#dipper you don't wanna know trust me
Do you see my vision
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mooooonnnzz · 20 days
Hi I just wanna say I read the Dad! Stanley hcs you did and it was sooo goood I loved every bit of it.
I was wondering if you could do a bit of an angsty request where Stanley's child is in there late teens an gets possesed by Bill, like what do you think his reaction would be, since when dipper got possesed by bill, bill physicaly injured dippers body a lot and was just genuinely careless with his body. Also I have no idea when the reader would be possesed by bill mabey after Ford is back to make things extra angsty since ford knows of bill, idk do whatever you like with this request I just like angst with for no reason whatsoever.
Also I did try to find if you had any request rules but I couldn't find any so if you do have rules and this request is something you don't feel comfortable writing then please just ignore this request, I hope you have a brilliant day or night :D.
Another thing I just wanted to mention is I'm sorry for how long this request is.
Far From The Weight of The World
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Dad!Stanley Pines x Teen!Reader
❀ 9,1k words its a loottt so if ur ready to hunker down and read a whole bunch this is for u!!
❀ guess who finished far from the weight of the world THIS GUYYY
❀ it wouldn't have ever seen the light of day if it wasn't for @raventeen they helped me sm!! like they helped every single step of the way and chose the direction of where this should go so big thanks to them <3
❀ i hope you all enjoy this! :3
❀ possible tw: description of skin melting off, throwing up blood, self inflicted harm, more blood, uhh broken bones? even more blood
❀ gn!reader
❀ i love dad stan pines smmm
❀ requests r still open hehe
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“Sweetheart!” Stan’s footsteps could be heard thumping on the ground towards you. You marched forwards, your throat painfully knotted in a ball, suppressing your sobs and swallowing your words. Your head swirled with the word liar, spinning around hastily. Whispers of Mable and Dipper could be heard distantly behind you, their concerned eyes digging holes right through you. Too swept up by your wind of emotions you ignored their worried looks. 
“We can talk about this, kiddo. Just give me a second.” His fingers curl against your arm but you yank it away before he’s able to wrap them around you. “What do you want, Dad?” You promptly turned around, glassy eyes somberly staring into his wide ones. “Can you please give me a chance. Hear me out,” his voice cracked at the end, his hands twitching to desperately reach out to you and prevent you from taking another step further away from him. “I don’t know If I can trust you, Dad.” Uttering that sentence shattered something within you. Not once have you thought of yourself ever telling your very own dad that you don’t trust him. He had never given you a reason to distrust him. To you, all his past lies were seen as truth to you, undeniable facts that couldn’t be broken apart because his word carried high validity, to you at least. But now, you’re not even sure that he’s telling you the truth right now.
Ford’s heavy shoes sounded on the creaky wooden floors, announcing his presence wordlessly. “[Name], dear. Listen to your father.” He adds. He looked at you with an analytical stare, twisting your stomach inside out. You didn’t like how he looked at you like you were one of his captured anomalies, inspecting you and reading your tense body language, anticipating for the second where you’d act out of pure emotion so he’d supply you with meaningless words that held nothing but empty hope to burn out the flurry of emotions that ran rampant inside you.
“I don’t want to hear anything from you, Uncle Ford.” You spat out. He was the last person you wanted to hear anything from. From time to time, you’ve begged him to tell you what exactly is going around here yet he’d always brush you aside, dismissing whatever you’d ask and move on with the next thing that gripped his attention. “You never wanted to say anything to me until now.” 
Ford, not expecting your answer, stumbled with his words. He shakes his head, almost as if he’s expelling his shock with the shakes and regains his composure. “[Name],” he starts off with a stern tone. “You are acting purely on your emotions. I need you to compose yourself and talk to us when you’re relaxed enough to form a proper sentence that doesn’t have you snapping at us.” 
Your jaw gawks open. “So you’re telling me that I shouldn’t be feeling upset over this? 
Ford clicked his tongue, a twinge of frustration oozing out of him. Everything you’re saying is going off the script Ford had curated in his head. He’s rendered useless as he scrambles for words he can put together in a sentence that’ll feasibly flip your train of thought around and convince you that the way you’re acting is irrational. 
Ford waved his head side to side, unsure with his answer. Stan noticed the apprehension shrouded on Ford’s face and he silently signaled to him to not say what he’s about to say, already knowing that his poor choice of words was going to send this whole situation right on its back. Too stubborn for his own good, Ford stood his ground and opened his mouth much to Stan’s clear distaste of him speaking his mind. 
“Yes but no.” You grit your teeth together, eyes narrowly staring daggers at Ford who looked seemingly pleased with his response.
Stan gulps nervously, taking a cautious step forward. “Sweetie, don’t listen to him. He’s an idiot. He doesn’t know what–” 
“--You’re telling me that I’m overreacting? I have just found out that my dad has been lying to me since the moment I was born! And to make matters worse, you all are hiding things from me. None of you are bothering to tell me what the hell is going on here. Why are we all so secretive? We all promise to tell each other everything, no more secrets, no more lies! What happened to that? You all know something and I have a right to know as well!”
You heaved out a ragged breath, words spilling out of you in a madden rush. You held down your tongue for too long. Long nights of sneaky meandering had left you scrambling all the pieces they had discarded on secrets of Gravity Falls together, solving and answering all the questions you laid out for them but chose to ignore. All the lies Stan had fed you over the years concerning this supposed lazy town was unraveling right in front of you. What else had he been hiding from you? What other filthy lies had he pushed on you that you so mindlessly believed? 
Stan’s mouth flounders, stammers of jumbled sounds spilled out. His arms are rendered at his side, stunned with your outburst. “I thought I was protecting you.” He whispers, his fingers flexing anxiously. “Dad! This whole summer has been nothing but crazy. I didn’t know that we had half of those monsters in our woods because you lied to me and told me that it’s been my imagination. What if I had gotten close to one thinking that it was all in my head, and the beast mauls my head off. What then, Dad?” 
Stan deflates. Lost for words, he runs a hand down his gray hair. Thinking about finding your bloodied body sent full body chills down his spine and his stomach lurching. He never sat down and thought of the consequences of what he told you. As long as he said that it was all in your head, he thought you would’ve strayed away from them. 
“I’m going outside. Maybe some stupid gnome would actually tell me what’s going on here because nobody here wants to even tell me anything.” The door slammed shut, causing everything on the wall to rattle and almost tip over. “Oh,” Stan drooped his head onto his palms, tears swelling in his eyes. “I really screwed up here.” He whispered to himself, his voice crackly and small. 
Ford patted his back and Stan believed for a quick moment that Ford was going to say something so beautifully uplifting that he’d see the brighter sides of things, but he tells him, “When are you not?” and continues to pat his back.
Stan violently shrugged Ford’s hand off, his hand pushing Ford away from him. “Really, poindexter?” He scoffs, walking off into the living room where Mable and Dipper watched the whole scene unfold. “I thought it would offer some comfort!” He defeatedly argues back, a dejected sigh escaping him when his eyes meet Mable’s watery ones and Dipper’s disappointed glare. “Kids, I—“ Mable swiftly turns her head to the side, mumbling something under her breath as she ambles up to her room. 
“I’m going to find them.” Stan walks in, slipping on a jacket to shield him from the cold. “I’m coming too.” Ford reaches out to grab the doorknob when Stan’s hand stops him from doing so. “I don’t think they want to see you right now.” Stan gingerly shoved Ford out of the way, leaving him to his thoughts as he shut the door behind him. Cursing to himself, Ford rams his foot on the door angrily. 
Venturing far into the lush woods, you grumbled bitterly to yourself. You couldn’t even trust your own family to tell you something so simple. How utterly pathetic is that? 
You fought the urge to punch a nearby tree and continued on, getting yourself lost in the natural maze of the forest. You wanted to get as far away as possible just so you can find time for yourself to cool down. After a while, the cold air started to nip at your exposed arms. The hairs on your body stood up as a cold shiver rippled through you. Hugging yourself to provide some warmth you found yourself sitting on the grassy floor, back leaning against the bark of the tree. 
The soft chirps and squeaks of the animals brought a sense of calmness over you. These woods have been declared dangerous by Stan and for the longest time you never went out here without Stan hovering behind you or Soos mindlessly meandering through the woods with you. Your hands swayed across the green blades of grass, focusing on the itchy feeling that ran through your palms rather than the bitter cold. The faint whistles of the wind swirled around your ears and out around you. Has this forest always been so peaceful? Leaning your head against the trunk of the tree, you closed your eyes shut. Relishing in the comforting nature the woods provided you. 
“Sweetheart?” Your eyes shoot open. “Dad?” Your heart quickens, your head whipping around rapidly. “Sweetie?” Stan’s voice grew closer and closer. The sound of the grass crunching and bending under his steps resounded throughout the quiet woods, his calls becoming more frequent and louder. How did he find you so quickly? 
A shadowy figure, one you’ve grown to recognize, stepped out from the shade and presented himself. “[Name].” Stan sweetly calls out, kneeling down beside you. “Dad? What are you doing here?” 
Stan smiled, opening his mouth but all that came out was a raspy breath. “Wha–” Your voice hitches in your throat. 
Stan’s skin started melting off in a disgusting mess of bubbling flesh. The side of his face became a drooping mess and a crazed cackle left his lips. “You should’ve seen the look on your face, kid!” He points a boney finger at you, melted flesh sludge dripping from the bone. You scramble back, terrified screams ripping out of you. 
“W-What is going on?” You push yourself up from the floor with your hand, bile coating the back of your throat at the horrid sight of Stan’s bloodied flesh sploshing to the floor. “I’m just playing tricks on you!” With a snap of his finger, Stan poofed away in thin air. What took his spot was an ominous floating triangle with a top hat. “Well, well, well, look who it is, [Name]! I knew we'd cross paths sooner or later. I gotta admit, I'm thrilled!” His eye crinkled in a joyous smile. 
“How…” You blinked dumbly at the floating triangle. “I’m dreaming, right?”
“You sure are, kid!” 
A wave of recognition passes through you. This was the god Ford was talking about in one of his journals. Your knowledge of him was not much, but from the tidbits you have read, Ford had admired this god. He went as far as to calling the triangle his muse. What was his name? Wasn’t it– “Bill?” His name spills out of your mouth. “Ah! So you do know about me?” He tilts a little in your direction, his hands clasped together. “Hear anything good?” A glimmer of forlorn hope shimmers in his eye before it’s washed away with an inquisitive look. “I-I think so? My Uncle really liked you from what I had read in his journals.” You squint your eyes in thought.
“Oh, he really liked me.” Bill’s charmed voice had entailed that there was more to the story than what was told but he didn’t give you time to mull over that thought before jumping into the flow of another topic. “But that’s all in the past now, right?” He snaps his fingers, a comfortable looking chair appearing before your eyes. He floated down on the chair, kicking his legs up and crossing them. 
“I heard that a little someone has been lied to, isn’t that unfortunate?” The corner of his eye pulled to the side, almost as if it was a sadden frown. “How did you know?” The chair poofs away.  “I see everything, kid!” His hands fall to his sides and he slowly leans towards you, his eye pulled wide open. Flashes of images you couldn’t quite comprehend flickered by in a brisk montage. “Everything.” He draws out. “Anyways, I've got a deal for you. You give me, I give you. Sounds fair, doesn't it?” 
You raise a brow. “How can I trust you?” You rolled your fingers around the grass, delicately pulling on them. 
“Your dear Uncle Ford trusted me!” He shakes his hands enthusiastically. 
You pressed your lips into a thin line, still not convinced. “You literally pretended to be my dad and melted him right in front of me.” Bill put his fists to his sides, huffing out like a little child. “Can’t a triangle have a little fun here?” He rolled his eye dramatically. You eyed him, skepticism evident on your face. “I don’t know…” You plucked out a few blades of grass from the dirt. “I feel like if you wanted to gain my trust then you shouldn’t have done that.” You crumpled up the grass into a little green ball and tossed it at Bill. The ball passes through his body. 
“Maybe you’ll change your mind once I propose the deal..?” Bill’s eye stretched out and morphed into a mouth with his lips puckered. He whistles out a tune you can’t recognize and innocently kicks the air. “Go on,” You wave your hand out to him. “If you make a deal with me, everything that you’ve been wanting to know will be revealed to you. All you have to do is shake my hand.” He extended out his hand, blue flame engulfing it whole. You blink your eyes in surprise. Was it really that easy? “There’s no catch?” 
Bill’s fingers trembled in anticipation. “None whatsoever!” 
You could trust him, right? Ford had trusted him! Bill even confirmed it himself. And with what you read, Bill had been giving him infinite knowledge. Feeding him thoughts that no one else had thought of before. He did manage to build that portal and come to think of it, wasn’t it triangular shaped? Was that Bill shaped or were you reaching? You think for a minute more, weighing the pros and the cons. Biting your tongue, you looked at Bill. Bill made a deal with Ford and he’s still alive and well, so how bad could it really be?
You bite the bullet and grasp onto his hand, the flame trailing towards you and consuming your hand whole. A maniacal laugh rips through the air and the world stills. The color drains around you, unpleasantly welcoming you to a monochrome world. “That was just too easy!” Bill wipes a tear from his eye, his firm grip on your hand never wavering. “W-What do you mean?” You tried forcefully pulling your hand away from Bill’s iron grip but it felt like your whole hand was encased in stone. No matter how hard you tried prying yourself away from his hold, his hand still didn’t budge. His eye twists into a pleased smile, his fingers thumping against the edge of your palm gleefully. 
“Was I an idiot for trusting you?” Your words came out in a quiet whisper. You can feel the life being sucked out of you as Bill drew his hand back. “Yes! Absolutely!” He said with a cheer, yanking his hand back suddenly, pulling you out of your physical form. Bill wasted no time taking over your body. He rose up with a delighted laugh, his hands running down your body, taking in the new but familiar feeling. “Wow!” He pressed your palms on your lower back, stretching out your back with a few gratifying pops. “It has been so long since I’ve possessed someone!” Cracking your fingers, he turned over to your floating form with an eerie smile. The world bleeds back into its colors and the soft tranquil sounds of the forest flooded your ears. “Funny how we switched places, huh?” 
You let out a shaky breath, your mind relentlessly battering you with words. How was this even possible? How could you be so foolish? You couldn’t even comprehend any of this. Bill moving around and using your body was terrifying. That was physically you and right now, he was joyously ramming your fist into the tree. You can see the skin on your knuckles rip and tear, blotchy patches of blood tainting the light bark. A light tingle of pain buzzed on your knuckles but it went away as quickly as it came.
“You’re so easy to injure! How weak are you?” He observes the damage eagerly, making your finger pinch on a frayed piece of skin. He twisted it and pulled it back, lightly chuckling to himself as he watched pearls of blood bead up from the now exposed skin. “Bill, stop!” Out of instinct, your hand went over to swat his arm away. A cold gust of wind flows through you as your hand phases right through yo–Bill. He stopped, plucking off the skin and flicking it aside.  “If you keep hurting yours–, I mean, me! They’re going to wonder what happened.”
“Not if I tell them that you got attacked!” He said in a sing-song voice, his eyes keenly looking around for anything else that’ll harm your body. “[Name]!” Stan’s voice rung in the air, pulling you and Bill from your thoughts. A sinister smile tug at Bill’s lips as an idea fills his head. Your stomach flips inside out. Discreet grunts and groans seized your attention and you whipped your head over to Bill climbing up a tree. “What are you doing!” Your hands fly to your hair, gripping it tightly. 
“Breaking the bones inside this meaty vessel, duh.” He hoists himself up on a thick branch. “Would a fall from this height kill you?” Bill ponders out loud, shakily standing up. “Are you seriously going to do this!” Your eyes darted from Bill sticking out your foot from under you to the direction where Stan’s voice could be heard. Bill lets your question float up in the air and with a child-like shout, he jumps off the branch, keeping your legs straight. You look away, unable to witness Bill carelessly treat your body like a toy. 
A stomach turning snap sounded in the air. “[Name]!” Stan’s distressed voice alerted you.
