then, Pup.”
His tone brooked no argument, and I nodded. At last recovering from both his actions and my own thoughts as I hurried to respond, “I will… And thank you for the advice, Sir.”
He remained silent for a brief moment before he turned to leave. But just before he disappeared through the door, he spoke once more, the slightest of smiles on his face,“Crewel. You may call me Crewel.”
I watched as he walked through the door towards a sleek-looking, cherry-colored car that had been restored to look like it was brand new. And there was something about it that made me smile. The idea that vampires got attached to certain things from certain times and kept them alive through their immortality.
But I didn’t truly have time to ponder such things, or romanticize about how vampires handled their immortality. 
I’d already been handed numerous clues about what was going on here; it was time I put them to use. But I wouldn’t get anything done without help. Because that man… Crewel was right. I needed to win over the head of this group if I was going to get anything done. 
It didn’t take me long to find Ruggie, who looked at me with a smile appearing on his face.
 It was almost amusing, now, how wary I’d been of him at the very start of this night and how much had changed after seeing him with those children.
It appeared that the majority of vampires were like Vil. Just people who each had their own interests and schemes. They just happened to be immortal people who lived on the blood of other creatures.
I sighed at my own thoughts before walking over to where Ruggie lounged lazily, “I need to talk to Leona. Can you take me to where he is?”
I had a pretty good idea of where Leona was, but somehow the idea of having Ruggie take me there was far more comforting than walking there on my own as I went about scheming how to win over the vampire, whom I highly suspected was some form of were-lion.
Ruggie sat up, frowning slightly as he tilted his head, “You sure?”
I smiled at his words because they showed that we both knew what a deviation from my original plan this was, even though I had actually told Ruggie very little about my plans. But I hadn’t hidden how much I preferred to avoid Leona since coming here. 
The fact that he’d been there on the night of the debut and had seen exactly how everything had gone down, even to the degree of helping ensure that I’d been successful, made me wary. I didn’t want to think about what might happen if he were to tell Crowley that I was nowhere near the capable murderer of vampires that he thought he was.
Especially since I was fairly sure that my abilities were already being questioned by Sam and Crewel at the very least.
But I nodded, “I think this is the only way forward at this point.”
Ruggie nodded as he stood, almost like he realized exactly how seriously I was taking all of this. But I needed to treat this entire situation with the perfectly weighty amount of gravity it held.
His voice was surprisingly soft when he spoke, nodding again like he was trying to calm me, “Tomorrow night. It’s almost morning now.”
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Hi I can't see if requests are open but if they are can i have the third years plus Riddle and Jamil with a reader like Ms Frizzle? like they are very cheerful and school oriented and always willing to demonstrate something for a classmate whos struggling, and going on cool field trip like adventures. like Adeuce struggling with botany? here boys a trip to the botanic garden to study up close is in order. Epel whining about makeup? MC thinks it would help if he saw the whole process, and suddenly theyre making their own face creams for fun. they make mini terreriums with Jade to grow mushrooms and observe the growing process. you get the point. (its also a hc of mine that ms Fizzle sewed all her dresses herself, because just, theyre too cool and specific to be from a store. however you want to put that in)
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Frizzle Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
Yes having a classmate and lover like that would be fun but imagine a teacher. Like when the mirror brought you and Crowley just assumed you were a student, you bring a finger to his lips and laugh. “School? Honey, I haven’t been on the other side of the desk in a good while!” And suddenly you’re the newest wacky teacher on his payroll. Of course the students can’t help but adore your spunky take on science. But the ones most effected are the staff you end up educating on the art of falling in love obsessively: 
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Divus Crewel
“This pack of rowdy pups hardly know the first thing about chemistry!”
“Then let’s teach them my Dear Divus! Seat belts everyone!”
“You’re insatiable.”
