#diologue heavy
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neonpaperlanterns · 8 months ago
So, small story sorta idea thing. That includes a spoiler on the... Final boss. Which may not be that much of a spoiler. I wanted to ask for this, have a good time.
Lambert treats the red crown kindly, borderlining it as a family member. So the crown slowly shifts from its' role as a tool to a odd equal. Sometimes forcing Lambs' sword/axe/dagger arm to move to cut down a foe Lamb didn't notice in time.
When the time comes for Lamb to go and sacrifice themself for Narrinder. The red crown notices their fear, their sorrow. And "hypes" Lamb up to betray its' proper owner.
Pointing out all Lamb did on their own, stating the difference in fighting between early Lamb and late lamb, where Lamb may have struggled to properly use the sword, and may even burn themselves when they cast curses. Compared to swinging and slinging spells like a pro when going up against the last two bishops' domains.
So, although Lambert feels dread and worry about going up against death itself. The crown points out they have the chance in fighting back. And that they'd help (how I interpret Lamb still coming back to life after dying in battle is the crown just being loyal to the adorable cult leader.)
-Sunny Anon
Surpass God
"You don't have to do this." The Crown whispered in its masters ear. It could feel every shake, every hitched breath, every hard swallow its bearer made.
"You've come so far. Done so much. You are better than this." It reassured.
"Do not submit to him." The Crown could feel as the Lamb stalled. Listening, contemplating.
"But I..." The Lamb trailed off. Uncertainty clouding their mind. They thought their purpose was fulfilled. Shamura's blood still fresh on their fleece as they stood before that final door. The Crown's master while afraid was ready to accept their fate.
But the Crown was not.
"Listen to me my Lamb," The Crown stretched and morphed as it slithered along the Lamb's neck. Lovingly it squeezed, feeling the erratic heartbeat underneath its scales.
"It was you that felled the Bishops. You that succeeded where he has failed. You've accomplished all of this. Do not throw it all away." Eye imploring as stared down its wearer.
"You are not meant for the slaughter." The Red Crowns voice was hushed as slunk down its masters arm.
"You will be more." The Crown shifted, its form taking on that of a sword. The hilt held loosely in their hand.
Slowly the Lamb raised the weapon. Their face reflected in the crowns eye. Fear still oozed from them, their arms still shook, their breath still uneven but their grip tightened.
"I will be more."
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an-alien-writes · 7 months ago
Remember Us
"Your weird" Karot said to Maeley, teasing her and laughing quietly.
Why, you may ask. Well she probably, I think, was talking to him about the seagulls, birds and the sea and it being rose colored.
"Thank you" she said softly, glancing over at him though her hair.
"What for?" he asked.
"For letting me be." again softly;
"Huh, I only said you were weird."
"Now I don't have to try and act normal anymore."
"I hadn't noticed that you'd tried" he teased again, grinning at her sideways to see her response.
She smiled and looked down.
A moment later he jumped down from his perch on the wall.
Holding his hands out infront of Maeley, he silently asked her to join him.
She shoved off the wall reaching out for his hands landing in front of him.
"Would you like to eat some fish and chips while we're here."
"Nice!" Maeley looked up at Karot and grinned.
Even though it was her idea to go to the seafront her bo' always had the cash and stomach for food.
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fenrysmoonbeamswife · 3 months ago
Rhys IS very much a central character and we HAVE experienced the story through his eyes through a POV, heavy diologue scenes, and uuhmm him literally being in a relationship with the main character so idk what the fuck you're on about
He's a central character, he isn't a main character. He had a POV in a novella, that doesn't make him a main character. He's in a relationship with the main character, as you said, yes but that doesn't make him a main character it makes him the love interest of the main chatacter. But since you seem to have the literacy skills of a penguin I'm guessing you still won't get it
And what in the fuck do heavy dialogue scenes have to do with literally anything? Just pulling shit out of your ass at this point 💀 by that logic then Tamlin is the main character too and Amarantha and Helion and Jurian and countless others. Oh wait, no they're not. Again just because you want him to pick you doesn't make him a main character
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phightingconfessions · 11 months ago
I'm so glad that theres other people who headcannon aro(ace?) Medkit cause like. Come on. Look at this man's face and tell me he would want to be in a relationship.
