monsterdao · 1 year
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dinggoob · 5 months
This close 🤏 to making a 1 hour review of my latest favorite obscure indie game (he doesn’t know how to make videos)
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dinghead · 1 year
I love stickers and journals and sketchbooks and just throwing whatever on a page like I'm Michaelangelo painting the sistine chapel but with sticker sheets I spent 8 dollars on
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keanu-55 · 16 days
MacOS Users Beware! The HZ RAT Spy Software Targeting DingTalk and WeChat Exposed
With the rapid development of information technology, network security issues are becoming increasingly prominent. Especially malicious software attacks targeting enterprise-level communication tools are gradually becoming new security challenges. Recently, Kaspersky Lab released a report revealing that a new type of malicious software called HZ RAT is launching large-scale espionage activities against DingTalk and WeChat users on the MacOS platform. This news quickly attracted high attention from the industry.
HZ RAT is a backdoor malicious software initially discovered by the German cybersecurity company DCSO in November 2022. This malicious software is mainly spread through self-extracting zip files or malicious RTF documents. The latter exploits a vulnerability (CVE-2017-11882) that has existed in Microsoft Office for many years. In addition to the traditional Windows platform, the developers of HZ RAT clearly have not ignored the growth potential of the MacOS user group. They have specially designed a version suitable for the MacOS system, enabling this malicious software to run rampant on different operating systems.
According to the discovery of Kaspersky researcher Sergey Puzan, the functions of the HZ RAT MacOS version are similar to those of the Windows version. The difference lies in that it relies on receiving instructions through shell scripts issued by a remote server. This means that whether it is a Windows or MacOS user, once infected with HZ RAT, the attacker can easily remotely control the victim device through the Command and Control (C2) server. HZ RAT can perform a series of dangerous operations, including but not limited to executing PowerShell commands, writing arbitrary files, uploading files to the server, and regularly sending heartbeat information to confirm the status of the target device. These functions make HZ RAT very suitable for stealing credentials and conducting system reconnaissance.
It is worth noting that one of the spreading methods of the HZ RAT MacOS version is to disguise itself as an installation package of a legitimate application, such as OpenVPN Connect. When a user installs this disguised software, the malicious software will establish a connection with the C2 server and start to perform its malicious tasks. Worryingly, HZ RAT can not only extract sensitive information such as WeChat ID, email address, and phone number from DingTalk and WeChat but also obtain more information about the user's organization.
The emergence of the HZ RAT MacOS version indicates that the previous attackers are still active and are constantly evolving their attack methods. Although the main goal of these malicious software currently seems to be to collect user data, considering its lateral movement capabilities, future threats may become more complex and dangerous.
At the same time, this espionage activity targeting MacOS users has once again triggered trust issues about network security products. Looking back at history, the U.S. government once included the products of the Russian cybersecurity giant Kaspersky Lab on the banned sales list due to national security considerations. Now, similar concerns seem to be surrounding Chinese cybersecurity companies. At the beginning of 2024, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that it added the Chinese cybersecurity enterprise Knownsec to its entity list, restricting its business activities in the U.S. market. This measure is undoubtedly another impact on the global cybersecurity landscape. It not only affects the international business of related enterprises but also triggers extensive discussions about technological autonomy and information security guarantees.
Whether it is the continuous threat of HZ RAT or the frictions generated by international technological competition, they are all reminding us of the importance of network security and the complex situation it faces. In the face of evolving network threats, enterprises and individuals should be more vigilant and strengthen their self-protection awareness. At the same time, governments and enterprises of all countries also need to strengthen cooperation to jointly build a more solid network defense line to ensure the security and stability of the information age.
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hackingnewsde · 26 days
macOS-Version der HZ RAT-Backdoor zielt auf Benutzer chinesischer Messaging-Apps ab
Nutzer von chinesischen Instant-Messaging-Apps wie DingTalk und WeChat sind das Ziel einer Apple macOS-Version einer Hintertür namens HZ RAT. Die Artefakte “reproduzieren fast genau die Funktionalität der Windows-Version der Hintertür und unterscheiden sich nur in der Nutzlast, die in Form von Shell-Skripten vom Server der Angreifer empfangen wird”, sagte Sergey Puzan, Forscher bei Kaspersky. HZ…
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teknolojihaber · 5 months
Alibaba, GPT-4'ü kısmen aşan geniş bir dil modeli tanıttı
