#disclaimer i haven't finished it yet but it's given me a lot to think about
fluentisonus · 2 months
btw the 18th brumaire of louis napoleon is genuinely a really good read
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hauntedgrin · 4 months
An unnecessarily thorough analysis of the Tarot imagery in Merlin Season One by an amateur tarot reader
(who is also a hopeless romantic and is currently very affected by the disaster that is BBC Merlin)
I started watching Merlin around two months ago. I fell in love with the show instantly, even if I technically haven't finished it yet because of time reasons (though I did spoil myself everything right to the ending and I’m devastated. Still trying to find courage to start season 5. But that’s beside the point)
There was something in the first season that caught my eye and hasn't let me go since. In fact, I was thinking about it today, went on a search for discussions about it, fully under the assumption that this is something the fandom noticed long beforehand is a well-known fact. To my endless surprise, I’ve found no mention! Nada! Not a single one. That won’t do, I thought. I have to share with the people. It's something that fueled my conviction in Merlin the Show being a love story between Merlin and Arthur (whatever the nature of that love may be, I love both the platonic and romantic interpretation equally, though this specific instance could be leaning towards romance somewhat more, I'll explain it in a second) and here it is.
It's this scene.
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It is Merlin and Arthur, facing each other with two cups in between them, trying to decide who is going to drink the poison, sacrifice himself and save the other. And I thought Oh my god, tarot symbolism.
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That's the card, the Two of Cups. The similarities are obvious (and, in my opinion, very intentional. I’d like to kiss whoever came up with this specific creative decision)
Slight disclaimer: Tarot reading can be very subjective, meanings shift depending on the reader and their perception of the card. I’ll try to be objective with the main aspects of the cards, but there is a lot of subjective opinions too. It’s okay if you disagree)
The main meanings of this card are partnerships, loving relationships, mutual attraction, unity, harmony and, you guessed it!, soulmates. It’s not hard to see why that card would have been chosen to represent them. I think that’s the most outright the show’s ever been about calling them soulmates, without hiding behind labels such as ‘each other’s destiny’ and ‘two sides of one coin’ as if those are any less gay. There is also themes of equality and becoming one, mutual respect and, in certain cases passion and sexual attraction (though it’s not a definition that is applicable in all cases, and can absolutely be ignored for platonic or asexual relationships, it’s still one of the main aspects, given that its represented by, you know, the big red head of a lion with wings right at the top of the card. Can’t exactly forget about it.)
Personally I've always preferred the Two of Cups to The Lovers tarot card (which looks very similar and has some intersections in themes, also concerning love, intimacy, passion). Plus, The Lovers is part of the Major Arcana, so technically it should be more impactful, ‘epic’, someone said, divine. While doing some research into that distinction I've found why exactly it makes me a bit queasy. The Lovers are not always a card about love, in fact, more often it isn’t. And The Lovers aren't made for each other. That is to say, they obviously are, considering the entirety transparent Adam and Eve imagery (and this also makes it a more conservative card, with clear molds for a ‘traditional relationship’). The Lovers are brought together by a higher power, made for a purpose. It serves something. It is a message. It is a lesson. It's a choice between what you want and what you need. It is a partnership, often intense, out of this world, but it’s also about all the factors in between, the things that unite them, the snake, the temptation, the apple, the garden. It can be also about soulmates, and happy relationships, of course, about fated lovers… and mortal enemies. It actually is more in line with Merlin’s and Morgana’s relationship. Out of this world fated connection? Absolutely, guaranteed. Do you want that kind of connection though, really?
How is this relevant, you might be thinking?
Well, there is no such divine power pushing the couple portrayed by the Two of Cups. In fact, they are choosing each other. It’s only them and their union. That’s why I like it so much. They are only the way they are, not the way they are meant to be, not specifically made for each other and yet they are right for each other anyway. And, somehow, just being them is enough. Is that not love?
In Merlin we are told that Merlin and Arthur are a part of each other’s destiny. The Once and Future King and Emrys, his protector, uniting Albion, prophesized by some unnamed seer(s). Does not seem very much like a choice, does it? I guess it depends on the way you view the prophecy and destiny in the show. Is it really all inevitable, and destiny is set in stone, unable to be changed, all leading to the same end, no matter what you do? Or is it the choices themselves that are the constants, fixed in place by the prophecy fulfilling itself? I think the answers to those questions are entirely up to each viewer, and that we can only speculate on it, and never know for sure which was it. Maybe there isn’t a right answer at all. But what I do know is there was a choice Merlin and Arthur made. Let’s return to the imagery on the card..
The couple is exchanging the cups. They are not just toasting – they are performing a ritual, a ceremony. Like exchanging rings, like giving vows. It’s a promise, it’s a connection, it’s a new step, it’s a commitment. And the parallels of the scene in 1x11 don’t end with just imagery. Merlin and Arthur complete the ritual! In the show!
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In the episode 1x04, The Poisoned Chalice, Merlin starts the ritual by drinking from Arthur’s poisoned goblet, which he does to protect him. I would also like to add that this is the first time Two Cups appear that season (that's twice they used the imagery), notably, two ceremonial goblets that are supposed to symbolize peace and partnership between two kingdoms. Even if it doesn’t represent the actual state of the two kingdoms, it definitely shows King Bayard’s genuine desire for a peaceful alliance. And Merlin drinks from one of them!
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Merlin drinks poison for Arthur and in Labyrinth of Gedref, Arthur drinks ‘poison’ for Merlin in turn. Very unconventional way to get married, I must say, but it’s remarkable that they do it in the same way (even if not at the same time).
So. What does all of that tell us about Merlin and Arthur?
We’ve established that the card signifies a very close, strong and significant relationship, chosen by both parties. Again, I like that it emphasizes the choice, that they didn’t just fall into the friendship because of destiny (even if it aided them). The Two of Cups is a part of the Minor Arcana, which deals with the every day matters, earthly lives. Is that not fitting? Merlin didn’t choose The Once and Future King, he chose Arthur, and Arthur didn’t choose Emrys, he chose Merlin.
Merlin’s who been promised a peaceful future. A land where magic is free. Merlin, who knows what’s supposed to happen: The Once and Future King brings that future. The King dies. Merlin, who has a choice to bring that future. To save Mordred. To remove the ban on magic. He doesn’t choose that, he chooses to essentially destroy that future entirely, just so he can have Arthur.
Arthur, who values Merlin’s opinion above everyone else’s, Arthur on his deathbed, finally seeing Merlin for who he is, says, “I don’t want you to change, I want you to always be you,” Arthur, who is dying, a few steps from the chance being saved, (still too far, not enough time), decides to stop because in his last moments he just wants to be held by Merlin.
They chose each other.
And that’s, dare I say it, love.
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my somewhat hot take on ric grayson
firstly, spoilers for the whole ric grayson arc. if you haven't read it and have somehow avoided learning about it through tumblr, here is your warning
also a disclaimer, i am only just getting into comics by reading nightwing. i have read nightwing (2011) aka new 52, grayson, and all the rebirth (2016) stuff. i am yet to read infinite frontier (it's on its way) so i can't talk about any of that
spoilers and shit opinions ahead
so, i read all of ric grayson aka nightwing (2016) #50-73/77 depending on how you want to fully define his arc and the supporting issues of batman #54-55, and the joker war where he gets his memories back
and tbh, it wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be
don't get me wrong, its an awful nightwing story. i did hate a lot of it. it was only when jurgens took over and actually made the plot a plot did it get better, but i was expecting it to be the worst thing in the world and i actually found myself enjoying it in the same way i enjoy watching twilight, which is to say its cringy but there's just something that keeps me hooked.
so lets look at the positives and negatives
bea: i actually really like bea. i think she was actually a decent match for dick as she did good in her own, non-vigilante way, and was reliable. she wasn't trying to backstab him or trying to mind control him, and she actively fought for him to get his memories back in the end and was willing to get to know dick even thought she fell in love with ric. she also wasn't annoyed that he was/is a vigilante and didn't tell him to stop for her sake. i'm not mad dick broke up with her bc i expected as much, but she was one of the better partners.
parts of ric: under it all, ric was still dick. i was expecting an absolute piece of shit but ric was actually a good guy after jurgens took over. maybe it was the expectations i had from what others have said but fully, i think he isn't given enough credit. he wanted to leave the life he didn't remember behind but ended up going back to it and being one of the 'nightwings'. he didn't do it for an anterior motive, he didn't do it because he owed someone, he did it because it felt right. especially after the way he reacted in nightwing annual #2 when bruce old him he was nightwing, it was nice to see him going out there.
