#Like on one hand the idea that a human being wakes up as a vampire and then just intrinsically loses the ability to love someone is
dankovskaya · 9 months
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This new sourcebook is kind of crazy given how much this topic has been de-emphasized in previous lore shit? Like when I was first getting into vtm I remember it felt like basically everywhere you look you're getting reminded that the vast majority of vampires, even with relatively high humanity, are just so fundamentally Un-Human that genuinely falling in love with someone (or even just wanting to fuck), whether a human or another vampire, was so unlikely as to be essentially irrelevant as a concept unless its some kind of deliberate psychological manipulation thing or a mealtime strategy. And ppl on the subreddits were also particularly hard asses about that kind of arbitrary restriction in my experience.
And of course people have always still done it anyway because it is a staple of storytelling Lol but releasing a WHOLE SOURCEBOOK on the topic of incorporating vampire romance into your chronicle is crazy. Like even though v5 is very clearly about broadening the appeal and accessibility of vtm I would not have expected this much focus on it when it was previously antithetical to vampirism. Lmfao
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starringthesturniolos · 4 months
bite me (part 3)- matt sturniolo
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part 1, part 2, part 3
summary: matt hates your guts but all of that changes when he finds out your his mate.
contains: vampire!matt x reader, highschool au! (18 years old), smut (not in this part)
a/n: a short chapter but the next ones a biggie. love yall and thank you so much for the support
when i wake up, i’m strapped to a bed frame. i struggle against the restraints but all that comes out of it is another dizzy spell.
“hey, your awake” i whip my head around to see two blue eyes staring back at me. fear shoots into my chest again, as i stare at matt’s brother, chris, in front of me. if matts not human, then i bet he’s not either.
“get away from me” my voice shakes and i gear my legs up to be ready to kick if necessary. “i know matt scared you pretty bad yesterday, but i promise, no ones going to hurt you here.” he comes and sits on the side of the bed, placing his hand on my knee gently
chris and i have only ever had one class together and it was in our sophomore year, but i always thought highly of him. he was nice and funny, unlike his brother. i may have even had a crush on him, if i had allowed myself to. the version of him i knew before, overides my fear of what he is and as he strokes my knee some of my fear goes away. but then all of a sudden, anger spikes within me that somehow doesn’t feel like my own. chris’ hand that was once comforting felt like a hot clothing iron on my skin. i wince and chris takes his hand off me immediately. instead, he looks towards the doorway apprehensively.
in the doorway, is none other than the matt sturniolo, and he looks furious.
fear and another feeling i can’t put my finger on fills me at the sight of him. i take a deep breath to try and calm myself down. at least he looks like he’s back to normal, no more red eyes and black veins.
“hey, she was freaking out, i was only trying to help. it’s not like that, i swear.” chris puts his arms up defending himself and trying to ease matts anger.
“whatever, get out” he snarls and i wince at the sound. chris scrambles out the room and matt marches up to me, sitting in the exact spot chris was moments before. unlike chris’ gentle touch, matt grabs my thigh roughly and possesively. even though the move was aggressive, when i feel his touch my body relaxes and my thighs clench together, hard. why is this turning me on and why did i stop panicking all of a sudden? his presence and touch should do nothing but scare me after everything he’s done. after everything i’ve seen.
“there you go” he coos darkly. “just relax, i have a lot of shit to tell you.” he says staring into my eyes intensely. the stare sends a heat surging through my body and i feel myself starting to get wet. if i could punch myself in the face i would. “get to it, make it quick.” i snip.
“have it your way then, i was gonna take it slow but i guess not.” he shrugs. “i’m a vampire and your my mate. thats why i went ape shit yesterday. thanks for listening to my ted talk.” he deadpans and cocks his head to the side.
even though it sounded like it was a joke, we both knew it wasn’t. my mind didn’t want to believe it, but my body knew it was true. matt is a vampire, and i am his mate.
“how? how am i your mate? whatever the fuck that is!” my voice raises in anger. did he pick me? maybe, to just to fuck around with me and tie me into all his weird vampire shit. did he really hate me that much?
“what, you think i know?!” he matches my angry tone before taking a breath, bringing his other hand up to rub his temple. “trust me, i have no idea sweetheart. if it were my choice, i’d have anyone but you. but for now, your stuck with me” he rolls his eyes. “and vice versa” he mutters.
his hand is still gripping my thigh and not a fiber of my being wants him to move it, even with all the arguing. and judging by the way he’s looking at me now, it looks like he’s stopping himself from doing more. i feel myself getting annoyed with myself for wanting him to do whatever he pleased and more.
“stop getting annoyed” he snaps. “its just the mating bond making us react to each other this way. nothing you can do about it” matt breathes in deeply and a shudder racks through him.
“what was that?” i ask weirded out by the almost animalistic behavior. “you just smell really good to me right now. i couldn’t help myself” he breathes out, eyes darkening slightly.
this man could really eat me alive if he wanted too. i shiver at the thought, but then my mind reels again. how did he know i was annoyed??.
“how did you know? that i was annoyed, i mean” you say bewildered by what being mated might entail. “now that you’re mine, i can feel your emotions almost like their my own. you can do it too, but humans aren’t as good at pin pointing it as we are.” he smirks like being a whole monster is something to be proud of and being human is childs play.
that would explain the random surge of anger earlier with chris. another wave of annoyance courses through me. he’s sooo possessive already. his words from yesterday rings through my head.
“because you’re mine.”
matts voice breaks through my silence. “but don’t worry this is all temporary” he smiles to himself. “i know a girl, and im pretty sure she can get rid of this” he gestures between the both of us. i can’t help the smile that rips through me at the good news.
“then what are we waiting for” i say impatiently.
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volturiprincess · 3 months
From the other side
Demetri Volturi x F newborn vampire
Warnings: Foul language, death, mentions of a Emetophobia, I bash on the Cullens here A/N: This was a request by @kpopgirlbtssvt, I got to say I enjoyed working on this. Its been a while since I worked on an actual long one-shot request but I hope the wait was worth it, and I might of changed some ideas on the request slightly (but still stayed on topic). Enjoy💙 Word Count: 4k+ (wow)
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(He's just so gorgeous🥰)
“I think she’s waking up”
“How do you know?”
“Well you can see her eyeball moving Emmett, I'm no doctor but I think that is a sign she is waking up”
“Oh well sorry Mister Smartypants, didn't know I was in the presences of an expert”
“Focus, should we fetch Carlisle? He said he would be back soon but what if he’s already here?”
“I'll check, you stay here incase she starts moving around, wouldn't want her newborn instincts to kill Nessie”
Why do I feel so strange? Where the hell am I? Maybe I should wake up, maybe the one with the southern accent could give me answers. I force myself to wake up and when I do everything seems so different. Everything seems so focused, enhanced, so…perfect. When has my vision ever been this good? I know I've been neglecting my glasses quite often but even with my glasses on I never had such good eyesight, I always thought I never needed them. I sit up slowly to check my surroundings. Crap! Where am I? What even happened to me? 
Just left my final class of the day, Anatomy is such a pain in the ass really. Why did I decide to take both Anatomy 1 and Genetics in the same semester? But I mean it's worth it, get the harder classes out of the way and then I can maybe squeeze in other classes I am interested in before graduating. I clinged my heavy textbooks to my chest tighter as I tiredly made my way to my small apartment. I got lucky that this place was cheap compared to living on campus, and the bonus to it is that my place is about 5 minutes away from campus. I heard the school bell ring signaling some class has ended, instantly I'm surrounded by a swarm of students like me. All of them either off to  their next class, or home, or even getting a late lunch. I was slightly pushed around until I managed to find an opening but not everything can go to plan. As I was trying to get to the opening someone shoved me a bit too hard and the books I was clutching flew out of my arms, I went along with them.
I heard a simple “My bad” and then I was met with silence. I hurriedly picked up my stuff and saw how people just looked but didn't help or offer a hand. Situations like this makes me want to just disappear. Just be able to get to point A to B without any mishaps. I composed myself mentally and continued my walk to my apartment. Considering it's only 5, it's already pitch black. I don't like walking alone at night, sure I’m a night owl, but I like to be alone in a safe space. As I'm walking I felt that weird feeling of being watched, it's like a sixth sense to me at this point, please tell me it's just my paranoia and not real. I do a quick scan and I'm met with no one but silence that makes an exception to the far off train horn. I hurried off trying to shake off that paranoia until I bumped into what I thought was a wall (ended up being a ‘human’)and then I was met with darkness.
I felt my eyes fill with tears but I soon noticed they would not fall, I tried blinking but nothing happened. I went to wipe my eyes with my hand instead but felt my hand move abnormally faster. Okay what the heck? I know I sometimes have my days where my reflexes kick in or not but I have never been able to move that fast. And as if on cue my throat felt so dry, I felt like I could drain the pacific and yet that would not be enough to satisfy the level of thirst I have. I tried swallowing but noticed that it didn't even help or even do anything.
“Carlisle should be here soon with something to subdue the thirst”
My gaze snaps to the man who is casually keeping guard at the door. The way he stood made me think he was maybe in the military or something. Why is he beautiful? His blonde locks styled perfectly and his eyes… Are they gold? I have never seen that type of eye color on someone before, I mean I have read a book where one of the characters had pirate gold eyes but in person that’s strange.
“Wh-wha- where am I?”
The way his gaze slowly met mine gave me the creeps, it was like from a scene of a horror movie, where if you spot something from a distance and then you blink, they are right in front of you, killing you.
“Carlisle will answer your questions”
“Why can't you?”
“I'm not in a position to be telling you stuff, all I'm here is to keep you calm since you are a newborn”
“A newborn?”
And then I was met with silence, he turned away from me so he was back to facing the wall like he was previously. 
“Could I at least get your name?”
“Jasper Whitlock, ma’am”
What feels like ages, another man walks in with a big guy. The first one seems like he is the one in charge around here, he seemed nice. He had a calm presence within, but the other guy seemed like he was ready to pick up a fight, probably the muscles around here. Now that I'm thinking about it more, am I in some sort of mafia? But these guys don't seem all that scary, maybe the big one and the Jasper guy. The calm one got closer to me and offered me a cup.
“Here drink this, it should help with the thirst”
I crabbed the cup hesitantly, hoping it wouldn't kill me, and drank it desperately. Finishing it in milliseconds, I did feel a small relief but I still had that feeling of an intense thirst. 
“We will give you more later but I think you deserve an explanation”
“You think”
He smiled gently but nodded “Well to start of you are not human anymore, you might of picked that up slightly since you have woken up”
Not human anymore? But what could I possibly be then? What have they done to me? Am I a monster now?
“You are now a newborn, a vampire to be exact”
That right there was the biggest mick drop of my life. What does he mean i'm a-a vampire? Those exist? I thought they were just myths, that they are just some made up thing that people build up over the years. But now I'm somehow one now? This shit can't be real, he probably has me on some drugs on something. Yeah that's right, probably drugged me and I'm trapped in some dream or something.
“I can see your in denial, there’s really no way to really explain it but you really are a vampire, that cup you drank from was filled with blood, deer blood to be exact”
Oh heck no. I drank blood? I never had a problem with blood, I mean I have a major in the medical field for a reason. Just can't get over vomiting, that's just a big phobia of mine, someone throws up and I'm literally about to faint. But enough of that.
“You gotta be joking here, vampires do not exist, there just myths”
“Well with all honesty here, I assure you I'm not joking, not with the times we are facing now”
“And what is that?”
“Well my family and I are in a bit of a dilemma, you see we have engaged another coven of vampires, and they are threatening to kill our family over a misunderstanding”
“Pardon my language, but what the fuck? What do you mean ‘another coven of vampires’ and a supposed death threat, there's more of you guys out there?”
