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aidenwaites · 6 months ago
Also Dinadin is so fantastic. Grossman didn't just toss a trans knight in there he wrote a great character and if I think about him for too long I might cry
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mookymilksims · 2 months ago
10 People I'd Like to Get to Know Better
Tagged by our beautiful lil sissy @toadifylackoffantasy
Last song: The Call by 2WEI (slowed and reverb) - I listened to it last night for a cyberpunk story scene lmao
Favorite color: pink
Last Movie: The Watchers
Last book: Girl Dinner recipe Book I bought my mom for Christmas, I wanted to make us a meal from it xD
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Spicy/Savoury. I can only really eat sweets (baked goods) with a bitter hot cup of coffee. I typically just eat fruit if I want something sweet (we weren't allowed to eat too much candy growing up so fruits taste extra sweet to me). I love beef and Salmon especially, and if I can throw it in a curry or over rice even better!
Last googled: what are the creatures in hellbound (I was like there is no way this is a biblically accurate demon lol)
Current obsession: Almost done with spooky conversions, then going to make some custom thanksgiving recipes <333
Looking forward to: Learning Muay Thai and picking back up jogging!
tagging: @lalasimmer @laurademelza @ladytsimmer @bietjie @dinadine @simdollazzz @gracioussimsextras @eljeebee @kreativeplumbob @sims3alexsa @trlamnhi
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thebleedingwoodland · 1 year ago
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Sama-sama! Terima kasih banyak atas apresiasinya, komunitas The Sims!
我很高興知道我的CC有中華���印尼,亞洲文化更好的代表性 👍
Karena orang Asia itu populasinya terbesar di dunia dan memiliki budaya yang khas di negara masing-masing. Jadi kalian orang Internasional, terutama Barat, juga belajar mengenali budaya, beradaptasi dan menghargai budaya Asia ya.
Reminder that Murfeelee & Dinadine are Western creators from USA, they both are Black girls. They are not Asian.
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sweetcardamom · 2 months ago
"Sir Dinadin, why is there a ker-thunk ker-thunk sound from the dryer?"
"I know not, Sir Rusteez. Let us investigate."
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domnulfaraperdea · 5 days ago
Cover - The Urs & Shift - Apa
Privirea ta ce mă fixa iar dinadins
Mă-ndrăgosteam și-mi lăsam sufletul să fie-atins,
Să te iubesc a fost cea bună alegere
Să mor de dor și să tot sper la o atingere,
Ești cel mai frumos om, delicată, senzuală
La fel de frumoasă fie îmbrăcată, fie goală
Arată-mi drumul către tine și fă-l mai ușor
Ești pastila de-analgezic dacă rănile mă dor.
Iubirea... Nu-mi tace...
Și lumea fără tine nu-mi place...
Zâmbește-mi sau râzi mereu și fi-mi
Singurul motiv ce mă lasă viu.
Atâtea amintiri în inimă
Doar cu tine, fără tine nu...
Omul e 60 de procente apă
Eu sunt 100 de procente, tu.
Atâtea amintiri în inimă
Doar cu tine, fără tine nu...
Omul e 60 de procente apă
Eu sunt 100 de procente, tu.
E greu să fiu iar cald...
C-am fost o viață-ntreagă singur...
Fie ocolit, fie blamat...
Și-am lăsat doar să treacă timpul...
Eh... Greu să renunț la cum eram
Că nu știam
Dar tu erai de fapt ce căutam
Prea multe nopți tot singur în care iar rătăceam
Și tot n-am arătat la nimeni cât eu sufeream...
Ce-ai făcut cu mine n-a putut nimeni
Ai topit ghețarul ce mă forma pe mine
Ce-am ajuns să simt, e de neexplicat
Jur că nu vei auzi că s-a terminat...
Iubirea... Nu-mi tace...
Și lumea fără tine nu-mi place...
Zâmbește-mi sau râzi mereu și fi-mi
Singurul motiv ce mă lasă viu.
Atâtea amintiri în inimă
Doar cu tine, fără tine nu...
Omul e 60 de procente apă
Eu sunt 100 de procente, tu.
Atâtea amintiri în inimă
Doar cu tine, fără tine nu...
Omul e 60 de procente apă
Eu sunt 100 de procente, tu.
Privirea ta ce mă fixa iar dinadins
Mă-ndrăgosteam și-mi lăsam sufletul să fie-atins,
Să te iubesc a fost cea bună alegere
Să mor de dor și să tot sper la o atingere.
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justdreamsthings · 6 months ago
Privesc acelasi ecran gol
Pe care candva scria “mi e dor”
Acum insa el sta stins
Eu il priveam dinadins
Sperând c-ai să fii atins
Sa-mi spui ca eu sunt pentru tine
Poate marea ta iubire
Dar tu nu mi-ai mai scris
Punctul iar tu mi l ai zis
Si am ramas sa stau mereu
Suspinând când îmi e greu
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dinadine · 3 years ago
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Edible Subs now available!
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mookymilksims · 5 months ago
Thank you @geminipixels and @lalasimmer for the tag!