You whip your head around to see Stan cradling your body. Bile crawls up your throat upon seeing your twisted leg limply hang on the other side. “Sweetheart? What happened?” Stan’s words rushed out in a flurried frenzy. You slapped a palm to your mouth, anxiously awaiting for Bill to slip up and sell out his identity to Stan. “I don’t know…” You hear your very own voice leave your mouth. Bill’s agitating voice was nowhere to be heard. Vomit fills your mouth and you fight every muscle in your body to not spew it out. “I was just laying on the tree, not doing anything when something attacked me. I…” Bill allows a few tears to cascade down your face before continuing. “I thought I was going to die, Dad. I was so scared!” He dramatically sobs onto Stan’s sweater, purposefully grazing your shredded bleeding knuckle on his jacket. 
A gasp swelled in Stan’s chest. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I-I…” He harshly shuts his mouth closed, his pupils shrinking upon seeing your bloody knuckle. He was at fault for this, if he had never lied to you, if he would have just told you the truth from the start, you wouldn’t be so injured. Silently he carefully picked you up from the floor. To sprinkle a little more dramatics on the show Bill had out for you, he hissed out in faux pain, shooting your hand to your bent leg. Stan cringed, his eyes avoiding the general direction of your broken leg. “I’m sorry, baby.” He weakly muttered, his eyebrows pinched firmly in worry. 
Stan trekked through the thick foliage with your body curled in his arms. He dodged under branches that stuck out and sidestepped the stones that protruded from the ground. The entire walk was in silence, aside from the periodic sniffles coming from Stan and quiet hiccups. All you wanted to do at that moment was wrap him in a hug and tell him everything was going to be okay, but you weren’t even so sure of that yourself.
When Stan approaches the front door of the shack, a wave of conflicted emotion flickers through Bill’s eyes before he closes his eyes abruptly and goes slack in Stan’s arms. 
Stan chokes out a garbled yell for Ford. He heaves your body over his shoulder, twisting open the door with a slam and barging into the shack. “Stanley?!” Ford frantically ran over to Stan, his hands gesturing wildly at the sight before his eyes. “Th-They passed out in my arms! I don’t know what to do, Stanford!” 
You grapple at your face, desperate to make sense of what’s happening. You watch with a heavy heart when Mable and Dipper scramble to Stan’s side, troubled voices speaking over one another trying to understand what happened to you and to ask if you were dead. Their frantic cries and yells chaotically fill the silence in the shack. Ford yelled over their voices, instructing Stan to quickly settle you down on the couch so he could conduct a proper examination on your wounded body. All Stan could do is go along with his commands, mind hazy with borderline delirium as he stumbles towards the living room. 
“Dad,” you whisper, your fingertips grazing through him. You hold back the sob that scratched at your throat. This can’t be happening right now. 
Cracking an eye open to your direction, you can feel Bill’s sleazy smile draw on your face. Your stomach shrivels up in disgust at the sight. His yellow eyes gleamed under the dimly lit shack as he stared at you. Mable’s rushed steps drew Bill to close your eyes. “Grunkle Stan! Please tell me they’re okay!” Mable has the collar of her sweater pulled up to her mouth, her never ending stream of tears staining the sweater. “Mable. Give him some space.” Dipper murmured, holding Mable back as he tensely watched Stan lay you down. 
Ford eventually came in with a first aid kit. His appearance looked a little more disheveled than before. His hair was strewn about and ruffled, glasses crookedly sat atop of his nose and one of his sleeves was rolled up and cuffed while the other one was untouched. He sucked in a harsh breath upon seeing your split knuckles, dried blood crusted around the wounds and raw skin. The gashes reminded him of his own busted up knuckles when he was possessed by Bill. Alarm signs flared in his face but he batted them away, chalking it up to your injuries being caused by whatever animal had attacked you in the woods when you were alone. He treated the lacerations with antibodies and meticulously wrapped your hand in medical gauze. Gently placing your hand beside you, he looked over to your broken leg, holding a bated breath. Broken bones weren’t his favorite injury to heal since it takes extensive time off from anything physical and you having a broken leg at a time like this wasn’t ideal. He just needed to find ways to heal your leg quickly. 
“I need you all to leave the living room.” Ford clapped his hands together, dragging a hand down his fingers. “W-What, why?!” This was the first time Stan spoke in a while and it surprised Ford. Clearing his throat, he answered: “Because I can’t focus with your eyes hovering all over me. I-I need to think and if I’m going to treat their leg, I need you all to leave.” Against everyone’s wishes, Ford ushered them out,  leaving him alone to fully think about possible treatments he could have you undergo to heal your leg. 
You didn’t have a good feeling about leaving Bill alone with Ford. They had history with each other and having a past with someone like Bill doesn’t seem like a good thing. 
Ford’s body physically recoiled inwards at the familiar nickname. His head darted around the room, helplessly searching for the owner of the voice. He can’t be here can he? That voice just sounded so eerily similar to yours, but why would you call him Fordsy? Blood pumps in his ear drums, obstructing his hearing. 
“Sixeerrr.” His fingers curl around his arms. The light glow of horrifying unforgettable eyes glimmer in the corner of his eyes. He turns over to see you sat up on the couch, a smile stretched from ear to ear as Bill’s eyes shone into his. Ford’s blood ran cold, his mind swirling like a whirlwind. “Bill?” His heart pounds behind his rib cage. 
“The one and only, Sixer.” Hearing Bill’s voice crackle through your own instilled despair all over Ford’s body. Taking a wary step back, his shaky eyes watched as Bill threw your legs down the couch, your left eye flinching closed as pain shivered through Bill. He severely underestimated how much pain your leg would cause him. To fight against it, he slammed your leg on the floor. Pain jostled through him, a shuddering sigh blowing past your lips. The aching pain overtook your leg for a moment before it relented into a numbing buzzing feeling. “Much better!” He stands up, smiling broadly. 
Ford sucked in a stuttering breath, his eyes fleeting over to the hallway. “What do you want, Bill?” 
“I don’t know…” He rolled your head in thought. “Maybe the rift to the portal? It’s a crazy thing to ask, I know!” He laughs to himself. 
You wanted to bash your head on the wall. This was the reason why he made a deal with you. It was because of a stupid rift. You’ve only heard bits and pieces of the importance of the rift, but you knew it was serious business with how you heard Ford talk about it in passing. You need to find a way to stop Bill. 
Ford sneered. “Try all you want, Bill. But you’re not getting the portal.” Bill rolled your shoulders, earning a few noisy crackles of your bones. Ford tenses up, readying himself for the fight that’s about to pursue when Bill charges towards him, side stepping him at the last second and darting out of the living room. “Haha! I got you!” He teases, hissing out in pain when he applied too much pressure on your busted leg. “Stanley!” Ford yelled out, stumbling over his own feet as he ran after Bill. Hurried footsteps stomp down on the stairs, panicked talking and breaths littered the air. “[Name] is possessed by Bill!” A chorus of “WHAT?” echoes in the house. 
He skids to a stop in front of the open vending machine. Ford tugged on his hair, mumbling to himself in shock. How does he know the password? Wasting no time to dwell on that, he pads down the stairs. His stomach lurches forward when he notices Bill step inside the elevator, a snarky smile on your face as he turns around and waves at Ford. “Bill!” He launches himself forward, missing a few steps of the stairs and landing on the ground near the elevator. He trips over to the closing elevator, his fist slamming on the door as it shuts. 
“Ford, what is going on?” Stan pants out. Ford rapidly presses the elevator button, anxiously watching as the elevator dinged on down to the bottom. An idea passes through your head. Mumbling a self-motivating sentence Mable had showed you, you dived straight through the floor, phasing through the other two rooms and landing in the lab room. As stupid as it sounds, you’re going to repossess your body back.  
“Bill, he–he has [Name]!” Ford delivers a punch to the buttons, knocking the plate off its screws. Stan’s face contorts into a mixture of anger and concern. “He has what!? How the fuck does Bill have [Name], Ford!” Ford rested his forehead on the wall. “Now’s not the time to freak out, Stanley!”
Stan clenched his fists, grinding his teeth together. “It’s the perfect time to freak out, Stanford! Bill has my kid!” 
“Bill has [Name]?” Mable’s shrill reverberated through the empty staircase. “Kids, you can’t be here!” Ford warns, shooting out his hand to stop Mable and Dipper from getting any closer. “We want to help, Grunkle Ford.” Dipper sternly said. “That’s a funny joke, kid.” Stan chuffs out dryly, his attention snapping towards the elevator that was now rising up the shaft, dinging with each stop. “It’s not a joke!” Dipper dipped under Ford’s arm and stood in front of the elevator, Mable following in suit. “Stanley, do something!” Ford gestures to Mable and Dipper who are unmoving from their spot. Stan scoffs, dismissing him with a flick of his wrist. “They’re already here, Stanford. There’s no point in stoppin’ them now.” 
With a loud chime, the elevator pulls back its doors. The twins were the first to step inside, whispering to themselves as Ford and Stan walked in. Mable rushes over to the panel containing three buttons and using her tippy toes, she slams the last button with the palm of her hand. The elevator registers the destination with a slight rumble and shuts the door closed, leading them down to Ford’s lab. 
Ford could see Stan’s harsh breathing and clenched fists out the corner of his eye. Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, he steels both him and Ford with: “We’re going to save them, Stanley.” Stan breathes out, teetering his head back with his eyes shut. “I hope you’re right about that.” 
The elevator quivers to a stop, the doors creakily pulling open. The four of them step out of the elevator and into the lab. “I was expecting it to be destroyed down here.” Dipper comments. 
Through the protective window, Ford could see Bill fighting with himself, your body laying limp for a few seconds before revving back up to life. He watches the cycle repeat for a few more times before shaking his head. “He’s outside.” He advises everyone. 
In a blink of an eye, Stan was already out into where Bill was, blowing countless angry questions at his face, his eyes shifting everywhere but at you. “Woah, woah, woah!” Bill took a cautious step back as he watched everyone circle around him, caught off guard with the sudden intrusion. “Don’t get your underwear in a twist, haha, am I right?” 
Pure and utter silence. 
Bill’s smile falters. “Okay, touch crowd!” 
“Cut the crap, Bill. Give me back my kid!” Stan grunts out. “I can let them talk to you! After all, they’re up here.” He taps the side of your head. “Stop messing around!” Ford takes a step toward Bill. “Don’t come any closer!” Your own voice filters through Bill’s interdimensional voice. Ford hesitates in his steps, sharing a cautionary glance with Stan. Shuffling your hand behind you, he pulls out the shimmering rift. “I will break this!” He threatens, flipping it upside down. 
Ford narrows his eyes at Bill. “You would’ve done so by now. What’s stopping you?” He motions Dipper and Mable to sneak past Bill and hide behind him, just in case he decides to do anything that’ll compromise the rift and you. “Nothing!” Bill strains out, trying to wiggle the rift out of your grasp. Ford takes notice of your white knuckles and connects two and two together. You’re somehow fighting against Bill for your body. “Fascinating…” 
“Aghh! Why can’t this stupid kid let go!” Bill grumbles, using your other hand to scrape at your clenched hand. He scratched and clawed until the skin on your hand was red and raw. “Is [Name] currently fighting against you?” Ford inquires, a delighted smile on his face. “W-What? No!” Bill plucks your pinky finger off the rift. “See! I’m in total–” Your body jerks forward, and for a slight second, your eyes glinted back, only for you to be propelled backwards. With a shake of your head, your eyes blink and Bill’s eyes are back on you. “[Name] is a fighter, that’s for sure!” He awkwardly laughs out, still regaining control over your body with how he waverly stumbled side to side. 
Taking advantage of his vulnerability, Ford sent a quiet signal to Mable and Dipper. The twins tackle Bill from behind. A startle yelp leaves his mouth as he falls forward. “Stanley the–” Stan was already swooping in and snatching the rift out of your hands in one swift motion. Bill's face planted on the floor. “This stupid weak body!” Bill whines out, having your hands buckled tightly to your back by Dipper and Mabel. “Get something to tie their arms together with!” Stan said, jogging back into the lab, discreetly hiding the rift away from Bil’’s prodding eyes.
“I was so close!” Bill pressed your face into the dirt. The sharp tiny stones cut into your cheek and all Bill could do is focus on the itching pain rather than the humiliating feeling of being pinned down by two twelve year olds. Ford grabs the rope and securely binds your wrists together. The twins finally shuffle away from your body, watching Bill struggle under the restraints. “I’m going to be traumatized by the end of this.” She lets out a dejected sigh. “I feel like nothing can phase me after this.” Dipper adds. 
“How are we going to get them back into their body?” Stan questioned Ford who was double checking the bindings on your wrist, making sure they weren’t too tight to burn your skin off but tight enough to keep Bill detained “I think I have an idea on how…” He breathes out, looking over to Stan, face full of unease. “But it might not work if everyone isn’t present.” 
Stan found himself staring dumbly at the diagram that Ford had etched into the dirt with a stick. “What is this?” Ford finished the final symbol within the diagram, discarding the stick behind him. “A zodiac diagram.” He says, dusting off his hands. “And what does this have to do with saving [Name]?” 
Ford spares a quick glance over to you. Mable and Dipper sat on each of your sides, keeping a careful eye on you as you alternated with yourself and Bill. Dipper’s face contorted into a painful expression whenever you’d jerk your head upwards, a random assortment of words spilling out of you before your head flies back down. That agonizing process continues for what feels like an eternity and he could clearly see the toll it’s taken on your body. Stan couldn't make himself  watch you suffer, biting his lip so hard blood builds up on his lip.
“Yes.” Ford curtly nods his head. “I had always hypothesized what this would be used for but It never occurred to me until now that it could be used like this.” 
Stan doesn’t like the slight sound of uncertainty in Ford’s tone. How could Ford be so sure that it works? “So, you’re telling me that you have never done this before?” 
“Pretty much, yeah.” He shrugs, pushing up his glasses that were sliding down his nose. “Don’t worry about whether it works or not. We don’t have time to think about what if’s.” Curiously eyeing the symbols on the floor, he pondered in his head. Who could possibly stand on what zodiac?
Mable had walked right next to Stan, she looked like she had something to say when her eyes fell on the diagram, her eyes shining. “That one reminds me of Wendy.” She points at the zodiac that was an ice bag. An idea dawned upon Ford. “Does it now?” He kneels down to Mable’s height. “Mable, dear. Can you look at these zodiac signs and tell me who they remind you of?” 
Mable was quick to point out and tell Ford each symbol that reminded her of a person. Jotting down all the names in his head, he began calling each and every one of them, stringing Mable along to help him convince them to come over to the Mystery Shack. One by one, they all started pooling in. Questions sprouted from one mouth to another and every single time, their questions received answers when their eyes landed on your struggling form.
“Okay, everyone stand in your respective spots and hold hands!” Ford’s voice was quiet in the distance. Stan had found himself kneeling in front of you, his expression unreadable but his eyes carried a deep sorrowful guilt to them. “Feeling guilty, Stanley?” Bill drawled out, pulling your heavy head up, only for it to be knocked down to the side. Your body was growing weak and Bill was tirelessly fighting against it. Unbeknownst to Stan, you were right next to him. Your unrelenting attempts to gain your body back had caused an aggressive strain on your body. You couldn’t stay in it without feeling utterly exhausted, allowing Bill to abuse your weak spot and take over your body. But that weak spot had also applied to him as well. You were trying to regain your breath before you’d try again. 
“Can it, Bill.” He scoops you up from the floor, walking towards the diagram. 
“You don’t have to do this!” Bill aggressively barked out, throwing himself around in Stan’s hold. “I do have to do this. You’re in my kid's body.” He grunted, throwing your body over his shoulder. “They made a deal with me! I won this body fair and square.” Bill argued, hammering your head down on Stan’s back. “Look, I just found out about you not too long ago. But for someone who was supposedly this all powerful demon, you pathetically really weak.” 
He approaches the diagram, setting your body down in the middle. “That’s because I haven’t revealed my true potential yet!” He struck the back of your head hard on the floor, causing your vision to go bleak for a moment. “Do you really need to do all of that?” You grumble, rubbing the back of your tender head. “I do what I please.” He mumbles to himself, rolling over on your stomach. 
Standing in his spot, Stan locked hands with Ford and Soos. “It’s most likely going to feel weird! Stick it through and don’t, I repeat, don’t let go!” A blinding blue light shoots up from the middle and travels through the lines of the diagram, illuminating the place in a bright blue light. 
“No!’ Bill writhed around. He could feel himself slipping away. Your forehead makes direct contact with a rock. He smiles at it, knocking your head against it again. “Oh, Billy! You are just full of ideas today.” He whispered, shuffling over to the stone to the point where he was hovering over it. He laid your head down, feeling the cold stone press against the middle of your forehead. Breathing in through clenched teeth, he raised your head up high. He nailed your head down on the rock, splitting through skin. You could feel the ghost touch of blood trickle down your forehead. 