The big guy chuckled slightly at my foul language and I heard him mumble a “Oh I like her, she’s way more funny than Bella”
“Yes well you see, our kind if basically spread out around the world, this other coven of vampires are living in Italy, but this coven is basically like our government, royalty you can say even, there more dangerous than us, they feed on human blood and they have gifts that can wipe out humanity in an instant”
Ok this other coven sounds scary, wipe out humanity? What the hell did this guy and his family do to anger them anyways, must be pretty serious.
“So let me guess this straight, you and your family have angered this powerful coven of vampires who can in your words wipe out humanity and…are doing what now?”
“Well we been gathering witness to help us avoid a fight with this coven”
“I see but what exactly did you do to anger this coven of powerful vampires then?”
“My son and his new wife had a baby”
“A baby? I'm sorry I don't see a problem here”
“Vampires cannot recreate, that's what I thought until my then human daughter-in-law got pregnant”
“Ok? Still not seeing a problem here”
“I guess an easier way to explain is as I said vampires cannot recreate, we are biologically not able to do such thing between two vampires, but between a vampire male and female human, it's possible but the problem here is the Volturi believe we have created an immortal child, which we didn't”
“I see so then why do they believe you created an immortal child? And also what is an immortal child?”
“An immortal child is a child what was turned into a vampire, there stuck as a child for eternity and cannot control their thirst or be calmed or even age, they are in modern terminology are illegal, and to answer the other question, apparently hybrids are not common and they did not know about them existing”
 The more he answers my questions, the more I think I am definitely dreaming, no way in hell is all of this real. Why am I even being roped into this? I was just some human who was just trying to be a Physician and now that dream is out the window because I'm apparently a vampire now. I need to wake up, this cannot be my life right now, I have so much to live for still. Sure I was quiet and not in some relationship but I still liked the life I had. 
“Now the real question here is, why or how am I even part of this?”
They were all quiet instantly and none of them were making eye contact with me. Ok weird… I mean even the big guys amused look was gone and that guy answering my questions with a small smile was also gone. Something here does not feel right. Someone burst into the room, which freaked me out a bit because this guy along with his buddy looked intimidating with all their leather and the intense red eyes. I felt a weird current roll down my body and then I heard gasps. The Jasper dude looked at me with wide eyes, well everyone was looking at me with the same wide eyes. 
“She’s gone!”
“No I don't think so Emmett, she’s gifted”
“What are the odds of finding one that is gifted”
“Not very likely”
Why are they all talking about me as if I wasn't there?
“Um i'm right here”
The ‘nice’ one spoke up first “Well it seems you have a gift miss, your invisible currently”
“Seriously?” I looked down and as he said I am indeed invisible. Maybe that weird current I felt earlier was me triggering this. Should I tell him this?
“How were you able to do that?”
“I don't know, I um felt a weird feeling run through me after those two over there came in”
“Vladimir and Stefan triggered it? Hmm it seems it came from fear then, interesting”
So those are their names, I wonder who is who. My wild guess is the platinum blonde is Vladimir and the dark haired one is Stefan. 
As if he knew I was talking about him, the platinum started to speak “So you were desperate enough for witnesses that you created a newborn? That’s low even for you Carlisle. At least she’s gifted but even then she probably has no combat skills so she won't be able to tear heads off if the time comes”
Ok y/n, let's think about becoming visible, I don't like how they're just staring at me like that, and also speaking smack about me either. Smoke started to surround me for a minute and when I looked at my hands to see I was now visible. Again I heard the gasp. 
“How did you do that?”
“I was just thinking about wanting to be visible”
“Well that’s good to know how your gift works”
“I guess”
Carlisle, it took him like thirty minutes to tell me his name, started to explain the situation more and even introduced me to the other members of his family. Jasper along with his friend taught me some basic combat skills in case a fight broke out with the confrontation. But the weird thing I discovered was when I met the infamous son, Edward, I was able to read his mind when he was reading mine, he gave me a funky look each time and tried to reduce his thoughts as much as he could. 
Funny enough but also traumatizing, he was always thinking about his honeymoon with his wife. I do not need to know how his child was conceived. When I met Alice a similar thing happened, she spaced out (which I found out she does when she has a vision) and I saw me with another figure, a man to be exact. The man in the vision was gorgeous, I never knew such a person could exist, he looked like a greek god. I think I might have another gift but I'm not sure I should tell Carlisle, there's just something off about why he won't tell me about how I became a vampire or what happened to me that night. 
Today is the day of the confrontation. Just last night I found out about vampires and now I might face death himself. And just today I found out werewolves or shifters exist, is everything in the books true then? I can feel my chest curl into itself and I feel myself internally hyperventilating. Can vampires do that? Well if they can that is exactly what is happening to me. I was placed between Vladimir and Stefan because apparently I should blend in and be more in the background then in front with the others. The Cullens think if the Volturi find out about me they might face a punishment of some sort.
But these two vampires are freaking me out slightly, they had an eye on me constantly, as if I were some criminal or something. With the confrontation I am fighting the urge to just disappear, I don't want part in this. It's not like I could be of help anyways, I can't really turn invisible on command, it just happens and turning visible doesn't always work when I want it to. The other gift I have, I still have no idea how it works or what it is exactly. 
Everyone is standing on guard waiting for the Volturi to arrive. I think the longer we wait the longer I feel my anxiety rise. I saw Vladimir move slightly, I followed his gaze to see a whole army of cloaked figures, they all moved in sync and let a smaller group move forward, those are definitely the kings with their guards. When they all stopped walking, they removed their cloaks and my eyes widened in shock. Why are they all really good looking? The big guy looks even more scary than Emmett, he’s basically towering over everyone. The other two I see are what I can assume are twins, they look alike except for the girl having blonde hair and the guy having brown hair. I heard the others say they are the most dangerous ones. I look at the kings, the only one who looks like he would kill everyone is the blonde one, he seems like the anger issues type of guy- err vampire. 
It seems I forgot to analyze another guard, he was slightly out of my view but how can anyone ignore his presence. I think this was the guy from Alice vision, in person he's more gorgeous. His lovely blonde hair styled to look like spikes, how his face is so symmetrical, he was indeed handcrafted by the gods.
I saw his gaze shift to meet mine, and oh dear gosh, a strong feeling overcame me. I don't even know what this feeling is, it's like an invisible string is trying to pull me toward him. I want to give in but I'm scared of what this is and I'm also scared that I might die right here. His focus was on me the whole time as the others spoke, there was even a point where he turned to the bored looking vampire to ask something which concluded with a nod from him. 
I don't even know what to center my fear right now, the fear from what is happening or the fear of this strange feeling I have with the breathtaking vampire. My attention on him was paused as I saw the blonde twin try to do something but that Bella girl used her shield, the blonde girl even looked at me but something odd happened. She clutched herself as if she was in agonizing pain and fell to her knees, my eyes widened slightly as her twin brother was at her side trying to somewhat resolve her pain.
Even the other Volturi members were shocked, the same twin boy turned his gaze to us and the anger that reflected his eyes was the most terrifying thing to witness. Out of his pure instincts he released a black smoke that also came out of my hands. I started to panic and the witnesses around me were also panicking, a bunch of them hissed for me to stop but I didn't know how or what was even happening.
A loud stop from the Volturi's side made everything go back to normal, the smoke was gone, the girl who was in pain stopped clutching herself and the boy's face was back to its resting form. Even the smoke I somehow had coming out of my hands had vanished. The king in the middle was the one who shouted stop from what I can tell.
“And who is this? She seems to have a very similar ability to one of my guards”
Carlisle who still had a confused looked form the earlier actions done by me “She’s part of Vladimir’s and Stefan’s coven”
The way the two vampires looked at Carlisle at the mention of their name would have left him buried six feet under. I could tell whatever plan the doctor had in mind was not planned. I mean even I was not aware of the plan to start off with, I was just told to stay quiet in the back and not turn invisible until they commanded me to. Vladimir not wanting to be thrown under the bridge or face any death just like me didn't let his voice be unheard 
“Still low of you Carlisle, he’s lying to you”
The look on the vampire king's face can be best described as if someone stabbed him in the back.
“Oh? Please do tell”
“She’s a newborn that Carlisle himself turned just recently”
“Oh my, bring her forward now”
I looked around the witness who was just staring at me as if I grew a second head. Carlisle gave me a look to go to them, so I walked toward the other coven, twiddling my fingers to try to calm my nerves down. So this is it then? This is how I die? As I got closer the elegant vampire kept his gaze on me, it almost looked like he was forcing himself to not go to me, like he was chained down. When I was a good ten feet away from them the tall muscular vampire one grabbed me. He had a strong hold on me, if I were human, painful bruises would indeed be forming at that instant. Again that handsome vampire looked like he was about to go to me but he stood his ground. The raven one came to me closer to introduce himself
“Hello dear, what is your name?”
“Now do you mind offering me your hand?”
“My hand?”
He looked a bit impatient but smiled, a creepy smile but smiled nevertheless. “Well you see I have gift of being able to look at every thought and memory with just a touch”
“Oh, I see”
I offered my hand and was instantly reliving my every thought and memory as he said but as for my incidents with Edward, Alice, and the twins I could see his every thought and memory. I saw that he wanted Alice to be part of his coven, he was thinking of just forgiving the Cullens, I even saw memories of the handsome guard who I found out his name is Demetri. It just rolls out so naturally, it's as if I was born to say his name. Aro let go of my hand after a while with a bewildered look
“Interessante, I’m sorry for the troubles you been through, but it appears you have two gifts–”
Before he could continue, the sad looking vampire rested a hand on Aro’s shoulder and he turned to him to grab his hand like he did with me. With this case when I looked at the emotionless vampire I was able to see a red string that was connecting me and Demetri. It was the richests of red I have ever seen, come to think about it, it looks like his eyes. When he let go, Aro made one of the creepiest laughs I have ever heard to humankind, straight from a horror film. 
“It appears our own Demetri has found his mate”
If I could I would shiver at the mention of Demetri’s name. The mentioned name looked at the kings with anticipation, I mean I for sure wanted answers of what is going to happen.
“Felix you can let her go now, she’s no danger to us, on the contrary she’s going to join us”
I was let go by Felix “Join you? Why?”
“Well you see dear you are the mate to one of our guards, and we would hate for him to be miserable or lack on his missions if his mate is not kept safe, maybe with time you could join him in missions”
If I'm getting this straight, if I don't join then my ‘mate’, that’s a strong word to use, will be sad and won't be able to do his job correctly. Or I stay with the people who basically kidnapped me from the life I had, turned me into this bloodthirsty monster –currently I am still thirsty– and just threw me into a situation that I was nowhere prepared for. But again I don't even know Demetri, what if he’s cruel, what if he treats me like the Cullens? My thoughts started to spiral at a point where I was one with my mind and nothing around me existed anymore. If it weren't for the husky addicting voice I would have gone mental.
“Master? May I have a word with her?”
“Go ahead, she’s your mate after all”
I felt the warmth of his soft yet rough hands. I looked into his eyes and he gave me a small hesitant smile, oh I can get used to that. I need to see his real smile now.
“Hello cariño, I am Demetri, I am aware you know nothing about me neither do I about you, but I can promise you if you come with me and my coven, I will give you anything you want, give you a life humans can never come close to having, I will promise you an eternity of love and happiness”
So this is love? The way he speaks is straight from a romance novel. And the way his face glows makes it all more sincere and truthful, heck I just want to run away with him. I was about to say something to him when I heard them. The Cullens along with their witnesses whispering about me.
“A traitor”
“All that hard work to get her here for her just to abandon us”
“I knew there was something off about her”
“Carlisle do something”
“She can’t go”
“If she goes with them, then the Volturi have more power”
“She would be stupid to go with them”
“She was a mistake”
I wanted to use that gift to disappear at that moment, I didn't ask to be placed in this situation to start off with. I was forced and manipulated. 
