#districts of panem
districtfourmermaid · 8 months
I just found this channel yesterday, and I love this series so much! I watched this one first, but all the others are great, too!
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jasmineslonghair · 10 months
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Another rant.
In a sense I do believe that Snow did love Lucy Gray, but I saw this tiktok talk about how it isn't a love story, it's a tragedy. I have to agree, because Snow was given so many chances to choose the good path, he had people that genuinely believe in him. Tigris, Lucy Gray and Sejanus but Snow is so emotionally stunted and not willing to progress. (At least from my view that's what I concluded)
So many times throughout the book I caught myself smiling or laughing at something he said. And I literally would be like "wtf" but Suzanne Collins is such a genius writer like that, and like a broken clock I'll repeat, she wrote this book so well that, I was genuinely forgetting that this young man will become a man I will hate and wish death upon.
Reading the original trilogy as a pre-teen I never truly understood the gravity of Snow's evil and watching the movies again recently with context from the book, made so many little actions and lines hold more weight.
I hate over-analysing books because of English in school, but books like this remind me why I love to read and get lost in worlds that are are different but the same.
I'm rambling but this book and this whole franchise has been on my mind for a while and I need a creative outlet.
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darknixss · 10 months
my bisexuality started here
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darknesspervades · 3 months
People talk about District 12’s meadow being a graveyard after the war, but if you think about it, the entire district is a graveyard.
Many of my ancestors do not have graves because they died in coal mining accidents and no one bothered to take their bodies out because it was too expensive. My dad can even point out where they are. There are warehouses built on top of essentially a graveyard, but that apparently doesn’t matter because they didn’t have enough money to be important.
Think about how many people are underneath District 12 because they were never gotten out of the mines. It was a district built on top of death from well before the war.
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filthsthings · 2 months
Almost ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
young!Coriolanus Snow x mayor's daughter!Reader
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Summary: after Coriolanus killed Lucy, a marriage of convenience was laid out in front of him.
Tags: forced marriage, young!coryo
Warnings: 18+, toxic!young!Coriolanus,
A/n: Tigris is younger than Coryo by 3 years and reader is her classmate. Might become a series idk
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Rumors flew like a Mockingjay.
Free, passing through all the districts.
From the capitol to district 12. Through Panem.
Coriolanus Snow killed Lucy Gray Baird.
Coriolanus' growing hair has been unsteady from the buzz cut. But it never cost him to show up to the capitol looking almost perfect. His slightly tan skin, from the seam's sun, and pale hair were a mix that made him shine through the room.
"This is an outrage." the mayor from District 3 exclaimed.
"To kill inside the arena is one thing. To kill the victor outside is another." professor Highbottom chimed. He looked like he hadn't slept in days, his suit all wrinkly and so were his eyebrows. "we'll have to cover this with something else."
Tigris looked around the round table. Some familiar faces, some total strangers. All their voices are on top of one another. Their faces look so agonized as if it was their daughter who was killed by the criminal in the hearing.
Truth be told, his hearing would not have been held in the presidential palace if they didn’t like Coriolanus. If they didn’t want to put him in line for the presidency. Corio had that leadership aura radiate from him. And they all sensed it since they saw him for the first time. By giving Baird an unfair justice, they’re gaining themselves a favor from Snow.
They want a show from him. It has always been that way. From one president to another. The question is, how would they have their amusement?
Sitting within the inner circle of politics is new to her. It was never her thing, and Coriolanus never explained the system to her. 
"we could-" she started, voice meek and small. "we could cover it with a wedding."
The voices came to a halt. All heads turned to her.
"continue," President Ravintsill urged, leaning his torso towards the table while his eyes are burning through her forehead. Seeming all interested to her.
She looked at you, trying to seek comfort before clearing her throat. "A little story to entertain never fails to gain enough attention. I mean, it is the game's purpose, after all. A love story would be heartwarming. An awe. scandalized to gain sympathy. Let them empathize with him." Tigris managed to utter confidence building word after word.
"Yes," Professor Highbottom stroked his beard, thinking. "It is possible. It may be someone from her district. to-- somehow explain why he is so close to that place. It can also set his ground for the upcoming election."
Casca looked at everyone's faces. Waiting for a suggestion or violent reaction. They were all thinking. Thinking of what this boy could do if he married someone in their district.
