#district 12 headcanons
realmermaid333 · 2 months
I've had a list of name ideas for different districts going in my phone's notes section since 2022, and I have been inspired to post them as @anniecrest4 has been posting lists of her own district name ideas <3
District 12- Marjorie, Basil, Alice, Magnolia, Archie, Charles, Maple, Hemlock, Azalea, Laurel, Sycamore, Sugar, Melody, Nora, Carmen, Clyde, Levi, Mossy, Alyse, Ducky, Wyatt, Rose, Ruby, Blythe, Joy, Bliss, Bennet, Bonnie, Rho, Cherry, Ash, Day, Lily, Clover, Fern, Spruce, Cedar, Buttercup, Aster, Daisy, Thistle, Gold, Cypress, Autumn, Abelene, Cricket, Inez, Minnie, Dillard, Meadow, Mint, Summer, Calendula, Smoky, Spirit, Bee, Jonny, Gray, Tulip
Citizens of Twelve tend to name their children after the plants around them. Often ones used in apothecary or just beautiful/tasty plants, or the land around them in general. Also names that mean joy or music, strength or nobility, or old classic southern/Appalachian names that have been passed down for generations. There's also some intersection with District 11's names as they are next to each other so they have similar flora and fauna surrounding them, and they come from similar cultures (district 10 a bit too).
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buggiebite · 7 months
The Mockingjay - Sketches
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Primarily after-Mockingjay. A snippet of getting better and growing back together.
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districtscare · 20 days
just some stuff for my worldbuilding & headcanons! i know we get a small amount on district 12 already, but there's so much to think about.
over the years, district 12’s financial situation worsens. so for many in the district, gas, electric and such necessities are on and off (like in canon.) these are next to unattainable by the average person, apart from the victors and say, the undersees and some merchants.
they have a strong religious belief within 12 — a plethora of churches in which aim to aid the poor and shelter those in times of crisis with the comfort of god and prayer.
it's definitely common to see people dying in the streets, but only in areas that are more unsurveilled/less populated. there are constant attempts to keep deaths of starvation and capitol/peacekeeper negligence under wraps.
accents, especially in the seam are quite heavy, and usually no matter what a person looks like, you can tell their heritage from speech alone.
before canon, rules of illegal hunting and trading were harshly enforced — causing uprisings and strikes to occur. the more these happened, the less the capitol invested money and time into the district. whippings and public punishments alongside executions were as bad as district 11's system once between the 50th games and around the 60th and so. eventually, all attempts of rebellion and fight simmered down.
many people (in the seam) also die from the fumes/inhalation of coal fumes and soot due to the mines being quite close to houses.
district 12 has next to no graveyards (with many buried under streets, with the exception of the tribute graveyard and other scarce areas.)
district 12 is mainly melungeon-native, with several races and people of ethnic nationalities having settled there long ago, hence why 12's blood is enfused with different cultures. however, these have been suppressed, with only the names and ideas living on quietly.
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littlemarianah · 4 months
My headcannons about District 12
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Katniss's parents' names are Ruth and Robin.
Ruth never knew that Peeta's father liked her. My boy never tried to get closer lol
The ages and names of the Mellark brothers are: Peeta (16y), Rye (18y) and Bran (21y)
Katniss's father was a leader among the miners, they spread words of revolt with music and tried to change the inhumane conditions in the mines. That's why he was killed with his colleagues in a fake accident.
The miners have work songs that they sing every morning on the way to the mines.
The water is very polluted because of coal mining waste in the rivers. You need to buy packaged water to drink.
Robin and Gale's father did not get along and always stole from each other's bushmeat customers, but they were friends during their childhood.
Gale's grandmother is Maude Ivory
Katniss and Gale are actually long distance cousins lol
Rory Hawthorne has a crush on Prim and kisses her in D13 (hihi 👉👈)
They have many respiratory illnesses because of the coal dust.
A tradition for boys who reach the age to work in the mines is to have their faces smeared with coal by their father.
The birth rate is high because the Capital does not provide any form or education for birth control
Most women have their first child at age 18.
Ruth's parents are alive and still keep the pharmacy running, but they refuse to talk to their daughter.
Peeta has many cousins.
Gale is very popular with girls, until kissing them. Because he's a really bad kisser lol
Katniss Everdeen is a legend! Everyone has heard of her. The girl who always shoots squirrels in the eyes.
There are many myths about forests, children are terrified of the sounds of wolves, they think they are monsters
There is a tradition that brides have to put flowers and herbs inside their bras on their wedding day to attract good luck.