“You promise”
His hesitant smile turned genuine “I promise amore, forever and always”
Aro literally was beaming with anticipation for my decision, reminding me of a child waiting for the final decision of their parents to let them go to a sleepover at a friend's house. I nodded which caused Aro to clap with joy 
“Magnifico my dear” His attention turned to the vampires behind me “She will be coming with us, if you dare interfere, we will wipe you out without hesitation”
Ok that’s scary but I can tell he’s serious. I could see the blonde king with a proud smirk but Demetri pulled me into his side.
“Nobody will ever take you away from me from now on”
I gave him a weak smile as we walked off the snowy battleground. I didn't ask for this new life, but maybe it won't be so bad with him. 
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starlightandfairies · 6 months
Ok ok I really love you! That's the last request hahaha I don't wanna annoy you ❤️ I had this somehow cute idea where you've fallen in love with him but he doesn't know and one time you get a little drunk with the girls, later deciding to grab a taxi to the Mikaelson house. Klaus is the one letting you in but Elijah already felt your presence and tries to keep you safe around Klaus, or as you start playing with their swords and stuff. Klaus watches with amusement at his brother taking care of a human girl and makes a comment like "better keep her before I do", and that wakes something in Elijah that he takes you to his room, just to keep you safe. You end up cuddled on top of him, admitting your love to him before falling asleep. He also realizes that he has feelings for you, but he decides to tell you properly in the morning when you wake up 😊😙
Description: A drunken reader leads to playful chaos between the Mikaelson brothers and feelings being revealed.
Warnings: she/her pronouns, drunkness, fluff, swearing
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
Thank you so again for requesting! No! You're not annoying me! I'm really enjoying getting requests so don't feel bad! I hope you also enjoy this one!
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 1,156
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First Person's POV
Girls' night out was amazing, I haven't had a night like this in ages, away from all the drama and finally able to just relax with the girls and just be us. I knew I was getting tipsy, I could feel my giggles becoming more and more prominent than normal. The girls were going home, so I decided to head towards the Mikaelson house, I stood on the street hailing a taxi and stumbled into the vehicle once it arrived. I asked to be taken to the address, the walk to the porch of the Mikaelson resident seemed like an incredible challenge, I'm sure that to an outsider I just looked like a fawn learning to walk but I felt as if I was climbing Mount Everest. 
I giggled to myself as I fell against the door, I sucked in a breath, trying to pull myself together as I knocked waiting for someone to answer. I was surprised when it was Niklaus, I waved almost childishly, smiling brightly at the Hybrid who clearly seemed amused by my current state.
In all honesty, I have no clue how I ended up sword-fighting with Niklaus, however, somehow this is where we ended up. Sword fighting in the parlour. I highly recommend it, however, do take care. I grinned brightly seeing Elijah walking forward with his usual look of concern plastered on his face, however, once he was at my side he smiled. 
"Good evening, Y/n, I didn't realise you'd be joining us." 
"Spur of the moment type thing." I turned my attention back to Niklaus, continuing our little sword fight, I jumped as Elijah used his speed to appear in front of me, I grinned excitedly but quickly pouted as he took the sword off of me. 
"How about instead you sit with me, and tell me all about your night?" The pout faded away, I nodded in agreement, sitting on the sofa with him and instantly began rambling on about every little detail that went on tonight. I'm sure I shared details I wouldn't typically share in normal conversation, my filter was non-existent and oh, how I know that if I could watch myself right I would wish for it badly. 
"Am I okay to take my shoes off?" I questioned glancing down to the hells that were now becoming painful and unwanted. Elijah nodded, though, after watching my struggle he lightly took my hands and proceeded to continue to charm me with his gorgeous smile that drew me in the first time I saw him. 
"May I help you?" I nodded, frustrated with my inability to undo the damn straps on my shoes, Elijah kindly took my shoes off for me and rested them to the side. The vampire stared at me for a good minute, assessing my needs and whatever else that was needed to be assessed. 
"I'll be right back, I'll get you some water." I threw my arms around him, giggling happily, thanking him and plopped back into the couch. I waited patiently for both vampires to return, I fiddled with my hands, staring at everything in the room and running my finger over my lips making odd sounds just for the sake of it. 
Elijah's POV 
I began pouring some water, and getting some things prepared for Y/n knowing that in the morning the hangover would come, I wanted her to be okay and wanted her to be safe. So I was quite glad that Niklaus chose to follow instead of causing more havoc with Y/n. 
"You know, brother, you better sweep her up before I do." His smirk and words struck a chord. He knew of my feelings, Niklaus knew that I would do anything for her and knew that he would follow through on his words. I made my way back to the living room, stopping in my tracks seeing her laying upside down on the couch, he head on the floor and her legs dangling over the backrest of the sofa. 
I bit back the smile dying to show, I sat beside her, smiling as she waved happily and awkwardly twisted and turned trying to get back into an upright position. I took her hands, smiling as she rested her head on my shoulder and that gorgeous smile just permanetly stuck on her lips. 
"Come with me, will you, please?" Y/n nodded, taking my hand and following me to my room. I handed her the glass of water, watching as she plopped onto my bed finishing the glass of water within a gulp and began curling up underneath the blankets. 
'Would you lay with me, please? I couldn't refuse, I nodded and kicked off my shoes and rested besides her. I wrapped my arms around her as she began to lay upon me, her eyes were fluttering open and shut her words escaping in a mumble. 
"I love you, Elijah. I really love you. Like a lot. Super a lot." Before I could even deny anything, I could feel her swiftly fall asleep, I didn't want to disturb her, I didn't want this moment to end. I knew that in this moment I wanted to confess my feelings for her, so I thought it would be best to do so in the morning. 
First Person's POV 
As the light shined into the room, I knew my headache would be a bitch to deal with, I pushed myself up into a sitting positon in the boat. I stretched briefly, jumping slightly to see Elijah walking into the room with a glass of water and a packet of painkillers. 
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you." I whispered, sipping the water and taling the painkillers. Elijah sat on the bed besides me, I rested my head on his shoulder and began sharing my apology. 
"I'm so sorry, was I a complete mess?" 
"No, not at all." 
"You're a liar." I whispered. 
"You were just really giggly and silly. You told me you loved me- I don't know how much of that was true..." 
"That was true, I meant that." I confirmed, seeing there was no point in denying the fact that I loved him. Elijah sat in silence for a good moment, I could feeel my heart halt for a second fearing that his reaction cold be poor and that he would react in a way that ruin our friendship. 
"I love you too." He whispered, his eyes focused on me, I glanced to him surprised and shocked about the outcome of the confession. I smiled pushing myself up and grabbed ahold of his face. Looking to see if the noble vampire was lying to me, he grabbed my hands, his look gentle and comforting. I knew just then that it wasn't a lie and that this was all true. 
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spacebarbarianweird · 6 months
Hi! Can I request either a fic or headcanon of romanced Astarion and a good aligned, Human tav having a fight about him doing the Ascension ritual (Tav being against it, and trying to gently make him see reason), then Astarion gets incredibly angry and shouts something awful (maybe the 'I hope you die screaming' or the ' the problem with what cazador did is that he did it to me' when she says ascending will make him a new cazador). She's hurt and shocked and retreats from the fight. She starts leaving Astarion in camp etc. given she thinks he hates her and she also is angry at him for still thinking lives are expandable. Then one night he gets kidnapped by his siblings and when he wakes up in the kennels he is sure he lost her forever now, and never see her again cause why would she save him? Only for her to come and save him from Cazador. Sorry for the long request! Could it be from Astarion's pov as well? Thank you!
Hi! It has been a long time sice I wrote reader instead of OC Tiriel! And sorry for making you wait for so long!
It's Over
Tags: hurt/comfort, angst
Thanks @themadlu for beta-reading!
Read on AO3
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It's over.
Astarion's wrists bleed and he's been staring at the pool of blood for what feels like an eternity.
The tadpole took away his instant regeneration and now his torturers can enjoy the most peculiar spectacle ever.
Opening Astarion's wounds.
His skin is flayed, his face is covered in bruises. Pain is already numbed—the tadpole doesn't like its host being killed.
Maybe he can finally die?
A kick in the stomach forces him to vomit blood. Punishment. Yes, it's his punishment for tasting freedom. For breaking the rules.
The taste of love.
His siblings are watching the execution with undisguised gloating. Astarion is getting what he deserved. He never helped with their plans to escape—but it was him who slipped from their master's hands.
It was intended to be a lesson. Instead it's the best show they've seen in years.
A silver dagger is touching Astarion's face. He can feel the heat of the cursed metal. Marks left by silver are permanent.
It seems like his master is going to take the last thing Astairon owns.
His face.
Astarion silently weeps. His appearance is the only thing he has. His body, his face, his hands. The master needs them, doesn't he? Who will seduce the victims, if not the perfect- looking elf?
The master expects Astarion to beg.
He doesn't. The pathetic whimpers are stuck in his sore throat. He won't give them this pleasure.
Two months of freedom compensated two centuries of slavery. Astarion has self-dignity. He can say 'no'. He can stand for himself.
You taught him that.
The torture continues. And Astarion breaks down.
He screams. He yells. He begs.
The answer to his tears is evil laughter. They wanted a show—he is giving them one.
It lasts for hours. For days. And the two months of freedom fade from Astarion's memory.
It wasn't real. It never happened. It all was a feverish dream.
But Astarion knows it wasn't.
Your face, Your touches. Your love. 
The way you hugged him. The way you touched him. The way you supported him.
You were everything... and he betrayed you.
I hope you die screaming.
At first, you promised to help with the ritual, and he even dared dream about you by his side as he became a vampire overlord. But then, you started backing off. 
Bad idea. No one should make deals with devils. Who knows what Cazador promised in exchange for power.
Astarion cursed you, said every toxic word he had in mind. It was easy to hurt you—you were so vulnerable to him and he even felt sadistic pleasure in doing so.
He expected you to throw him away from the camp, but you just stopped talking to him. Left him alone with his thoughts and anger.
And then, his siblings came to take him.
Astarion was back in the dungeons. Beaten and humiliated without any hope of escape.
"Leave him," the master says. "We have things to prepare"
Astarion is finally left alone. He crawls in the darkest corner and curls there in the fetus position. He couldn't care less about his naked body.
He thinks about you.
He closes his eyes and tries to remember the moments you were together. Cuddles. Yes, cuddles. The thing he expected to like the least. Just two bodies intertwined with each other. No sex, no movements, no words. He could stay like that for hours wrapping around you like a weighted blanket and enjoying your warmth.
The treasure he lost.
Astarion smiles bitterly. You must be in someone's else's arms. Probably the wizard. Yes, you've chosen him because he will never hurt you. His body is warm and he doesn't harm your neck...
He enters the reverie hoping he will see you there.
The only thing he has. The only thing his master can’t take away.
"Oh for fuck sake!" he hears your voice. "What have they done to you?!"
Warm hands hug him and then he feels a cape wrapping his bare shoulders. "Gods, Astarion? Are you alright?"
"You ... You are back..." he mutters.
"Of course, I am!" you hug him. "We are in this together, remember?" you kiss him. “Drink!”
The scent of blood pierces his nostrils as you cut your wrist. He grazes in your skin and the divine essence gushes down his throat. 
You are here.
You are back.
You are real.
He pulls away feeling how his wounds slowly heal. “I am sorry,” he mutters.
You kiss his bruised lips. “Well, it did hurt. We need to find your clothes and weapons.”
Astarion collapses on the stone floor and weeps. He weeps two centuries taken away from him, his memory, his mind, his soul. His beating heart. He mourns his innocence, his body and his cries echo through the chambers.
Soft hands caress his shoulders. “I am here, I am here with you. You did the right thing.”
“It is all over, isn’t it?” he sniffs.