the court of owls: i loved the court of owls tie in. its a great plot that has been central to dicks new 52 story, and one that carried all the way through to the end. especially with it being cobb in the end, the way it started, it felt nice and cyclical. the history of the court of owls in terms of its creation for new 52 is interesting and the way dick was tied up in it all is one of the things that i have really enjoyed throughout the 3 titles. seeing it through 2011, grayson, and then multiple times in 2016 makes me little nerd heart sing. again, it may just be my bias to the court as a villain, but seeing dick as a talon, even for a short period of time, was pretty cool.
joker war: obviously this whole storyline could work independently with dick or ric but i do like how it was tied into his story so well. the magic crystal thing is weird but, given dick's history with the joker as robin and as jason's brother, i loved that it was the joker that brought his memories back in the end i know it was the court and the bea that did most of the work but still i also loved seeing the aftermath, seeing him struggle to go back to nightwing despite him being dick again, the fact that he was happy as ric and had to leave that behind. dick had another hero moment and i do like that
ok, with that all done, here are the negatives:
the arc length: i know this is very common but the arc went on for way too long. i know it was because the original 8 issue plan was thrown out, and jurgens then had to do damage control, but it was still too long. im lucky that could read it all start to finish in one sitting, but this was an arc that lasted 2 years! like WHAT! this really should have been 1 arc, i get it being 2 after the whole mess with who wrote it but still, cut out like most of the middle stuff, have the first arc and the final court arc and then boom, it would be so much better.
the other parts of ric: ok, so i don't like most of his character. mainly him not accepting help from his family. again i know this is a common complain, most of the negatives are, but he had so many people around him that wanted to help and he dismissed them all. they all tried to help him have a life afterwards and he basically told them to fuck off. even after he started going and vigilante-ing again, he never reached out to talk to them. i do sort of get it when he first left the hospital to go to the manor and bruce had the stupid idea to show him his death, but i still think it was a major flaw.
dan didio, scott lobdell, and eric esquivel: if you don't know these names, count yourself lucky. i did my research and found a great reddit post all about the logistical history of ric grayson that is worth reading if you're interested but the crux of these three is a whole list of verbal abuse, toxic workplace practices, and sexual harassment/assault. didio is co-publisher and has a reputation of hating nightwing, like he tried to have him killed off during infinite crisis all the way back in 2005. lobdell is the person who ached for the amnesia arc to be extended despite him only writing 8 issues in the end. esquivel was only brought on for co-writer for one issue but that issue was released only a few days after sexual abuse allegations about him came out. a lot of these men being in charge of nightwing and not being fired until 2020 comes down to their standings in DC and the connections they had at the top. all disgusting, but it meant that the first chunk of ric graysons run is marred with their names and actions. i wouldn't;t include this as a factor except it is a factor. ric grayson may have been 'created' by benjamin percy but he only wrote the first issue, the next 8 were lobdell, before jurgens wrote the rest. and if the big men upstairs wanted ric grayson, they would get ric grayson.
honestly, when i got to #49, i was tempted to not read any further. I would just skip straight to infinite frontier and pretend that ric didn't exist. but i wanted to do my due diligence to the character, so i powered through and found that there was some light in the dark. there is a lot wrong with the arc, and even with the positives i would still say i didn't like the arc, but i can see some of the positives.
also again, this reddit post is super interesting for anyone who doesn't know the history behind ric as how he was received at the time. im glad i read it but i won't be revisiting it
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box-dwelling · 21 days
OK so I am like a day past completing the Ansur dungeon and it's been enough time to let my thoughts on it settle. Spoilers ahead.
For context, first playthrough with a basic tav. I'm a good way through act three and have finished a few of the pc quest lines. Minsc, Jaheria and Astarion are done. I have yet to get the hammer or do the house of grief but I have done sorcerers sundries. Also I haven't refused Ulder yet but it like the next thing I'm doing. Other context is that dnd is a huge special interest of mine. I've been playing for about 7 years straight. Both dming and as pcs and I have played under professional dms before. This does affect how I view the game but it's mostly postively.
Disclaimer, I haven't finished the game so there may be some stuff that ends up being done that I just haven't seen but the quest line says it's over and from what I've read online it doesn't seem like that's the case so.
So let's start off with the pros because I honestly have less to say there
As a dm I can and always do look at the dungeon design. Larian is genuinely really really good at this, and this dungeon is no exception. I loved the puzzles though a few could use some tweaking. They arent all great. But there's ideas there that I will probably introduce in my games some time. A chess puzzle especially is such a great idea. That was so cool and the fact bring gale along means you can get the answer free I'd you don't play chess makes perfect sense. Genuinely great.
I also liked the visual design. I had expected the appearance to be what I was starting to dub in my head as the "character development dungeon aesthetic " given that really in terms of design and function cazadors dungeon, the gauntlet of shar and the sorcerers sundries vaults are very very similar. But this one wasn't and I'm very happy about that. Give me some variety.
The Ansur fight itself, AMAZING. Great boss battle. I loved the hell out of it. I'd have to dig into the code to properly tell but it looked like they used a varient of the colossus fighting rules which while I've actually never run but I have been at tables where it has been run to incredible effect. They're good rules. I'm glad to see them used. It honestly makes me consider running them myself.
Last pro, on the face of it, I like the idea. I like the concept of wylls character development dungeon being about learning about the tenants of being a hero from one he looked up to. That tracks. It's a good place to take his charcater at least in theory.
As for the cons, it's mostly one but it's also a big one that has majorly pissed me off. Because Wyll is in my joint top 3 for favourite characters and they did him so fucking dirty.
I really really hated how they handled the twist with the Emperor. I don't dislike him as a charcater but I think it's at least to me pretty unambiguous that he's a pretty shady and morally grey charcater. Which is fine. In fact, it's actually a pretty interesting way to take Wyll's arc. That he looked up to this hero, internalised his mindset through the chambers and then learns that he was actually a pretty shady morally complex figure that doesn't live up to wylls expectation, that is a GOLD mine of character development. That is absolutely fascinating. Except, it doesn't do that. He barely even comments on it. Just says he's forged into a new hero by the trials while ignoring the person who set them is the very shady figure who has honestly fucked us over a lot.
You know who's another hero wyll probably looked up to? Minsc! And the Emperor is a real fucking bitch about letting him join the party.
This is compounded by the fact his good/bad ending choice rather than being a slow build up like everyone else where they get tempted by power and then have to turn it away, he instead just says "hey I could become grand duke" out of no where and then doesn't even need a persuasion check to get talked out of it like everyone else does.
So, I would be remiss without giving a way I'd fix it. So here is that.
Th ansur dungeon isn't given to us by florrick in the lower city. It's given somewhere else before you get there.
I'd recommend like, it being in a book or something in Wyrms crossing. The location is tied to wyll anyway. Maybe add in his childhood bedroom that he asks to go visit. You can put in some environmental storytelling telling that can expand on his complicated relationship ulder. Maybe the room is bordered up and untouched but when you get inside there evidence of genuine love.
When you get there you get the story of ansurs legend and wyll becomes obsessed with using this as a way to help save the city.
The ansur dungeon then gets basically left untouched. Twist and all.
But at the end of it, rather than just deciding he's going to become grand duke, it becomes a question. He can't become grand duke while Ulder is alive. And Bauldrian the great adventurer became a politician after wards. Give the Emperor a reason to not want ulder alive. Maybe Ulder risks not being able to defeat the elder brain in some way, and tie it into his reaction to Wyll taking a deal with Mizora.
Wyll is now conflicted. If his father dies he can carry on in both his and Bauldrans footsteps. Ulder left his child in command of an army before he was an adult. Can he really be trusted to take care of the city? Of course wyll loves him and of course wyll wants to save him but there's that doubt there. I have been reforged in to bauldarns heir. I could do a better job. I could save more people. He abandoned me. Why should I save him? If he breaks his pact this is also fed into by the fact it puts him at very active threat from mizora. It's not that prevelant. Wyll is wyll he's not that susceptible to corruption but a little bit of doubt, coaxed on by the Emperor is all he needs.
Then the lower city.
