#dio brando fic
gingernut1314 · 3 months
Follow pt. 2
Dio Brando x F!Oc
Summary: Elise has been following Dio around Liverpool for weeks. A stalking that has not gone unnoticed by him.
Warnings: light stalking, canon typical violence (pushing, threats of death and harm), name-calling, takes place during JJBA part 1
Word Count: 1.9K
Setlist: Dio x Elise playlist
Tag list: @cinnbar-bun @lostfirefly
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Elise followed Dio. 
She had been following him for weeks now, watching his every move.
She needed to know him. Needed to figure out just the right way to introduce herself to him. 
Elise couldn’t just walk up to him. No…no that would be utterly preposterous. 
So she kept herself in the shadows as she followed him through the city of Liverpool, keeping far enough away she could always turn and pretend to be minding her own business. 
Elise noticed he hardly talked to the city boys constantly surrounding him. Boys who shouted every word they spoke and shoved each other around like a bumbling collection of barbarians. 
Dio remains voiceless. Calm. His every step was filled with a confidence that seemed to come to him oh so naturally. A confidence that poured from his very aurora. Confidence that only heightened that power Elise saw shimmering in his golden eyes every time she caught a glimpse of them. 
The only time she ever saw him speak was when that Joestar boy was mentioned. Then he had much to say. Such belittling and harsh things. Things he used in comparison to his achievements. 
However, as soon as those oafs that followed him around like a herd of mutts began to agree and raise him up, Dio would go silent again. Silent despite the storm raging within his golden eyes. Eyes so full of hellfire and loathing it almost always stole the very breath from Elise’s lungs.
Even in his wrathful moments, he was beautiful. 
As the clock struck five, Dio’s swarm of oafs dissipated and he began his trek home as he usually did. Elise was quick to follow behind, keeping further away than she had been in the city, seeing as the way home was a mere road surrounded by a few trees and grassy planes. 
Elise had just made it to the beginning of the pond the path wound around when a gaggle of giggling girls rushed past, knocking into Elise. Her handbag had hardly hit the ground before she grabbed the nearest girl in an iron-like vice. The girl gave a pained screech at the grip Elise had on her.
“Let me--”
“You best watch where you are going.” Elise grit, willing her green eyes to sharpen into deadly blades. 
“We were just having a bit of fun.” The girl said with a roll of her eyes, going to yank her wrist from Elise’s hold only for Elise to double down in her grip, pulling her closer. 
“Shall we have some more fun then?” Elise asked, voice growing ever colder. The girl’s eyes widened as she fought to gain her wrist back. Her friends called her name in question but Elise’s grip never gave in. “How about we play a game? I will give you, oh let's say to the count of three to apologize for being so utterly careless and if you do not apologize I will break your wrist.” 
“W-what? Let me go!” The girl shrieked, a noise that grated on Elise’s every last nerve. 
“As soon as you apologize,” Elise said, her grip growing tighter and making pain flash high in the girl's eyes. “One…two--”
“Okay! I am sorry! Let me go!” The girl screamed just as her friend came over, ready to defend her. Elise let her go and the girl clutched her wrist to her chest, whipping around to rush away. 
“What just happened?” One asked, as the girl bumped into her in her fearful panic. 
“Nothing. Let us go home.” The girl rushed off, and with a quick glance towards the glaring Elise’s way, her friends rushed off after her. 
Elise huffed in her utter irritation, finding Dio had disappeared from her sight during all that hubbub. She reached down, swiping up her handbag from the dirt path. Her journey home continued as she wiped the dirt and dust it had collected off. 
“Did that poor, stupid girl truly deserve all that?” A smooth voice asked her as she began passing by a collection of trees. 
Elise paused. 
Her heart began to beat rapidly in her chest. Her stomach twisted. 
She knew that voice. A voice she had only heard from afar before but one she had committed to memory. 
When she turned her eyes to gaze upon his majesty, her heart all but stopped in her chest. 
Dio Brando stood there, leaning against the rough bark of one of the trees beside the path. His golden eyes, ones she had wished and prayed to look upon her were trained intently on her now. Golden eyes that were all too calm and guarded as they took in her features. 
“And you would not have done the same had such an immature thing disrespected you as such?” 
“No. I would not have.” Dio responded quickly, pushing himself off the tree in such fluid grace Elise had never seen before. Elise’s breath caught in her throat as he grew closer, leaning down so that those sharp golden eyes of his could bear directly into her own. “I would not have given her a countdown before snapping her wrist in two.” 
Elise’s heart restarted in a flurry. Her cheeks heated and her lips parted on a shaky inhale of breath. 
Dio smelled of labdanum and vanilla. Warm and sweet and slightly woodsy. It was a scent that filled Elise’s very soul. A scent she would not soon forget and one she was already calculating in her head which shops in the city might sell. 
“As I should do your own for following me as you have been.” Elise blinked at his statement. Not at the threat of harm her way but--He…he knew she had been following him?
Of course, he knew. 
She must be as dimwitted as those girls who had run into her to think he would not catch her in the act. 
“I assure you, I have not done so out of any ill will,” Elise spoke, her voice growing quiter in her growing embarrassment. 
“Oh? Is that so?” Dio’s smooth voice questioned. Elise kept oh so still as Dio began circling her like a predator would do its prey. “Tell me; you are that pesky Pendleton girl’s sister, correct?” Elise felt her eyes prick in anger at the mention of her younger sister. 
“I am.” She said, unable to keep her voice from sharpening the slightest bit. “And you are that bleeding heart Joestar’s adopted brother.” Dio paused just behind her. She could physically feel that hellfire which burned in his eyes all put seeping out of him. 
“You understand I do not believe you wish me no harm. Not when your dear sister is fraternizing with my dear brother.” Elise could feel the brush of his breath against the shell of her ear as he spoke. It was a ghost of a touch that sent her body buzzing and heart fluttering all over again. “You following me for three weeks makes me believe Jonathan must have had his sweetheart tell you to do so.” 
“And what would they have me do exactly?” Elise asked, her voice coming out as a mere whisper. 
“You tell me.” The sudden grip Dio had around Elise’s wrist pulled the smallest sound of shock from her lips. Had her whipping around to face him and all his stunning glory. Face the bloody threats he was stabbing into her with those sharp eyes. “Shall I give you to the count of three before I snap your wrist or should we skip right to it?” 
He looked heavenly. 
Oh just how divine he looked standing over her like this. Looking at her like he wanted to murder her. 
It was just a show of all the strength he held at his command and Elise needed to be under its protect. 
“If you must know,” Elise said, some how having the will to find her own voice against her storming heart and drying mouth. “I have been following you because I cannot help it.” Dio’s eyes narrowed, his grip tightening. 
“I…I saw you when I moved back home. I could not sleep and went for a walk and--” She took another shuddering breath in as she thought back to that night. To Dio walking under the moonlight looking like some fallen god. “If--if I may be blunt?” Dio’s golden eyes scanned over her features, still guarded and ready for whatever attack he had expected before. Eyes which now held--uncertainty in them. Confusion as to what she was going on about. 
“Go on then.” 
“I feel in my heart you are destined for something more. Something I wish to aid you in.” Dio continued to watch her in that angered confusion. Continued to try and find her motives. 
“And how would a sniveling girl like you do such a thing when I need no aid besides the aid I give myself?”
“I have been known to…dabble…in fourtune telling.” Dio let her wrist go in a bellowing laugh. A laugh that Elise found herself enraptured with. 
“You have wasted my time, girl. Fortune telling.” He continued to laugh. He laughed so hard a bit of his usually pristinely kept hair came undone, falling across his forehead.
Elise kept still. Kept quiet as she watched him. Because even when he showed mockery and unbelieving, she had seen the look in his eyes. A look past his anger that showed that need to know. To have his future secured in such a way. 
“That Joestar boy is holding you back somehow. I’ve seen it and you are working to rid yourse--” Before Elise could finish her thought, Dio grabbed hold of her cheeks with his hand in a bruising hold, baring his rising anger into her. 
“You will cease your jabbering.” He all but roared in her face, his anger escaping its cage and spewing forth like some raging river. “You will cease your following of me or I shall do more than break your wrist. I will take you over to that pond just there and hold you down until you cease to exist.” Elise’s breath halted in her lungs. 
Biting cold water invaded her mouth and eyes and nose and throat. 
Breathe, breathe, breathe! Her body commanded yet could not obey.
Dark, cold hands crept their way closer and closer to her. 
Clawed hands. 
Death’s hands.
Survive, survive, survive!
Dio shoved Elise back as he released her. A push hard enough to send her falling onto her rear, her breath growing ever more heavy in her chest and tears burning at her eyes. Tears that had nothing to do with the small hurts blooming over her skin.