“Yes, love,” you kiss his cheek. “It’s over.”
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce @coffeeanddonutscafe @my-queen-rhaenyra-targaryen @queenofthespacesquids @ednaaa-04 @dajeong
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jarofstyles · 11 months
FICTOBER DAY 21- I Still Feel Your Lips
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Warnings- cockwarming, vampire!h, blood mention
“I still feel your lips, no matter how far away you are.” Harry whispered into her chest, nuzzled into it as he laid on top of her. 
Returning from a trip, he had fallen right back into his lover's arms. As much as Y/N understood that the vampire had to delegate his tasks, she didn’t like being held alone in their room at the castle. He had been gone for just a fortnight and she had been feeling thoroughly neglected when he barged into her room. He’d left early, crawling into bed with his human and smattering kissing all over the skin her nightgown left exposed. As soon as she was in his arms again, she gave in. sighing happily as his cool mouth nipped and kissed and licked her skin, all the way up to her neck which she promptly nodded at him to get him to feed. He hadn’t since he left. 
Feeding was intimate, it was something the vampire used to despise before he had Y/N. His skin used to crawl as he had to seduce and glamour the humans into giving him a bite, compelling them to forget all about him as soon as he left the dingy alleys or pubs or parties he would find his prey at. Having a feeder, a dedicated human to provide such a thing had never been his initial plan- but Y/N seemed to his exception to everything. 
Her head was still buzzing and floaty from the bite, the warm feeling cocooning her as his caresses and close proximity grounded her, tethering her to the plush bed he had dubbed as their own. While most did not sleep in the same room as their feeders, Y/N had pushed that boundary of his until it was ground into dust. He couldn’t rest without knowing she was sleeping soundly in his arms. Lips brushed her throat, making sure she was clean of her own blood before they moved to connect to her sleepy ones. Harry had arrived in the middle of the night, but she was happy to be awoken by his minty, parchment scent. He’d stripped of everything but his briefs, pulling the blankets on top of them and let the candles stay lit. 
“Please.” She whispered, curling her leg around him. “I don’t sleep well without you inside me.” It felt pathetic to beg for, but he’d gotten her into the habit. Tucking his hard prick inside of her and let her feel full as he rubbed her slippery clit to orgasm, letting her fall asleep with him safely inside of her and waking her the next day with his slow thrusts. Harry had made her addicted to him, but when he whispered to her about how she must have been made for him- she had the mind to agree with him. 
“Oh, my sweet. M’sorry.” He cooed. “M’sorry. I know, my poor thing.” His croon made her shiver, feeling his hand slip between them to pull the fabric covering him away. “I was so focused on your taste. I missed you so…” Her heat was almost too much, making his teeth clench and nostrils flare as he smelled her musky sweetness. She had been waiting for him, his precious human girl. There was little time wasted before he slipped the tip inside, hissing quietly at the feel of her heat trying to take him in. 
“Yes-Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She babbled, only quiet when his mouth covered hers and he slowly filled her up to the brim. She could feel him stretching her just as her body craved, every ridge and vein falling back to the place it needed to be. It took a few moments, heavy balls tucked snug against her ass as he let his weight lay on her and his cock fill her in the way he knew she needed so badly. His thumb stayed connected between them, rubbing tender circles on her swollen clit as her breathing picked up. 
“You’re welcome. I missed this.” He sighed, the click of their lips connecting and pulling apart sounding again. “Missed you dearly. They offered me one of their feeders but.. I said no. No one else tastes as good, feels as good as you. I felt revolted at the idea.” His words made her whine, which he promptly shushed. “No, my sweet. You are the only one who I want. Taste divine, keep my cock warm and wet… No one else could ever compare. I counted the minutes until I could return to our bed.” His thumb rubbing back and forth made her toes curl, head tilting back and baring her neck for him all over again. She loved feeling him bite her, even not being fed from. The pinpricks from his teeth, the marks they left. She loved being owned by him. She’d been scared when he had originally brought up the proposition, but couldn’t imagine herself anywhere else. 
The vampire knew what she was asking for, biting down over the columb of her throat and feeling her tighten up on him as her clit throbbed against his wet thumb, her arms tight around his neck. This was the euphoria both of them had become completely and utterly addicted to.  Neither could see it ending. “Come on now, darling. Soak me and close those pretty eyes. You’ve not slept well.. I will take you fully in the morning, but you need release, and then rest.” He purred. Let me take care of you, as you do to me.”
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conkers-thecosy · 2 months
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Hullo! 💛 I know it was a few weeks ago since I posted my fic rec list, but here's the promised compilation of unfinished WIPs that I'd like to recommend, at last! Do give them a look, they're all wonderful! ~ "The Veiled King" by MiraHerondale Bilbo has lost his memory after getting knocked out in Ravenhill, and is found by Thranduil. He’s taken to Mirkwood, unconscious still, to be treated. Upon waking, he discovers he has no memories of the previous year.
Unaware of this development, Thorin and his heirs lie recovering from their wounds and confined to bed rest. Free of the gold madness, the King orders them to search for Bilbo, as the brave burglar is still counted among the many who have disappeared during the fight. Despite this, they find no trace of Bilbo before a terrible snowstorm forces them to abandon their task and accept what they believe to be the hobbit's fate.
The King Under the Mountain mourns and, in the meantime, Bilbo sleeps.
"Ambassador To Madness" by @sunnyrosewritesstuff All Bilbo wanted was to be an ambassador to one of the richest kingdoms in Middle Earth. Upon meeting its prince, his opinion is greatly lessened. However, Bilbo still finds himself agreeing to play the part of his consort to help free Erebor from the gold mad Thror. Turns out, Thror may not be as blind as his grandson thinks, and intends to use Bilbo to get rid of Thorin once and for all. ~ "Sleep Alone; Start All Over" by vicious_summer Bilbo had a sudden, cheerful realization. “Oh, my, this must mean you’ve already dealt with the problem of the dragon without me!”
Bofur frowned. “Bilbo, no–”
“Sorry, you haven’t dealt with the dragon?”
Or: the Consort of Erebor loses about seven years of memory. ~ "Golden Hearts Bleed Faster" by @lordoftherazzles Bilbo Baggins, Prince of the Shire, has been left with a kingdom on his back and a ring in his hand after the unexpected death of his parents. Bodyguard Thorin Oakenshield has been brought in to see to the prince’s safety, and do a little investigating of his own on the matter in hopes of coming face to face with the one who turned his mountain, and his life, upside down some years prior. ~ "The Great Ereborian Doily Conspiracy" by @lauramkaye Thorin has always been happy to see Bilbo adopt dwarfish ways, until it is pointed out to him that Bilbo, not actually being a dwarf, might be happier in their marriage if Thorin were to make a bit of effort to adopt some hobbitish ways in turn.
Naturally, Thorin goes about this in a sensible and moderate manner. ~ "Dragonfly" by @edwardallenpoe Snippets of Thorin and Bilbo's life, learning to Heal, learning to Grow, Learning to Trust, and learning to Love, from when they survive, to the beginning of the rest of their lives.
Or; They both love each other and are afraid to tell the other, their plans? To tell everyone else they're together while the other has no idea. ~ "Sparks & Gardens" by @fantasyinallforms Bilbo grew up well-to-do in the peaceful countryside of the shire. Three years after his mother's passing, his father decides to move to London to take up an affluent teaching job at the British museum. Bilbo tries to make the best of his new surroundings and crosses paths with a surly blacksmith named Thorin Oakenshield. Bilbo finds Thorin to be an enigma, and Thorin finds Bilbo to be naive. Soon they will learn that Thorin's mistrust of the elite is based on experiences that lead to his dark past, and Bilbo is not as naive to the evils of the world as he may seem. ~ "Of Cold Hearts" by @domesticgoddesswriter Thorin was at a loss. He was a monster slayer. A killer of all evil creatures who prey on humanity. Including vampires. Especially vampires. He hated vampires. He wouldn't be content until he eradicated every last one of the foul beings.
So what in Mahal's name was he doing sitting here in a dusty armchair next to a cold hearth drinking tea (of all things!) with a (admittedly rather cute) vampire. The same vampire that he came to this old castle to kill. ~ Next time I'll do "canon-verse; all time favourites" Feel free to add your recommendations too, I'm always on the look out for new fic to read! 💛
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imaginefan · 2 months
Look Alike
Stefan Salvatore X Male!Reader
Word Count: 1023
Requested: Anon
Request: Hi, I don't know if you still write for tvd, if not ignore me! but could you doa stefan x male reader where him and stefan are in a great relationship and maybe silas tricks you into thinking he's stefan? Could you make reader a vamp as well? -🐺
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Stefan had spent a lot of time chasing after Elena, so much time that he didn’t even notice you at first, the one male friends that all the girls loved to hang around with, to him you were just another in the group, it was after everything settled down that you got closer, no one was really sure when the dynamic changed for the two of you. When you were turned into a vampire after one of Katherine’s rampage through Mystic Falls Stefan became even more protective of you. Stefan was the one to teach you how to control your new abilities and help you get used to the animal blood instead of human blood. The heightened emotions were what you really struggled with and that was where the official relationship started, you ended up accidentally confessing to him and he accepted the feelings.
You were a sickeningly sweet couple, while everyone else was arguing, breaking up and getting back together you were both happy and stable. The evening before everyone went off to go and look for the cure, you had been sitting in the living room with him, your head rested on his shoulder as his hand ran through your (short/long) hair. “What would you think if I wanted to be human again?” Stefan asked suddenly, you looked at him for a second and shrugged. “It’s your choice right, it doesn’t matter what I think… But for the record I’d be sad that I’d have to lose you one day.” You explained. “Would you ever go back to being human?” He asked. “I would love to do that but as far as we know there was only one cure right?” You asked. “Mmm.” He hummed as he rested his cheek against the top of your head. “If I have you I wouldn’t mind staying like this for a little while longer.” “God you two are sickening.” Damon grumbled as you jumped, Stefan making a noise of disapproval before tightening his grip on your coaxing you to relax. “Go and mope somewhere else Damon.” Stefan ordered before pressing a kiss to your forehead. “This room is occupied.”
You had decided to stay back in case anything happened in town while the others were gone, so you had no idea what had happened, everyone had gathered at Elena’s house but no one had tried contacting you yet. Oblivious to any danger and a reassuring message from Stefan only a few hours earlier kept you patient, you turned in the kitchen coming face to face with Stefan “Oh! You didn’t message to say you were on the way home.” You smiled as you walked over, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Are you okay?” You asked. “Everything is fine.” He answered, wrapping an arm around you, something didn’t feel right, you don’t know if your face gave you away one second he was holding you and the next he hand flung you across the room, with what seemed to be magic. “You're not Stefan.” You pushed yourself onto your knees, you could hear him breaking something behind you but before you could even move he drove the wood through your stomach. “Don’t worry I don’t want to kill you just yet.” He said softly as he pushed the stake further into your stomach. “Well unless they’re too busy to find you, then it’s no one's fault but their own.” He stood looking down at you. “I see why he chose you, I would have too.” He said before stepping over you and walking towards the front door, he pressed his hand to the door frame lighting it on fire before disappearing from sight.
Stefan was at Elena’s house, she was still waiting for Jeremy to wake up, something they all knew was not going to happen. His phone ringing brought him out of his thoughts, he saw your name pop up and immediately felt bad, someone should have called you “I’m sorry we meant to call- What’s that sound? (Y/N)?” He asked. “The…House… I can’t… Move-” You wheezed, you were struggling and he didn’t know why, he was sure that he could hear fire, he needed to get back to you. “Hold on, I’m coming.” He turned to leave the house Caroline close behind him. “Bonnie and Damon can stay here with Elena, we can check on (Y/N).” Caroline said, he nodded as they both headed out.