The most stylish thing you can have in District 12 are cowboy boots. Everyone wants one, but only the richest kids have.
At school there are three types of sports that you can choose from: wrestling, running and distance jumping.
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mollywog · 1 year
I have this headcanon that Haymitch is the unofficial ‘center point’ of the remaining Victors post-war.
We know he lives in District 12 close to Katniss and Peeta and I picture him as a mother hen (or goose 😜) when it comes to them, though he would never admit it. He tries to be hands off, but he’s vigilant. I see him playing himself off of them: When Katniss and Peeta are at odds with each other, Haymitch will make a common ‘enemy’ in himself to put them back of common ground. When Haymitch lets them feed him, it’s as much for them as it is for him - it gives them purpose to care for each other and watch the others do well because of their assistance.
Outside of District 12, Johanna is the easiest to keep in touch with. They’ll go from talking multiple times a week to spans of months without a word. He’s Johanna’s sounding board after particularly poignant calls with her therapist: she’ll call Peeta if she’s looking for comfort, but Haymitch is good at listening to her rants and at the end lightening the mood with crass jokes until she’s howling.
Haymitch has a particular soft spot for Annie, though they rarely speak directly. Peeta and Johanna are in regular contact with her and he is able to keep tabs on her that way without ‘bothering’ her.
Beetee gets absorbed in his work and would go largely forgotten (and not particularly minding it) if not for Haymitch checking in a handful of times a year - he usually disguises his reason for his calls with a technology questions, or talk of politics, but both enjoy the conversations and their frequency.
He and Enobaria were never close, but they share friends and memories from their years mentoring. Every now and then when he’s in a certain mood he’ll call - and when she’s in the mood to answer they’ll swap their favorite lighthearted Victor anecdotes: that time Woof tripped into the buffet and food went flying or the time Cashmere wore the wrong color and disappeared into the green screen during an interview with Caesar. It’s something like their ‘memory book’ moment - honoring thier fellow Victors.
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sherwood-scribblings · 4 months
Sunrise on the Reaping theories + thoughts so far (pt 1)
here's a collection of the most likely and most interesting head-canons and stuff I've seen, both fandom-made and my own
• Tigress pov, as an audience member, maybe she's Haymitch's designer
• we got a tribute pov, a mentor pov, now we could get an audience pov because of the themes of propaganda she emphasizes... we could also get multi pov if she wants to do smth crazy and appease all fans
• Unreliable narrator, perhaps screwing with the reader's head on what actually happened in the games, capitol editing footage out
• Perhaps Tigress observes the games and originally starts off oblivious to the truth but the more she watches and helps Haymitch the more she begins to see the truth, and so the capitol punishes both her and Haymitch for it
• Lucy Gray is midnight, Haymitch/Maysilee is sunrise, Katniss/Peeta is sunset (symbolic of the progression of the games. Lucy Gray wiped out and forgotten, Haymitch the escaped glimmering sliver of change, Katniss the blazing fire and finale)
• Maysilee wore the mockingjay pin in the arena but the capitol edited it out of all the footage
• Themes of light vs dark, truth vs lies, the audience starts out unaware and conflicted but comes to see how things really are
• Katniss parents could appear??? Maybe we'll see Mr. and Mrs. Everdeen fall in love??
• (canon) The arena is an illusion. Flowers, water, fruit, mountains, animals. It's beautiful, heavenly, too good to be true, it doesn't seem real... well, it's not real. Everything seems normal and like you know what it is, but the Entire Setting is actually poisonous and deadly. JUST like the theme of propaganda and lies, she says the book is about. The arena itself is a meta layer to things not being as they appear.
• the cover will have a mockingjay and a sunrise or sun-flare, gold against purple
• the "sunrise" in the title is symbolism, for a person and a theme, likely symbolic of Maysilee Donner because of her kindness and humanity and spirit casting light in the face of violence and war (the reaping). A light the capitol would've snuffed out, to hide the truth. (I have a whole essay on this + maysilee's importance pls check my feed)
• Maysilee is the real mockingjay, and very important, not just a random dead background character who passed down the pin to Katniss. We know how Collins' brain works. Look at TBOSAS. Look at how she foreshadowed Lucy Gray as early as the first book. 
• the mockingjay isn't just one person, but a symbol of resistance and goodness and freedom, that anyone can take on as a mantle, an idea rather than tied to one thing or person. Lucy Gray, Rue, Katniss, and likely Maysilee.