The sun cast a golden halo around Dio’s wrathful form. 
He was a god. 
He had the power to keep her safe from death’s cold hands and the power to guide those very hands to find her throat.
And Elise could not help but adore him. Need him. The small love she had been harboring for him only grew with every hissing word and harsh promise he made.
Dio watched her for a moment longer, looking as if he was trying to wrangle back his anger before continuing on his way home. Elise stayed down in the dirt and watched him go. She watched him until he had long since disappeared from sight. 
Elise pulled herself to her feet once the fear coursing through her veins subsided. Once her breath evened out and her eyes stopped burning. She brushed her blue dress off before following down the path he had taken home.
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yandere-wishes · 7 months
Who are your fav authors on here, why and what are your fav fics from them?
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Anon, I don't think you're aware of the beast you've just unleashed!
So strap in cause this is going to be long.
Right off the bat, we have, @thefudge. I'm trying so hard not to sound like a deranged fangirl right now. But trust me when I say that I am OBSESSED with every single thing they write! I have read their fics SO SO many times and It's impossible to pick a single favorite one. So here are my top 5
Waiting for the barbarians
Within you is everything I am
I won't be these clothes I burn
His little dead wife 
god complex
Honestly, guys go check out their work they have so many stories spanning countless fandoms. They're literally the ones that got me into Star Wars in the first place! @thefudge I SWEAR I'm not a crazy fangirl, I just really love your writing and works!!
@yandere-romanticaa goes without saying, I've been a HUGE fan of Ana's since literally forever. She was actually one of the Yandere blogs that inspired me to start writing on Tumblr. Again I can't pick just one of her works I love so here's a top 5 list
Wanna Be yours 
Yandere! William Moriarty 
Yandere! Miguel O'hara
Yandere! Nikolai #1 and #2
Yandere! Dazai comparisons
She writes for so many fandoms and updates very frequently. She's also such an amazing and fun person so hearing her stories is always a treat!! Love you lots bestie!!
@fragileheartbeats is another amazing author I love her frigid aesthetic and how it adds a layer of etherealness to all her stories. Her scenarios are magical and written in such a way they evoke such sweet feelings. Honestly reading her stories makes me feel like I'm wrapped in a blanket with hot chocolate watching as the snow silently falls outside. 
Cute little things that melt their hearts (jjk) 
White Swan (jjk) 
How it feels to be loved by them (jjk) 
First kiss (jjk) 
When they become dads (jjk) 
These five are my TOP FAV works from her they're honestly so well-written and utterly adorable!! Guys I'm not kidding go follow her, she is literally my wify!!
I'm new to their work. BUT "A Coffin Made of Glass" is so beautifully written. It's dead dove yet so utterly bewitching. It takes place in the space between famous Star Wars scenes and gives a more in-depth view of the character's actions and sentiments. 
@spacexseven, omg where do I even begin? Okay, so they just have such a natural way with words. Their stories flow SO smoothly it's honestly astonishing! They've written two Childe fics, "Broken Vows" and "Mandatory Obligations" that I'm wholly obsessed with. The dialogue they write also feels so natural and forthcoming, it's absolutely enticing!!
@rrairey another author whose work I've recently gotten into!! If you're a Sukuna fan then her blog is the place to go. 
Sukuna vs Plushie (a literal BANGER!!)
Gojo vs Plushie
Seriously, go check out her work!! The way she writes dialogue between the characters and the reader is so utterly perfect. It makes you feel as if you are right there saying those exact words. The scenarios (although) fictional feel so real thanks to her wonderful writing style. 
@dear-yandere needs no introduction, she's a staple in the yandere community. Her stories always blend love and creepiness to a perfect extent. Can I take a moment to just appreciate how poetic and GORGEOUS all her stories are?? Like seriously!! "Almost god" is my favorite fanfic of ALL TIME!! And don't even get me started on "Cry for Me"!! 
This turned out long I don't think anyone was expecting an essay. To be honest I consume more fanfics than published books nowadays so I guess it's a given to have such a long list. 
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blondeboyfriend · 2 years
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[ PAIRING ] DIO x f!reader [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] This is for @cherrykamado's Scumbags Collab. Thank you so much for letting me join and giving me an excuse to write a morally reprehensible insert! I mean... she's not that bad. (Yes, this is a repost.) [ SYNOPSIS ] A strange man has an even stranger proposition. [ WORD COUNT ] 6.5k [ CONTENT ] Canon AU, y/n is a stand user, innocent people get killed, size kink (y/n is implied to be on the taller side though), fingering, finger sucking, oral sex (f receiving), rough sex, blood, knifeplay, creampie.
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“I think we’re being followed,” your date said nervously.
It was just past midnight, a brisk night in your city. You had spent most of it languishing in various bars with some guy, one whose name you didn’t bother to remember. He was a momentary meal ticket, one to be tossed aside the second you were bored.
So far he had proven to be overwhelmingly uninteresting, talking mainly about his job as a security guard and being a single father to four children. Under any other circumstances you would have ditched his ass, but you were plagued with hunger. You planned on goading him into buying you some street food once he shut the fuck up.
“I think you’re tripping,” you replied, voice full of smug confidence.
There was no way you were being followed. Earlier that evening you deployed your stand, A Deal With God, to keep watch while you made your way through the city streets. The extra layer of security allowed you to relax in the absence of surprises. It was like having an extra set of eyes to see through… Sometimes even more than that, as your stand’s true form was a glowing cluster of iridescent black wings with three indigo eyes at the center.
“I’m serious. Some jacked blonde guy.”
“You sound insane,” you said as your palms began to sweat. “C’mon. Let’s go eat something.”
He shook his head. “I’m not hungry. Why don’t we go dancing?”
You frowned, but decided to play along. You stepped into a high-end nightclub, and immediately got assaulted by flashing lights and the indecipherable, mechanical squelches of some acid house remix.
“Oh my god, I love this song,” your date cheered.
You rolled your eyes and mumbled something about going to the bar. A complete lie as you were actually going to the bathroom to figure out a new game plan. You brushed past a few people before glancing out the window, spotting a tall, foreboding figure leering at you from the other side of the street.
You briefly glared and slipped away into the bathroom, shutting yourself away in a stall. You took a seat on the toilet and held your head in your hands.
“Head’s killing me. Just wanna eat,” you whined, snapping your fingers.
A Deal With God appeared in the cramped stall, its large eyes fixed on you. It looked about as weary as you did.
“Figure out if that weird guy in the street was actually following us. I don’t think he was but… fuck it. Might as well be sure. Not like you got anything better to do, right?”
“Veeerrrrry trrrruuuue,” it drawled after turning into a mirror image of you.
You very well could have sent your stand out in its true form, but you worried that one day you’d come across someone that could actually see them when they were a mass of wings and eyes.
A Deal With God turned around and kicked the bathroom stall door open, and marched back out into the club. You carefully shut the door and resumed your previous position, trying to relax. You thought about your empty fridge and bare cupboards, cursing yourself for not going grocery shopping earlier that week. Paying for your own food was always an option, but you preferred to spend your money on things that lasted, that were more tangible.
You groaned. “Fuck it. I’ll go buy my own damn—”
Before you could even finish your sentence A Deal With God kicked the stall door in, making it fly off its hinges. The door hit you square in the nose.
“What the fuck?!” You said, wiping away the stream of crimson blood dripping from your nostril.
“Th—there—I—I saw.”
“You saw what?!”
“Th—th–the man.” You could barely understand a word it was saying as its teeth chattered away. “He found me. One second he was outside, the next h—he was behind me.”
The poor thing dropped its human facade before simply disappearing into the ether. 
“Shit,” you said, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Shit!”
You stumbled out of the stall and scanned the crowd for your date and the strange man. They were nowhere in sight and you made a beeline for the exit. You ran down the street, still pinching your nose even though it didn’t help in the least. The cold breeze stung your skin and heightened your anxiety. Everything around you felt like a threat.
The vast nature of the street made you uneasy so you sought refuge in a more sequestered area, ultimately settling on an alley. Your eyes darted around, checking for any unwanted presences, before slipping into the darkness.
“How did he sneak up on me?” You asked no one in particular.
You snapped your fingers and A Deal With God appeared before you. Its numerous eyes looked terrified and wet.
“Stop being scared,” you said, knowing full well your stand’s demeanor was your own doing.
But what could you do? You were utterly spooked. You didn’t have a lot of enemies, but you weren’t exactly a magnet for pleasant people. There was no way the man following you held good intentions. And the more you thought about it, the less safe you felt in a poorly lit alley. Who would’ve thought?