Make sure you have to get minsc before continuing his quest line. Have wyll have a reaction to the Emperor 's distrust of minsc. These are two of his childhood hero's fighting. Play that up for some drama.
Then saving ulder becomes the thing that either makes him the blade of avernus or the grand duke. He can either choose to not save his father, take on the title of grand duke and rule the city following in baulderans footsteps or, he can kill mizora and swear his life to killing demons as a the blade of avernus. . Later becoming a ranger just like minsc. Even give minsc a few lines giving him a pep talk about it. Maybe even having him explain that wyll need to be his own kind of hero taking the infulances he has from the past and learning from them to become a better one. If the pact stays he just remains the blade of the frontiers if he saves ulder but can become grand duke if he doesnt.
Then, have ulder apologise and then reconcile. Have wyll learn to actually recognise his father as a flawed man who hurt him but who is also complex. Maybe even have an option for if he chooses to fully reconnect their relationship or not.
The bones of a really really really good story are here. Please, for the love of God, larian actually tell it.
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I discovered your blog a week ago or so (and definitely a few years too late ;__;), read a few posts and quickly fell in love with the way you write your posts (your long essays in particular). I bet there are even more posts I haven't discovered yet, but would love to read. Are there any in particular you recommend? :)
Sorry for such a late reply, but thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy my posts! As for posts I'd personally recommend, let's see...
For starters, my reviews for Clementine Book One and Book Two. I put a lot of effort into those given I read the comics many, many times in order to give them a fair analysis.
400 Days is simultaneously brilliant and disappointing is another one that I had a lot of fun writing while in the middle of working on another project which still isn't finished but listen it's a lot okay it's gonna be a great post maybe who knows sksksks
This post about why I leave Lee to turn at the end of S1 is a favorite of mine.
My two part Marlon character analysis is another one I put a shit ton of effort into and might be one of my favorite things that I've written for this blog that wasn't a fanfic.
Speaking of favorites, my Two Lukes in S2 conspiracy theory is probably the best thing I've ever written..... I'm only half joking.
There's a disclaimer that comes with this one, but I did a 5 part series on why Both Louis and Violet are Terrific Love Interests. It was written back in 2019 and while I still agree with the main point I tried to make, I think it could've been done better. It's mostly me talking about how other people are dumb for fighting over who is better, Louis or Violet, and then I go on to compare them to other love interests in other games. If I wrote this post now, it would be a lot different.
But while we're talking about ships and Louis, I gotta throw in my Top 5 Reasons I Love Clouis post.
Oh here's a classic :) my Geoff headcanons
Uhhhh.... I can't think of any others off the top of my head, which probably means I'm missing a big one.... look, this blog has 5+ years of content on it, I don't remember everything. But those are some I remember. Again, thanks for the ask and thanks for reading my stuff!
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dootznbootz · 4 months
Do you have any favorite m/f ship besides zelink, odypen, nalu? And do you have any favorite f/f and m/m ship? Or even a polyamorous one? (when I say "favorite" I really mean favorite, not just one you like!)
Lil confused by the question, as you're saying "I really mean favorite, not just one you like" as...I already told y'all about my favorites. Zelink, OdyPen, and Nalu. Those are my favorite ships.
But since you're asking again. I'll just name some in general :) I have many that I'll often be like "I love them!" but also I'm just thinking on the top of my head. Also I'll only be talking about ships that are like, for the ROMANTIC stuff. I have many brotps and friendships that I love a lot :D
Again, disclaimer: these are just opinions with shipping. Not about actual human people. Shipping is usually what you yourself vibe with the most, so that's what this is.
*coughs* Yuri > Yaoi. Women are cool. I ship more yuri and have more thoughts about yuri than yaoi *coughs*
I like Jim x Claire from Trollhunters. He's no longer human (for that short amount of time) and still she's so ride or die, as he is too. She held back the fucking SUN to save him. Enough said.
I haven't finished the Manga but I did get pretty far and I like Yato and Hiyori from Noragami. He's never had a shrine before despite being a god and she made him his first one.
OH ALSO MAIKO. I fucking love Mai x Zuko. I love Suki and Sokka but that's a given. They're fucking made for each other. but fucking Maiko?? I still get shivers from "I love Zuko more than I fear you." ughhjhhhh She's grumpy and mean but she loves him so muchhhhh. I don't give a fuck about the ship wars with ATLA except Maiko and Suki and Sokka.
Edwin and Royai from FMA :) Mostly Edwin, I teared up when Winry accidentally ripped his cute proposal apart with "Half? I'll give you all of me?"
Got a pair with OCs. (honestly it's funny because I had them for a while but then I got into the Odyssey and I realized they match up with my Odypen so I think poured so many of my thoughts from them into OdyPen as it fits. Water shit, scammers, one keeps having shit thrown at them and wants it to stop, etc. so much alike lol)
For F/F.
I'm very sure I'll love Farcelle once I get into Dungeon Meshi. they seem right up my alley. lol
"These shows are messy" yeahyeahyeahyeah, shut up. I love me some red and blue wives. Korrasami and Rupphire. Red and blue characters? WOMEN? Don't mind if I do >:) 🩵 ❤
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There's so many more that I'm sure I'll like but I haven't watched/read everything yet. like I haven't seen owl house or she-ra and many others but I have a feeling I'll like them too (currently no streaming services :') )
I got lesbian grandma OCs :) Don't have names yet but in a DnD-esque shit, with a quiet and soft dwarven woman with a chaotic elf woman. They're done adventuring and are retired. They raise a different OC in their cottage now.
For M/M.
DioSthe I like a lot. >:) Sthenelus being his little cheerleader? Following Diomedes to all the new cities he founded? Literally saying I love you to one another? (I know that could've been platonic but they DO deeply care about one another) GOOD SHIT! They're messy but not purposely or happily hurting one another.
For poly, I don't really have any??? I already love platonic stuff in general and I'm a jealous person. :'D It's not like I don't want to ship Poly ships, I just haven't found any that I vibe with yet sadly.
There's that "(character) has two hands" which yes! That's right! :D They do!
...But so do the characters that they're holding hands with 👀 All characters do. Those other characters' other hands are free, they should reach over and hold hands too. If it's Person A/B/C, a triangle of holding hands. Poly marriages (not cult stuff. you know what I mean) need to be legalized so they can ALL be spouses.🥹 (if people just want significant others that's chill. But for me, it's ride or die for all lovers or I don't get it. BOND ALL YOUR SOULS TOGETHER or BUST)
if they're not all holding hands and spinning in a circle then the stupid, jealous, lizard brain in me is like "But...that's not fair 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 They should all smooch each other. Why does only one get the smooches? If one is smoochless, I'LL start smooching their unloved cheek. You snooze, you lose."
Because like, there's some Poly ships where I KNOW that the character has a favorite. Canonically. Some people can know there's a favorite and still ship but not my jealous ass :') I would always feel bad and jealous on that character's behalf because I have lizard brain. Ship what you ship but with Odysseus for example, if he had to choose between Penelope and someone else, he'd choose Penelope. Always. I'm sorry but that's literally canon. He wouldn't even hesitate or feel bad.
Honestly, if folks know of poly ships who are all holding hands, are all mutually obsessed, and not letting go then I'm all ears.🥹
(preferably with a woman in it)
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Vol 9 got a confirmed 2023 release date. Now I get covid messed with production all across all media for a couple years, but 3 years for the next volume? Either they're doing something really ambitious or something went wrong somewhere. I have to assume all the writing is done by this point or at least a huge bulk of the pre production. Why do you think it's being pushed back so far, after waiting as long as it's been already?
Hi, anon!
First, I'm using your submission to give a general shout-out to anyone reading this that I'll tackle all the other asks tomorrow, time permitting. I haven't been able to watch the trailer yet because I don't have a FIRST account anymore (and frankly I don't want one...) so unless RWBY vids start popping up online with decent speed/quality, I'll probably be behind on the latest info from here on out. But I do want to tackle that summary paragraph when my brain is firing on more cylinders.