Especially with how my headcannons work with the predisaster med and subspace, I just feel like at a writing and character standpoint medkit is too work focused??? That and with the heavy trauma he's experienced I think being trusted by him is very hard to come by. I mean, just look at the diologue he has with scythe, he literally says that he "charges extra for emotional attachment" and like. Yeah. There's so much of opportunity for a stronger narrative of him that isn't just shipping him with a character and calling it a day, y'know?
ANYWAYS SORRY FOR THE RANT... people can ship what they want I don't care, this is just my perspective on it :]
i love ace medkit. ngl when I first joined this fandom I started hcing him as ace out of spite because I was tired of all of the ships HAHA I don't think like that anymore but he's ace in my heart still
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resmyx · 3 months ago
I'm writing, seriously, and for once I don't show signs of stopping. Yippee!
I'm averaging 2 weeks per chapter. Internal monologue is the hardest to write by far, but dialogue is alright, action is easy and character-written poetry/writing is effortless. Given I have some action and diologue heavy scenes coming up, I'm looking forward to an increase in pace.
The chapters are short. The 3 chapters I've finished so far add up to a little over 5100 words. In my last attempts at writing I let my chapters run much much longer, but I think keeping nice small goals for this story is helping my workflow a lot.
Another neat trick that helps me write consistently is working on many chapters at once. When a dialogue chapter bogs me down, I'll jump ahead to write a different style of chapter. At any time I have a few chapters in progress that I switch between.
Probably the biggest challenge I'm facing is my main character's autism and sensory issues, particularly sound. I know for sure I want to represent my own real struggles in this character, but in doing so, I'm experiencing all of my character's stress and anxiety from being under pressure in noisy environments.
So I'm stressed out, and at the same time I'm worried about whether my character seems relatable and sympathetic. I intentionally put chapter 2 in a very noisy environment to introduce her issues early, but I worry my readers will get annoyed or confused by her struggle and quit reading. Oh well, at least the chapter is done. When I get feedback I'll probably go back and edit things, but for now I'm happy with it.
Being happy is good. A few of my other writing attempts tackled bigger personal issues: gender transition, plurality, chronic fatigue. Those attempts failed because the second-hand stress killed my motivation to continue. Autism plus queerness plus polyamory is a more gentle challenge.
Anyways, with three chapters done and no signs of stopping, I think I might be ready to start sharing my writing as I go.
Chapters 1, 2 and 4 are done. Chapters 3, 5, and 7 have clear outlined goals. I have up to chapter 20ish loosely planned. I skipped 3 because it's dialogue like chapter 2 and I was eager to start writing 4 and 5 where the drama and action really get started. Chapter 5 is probably my next priority to get finished.
I could wait until chapter 6 is done before I share anything. That way the core intrigue plot has time to get messy, side plots have begun, and most of the central characters have been introduced. If nothing in these chapters can catch my readers' interest, then further chapters probably won't.
I'll think on it. I'll start writing chapter 3 and 5 soon. Tomorrow I might write a teaser/pitch blurb like you'd find on the back of a printed book.
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thestarwarslesbian · 2 years ago
Update on my West Wing AU
Turns out it is very diologue heavy.
I'm still on chapter 1. It's over 2,300 words, I'm not even half-way through it yet.
I'm thinking of making Fox use They/He pronouns. Let me know what you think about that.
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Oh God oh fuck
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starsforsaturn · 8 years ago
Trainee I
Tumblr media
“Welcome to Blackwatch recruits”
Rated: M (Mature) 
Warnings: Swearing, Light angst.
Read it on AO3? (Coming Soon)
“Welcome to Blackwatch recruits, your time spent here will mold you into some of the best agents we have ever seen. Your training will prepare you for the covert life of a Blackwatch agent.
We are not like Overwatch, we don’t operate under the rules and regulations that the UN lays down. We are the ones to get our hands dirty, to make the world safer without the world knowing we were even there.”
Commander of Blackwatch, Gabriel Reyes finished with a smirk. Jesse McCree stepped up next.