• a rebellion almost happened with the mockingjay pin and Maysilee and Haymitch and perhaps Tigress seeing the truth last minute, but the capitol snuffed it out and destroyed all the evidence of such a thing ever happening, including Haymitch's family and punishing Tigress, leading Panem and the readers themselves in the dark and at peace. Maysilee is the warm sun to bring the spark of a fire, her pin symbolically passes onto Katniss through her niece, thus passing on the resistance and legacy. ....symbolic of how the mockingjay had the will to survive, even when it was destroyed and wiped out.... It escaped and became stronger in the face of its enemies....
• ...for all we know, Katniss' dad didn't die in a coal mining accident, but perhaps was a rebel himself and the capitol planted explosions in the mines to get rid of him. we can't just blindly trust the narrative.
• If Haysilee is a parallel to Everlark, what if Haymitch's girlfriend is a Gale figure? This isn't just because I'm a haysilee shipper I'm built to be a multishipper I'm FIGHTING not to be biased I'm openminded, but i feel the haysilee content in my bones and it's definitely a possibility
• the capitol (and Snow) believes that humanity is vile, that humans will always give into instinct and fend for themselves, that you can't trust or love or anyone lest it lead to your downfall. So... If Ballad was about humanity's corruption, perhaps Reaping is about humanity's goodness (the bond between Haymitch and Maysilee, Tigress seeing the truth despite being a capitol/audience member, perhaps the Capitol cut the footage of that bond to prevent a rebellion like Everlark's relationship later induces) 
• Most people are saying this book will be super depressing and focused on the capitol's propaganda succeeding to stop a rebellion, and I do agree, but, that doesn't cancel out highlighting themes of goodness and friendship but rather enhances them. Perhaps that very thing is what we're missing from the footage, what the capitol succeeded in covering up, raw humanity being the thing that defies their propaganda the most, and punished anyone who acted otherwise (Haymitch, Tigress...)
PART 2 IS COMING SOON to address the fandom discourse with my personal thoughts on whether this book will be about Haymitch and if we need more District 12.
and why Collins would logically choose to tell this story (regardless of pov because that could be anything at this point she'll upset someone either way)
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guess-i-do-art · 1 month
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Some traditional art for the soul
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oph3liatlou · 9 months
hiiiii!!!!! i had this idea for a coriolanus snow x p fem!reader inspired by the bridge from "maniac" by conan gray, like they were this power couple before the games and then everything goes to shit bc of the events in the movie and when he comes back the reader has already accepted what happened and blah blah u know what i mean? up to you if you want them to end up together in the end or not, the only thing though no smut bc idk makes me uncomfortable, ty!
u can also completely ignore this btw 🧍‍♀️
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pairing(s) - epilouge!coriolanus snow x emotionally distant!female reader
word count - 954 words
warnings - manipulation (come on it's canon), angst,
proofread? - yes
note from author - dw no smut 🥱
summary - you and coriolanus had been in a relationship for as long as you had been at the capitol academy, but the events of the games ruin that.
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You never thought you'd see that young man again. Not after he left you for Lucy Grey. You hated him for it. At first, you thought it was just a ploy to help her survive the games - something the cameras would like. You could accept that part. But his feelings for her turned real, and that hurt you.
Then out of nowhere, he was back in the Capitol - no Lucy Grey alongside him. There was something about Coriolanus that drew you to him, still. That old magnetism mixed with newfound hatred. You hated him for hurting you, your pride wounded and your heart broken. But at the same time, you couldn't deny the spark of attraction was still there.
You still couldn't believe he was back in the Capitol. Something must've happened, you knew him too well - he wouldn't have left District 12 or, Lucy Grey. You watched him as he walked towards you, down one of the staircases in the Capitol building. You turned your head on instinct, hoping he didn't spot you.
Coriolanus's steps were steady as he walked down the staircase, his platinum hair shining in the dim light of the building. He was looking right toward where you were standing, as he got closer you noticed a familiar look in his eyes - pain, anger, and...desperation.
You were frozen - with the ghosts of your past. You knew he was coming towards you, the man who broke your heart. You felt as if the world was spinning too fast for you to hold onto. Coriolanus continued to walk directly towards you, his face a storm of emotions. When he reached where you were directly standing he stopped directly in front of you, his cold eyes looking deep into yours.
You didn't speak, you couldn't find the words to. Part of you wanted to hug him - but the strongest part of you wanted to yell at him for hurting you the way he did. The Capitol taught you to be respectful of everyone - for media purposes, but with him - you couldn't.
