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guessingandwinning · 1 year ago
Dive into the enchanting world of Disney with this fun and quick trivia challenge! Discover fascinating facts about Disney characters, theme parks, and movies. Test your knowledge and share the magic with your friends! #DisneyTrivia #DisneyFacts #MagicKingdom
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starlightprincess98 · 1 month ago
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onceuponadisneystore · 4 years ago
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I love a good fact! 💖 There are so many amazing actors & actresses that do multiple characters in the Disney films! #disneyfilm #disneyfilms #film #films #disneymovie #disneymovies #cinderella #cinderellamovie #cinderellafilm #ladyandthetramp #ladyandthetrampfilm #ladyandthetrampmovie #disneyfact #disneyfacts #disneylove #disneylife #facts #facts💯 #fact #facts‼️ #auntsarah #fairygodmother #voices #actresses #actress #amazing #whoknew🤷 #coolfacts #disneyvoices #disneyactress https://www.instagram.com/p/CGCuo7PHBH3/?igshid=ig1bn4i1wc3p
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disneydaveusa-blog · 6 years ago
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Tag your friends #wall-e #waltereliasdisney #disney #pixar #disneylove #disneyfact https://www.instagram.com/p/BsOV0y8Bw8o/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qwxos3b2tdvr
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allblackgold2406 · 5 years ago
Frozen facts of the day:
🔥If Elsa is your favorite character, your personality is Anna.
❄️If Anna is your favorite character, your personality is Elsa.
☄️If Kristoff is your favorite character, you crave protection and appreciate love.
⛄If Olaf is your favorite character, you prefer fantasy over real life.
🦌If Sven is your favorite character, your personality favors animals more than humans.
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disneylandguru · 6 years ago
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Did you know that “Get A Horse!” marks Walt Disney’s first voice credit in more than 58 years? #disneycartoons #disneyfacts #waltdisney #disney #disneyig #getahorse (at Walt Disney Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0O_qZVAbEB/?igshid=zdn4itta0s9y
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disniafans-blog · 5 years ago
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Descubre estos facts de Coco que seguro no sabías. 
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is-the-lovegeneration · 5 years ago
5 Lugares del mundo real que inspiraron las películas de Disney.
¿Sabías que muchas de las locaciones utilizadas en las películas fueron inspiradas en lugares reales? 
La Isla de Motunui, hogar de Moana fue inspirada en las islas de Fiji, Tonga y Samoa. Los directores John Musker y Ron Clements visitaron estos lugares para conseguir el bello paisaje que decora la película. 
Fiji es famoso por sus paisajes escabrosos, las playas bordeadas de palmeras y los arrecifes de coral con lagunas de aguas cristalinas. Tonga es un reino polinésico de más de 170 islas del Pacífico Sur, muchas de ellas deshabitadas y en su mayoría bordeadas de playas blancas y arrecifes de coral, y cubiertas de bosques tropicales. En Samoa muchas de sus islas tienen playas bordeadas de arrecifes e interiores escabrosos cubiertos de bosques tropicales con desfiladeros y cascadas.
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El hermoso castillo del Príncipe Eric en La Sirenita se inspiró en el igualmente bello Castillo de Chillón en el lago de Ginebra, en Suiza. Es un castillo de Suiza de origen medieval que se encuentra a orillas del lago Lemán, en la comuna de Veytaux, en el cantón de Vaud. Fue una importante edificación defensiva ya desde la Edad del Bronce, que después fue fortificada por los romanos.
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El artista francés Laurent Ben-Mimoun, se inspiró en el castillo Mont Saint-Michel de Normandia, para crear el castillo de Ranpunzel, en Enredados. Mont Saint-Michel, es una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Mancha, su término comprende la isla y una parte continental.
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Las místicas ruinas incas, encaramadas a 8,000 pies sobre el nivel del mar en Perú, sirvieron como la inspiración no tan sutil para la aldea de Pacha en Las Aventuras del Emperador, donde Kuzco tiene grandes planes para construir su parque temático Kuzcotopia. 
Machu Picchu es una ciudadela inca ubicada en las alturas de las montañas de los Andes en Perú, sobre el valle del río Urubamba. Se construyó en el siglo XV y luego fue abandonada, y es famosa por sus sofisticadas paredes de piedra seca que combinan enormes bloques sin el uso de un mortero, los edificios fascinantes que se relacionan con las alineaciones astronómicas y sus vistas panorámicas. Su uso exacto que tuvo sigue siendo un misterio.
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El director de Up, Pete Docter, viajó con su equipo creativo de Pixar a los tepuyes de Venezuela para obtener referencias e inspiración para el mundo Perdido de Paradise Falls. La visita terminó en las Cascadas de Salto Ángel, esta es la cascada de agua más alta del mundo, con una altura de 997 m, originada en el Auyantepuy. Se localiza en el Parque Nacional Canaima, Bolívar, Venezuela; un espacio natural protegido, establecido como Parque nacional el 12 de junio de 1962 y declarado Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la Unesco en 1994 que se extiende sobre un área de más de 30.000 km².