A Deal With God fluttered about before peering out into the street. It turned to you and used one of its wings to gesture towards a nearby nightclub. It seemed like a decent enough place to disappear.
You tore across the street as fast as you could and barrelled through the club’s entrance. You were surrounded by a thick haze of tobacco and cloves, and you could feel the rumbling bass emanating from the large speakers positioned throughout the space. It wasn’t nearly as abrasive as the first one. 
Before you could even sigh in relief you spotted the strange man across the room. Initially you felt paralyzed with fear, like your legs were going to give out from under you. Every hair was standing on end. Your stomach was eating itself, churning away into nothing.
The man smirked.
Of course he was positioned by the only exit, essentially cornering you inside the club. You found it in you to move and bolted up the stairs, hoping you could lose yourself in the crowd and make your way out a window.
You were disappointed to see the upper floor wasn’t nearly as populated as the other. Suddenly you felt a chill climb your spine and a pair of large, cold hands on your shoulders.
“There’s no point in running from me,” the man whispered in your ear.
His hushed tone was like a siren’s song, dragging you out to sea.
“I just want to talk. That’s all.”
He spoke to you like you were a child, though considering how scared you were it wasn’t a bad course of action.
He whispered. “You seem smart. You’re capable of having a little talk, aren’t you?”
“Yeah,” you said shakily. “What do you want to talk about?”
Your words were stilted and it left you feeling powerless.
“I’m interested in your special ability.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He dug his talon-like nails into the flesh of your shoulders. “I’m certain you do.”
“And what if I don’t want to talk about my special ability?”
“Trust me. You will.”
His tone was threatening. Your eyes darted around, hoping someone was showing some form of concern for you and your current situation. But not a soul seemed to care. You swallowed hard, it was like a rock had wedged itself in your throat.
“I wanna talk here. I’m not letting you drag me off somewhere.”
If you weren’t so scared, you might have laughed at your remark. Depending on his intentions you would not have minded if the beautiful stranger dragged you off into the night.
He released you from his grasp and walked ahead of you towards the corner of the room furthest from the stairs. You followed after, staring at his statuesque shoulders, muscles barely contained by his cropped black shirt made of indeterminate mesh material.
“Okay, what?” You asked, desperately trying to hide your nerves.
The man leaned against the wall. “Tell me about it.”
“Can you give me, like, a prompt? A question? Some direction? What do you want to know?” You sneered, putting your hands on your hips.
The man was growing frustrated with your attitude. You could tell and you weren’t sure if you wanted to maintain your faux bravado. Was rousing the weird man for your own sick pleasure worth potentially dying by his hand? You didn’t know what he was capable of. And it’s not as if you were having much fun.
“Why are you being so hostile? It’s unbecoming.”
You exploded. “You were following me around like a fuckin’ creep! Tell me you wouldn’t be a little on edge if you were following yourself around!”
He raised an eyebrow in amusement. “I suppose you have a point.” He stood closer to you effectively boxing you in. “Funny you mention that considering you’re capable of following yourself around.”
You backed up, bumping into the wall. The man seemed to have no concept of personal space. Though you had to admit it wasn’t completely unwelcomed. The longer you looked at him, the more you felt yourself craving his touch.
His golden blonde hair seemed to move on its own, ebbing on incomprehensible breezes. You noticed not a window was open nor was any fan blowing the hot air around the room. There was no way what you were seeing was real.
“Yeah, and?” You asked, trying to shove your racing thoughts out of your mind.
“How long have you—”
“Ever since I was a kid. Can I ask why you care?”
He brushed a few errant strands of hair from your face, his fingers were soft and the color of fresh cream.
You felt like his red eyes were staring right through you. “Go ahead.”
You smacked his hand away. “Why do you care?!”
“I already told you.”
“I don’t remember.”
“How could you not remember? I literally just told you.”
“I don’t know. You’re not very memorable,” you lied.
He narrowed his eyes and exhaled. “I said I was interested in your special ability. I could use someone like you.”
“For what? Something fucked up?” You taunted, anticipating some disgusting act. “You gonna force me into depravity?”
His annoyance was palpable, filling the room and drowning you in it. 
“If that was my intention, I wouldn’t have wasted my time talking to you.”
You felt like a coyote with its paw rotting in a trap.
“Good point. M—may I ask what you need me for?” You asked, forcing a smile.
“I’d rather not discuss that here. Come with me to my suite.”
He spoke so plainly and with such confidence. He annihilated any defense mechanism you had, rendering them useless. If any other person dared to be so bold, you would have kicked them in the taint. But he was different, otherworldly even. The longer you looked at him, the more you felt compelled to stick around. You had never encountered someone so alluring, someone capable of bewitching you with ease.
“I promise I won’t hurt you,” he said.
Apparently the trepidation in your face wasn’t something you could mask.
“Nah, like… I know.”
His lips curled into a foreboding smile.
“Let’s go,” he purred, placing his hand on your back and guiding you out of the nightclub.
His hand was cold, the chill traveling through your jacket. Once outside you tried to get the attention of a cab driver with little luck. Much to your chagrin a drunkard positioned right next to you managed to hail one with a simple wave of his limp hand.
The blonde seemed to take personal offense and grabbed the man by the back of his collar and tossed him aside like he was a mere rag doll. The drunk’s limbs flailed as he was sent through the window of the nightclub. It all happened so fast and you nearly got lost in the chaos. If it weren’t for the blonde pulling you into the cab you likely would have stood there in shock, mouth agape, until the cops showed up.
“Whoa, whoa!” The frightened driver cried out. “What the actual fuck was that?”
You looked expectantly at the strange man, curious as to how he would explain away his behavior.
“Wh—what? Dude! You can’t just do some shit like that and expect me to be okay with it!”
“Why not?” He laughed.
“Because it’s fucked up! You could've killed the guy,” the driver said, pointing at the bleeding body hanging halfway out the nightclub window.
“And? Was he important to you?”
“No. I don’t know him. But I don’t have to know someone to think what you pulled was rude!”
“It was more than rude,” you said matter-of-factly. “Not that I’m complaining. I’m just happy to be out of the cold.”
The blonde smirked and scooted closer to you, eschewing his seatbelt.
He redirected his attention to the terrified cab driver. “Drive or I’ll kill you.”
“Dude, can you at least tell me where?!”
The blonde clenched his fist. “... I guess.”
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The drive was spent in relative silence. The nervous cab driver flapped his jaws on occasion, posing benign questions. He quickly clammed up after receiving a few glares from the strange man through the rear view mirror. Paying attention to their tension made your stomach hurt so you focused on the barren trees that lined the city streets, their leaves rotting in rusted gutters.
“I feel like fall came faster than usual,” you pondered aloud.
Neither of the men responded, too wrapped up in their own bullshit.
The barren trees ceased, soon replaced by evergreen ones unnatural to the concrete cityscape. You sighed, unsurprised by the fact your stalker was posted up in a ritzy area. However you were still wowed by the luxurious hotel and its sprawling design as the cab pulled up to the curb. The alabaster facade glimmered under the everpresent streetlights. You contemplated getting the strange man drunk and robbing him once he passed out in a haze of whiskey.
“That’ll be forty bucks,” the cab driver said, craning his neck around to look at the two of you.
Rather than pay the driver, the blonde jammed two of his slender fingers into the man’s neck and sucked the life out of him. You stared wide-eyed and mentally begged your body to move, to jump out of the car and run back to your boring date.
“Let’s go,” the blonde murmured, exiting the cab.
You stepped out and whined as the autumnal breeze chilled your bones. Despite the blonde’s apparent cruelty, he wrapped an arm around you. It didn’t do much considering his body was cold to the touch, but you appreciated that he hadn’t opted to kill you for shivering.
“Aren’t you cold?” You asked.
“Not really,” he responded, not bothering to look at you.
He led you inside the hotel and into a gilded elevator. The interior was mirrored, forcing you to confront your situation. You looked positively miniscule next to the hulking blonde. You weren’t a tiny person by any means, but the strange man was just that big.
“You never told me your name.”
“I didn’t, did I?” He said coolly.
“Yeah. It feels, um, weird not knowing it.”
“There’s a subset of people that delight in lacking that kind of information.”
You gazed up at him and grimaced. His red eyes met yours. The elevator pinged, alerting you of your arrival, and the doors slid open.
“It’s Dio.”
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The suite was beautiful with floor-to-ceiling windows, giving a breathtaking view of the city. You only knew this because you peaked behind the thick, ornate curtains that shielded the room. 
Everything was concealed in darkness, the only light coming from the world beyond the window through the little crack you created. Dio was quick to slink around, lighting candles, to give the suite a warmer touch.
“You got a migraine or something? A hangover?” You asked, coming out from behind the curtains.
