#Elise Pendleton x Speedwagon
gingernut1314 · 3 months
Companion pt.1.5
Speedwagon x F!Oc
Summary: While living with Elise's aunt, Elise and Speedwagon are inseparable. They do not go long without seeing one another and when Elise hears knocking at her window one night, she finds him standing there.
Warnings: friends to lovers, talk of blood, mostly just fluffff, can be read after pt. 1 of Survive, takes place during JJBA part 1
Word Count: 2K
Setlist: Speedwagon x Elise
A/N: because I want Speedwagon and Elise to interact again so I had to write this because they are too cute.
Tag list: @cinnbar-bun @lostfirefly
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A commotion outside of Elise’s window had her pausing in the brushing of her long, white hair. She turned to look towards the drawn, forest-green curtains as a muffled string of curses floated to her ears. Curses followed by silence and then a gentle, composed knock on the glass. 
Elise rose from her vanity, carefully placing the brush down only to pick up the candle sitting there. She made her way through her room as the knock sounded again and then--
“Elise…Elise, it’s me.” The familiar sound of Robert Speedwagon’s voice called to her. She was quick to throw back the curtains blocking out the moonlight to find him clinging to the tree branch that grew too close to her window. 
He smiled brilliantly at her, reaching for his signature bowler hat tip it her way in greeting. 
Elise couldn’t help the smile that pulled to her lips. A smile she kept oh so small and toothless despite her utter excitement. 
Over the two months she had been living with her aunt so far, Speedwagon had been her companion. They did absolutely everything together. They would go on walks around the city, would sit out in secluded fields to eat lunch and play Button Whizzer, Graces, and Picking Plums. He visited her while she studied music with her aunt, who had grown fond of the boy herself, bringing with him treats for their breaks.
“What on earth are you doing?” Elise asked as she opened her window, which stuck here and there, requiring her to pull her strength to the surface to shove it free. “Did we not just say our goodbyes only an hour ago?” 
“These streets are not as good companion as you.” Elise only felt her cheeks flush further at such comments. 
“I’m sure the streets have much more interesting things to say.” Speedwagon rolled his oak brown eyes, scooting down the tree branch he sat on carefully so he might be able to lean his hands on her window sill. 
“You have the most interesting things to say. I would not know about that Hungarian countess who supposedly bathed in the blood of virgins like some sort of vampire if it weren't for you.” Elise huffed in light amusement at his ability to remember things she had said. 
No one had ever cared to listen to such strange facts before, much less remember what she had said, so Speedwagon’s eager want to listen to them had unsettled her off at first. Still unsettled her on occasion. 
“Is that all you have come here to do? To remind me of what wonderful company I am?” Speedwagon’s smile only grew, his face growing closer as he leaned all but into her room.
“I would say that is a good enough excuse to visit you if any.” His words left Elise speechless. 
He would come all this way just to tell her that? 
What such sickly sweet ridiculousness. But as ridiculous as it may have seemed to Elise, she could not help the warmth filling her heart. A warmth she had been feeling grow and grow with every moment she spent with him. 
Had she been more knowledgeable in her own emotions, she might have been able to identify what exactly she was feeling, but she could do no such thing and ignored the feelings as best she could. 
“And…I brought you these.” Speedwagon spoke again, pulling Elise from her flustered silence to find a small, brown paper bag in his hand. 
“What is it?” She asked, leaning her hip against the window sill so she could peer at the bag more easily. 
He only gestured for her to take it and she was quick to obey. She slowly opened the bag to find small, yellow and pink, sugar-covered candies within. Elise gasped, looking back up to Speedwagon who was still watching her with those kind eyes of his. 
“Pear drops! But how did you get these at this hour?” Elise exclaimed. On the way home back from the park, she had complained to him of how she had been utterly craving the sweet candies. Speedwagon gave a shrug, his smile turning all too impish. 
“A magician never reveals their secrets.” He said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“You are a magaican now?” 
“No, but how exhilarating would it be if I was?” Elise couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped her lips. A rare sound that had only been beginning to show its tune since their becoming friends. A sound she hadn’t made in a long, long time.
“You would make a for a good magician I believe.” Elise spoke, her chuckles subsiding as she reached into the bag for two of the pear drops. Speedwagon gave a bellowing laugh, slapping his thigh at the thought in exaggerated humor.  
“No. Hardly. I’m too brustish for all that.” Elise huffed in disagreement, popping one of the drops into her mouth before extending the other out to him. Speedwagon held his palm out and Elise placed the candy into it, her fingertips sparking at the touch of his callsoused skin against hers. 
