#dio brando x oc
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Shopping Spree With Dio (Dio Brando x Self Insert Fanfic) JJBA—but make it at a Mall in California.
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“You’ve worn that outfit twice this week.” Dio pointed out as I got dressed for the day. He swirled his drink in his wine glass as he observed me from the armchair by my closet.
“I washed it in between though. Is that… not good?” I asked.
“Not good? Tsk tsk. I can’t have you looking like I don’t spoil you rotten, my sweet girl.” Dio scoffed.
“Dio, you already got me all that jewelry from the museum. Most of it wasn’t even from the gift shop. I doubt people think I’m deprived living with a stingy boyfriend.”
“Josephine de Beauharnais had immaculate taste in white sapphire and ruby jewelry. I think you’ll find those pieces will suit you well.” Dio smirked.
“Shameless.” I said playfully. “I do admit I like her tiara.”
“That’s my girl.” He replied, getting up and standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders.
“It’s a shame I have nothing to go with it for the party tomorrow night.” I sighed, leaning back into Dio a bit so I could feel the comfort of his body pressed up against mine.
“That’s it. We are going out. Where is the nearest clothing boutique?” Dio demanded.
I laughed. “The mall? It’s ten minutes away.” Dio was already dragging me out the door and pushing me firmly into the passenger seat of his sports car. I braced myself, knowing full well Dio Brando only drove one way: fast. It wasn’t road rage. My man just had no patience for red lights.
He blasted Children of the Grave by Black Sabbath through the car speakers as we drove through several red lights and a grassy park. I shouted directions at him, only somewhat calm because… well… if we crashed I had a feeling he’d find a way to revive me.
We arrived in half the drive time in front of the mall. He even slowed the car enough to make parking on the sidewalk less abrupt. I sighed, disoriented.
“I’m a bit dizzy, Dio-sama.” I said, clutching my head.
He nodded sympathetically, getting out of the car and unbuckling me. He scooped me up and carried me through the entrance to the Mall. I leaned my head against his shoulder, enjoying how easily he lifted me. I wasn’t used to getting this treatment without complaints from my date as a plus-sized girl, but Dio wasn’t exactly your average boyfriend. I could feel his biceps taught with strength.
If Dio noticed the strange looks we were getting, he didn’t show it. I mean, towering god-like radiant vampire in gold and leather takes normal looking human girl shopping. I blushed with a sense of pride, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world to have a boyfriend so shamelessly into me.
He stopped in front of Forever 21, setting me back on my feet now that I felt better. “Let’s try this shop first.”
“Ok!” I replied, eyeing a pretty burgundy dress i saw on one of the racks as we entered.
I sorted through the sizes, finding their largest size. I held it up to my body. But I couldn’t be sure it would fit me right without trying it on. Dio watched me intently, occasionally commenting on which color crop top he thought would look best with my eyes.
I loved his input. Dio was never wrong when it came to fashion advice. And he also liked that I had my personal preferences.
I went into the dressing room to try on the clothes we had selected. It was only a matter of minutes before I heard Dio’s voice outside the door.
“Mind if I join?” He asked, the smooth timbre of his voice instantly identifiable to me. I sighed, not bothering to ask how he got past the employees. Opening the dressing room door, he stepped inside. After trying on several dresses I soon realized that their largest size didn’t fit me. I frowned, frustrated and on the verge of tears as I tried to zip up the leopard print dress I had selected. It was the final piece of clothing I had left to try. Tears streamed down my round cheeks as I gave up on zipping up the dress.
Dio noticed immediately and pinned me up against the dressing room wall. His gaze was intense and he was inches from my face. “They don’t have your size?” He asked.
I nodded, turning red with embarrassment.
“What a shame.”
“I guess I just wish it was easier to find clothes…. Am I really that overweight?”
Dio’s eyes blazed amber red, narrowing as he realized what I was saying. “You’re goddess shaped. Stop crying and start making out with me.” He commanded.
My eyes widened, initially shocked by hearing him say such a high compliment. Then, remembering his demands, i closed me eyes, savoring the feeling of his sinfully delicious lips kissing my neck. I tore at his shirt and he ripped off the dress that was too small for me with ease. Making out this time felt more real, my doubts about my own body’s worthiness fading away as Dio caressed it, grinding up against me with ravenous sexuality.
“Ohhhhh god… yes!” I cried, as he knelt, licking my nipples and digging his long nails into my thighs. Dio paused, grinning at my obvious excitement.
Only then did I realize there was rapid knocking on the door of the dressing room. “What’s going on in there?!” An employees voice said sternly.
