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editfandom · 1 year ago
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Catherine Tate
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dinhagamer · 1 year ago
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Vintage Tiles N2 | Floor & Wall
Download: Here
With love, Dinha
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unes3creations · 2 years ago
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Malibu Livingroom
I like the balance between the light and the dark tones in this room - I designed this in one of my homes - get the villa here - X
CC used :
Blueteas - Walt Sofa
2. Eniosta - Moski End Table
3. Meinkatz - Eave Sofa (ottoman)
4. Baufive - Kilim Rug 2x3 (series 4)
5. Eniosta - Solano Coffee Table
6. Ruby Red - Bronze Gas Fireplace
7. Tuds - Ema Pendant
8. Syboulette - Forge Windows
9. KHD - Covet Lamp
10. Anye - Cyrus Dried Palm Leaf
11. Novvvas - Planties Banana Plant
12. Wondymoon - Lead Laundry Basket
13. Syboulette - Designer Painted Brick Wall
14. kta - Abstract Canvas 3
15. Onyxium - Rothenberg Floor Lamp
16. Baufive - I Behold Art
17. Sundays - January Ceramic Vase
18. Dinha - Stone Vase
19. Artvitalex - Valerie Plant
20. Meinkatz - Ionico Ceramic Vase
21. Blackmojitos - Stack of Books
22. SimspirationBuilds - Rock Candle Set
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redacaonacional · 10 months ago
Simões Filho: Onde está a DUSTER...? Uma Realidade Inaceitável, descaso da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde
Em Simões Filho, a gestão da saúde pública está enfrentando duras críticas pela falta de compromisso e transparência. A Secretária Municipal de Saúde, Iridan Brasileiro, e o Prefeito Diógenes Tolentino Oliveira estão no centro de mais uma polêmica que expõe o descaso com as famílias mais vulneráveis do município. A DENÚNCIA, VEÍCULO DESAPARECIDO…? Alfredo Cerni, conhecido popularmente como…
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aryomengrande · 5 months ago
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rindo and kurousa at the studio ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა happy birthday, rindo ! ⋆˙⟡♡
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brilliantfantasticgeronimo · 9 months ago
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yessss a viagem doing the beloved classic telenovela trope of "all the awful (dona maroca, ismael) / murderous (alexandre) or otherwise obnoxious characters (bia) get swimmingly with each other" most excellent <3
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takethebodymarc · 27 days ago
had sm fun thank you cellbit mwah
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harleyborderdinha · 2 years ago
Eu entrei numa areia movediça da qual simplesmente não consigo sair, não importa a decisão que eu tome. Sufocada de tantas dúvidas sobre o que fazer, com tanta culpa por tudo que eu fiz, por tanto medo do futuro que me aguarda, eu constantemente me pego travada, sem conseguir ser nem ao menos um ser humano útil. Uma sensação de vazio com medo do futuro com medo do presente, com medo do que vão pensar, com medo de não decidir direito. Tudo me leva a crer que estou no caminho errado, mas o caminho certo é tão doloroso que mal consigo pensar em seguí-lo. E se no final não tiver nada? E porque ser sozinha me dói tanto, quando eu já fui tantas outras vezes e me sai bem?
Eu preciso decidir e arcar com minha decisão. O que aconteceu no passado não pode se repetir. E eu ficarei bem. Eu ficarei muito bem, um dia.
- DM
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tr1nd2de · 5 months ago
Captain Marvel is disconcerting
I was looking at wonderjanga's post (Marvel and YJ) and I realized how disconcerting it is to see Captain Marvel going from a powerhouse to a person unqualified to be an adult.
Captain Marvel has always been someone very wise given the wisdom of Solomon, however it is not uncommon to see that the man. doing something very good, but it's disconcerting. And the league...doesn't understand how someone who not only acts like a child can change so quickly.