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Alibaba Cloud, büyük dil modeli Qwen2.5'in geliştirilmiş bir versiyonunun yayınlandığını duyurdu. Yeni sinir ağı, mantıksal akıl yürütme ve metin anlama gibi bazı parametrelerde OpenAI'nin GPT-4'üne göre üstünlük gösterdi. Alibaba Cloud CTO'su Jingren Zhou'ya göre yeni model, önceki Qwen2.0 sürümüyle karşılaştırıldığında akıl yürütme, kod anlama ve doğal dilde önemli gelişmeler gösteriyor. Mart ayında OpenCompass platformunda yapılan bir analize göre Qwen2.5, dil ve yaratıcı yetenekler açısından OpenAI'nin GPT-4'ünden üstün. Ancak bilgi, mantıksal akıl yürütme ve matematiksel yetenek gibi yönlerden yetersiz. Yapay zeka uygulamalarında Qwen'in de dahil olduğu büyük dil modellerinin (LLM) kullanıldığını hatırlayın. Daha sonra doğal dilde kullanıcı sorgularına yanıtlar üretmek için büyük miktarda veri üzerinde eğitilirler. 2022 yılında dünya çapında heyecan yaratan ChatGPT'nin piyasaya sürülmesinin ardından Alibaba, Nisan 2023'te Tongyi Qianwen'i tanıttı. Ve Ekim ayında, karmaşık talimatları anlama, metin yazma, mantıksal akıl yürütme ve bilgileri ezberlemeye yönelik genişletilmiş yeteneklere sahip güncellenmiş bir sürüm yayınlandı. Alibaba Cloud'a göre DingTalk (Alibaba'nın Slack'ine benzer) gibi Qwen tabanlı AI hizmetleri halihazırda 2,2 milyondan fazla kurumsal kullanıcı tarafından kullanılıyor. Buna ek olarak şirket, geliştirici topluluğuna bir dizi açık kaynaklı Qwen modelini tanıttı ve Model Studio üretken platformunu yapay zeka oluşturmaya yönelik ek araçlarla yükseltti. Tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Çin'de de chatbotlara ve üretken yapay zeka modellerine olan ilgide patlama yaşanıyor. Alibaba ile birlikte Baidu ve Tencent de çözümlerini yayınladı. Örneğin, Baidu'nun sohbet robotu Ernie, Ağustos 2022'de halka açık kullanım izni aldıktan sonra Nisan 2023 itibarıyla 200 milyondan fazla kullanıcının ilgisini çekti. Alibaba Cloud, güncellenmiş Qwen2.5 dil modelinin farklı sektörlerde 90.000'den fazla şirkette kullanıldığını ve üretken yapay zekanın gücünden yararlanmak ve teknolojiyi Çin'deki insansı robot gelişimine getirmek için müşteriler ve geliştiricilerle daha fazla işbirliği yapmayı planladığını söyledi. bu robotlar fabrikalarda yardımcı olabilecek ve mümkün olduğunda insan emeğinin yerini alabilecek Read the full article
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onlinemarktplatz-de · 5 months
Alibaba's Kommunikationsplattform Dingtalk führt einen Marktplatz für KI-Agenten ein
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Dingtalk führt einen Marktplatz für KI-Agenten mit mehr als 200 KI-Agenten ein, die auf die Steigerung der Produktivität und die Bereitstellung branchenspezifischer Dienstleistungen ausgerichtet sind. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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does skype need vpn in china
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does skype need vpn in china
Skype accessibility in China
Skype is a popular communication platform that allows users to make voice and video calls, send messages, and share files over the internet. While Skype is widely used around the world, its accessibility in China has been a topic of discussion due to the country's strict internet regulations.
In China, the Great Firewall blocks access to many foreign websites and applications, including Skype. This has led to limitations on using Skype within the country, making it difficult for individuals and businesses to communicate with international contacts.
To circumvent these restrictions, some users in China have resorted to using virtual private networks (VPNs) to access Skype. By connecting to a VPN server outside of China, users can mask their internet activity and bypass the Great Firewall, allowing them to use Skype freely.
However, the Chinese government has been cracking down on VPN usage in recent years, making it more challenging for individuals to access blocked websites and applications. As a result, the accessibility of Skype in China remains a concern for those who rely on the platform for personal and professional communication.
Despite these challenges, some Chinese businesses have turned to alternative communication tools that comply with the country's regulations, such as WeChat and DingTalk. These local platforms offer similar features to Skype but operate within the confines of China's internet restrictions.
In conclusion, while Skype is a valuable communication tool used worldwide, its accessibility in China is hampered by the country's internet censorship policies. Users in China must navigate these challenges through VPNs or opt for local alternatives to stay connected with their global contacts.
VPN necessity for Skype in China
In the digital age, staying connected is crucial, especially when it comes to maintaining communication with loved ones or conducting important business meetings. However, in countries like China, where internet censorship is prevalent, accessing popular communication platforms like Skype can be a challenge. This is where a Virtual Private Network (VPN) comes into play.
Using a VPN is a necessity for using Skype in China due to the country's strict internet regulations. By utilizing a VPN, users can bypass the Great Firewall of China and access blocked websites and applications, including Skype. This allows individuals to communicate freely without the fear of being monitored or restricted by the government.
Skype is a valuable tool for both personal and professional communication, offering features such as video calls, voice calls, and instant messaging. For those living or traveling in China, having a reliable VPN service is essential to ensure uninterrupted access to Skype and other important online services.
Not only does a VPN provide access to restricted content, but it also encrypts users' internet traffic, ensuring their online activities remain private and secure. This added layer of security is particularly important when using public Wi-Fi networks, which are common in many cities in China.
In conclusion, if you want to use Skype in China without restrictions, investing in a reputable VPN service is a must. Not only does it grant you access to blocked websites and applications, but it also enhances your online security and privacy. Stay connected with your loved ones and business contacts without limitations with the help of a VPN.
Skype functionality without VPN in China
Skype is a popular communication platform used by people worldwide to connect with friends, family, and colleagues through voice and video calls. However, accessing Skype in China has been challenging due to the country's strict internet censorship policies, which restrict access to many foreign websites and services.
One common workaround to access Skype in China has been through the use of virtual private networks (VPNs). VPNs allow users to bypass internet censorship by encrypting their internet connection and routing it through servers located outside of China. This enables users to access blocked websites and services, including Skype.
However, relying on VPNs to access Skype in China comes with its own set of challenges. VPNs are not always reliable, and their effectiveness can vary depending on the quality of the service and the government's efforts to block them. Additionally, VPNs can be complex to set up and may require a subscription fee.
