#disc. ars.
fideidefenswhore · 4 days
did anne have the motto "me and mine" some time? i don't hear much discourse on it compared to the grudge one
oh, i've seen discourse about it...
tracy borman (recently) cites a secondary source (book, published 20c) for this motto, but as i don't have access to that, i don't know what his source is...
"The falcon was often painted in silver, with a gold crown and sceptre, standing on a gold trunk out of which spouted red and white roses and the words 'Mihi et mea' ('Me and mine' or 'me and my love') ." Pinches, J.H. and R.V., the Royal Heraldry of England (London, 1974) p.146
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twinktor-frankenstein · 11 months
You mean to tell me Charlie never had her photo taken? Ever? In her life?
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theexclusivestory · 7 months
Perihelion and Aphelion: Earth's Dance with the Sun
Perihelion and Aphelion, the two significant points in Earth's annual journey around the Sun, mark the times when our planet's orbit is closest to and farthest from the Sun, respectively. These celestial events play a crucial role in shaping our planet's climate, seasons, and overall astronomical dynamics, as Earth's orbit is not a perfect circle but rather an elliptical shape. Read more
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webvampzz · 2 months
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martinkate · 6 months
im gonna sdtart my perfect on paper reread
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sammyunhinged · 2 months
To Ares
One of my favorite Homeric Hymns because of how unusual it is. It serves to remind us that Ares is a protector, a leader, and a guide.
Supremely strong Ares,
golden-helmeted chariot-rider,
tough-hearted, shield-carrying
guardian of cities,
bronze in armor, brave of hand,
the tireless, spear-sharp
rampart of Olympos,
father of war-winning Victory,
the ally of Themis.
You are a tyrant to the rebellious,
a leader to the most just,
you carry the staff off manhood,
you whirl your disc of bright fires across the sky
among the seventh tracks for the constellations
where blazing horses bear you forever
beyond the third orbit.
Hear me, helper of mortals,
whose gift is the courage of youth.
From high above, shine down upon our lives
Your gentle light and your warrior’s power,
so I may drive away bitter cowardice from my head
and subdue my soul’s beguiling impulse,
so I may restrain the shrill rage in my heart,
which excites me to charge
into the chilling din of battle.
Rather, blessed god, give me the courage
to stand my ground within the safe laws of peace,
shunning hostility and hatred
and the fate of a violent death.
Translation by Jules Cashford. From 4th or 5th century Roman Empire.
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pupsmailbox · 17 days
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NAMES ⌇ alex. amber. amethyst. ash. azalea. blaze. block. briar. brick. brielle. brier. brook. carver. celeste. clay. cobble. cree. crystal. daisy. dawn. dusty. ember. end. eve. flint. flora. forge. garnet. gemma. granite. grayson. harper. hazel. hero. holly. hopper. iris. ivy. jade. jett. juniper. lapis. laurel. lilac. lily. magnolia. maple. marigold. mason. meadow. miner. mira. moss. nova. oak. onyx. opal. pearl. pebble. poppy. prairie. pyre. quill. red. reed. river. rocky. rose. rowan. ruby. sable. sage. sapphire. selene. shale. sky. skye. skylar. slate. smith. spruce. steele. stella. stephen. stone. sunny. terra. thalia. timber. torch. violet. wade. willow.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ adventurer/adventurer. allay/allay. ar/armour. ax/axe. bam/bamboo. bat/bat. bee/bee. biome/biome. birch/birch. blaz/blaze. blaze/blaze. block/block. build/build. bun/bun. cake/cake. chest/chest. clay/clay. cob/cobble. copper/cooper. cow/cow. cra/craft. craf/craft. craft/craft. cre/creative. creep/creeper. creeper/creeper. dark/dark. deep/deepslate. deep/slate. dig/dig. disc/disc. drown/drown. ely/elytra. elytra/elytra. en/end. end/end. end/eye. ender/ender. ender/enderman. enderman/endermen. explorer/explorer. fight/fight. flint/flint. for/forge. fox/fox. ghast/ghast. glow/stone. goat/goat. grav/gravel. heal/heal. hive/hive. hun/hunger. husk/husk. ice/ice. kaboom/kaboom. kelp/kelp. lav/lava. love/love. magma/magma. mi/mine. mine/mine. mob/mob. mod/mod. moosh/mooshroom. mooshroom/mooshroom. musicnote/musicnote. nether/nether. nostalgia/nostalgia. nostalgic/nostalgic. oak/oak. ocean/ocean. ore/ore. over/overworld. over/world. pearl/pearl. phantom/phantom. pi/pick. pig/pig. pig/pigstep. pig/step. play/player. ram/ram. red/stone. sap/sapling. scream/scream. sculk/sculk. sea/sea. shea/shear. sheep/sheep. sho/shovel. shulk/shulker. skele/skeleton. skeleton/skeleton. skulk/skulk. slime/slime. sme/smelt. smp/smp. snow/snow. spawner/spawner. spec/spectator. speed/speedrun. spider/spider. spruce/spruce. sta/stack. sto/stone. strider/strider. surv/survival. survivor/survivor. swo/sword. tele/teleport. terra/terracotta. tnt/tnt. tor/torch. tree/tree. ve/vex. vwoop/vwoop. warden/warden. warp/warped. warrior/warrior. wat/water. wit/wither. wither/wither. wo/wood. wolf/wolf. xp/xp. zomb/zombie. zombie/zombie.