He remained silent also, his eyes searching your face for some answers. His emotions seemed to be at war with each other - anger, regret, longing, and...was that guilt? His stare was steady but you couldn't help feeling that there was something deeper in his eyes, something hidden beneath his surface.
You shook your head at him - you didn't want to speak, nor acknowledge the history between the two of you. Neither of you wanted to speak a word. Coriolanus took a step closer to you, closing the distance between you. His eyes kept searching your face, his gaze so cold you felt as if you were being stripped bare from his gaze alone. Then he reached up and touched your cheek gently, brushing a strand of hair away from your eyes.
You flinched back at his touch - backing yourself into one of the Capitol pillars. If anyone had seen you, they would've just assumed the two of you were having a conversation. His eyes were still intent on your face, his expression still a mix of emotions. He remained silent for a few seconds before finally speaking. "I would like you back."
You found yourself scoffing at his request - trying to break away from his caressing grasp on your face. "You have the audacity to say that - when you left me." You stated harshly. Coriolanus didn't react to your angry response, and instead just tightened his grip on your face, pulling you closer to him. "I had to leave you for Lucy-Gray. It was the only way to keep her alive in the games. It broke my heart doing that to you."
You laughed loudly shaking your head at him again. "If you were only trying to keep her alive - you wouldn't have purposely put yourself in District 12 when you got sent off." You glared at him. "You left me because you fell for her."
Coriolanus looked deep into your eyes - staying calm as he spoke. "It wasn't real. I was playing a part, I was just trying to help her win the games. But after she won and everything settled down, I realized that I never really loved her. I love you and I want you back."
He had never said those words to you before. The words you always wanted him to say but, never came from his mouth. I love you. But, it was too late now. You shoved past him. "You can try and manipulate me like you used to - but it's not going to work on me anymore."
Coriolanus's eyes narrowed as you shoved past him, but he made no attempt to stop you from leaving. "I'm not trying to manipulate you," he said, his voice remaining cold even though he had never been so emotionally vulnerable. "I'm being honest. I hurt you. I left you when I should have given you the world, but I've changed and I'm asking for your forgiveness."
You stopped in your tracks and turned to look at him over your shoulder. "You're right - you have changed. You used to be kind - but now you're nothing like the man I fell in love with." You took one last look at him and left.
Coriolanus started at the empty space where you had just stood for a long time - your words cutting him deeply. He had expected you to be angry - he had even expected you to want to hurt him, the way he had hurt you. He remained where he stood, his mind racing with all of the emotions and memories that flooded his mind. Flooded with his past memories of you.
read my merged works here!
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districtunrest · 2 months
2QQ Generation Headcanon
speaking of my 'details, said in passing' approach to worldbuilding in fic, I've been thinking about my headcanon for the 2QQ generation and might as well get it fully on record before SOTR...
when Katniss' mom and Haymitch mention things getting bad again, "like before," we all assume it's immediately around the 2nd Quell, when they were teenagers. and while I do think that time was tense, I've always imagined the actual time of district-wide unrest (🤓) and whippings they're referring to being when they're older, in their early 20s. their generation joined the workforce with unresolved rebellious feelings from Haymitch's Games - and directed it into a miners' strike.
miners' strikes are historically significant to Appalachian coal mining. the Battle of Blair Mountain was a big labor rising that happened right in West Virginia, where D12 is very likely to be. and it makes sense for people in D12 to get on board with as well - it's not total rebellion that requires help or communication with other districts. it's smaller scale, wanting better working conditions, but still in line with the trajectory of the second rebellion without getting ahead of itself. it's local. it's how Haymitch knows "it's got to be all of us or nothing," to rebel in D12.
and what better time for the Seam vs. the merchant class divide to be widened and inflamed? which leads me to our second favorite Seam/merchant couple...
this is when I think Katniss' mom left Peeta's dad for hers. Katniss' dad, Peeta said, was already a coal miner then (tho I do also headcanon him as being a couple years older than Mrs. E, which I think I got from @katnissmellarkkk 's keen point about Katniss not trying to find her dad at the reaping in the 2QQ tape, as if she knew he wouldn't be there). Mrs. E had Katniss around 25 years old, assuming she was 17 at the 2QQ reaping, which may not mean much but it leads me to think she didn't leave her possible fiance(?) Mr. Mellark for Mr. Everdeen as a teenager.
as for Haymitch, this is a time that cemented his place as an outcast in his own district. he's not an orphaned teenager anymore, he has a couple Games under his belt now and is still trying to be involved in the community through the strikes, but he finds himself at odds with his former peers. things come to a head for him when he returns from the Games and tries to help with another whipping, but a coal miner who lost a child to the Games confronts him. Haymitch told Katniss "we" used to take people to her mom - but there came a point when he was no longer welcome among them, no longer in the "we." like he says it in passing but it's a wistful, bitter, loaded "we" imo.
