rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
What is the most you've ever stolen from a single heist?
“Hmm, would you be surprised if I told you?”
“Despite being a thief, a collector of many kinds, I would prefer to steal 3 valuable items on a daily basis. After all, it’s not always about the gems~”
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
A server that I’m in! It’s pretty small and I hope we could find a way to spark up the server!
New Cookie Run RP Server!
So I made a discord server for the Cookie Run fandom roleplayers! It's welcoming for anyone, whether they write as canon characters or made their own OCs, whether they're familiar with the fandom or not.
Crossovers are welcomed and there's no judgment here! Feel free to join!
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
Due to the recent Devsisters boycott, (which is a whole other can of worms) Devsisters is now losing money
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Basically if this keeps going, devsis will perhaps go bankrupt leading to CROB shutting down.
PLEASE reblog this, put money into the game, turn on ads, tell your friends, post this on other platforms, ANYTHING to try and help the situation!
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
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“Splendid work, Crumbles.” 
I readjusted my hat and brushed the remaining ropes off my shoulder, giving my cat a gentle stroke before backing up from the caster. 
“I’m afraid I have to take my leave...” I sneered, hiding in my hand yet another calling card for her and the detective to solve once more.
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I barely had any time to react when her wand pointed at me, as I only took a mere step back in surprise. The next thing I knew was being bounded by the ropes that were cast by her. Just like that, my movement was restricted. 
 The device also slipped off my hands, stopping right in front of Spice. What a way to go.
 “Nggh,” I grumbled, shaking my head in disappointment after that sudden occurrence. Then, I raised my head to see Spice right in front of me, boasting about her success. Which I don’t blame, really, as it’s probably the first time for her to detain me. 
“Well done,” I hissed. 
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“But I believe you’re forgetting someone…~”  
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“Forgetting someon-??”  Before Pumpkin Spice would finish, much like a previous encounter, Lord Crumbles would jump out of the shadows and onto Pumpkin Spice’s face.
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“AUGH!! NOT THIS AGAIN! GET OFF ME! GET. OFF!!!!” She shrieked, trying to use her freehand to push the fidgety cat off of her. Indeed the cat would do so, leaping at the hand with the wand in it, knocking it out of her grasp, and releasing Roguefort.
As Crumbles leaped off Spice’s arm they landed on the device, pressing the button that deactivated the security system, and then to Rougefort’s side.
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Spice, frazzled, scrambled to get her wand back. “T-That is one smart Pussycat!” She hissed.
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
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I barely had any time to react when her wand pointed at me, as I only took a mere step back in surprise. The next thing I knew was being bounded by the ropes that were cast by her. Just like that, my movement was restricted. 
 The device also slipped off my hands, stopping right in front of Spice. What a way to go.
 “Nggh,” I grumbled, shaking my head in disappointment after that sudden occurrence. Then, I raised my head to see Spice right in front of me, boasting about her success. Which I don’t blame, really, as it’s probably the first time for her to detain me. 
“Well done,” I hissed. 
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“But I believe you’re forgetting someone...~”  
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I observed the room with haste. Bland. With a window and some spotlights Id assume were set off after the museum was alerted.
Though it would make sense of why they didn’t check here yet, judging by the contents of the chamber.
The security device was held tightly in my hands. One press of this button would deactivate, allowing me to get away in one piece.
Suddenly, I sensed someone behind me who had entered…
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“SPICE MAGIC: TETHER!”  Pumpkin Spice immediately cast a magic rope around Roguefort. Ensnaring them in magic which was attacked at the end of the wand she held.  She paused for a moment, a surprised laugh escaping her.
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“Ha! Ha HA ha! I can’t believe it, I actually got you!” Spice said, thrilled, “I kept you from stealing that jewel, AND I got you! I can hardly believe it myself!”
If only Walnut were here to see it. Oh well, she and the guards would probably find their way to her soon enough.
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“How does it feel to be outfoxed by the detective’s assistant for a change, Cheesy?” 
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
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I observed the room with haste. Bland. With a window and some spotlights Id assume were set off after the museum was alerted.
Though it would make sense of why they didn’t check here yet, judging by the contents of the chamber.
The security device was held tightly in my hands. One press of this button would deactivate, allowing me to get away in one piece.