“Your dorm rooms are shared quarters, you will occupy a room with someone of the same sex. However your bathrooms will be joined so keep it PG. Unisex uniforms will be provided, keep them clean and wear them at all times during training unless stated otherwise.”
The Commander spoke up again, coming to stand beside Jessie.
“On that note, relationships past friendships and healthy competition are strictly prohibited. Good luck recruits, we meet tomorrow at 0500 in the training arena. Sleep well.”
Beside you a group of recruits started talking excitedly as Jessie moved from the room gesturing to the others. You all followed him, everybody chatting amongst themselves. He called last names and separated you into pairs, showing each their room as he approached them.
“(Y/LN) and Malak, second last room on the right.”
A blonde bouncy girl stood in front of you now. Her green eyes vibrant as she smiled at you.
“You look awfully cheery to be in Blackwatch.”
Your remark caught her by surprise.
“Well in this business, we all could use a little cheer!”
“Well said Christina, have a good night ladies and gents, I’ll see ya’ll bright and early tomorrow mornin’.”
The rooms were unremarkable and plain. Sporting a desk to the left, dresser in the corner near the door, bed in the top left-hand corner and nightstand equipped with a lamp for late night studies. The room was split in two and repeated opposite on the other side. Another door sat on the right wall, though it was closed you thought that it would lead to the bathroom and a pair of boys next door.
“I call right!”
Chris flung herself and her duffle on the bed and giggled softly. You couldn’t help but giggle with her.
“Can you believe we’re in The Blackwatch! We are gonna do so much good (y/ln)”
You smiled and sat on your small double bed.
“Call me (y/n), yeah we are, we’re gonna do great! This is awesome!”
You most certainly felt like you didn’t have this! You felt your Commander’s eyes on you and you picked up the pace. Over the next one, slide under the one after that, focus and complete the training course. Within the next few minutes you were standing at the end… as the last person that took the course. The rain washed over your head, as you looked down at the mud covering your legs and shoes. Until another pair of shoes stepped into your vision. You raised your eyes to meet Commander Reyes’s stern ones. 
“This is so not awesome!!!”
You ran through the rain in shorts and a tank top freezing your ass off and covered in mud from the pit you had to crawl through. Chris was beside you and she was fucking smiling?!
“Nah! Just a little cold and mud! You got this (y/n)!”
“Pack your bags.”
Tears flowed to your eyes as you tried not to show him how weak you really were. 
“Yes sir. 
Chris mouthed something to you as you passed her in the line of trainees, but you paid her no mind as you took a long walk of shame back to the facilities dorms. You didn’t even bother changing as the mud dripped off of you in clumps onto the carpet of your shared room. Your tears were flowing freely now, sadness and -most of all- frustration and anger rushed through you.  You threw your pillow across the room swiped everything off of your desk. 
“I did not come this far to be thrown aside! I am not expendable! Fuck!”
You threw your second pillow toward the door behind you and heard a soft ‘oof’. You turned quickly to see the one and only Jack Morrison, golden boy of Blackwatch’s sister organization. A peace keeping organization known as Overwatch. 
“Oh my gosh! Sir! I am so sorry, I didn’t see you…" 
Suddenly you were very conscious of the way you looked. You shuffled your feet and picked at your nails. 
He just laughed and chucked the pillow back at you. 
"I heard Reyes told you to pack your bags." 
"Yes sir. Honestly it’s not a surprise that he’s kicking my sorry ass out. I’m not fit to be here.”
“On the contrary (y/n), a lot of people here see the potential in you, including Gabe." 
"Then why did he kick me out?”
Suddenly a second form fills your doorway. You stood your ground and puffed out your chest. 
“I didn’t say leave, I said pack your bags.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?" 
"No. What happened to your room?”
He smirked at you and gestured for you to continue packing. 
“We are going to train you ourselves.”
Your jaw dropped. 