(and the whippings - this might just be me not wanting it to be kids as the ones that were whipped on the regular, even tho I know that tracks for Panem, but I just can't get behind rebel teens being flogged and brought to teenage Mrs. E by other teenagers as easily as if they were all older. I can't imagine it was parents working side by side with their children as easily, either. when Gale was whipped, his mining crew stepped in to help Peeta and Haymitch - and that's the vibe that I believe it was, before. like I know this is all YA but where are the adults lol we already know it was adults controlling the narrative and winning the war, not 17-year-old Katniss; that was kind of a main takeaway there)
Idk. I think it's interesting to imagine all those 25 years between the 2nd Quell and the 3rd being more active than not, before it's all died down by the time Katniss is aware. I find it hard to believe the generation of teenagers that saw Haymitch win wouldn't get a little rowdy once they enter the workforce as young adults. they have more of a leg to stand on by then, and their lives are more at a crossroads with work and marriage and such, that they aren't at 16 or 17 years old.
but fine, whatever. this can all happen when they're teenagers. it is a YA series after all.
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Guys I swear I’m trying to find my original entry about this, since I think I wrote it better, but I’ll just say it for the first time on here:
I know Maude Ivory is commonly theorized to be Katniss’s grandmother, but I actually think she could be Haymitch’s mother.
This theory first planted its seed in my mind not too long after TBOSAS came out last year.
I’ll be honest, it mostly started because of the casting of Maude Ivory. She looks like she could be related to the film version of Haymitch, not the film/book version of Katniss.
Yes, film Maude can still be Katniss’s canon grandmother, if we ever get the confirmation. And I still do believe that Maude is most likely Katniss’s grandmother (if they’re even related at all)
It could work—it would also tie film Haymitch to the Seam in some sense, as well as tie him to music. Maybe he came from a house of songs being passed along to him and his brother.
I also wrote a lot of speculation about Haymitch’s home life that I haven’t posted publicly, just due to not feeling inclined to/since the quality was quite ‘first draft’ and not ‘well articulated concepts’ LMAO.
But now with Sunrise on the Reaping coming out, there is a nonzero chance that Haymitch and his family (and even Katniss’s family tree) will be explored. So I might as well share everything and see where it goes!!
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buggiebite · 7 months
After Mockingjay headcanon:
When District 12 becomes oriented in medicine manufacturing: pills, shots, machines, all become commonplace to everyone. But, despite this, Katniss continues to remain the herbal medicine type. She doesn't do vaccines unless absolutely necessary, or pills to cure things such as headaches. Apothecary/Healer's daughter, Katniss, will find herbs and make some oils and teas. With the instruction of her mother, via the phone. I also feel like Katniss and Peeta would not want to dabble in the medical world at all. They have spent too much time in hospitals and associate those with bad memories, or even good memories, memories of Prim. Peeta would hate shots, needles, etc and you cannot tell me otherwise. By the time Katniss gets pregnant, I feel like she would constantly be urged by townsfolk to get an ultrasound by the local physician and she would refuse. That along with prenatal vitamins and checkups. Out of fear that something bad would happen. She puts a lot of trust into her mother, who I headcanon to come back to 12 for the births of her grandbabies and to help out during the early stages of their lives.
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districtscare · 6 months
@mollywog @districtunrest i know you both wrote asks with an interest in seeing them so hi!!
they are oriented as district 12 specfic but here are just some general fun ones I've garnered (feel free to ask me for my other ones, but the only reason these are specfic are because i don't have a lot)
for one, i've very much been set on katniss being on the spectrum/autistic because i can see a lot of my experiences as a ND person reflected in her interactions and personality. truthfully, i don't know if she'd officially get a diagnosis until post-war or ever pursue one at all.
i definitely agree that her injuries and the aftermath of the firebombing within mockingjay causes her to cut her hair short due to it being choppy and layered post-bombing (with a lot of hesitancy & anger as her hair was an important thing for her (especially her braid,) and with the loss of it comes ties to a lot of memories. i also think it would affect her deeply as i do headcanon that the people of the seam have native heritage, and her long hair was a show of such.
katniss seems to me as if she'd be aromantic or aspec, with her sexuality not entirely figured out, but i also think that could change overtime. i've always both liked everlark & eversee (madge & katniss,) so i think she could be bi-questioning.
