#diversity on tv
vampgf · 5 months
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Fallout (2024—) 1.01 "The Beginning"
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onyx-collective · 4 months
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Black fashion on screen, from the '60s to now: always slaying, always setting trends 📺
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gean-grey-blog · 8 months
What makes White Collar hold up so much better than other police procedurals:
It was part of the "pretty happy shows with gorgeous ensemble casts and a charismatic weird guy" USA network era but it somehow used that to be about stuff that is so REAL
What is justice? Is our system fair? Can you be a criminal and still be a good man? Can you be a good man and still work for the system?
The bad guys are rich assholes, and people defrauding families out of their homes, and unethical pharmaceutical companies. People manipulating energy supply out of greed resulting in blackouts which are showing *harming a dog,* aka how to show something is monstrous in a pg show written by a white person. Class exists in this universe in more ways than having a cardboard concept of a "rich guy."
The bad guys include police, FBI agents, prison staff, judges, senators. Those people cause real harm, obstruct justice, plant evidence, kill people. It's shown how the system protects them and harms regular people.
The harm that causes the main character to go from wanting to be part of the system, to subverting and working against it, is him finding out about an act of police corruption, brutality, and murder--and what's more, that if he became a cop, that's what he could become.
The harm that causes the main character to be outside the white picket fence is that the system failed his family after that act. What happened to Neal's mom? Why did nobody besides Helen step in? They had to check in with US Marshals, did nobody notice this kid didn't have an adult fit to parent?
So Neal turns to found family. And let's be real, heavily polyamory coded found family at that. But he keeps chasing the idea of a girl who will be everything. But he's got all this attachment trauma so he never does. But because found family is real family, even the people who freaking played the characters are still connected a decade later
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boosaot · 27 days
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"where yo clothes at"
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stevenrogered · 7 months
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Callum Turner and Austin Butler MASTERS OF THE AIR, PART EIGHT
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incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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6vaguebook · 9 months
After watching this first two episodes of the Percy Jackson Disney+ show, my main takeaway (outside of Percy taking on THREE Ares kids with no training and not even being wet) is that Luke was done so, so well.
The actor EMBODIES him. Even before I saw him acting, one picture was enough to convince me that this man WAS Luke, despite looking nothing like him. His friendship with Percy feels so much stronger. I'm already feeling the devastation from the inevitable betrayal. Just. He's so well done.
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mayabishopgold · 21 days
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Carina DeLuca | Grey's Anatomy -Season 14 Episode 14
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thealogie · 7 months
Everyone please watch Mr and Mrs Smith I know it’s not morally ok to give Amazon the streams but we don’t get Donald Glover and Maya Erskine to be sickos together for one more season I’ll perish
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sscarletvenus · 3 months
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they're like the powerpuff girls for really miserable bitches
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What we should learn from this is that we desperately need more diversity in Doctor Who writers
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silverskye13 · 7 months
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I haven't drawn in months but I wanted to take a crack at drawing the RnS peeps. They've claimed squatter's rights on my brain.
The them......
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loki-us · 10 months
Welcome to my Mega Problematic Sylvie post
I wanted to make a list of everything problematic about Sylvie in s1 and s2 because she gets away with whatever she wants and it bugs me to no end that she never takes accountability for any of the pain she causes.
You have been warned. So let's get into it.
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1. Sylvie’s way is the only way and she expects everyone else to just bend to her will without complaint
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2. She is physically mentally and emotionally incapable of trusting anyone besides herself
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3. She uses other people's emotions to manipulate them into getting what she wants
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4. She refuses to even entertain the possibility that anything besides her own opinion is correct
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5. She criticizes others' attempts to clean up the mess she caused while she herself does absolutely nothing about it
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6. Always looking to ruin and run, taking the easy way out and avoiding any accountability
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7. Puts her own need for revenge above the well-being of everyone else in the multiverse
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8. Blames everyone else for the problems she herself caused
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9. Insults everyone at the TVA for their lack of empathy despite it being the exact reason she didn't want to return in the first place. Every critique she delivers just illustrates how much of a hypocrite she is
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10. Berates Mobius and all the people who are actually trying to fix her problem even though they never once blamed her for the mess they're in
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11. Acts like she's doing everyone a favor just for being there and insulting everyone when in reality, Loki had to ask multiple times before finally getting her to return
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12. Never willing to put in more effort than just destroying everything and walking away
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13. Even when directly asked for her help, Sylvie straight up refuses. She couldn't care less about anything besides her McDonald's employee-of-the-month badge
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14. Sylvie gaslights Loki into thinking they're the same, that she's not in the wrong because they're both only thinking of themselves. In reality, Sylvie is thinking only of going back to her own timeline, alone, while Loki is thinking only of making his friends happy, because that's what makes him happy too.
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15. While being completely unsympathetic to Loki struggling with his greatest fear, Sylvie makes the decision that Loki's friend's are all better off where they are now. But is it really better for them, or just better for Sylvie?