Suddenly, I sensed someone behind me who had entered...
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The officer Spice recently encountered appeared at the door of the museum, warning Walnut and the others about my presence. Zut.
Now at this point I don’t think I have the chance to grab even a gem! I was forced to leave the museum empty-handed. No, no, it is just… Rather disappointing. Maybe next time I mustn’t be 3 hours early for a theft.
I was lucky enough to be at another hall at that time, however.
The only objective now was to leave my prize and be on my way. Regardless, it could be easier said than done. Do I even need to mention that they were already patrolling the grounds?
Originally, I was supposed to escape by heading to the vents, one precisely in the room of the jewel I planned to steal.
But I had, another plan in mind. It may work if done properly.
This device could enable and disable security in a particular area, correct? Hm…
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I arrived at the room, now reverted back to my classic disguise. I don’t think disguises would be necessary right now.
The good thing was that the area appeared to be empty. Guards haven’t been in here yet. Nevertheless, I should be careful. I have presumed that the detective’s assistant may still be waiting for me.
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“… Are they not coming? Geez, what a let-down.” Pumpkin Spice huffed. Her patience had run out, and she had no intention of spending the night in a dusty vent! She opened the vent, stating “Spice Magic: Float!” as she exited, the magic making her light as a feather as it let her down from the ceiling back down to the floor. She admittedly was looking forward to bamboozling them. 
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If they weren’t coming for the gem, then they were escaping. At least it seemed that Spice had foiled their little plan, though at the same time they didn’t exactly want Roguefort to get away either.  She saw a number of guards patrolling the halls, looks like the one she talked to had already alerted everyone else… and Roguefort probably still had that little device too. No doubt they could use it to disarm the security system and get away.  Spice had made a mental note of the “guard” that Roguefort was disguised as and followed the path they had taken. It was a big museum but she couldn’t just stand around, and it seems Walnut had already gone off to search herself.  She had her wand at the ready in case she saw him as she carefully walked through the halls, trying not to draw attention to herself as she peeked into each room… Then she paused as she saw a familiar silhouette in an empty room…
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
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The officer Spice recently encountered appeared at the door of the museum, warning Walnut and the others about my presence. Zut.
Now at this point I don't think I have the chance to grab even a gem! I was forced to leave the museum empty-handed. No, no, it is just... Rather disappointing. Maybe next time I mustn't be 3 hours early for a theft.
I was lucky enough to be at another hall at that time, however.
The only objective now was to leave my prize and be on my way. Regardless, it could be easier said than done. Do I even need to mention that they were already patrolling the grounds?
Originally, I was supposed to escape by heading to the vents, one precisely in the room of the jewel I planned to steal.
But I had, another plan in mind. It may work if done properly.
This device could enable and disable security in a particular area, correct? Hm...
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I arrived at the room, now reverted back to my classic disguise. I don't think disguises would be necessary right now.
The good thing was that the area appeared to be empty. Guards haven't been in here yet. Nevertheless, I should be careful. I have presumed that the detective’s assistant may still be waiting for me.
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Quickly, I disguised myself as a regular officer to avoid any indication of my presence. Crumbles knew what it meant and hovered safely to another area.
A few minutes later and Walnut turned to me, giving a friendly hello; The detective was unaware of what was happening. Well, it’d make sense since the commotion wasn’t near her at all.
“Hello, officer. If you don’t bother, could you find my assistance Spice? I might have deciphered the hints Phantom Bleu gave us!”
… “Of course, ma’am, ” I replied, half confused. Hints of what? Past heists? As far as I knew, there were hardly any evidence about my expected heist. Unless if it were.. A calling card! Ah. It wouldn’t matter now, as my original plan has been foiled.
It might be risky to find Spice. The only place she should be was near the roof, most likely transitioning to the museum right now. Why, she could have already seen me already disguised! After all, the roof had many glass windows, easy for her to see what’s happening. But there’s another option; Vent. The only, fast way to get in the museum.
There’s always a possibility that she’s watching from above, silently waiting for my next move.
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And she was! She felt bad for Walnut being tricked like that, but there’s no way she could have known that was Roguefort. Spice had debated shouting out to her, but that might risk Roguefort making a hasty escape so she held her tongue.
