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brasildaily · 5 months ago
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Edival Pontes of Brazil wins the bronze medal in the Men’s Wrestling Taekwondo -68kg on day thirteen of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 at Grand Palais on August 08, 2024 in Paris, France. 
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coldweatherhater · 2 months ago
tava triste q o fds ta passando rapido e logo ia chegar segunda mas lembrei que moro no rj e o feriado de sexta emendou com o de quarta 🤰🤰
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i6gyu · 6 months ago
naninha entregando 100% de beleza, eu amo 😍💖 divou demais
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smogfromkortalmombat1 · 3 months ago
Lin Kuei trio (Childhood fanfic drabble)
Kuai Liang and Bi-Han attempt to build a birdhouse (because why not), Tomas is there too just being himself. The three having a little bonding session, basically.
Mostly just straight up humour/brotherly bonding. Might end up as something more (aka in my AO3 childhood Lin Kuei series), might not- enjoy regardless! Tons of fun to write.
“You’re doing that wrong.”
Bi-Han huffed, rolling his eyes. “Shut up.”
“I’m just saying,” Kuai Liang shrugged, the instructions held close to his face as he squinted at the fine print. His finger dragged dramatically along each word, “You skipped step six.” He tapped the paper for exaggeration, “Very important step, you know.”
“I don’t care,”
Kuai scoffed. “Rude.”
Wispy, grey curls appeared in Bi-Han’s peripheral vision, a small, pale face peering around his shoulder, curiously gauging the mess around him. “What doing?”
“Hey Tomas. We’re making a birdhouse,” Kuai Liang chuckled, glancing up from the paper, “Or at least, we’re trying to.”
“I’m trying to.” Bi-Han corrected, “You’re just holding the instructions.”
“That’s a form of helping, if you weren’t aware.”
Tomas tilted his head, listening to his brothers bicker intently. He was still getting used to Chinese, and every word seemed to take extra effort as his little mind worked to translate them to and from Czech, his native tongue. “Can I… uhm…” His brows knitted in concentration, his little face scrunching up as he searched for the right words. “Can I watch?”
Kuai Liang’s face softened with a warm smile, and he patted the spot next to him on the floor. “Very good, Tomas.” He encouraged, “Yes, you can watch.”
Tomas beamed at the praise, his small chest puffing up with obvious pride. His socked feet shuffled quickly over as he plopped down next to Kuai, his big eyes fixed on the project. The birdhouse pieces were scattered across the floor in various stages of assembly- some nailed together, while others still lay semi assembled or straight up abandoned, still waiting for their turn to even be looked at. It was utter chaos.
“Hand me the hammer, someone,” Bi-Han said, his gaze entirely focused on choosing the right nail from a small box resting on his thigh. His free hand reached out blindly, waiting. “Please.”
“Ham-mer,” Tomas repeated, testing the new word on his tongue. “Hammer. What hammer?”
Kuai Liang nudged him gently with his elbow, nodding toward the tool resting near Tomas’ side. “That’s a hammer.”
“Oh.” Tomas reached for the tool, the hammer looking comically oversized in his small hands as he heaved it up by the handle. “Kladivo,” he said, handing it over to Bi-Han with both hands. “Here you go,” he added, each word carefully pronounced.
“Kleu-deevo.” Kuai Liang repeated, furrowing his brow in concentration as he tried to mimic the word. “Kle-Kleu.. Kla…? Devo. Divou?”
“Thank you, Tomas,” Bi-Han said, taking the hammer from the boy with ease. A faint, rare smile tugged at his lips. “Your Chinese is coming along very well,” he added, curling an amused brow at Kuai Liang, who was still struggling with the pronunciation of the fairly simple (in his mind, at least) Czech word. “Unlike Kuai Liang’s Czech, apparently.”
Tomas giggled at the comment, patting Kuai Liang’s knee in sympathy, offering an encouraging smile up at his big brother. “Really close! You can do it!”
Bi-Han snorted, amused by the scene, which only made Kuai shoot him a glare that, if it could, would definitely burn holes right through him. His brother’s chocolate-brown eyes narrowed, then suddenly dropped to Bi-Han’s lap, attention back to the birdhouse in progress. Then, a slow, smug grin spread across his face as he noticed something. 