He laughed crazily as he continued to bash your head onto the rock. With each blow, the rock was painted with more and more blood. He was going to kill you at this rate. Bill lowered his head back down on the rock and you shut your eyes closed. You weren’t going to see Bill crack your head open. But the blistering pain never registered, peeking your eyes open you saw Stan had caught your head in his hand. 
Ford yelled out Stan’s name but Stan ignored it. His chest rapidly heaved in and out as he fell to his knees, resting your dazed head on his lap. You had noticed that Bill was slipping out of your physical form. Darting over to him, you grabbed his hand and ripped him out. Before you could hear Bill’s flurry of cries, you dove right in, repossessing your body once again and hopefully for the last time. 
Grumbled groans escaped you as you regained all your senses. You jolted up in striking pain. Everything hurt, even more than the last you took over. Your stomach rumbled, a flood of whatever liquid shot up into your mouth. You leaned to the side, expelling the fluid. Peeling open your weary eyes, you felt yourself grow nauseous at the pool of blood in front of you. “[Name]!” Stan grabbed your face, directing it toward him. He looked at your eyes and a look of relief settled on his face. “Dad?” You groggily said, your whole world spinning. “Are you okay? Is that demon gone? Where is he?” The massive load of questions made you want to vomit all over again. 
I’m still here! Bill’s grating voice grinding against your brain. You crumble under Stan’s hold, your head thumping in pain “No. He’s still in my head.” You felt another rush of blood clamor up into your mouth. You meekly shove Stan’s hands away from your face, hurling another dump of blood. Cautious voices sounded all around you, your vision distorting in a blurry mess. “Dad?” You forcefully focused your eyes on Stan’s face. “I think there’s something wrong with me.” Talking was enough to strip you away from all the energy you had left and you weren’t sure you had enough time to say anything else before Bill took over again. 
“I know, baby. I know. We’re goin’ to get help, stay with me. Please.” Stan said something to Ford you couldn’t quite catch.
You felt his arms wrap around you and lay you down back on his lap. I’m going to kill you. You scratched at your aching head. “His voice hurts. Hearing it hurts so much.” You murmured, feeling a hand run down your arm up and down soothingly. “Stay strong for me, sweetheart.” A light kiss was pressed on your forehead. 
You cried out, feeling yourself being pulled away. 
“Stanley! Come back now!” You could make out Ford’s scream at Stan. The world was fading before you and you couldn’t help but break down as you heard Bill cackle in your head. Stan saw your eyes flicker to yellow and he delicately placed you down on the floor, running back to his spot. Bill seamlessly takes over, blinking himself awake as he’s shuffling your body up to your knees.
“This is all your fault, Stanley Pines. [Name]’s death will be on your hands!” He bellows, purposely allowing your voice to break through. The strenuous action causes him to tremble forward, blood splattering on the grass. Bill started yelling nonsensical blabbers, anything that would make Stan budge from his spot, to stop the whole process but he stayed put, directly staring Bill down. Bill fell to the side, coughing up bile and a random assortment of fluids. 
In a flash of blue, you feel yourself fully grounded back into your body. A feeling you feel like you haven’t felt in forever. 
A grinding yell echoed in your head. You are so disgustingly weak! Bill screamed in your head. Another splitting headache bore into your head but all you could do is lay there and take it in, feeling so worn-out and droopy that you weren’t able to physically react. I didn’t do much and you’re dying! I did all of this for nothing, for nothing! And it is all your fault! I should’ve broken every single bone in your body and twisted your neck. At least I would’ve gained something from that! You are so useless! 
He was wreaking havoc in your mind. The blinding pain subsided to a lingering pain, black dots swarming your vision. He seems to be doing last minute damage before he’s left with no other choice but to leave your body. With a rugged distorted babble from Bill, your whole world went dark. 
The waiting room was cold, so numbingly cold. Stan casted his gaze down to his hands. Your blood had stained them. He couldn’t tell if it was the blood from your forehead, or the blood you vomited out. But your own blood had been smeared all over him and it made him sick to his stomach. He couldn’t erase the image of your cold limp body laying on the grass, face covered in streaks of blood. This was all his fault. If he had just told you how things were from the start, this wouldn’t have happened. You would’ve been next to him, chattering his ear off about something irrelevant while asking him multiple times if he was listening to you. Despite his thoughts, your soothing presence wasn’t there to console his mourning heart. 
Your doctor had came in earlier to share the state that your body was in. Everyone listened intently to her words as she described the damage that Bill had caused to your body. She said doctors were so mortified with your condition, labeling it as one they have never seen before with how many injuries you sustained on the outside and inside. Stan and Ford had to dodge some questions that had the doctor fired at them, excusing your evenstive wounds with a slip off a mountain, silly teenage activities that almost cost you your own life. She didn’t buy it. 
The doctor's slight graphic description of your injuries only cemented the guilt deeper into Stan. He was a bad father wasn’t it? The only thing he prided himself in for doing right was so easily taken away from him in a blink of an eye. He really was a screw up. Ford and his Dad were right. 
“Stanley.” Ford’s hand on his shoulder withdrew him from his thoughts. “We need to go home. It’s late.” He looks briefly to the seat next to him. The twins had sat on the same seat, their muddled expressions were no longer on their face, instead they were sleeping peacefully, heads leaning against each other. “The twins are asleep.” He tells him. Stan’s gaze glued on his tainted hands. “I’m staying here.” He weakly said. “You need sleep, Stanley.” 
“I can sleep here, Ford.” He snapped, expression tight. “They are going to kick you out.” 
Stan shrugged, clasping his hands together. “Then they’d hafta kick me out then.” 
“I’m not leaving you here.” 
Stan leaned his head back against the wall, huffing out. “I’m not in any mood to fight with you here.” Taking off his glasses, he rubbed his burning eyes. “I’m staying here and there’s nothin’ you can do about it.” He placed his glasses on his lap and crossed his arms, closing his eyes as he shifted around to get comfortable enough to sleep. “Always been so stubborn.” Ford shook his head, getting up from the seat with a light groan. “I’m leaving.” He picks up the slumbering twins, being extra careful to not jostle them around and wake them. Stan grumbled in response, hearing Ford’s footsteps fade away in the distance. 
Stan doesn’t know how long it’s been, all he knows is that he had fallen asleep with the way his neck was sore. “Sir?” A voice broke through his drowsiness. “Sir?” They call out again. “Hm, wha?” Stan peeled open his eyes, the glaring hospital lights momentarily blinded him. Covering his eyes with his palm, he squinted at the lady in front of him. “What’s goin’ on?” 
“We’re closing up for the night, sir. I need you to leave.” She calmly said, offering a soft smile to Stan. “But my kid, they’re in here. I need to be here if anything happens.” He scrambles to put his glasses on. “I assure you sir, whoever your kid is, will be fine. We will keep a lookout if anything happens.” 
“How are you guys goin’ to keep a lookout when you’re all home sleeping away like there isn’t people dying in here!” Stan argued. “Now's not the time, sir. I need you to leave or you’d be personally escorted out by the guards.” Stan sighed, standing up from his chair. “You don’t have to do all that.” He mutters, cracking his back before walking out. Walking out into the summer night, he pulled out his phone to check the time. 
11 P.M. it read. It looked like the doctors allowed him to stay overtime. Usually they’d kick people out of the waiting rooms by around 9 P.M.
His eyes freeze at the baby picture of you on his lockscreen. The photo was taken on your fourth birthday. Stan had gone all out, as he always did, and got you a little birthday hat, little cupcake with a candle that had your age on it, and a mess of confetti and other birthday assortments. You had such a large smile on your face as you were mid bite into your cupcake. He remembered the day so vividly as if it happened yesterday. He clenched his phone tightly, tears flooding his vision. Why did it have to be you? Running his arm roughly over his eyes, he sniffed. He shoved his phone back into his pockets and started walking back to the shack. 
Ford found himself being startled awake by a knock on the door. Sluggishly getting up from the couch, he walked over to the gift shop entrance. He opened the door to be pleasantly surprised to see Stan. He stepped aside, letting Stan walk in. “Kicked you out?” 
“Yup.” Stan accentuating the ‘p’.
“Told you.” 
A quick moment of silence takes over before Stan breaks it. “Is this all my fault?” 
“You were just trying to protect them.” Ford walks over to Stan, shoving his hands under his armpits. “Look where that got ‘em.” Stan cracked his thumb, whispering something to himself before timidly looking at Ford. “Do ya think you can stay with me tonight?” He sheepishly scratches his cheek. “I don’t think I can trust myself bein’ alone or whatever.” 
Ford earnestly smiled at him. “I don’t mind.” Stan nods. “You sleep on the floor though.” 
Stan’s phone loudly rattled on his nightstand, his ringtone noisily blaring its song. “Turn it off!” Ford cried out, folding his pillow over his head. Stan arose from his abundance of blankets and grabbed his phone, dragging it off the nightstand. He squinted at the screen, trying to make sense of the blurry text. Stan reached out for his glasses, shoving them on his face and directing his eyes back on the screen. The word hospital flashed on his face. 
“It’s the hospital!” He swiped his finger, answering the call. He put his phone to his ear and anxiously waited. “Stanley Pines?” A snotty voice spoke from the phone. “Yes!” He clears his throat. “Yes, yes. That’s me. Why’re you callin’?” 
“[Name] has woken up and…” Stan had blocked everything else she said and shut up from the bed. “They’re awake!” He announced, shedding off his blankets and launching off his bed, accidentally stepping on Ford in the process. The whole morning was spent dashing around the house, vigorously getting dressed and making sure everyone was ready to head over to the hospital. After Ford’s triple check, they all clamored inside in the car and drove to the hospital. 
Stan burst into your room, his eyes locking with your bandaged form. “Dad!” You weakly called out, a shaky smile on your face. “Pumpkin!” He sighed out, relieved at seeing your beautiful smile. He wraps you in his arms, burying his face into your hair as he sobs. “I thought..I thought–!” He blubbers out. More welcoming arms wrap around you, wailing wracking through the air. “[Name]!!” Mable dragged out. “Don’t scare us like that ever again.” Dipper sniffed, scrubbing his eyes clear of tears. “Welcome back, kid.” Ford plants a kiss on the top of your head. 
“I’m here guys, you don’t have to worry so much.” You laugh, Stan wiping your tears with his thumb. “How can we not? We almost lost you, pumpkin.” After a tearful reunion, everyone stepped back, allowing you to breathe. They only gave you a few more minutes to yourself before they bombarded you with apologies. Mable and Dipper were stuck to your side, each of them giving you their own version of puppy eyes. Mable was more into it than Dipper, but you still accepted their apologies with a big hug.
“I’m sorry too, sweetheart. I shouldn’t have lied to you. I should have been honest from the get go.” You took Stan’s hand, patting it like you would a dog. “It’s okay, Dad. I forgave you long ago. I should have followed what Ford said and calmed down.” You slightly glare at Ford. “Though, I didn’t like how he said it to me at the same time, so maybe I am justified in my anger?” 
“Ford doesn’t know how to talk. What’s new?” Stan knocked his shoulder with Ford who rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I’m the butt of the joke. As always.” 
“If it isn’t you! Then it would be Dipper,” Mable pokes at him. “But me and Grunkle Stan told all the jokes possible so it isn’t as funny as making fun of you, Grunkle Ford! You’re so nerdy and losery, more than Dipper. And that isn’t a good thing.” 
A crackly laugh leaves Stan. “Thanks for explaining, dear.” Ford said with a strain, his smile wavering. “Someone one upped you, Dipper.” You chuckle. “I don’t know if I should revel in it or feel sad for Ford.” Dipper tapped his finger on his chin. “Don’t overthink it, dude.” You flick his forehead. 
“And Grunkle Ford, where is your apology?” Mable raised her chin up high, doing her best attempt of a haughty queen looking down at her jester. Ford scoffs, “I’m so sorry, your humble majesty.” Dipping his head low to mimic a bow. 
“Oh?” You and Mable share a bewildered expression. “I wasn’t expecting him to actually do it.” You look over to Dipper who had an uncomfortable expression on his face. “I don’t like what’s going on here.” 
“Wait, are you going to have a cool scar on your forehead now?” Mable questions, pointing at your bandaged forehead. Bumbling conversation fills the air, laughter occasionally humming here and there. In the end, they all had to leave for your routine check up by the doctors. Stan was the last one to bid goodbye to you. Kissing your forehead, he held onto your hand, his eyes glistening with tears. 
“I love you so much, kiddo. If I had lost you back there, I dunno what would have happened to me.” He caresses his thumb against your hand. “Don’t say stuff like that, Dad. I’m here, that’s what counts.” 
You share a long hug together, with a few tears being shed.
“I know, I know.” Giving you one last kiss and embrace, he waves you goodbye. 
“I love you!” 
“I love you more, Dad!” 
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Taglist: @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @lovexsage, @teddycricketdream, @theilluminatidragonqueen, @raventeen @cedarmoonzz, @katharine3000
dm or comment if you want to be added/removed :3
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Brief Little Drabble
Mabel you've made me want to do something again. How dare you/lh
Mabel -- @drifting-stars-mabel Dipper -- @drifting-stars-dipper (me actually, go check it out) McGucket -- @it-is-unseen (sorry for the ping i just got inspired)
Dipper's not sure why he's running or why his heart is beating so fast. He's panicking, and it's a familiar feeling at this point, spurred on by months of wandering the multiverse, months of seeing horrible things and not sleeping due to the pervasive nightmares.
But whatever he's running towards is worse, and he can't explain why it is, but he also can't shake the feeling.
Mabel, Mabel, Mabel, some part of his brain is whispering, the part that tells him when there's a monster behind him or when he's going to have a particularly bad nightmare. Mabel, Mabel, Mabel. She's in danger, isn't she? She has to be. He wouldn't be able to hear his heartbeat in his head if she wasn't.
And she's been so bad recently. So stressed and uncomfortable. She won't tell him what's wrong and it hurts because even if she says she trusts him, it doesn't feel like she does. It briefly crosses his head that she's protecting him, but he shakes that thought away. It's not that it's wrong - it's that he can't afford distractions right now.
The communicator in his vest screeches with feedback, and he follows it, turning it down slightly as it gets louder and louder, more staticky and more staticky, more and more persistant and keeps just getting loude-
She's standing in front of a man who looks like Fiddleford McGucket when he was younger. On the memories they watched. He's holding the memory gun to her head.
"Ready to forget, little lady?" he's asking, and Dipper's running, he's pushing himself as hard as he can go.
Mabel swallows audibly, or maybe she doesn't and he's just imagining it based on the little lump in her throat and the minute bob of her head. Her hands are shaking so badly he can see it as he runs towards her.
"Y-yeah. I think I-"
"MABEL," he's screaming, wedging his body between her and the young man McGucket, batting the gun away with one hand. His chest is facing her and he turns slightly to fix McGucket with a glare with all the rage in his tiny little body. So, so tiny, so helpless, so pathetic.
"Dipper?" Mabel asks, her voice breaking in a way that her voice never does. "W-what are you doing?"
"What am I doing? Mabel, what are you doing? That's the memory gun. Were you really gonna go behind my back like that? Just wipe your memory?"
"Dipper, you weren't supposed to be here, I-"
I wasn't supposed to be here? Oh, so you're upset at me for stopping you from wiping your memory? Mabel you know what that thing does to people. You were there when we got McGucket's memories back. That- that thing drives people insane! It does the same thing that drugs in movies always do. Do you wanna end up like Old Man McGucket? Mabel, I-I can't believe you. You went behind my back to do this. To wipe your memories. Would it have stopped here?"
"What are you-"
"Would you have just wiped this? Would you have wiped something else next?"
"No, Dip-dop, I was just gonna wipe this one thing."
"Oh, really? And you wouldn't wipe anything else? Bill possessing me? Gideon kidnapping you in a giant robot? Anything?"
"No, really."
"I don't believe you."
"Dipper, you don't understand," she pleads, her voice cracking. "I'm a wreck over this. I-I can't sleep, I can't eat, I can barely think." She lifts her shaking hands. "I'm a mess, Dipper, I need this. I just, I just need it this once. You don't understand what I've been through, what I'm struggling with."