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reallydampcake · 3 years ago
Regarding episode III of Obi Wan Kenobi
ive seen a lot of discussion over that one line in the episode where Obi Wan seemingly says that he wishes that he was leia’s father and it  has been rubbing me the wrong way a little the fact that people have been making theories over a line that has been misremembered and incorrectly quoted. people have come up with all sorts of theories surrounding this one line of diologue, some even going as far as to have the theory that Obi Wan had a thing for padme. (this is going off what I have seen on tumblr, twitter and reddit)
To clarify, the correct line is actually: 
“I wish I could say I was”
this does not mean he wishes he was her father, it does not mean he wants to be her father now. he is literally saying, that him saying yes to her question would be easy for leia to understand and give her some peace of mind but doing so would be wrong as it would not only be lying and would not actually help either of them at all, it would also insinuate things about his relationship with padme that were simply not true.
Him saying that also sympatizes with her curiosity while simultaniously admiting that the reality of her male parentage is hevily dissapointing, and that if only her father was someone more like Obi Wan (someone that to her probably seems relitively harmless, caring and kind) life would be a lot easier and not as turbulent and dangerous for the both of them.
Anyway, this is what I personally interpreted from that section of diologue, not only by the diologue itself but from Obi Wans body language, the way he delivers the line and the heavy atmosphere that seems to be created in that moment. 
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elias-shitpost · 4 years ago
Haha here’s the stuff I need you to see. (For Dominickle pt 2)
Dominickle collaboration
8 chapters, probably split them in two?
Plot chapter:
- Hook
- Setting, imagery
- Conflict for chapter
- Filler reference
- Resolution of conflict
- Cliffhanger
Filler chapter:
- hook
- Imagery like 1000%
- Reason for flashback or filler is implied
- Little bit of plot
- The main bit of the fluff/angst/smut(maybe)
- Cliffhanger or heavy foreshadowing
Need to:
- [ ] Decide on ending
- [ ] Finish outline
- [ ] Check in with dominickle with something made for that
- [ ] Figure out where to write this (Google docs?)
- [ ] Make a list of things we need to put in certain chapters
- [ ] Decide what is filler and what is plot
- [ ] Split the work 50/50 if possible
- [ ] What are our strengths? Our weaknesses? Like I’m not super good at diologue but I’m good at scenery and imagery and stuff
- [ ] Figure out a timeline
- [ ] Figure out when to post this stuff and where (maybe every other one is on my page and vice versa but we repost them)
I have more and will post that separately!
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seancamerons · 4 years ago
Manny Santos + 16
16.“I’ve been waiting all my life for you.”  Set in 2020 fluffy janny kinda deal I don’t write happy janny so this is pretty diologue heavy and a bit on the corny side but enjoyyyyy~ (maybe my writers block is ending!) this is kinda silly but yeah.
Jay was in town and love is in the air for Manny. 
Everything seems to be coming up roses in these past few weeks. She’s always happiest when he’s around, not that she isn’t happy but her heart has grown more and when they’re together it only grows exponentially. When they’re apart she gets very thoughtful, and thinks of all the things she wants to tell him and when he came over of course they went straight to the bedroom but then they usually talk for hours about what happened in between his last visit which granted is usually every other weekend. Despite them being lost distance the absence makes the heart grow fonder, “Jay you’re the best.” Manny meant that, period no buts about it, “you just are.”
Jay turned to face Manny and asked with a confused expression, “How?”
“You just I don’t know you just turn everything around for me in the best way. And I love that” she beamed running her hand beside his face softly, “It’s been stressful with what’s going on in the world and getting work and having to attend auditions in a mask and the risk of catching it because who wants to film with a mask on? So I’ll have to self quarantine if I want to act in this Paramount movie and anyway I know I’m talking too much and I feel like I’m always missing you. Our time together always runs out and I never want it to end.”
“I always miss you too. I’m honestly freaked too the plane was a nightmare because we share the air with everyone and if they didn’t have a mask and you don’t know what you mean to me Manny. I’ll gladly make the trip but I’d much rather not have you miss me anymore. I want to start a life here, with you if its alright with you?”
“I thought you liked working the garage? What are you going to do sell it? What about you looking after Spinner and Emma and all?”
