#Apathy #Embrace #Zeal #Enthusiasm #Encouragement #Rejuvenation #Words #Insights #Hope #Triumph #Study #Achievement #Goals #Dreams #Possibilities #Kings #Knowledge #Progress #Promotion
Avoid apathy,  Renowned, For causing calamity, Like a disgruntled lover, By fuelling discouragement, And immense disillusionment, In the hearts of those, Battered by hardships. Embrace ZEAL An unwavering, Rejuvenator, Like sea-salt, For with insights, And encouragement, It exposes the lies, Spread by apathy: Apathy: “Don’t bother enrolling in the course for it is too difficult to…
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multicarinata · 6 months
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"Piña Cloaca" 3 parts water 5 parts coconut cream 5 parts rum 1/4 tsp chicken bouillon ice
Alarming, but not immediately revolting. I'd recommend it if you want to serve someone a bad drink as a joke, but still want to have the drink afterwards. Honestly don't even attempt this without a blender due to the hardness of coconut cream and be aware that you CANNOT salvage it if there's too much bouillon
2/5 (more performance art than beverage)
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Don’t play 12 minutes
I’ll be sure to… not do that?
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laurasimonsdaughter · 6 months
Dear MagISoWo, I’m contacting your services causes I’m concerned about my Lich great, great, great grandfathers well-being.
You see, I come a mixed living/undead household, and it’s because of my great granddad. Centuries ago my great/ great/ great granddad lost his whole family in a tragic accident and wishing to be reunited turned himself into a lich so they could be reunited beyond the grave. Four generations later we now have a large and happy family of living and ghostly family members. We all love eachother and my great granddads dearly, throughout both his life and unlife he’s always been kind, compassionate and supportive to everyone. However we can’t but notice some concerning changes in his mental state over the past few years.
It seems like he’s experiencing some growing cognitive issues that has us all deeply concerned. He’s been forgetting people and places. Experiencing hallucinations and muttering to himself about “pesky adventurers”. We’ve even found he’s been trying to build some kinda bunker under the house! Stuffing all kinds of family heirlooms in there with magical traps and skeletal guards.
Is this normal for liches to experience? Is there anything we can do to help him and keep him safe and bring him back to good health? Where all scared for him and would appreciate any advice you could give us.
-Signed: Unliving Life
Notice: There is no entry for “MagISoWo” in any of our directories. Your message has been forwarded to the Deliberation/Dissuasion helpline.
Thank you for contacting the D/D helpline! It sounds like your great-grandfather might be under the influence of a foundational artifact.
The idea that litches are inherently malicious or prone to corruption is a harmful and baseless stereotype. However, studies have shown that they are significantly more susceptible to the specific form of mind altering magic emitted by the so called "foundational artifacts" which form the core of most magical structures. Such artifacts instill a compulsive urge to create the structure they are meant to form the foundation for (dungeons, labyrinths, wizard towers, etc.). It sounds like your grandfather could be affected by a dungeon artifact, compelling him to construct a dungeon.
We advise contacting your local artifact containment unit as soon as possible. If the dungeon is completed it will be extremely hard to get rid of and particularly your undead relatives are at risk of being bound to its situational magic.
Need to be talked out of a warlock pact? Unsure about the best way to bait a mimic? Wondering if this could actually be solved with a fireball? The D/D helpline is here to slash your doubts in half!
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Nightbringer thoughts
For now
Nightbringer pre registration is up and my first thought is Solomon (as usual)
Nightbringer has us playing as MC disguised as a demon from a spell Solomon puts on us. It’s also something we just..wake up into? The description says “you wake up” sooo MC is just thrusted into the past, I assume. Then how would Solomon be able to cast a spell on MC?
Unless it’s past Solomon,
which is much more intriguing imo. But then why would he do that? Would it be like in S1 where he shared his power for shits and giggles? Is that what the “Solomon and the attic” hint is referring to?
I’m not sure, but we’ve got like 6 months before we find out.
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fieriframes · 8 months
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dankovskaya · 8 months
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This new sourcebook is kind of crazy given how much this topic has been de-emphasized in previous lore shit? Like when I was first getting into vtm I remember it felt like basically everywhere you look you're getting reminded that the vast majority of vampires, even with relatively high humanity, are just so fundamentally Un-Human that genuinely falling in love with someone (or even just wanting to fuck), whether a human or another vampire, was so unlikely as to be essentially irrelevant as a concept unless its some kind of deliberate psychological manipulation thing or a mealtime strategy. And ppl on the subreddits were also particularly hard asses about that kind of arbitrary restriction in my experience.