You inhaled the cloying scent of sandalwood. “Liar.”
He smirked and took a seat on a chaise-lounge, essentially draping himself over it like a fancy throw blanket. He beckoned you near. You sat on the very edge, keeping some distance.
“Do you know anything about Anubis?”
“That dog god guy?”
“In a sense.”
“Yeah, uh, I don’t know a damn thing about him.”
“Hmph. What about art theft?”
“... Again, not a damn thing.”
“Are you much of a reader?” He said, sitting up.
He got up and returned with two books: Rogues in the Gallery: The Modern Plague of Art Thefts and Teach Yourself Egyptian Mythology.
He stood over you smugly. “Read these and we’ll talk once you’ve finished them.”
“You want me to read two books right now?”
He yawned and stretched his arms over his head. Your eyes lingered on his chiseled abdomen.
“You can do it,” he said, walking away. “I believe in you.”
His words did little to inspire you, especially because he punctuated them by closing the door to his bedroom. You felt shut out and vulnerable. How were you supposed to read two books come morning?
Lucky for you Dio slept through the day, giving you ample time. He traipsed out of his room as you scanned the final pages of the required reading. He was in a pair of burnt umber-colored silk shorts that left little to the imagination.
“You must have been tired,” you said as you closed the book about art theft. “This book was boring as shit, by the way.”
“I know. I didn’t even bother finishing it.”
“Then why have me read it?!”
Dio’s expression practically screamed, Because I fucking could. He smiled and resumed his place next to you on the chaise.
“Hush,” he said, holding a finger to your lips. You thought about biting it off. “I’m trying to steal a shamshir.”
“A what?”
“It’s a type of sword.”
“Should have made me read about swords then,” you muttered.
“Don’t tempt me.”
“Is it like… your swor–I mean, shamshir?”
“Absolutely not, but it should be,” he said, his voice sickly sweet. “I’ve heard a great power is bound to it.”
“I see.”
“And I’d like to possess that.”
You were barely paying attention to his words. All you could focus on was your throbbing clit and the wet spot blooming in your underwear. Everything about him exuded sensuality. The simplest movements, things that were not inherently sexy, sent you spiraling. You wanted to please him, to crawl into his arms and melt into him. You were completely at his will and you hoped he didn’t realize that.
“And I find it to be aesthetically pleasing.”
“An aesthetically pleasing shamshir for an aesthetically pleasing man. How quaint.”
“Oh, you find me to be aesthetically pleasing?”
“Why else would I come over?”
“How naive of me to think you came because you wanted to help me.”
“I never said I wouldn’t help.”
“So you are helping me,” he seemed to command.
Dio dragged his fingertips down his chest and along his abs before slipping them underneath his shorts.
“I also never said I’d do it for free.”
Dio stared into your eyes. 
“You have,” he lazily held up two of his elegant fingers, “two options. I either pay you or I fuck you.”
“What about both?”
“No. It’s one or the other.”
“Are you really that good in bed?”
He gave a coquettish pout. “I’ll never tell. You’ll just have to take a chance, won’t you?”
Money was a fleeting notion in your life, more of a concept than something tangible. You usually kept yourself afloat by living off of eager to please boyfriends and rich women that thought you had a nice ass. A steady job was out of the question; you could never allow yourself to be tied down. Nothing could beat the high of being free. It came at a price though. Your rootless life wasn’t stable and frequently left you out in the cold.
You knew taking the money was the right decision, the smart one, the good one.
But you were never one to make good decisions, sound ones doused in logic. No, you were a idiotic hedonist deep down in your black hole of a soul. You sought out ecstasy in the shadows, always looking for an opportunity to submerge yourself in murky waters of desire.
Dio interrupted your minor moral dilemma. “Usually when they take this long it’s because they want to fuck me.”
He briefly tugged down his shorts, revealing a few wisps of dark pubic hair at the base of his cock.
“There’s no need to be shy,” he said, pulling you into his lap.
He had one hand on the small of your back and the other gripping your nape. He brought his face close to yours, his gaze hungry and expectant. Your stomach was fluttering; no one had made you feel like this before. You could barely form a coherent thought, too distracted by his touch. His hand slid down your back before settling on the crest of your ass.
Your eyes were trained on his lips as he spoke. “Why don’t I give you more time to think about it, hm?”
Words tried to fight their way out of your mouth, ones that begged him to act now. But you were silent, only giving Dio a slight nod.
He abruptly stood up, causing your body to collide with the floor. Your limbs a mere jumbled heap at his feet.
“We’ll break in tonight,” he said, staring down at you. “I’ll pay you once Anubis is in my hands.”
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Dio’s suite wasn’t far from the museum. It was a short walk, a few blocks at most. There was little fanfare which left you vaguely disappointed. You had hoped it’d be a bit more exciting, more sexy. In your mind robbing a museum seemed like the sexiest crime, but the experience thus far was… pedestrian.
Even your inconspicuous outfits were yawn-worthy. You thought a man with such luxe taste would have more flourish, but no. He wore black 501s with a tasteful hole in the left knee and a tight black turtleneck. A ski mask rested on the crown of his head like a beanie. You had to admit it was practical and he wore it well.
“We’re close. Pull your balaclava down.”
You quickly yanked yours down, obscuring everything but your eyes. It smelled like Dio. You borrowed one from him along with a chunky black cashmere sweater that looked more like a dress on you. You had the sleeves folded up countless times so you could actually use your hands freely.
He pulled his down and let out a little sneeze as the fabric covered his nose.
“Bless you,” you giggled.
“... Thank you.”
The two of you took shelter behind a tree and scope out the employee entrance which sat at the back of the drab building.
“Kinda unimpressive. I didn’t even know this was a place, and I was born and raised here.”
“They don’t have anything of much importance.”
“Except that funky sword you want.”
He sighed. “Yes.”
The plan was to slip in through the back of the building. You would be going in alone, but only far enough to have Anubis’s location within your stand’s range. Dio didn’t mention where he would be exactly, but you assumed he’d be skulking around the entrance and keeping watch.
As the two you broached the museum’s parking lot a wave of nausea enveloped you.
“You’re not gonna leave me out to dry, if I get caught in there… Right?”
“You won’t get caught.”
His distinct lack of an answer did little to set you at ease. Your legs were shaking as he picked the shoddy lock. It was almost comical how easy everything seemed to be. The absurdity of it all wasn’t lost on you.
Once inside the situation didn’t feel as precarious. You deployed A Deal With God, letting your double stalk around the museum.
When seeing through your stand’s eyes you were rendered somewhat immobile, or at the very least distracted and sitting down. Invoking auto-pilot was an option, but standing around and doing nothing would have done nothing for your nerves. You decided to find a corner and take a seat.
The layout of the museum was a breeze to navigate. Dio hadn’t been lying when he reassured you how simple a task robbing the place would be. There wasn’t anything cool on display. Just poorly maintained antiquities and depressingly dusty tapestries that should have been under glass. The halls were dead quiet, disturbingly so. Every step you took felt like it carried the weight of the world.
“Oh thank fuck,” you whispered when you spotted a series of swords mounted on a wall.
You fast-walked to the display only to be greeted by the distinct lack of a shamshir.
You stepped closer and carefully eyed each sword on the wall.
None of the blades were even slightly curved. You panicked and called off your stand, your consciousness returning to your physical body. You slowly pushed the door open and looked for any sign of Dio. Surely he would know what to do.
“Did that bitch leave me?” You whispered, unnerved by zero signs of the blonde.
But then you heard a familiar voice.
“Uh, sir, the museum is closed right now. I’m going to have to ask you to vacate the premises.”
Your eyes darted in the direction of the voice. You saw your date, the one from the night before, the father of four, lover of acid house, clad in a beige security uniform.
“Hey, wait. I’ve seen you bef—”
Before he could spit out his sentence Dio punched his jaw clean off. Your throat dried up, almost like you swallowed a bunch of cotton. You could barely remember how to breathe. You weren’t the biggest fan of your date, but he didn’t deserve to die.
A small squeak fought up your throat and alerted the blonde of your presence. He turned to you, red eyes seeming to glow from the slit in his balaclava. He cocked his head to the right, before asking, “What?” with a soft tone of voice. If he hadn’t done something so ghastly seconds before it would have been cute.
“Anubis isn’t there. It’s gone.”
“Oh,” he said. “Did you check the storage?”
You hated how casual he said it, how he made it sound like such an obvious thing to do even though you hadn’t discussed it previously.
“... No.”
He shooed you away and dragged your date's body out of view.
“What the fuck,” you whined as you shut yourself back inside the museum. “What the fuck am I doing.” You couldn’t even manage to say it like a question.