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The question was, what to do now? Roguefort might even realize that she might be up here. She would need to come up with a plan, fast… again… again. Really, the only choice she had was to stake out from the vent until Roguefort got close to the gem… Hmm… Yes, maybe that could work. A plan indeed was starting to form. In Spice’s head. She loosened the bolts on the bottom of the vent door in front of her and pushed it gently to ensure it could swing open, slightly… Yes. That would work. At this point the best chance she had was to try and be two steps ahead of the thief that was always ten steps towards the finish line… Could she even do that? She was no criminal mastermind, if anything she was just kind of improvising at this point.  Well there was no other choice for her than to simply have her wand at the ready, wait for Roguefort to get close, and wait for them to turn off the security system around the gem. Then she would have ample time to strike.
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
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Quickly, I disguised myself as a regular officer to avoid any indication of my presence. Crumbles knew what it meant and hovered safely to another area.
A few minutes later and Walnut turned to me, giving a friendly hello; The detective was unaware of what was happening. Well, it’d make sense since the commotion wasn’t near her at all.
“Hello, officer. If you don’t bother, could you find my assistance Spice? I might have deciphered the hints Phantom Bleu gave us!”
... “Of course, ma’am, ” I replied, half confused. Hints of what? Past heists? As far as I knew, there were hardly any evidence about my expected heist. Unless if it were.. A calling card! Ah. It wouldn't matter now, as my original plan has been foiled.
It might be risky to find Spice. The only place she should be was near the roof, most likely transitioning to the museum right now. Why, she could have already seen me already disguised! After all, the roof had many glass windows, easy for her to see what's happening. But there's another option; Vent. The only, fast way to get in the museum.
There's always a possibility that she's watching from above, silently waiting for my next move.
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Once she was climbing the ladder, I knew I was in for an unpleasant visit from the two. So, hastily, I lifted up my feet from the ground and began to flee from the top portion of the roof with Crumbles behind me. 
I glid down from the roof before anything could occur. Then, landing on the surface safely, I dashed to the entrance of the museum. Certainly, it wasn’t the right decision. Though I had no other choice! Guards were already protecting the first entrance of the area. 
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Once I entered the museum, I was greeted with many valuable historic artifacts, perceived by my very eyes. No, no, I have no intention to steal those… But, perhaps.
Suddenly, a thought struck me. The little detective could be in this room… Gah! 
Indeed, there she was. Looking through her papers and whatnot. Good. They’re too distracted with her investigations to notice me, yet. 
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Spice made it to the top, just catching sight of Roguefort as they jumped down from the top.  “Rats!” she cursed, running over and seeing Roguefort run through the museum entrance. Being cocky, as usual.  Now she had magic that could get her down, but she didn’t exactly have any spells that allowed her to teleport (Yet, at least). Everything she did have would be too slow. At the very least she felt she had thrown a monkey wrench into the thief’s original plan. 
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The question was, what to do now? … She dreaded thinking of it, but perhaps now was the time to think like a thief. Spice was the one who was up here now, and clearly Roguefort intended to sneak in from up here… So that must mean they had a planned entryway. 
She looked around the roof for anything that seemed suspicious. There were a few skylights, but none of them seemed particularly loose or helpful. Peering down she could see Walnut working on the clues they had found still… and another figure towards the entrance of the room… She needed to work fast… again. 
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It was then that she spotted the opening to a rather large air vent atop the roof of the building. Certainly big enough to fit a cookie inside… Like the kind you’d see in a movie. 
“This is a stupid idea… but whatever, I guess I get to be stupid tonight!” Pumpkin Spice said, throwing her hands into the air. She put her wand into her mouth to help keep the area around her lit as she climbed right into the vent and began to let herself down… clumsily. It’s not like she had much of a grip on the metal plating. She wondered what Roguefort did to always make this seem so easy.  Eventually Spice managed to land herself at the bottom of the vent. It was peering down from the ceiling and she could see the gem itself on display. That was… troubling. Not just seeing how easy it was herself, but seeing that she was still quite a bit high in the air.
However, she stayed within the vent for now… Clearly Roguefort was on their way to the gem. There was no doubt about that. Maybe if she played her cards right, she could ambush them.
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
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Once she was climbing the ladder, I knew I was in for an unpleasant visit from the two. So, hastily, I lifted up my feet from the ground and began to flee from the top portion of the roof with Crumbles behind me. 