And of course people have always still done it anyway because it is a staple of storytelling Lol but releasing a WHOLE SOURCEBOOK on the topic of incorporating vampire romance into your chronicle is crazy. Like even though v5 is very clearly about broadening the appeal and accessibility of vtm I would not have expected this much focus on it when it was previously antithetical to vampirism. Lmfao
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lycunthrope · 1 year
does anyone else remember the widespread panic on this website in like 2015 about the “4chan otherkin tag raid” that never ended up happening so everyone kept claiming to prepare for a later date like doomsday prophets that are repeatedly proven wrong or did i just have a very wrong internet experience
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officialhyperion · 2 years
*Slams a crisp $5 Monopoly bill on the table*
Are the plants on Helios fake? If you tell the truth there’s a snickers bar waiting for you.
For more efficient upkeep and higher visual versatility, Hyperion originally preferred the usage of holographic plants! [Unfortunately,] this led to a [hilarious] number of employees falling through them while taking self-images with particularly stunning plant arrangements.
So we added real thorns! 😉
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La Macronie en totale roue libre
La Macronie serait-elle en pleine déroute ? Par Frédéric Sirgant Continue reading La Macronie en totale roue libre
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theobsessivesideblog · 9 months
Trust Issues
An anxious Astarion falls back into old patterns of behavior.
Warnings: vague mentions of Astarion's past but seriously the rest of it is just fluff, this boy deserves someone who treats him well
He loves you. Of that much he’s certain now, despite the mental battle he waged to get to this point. And you love him. He believes it even though the voice in the back of his mind tells him that he could never be worthy of a creature like you, all goodness and light in direct contrast to his tortured darkness. 
But old habits die hard. A minor disagreement earlier in the day (truly it was nothing, a mere gentle dissuasion away from his more violent tendencies) has him wound tight, worry clawing at his throat as you both retire to your tent for the evening. Surely now you’ll realize, now you’ll see the truth of him and you’ll run, leaving him behind like the monster he is. 
He can feel his mindset shift, falling into old routines as he turns up the charm to seduce his way back into your good graces. He knows how to wield his body as a weapon, has used it countless times for his, and his master’s, benefit. If he makes you need him then you can’t leave him, and he intends to make you very needy tonight. 
“You were magnificent today” he whispers into your ear, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. 
You chuckle lightly and lean into him, closing your eyes as he begins gently kissing the sensitive hollow beneath your ear that has you arching further into his embrace. 
“You flatter me,” you hum. “I’m still not sure why everyone has decided to act like I know what I’m doing. I never planned on being a leader.”
“And yet you do it so flawlessly,” Astarion purrs, gently kissing his way to your shoulder.
You twist in his hold, your breath catching as you see the look in his eyes that he’s praying you interpret as hunger and not helpless desperation.
He takes advantage of your distraction to pull you against him, lips claiming yours in a feverish dance that takes your breath away as you wind your hands into his hair, clinging to him as if he’s something worth having. 
His hands shift suddenly, grabbing the backs of your thighs and lifting you as he lowers you both to your knees. His hands drift up, pulling your shirt from where it’s tucked into your pants and caressing his way across your stomach to your ribs, teasing the edge of your bra. 
“I…” you take a sharp inhale, pulling yourself away from his searching mouth. “Astarion, stop.”
He freezes immediately, eyes instantly searching for an injury, for anything he may have done wrong 
“Are you okay, my love? Did I hurt you?”
“Of course not, I just…” your fingers flit across his cheek, searching for answers to questions you’re afraid to ask. “You don’t seem like yourself. Are you alright?” He hesitates for a split second and your brow furrows, latching on to his lie before he can even tell it. “Tell me. Please?” 
Your request is so earnest, so loving, that he has to pause for a moment to regain a hold of his emotions. If Cazador could see him now… the thought snaps him back to the present. He’s been a fool. You would never treat him like that, use him like that. 
“… I’m sorry” he breathes. “You’re right. Of course you’re right. I… I lost control today, and I was afraid that you… that you might not...”