“You are as graceful as they come.” This only made Speedwagon laugh once more as he chewed on the bit of soft candy. 
“I think you would be the only one in the entirety of England to think such a thing.” Elise hummed in listening as she went for another drop. 
“Perhaps.” She handed him another as she chewed her own. “My aunt is performing at the opera next week. She has secured me and you a ticket.” Speedwagon’s happy-go-lucky tune shifted. Shifted to frustation and near anger and something else she could not quite place.
“She bought me a ticket? Why would she--”
“Not bought. The director she is performing for offered to give her a ticket for a friend and she merely asked for two. It is no problem.” Elise shrugged, not seeing what he was worrying over. 
“No prob--Elise, that opera hall will be full of lords and ladies and all sort of rich folk.” Elise bit into her next pear drop, chewing the small portion as she scanned his features over, slow and calculated. She saw him all but flinch at such a look, a deep frown pulling at his usually smiling lips. 
“And?” She asked calmly, making Speedwagon gape in his frustration.
“And? And they will not want to share a space with street trash like myself.” Elise frowned sharply at this, her green eyes turning icy at the thought of such a thing.
“You are not street trash.” She all but hissed, angered for him.
“No? Elise--I should not even be speaking with you. I should not be visiting you at all manner of the day and night because I am no lord who can--” Elise felt her blood boil at his ramblings. An anger that had her reaching between the space between them to press a single finger to his smooth lips, shushing him. 
“Stop that.” Speedwagon all but froze at her touch, his eyes wide in shock and his cheeks beginning to flush in a soft dusting of pink. “You think me in the same standing as some lord? Hardly. My father is a doctor.” 
“Can doctors not be lords?” Speedwagon asked against her finger, voice coming out the slightest bit muffled.
“Maybe but mine is no such thing. He chose a field where the coin is little unless you are the best of the best. He was foolish to choose it.” Elise’s hissing tone never once ceased, especially when it came to discussing her father. 
“He was foolish to become a doctor? Isn’t that a noble profession?” Elise rolled her eyes at Speedwagon’s quick change of tone--a teasing tone no less. She yanked her finger away from his lips and crossed her arms over her chest. 
It wasn’t very hard to find the disappointment welling in his eyes at her touch leaving him.
“Nobel it may be, it is still an utterly horrid path to take. If my father had any true brain he would go to the Americas.” She stated matter-of-factly. 
“The Americas? Why would he go there?” Elise pulled a hand from its position to swiftly poke a finger into his chest, causing a small ow to spill from his lips. 
“Because it is said there is gold within every inch of its soils. Gold so pure it’s liquid.” Speedwagon only chuckled at her, taking hold of her wrist in his hand to pull her stabbing finger from his chest. 
“And what would one do with liquid gold?” 
“Be more rich than any lord or lady that will be in attendance of that opera. They would be a king.” Speedwagon’s small smile turned right back into a frown at the mention of the opera. 
“I am a thug, Elise.” His voice grew quite, like he was confessing his most dastardly sin. Elise shook her head with a scoff. She cared little about any of that.
“So? They do not need to know that. Why would they even think that when looking at you?” Speedwagon cocked an eyebrow as if he was shocked she did not know why they would see it.
“I am dirty.” Speedwagon challenged. 
“You can bath here.” Elise countered. 
“My hair is shaggy.”
“I like it as it is, but we can style it.” 
“My clothes are in tatters.” 
“We can fix them. I have grown rather handy with a needle.” Speedwagon stared at her narrowly, thinking up what else he could say that she would not be able to counter. 
“I am busy then.” Elise sighed, beginning to yank her wrist from his hold. 
“You do not wish to go with me, I see that now. Fine. I shall drop the subject. Thank you for the--”
“Elise,” Speedwagon stressed, reclaiming her wrist in his calloused hand. “Of course, I want to go with you. I would go anywhere with you.” Elise felt her slight anger subside. Felt her heart begin to rapidly beat against her chest like some drum. “I just--I do not want to ruin your reputation and chances at a good future by being around me in such a setting where anyone could see.” Elise shook her head once more at the absurdity of it all. 
“You will not ruin my reputation by going to the opera with me,” Elise said on a release a breath. “I do not want to go without my hero.” She said, her voice going quiet as she watched him. Speedwagon’s beautiful smile threatened to pull at his lips once more at her shyly said words. 