But yeah... 2023. Given how messed up the schedule has become I have no idea if RT still plans to air in the Fall (have we heard a month yet?) but if they do we're potentially looking at closer to another year and a half of hiatus. I'd hope that it would be early 2023 if we're already getting a trailer and I too would assume that the writing at least is done... but honestly, who knows. Again, not delving deep into this just yet, but that summary paragraph is shockingly generic to me: one sentence about how things went wrong last time and they've landed somewhere new (we knew that). Second sentence saying they'll explore this world (duh) and that "it might not be quite as unknown as they first assumed" (afterlife with Pyrrha, Penny, etc.?). Third and final sentence about how they'll overcome "challenges" (duhx2), grapple with their identities, and struggle with whether they can overcome Salem... something that's been going on since Volume 5. Like the Ruby PoV trailer, 99% of this is old information. Really, only "not quite as unknown as they first assumed" hints at anything concrete that's not already an established part of the story. I'm not saying RT hasn't finished writing (that would be absurd at this point, right?), I'm just saying that if they hadn't this would be the kind of super vague summary I'd expect to get when required to provide one.
Anyway, at this point I have to air on the assumption that something has gone wrong, or multiple small somethings. I mean, with the permanent disclaimer that none of us have any concrete, reliable information, most of what does come out about RT isn't reassuring. For years now this hasn't felt like a thriving company (securing an anime due to the popularity of their IP aside), it feels like a company slowly sinking under... a lot of different things, frankly. I could be 100% wrong, of course. Maybe they're just taking another year to ensure that no one involved is forced into bad working conditions (that would be great!) But after years of hearing about the exact opposite kind of treatment, the lack of funds for certain aspects of RTX, fans upset at the shoddy communication lately, the fact that they just laid off about 50 staff members... none of that screams, "They're in a super good place and are putting the premiere off solely to polish it and do right by their workers."
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 4 years
You've Met With A Terrible Fate, Haven't You? || BEN DROWNED
Pairing : Yandere! Ben Drowned X Reader
Genre : Fluff, Angst, Yandere
Summary : Appears as a normal dude, but plot twist he's really not.
Wordcount: 4k lol
WARNINGS : This is fic is labeled as Yandere, for those who don't know what it means: "Somebody who is sweet and kind at first glance. But when it comes to their love (crush)they will act obsessive and violent." - Urban dictionary, poorly (but still disgustingly) described dead people, I know Ben originally doesn't kill but in the story he does, idk? Shit written¿ 
Also disclaimer this is my first time I've tried doing a yandere and it's obviously not my strongest point. Hope you enjoy either way.
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You glance at the abandoned game console which your friend had dumped at your place earlier this day.
According to him, something was very, very, wrong with it. The Nintendo 64 was old, of course, but your friend mentioned not being able to pass the boss battle. He mentioned something along the lines of 'it keeps glitching and Link keeps dying'. In other words ' I know you're a hacker and I suck at this game, please hack it for me so I can feel less like a loser'.
You keep writing the email you're supposed to sent to your boss for another thirty minutes, before letting your curiosity lead you. 
Before you know it, you've plugged in the old console with more cables than originally planned because of how old it is, and with how modern your tv is. The first odd thing that strikes you is that there's only one account on it, and it's not labeled with your friend's name. 
Instead of 'Noah', it's labeled with 'BEN DROWNED' in bold passive aggressive letters.
Simply pushing it to the back of your mind, you start playing.
The second odd thing about the game is that the game has a specific date and it mentions how far BEN, or well, Noah is in the game. Yet when you click it, you have to start all over.
You shrug that off too, simply noting it as the game being old.
Before you know it, several hours pass, and you're finally at the boss battle Noah mentioned. Deciding to see if you can beat it first, you do not plug your laptop in at the Nintendo 64, and opt to play instead.
However just like Noah mentioned, you die as soon as you're close to winning and the game starts glitching.
It takes you barely ten minutes before you're fed up with it, and soon enough you plug your laptop in. You start up some programs and open up a few sites, quickly starting to work. Your fingers glide over the keys of your laptop as you type in the codes in order to hack the game, however after a few minutes, the game starts glitching heavily, and suddenly there's a sentence in bold red letters on the screen of your tv.
It says before the glitching becomes way too much, and some weird kind of red circle appears. Your eyes widen before unplugging the tv and game console, forgetting that your laptop is connected to it.
You miss the small glitches on the laptop screen.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - -
He gritts his teeth as the access to his portal is suddenly denied, the power cut early enough to avoid him.
His red eyes wander in the green coded space, looking for an exit, something that'll make sure he can get his hands on whoever this is. Lucky for him, there's a small white space what'll lead to the outside of it.
Once he's trough, he realizes he's still close to his victim. In fact, he's even closer now.
He smirks as he realizes.
Killing her is fair game now.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - »
You tap your chin as you look as the items on the shelf.
" Should I get the red one or green one?" You mumble to yourself.
" I'd recommend the green one. Green is always better." A voice from behind you startles you.
You whip your head around to look at the stranger who's talking to you.
Behind you is a male you don't recognise from anywhere. And as you start to study him, you realize he's quite handsome. He's got blonde hair, blue eyes and a rosy skin colour. He's wearing black ripped jeans, a dark green shirt, along with a black zip up hoodie, which is left open, he's got a few black ear piercings in his right ear, and has a gold chain around his neck, which disappears beneath his shirt, weighed down by a charm hidden away from your eyes. To top it all of, he's got a matching dark green beanie on top of his messily styled bangs.
" What? Did I say something wrong?" The blonde boy suddenly sweats.
You smile and shake your head.
" No, you didn't. I just tough I was alone here." You smile at him.
ØⱧ ₴₩ɆɆ₮ⱧɆ₳Ɽ₮, ɎØɄ Ⱨ₳VɆ₦'₮ ฿ɆɆ₦ ₳ⱠØ₦Ɇ ₣ØⱤ ₳ VɆⱤɎ ⱠØ₦₲ ₮ł₥Ɇ ₦Ø₩.
" I take that you talk to yourself then?" The male spits at you.
You're not sure if that's meant offensive or not.
" Um, yeah? I tend to do that sometimes yeah." You say, looking down at your hands who're still holding the red silk scarf and green silk scarf.
Đø₦'₮ ฿ɇ ₳₣ɽ₳łđ, ł ₩ø₦'₮ ⱨʉɽ₮ ɏøʉ. Øɽ ₩łⱡⱡ ł?
The unknown male's eyes soften subconsciously, looking at you with an emotion you're not familiar with.
" My name is Ben. What's yours?" 
Ben? Haven't you heard that somewhere before?
You smile at him, oblivious to the fact that you're talking to a killer.
" I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Ben."
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS ? ¿ »
His mind flooded with ideas.
There's so many options on what he can do to her.
Should he mess with her laptop?
Should he just kill her now?
Or should he become closer?
Maybe he should.
He looks at her trough the screen of the laptop, which is almost always open, today not being any different.
He watches her as while she watches something behind the laptop, from the sounds he can hear trough the mic, she's most likely watching tv.
Perhaps he should become closer to her.
Pull her closer only to have her blood staining his hands.
Oh yes, her blood shall soon become his.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦łvɇ₴
She doesn't realize it when her laptop suddenly starts itself up, nor does she know that there's a figure crawling out of it.
He stared at her with deciphering eyes, silently wondering how she isn't dead yet.
If this was anyone else, he'd had them killed already. Their blood would already be staining his face and she would already be screaming in pain and dispair.
Yet here she was, laying peacefully on her bed. Asleep, obviously not dead. 
He wonders exactly what he should do next. She doesn't know that he's standing right next to her. It almost makes him laugh.
She doesn't even know that he exists.
She doesn't know that he's here.
He glares at her before moving back into the world of codes and technology.
For now, she lives.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦łvɇ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ
" And then it suddenly started glitching and stuff. Weird isn't it?" You finish off your story as you look at your new friend, Ben.
After meeting in the grocery store, he had suddenly texted you. 
Not knowing how he got your number, you got concerned, and asked him. According to him, you had given it to him yourself. At first you didn't believe him, until he told you to check the time of his first message, which somehow was indeed around the same time you were in the grocery store. After that you just shrugged it off as that you forgot it yourself. After all, you knew yourself to be a person with the memory of a goldfish.
Today the two of you met up again, for the fourth time this week.
" Odd indeed. What did you do after that?" Ben asked, acting as if he's interested, even tough he's really not.
" I unplugged it. I think I'm gonna lay off hacking for a while." You shrugged, taking a sip of your drink.
Before he could even think of a response, there was an unknown woman at your table, also holding a cup of coffee.
" Y/N? Long time no see." The new woman greeted you with a smile, sitting down beside you on the booth.
Ben scowled at the newcomer.