Dio looked annoyed, and glanced at me with a silent question of whether or not he should dispose of this nuisance. I shook my head vigorously. He sighed, looking mildly disappointed that he couldn’t crush their skull with his hands.
“This is a clothing shop, not a place for prostitution.” The employee continued.
I frowned, grabbing my clothes I had arrived in and getting dressed reluctantly. Once I was fully dressed, Dio opened the door, coming face to face with a very cross man.
“Are you calling my woman a whore?” He said, arching an eyebrow.
Upon seeing Lord Dio, the man backed away nervously. “I uhhh. I wasn’t really— I didn’t mean.”
Dio shot me another glance before I gave him the “go-ahead” shrug.
One swift kick in the groin and the employee went down, doubling over and coughing up blood. Dio picked me up bridal style again, stepping over the wheezing man, and carrying me out into the main rooms in Forever 21.
Lord Dio marched up to the checkout and placed me on the counter in front of the cashier woman. “Provide suitable clothes that fit this girl or meet an unpleasant end!” He demanded.
The woman looked at me, then at Dio, then back at me. “Let me go talk to my manager… uhhh… just wait here.” She said, frowning.
After ten minutes of waiting, I could tell Dio was growing impatient. I distracted him for another ten minutes (yes, my tits were involved). But when the clock hit the 1:00pm. mark, Dio Brando had waited long enough, and saw through to his promise. Hell hath no fury like my boyfriend.
If we got weird looks going into Forever 21, leaving it in shambles full of zombies got us a different kind of reaction. I didn’t mind. I may not have gotten the dress I wanted in my size, but I had lost a part of me that was always questioning whether Dio saw me as unworthy because of my plump features. He saw me as beautiful, and worthy, in ways I had never seen myself. That’s when I knew I’d never leave his side.
Thanks for reading! Reblog if you enjoyed this very self indulgent fic!
Tagging: @chaos-4baby for encouraging me!
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
Follow pt. 2
Dio Brando x F!Oc
Summary: Elise has been following Dio around Liverpool for weeks. A stalking that has not gone unnoticed by him.
Warnings: light stalking, canon typical violence (pushing, threats of death and harm), name-calling, takes place during JJBA part 1
Word Count: 1.9K
Setlist: Dio x Elise playlist
Tag list: @cinnbar-bun @lostfirefly
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Elise followed Dio. 
She had been following him for weeks now, watching his every move.
She needed to know him. Needed to figure out just the right way to introduce herself to him. 
Elise couldn’t just walk up to him. No…no that would be utterly preposterous. 
So she kept herself in the shadows as she followed him through the city of Liverpool, keeping far enough away she could always turn and pretend to be minding her own business. 
Elise noticed he hardly talked to the city boys constantly surrounding him. Boys who shouted every word they spoke and shoved each other around like a bumbling collection of barbarians. 
Dio remains voiceless. Calm. His every step was filled with a confidence that seemed to come to him oh so naturally. A confidence that poured from his very aurora. Confidence that only heightened that power Elise saw shimmering in his golden eyes every time she caught a glimpse of them. 
The only time she ever saw him speak was when that Joestar boy was mentioned. Then he had much to say. Such belittling and harsh things. Things he used in comparison to his achievements. 
However, as soon as those oafs that followed him around like a herd of mutts began to agree and raise him up, Dio would go silent again. Silent despite the storm raging within his golden eyes. Eyes so full of hellfire and loathing it almost always stole the very breath from Elise’s lungs.
Even in his wrathful moments, he was beautiful. 
As the clock struck five, Dio’s swarm of oafs dissipated and he began his trek home as he usually did. Elise was quick to follow behind, keeping further away than she had been in the city, seeing as the way home was a mere road surrounded by a few trees and grassy planes. 
Elise had just made it to the beginning of the pond the path wound around when a gaggle of giggling girls rushed past, knocking into Elise. Her handbag had hardly hit the ground before she grabbed the nearest girl in an iron-like vice. The girl gave a pained screech at the grip Elise had on her.
“Let me--”
“You best watch where you are going.” Elise grit, willing her green eyes to sharpen into deadly blades. 
“We were just having a bit of fun.” The girl said with a roll of her eyes, going to yank her wrist from Elise’s hold only for Elise to double down in her grip, pulling her closer. 
“Shall we have some more fun then?” Elise asked, voice growing ever colder. The girl’s eyes widened as she fought to gain her wrist back. Her friends called her name in question but Elise’s grip never gave in. “How about we play a game? I will give you, oh let's say to the count of three to apologize for being so utterly careless and if you do not apologize I will break your wrist.” 
“W-what? Let me go!” The girl shrieked, a noise that grated on Elise’s every last nerve. 