“Their names not Manny, besides they’re so I don’t know married and gosh darn boring. I haven’t seen much of them in the past few weeks.  Emma refuses to leave the house because she believes COVIDS in the air. She wont go outside and she makes poor Spinner take off his shirt and shoes at the door if he has to run to the store. She’s got the guy on such a short lease, Manny they’re fine.”
“I miss them as stupid as it sounds. I mean for a long time Em’s been all I ever had. We were practically sisters and boy did we ever fight like sisters. I can’t remember the last time we were all together or even just me and Em. I wish we weren’t so preoccupied or whatever or our lives didn’t have to change that much but you coming here would just mean I’d get to spend more time with my favorite guy. This is a huge deal, monumental!”
“Is it a good thing?”
“Of course. There’s something you should know?”
“Yes my little chatterbox.”
“I’m being serious.”
“Okay okay, what is it?”
“I’ve been waiting all my life for you. I know it sounds cheesy. Do you remember the game MASH? Em and I used to play all the time it stands for Mansion Apartment Shack and House and then there’s other shit like cars we’d drive and wedding colors and how many children and all that other horseshit but we’d play.”
“Yeah us guys don’t play that game.”
“Didn’t think so. Anyway we once added you to the suiters because of a dream I had a short time after you and Emma’s rendezvous in the ravine and I just laughed because we lived in a mansion, we had 0 children, we drove a Audi and I mean the suiters on the list were a doozy let’s just say. I had to kiss a lot of toads to find my prince.” she added before looking up at him, “isn’t that the funniest thing you ever heard? Mash actually played out our life.”
Jay shrugged bashfully and snickered, “So what I’m your soulmate?”
“You’re definitely the closest thing I could ever say.”
“I mean I didn’t think much of it then but I don’t know but I’ve been waiting for you.” She paused, “We didn’t talk back then, probably for good reason but I had my beliefs about you so I laughed. I thought how could he ever fall in love? I didn’t think you were the type honestly.”
“I guess looks could be deceiving.”
“I mean think about it, Craig was on that list even Justin Randall Timberlake was on that list and even Spinner Mason and it’s probably even and fair because I’m sure you had your thoughts about me.” she giggled, “it’s just funny because if present me ever met sophomore me she’d probably laugh too. Look who we are and who we’re spending and sharing closest secrets with.”
“I did see the video if that’s what you’re wondering but why? I can look and see the real thing.” Jay flirtatiously smiled back, “I didn’t know I meant this much to you. I mean I’m glad because I feel that way for you no matter what you said. I mean I had a vague idea but I like this chatty side of you.”
“Well get used to it, because you’re gonna see a lot of it now that you’ll be here to stay. If you want. No pressure.” 
“I want to.”
“So talky, tell me about that dream about me in the ravine?”
She threw the small pillow playfully at him and shook her head, “Dream on.”
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inc0gnit0-m0de · 2 years ago
I am so out of how they rp and I'm trying to adjust but I'm a very diologue-heavy roleplayer and they aren't so it's weird-
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siambre · 3 years ago
thanks for the tag @thesavagedaughter0627! sorry it took me a while to get around to this
putting the text below the cut to avoid cluttering everyone's dashes
How many works do you have on AO3?
6 (i'm new to writing ok? xD)
What's your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Immolation at 240 kudos
Yours Lovingly, Zuko at 104 kudos
Rewrite the Stars at 71 kudos
Gaang Group Chat at 47 kudos
Unspoken Conversations at 23 kudos
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do! i love to thank the people that leave the comments and it's always fun to get in touch with the reader!
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
none of my multichapter fics are completed yet, so i guess Yours Lovingly, Zuko is pretty sweet?