Despite these challenges, there are alternative methods for accessing Skype in China without relying on VPNs. One option is to use Skype's built-in functionality to bypass internet censorship. Skype offers a feature called "Skype for Web," which allows users to access Skype directly through a web browser, without the need to download or install any additional software.
By accessing Skype through the web browser, users in China can communicate with friends, family, and colleagues without the need for a VPN. While this method may not be as seamless as using the desktop or mobile app, it provides a viable alternative for users who want to stay connected while in China.
In conclusion, accessing Skype in China without a VPN is possible through alternative methods such as Skype for Web. While VPNs have traditionally been the go-to solution for bypassing internet censorship, exploring built-in features like Skype for Web can provide a reliable way to stay connected in regions with strict internet restrictions.
China's internet restrictions and Skype
China imposes strict internet restrictions known as the Great Firewall, aiming to regulate and censor online content within its borders. One of the many casualties of these restrictions is the popular video conferencing software Skype. China banned the use of Skype in 2017, citing concerns over security and potential threats to national security.
The Chinese government requires all internet communication services to be licensed, and Skype failed to comply with these regulations, leading to its ban. This move left many individuals and businesses in China without access to the software they relied on for communication purposes. In response, Skype partnered with a local provider to offer a modified version that complies with Chinese regulations. However, this version lacks the end-to-end encryption that users outside China enjoy, raising privacy and security concerns.
The ban on Skype is part of a broader effort by the Chinese government to control the flow of information online and monitor communication channels. This has led to a proliferation of domestic alternatives that comply with Chinese regulations, such as WeChat and QQ. While these platforms provide communication solutions for Chinese users, they come with built-in censorship and surveillance mechanisms, raising questions about user privacy and freedom of expression.
Despite the ban on Skype, some tech-savvy Chinese users continue to find ways to access the software through VPNs or other means of circumventing the Great Firewall. This cat-and-mouse game highlights the ongoing struggle between internet users seeking unrestricted access and a government intent on controlling online content.
VPN alternatives for accessing Skype in China
In China, accessing Skype can be challenging due to government restrictions on internet access. However, there are several VPN alternatives that can help users bypass these restrictions and use Skype freely.
One popular VPN alternative for accessing Skype in China is using a virtual private network (VPN) service that offers servers outside of China. By connecting to a server in a different country, users can mask their IP address and bypass the Great Firewall of China, allowing them to access Skype and other blocked websites and apps.
Another alternative is using a proxy server to access Skype in China. Proxies work by rerouting your internet traffic through a server in another location, making it appear as though you are accessing the internet from that location rather than China. This can help users bypass censorship and access Skype without issues.
Additionally, users can also consider using a cloud-based VPN service or a peer-to-peer VPN network to access Skype in China. These options offer decentralized networks that can help users circumvent censorship and access blocked websites and apps, including Skype.
Overall, while accessing Skype in China can be challenging due to government restrictions, there are several VPN alternatives available to help users bypass these restrictions and use Skype freely and securely. It is important to choose a reliable VPN service or alternative that prioritizes user privacy and security to ensure a seamless and uninterrupted Skype experience in China.
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zannatykhatun · 8 months
Ali's original rank system form
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According to the previous rank rules, when different employees join the company, they will be matched to the corresponding initial rank based HE Tuber   on their seniority, and the corresponding salary and stocks will be matched (stock exchange rights usually take effect after 4 years).
Gao Gao introduced "Fixed Focus" that at present, the largest group in Alibaba is P6-P8. P9 is a watershed and the highest level of the middle level. Generally, when you reach P9, you will automatically be affiliated to the M4 level, and P10 is equivalent to the vice president. In the eyes of the outside world, generally P9 and above can be called "high P". However, due to the large number of P8 and P9 people in the past two years, there has even been a phenomenon of "P inflation" in the market.
Under the wave of mobile Internet, Alibaba's rank system has been used as a frame of reference by other Internet companies for a long time, and Alibaba's high ranking has once become a symbol of wealth and social status. On social platforms, many people from major Internet companies will automatically convert their company's rank into the corresponding rank in Alibaba, trying to join the ranks of
"Internet upstarts".
Comparison table of rank and salary of ByteDance, Alibaba and Tencent
According to Gao Gao's description, the average annual salary (cash + stocks) of Alibaba's P8 can reach one million levels. For every high P level that goes up, the salary directly doubles, which brings a strong "wealth creation effect." High-level executives who join earlier and are promoted successfully have more hidden benefits - older internal qualifications, higher leadership trust, more high-value stocks, etc. In the earlier era of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, high P status was still a guarantee of successful financing and smooth recruitment.
However, as the Internet traffic dividend disappears, in the past two years, Alibaba’s high-profile professionals have gradually changed their taste.
On the one hand, under the circumstances of "inflation", the annual salary and gold content of high-income earners are declining, and the number of years required to compete for high-income earner status is lengthening.
A former P8 employee of Alibaba told "Ding Focus" that there are still many people who are still unable to lead the team even if they are promoted to P8. P8 and P9 in different departments will be ranked according to the strength of the business.
The above-mentioned employees said that the longer they stay in the company, the more they find that promotion to P8 can only depend on fate and "endurance".
On the other hand, under the excessive attention, the news associated with high-profile professionals is not only the myth of high salaries and entrepreneurial counterattacks, but also the use of high-profile PUA status as PUA subordinates, defrauding job seekers, and small and medium-sized factories rejecting Alibaba senior executives. P and other news came out.