You resumed sitting in your previous spot and sent out your stand. The storage room was in the depths of the building down a spiral staircase. It was rusted and the metal squealed with every step. Once down you flipped a lightswitch and hoped there wasn’t a closed-circuit camera running somewhere.
You opened various cabinets and peered under plastic tarps covering poorly maintained sculptures. You felt a jolt of electricity when you finally came across Anubis. It was beautiful in its scabbard with its gold hilt and red jewels.
You sighed in relief and decided to let A Deal With God handle the rest, again returning your consciousness to your body. You could have cried when your stand presented the shamshir to you.
“Nice,” you said, admiring it.
You stood up and took it from your stand’s hands. You knew the right thing to do was to hand it right over to Dio, but you wanted to sneak a peek at the blade unsheathed. You pulled off the scabbard and marveled at its double-edge.
“... Is it ringing?”
You held the sword close to your ear and heard a distinct hum emanating from it. It didn’t take long for it to sound like it was calling out your name. You found yourself transfixed by your reflection in the blade.
I am the god of the stand Anubis, he who is upon his mountain. Lord of the sacred land. You have unsheathed me and now you will wield me.
You rubbed your forehead. There was no way the sword was talking to you.
You are now my body. In return I will make you a master swordsman.
Becoming a master of the sword never crossed your mind, but suddenly it felt like it had been a lifelong goal.
Not a soul will be stronger than you! Use me and kill!
You felt yourself swelling with pride, with validation, with incomprehensible joy. You felt like electricity was running through your veins, like you were unstoppable. You thought of your poor date and how Dio maimed his flesh without a care.
It enraged you, his entitlement. Why did he think he deserved to wield such power? He wasn’t fit to even gaze upon Anubis. Only you were worthy enough to slaughter with its exalted blade. To bathe in the blessed blood that would weep from your victims’ wounds.
You returned Anubis to its scabbard and set out to take down Dio. You found him outside, looking up at the sky. He turned his attention towards you.
“Ah, so you found it then?” Dio said, adjusting his balaclava.
You stared at him, eyes transfixed on his neck. You couldn’t wait to swing the blade through his skin and watch his pretty little head fall to the floor unceremoniously. You unsheathed Anubis and admired its blade.
Kill him. He is nothing in comparison to you. You’ll slice through his flesh like a hot knife through a pat of butter. Slaughter him! Do it now!
You raised the blade and went to slice Dio’s head off. However in a blink of an eye it was as if you were never holding Anubis in the first place.
“Tsk, tsk,” Dio said, returning the blade to its scabbard.
“Huh?” You said, looking down at your empty hands. “Wait…”
“I should have told you to keep it in its scabbard. My apologies.”
You tried to remember what had happened, why you felt a hint of vexation, but your mind was tabula rasa. “Di—did… Was I doing something?”
He placed his hand on your shoulder. “Don’t worry about it.”
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You were thankful Dio’s suite wasn’t far from the museum. The whole experience left you exhausted. Once inside the hotel he took it upon himself to carry you up to his suite. He laid you down on his bed, giving you permission to sleep beside him. You started to undress yourself as he reflected on the night’s events.
“I didn’t realize how formidable Anubis was at possessing people,” he said, pulling his shirt over his head.
You yawned. “Is that why I tried to kill you?”
He nodded and unzipped his jeans before kicking them off, revealing that he skipped wearing underwear.
“Damn.” You exhaled to regain composure. “Well, fuck. I’m sorry.”
“There’s no need to apologize. It’s not like you would have been able to defeat me,” he teased, stroking his flaccid cock.
You looked up at him, his appearance like that of a god. He looked so handsome illuminated by candlelight.
It was true you stood no chance against him in a fight. He could crush your skull with his bare hands if he willed it. It left you a confusing mess of fear and passion. You wanted to be by his side even if it guaranteed you an early death or prison time. There was no need for self preservation so long as he remained ethereal.
He caught you staring at him and simpered. Your cheeks were hot with embarrassment. He leaned over you and left you shrinking in his shadow. He ran his thumb along your jaw, his cold touch a welcome sensation.
“You’re so cute.”
He rubbed your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb before forcing it into your mouth.
You rolled your tongue along the underside of his thumb.
“Good girl,” he cooed while stroking his cock.
It was girthy and of considerable length. The skin was smooth and pale, almost as if it was made of porcelain. You felt like you couldn’t breathe, completely overwhelmed by its presence.
He pulled his thumb from your mouth and got on top of you. He rubbed your clit through your underwear. The muscles in your thighs contracted. A small whine fell from your lips. You could feel his erection brushing up against your body. His dominance lorded over you, engulfing you and holding you hostage. He pushed your underwear to the side and slid two fingers inside you. He curled them, pressing up against the walls of your cunt.
Dio pressed his lips against your ear and purred, “It’s like you were always meant to be beneath me.”
You laughed nervously. “I guess.”
He let out a pleased hum and kissed your neck.
“There’s no need to be nervous,” he said as he sat up.
Dio licked his fingers clean before pulling off your underwear. He stared down at your aching cunt with pity. He lowered himself and positioned his face in between your legs. With a single swipe of his tongue you were utterly mesmerized. He gave your clit slow licks with a soft tongue. You felt like your heart was pounding against your chest.
You watched as he arched his back while he ran his tongue between your folds. His ass was magnificent.
You threaded your fingers through his blonde hair and rubbed his head, letting your hand rest on the base of his skull.
“Feels good,” you babbled.
He looked up at you, gaze radiating warmth. It was the first time he’d ever granted you such softness. It quelled your anxiety and you were able to let yourself relax, something you had not done since Dio came into your life.
You felt weightless, like you were floating above the clouds. The pleasure was insurmountable as he sucked on your clit, lapping up the sweetness of your arousal. He began to rut against the bed, driving his cock into the mattress. He moaned, his vocalizations vibrating against your cunt.
“Fuck,” you whimpered as he flicked the tip of his tongue against your throbbing clit.
Dio chuckled before giving your clit a kiss. He got back on top of you and grabbed ahold of your chin, forcing you to look him dead in the eye.
He smirked and asked, “Do you think you’re ready for me?”
“Yes,” you said in a rather pathetic tone of voice.
You were desperate and there was no hiding it.
He sank his cock down into your cunt. You wrapped your arms around him and held onto his upper back as he began to thrust. You could hardly catch your breath as he drove his cock deeper inside. Gone was the brief bout of tenderness, it was as if he couldn’t stop himself once his pleasure came into the picture.
“Ah—i—it’s too much,” you said, eyebrows knitted together.
“You can take it,” he grunted.
You clenched your jaw and tried to breath through the pain. It wasn’t that you didn’t like it, you just weren’t expecting it. No one had ever been so rough with you before. Most of your partners treated you like you were made of thin glass, but Dio manhandled you like you were made of diamonds.
He pulled down your bra revealing your breasts. He grabbed a hold of one, pinching your nipple between his fingers.
He shushed you and began to suck on your neck, grazing it with his inhumanely sharp teeth. You yelped and all he did was chuckle. He started to fuck you harder, groaning as he bottomed out. You locked your legs around him, holding onto him like your life depended on it. You dug your nails into his back as his thrusts became more urgent. You gazed up at him, falling apart at the seams. He stared at you, almost as if he was plotting something.
Dio groaned. “Hold on,” he said, pulling his cock out of you.
He reached for something under the bed. You couldn’t imagine what he was searching for. Maybe a vibrator. Maybe a last minute condom. You really didn’t care. You were so close to coming all you wanted was him to be fucking your limp body into the mattress.
You were shocked when he pulled out a dagger. His eyes held a devilish gleam. You swallowed hard, trying to come to terms with your impending demise. You must have looked terrified because Dio started explaining himself.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said. “I’m going to cut you.”
“Th—that sounds like it’ll hurt.”
He slid his cock back inside you. “You won’t feel a thing, my pet. It’ll be quick. I just need you to bleed for me.”
You nodded and focused on the sensation of his cock kissing your cervix. He bit down on the inside of his bottom lip and slashed you across the chest with the knife, leaving behind a superficial cut. Warm blood beaded out from the thin cut, sitting on your chest like tiny jewels. He let the knife drop to the floor.
Dio lapped up the blood flowing from the cut, moaning as he savored the taste. He was right. You felt no pain. It wasn’t anything close to that. It was ecstasy; you couldn’t register it as anything but delight.
You held his head close to your body as he continued to drive his cock into your glistening cunt. You felt like every cell in your body was singing, screaming out in euphoria. Your breathing grew laborious, and you caught yourself almost laughing as you ascended further and further into the heavens.
