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rikaswork · 4 years ago
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"Indian food is the same as Thai food. Indian food is the same as Middle Eastern. Indian food is the same as Ethiopian. Which one is the farthest from Timmy's cheeseburger?....this is why common core sucks" . dinner and TWO LIES & A TRUTH by The Imagineering Company, LLC Can you tell truth from lies? In this twisted take on the original game, you’ll have to find the truth...rather than the lie. It’s harder than you think. And that’s a fact. Or an alternative fact. Or both. From history to humor, politics to performers. No lies too big. No truths too real. It's the perfect game for the post-fact world. . card game . true or lie trivia . more cards wins 2+ players . n/a min . teens+ my rating: 1 - worth for free for a couple of plays. Gave away for shelfspace. _ #indiancuisine #twoliesandatruth #samosas #tandoorichicken #theimagineeringcompanygame #indianfood #naan #dinner #dinnerandboardgame #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #boardgames #foodandboardgames #familytime #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CEtGURBh1Vg/?igshid=cnhy7miz1sfx
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booksmbabbit-blog · 8 years ago
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There we go! All done with my for fun replacement card for Mox Boarding House's copy of #pandemicreignofcthulhu . Now to get it laminated and plan a night of board games and drinks! #moxboardinghouse #forfun #replacement #cthulhu #pandemic #hplovecraft #horror #oldgods #youhavelost #insanity #mindflayer #sealthegates #boardgames #nightout #notforprofit #dinnerandboardgames
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"Question 3: Have you ever farted during sex?" . dinner and The MOMENT of TRUTH by Hasbro The Moment of Truth is a zany party game filled to the brim with funny, shocking and downright racy questions that you and your best buddies must answer truthfully to progress down the path of riches. However at anytime one of your "friends" could call you out as a liar and send you packing to the patented "Lie Detector" to prove your story. Pass, and move ahead; Fail, and back you go in your shame. . cards and unit . bluffing . point system 3-6 players . 30+min . adult+ my rating: 1 - worth for free for a couple of plays. Gave away for shelfspace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUPpXHuVY_Y _ #themomentoftruth #hasbrogames #bluffing #liedetector #thaicuisine #thaifood #thaicurry #tomyum #thaisoup #curry #dinner #dinnerandboardgame #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #boardgames #foodandboardgames #familytime #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJDyB7BH6s/?igshid=1dm489euphkn
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"serving Thai snake eyes crispy rolls, thai snake eyes curry, deep fried snake eyes omelet, and Pak Runawn...peppered with snake eyes" . dinner and STACK ATTACK by Patch Products Roll and play your dice on the center Quake Plate! You can build up the tower using neighboring numbers only (ie: if there is a 2 dot die as the last played, you can add a 1 dot, or a 3). So which direction should you go? That's part of the strategy! You'll want to play as many dice as you can... but not if it means the tower will topple! . dice game . dice . point system 2-4 players . <30min . kids+ my rating: 1 - worth for free for a couple of plays. Gave away for shelfspace . https://youtu.be/um68tkyu4Xc _ #dice #dicegames #stackattack #thaicuisine #thaifood #springrolls #dinner #dinnerandboardgame #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #boardgames #foodandboardgames #familytime #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CDI5LuSh0Ad/?igshid=lvwsj1w1tmeb
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"If we win, we get your fries." . dinner and BEAT the PARENTS by Spin Masters Beat the Parents brings kids together with their parents to go head-to-head in a fun-filled family trivia game. Prove who’s the boss in the game where the adults answer questions about kids’ stuff, and the kids answer questions their parents should really know. Whoever crosses the board first with both mover pieces wins the game! . Card Game . easy trivia . point score 2+ Players . >30 min . kids+ my rating: 2 - worth paying used for a few plays. Shelved, for temporary keep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHde4322LRg _ #beattheparents #spinmasters #spinmastergame #burgers #burgerandfries #dinner #dinnerandboardgame #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #boardgames #foodandboardgames #familytime #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CCKtA_JpDcM/?igshid=1czvc337xylfl
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"is it: family having burgers and burrito for an early dinner before going to the movies after a day of shopping at the mall." . dinner and PICTIONARY card game by mattel Pictionary meets charades in the craziest card game ever, with no drawing required. Race to act out clues for your team using nothing but the simple images on each Picture Card, combine them, build scenes with them or use them as props. The first team to guess the correct answer in head-to-head play wins a point, and the first team to score 5 points wins the game. For 2 teams. . Card Game . pictures . best pictures 4 players . <1min . kids+ my rating: 2 - worth paying used for a few plays. Shelved, for temporary keep. https://youtu.be/iB7ZEbPksCk _ #pictionary #pictionarycardgame #mattel #mattelgamed #burgers #burgerandfries #burritos #dinner #dinnerandboardgame #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #boardgames #foodandboardgames #familytime #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CCALTJPh-uX/?igshid=1gw1721c8ssb5