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naomi-the-red · 2 months
Earth is a Shardworld and TRON proves it.
<<Spoilers for all published Cosmere works and the TRON Films>>
Good evening fellow Radiants, Mistborn, and other Comerenauts. There has been plenty of discussion surrounding many long standing questions in the Comere. What is the intent of the 16th shard? Is Earth in the Cosmere? Why hasn’t Scadrial developed computers yet?
Well the answers to all of those questions are revealed to us in Disney’s TRON (1982), which I believe was ghostwritten by Brandon Sanderson (1975)
In TRON, Kevin Flynn, after provoking the MCP, becomes trapped in the Cognitive Realm of Earth, called 'The Grid', and has to partner with cognitive shadows, called Programs, to defeat the main villain, called the Master Control Program (basically if the Stormfather decided to go Lord Ruler on the Spren after the Recreance).
Kevin, alongside programs Tron and Yori, use their differing knowledge of the magic system to stop the MCP from taking control of the Grid, a land of Programs that represent various functions within the physical world. Ring a Kharbranthian bell? Here’s a hint, replace the Grid with Shadesmar, MCP with Odium, and Kevin, Tron, and Yori with Kaladin, Adolin, and Shallan.
What’s interesting though is this world’s magic system, called Programming, creates these Programs in a much more direct and intentional way than how a Seon or Spren is created. It's sort of a cross between AonDor and Awakening, where you use an interface to write Command words that directly shape Investiture, which they call "Power", into a being called a Program.
Programs are keyed to the Identity of the User that created them and take on their appearance, as well as develop an Identity Disc, a device that contains the Intent of the Program and Identity of the User. I think these Identity Discs are the real reason that TRON will be revealed as part of the Cosmere as they open up so many issues we have when it comes to Identity. If one can key their identity onto a spren or fabrial, it's likely to have profound effects on future investiture technology.
Additionally, years later, in the events of TRON: Legacy, it's revealed that a group of people have mysteriously emerged in the cognitive realm. I believe these 'ISOs' are actually the Iriali and potentially IRE combined into one faction. If it's not a simple error of poor adaptation of the source material, this could be why the ISOs are not blonde and have a more personal connection with Investiture.
Now that Disney has started filming TRON: Ares and Sanderson has mysteriously stopped talking about that 'Mistborn' screenplay, I think it'll be revealed soon that Sanderson not only wrote TRON: Ares, but that TRON: Ares will actually be the first Mistborn Era 3 entry and will follow the plot of the Scadrains discovering Earth and trying to weaponize the Grid against Roshar.
Some Points:
Many might think that this sounds like Invention, but I think the shardic intent here is 'History' or 'Memory'. Most of the magic system at it's core, very subtly works to continously preserve data, like the Identity Discs and typical operations of the various Prorams, such as the MCP going rogue after aquiring significant amounts of data. If we consider shardic intents to be aspects of god divorced from divinity (or absolute divinity. There's a WoB on this.), then it stands to reason there's one shard dedicated to rememberence, and we know the last shard is trying very hard to survive but doesn't have 'survival' as an intention. A Historian Shard could definitely fit the bill.
MCP is corrupted Investiture, that's why it's red, but Clu is an avatar of Autonomy, which is why his faction is orange-red. Clu's entire idea is basically the same as Telsin, except probably lacking in nuclear armaments. Probably.
The device that takes the Flynns on and off the Grid is not a shardpool but a very sophisticated fabrial hooked to a shardpool. I think there's one major difference; the fabrial kills you and turns you into a cognitive shadow (Hence why Kevin could live on the Grid for ages without sustenance beyond investiture)
Daft Punk is canonically Hoid.
I have no idea why I wrote this.