Rank is determined by internal motivation, but is "hidden" by external pressure. In fact, as early as August 2020, Alibaba had hidden high-profile employees internally. Employees can no longer see each other’s ranks in systems such as email, DingTalk, and intranet. They can only see the group departments to which they belong, in an attempt to promote organizational management. Go flat.
This time, Alibaba has hidden the P sequence from internal to completely eliminated it, which has brought a high level of shock to Alibaba employees. Gao Gao said that when the high-profile policy was implemented in 2020, some people were panicked for a while, fearing that they could not grasp the scale of communication, but that was only a temporary and internal impact, and they gradually adapted to it later, depending on the other party's report. Anyone can guess one or two. However, the direct axing of high P this time also involves interests, which shows Ali's determination to adjust.
The judge believes that the current policy level sends a positive signal to Internet companies, and Internet companies should also consider public sentiment issues to avoid excessive attention to negative news about high-paid groups. "At the same time, it will also help Alibaba achieve the management goals of the entire enterprise."
3. The Internet no longer needs high P
As part of Ali's transformation, the change in the rank system, which involves the vital interests of the vast majority of people, is even more difficult to implement than changes in the organizational structure.
At the same time, this revolution started with Taotian, the vanguard of Alibaba. It remains to be seen whether the other five major groups will follow suit, what specific changes will be made, and what the effect of the changes will be.
Some insiders judge that a bigger storm is brewing across the entire group - some internal high-profile employees may leave because of dissatisfaction or failure to meet requirements, and some external talents may leave because of their past actions. If the employee's contribution fails and leaves; under the appointment system, it may become a new trend to engage in relationships with superiors instead of doing business.
The most important reason why Ali made this move is that both people and mechanisms serve the business. The biggest driving factor in the reform of the rank system is the slowdown in performance growth . "The people are still the same, the business is still the same, and ultimately we have to return to growth." Gao Gao said.
Judging from Taotian's performance, Alibaba will no longer publish GMV data for Double 11 in 2022, and Tmall's GMV growth rate for Double 11 in 2021 will drop to 8.45%.
At the same time, in the past two years, opponents have increasingly attacked Ali. According to financial report data, in terms of revenue growth, Alibaba’s revenue in the third quarter of fiscal year 2023 was 247.76 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 2.13%; lower than JD.com’s 7.08% year-on-year growth in the fourth quarter of 2022 and Pinduoduo’s 46.23% in the same period year-on-year growth rate.
Although Alibaba has a strong family background, its business growth is still threatened. "When the group does not have so many new businesses and growth points, strengthening business competitiveness through institutional changes has become the most reasonable way." Gao Gao said.
More people are concerned about whether other large Internet companies that implement similar rank systems will make similar moves to “de-high-end” services. Many industry insiders said that this depends on the attitude of the No. 1 position and how they want to allocate the company's resources and funds based on the company's existing performance.
However, it can be seen that in the past five years, in order to avoid organizational rigidity, giants including BAT have made some adjustments to their internal rank systems - in 2019, Tencent changed the original 1.1-6.3 levels to 4- Level 17, in 2020, Meituan will cancel the original "M+P" dual-level line, "1-2 to 3-3" and other professional sequences, and adopt a single-level line named "L+number". The purpose of both They all make the internal promotion system simpler and the ranks clearer.
However, many interviewees also said that as long as any company involves resource allocation, there will be a power sequence, and there will also be objective class gaps, but some are obvious and some are dark . In other words, "high P" will continue to exist in other ways.
However, a human resources expert told "Ding Focus" that an irreversible trend in the Internet industry is that although "high-profile professionals" still exist, the industry no longer needs flashy high-profile professionals. In any case, the days when top players were overshadowed by the stars are gone forever.
The judge also has the same view. He believes that "elimination of high-end products" will gradually become an industry trend, and the overall trend will become more pragmatic. Because when companies are developing rapidly and have money and resources, they are willing to hire more people to make new attempts and expect surprises from some marginal departments. Now that the industry is in a low-growth stage, it is best to strip off redundancies and use defense instead of offense. Enterprises need more.
Therefore, for Internet people, it is important to switch expectations, and it is even more important to focus on oneself.
Many industry insiders suggested that what everyone should do most is to find their own place in the company and even society, and operate and plan themselves as an independent business and an independent company. In this way, even in the industry and environment When there are fluctuations, life will not be too bad.
*At the request of the interviewee, Gao Gao’s name has been changed in this article.
Author: Bruce; Editor: Xiang Yuan
Original title: Big factory and high P, step down from the altar
Source public account: Dingjiao (ID: dingjiaoone), profound impact on innovation.
This article is published with the authorization of Renren is a product manager cooperative media@dingjiao. Reprinting without permission is prohibited.
The title picture comes from Unsplash, based on the CC0 agreement
The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services.
Comparison table of rank and salary of ByteDance, Alibaba and Tencent
According to Gao Gao's description, the average annual salary (cash + stocks) of Alibaba's P8 can reach one million levels. For every high P level that goes up, the salary directly doubles, which brings a strong "wealth creation effect." High-level executives who join earlier and are promoted successfully have more hidden benefits - older internal qualifications, higher leadership trust, more high-value stocks, etc. In the earlier era of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, high P status was still a guarantee of successful financing and smooth recruitment.
However, as the Internet traffic dividend disappears, in the past two years, Alibaba’s high-profile professionals have gradually changed their taste.