Even though the stories he creates while alone are as simple as a child's, they can be so different from the stationery he hands over to Batman. In his paperwork there is nothing but extremely perfect text. No spelling mistakes that indicate that the papers that Marvel writes for himself, have indications that they are made by the same person.
(not that this applies to me, spelling mistakes are just the basics)
Then comes the drawings, which are so different from each other. Marvel felt comfortable drawing at the end of a meeting, and the drawing was deplorable, done in a way that reminds someone who has never drawn so much in his life, even though he apparently lived as long as Diana. So Marvel, after returning from a mission, takes a painting and paint, which not even the league knew were in the tower. And draws a never-before-seen work of art, in a way that is quite innovative, just because Dinha jokingly asked that she should earn a reward from the big red cheese, for helping him make a wardrobe with normal clothes from this century.
(The painting must be worth a lot of money, and Dinah is perplexed that she got a piece of art, just because she picked out some clothes for Marvel)
(This idea also came from wonderjanga’s post (Marvel Wearing C.C.’s Clothes)
I can imagine how disconcerting it must be for Batman to try to understand Marvel, he always acts like a child most of the time, but when he asks Marvel to give an insight into the plan, Marvel describes an extremely efficient military tactic that Batman himself hadn't thought of.
Marvel was chosen to be YJ's den mother, just because Red Tornado and Black Canary were on a mission. It was supposed to be something simple, right? Give the teenagers a break. We sent Marvel so he could distract the team and they could rest. So it was extremely disconcerting for the league to see Marvel trying to get all the teens on their toes in an experimental combat class. Marvel usually acts like a child around the league, so why does he act like he should here? being a serious person in passing the oral lesson and giving useful tips to YJ
Which brings us to the next question: why when Marvel fights, he fights in such an incredibly sloppy way. Superman has seen Marvel hold back from biting his opponents. In practically all the fights so far it has been like this, Marvel doesn't seem to be taking this seriously, so one day Hawkgirl gives Marvel an ultimatum, either he learns to fight properly or he won't go on missions for a while. So Marvel, seeing that he has no option to deny or flee, he fights. Using the same fighting art as Diana, it was quite efficient, let's say, it's a bit scary to see Marvel fight seriously.
This idea also came from a post by imnotditzy ( Billy and Marvel have very different fighting styles.)
It's disconcerting to everyone that Marvel acts like a child, but in reality he is extremely efficient in everything he does.
Batman is having trouble dealing with Marvel's contingency plan, especially after he discovers that the supposed demigod is nothing more than a 13-year-old child. It is extremely disconcerting that such power was given to a homeless and orphaned child. At least now the league understands why Marvel acts the way it does. And all attempts to send him to YJ are vehemently denied. expelling Marvel is also not an option since, as the saying goes: he will not stop doing his job as a "champion of magic" and hero.
So even though it's disconcerting, the league now has a 13-year-old capable of going head-to-head with the most powerful beings in the world and beyond. And OH, his last name is Batson.
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depressed-simmer · 9 months ago
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Dave & Buster's 💙🧡
Thanks to all the creators that made this build possible, especially Scodee Yodee and AlexisAriel, Bean's Builds for making Dave & Buster’s CC.
Most arcade CC are functional, thanks to the talented Cepzid Creation.
CREDITS: Depressed Simmer | Cepzid Creation | Littledica | KKB | Around The Sims 4 | Syboulette | KKS | PralineSims | Veranka | Severinka | NICKNAME | Peacemaker | Mutske | Sloxsims | Bill L | Ravasheen | simsi45| Conceptdesign97 | Yourdorkbrains | Wondymoon | Bill L | JCTekkSims | Dinha| Mutske | SIMcredible | Flirtyghoul | 876simmer | Keyy's Korner | LeoSims | sg5150 | Mio-sims | SimsWardrobe | Ebonix | simadream | Somik and Severinka | Jennifer Jennisims | Descargas Sims | Bellassims  | Sympxls | Novvvas | Mel Bennett | NynaeveDesign | Sierra The Simmer |  Dreamteamsims | MXIMS | BANGKOKSIMS | Insimnia | House of Harlix | Mincsims | Gawdly Games | SimmerKate | Sims41ife | SrslySims | sanoysims  | toskasims | Xelenn  and more.