By the time that they got back to your house, it was already engulfed in flames “where is he?” Caroline asked. “Inside.” Stefan said. “You can’t go in there!” Caroline grabbed his arm as he stepped forward. “I’m not leaving him there!” Stefan snatched his arm from her running into the house “(Y/N)!” There was a crash from the kitchen. He moved quickly, they only had so long before neither of you would be able to get out, he spotted you on the floor, he could see the stake in your stomach and lifted you, you grunted. “I know I’m sorry, we’ll get that out as soon as we get out here.” From there he was careful to navigate out of the house carrying you close to his chest, Caroline waiting for you both. “Is he okay!?” She asked. “He will be.” Stefan muttered. “Alright sweetheart, I have to get this out, you have to hold on to Caroline’s hand while I pull this out okay?” “Mm.” You hummed, the chair leg was easy to pull out, he gripped the edge pulling it out fast and throwing across the road as if it burned him, he cradled you to his chest as you started to heal. “He looked just like you.” “Who did?” Stefan asked. “The one that attacked me, he looked just like you and he was using magic.” You explained. “Just rest, I’ll be right here the whole time, I won’t leave I promise, we’ll talk about this in the morning.” Stefan said, standing to walk back towards the boarding house for you to rest, he was sure that Damon could deal with Elena on his own for a few hours.
Requests and general question!
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the-dawn-star · 9 months
Hi, can you please write an oneshot where the human reader tried to break up with yandere Elijah Mikaelson after discovering he is a vampire that feeds on and kills people, and it violates her moral code? What happened next is entirely up to you, thanks a lot :)
A/N: Hey! Firstly, I'm not sure how happy I am with this but I hope you like it. I kind of changed the idea because writing is hard (XD) but I hope you don't mind.
+500ish words.
TW/CW: Some random person being dead, talk of blood, murder and the normal vampire stuff. Yandere stuff like obsessiveness and delusion.
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This wasn’t supposed to go this way. Everything has been going so great in your relationship. And now everything has been ruined... 
It was after a marvelous evening with Elijah. You had eaten well and drank a bit of fantastic wine. You had walked home hand in hand. You had thought that everyone would be sleeping at that time but instead you found Kol and Klaus in the living room talking about something you didn’t pay attention to. And on the floor was a clearly dead body with blood covering his neck.  
After that you weren’t sure what had happened. Kol and Klaus were clearly too drunk to explain themselves, so the explanation became Elijah’s responsibility. Words about vampires, of them being immortal, of death and blood.  
You wanted to throw up. Elijah had been so kind and gentle, so kind in fact that you had fallen in love with him. But this changed it. When you looked at your perfect boyfriend now you just saw all the people he had killed, the innocent people, the blood on his hands.  
You had wanted to leave. After Elijah explained what you had seen you were ready to run away from the house and never look back. But you still cared for the man in front of you and to your surprise Elijah didn’t let you leave. Saying it was for your safety, to make sure you wouldn’t do anything stupid. So that’s why you were laying on your bed that you normally shared with Elijah. But for now, you were alone and terrified of your boyfriend.  
You didn’t assume that you would wake up anymore. If he had killed other people, what would make it that Elijah wouldn’t be killing you too. But you did wake up..., Elijah’s hand gently on your cheek. You wanted to run away, to fight back his kindness.  
“How did you sleep?”  
“I’m fine...,” Your words were barely a whisper and very much a lie. You felt horrible. 
“I didn’t mean to tell you this way..., I was scared of you knowing..., knowing who I really am. You must understand that.”  
You did. You knew very well the feeling of being scared of showing the real you to the people around you. But in your case, you weren’t scared to show people that you were an ancient vampire who needs blood to survive.  
“And I’m sure you will understand it even better once you are turned.”  
Your eyes widened with Elijah’s words, and you ripped yourself off of his touch.  
Did you understand something wrong? What was he talking about?  
“I know it is scary, but I promise I will be there with you at every step of the process. And maybe one day you see that I’m doing this for you..., for us.”  
Elijah’s smile was gentle just like the tone he spoke the words that you did not understand. Where had you gotten this so wrong?  
“What are you saying?” You asked.  
“I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes to you. You are meant to be mine..., but we cannot be together fully as long as you are a human...”  
You didn’t know how to respond.  
“I’m doing this for you..., for us.” 
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princessisfinethx · 5 months
Vampire König x Human Reader pt. 2
A/n: y'all really liked this one geez louise papa cheese. As promised I made another one. Didn't know how to end it but the next one I make will reveal why reader is immune to him. Also, I tried keeping to gn reader, if you guys like that lmk. If not I can change it to fem reader.
Warnings!: Mentions of SA, somnophilia hardcore mixed with dubcon, mentions of murder, sex mentioned a lot. Dark shit tbh I may have went a little too far- König is a loser sorry. Please heed warnings before reading I beg of you.
Minors DNI.
The window opened easily, he almost snorted at you leaving it unlocked. Though, he did climb your apartment building to get up here so maybe he was being an ass. He carefully stepped inside and immediately he felt strange. The legend that a vampire must be invited inside was a myth, he tested that before. But there was something about the air in your room that made his skin prickle.
König was huge, but getting through a window wasn't so much of a challenge for him anymore. He stood in your room and carefully looked around. You had lots of stuff, and it was messy. Some basket of yarn, a sketch pad, some make up on your dresser, posters all over the wall... It looked like a normal young woman's room.
His eyes finally landed on you and he swallowed thickly. You laid on your side, curled up slightly with your blankets lazily tossed over you. There was a stuffed animal near your pillows, watching you, watching him. He crept closer and walked to the side of the bed that you faced. Kneeling down, he takes in your face again. Staring at you as if you'll tell him how you could resist his hypnosis. Your rhythmic breathing however, told him you were fast asleep.
He reached up and used the back of his knuckle to pet your cheek. He wondered what you dreamed of, was it about him? Maybe it was nothing at all. His eyes scanned over your body, seeing the rest disappear within the blankets. Your thigh and leg however, poked out from beneath the blankets. He stood up, walking to the foot of your bed and slowly placing his fingers on your ankle. Ideas, millions of them, bad, good, selfish ideas ran through his head.
He always has his escape card, his hypnosis. He could do whatever he wanted and not feel as much guilt over it, but you... He had to be careful. Truthfully he could probably rule the world, the country at least. He was a powerful being with few weaknesses. He could have as much blood as he wanted, create his own servants and fuck who ever he pleased.
You could not be hypnotized, so if he took you, and you woke up, you'd probably scream. You'd be traumatized perhaps. His fingers moved up your leg. If he drank your blood, you'd be sore and you'd remember, because he can't hypnotize you. His fingers traced along your thigh, stopping at your hip. He wanted you, God if any, König wanted you so badly. He looked at his fingers resting on your hip, you only had panties on. He closed his eyes and tried to keep his hard-on tame.
Removing his hand, he stared at your sleeping form. He glanced to the side, looking at your stuffed animal, as if asking for forgiveness. His fingers slipped the blanket off your bottom half and he looked at your pants less form. He's decided, he won't drink your blood, but he would fuck you. He needed this. He had only met you two- three hours ago and you had tormented him. Slipping his boots off, his knees fell onto the edge of the bed. He got in all fours, hovering over your clothed sex.
He could smell you, your arousal. Were you dreaming of something filthy? He wanted to smile but he didn't. His eyes never left your underwear, and he laid on his stomach between your lazily parted legs. He rested them over his shoulders and was careful not to wake you. He was burley, and knew that rising too high might cause you to stir. He settled now, resting between your legs and staring hungrily at your middle. Then without moving your underwear, he pressed his lips to your sex and closed his eyes. Sweet, he thought. How were you sweet and he's yet to taste your juices?
His tongue eagerly pressed against your panties and it was then he groaned. It was more prominent now, like honey. He licks a strike up your sex and he hears you moan softly in your sleep. His eyes stared up at you now, but you remained asleep. He licked his lips and delved back in, humming in delight. His tongue swirls and he feels his hardened cock pressing painfully against his pants, against your bed. He kissed your thigh and then moved your cloth to the side, wanting to taste you uncovered. His tongue immediately finds your entrance and he swears his eyes flutter. You had jumped against him suddenly and he recognized that jump. He pulled away and his tongue went to his teeth- his fangs. They had came out without his realizing and he cursed. He didn't mean to poke you, not like that anyway.
Looking back up at your sleeping form, he sighed and moved up, slowly palming himself through his tan cargo pants. You could wake up, and find him violating you any moment ...and it thrilled him, sickeningly. He undoes his pants and pulls out his eagerly awaiting cock, finding the tip slick from suppressed arousal. He slowly jerked himself, looking down at you. He'll show you, that he always gets what he wants in the end.
He maneuvers your legs once again so that your thighs rested against his own, with you laying on your back and your head laying to the side. He moves the annoying piece of cloth once again and eyes your entrance, having mercy and lubing it a little more with his spit. Though if he were a little more psychotic, he'd make you hurt. Let you feel the dry press of his thickness as it opened you...but that was too far, he thought with an amused chuckle. He lined himself, watching his tip kiss at your sex and he shudders. He licks his lips, then-
Then you stir and turn on your side, mumbling in your sleep about taking someone's order wrong. König blinked himself out of his dark daydream. He was still standing at the foot of your bed, you were still clothed with the blankets hanging over your body. His member, though hard, remained in his pants and he frowned. Maybe he was losing his humanity far more than he thought. He let out a growl and carefully pulled the blankets over you, so that your legs were covered.
But as he looked at you once again, he felt the human part of himself tsking at him. He can't- no, he wouldn't. So he sighed and sat down on a chair across from your bed. Nonetheless, he wants you. And if he was going to win you over, he needed to do this by the books. He needed to flirt, he needed to give gifts, charm you, intrigue you somehow.
The arrogant part of his mind was twisting and turning. He has become so used to getting what he wanted, whenever. So the one thing he can't have, he found himself wanting the most. Like a spoiled brat, perhaps. But this was only a small part of it, that's what he told himself anyway.
For now, he stood up and nodded to himself. He's gonna go about this as human like as possible. But then there was the incident from tonight. He had been a creep, and you might remember his face. No matter, he'll just erase your mind and-
No, wait. Fuck.
He put his hands on his hips in frustration. This is gonna be difficult.
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bugeater77 · 1 year
Nandermo things u probably forgot about
not in any order(i wrote them whenever i remembered them)
(scroll down for images, the ones pictured are highlighted) - Nandor holding guillermo up to make him feel like he is flying multiple times (quite possibly nandermo hug)
During the simon the devious episode where nandor once again takes him flying, they hold hands (last image)
Nandor telling guillermo to stay by his side until he falls asleep in the curse episode, then going to grab his hand but stopping (5th Image)
"you'll probably have to take it in the waist and out the shoulders" - guillermo knowing Nandor's exact measurements
Nandor getting so frustrated while talking about the other vampires wanting to kill Guillermo that he kicks and destroys a box
"take a picture of me having fun and then send it to guillermo so he knows how much I do not miss him" - nandor
Guillermo DROPPING EVERYTHING ON THE GROUND when he hears about nandor's engagement
"it's not gonna last." -Guillermo SHIT EATING GRIN after realizing that gale and nandor are not gonna be together
Guillermo PUTTING HIS ARM AROUND NANDOR AFTER THE GAIL EPISODE he thought he had a chance :( (4th image)
Sean calling Guillermo Nandor's boyfriend and lazlo not questioning it not one bit
pulling guillermo back way before he was supposed to after trying to use him as bait for the sire
this was also while he was shaking his money maker if i might add
like the second he did it...
entire scene where Nandor tries to convince guillermo to come back from celeste
might i mention that nandor obviously thinks guillermo fighting him is hot??!
Guillermo gripping nandor plushie after he leaves (3rd image)
Guillermo has silver lined seatbelts in his car, meaning he was planning to rescue nandor for a while
"traveling the whole world with my nand- master" - guillermo
ermmmmmm glitter portrait ?!!