On the one hand, under the circumstances of "inflation", the annual salary and gold content of high-income earners are declining, and the number of years required to compete for high-income earner status is lengthening.
A former P8 employee of Alibaba told "Ding Focus" that there are still many people who are still unable to lead the team even if they are promoted to P8. P8 and P9 in different departments will be ranked according to the strength of the business.
The above-mentioned employees said that the longer they stay in the company, the more they find that promotion to P8 can only depend on fate and "endurance".
On the other hand, under the excessive attention, the news associated with high-profile professionals is not only the myth of high salaries and entrepreneurial counterattacks, but also the use of high-profile PUA status as PUA subordinates, defrauding job seekers, and small and medium-sized factories rejecting Alibaba senior
executives. P and other news came out.
Rank is determined by internal motivation, but is "hidden" by external pressure. In fact, as early as August 2020, Alibaba had hidden high-profile employees internally. Employees can no longer see each other’s ranks in systems such as email, DingTalk, and intranet. They can only see the group departments to which they belong, in an attempt to promote organizational management. Go flat.
This time, Alibaba has hidden the P sequence from internal to completely eliminated it, which has brought a high level of shock to Alibaba employees. Gao Gao said that when the high-profile policy was implemented in 2020, some people were panicked for a while, fearing that they could not grasp the scal
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jahidur369 · 8 months
Tencent huge opportunities, and the market
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Renhe wants private domain retail He Tuberl to be a non-unified market, so infrastructure builders must be decentralized thinkers and non-imperialists. Infrastructure builders realize their own value by providing sufficient connection opportunities and creating more node connections. Instead of being an assassin and intercepting him halfway.
Although Tencent has clearly proposed this kind of mentality, pattern and strategy in 2011, the market will have to go through nearly ten years of testing and fully see Tencent’s credibility before retail companies can feel confident to join hands with Tencent to build private sector retail. market. Similarly, it will take time for various service providers around the private domain ecosystem to complete the closed loop of their own capabilities before they can form a heroic symphony.
In the era of shelf e-commerce, companies such as Alibaba have spent nearly 10 years making retail companies pay attention to and popularize e-commerce business forms. However, the emergence of the black swan event of the COVID-19 epidemic has caused nearly 80% of China’s retail companies to rapidly expand in the past two years. Complete the construction of digital business. And it is growing rapidly at a growth rate of 5-10% every year.
Nowadays, for most leading offline retail companies, their private domain transaction scale is between 15-30%, or even higher. This ratio is actually not much lower than the CPS private sector ratio of e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, Tmall, and JD.com.
2020 is known as the first year of the private sector. In this year, Tencent finally began to assume the historical responsibility of China's private sector retail infrastructure.
All the contingencies in history have converged into necessity at this moment in history.
After three years of development. As of 2023, Tencent's public data shows that there may be 12 million companies operating in the private domain across the country, and 500 million users are active in the private domains of major companies every day. There are 5 companies with private domain revenue exceeding RMB 10 billion, and 40 companies with private domain revenue exceeding RMB 1 billion, while the revenue scale of private domain (mini programs) has reached trillions of RMB.
History has given Tencent huge opportunities, and the market has also given it new expectations for the future.
Can WeChat’s mission of connecting everything remain consistent?
Can Tencent stick to its original intention of decentralizing the business?
Tencent is getting bigger and bigger. Can the department responsible for private retail infrastructure get enough resources within the group to see the long-term development of the retail industry?
Partners in the retail industry chain are still waiting to see Tencent.
But here, the most uncertain link is still Tencent itself, especially the positioning of enterprise WeChat.
From the perspective of outside observers, Enterprise WeChat is somewhat tangled. They want to learn both DingTalk and WeChat.
So is DingTalk’s commercialization strategy suitable for WeChat Enterprise? DingTalk does not need to rely on better connection services between enterprises and C-end users to obtain revenue, so it will adopt the assassin model to charge.
For Tencent, how many connections can Enterprise WeChat create between enterprises and users? If the cost of this connection is low enough and the efficiency is high enough, how much space can be imagined for the future of Enterprise WeChat. Just like QQ and WeChat back then, they did not charge through the connection, but collected the underlying service fee through the transaction value created by the connection.
Regrettably, we have seen that WeChat Enterprise has taken the same detour that QQ paid back then. This is likely to shake the retail industry's confidence in Tencent's openness and role in connecting, and amid skepticism in the industry, Enterprise WeChat still insists on adopting the assassin model for charging.
In addition to the fact that retail companies have already paid the customer acquisition costs for Qi WeChat to bring users, Enterprise WeChat has not better explored the value space of retail business user operations, but has adopted the simplest method and directly charges based on the number of customers.
Lao Zhang is very doubtful whether this is in line with Tencent's long-term strategy and interests, although it can solve the short-term KPI problem of a department. To fundamentally solve this problem, Tencent may need to give the enterprise WeChat department sufficient strategic attention and resources, instead of continuing to benchmark it against DingTalk and wavering between 2B and 2C.
Different business models and corporate genes should not have the same commercialization ideas.
Of course, Tencent is an Internet company that continues to evolve, and it is also one of the most open-spirited platforms in China's Internet field. The private retail industry is looking forward to it continuing to be as far-sighted as ever and taking on the important task of building private retail infrastructure. .
If Tencent can realize this historical mission, it will once again achieve great leaps and bounds in the new historical cycle of decentralization just as it did when it implemented the open strategy.
