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fugazi-rearchived · 1 month ago
Welcome to my Fugazi fanmade archive!!
Hi, my name's Andy and this is gonna be my ATTEMPT at an archive for my alltime favorite band Fugazi.
Here is what this archive will consist of...
Pictures and dates of concerts
Concert posters
Setlists (maybe accompanied by a playlist i make)
Links to videos/audios of the concerts
(not every post will have all of these but i will try my best)
Thank you, and enjoy my archive of Fugazi
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chronivore · 2 months ago
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twinpinkyrings · 4 months ago
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alfredge · 9 months ago
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 10 months ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the now over 40-year-old skate deck from the private collection of Andy Rose, author of "There's Something Hard in There" blogspot, a relic of his teenage hardcore punk past.
"I was no Z-Boy, that's for sure. Not even close, man.
Alva, Adams, Peralta and the others would have laughed me out of town.
However, I could get my skateboard going at my own pace and have a blast while riding The Strand along Hermosa, Manhattan and Redondo as a youngster. My friend Sean and I "bombed" the mammoth hills by my home in Redondo without flinching (well, maybe a little bit at first). I couldn't ride the ramps as well as my buddy Brian or shred the bowls like the ragers at Skateboard World in Torrance, but who cares?
Skating for me was something to do during those Southern California summers, and it usually involved music, as well: everything from BOSTON to ZEPPELIN to BLACK FLAG to MINOR THREAT. You can't beat that."
-- ANDY ROSE (author & founder of "There's Something Hard in There" blogspot, c. February 2015
Source: https://theressomethinghardinthere.blogspot.com/2015/02.
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multimikedc · 2 months ago
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Bed Maker
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sufferinproxy · 1 year ago
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anothersievefistedfind · 5 months ago
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Fugazi, Blue Note, Columbia, MO USA 8/27/1993 (FLS #0570)
Fugazi’s 1993 tour arguably captures the band at its absolute prime. The band was locked in, fierce, and still carrying some of that underground bite. This August 27th show at the Blue Note in Columbia, Missouri, is a case in point. Just glance at the first eight songs, and it’s clear they hit the stage with force, seizing the crowd by the throat and charging through the set with relentless energy.
The performance is raw, intense, and unapologetic. While the recording is a little rough around the edges, that only adds to the power of the show, feeding off the confrontational vibe of the night. The vocals start off low in the mix, especially in the first couple of songs, but balance out as the gig gains momentum.
The recording documents a strong performance overall. Memorable highlights include a bone-crushing rendering of Reprovisional to open the set, the one-two punch of Instrument into Sieve-Fisted Find, the dual guitar interplay and jam on Promises, and a drawn-out build-up and extended outro of Sweet and Low that stretches into the night on the subtle rim clicks of Brendan’s snare drum.
The setlist packs 20 songs, with In On The Kill Taker front and center with no less than nine tracks. Five tracks come from Repeater, three from Steady Diet of Nothing, two from the 7 Songs EP, and just one from the Margin Walker EP. This show is pure Fugazi intensity at its best.
For some more information, check-out Antti's elaborate write-up of this gig in the comments section via the show hyperlink above.
The set list:
1. Intro 2. Reprovisional 3. Facet Squared 4. Interlude 1 5. Dear Justice Letter 6. Greed 7. Interlude 2 8. Walken's Syndrome 9. Interlude 3 10. Instrument 11. Sieve-Fisted Find 12. Reclamation 13. Rend It 14. Promises 15. Interlude 4 16. Give Me The Cure 17. Waiting Room 18. Interlude 5 19. Smallpox Champion 20. Returning The Screw 21. Blueprint 22. Interlude 6 23. Great Cop 24. Encore 25. Stacks 26. Cassavetes 27. Interlude 7 28. Repeater 29. Sweet and Low 30. Outro
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bandcampsnoop · 6 months ago
I'd never heard of Autoclave, although I certainly heard of Mary Timony, Slant 6, The Casual Dots, and Ex Hex - all associated with Autoclave. I learned about the band through the Bandcamp article on Christina Billotte.