"My daughter." You felt your body freeze as your father's voice stormed through the silence. "She is unwed, close age, she has experienced living here in the Capitol, finished in the academy, and you may just elevate your status by marrying a mayor's daughter, snow."
you knew that you would not marry for love. not in this millenia. But never in a thousand years would you have thought that you would marry your best friend's fiendish cousin.
The president hummed as a response. "Recession. I need a moment with myself."
You did not wait for your father to stand before you fled the room. It was almost suffocating to see Coriolanus in front of you, looking almighty as if you were all not there because of an offense of his own doing. The air was almost breathless when you noticed how his chest rose up and down. Being in the same room was almost too much. Almost.
Imagining what he would be as a president was terrifying. Let alone as a husband. You didn't wish to hold that against him as he didn't have enough grasp of the idea. That was before you became the wife-to-be.
You always saw how cruel Coriolanus snow can be. From his childhood to his internship as a game maker. He took pleasure from another's tears. Especially when he was the one who caused it.
And declining the proposal by your father was never an option to begin with. You have been trained long before stepping foot in the academy. To be a service of your district. A token, as your father would say. An ammo to be fired when your district needs connection.
Tigris' voice called your name from the other side of your cubicle. "I know you're there. Please, let's talk." She sighed heavily when you didn't respond. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you would be an option."
"I'm scared, tig. You see him. He's not a man that a woman would wish for." You managed to speak, sobbing. "What if he hurt me? Our children?"
Tigris remained silent. Failing to gather enough words to comfort you because she knows who her cousin is. Above anyone else.
A few minutes went by and you wiped your tears. Opening the cubicle to Tigris sitting down on the countertop, swaying her feet. You almost felt guilty for holding her accountable for this when you saw her worried face looking down at the floor. Almost.
She looked up at the sound of the door hitting the wall. Her feline features gathered to send a warm smile. Her smile lit your mood. It never fails to do so.
"It's not like I get a say in this. So it's fine, I guess," you end up in her arms before you can finish your sentence.
"I'll be with you along the way. I promise."
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Snow is falling. coating the capitol's cemented floors in white.
It was cold, wet, and dull.
Everything made it seem so scary to get out of bed. So you laid there, staring at the ceiling of your room in the president's mansion, waiting for your lady in waiting to wake you up. Thinking of how you would spend your next years in this arrangement.
The door opened forcefully, making you get out of bed on instinct. His hard gaze met your own, making you conscious and subconsciously making you cover your torso with your hands. Your lace night gown hugged your bony body, leaving your arms and thighs to his view.
"It is improper to greet your fiancé like this, Coriolanus," you lectured as you reach for your robe. You can feel his eyes on your back.
"Always the courteous." he replied, sitting down on your bed. His sarcasm punching you on the gut. "You have not been going out."
"Yes, well, I haven't really found a reason to go outside." you sighed after sitting down to a womb chair adjacent to his choice of seat.
The nervousness that seemed to tail you whenever he's around has caught up to you, weaving itself with your nerves. Your breathing is hitched as you watch him watch you. You both sat there in silence, examining each other's faces.
You, shielding yourself with your robe. And him, flaunting himself with his suit.
"Well, you have a duty. Given by your district, and your father." He broke the silence.
"What duty? To be a delight in your eyes or theirs?" With a heavy sigh, you closed your eyes and pursed your lips. Trying to contain your rage. "I am not an ornament to be displayed, my lord. I will marry you in due time so give me my remaining days to spend."
Coriolanus stared at you, expression unreadable. It gave you a chance to actually look at him and not challenge him to a staring battle. His hair has grown in the last 3 months, showing his waves more. His tan has also faded to his usual pale color, and his suit appears to be more expensive now than the previous.
The past months happened in a blur. After your engagement had been announced to the public with the sad tale with you as the maiden and Gray as the Villain, President Ravinstill got shot on a campaign for the academy, the voting was hastened for a month.
Pressured by the people of the capitol, Coriolanus flaunted you to the public, forcing you to move into the Presidential mansion. Though you were yet to be married, you went to his galas and parties. You hosted tea in the mansion with the other political wives, orchestrated by him, of course.
Coriolanus was charmed by you, his eyes sparkled whenever it set upon you, his smile reached his ears though not quite his eyes. All when the cameras are on you. Inside, you are a prisoner and him the judge.
"It's not like I'm forcing you to drown yourself, sweet pea." Coryo stood from his seat and walked to you, making you look up to him from your chair.