When you finally came you couldn’t help but think every moment in your life led up to this very one, that this pleasure, this rapture, was the end of it all. Nothing would top this, no one would ever make you feel this incredible again.
Dio gave your wound one last lick. “You’re mine now, you realize that don’t you?”
He tossed his head back as he filled your cunt with his cum. He collapsed on top of you and buried his face into the crook of your neck.
“You’re coming with me to Cairo. You’ll be of great use to me there.”
“What will I get out of it?”
“Me,” he replied proudly. “All you’ll ever need is me.”
Egypt didn’t sound so bad. You didn’t have any friends or family around. Nothing tied you to this place; you couldn’t even think of a single reason why you stuck around so long. You would have been lost without Dio. You never would have realized your power. Through his greatness you saw your own.
“All I’ll ever need is you,” you quietly repeated to yourself.
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gncgang · 6 months
It was all up to him, he thought as he kept his eyes closed and pulled his arm back. Up to him, he thought as he reached for something deep inside him and the star on his shoulder throbbed, telling him, now, now. Up to him, he thought as something older inside him woke up.
 His fist opened. Star Platinum caught The World’s leg. His stomach growled.
 The blood in Jotaro’s eyes was gone, and he could taste iron.
Another fic set in @goatpaste‘s Pillar Fam AU!!! based on THIS lovely art that i want to eat every time i look at it
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p123apples · 19 days
Jojo is bizzaree
i just got into jjba. And the shiity humor wildly resonates with mine.i am currently through 34 episodes of part3: stardust crusaders
if i had to pick a fav,it has to be either jotaro or joseph. Dio was cool but i am excited to see his full potential at the end of stardust crusaders.we will see what happens.
Can someone suggest some fics featur8ng jotaro , dio or joseph? My expectations is that it has to have some depth,cool elements smut and no grammatical errors.Wish me luckk
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makiswirl · 7 months
hey! don’t cry (holds out my hand to you) fleshbudded jotaro and kakyoin misadventures fic
After a few moments of going back and forth with himself, Jotaro tears out one of the pages and, to the best of his ability in the absence of light in his room, scrawls down a note in English:
Left and got an early plane to Egypt. Be back in a few days. I’ll take care of it.
And he leaves it on the nightstand by his futon.
–- Dio’s plan is different. It’s less about Heaven, and more about power; including how Stand users play into it.
Jotaro goes after him in the hopes of saving his mother by himself. To an extent, he fails.
Word Count: 12,321
Rating: Mature (described gore/violence, swearing, implied suicidal ideations)
Fandom(s): ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
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cannedbananabread · 22 days
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LIFE UPDATE: I have sunk deeper into my delusions!
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itsamedebression · 1 year
POV: Him (your fave male character), picks up your teeny tiny frame, but then he breathes too hard and you're accidentally sent billowing across the room and your small spindly limbs violently smash and twist in sixty different ways, leaving you softly whimpering in unimaginable agony so then he has to spoonfeed you back to health, but using a pinpoint carved into the shape of a spoon via lasers, because normal ones are just too big and you're hoisted up onto the fireplace with duct tape because you're too short for the bed, uWu.
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gothiic-piink · 4 months
hi bestie- i need you to write Dio meeting our beloved count (vampire!sid) plsplsplspls they'd be besties and swirl red wine around in their glasses like fancy blood
hey bestieee- fancy vampire best friends dio & count >>
dio brando the invader (with a lil twist)
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count's footsteps echoed throughout the abandoned chapel, the odd scent of one of his own hit his nostrils once more as he strolled down the isle. he took a deep breath through his nose as he stopped walking at the sermon.
"you can come out, we are one in the same, it's okay."
as soon as he softly spoke those words, a soft menacing chuckle could be heard from all directions of the church. the large stained glass windows rattled softly as a small gust of wind passed through.
count suddenly felt a presence a few feet behind him, the scent more pungent now. he slowly turned his head to the intruder, and he was met with dark amber eyes staring back at him.
the other man grinned, revealing fangs. count smiled back at him, extending his hand to the taller of the pair. "i believe we've never met before, what's your name?"
the man let out a soft chuckle, before gently taking count's hand in his own and bringing it to his lips.
"dio brando, at your service.. it's a pleasure meeting you."
count smiled, his cheeks heating up slightly when dio kissed his hand as a greeting. "name's count, it's a pleasure meeting you too, dio."
dio grinned, before he began to slowly circle the other vampire. it was more playful than predatory, he was studying the other.
the blonde's eyes gazed up and down count's frame, a smirk playing on his lips. the silence was broken by the other.
"so dio, where'd you come from?"
dio hummed, "england, but here is much more.. entertaining compared to where i came from."
count nodded slowly, 'that explains the accent and clothes..' he slowly made his way down the steps. "if you want, you could come back with me?" he asked, turning back to dio. the other smiled but shook his head, "i appreciate the offer, but i have other matters to attend to."
count smiled before nodding, "yeah, i understand. i'll see you around then?"
the blonde smirked and nods, "of course, new friend." and with that, dio disappeared into the shadows of the chapel. count smiled, shaking his head as he walked back outside.
"what a weirdo, i like him."
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
Survive - Masterlist
Dio Brando x F!Oc x Robert E.O. Speedwagon
Warnings: canon typical violence, unhealthy relationships, fear of death, allies to lovers, friends to lovers, begins in JJBA part 1
↞ to Jjba Masterlist | JJBA Oc Masterlist | Request Rules | Blog Navigation ↠
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🧨 = NSFW ✔️ = Competed ⏳ = Coming Soon 🖋️= Ongoing
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Setlist 1: (Full "Dio x Elise" Playlist)
Rule #34
Me and the Devil
Setlist 2: (Full "Speedwagon x Elise" Playlist)
Places We Won't Walk
Grow as We Go
Get to know the Oc: Elise Pendleton
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Survive: 🖋️
Survive pt. 1
Ever since Elise Pendleton fell through the ice that had formed over the lake behind her family home, all she has ever wanted to do was survive. Her survival came in many forms, but the new addition to the Joestar household has caught her eye and her very soul and she is determined to have him. {2.7K}
Companion pt. 1.5 ⏳
While living with Elise's aunt, Elise and Speedwagon are inseparable. They do not go long without seeing one another and when Elise hears knocking at her window one night, she finds him standing there. {2K} {Speedwagon x Elise}
Follow pt.2
Elise has been following Dio around Liverpool for weeks. A stalking that has not gone unnoticed by him. {1.9K}
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monster-energies · 1 month
dio brando/reader - this is what is feels like
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posted: 06.07.2024
“you’re…not hungry dio?” you asked him. dio looked back to you, shaking his head. “my appetite has yet to sink in y/n. you still look quite famished my darling. all of this is for you…in fact.”  dio grabbed your fork and the next thing you knew he had picked up a dessert of his choosing, he grabbed your hand and had you laid on the sofa. “i see you’re very much dressed for such an occasion; how beautiful you are y/n” he mumbled. dio glanced very briefly at the sheer gown which suited you perfectly. his eyes lingered at your thighs; your body was truly a beautiful thing to him. “well, you requested for me to wear this…didn’t you?” you said, perplexed at the things dio had in store. “oh y/n…you’ve not a single clue of all the plans i have laid out for you.” his tone sensual and smooth. he could frankly smell your blood so fresh. “now then…lay here.” he said.  his eyes trailed all over your body, letting every contour and curve sink in. you were just right for him, the way your body moved, it was a sight so pleasing and somewhat arousing for him. “did you like that my sweet? no need for your answer…i know it was quite pleasant.” dio replied, he chuckled softly as his other hand roved to your waist. you were a sight to behold. his heart pounded; his fangs ached with anticipation as he fed you the molten lava cake bit by bit. as he continued to feed you, his hand caressed your hip as he looked you directly in the eyes. not breaking his gaze for a moment, he found such pleasure in your happiness and your arousals. he was almost certain that he could read your thoughts, you yearned for him just as much as he did. “you’ve finished your second helping of dessert, oh what a good one you are y/n.” dio said. “tell me y/n…do you trust me?” he asked.
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summary: dio always had a soft spot towards you, from the way you lend him your ear, to your obedience. he decides that he will treat you in more than just one simple way
read here
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blondeboyfriend · 1 year
𝐁𝐄 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 (𝟏𝟖+)
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[ PAIRING ] Dio Brando x reader [ AUTHOR'S NOTE ] Listen... stoner bff!Dio is a hard sell, but just roll with it. Join me on this ooc journey. (if this looks familiar, that's because this a repost) [ SYNOPSIS ] You get high with your bestie and reveal that no one has ever made you come before. [ WORD COUNT ] 1.5k [ CONTENT ] Modern AU, porn/no plot, weed, dubcon (you're both high), oral sex, vaginal fingering, orgasm delay, teasing.