Nandor wishing to be human the SAME AMOUNT that guillermo wishes to be a vampire, seeing him as an equal
"my furry little friend" - nandor
Marwa, who likes EVERYTHING nandor likes, kissing guillermo all over his face
The wwdits cast interview about nandermo, which to me feels like a deep extreme very canonization
Nandor's pure jealousy after finding out about guillermo becoming a vampire
Him waiting for SO LONG outside of panera bread
Going to guillermos house to look at his baby pictures
talking about his goth phase with his mom...
"if i'm lying, kill me now" - nandor
Nandor being so upset and holding guillermos body after thinking he was dead
Nandor grasping guillermos sweater
speaking out against the baron to keep guillermo safe, which if you watch season 1 again you'll see that he is TERRIFIED of the baron
so excited to talk about guillermo killing vampires.... wtf is wrong with u nandor but we're not gonna get into that
"I will fix"
he is so excited to kill derek, not to turn guillermo human, but literally just to kill derek out of jealousy
Nandor's face while guillermo is talking about his love life(second image)
Guillermos face after Nandor turns Gail into a vampire (first image)
guillermo hammering the door as hard as possible to wake nandor for his super slumber.
duh nandor knowing every part of Guillermos thank you card
The entire last episode actually?
theres absolutely more but this is all i remember just from my brain
(new additions) In another cast interview, Kayvan Novak says “I think he’s coming to the realization that his type is Harvey Guillén flavored.” about nandors type
Nandor makes guillermo spin around in his wedding cape
Nandor says he got the idea of having a wedding ever since him and guillermo "watched the wedding planner on that rainy sunday together"
ok listen closely, the wedding planner is about a woman planning a wedding falling in love with the groom causing him to leave the bride
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taetaespeaks · 2 years
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Speak / THV
genre : werewolf au, yandere, mythical
summary : In a world where mythical creatures and humans have been at war with each other for years, you find yourself in a mansion managed by those same dangerous entities without the possibility of fleeing, a sinister fate awaiting you at the end of your stay. Refusing to say a word for years, your silence will attract the attention of your tormentor. A romantic werewolf who will do everything to make you his forever, whether you like it or not.
warnings : angst, smut, mention of death, blood, violence, yandere, mention of depression and family issues
rate : mainly +18
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"You have to talk!"
These four words you now knew by heart. You heard them every morning, every evening, louder in your ears with each passing day. When you took your shower, when you ate, when you watched TV. Always these four words that punctuated your life. It didn't provoke any reaction in you, motionless, your usual impassive expression, you watched without showing any interest the little old lady who was standing in front of you, hands on hips in an expression of pure annoyance. There was a time when you might have smiled to express your regret, but that time was over and having extended this reflection too many times, you could no longer feel guilty about your silence or even look sorry.
"Impossible!" Ms. Jeon raised her arms to the sky, letting them fall limply along her sides one second later as she turned her back to you, muttering a thousand dark words of annoyance that left you stunned behind the bar. You couldn't afford to be hurt by the old woman's lack of patience, she had always treated you as a friend, though firmly. She made you work at her family bar, even though you were not related to her and despite your categorical refusal to speak properly. Indeed, you were not speaking. No, you weren't mute. You had just decided to keep quiet one day and since then, only a few words crossed your lips and only when it was really necessary.
You felt in danger though. This job at the Jeon bar was all you had to make ends meet, and with grandson Jeon's early return from downtown at the end of the month, you didn't worry that your position as barista would be challenged and shamelessly given to the youngest member of the family. After all, it would be quite normal and logical but you couldn't help but sigh in dismay, the only sound you made today.
The end of the day came slowly but surely and soon you found yourself under the dark sky of the city of Bangtan. The capital. When you were little, you were bitterly jealous of those others who lived under the Bangtan sky, promising yourself that one day it would be your turn, that you would live a life full of madness and adventure because everything was possible there, in the capital! Now, you couldn't say that you missed the countryside, no, falling asleep every night in anguish at the idea of waking up with a demon or a ghoul over your face, no, but you weren't happy either in the safety of the high walls of the fortress in the center of the country. You even disapproved of this unequal security. The poor, like you and your family, were condemned to barricade themselves at night to protect themselves from the creatures roaming the woods while the richer ones slept with their windows open and protected by the high white walls and guards. Silly policy. You would never have imagined going home alone, unarmed, without a phone and in the middle of the night. Indeed, years ago, the government had announced the existence of the so-called myth creatures. People had obviously panicked, distrusting their neighbor, their teacher or even their brother, despite the insistence of the heads of state that being a vampire, a mermaid, a werewolf or whatever did not necessarily mean being a bloodthirsty beast. But it didn't matter, soon people who were suspected without proof were being massacred by barbarians, soon, civil wars began and even today, you can't really tell who won in theory. The humans, the creatures? In any case, neither of them mix. At least that's what they say in the capital, but where you come from there are quite a few stories about couples where one or both of the protagonists are secretly creatures. You shuddered. It doesn't matter.
"Watch out!"
You didn't have time to react when a dark mass entered your field of vision. Obviously the biggest chine you've ever been given to see was coming right at you, tipping you violently as it passed and causing you to lose your balance as your bag emptied onto the wet pavement of the street. Safe from creatures, never from careless humans who don't know how to keep their animals on a leash, you thought bitterly, but you said no less. The huge dog stopped in his tracks and took a few steps to sit on your right. With his ears perched on his head, he seemed almost proud. Although huge for a pet, the animal was beautiful, its silky brown hair bawling in the moonlight and its eyes shining with a golden glint.
"I'm so sorry miss! Let me help you!"
A young man appeared in your field of vision in turn. Like master, like dog could not have been better applied as the young man stooping to offer you his hand was of a beauty worthy of the princes in the fairy tales. Mouth agape, you let him help you without reluctance to straighten you on your feet. He was slightly taller than you, with perfectly coiffed blond hair, full lips and a charming look. A real beauty.
"Please accept my deepest apologies! He doesn't listen to anything I say despite my best efforts to keep him by my side!" The beast growled to your right as if it understood its master's words causing you to give it a puzzled look. "You are not hurt?"
For a moment you thought of answering but your mouth immediately closed in a tight line as you looked away. You didn't want to talk and this man and the beast that was his dog couldn't change that. Embarrassed, you waltzed from one foot to the other before bowing as a greeting and a thank you that you didn't think he deserved anyway. The man had not finished with you, however.
"Oh, forgive me my sweet! I couldn't know you couldn't speak! Did you have your tongue ripped out, could you never speak or worse?" He looked away in mock dismay as his dog came forward as if suddenly interested. "Have you been the victim of a curse?"
Perplexed, you shook your head from left to right quickly, letting a small indignant sound cross your lips. The reason was much simpler, much more human, much more psychological but now your surroundings had taken such a liking to your silence that the answer didn't even cross your mind.
"My poor princess, you are like the little mermaid."
You shivered uncontrollably. No one had ever referred to this tale worthy of a child's worst nightmares since mermaids began to really manifest themselves and drown sailors and bathers without remorse. This had all the makings of an insult. You frowned against your will with an expression of hurt incomprehension. Now you really wanted to end this "exchange" as soon as possible, but as you tried to bend down to pick up your things, a searing pain shot through your skull, the feeling that a cruel arrow had just broken your brain made you groan softly. Surprised and perplexed, you straightened up and put a trembling hand to the back of your head, discovering a sticky, viscous substance that you recognized as blood. Your blood. The world began to spin as the man in front of you slowly disappeared into the whirlwind that was your surroundings.
"She is tough Jeongguk. Don't be afraid to hit harder."
Jeongguk? Like Mrs. Jeon's grandson. Despite the incessant whistling in your ears, you could almost hear the blow coming. He wasn't afraid to hit harder this time.
"This is barbaric, Jimin! The poor little thing."
"I'm not the one that did it, Joonie!"
"But you asked him to do it."
"It's a good thing you hit her in the back Gukkie, she's such a beauty, it would have been a waste."
"What do you think, Taehyung?"
"She smells funny."
"Keep it down! She's waking up! Miss?"
The pain returned as soon as you regain consciousness. For a moment you thought you were back there, at your parents' house, warm in the open arms of your bed. Away from the city, from the bar where you worked, from the responsibilities, but you soon remembered that this was not an option. Your parents had kicked you out long ago.
"Speak, please!"
"She can't."
Were you dead? Maybe you were. But heaven was dark in that case. Slowly opening your eyes, you discovered the top of a four-poster bed, a few gray roses embroidered on a black background, little light in the room. You recognized the soft touch of quality sheets between your fingers that gripped the bed beneath you as a wave of pain suddenly swept over you. You could only wince in response.
"Thank God, you're alive!"
Despite the paralyzing pain, you found the strength to turn your gaze in the direction of the voice that sounded so concerned about your condition, even your own self was not so concerned. It was a man, short hair, skin tinged with a honey-tan color and a sincere smile, he was tall and muscular but not scary and surprisingly you felt reassured but you didn't know him. Where were you? Why were you there?
"Namjoon, she just woke up. Shut up."
He lost his smile as another man was caught by your frightened gaze. Smaller, with jet-black hair and a stolid look. You had never seen him before either.
"Hello Miss. I am Yoongi. I was a doctor, well, I am a doctor. You have received a strong blow to the head." He looked sternly to the side but you didn't follow his gaze, too busy focusing on his words. "Your condition is stable now. Would you like something to eat?"
"She can't talk!"
This time you looked away. He was as tall as the first one from your point of view, but of the three men, he was the one who stood out the most. His complexion was tanned, his lips were drawn, his brown hair was elegantly styled in a style that hadn't been modern for a long time, and he had beautiful golden eyes. He was handsome. The most handsome man you'd ever seen, but now that was the least of your worries.
"That's right! That's why you're here."
A cheerful voice exclaimed. Too many voices. Too many sounds. Your headache worsened as you closed your eyes and sank back into the darkness of your mind. No coherent thoughts helped you. You were lost in many ways.
Held by creatures. The last straw. You sat on the edge of your bed, your eyes lost in the void. How was this even possible? Kidnapped by creatures in the very heart of the capital. All to become the little werewolf's plaything of the bunch in due course. Oh no, not some sexual reference. At full moon, the wolf became particularly violent and to prevent him from hurting his comrades, what better way than to sacrifice a human who couldn't scream and therefore couldn't draw attention to their presence in Bangtan? To convince them to change their minds, all you had to do was speak, but what was the point? They would kill you anyway or worse! They would give you to the group's ghoul, Jimin, who seemed to take great pleasure in making anything that could cry suffer. You sighed.
"Don't be sad!" You gasped as a young man appeared before you. A succubus. Who would have thought that Mrs Jeon's grandson was a creature and a dangerous one at that. He was also tall and handsome. His beautiful brown eyes were like a deer's and his smile like a rabbit. You liked his tattoos and piercings but you couldn't tell him and even if you could, you wouldn't. He was the one who had spotted you and proposed the idea, he was the one who had knocked you out. Yet you weren't angry. It didn't matter. It wouldn't matter now.
"Here." He handed you a cup, it looked like tea. You drank it immediately without making a fuss. He would gain nothing by poisoning you. "I asked Jin to enchant it so that your grief and state of distress would be less hard to bear, Madam."
He called you Madam, probably because he was younger. It didn't bother you that much. Anyway, you had no way of telling him your first name. As if he could read your mind, he added.
"You can write your name down so that I can learn it!
"Jeongguk, get out of here, you have no right to seduce her!
Blushing in surprise. The young man flinched and then changed his innocent look into a more seductive and dangerous one and too lazy to protest, disappeared as quickly as he had appeared in a last fake unhappy smile worthy of a cliché movie.
