#digital toolbox
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marywoodartdept · 7 months ago
Practicing Paperless Art
Santo has been honing his #digitalart skills this summer with his iPad Air & Apple Pen. He loves the vast tools, full color palette, and the magical "undo" button that digital art offers. Check out his latest digital animatronic portraits #MarywoodArt
One of the most fundamental ways to improve one’s artwork is by practicing. With that said, I took it upon myself to practice my own artwork during these summer months. Most currently, I am dwelling mainly in digital art because it is the most accessible medium for me at my home. Moreover it is easy for me to take my iPad with me on summer trips so I can continue creating elsewhere. Why I Love…
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rainflare60 · 8 months ago
Kaku Sketches (because I can't get over Water 7) 🧰🌊🏗
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We're continuing the late-night One Piece fanart trend. Perhaps I should go to sleep.
Seriously, it's past 2:00 am. I need to get some melatonin.
Do ya'll stay up late doing projects? Feel free to answer in the tags!
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jonreytrevino · 2 years ago
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Mouse in a Box
pixel_dailies : toolbox : 6/7/23
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interesting-music · 3 months ago
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webmarketingar · 7 months ago
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AssociationREADY Digital Toolbox for the HOA Industry
At AssociationREADY, our cloud-based solutions are designed to transform the HOA industry by saving your office time, money, and effort. Our suite of software applications empowers you to modernize outdated processes and automate many of the daily tasks your staff handles. Since 2008, we have been America's top choice for Resale & Closing Documents, Community & HOA Collections Violations Software, and information processing for managed communities. We offer solutions that help grow your business without increasing costs. Discover how our applications can assist you today.
ReadyCOLLECT is a collections and enforcement solution tailored for HOA attorneys and law firms. Whether you run a small private practice or a large law firm, our highly configurable solution provides powerful document generation, customized workflows, and comprehensive tracking for all legal documents, costs, and fees. Enhance your resale packages and community document delivery with our ReadyRESALE document automation application. It boosts your productivity and can even generate additional revenue. Learn more about our flexible and powerful software applications by visiting our website at https://bit.ly/2Y98bQo
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reubenyeoart · 1 year ago
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Commission - Mouse Tinkerer
A commission for a client of their OC!
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lords21-blog · 1 year ago
Digital Marketers Toolbox: Review 2023.
Looking to level up your digital marketing game? Look no further than the Digital Marketers Toolbox: 2023. This all-in-one platform is the ultimate solution for all your digital marketing needs, consolidating multiple tools and platforms into one comprehensive tool. With advanced AI technology, you can enhance keyword research, content creation, and audience targeting for better campaign…
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drawsmaddy · 1 month ago
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[ID: A digital illustration of Dancer from Critical Role. She is sat on the floor in a crop top, shorts, and tube socks, working on a small steel robot with many limbs. Cookie, a round robot with three legs, is next to her, functioning as a toolbox, and Pussy II, a bird like robot, is flying above them. End description.]
A commission for @mehoymalloy!
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thewanderingmask · 5 months ago
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my submission for the hermitcraft season 10 fan art gallery: Xisuma Eternal! (actual size on left, embiggened version on right)
there are a ton of little thoughts that went into this and i will now go off about them at length (ramble under the cut)
let's start with the image layout and composition! my first idea was to do an homage to the original doom box art because of X's skin, but ultimately I decided on referencing this Eternal cover (hence the title of the piece) because it sparked some stronger ideas in my brain.
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i still wanted to keep that link to the original though, so i did my very best to emulate the original logo with X's name - replacing the original texture with binary as one of many references to X's role supporting the technical side of the server.
(for no reason other than my own amusement, the binary in the letters is translated lyrics from X's verse in the hermit gang song. i don't even know how much of that is still visible after lining the letters, but i liked putting it there)
i've only been watching hermitcraft for a few months, and there's an awful lot of history i don't know about. so i focused on doing my best celebrating builds X has worked on here in season 10! i would have loved to include his base as well, but ultimately i ran out of room.
(there are still a few nods to other seasons based on knowledge i've acquired through osmosis. evil X is the most obvious, but i was also able to sneak in a couple small carvings next to the X in the title text!)
coming back around to xisuma's work on the technical side, that's why Evil X is backed by error windows. it's also why xisuma is holding a toolbox! it was the best visual metaphor i could come up with for the digital job of maintenance and repair.
(and of course he has a lovely cup of tea as well)
the allays (holding redstone) are partially in reference to farms X has been making, partially bringing back in that angelic/demonic vibe of Doom, and mostly because their intended role of supporters and helpers feels very thematically appropriate for X.
the lines in the sky are of course meant to evoke the shapes of mace race, and the black cube is a minecraft-ified version of the Soulside Eclipse logo.
(if you're not familiar, that's xisuma's music! it's good!! give it a listen sometime! it's on youtube!)
the silverfish at the very bottom are visual reference to the demon hordes of Doom - and of course they're also much more directly referencing X's very clever prank in impulse's city.
finally, on the walls of spawn we have the carved symbols - one for every other hermit. i remember X mentioning in a stream once something about fulfillment from supporting others. (i apologise if i'm remembering less than clearly.) it just felt like if i wanted to represent X, it felt important to include them as well.
and of course it made me happy to do something for Every hermit, since all of them
(smallishbeans/joel was actually the one i got most stuck on! there wasn't really a single item or symbol i could think of to narrow him down to. ultimately i decided on a torii gate and a little letter J, but i'm honestly still thinking about it)
ah right, and the Actual last thing: this turner out to be totally unnecessary, but i absolutely did draw this in the minecraft map hex code colours. it's a tricky palette to work with, and i learned a LOT about pixel art while trying to get the sky to look nice!
this piece took about 10 days to complete, maybe the longest i've ever spent on a single illustration like this - and honestly, i'm really happy and pretty proud of how it turned out!!