“...I guess you are right. What kind of protector would I be if I did not go with you to keep you from harm?” Elise offered him another small smile, patting his hand which still held her writs.
“Exactly. It is your duty so you must go.” And finally, that brilliant smile was back on his lips. A smile that let Elise know everything would be okay. “We will talk more about this tomorrow if you wish.” He nodded in agreement, moving his hand so that he could hold her fingers, raising her knuckles to his lips. 
“I will wait patiently till then.” He said, pressing a soft kiss to her skin. Elise’s heart felt like it would beat right out of her chest at the touch. One he had done so many times during so many goodbyes and hellos. 
Elise swore she would never get used to it. 
“Thank you for the pear drops.” Speedwagon nodded, ever so slowly releasing his hold on her hand. 
“Of course. I hope your dreams are even sweeter than such sugared candies.” Elise huffed once more in amusement. 
“Do not get into too much trouble.” Speedwagon carefully stood up on the tree branch, flashing her that charming smirk of his as he tipped his hat her way once more. 
“You know I can’t make any promises.” And like that he was hopping back down the tree, slipping once in a near heart-stopping moment before his feet found the cobblestone street. 
He gave her one last wave before walking off into the night, leaving Elise feeling oh-so lonely without him.
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
Survive - Masterlist
Dio Brando x F!Oc x Robert E.O. Speedwagon
Warnings: canon typical violence, unhealthy relationships, fear of death, allies to lovers, friends to lovers, begins in JJBA part 1
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🧨 = NSFW ✔️ = Competed ⏳ = Coming Soon 🖋️= Ongoing
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Setlist 1: (Full "Dio x Elise" Playlist)
Rule #34
Me and the Devil
Setlist 2: (Full "Speedwagon x Elise" Playlist)
Places We Won't Walk
Grow as We Go
Get to know the Oc: Elise Pendleton
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Survive: 🖋️
Survive pt. 1
Ever since Elise Pendleton fell through the ice that had formed over the lake behind her family home, all she has ever wanted to do was survive. Her survival came in many forms, but the new addition to the Joestar household has caught her eye and her very soul and she is determined to have him. {2.7K}
Companion pt. 1.5 ⏳
While living with Elise's aunt, Elise and Speedwagon are inseparable. They do not go long without seeing one another and when Elise hears knocking at her window one night, she finds him standing there. {2K} {Speedwagon x Elise}
Follow pt.2
Elise has been following Dio around Liverpool for weeks. A stalking that has not gone unnoticed by him. {1.9K}
0 notes
gingernut1314 · 3 months
Survive pt. 1
Dio Brando x F!Oc
Summary: Ever since Elise Pendleton fell through the ice that had formed over the lake behind her family home, all she has ever wanted to do was survive. Her survival came in many forms, but the new addition to the Joestar household has caught her eye and her very soul and she is determined to have him.
Warnings: slight, more platonic Speedwagon x F!Oc, canon typical violence (injuries/death by childbirth, murder, broken arm, near drowning, mention of blood)
Word Count 2.7K
Setlist: Dio x Elise playlist
A/N: So this is kind of more backstory for my oc so it's heavier on the oc than anything else really buuutt if you choose to read I hope you enjoy and expect more of this to come!
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Tag list: @cinnbar-bun
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When Elsie Pendleton was born, she tore her mother so badly that she nearly died. Had her husband not been a renowned doctor, she might have bled to death then and there.
But the damage had been done. 
A year later, when her sister was born, there was no hope of saving their dear mother. Lady Pendleton had been a husk of her former self all throughout this pregnancy, having been unable to fully recover from Elsie’s birth. The coming of their new daughter had been the unfortunate end of her. 
At the age of six, Elsie fell through the thin ice covering the lake behind her family’s estate while skating around with her younger sister, Erina. Her father had warned them not to, the cold of winter only having just shown its fangs that season. The ice wasn’t thick enough to venture out and play, yet Elsie had done so anyway. 
The water had been biting against her skin. Water that filled her mouth as she screamed and thrashed as the heavy wool of her clothes dragged her further and further away from the light. 
Her lungs burned as they tightened in her chest, screaming out for a single breath. Her vision blurred and blacked in the corners. 
She was dying. Drowning.
Erina had only stared down at her. Had screamed yet did nothing to try and save Elsie. Did not try to grab her or even run for help. 
Their tutor had been making his way home after another grueling session with the girls when he spotted Elsie fall through. He had just dove in to grab her when the numbness of the cold waters set into her skin. 