This voice was the one you heard least often of all. Seokjin, a wizard, was the master of the huge castle where you were kept and from time to time he visited you, made you smile, tasted a cake with an unknown taste that soothed your pain and then went away. Yoongi, the doctor with the pale complexion, came to examine you every day, you liked him, he didn't talk much or ever a few times, and the marks around his neck allowed you to understand that he was actually dead for a long time. Hoseok, the fairy who asked you to call him Hobi, didn't come as often as Yoongi, however when he came, it wasn't to lounge around, he danced, told you about his life, almost force you to read books, and explain with passion how the disneys had soiled the image of the fairies, although it seemed to fit his character from your point of view. Namjoon, to your surprise, was as human as you were, which is why he seemed most eager to reassure you and apologize sincerely. Then came Jimin, he liked to make you jump, to smell your hair in a sensual way, hungry by his instinct of ghoul. Jeongguk was soft and endearing, but you were not stupid, the succubi know how to seduce otherwise what good would they be succubi, then came the last one who had just entered the room. The most beautiful of all and also your future assassin, Taehyung. The werewolf.
He approached the window. Hands behind his back with a serious look. You were intimidated by him without being able to express it. He had always been polite to you. Courteous and respectful. He seemed to come from another time and given the longevity of creatures of his type, you had no doubt that was the case.
"I'm sorry." He sensed your confusion. "For Jeongguk. His instinct is to act that way, just like Jimin. They don't know how to control themselves, so forgive them."
You knew that your goal was to be slaughtered by the man in front of you. Technically, he was the only one here who was going to hurt you but you were careful not to point that out to him.
"You smell funny." Were you stinking? "I have to admit, I haven't smelled many humans in my life but I'm sure your smell is different."
Golden eyes pierced you suddenly.
"I'd like to make you talk. He confessed. "But the choice is yours."
So he knew you were able to speak. Strange.
"Sleep better than the other nights this one." You looked at him with perpexlity. "I feel your restlessness at night. You walk, you think, you whisper." You blushed. "Tomorrow I will show you something to prepare you for the full moon."
And with that, he left.
to be continued…
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starringthesturniolos · 3 months
bite me (part 3)- matt sturniolo
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part 1, part 2, part 3
summary: matt hates your guts but all of that changes when he finds out your his mate.
contains: vampire!matt x reader, highschool au! (18 years old), smut (not in this part)
a/n: a short chapter but the next ones a biggie. love yall and thank you so much for the support
when i wake up, i’m strapped to a bed frame. i struggle against the restraints but all that comes out of it is another dizzy spell.
“hey, your awake” i whip my head around to see two blue eyes staring back at me. fear shoots into my chest again, as i stare at matt’s brother, chris, in front of me. if matts not human, then i bet he’s not either.
“get away from me” my voice shakes and i gear my legs up to be ready to kick if necessary. “i know matt scared you pretty bad yesterday, but i promise, no ones going to hurt you here.” he comes and sits on the side of the bed, placing his hand on my knee gently
chris and i have only ever had one class together and it was in our sophomore year, but i always thought highly of him. he was nice and funny, unlike his brother. i may have even had a crush on him, if i had allowed myself to. the version of him i knew before, overides my fear of what he is and as he strokes my knee some of my fear goes away. but then all of a sudden, anger spikes within me that somehow doesn’t feel like my own. chris’ hand that was once comforting felt like a hot clothing iron on my skin. i wince and chris takes his hand off me immediately. instead, he looks towards the doorway apprehensively.
in the doorway, is none other than the matt sturniolo, and he looks furious.
fear and another feeling i can’t put my finger on fills me at the sight of him. i take a deep breath to try and calm myself down. at least he looks like he’s back to normal, no more red eyes and black veins.
“hey, she was freaking out, i was only trying to help. it’s not like that, i swear.” chris puts his arms up defending himself and trying to ease matts anger.
“whatever, get out” he snarls and i wince at the sound. chris scrambles out the room and matt marches up to me, sitting in the exact spot chris was moments before. unlike chris’ gentle touch, matt grabs my thigh roughly and possesively. even though the move was aggressive, when i feel his touch my body relaxes and my thighs clench together, hard. why is this turning me on and why did i stop panicking all of a sudden? his presence and touch should do nothing but scare me after everything he’s done. after everything i’ve seen.
“there you go” he coos darkly. “just relax, i have a lot of shit to tell you.” he says staring into my eyes intensely. the stare sends a heat surging through my body and i feel myself starting to get wet. if i could punch myself in the face i would. “get to it, make it quick.” i snip.
“have it your way then, i was gonna take it slow but i guess not.” he shrugs. “i’m a vampire and your my mate. thats why i went ape shit yesterday. thanks for listening to my ted talk.” he deadpans and cocks his head to the side.
even though it sounded like it was a joke, we both knew it wasn’t. my mind didn’t want to believe it, but my body knew it was true. matt is a vampire, and i am his mate.
“how? how am i your mate? whatever the fuck that is!” my voice raises in anger. did he pick me? maybe, to just to fuck around with me and tie me into all his weird vampire shit. did he really hate me that much?
“what, you think i know?!” he matches my angry tone before taking a breath, bringing his other hand up to rub his temple. “trust me, i have no idea sweetheart. if it were my choice, i’d have anyone but you. but for now, your stuck with me” he rolls his eyes. “and vice versa” he mutters.
his hand is still gripping my thigh and not a fiber of my being wants him to move it, even with all the arguing. and judging by the way he’s looking at me now, it looks like he’s stopping himself from doing more. i feel myself getting annoyed with myself for wanting him to do whatever he pleased and more.
“stop getting annoyed” he snaps. “its just the mating bond making us react to each other this way. nothing you can do about it” matt breathes in deeply and a shudder racks through him.
“what was that?” i ask weirded out by the almost animalistic behavior. “you just smell really good to me right now. i couldn’t help myself” he breathes out, eyes darkening slightly.
this man could really eat me alive if he wanted too. i shiver at the thought, but then my mind reels again. how did he know i was annoyed??.
“how did you know? that i was annoyed, i mean” you say bewildered by what being mated might entail. “now that you’re mine, i can feel your emotions almost like their my own. you can do it too, but humans aren’t as good at pin pointing it as we are.” he smirks like being a whole monster is something to be proud of and being human is childs play.
that would explain the random surge of anger earlier with chris. another wave of annoyance courses through me. he’s sooo possessive already. his words from yesterday rings through my head.
“because you’re mine.”
matts voice breaks through my silence. “but don’t worry this is all temporary” he smiles to himself. “i know a girl, and im pretty sure she can get rid of this” he gestures between the both of us. i can’t help the smile that rips through me at the good news.
“then what are we waiting for” i say impatiently.
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tacogoats · 9 months
I'm a big whore for the durgetash dynamic that kinda mirrors an astarion/durge one; where Gortash has to look at this strange person wearing their lover's face with another man - offering the same softened words they would for him on his own nightmare-ridden nights. The same gentle touch that he needed on those tear-laden days where he really wondered if they could even pull all they had wanted to off. Tenderness once only reserved for him after all he had been through in the House of Hope.
It infuriates him. He is jealous. That was for him.
But also it elates him because deep down they are still them afterall.
I really adore the 'they're going to kill each other with their fucked up idea of love they dance around constantly that is Not Normal People Love' flavour but the 'actually they really did have tender moments and sat around genuinely doting on one another' is somewhat spicier considering just who it is. You have two absolutely heinous, garbage people who genuinely, tenderly love and treasure each other.
Dark Urge is fiercely protective of Gortash and vice versa - they bring out the humanity in one another despite being Chosen of evil Gods. Gortash has night terrors after the days of being raised in the House of Hope; he fears that one day he will be whisked away and thrust back into that nightmare - the Dark Urge struggles with sleep anyway, and is always there when Gortash wakes to comfort him.
The Urge despises the loss of control and how they have been a slave to their father's cursed bloodlust - but Gortash is there once the rage subsides, a soothing voice and soft touch against their quaking, bloodsoaked hands.
In my own canon for my Dark Urge Veren, I had wanted the team-up to go a bit differently for Gortash. While he still definitely does die at the Netherbrain (rip bozo), Veren demands Gortash stay at camp with the rest of them partly because he needs to know his past and getting close to the man is the only way, but he also phrases it as them sticking close means Orin will have a harder time picking them off.
Gortash agrees but witnesses the other vampire spawn attack to abduct Astarion - and while Veren does rush to check on Gortash, his priority is always Astarion.
They compliment each other in battle. Just like he and Gortash did once. They move in tandem, they make up for each other's weaknesses, and Veren rages the moment Astarion takes a hit.
It pisses him off and he almost calls it off then and there until Veren rushes over and shows him genuine fear for his safety once the threat is over.
And then it clicks - his Veren is still in there and he will get him back by any means necessary.
(Unfortunately it doesn't work out for Gortash! Oops.)
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whumpsoda · 10 months
I raise to the anon that raised to the other anon
The two separate enthralled whumpee’s being put on a playdate to interact. Like the whumper’s are friends and maybe the first whumper have the second advice on how to effectively thrall someone.
Two whumpee’s both who are of reduced to pets being infatuated with each other. For the first time since enthrallment, they’re subtly trying to engage with the other and the whumper’s think it’s adorable.
WOHEO Masterlist
When I tell you I GIGGLED when I saw this
I really hope this is to your satisfaction :3
cw: dehumanization, pet whump
“How was the trip over?”
As the two vampires exchanged pleasantries and small talk, the human delicately removed his glossy shoes, placing them on the dedicated rack. After taking care of his master’s shoes as well, he stood attentively, listening into the light conversation.
Nevan’s master had allowed for him to accompany him outside the mansion for the first time, at the request of his master’s close friend. They had apparently mentioned wanting a friend for their own thrall, and had considered Nevan was fit for the job.
The idea of socializing made him buzz, out of both excitement and raw nervousness.
A moment of awkward chatting soon passed, and Adrastus turned to him. “Good evening, Nevan, I am absolutely delighted Darius finally brought you over.” 
Nevan slightly bowed his head, flustered from the sweetness coating the vampires voice. “Good evening, sir. It’s a pleasure to have been invited.” The vampire giggled sweetly, a hint of condescension glazing the noise. 
They hooked a finger below Nevan’s chin, inspecting his face with a content smile. Nevan was enamored with the vampire, their strong aura of vampiric persuasion already making him dizzy. 
He was instantly snapped out of the beginnings of a trance by the sound of his own master’s thick voice. “You had better remember the only reason you’ve left the house is because you have proved exceptionally good lately.” Nevan’s heart lifted at the praise.
“But, if you break that streak, you are not leaving the mansion until I bury you.” He watched terrified as his master stared into him with piercing eyes, more so distraught over the idea of displeasing his master rather than death. He nodded vigorously.
“Oh, Darius, give the boy a break. I highly doubt a cutie like him will do anything worthy of such a threat.” Adrastus caressed the human’s chin tenderly, before pulling away and giving their friend a playful glance. Darius simply rolled his eyes. 
“Where’s yours?” He questioned. 
The vampire clapped their hands together giddily, a beaming smile on their face. “Follow me! I am utterly thrilled that the two of you will get the chance to meet him!” 
They led the way to a pair of elegant wood doors, the others following quick behind. “This is my bedroom, where my dearest spends most of his time,” as they spoke the vampire gently opened the doors, ready to quietly slip in. “Give me just one moment to wake him up a bit.” 
After minutes of silent waiting, Adrastus energetically whisked the doors open. “Come in, come in!” 
Nevan entered behind his master, basking in the view of the extravagance of the bedroom. Everything looked as if it could cost more than himself, and it probably did. His eyes trailed immediately to the lush, gigantic bed, only to land on someone sprawled on top. 