Ⱨø₩ đ₳ɽɇ ₴ⱨɇ ₴ł₮ ฿ɇ₴łđɇ ₩ⱨ₳₮'₴ ₥ł₦ɇ ₩ł₮ⱨøʉ₮ ₥ɏ ₱ɇɽ₥ł₴₴łø₦
" Hey, Sara. It's indeed been too long. How are you?" You started chatting with Sara.
Meanwhile Ben's anger only grew.
" My names Ben." Ben suddenly dryly joined your conversation as he slammed his drink down onto the table aggressively, looking straight into Sara's eyes.
" Sorry. Didn't see you there. I'm Sara nice to mee-"
" Yeah, yeah, whatever. Leave. We didn't invite you to come sit with us." Ben spat at her, looking at her with an intense look in his eyes.
Both you and your friend turned to look at him in confusion.
" Is something wrong with me being here? Did I offend you?" Sara asked, genuinely concerned.
Ben was fuming now, on the inside. Who does this girl think she is? First she comes to sit at their table uninvited, then she's capturing the attention of his new favorite plaything, and now she's questioning him? She has to go.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ
He heard her conversation with a male he certainly doesn't know trough her phone, using the microphone without her knowing.
According to what he knows, they're on a date. And according to her contacts, his name is Jaime. He can't find where they met, nor did he know why they met up.
But now that she's checked her reflexion one too many times, and made a pic of her full outfit to send to him, probably to mock him for not having her, ɏɇ₮, he realizes that she's on a date.
After some research by surfing quite literally trough the internet. It turned out this 'Jaime' person was Mexican, and had a soft persona. On his facebook page were pictures where he's working with animals or doing volunteers' work or overall just something where he's helping others. He found the black haired male pathetic, weak even.
In all honesty, even he himself didn't really find him a threat. Not when he looked like that and was overall just kind and bambi looking.
However, all his expectations are thrown out of the window when he hears them say their goodbyes.
" You know, I had a lot of fun tonight. You're really a nice person. In fact, I'd like to go on another date with you again." This voice was definitely that of a male's, probably Jaime.
" I agree. I had a lot of fun too." She said.
₣Ʉ₦? ⱧØ₩ ₵₳₦ Ł₮ ฿Ɇ ₳₦Ɏ ₣Ʉ₦ ₩Ł₮ⱧØɄ₮ ₥Ɇ?
" Good. Do you have a ride or would you like me to drive you home?-" He blocks out the rest of their conversation.
It appears that the good guy needs to go too.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆
" We should spend more time together." Ben says randomly as the two of you snuggle on the couch.
You giggle, your ears tinting red.
" We're already together all the time tough." You tell him softly.
" I know, but still. By the way, did your stupid date reply yet?" He asked, eyes focused on the tv in front of the two of you.
" No, and don't call him stupid." You pout, softly scolding him.
He grins at you with mysterious eyes.
You shrug it off, knowing it's part of him. The two of you have been hanging out for a while now. Almost three months to be precise. And you two have gotten very close. What used to be keeping distance and keeping the line between acquaintances and friends, had turned into friends or something more. You two almost hung out every day, you were basically attached to each other's hip now.
After a few peacefull moments, you excused yourself to the bathroom.
Right as you left, your phone rang.
He turned to look at the disturbing sound  his eyes widening at the name which is appearing on the screen.
He stumbled over the couch to pick it up, an unpleasant feeling of suprise rising whitin him.
" Y/N?! You have to listen to me! Ben is not who you think he is! He's this-"
" I'm this what?" Ben smirked.
Damn you were taking a long time in the bathroom, not that he minded.
The other end of the line was dead silent.
" Don't worry. You don't need to say anything. I'll come home soon. And trust me, once I am, you will never be able to speak a word again." He spoke, an eerie calm in his voice.
" Goodbye, Sara." He said before hanging up.
" Sara called?" Your voice suddenly startled him.
" What? Oh, yeah. But she was in a hurry so she said she'd call you later." He smiled innocently.
You nodded and the two of you resumed watching the movie.
" Isn't there a way, that we could spend more time together?" He suddenly wondered out loud.
You sighed and turned to face him.
" I'm sorry Ben, but I have a job and I like spending time with other people too. So I'm afraid not." You told him softly.
An idea coded itself into his mind.
JɄ₴₮ ₮ⱤɄ₴₮ ₥Ɇ, ɎØɄ'ⱠⱠ ฿Ɇ ₥Ł₦Ɇ ₴ØØ₦
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ
You sighed in dispair in the night air as you walked home. Once again, you were rejected in a job interview.
A few days ago you were fired from the job you actually liked. You couldn't understand why either. You didn't do anything wrong, you were quite hardworking and always finished the documents in time.
Your supervisor looked afraid, terrified even when he told you to immediately pack your bags and leave, and ever since you just can't seem to get in anywhere. Not even the gas station wanted you in charge.
" Well hello there. What do we have here." A creepy voice suddenly sounded from behind you.
You turned around only to be greeted by a man with a creepy smile and even creepier, eye lid-less eyes. He was holding a knife, making his intentions obvious.
You didn't need to think twice about his intentions and whipped your phone out of your pocket with the intentions to call the cops and running.
The killer sadly isn't stupid, and has you on the ground under him whitin seconds.
Your phone's screen crack and slides to the other side, the dialed number not pressed on call yet.
" Don't cry sweetheart. It doesn't suit your pretty face. Don't fret, I'll make sure, you'll smile forever. " The killer tells you happily.
Both of you don't realize that your phone screen suddenly lights up in a green colour. Nor does either of you realize the figure crawling out of it.
The both of you don't realize, until the killer is off you and tackled down on the ground beside you.
" I've told you before. She's fucking mine. Go bother someone else." Ben's voice sounds suddenly.
You turn your head to look at him.
This time he does not wear jeans and a sweater. No  this time, he looks like he came straight out of a... Video game? He looks like Link, the main personage of the game which your friend Noah had dropped off at your place around six months ago. 
Ben never told you he was into cosplaying.
Your ears suddenly tinted pink as you realized, he called you his. Suddenly you felt a little giddy, the guy you like so much might actually like you back.
The killer underneath Ben growls out something you can't hear before throwing the shorter off him and leaving.
" Are you okay?" You ask him.
He turns to you with red eyes.
Red. Fucking. Eyes.
And that's not the only thing about his eyes that changed.
Instead of the usual white eyes have, his are now black.
And even there it doesn't end.
There's blood running down his eyes onto his cheeks, as if he's crying blood.
You take a step back.
What the fuck is this?
" Don't be afraid! I know I look a little... Weird, but it's all just part of my..... Cosplay." He explains.
You ponder over it.
He's never gave you a reason to not trust you right? Or did he? 
You ignore the instinct to run away from him, instead choosing to calm down and follow your heart, which is telling you to trust him.
" Come with me. You can stay at my place tonight." Ben tells you, holding his hand out to you.
You take it.
- - - ᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ᓍᘉᘿ - - - » ᖽᐸᘉᓰᐺᘿS ᓍᖇ ᕼᘿᗩᖇᖶS  ? ¿ » - - - ₭₦ŁVɆ₴ - - - ᖴᗩᓰᒪ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ SᖻSᖶᘿᘻ - - - ᖇᘿᗷᓍᓍᖶ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ - ᓍᕵᘿᘉ ᖴᓰᒪᘿ ∆ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲᓰᘉᘜ - - - ᕲᓍᘺᘉᒪᓍᗩᕲ ᑢᓍᘻᕵᒪᘿᖶᘿ ›
It took longer than expected to reach his house. The whole road to his house is creepy. Ben appartly lives in this supermodern house in the woods.
Which is off already, the woods are known troughout the whole town as mystery. According to urban legends, there's creatures loving in there who shouldn't exist. Because of that, there's barely any people there. According to Ben, everything is all clear and safe, and you trust him with your heart.
You don't question him after his answer and instead follow him into the,indeed very,modern little house which is situated hidden behind the trees.
You get directly hit in the face with a copper scent as soon as you step foot into his house.
" Would you like something to drink?" He asks you as you enter his house, neither of you bothering to take your shoes off.
" Just water please." You tell him as you study the place.
The inside of the small house is more modern than the outside, with a big living space and an open kitchen. There's also three doors in the hallway.
One to the bathroom, one leading upstairs and one leading into the basement.
" Here you go." Ben returns, handing you a glass of water.