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16. And now, after 11 episodes and countless requests for Sylvie's help, she actually cares about the rest of the multiverse. And yet it's still solely because her own timeline is finally in danger
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17. When Loki ends up sacrificing himself to solve the problem Sylvie created, her only response is a joyful shrug that she's now happy, alone, and responsibility-free.
Overall, I know Sylvie's only purpose as a character is to be a darker mirror of Loki and everything she does is understandably informed by her trauma. This is likely a result of having a limited-episode-series and having all male/not diverse writers creating female characters. Sylvie is used only as a comparison to Loki before he met Mobius, and unfortunately is never given any thoughtful character moments like Loki had showing how he was aware that his actions hurt others. In 1x1, Loki talks about how he doesn’t enjoy hurting people and only does it to maintain control. The only time we ever see Sylvie reconsider her actions is when she didn’t kill Timely, which I think is more because she saw herself in Timely as someone who didn’t want to be controlled by their ‘destiny,’ not because she developed any kindness or compassion toward him.
I understand the fact that Sylvie was never given someone like Mobius to allow her the opportunity to change like Loki did, but I don't think that should excuse her causing so much pain and being so self-centered. Sylvie never trusted or cared about anyone and that's also my biggest argument against Sylki; her loving or being driven by anyone besides herself is just so inconsistent with her entire character.
Anyway, my purpose here was not to be hateful or to search for any reason to criticize Sylvie, but instead to look critically at her character since I've seen a lot of people praise her as the strong, independent female Loki whose behavior can always be forgiven. Unfortunately, the way she was written is that Sylvie turned her own trauma into everybody else's problem and they all spent 2 seasons trying to clean up her mess. That's my take thank you and goodnight
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heliza24 · 7 months
Being a physically disabled Dimension 20 fan breaks my heart sometimes
I’ve been thinking about this since last Wednesday’s episode when we finally got a real scene with Lydia, one of the few physically disabled characters in the entire canon of the show. It was nice, but it was really just a lore dump. An excuse for exposition. A moment for Kristen to look good by expending sympathy/pity. (I’m a little frustrated about how that interaction went down. Extending the help action was nice but patronizingly touching the neck of a full-ass adult without consent was not. It was weird and not something she would have done to a nondisabled character).
I have watched almost all of D20 (still missing a couple of seasons) and as far as I know here’s where our list of canon physically disabled characters stand: Lydia Barkrock, Jan de la Vega (who feels pretty problematic to me, maybe more on that in a later post), one of the Dwarven statues in the temple in The Seven (who is not given the dignity of being brought to life like Asha), and Pete’s coworker in TUC2 who is in exactly one episode and is so unimportant I have forgotten his name. I guess you could make an argument that Gunny is disabled, but I don't feel that Lou or Brennan really talk about him or play him through that lens. So in terms of canon physically disabled PCs-- that leaves us with 0.
We do a bit better with neurodivergent characters and characters with mental health problems; Ayda (my beloved) is very well developed and Adaine is a PC. There have been some openly neurodivergent players, like Omar and Surena, whose characters also read ND to me. But that isn’t labeled or discussed in canon, so it's hard for me to know where to class that. I am going to focus the rest of this post on physical disabilities, since that is my area of lived experience. If another fan wants to write about their perspective of neurodivergence rep in the show, I would love to hear that, and will happily amplify.
There has never been a character with a sensory disability or a limb difference or a chronic illness (not a fantasy one, a real one) on Dimension 20. The only NPCs we have are nondescript, similar wheelchair users. And there has never been a physically disabled player at the table. On the flagship show of Dropout, a company founded on diversity and inclusion. It feels extremely pointed to me.
In fact as far as I can tell there has only been one (1) physically disabled performer on any of Dropout’s shows. (Shout out to Brett, you were great on Dirty Laundry.) Obviously I haven’t seen every episode of everything they have produced. If I have missed someone, please do let me know in the comments/reblogs. But it’s a problem. And Sam Reich even agreed with this criticism when I asked him directly about.
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I do really hope they’re working on it, as Sam says. But why has it taken so long?
Dimension 20 has had trans and nonbinary and queer players. It has had players of many different races. I’m not saying that the diversity here is perfect; there should always be more POC in the dome, more queer people. We should keep pushing for that. (And we should also push for performers at the intersections of these identities!) But we’ve seen the ways this diversity has expanded and improved the different seasons, because diverse players create sensitively drawn, diverse player characters. They add details to their PC’s experiences that make them feel rich and alive. I’m thinking about each of Ally’s PC’s incredible capital G gender and Aabria “all my characters (even the stoats) are Black” and how excellent they all are. D20 would not be the show it is without this input.
And yet. And yet.
There are 1,000 interesting and complicated themes to explore around disability. Dealing with access. Dealing with ableism. Dealing with compassion and community care. Dealing with none of it and just being a cool fantasy or sci fi character that happens to be disabled. We don’t get any of it.