He had pulled her from the water, disciplining shouts falling from his lips the moment his head met air. He had thrown Elsie to the ice, which tore into the skin of her hands and knees, as he continued his hissing reprimanding. 
Elsie shivered and sputtered, scrambling to her knees as she turned to look up at her tutor. 
The sun had cast behind him like some sort of heavenly glow, making him look oh the more imposing. All the most strong. 
He had power. He was powerful. He was powerful enough that he could get the girls in trouble with a few simple words to their father. He was powerful enough to save Elsie. 
Death had come for Elsie in that lake. Had grabbed hold of her throat and pulled her further into the darkness and yet her tutor had been strong enough to keep the reaper at bay. 
She never wanted to be that close to death ever again.
She was determined to survive, no matter what it took and she knew in that moment this man would be that survival. 
As Elise had watched her tutor walk off in a raging storm, Erina began her nerve-grating sobbing once more. 
“Your--your hair.” Elise had brushed her off and rushed after their tutor, but she knew what her sister had been so upset about the moment she caught sight of her slowly drying hair in her mirror. 
The once golden locks, which she shared in color with her sister, had been shocked into a pure white. 
White like the snow outside. Like bones and teeth. Of the death her tutor had saved her from.
It was a physical showing of her icy will to survive.
A year went by and Elsie became the ideal pupil. She was quiet during instruction. She did her work and excelled at it. She did not roughhouse with her sister as she once did. Did not run about the halls as she once had. 
Erina continued in her childish ways and it drove their tutor utterly mad. He turned to Elsie in those moments. He spoke to her of the irritation Erina grew in him. Spoke to her about how he wished Erina would think before she did. How he wished she would shut her mouth and never again speak. How her behavior was going to drive him from their home.
Elsie wouldn’t have that. 
No. No, not one bit. 
Her tutor was her savior--he would keep her alive and protected. Erina was threatening that safety and in turn, threatening Elsie’s very life. 
That night Elsie lashed out at her sister. 
At first, her sister thought Elsie had finally come around and was just playing as they usually did, but when Elsie threw open the window to Erina’s room and shoved her out of it, her sister knew it had been in nothing but cruel malice. 
Elsie had found her sister lying on the ground, arm bent at an angle it shouldn’t have been, and screaming her pain to the world. 
Fear had been in her eyes as Elsie descended upon her, grabbing her by the collar of her night dress and yanking her close to her bared teeth. Elsie shook her sister as if to shake some sense into her, rattling her broken arm and causing all the more pain to radiate through her little sister.
“You are a child. You act like a child. You will stop these childish musing or nothing in this world will stop me from dragging you back through the manor to find a higher window to throw you out of.” Elsie had hissed down at her sister, a look so wild it pulled Erina’s mind far away from the pain in her arm. 
This wasn’t her sister. 
This body before her was not her sister. 
It hadn’t been her sister for months, Erina gravely realized. Her sister had gone into the ice and this creature had crawled its way back out. 
Erina fell back to the ground once Elsie let her go, her screams having turned into mere whimpers of pain as she watched the creature’s face twist into that of utter panic and fear. Watched the creature cry out and rush back into the manor, looking for help. 
Erina kept as far away from whatever sort of hellish creature her sister had become as best as she could. She became quite--reserved. She kept her eyes averted from all and began taking long walks through the countryside just to keep herself out of her own home. Walks that even led her onto the bordering family’s lands, a boy with jet black hair and a nobel will catching her eye. 
And it was enough to keep their tutor around. Enough to make him happy and in turn make Elsie happy.
At the age of eleven, Elsie witnessed the murder of her tutor. 
They had been making their way back home after her tutor had brought her on a venter to examine some unique flora a museum in London had found when their carriage had been stopped. A gang of unseemly men had dragged them onto the cobblestone street, now covered in the blood of her coachmen. 
Elsie had been unworried. Had hardly let out a single scream because she knew her tutor would save her. 
He was strength. He was power. He was--begging for his life. He was begging for his life and in turn offering Elsie up to keep it. 
His pathetic pleas had been silenced by the sharp edge of a blade slashing through his vocal cords.
Weak. Powerless. 
He had never been strong enough to protect her. To keep death from knocking at her door, looking to claim her soul. 
Fear had turned her mute. Had made the hands digging into her skin an afterthought. 
She was going to die. 
She didn’t want to die. 
Couldn’t die.
Death was cold. Death was--was--it was the unknown it scared Elsie down to her very soul.
Elsie needed to survive but how would she manage that now that her savior had been slaughtered right before her eyes?