My gallery ID is "TotsNChildren"
❌DECO SIMS BY @lazysimmies and @xldkx-cc NOT INCLUDED
😍💖 Feel free to donate as a sign of appreciation or support. If you can't, liking this post also can boost my confidence. 😊
DOWNLOAD HERE (Public Access: 08/07/24)
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dita-a-dor · 21 days ago
Desde muito jovem meu aniversário era uma data extremamente odiosa. Por que celebrar mais um ano de vida em que tudo o que eu fazia era sobreviver? Depois de perder minha avó, ou como costumava chamá-la “minha dinha” que era a primeira a me dar um abraço apertado todos os anos, algo que não parecia poder piorar começou a pender muito mais pro lado negativo. Essa semana inclusive não foi uma das mais fáceis da minha vida. Confesso ter passado por meus pensamentos que seria mais um dia gasto conversando com minhas lágrimas mas para minha surpresa foi o exato oposto. Desde o momento em que acordei, todas as vontades de chorar foram por felicidade. Todas as palavras carinhosas, todas as pessoas que lembraram por mais que estivessem um pouco afastadas… realmente, o amor tem o poder de salvar e curar e eu não poderia ter mais gratidão pelas pessoas que cultivo ao meu lado.
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editfandom · 2 years ago
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Chloë Grace Moretz
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dinhagamer · 1 year ago
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Paris Vintage Floor
Download: Here
For FREE CC please check my Blog.
With love, Dinha
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unes3creations · 1 year ago
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Attic Bedroom
CC Used :
1 - Anye - Magorna Bed
2 - pqSim 4 - Dormitorio Kami Cojines Cama
3 - Dung - Xmas Set Duvet Cover
4 - novvvas - Rustic Bathroom Wooden Stool
5 - Anye - Brooke Table Lamp
6 - Severinka - Construction Beams Column (3 cell)
7 - Praline - Exterior Wood Walls
8 - Praline - Veox Wood Floor 7
9 - Dinha - Boho Style Rugs
10 - Anye - Sonali Deco Books
11 - Leo Sims - Fejka Plant
12 - KKB - Bag Set Ver1
13 - Anye - Sophie Hoola Hop
14 - SimCredible - Wrought Iron Cement Plant Pot 3
15 - novvvas - Boho Deco Storage Box
16 - Anye - Magorna Bust
17 - Wondymoon - Oxygen Star Light
18 - Softpine - Art Supplies
19 - Leaf Motif - Leaning House & Garden Prints
20 - kta - Architecture Prints
21 - SimCredible - Naturalis Dried Plant Poppy Seed
22 - KHD - Sedona Wall Lamp
23 - eniosta - 2021 Wall Calendar
24 - ung999 - Bedroom Mira Wall Decor
25 - Pocci - Garden Breeze Rustic Wood Panel
A big thank you to all the talented CC creators !
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redacaonacional · 10 months ago
Levantem as placas, Prefeitura gasta mais de 900 mil, em cotas de arbitragens. "Isso pode... ? Arnaldo"
LEVANTEM AS PLACAS: Uma das principais cidades da Região Metropolitana de Salvador, deixou de ser referência quanto à política pública ESPORTIVA. A cidade de Simões Filho, sempre foi reconhecida como referência no esporte amador, e em diversas categorias: Atletismo, Handbol, Basquete, Futsal, Ginástica, Futebol. Porém, esse protagonismo faz parte de um passado, perdido na memória. GASTO…
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aryomengrande · 1 year ago
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god i’m not your strongest soldier…draken has no business being this cute I FOOOLD (≧ヮ≦) 💕
come get ur christmas present man @manjibunny 😩🙏🏻
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