“I told you it was nothing to worry about, love. You were just—”
“Just being myself,” he interjects, dropping his head. “Just being quick to judge, to assume the worst, to—”
“Stop that,” you frown, nudging his chin up to draw his eyes back to yours. “You know I couldn’t do this without you, any of it. What you thought of me when we met, that I was naive and overly trusting and gullible…” At that Astarion chuckles, you’ve really only proven his first impression right, though at least now he finds it endearing rather than frustrating. “You weren’t wrong. You don’t realize how much I rely on your judgment, how much I need your help to keep us all safe.”
His eyes close as he presses his forehead to yours.
“You’re too kind to me,” he whispers. “No one has ever… I don’t understand how you can just…” he sighs, shoulders sagging as the facade crumbles and his hands come to rest in yours, holding them as if he’s afraid he’ll get lost if he lets them go. “It was wrong of me to try to manipulate you like that,” he murmurs, releasing a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.” You press a soft kiss to his cheek and duck your head, gently nuzzling your face into his neck. He feels you frown against him, a touch of cold alerting him to a teardrop falling onto his skin. “No, pet, please don’t cry, I—”
You lift your head suddenly, gaze piercing into him with an intensity he hadn’t expected.
“I need you to trust me, Astarion.” 
His brow furrows in confusion. 
“I do, my sweet,” he replies, letting out a wry chuckle before adding “despite the recent evidence to the contrary.”
Your gaze softens as you grin at him, brushing a stray curl off his forehead before bringing your hand to rest on his cheek.
“Then trust me to love you.Trust that you don’t need to earn that or convince me of anything more. I’m yours. I’m not going anywhere.” 
Astarion’s eyes drift closed as a weight he didn’t realize he was carrying slips off his shoulders. He leans forward and captures your lips with his, tender and unhurried as you relax against him. 
“Have I told you recently how much I adore you, darling?” he asks, tilting his head to slowly kiss his way to your jaw.
“Hmm…” Your eyes twinkle as you pull an exaggerated thinking face. “I’m sure you have but it’s been such a long day, I just can’t seem to remember…”
“Cheeky little pup,” he chuckles, gently nipping at your neck. You giggle as you pull him back to your mouth, smiling against his lips. 
“Maybe you should jog my memory?” 
“Oh, believe me,” he smirks, “I plan to.”
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dreamycas · 2 years
oh yeah tumblr does this all the time you def don’t wanna join this website it crashes all the time
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dcoglobalnews · 2 years
“Les forces aériennes de toute l’OTAN exerceront des capacités de dissuasion nucléaire impliquant des dizaines d’avions au-dessus du nord-ouest de l’Europe à partir de lundi. L’exercice, qui se déroule jusqu’au 30 octobre, est une activité d’entraînement de routine et récurrente et n’est lié à aucun événement mondial actuel », a déclaré l’OTAN dans un communiqué décrivant les plans. L’exercice…
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eccentricmya · 4 months
When Maedhros had—during an evening of drinking under the stars in Himlad—confided to the middle three of his brothers about his fear of being ignored after the incident at Thangorodrim, Celegorm had loudly proclaimed, "there shall never come a day where you call and I do not answer. Not as long as I yet dwell among the living. This I swear to you, brother!"
That had led to much alarm among them, oathbound as they were. Yet Curufin had repeated Celegorm's words, swearing to always respond whenever Maedhros called him. And before long, Caranthir too had sworn the same despite Maedhros' vehement dissuasion. "Oaths are not to be trifled with", he'd said.
"All the more reason for us to swear this," Caranthir had countered. "There are no insincere oaths, but false promises aplenty."
And Maedhros would deny tearing up at the underlying warmth in his brother's words. He was not a morose drunk, no matter what Curufin asserted, so it must've been the smoke from their campfire, for none of his brothers had commented as he had swiped under his eyes. Celegorm hadn't even looked at him as he'd spoken into the silence, "you were forgotten once, brother. Never again."
True to their words, ever since that night, every time Maedhros called, his brothers responded. None of his letters to them went unanswered, not even when he worded them less than affectionately amidst some ongoing disagreement. Never did it happen that he asked them something, rhetorical it may be, and his brothers stayed quiet. Even in sleep, if he called their name to check if they were awake, their fëar would reach out in response, reassuring him that they heard him.
So when, in Doriath, he called, "Curvo! Moryo! Tyelko!" and they answered not, nor did their fëar weave with his own, he knew.
He knew that there lay no beating heart inside their bloodied body. No breath left in their lungs to say, "I hear you, brother."