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Carla Castañeda
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secretcherimaybe · 6 years ago
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Disney's 1952 Alice in Wonderland Starred Kathryn Beaumont as Alice Sterling Holloway as the Cheshire Cat, Verna Felton as the Queen of Hearts Ed Wynn as the Mad Hatter Jerry Colonna as March Hare Richard Haydn and the Caterpillar James MacDonald Dormouse 📱Follow for chronological Disney Facts everyday!📱 #disney #aliceinwonderland #madhatter #disneyland #disneyautograph #autograph #funfacts #edwynn #themadhatter #🎙 #1952 #disneyfacts https://www.instagram.com/p/BxBKZyHnokD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l00xra296joc
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simplydisneyfacts-blog · 6 years ago
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||Disney Fact No.1||
From 1929-1947 Walt Disney was the man behind the mouse, providing Mickey’s now iconic voice. Even after Jimmy Macdonald took over, Walt would come back to voice Mickey for the shorts on “The Mickey Mouse Club”
Hi guys! So this is my very first post! I’m excited for what’s to come and what will happen on this account. I will post daily facts,about Disney in general,the movies,the music,Walt Disney himself and much much more. Once a week I will post a bigger post,going in depth about the history of various Disney related things (I think I will mostly post them on my Tumblr,but we will see about that) Feel free to suggest,ask or submit things along he way,or just suggest things,which I am always grateful for!
#disney #disneyworld #newpost #waltdisney #mickeymouse #voiceacting #mickeymouseparty #tumblr #disneyhistory #jimmymacdonald #themickeymouseclub #waltdisneystudios #disneyfacts #factsaboutdisney #funfacts #simplydisneyfacts #factsoftheday #disneyshort
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vacationsoup · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/10-fun-disney-facts-you-probably-dont-know-3/
10 Fun Disney Facts You Probably Don't Know!
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10 fun Disney Facts you probably don’t know
Did you know that Disney employs over 66,000 cast members spending 1.2 billion on payroll each year? The largest single-site employer in the United States, Walt Disney World has more than 3,700 job classifications.  Here are some other Disney fun facts that you may have not known:
All Disney World employees are called cast members. Even Walt Disney was a cast member.
Cast members will always point with two fingers or an open palm. Pointing with one finger is considered “rude” and isn’t allowed on Disney property.
Cast members who play characters are taught how to sign autographs so that it matches the original.
Cast members are not allowed to leave their “land” or area. The reason is to not affect the scene. A Frontierland costume would be out of place in Tomorrowland.
Cast members love to talk to guests! Ask for their advice or just ask them about where they’re from. It’s usually on their nametag.
A Cast Member is never supposed to say “I don’t know,” if he or she doesn’t know the answer, they are supposed to get on the phone and find out. They are also never supposed to react to silly questions.
The background music continues, even after the last guest has departed.
Cast members are encouraged to pin-trade with guests. Feel free to approach any cast member wearing a lanyard.
Backstage photos are not allowed, both for cast members and guests on backstage tours.
Seniority is a big deal with Disney. The longer you’ve worked for the company, the better your chance of advancement. Many high-level cast members, such as executives, once worked in the parks.
Did you know all of these? Do you know of any other fun Disney facts that we have missed? Please share!
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onceuponadisneystore · 4 years ago
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Did you know? 😁 Walt Disney originally called his creation Mortimer. It was his wife, Lillian who persuaded him to change it to Mickey Mouse. 🐭 #mickeymouse #mortimermouse #mickey #mickeymouseclubhouse #didyouknowfacts #didyouknow #waltdisney #waltdisneyfacts #waltdisneyfact #facts💯 #facts‼️ #facts #factsdaily #disneyfact #disneyfacts #disneyfactoftheday #disneyfacts101 #disney #disneymickey #disneymickeymouse #disneymickeymemories #interesting #interestingfacts https://www.instagram.com/p/CFhptZ4H4t5/?igshid=15cvxhf6y4typ
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disneylandinsider-blog · 6 years ago
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A lesson in depth and perception...I’m 5’3, the Matterhorn is 147ft tall and Mickey’s flirting at about 15ft 😂 . FUN FACT: The real Matterhorn is 14,700 ft so the @Disneyland Matterhorn is a 1/100th scale of the real deal! 😮 Happy Sunday! #disneylandinsider . #disneyland #disney #disneyfacts #waltdisney #mickeymouse #disneylandresort #dlr #dca #mickeyears #matterhorn #millenialpink #disneygram #disneyig #annualpassholder #ap #magickingdom #halloween #disneyhalloween #mickeysnotsoscaryhalloweenparty #happiestplaceonearth #spookiestplaceonearth #spoopy #theinstagramlab #fall #october #sundayfunday #abc7eyewitness (at Disneyland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoXGM0-Adlr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2ilehbiiucvg
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disneylandguru · 6 years ago
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Did you know that the Girl mice from Cinderella have names. The blue one is Suzy! and the Purple is Perla. A good way to remember this is what Disney says about 3 female Cinderelly Mice ” ButterCup Blossom, SeaFoam Suzy and Purple Perla “ #cinderella #disneyfacts #disneylandcharacters #disneyland #disneylandresort #disney (at Disneyland - Theme Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0NWFiNgY91/?igshid=1wf7tptgnduzl
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destinationsdesi · 3 years ago
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Pluto, you are such a fun pup! Did you know he got his name from the Planet Pluto when it was discovered in the 1930’s? Pretty neat, he’s 91 years old! Who is your favorite Disney pet? I think Figaro is pretty darn cute too. #disneyfacts #disneycharacters #gardengrill #epcot #pluto (at Epcot) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWf1gv7LEAx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thenerdmichael · 4 years ago
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On a car ride with @nickolas.l.f & @urieamakayla, we came to the realization that the Prince from "Snow White" has no official name....he is only known as "The Prince". Some productions and media refer to him as "Prince Florian" according to the Disney Wikipedia page, but nothing is officially set in stone. This is similar to the case of "Prince Adam" for the actual name of the Beast from "Beauty & the Beast." My mind is just blown that I have gone years without actually thinking of the name of this particular prince. Did anybody else have this issue?? #FactsWithFoster #Disneyfacts #mindblown💥 https://www.instagram.com/p/COGhHzAAMOU/?igshid=1fs0r7l70z7dm
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