Do you write crossovers?
not really. they're just not for me, save for a couple of exceptions i've read. i think the most i'll ever do is ATLA/LoK
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
yeah i got one, but i ignored it for the most part
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
do i not 😈 i love all kinds (except for heavy bdsm, torture, gore, and any kind of assault). i've only written one so far (A Diplomatic Interlude, ACoTaR), but i have lots of other ideas for Zutara in the future 😈😈😈
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i hope not
Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but i might translate some of them myself to my native language, if i ever get the time. though i wouldn't be opposed to someone translating for me 👀👀
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes! i co-wrote Rewrite the Stars, Gaang Group Chat, and Unspoken Conversations with the wonderful @ilya-boltagon! go check out their fics! they're great!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Zutara. my first and fav otp. the one that got me into fandoms and fanfiction
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
i have this one smut that's been sitting in my WIP folder untouched for months. i really wanna get back to it, but i also wanna keep writing my main fics
What are your writing strengths?
i get comments praising my dialogues, world building, and ability to write angst and smut. i also feel that my writing is overall better and more captivating when i'm writing about stuff i personally relate to (which are usually pretty dark stuff, hence why i tend to write more angst 🥴). oh and i like to think that i do foreshadowing well because i outline my fics way into the future, which gives me plenty of opportunities to squeeze in said foreshadows
What are your writing weaknesses?
i write really slowly. idk how much that bothers the readers, but i feel really bad about myself that i can't write faster. i also tend to include lots of unnecessary details that drag the story, which i then have to go back and fix. so yeah, i have trouble with pacing as a whole
What are your thoughs on writing diologue in other languages in a fic?
i've never had to do such a thing before, but if i had to, i would either ask a native speaker of that language (if i can), or go with, "[Name] said in [Language]."
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
What's your favorite fic you've ever written?
Immolation. it's my whole life at this point
tagging: @ilya-boltagon @lostgreekgod @flowerrinthebreeze @zukos-calming-tea @heavensweetheart and anyone who would like to participate!
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I’ve seen this floating around so I’m stealing it. (Even though I should be doing like anything else rn.)
How many works do you have on AO3?
41, but that’s across five different fandoms.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
214,041 and I’ve got more on FF but too lazy to try to figure that number out lol
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Fairy Tail, Voltron Legendary Defenders, Miraculous Ladybug, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra. I’m thinking about writing for My Hero Academia, just haven’t had any good ideas yet. (I have the inklings of a kacchako fic started in my head)
I have written Harry Potter and How to Train Your Dragon fanfic…. I just never posted those and I have no plans to lol.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Interruptions (ATLA) at 486 kudos
Accidental Rendezvous (ATLA) at 463 kudos
The Cat’s Out of the Bag (MLB) at 396 kudos
Happily Ever After? (ATLA) at 291 kudos
Tumblr Requests (ATLA/LOK) at 261 kudos
I think my stuff on FF has more likes but I’m too lazy to look.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Uhh I sometimes do? Sometimes I don’t have anything to say back LOL if someone has a really excited or detailed comment I’m more likely to respond.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh definitely any of the prompts from Taangst Week. That shit hurted.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I’ll be honest, most of my fics have happy endings bc I’m a sucker for fluff. The one that sticks out to me most is On The Precipice, that whole fic was just the sweetest thing I have ever written.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossovers are really not my thing. I’ve had many people ask me to do crossovers, and I just… don’t want to, I’m sorry. They’re fun to think and talk about but actually writing it would be a lot of work and time. And I’m just not really that into it, ya know? Maybe if I collabed, I would do it. But eh.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Lol, yep. Wish people would keep some thoughts to themselves. It’s v easy to go read something else!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yeah, I think I’m mostly known for my smut writing actually. As for the type? Um, sexy and funny is my niche I guess? People have told me it’s hot as hell and I mix in fluff, realism, and comedy really well. I’ll take it lol.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. It sucks.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so. I’ve had a few people ask if they can at least, and I told them to credit/link me. I’m not sure if they did but I hope so!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@gimmezutara and I talked about collabing on a FRIENDS-esque ATLA fic, if we ever get around to it LMAO
And I’m always down to give people ideas and suggestions! 
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
What a hard question wah! Currently I’d say Taang.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh you mean all of them?
Sksksk uhhh probably the first thing I posted for ATLA. A fic titled Almost Lovers. It’s a lot of conflict and angst and I’m not great at writing those so… Not sure if I’ll ever write it the way I want it written.
What are your writing strengths?
I am great at dialogue and actions. And I think I’m pretty good at making people feel what the characters feel.
What are you writing weaknesses?