" Thanks, aren't you going to take off your make up and lenses?" You ask him.
His smile fades a bit, and for a moment you think you've accidentally offended him, but he nods with a pout before you can think about it twice.
" Yeah, that's probably a good idea. The livingroom is at the end of this hallway, feel free to make yourself comfortable." He smiles before going upstairs.
You stand still for a moment in the hallway as an eerie feeling suddenly starts crawling up your spine.
You ignore it, and instead start walking towards the livingroom.
Until the sound of something falling reaches your ears.
A sound that is directed from the basement.
Your first idea is to call for Ben, to alert him that you two probably aren't alone.
You don't do that however, because it could just be something falling off a shelf, right?
And so you decide to investigate it yourself.
As soon as you open the door to the basement, you're directly hit in the face with a very prominent copper scent. The same on you already smelled when you entered his house, except it's way too strong and there's something eerily familiar about it which you just can't pinpoint.
You silently push the door open, and turn on the lightswitch to the basement. Behind the door is a stony staircase, the rest of the basement is hidden away behind a wall. Curiosity takes over you, and you make your way downstairs before you can think about it twice.
As soon as you near the bottom, you spot blotches of red. The deep red substance is spread like a trail from he bottom stairs onto the rest of the room.
And then it clicks in your mind. It's blood. That's also the smell in the air. Was the intruder injured?
You step down the stairs while following the blood trail with you eyes.
You stumble back in fear and unpleasant suprise at the sight that greets you.
There's dead people down here. Most of which you don't recognise, but a few you do. 
You gasp as you look into a pair of wide blue eyes.
She's sitting there, eyes wide open, with cuts all over. There's big ones in her rib case and near her organs, you can even see Intestines spread over the floor.
She's obviously dead.
But how come she's here?
Ben didn't do this? Did he?
Next to her is Jaime, who's eyes are closed but his chest is rising and falling.
He's alive.
You run over to him and shake him awake, not minding the blood that's now on your hands.
" Jaime! Please! Wake up!" You say desperately, tears now escaping your eyes.
" Y/N? Y/N! You have to get out of here. Ben, he's not who you think he is!" He tells you desperately.
" I'm not leaving you! Can you walk?" You ask him trough your tears.
" I'm chipped Y/N, you have to go. Get help. Ben's insane. He's a de-"
" Demon? Mass murderer? Failure? Dead? Is one of those what you wanted to tell her? How dare you lie to her! I'm none of those!" A voice suddenly booms trough the air.
You turn around while starting to shake. Jaime tries to hold you close to him with the little strength he has left. There Ben stands, still with red pupils and black eyes, dried red streaks still on his cheeks.
" Don't fucking touch her." Ben screams angrily, ripping you all but gently away from the male, causing you to tremble against him.
" Don't be afraid my love, he won't touch you again." Ben sushes you.
Is he really thinking that you're afraid of him?
" N-no. Let me go. Do-don't touch me." You tell him, pushing away from him.
He looks confused by your behavior.
" What's wrong baby? Please don't believe whatever lies he told you.-"
" What lies?! That you've killed my friend?! That you've killed these innocent people?! That you've chipped him?!" You yelled.
" They all deserved it Y/N! They're all in the way of our love!" Ben yells back desperately, stepping towards you.
" I don't even know these people!" You say, stepping back into the wall, knocking into a shelf.
You turn around to see what you knocked into.
Wait, is that the Nintendo 64?
" They all stared at you with sick twisted ideas! They really do deserve it." He tells you.
Suddenly it clicks in your mind.
" You're Ben from the game." You state.
He nods.
" Yes bu-"
" How?.."
" You clicked my game onto your computer remember."
" It was you wasn't it? You're the reason I've lost my job. You're the reason my friends all turned their back to me." You wishper, eyes now gathering in your eyes.
You've been so incredibly fucking stupid.
He's the reason your life has turned down the drain.
" Yes. But it's good right. Now we can finally be together." He says like a crazy man in love.
Which he is.
You start sobbing as you fall onto your knees realizing, all these people here. They've all died because of you.
" Hey, don't worry my live. We can now finally be together."
ɎØɄ'VɆ ₥Ɇ₮ ₩Ł₮Ⱨ ₳ ₮ɆⱤⱤŁ฿ⱠɆ ₣₳₮Ɇ, Ⱨ₳VɆ₦'₮ ɎØɄ?
 ᘜ ᗩ ᘻ ᘿ  ᓍ ᐺ ᘿ ᖇ.
193 notes · View notes
iridescentides · 4 years
hi dia! i hope you're having a good day 💙 literally all your headcanons are correct. even for the things i haven't seen. i trust you. do you have any favorite disney channel ships? (canon or non-canon) - 🎅🎁🎄
hi friend! thanks for validating me projecting onto every character ever 😂
okay so as a disclaimer im not really an intense ship type of person, i watch lots of stuff without rooting for any romance at all, and i yell about amatonormativity every chance i get.
miranda loves to call me out on only liking things that are gay and thats definitely part of it, but i genuinely feel that a lot of canon relationships in tv/movies are under-done; like a lot of them rely on characters just kind of,, saying they love each other but not particularly showing it, or people cross obvious boundaries, or the couples just flat out dont communicate or work together well for the sake of conflict. all of this to say i dont really ship any of the big main disney channel couples.
BUT there are some ships that i do care about:
cyrus and roxy from let it shine
sonny and chad from sonny with a chance (but i havent finished the show yet so idk if itll hold up by the end)
izzy and mary from jump in
dylan and josh from geek charming
mack and lela from teen beach
riley and maya from girl meets world
riley and farkle from girl meets world
cyrus and jonah from andi mack
buffy and jonah from andi mack (this is more of a “i wish they had interacted more overall and i think they couldve gone somewhere nice given more time”)
mal and evie from descendants
brittany and natasha from stuck in the suburbs
carter and rosie from princess protection program
nia and tess from ravens home
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sage-nebula · 5 years
mannnnn thank you for validating my dimitri salt because the fandom take of (usually f!)byleth """saving""" him with their (usually her) """warm hand""" etc. etc. gives me the heebie jeebies. i get that there's a lot of young people in this fandom who haven't necessarily worked out yet that no one should feel responsible for "changing" their significant other! but seeing it everywhere is annoying and i'd rather be over here in my own private salt mine, thank you very much >:(
You are very welcome. Putting the rest of my response under a cut so those who don’t wish to see this don’t have to.
First off, as a disclaimer, I just want to say: I don’t think you necessarily have to be young to be attracted to the “power of love saves all” trope, and I am also a firm believer that you can enjoy something in fiction without endorsing / liking it in real life. I myself am a fan of some dark tropes; I love drama and angst, and I have been known to put characters into downright awful situations that I would never want anyone to suffer through in real life. Fiction serves many purposes, but one of those purposes is to allow people to explore ideas that are dark or terrible in safe avenues that hurt no one. This is why there has been fiction that depicts things like gruesome murders, for example, for centuries. People who write books about murderers (usually) don’t actually murder people themselves, nor do they want anyone to be murdered. They’re just telling a story they thought might be interesting, and others who enjoy that type of story (but also probably aren’t murderers and wouldn’t want to murder anyone in real life) are reading it. So it’s entirely possible that people who are drawn to the idea of F!Byleth “saving” Dimitri from his “darkness” with the power of her love are adults, and are also people who wouldn’t go for that sort of thing in real life. That’s completely possible, and I don’t begrudge those people for it. You do you, and all that. If that’s your type of thing, great. More power to you.
But as you’ve gathered from your posts, I personally don’t like it at all.
I haven’t finished Azure Moon yet, but so far I hate … pretty much everything about the way Dimitri’s character has shaken out, and how his relationship with Byleth is being forced now. Because let’s get one thing clear: Dimitri’s feelings that Byleth “saved” him are almost as much of a 180 as his feelings regarding not wanting to kill Edelgard, with potentially even less explanation if you can swallow that he, for some reason, believed that Patricia was the first Flame Emperor because Cornelia (enemy and known liar) said so as she was dying right off the bat without any proof to back up the claim. When Dimitri first saw Byleth after five years, he at first thought they were a ghost, and then accused them of being a spy, and THEN went on to say that he didn’t really care either way so long as he could keep murdering people (and still later said that he would “use [Byleth] and [their] friends until [their] flesh fell from their bones” so, yikes). It wasn’t until Dimitri saw Dedue that there was any sign of his behavior changing even slightly. Dedue’s reunion got the romantic sounding music. Dedue brought out the softness in Dimitri. Dedue comes across as a far more natural love interest for Dimitri than Byleth ever could. Once Rodrigue kicks the bucket, Dimitri still pushes Byleth away until he breaks down into a Woe Is Me speech and Byleth offers their hand. At that point Dimitri’s gratitude and fondness for Byleth begins being pushed very hard, in a way that feels unnatural and unrealistic given how he’d behaved up until that point. If Dimitri had been more broken up and touched at Byleth’s reappearance after five years, sure, maybe. But as it stands it feels unnatural, and leads me as a player to believe that Byleth flat out just did not mean as much to Dimitri as they meant to Claude or especially Edelgard.