“As soon as you apologize,” Elise said, her grip growing tighter and making pain flash high in the girl's eyes. “One…two--”
“Okay! I am sorry! Let me go!” The girl screamed just as her friend came over, ready to defend her. Elise let her go and the girl clutched her wrist to her chest, whipping around to rush away. 
“What just happened?” One asked, as the girl bumped into her in her fearful panic. 
“Nothing. Let us go home.” The girl rushed off, and with a quick glance towards the glaring Elise’s way, her friends rushed off after her. 
Elise huffed in her utter irritation, finding Dio had disappeared from her sight during all that hubbub. She reached down, swiping up her handbag from the dirt path. Her journey home continued as she wiped the dirt and dust it had collected off. 
“Did that poor, stupid girl truly deserve all that?” A smooth voice asked her as she began passing by a collection of trees. 
Elise paused. 
Her heart began to beat rapidly in her chest. Her stomach twisted. 
She knew that voice. A voice she had only heard from afar before but one she had committed to memory. 
When she turned her eyes to gaze upon his majesty, her heart all but stopped in her chest. 
Dio Brando stood there, leaning against the rough bark of one of the trees beside the path. His golden eyes, ones she had wished and prayed to look upon her were trained intently on her now. Golden eyes that were all too calm and guarded as they took in her features. 
“And you would not have done the same had such an immature thing disrespected you as such?” 
“No. I would not have.” Dio responded quickly, pushing himself off the tree in such fluid grace Elise had never seen before. Elise’s breath caught in her throat as he grew closer, leaning down so that those sharp golden eyes of his could bear directly into her own. “I would not have given her a countdown before snapping her wrist in two.” 
Elise’s heart restarted in a flurry. Her cheeks heated and her lips parted on a shaky inhale of breath. 
Dio smelled of labdanum and vanilla. Warm and sweet and slightly woodsy. It was a scent that filled Elise’s very soul. A scent she would not soon forget and one she was already calculating in her head which shops in the city might sell. 
“As I should do your own for following me as you have been.” Elise blinked at his statement. Not at the threat of harm her way but--He…he knew she had been following him?
Of course, he knew. 
She must be as dimwitted as those girls who had run into her to think he would not catch her in the act. 
“I assure you, I have not done so out of any ill will,” Elise spoke, her voice growing quiter in her growing embarrassment. 
“Oh? Is that so?” Dio’s smooth voice questioned. Elise kept oh so still as Dio began circling her like a predator would do its prey. “Tell me; you are that pesky Pendleton girl’s sister, correct?” Elise felt her eyes prick in anger at the mention of her younger sister. 
“I am.” She said, unable to keep her voice from sharpening the slightest bit. “And you are that bleeding heart Joestar’s adopted brother.” Dio paused just behind her. She could physically feel that hellfire which burned in his eyes all put seeping out of him. 
“You understand I do not believe you wish me no harm. Not when your dear sister is fraternizing with my dear brother.” Elise could feel the brush of his breath against the shell of her ear as he spoke. It was a ghost of a touch that sent her body buzzing and heart fluttering all over again. “You following me for three weeks makes me believe Jonathan must have had his sweetheart tell you to do so.” 
“And what would they have me do exactly?” Elise asked, her voice coming out as a mere whisper. 
“You tell me.” The sudden grip Dio had around Elise’s wrist pulled the smallest sound of shock from her lips. Had her whipping around to face him and all his stunning glory. Face the bloody threats he was stabbing into her with those sharp eyes. “Shall I give you to the count of three before I snap your wrist or should we skip right to it?” 
He looked heavenly. 
Oh just how divine he looked standing over her like this. Looking at her like he wanted to murder her. 
It was just a show of all the strength he held at his command and Elise needed to be under its protect. 
“If you must know,” Elise said, some how having the will to find her own voice against her storming heart and drying mouth. “I have been following you because I cannot help it.” Dio’s eyes narrowed, his grip tightening. 
“I…I saw you when I moved back home. I could not sleep and went for a walk and--” She took another shuddering breath in as she thought back to that night. To Dio walking under the moonlight looking like some fallen god. “If--if I may be blunt?” Dio’s golden eyes scanned over her features, still guarded and ready for whatever attack he had expected before. Eyes which now held--uncertainty in them. Confusion as to what she was going on about. 
“Go on then.” 
“I feel in my heart you are destined for something more. Something I wish to aid you in.” Dio continued to watch her in that angered confusion. Continued to try and find her motives. 
“And how would a sniveling girl like you do such a thing when I need no aid besides the aid I give myself?”
“I have been known to…dabble…in fourtune telling.” Dio let her wrist go in a bellowing laugh. A laugh that Elise found herself enraptured with. 