He absolutely loves you
He just wishes you wouldn’t reward the misbehaving pups so easily 
The way their eyes sparkle when you teach and how no one sleeps
He’s jealous
Not because they listen to you
But because they all get to admire you so openly 
He’s got a reputation to keep 
He can’t be kissing the tips of your shoes in front of everyone
So he’ll settle for letting you teach in your unorthodox way
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Dire Crowley
“Actually (Y/n), I was hoping you could do these filings for me! I have this uh thing I have to–”
“Now that’s not right. A man who should be filing isn’t too good at lying!”
“What I’m not–Look if you could just–”
“I have a glorious idea! Let’s explore the molecules of a stack of papers!”
At first he hates how you drag him into adventures especially when he tries to shirk his duties onto you
But it soon evolves to him begging to be included on the adventures you take the students on
And by then it’s not just an excuse to skip work
He’s desperately trying to spend some private time with you
But leave it to the pesky roadbumps students who blackmail and threaten him if he gets too close to you
“W-w-w-ait please! I-I’m the adult!”
He’ll have to resort doing something more drastic to get you alone
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peravendergoth · 2 months
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
Ace Trappola:
Ace x Shy!Reader Headcannons
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tswhiisftteedr · 8 months
I’m gonna work on 2 other request before doing this one. But when I’m done with them (sneak peek: one is a Ruggie work, the other is Che’nya), I want to know what staff I should write about.
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yuri-is-online · 3 months
Crewel fic au:
In this timeline yuu gets the yutu experience! Reader was in twisted wonderland till their late teens to early 20s which is long enough for crewel to boink them at least once.
When they're back to the normal world only then do they show signs of pregnancy; that's how our dear yuu came into existence.
Imagine crewel's perspective
You meet this goody two shoes and butt heads many times. You then learn that the reason why they act like the headmaster's puppy is because the only place they have is the ramshackle dorm. So you keep your distance and mind your business. Over years you get closer, through academic work, even start falling for them. On the edge of graduation, you decide to take them out. You're finally official! Graduation goes by, they move in with you. You guys have sex ONE time and then poof! They're gone the moment you leave for work.
Years later you advance your career and magical prowess and are now a teacher.A kid crashes the sorting ceremony with their familiar, The kid strangely resembles you.
Oh you know I considered doing this when I was outlining the fic. The timeline didn't exactly add up so I decided against it... but oooh you are so close to what I have in mind for Crewel and Reader's relationship dynamic:
It's a rivalmance of sorts... You certainty can't stand Divus when you meet him. He's a chain smoking, class class cutting bully who picks a fight the first time he sees you and then decides you're "friends" after you punch him in the face. You fight, make up, throw each other under the bus, lie to protect one another, and get defensive if anyone else tries to pull the same shit with the other. It gets more playful and less serious as the years go by, enough that if you were still there when someone asked you about how you got together you could laugh about it.
The main difference between Reader and Yuu in the Fyuutere kid Au is that you do still have your memories when you get home. If you came back with a child, you would know exactly why. Yuu learns a bit about their dad, enough that when they crash land in Twisted Wonderland and see Crewel for the first time math starts mathing in their head. Crewel on the other hand... he places a big emphasis on professionalism. Sure, this kid looks like you, says your name and calls you their parent. But he can't think of them as his, sure the math adds up and he sees himself in Yuu, but he is so determined to treat them like he would any other student that he ignores it.
That's not to say he wouldn't want it to be true though... he desperately does. Divus is still not over you, and he's sort of accepted that he probably never will be; at this point it is about enjoying his life and not obsessing over what could have been. When he learns the truth about Yuu that changes, he's very determined not to let them disappear like you did and to find a way to bring you back to Twisted Wonderland. If we keep with what I am planning for the fic he's extra determined to do that when he hears about your current fiancé and how much Yuu hates him. Not because he's jealous, don't be silly it's been years he just doesn't want to have to share custody across dimensions that sounds complicate-
It's because of jealousy, he can deny it all he likes but he's still a hot head deep down.
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