"I don't understand? Mabel, I've seen shit too," he says, cursing without even thinking. Her eyes go wide but she doesn't stop him. "Do you know what I've been through? I haven't slept in literal months. Sure, I've tried, but that's no excuse for actually doing it. Mabel, I can't even touch you without being terrified you'll turn to bugs in my hands."
His hands shake as he lifts them, nearly as much as hers do, and a flash of panic rushes through him, the intrinsic fear of her dissolving into a mass of wriggling creatures, writhing in his hands.
He grabs her shoulders, holding her arms as steady as his own trembling ones can manage.
"We're both suffering, Mabel. I may not know what you're going through, but I can. I can learn. I can listen. Just- just tell me, Mabes. Let me into your messed up head."
"I..." she glances behind him, and belatedly he remembers that he shoved McGucket to the side to get to her. He glances at him to see McGucket with his arms crossed, tapping one finger on the memory gun.
"Are y'all done yet?" He makes a pointed expression. "I offered to help, not watch whatever this slop was. Little lady, do y'all want yer memory wiped or not?"
"I..." she glances back at Dipper. He's so close to her, and it's terrifying him but he does nothing but hold her closer.
Mabel stops shaking.
"Thanks for offering, Mr. McGucket. I... I think..." she takes a deep breath in. Her arms wrap around Dipper and he's so happy she's chosen him.
Then she's pulling him to her chest, one hand on the back of his head.
"I think you should do us both."
The memory gun hurts. He forgets it in seconds.
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~ Intro Post
I assure you, he is not me..
Blog ran by two people! Depending who makes a post or answers an ask, there will be one of two tags. #Mod Waffle #Mod Abyss
Note from mod Abyss - hi, I'm mod Abyss apparently. I have a name (It's Xander or Darren) but it seems like everyone calls me Abyss so I guess I'm fine with that.
We'll most likely respond in character as Bill pretending to be Dipper, not as Dipper himself, so just know that even if you use his name, Bill will probably respond. (And then maybe Dipper's ghost. We'll see.)
Billdip Asks GoFundMes (Wanna keep it fun and happy and shit) Flirty asks. It's a trillion year old demon in a twelve year old's body guys. Be cool. Transphobic/homophobic asks. I don't see why those would be relevant and they're just mean
Due to a recent reblog thread, we're more properly defining what a flirty ask is. Do not: Ship yourself with Bill or Dipper Ship an oc with Bill or Dipper Ship a Canon GF character with Bill or Dipper Imply a relationship with Bill or Dipper
Shipping isn't always outwardly flirting - it can just be implying that you see either of them as your boyfriend.
Both mods are uncomfortable with this. If you send an ask doing either of these things, we will respond.
Mod Abyss here - if you send an ask like this, I'm deleting it and, depending on the content of the ask and if you've done it before, blocking you from this blog. I won't make a big deal out of it, but I don't tolerate you violating what we said, and if I have to block you from the blog I will, maybe even without contacting mod Waffle.
Cant say what Mod Waffle will do for sure, but I'm will to bet they'll answer it out of character and shame you for violating our dni, and she's done before. (She can fix this later.)
This isn't to say we hate ocs, we'll rp with your characters. In fact, this is an oc safe zone. Please, interact with us, send in asks and reblog our posts in character. We just drew a line and expect it not to be crossed. Please respect it. If your oc is dating Bill or Dipper, that is a separate Bill and/or Dipper from ours, and therefore will be treated as if they're a Bill or Dipper from another universe. If you want to reference that your oc dates Dipper, please don't be surprised if your ask gets deleted, and make sure you clarify that you don't mean our Dipper
In general, don't play the victim if you get blocked or shamed. If you did, it's because you violated our dni somehow.
In the end, both mods have agreed to draw a line. Don't cross it.
In regards to what Mod Abyss said about me shaming you, Yes. I will. I have no guilt in doing so, because when you submit an ask, you have AGREED to having read the DNI list, and if you violate it anyway, you WILL be shamed by me. ~ Waffle
[Post written by Mod Waffle and edited by Mod Abyss]
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your-local-uwu-artist · 4 months
wip dump :3
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evil art style! my art style has quite a lot of range but I decided to default to chibis for this. I also didn't want to like, just draw one character bust up like i see most people do for it, so I wanted to come up with a way to show multiple characters on one page in an appealing manner
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sonic drawing practice! I've been procrastinating this one because the lineart I've done so far on it is almost too good. I'm not sure If i can keep up the standard set
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jame-joe doodles! really wanna keep developing this concept: I think it has decent potential! i don't remember how much I've shared about him but i don't think i've talked about it much beyond the base premise. Jame-Joe is inspired by characters like Dipper and Wirt, he's clever, is serious and studious in the pursuit of his goals, can be rather emotional and is prone to cowardice and insecurity, but can be determined when push comes to shove. I set myself up for a challenge here, as I want him to be expressive but limited by his doll body. It's a fun challenge though!
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more 'i should start an etsy' drawings. i've seen people make like 'gacha blind bag' keychains and thought of the idea of those with aimaina-chan designs!
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fdanfsdjk I almost feel bad for spoiling this one because I'm so excited to share it!!!! But i guess the sorta person to read through this post probably don't mind spoilers lol. I realized 'Timmy's a 2000s kid' and decided to go ALL IN on that. I dug deep into my memories and decided this kids going to need rainbow looms, slap-wraps, silly bandz, and those rubbery braclets where theres one white segment and one black segment and i have no clue if this is true but when i was a kid everyone always said the white segment was snow from mount everest and the black one was like sand from the bottom of the ocean. anyway! I had so much trouble wiht finding the right shade of pink that if i go trhough making a youtube video on these designs you guys will definitely here my color theory rant.
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my main goal i can only describe as 'arcade carpet'
he thinks he's cool but knows he's lame. I gave him a fnaf shirt also, i dived deep into my brain as asked myself 'what graphic t-shirt from hot-topic would timmy turner wear' and i decided on fnaf because i think it's funny. so far these extra outfits have been going up in the amount of projection I'm doing. It started with spongebob's sweater vests, continued with Dannys stereotypical-transmasc fits, and now I'm lowkey just drawing stuff I've worn (actually danny's fit with the flannel I've def worn before but like, i assigned timmy a sanrio character(i gave him keropi because it's an easy way to incorporate green accents into his design lol)) anyway!!!
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i had 'i want it that way' stuck in my head again and turned to queeries he proceded to give me the solution of chipi-chipi-chapa-chapa. this was not a solution obviously but whatever. i decided to use my new problem to animate myself dancing. sure. why not. if I upload this to youtube i think i should title it 'me at the function' of course i don't actually go to any functions so perhaps 'me when i' would be more fitting
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Haku with his starter! the shy kid to eccentric adult pipeline
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more of baby Haku! weird part-mimikyu child wandering alola before discovering ghost-type communities and being like 'finally! someone that doesn't look at me weird when i mention demonic possesion!'
with the timeline I'm going with Haku's younger than Acerola so she's like a big sister to them :3
He stares at you with his big ol eyes awkwardly lowkey steals your malasada and gives you a flower in return
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rf4 art!!! I love rune factory enough that I own a throw pillow with vishnal on it >:3
frey my fucking beloved!!!!!! lest is here too also. btw frey is a demigirl and lest is a demiboy this is true you can trust me
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sketch design for one of those cd keychains with alvin and the chipmunks!
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I plan to caption this '1k notes and I voice+animate my yumehoshi beam' as a bit, not because i want 1k notes, but because 99% chance it won't get 1k notes, but if it does then it'd be a really funny way to break my shyness with sharing my voice to the internet
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smurtsune miku smurf my BELOVED
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need more character for this btw!
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stanlunter · 1 year
Hiii i saw a post you made about a year ago about ships like lunter zutara and robrae
Im dying to watch a show with that kind of enemies to lovers dynamic! (even if they arent cannon lol)
Could you recommend me anything to watch please? 💌
1. Inspector gadget 2015 - Penny x Talon. They are enemies-to-lovers and have super similar dynamic to Luz and Hunter's one. If anyone, they are the most similar to them
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2. Bungou stray dogs - Akutagawa x Atsushi
They have similar dynamic of enemies who are feel like the opposites for thw first sign, but then we find out they actually have a lot of things in common. They pretend like they hate each other, but deep down inside they know they can trust each other. Also the way Atsushi helped Akutagawa realize a lot of things and become better
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3. Gravity falls - Dipper x Pacifica
Two completely different teens who hate each other, but have to work together while finding out about each other more. They find out a terrifying truth about the family of one of them and then become friends or at least become more tolerate to each other
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4. Chainsaw man - Power x Denji
Not like really enemies to lovers, but at first they actually hated each other, so. Also their dynamic is kinda similar to Lunter. Two silly besties on the same vibe who truly care about each other
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5. Arcane - Jinx x Ekko
I can't say their dynamic is actually similar and unfortunately they don't have so much time together, but I wanted to add then too basically bc of their past friendship and the way they don't wanna fight, but have to
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6. Death note - Misa x L
I can't say what exactly did I find in this tbh. But their personalities give me smth similar
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7. Hell's paradise - Sagiri x Gabimaru
Actually I haven't watch it yet, so I'm not sure about this one, bur my friend told me they actually are similar, so it's better to add then, than not
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May be it's not what you actually was looking for tho, but I think they have some similarities, after all, it's basically impossible fo find smth that would be the same. May be, if I remember smth else, I will make part 2 tho
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penname-artist · 20 days
Hi there! I apologize for the sudden question but someone told me that you have the access to Blade's featurette in Movies Anywhere. Is it possible to get a HD version of the video? Thank you ^^
Okay, so, the super short answer to this is not...really?
Like most streaming services, there's a barrier in place that prevents things from being visible through any form of recording or streaming. You might be able to hear the video, but the screen would be blank. Though I know that it's possible to work around that issue, it would take a sort of technical brain power and piracy ability that I do not possess within myself to manage to do. I am of a feeble and not tech-savvy mind, as it were. It is doable, I'm sure of it, but it's a little too complicated for me personally. I am totally down to distribute the goods if I had the right dealer though!
But, because I really don't wanna leave you hanging, I do have some information I can impart on ye!
Yes, it is (as far as I know) only on the Movies Anywhere app/website, as you said! And it's a featurette, along with the other character shorts, which is automatically included with EITHER the code access to ownership of or direct purchase of the F&R film.
In terms of code access, this is referring to that old style code you would normally find on the inside of the physical DVD box. As far as I know these things don't expire, so if you have a physical copy of the film absolutely check that box for excess papers with a code thing in it (the Movies Anywhere site if I remember correctly used to be called something else, like Disney Movies Anywhere, or something similar) but they are only a one-time use. I believe the one on mine didn't work, so I did have to resort to option B.
I'm pretty sure that the cost of the film on Movies Anywhere isn't too awful? Given the film is little known now and quite old (I mean it just passed its ten year anniversary...ouch I'm getting old) I would wager it's fairly affordable to get online. And of course, it's one of those "It's worth the extra stuff" things, because not only is that the film price, that's all the shorts, all the extras, some of the deleted/rough draft animation scenes, and all four character shorts [Blade, Dipper, the Smokejumpers, and Cad Spinner].
I know there was a point when I was looking for that damn thing that I absolutely exhausted my efforts looking for the short, and as far as I can tell, Movies Anywhere is truly the only place in existence that actually has it, until either a) somebody is able to record it and post it to YouTube (which I could do but may require pulling a few strings and calling in favors, so that may be a while) or b) Disney+ decides to put all the old shorts and featurettes into the bonus contents of the films on there. But do I trust Disney with anything? Nah; we all saw their executions of Planes 3 and Beyond The Sky. I immensely doubt that the shorts are on their radar anywhere. Unfortunately :')
But if anybody knows how to record said featurette, I might be able to help get it out there. Until then, it is still stuck in the void! I have seen it, trust me, it does exist, and it can be caught. But it's apparently really fucking shy and elusive :')
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Cw: Slightly suggestive talk although no actual smut
It's a lazy Saturday and pretty much everyone is out of the Shack. The Shack is closed today and Soos took Mabel and Dipper to the arcade while Stan and Amber stayed home.
Sitting on his favorite armchair, Stan is relaxing and watching TV, sipping some Pitt Cola and watching some game show. As he's sitting there focused on the TV, he feels weight on the back of the chair and when he turns his head, he sees Amber leaning against the back of it with a smug grin on their lips, a fang poking out. They're wearing his old jacket once again, the same one he was wearing when the two first met 30 years ago.
"What?" Stan asks gruffly, raising an eyebrow in suspension.
"Oh, nothing. I was just reading some fine literature." Amber says with a bright, playful grin.
"And?" Stan asks with a confused look. Why are they telling him this?
"Wanna know what it was called?" Amber asks, biting their lip.
"Not really." Stan turns to the TV again.
"C'moooon, you'd want to know. Trust me." Amber says, playing with one of the strings on his jacket- or rather their jacket now. He hasn't worn it in years, so Amber basically stole it from him. Not that Stan minds- it's cute seeing them wear his jacket.
Stan sighs and rolls his eyes. "What?" He takes a sip of his soda.
"The Duke's Temptations at Oglebottom Estate." Amber says with a bright, smug grin on their lips.
Stan spits out his soda and coughs. "H-How did you-"
"Stan, we share a room. You wrote it on a few pieces of paper and left it on the desk in plain sight." Amber points out.
He thought he hid it? Apparently not. "Shit-" Stan mutters and glances away.
Amber leans in with a smug grin. "Was that a self insert smut scene with The Dutchess I saw~?"
"Self insert? What's a self insert? You saw nothing, stop looking at me!" Stan snaps in a panic and looks away, the heat rushing to his cheeks.
"Aww, c'mon Stan, I'm not judging." Amber grins at him and sits down on the armrest, leaning back against the chair with their arm resting over his shoulders.
"Oh yeah? Then what's with that smug-ass grin for, hmm?" He points out, glaring at them in embarrassment.
"I'm not making fun of you; I'm proud to see you writing fanfiction. Smut or not." Amber says, their grin more genuine. "I didn’t know you could write."
"I don't write often, it's just- sometimes." Stan grumbles. "Wait, why are you proud?"
"Because your boy also writes fanfics." Amber says and gestures to themselves with their thumb.
"Really?" His embarrassment fades and he looks at them in surprise.
"Yep. Maybe we could ship our Dutchess self inserts and write some oneshots about it?" Amber says with a grin. Stan stiffs out a chuckle and relaxes, a smile on his lips. "Maybe we could act it out too~"
"Ooh, really now~?" Stan asks with a flirty grin, giving them a lustful look.
"Yep~" Amber purrs and leans in a bit more.
"Well, we do have the house to ourselves~" Stan points out. Amber giggles with a bright smile on their lips, blushing slightly. Seeing their flushed face is enough to let him know they're down for it and he stands up, grabs their hand, and pulls them off their couch, leading the demon towards their shared room. "C'mon, doll~" They giggle again and follow without hesitation.
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adhdswagcompetition · 2 years
Since you’re sharing reasons; best/funniest reason someone got nominated? It’s cool if you don’t wanna share, I was just curious smile 🙂
the best reason for anyone getting nominated is a long-ass paragraph about them. even if they don't make it in i love seeing the reasoning and thinking about it myself if i know the characters.
now, the funniest? i'm gonna exclude the ... three keysmashes, the 'i know them', 'trust me', 'just like me fr', 'have you seen them', and go look through the submissions again now for some Funnies
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this is a link to a mabel vs dipper post that's like adhd vs autism
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(honorable mention: most of the submissions the bfdi person did had commentary too! if i got all of those i'd need a separate post)
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(some of these are from my friends if you couldn't tell) (of course i think they're funny they're my friends)
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yea! see if you can guess who these are for?
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Gravity Falls Beyond the Woods Chapter 15
Dipper and his children learn the truth.
<- prev
The clone paced around his prisoners. “Stan’s party,” Dipper said. “ The clones I made. But they all died.”
The clone wagged his finger. “Not all of us. We were the ones who stole Robbie's bike. Remember.”
Dipper’s eyes widened. “Quattro! You look good. You haven't changed.”