i believe she'd take up pottery post-war, finding an interest in sculpting things with her bare hands and being able to control customizations within the home. something gentle and therapeutic that doesn't have any bad attachments.
to reclaim parts of her identity, i think katniss would eventually come around to painting her nails and wearing dresses of her choosing, but nothing too outwardly feminine. i think she takes comfort over appearance when it comes to her wardrobe, and i think she would definitely be more of a trousers person than skirts.
honestly, i don't find myself having a lot of headcanons for peeta, but one that i do hold very dear to me is him being trans (specifically transmasculine.)
i think it's a thing that his family struggled to grapple with, especially with 2 sons already and the loss of a daughter they never had. his work in the bakery is amplified to meet that boyish physicality, but i also think that his features would hold some sort of androgyny already before his transition. post-games (the 74th,) i think he would've gotten top-surgery, with the possibility of a phalloplasty to follow. from that, i think he'd choose to keep the scars on either his arm or (good) leg.
i think he'd eventually get into more culinary dishes post-war, widening his cooking and also discovering a wider love for such things.
disclaimer: i have so many headcanons for him & cannot possibly fit them here. so here are the surface level ones!
first and foremost, i believe haymitch has quite long hair, his curls being his most striking feature as men within the seam often have pin-straight hair. i also think that it's one of his more attractive qualities, as i believe that he is able to take care of it a good deal.
i've always pictured him to have a bump in his nose, either because its naturally, or because he's broken it before. + i think he's got a natural clumsiness (one reason being because i headcanon him to be around 6'1-6'2 & doorframes are literally a common enemy but also because i just feel like it makes sense. super intelligent but will not see a crack in the pavement and will trip.) still shorter than chaff however, he's probably like 6'4 ..
sexuality wise, bisexual with no particular lean and no preference in partners. however, I've always stuck by him being celibate because i think it goes with his solitary attitude & that social wall he's built for himself but also for other reasons (such as the victor trafficking rink.) i usually pair him shipping-wise with hazelle or chaff (no death happened here guys .. like none)
post-war i believe he gets sober or at least heals his relationship with alcohol, and while the process is tedious, the payoff is a spot of health and stability. (because he does deserve it!) he's also got a fiesty ginger cat he found as a kitten called whiskey who is actively bent on scaring the geese and eating his food.
as a young boy (so around 14-16,) i've always felt that he'd take to woodwork and woodcarving (inherited from his father,) and would learn to make things such as bows, traps and knife handles. this enhances his hunting skills but also gives him an ability to create small wooden sculptures for his younger brother.
at the time of his games, full-body polishes weren't available & so he has all scars regarding his games, and also ones post and prior. he doesn't enjoy living with them, but they serve a reminder of who he is and each struggle he's faced. like badges of honor.
hi so as you can i see i am sooo normal about them.. my favs... let me know if you want more district oriented stuff!
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allisluv · 4 months
haymitch having to pick you up from school because you were misbehaving 😭
(could be because i walked out of a classroom and yelled at a teacher and ran away from teachers but idkk)
i don't do it to be rude to teachers though it's because my mental health is slowly decaying 😭 i promise I try to be as kind as i possibly can be 😭 <3
anon i hope youre doing okay! just know that my messages and inbox are always open if you need someone to listen <3
contrary to popular belief i think haymitch is quite talented at reading people, so he immediately knows that somethings wrong. he reminds you that he's always gonna be on your side, even if he has to pretend like he's mad at you for your teacher's benefit. he cooks your favourite meal and tries to get you to open up. i don't think he's the best when it comes to reassuring people but he does let you know that there's nothing wrong with how you're feeling, and sometimes that's enough <3
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I dream of the day we learn what the fuck was up with Cinna. Why would he ask for Twelve. He doesn't have a Capitol accent. Where is he from?