“You have wasted my time, girl. Fortune telling.” He continued to laugh. He laughed so hard a bit of his usually pristinely kept hair came undone, falling across his forehead.
Elise kept still. Kept quiet as she watched him. Because even when he showed mockery and unbelieving, she had seen the look in his eyes. A look past his anger that showed that need to know. To have his future secured in such a way. 
“That Joestar boy is holding you back somehow. I’ve seen it and you are working to rid yourse--” Before Elise could finish her thought, Dio grabbed hold of her cheeks with his hand in a bruising hold, baring his rising anger into her. 
“You will cease your jabbering.” He all but roared in her face, his anger escaping its cage and spewing forth like some raging river. “You will cease your following of me or I shall do more than break your wrist. I will take you over to that pond just there and hold you down until you cease to exist.” Elise’s breath halted in her lungs. 
Biting cold water invaded her mouth and eyes and nose and throat. 
Breathe, breathe, breathe! Her body commanded yet could not obey.
Dark, cold hands crept their way closer and closer to her. 
Clawed hands. 
Death’s hands.
Survive, survive, survive!
Dio shoved Elise back as he released her. A push hard enough to send her falling onto her rear, her breath growing ever more heavy in her chest and tears burning at her eyes. Tears that had nothing to do with the small hurts blooming over her skin.
The sun cast a golden halo around Dio’s wrathful form. 
He was a god. 
He had the power to keep her safe from death’s cold hands and the power to guide those very hands to find her throat.
And Elise could not help but adore him. Need him. The small love she had been harboring for him only grew with every hissing word and harsh promise he made.
Dio watched her for a moment longer, looking as if he was trying to wrangle back his anger before continuing on his way home. Elise stayed down in the dirt and watched him go. She watched him until he had long since disappeared from sight. 
Elise pulled herself to her feet once the fear coursing through her veins subsided. Once her breath evened out and her eyes stopped burning. She brushed her blue dress off before following down the path he had taken home.
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stardustsaiyan · 2 years
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Request of a JoJo OC with Dio
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onebigbuubie · 11 months
It's too safe to go alone, here take this with you.
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(warning: DIO Brando is very much likely to increase your chances of dying if you so choose to accept this)
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over--heaven · 2 months
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hey... fully coloured elodi after 84 years
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@love-overdrive @violetsareblue-selfships @iceicewifey @dmclr @newdaybreak
@everynya @seahydra @sparkydotzip @crimsonsunrise @stoneshipper
@jujorising @peacesmith @wisp-herr @bruabbina @tothemoon-ships
click here to be on the list
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midostree-art · 1 month
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Commission for @tvestok Thank you so much again! ✨
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axeboy666 · 2 months
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SOME JOJO ART!!! special interest of 5 years already...
My jojo ocs as well! Because I adore them.
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(And their stands)
Last thing. Self insert ship art. ♡
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Enjoy <3
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nethhiri · 4 months
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Matching accessories? ooo they’re really in it now
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Reference: Beastsoulart
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emproleon · 11 months
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a dio comm for @phvntom-limbs 🦇 thank you again bats, i loved drawing Diabeth!!🖤
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Sorry for being gone for so long, distractions and online drama had struck again. Anyway, this is a remake and sequel to this drawing I did last March: Link
I finished it last night but didn't upload it till this evening because it was late, and I had volunteer program the next day.
The story goes as follows, its Medea's 19th birthday, but she can't celebrate it because she has to work at the mansion per Enyaba's orders, as well as feeling alone since Jason isn't around to celebrate with her.
Just then, Kenny G arrives to inform her that DIO has left her a present in her room and brought it to her, the present was a plum-colored evening dress, purple pumps, and a date at 7pm.
While Mariah and Midler were thrilled that she got a date as a present, Medea on the other hand was cringing at the idea of being alone with DIO due to their unhealthy relationship, as well as not wanting to draw ire from Vanilla Ice and Eris Raitt. When the night came, they complemented each other's looks, Medea did so halfheartedly as she has a bad feeling about the whole thing, believing that he's either trying to seduce her again or just flaunting her around the streets like she's a purebred puppy or an expensive car as she is told to wear a fake wedding ring, so they looked like a couple.
Her suspicions were sort of confirmed when DIO dragged her into a party that was being hosted by an acquaintance of his, she doesn't know any of the people there and felt embarrassed by him treating her like his escort while he shamelessly flirts with the women swooning over him, making her feel used.
Not only that, but she's somewhat creeped out by another one of DIO's business partners who's attending the party, a pink haired man "who refuses to reveal his real name" but gives off an unsettling aura that seems to suggest that he's a dangerous Stand user like DIO.