Hands down any kind of scene setting/world building. Just not my forte.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it’s called for I think it’s fine. I’ve done it before for a bilingual character, and I make sure to translate correctly. (Of course if it’s not, feel free to let me know so I can fix it!) I don’t do complex sentences in hopes it’s not translated wrong.
I’ve read lots of fics with other languages too, and I like it when the author includes the translations at the bottom :)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Fairy Tail! I miss it sometimes.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Ooooh, tough one. I enjoy my writing, I like to go back and read it myself. I’d say my faves are On The Precipice and Happily Ever After. They’re fluffy and sweet and slow burn. I’m really proud of them!
Tagging: @gimmezutara @thesavagedaughter0627 @evergreenonthehorizon
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banshee-king · 8 years ago
New Unit Ideas for Sisters of Battle
If GW ever decide to release the Sisters of Battle (SoB) with an actual updated codex with plastic models and new rules, I would like to see some brand-new units. So, I made a list of ideas that I think would benefit a SoB codex. Do note that these are for 7th ed rules, however the ideas themselves still cross over, I mean meltas aren’t going to become long ranged anti-infantry weapons any time soon, and the SoB theme will still remained unchanged in 8th Ed. Warning, this is a veeery long post.
This used to be a thing several editions ago, basically a weaker version of the Canoness. The SoB have 3 HQ options in the Imperial Agents Codex, the Canoness, Ministorum priest and Uriah Jacobus (character). They really need more Sisters orientated HQs. A Palatine would be great for smaller armies or for players who want to invest less points in the HQ section. The Palatine would be a weaker Canoness, who herself should probably get a little buff to signify the difference.
An idea form the Grey Knights 6th Ed codex that was never seen before or after, the Banisher is someone who’s faith is so strong that they repel daemons. In game terms, they have the Preferred Enemy (Daemons) special rule and cause nearby daemons to re-roll their invul saves. This could be applied to certain SoB who are so strong in their praise to the Emperor that their holy words harm daemons of chaos. They would be famous amongst their sisters, and thus worthy of leading small warbands into battle. The SoB don’t have chaplains, librarians, tech-marines or other sub-HQs that fill a little niche. They need more flavour from their HQs and a Banisher could provide some small amount of variation.
Canoness Veridyan
The SoB need more unique characters; they have two and the Celestine wasn’t even in the Imperial Agents codex. Veridyan already has her own model, she’s known, she’s loved, make her a thing. Give her a page of lore, unique wargear and some rules and she’s good to go. Veridyan seriously needs the least amount of work to do. She’s from the Order of Our Martyred Lady, so that’s 1 out of 6 down at least, and while I’m not sure if making 5 other Canoness characters won’t get repetitive, the SoB need at least 1 canoness character.
Penitent Engine Character
Not a whole lot of walker characters in 40k, which is good because it makes this one unique. I’d personally rather see a range of character types than just 50 shades Canonesses, and a Penitent Engine with special rules and beefed up stats would really be something new. Bjorn the Fell Handed would be the only other similar thing, but with different wargear and rules, it wouldn’t feel like the SoB were copying other factions. They’d retain their own feel, crazy nuns. Penitent Engines are convicts however, so leading an army of SoB might not make the most sense. But if Illic Nightspear can lead a host of Aspect Warriors, Old One Eye can lead Tyranids without having synapse, and a Daemon Herald can lead daemons form another god, well this could probably slide.
Exorcist Tank Commander
This one’s a little less original. Sergeant Chronos/Commander Pask/Longstrike already fill this type of HQ option in other codices. But if the SoB had a unique Exorcist tank instead of just the driver, maybe one that was more reliable than d6 attacks, it would stand out and Exorcists feel different to Leman Russ Tanks/Tau Hammerheads/Predators regardless. Or perhaps it could have a single hard hitting attack option to give it a bit more potential against different enemy types. I’ve heard some people say they think the Exorcist is silly, but it’s iconic to me and the SoB wouldn’t be the same without it.