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"Mexican is colorful" . dinner and QWIRKLE by MindWare Tactile block game combines logic and strategy with easy-to-learn rules. Plan your moves to create columns and rows of matching colors and shapes; score big when you place a tile that works in multiple directions. . Tile Pieces . Abstract Strategy . Pattern Building 2 to 4 players . <45min . Kids+ my rating: 1 - worth for free for a couple of plays. Gave away for shelfspace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZAY3HSxnuk _ #qwirkle #mindwaregames #chipsandsalsa #mexicancuisine #tacos #Quesadilla #burritos #chimichangas #refriedbeans #mexicanfood #dinnerandboardgame #dinner #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #gamestagram #familytime #tabletopgame #boardgames #foodandboardgames #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CB3nll9Bpsb/?igshid=1e00izho2ph0a
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"Run Forestico, run!" . dinner and TEMPLE RUN: SPEED SPRINT by Spin Master Ltd. Based on the popular game app! Play Cards that match the Talking Idol’s commands: Left! Right! Jump! Slide! Pass cards to other players to keep them from winning. Be the first to get rid of all your cards to win! . card game . Amazon jungle themes . listen and place right card down 4 players . -15 min . Kids+ my rating: 1 - worth for free for a couple of plays. Gave away for shelfspace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cs5WB1--24 _ #templerun #spinmastergames #spinmaster #templerungame #amazon #amazonjungle #mexicancuisine #tacos #Quesadilla #burritos #chimichangas #refriedbeans #mexicanfood #dinnerandboardgame #dinner #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #gamestagram #familytime #tabletopgame #boardgames #foodandboardgames #geekphotos #geekphotography #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CBl1yQupfEh/?igshid=oh96v84eyduf
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"It's all fun and game when the penguin flips the cards everywhere...until it flips them into your eye, then it's mucho divertidísimo." . dinner and PICTUREKA! flipper by Hasbro Pictureka! Flipper is the instantly accessible, Penguin enabled, picture-hunting game, that pulls the whole family together with constantly engaging, edge-of-your-seat, frenetic fun. PICTUREKA! FLIPPER incorporates the same find it fast, find it first fun of PICTUREKA! Standing tall in the center of the table, the 3-D penguin frantically flips small game tiles from its rotating base in a circular pattern onto the game table. Players then race to try and find the wacky drawings on the tiles that match the “mission cards” before the penguin “quacks” and places more tiles on the table. Easy to learn and easy to play, PICTUREKA! FLIPPER offers zany fun for the entire family. . Card game . Images . who found the most 2-10 players . 15+ min . kids+ my rating: 1 - worth for free for a couple of plays. Gave away for shelfspace. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D4LA2yFIkTw _ #pictureka #penquin #picturekaflipper #jurritos #hasbro #mexicancuisine #burritos #tacos #mexicansaladbowl #mexicanfood #dinnerandboardgame #dinner #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #boardgames #foodandboardgames #familytime #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CAbbD5cATSa/?igshid=1qe3klzaepiad
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"Colonel McReady looks like Clint Eastwood in the spagette western films. Huge Jackman looks like Clint Eastwood. If they made a Wolverine movie in the 70s, it would be Clint Eastwood?" . dinner and REVOLVER by Stronghold Games The year is 1892. The bank at Repentance Springs has been robbed. Many good citizens, including Sheriff Anton Dreyfus and school-marm Sue Daggett, were brutally slain as Colty's gang shot its way, whooping and hollering, out of town. Colonel Ned McReady and his men are tasked with bringing Jack Colty - a man so mean he'd steal a fly from a blind spider, or a coin off a dead man's eyes - and his gang to justice. . Card game . Western . Hand Management 2 players . 45 min . kids+ my rating: 2 - worth paying used for a few plays. Shelved, for temporary keep. https://youtu.be/xXhO0RblqG4 _ #revolver #strongholdgames #clinteastwood #thewolverine #logan #wolverine #spagettewestern #hugejackman #dinner #mexicancuisine #Quesadilla #burritos #tacobowl #tortillabowl #mexicanfood #familytime #dinnerandboardgame #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #boardgames #foodandboardgames #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CAbWF4PhjqA/?igshid=103wof36d0db
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"SNAKE EYES...Nothing like disguising Craps into a family game." _ dinner and LEFT CENTER RIGHT by George & Company LLC LCR Left Center Right Tin is a fun, fast-paced dice game that you won't be able to put down! Players roll the dice to determine where they pass their chips. The last player with chips is the winner and wins the center pot. _ Dice Game . Dice . more chips wins 3+ player . 10< min . kids+ my rating: 0 - not worth having or playing. Trashed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGJ4tx4Wz9I _ #lrc #leftrightcenter #georgeandcompanyLLC #japanesecusine #japanesefood #dinnerandboardgame #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #boardgames #foodandboardgames #familytime #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/B_72jr5gIAv/?igshid=13ui5yvkpgniz