When the vile men had their fill of the killing and pickpocketing of Elsie's former tutor, they turned their gaze onto her. Had just begun to pull at the gemstones around her neck when a black bowler hat came flying through the air. The brim flashed silver in the lamplight before it cut through the vile men like they had been made of butter. 
Elsie tracked the hat, her fear lessening and lessening as it mowed down man after man before returning to its master. 
Awashed in golden lamplight, the boy grinned down at her, placing his hat back onto his head. He offered her his hand and she took it in moments, her skin pricking at the feel of his skin on hers. 
Strength, power.
He held more strength than her tutor had. Held the power that he needed to win out against these vile men her tutor had been unable to win.
This boy was her savior--her survival. 
He would slaughter any man that tested him, she could see it in his dark brown eyes. 
She could also see his eyes filling with a sense of unease the longer he looked into her own. 
Somehow, Elise knew he could sense her overwhelming need to survive and the fact she would do anything to keep her life intact. She knew that as soon as he saw it in full, he would leave her without someone to keep death far far away.
And Elsie couldn’t have that. 
Elsie had been quick to pull tears to her eyes that spilled over her cheeks in a cold stream. She let a whimpering sob fall from her lips as she attacked her savior in a hug.
“Oh, that was utterly terrifying.” She cried, burying her face in his chest. “Thank you. Thank you. You saved my life.” She felt the boy's unease melt away at her tears, a hand coming up to rub her back in soothing circles. 
“Least I could do for a lady.” She pulled her head away from his chest, looking up at him with her watery green eyes so full of the fearful emotions she knew in her gut she should be feeling. The ones she had felt when she thought she had been about to die.  
“You must let me do something for you--reward you.” He shook his head, grabbing hold of her shoulder to pull her away, but Elsie’s hold on his black jacket only tightened. 
“I don’t need anythin’ from you--”
“Then tell me your name? I could not possibly go on without knowing the name of my valiant savior.” The boy’s chest seemed to puff in pride at her words. 
“The name’s Speedwagon. Robert E. O. Speedwagon.” Elsie smiled bright up at him. 
“And what a handsomely fitting name for such an honorable man.” Robert had half-heartedly brushed her off again.
“Eh, it was nothin’.” He said, glancing about the dark street at the chaos that had been wrought within. “Maybe I ‘ought to walk you home? Why a pretty lady like you is traveling down this street is beyond me--can’t have you gettin’ into any more trouble now.” Elsie was quick to latch onto Robert’s arm, pulling another whimper to her lips.
“I fear I live a two-day travel from here. We were heading home when--” Fresh tears sprung to her eyes. “Oh--oh god! What horrors.” She cried, burying her face back into his chest. 
Speedwagon instantly wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight to keep her from gazing upon the bloodshed of the night. And how safe she felt. She never wanted to leave his arms.
“It is alright now. I’ll keep you from harm.” His words filled her heart with a warmth her tutor had once made it feel. A warmth that let her know death would be a small thought in the back of her mind whenever he was around.
“Thank you…could you--could you please walk me to my aunts? She lives here in the city. She can make sure I get home.” Speedwagon nodded, beginning to guide her away from the scene. 
“Of course.” Speedwagon walked her all the way to her aunt's house, who had been more than happy to invite Elise and Speedwagon into her home. 
Her aunt offered to pay him generously but the boy had declined, declaring it wouldn’t be right to take advantage of a poor girl and her handsome aunt. He had just been doing what he felt in his heart to be right. 
Before he left, Elsie was sure to walk him out. She hugged him and placed her initialed handkerchief in his pocket. A handkerchief with the gemstone lines necklace she had been wearing moments ago. 
He had shown up the next morning to see her off under the guise of making sure she got out of the city with no trouble. 
And out of the city she did and oh how her protected heart had started to wither. She made it home in two days time and begged her father to let her go live with her aunt for a while. 
She begged and begged every day for weeks. Her aunt would teach her piano and art. Nothing more, she promised. Nothing more her father needed to be aware of of course.
He caved in after she started locking herself in her room. She refused to eat, drink, sleep. She shut her curtain so no light would seep into her room and finally, her father agreed to let her go off and live with her aunt for a years time. Only a years time
Elise knew she would change that time limit.
Speedwagon visited her every chance he got, bringing her flowers and sweet treats and Elise couldn’t have been happier. Couldn’t have felt more needed and protected. 
At the age of twelve, Elise Pendleton saw him.