“You put that piece upside-down,” Kuai pointed out with a triumphant grin, turning the instructions around so Bi-Han could clearly see how the pieces were supposed to fit together, the little images massive and painfully obvious. “It’s supposed to be the other way around. See?”
“Dammit-” Bi-Han muttered under his breath, reaching for the hammer once more- this time, the clawed side. He’d already nailed the damn pieces together- Kuai just had to wait until the end to tell him, didn’t he? Sly bastard.
Tomas, still watching the whole exchange, broke into another fit of high-pitched giggles. “Hloupý Bi.” He drummed his fingers on his leg in quick thought, “Silly.” He translated for them, “Silly Bi.”
Kuai chuckled, ruffling Tomas’ hair, “Ha-loopy indeed.”
Bi-Han just found himself rolling his eyes yet again.
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eastern-lights · 2 years ago
(english version follows)
(Link to part 2)
(Link to part 3)
Random fakta, která jsem se o našem prezidentovi dozvěděla z gratis vzorku audioverze jeho životopisu:
jako dítě trpěl ADHD, ale dostalo se mu jediné diagnózy, a sice “malej mizera”
kdykoliv jeho matka pečlivě složila prádlo, malý Peťa ho snaživě zase rozložil, aby “lépe proschlo”
ve školce odpoledne odmítal spát tak vytrvale, že to učitelky vzdaly a prostě ho vypustily do dvorka jako divou zvěř
jeho “první úspěšná mise” byla, když ho jeho otec poslal jako tříletého na konec ulice pro kyselé zelí. Matka byla zásadně proti.
poprvé vyskočil z letadla ve čtrnácti letech. Potřeboval k tomu podpis rodičů, který otec ochotně poskytl. Matka je oba považovala za blázny.
pan Pavel starší nechtěl, aby jeho syn pil alkohol před osmnáctými narozeninami. Toho dosáhl tím, že šestnáctiletého Petra vzal na rodinnou oslavu a tam ho zbořil natolik, že se budoucí pan generál alkoholu ani nedotkl dalších několik let a i na výšce pil jen vinný střik. “A já blbec jsem byl na sebe tak pyšnej, že to mám dovolený, tak jsem to do sebe všechno lil. Bože, jak mně potom bylo špatně. Aspoň dva dny.”
otec mu taky natolik vštípil pečlivé psaní sešitů ve škole, že si i o čtyřicet let později na zasedáních NATO dělal tak detailní poznámky, že se před ním diplomaté po čase báli cokoliv říct nebo slíbit, protože věděli, že to bude zavedeno do záznamu a později důrazně připomenuto, pokud by se pokusili dané slovo porušit
Random facts about Petr Pavel that I learned from a free sample of the audio-version of his memoirs:
he had ADHD as a child, however the only diagnosis he ever received was “little shit”
whenever his mother would have finished folding the laundry, baby Petr would helpfully unfold it again to “help it dry better”
he refused the kindergarten afternoon nap so insistently that his teachers just gave up and released him into the garden like a wild animal
his “first successful mission” took place when he was three and his father sent him alone down the street to get a bottle of sauerkraut. His mother was not amused.
he first jumped out of a plane at 14. He needed a signed permission from his parents, which his father provided without hesitation. His mother thought they were both mad.
Mr. Pavel the Elder did not want his son to drink before he turned 18. His way to achieve that was to get the 16 y/o Petr so blackout drunk at a family gathering that the future general didn’t even touch alcohol for the next several years and even in college he only drank weak spritzer.
“And I, like a complete idiot, was so damn proud of myself for being allowed to drink that I just poured everything right down my throat. God, was I sick afterwards. For two days at least.”
his father also stressed the importance of detailed school notes to such a degree, that even 40 years later at NATO meetings, Pavel would make notes so detailed that diplomats soon learned not to say or promise anything within his earshot, because they knew their words would enter written record and get brought up if ever they tried to go back on them.