I will take this opportunity to thank simmers I never talk to but am such a fangirl every time they post!
@letomills @theplumdot @kenziisims @dinadine @milkemie @bietjie @dojihimiko @kayleigh-83 @sushiikinsss @smile4me-sweets-blog @loomsims @hancyan @kotojoy @chinsims @glossedmango @saltedcaramelle @petalruesim @itssimplythesims @gaiahypothesims @vanillisa @cavernsofdarkness
your creativity and passion keep this community alive, if I didn't tag you is only because I didn't want to spam tag, I could've kept going on and on and on, also if you want to thank anyone consider this an open tag and join in on the train!
i miss simblr but i don't have time to post so i'll start a ❤️ chain! if you're tagged, rb and tag your current favorite simblrs! i'll start 💖
@alxandergoth @acuar-io @virtualfolk @pearlean @farfallasims @sikoi @mwvwv-sims
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themaresnest-dumblr · 2 years ago
Further to our post yesterday about some bumnugget attempting to hijack Simblreen for their own money making ‘Halloween Fest’, it turns out she’s got past history for making custom content over at Mod The Sims incorporating other people’s mods, but when complaints are made the thing doesn’t work, she makes no attempt at repairs.
Ho hum.
Read it for yourselves if interested, we’ve spent enough time on this crap without regurgitating it over on Dumblr again, when we could be playing with the new, and free goodies from a reputable modder.
Bottom line, anyone who gives that arseturnip a single penny or cent of their money had better not start crying if it doesn’t work - ‘cos that one-trick pony has past form for it - buyer be-VERY-ware!
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aidenwaites · 6 months ago
Thinking about him (Sir dinadin)
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mookymilksims · 22 days ago
Quick Updates on My Work! 🌮🍴
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I know I haven’t released a lot lately.
I like to post my WIPs and extensively test things before releasing, because I would never put something in your game that I wouldn’t put in mine.
I work on projects semi-randomly, when inspired, and when I have plenty of time to sit down and solve any issues. I want to address what you have seen from me and what you will see from me:
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Tacos Custom Recipe – This will be included in a larger Spanish Food set, in collaboration with @dinadine. We have big plans to expand on Spanish Food cultural Recipes and snacks!🌶️
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Thanksgiving Custom Recipe – I originally wanted to drop this around Thanksgiving, but unfortunately, the custom dishes cause some clipping on counters and rectangle dining tables. They really only look great on circular tables. As creators know, even if something technically works fine, people will still find a way to complain, even if you put it in the fine print. So, I just need to mentally prepare before I release it!
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All the CC you have seen from me– Everything is available exclusively in my server. If it has open and easy perms, I post it on Tumblr. I don't always feel like dealing with permissions, so as long as I share it to my server, I don’t need them.
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WA Nectar Revamp – The mod is complete! Just working on previews before I release it. 🍹
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Functional Purses – I successfully tested this today! Once I finish setting everything up, I plan to release a set of functional 4to3 bags with open permissions on Tumblr. 👜
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Realistic Food Overhaul – This will be released on MTS after I’ve done extensive playtesting in my server. 🍽️
Thanks for being patient with me, and I hope this explains the delays, see you soon! 💖
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pis3update · 4 years ago
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treefey · 5 years ago
Sir Palomides is the original “supporting black character/black best friend”
Change my mind
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lalafoxtrotart · 5 years ago
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This is Dinadin, my roleplay character for Spire. Super great rp system that anyone who likes DnD should try out.
Art by @lalafoxtrotart
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wikipediagf · 3 years ago
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This means everything to me <3
the mutuals of the round table
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nonbinarylowkey · 3 years ago
a brief respite
"Have you considered not being such a violent prick all the time?" Mordred asks. He watches his cigarette smoke float away.
"No," Gawain answers, punctuated with a drag on Modred's stolen cigarette. "Someone has t'protect you when pacifism gets you in trouble."
"I'm not a pacifist. I fight when I need to."
Mordred registers the gleam in Gawain's eyes too late. By the time he braces himself, Gawain's arm is already around his neck, tugging Mordred until he face plants into Gawain's chest. Gawain's knuckles rubbing at his scalp are more irritating than painful so Mordred's only half heartedly shoving at Gawain to get him to let go when Arthur cuts in—
"Should I be worried you two'll burn Camelot down if I leave you in charge?"
Gawain's fist leaves Mordred's head. His arm around Mordred's neck relaxes until it's wrapped loosely around Mordred's shoulders instead. Mordred straightens, but stays close enough to lean into Gawain's side.
"Nah, Peacemaker 'n' me'll do just fine, uncle. Who else could be my partner? No one else has the balls to say no to me."
Arthur's mouth is open to respond, but it's Dinadin's voice that drawls: "The height of irony, really—and not one of us misses it."
Mordred thinks Arthur's soul may have left his body along with his breath, the sigh he heaves is so great. And when Arthur's exasperated gaze cuts to him, it takes all of his willpower not to succumb to the laughter that's got hold of Gawain.
"Sorry." Mordred shrugs.
He doesn't sound very sorry at all.
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