It was true. His face looked like Dipper’s did when he was twelve. Although, he looked far more faded. “No I haven't.”His suit started making willy noises as steam emerged from the breast plate. The chest of the suit opened, and the clone walked out. It was Dipper when he was twelve complete with shorts and vest. “I remember the first time you and Mabel came back. The second summer. It was barely a year, but you both were so…tall, Mabel lost her braces, and you had Wendy’s old trapper hat. You had it longer than this old thing.” He gave his hat a tug. He looked down at his tiny hand. He opened and closed it. “I…We didn’t age. You just grew and grew while I was stuck as the awkward twelve year old.” Without the helmet, he spoke in his young cracking voice of a twelve-year-old. But there was a cold bitterness to it.
Rose noticed something. “Two of you stole Mr. Valentino’s bike. Right?” She turned to her father for confirmation.
“Tracy, I think he called himself.”
Quattro was silent for a moment. “Do you know what it's like to look at your own face on someone else everyday,” he whispered. “To be reminded that you are not you. He was gonna kill me. I had to do it first. I had to. He made me.” His voice was pleading, despite. “But it's okay. I don’t need him. I never did.” From an unnoticed corner he pulled out several cardboard cutouts. Stan, Soos, Mabel and Wendy. Even Pacifica and Ford. Crudely drawn. He took the Mabel one and shook it around. “Hey Dipper, long time no see!” “Yeah dawg. Wanna see me test a ramp I made.” Rose and the others looked on in terror. He moved on to the Ford and Pacifica ones. “Yes, indubitably.” “Whatever.” “I was made before you met them. I don’t really know what they're like.” The clone admitted.
Dipper could feel the terror coming from the kids. At least his first encounter with the supernatural was with goofy gnomes who didn't even know what marriage really meant. But Rose, Tyrone, and the others tripped right into the deep end. Out of all the times Dipper had almost died, this was the scariest. So he thought it was best to get right to the point.
“What do you want?”
“I want my life back. I've been stirring the pot so to speak. Attacking the fairies, getting the government involved. All to get you back in here in good old Gravity Falls. Of course I had to promise the men in black something in return for delivering you to me.” Quattro threw back a pair of dusty curtains. There was the statue of Bill Cypher, hand extended.
“Cypher. Quattro, I don't know what you think you're doing but you can't trust him. He's using you.”
“Well, let's see what he has to say!” The clone grabbed Bill's extended hand. Everyone shouted in terror, but nothing happened. Quattro removed his hand. “He didn't say anything. He can't. He's just a statue. If the government wants to waste time on a hunk of rock, that's their prerogative. As long as I get you brother.”
Dipper gritted his teeth. “Well, you have me. Let the kids go.”
“Eh, I didn’t want them here. The faye got them involved. But they've seen too much at this point.”
“And whose fault is that?” Spat Tyrone.
Dipper sighed. “Why do you want me?”
Quattro ran his hand over the wall. “Do you know this place father? I have been told you’ve been here before.”
Dipper took a second look around. “It's the ship.” It was the place Ford was almost taken that first summer. Where they glued the riff containment.
Rose's eyes lit up. “The ufo!”
“UFO stands for unidentified flying object. A) it's not flying. And B) it's identified. It's a spacecraft.”
“Regardless. Stanford and McGucket mined this place for parts for their inventions. The carpet, the mind ease gun, the photocopier that made me. We found this place hiding from the rain. Just a drop of water could maim us, or even kill us if it hit the right spot. But that won't matter soon. With the right tools, I've been able to make this!” He pulled down a shagged carpet. “Once I get this baby working like the original. I'll get to be me again.”
“You’re stealing my body.”
“Steal it, dump you in the rain and watch you melt. Once I'm you I'll wipe the brats memory. Easy peasy.”
“Okay. Quattro, I can only imagine how hard everything's been for you. Listen, I can help you find a new life.”
“I DON'T WANT A NEW LIFE, I WANT MINE! You, you can't understand. You who got everything. You found the author, who was a relative, you're a respected paranormal researcher.”
“Respected is a strong word.”
The clone held Dipper’s arm. “Look, are these muscles? How did we get muscles?” Dipper thought about the variety of near death experiences that lead to his current physical state. “You even got Wendy! WENDY! You don’t get to pawn me off when you got everything you ever wanted. I, I miss Mabel. I miss my mom. And I will get them back!”
Wendy Was driving around the back roads when Puck appeared in her front seat. She nearly hit a tree as she came to a stop. Wendy reached for her ax when Puck raised her hands.
“Peace, peace. Why would you hurt your friend?”
“Friend? You took my daughter!”
“That was the Queen's orders. Couldn't disobey those. And it was your own people who took your husband. But I know where they are. They are both in the same place.”
Wendy narrowed her eyes. “Why should I believe you?”
“Well, I can't do anything to make you believe me. All I can do is tell you and the choice to believe will be yours.” Puck leaned close to her ear. “They are where the metal star hit the Earth.” And with that the imp was gone.
Wendy rubbed her eyes. If Dipper lived through this, she was gonna have time fairy proof the car. Metal star…Like a meteor? Or like a…Ship! She remembered Dipper excitedly explaining about how he and Stan 2 explored a crush space from like the paleozoic era or something. She backed up onto the road. ‘Don't worry’, she thought. ‘Mama's coming.’
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jajanvm-imbi · 2 years
CW: light swearing
Since I've started watching Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and learning why it got off to a slow start and canceled prematurely, there's something I need to get off my chest.
Now I didn't watch any previous versions of the tmnt as a kid, so I don't have any attachment to them, but I love Rise as a stand alone series. But as I engage with the fanbase, I learned that the reason why Rise wasn't well received was because older tmnt fans didn't like how different it was from the other versions, calling it the "Teen Titans GO!" of the tmnt universe???? What the hell???
If you're one of the people who shit on Rise because you didn't like how different it was from your childhood version of tmnt, all I have to say is:
Congratulations! You're the reason why an incredibly talented creative team got their passion project canceled!!
Now this next part isn't just for older shitty tmnt fans, it goes to any adult who engages in any type of children's media:
As much as you are very much allowed to watch and engage with children's shows/movies/books/etc.... you need to remember that
You are
The target audience
Why does this even need to be explained? How is this such a difficult concept to understand? If you are 18+ years and you are watching something meant for literal CHILDREN, you need to understand that the humor/art style/plot/character arcs/tropes/etc... are meant for CHILDREN.
Don't like how immature this character can be at times? Don't like how there's a fart joke every now and then? Don't like how the plot isn't as dark and edgy as you would prefer? That's great! Guess what!
It's not for YOU!!
The characters in children's media are most likely, also children!!! I remember how people shit on Mabel Pines in Gravity Falls for the whole "Grunkle Stan, I trust you" situation because she was "naive" and "reckless" or something, and when she got upset when Dipper suggested him staying in GF while she went back to California, people called her "childish" and "selfish", forgetting that she was 12 YEARS OLD??? I personally was 12 years old while Gravity Falls was being released (I'm 19 now) and I was enjoying every second of Gravity Falls, despite the characters having flaws. You wanna know why I was enjoying the show more than some of the older, more critical members of the active Gravity Falls fandom? Because I was the target audience. Gravity Falls was (and still is) a CHILDREN'S SHOW, targeted towards CHILDREN, and the main characters were also CHILDREN. As a 12 year old girl, I could absolutely relate to Mabel! Sure there were some darker moments that gave it the edge that attracted older viewers, but at the end of the of the day, it was a show for younger, more immature audiences.
(Back to TTMNT) As far as I am aware, there are 4 main versions of TTMNT (not including any of the live action versions or the comics): 1987, 2003, 2012, and 2018. The first 3 series generally followed the same format in terms of character tropes/arcs and plot (again I haven't watched any of the other versions this is based off of my ""research""), while Rise decided to go in a different direction. Rise decided to be drastically different than the previous 3 versions of TTMNT in terms of character personalities, humor, story arcs, etc....to appeal to the next generation of cartoon loving kids, and that upset older tmnt fans.
What's confusing to me is just that: OLDER fans of the tmnt didn't enjoy this NEW version of a beloved franchise. OLDER fans of the franchise were shitting on the art style, the humor, the drastic changes in the characters' personalities because it wasn't like the tmnt THEY grew up with. News flash! It ISNT going to be like the verison you grew up with because, its NOT for YOU. There are literal 30 year olds from the 90s hating on a show meant for CHILDREN of 2022. Can someone please explain to me how that makes any sort of sense????
(Generally speaking once again) How can you, as a GROWN ASS ADULT, sit there, and with a straight face, talk shit about a show that ISNT EVEN MEANT FOR YOU???
How are you gonna be mad that you, as an ADULT, can't relate to characters who are CHILDREN?? These characters are not you for YOU specifically to relate to????
Can you? Of course you can. Again, this is not to say that adults shouldn't or are not allowed engage with children's media at all, or that adults can't relate to certain characters in said children's media. But if you don't, then remember that THEY WERENT FOR YOU TO RELATE TO IN THE FIRST PLACE.
"Wow this child character is behaving like a child in this children's series? Its obviously lazy writing and there is no one in the world who could possibly relate to or enjoy this therefore, it's a bad series"
That's how some of yall sound when "criticing" children's media meant for children.
It's so bizarre that this needs to be explained?? If you are going to engage with CHILDRENS MEDIA, you need to remember that YOU ARE NOT THE TARGET AUDIENCE. You are very much allowed to watch and enjoy children's media, but at the end of the day, you need to remember that all the jokes/arcs/tropes/etc... are meant for YOUNGER audiences to enjoy.
If you can't get behind the idea of characters who are children, behaving like children, in a piece of media meant for children:
You don't like the type of humor, story telling, tone, etc... used in a children's piece of media that's meant to be entertaining to children:
Then you should stop interacting with children's media all together until you can.
Thank you for your time
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Hii! if you still take requests then can I request a dipper x reader? gender neutral or female whichever is more comfy for you, and for the age you can decide that too, it's alright if you don't wanna write it tho ^^
Thank you for the request!
Dipper Pine x Gender Neutral Reader, Age around 16-17
Summary: Dipper has a feeling that something is happening in the woods. He sneaks out of the shack and follows his gut.
“Hey Mabel have you noticed anything?” I ask as the tv goes to an ad.
“Uh noPe.” She says with popping the p out. “But now you’re asking, something has to be happening! What is it?!”
“SHH! Nothing happening, I just been feeling funny.” I say.
“Well if you find anything let me know.” The tv goes back to ducktective. After an hour I head upstairs to bed. I get dress and lay in bed.
“Maybe I should ask Ford about this feeling… No, he’s probably busy.” I turn on my side and fall asleep.
“Ugh.” I wake up from a bright light. I turn around and see a paper? I grab it and start to read it.
Dear Dipper Pines
You’ve been invited to the show. Tonight, 1:15 am. It might explain the feeling you’ve been having. Wear something nice. We trust that you bring no one, or else. Follow the light to come.
Sincerely, No one :)
After I read it, it disappears I look over to Mabel to see her dead asleep. I grab a pair of shorts, red shirt and a blue zip up hoodie. I grab my Journal and stuff it in my hidden pocket. I leave a note for Mabel if I’m not back. I put my hat on and walk downstairs. I see no one and walk quickly and quietly out the door and lock it.
I see the light and follow it as it zips off into the woods. I look back at the Mystery Shack and grab the baseball bat. I run to follow the light.
After about ten minutes of walk the light stop.
“Are we here?” I ask it and it nods? I look around and see a weird patch of a clearing. I walk towards it, the light follows me.
“Hello? I was invited to a show of some sorts.” I say out loud. I turn to the light and it pushes me to the ground, thinking I was going to land on the ground but I land on a stump. The light disappeared as music starts to play.
“Welcome one and all to the show!” A voice says, I look around for anything or anyone. Seats began to appear, rows of stomps or logs as chairs, a stage appears with people sitting and waiting for the show. Then some of the trees have some sort of lights similar to the one I had followed. Some white others purples and blues and one f/c.
“Now everyone it’s time we’ve all been waiting for! The one and only me!” A tall monster that had a seven foot frame, a top hat that had antlers glued to it, big red colored eyes, a suit and seemed to have a female frame.
“Before I start the show, there’s rules. You must follow them!” It say in a dark voice as everyone backs up a little bit from.
“Don’t worry! Simple rules! Don’t get up unless told to. Don’t switch seats, never tell anyone about the show, and of course if any are broken… You won’t want to know.” It says as the little dim and it leaves.
“IN COMING!” It says and I duck covering my head. I wait but nothing happens?
“Hello! I’ll be your guide.” What the?
“Didn’t the guy just say don’t leave your seats?” A girl says.
“We like to make it a surprise!” He says.
“Excuse me? Where are we? Why was I invited?” I ask the guy.
“Ah, Dipper Pines. Mr. Pines your all here for different reasons, some for better reasoning other not so much. Though if you could follow me, you might find out.” He starts to walk away and we all follow. I don’t understand this place, they might be hiding something. No, they are hiding something. What type of place would say not to tell anyone about the place?
“This is are first stop. Meet Grim, the monster behind the glass. Grim is one of the monster you’ll be seeing today. Grim is a Cerberus, also what humans call a dog. Though as you can see it’s a three headed dog!” He says, there’s more monsters in Gravity Falls? I mean it makes sense but still.
“Billy why don’t you go in?” Wait people are going in?!
“Okay!” Billy says and opens the door. The dog? Dogs? Grim stares at Billy, a huge bone is dropped in from the ceiling. Billy picks it up and throws it to Grim. They start to play together.
“See not that bad. Though this one is tamed. Never go near one in the wild, though there’s very few out there. Mainly Hades the Greek god was known to own one and they’re very, very, very violent. Let’s continue!” After a few monsters like, Cyclops, Naga, Werewolf, Werecat and a Ogre. We finally stopped with only me and one other person.
“I believe it’s your turn Dipper.” I look over to him and back to the glass front.
“Don’t worry. It’s a vampire, simply to talk to. They won’t bite, already feed. Though I wouldn’t get a nose bleed.” He and the last person walk away as I walk toward the iron door. I look around and open my journal, I flip to a page. I read the vampire page that Ford wrote. Maybe I should break my bat so I can stab them if it goes bad. I break the bat and hide everything. I sigh and open the door.
“Hello?” I say as the door opens. A teenager around my age walks in.
“Uh, hi.” He says.
“My names y/n, what’s yours?” I ask he looks sweaty.
“Dipper, Dipper Pines.” I nod my head to his question.
“You won’t hurt me right?”
“No of course not. I prefer to not hurt humans when I can. I already eat today so I’ll be good for a while.” He then leans against the wall far this away from me. Which is next to the door.
“I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.” I say as I sit down on the white padded floors.
“How old are you?”
“118, how about you?”
“16. Do you have any vampire type powers?”
“Uh yeah. I’m stronger then a human and if I wanted to I could fight a bear. I have super speed but it’s not like the Flash, I’m around the speed of a dog. I hear pretty well too, oh I don’t get cold or hot. Fast healer too.” He nods and pull out a journal with a pine tree on it, it matched his hat.
“Are you like a sappy vampire teenager movie?” I laugh and he joins in.
“No of course not. I’m not a glitter monster, and no soulmate stuff.” After a while of talking and getting to know each other, he starts to open up more but is still closed off.
“Beep.” The speakers go off in the hallway, a little muffled but with my hearings it’s not to bad.
“As you’ve all met the monster of the show, it’s time for one of you to be free! Though only one of you get to go home with a fun monster, maybe you could pay for one! Anyways here we go! The winner is…………” It says.
“Winner?” Dipper asks.
“This has never happened and I’ve been here for years.”
“Number 11! What a lucky little thing you are! Now LEAVE! THE SHOWS OVER!” It says, we cover are ears.
“Who’s number 11?” Dipper ask.
“I think that’s me? I mean the doors open, let’s go through.” Before we go everything disappears, no box that I called home, no monster out, no humans, just me and Dipper.
“What just happened?” I ask Dipper.
“Honestly, not sure. It’s almost sunrise, I got to go home.” He walks but pause as a thought comes into mind “Wait do you have anywhere to go?”
“No, I haven’t seen the world since 2017. I don’t need to sleep so I guess I could just walk around.” I shrug.
“Follow me and fast I need to hurry home before Mabel wakes up.” He start to run and I speed walk after him. We made it to a shack and stop.
“Here’s the plan, you turn into a bat and hit that window.” He points to the triangle window. “Give it till the sun is fully up and then hit it, then me and my sister will find you. After that we’ll take care of you. I’ll try to find a house or a job you can get till you have enough money to buy a house or something. Okay I’ll see you in a few, bye!” He says fast and runs in the shack.