She had just moved back home from living in the West End of London with her aunt due to the agreement she had made with her father a year ago. Elise had been planning and planning of ways to get back to London to be around her savior once more. 
Oh the overwhelming itch she felt to get back. The panic. It was enough to make her appetite turn. Make her nights sleepless.
Elise took to taking nightly walks. Ones she hoped would tire her mind out enough that she would stop thinking of danger and death. Danger and death she was ever closer to, being oh so far away from the person who had kept her safe from thugs and murders. 
She thought of the man who had saved her from Death’s clunges. Thought of his dark brown eyes, always so full of honor. Of his mane of blond hair which he had been starting to grow out. Of his bravery in the face of danger--his will to keep her safe.
Robert Speedwagon was everything she needed in a protector and yet as Elise’s green eyes spotted him, glowing in the silver light of the moon and stars above, all thoughts of the gentle street thug flew from her mind. 
He looked like an angel. No--no he was too beautiful for such a lowly life form. 
He looked like a god. 
Elsie had heard her sister whispering to their father of the boy the Joestars had taken in when she thought Elsie wasn’t listening. Of a boy as evil as the devil himself and just as cruel. 
His supposed evil was shown on the three moles on the curve of his earlobe. Elise had taken an interest in the occult a long while ago and knew those marks were seen as evil by most. 
But they were marks that also showed tremendous luck. 
He was utter luck--he was power.
Elise watched him walk over the grassy hills that made up the border between her family's land and his adopted family's. He walked with grace--purpose. His blond hair was slicked back, not a single strand out of place. His eyes, which she could just make out from this distance, were a sharp gold. Eyes she prayed and prayed would turn her way to gaze upon her trembling form.
He was her salvation. Elise felt this in her gut. 
She knew he would keep death far, far away from her soul.
And her soul also knew, without even having to speak with him, that he would only grow stronger and stronger. So strong no man on this earth could ever dare to challenge him and Elise needed that protection. 
As Elise watched this god-like boy disappear over the grassy hills she made a vow to herself. 
Elise vowed that she would do anything for him--be anything. As long as she had his protection, she would be his.
Elise Pendleton vowed she would be Dio Brando's one and only love.
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
Meet the Oc: Elsie Pendleton
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A/N: I can't draw to save my life so I used picrew to help me out! I couldn't choose just one of course, so here is the links for the first and the second ones I used.
This will also be updated as I continue to write for and flush out this character!!
Dio x Elise Playlist Speedwagon x Elise Playlist
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General Knowledge:
Name: Elsie Pendleton
Name Meaning: Pledged to god
Birthday: July 10th, 1868
Nationality: British
Species: born human, then mask-made vampire
Personality: cold, icy, willingness to do anything to survive, obedient/submissive to those she believes powerful and can protect her, fearful, cruel
Likes: Music, playing piano, fruity and sweet wines, sweet treats, being out in nature, the occult, her hair, sunrises
Dislikes: being alone, the dark, the cold, death and even the mention of it
Interesting Fact: Dio's name means "God" in Italian so I when I saw the meaning of Elsie I had to give it to her!
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Part 1:
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Age: 12-20
Lives In: Liverpool, the West End of London (for a year when she was eleven)
Family: Unnamed father, Unnamed mother (passed), Erina Pendleton (younger sister), Jonathan Joestar (brother-in-law)
Love Interest/parings: Dio Brando, Speedwagon
Looks: Long, white hair (stops just above her tailbone), green eyes, pale skin, icy features, hair is always up unless with Dio in secret, wears a black, tight necklace with a silver pendant on it with Dio's initials engraved into it
Background and Other Facts:
Elise was born with golden blonde hair, the same as her sisters, until she fell through the ice into the lake behind her home, it turning pure white. It is a symbol of her willingness to do anything to survive in the face of death.
After her near-death experience, she grew an interest in the occult hoping, in the back of her mind, she could find a way to stop death from claiming her soul
Always trying to find someone strong and powerful to protect her and keep her from getting killed. Gets anxious when away from this person and will do most anything to get back to them
Elise and Erina used to be best friends but after Elise's near-death experience, Erina believes with her whole heart a wrathful, hellish creature crawled out of the ice and replaced her once beloved sister
Elise goes to live with her aunt in the West End of London to learn piano and the arts so that she can also be near to Speedwagon, who had become her savior at the time and best friend until Dio came along a year later
Elise does not go to India with Erina and their father, instead going back to live with her aunt in London so that she can stay near Dio.