This sounds like the 90s - it seems like Autoclave should have played at the International Pop Underground Festival in Olympia - I mean, many of their friends including Fugazi and Nation of Ulysses did. This sounds like the perfect collaboration between Dischord and K Records (which the first Autoclave 7" was). The 7" is reasonably priced on Discogs. Let's hope Dischord will reissue this compilation (last reissued on vinyl in 2019).
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purulens-kopet · 9 months ago
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nerdneck · 1 year ago
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scavengedluxury · 2 years ago
Recorded live November 1987.
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hatecomeseasy · 1 year ago
TEEN IDLES - Sneakers (Version)
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 1 year ago
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on primary VOID lyricist and band drummer, the late, great Sean Finnegan rocking a "Wild Style" (1983) sleeveless T-shirt, with "Bubba" Dupree to the left of him looking more glammed out than in the band's earlier days, c. 1983-'84? 📸: Jim Saah.
Resolution at 1080x728 & 640x819.
PIC #2: Behind-the-scenes shot of the 1983 hip-hop cult classic/docudrama, "Wild Style," with the titular "Wild Style" mural by graffiti artists ZEPHYR, Revolt, and Sharp in the background.
Sources: www.picuki.com/media/2629286378490184617 & Dazed Magazine.
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thefailurecult · 2 years ago
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anothersievefistedfind · 2 years ago
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Fugazi, Salle des Fêtes, Kingersheim, France 6/10/1995 (FLS #0685)
This one was brought to my attention by @alexmitrani who earmarked it as a personal favorite. Having listened to the recording repeatedly for the last couple of days, I certainly found plenty of strongpoints to enjoy.
The tape documents a one-off performance in Kingersheim, a small commune in northeastern France. It was the last out of ten shows Fugazi played on French soil in 1995 (it appears Ian MacKaye was unusually mistaken when expressing his praise and gratitude for the country during the show, mentioning a total of 12 gigs in France in 1995). 
Fugazi performed no less than 28 songs on this particular night. And considering the running time of the recording clocks in at around 1 h 44 mins, this will surely be one of the longer shows the band ever played.
The opening of the set is a scorcher and the band comes out swinging, going balls out. The performance is pretty much on point and ardent throughout, yet particular highlights in my book include the wild Turnover breakdown, Joe’s bass driving songs such as Bed For The Scraping, Long Division and Long Distance Runner, and a phenomenal encore 2.
The set list includes a high dosage of Red Medicine tracks (10) and most of their earlier work is thrown in the mix in equal measure: In on the Kill Taker (4), Steady Diet of Nothing (4), Repeater (5), 7 Songs debut EP (4) and the 3 Songs seven-inch (1). The Margin Walker EP is the apparent absentee here. 
Note that this show features the only (!) live version of Greed in 1995, and includes rare 1995 sightings of Break-In, KYEO and Glueman as well (here even with Combination Lock - which actually appears to be encore 3 by itself - to close out the performance).
Banter is scarce yet portrays the band in an upbeat mood, not considering the occasional rebuke drawn by the local lighting tech. Note that Guy addresses the patrons in French most of the time, reminiscent of, entre autres, the phenomenal Fugazi show in Bordeaux 1992.
The only thing that takes my enjoyment of this recording and show down a notch is that the audio, particularly of the instrumentation, is stretched a bit thin and trebly, hinting at the audience source of the recording.
Video footage of this concert is available, and can be accessed through the following archival link: https://archive.org/details/fugazi1995-06-10 
Much obliged @alexmitrani.
The set list:
1. Intro 2. Merchandise 3. Public Witness Program 4. Greed 5. Do You Like Me 6. Interlude 1 7. Bed For The Scraping 8. Walken's Syndrome 9. Reclamation 10. Interlude 2 11. Turnover 12. Interlude 3 13. Back To Base 14. Downed City 15. Shut the Door 16. Waiting Room 17. Break-In 18. Bad Mouth 19. Give Me The Cure 20. Interlude 4 21. By You 22. Interlude 5 23. Forensic Scene 24. Long Division 25. Runaway Return 26. Interlude 6 27. Long Distance Runner 28. Encore 1 29. Fell, Destroyed 30. Great Cop 31. Blueprint 32. Encore 2 33. KYEO 34. Target 35. Sweet and Low 36. Glueman 37. Combination Lock 38. Outro
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