I turn into a bat and wait in a tree. Once the sun goes up I fly toward the window and hit it with my stomach. I “fall” down and lay there. I here the door open and see what I assume to be Mabel come over to me.
“Dipper, what are we going to do? Is it dead!? GRUNKLE STAN! GRUNKLE FORD!!!!” Mabel screams. Dipper cover his ears as more people show up.
“What is it?”
“Mabel are you okay?” They say.
“I am but look!” Mabel points to me.
“What? The bat? Meh, feed it to the pig.” Mabel scream no at the thought. I’m literally sitting, I’m not dead.
“Well what happened?”
“It hit the window. It’s probably just needs to sleep it off.” Dipper says.
“I’m not have another pet. Waddles still isn’t wanted, just smash it with a shovel or something.”
“GRUNKLE STAN!! We aren’t killing Dracy!” Mabel says.
“Mabel it’s a girl..” Dipper says.
“Kids calm down. I’ll check if it has anything broken then we can just keep it in a box till it’s night time and can fly off. And question?” Ford I’m assuming says.
“Is it a vampire?” They all stare at Mabel with a shut up look.
“No question great. Dipper do you mind if you could get me a gloves and a box?” Ford ask as Stan goes back inside. Dipper nods and grabs the box and gloves.
“She isn’t shy. You think she’s a pet?” Mabel asks.
“Possibly but that’s illegal. Oh there’s Dipper.” Ford says, after he check me out and feels that I’m okay he puts my in a box and closes it shut.
“She’ll probably just go to sleep then we can let her go at night time.” I open the box and look at the twins. I fly over to Dipper and land on his hat.
“Aww!!!! She loves you!” Mabel says.
“Um, what now?” Dipper ask, Ford shrugs and goes back inside.
“Aww! I’ll go get Waddles! Maybe they can be best friends!” Mabel walks in.
“So can you talk in that form?”
“Yeah. So what’s the plan now?”
“You can stay with us till I come up with a plan. Probably could stay as a bat till I tell the family.” Dipper says, I fly down to his shoulder and hug his neck.
“Thanks you.” I say.
And done. I don’t know how many word this is but uh, request are still open! Also I don’t know if I got the character right to the bone, but I tried. If any writing errors let me know or you want a part two. Byebye
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itsthemysterykids · 2 years
George Lopez Quotes?
Coraline: Neil, why are you carrying your backpack like that?
Neil: … Because you’d said to take better care of my stuff.
Coraline: … What’s in the backpack?
Neil: Just books. *Coraline throws an orange at his arm, making him drop his bag* Oh way to go! You just spilled a cup of my pee!
Wybie: What?
Coraline: For years it was in his bed, now it’s in his backpack!
Neil: *Opens his backpack* There’s wizz all over my book report.
Wybie: Neil, why is there urine in your backpack?
Neil: … Somebody paid me for it.
Wybie: Who would do that?… Wait, there are a lot of drug tests happening at the prison, so I’m gonna say something to you that I haven’t said in years… Is my mom buying your pee?
Stan: From now on, we're home schooling you! Whatever we don't know, you don't know. When did the Korean War start? I don't know, and neither do you!
Lili: Come on, it's an hour. She's got no money. She's got no friends. Coraline’s probably walking around the mall crying.
Raz: I don't wanna be the bigger person! I wanna be small and mean... like a scorpion. I'll be like that *Imitates a scorpion waving its pincers* Then I get you all distracted by my pincers. Oh, but you forgot about my tail. WHAPAH! *Bends forward*
Lili: ...when you sting her, your tail's gonna fall off and you'll die.
Raz: That's bees. You don't know nothin'. I win.
Dipper: Only I know the secret password.
Raz: Is it "Whapah?"
Dipper: … Not anymore.
Mabel: If you wanted people to think you had a girlfriend, wouldn't you want to take her out and show her off?
Norman: Hey, I don't know how gay men think!
Coraline: *After he and Wybie find women's clothing, perfume, and earrings in Norman’s backpack* We should have seen this coming when he started listening to the Kinky Boots soundtrack!
Norman: *to the kids at the party* Alright, who here has a hot single brother? *all the kids raise their hands* I said hot! *all but one kid puts their hands down*
Coraline: I signed it the NWA.
Wybie: … Ice Cube and Dr. Dre's old group?! You're sending that to a racist?
Coraline: Not that NWA, the Neighborhood Watch Association!
Dipper: How can you trust Gideon after all he's done to our family?
Mabel: Because I try to find the good in people.
Dipper: That's a really annoying habit.
Wybie: *With the Jones family* … Your white customs are strange to the people of my valley.
Raz: This school can't afford special ed. but they can sure afford urinals that flush themselves.
Lili: Why are you so out of breath?
Raz: I got them all going at once! It sounded like a waterfall... then the sound of the water made me had to go again.
Charlie Jones: Mel, how would you like it if I showed up at your work wearing fishnet stockings? And I know I got the calves to wear heels!
Coraline: *To Wybie* You know what, I made a mistake, this isn't my house at all!
Norman: I just need to think of a way for him to kill his appetite. Courtney, do you have any pictures of yourself?
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Birthday Wishes, Birthday Kisses
Second place
by @penningpines
{ I know they turned 21 last year, but getting drunk for the first time on 21st birthdays is like v special to me }
Grunkle Stan guided the blindfolded twins into the kitchen, a hand resting on each of their shoulders.
“Alright, kids, you can take them off now.”
“Hardly kids now,” they heard Wendy laugh. They removed their blindfolds to find her, Soos, and both their Grunkles standing before the kitchen table, which was lined with brightly colored bottles and cans.
Mabel tilted her head. “What is—”
“Alcohol!” Stan exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air. “Booze! Man’s great equalizer!”
Ford, standing at the other side of the table, chuckled warmly. “He may have already had a bit. Happy birthday, kids! You are officially of legal drinking age now, so enjoy yourselves! But go slow. And hydrate!”
Soos raised a bottle in the air and beckoned Dipper over to him. “You’re a man now. Come try this shit.”
The dark brown glass bottle in Soos’s hand didn’t look like it contained anything terribly appetizing, and the closer Dipper got to it, the worse it stunk of yeast. He reached out to take the bottle from Soos, who was now holding it in front of him, and with another small sniff and a grimace, he reluctantly took a sip. Immediately after, he began coughing and sputtered out a, “this is disgusting!”, shoving the bottle back into Soos’s hand.
“That’s the taste of manhood,” Stan said proudly, clinking his own beer bottle against Soos’s. “It’s an acquired taste, like coffee and cigarettes and lake water. You’ll get used to it.”
“What was that last one?”
Stan narrowed his eyes. “Cigarettes?”
“N-no, after that,” Dipper replied, grabbing a bottle of water off of the table and chugging it down to get the taste of stale bread and dead dreams off of his tongue.
“Don’t worry about it,” Stan said, waving a hand dismissively.
Mabel watched in slight horror as the interaction went on. “Do I have to drink that, too?”
“No, thank fuck,” Wendy cut in, handing a colorful, foamy, multicolored atrocity to her. “I took the liberty of making you something a little more… you. It’s gonna be a total sugar rush, and you won’t be able to taste the alcohol at all, so be very careful.”
Mabel’s eyes widened as an excited gasp left her. She eagerly took the glass from Wendy, placing her lips on the colorful twisty straw she had stuck into it, and took a big sip.
A disgusted look remained on Dipper’s face as he turned to face his twin. “What?”
“You have to try this!” Mabel pushed the glass into his hands, eyes sparkling in anticipation as she waited for her brother to taste it.
Dipper raised an eyebrow, observing the foamy pink mess, before taking a small sip.
“What do you think?!” She asked enthusiastically.
He grimaced yet again. “This is so… I can feel my teeth rotting…”
“Sorry,” Wendy laughed. “I may or may not have literally poured like an entire cup of sugar in there after all the sodas and juices.”
“It doesn’t bother me,” Mabel boasted, snatching her drink back from Dipper and taking another swig.
“You’re used to running on sugar and boybands, Mabes,” he chuckled. “Of course it doesn’t bother you.”
“Try something straight with a mixer, then,” Ford suggested, tapping a finger against the lid of the vodka bottle closest to him. “Any soda or juice will mix with it.”
Dipper eyed the table, grabbing a peach Pitt Cola and an empty cup.
“You’ll wanna measure the hard stuff,” Soos advised, handing a shot glass to Dipper. “And use more mixer than alcohol, otherwise that’s all you’re gonna be able to taste.”
With an appreciative nod, Dipper filled the shot glass, poured it into the cup, and filled the rest with Pitt Cola. A single sip and he seemed satisfied with the mix. “Thanks, Soos.”
“It’s what I’m here for,” he smiled. He then deadpanned. “I am the keeper of alcoholic knowledge.”
Stan playfully slapped a hand against Soos’s back. “Sure are, big guy.”
“Oh, on that,” Wendy piped up. “Carbonation will filter the alcohol into your blood quicker, so be careful with your mixers.”
Soos cleared his throat as he stood from his spot and offered it to Dipper, Wendy mirroring the same action for Mabel. “Go on. Sit down. Drink. Talk about stuff.”
The twins took a seat, offering each other a smile across the table.
“Here’s to 21,” Mabel smiled, raising her glass to meet Dipper’s.
“21,” he repeated, tapping his glass against Mabel’s.
They each took another sip or two.
“Who do you wanna bet is more of a lightweight?” Ford asked, working away at his own bottle.
“Mabel,” Wendy responded instantly. “Definitely. No offense,” she laughed, turning her attention to the accused. “It’s just… in my experience, for some reason, alcohol tends to hit the bubbly ones first, and I’m pretty confident you’re a happy, giggly drunk.”
“What kind of drunk do you think I am?” Dipper inquired.
“Conspiracy theorist,” Stan offered easily. “I am fully expecting you to go on about lizard people once it kicks in.”
“Hey,” he laughed. “Not fair! Don’t conspiracy theorists sound crazy? I don’t think—”
“To be fair,” Soos interrupted, taking another swig of his drink. “Your book of crazy monster stuff sounds like some conspiracy type stuff a lot of the time.”
Dipper scoffed playfully in mock offense. “Gravity Falls is full of crazy shit. I am merely documenting and researching said shit.”
This time, Ford slapped a hand against Dipper’s back. “That’s my boy! Carrying on the family business, eh?”
Mabel giggled into her drink, lips pulling at her straw, perhaps a tad too fast. “You still need to find me a unicorn. Like a good unicorn. Not one that’s all full of themselves.”
“What if I find you a caticorn instead?” He offered.
“Even better!” Mabel laughed, raising her glass, which was now halfway empty.
Wendy raised hers to meet Mabel’s this time. “Slow down there, birthday girl,” she laughed, reaching for a bottle of water to offer her. “I told you this one was pretty strong, and you don’t want to make yourself sick.”
“Pshhh,” Mabel laughed. “From sugar? I don’t get sick! My body’s built up a tolerance! A-after that whole Smile Dip incident…”
“From alcohol,” she smiled, pouring one of the water bottles into Mabel’s drink until it reached the rim. “This will help, trust me.”
Soos followed suit, pouring water into what little Dipper had gotten through on his own drink.
“Take it from someone older and wiser, little dudes,” he said, grabbing his own bottle to chug. “Hydrate or diedrate.”
“Or,” Wendy laughed. “Less drastically, hydrate or get super sick and have an awful hangover in the morning.”
“Speaking of,” Soos said, turning his attention to Stan and Ford. “Do you guys remember the first time you got drunk?”
The older twins exchanged a glance, and Ford was the first to speak.
“Times were different. Laws were different, too. We were 16, and—”
“—and you got fucked off of three beers,” Stan interrupted, pointing and laughing at his twin. “And then you got sick, but I never did. Alpha Twin!”
Ford rolled his eyes playfully. “You are not the Alpha Twin just because—”
“Ha!” Now Mabel was pointing at Dipper. “You’re the Ford, I’m the Stan! Alpha Twin!”
“Yeah!” Stan cheered, thrusting his fist into the air. “I got Mabel!”
“Hey!” Dipper laughed. “What about me?”
“I got you,” Ford proclaimed proudly. “Together, we will discover all the mysteries of Gravity Falls!”
“Like whatever the hell is living at the bottom of Stan’s sock drawer,” Wendy loudly half-whispered to Soos, who stuck his hands up in defense, chuckling, “I don’t even wanna know!”
“Grunkle Stan and I will… hmm…” Mabel chewed at the tip of her straw. “Take over the world!”
“Quite a tall order to fill, little miss.” He moved in closer to ruffle her hair. “I don’t know if my back can keep up with that.”
“Oh, shit, wait!”
They all turned their attention to Wendy, who was taking hold of Mabel’s hand and helping her to her feet. “You guys need to stand up for a minute. If you sit the whole time, the first time you get up, you’ll fall over. Happened to me my first time! Robbie started freaking out for a minute, but I thought it was hilarious!”
“I’m sure it’s not so— whoa!” Mabel clutched onto Wendy’s arm, trying to stabilize herself. “Okay, maybe it’s a little bad right now.”
Soos did the same for Dipper, helping him up, though he was much more stable on his feet.
“One to ten,” Ford said, addressing the twins. “On a lev- uh, a scale, I mean. How drunk do you feel?”
“We don't…” Mabel started, to which Dipper finished, “…have anything to compare it to?”
“That was a dumb question for such a smart guy,” Stan cackled, shaking his head at his brother.
“Yeah,” he agreed, matching his twin’s joviality. “Pretty dumb!”
“What was your first time being drunk like?” Wendy asked Soos, reaching out to playfully pluck the bottle out of his hand.
“It was fun,” he snickered. “…until it wasn’t. I got, like, mega sick, dude. But before that, I was having a good ass time!”
“First time sickness buds!” She exclaimed, reaching out for a high five with the hand that wasn’t supporting Mabel.
“Is it, uh,” Dipper, who had just been released from Soos’s grasp, chuckled nervously. “Is it possible to, um, not get sick your first time? Or ever?”
“Hydrate or diedrate,” Soos repeated.
“Hydration,” Wendy giggled, thumping Soos’s bottle against his arm before handing it back to him. “And pacing yourself, and eating before, during, or both. After is kinda debated but it seems to help me, so I do it after, too. Fresh air can help.”
Mabel looked up at Stan. “Is that why you had us each so much before this?”
“As is tradition,” he winked.
“Okay,” Dipper nodded, reaching for another bottle of water with a slight quiver in his legs. Still steady so far.
“Especially you,” Wendy playfully punched Mabel in the arm, causing her to stumble. “You’ve been going at that thing way too fast.”
“The Alpha Twin,” Mabel giggled, “does not get sick. I simply transfer all my sickness to Dipper. When we were little, I had chicken pox. As soon as mine went away, Dipper got them. I haven’t gotten them since, and if that doesn’t prove my theory, I don’t know what will!”
“Mabel, I’m pretty sure chicken pox—”
“Shhh.” She pressed a finger against Dipper’s lips. “No.” Her finger dragged down his body, quickly swiping it over his chest and arms and grabbing at his hand, which she pulled down with her as she dropped to the floor. “We’re gonna sit here now!”
The room, if only slightly, steadied once Mabel had to focus less on keeping her knees from buckling or her legs from otherwise taking her down. As she looked across to Dipper, though, he seemed to be swaying a bit. Or maybe she was— she couldn’t tell.
Stan began telling a story above them, but from down on the ground, and with her lack of focus, his voice sounded small and distant.
“I’m… mmm… mm… tired.” She yawned and reached out for Dipper, who was already staring at her. “Are you tired?”
He shrugged his response. “You wanna go to bed?”
“Yes. No. Mm-may—yes.”
“Okay,” Dipper laughed. “Then let’s go to bed.”
“Okay,” Mabel repeated, now loud enough for the rest to hear, holding onto Dipper’s arm with one hand and Wendy’s leg with the other. She maneuvered herself onto her feet, tugging Dipper up with her, and just about shoved her face into his chest as she stumbled forward and clutched onto him more completely. “We are going to have a meeting. It’s about our twin telepathy.” She turned slightly to face the rest of the room. “And only s-s-twins who are under the age of… seventy-b-billion are allowed,” she slurred. “Okay, bye!”
“That means bedtime,” Dipper laughed, supporting Mabel as he helped move her over to the staircase. “This… may present a problem.”
Mabel stared intensely at the staircase for a moment, studying it, before she looked up slightly at her brother and pressed her hands against his chest and pushed to distance herself from him. “I am the Alpha Twin. There is no obstacle too large.”