I glid down from the roof before anything could occur. Then, landing on the surface safely, I dashed to the entrance of the museum. Certainly, it wasn’t the right decision. Though I had no other choice! Guards were already protecting the first entrance of the area. 
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Once I entered the museum, I was greeted with many valuable historic artifacts, perceived by my very eyes. No, no, I have no intention to steal those... But, perhaps.
Suddenly, a thought struck me. The little detective could be in this room... Gah! 
Indeed, there she was. Looking through her papers and whatnot. Good. They’re too distracted with her investigations to notice me, yet. 
Hm? Pile of leaves… Leading her somewhere. I don’t remember seeing any leaves fall while entering the museum. Although, I may have neglected that. 
Something tugged on my cape. Spontaneously, I grew pale. Has the assistant already sought me out?
However, as I look to see who it was, it was thankfully not them. Mr. Crumbles, instead. My, how could I have forgotten about my favorite pet?
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It dropped an item in my lap, what appears to be a device; a controller of sort. Wait. This security device couldn’t have been taken so easily now would it? 
My sight was then shifted to an officer running to Walnut’s assistant with a panicked look. “Ma’am. Have you seen a blue-spotted cat anywhere? Holding a metallic tool?”
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“A blue-spotted ca-LORD CRUMBLES!!” Pumpkin Spice shouted. 
There was only one blue spotted cat that she knew of, and that was Roguefort’s pet! No doubt in her mind now that the thief was already here! The cat probably swiping something important from the guard. Spice made a note of it, but if she had been right then they had no time to lose.
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“The roof! We need to look on the roof of the building, as quickly as possible!!” She told the security guard.  Surely there was a way inside to access the roof… but she had no time for that!! She took her magic wand and pointed at the flattest part of the wall. 
“Spice Magic: Ladder!” she commanded. A blast of magic formed into the shape of a makeshift ladder up the building. She quickly began climbing her way up as fast as she could.  “Sorry sir, the magic won’t last long enough for the both of us, but time is wasting!”
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
Hm? Pile of leaves... Leading her somewhere. I don’t remember seeing any leaves fall while entering the museum. Although, I may have neglected that. 
Something tugged on my cape. Spontaneously, I grew pale. Has the assistant already sought me out?
However, as I look to see who it was, it was thankfully not them. Mr. Crumbles, instead. My, how could I have forgotten about my favorite pet?
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It dropped an item in my lap, what appears to be a device; a controller of sort. Wait. This security device couldn’t have been taken so easily now would it? 
My sight was then shifted to an officer running to Walnut’s assistant with a panicked look. “Ma’am. Have you seen a blue-spotted cat anywhere? Holding a metallic tool?”
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I watched the detective’s assistant snap at the air in bitter frustration; It amuses me. Tsk, tsk, you won’t gain anything if you simply release your frustration onto thin air.
But as much as I’d like to see her complain, there were other important things to do. Though, glancing at the window, dead of night hasn’t begun yet. It’d be best to wait patiently for my grand heist. 
After all, this cookie’s behavior seems to be entertaining for me. And I wonder.. What have they investigated in the museum so far?
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Pumpkin Spice gave a huff, of course they weren’t going to be lead out of the dark so easily. After all, they always seemed to be amused by her frustration.
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They always did these sorts of heists at night, right? Under the cover of darkness? Then she ought to work fast before they struck. 
There’s plenty of places they could get in from. A Vent, a window on the ceiling, hell they could probably walk through the front door and wait it out disguised as a security guard or something if they wanted to. There were so many tricks up their sleeves you’d swear you could see them poking out of the fabric, the question was which trick would it be? At least that’s the big question Walnut was trying to answer, and if they got it correct they’d hopefully intercept them before they got to their prize. 
She pulled out her spice wand from under her hat and gave a short command, “Spice Magic: Illuminate.” The pumpkin at the tip would light up like a flashlight, the assistant pointing it around the area to see if anything caught her attention. The setting sun made a few areas a little darker than she liked.