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anivi02 · 1 month ago
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a avó dele meio que divou!
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todo7roki · 6 months ago
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pensando muito aqui, o luca guadagnino meio que divou com esse filme e quero muito escrever algo inspirado nisso.
ainda pensando nos pares que combinam com o enrendo dos personagens do filme, levando em questão a amizade antes, durante e depois, um homem mandando por mulher e o outro que come a mulher do amigo sem dó nenhuma.
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alfalupuspura · 6 months ago
esse professor ta parecendo um mendigo
essa roupa ta horrivel não divou
#antidivo #mendigo
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idollete · 8 months ago
como a anon divou ao falar do ttpd, eu resolvi vir aqui pra dar as minhas considerações sobre.
as músicas do enzo com certeza seriam the black dog, so long, london, guilty as sin, peter, down bad e I can't do it with a broken heart, because ele tem muito cara de quem vai te destroçar por inteiro ao ponto de vc estar depressed and act like it's your birthday everyday, e fortnight e ttpd também fazem sentido, pq ele tem cara de pseudo poeta, mas de todas eu acho que so long, london e the black dog são as que mais são a cara dele.
bônus: acho que but daddy I love him também faz sentido pra ele, pq eu com certeza falaria I'm having his baby. No, I'm not, but you should see your faces. e of course que loml e I can fix him também entrariam, because se vcs terminarem algum dia ele vai acabar com o seu psicológico, ou seja todas as tristes são dele, e eu nem vou me extender mais pq já falei muito.
pro pipe eu daria so high school também, pq essa pipe coded dmsss, mas como eu amo o cenário pipe universitário pegador eu também daria guilty as sin e my boy only breaks his favorite toys, já que nesse universo parelelo do pipe universitário ele também é carioca e riquinho.
ps: but daddy I love him também entraria aqui, já que todas nós chegamos a um acordo de que o pipe parece o eric.
tanto pro matías quanto pro simón eu daria I can fix him bc ambos passam essa energia, e é claro que but daddy I love him também entraria aqui.
ps de novo, pq não me aguento quando começo a falar do enzo: acho que fresh out the slammer também é cara dele, mas não irei desenvolver pq já tá muuuuito longo, então pensem oq quiserem.
resumindo: o ttpd é tão desgraçado que combina perfeitamente com o enzo que tem cara de ser um desgraçado que enlouquece uma mulher pro resto da vida KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK concordo com tudo que você disse, amg, sua análise foi luz. e agora eu confesso que não consigo desver o enzo em todas as músicas que a taylor fez pro joe, tanto as de quando eles estavam juntos quanto as de quando eles terminaram
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dalsimoravskyblog · 10 months ago
ŠTRAMÁCI/ANDY: Vlasta Fialová
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Fun facts!
Brňačka for life – narodila se v Brně, studovala v Brně, pracovala v Brně a je pohřbená na brněnském Ústředním hřbitově
oba její rodiče byli operní pěvci
učila na JAMU
v divadle hrála Kateřinu ve Zkrocení zlé ženy
při natáčení Divé Báry si pořídila zánět kloubů
Nejlepší filmy Vlasty Fialové podle ČSFD
Divá Bára, 1949 (77 %)
Náměstí svaté Alžběty, 1965 (77 %)
Spanilá jízda, 1963 (69,6 %)
Filmy Vlasty Fialové podle tumblru (@videli-jste-tento-film)
tumblr hlasoval jen o dvou filmech V. F., Zlém pondělí a Divé Báře
Divou Báru většina hlasujících neviděla, Zlé pondělí většina hlasujících nezná
o Divé Báře se hlasovalo dvakrát, napoprvé totiž nehlasovalo dost lidí
Cesta Vlasty Fialové turnajem
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Musela projít vyřazovacím kolem, protože obdržela jedinou nominaci. Pak už to ale byla brnkačka. Porazila Milenu Dvorskou, Vlastu Buriana, Světlu Svozilovou a nakonec i Vladimíra Ráže. Nepřekvapivě se nejvíce zapotila ve čtvrtfinále.
Stane se Vlasta Fialová ultimátní štramandou? Rozhodnete vy.