But all of that—the bad writing, of which there are other instances in Azure Moon, to the point where in my opinion this feels like the Conquest of Three Houses—is a minor issue. The bigger issue is the fact that the game pushes that we’re supposed to sympathize with Dimitri and see him as a tragically heroic figure when I … don’t, at all, for multiple reasons.
The first, and perhaps biggest, issue is the way his trauma and mental illness is being used by the narrative as the defining reason for why we should sympathize with him. Dimitri was traumatized when he was about fourteen by seeing his parents, friends, and others killed brutally in front of him during the Tragedy in Duscur. (Note that in this same incident Dedue witnessed GENOCIDE CARRIED OUT ON HIS PEOPLE, HIS FAMILY MURDERED RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM, but the trauma that he should have from this is basically never touched upon, and instead he acts as though people from Faerghus—you know, the kingdom that COMMITTED GENOCIDE AGAINST HIS PEOPLE—should not associate with him lest it stain their reputations. Hmm. Hmmm.) Somehow, at the tender age of fourteen, Dimitri went on a brutal killing tirade during this incident, delighting in bloodshed, which understandably disturbed and traumatized Felix (whose own brother was slain during that incident, mind, albeit not by Dimitri obviously), who then cut ties with him, not wanting to be friends with someone like that anymore. (Note: Everyone acts as though Felix was the bad one for this, rather than thinking it reasonable to not want to be friends with someone who delights in murder and bloodshed.) As a result of all of this, Dimitri regularly hallucinates the ghosts of his dead relatives and friends, and devotes his entire life to avenging them by murdering whoever was responsible for the Tragedy of Duscur, as well as whoever gets in his way of accomplishing that. (Note: “Who was responsible” is something Dimitri will accept with basically no evidence. He believes Edelgard was responsible because she called herself the Flame Emperor and wore a similar outfit to the one he saw back then. Never mind that she is his age and thus was also a fourteen-year-old child at the time; no, he believes she must have magically made herself the size of an adult and was capable of killing not only her own mother, but also his father (who carried a Hero’s Relic!) and countless others. Because that makes sense.)
So. It’s clear that Dimitri has deep-seated trauma, and it’s understandable that he would have trauma from such a grisly, horrible event. It is also true that not everyone reacts to trauma in the same way, and that there is a definite stigma against those who don’t react to their trauma in ways that people can twist to be “cute” or “endearing”. I’ve talked about the Good Survivor vs. Bad Survivor dichotomy among fans on my blog before, and I stand by everything that I said. However, there are several key points to keep in mind:
Not all behaviors can be classed as just “Good” or “Bad”, and furthermore, even if two behaviors are agreed upon to be “Bad”, that doesn’t mean they’re on the same scale. Being asocial and snapping verbally at people isn’t the behavior of a “Good” Survivor, but it’s also not nearly as bad as actually murdering people and doing it as slowly and painfully as possible. Getting on someone’s case because their trauma makes them reluctant to socialize or trust isn’t the same as calling them out for torturing people to death. This shouldn’t have to be said, but this is tumblr, so I’m going to say it.
Succinctly, a shitty past does not excuse a shitty present. Yes, Dimitri was traumatized. No, this DOES NOT justify his actions even before the timeskip, much less after it. Similarly, Dimitri lampshading that his behavior is bad and calling himself ~a monster~ doesn’t make it better, either. If anything, it makes it worse, because Dimitri knows that what he’s doing is horrible and he continues to do it anyway. Just because you’ve been traumatized (rather through a single incident or years of abuse or whatever) doesn’t give you a free pass to do whatever you want. You are accountable for your actions and behaviors, always. Trauma may explain why you behave the way you do, but it does not excuse it.
The problem with the narrative portrayal of Dimitri on Azure Moon (and arguably Verdant Wind as well, since we had an Alas Poor Dimitri moment when he was killed on Verdant Wind despite him literally calling for the deaths of everyone on the field in that path, straight up telling Claude to his face that he was going to kill him) is that the game pretty much flat out tells you that you should sympathize with Dimitri because of his trauma. Oh sure, Felix calls Dimitri “the boar prince” and routinely chews him out, but if you tell Felix that you’re not going to talk to Dimitri shortly after the timeskip, Felix tells you to “not give up so easily” and that Dimitri surrendered his humanity in pursuit of becoming a better killer, as if that’s supposed to make him sympathetic. Rodrigue tells Byleth that he wishes that he had the courage to “scold” Dimitri, but doesn’t actually do anything about it. And every single person present, including both Rodrigue and Gilbert, go along with whatever Dimitri wants, even when what he wants ignores the problem of the fact that Faerghus citizens are starving to death in the streets because of the situation in the capital. Dimitri flat out tells EVERYONE that he is all but abdicating his duties as king in the name of revenge, but rather than Rodrigue or someone else experienced coming to the logical conclusion taht he is therefore no longer fit to be king and relieving him of those duties (not necessarily violently; I doubt he would have put up an argument), they instead just go, “welp, nothing we can do about it we guess” and go along with what he wants, leaving the people to suffer, because Dimitri is of the Blaiddyd bloodline and, well, he’s a sad boy and they feel bad for him.
I shouldn’t have to say it, but I’m going to: This is disgusting. It’s disgusting that Dimitri’s trauma is used as a way to try to make the player feel bad for him despite the atrocities he commits time and again right there on screen. When Byleth first returns to the monastery after five years, it’s to find that he’s decorated the place with Empire soldier corpses. Byleth has to mercy kill Randolph before Dimitri can rip out his eyes, something Dimitri grows angry with them for. Dimitri says, immediately after that, the line that has stuck with me: “I’ll use you and your friends until your flesh falls from your bones.” He’s told that the people in Fhirdiad are starving and dying in the streets and need help and he flat out says he doesn’t care. He relishes in bloodshed and crows at every opportunity about how he wants to kill. While both Claude and Edelgard look regretful about the battle at Gronder Field, Dimitri just once again roars about how he wants his soldiers to kill every single person present. And through it all, we’re told that this is okay and we should forgive and feel sorry for him because he’s traumatized. It’s not really his fault, it’s just, ooh, that darn trauma!
As someone who has C-PTSD from years and years of abuse, I can’t begin to tell you how much narratives like this infuriate me. Those of us with trauma aren’t mindless infants who are unaware of our surroundings and incapable of controlling our behavior. When I say “a shitty past doesn’t excuse a shitty present” and “traumatized individuals are responsibel for their behavior,” I say that from the perspective of someone with trauma that affects me to this day. My abuse was such that sometimes I still have nightmares about my biological mother that leave me dazed and distracted for the whole day. I’ve really been through it. But I’m also 100% responsible for my own behavior. It’s my responsibility, and no one else’s, to make sure that I don’t hurt others. If I do something wrong, that’s on me, and my trauma will never excuse or justify it. 
So for the narrative of Three Houses to act as though Dimitri’s rampant murder, (attempted) torture, and love for bloodshed and violence is excusable and forgivable because of his trauma is infuriating to me. It’s infuriating to me how, after that insipid ~warm hand~ moment, Dimitri launches into constant Woe Is Me speeches where we’re meant to reassure him that it’s okay that he committed so many murders for no reason other than to quench his blood thirst, it’s okay that he wanted to use his former friends as meat shields to get what he wanted, it’s okay he abandoned his people to die in the streets, that he’s still a good and worthy king and ~just what Faerghus needs~. We’re supposed to see his return to Fhirdiad as a good thing, an inspiring moment. We’re supposed to side with him when he (I assume) later acts the hypocrite by telling Edelgard that People Dying Is Wrong and that she should surrender to him instead. (Never mind that deaths caused by Edelgard’s actions were caused as a result of a war that was necessary to take down the Church of Seiros, which actually had been ruling all of Fodlan under the guise of letting the different territories rule themselves for ages, while Dimitri just killed Empire soldiers for his own blood thirst and revenge, but you know. If you ask most of the people in the fandom, Saint Didi can do no wrong.)