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mamun258 · 8 months
Even if there is no trick, there is still a trick to make Japan’s e-commerce app with the second largest increase in downloads in 2023
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In December, Sensor Tower released the "Insights on New Forces in Global E-commerce Application Growth in 2023" report, which  HE Tuber  calculated the growth performance of e-commerce applications in major markets around the world from January to November 2023. This article will analyze the most popular overseas e-commerce apps in 2023, let’s take a look.
Temu, SHEIN and AliExpress are undoubtedly the most popular overseas e-commerce apps in 2023. These three apps occupy the top download lists and download growth lists in multiple markets. Some apps also perform well in some markets, such as Trendyol in the Middle East and TikTok Shop Seller Center in Southeast Asia. The most eye-catching overseas platform is 7sGood, which ranked second in the download growth list in the Japanese market.
Source: Sensor Tower
1. 7sGood, another practice of the no-recruitment entrepreneurial concept
The developer account of 7sGood is HHO Limited, a startup company founded in 2021 by former Alibaba Vice President and DingTalk CEO Wu Zhao (Chen Hang).
In 2020, Alibaba will fully integrate DingTalk with Alibaba Cloud, and DingTalk will enter a new stage of development. Wu Zhao, the original leader of DingTalk, will also be transferred to the group, and there will be other appointments. This also contributed to the idea of ​​leaving home to start a business without a job.
In July 2021, Wu Zhao co-founded HHO with old colleagues such as the original CMO and CTO of DingTalk, hoping to realize the digitization of products and businesses in various industries through the digital capabilities accumulated in DingTalk. It sounds like what Wuzhao wants to do is toB, but when it comes to landing, Wuzhao first launches the toC brand to prototype its own concept.
In September 2021, HHO first launched the light-emitting headphone brand HHOGene. Users can control the lighting through customized shells and apps to personalize the appearance of the headphones. Two months later, in November, another HHO brand, HHOLove, was also launched. This is a smart pet hardware brand that already covers smart cat companion robots, smart cat litter boxes, and smart feeders. These products are also All can be controlled remotely through HHOLove's App.
Just when I was planning to simply use the "software + hardware" model to understand HHO's concept of enabling products to achieve full-link digitalization, in March 2022, Wuzhao launched his third project, 7sGood, an e-commerce platform. My understanding is still narrow.
Just looking at the business model, 7sGood is indeed the most special existence among several HHO projects, so how does it embody HHO's digital concept?
It is known that 7sGood is only available in the Japanese market. Compared with general e-commerce platforms, 7sGood has one biggest difference - a shopping platform based on short videos, but it is not an e-commerce TikTok, but also adds short videos. Video Amazon. TikTok first established a short video ecosystem and then developed e-commerce business. Existing shopping platforms that make short videos also provide users with an additional way to discover new products. This is related to the time when each company was established. But 7sGood gives us the feeling that it is a platform that allows users to shop through short videos.
Before shopping, users browse short videos to discover products. At the same time, they can view short videos of the quality inspection team trying out the products. After placing an order, users can also view short videos of product packaging. On 7sGood, short videos are used to discover and promote purchase decisions before sales, and to track products after sales.
Another thing I can talk about is the C2M model. The factory sells directly to consumers. Merchants have no inventory and no "middlemen make the difference". The product price may be lower than other e-commerce purchase channels. This may have been relatively new in the past two years, but in the past two years it has almost become mainstream in the context of the global economic downturn.
Among them, "factories directly to consumers" can be regarded as an indication of 7sGood's practice in digitalization, but 7sGood's own propaganda is nothing more than using data to guide factories to minimize inventory and consumers' expectations for product quality and design. Feedback and needs go directly to producers, making their product iterations more efficient and accurate. (Everyone is working hard on the first point. Whether 7sGood can do the second point will only wait for the test of time. However, it should be said that Japanese users like to give opinions and are picky. Maybe they are more suitable to cooperate with 7sGood to do this. things)
After observing 7sGood, it is not difficult to understand why it can grow rapidly in the Japanese market.
First of all, Japan is relatively closed. It is as fast as Temu, and it has to be relatively slow to enter the market (please refer to our two previous articles ""Quality Control Crazy" Japan, Is Really Addicted to Temu?", "As tough as Temu, but also Are you trying to crack down on the hard nut of Japan?") It will take some time for Japan's market structure to take shape.
Secondly, it is well known that Japan is lagging behind in the mobile Internet. The trend of digital transformation has just begun in the past two years. It is a good time to bring domestic digital technology and experience to Japan, which has just started digital transformation. Furthermore, Wuzhao has an accurate grasp of Japanese users. Japanese users are very budget-conscious and find it difficult to form trusting relationships with strangers and platforms. C2M and short videos solve these two problems respectively.
In June this year, 7sGood held its first offline pop-up event in Tenjin, Fukuoka City, Japan. Wu Zhao made it more clear when he was interviewed by a local Japanese reporter there. 7sGood’s current products mainly come from China, but later The goal is to allow local Japanese business owners to sell products on the platform. HHO can bring China's digital development experience to Japan, so that products and niche handicraft merchants in rural areas of Japan can expand their sales scope and simplify their manufacturing processes.
It seems that the main reason why 7sGood can stand up is to use the time machine theory. For domestic practitioners, it may not be innovative enough. However, after experiencing the App, I found that on the consumer side, 7sGood still has many ways to play. It's worth taking it out and talking about it.
2. The price is clearly marked, your 7 seconds of attention = 1 yen, do you want to exchange it?
My biggest feeling after using 7sGood for several days is that the gameplay of the app is very Chinese, but the way of expression is very Japanese.