He smiles at you, sickeningly devious. "Go out of your room or not. You're still under my roof and you're not getting out of here anytime soon."
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lilyslark · 2 months
it is such an unbelievable injustice that lucy gray baird is just a name that they read at the reaping every year without giving her a second thought. no reruns of her games, no covey history, no appreciation of her impact on the revolution.
and yet she lives on. lucy gray baird is the first mockingjay, the first victor from district 12, the first tribute who made the games the spectacle that they became. she’s the voice that fueled the revolution and kept the covey’s history alive. she was right there with the districts all along, whether they knew her name or not.
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Imagine if, while in the zoo, the tributes of the 10th hunger games had spent their time bonding and at some point kinda joked about escaping together? And they all thought out exit strategies and such and even the word they’d use as signal to initiate the plans. They discuss who’s good at what, jokingly dividing tasks between them, with Wovey, Bobbin, and Mizzen getting the task of “stay behind us and don’t die” because they’re the youngest. No one really takes it seriously, they just use the fantasy to escape their horrid reality for a second because it’s nice to imagine all of them can make it out alive, even if they know that’s not the case.
Then the arena bombings happen
Otto and Ginnee probably still die, since they died from schrapnel, but Panlo and Sheaf were far enough away to still be conscious and moving around (that last part is mostly because of adrenaline). Everyone’s caught off-guard, but someone (probably Coral) sees their chance and screams the word they discussed, and all tributes jump into action. Jessup and Lucy Gray still save their respective mentors, but because the tributes are working together the peacekeepers have been taken out so there’s no one to drag them away. Instead, all 21 remaining tributes book it as fast as they can and manage to escape the area before reinforcements arrive. They are now on the run, and cannot show their faces without getting shot on sight, but they’re alive and that’s what matters. Mizzen, Sheaf, and Treech are the best thieves of the group (Mizzen’s small and fast (he was just closer to the snakes than everyone else shut up), Sheaf is described as "a limber little girl", and Treech sneakily stole Dill’s water bottles. That’s my evidence. Also they need more love) and thus go out to scrap together anything that may be helpful.
They, being the overachieving badasses they are, get their hands on futuristic medicine to cure Dill’s tuberculosis faster than the real world ever could and help Hy manage his asthma (because it’s chronic, there’s no way they can find a cure for that just lying around even in the future). I say they’re overachieving, because Sheaf did the back handspring for food, Treech only died because of Lucy’s cheating (still getting 6th(movie)/3d(book) place, and he definitely would’ve killed her and been a real contender for the win if she hadn’t cheated), and Mizzen is 13. A 13-year-old got 5th(book)/4th(movie) place. I rest my case.
They use the newfound supplies to heal their wounds and disinfect them, Jessup doesn’t get rabies because I make the rules here, and things are good. They spend a while utilizing their unique skills to stay hidden until one of two things happen:
1) the mentors, who have gotten quite attached to their assigned tributes, fight for the games to be disbanded and rally the rest of the academy, leading to a better Panem where the Capitol and the districts become a functioning, not-dystopian nation again and everything ends well.
2) the tributes manage to escape the capitol and flee into the woods, letting Lucy Grey lead them to the Covey because ain’t no way they can just go back to their own districts just yet. The covey, being nomadic, is the best place for them to stay until they’ve grown up enough to be unrecognizable from their child selves to anyone who doesn’t actually know them.
Either way, things are better. I wanted to share this because I’m sad that all these wonderful (fictional) children died for the amusement of genuine monsters (and those indoctrinated to believe district people are not people)
Edit because a lot of new people are liking this post: someone wrote it :)
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poordeadsejanus · 10 months
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TBOSAS gave an intense look at the map of panem pre-president snow era, so I pieced it together to make a more official map than anything i've seen thus far. plus, i'm insane about fictional maps for literally no reason. [keep in mind, this is shitty screenshots that i've put together and the screen the map appears on (during lucky's weather report) appears to be rounded, so some of the proportions and such might be off. ] more stuff under the cut
so, these are the images i used to make this:
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and i pieced them together as best i could, some of the borders, like the bottom right of 12 and the bottom of 5 became sort of a guessing game because they were covered up/hard to see.
doing that and cropping/pasting them together gave me this image (same as at the top of post)
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red lines are clear country borders, yellow are district borders, purple is any of the areas i was unsure about. As we can see from this, districts 7, 10, and 13 (not labelled on this map because at this point in canon-time, it's 'gone') have no definite ending borders, so it's hard to even guess where they would end at. using this i made this more polished map using each district's colours that are listed on fandom dot com
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the unclear edges are left blurred because really i don't know where they end...