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"Back in the day. Steak and ribs, steak and ribs...then dysentery. Good times, good times." _ dinner and the OREGON TRAIL by Pressman Toy Corp. How Will You Die on the Oregon Trail? All sorts of gruesome deaths await you and the rest of your wagon party in this official multi-player card game version of the classic computer game. To win you’ll need to keep one player alive all the way from Independence, MO to the Willamette Valley. But between rattlesnakes, starvation, dead oxen, broken bones, dysentery, and a host of other calamities the odds are long . . . almost as long as the Oregon Trail itself. Players work together to move along the trail, fording rivers and playing Supply Cards to overcome calamities. But be warned–there will be times when it makes sense to let one of your wagon mates succumb to a calamity rather than expend precious supplies. And every time players go the way of all flesh, you’ll flip over the roster card and write their names on tombstones (don’t forget to include a quick epitaph). It’s a great way to relive your fond memories of one of the world’s most beloved computer games, and to kill off your family and friends at the same time. _ Card game . old western . tile placement 2-6 players . 30+ min . teen+ my rate: 1 - worth for free for a couple of plays. Gave away for shelfspace. https://youtu.be/Kg8lCvF1-Oc _ #theoregontrail #oregontrail #goodtimes #dysentery #pressmantoycorp #steaks #steakdinner #americanwestfood #steakandribs #ribs #westernfood #dinnerandboardgame #dinner #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #boardgames #foodandboardgames #familytime #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/B-0_25nhIYB/?igshid=i81njiu71wsu
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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 "Shabu Shabu some Tsum Tsum." _ dinner and TSUM TSUM Bubble Fever Card Game by Wonder Forge "It's a fast-paced race to stack matching Tsum Tsums! Pop the piles with bubble cards to score big, but be quick as every pile is up for grabs!" _ Card game . disney . speed match 2-4 players . 10-15 min . kids+ my rating:  1 - worth for free for a couple of plays. Gave away for shelfspace. https://youtu.be/qrEdLP6iLxU _ #disney #tsumtsum #zumzums #wonderforge #japanesecuisine #shabushabu #hotpot #familytime #japanesefood #dinner #dinnerandboardgame #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop  #boardgames #foodandboardgames #gameboardphotos #boardgamegeek #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/B8AaDvhBd7s/?igshid=e5xu5svybyf4
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"Stop playing around and eat your tacos without thumbs" dinner and NO THUMBS CHALLANGE by Mattel Games _ Have you ever felt that you were “all thumbs”? Well what about “No Thumbs”?! No Thumbs Challenge is the hilarious game that calls for fast-moving teamwork creative thinking and maximum dexterity as you and your team members try to execute simple tasks without the use of your thumbs! Using thumb straps, players “attach” their thumbs to their palms and then try to perform tasks like opening a water bottle, applying lip balm, or tying a tie. cards and props . thumbs . dexterity challenge 2-8 players . n/a min . teens+ my rating: 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytsHPMsawEs #thumbs #nothumbschallenge #mattelgames #mexicanfood #mexicancuisine #tacos #Quesadilla #burritos #chimichangas #refriedbeans #mexicanfood #dinnerandboardgame #dinner #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #gamestagram #familytime #tabletopgame #boardgames #foodandboardgames #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Iw4fOh3kh/?igshid=18srnxv2tyyq4
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rikaswork · 5 years ago
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"Run Forestico, run!" _ dinner and TEMPLE RUN: SPEED SPRINT by Spin Master Ltd. _ card game . Amazon jungle themes . listen and place right card down 4 players . -15 min . Kids+ my rating: 1 - worth for free for a couple of plays. Gave away for shelfspace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cs5WB1--24 #templerun #spinmastergames #spinmaster #templerungame #amazon #amazonjungle #mexicancuisine #tacos #Quesadilla #burritos #chimichangas #refriedbeans #mexicanfood #dinnerandboardgame #dinner #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #gamestagram #familytime #tabletopgame #boardgames #foodandboardgames #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geeklife #geeky #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/B2SzzKRhxA9/?igshid=1agngd2jf5ctw
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rikaswork · 6 years ago
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"Indian food is the same as Thai food. Indian food is the same as Middle Eastern. Indian food is the same as Ethiopian. Which one is the farthest from Timmy's cheeseburger?....this is why common core sucks" _ dinner and TWO LIES & A TRUTH by The Imagineering Company, LLC _ Can you tell truth from lies? In this twisted take on the original game, you’ll have to find the truth...rather than the lie. It’s harder than you think. And that’s a fact. Or an alternative fact. Or both. From history to humor, politics to performers. No lies too big. No truths too real. It's the perfect game for the post-fact world. _ card game . true or lie trivia . more cards wins 2+ players . n/a min . teens+ my rating: 1 - worth for free for a couple of plays. Gave away for shelfspace. #indiancuisine #twoliesandatruth #theimagineeringcompany #indianfood #naan #dinner #dinnerandboardgame #tabletopgames #gamestagram #tabletop #boardgames #foodandboardgames #familytime #geekphotos #geekphotography #geekery #geek #geekculture #foodporn https://www.instagram.com/p/B1cuoWIhUoL/?igshid=1cx4vy18vhb3l
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