I watch my favorite show and I see myself in the ace rep and the female characters. But I don’t see all of me. I see a silent but ever present message: you aren’t quite welcome here.
I have this fantasy that I play in my brain sometimes that someday I’ll get to talk to Brennan in person, like maybe if I buy a VIP ticket and risk Covid to go to a live show or we run into each other on the street or something. I am able to look him in the eye and articulate why he NEEDS to include a physically disabled player in an upcoming season. I reference the ways he’s talked about inclusion and writing diversely on Adventuring Party. Maybe I hand him a handwritten letter, or hell, a printout of this post. And because he really cares about diversity and his shows and his fans he would listen to me, and cast a physically disabled performer in the next season.
But I think that might be giving that nondisabled man (whose work I adore, who I respect so much) too much credit. Because he’s had Jennifer Kretchmer, a physically disabled actual play performer, on adventuring academy to talk about access in gaming. He’s hired disability consultants. He knows about physically disabled people, enough to give us shoutouts as inconsequential npcs. And he still hasn’t thought to include us at the table. In over 20 seasons. None of that other stuff matters if we aren't given a seat at the story telling table, and the agency to craft our own narratives equal to other participants in the game.
When Lydia was telling her story in the last episode, I kept wishing for a prequel, where she is more than a plot delivery device and a kind but unimportant parent. I want to know about her adventures with her adventuring party. I want to see a talented, wheelchair-using actor play out the scene when she decides to put the gem in her chest. I want to hear about what happened after. I want to know how she survived. I want it so badly it hurts.
I am in the process of trying to find new indie actual plays that feature more disabled talent. I am learning how to GM myself so I can tell these kinds of stories. But it’s not the same as being a fan of something. Sometimes I don’t want to have to make my own representation. Sometimes I just want to turn on my favorite tv show, the one that I have cosplayed from and written metas about and loved whole heartedly, and see myself included.
If you’re another disabled or neurodivergent fan I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. If you’re not, I’d love for you to reblog this. I would love for the absence of physical disability in this show to be a topic of fandom conversation, at the very least.
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bonobochick · 2 years
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Rose & Dimitri say goodbye (for now). 💋 ❤️
Vampire Academy, ep 1x10
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dhddmods · 2 months
Some intersex flags! (Part 4)
And finally, part 4! This covers the last of the formerly-flagless intersex variations/traits. (Here are parts one, two, and three.)
Now all of the main (discovered) traits/variations have been covered!
All thats left are hyper-specific conditions that can cause intersex traits/variations (such as "hand-foot-genital syndrome"), and we aren't planning to make flags for those, as there are thousands of them.
Please read (and reblog) our intersex guide. It is so important to understand intersex people, their bodies, and their health!
All of these flags are based on the Zero-V (vaginal agenesis) and Micro-P (micropenis) flags by @thirdsexmanifesto.
Urethral Agenesis
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The orange represents the urinary tract. The yellow circle crossed out represents incomplete or absent urethra.
Vaginal Hypoplasia
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The black triangle is inspired by how demisexual/demiromantic flags are set up, as to imply that the vaginal entry is still present, but only partially.
Imperforate Hymen
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The X over the circle is meant to represent the hymen blocking the entry.
Microperforate Hymen
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The X over the circle is meant to represent the hymen blocking the entry. Unlike the imperforate hymen flag, the X doesn't cover the entire circle, which is meant to represent how the vagina is not fully covered.
Cribriform Hymen
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The circle with the multiple Xs are meant to represent the small entrances in the hymen.
Septate Hymen
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The circle with the slash through it is meant to represent the septate hymen stretched across the vaginal entrance, splitting the entrance in two.
Vaginal Septum
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The symbol is a combination of the TVS, obstructed hemivagina, and LVS symbols. This flag is for those with any of those three variations.
Transverse Vaginal Septum (TVS)
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The symbol is meant to represent the tissue running horizontally across the vaginal canal.
Obstructed Hemivagina
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The symbol is meant to represent the hemivagina within the vaginal canal.
Longitudinal Vaginal Septum (LVS)
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The symbol is meant to represent the tissue running vertically across the vaginal canal.
Labial Hypoplasia
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The first flag is when both of the labia are absent. The second flag is when only one of the labia is absent.
Clitoral Hypoplasia
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The little black triangle represents the small clitoris.
Clitoral Aplasia
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The X over the triangle represents the lack of clitoris.
Penile Agenesis
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The X over the triangle represents the lack of penis.
Congenital Buried Penis
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The triangle under the line represents the penis buried beneath the skin.
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The white wrapping around the end of the triangle with the X overtop it represents the lack of foreskin.
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The small circle with the minus symbol represents the microtestes. The large circle surrounding it represents the typical/average teste-size.
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The black line represents where the teste is expected to be. The black circle being within the grey, away from both the pink and the line, represents the teste being elsewhere within the body.
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