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zenkor123 · 13 days
Journal of Peeta Mellark-Great episode of 4th October 75 ADD pt 1
October 4th 75 ADD
I expect in the coming years in 13 to hear great details about my flashbacks from lots of people, however I want to record what the flashbacks look like from my own memory. Or rather Dr Molina wants me to and I agree with her. These aren’t simply episodes of madness but they feel really real to me, the lizard mutts, capital torturers, fake images of mutt Katniss I can almost smell them. I used to think of them not as my own as belonging to the whisper or the monster I tried to forget about them as soon as they were over but now that I made peace with the monster they feel different. Dr Molina says I never really left the capital torture chambers and I can’ t keep pretending otherwise. I need to face those hallucinations she says, stop being ashamed of them So here it goes:
“Since merging with the mutt, the flashbacks and episodes have taken on a different character. Instead of a mission to drive rage agianst Katniss images hallucinations now are of my fears. As I wake up I first sees premonitions or pre flashbacks. I tried to ignore it as best as possible but I didn’t have any Morphling and I quickly used up my little bottle. Images of the mutts Snow showed his captives the lizard mutts that whispered the name of Katniss only stopping as they killed either avoxes engineered to look idenical to Katniss, or actual clones of her as snow laughed, his war on Katniss not built on anything more then a ego driven grudge by a man child. mutt katniss with fangs, the doctors that destroyed me, swarms of tracker jackers all came to attack me . I felt pain particularly in areas that had been subject to Jacker venom injections, lion mutts, Cato Mutts, Monkey mutts, wolf mutts, Myrna , all joined the attack. It all seemed real to me, first the mutts appeared in flashes then attacked them with the pain increasing as it went on. I first tried to remind himself they weren't real but then he went mutt himself and attacked the hallucinations. First I winced in pain, my pupils increased in size, then my heart rate increased and felt enough bodily tension that I could pass out. Rather then passing out I went mutt and battled hard to crush the sources of my pain I roaring loudly as my eyes filled with rage. I Got up and began chocking the capital tormenting beating mutt Katniss, and throwing things at the Lizard mutts. I killed several lizard Sometimes it was all of these combined often it was other horrors from my mind occasionally it was one at a time. Sometimes they were simply background noise. In this state I am highly dangerous and thanks to Snow’s demons I have destroyed property, injured nurses while confusing them for the hallucinations. It is sometimes culminative like snapping after 100 mosquito bites with outside stimuli playing a major role like before. The flashback lasted an hour. Katniss remembers watching the entire episode from the ventilation shaft it did look different from his previous episodes, he looked like a full scale mutt on a violent rampage against illusive threats. Katniss could only watch from the distance transfixed to these sights. The look on his face she had seen before while hunting that of a cornered animal Followed by that of bear warding off intruders followed by the face of an angry predator.
The more pain I experienced the angrier he got when with fear, I looked fully red, my veins showing and I yelled at my demons telling them to go die, and that I’m not going back to the capital(in my episode the tormentors claimed to be taking me back to the capital in a portal) I made noises of pain even after my hallucinations fell before my might. But there were more hallucinations I got a bottle and began chasing the hallucinactions of Spiders. Dr Aurelius fired a needle with a needle gun that knocked myself unconscious. All the hallucinations and bothers disappeared and I felt calm I heard a thump as I feel fast asleep.”
So here it is, this was painful to write but Dr Molina says it will get easier as time goes on. She also had me draw this entire episode, they are in my sketchbook and urges me to do this with all my monsters so I am doing it. How am I supposed to work otherwise? Katniss sees the drawing of Lizard mutts, and realizes that she may face those mutts in the capital as Snow created them to assassinate her.
They are trying several methods to cope with these episodes. They will become part of me and I will get strength from them she says. I look in the mirror afterwards and I see myself in a different light, the curls are the mark of wilderness, my cheeks my strength, my eyes my determination like the ocean waves, with my pupils dilating like waves. I look intimidating I am strong I just haven’t realized it until now. My skin looks fleshy, rather then sunlike. I have lost my physical innocence that pictures of Peeta show.
Katniss realizes she has reached a major point in the answer with regards to Peeta's transformation the point where he no longer sees himself in the mirror but sees an mutt that escaped from the evil plans of his creator instead. Katniss sees the emergence of a hope, in Peeta that perhaps if he can only leave the past behind symbolized by her, that past being lost and not even belonging to him, he can start anew, build new memories, all without her, Katniss also notes that Peeta is also beginning to wonder if perhaps something good could come from the hijacking hence his reference to how strong he is.