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llorentezete · 6 months ago
Carol eu acho o Blas tão Peter Kavinsky😭 a personalidade é parecida, queria apenas compartilhar esse meu pensamento msm e falar que eu JAMAIS perdoaria o Peter por ter dado minha xuxinha favorita pra aquela mocreia no primeiro filme
aqui você meio que divou 🎯
tipo, eu tenho muito a imagem do Blas dívida em dois lados ✌🏼 vamos lá ☝🏻
ele por fora com toda a pinta de menino tímido, nerdzinho e tals, meio lowprofile, ou meio wybie de Coraline (JUROOOOOOOOO) 🕊🕊🕊 BUT que por dentro é um canalha de safado 👺 desculpe mas eu tenho que falar da carinha de pilantra que ele tem 😈 cara de quem faz MIL horrores com a lobinha e quando você olha pra o rostinho dele, você pensa "naaaaaao, o blas? 🤔 tipo, o blas, blas?, aquele com a vibe de Peter Kavinsky? 🫨" SIM amores, esse Blas
a carinha esconde, mas ele é um PUTO ok 💥💦💨
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sunshyni · 9 months ago
ola diva.... amei aql sua oneshot do yushi serio achei mt fofa vc arrasou dms mitou divou etc☝️
Mto obg pelo feedback!!! De primeira, eu achei q ficou ruim, mas com vc me dizendo o contrário, eu começo a me convencer de que ficou minimamente bom KKKKKKKKK
Mto obg msm, vc é dmsss!!! 🤭🤭🤭
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wieqo · 1 month ago
fiz um post para você 😶‍🌫️
MUITO OBRIGADA MO 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 fico toda boboca quando dedicam post pra mim sério vc divou demais nos icons obg mia querid 🥺😭
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hyunjungjae · 5 months ago
oi marieee, vim contar um segredinho aqui pq to surtando aq em casa
ontem eu sextei ne #festa, e dps de uns álcool no sangue eu e um amigo meu a gnt ficou 😭😭🙏 tipo foi mt bom todo o contexto foi perfeito parece q eu to sonhando acordada MAS EU TO MORRENDO DE MEDO DELE TER SE ARREPENDIDO
eu vou ver ele dnvo terça e eu to c mwdo doq vá acontecer, tipo a gnr vai ficar dnvo? ele vai me ignorar? a gnr vai fingir q nao aconteceu
EU TO DOIDAAAAA (mas mds foi tipo um dos beijos mais delicias!!!!)
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oieee amoreeee!! AMOOO
DIVOU, amg eu acho que homem pensa mt pouco pra se arrepender de ter pego a amiga, e além de tudo, se ficaram, eh pq existe desejo das duas partes!!
VISH, bom...tive uma experiência parecida recentemente, e oq eu fiz foi fingir que nada aconteceu sabe, tratar a pessoa como eu sempre tratei, pra mostrar que independente doq tenha acontecido, pra mim nada mudou, sabe? e caso a pessoa queira de novo, eu sempre deixo pra que a pessoa demonstre o interesse primeiro...
enfim, AÍ SE FOI BOM ENTÃO DIVOU MUITO (btw com essa pessoa que eu citei, o beijo FOI INCRÍVEL, eu juro que acho que nunca meu beijo encaixou TÃO BEM como encaixou com essa pessoa, de verdade)
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dollechan · 3 months ago
fiquei um tempão em completo silêncio tentando lembrar quem é dollechan e porque que eu sigo essa pessoa até descobrir que você, ruezinha!!!
sumi uns dias do tumblr e pensei que já tava ficando maluca...
mas divou muito, muito, muito no user e na estética, rue! tá lindooooo
solieeee o ruim de mudar de user é que de primeira ningu��m reconhece vc 🫠 mas que bom que gostou, ainda quero fazer mais mudanças na estética daq então fiquem no aguardo!
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kpop-locks · 4 months ago
Vocês vão locks da lisa no vma?
Aproveitando o assunto, o que vocês acharam da performance dela?
sim, já estão na fila
eu gostei da performance, ela divou!
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