Unbeknownst to her that this was the same guy who gave Enyaba the arrows in the first place......yeah, I'm talking about Diavolo.
I wanted to do a drawing that was inspired by the drawing and the two drabbles I did, as well as finding an excuse of drawing our boy Diavolo. I know I retconned them a little and I do apologize for that, but they're old stories that I forgot about and wanted to fix them.
Medea King belongs to me
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“A Far Fall From The Heights Of Heaven” A Dio Brando x Self Insert Fanfic
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The sun set like red gold over Cairo, and I watched my older sister Denise get in her wedding dress. I remembered saying she was crazy for wanting her wedding all the way in Egypt. But to be honest? Now I was grateful. Egypt was magical. I could feel it in the air.
We were in the crammed storage rooms of an old church, where she was getting ready before she walked down the aisle. I got emotional thinking about my sister all grown up and married!
The ceremony went well, and the wedding vows were moving, but it was all quite overwhelming, and after my mom made a crude comment to my aunt about me being unfuckable and certainly undatable, I felt like I needed fresh air and a place to run off too.
After Denise left with her new husband, I left through the back door. I wandered a bit down some streets, crying a bit, when a convertible pulled up in front of me. I froze, unsure of how to proceed. The men in the car offered me a ride, and I got the sense I was dead if I didn’t take it, considering my cornered situation. My heart was racing as I took a seat in the back. They drive through the streets to more lavish areas. Hours into the drive I felt like kicking myself, but to be honest? I was too tired to try anything drastic like jumping out of the car. It seemed silly anyway. The night breeze lulled me to sleep, and I woke up when the convertible stopped abruptly in front of—an Egyptian mansion looking structure? what the heck?!
The men got out and pulled me roughly from the car, dragging me into the well guarded mansion, which was pretty much a fort in its function. I figured things weren’t looking too great for me, so when they brought me through a maze into a lavish lounge room I was relieved they let me rest, collapsing on the floor from exhaustion. I didn’t bother lifting my eyes from the floor where I lay until—
“What’s this, gentleman? You seem to have treated our guest quite poorly. She looks exhausted.” A smooth voice overtook my senses, and I became well aware of a presence on one of the ornate lounges. His hair was golden blonde, and this man… no… surely more than a man, this god was handsome beyond my wildest dreams. He reclined on his side, shirtless (revealing beautifully defined muscles). I blushed, suddenly aware that my bridesmaid dress was barely staying up on my chest. “Bring the sweet mademoiselle to me so I can… be more hospitable.” I felt my tired body lifted and laid down next to him on the velvet upholstery. It felt good to lay down, I knew it was reckless and stupid to comply, but I’d been on my feet all day attending to my sister’s wedding, and this felt good.
“Allow me to introduce myself,” the handsome god said. I shivered, my spine tingling as I felt his breath on my exposed neck. He gestured for the men who had brought me there to leave. “You may call me Lord Dio.” He explained, as if it was the most natural thing in the world how close we were to each other.
I nodded, looking up at him with wonder. “Yes, my Lord.” I whispered.
Dio looked satisfied, taking a sip from a glass of…wine? No… this was too thick for wine. I should’ve freaked out by now. ‘This seems like a cult’, I thought.
“I can offer you many things, beautiful.” Lord Dio explained charismatically.
My heart dropped. ‘Yeah, definitely a cult.’
“Eternal beauty, riches, and lots of pleasure.” Dio continued.
“Who are you, Satan or something?” I joked timidly.
Lord Dio frowned. “No, a bit different. You’re religious, I take it?”
“Not a whole lot. I used to be… but, well, it felt so hollow.” I explained, watching Dio regain his amused demeanor.
“I can give you something better to worship. But it will come with a cost.”
“I’m broke so…I’m not really in a position to be paying—“
Dio flipped me to face him parallel, and pinned me there. “Now you are. This is a great position for what I desire.”
I realized what he wanted in that moment, and a little rebellious part of me wanted to give it to him. To prove my mother wrong about being unfuckable.
Dio gently placed his hand on my waste, and I tried to stifle a sigh as my body pressed up against his. “May I, mademoiselle?” He whispered in my ear.
“Yes.” I swooned. Screw safety. I needed this. “But I should warn you I’m a—“
“Virgin? Yes. I figured as much.” Dio said, completely unzipping my dress. “You’re too sweet to be anything else.”
My dress fell away, revealing my figure. Dio didn’t waste any time, his lips went straight to my neck and his hands…. Oh god, I was not prepared for the sensation of his hands traveling up my thighs, fingering my pussy, and teasing my clit until it was gaping with pleasure. Then he pulled his fingers out and dug them into my waist til I bled small droplets of blood. I winced, but I could tell the pressure he applied was very calculated so as not to be too painful and outdo any pleasure he was giving me with his mouth.