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venomflora · 2 months
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phighting ar t ,,,
Requested from disc subspace and skateboard ^_^
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bearpillowmonster · 7 months
Tron *ahem* Ares got its first teaser image and to be honest, while I loved this concept art and thought that it took the original concepts of Tron and sort of reinvented it-
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I've honestly lost hope in this project from Daft Punk being done, from no word from any of the other original cast, with Cindy Morgan being gone, writers strike, development issues, Jared Leto! It just seemed like Disney flopped the bag and waited too long. I think a reboot is fine but it should've finished out the story with what they had beforehand. The only saving grace could be more games or Uprising S2
But here's the new actual new image-
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And it's just guh! gah!
They released a plot synopsis as well-
“a highly sophisticated Program, Ares, who is sent from the digital world into the real world on a dangerous mission, marking humankind’s first encounter with AI beings.”
I'll be honest, I thought this was an AI created image when I first saw it and didn't think much of it. I'm scared, like really scared, that Disney is going to try and use Tron to *gulp* try and change the perspective of AI and maybe even use it in the *blah* movie.
Let me break it down though, so it's not like the concept art and it does scream Legacy in a way but the triangle...the darn delta. Now I can't see the disc but it looks like it's a- well- not a disc anymore, I don't know what you call that- a boomerang, a-
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Yeah, that. But I also saw someone say a glaive (which would be kind of wicked, not gonna lie.) but I don't think so. That thing on his (belt?) isn't the thing either, that's his lightcycle baton I believe. Unless they're really going to try and make a lightsaber and power feeds from his bac- ok, I'm getting too into this.
But 'dangerous mission'? To what? Is Disney going to have Jared Leto hack into people's bank accounts to siphon out the money directly??? (I'm kidding, that was a joke.) But there's no telling what those lights are in the background so I'm not even going to bother but if I find out this image is AI generated AND official from Disney, I might just pop. There are other notable actors in it but I just can't get behind it yet and that's crazy coming from me, I just feel defeated that the fans and myself have said exactly what we've wanted for years only for this and while this is a change of pace and is actually something of substance, it's being acknowledged, the other side of me is still facing realization.
Wait, hold the effing phone, what the f- is this?
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So what was the thought process you and @twinanimatronics had for Moon and DJMM being besties?
Like I know that's a huge fanon thing (though i think y'all were one of the early ones) but is it something yall based on game data or character analysis?
A pretty good question.
I think part of it had to do with @factual-fantasy's wonderful au and comics of the DJ being very close buds with Sun and Moon.
But I think there was a bit more to it then that.
I think I just wanted a fanfiction mostly centered around Moon and the DJ's friendship because they're both Security bots and are the only two animatronics in the Pizzaplex that go back to being "mainly chill" after their initial segment. (Moon showing up at every hourly recharge being super easy to avoid outside his initial Daycare Segment and Sun just stays in the slide all other times)
I also remember seeing the headcanon in @paper-lilypie's old comics that Moon had a music box, which was a popular hc, that Ceph and I have actually proved to be canon with our rabid exploring of the Pizzaplex map like its an archeological dig site.
Made me get to thinking if Moon used his music box often, what songs would he use?
Also got me thinking about how the DJ makes up his own songs on rotation to avoid copyright. He's essentially an AI generated song prompt, but far more endearing and self-aware. DJMM makes his own bouncer chase music to capture Gregory and that's pretty endearing to me.
Thought about Moon stealing DJ's songs to use in his music box. (and yes, I know real life music boxes are made with a set song in mind and he can't rotate them unless there are discs in there. But idk. lol don't think about the mechanics of this too hard of how a music box actually works)
Made me think that Moon would like relaxing Lofi beats that the DJ would make for him.
Lofi Beats to Capture Children to was initially planned to be five chapters. Just showing glimpses into the lives of DJMM and Moon interacting, from a more DJ-themed perspective, with the pov changing between Moon and the DJ...
But I kept adding more things into there.
Once I realized Sun had to be a character in this, the perspective strictly stayed with Sun and Moon.
Like an OC that was meant to just be a foil, and die for character development for the Daycare Attendant turned out to be more complex then I thought as he just became a worse version of myself and I wanted to see him get better so I made a spin-off entirely about him.
I realized I wanted to have Vanny in this, because I love Vanessa. I wanted to show the toxic but completely codependent relationship the DCA has with Vanessa. Because... Well, let's face it, Vanessa is a non-character in her own game. Many fans don't love her in the way I do. Even the most hard wired DCA fans don't really have anything to say about Vanny/Vanessa.... and either ignore she exists... or she's a meangirl background character not important to the plot. Despite the fact that Vanny and Moon's relationship is the driving force for so many things that happen in Security Breach. To the point where the Daycare Attendant is literally a thematic parallel to the Vanny/Vannessa relationship... Something I've been screaming about since Security Breach came out and no one listened.... But I was right. To the Point it's explicitly confirmed in Help Wanted 2.