we know that panem is formerly north america, so i laid the image over a map of north america and got this:
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it took a little adjusting because again, my map is based off of a warped television screen, but, we end up with something like this. some interesting things to note is that a lot of coast has presumably eroded away as time passed -- we lost all of baja, and most of florida and socal, and some of virginia and north carolina, and many pieces of the mexican states, though none in their entirety . the places where panem extends over NA water spaces (districts 6, 7, 13) are either from receding water levels or translation issues from the warping of the in-movie screen... or, my own personal error, i guess lol.
again, as far as 7, 10, and 13, their end borders are up to speculation, but i'd imagine 7 extends up to near the edge of the northern canadian borders and maybe into alaska -- though i can't say because that's a huge chunk of space (it is the lumber district, though, so it probably goes as high as the trees are...). same goes for 10: i'd guess it goes south a bit more to near the nartual borders, but likely in any low-elevation areas (near the southern provinces) the sea has swallowed up the land. as for 13, it likely extends more near norther quebec and out toward the maritime provinces (though i'd estimate that most of those are either completely underwater or complete above it, so there's no islands going on). truly though, it's anyone's guess, so let me know your thoughts on it if you made it this far down!
future-panem, like during the events of the hunger games, definitely has changed district borders. we knows there's fencing and forbidden area, so the districts are definitely far smaller and there's space between them (no man's land) so that there is little-to-no communication between districts.
anyway, thanks for checking this out, i spent too much time on this to come out with very little practical use, but if you're like me and you like knowing where fictional locations are/how they're laid out, this is for you
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wetsocksinbed · 10 months
what annoys me the most is that Snow and Lucy Gray could have worked. They could have been a good love story. But Snow refused to see the people in the districts as people, he separated Lucy Gray from them in his mind, and he blinded himself to the fact that they were all as human, if not more so, than those in the capital
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jasmineslonghair · 10 months
In the end "Snow lands on top" a rant
I just finished the book, and people are right, you actively find yourself rooting for Snow, for a split second you completely forget who he is, who he is to become. You want him to be a good person, the moment I knew his humanity was faltering was when he killed Mayfair and Billy Taupe. He excused it as protecting Sejanus and Lucy Gray, but at the root of it, Coriolanus Snow is a product of Capitol brainwashing and taught to dehumanize the people of the districts.
He's so complex and fucked up and sociopathic and Olivia's song is a perfect encapsulation of Lucy Gray, AND Sejanus Plinth haunting him for the rest of his life. Snow can pretend and poison and erase the memory of them but people with unfinished business tend to come back to finish it.
I had refused to read the last chapter holding it off, cause I already saw the mental change in Snow's character, I was invested but I knew my heart will be broken. Because we only ever knew her through Snow's lens; Lucy Gray Baird's fate forever a mystery, just like her life.
Thank you for reading this mini rant, I'll probably rant again after a while.
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yeesa · 1 year
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ozzieinspacetime · 5 months
Yet again I'm thinking about the eradication of culture within the THG universe,, I have very complex opinions on culture wars within Panem and if they would exist at all in certain cases but like. Do you think they still speak Spanish in Ten? Do you think trans people can still change their names and wear what they please as long as they meet their daily quotas? Do families with religious ancestors remember to observe their holy days, even if it's in private, or was the eradication of religion in Panem so concrete that they don't remember anything at all? Much to think about
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wardrobeoftime · 5 months
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The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes + Costumes
Lucy Gray Baird's white, blue & orange blouse and blue skirt.
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yeriyes · 11 months
She IS a princess
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chasingwhitebunnies · 3 months
I have to laugh sometimes when I remember Peeta was on his school wrestling team. It seems so random in D12 to have something as normal and kind of nice as after school clubs. What other clubs did they have? Drama club? Art club?
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mollywog · 1 month
We’re not alone. A few hundred others return because, whatever has happened, this is our home. With the mines closed, they plow the ashes into the earth and plant food. Machines from the Capitol break ground for a new factory where we will make medicines. Although no one seeds it, the Meadow turns green again.
All the returning residents of District 12 are dandelions: rooting in a seemingly uninhabitable place, bringing life back, growing, and eventually healing beyond the district
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