Lord Dio kissed and caressed my breasts, carefully making his way down to where he had drawn blood from my plump folds of flesh at my waist. The way he lapped up the blood with his tongue sent shivers down my spine and had my breathing become heavy with lust. This was better than any sexual act I’d read about in my favorite smutty books. This was the real thing, and Dio seemed to know every physical and sexual weakness I had. Weaknesses as a first timer I was completely unaware of.
Then he repositioned me on my back and spread my legs further apart. He smirked as he saw my wide eyed expression.
In between panting I gasped, “Shouldn’t we use protec—“
His giant hard cock rammed into my soft pussy, and I let out a cry of surprise. Dio persisted in pushing it further, no matter how tight it was for his large length. I shed tears, but got no sympathy, only the sound of his own groans and growls of ecstasy. I braced my body as he pushed it in and pulled it out repeatedly. I was drooling with overstimulation until finally he left it in, filling me with an absurd amount of his cum.
Then Dio did something unexpected, repositioning and holding me close, his dick still deep inside me. He rubbed my back and held me tightly, in a comforting way. “There there…” he soothed me with his low voice, as smooth as liquid gold. I took this as a sign to press up against him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and cried softly, my teary cheek pressed against his pecs. He laughed softly, acknowledging my vulnerability with a kiss on the top of my head and a quiet moan of satisfaction. I fell asleep in his arms, exhausted from all the sexual excitement.
When I woke up, Dio was still asleep. I had to check the clock on the nightstand to see what time it was as there were no windows in the room to let in light that indicated whether it was day or night. I covered my mouth to suppress a yelp of shock. It was afternoon of the next day. I was supposed to be helping my mom set up the wedding reception venue!
Dio stirred, rolling over and opening an eye to observe my distress at the time. He mumbled about how it was too early to be awake, and I should join him back in bed.
I sighed. I couldn’t say no, gazing at his sleepy expression. Even a bit disheveled Dio looked like a fucking king. I climbed back in bed. Who’s to say I had to show up for the reception? It was more my mom’s event than my sister Denise’s event. My mom had taken full control of all the planning and didn’t let my sister have a say in anything. Besides… I had been kidnapped! I was practically… helpless.
I sighed, curling up against Lord Dio. “Are you going to put me up for ransom?” I asked, beginning to dose off.
Dio laughed heartily, nuzzling the back of my neck affectionately. “Over your dead body.” He said, then proceeded to yawn and falling back asleep.
TYSM FOR READING! Reblog if you enjoyed it!
Comment Rose to join and Thorns to leave!
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
Meet the Oc: Elsie Pendleton
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A/N: I can't draw to save my life so I used picrew to help me out! I couldn't choose just one of course, so here is the links for the first and the second ones I used.
This will also be updated as I continue to write for and flush out this character!!
Dio x Elise Playlist Speedwagon x Elise Playlist
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General Knowledge:
Name: Elsie Pendleton
Name Meaning: Pledged to god
Birthday: July 10th, 1868
Nationality: British
Species: born human, then mask-made vampire
Personality: cold, icy, willingness to do anything to survive, obedient/submissive to those she believes powerful and can protect her, fearful, cruel
Likes: Music, playing piano, fruity and sweet wines, sweet treats, being out in nature, the occult, her hair, sunrises
Dislikes: being alone, the dark, the cold, death and even the mention of it
Interesting Fact: Dio's name means "God" in Italian so I when I saw the meaning of Elsie I had to give it to her!
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Part 1:
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Age: 12-20
Lives In: Liverpool, the West End of London (for a year when she was eleven)
Family: Unnamed father, Unnamed mother (passed), Erina Pendleton (younger sister), Jonathan Joestar (brother-in-law)
Love Interest/parings: Dio Brando, Speedwagon
Looks: Long, white hair (stops just above her tailbone), green eyes, pale skin, icy features, hair is always up unless with Dio in secret, wears a black, tight necklace with a silver pendant on it with Dio's initials engraved into it
Background and Other Facts:
Elise was born with golden blonde hair, the same as her sisters, until she fell through the ice into the lake behind her home, it turning pure white. It is a symbol of her willingness to do anything to survive in the face of death.
After her near-death experience, she grew an interest in the occult hoping, in the back of her mind, she could find a way to stop death from claiming her soul
Always trying to find someone strong and powerful to protect her and keep her from getting killed. Gets anxious when away from this person and will do most anything to get back to them
Elise and Erina used to be best friends but after Elise's near-death experience, Erina believes with her whole heart a wrathful, hellish creature crawled out of the ice and replaced her once beloved sister
Elise goes to live with her aunt in the West End of London to learn piano and the arts so that she can also be near to Speedwagon, who had become her savior at the time and best friend until Dio came along a year later
Elise does not go to India with Erina and their father, instead going back to live with her aunt in London so that she can stay near Dio.