But the thing is, all of that is bullshit. It wasn’t okay that he committed so many murders for the sake of his own revenge fantasies and blood lust. It wasn’t okay that he wanted his former friends to be his meat shields. It wasn’t okay that he abandoned his people. None of that was okay. And I don’t want to sit here and console him and make him feel better just because he apologies and cries about how he’s The Biggest Monster Ever as a result of his actions. Because a.) his actions were monstrous, and b.) that’s an emotionally manipulative tactic, and I’m here for none of it.
Before I go any further, let me state flat out: I’m not calling Dimitri an emotional abuser. I don’t think that was the intent behind those Woe Is Me pity parties of his, from a writing standpoint, and therefore that’s not what he’s thinking he’s doing when he goes on them. I will call Dimitri many things, including a murderer, but I won’t call him an emotional abuser because I don’t think that was the intent in the writing. However, regardless of whether that was the intent in the writing or not, it doesn’t change the fact that one of the oldest tricks in the emotional manipulation book is, when emotional manipulators / abusers are called out on their behaviors and forced to answer to the things they’ve done, they’ll flip the script and start degarding themselves and talking about how awful they are so their victims end up comforting them. A very basic demonstration of what I mean:
Victim: “It really hurts me when you act like you can’t trust me and go through my phone to see who I’ve been talking to. I feel like my privacy is being violated and like you think I’m dishonest.”
Manipulator: “You’re right, I know I should trust you more. I just get so insecure and scared that you’ll leave me.” 
Victim: “I know you deal with insecurity, but that doesn’t give you a right to go through my things. It really upsets me when you do this.”
Manipulator: “I know, I’m such a horrible person. I’m the worst partner. You deserve so much better than me, I understand that you hate me, I’m just the worst and am absolutely useless and terrible and not fit to be even your friend, much less your partner.”
Victim: “No, wait, that’s not true …”
And on and on. Even if they pepper in “I’m sorry”s in there, it’s never once a genuine apology, because they spend so much time tearing themselves down in an exaggerated fashion that the victim feels like they have to comfort the person who hurt them. Similarly, when Dimitri goes on his speeches about how he’s ~unworthy to be king~ or a monster or whatever, the answer choices given are Byleth comforting him one way or the other. We’re never given an option (beyond telling Felix we won’t talk to Dimitri right after the time skip) to tell Dimitri that he is awful, that he doesn’t deserve to be king, or really to revoke our support in any way at all. And because Byleth is not given that option, the narrative is telling us that the correct “choice” (because there really isn’t one) is to sympathize with and empower Dimitri despite how heinous is behavior is. Because Dimitri was traumatized, poor thing, and thus it’s okay that he brutally murdered all those people for no reason other than his own satisfaction. 
(Note: The game never once says “revenge is wrong because it just breeds more revenge.” Even though it seemed like they were going that way with Randolph and Fleche, it’s not Fleche wanting to murder Dimitri that makes Dimitri realize that what he’s been doing is fucked up, it’s Rodrigue dying defending him from Fleche. So even if you wanted to say that Dimitri being blood thirsty and out for revenge was meant to teach him a lesson about how he should behave, it’s not, because that’s not a lesson he ever actually picks up on.)
And that finally ties into what I think you were driving at in your ask (boy, I’ve been at this for a long time), which is the narrative of someone “saving” someone else with their love. By telling the player that they, as Byleth, should excuse and forgive Dimitri for his atrocities because he was traumatized and sad, the narrative (and all the characters in the narrative) are basically pushing Byleth to be Dimitri’s therapist. And as I said in the tags on one of my Azure Moon hate posts (or maybe on twitter, I can’t remember, it all blends together), I am not here for that.
Aside from the fact that both Edelgard and Claude seem to genuinely care for Byleth the whole way through, the other primary difference between them and Dimitri is the fact that Byleth doesn’t have to play therapist for either of them. Claude, for the most part, doesn’t have any major traumas; he did have to grow up being outcasted for being mixed race, and that is its own kind of trauma which I am in NO WAY diminishing, but that trauma he faced was the more realistic type of trauma that people in real life face every day. He is still the most well-adjusted of the three. As for Edelgard, she is in my opinion even more traumatized than Dimitri, but not only is her trauma handled in such a way that it’s never used as an excuse for her behavior (the experiences that traumatized her helped her form the beliefs that spur her actions, but her actions always route back to those beliefs, not to “ghosts made me do it”), but she also pretty much keeps her trauma to herself as best she can and never hinges her emotional stability on Byleth. Yes, Byleth’s presence helps balance Edelgard since Byleth is a secondary confidant and can therefore offer counter-influence to Hubert’s toxic influence (not bashing Hubert here, I’m just saying, he is the WORST influence), but although it’s made clear that Edelgard deeply missed Byleth for the past five years to the point of lamenting about it constantly to the rest of the Black Eagle Strike Force, she also kept her shit together and didn’t wantonly murder people as a result of Byleth’s absence. When she comes to Byleth with issues, they’re usually tactics or strategy related. Byleth is only ever able to learn about Edelgard’s past in late night moments of emotional vulnerability, such as after a nightmare. And even then, Edelgard sharing those moments is less “HEAL MY PAST TRAUMA AND MAKE ME BETTER, PROFESSOR” and more “okay, I trust you enough to tell you this.” It’s not about helping stabilize Edelgard, it’s about earning enough of Edelgard’s trust to learn of her past.
This is in stark contrast to Dimitri, who, again, is completely off his shits, and him being off his shits is treated as a problem that Byleth (/the player) needs to “fix.” Felix tells you to do something about Dimitri. Rodrigue asks you to steer Dimitri in a better direction. Gilbert and Dedue both thank you for “saving” Dimitri even before he finishes being off his shits. The Azure Moon route is about forcing Byleth into the position of therapist and having them do emotional labor for Dimitri, which is hilarious if you think about how Byleth didn’t even start having emotions until teaching at the academy, but also unbelievably aggravating to me, as a player, because I don’t want to be a therapist for a murderous sadboy. I don’t like Dimitri. I don’t approve of his actions or behaviors. And I don’t give a shit what his reasons are for it. I’m not here to be his therapist or do that emotional labor, and I shouldn’t have to be. No one should have to be, except a paid therapist, and only because they’re being paid and have agreed to take on the job. But even then, Dimitri is still his own responsiblity. He is a grown fucking man. It shouldn’t be my or anyone else’s job to do this for him. Neither Edelgard or Claude (or Yuri, for that matter, in Cindered Shadows) required this much emotional labor and bullshit, for fucksake.
But of course, in all of this, I think what gets me more than anything present in the entire game is the fact how, from what I’ve seen, people in fandom by and large worship Dimitri and bend themselves into pretzels painting him as heroic while simultaneously spitting bile at Edelgard and making her out to be a villain. The contrast in their respective pages on TV Tropes is stark. I know I shouldn’t be surprised, given that Edelgard is a woman (and a queer woman, at that) and Dimitri is a blond white boy, and that’s just the way these things tend to be, but it still pisses me off and frustrates me to no end. Fandoms are simultaneously the best and worst of times and this will likely never change. (But honestly, if Edelgard’s role was filled by the blond white pretty boy while Dimitri’s was filled by the woman, I guarantee you that reception to them would be flipped right around. Guarantee.)
Anyway, this turned into a huge rant. I didn’t even expect it to be this long when I started writing. But suffice to say that while I’ve not yet finished Azure Moon, it’s currently my least favorite of the routes I’ve played (best is Crimson Flower, then Cindered Shadows because shut up I’m counting it, then Verdant Wind, and then Azure Moon; I’m ignoring the existence of Silver Snow since I cannot imagine ever not siding with Edelgard when I’ve chosen the Black Eagles), and I cannot stand Didi. He is the worst of the House Leaders by far. Considering how much he has in common with Rhea, it shouldn’t be surprising I feel this way about him, but boy, do I feel this way about him. So go ahead and feel validated, anon. You will not find Didi or Azure Moon love on this blog. You are not alone in this, trust.
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