“You’re gonna hurt yourself, Mabes. Come on. One step at a time.” He took hold of her arm which, honestly, she hadn’t noticed, and began helping her up the stairs.
“I’m doing it!” She exclaimed excitedly. “I’m doing it! I’m—” she looked down and noticed Dipper’s grip on her arm. “Oh. Well, we’re almost up there anyway!”
“Mabel, we’re only three steps up the—”
“We’re almost u-up there anyway,” she repeated, lifting an unstable foot, setting it down, lifting it again, moving it to the side, and fumbling closer to Dipper.
Wendy came up behind them, placed a hand on each of their backs, and helped push them forward. With some slight coordination issues, more than a little bit of random ‘whoaaa!’s, and Mabel tripping over her own feet not once, not twice, but three times, they made it to the top of the staircase.
“Should be able to handle it now,” Dipper giggled to himself, pulling Mabel against his chest once again and guiding her (pulling her, more like) to their shared bedroom.
He got them to the door, which, of course, was shut. He fumbled with the doorknob for a moment before the door swung open, which startled Mabel, and got them inside. He led Mabel over to her bed, which she managed to get into without too much trouble.
“Perfect birthday,” she mused, “almost.”
“Almost?” Dipper questioned, kneeling beside Mabel’s bed to keep himself from falling down. He had managed to keep it together enough up the stairs, but now his legs were threatening to give out and deprive him of his favorite pastime of walking in a straight line.
“There’s oooone birthday wish I didn’t get.” She stared up at the ceiling, clutching onto one of her stuffed animals.
“And what’s that? Maybe I can help?”
“Mm…” she thought for a moment. “No. Never mind. Too embarrassing. G’night!”
Dipper laughed, shaking her shoulder. “Come on, Mabes.”
“You can tell me! I’m your twin. Come on, use the telepathy!”
She closed her eyes, placed a hand on Dipper’s forehead (well, mostly, and after a few tries), took a deep breath, and whispered, “I… wanted… a birthday kiss.”
Dipper scoffed, amused. “Is that it?”
“What do you mean ‘is that it’?!” She sat up quickly, opening her eyes and turning to look at him, face flushed. “It’s embarrassing! Aren’t you embarrassed?!”
“Mm… nope. Come on, you’ve admitted to me before that you’ve thought about it.”
“Thinking about it and actually doing it are two very different things, Dipper!”
He raised his hands up defensively with a soft laugh. “Alright, alright, just thought I’d offer.”
Mabel groaned playfully. She fell back into her mattress with a soft thud. “Okay… fine… come here.”
“Come here! I’m gonna close my eyes so it’s not so… weird… and you’re gonna kiss me like I’m a princess.”
She could feel the weight on her bed shift, signaling that Dipper had sat down next to her. His next question came softly, softer than she expected, and she had to strain her ears to hear it.
“Like you’re a princess?”
“M-mhm…” she felt a little shyer about it now. It felt more real than when she had proposed it. She kept her eyes shut, but she felt her body tighten and flinch as he moved closer to her.
“Actually…” she opened her eyes to find Dipper’s face about a foot away from hers, watching her with a loving gaze. A slight smile was pulling at the corner of his mouth.
“Okay,” she breathed. She couldn’t help but smile, reflecting her twin’s. “You can… you can do it now.”
She let her eyes flutter shut again, and he followed her lead, closing the space between them slowly, anticipation building.
His lips hovered above hers for a moment, soft breath matching her own, tension in the room building to a climax when he slowly, softly pressed their lips together.
Though anticipated, it took both of them a split second to process what was happening. Quivering lips steadied as they pressed against their matching pair, and for a moment, they were stuck there, until Dipper pressed his harder against his twin’s before awkwardly pulling away.
He opened his eyes, almost hesitantly, and watched as Mabel did the same. She blushed deeply before breaking out into a fit of giggles, forcing her head to the side so her hair would fall into her face and offer even the slightest bit of concealment.
“Perfect birthday,” she mumbled into her pillow. “For real this time.”
Dipper moved in again to plant another kiss against her face, this one a soft, loving peck on the forehead. “I’m glad,” he grinned. “I agree.”
A comfortable silence filled the room, until he whispered, “goodnight, Mabel. Happy birthday.”
She felt the weight of her mattress shift again as he stood up, crossing the room to get into his own bed.
“Um, Dipp?”
“Yeah, Mabes?”
Mabel rolled over onto her other side to face him. “Can… um… can I get birthday cuddles, too? Like old times?”
He simply chuckled, turning and walking back to her bed, which she had begun moving stuffed animals and pillows off of to give him space to lie down.
“Thank you, bro bro.” She nuzzled her face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head, breathing in her scent.
“Anything for the Alpha Twin,” he murmured, earning a giggle from his sister as she nuzzled closer to him.
“Best birthday ever,” Dipper repeated, mumbling into Mabel’s hair, arms tightening around her midsection in a protective squeeze.
Not bad, 21. Not bad at all.
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peachyaone · 4 years
Lonely Heart pt.5
Tumblr media
Pairings: Lierra x OC
(A/N : Hi again! I’m excited to announce that the song “You” in this chapter is written by me! :) So pls don’t steal it :( And I’m also less busy this month so part 6 might be out soon! So yeah, hope you enjoyed this chapter, See you in the next one!)
*Luke’s POV*
They arrived at Ashton’s. His palms are sweating, and his throat was getting dryer by the second. Sierra placed her hand on his shoulder, slightly calming his nerves. They stood in of his door. He hesitated on knocking, Sierra had tired of waiting and knocked. Nothing happened at first, Luke knocked this time. There were footsteps, and the door opened. “Look, its early in the morning, so what the fuc- Oh. You two. He groaned.  “ I-Is Iris here?” Sierra asked him.  “You didn’t check your phones?” He said, slightly irritated. The two took out their phones.
They checked their messages:
[10:00 pm, 09/10/2020] Iris <3 : Hey. Just wanted to tell you that I’m leaving for tour early. I cleared up everything with Ashley and my bandmates. I will be leaving at midnight tonight. You’re welcome to come and see me off, only if you want to. I’ll be with Ashley for the while leg of the tour, we might have separate shows, but we’ll wait for the management announcement.
[10:00 pm, 09/10/2020] Iris <3 : I just wanna say that I apologise for being so distant , I’ve been in a really bad headspace lately. I’m sorry. It’s my fault for making you mad, making Sierra upset and everything.
“Fuck.” he whispered. Ashton was staring at them, arms crossed. "Have you realized what you've done?" Ashton said. They didn't have the chance to speak. "You absolutely wrecked her, you know that? Both of you. I thought you're better than this. She came here, soaked to the skin. She could get sick, and you both know that she gets sick easily. She was trying to keep herself together. She on a verge on an attack, thank god Katniss was there to calm her down. I wanted to march up to your house and beat your ass . But Iris wouldn't let me, you know why? it's because she loves you, Lucas. And that's the only thing stopping me from beating your ass." He scolded. Luke was looking at the ground, ashamed.
"And Sierra, you know what the media could do. They'd do anything to tear people apart, fuck with their mental health, twisting lies into stories with without knowing the real truth. One article could turn people against each other. I really thought that maybe you would understand a little more about this." He said. Ashton was disappointed. He sighed. "Now that you have your answer, I have a lemon tree to save. Goodnight." He said, closing the door on them. The two walked back to their car.
What were they gonna do now?
*Iris's POV*
The live session was a blast. Once she felt sensation of the bass, the sound of the guitar, the kick of the drums, she never felt so alive. They were covering "I Don't Love You" by My Chemical Romance. She felt the problems slowly melt away when she started singing. She sang each verse with all she got. It was pure, raw emotion, the one that could make everyone tear up. It's like she was a different person. Long gone the Iris that was depressed. The Iris on stage now was, way more brighter and her eyes seems to shine with unshed tears. This side of Iris only comes out when she's performing. Usually, without the tears. The crowd cheered her on. She was smiling. The trio gave each other knowing glances, once the adrenaline from performing wears off, she would go back to the woman she was before.
Sad and empty.
They thanked the crowd and the host and went backstage. They were buzzing with adrenaline. "You guys, wanna grab some food before we go back to the hotel?" Maia said. Julia and Helena nodded. "Iris?" Helena said. Iris's head snapped up. "You okay there? Your lookin' a little bit pale, shortcake." Helena said. Iris rubbed her face. "I'm alright, Just need fresh air, that's all. Maybe something to eat." She said. The trio was looking at her worriedly. "Guys. I promise, I'm okay, don't worry." she shyly smiled, nervous from the looks her bandmates were giving her. "Macca's?" Julia said. "Sure." Maia said.
"That's all your going eat?" Julia said. Iris was eating her veggie dippers. "Yeah. I'm not that hungry." she mumbled. "Bullshit. You haven't eaten anything since last night." Julia said. "Take some my fries." Maia said. "Maia, I can't take it. It's your food." she declined. "Iris, we won't let you fuckin' starve. We have a long night of performing coming up. And you need the energy." Maia said. Iris stared at the ground. Helena rubbed her back, "Please, Iris. We all know you have haven't been doing well." Maia said. "Fine."
"Good girl." Julia said. "Wow, Julia. I didn't know you were into that kinda of stuff~" Iris teased. Helena choked on her drink. Julia looked at Helena, confused. Maia shoved Julia's shoulder. The look of realization dawned on her face. "Oh. Iris, you kinky bitch." She said, smirking. "Well, someone's gotta be the Yuri in this club, and you guys don't have to balls to be him. " she teased again.
They heard cameras clicking.
"Paps." they said in unison.  “Shit.” Helena mumbled.  “We have to get out of here, quickly.” Julia said. The group got out and tried to get to Maia’s car. Iris was soon cornered by the paps.
“Iris, you know they can do better!”
“Is it difficult having TWO partners? Having to be jealous all the time and fighting for attention – what does that feel like?”
She kept quiet.
“What do you think to the rumours that you cheated on them? There’s evidence of you spending the night with a mysterious female.”
“You’re really nothing special though are you? They won’t stick around for long, whore.”
“We’ve seen the scars on your arms.”
“Don’t you think that’s a bad image for your band?”
“You should look into conversion therapy, disgusting whore.”
“What about your partners? Should they have to deal with that on top of everything they should be doing?”
“You’re nothing but a slut. A cheating, useless piece of shit.”
“You’ll be better off dead.”
“'Lena…” She mumbled, searching for any of her bandmates over the crowd, she felt her vision go hazy for a bit as she desprately tried to push through the paps. She was so close from losing her sanity. The paps was closing in, blocking her in. Insults was thrown her way. She was going to break.
Then she felt their arms. Helena's strong hand gripping hers and pulling her into their arms, cradling her against her chest and Julia pushing through the crowd telling the paparazzi to fuck off along the way.“Get away from her!” She pushed the paps away from the duo while Helena helped Iris up. “We just want answers!” One of the paps shouted back at them. “Well, you’re not gonna get any so take your camera, shove it up your fucking asshole, and fuck off!”
They got her into the car. Maia drove away from the scene as fast as she could. Iris's hands was shaking. “Iris?” Julia ask, her hand moving to cup her face. “Iris, come on.” Julia pleaded, she was desperately trying to help her calm her down, holding her hands and trying to help her breathe. “They said such horrible things.” Iris mumbled. “They’re just trying to get a response.” Helena said.
"Can we call, Ash?" she meekly asked. "Of course, shortcake." Helena said. Julia called him.
"Hey, Julia. Is everything alright?"
"Um... about that."
"What's wrong?"
"Well, we had a run in with paps eariler and they cornered Iris."
"What?! Is she okay? Did the paps do anything?"
"Well, they verbally harassed her. We might ask management to file a lawsuit. As for Iris? She's the reason why I called, wait a minute-
"'Lena take the phone."
Helena took the phone from Julia.
"Hey, Lemon boy"
"Hey, Helena. Is Iris with you?"
"Yup. Let me hand the phone to her."
She passed the phone to Iris.
"Hey, Ash..."
"Hey, Sunshine. Are you okay? Did they do anything to you?"
"They were closing in on me, taking photos of me and said bad things."
"What kind of bad things did they say, sunshine? "
"That I’m not good enough, they keep insisting that I cheated. They said that I look into converstion therapy-"
She was startled by Helena's hand on her shoulder. "Let it out." She mouthed to her.
"They joked about my scars, they said I would be better off dead." she choked out.
"They what?! Oh, Iris, I'm so sorry."
She sobbed.
" Iris, listen."
"What they said.... it's all lies. You hear me? They are lies. You are not what they paint you to be, they don't know who you really are. You are amazing. You are the most amazing person I know, the boys loves you.... even Luke. He came by with Sierra the night after you left. I didn't do anything, like I promise. But you bet I gave him an earful. But all that aside, Iris, you deserve to be here, and you are good enough. You make people happy. Your fans? They all love you, you make them smile, you make them feels safe. This will pass, things will get easier. I promise you."
"What if I fail to do so, Ash? What if I disappoint everyone?"
"You won't. Trust me, you are not a failure. You will get better. You will heal. You will be stronger than ever. You will make it through this."
"Are they alright?"
"You're seriously asking that? You're not okay and you're asking if they're alright?"
"Please Ash... I want to know."
They arrived at the hotel.
"Yes, they are. You don't have to worry. All you have to worry now is me giving you a lecture. Look outside."
"Just look outside."
She looked outside to see Ashton, giving her one of his signature smiles. Beside him.....Luke and Sierra.
"Hey, sunshine."
She paled. She turned at the bandmates and chuckled shakily.
"Am I finally going crazy? Is they really here?"
She looked at Luke and Sierra, laughing disbelievingly. Shaking her head, she walked up to them. She prodded Luke at his chest angrily, as she laughed. "You had the fucking nerve to show up here." She was chuckling yet crying in the same time. "Where were you, Lucas. Where the fuck were you when I needed you?!" she said. She stumbled back, shaking her head. Iris's knees gave out. Maia reached out to steady her. "Can we get out of here, please?" She whispered to her. Maia looked at Helena and Julia. "Let's get her inside." She said, quietly. They nodded. They moved to get her inside. Sierra moved to stop them. "Let's talk this through, please." She said to Iris. Helena glowered at her. She stood in front Iris protectively.
"After what you've done, you think you could just come up here and expect her to talk? After the pain you put her through? No, ma'am. You lost that right." Helena said. "Hey, don't talk to her like that." Luke defended her. Julia stepped forward. "Don't think we forgot about YOU, Hemmings." She said. "You don't get to come up here, all high and mighty and expect that we let you go that easily." Helena said. “You two are fucking dumb if you really believe that's a way to treat our bandmate.” Maia said.
“If anyone should be arguing, it should be me.” Iris said, as she straightened up and six pairs of eyes snapped to her. "Thank you for standing up for me, guys." she said to her bandmates. They shrugged and smiled. "Pop off, bestfren." Maia playfully winked at her. Iris smiled and turned to face the duo. The look that they gave her made her newfound anger surge.
“You both don’t get to look at me like that.” She snapped, causing them to reel back in suprise. They never seen her this mad, never at them. "If you gave me the chance to talk back then, we wouldn't have this bullshit." she said. Their faces fell in guilt. The Iris she was before this would've cave in and forgive them but she was seething with anger now to care.
"If you'd noticed the sleepless nights I had, the bag under my eyes. If you'd have cared to even try and listen to what I had to say, maybe I wouldn't be fuckin' pissed at you right now!" Iris snapped and Luke flinched back.
If they'd only looked into her eyes, they would see the bottled up emotions that was threatening to explode. It felt wrong to see Iris so angry. She was always been the one to break up arguements, not start them. "Did you know how much suffering you caused me? Do you know how much pain I've been through? I never asked for this, you know? I never asked for us to fight. I hate fighting, you know that?" She said. She looked at them, they were looking down to the ground.
"Look at me." she pleaded. Her anger disappated. Their heads immediately snapped up."I d-don't think I contribute to this relationship anymore." her broken voice reached their ears.
"Iris!" They called out, but she's gone. Luke frantically searched for her. "Luke, we still have one more chance." Sierra said. "Sierra, there's no more chance. We lost her." He said. "And it's all my fault." he whimpered. "Luke, honey. We have her concert tickets, thanks to Ashley. Let's not waste this chance alright?" She said.