Once Dio finds out she has an aunt in London as well as friends with a street thug, he employs her to start going to get the poison he uses on George Joestar
Dio also has her kill Jonathan's dog because, at that time, he has that much control over her
Elise killed the dog but is guilt-stricken afterward. She hardly speaks and pays Dio and mind which enrages him. Dio, instead of losing his temper, goes and gets her a necklace with his initials engraved into
Dio uses the mask on her first to see if it truly works as it did earlier, turning her into a vampire
Elise helps heal Dio and is lacky until Jonathan and the rest defeat him
After Dio's "death" by fire, she has nowhere to go. Speedwagon, still somehow seeing the girl he once knew in her eyes, took her with him and found a place for her to stay during the day (this is unknown to Jonathan and Erina, who believes she died in the fire)
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Part 1.5:
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Age: 21-70
Lives In: New York
Family: Erina Pendleton (younger sister), Jonathan Joestar (brother-in-law), Joseph Joestar (grandnephew)
Career: line of high-end hotels all over the globe called "The Nightshade"
Love Interest/pairings: Dio Brando, Speedwagon
Looks: Long, white hair (stops just above her tailbone), wears her hair down, green eyes, pale skin, icy features, tight necklace with a silver pendant on it with Dio's initials engraved into it
Background and Other Facts:
Erina still believes Elise is dead at this point
Elise and Speedwagon travel to America together. She follows him wherever he goes because he is now her only protector and friend.
When they get a small home together using the little bit of money her aunt gave her.
When Speedwagon discovers oil, he moves them into a larger home in the outskirts of New York
She struggles a lot with what she has done in the past, finding her days sleepless and her nights spent doing as much as she can to keep her mind busy.
She hates the creature she has become and only ever feeds when Speedwagon is away
Elise tends to keep quiet and when she talks, it's snippy and comes off as rude. The only person who has been giving her "kind side" is Speedwagon.
She can still feel Dio is alive and keeps it to herself. It's part of the reason she stays quiet. She understands now just how cruel Dio was to her and others and wishes to never be under his control. Her blind, youthful love for him has turned into fear because she still loves him and is scared she would go back to old ways if she ever went looking for him.
Speedwagon tries to get Elise to go meet with Erina but Elise refuses because she knows Erina hates her
Speedwagon worries Elise will leave him because he is growing too old as time goes on and Elise worries he is going to leave her because she never ages.
Speedwagon wants to marry Elise but Elise keeps deflecting his attempts to talk about such things because she sees herself as unlovable and a monster
Around the time Joseph Joestar is 4ish, he and Erina come to visit Speedwagon in America. Joseph is off exploring the home and stumbled upon Elise playing piano in her room. Before she can grow angered, she sees his eyes, which look just like Erina's, and instead develops a soft spot for him.
Erina eventually finds out about Elise after Joseph keeps talking about a white-haired woman
At some point, Elise opens her hotel so she has something to do at night
She goes with Speedwagon on his travels when she can, but due to her only being about to walk around at night, she can't go very offen
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Part 2:
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Age: 70-72
Lives In: New York
Family: Erina Pendleton (younger sister), Jonathan Joestar (brother-in-law), Joseph Joestar (grandnephew)
Career: line of high-end hotels all over the globe called "The Nightshade"
Love Interest/pairings: Dio Brando, Speedwagon, Kars
First Half: Long, white hair (stops just above her tailbone), wears her hair down, green eyes, pale skin, icy features, tight necklace with a silver pendant on it with Dio's initials engraved into it
Last Half: white hair (stops just an inch below her ears), green eyes, decked out in gold, wears a small, deep purple outfit, fresh sharp that runs across her face
Background and Other Facts:
Strazio comes and finds Elise at one of the hotels she is running after throwing Speedwagon in the river in Mexico and becoming a vampire. He wants her on his side in taking out the remaining Joestars but tells her he will kill her if she doesn't.
Elise doesn't want to die so she agrees and goes with him to New York, but as soon as they find Joseph, she turns on him because she cannot harm Joseph
She cannot go to Mexico with Joseph because she can't be in the sunlight so she spends her time with Erina
Speedwagon brings her to Rome in hopes she can help with the pillar man.
When the pillar man awakes, Elise is quick to find someplace to keep Speedwagon safe before she is noticed by them. She is quite to revert to her submissive and servant-like ways and the pillar man takes her with them to tell them of what has happened in the world and as a sort of "pet".