He knew. His calls will remain unanswered.
He knew. He shall be unheard once again. For the day had come when he called and his brothers did not answer.
He knew their oaths to him stood fulfilled. For they dwelt no longer among the living to keep it.
Maedhros knew. His brothers were dead.
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songsofadelaide · 6 months
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King Laios x succubus!reader who are both doomed by the (my) narrative™️ because: he is being pressured to find a wife to secure the future of the kingdom but he simply cannot help his fascination with the only (not so) monstrous creature that managed to bypass the Winged Lion's curse— a succubus who was shunned by her coven because of her lack of appeal and inability to seduce victims.
You swore that you weren't there to steal his life force, which easily convinces Laios to strike up a friendship with you (despite Marcille and Kabru's dissuasion). You visit him every night to converse with him about kingdom affairs. He doesn't ask questions about how you feed and maintain yourself since he considers it a private matter. You bond over his desire to see monsters again and your wish to form a more meaningful tie with humans.
The more time you spent together, the more you realised just how enticing his energy was to you, so you disappeared— not wanting your growing desires to pose a threat to the only human who saw you as an equal, who saw you as a friend.
Many years pass but Laios never married, opting for the wisest men of the kingdom to select his successor among the most brilliant men of the land instead. He often wondered where you were and what you were doing. Some nights, you let your curiosity get the better of you and check in on him, and you feel somewhat relieved that he shared his bed with no one else.
One night, he caught you leaving through his window and cornered you. He asked you where you've been and what you've been up to, and even commented about how your beauty hasn't changed even after all those years. You remarked on how handsome he still is even though he is already an old man. He finally asked you the most taboo thing of all: what did you feed on?
(You tell him the truth: You fed on the life force of living creatures— not enough to hurt them, though— rather than having intercourse with men. How could you bring yourself to harm humans after being friends with one?)
Laios was both pleased and relieved with your answer. He then offered you to take his remaining life force, eventually admitting that he wanted to offer it to you long ago but was afraid you'd rebuff him or be offended. You granted him a night of blissful dreams but not enough to bring him to his grave and vanished from his life for good— in fear you might kill him from loving him too much.
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rebelfell · 3 months
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Dmm, just shaking off some cobwebs 🕸️ <500 words
“I’ve wanted this for a really long time.”
It was hard to say exactly how long. When did you start counting for something like that?
From the first time Eddie’s fingers brushed yours as he passed you a joint at a party?
Because that was, to your best recollection, the first instance you’d felt something akin to “want” for him. You had wanted the connection between his skin and yours to go on just a little longer. You had wondered how it would feel to have not just his fingers, but his whole hand spread across your thigh, his long digits splayed wide over warm skin that thrummed at his touch.
It was fleeting. Not even a fully realized thought, just a brief flash of a feeling. Evaporating from your mind almost as quickly as it had arrived.
And it was dull. Buried deep beneath your veneers of distrust and detachment and dissuasion you’d been putting up for years. Making long lists of all the things you were going to keep out, failing to realize what you were boarding up within.
But it was there.
And small as it was, it made the way for more flashes. More glimpses. More fleeting moments that became less and less fleeting. And in turn, became more and more difficult to deny.
It led to you talking to him more. Your “deals” in the front of his van taking up more time than was necessary. Him parked in your driveway with the engine running as you slid in the passenger seat. You made it last a little longer each time, asking questions you didn’t really need the answers to just to keep him there a little bit more.
Just to keep him talking.
Then it’s him inside your place. Invited in for a drink. Settling in on your sofa while you got water. Squishing on the cushions only to reconsider and jump to his feet a second later, unable to just sit there when he could be looking around your apartment. Learning more about you.
And suddenly you’re closer. Friends, even. The pretense of dealer/dealee having fallen away.
He’s calling you around the time he knows you get home from work to see how your day went, and having trouble hanging up the phone even after you’ve run out of things to talk about.
So did you count it from that first inkling?
Or from the first time that feeling had bloomed full and lush in your chest? Almost aching with it, undeniable and inexplicable. Orfrom the first time you felt captivated by his plush pink lips and lost yourself in fantasies of them kissing yours?
Or kissing you in other places.
Eddie nodded, his hand coming up to cradle your jaw, the rough pad of his thumb rubbing over your cheek. His eyes pouring over you.
“I know,” he breathed, his breath ghosting over your lips before his mouth met yours. “Me too.”
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