Two hours till the concert. The stage staff were moving around, making sure that everything goes well. After the encounter, Iris fell in the hotel bed and proceeded take a long nap. And woke up just in time for rehearsal.
Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours. Iris drank some vodka that was prepared by the staff, it did so little to calm her nerves. She was pacing around. “Iris?” Her makeup stylist called out. Her head shot up, “Yes, David?” She said. “It’s time for your makeup, and then your outfit." He reminded. She smiled softly at him, "Alright, I'm coming."
She got dressed and sat on the chair."So what would we like on this wonderful night?" He said prepairing the brushes. "I was thinking of skeleton kinda look. Some black, a little red." She said. "That sounds good. Would you like some to put glitter on the black part?" he asked. "Sure" she nodded.
(A/N: Here’s the outfit. Credit to @boy..brainr0t for the makeup look)
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They made a small talk about the weather and the upcoming shows. Half an hour later, David finished. "Wow, you did a great job! I love it so much, thanks David! " Iris said, her mood brightened. "No probs, Iris." He said with a smile. She side hugged him and left the room.
"Looking good, shortcake! That choker looks deadly, in a good way." Helena hyped her up. Iris flushed. "Enough about me, look at your mohawk! The spikes are as deadly as my choker! " She said, smiling. "Can I.... touch them? " Iris said. It was like a child asking for candy. "Knock yourself out, shortcake. " She shrugged. Iris's eyes shined with excitement and she poked it. "It's rock hard, did you use hairspray?" she asked, "I did. Used a little bit of hair pomade. Gotta make sure it won't fall while performing." Helena explained. "That's cool." Iris giggled.
 "Hey, cuties!" Julia hollered from arcoss the room. "Its almost time, get your sexy asses over here!" Maia said alongside Julia. "Alright, alright, we're coming!" Iris shouted back. "You look like Gerard Way, Iris." Julia said. "Awh, Julia that's nicest thing you ever said to me" she joked. Julia playfully punched her in the shoulder. "Heeeey" She pouted. "Hey guys!" Ashley jogged over to them. "Hey, Ashley" They said. "You ready to go up there?" She asked. "Yeah, it's been a while since we last went on stage, still kinda nervous, but excited." Iris said. "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but you guys are up in 10" the stage manager informed them. "Alright, thank you for informing us" Julia thanked the staff. "You welcome." the staff said, then walked away. 
"Go get ready, I can't wait to see you guys out there." Ashley said, before leaving to get ready herself. "You ready?" Maia asked. " As ready as I'll ever be" Iris said. Her eyes shining with excitement. The group fistbumped each other and went on stage.
"GOOD EVENING, LONDON!" Iris screamed into the mic. The crowd screamed. "ARE YOU READY?" The crowd cheered. "WE CAN'T HEAR YOU" The crowd screamed.The intro for their song "You" started playing.
The thought of you makes me sick
Heaven and Hell doesn’t scare me anymore
Not when your with me
Why you gotta be so greedy?
I’m giving all I have to you,
But you keep asking for more,I’m dying, can’t you see? (Look at me)
My blood stains the floor
And I know you love seeing me like this
When it comes to you, (you temptress)
You act so innocent, like an angel in disguise
Always painting yourself as holy
But your tainted halo says otherwise, my dear
Iris sang, stomping her feet to the rhythm. She was smiling, looking out to the crowd. And then she saw familiar head of curls. It was Luke. Her eyes widened, trying to maintain her composure as she sang. She looked at Julia, who noticed them too.
Look at what you’ve become
My still beating heart you hold,
Your knife against my throat.
I’m on the floor, barely breathing (Gasping for air)
My mind tormented by your lies
There’s no escape from you (Never)
There’s no saving for me
“Oh, my darling sweetheart” you said,
With your hands around my neck 
“Let me own you” you whispered
Your cold breath makes me shiver
Death knocks on the door (It’s time)
She puts on a facade, performing all the energy she had. Maia and Helena soon caught up with the situation immediately. They were soon picking up on the energy that Iris is giving out. She was nervous. Very nervous.  Her heterochromia eyes instantly found blue ones.  She wanted to run off stage but her pride wouldn’t let her. What would the fans think of her if she did? She didn't want to be coward.
*Lierra's POV*
They were standing somewhat near to the stage, same as the people that are there, they were all waiting for the show to start. Soon, Iris came on stage along with her band mates. The crowd screamed and cheered.
"GOOD EVENING, LONDON!" she said. She sounded so different from 4 hours ago. She looked beautiful as always, her facial features were enhanced by her stage makeup. "ARE YOU READY?" They cheered. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" They cheered even louder.
Iris smirked. "Helena, darling. If you please." she said. They both knew it was her persona on stage to be a little flirty , but Sierra couldn't stop but feel a little bit of jealousy. Helena was smirking on the screen. " ONE, TWO, THREE-" Helena said, before she started playing the drums. The intro sounds familiar to them. Then Iris started singing.
In their eyes, she was the most ethereal being they ever seen. She was confident when she sing, it was beautiful.
Midway through the song, their eyes met. Luke could see her eyes widening. She turned to Julia. Julia gave her a brief nod. She turned to the front, with a smile on her face. He gave Sierra a look.She shared the same look, they clearly knew that she was faking her expression. And the thought of that made them feel even more guilty.
*Back to Iris*
Look at what I’ve become
My still heart you hold,
Your knife still against my throat.
I’m on the floor, still and silent
My mind corrupted by your lies
There’s no escape from you
There’s no redemption for me.
As she sang the last verse, the crowd cheered and clapped. She was a little sweaty and she was a little out of breath.  She kept on smiling. Her bandmates joined her at the front. Ashley comes on stage next. “Good Evening, London!” Ashley said. The crowd screamed. “ I would like to thank my good friends, The Temptress, for their AMAZING performance tonight!” She exclaimed. The crowd screamed again. "You welcome, Halsey." she said. 
In the corner of her she saw a sign. The sign said "It's Nia!". Her eyes shined. "Well won't you look at that, Hi Nia." She waved at the girl direction. A group of girls were screaming as she said that. "Thank you again for the wonderful gift you gave me yesterday, darling. I really appreciate it." She said. The group screamed again. She was smiling. A real smile. The camera was on her and the crowd screamed again. She and her bandmates said their goodbyes to the crowd and Halsey and went off backstage. 
She took off her facade and became unsually quiet. She plopped on the couch and drank the vodka she poured for herself. Her friends didn't know if they should comfort her or give her space. "Hey, shortcake." Helena said softly. Iris just leaned against her, her head on her shoulder. "You okay, bub?" Helena said. Iris just buried her face further into her neck.
 "I don't know, 'Lena."
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deidaratheartboi · 3 years
Akatsuki Show Part 5
Kevin: Welcome baaaaccccckkkkk everyone today we are doing things different. We have decided to partner with Tobi Tea to host and fund these events. Now some of you may have heard of it and some of you may have not. But, either way it's gonna be a blast. Now as I said last time we are switching things up as in switching partners.
Kisame: I think the fuck not
Deidara: Tobi that weasel!
Sasori: I hate him
Hidan: Damn Tobi really do us like that.
Kakuzu: He's getting the money isn't he? Besides he said he'll give half to me.
Hidan: Oh how lucky for you
Kevin: If you guys look on the board you will see you and your new partner names.
Sasori: How did boss allow this
Deidara: I don't know
The board
Hidan is now with Kisame.
Deidara is now with Kakuzu
Sasori is now with Konan.
Pain is now with Itachi.
Hidan: Damn
Sasori: Hey what about Zetsu?
Kevin: He's Tobi's Co Host
Pain: That son of a bitch
Kakuzu: Never trust plants
Kevin: Now go and have fun guys.
Tobi: Yeah guys
Deidara: Don't talk to us Tobi
Tobi: :c
At the hideout with Hidan and Kisame.
Hidan: I can't believe Tobi would do this to us!
Kisame: I mean he is succeeding shouldn't we be proud?
Hidan: No we shouldn't that ass hat practically sold us!
Kisame: Well the past is past. How about some tea and donuts?
Hidan: Your even more of a stick in the mud then Kakuzu
Kisame: Am not
Hidan: Then watch Gravity Falls with me
Kisame: Fine
After binge watching the whole ass show.
Kisame: If Bill didn't let his pride and his want for vengeance get in the way he might have won. When he had them he could have just as easily killed them and took whatever it was he wanted from the uncles.
Hidan: I guess your right but, damnit Bill. The bad guys always lose or turn good or some plot armor shit
Kisame: I think it was an amazing show.
Hidan: Really?
Kisame: Yes the characters were all interesting even the villains and minor ones, the buildup to the end is neat, and it kinda teaches you something about life.
Hidan: But, what gets o my damn nerves is Mabel. She says Dipper is selfish when all he has done is sacrifice for her. Like damn kid give him a break your worried about friends and he's worried about life as you know it.
Kisame: Yes she is a bit annoying. Who's your favorite chracter?
Hidan: Bill duh. He seems all nice and stuff but, before you know it it's too late. Notice what all is victims have in common? Desperation? All of them were so desperate to achieve something they would do anything to get it. He takes advantage of their weaknesses and exploits them. It's amazing he's so damn smart. And ya know what else is funny? Bill being a dream demon can only go into people's minds with the consent of people. He may be evil and shit but, without those people he wouldn't have gotten far. He brings out their flaws and weaknesses therefore they can't really blame him for it. I love him because he's such a complex character. (Not me making a whole speech on this nope)
Kisame: Wow your pretty smart to notice it too
Hidan: Heh thanks
Kisame: I get what your saying about Mabel but, she is a kid and kids are more likely to make more selfish choices then adults. But, when it come to character development she hasn't developed much like Dipper or Stanley. But, it's funny because when Bill brings it up about Dipper having to constantly having to sacrifice for Mabel that seems to be the main reason fans hate her. It's almost as if Bill is manipulating the audience watching as well.
Hidan: Woah that's some fourth wall breaking. Am I right author? Making us talk about Gravity Falls?
(I'm sorry back to the real story I just wanted to rant how good this show was)
Hidan: This wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be
Kisame: Yeah this was really fun
Hidan: Perhaps we can watch another one next later?
Kisame: Yeah
Leon walks in
Hidan yeets him out.
Kisame: Thank god
Kevin: They seem to be doing just fine. Let's check in on Deidara and Kakuzu.
Greg: Team Bill
Jorge: I don't care what anyone says Mabel hella annoying
Rianna: But, Kisame did say she was just a kid. I like the way Kisame thinks new favorite.
Sofia: Bill is amazing regardless
Jorge: But Dipper is big brain
Sofia: Not too big brain to be easily manipulated by a flying dorito. The whole damn family fell for it
Rianna: It's just human nature we are easy to manipulate.
Greg: He's a smart flying dorito
Deidara: ....
Kakuzu: ....
Deidara: So...
Kakuzu: What do we do? Sit here all day? And say so?
Deidara: I don't know what do you and Hidan usually do?
Kakuzu: Fight each other, argue, listen to drama.
Deidara: Your nothing like Sasori other then the argue part.
Kakuzu: I'm flattered
Deidara: You got any vide games?
Kakuzu: Yeah I have a gameboy
Deidara: Damn your a boomer
Kakuzu: -_- You wanna play or not
Several hours later
Deidara: Damn your good at this
Kakuzu: I play it when Hidan isn't bothering me it's been awhile so I'm a but rusty.
Deidara: I see
Leon struts in the room.
Leon: Hello darlings I am here to ask you some questions
Deidara: Dramatic much?
Leon: Hun you shouldn't talk
Deidara: What's that suppose to mean?
Leon ignores him.
Leon: So Kakuzu how do you like the new teammate switch?
Deidara: I exist too ya know
Leon: Oh I know I just wish you didn't
Deidara: Now your asking for it
Leon: What are you going to do? Blow me up like you did yourself?
Deidara starts to get up but, Kakuzu grabs him and pulls him back.
Kakuzu: Ignore him he's just trying trying rile you up
Deidara: Well it's working
Leon: Guess your nothing without your boy toy huh?
Deidara glares at him.
Kakuzu: Stop messing with him Leon and just ask the damn questions so you can go
Leon: Alright alright. Kakuzu what kind of relationship do you have with Hidan?
Kakuzu: We are only friends
Leon: Really because you seems to always be at each others necks
Kakuzu: Just take the answer
Leon: And I'm guessing you and Sasori are only friends too Deidara?
Deidara: Yes
Leon: Hmph of course why would I even ask he wouldn't be interested in someone like you
Deidara stiffens and looks away.
Kakuzu: Leon if you want to keep your arms attached I suggest not talking to him that way
Leon stiffens but, regains his posture.
Leon: Ok time for me to take my leave.
Leon walks away as fast as fuck.
Deidara: Thanks Kakuzu
Kakuzu: No problem kid
Deidara: Ok boomer
Kevin: Damn Leon is grinding and not in a god way
Tobi: How dare he talk to my senpai that way!
Zetsu: Next up we have Sasori and Konan
Tobi: Ew Sasori
Kevin: Damn Tobi
Tobi: Shut up Tom
Kevin: My name
Tobi: Tobi doesn't care
Jorge: I hate Leon
Rianna: For real
Greg: Damn even Rianna hates him.
Sofia: But, Kakuzu and Deidara are wholesome af
Greg: Mhm
Sasori: I hope Deidara is ok
Konan: Don't worry Kakuzu won't let hurt him or anyone else. He doesn't want to deal with you
Sasori: He better not
Konan: Stop worrying Sasori come and sit with me
Sasori sits down.
Konan: You know this a great opportunity to get to know you better.
Sasori: Yeah defiantly
Konan: So what kind of books do you like?
Sasori: Romance, Mystery, Psychological, and Thriller
Konan: Oh Sasori I never took you as the romance type. (Please don't look at this wrong she's only being nice. Like an older sister)
Sasori blushes a little.
Konan: So do you like tea?
Sasori: Who doesn't?
Konan giggles.
They talk for awhile.
Konan: So do you have a crush?
Sasori: No what is this a sleepover?
Konan: No just me being nosy
Sasori: What do you have one?
Konan: Yes
Sasori: Is it Kakuzu?
Konan: No he's too in love with money
Sasori: Deidara?
Konan: He's yours
Sasori rolls his eyes.
Sasori: Is it Itachi?
Konan: He's handsome but, he's too attached to Kisame.
Sasori: Me?
Konan: That's cute
Sasori: Ouch. Pain?
Konan nods and laughs.
Sasori: I knew it
Konan: Yeah
Sasori: So when are you gonna tell him?
Konan: When are you gonna tell Deidara?
Sasori: Touche
Leon: Hello lovebirds
They both jump.
Leon: So we talking about crushes? Wanna know my mine Konan?
Konan: Get out
Leon: Moody much
Sasori: Didn't you just interview Deidara and Kakuzu?
Leon: Yes and your bf is mad
Sasori: What did you do?
Leon: Nothing
Konan: L e a v e
Leon: Tough crowd
Tobi: Senpai won't see this right
Kevin: Nope
Tobi: Good because Sasori better back off Senpai is miiiinnnneee.
Kevin: Heh ok
Rianna: Sasori cute
Jorge: He's like 35
Sofia: Love is strange
Greg: Just like your taste in anime
Sofia: Stfu
Zetsu: Last but, not least we have Itachi and Pain.
Itachi and Pain have been sitting in silence for awhile until Leon came in.
Leon: Hello there boys care if I join you?
Pain: ...
Leon: Ok so what have you two been doing?
Itachi: Minding our own business
Leon: Feisty
Pain: What questions do you have for us?
Leon: So you two are single huh? Maybe we could I don't know go out?
Itachi: No
Pain: I'd rather go out with Hidan then you
Leon: Damn that was low
Pain: You were disrespectful to Konan
Leon: Not my fault she was being a cockblock
Itachi puts him in an genjutsu.
After dah genjutsu
Leon: Fuck you both Leon
Leon stomps off.
Pain: He was annoying
Itachi: Mhm
Itachi: Don't see how anyone could be mean to Konan
Pain: Yeah she's sweet I hope she's fine with Sasori
Itachi: Tch Sasori wouldn't hurt her
Pain: Yeah your right.
Goes back to silence.
Kevin: That was...interesting
Tobi: Leon can go suck a lemon
Zetsu: Amen
Jorge: Omg Konan is so wholesome
Sofia: Pain is ma boi
Rianna: I'm just glad Leon got what he deserved
Greg: Mhm
Kevin: And that's all folks
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