When Joseph and the others come to the abandoned hotel the pillar man are staying in Switzerland, she tries to kill Kars in hopes to keep Joseph from harm, but he is quick to stop her. Instead of killing her, he cuts her hair and her face in a way of punishment because he knows she holds her beauty in high regard. He promises she will watch Joseph die. Then Speedwagon, who he saw her hid in the cave, and every other person she holds dear. He won't kill her unless she tries to stop him again or disobeys.
She becomes a husk of herself, doing everything and anything he tells her. Even when Speedwagon and Stroheim, she stays where she was told until Speedwagon all but drags her to safety.
After everything happens, she goes back with Speedwagon and they get married.
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Part 2.5 & 3:
Warnings: slight spoilers for part 4 in regards to Stands
A/N: this section is probably wants going to get changed the most cause I'm not sure how I want it to go till I get to it more.
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Name: Elise Pendleton-Speedwagon
Age: 73-122
Family: Robert E.O. Speedwagon (husband), Erina Pendleton (younger sister), Jonathan Joestar (brother-in-law), Joseph Joestar (grandnephew), Holy Kujo (great-grandniece), Jotaro Kujo (great-great grandnephew), Eloise Joestar (daughter)
Career: line of high-end hotels all over the globe called "The Nightshade"; a nightclub named "Night Walker"
Love Interest/parings: Dio Brando, Speedwagon
Looks: White hair that is cut just above her shoulders, green eyes, scar that runs across her face, with DIO she wear what he wants her to wear, when away from him, she wears more covering clothes
Stand: Wailing Five
Arrow made Stand
Tator Card: Five of Cups
Tator Represents: regret, failure, disappointment, personal setbacks, self-forgiveness, moving on
Looks Version One: humanoid figure with gray coloring. Its eyes are sallow pits that have water-fall-like tears flowing over its cheeks and down its neck, disappearing beneath the collar of its black cloak. The hood of the cloak covers the Stand's head and the cloak covers its body, keeping it from sight/protection. Stands mouth is always in a deep, cutting frown.
Looks Version Two: Its gray skin is now white. Its eyes are downward-facing black crescent moons. Its cloak has melded into the stands white skin to create a shot of "armor". Slim build, frail-like.
Abilities: Not best for hand-to-hand combat, but slim build makes it quick and agile. It can wail at different octaves. Loud octaves can knock enemies off their feet, and destroy builds/things. Octaves can be sharpened to be more precise. Low and directed octaves can make it seem like it might be in an opponent's head. These octaves can damage an enemy's hearing/brain. Cloak can be used as a shield for itself and others. The cloak flaps can be sharpened and used as a sword-like weapon. Version #2 can still pull the cloak from its skin, to create shields and now various types of bladed weapons. Wailing Five's tears can be transferred to the opponent's eyes, pulling water from the enemy until they are dehydrated. Version Two doesn't have these tears but can begin to cry and have the same effect on opponents.
Background and Other Facts:
In 1942, Joseph wanted Elise and Speedwagon to meet Holy.
In 1950, Elise and Erina make peace before Erina dies.
In 1952, Speedwagon dies and Elise sticks around Joseph and his family for a while, helping out where she can.
Around this time Elise opens a nightclub so that she has more to do to keep her mind off the things that happened in her life. It doesn't help and her mental health continues to decline.
In 1983, DIO is pulled from the sea and Elise knows she is going to find him. Before she does, she goes and visits Joseph one last time and warns him of the danger DIO will bring. She promises he will come to kill him and his family when he grows strong enough. Joseph tries to get her to help him but she is tired of fighting.
Elise finds DIO and follows him around, doing as he asks.
Around 1985ish, DIO get the bow and arrow and uses it on Elise to test it out before using it on himself.
She gets her Stand, Wailing Five, and begins to learn what it is capable of whenever DIO is away
DIO keeps The World's abilities a secret from her so she has no idea what his abilities are
Elise sneaks out when the Stardust Crusaders get to Egypt and begs them, mainly Joseph, to turn back but they refuse (obviously).
(I'm not sure how I want her story to fully end so more to come here)
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stardustsaiyan · 2 years
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Dio Brando x my cousin’s OC. I drew this because she wasn’t feeling well that day.
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onebigbuubie · 11 months
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Au where Giorno is Rapunzel and Dio is the bad mother
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lak3sinstilln3ss · 2 years
Dio offers to save Johanna Joestar from the illness that's been killing her since they were children.
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jhdanes · 6 months
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When your ex is the reason u are in jail, and even after u broke up with him for this very reason, his ass wont take the hint to f**k off. Hes still hot tho, which makes this situation even worse. #jojosbizarreadventure
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