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It was a lazy Sunday afternoon. You and your best friend, Dio, had spent most of the day lazing around, soaking up the mild summer sun that peered through your window. Neither of you had anything of major importance to do, so you both decided getting high and being lumps on your couch was the best way to utilize such a carefree day.
It started out chill, the two of you splitting a bowl with a sprinkling of kief on top. But it didn’t take long for Dio to talk up his “impeccable rolling skills” and demand that you smoke a blunt. You hemmed and hawed, not wanting to smoke that much of your stash, especially because you knew Dio wouldn’t throw five.
But of course he convinced you. Dio constantly weaponized your crush on him to get what he wanted.
It ended up that his rolling skills were truly unmatched. You watched in awe as he crafted a pristine, perfectly fat blunt. You handled it like it was holy, almost too nervous to spark it. However the blonde managed to goad you into lighting it.
You took a puff and slowly breathed out a thick plume of smoke. You passed the blunt back and forth, watching as your exhales filled the room with a smoky haze. After five hits Dio slid off the couch and weaseled his way under the coffee table.
“I cannot be perceived on a visual level right now. Don’t look at me or there will be consequences.”
“Oh, alright. Well… Wanna hear something fucked up?” you asked, passing the blunt to Dio even though he was well beyond his limit.
You looked down at him, not heeding his previous request. You needed to see him, to experience his beauty. Anytime you got high with Dio you couldn’t help but think about how his lips would feel brushing up against yours, how his fingers would feel inside your cunt. Plus he looked so ridiculous, it was distracting. His feet and arms gracelessly stuck out from under the table, limbs too long for concealment.
He was never very good at keeping composure when smoking top-shelf shit.
“Of course,” he replied as he grabbed the blunt from you. His elegant fingers rubbed up against yours and you felt lightheaded from his touch.
You giggled. “No one has ever made me come before.”
He poked his blonde head out from the table, his dark eyes radiating pity.
“Surely you’re joking.”
“Nope. I wish. Every sexual encounter I’ve had has been disappointing.”
“That’s tragic. Don’t tell me things like that,” he said, taking a hit.
You reached for it, assuming it was your turn, but Dio didn’t hand it over.
“You said you wanted to hear something fucked up!”
“I thought you’d talk about something fun like a car accident. What you said was just… sad.”
Dio took a sizable puff, blowing the smoke in your face. You scowled and snatched the blunt from him. He gazed up at you, his face adorned with a condescending smirk.
“I could make you come.” He stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Though I can’t imagine it’d be difficult.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, getting defensive.
He made grabby hands which you proceeded to kick away. He pouted and sighed. Seeing him like this was hilarious. You almost felt like getting Dio high domesticated him. He was a little slower, a little sweeter, but still somewhat of a gadfly.
“You seem easy.”
“What?!” you exclaimed while stubbing out the joint in an empty glass.
“No, not… not easy. I mean, hm.” He was choosing his words carefully. “You would probably come fast because you’ve never come… before.”
“Okay well I don’t know if you know this, but there is this thing called masturbation and people do it.”
“I, Dio, know what masturbation is.”
“So you just assumed I don’t masturbate? Is that the vibe I give off?”
“Stop saying so many words,” Dio groaned, resuming his place next to you on the couch. “Do you want to come or not?”
“Excuse me?”
Dio was getting annoyed with you and frustrated by his inability to articulate his thoughts to his liking. “You want me to make you come, right? That’s what you’re getting at.”
He rolled his eyes.
“Lay down,” he ordered. “Take your shorts off.”
You were more than happy to do so. Quickly you pulled your shorts off along with your underwear and threw them across the room. You grabbed one of the pillows and placed it on the arm rest and reclined, letting your body sink into the cushions. Dio turned to you and got on his knees before settling into a modified child’s pose, leaving his head in your lap.
It was quite a view. You ran your fingers through his thick hair, watching the silky, golden strands slide between them. He looked angelic, though with a rather Luciferian feel.
“Has anyone ever gone down on you before?”
“Kinda? A guy tried, but gave up after like a minute.”
“That hardly counts,” he said, spreading apart your folds.
You had no witty retort so you kept quiet.
Dio slipped two fingers inside your cunt, pressing them up against your walls. When he pulled them out he sucked them clean, his eyes never leaving yours. He had apparently decided he could be perceived at this time.
“You taste divine.”
“Th—thanks? Thank you.”
He gave you a quizzical look and began to suck on your clit, deeming your comment unworthy of a response. You didn’t mind; you were too focused on how your clit throbbed in between his soft lips.
“That feels so good,” you mewled.
“I know,” he said, ego untempered even though he was high.
He flicked the tip of his tongue against your clit as your body bloomed with arousal. You watched as he lapped at your cunt, his back arched like a cat. It was such a contrived position, an attempt to maximize his allure, but it worked. He had you transfixed, a successful spell cast. You surrendered yourself to him and his enchanting looks.
With each languid lick, you felt as if you were ascending to a higher plane. You cursed Dio for being right. He had barely put in any work and you were already fighting back crashing waves of euphoria. It wasn’t necessarily better than masturbation, just different. Being able to lie back and let someone else do the work was a treat.
Your legs flexed and your toes curled as Dio tongued the side of your clit. He thrust three of his fingers inside you, curling them upwards almost as if he was beckoning your orgasm.
“Fuck,” you groaned.
You clenched your teeth and tried to stave off the warmth overtaking you. It was as if every cell in your body was drowning in pleasure. It all became too much to bear and you buried your face in your hands.
Dio let out a displeased groan.
“Did I tell you to stop playing with my hair?”
You uncovered your face and met his gaze. It was cold and unfeeling. You resumed running your fingers through his hair.
“That’s what I thought,” he muttered.
He began to fingerfuck you while he traced your aching clit with his tongue. You gritted your teeth and struggled not to clench your fists. The last thing you wanted to do was yank on his hair while his teeth were so close to your cunt.
“D—shit—Dio, I’m gonna—”
“Not yet,” he cooed.
“Fuck,” you moaned. “Please!”
He encircled your clit with his tongue and managed to squeeze his pinky inside you along with his fingers. You gasped, nearly choking on your own breath.
“Hush. Not yet,” he said sweetly.
You let out a pained groan as he kissed your clit. “I hate you.”
Like clockwork he grazed your folds with his teeth. Shockingly you didn’t hate the sensation.
“So good,” you mumbled, unable to form a complete sentence.
His eyes seemed to light up, like he was proud of what he was accomplishing.
Your orgasm wasn’t bombastic. You didn’t shriek Dio’s name or flop around uncontrollably. Your body felt tingly and your muscles tensed up. Your breathing quickened and you whined a little, begging for more.
Dio sat up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He plucked the blunt out of the cup and lit it, taking a drag. He then laid on top of you and cupped your cheek with one of his hands. He placed his lips on yours and pushed his tongue past your teeth. You let your tongue writhe against his as he exhaled the smoke in your mouth.
“Told you,” he whispered in your ear.
You blew the smoke in his face, making him wriggle his nose.
“Yeah, yeah. It was good,” you said, trying to act as if you weren’t beaming on the inside.
“Hmph. If you think that was good, wait until I fuck you.”
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jojo-lane · 1 year
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Dio Brando fic idea where Dio becomes a Glam Metal rockstar after graduating and getting bored of Law school and proceeds to do a real number on the good Joestar name by causing multiple scandals, leading a hedonistic lifestyle and always narrowly managing to avoid arrest somehow thanks to his knowledge of the law.
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hardygalwrites · 4 months
FanFiction.Net Link
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Anime/Manga: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (Part 3: Stardust Crusaders)
Characters: Noriaki Kakyoin, Dio Brando, and an Original Character
Synopsis: “Shhh… Easy, Kakyoin. There is nothing to be afraid of.” Two clawed hands grasped Noriaki by the arms in a shockingly gentle hold, and Noriaki could feel a cold breath caress his ear as the man spoke into it, saying, “Let’s be friends, shall we?”
One cold night in Cairo, Noriaki Kakyoin walks into an ancient ruin and is met with one of the most terrifying men he will ever meet in his young life.
Note: A gift fic for my best friend @the-lupine-sojourner, as a tie in for her fic, "The Ace of Wands and Her User" ^-^
Noriaki Kakyoin was not a careless person. He was attentive in his studies, observed the world critically, and was aware of his own limits, making his decisions with care. Even though he was still in high school, both he and his parents considered him to be mature. Naoko would be teasingly quick to point out Noriaki’s more petty tendencies, but she was his twin sister, so that was kind of her job.