7sGood has a wide range of products for sale, but it can still be clearly seen that it provides more products in the categories of household products, fashion and beauty products, pet products, and vehicle-mounted outdoor products. The SKU also shows a certain degree of scarcity, and the price is indeed as advertised and not too high.
The author tried to search for similar models on 7sGood on Temu and SHEIN. In contrast, it is not easy to find the same model in the beauty category, but you can find products with similar materials or pictures in categories such as small household appliances and household items. In terms of price, none of the three platforms has an absolute advantage in price.
For example, a lazy mini mop has the lowest price on Temu, and a cute style plush sofa blanket has the lowest price on 7sGood. Overall, 7sGood's positioning is similar to Temu and SHEIN. They are both e-commerce platforms for low-price goods. It seems to want to differentiate itself in the market through unique product selection.
The price of the same lazy mini mop + 2 brush heads from 7sGood (top), Temu (middle) and SHEIN (bottom) (the price shown by SHEIN does not include brush heads)
7sGood (top), Temu (middle) and SHEIN (bottom)
The price of the same plush sofa blanket, pink, 180*200 cm (the price shown by SHEIN is for the smaller size). If there is no obvious difference in the overall price positioning, 7sGood’s eye-catching strategy is to amplify its own characteristics. In the short video The first-level tags for shopping make a fuss (the App has a total of 4 first-level tags, and the other 3 correspond to the shelf mall, shopping cart and personal information):
1. Quantify user attention
When each short video automatically plays, an automatic countdown of 7 seconds will be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen. Users will get one point if they stay in the same video for 7 seconds. After the 7-second countdown ends, the previous countdown position will show how many points the user has accumulated by watching short videos so far.
This is a point redemption mechanism set up by 7sGood. Staying on the same video for 7 seconds is equal to one point, and one point is approximately equal to 1 yen. Users can choose the products they want from the product exchange pool, pay 99 yen themselves, and use points to redeem the remaining price difference. Watching videos is the most stable source of points. After clicking on the gameplay introduction, you will find that you can also get a fixed number of points by checking in every day, binding your LINE account, binding your email, and sharing videos.
When consumers actually get the wool, they have already paid the corresponding cost. The cost here includes not only the 99 yen paid, but also staying longer in the app, leaving more personal information, or forwarding a certain message to 10 friends.
After so many years of "baptism" with routines, everyone is familiar with these things and is cautious and resistant in most cases. 7sGood’s strategy is to clearly mark the price. For example, it uses a countdown to indicate that the price is the user’s time, rather than like some domestic products that continuously consume users’ time through automatically playing videos. In the end, the rewards of cashback and free orders are still only a probability. .
Japanese consumers seem to be paying for this method of quantifying time. According to Diandian data, the per capita usage time of 7sGood active users' Apps is basically greater than the average per capita usage time of shopping apps.
Source: Diandian Data
In fact, if you look at Japanese lists and observe their daily habits, you will find that exchanging time for money is very easy for Japanese users. Typical examples include cash-back apps for walking, puzzle cash-back games, etc. There are even manufacturers specializing in such products in Japan. Japanese users are very attracted to this kind of "wool-picking" gameplay.
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monsterdao · 1 year
Ever wished social media paid YOU for using it?
#REPUBLIK is setting the new standard by empowering everyone to earn - the fun, fair and community-driven way. Scroll to discover how you can take back control of your social life.
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josnashak69 · 8 months
4 million cooperative companies, the vast majority of which are small and medium-sized enterprises. 
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Frequent downtime events have also made multi-cloud backup a hot topic. For example, SHEIN uses AWS and Azure HE Tuber services at the same time, and applications such as Zuoyebang and TT Voice deploy servers on at least two cloud service vendors. This is obviously not good news for Alibaba Cloud, which is bent on competing for a larger market share and even resorts to price cuts.
Secondly, large companies continue to cut employee welfare expenses and communication budget
 which also makes downstream group meal suppliers, communication agencies, and media struggling.
Recently, a screenshot of what appears to be the Moments of Warwick, the co-founder and CEO of Interface News, has been circulated on the Internet. This well-known media person and the head of the country's leading news organization sincerely hopes that "brothers and sisters can increase their investment, no matter how much", because the task at the end of the year cannot be completed and the pressure is too great.
The authenticity of this screenshot needs to be verified, but it is an indisputable fact that major manufacturers have cut their communication budgets.
Alibaba and Tencent's marketing expenditures rarely returned to positive growth in the third quarter, but their revenue share is still slowly declining. 
The growth rate turned from negative to positiv
 largely because the year-on-year base number was too low - the second half of last year was the climax of this round of cost reduction and efficiency improvement campaigns. Alibaba’s marketing expenditure in the third quarter was actually only 25.49 billion yuan, which is incomparable with the scale of more than 30 billion before starting cost reduction and efficiency improvement in 2021.
When things have developed to this stage, when and how large manufacturers will end their efforts to reduce costs and increase efficiency has become a topic of national concern.
If you want to know the answer, you need to conduct a comprehensive analysis from the phased effects of cost reduction and efficiency improvement, end goals, and whether there are new performance growth points.