Perhaps a little controversial choice, but the SoB could probably use some cannon fodder in their army. This unit would undoubtedly have men in it, if it wasn’t going to be 100% male that is. But a unit of civilians picking up pitchforks and torches to fight alongside the warriors of the Ecclesiarchy, it’s quite thematic. This unit could be used to tarpit enemies or provide intervening model cover for the Sisters. Add a priest to the unit and you now have a fearless mosh pit, just like Tyranid gribbles. Some might say adding more men to the SoB is counterproductive, and while I personally feel that men should stay in the SoB codex so that 40k is inclusive and not a tug of war for equality, I can see that there would perhaps be better units to add to the SoB codex than remodelled male cultists.
This one is a tank that focuses around support. Basically my idea for this is a Laud Hailer on steroids. Sisters nearby could roll all leadership tests with 3 dice, taking the lowest two. You could also give some kind of sonic weapon to this tank, the voices of angels could literally burn the souls of your enemies. Between buffing friendlies and bringing fluff-friendly death to enemies, it could have a versatile role while being unique to 40k. The tank could also be driven by a member of the Order Diologus for added effect. This seems thematic to me, but I’d like to hear other’s opinions. Lastly, if GW wants to save money, the Songbird could be a modification to the Exorcist so they can sell two units in one box, everybody wins.
Fast Attack:
Evangelist Squad
This is similar to the Seraphim Squad but more melee oriented. While it would be easy to say ‘Seraphim with chainswords and plasma pistol upgrades’ like Assault Marines, I would again prefer something more unique. Imagine jump pack Sisters with Power Lances and shields. The base Seraphim already have the Hit & Run special rule, which is perfect for units who have varying attacks on the charge. But if the Evangelists got Furious Charge, they’d be S5 AP3 on the charge (with maybe Hammer of Wrath attacks to boot), and then they’d be S3 AP4 in subsequent turns. That’s not game breaking but it does give the SoB some killing potential. As for the combat shield, that gives a 6+ invul save, which the Seraphim already have. I think I’d rather see it stack to a 5+ invul save then have 2+ armour save jump pack units flying around. Finally, GW could sell a box with both Seraphim & Evangelist units, another two in one. I’m trying to make this seem good for GW so they have more reasons to make it so.
Heavy Support:
Battle Chapel
Surely everyone who plays 40k has seen a picture of a tank with a cathedral or whatever on the top of it… well this is that. Eldar have wraithknights, Tau have Riptides, Space Marines have Land Raiders, and Imperial Guard have Baneblades. Sisters need a vehicle with a lot of dakka. How many bolters/flamers/meltas the thing should get is not really important. What I would like to see is a main big (semi) unique gun on the top that differentiates this tank from Land Raiders/Baneblades. I really want the SoB to be different than just female Space Marines. They deserve better. So they should get something like the Thermal Cannon (from the Imperial Knight Errant). It’s 36” S9 Ap1 Large Blast Melta. The Imperium has the tech already, it’s a melta, it would give the SoB some firepower at semi-long range. It’s a perfect match to me.
Siege Cannon
The SoB are the defenders of the Ecclesiarchy, they protect the shrines, temples, chapels and cathedrals across the Imperium, not just hunt down heretics. They should therefore be pretty good at siege defence, but how can they do that when meltas/flamers are so short ranged? They need a longer ranged weapons and I’m thinking one mounted on tracks like the Rapiers from Forgeworld. These weapons platforms could be equipped with a hurricane bolter, inferno cannon, or maybe a twin-linked melta cannon. That’s a 36” range gun, torrent temple, or a 24” blast respectively. So still not that great in terms of range, but it’s better than what they currently have, certainly better than nothing. Get a squad of three of these and the SoB can really hunker down in cover and defend whatever holy shrine they need.
So that’s it for ideas. I think every one of them, aside from maybe the Songbird, can be found in another codex in some similar varying form. But that’s because it’s incredibly hard to create an idea that is absolutely original in its entirety and is not similar to anything else in any way. Overall I tried to keep the SoB theme intact like their holy trinity of bolter/flamer/melta, and not simply copy units or weapons from other codices like Predators or Terminators or just giving the SoB lascannons. I would love to hear other peoples’ thoughts however. Did you have ideas for SoB units? Were mine trash? Any comments are appreciated.
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