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And I also realized that if Sun was going to be a character, I had to establish life for them for a good chunk of it and how fast things go down. I had to determine whether I wanted them to be their separate things, or one person with DID. And ... While I do think that DID is actually canon..... it's something I don't have experience with writing, and I feel that I would end up saying or portraying it offensively. Especially since the DCA already kinda has the "bad alter" archetype in canon. Plus, to coexist with Twins where they get seperated and they're learning to be their own people... It just makes more sense to have a level of miscommunication between the two. So we understand Sun's fear and need for control. (like in canon Sun has no reason to string up fairylights in his dark room... other then just to never have moon switch over and make him uncomfortable. There's no kids in their room to capture. The generators can stay on in the pizzaplex and their room could be dark and the children would be safe. Sun is making it so Moon can't switch at all... and while that is horrible for Moon, it's important to see where that level of distrust and anger and controlling behavior stems from, and why Moon might be afraid of him in twins)
And If I wanted the DJMM to be friends with Moon, I also needed excuses for Moon to go there. I also needed to consider his relationship with the other Glamrocks and animatronics in the pizzaplex. I had to show how isolated Sun was and how much Sun cared for the kids, genuinely.
So the whole thing snowballed and it sometimes becomes intimidating to work on.
I guess long story short... The DJ is cool. And Moon is cool. I love them both and they make a really great non-verbal pair.
I absolutely love Lofi. So thanks for sending this ask. I know I haven't updated in awhile. But you think being unemployed would give me more freetime... lol but I'm mostly depressed and stressed.
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bowlerhatwearer · 8 days
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There was something else I noticed in "Disc 1 - Cast Down".
Ar around 1:13 when this scene appears, we see in the bottom right corner a piece of paper on the pin board.
When enhanced the notepad is all blurry.
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However at around 2:05 we get another scene where we see the same piece of paper, but this time, less blurry.
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Zooming into the frame reveals a face
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I can't help but wonder if this is the face of the person, who we meet and see at the beginning of the Game, whose face can't be seen.
There is something I wonder about the symbol on the bottom left because...
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...it does kind of remind me a bit of a rabbit.
Unfortunately I can't decipher what the two symbols on the top left and right could mean, they are too blurry for me.
I just discovered another scene where we see a glimpse of the notepad, it is around 0:25 and there you can see the two symbols at the bottom better
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I wonder what the symbols could mean...
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theexclusivestory · 7 months
JWST captures the end of planet formation (2024)
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has provided groundbreaking insights into the formation of planetary systems. A recent study led by Naman Bajaj at the University of Arizona, utilizing JWST observations, sheds light on the crucial process of gas dispersal in young planetary systems. This exploration offers valuable clues into the evolution of celestial bodies and provides a deeper understanding of our own solar system's development. Read more
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vppacer · 4 months
Y'all I just noticed smth. I was just inspecting the disc from the Tron: ares poster (still pissed Abt it >:[ ) and noticed it had a signage of Dillinger
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I think I'm missing something here, why does it say Dillinger? Since the script was described as "a program sent out by CLU to kill user yada-yada" but what's with Dillinger here? Did CLU make a deal with Ed Dillinger? If that's so then how??? (Ik Abt the Alan pager thing but to me Ed seems like he isn't the type to have a pager so smth up or maybe cus i haven't known much Abt the storyline yet since I haven't read any of the comics/books)
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coupleofdays · 11 months
Trans (1982)
Trans: Deadly Discs
Discs of Trans
Trans 2.0
Trans: The Ghost in the Machine
Trans Legacy
Trans: The Next Day
Trans Betrayal
Trans Evolution
Trans Uprising
Trans RUN/r
Trans Identity
Trans Ares
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gren-arlio · 10 months
Random Update #3:
Decided to quickly check out the Super Madou Monogatari novel despite not knowing what's giving on.
I mean it looks cool when you get art for the pages.
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These all came from Volume 2 of the novel, which I read on Archive.org. All IK is that there's Satan's brother, the ARS Trio work together for once, and it's loosely off Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon, since the image with Witch was when she was in the Horror House vs Schezo.
Also, through that, I stumbled upon these.
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About 4 random pages of Disc Station talking about Serilly's Happy Birthday, along with artwork for the characters I haven't seen. I'd like to assume they're from different magazines.
Its...pretty fascinating. I take no real credit for finding this stuff, anyways. It's just me posting it here.
Translations will be late because of school unfortunately, taking 3 English classes was not my best move, but they'll be released next week at the very least.
That'll be all for now. Just wanted to throw this out here.
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