in other news for the first time I am meeting my new co workers who will still hire me after the mega episode. We visit a secret room in the hospital called the “Den”. It is a large room, with a refrigerator, oven, book shelf, sofa, and a door that goes directly to the tunnel network. It also is painted! Its walls contain drawings of a water fall that is next to a great sea, upon asking galena say it is the Niagara Falls.There are also numerous wooden crates, of the elixir of the East as they tell me Morphling was called before it was discovered that district 6 also had native Morphling farms. It has paintings of district 13 before the dark days and the ancestral forests that Salesman Brown showed me. I see many new faces but I also am surprised to see Johanna, well not surprised, since I sometimes see her siphoning Morphling into buckets. The faces are all young. We are seated around a table. There are lots of couples. The people standing up are in their 50s with grey hair one of whom is Dr Galena, the Elephant. But there is lots of new faces. I sit in between Ash Brown, the hoppo(a type of hippo mutt) and Johanna Mason(the iron pecker) who welcomes me into the club and tells me she is glad there will be another victor in the cell. So my application has been accepted? Great! They confirm this and say my application has been accepted and that I will start by doing Morphling siphoning with Johanna I have the code name “Jabberjay.” I receive a tattoo of a Jabberjay that one of the cell drew. I ask who drew the Jabberjay the drawing is pretty well done. A young woman about Johanna's age raises her hand she looks like Ash but she is also a forester. She introduces herself as Velma Brown, code name the Swan the packager of what I learn is called the “victors cell." She says that formal positions while true are understatements that they put on their monthly reports to coin. I laugh, it’s so devious, so I get the choice of multiple tattoos. A Jabberjay rising from fire, a Jabberjay flying in the sky, or a Jabberjay eating bread. I request 2 of the tattoos, the Jabberyjay flying in the sky and the Jabberjay eating bread. My right arm has the Jabberjay in the sky and my left arm has the Jabberjay pecking at bread. It is decided that Johana will instruct me in morphing siphoning, and that Ash will take me on more tours of the tunnels of District 13. Everyone in the room has a Yellowish tinge to their skin like the morphings of D6, they also all smell like morphing. The Den has additional rooms-the expanded closet which is called the Bar, the Closet is the size of a restroom and reflects how used 13 is to compressed spaces. The Bar is only seperate due to its large foldable window to the main hallways which customers can climb in, and it is sound sealed. People can drink morphing and listen to music. The next to introduce themselves is Arlo Stockbridge, code name the groundhog, the keeper of the Den. He is the one who gives me the tour and shows me the bar. He is an engineer who I have seen working on the hospital machines. He isn’t a man of many words, but his intelligence is apparent. He also aids in the designs of the design of tunnels and caverns in the mines of 13. He is nervous to meet me, he reminds me of Beetee Latier. He is figiting with coins, but he isn’t nervous it is like the coins which spin in his hand provide stimulation. He is not red headed with blue eyes but has brown hair and Green eyes. Someone, a woman who’s hand he was holding before, who he is sitting next to is using straws for the same purpose, she has a baby on held her chest. She also is not a red head but has grey-blue eyes and copper colored hair. He explains with intensity the workings of the morphing machines and offers to do a demonstration of the machines. Arlo introduces her in his own introduction as Helena stocksbridge, code name, the Gecko who manages the data for the cartel as his wife. It is clear that everyone in this cell has known each other for a very long period of time….
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3fluffies · 1 year
Fic Update: Favors (Hunger Games AU)
Favors. AU from the end of the 74th Hunger Games. After the two-winner rule is revoked, Peeta takes his own life before Katniss can stop him. Her grief-driven words over his body still defy the Capitol and endanger everyone left that she loves. Haymitch and the other victors struggle to help her navigate the dark, dangerous world of mentoring and forced prostitution…and in the end, she still becomes the Mockingjay.
Chapter 49: Le Jour De Gloire Est Arrivé: Many gambits take shape, including President Snow's plan to dispose of both Katniss and Cashmere in the most brutal way possible. Haymitch, Gloss, Seeder, and Lyme are in a race against time to reach them, while back in District 12, Romulus Thread's murder investigation has trapped hundreds of men, including Gale Hawthorne and Delly Cartwright's father, as the women of District 12 are in a race against time to get their children out of the district. Our heroes face a fight for their lives all over Panem as zero hour arrives.
Enjoy! Discussion and debate joyfully welcomed, as are questions and criticism of all kinds!  Feedback! My kingdom for feedback!
Also now posting a side-story of extended scenes, To Stay or To Go, in which several of the victors must make a choice between taking the hovercraft that will spirit the 76th tributes to District 13 and safety or remaining in the Capitol to rally the Second Rebellion in the streets.
Chapter 1: One Stays For War (Augustus Braun)
Chapter 2: One Goes For Love (Finnick Odair)
Chapter 3: One Stays For Love.
Chapter 4: One Goes Who Meant To Stay.
Chapter 5: One Stays Who Was Meant To Go.
Chapter 6: One Goes In Search Of Hope.
Chapter 7: One Stays For Despair.
Chapter 8: One Goes For Despair.
Chapter 9: Two Stay For Others’ Sake.
Chapter 10: One Stays For Fear.
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