Judging from the results, after implementing cost reduction and efficiency improvement for the past two years, the financial reports of major manufacturers are much better than before. In the third quarter of this year, the profit growth rate of most giants such as Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu, Meituan, Pinduoduo, NetEase, and Didi exceeded expectations. Among them, Tencent's net profit increased by 39% year-on-year to 44.92 billion yuan, Alibaba's net profit increased by 27% year-on-year to 42.8 billion yuan, and Baidu, Meituan, and NetEase increased by 23%, 22%, and 12% respectively.
The ultimate goal of major manufacturers to reduce costs and increase efficiency is to survive the industry downturn in the past two years, completely reverse the previous strategy of high-flying and trading profits for scale, and turn to healthy development. 
Byte CEO Liang Rubo said at the beginning of the year that he would focus on his main business. Alibaba broke the situation of eating from one big pot, split off six major business groups, and established priority projects such as 1688, Xianyu, DingTalk, and Quark, all of which indicate that internal resource integration has begun.
 Achieve results and no longer indulge in disorderly expansion.
In the next year, it is difficult to say whether cost reduction and efficiency improvement will come to an end. At least the major manufacturers have survived the most difficult days. The job market has not yet seen obvious signs of rebound, but the demand for high-end talents has begun to increase, especially in cutting-edge technology fields such as AI large models and autonomous driving. These positive signals are enough to give people hope.
One day in the future, cost reduction and efficiency improvement will eventually become a historical term to commemorate a top-down, internal and external self-rescue movement in the Internet industry, and will be firmly engraved in the history of China's Internet development. I only hope that major manufacturers can learn from this round of cost reduction and efficiency improvement campaigns and the variousthat have resulted from it, and not make the same mistakes again.
Editor: Hernanderz; Source: Lei Technology Internet Group
Source public account: Lei Technology (ID: leitech), focusing on technology and life.
Original title: Didi, collapsed! ! !
This article is authorized by everyone is a product manager cooperative media @雷科技. Reprinting without permission is prohibited.
The title picture comes from Unsplash, based on the CC0 agreement
The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services.
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enterprisewired · 10 months
Alibaba Reevaluates Cloud Unit Spin-Off Amid Strategic Shift: Founder’s Trust Plans Share Sell-Off
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Alibaba, on Thursday, expressed concerns about the impact of restrictions on its Cloud Intelligence Group, stating that these limitations have introduced uncertainties for the unit’s future.
Adapting to the circumstances
The company emphasized that a complete spin-off of the Cloud Intelligence Group might not yield the intended shareholder value enhancement. Instead, Alibaba aims to navigate the evolving circumstances by focusing on devising a sustainable growth model for the unit.
Ahead of the earnings announcement, Alibaba revealed in a regulatory filing its founder Jack Ma’s family trust’s intention to reduce its stake in the business. The trust planned to sell 10 million shares for $870.7 million in cash.
A setback
Alibaba’s decision to retract the spinout plan for its cloud unit poses a setback to its reorganization strategy, intending to split into six separate business units, marking one of its most significant transformations.
Additionally, Alibaba halted plans to list its Freshippo retail chain for groceries, citing a need to assess market conditions. However, the company still aims to list its Cainiao smart logistics division in Hong Kong.
These developments unfolded during the tenure of Ali’s new CEO, Eddie Wu, succeeding former boss Daniel Zhang, and a broader management reshuffle that appointed Joe Tsai as chairman in June.
Reassuring the Investors
The quarterly results reported a net income of 27.7 billion yuan ($3.8 billion), slightly below analysts’ expectations of 29.7 billion yuan. Revenue, however, met expectations, reaching 224.79 billion yuan, a 9% increase year-over-year.
Addressing concerns on Alibaba’s reorganization challenges, Chairman Tsai assured investors of the company’s robust financial position, citing $63 billion in net cash and $27 billion in free cash flow over the last 12 months.
Tsai emphasized Ali’s commitment to growing its cloud business within the Alibaba Group rather than pursuing financial maneuvers, highlighting the necessity of investment in the AI-driven business landscape.
Core and Noncore
CEO Wu outlined a strategic review of Ali’s businesses, categorizing them into “core” and “noncore.” The company plans to prioritize core businesses for long-term growth and enhance product innovation, while noncore ones will focus on profitability or alternative capitalization methods.
Additionally, Alibaba announced its inaugural annual cash dividend for 2023, set at $0.125 per ordinary share or $1 per American depositary share, totaling approximately $2.5 billion.
Looking forward, Alibaba intends to invest in innovative businesses like 1688, Xianyu, DingTalk, and Quark, emphasizing an AI-centric strategic direction to tailor product experiences for its users across platforms.
Also Read: What is the Role of a Cloud Computing Engineer in the Tech-dominated Infrastructure?
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ka1rosnan · 11 months
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꧁Creyentes sabios꧂
23 de octubre de 2021
Lee por favor: Lucas 16:1-9
La pandemia del coronavirus cerró escuelas en todo el mundo. En China, los maestros comenzaron a usar DingTalk, una aplicació…da clic en el enlace para leer todo, gracias.
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chinemagazine · 1 year
DingTalk simplifie l'organisation et la communication des Jeux Asiatiques
DingTalk, espace de travail collaboratif intelligent et la plateforme de développement d'applications, lance DingTalk for Asian Games
Alibaba Cloud, la branche data intelligence et technologie numérique d’Alibaba Group, annonce que DingTalk, l’espace de travail collaboratif intelligent et la plateforme de développement d’applications d’Alibaba, lance DingTalk for Asian Games. Cette solution spécialement conçue pour les Jeux Asiatiques de Hangzhou a été conçue pour améliorer l’efficacité opérationnelle des Jeux. Cette solution…
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