The man was adorned with a lavish, fanciful dress, one similar to that pf which Nevan wore. He had shorter, messier cut hair, a face prickled with tiny hairs, and even while curled up loosely, he still appeared to be much larger than Nevan. He had intertwined himself in the fluffiest of blankets, as well as a mountain of the cutest stuffed toys.
Nevan studied the other thrall, admittedly a tad bit jealous, which of course he would never admit. Adrastus must have noticed him eyeing the man, thus grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the bed. 
“Let me introduce you two. My precious has been so very excited to meet you!” They yanked him to the side of the bed, inches away from the thrall occupying it. 
Adrastus crouched to the thrall’s level, affectionately stroking Malak’s face, and brushing stray hair strands away from his tired eyes. “Wakey wakey, love. No going back to bed right now, okay?” The human groaned quietly, slowly opening his heavy eyelids. With glossy, brown, doe-eyes, he stared adoringly at his own master. 
Something bitter and unfamiliar began to coat Nevan’s stomach, sour and acidic. Maybe if he was that cute, his master would treat him like Adrastus did. Like a beloved pet rather than an irritating burden. 
Adrastus placed one soft hand on Nevan’s arm, dissipating his difficult thoughts. “Pet, this is Nevan! That other little thrall I told you about!” They gestured to him, leading the human on the bed to lazily shift his gaze. Nevan gave him a small, polite wave.
Adrastus smiled, turning to him, ruffling their own human’s shaggy mess of hair. “This, is Malak. My beloved little thing.” They lovingly nuzzled their nose against that of the human’s. “He’s an adorable one, and I’d just be over the moon if you two could get along. He would be just ecstatic to have a little friend, wouldn’t you?” The human occupying the bed answered with a sluggish smile.
After a moment of smittenly petting their human, Adrastus jumped to their feet, leading Nevan to flinch. “Us vampires should best be going now, you two hang out here.” Nevan flashed them a fearful look. “We aren’t leaving, we’ll still be in the house.”
“Don’t be so tense. You should be able to handle not being around me all the time.” Darius pushed himself up from his leaning position near the door, glaring at his thrall. Nevan’s head swam in dismay, the bitter words of his master reverberating through his mind. 
Adrastus practically ignored the other vampire’s irritation. “Before I go, I’ll grab you two a snack!” They gracefully reached into the gorgeous dresser in front of them, pulling out a bowl filled to the brim. “Candies! They’re my darling’s favorite.”
They plucked a wrapped sweet from the container, swiftly peeling it and plopping it into Malak’s parted mouth. The thrall leisurely savored the confection, snuggling deeper into the mattress with pleasure. “I’ll just leave these here if you two want any more. Bye bye, now!”
After pressing a nimble kiss to Malak’s forehead, they made a swift exit, yanking the other vampire along behind them.
“You spoil them too much. I mean, your thrall doesn’t even clean.”
“Well I like him that way.” They exclaimed, their voice disappearing down the hall.
Nevan stood, staring down at the other human, biting his lip nervously. His brain was barren, any possible social skills he had once held sucked from his mind. He hadn’t come in contact with anyone besides Darius for as long as he could remember, leaving him helpless in the current situation.
He fidgeted anxiously with his fingers, before the man on the bed began to move. Nevan startled, captivated as the other man lethargically rolled to the middle of the humongous bed, with a tired sigh.
Gulping down his jitters, he croaked out a question. “Can… um, may I sit?” 
The other man gave him a quiet hum, of which he concluded to be in approval. 
Nevan clumsily crawled atop the mattress, positioning himself in a slouching kneel. His gaze stayed rigid on the other man, who drowsily hugged onto the covers. 
His throat was dry, and his forehead dripped with sweat. He had no clue what to say or do, terrified of messing the entire interaction up completely. He would never forgive himself if he’d ruined the only chance he would probably ever get to make a friend.
“Would, um, would you like another candy?” Malak faintly perked up, presumably from the mention of another sweet. Nevan took his slight animation as a yes, and thus grabbed a handful of snacks from the bowl.
With care, they unwrapped every one, consecutively dropping each into the open mouth of Malak. With each new delight, a gratified purr escaped the man’s lips, to the other’s contentment. Once all he had grabbed were gone, Nevan eyed the candies longingly.
His master never gave them sweets. Would he be mad if Nevan took one? He hadn’t said anything when the other vampire had offered him one earlier. It couldn’t hurt to take just one. 
Timidly, he snagged an individual piece, eagerly dropping it atop his tongue. He relished in the luscious flavor, saliva enveloping the sweet as he twisted it along the walls of his mouth with his tongue. It tasted delicious.
He hoped this was how his master felt after feeding from him.
Nevan was pulled from his thoughts as he felt something pulling at the fabric of his dress. He looked down, meeting with the sight of Malak struggling to pull himself onto the other man’s lap. One of his hands gripped onto the skirt of the dress, the other trembled from the weakness of the thrall’s tired muscles.
After a moment of intense effort, he collapsed with his head resting on Nevan’s soft legs, whose face flushed with warmth. “O-oh. Is…is that nice?”
“Mmm…” the thrall nuzzled into the folds of the other man’s skirt, making himself comfortable.
Nevan began to softly run his fingers through the other man’s soft locks, absentmindedly smiling to himself over the way he leaned into the touch. “I bet that’s nice.”
Malak beamed gingerly, his cheek sinking into the mountain of fabric. “I guess you are pretty cute. I can see why your master loves you as much as they do.” 
It made sense why Nevan would never be valued like Malak was, yet that didn’t make the pain stop. He wished he was worthy of such treatment, he really did, but he was already well aware that he was fit for the role of a stupid servant.
As he watched the other man sink deeper into pleasurable relaxation, couldn’t help but feel a similar weight grasping at him. The bed was deep and more than comfortable, practically calling for him to lay down.
Adrastus wouldn’t mind, right? If he lay down for a bit? They didn’t really seem like the type.
Lifting Malak’s head and gently placing it on a lush pillow, the man swayed onto the mattress. Instantly, as he made contact with the surface, Malak enveloped him into a warm, tight hug.
After the initial shock melted into elation, he drowsily wrapped his own slender arms around his new friend, earning him the sensation of Malak only snuggling into him more.
“Oh goodness, look how adorable they are!” Adrastus whispered gleefully, shaking the shoulder of the uninterested man beside them. 
The two had finished their business unexpectedly early, and had returned to find their two humans intertwined with one another on the bed. They were both covered in a heavy pile of plush blankets, blissfully losing consciousness beside one another.
Malak was seemingly already fast asleep, while Nevan gazed at him affectionately, with eyelids threatening to fall. His fingers gradually sifted through the dormant man’s hair, as he quietly murmured what sounded to be a lullaby. 
Adrastus just couldn’t help but gush over the sight. “You must look at this! It may just be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!” Darius huffed, before turning to look into the room.
To his surprise, he agreed. “I suppose.” He mumbled, fighting the urge to smile even the slightest.
Adrastus was beaming, euphorically giggling with joy at the sight. “I don’t think I can contain myself, they’re too precious! You must bring your little pet over more often!” They held a captivated look, as if entranced by the dreamy sight.
Before Darius could even reply, the other vampire had already danced into the room, determined to shower the two humans with overwhelming endearment.
They slid in between the two, planting saccharine kisses to the skin of both thralls. They caressed both lovingly as well, whispering sweet nothings into their ears until both were effectively deeply asleep.
“Just marvelous, the two of you. I wish you both the sweetest of dreams.” They purred, casting a wave of heavenly bliss across their beloved pets.
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xxsycamore · 9 months
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Catboy!Mozart headcanons
╰┈➤ 😼 What if Mozart was a catboy? Meowzart, if you will?
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart x MC • rating:G • wordcount: 920 • masterlist
a/n: First it was Nyapoleon and now I'm presenting you with... Meowzart. Thank you TheCarmineWanker on AO3 for proposing this idea, hope you enjoy!
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When Mozart took his chance at afterlife, accepting the offer of the mysterious gentleman standing at his deathbed, he had no idea he'll be incarnated as a vampire… much less as a catboy vampire. He blames it on his own strange antics during his former life.
Strangely enough, Mozart feels at home in his new body. After all, he's always had that catboy in himself. Back in the day, despite being a member of the elite society of his time, he couldn't help his bursts of quirkiness when bored, and could be seen leaping over tables and chairs… He hopes noone would remember him for that.
The first thing he does upon waking up in the 19th century in the mansion of Comte de Saint-Germain is to… look for a mirror. Not just to observe the curios new attributes of what once was a human body, but to groom himself. It comes so naturally to him that he cannot find peace until he's thoroughly taken care of himself.
The pristine white fur on his cat ears and tail is short, but much like his human hair, it tends to get a little wild unless groomed and kept in order. The first request he extends towards the master of the house is not for enhancements of the piano room, but rather for top-quality hairbrushes and toilette products.
It's such a burden, to be reborn with the intention to devote yet another lifetime to music yet to still face obstacles in the way. Not that he can complain much. Having a near-immortal form that needs less sleep is a delight, if the price he has to pay is distracting himself for a portion of rouge every now and then, then so be it. But god, his catboy genes. They're a gift and a curse.
For one, he finds it harder to fight boredom. Which is funny because that's exactly how this side of himself manifested back in the day, when he reached his relatively low threshold of boredom.
Much like how cats need constant entertainment, Mozart needs something besides music in order for his brain to produce dopamine. He's never been the kind to move around much, and would prefer it if he never has to leave the mansion at all. Especially not via carriage. He claws at the carriage doors when someone tries to put him in one.
But catboy Mozart gets the zoomies every now and then, and he can't do anything about it. It often happens at night. It starts with the strange urge to trash his hand along the row of piano keys, pressing them in a random, chaotic order, creating a godawful cacophony of noises.
It feels good to do that. He has no explanation for it. It'd normally feel like nails on a chalkboard for him, yet bringing disorder after hours and hours of precise work feels so refreshing to him.
Then he exits the piano room to exhaust his pent-up energy elsewhere. He runs in the halls. Jumps over the long dining table and various other pieces of furniture. Thank god everyone else is fast asleep. Or are they?
He's a clean freak, so he cleans after himself. It's just a part of his routine at this point. He feels equal parts of satisfaction wreaking havoc and then bringing order afterwards.
As for the positive aspects of having this new form, Mozart is astonished to find his hearing greatly enhanced. He hears everything. It's all a musician like him can ask for.
You know how Mozart becomes chatty and giggly when he's drunk? It's only worse if we're talking about a drunk catboy Mozart.
He meows at people. Loudly. You can't have a normal conversation with him; to every question, he'll tilt his head with a curious "miau". The others are forced to meow back in some dire attempt to communicate with him to get down from the chandelier.
Upon the arrival of MC in the mansion, Mozart doesn't play around showing his "beast" side to her, being more than sure that she won't be able to put up with him. Her futile efforts at making friends with him are laughable and she needs to know exactly who she's trying to domesticate. He warns her about getting her face clawed at if she enters his room at the wrong time.
Despite the bumpy start, she naturally doesn't give up trying to get closer to him… until her patience and genuine care pass the test of time and acquaintanceship blooms into love.
Mozart becomes more willing to be himself infront of her, and in turn, MC helps him out by keeping him company when he gets the zoomies. She practically plays with him, makes sure he's not breaking any expensive mansion relics, chases after him and gets chased by him…
MC notices how important is for Mozart to be well-groomed, and begins to frequently brush his hair and cat ears for him.
The first time Mozart's tongue swaps across her cheek, it's shocking for both parties. For Mozart because he didn't even realize he's doing it, and for MC because it hits her what a special brand of affection this equals to.
MC gifts him a collar with a little bell on it, a very elegant one. She knows Mozart's love for certain noises, and he truly falls inlove with it - though he makes it clear that he'll only wear it in front of her. He might be a catboy but he's a catboy with dignity.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 @lokis-laugh @judejazza Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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