Once Dio finds out she has an aunt in London as well as friends with a street thug, he employs her to start going to get the poison he uses on George Joestar
Dio also has her kill Jonathan's dog because, at that time, he has that much control over her
Elise killed the dog but is guilt-stricken afterward. She hardly speaks and pays Dio and mind which enrages him. Dio, instead of losing his temper, goes and gets her a necklace with his initials engraved into
Dio uses the mask on her first to see if it truly works as it did earlier, turning her into a vampire
Elise helps heal Dio and is lacky until Jonathan and the rest defeat him
After Dio's "death" by fire, she has nowhere to go. Speedwagon, still somehow seeing the girl he once knew in her eyes, took her with him and found a place for her to stay during the day (this is unknown to Jonathan and Erina, who believes she died in the fire)
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Part 1.5:
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Age: 21-70
Lives In: New York
Family: Erina Pendleton (younger sister), Jonathan Joestar (brother-in-law), Joseph Joestar (grandnephew)
Career: line of high-end hotels all over the globe called "The Nightshade"
Love Interest/pairings: Dio Brando, Speedwagon
Looks: Long, white hair (stops just above her tailbone), wears her hair down, green eyes, pale skin, icy features, tight necklace with a silver pendant on it with Dio's initials engraved into it
Background and Other Facts:
Erina still believes Elise is dead at this point
Elise and Speedwagon travel to America together. She follows him wherever he goes because he is now her only protector and friend.
When they get a small home together using the little bit of money her aunt gave her.
When Speedwagon discovers oil, he moves them into a larger home in the outskirts of New York
She struggles a lot with what she has done in the past, finding her days sleepless and her nights spent doing as much as she can to keep her mind busy.
She hates the creature she has become and only ever feeds when Speedwagon is away
Elise tends to keep quiet and when she talks, it's snippy and comes off as rude. The only person who has been giving her "kind side" is Speedwagon.
She can still feel Dio is alive and keeps it to herself. It's part of the reason she stays quiet. She understands now just how cruel Dio was to her and others and wishes to never be under his control. Her blind, youthful love for him has turned into fear because she still loves him and is scared she would go back to old ways if she ever went looking for him.
Speedwagon tries to get Elise to go meet with Erina but Elise refuses because she knows Erina hates her
Speedwagon worries Elise will leave him because he is growing too old as time goes on and Elise worries he is going to leave her because she never ages.
Speedwagon wants to marry Elise but Elise keeps deflecting his attempts to talk about such things because she sees herself as unlovable and a monster
Around the time Joseph Joestar is 4ish, he and Erina come to visit Speedwagon in America. Joseph is off exploring the home and stumbled upon Elise playing piano in her room. Before she can grow angered, she sees his eyes, which look just like Erina's, and instead develops a soft spot for him.
Erina eventually finds out about Elise after Joseph keeps talking about a white-haired woman
At some point, Elise opens her hotel so she has something to do at night
She goes with Speedwagon on his travels when she can, but due to her only being about to walk around at night, she can't go very offen
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Part 2:
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Age: 70-72
Lives In: New York
Family: Erina Pendleton (younger sister), Jonathan Joestar (brother-in-law), Joseph Joestar (grandnephew)
Career: line of high-end hotels all over the globe called "The Nightshade"
Love Interest/pairings: Dio Brando, Speedwagon, Kars
First Half: Long, white hair (stops just above her tailbone), wears her hair down, green eyes, pale skin, icy features, tight necklace with a silver pendant on it with Dio's initials engraved into it
Last Half: white hair (stops just an inch below her ears), green eyes, decked out in gold, wears a small, deep purple outfit, fresh sharp that runs across her face
Background and Other Facts:
Strazio comes and finds Elise at one of the hotels she is running after throwing Speedwagon in the river in Mexico and becoming a vampire. He wants her on his side in taking out the remaining Joestars but tells her he will kill her if she doesn't.
Elise doesn't want to die so she agrees and goes with him to New York, but as soon as they find Joseph, she turns on him because she cannot harm Joseph
She cannot go to Mexico with Joseph because she can't be in the sunlight so she spends her time with Erina
Speedwagon brings her to Rome in hopes she can help with the pillar man.
When the pillar man awakes, Elise is quick to find someplace to keep Speedwagon safe before she is noticed by them. She is quite to revert to her submissive and servant-like ways and the pillar man takes her with them to tell them of what has happened in the world and as a sort of "pet".