The point was, when Noriaki left the hotel to wander about the streets of Cairo at night, he, his parents, and even his sister considered him more than responsible enough to go out alone. He had offered Naoko a chance to come with him, but she declined, the day having left her exhausted.
“Maybe I would be willing to come with if you looked less like a tourist,” she said with a yawn and grin as flopped backwards onto her bed.
“I look good in this and you know it,” Noriaki retorted good naturedly, straightening the collar of his uniform. “And besides–”
“No, stop, don’t give me that student bullshit, especially since we aren’t even at school right now.” Naoko laughed and sat upright to give him a genuine smile. “Seriously though, just go have fun. Maybe we can do something together tomorrow night.”
Noriaki nodded, returning the smile. “All right then. See you tomorrow, sis.” He closed the door to her room behind him as he left.
...That seemed like an age ago.
Cairo was a beautiful place on its own, but tonight, with the full moon shedding its beams upon the ancient city, it was truly breathtaking. Noriaki went from place to place, landmark to landmark, sketching what he could. He made sure he knew where he was so he wouldn’t get lost, and kept an eye out for thieves or other people who might look to do him harm.
Yet all of that seemed to fade away when he found himself drawn to a particular ruin.
“Noriaki Kakyoin…”
The ruin was exposed and open. The moon shone down uninhibited from above. The walls had many open archways built into them. And yet in spite of that, it was as though his name echoed through the ruin, sending chills down Noriaki’s spine.
His spirit appeared at his side, and Noriaki turned sharply. “Who’s–?”
The challenge died in Noriaki’s throat, catching behind his hitched breaths.
Thorny vines sprawled across the ground and walls of the ruin, decorated with many dark red roses. There was a glowing aura to them that lit up the already moon bathed stones with a faint sickly pink, and they almost seemed alive , growing and crawling their way towards Noriaki bit by bit. Two bodies lay on the ground not far from where Noriaki stood now - a man and a woman it looked like, unmoving and already claimed by the thorny vines.
A tree of ice stood tall and gnarled at the end of the ruin. It was from this tree that all the vines and roses seemed to emit, and at the top of the tree, Noriaki swore he saw the shadow of some kind of bird of prey. A falcon maybe, with its wings spread wide as though in challenge.
It was like something out of a story book. A dark, twisted story book.
That was hardly the worst of it, though. Any of this might have given Noriaki a pause, made him stutter, but ultimately not lose his composure. No, it was not the scene before him that had Noriaki’s words and breaths catching in his throat.
It was the man standing at the center of it all.
If ‘man’ was the right word… There was something inherently inhuman about him. He stood shirtless, skin shining like marble beneath the moonlight. There was no wind, yet his hair flowed out in a captivating mane of pale gold. The vines and roses looked to be coming from his body . And what a body it was - bigger and taller than Noriaki could ever hope to be, every muscle from the waist upwards accentuated by the moon’s beams. Yet the way the man held himself, the very aura he gave off, spoke of a power deeper and so much more terrible than just physical.
Even through the shadows obscuring the man’s face, Noriaki could somehow still make out a pair of golden eyes, fixed solely on him .
Noriaki couldn't speak. He couldn’t even breathe . He realized, suddenly, what it must be like for a prey animal to be caught within the sights of a predator. Every part of him wanted to run, wanted to scream, but he couldn’t .
A low chuckle echoed through Noriaki’s very bones.
“What’s the matter?” the man crooned. “You look frightened enough to vomit.”
Noriaki’s guardian spirit disappeared into the depths of his soul. Noriaki took one step back. That was all he could manage.
Oh, god… Oh, god, he really was going to vomit.
Whoever, whatever this man was, whatever his intentions were with him, Noriaki knew that he himself was nowhere near powerful enough to fight back. Even his guardian spirit knew that. Noriaki could feel him in the depths of his soul, amidst the horror and terror, cowering , a reflection of Noriaki’s own desires.
He couldn’t fight. He couldn’t even run. He was completely at the mercy of this– this monster of a man.
The man approached. Noriaki fought for breath. Sharp and desperate gasps were all he could manage. They did nothing to ease his reeling mind.
Oh, god, he was getting closer.
His only other option would be to beg for his life. But Noriaki’s mouth refused to work. Even his knees refused to buckle. All he could do was watch as the man approached closer, and closer, and closer…
Was this it? Was this how it all ended? Noriaki Kakyoin, dead at seventeen. Some people flashed across his mind, three people specifically, but their images and his feelings towards them were marred and muddled by the fear that had taken hold of his very being.
“Shhh… Easy, Kakyoin.” That same baritone voice echoed through Noriaki’s body, speaking from just behind him. “There is nothing to be afraid of.”
Two clawed hands grasped Noriaki by the arms in a shockingly gentle hold, and Noriaki could feel a cold breath caress his ear as the man spoke into it, saying, “Let’s be friends, shall we?”
And just like that, Noriaki’s fear dissipated.
This wasn’t the end. The man was willing to show mercy. He still had a chance to live…!
Like a child being reassured by their parents that they weren’t in trouble, relief filled every fiber of his being that had been left vacant by the fear that had filled him mere moments before. Noriaki gasped, an audible sign of his relief, and collapsed.
The man caught him as he fell, easing him down to his knees, hands still grasping Noriaki’s arms gently. “There we are…”
One hand left his arm, and Noriaki felt an ice cold finger brush up his face. “Relaxed now?”
Noriaki sighed and nodded slightly.
“Good,” the man hummed.
Good, good, the man was pleased. He still had a chance to get out of this. It was all going to be all right.
“Now, Kakyoin…” The finger pulled and tucked a bit of hair behind Noriaki’s ear. “Why don’t you bring your lovely sister here to see me sometime? I’m certain we will all be good friends.”
His sister?
His sister…!
“No…!” Noriaki gasped before he could even think to stop himself.
That sick fear was back in full force, but this time it was split in two. Noriaki still feared the man holding him in this sickeningly comforting hold, god did he still fear him. But the thought of bringing his sister into this dizzying nightmare, the thought of his sister being held by this inhuman being like he himself was now–
“Oh?” the man said, and the soft monosyllable was enough to make Noriaki want to vomit again. “You won’t bring her to me? Even after we have become such good friends…”
The hand on his ear caressed downward until it was around Noriaki’s neck, a gesture that held no threat to it, and yet sent chills down Noriaki’s spine.
“No, please, no,” Noriaki whispered.
Whatever this man wanted with him, whatever this man meant to do with him…
“Please don’t involve her in this, please, I’m begging you.”
The man gave no response.
“I’m- I’m enough. Surely I’m enough...! Whatever you want, I’ll do it, I swear, I’m all that you need, just please don’t bring my sister into it, p-please, I beg you–”
He was rambling now, grasping at anything to satiate the man. Noriaki would have already been pressing his forehead against the ground, groveling, if it didn’t mean pulling himself from the man’s hold.
“You ask for your sister to be left uninvolved,” the man stated, the fingers around Noriaki’s neck idly tracing the contours of his throat.
“Yes, yes, please,” Noriaki gasped. “Please, I’ll do anything…”
“Hmmm.” He was smiling, the man was smiling, Noraki could tell. “Very well. For as much as I can, I will allow you to ensure that she remains uninvolved in our little schemes. Will that be all for you, Kakyoin?”
Those words, crooned into his ear, were enough to bring back that overwhelming sense of relief and reassurance.
Noriaki let out another breath and nodded. “Yes. Thank you.”
“Anything for a friend. Now relax…”
He did. Even as the vines and roses that had been acting as the twisted backdrop to this twisted exchange disappeared in favour of unfamiliar tentacles, even as the tentacles descended on him, driving something wrong and sick and invasive into his skull, Noriaki relaxed.
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makiswirl · 2 months
jolyne & jotaro-centric fic just dropped ^__^
It’s quiet. There’s no birds, no sounds of the distant cars or the planes or the noisy people that she’s accustomed to. There’s the tide kissing up against the shore, but it doesn’t brush anything onto land with each movement that it rises, which is equally just as unusual. The best way to describe where she finds herself is ‘dreamlike’. It looks like the middle of the day. It’s clear outside.
Probably not shocking that the embodiment of her father’s mind represents the ocean. Of course it would.
Jolyne looks through her father’s Memory DISC in the hopes of discovering why things had turned out so poorly.
Word Count: 8,317
Rating: Teen (warnings in second author’s note: ‘implied racism, gore, allusions to suicidal thoughts, referenced self-harm’)
Fandom(s): ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 | JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure  
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charzea · 2 years
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Fanart for  ‘’While The City Slumbered’’  Thank you  n00tsk00t and rebsiejo for your incredible work!
Anyone seeing this post must go read it RIGHT NOW
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