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It was then that Pumpkin spice had caught a trail of leaves strewn threw her path, quite different than the foliage around the little outer garden.  “Oho, so you are out here, aren’t you smartie?” She hissed under her breath.  She shined her light from leaf to leaf, seeing it end abruptly near the side of the wall.  “Roof, Roof. You’re on the roof. You probably hopped across the trees outside the museum for leverage and got on the roof.” She said, taking out her notebook and jotting down some quick notes… could that be a red herring though…? Maybe it was a red herring. For all she know Baron Von Bastard set that up to lead her on the wrong path…  Still, if it was wrong then Walnut would disprove it. If there’s anything the little detective taught her, it’s that even the smallest clue is important.
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
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I watched the detective’s assistant snap at the air in bitter frustration; It amuses me. Tsk, tsk, you won’t gain anything if you simply release your frustration onto thin air.
But as much as I’d like to see her complain, there were other important things to do. Though, glancing at the window, dead of night hasn’t begun yet. It’d be best to wait patiently for my grand heist. 
After all, this cookie’s behavior seems to be entertaining for me. And I wonder.. What have they investigated in the museum so far?
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(Starter for @rxguefort-cookie)
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“… Are you actually here to steal something, or do you just enjoy causing me grief?!” Spice shouted to the air. Pumpkin Spice was helping Walnut on yet another case involving the theft of precious gems… except in this case, Roguefort hadn’t struck yet. A warning had arrived in advance that Walnut and her were investigating. Spice had split off from the detective to search around for extra clues, while the detective herself analysed the clues they had found so far.
Twilight was dawning as Spice had made her way to the outside sitting area of the Museum that had hired the two… and suddenly she had the feeling she was being watched. No doubt Roguefort was already here, slinking in the shadows, and even though they had yet to steal anything (as far as she could tell) the feisty cookie was already done with their funny business. 
Maybe if she was lucky, she could get a clear shot at him with her spice magic, but she doubted it… If anything she could at least shout at the air and hoped something happened.
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
Have you ever gotten injured on a heist? o-o?
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“I was about to make my grand escape out of the masquerade ball. However, as I glide down the building, my phantom raven costume.. Snapped.”
“Fortunately, it wasn’t high up. Perhaps at an average altitude. Still, impacted me gravely. That was the closest to getting arrested, being paralyzed temporarily.”
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
How do you act around Walnut cookie?
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“Well, um, I tend to look after her, actually.” Roguefort admitted, smiling nervously at Anon. “I know, you’re wondering why.”
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“Walnut cookie is still a kid, with no one to look after her. She spends her days locked up in her room solving crime investigations and reading detective novels. The only thing she has to accompany her is Ted.”
“But I think I act a little too easy around her, guiding the detective with my calling cards and ‘mysterious letters.’”
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
What was your weirdest heist? owo
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“Hah, it’s more of... Mr. Crumbles’ heist.”
“Though, I’d like to give an honorary mention to my most recent heist in cheesecake manor. It was merely luck that nobody considered to turn me in. Ion was quite close to, but I, somehow manage to deceive the cookie robot.”
“But my most weirdest heist? The time Crumbles robbed a jewelry store without my acquaintance.”
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
What was your most dangerous heist?
“I like to call them thrilling!” 
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“Apart from the Cheesecake manor heist, it would be the attempt from Yogurt Cream’s treasure room.”
“The collector’s guards were so unwelcoming and ruthless they chased me out of the room, almost taking away my cat, Mr. Crumbles... As well as my cane.”
“I wouldn’t even dare to go visit Yogurca. At least not right now.”
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
what's your relationship with walnut cookie? do you consider the detective your enemy?
“Formidable indeed. She solved my hint.”
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“I don’t see why I should be rivals with her. I have no intention of harming her in any way.”
“Walnut cookie has a lot of potential, and I tend to underestimate those limits.” Roguefort sighed, clutching their forehead in embarrassment. 
“She’s the only one that can get close to apprehending me and her determination is quite inevitable; It would be a shame if she were to ever get hurt. The chances are rather high, though, as she is still a vulnerable kid who has more to learn than play detective.”
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rxguefort-cookie · 5 years
underrated blog smh but why don't you like cheese?
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“I guess you can say it’s underrated. Perhaps the extravagant amount of words to answer the questions are underwhelming for them.”
“And cheese?” They asked, confused.  
“Even if I am affiliated with cheese,” they stopped, a light pink blush formed across their face. “Errh, they stink. I just don’t like them.”
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