When Joseph and the others come to the abandoned hotel the pillar man are staying in Switzerland, she tries to kill Kars in hopes to keep Joseph from harm, but he is quick to stop her. Instead of killing her, he cuts her hair and her face in a way of punishment because he knows she holds her beauty in high regard. He promises she will watch Joseph die. Then Speedwagon, who he saw her hid in the cave, and every other person she holds dear. He won't kill her unless she tries to stop him again or disobeys.
She becomes a husk of herself, doing everything and anything he tells her. Even when Speedwagon and Stroheim, she stays where she was told until Speedwagon all but drags her to safety.
After everything happens, she goes back with Speedwagon and they get married.
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Part 2.5 & 3:
Warnings: slight spoilers for part 4 in regards to Stands
A/N: this section is probably wants going to get changed the most cause I'm not sure how I want it to go till I get to it more.
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Name: Elise Pendleton-Speedwagon
Age: 73-122
Family: Robert E.O. Speedwagon (husband), Erina Pendleton (younger sister), Jonathan Joestar (brother-in-law), Joseph Joestar (grandnephew), Holy Kujo (great-grandniece), Jotaro Kujo (great-great grandnephew), Eloise Joestar (daughter)
Career: line of high-end hotels all over the globe called "The Nightshade"; a nightclub named "Night Walker"
Love Interest/parings: Dio Brando, Speedwagon
Looks: White hair that is cut just above her shoulders, green eyes, scar that runs across her face, with DIO she wear what he wants her to wear, when away from him, she wears more covering clothes
Stand: Wailing Five
Arrow made Stand
Tator Card: Five of Cups
Tator Represents: regret, failure, disappointment, personal setbacks, self-forgiveness, moving on
Looks Version One: humanoid figure with gray coloring. Its eyes are sallow pits that have water-fall-like tears flowing over its cheeks and down its neck, disappearing beneath the collar of its black cloak. The hood of the cloak covers the Stand's head and the cloak covers its body, keeping it from sight/protection. Stands mouth is always in a deep, cutting frown.
Looks Version Two: Its gray skin is now white. Its eyes are downward-facing black crescent moons. Its cloak has melded into the stands white skin to create a shot of "armor". Slim build, frail-like.
Abilities: Not best for hand-to-hand combat, but slim build makes it quick and agile. It can wail at different octaves. Loud octaves can knock enemies off their feet, and destroy builds/things. Octaves can be sharpened to be more precise. Low and directed octaves can make it seem like it might be in an opponent's head. These octaves can damage an enemy's hearing/brain. Cloak can be used as a shield for itself and others. The cloak flaps can be sharpened and used as a sword-like weapon. Version #2 can still pull the cloak from its skin, to create shields and now various types of bladed weapons. Wailing Five's tears can be transferred to the opponent's eyes, pulling water from the enemy until they are dehydrated. Version Two doesn't have these tears but can begin to cry and have the same effect on opponents.
Background and Other Facts:
In 1942, Joseph wanted Elise and Speedwagon to meet Holy.
In 1950, Elise and Erina make peace before Erina dies.
In 1952, Speedwagon dies and Elise sticks around Joseph and his family for a while, helping out where she can.
Around this time Elise opens a nightclub so that she has more to do to keep her mind off the things that happened in her life. It doesn't help and her mental health continues to decline.
In 1983, DIO is pulled from the sea and Elise knows she is going to find him. Before she does, she goes and visits Joseph one last time and warns him of the danger DIO will bring. She promises he will come to kill him and his family when he grows strong enough. Joseph tries to get her to help him but she is tired of fighting.
Elise finds DIO and follows him around, doing as he asks.
Around 1985ish, DIO get the bow and arrow and uses it on Elise to test it out before using it on himself.
She gets her Stand, Wailing Five, and begins to learn what it is capable of whenever DIO is away
DIO keeps The World's abilities a secret from her so she has no idea what his abilities are
Elise sneaks out when the Stardust Crusaders get to Egypt and begs them, mainly Joseph, to turn back but they refuse (obviously).
(I'm not sure how I want her story to fully end so more to come here)
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gingernut1314 · 3 months
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Elise Pendleton (Part 1-3) 🧛‍♀️
Meet the Oc
Survive ✔️ 📚
Ever since Elise Pendleton fell through the ice that had formed over the lake behind her family home, all she has ever wanted to do was survive. Her survival came in many forms, but the new addition to the Joestar household has caught her eye and her very soul and she is determined to have him. Dio Brando x F!Oc x Robert E.O. Speedwagon
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Eloise Joestar (part 4) 🐦‍🔥
Meet the Oc
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