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vitaminseetarot · 4 months ago
PAC: An Exchange For Your Desire 🦇🔮
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Hey y'all, I'm back for another reading on this night of Halloween. Hope you're having a whimsical fun night. This PAC is inspired by recently watching Hocus Pocus 2. It was a pretty fun romp which made some good callbacks to the original.
I won't explain why the title relates to the movie to not spoil it, but I wanted to dive into a darker reading for this season. To acquire what you want, something must be exchanged. For this reading, we'll be exchanging away fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs for what aligns with our ideal life. But what will it be for you?
Pile 1 - Red, Candle 💓🔥 Pile 2 - Green, Cat 💚🐱‍🐉 Pile 3 - Purple, Book 💜📖
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Pile 1 - Red, Candle 💓🔥
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Temperance, Eight of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles; Tiger; Radiant; "the infinite ocean of ideas we're all allowed to swim in"; 12 - Let it Out! Dare to be Heard. In Your Darkness & Your Light.
Hey there, pile 1. There's something glittery and warm about your reading. Bright, excited, festive. You may be artistic in nature, or you've been feeling an extra bout of creative inspiration lately. You have so many rich avenues to explore, I feel more than one thing may be calling you (like pursuing jewelry making and crocheting) or you are skilled in many areas. You might have one idea that stands out and shines more brightly than the others. Yet while you yearn to reach for it and claim it as yours, a strange force pulls you back. The fog whispers that you have to be even-keeled, fold back, and not reveal too much of yourself. But this idea might be taking you down a path uncharted, where no one can easily hold your hand to guide you with advice. It may be completely against an agreed code or standard. I'm hearing possibly provocative, your work could stir up energies that would rather stay sheltered and dormant. It may feel overwhelming to even think of committing to the concept.
Perhaps you've been given word over the years that it's better to always be modest about your work. It could be that you were taught to always protect your ideas and concepts from outside influence. Maybe even that it's important to listen to others' advice when it came to analyzing your creative vision, that your work should please the masses. These things, in and of themselves, are not necessarily bad. But when it mixes with guilt and imposter syndrome in the same cauldron, things are bound to erupt. The opulent tiger wants to remind you of your inner desire for positive recognition for your original creative ideas. It wants to back in radiance of a vision made clear, a job well done. But the fog mixing in the cool night air distorts your vision, presenting a hundred good ideas while telling you only one will work. Maybe not all of them will work, but out of the infinite pool you have access to, some are bound to be sure winners. It's all a matter of focusing one at a time while knowing that other drafts and concepts will be waiting for you in the wing.
I love this oracle card with the trumpet playing skeletons (doot), it's one of my favorites. It wishes to remind you that you don't have to be afraid to show your work to somebody you trust, as long as you're comfortable in sharing it with them. Something you have created may be eligible to be published somewhere, whether digital or in person. It could be anything from fanfiction to uploading a song online to showing your vase at an art gallery. If you wish for more creative expression and inspiration in your life, you must exchange your fear of letting your projects be seen by others. You must, with eight of pentacles, chip away at the marble by making drafts and scribbling and messing around with your artistic toolbox so that energy that properly flow. Each piece may take time, and that's okay. Needing to rush the process is part of the fear that must be released, as you cannot allow artistic vision to flow on somebody else's schedule. It's the rushing culture that's hurting animation studios nowadays, so I think there is something to slowing down during creation that's needed here. Let your magic shine on its own time.
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Pile 2 - Green, Cat 💚🐱‍🐉
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Page of Wands, 5 of Swords, VII Chariot; Tapir; Trillion; "Goodnight! also you didn't get enough done today", 58 - Like Ivy, We Grow Best Where There is Room For Us.
Hi, pile 2. Your energy is soft and supportive like a leaf holding a raindrop. Chill, relaxed, here to help others. For the most part, you don't really mind being in your comfort zone, playing to the beat of your own drum while the world around you raves in chaos from the outside. You've been convinced that as long as you play your part and get along, things will work themselves out. In your reading, though, I see a desire for an expansion. There is something in you craving freedom from some kind of restriction. I'm seeing a princess wanting to escape the castle to run into the woods, whether to run from the duties bestowed upon her or from quarrels fuming deep within the palace halls. A princess can be beautiful, kind, erudite, and brave, but it's not until she leaves the crumbling walls behind that the world can really behold those qualities.
You could be looking at the current circumstances and wondering if it's because you haven't applied enough effort or forethought into things that plans haven't worked out or things fell apart, rather than seeing the shaky foundation to start with. Applying a thin coat of paint can't stave off the rotting of wood forever, even if it's made to preserve. In other words, if things aren't working out, try to take a look at your surroundings. Does it support you, does it lift you up? Does it cradle you from harsh influences beyond? Or is it adding to the piling stress and suppressing room for play and adventure? Is it even taking advantage of your good, easygoing nature? Tiny patches aren't going to keep everything held up, and it's only adding to the weight that you desire to release and could lead to burn out. Storytime: I once had to withdraw from my most important class in school and do it over the summer because I knew no amount of shaving off sleep to study was going to make a difference in the grade. The class needed much more nurture and attention than I could give to it at the time. The busy environment just didn't support the studying because of a packed schedule. It ended up being a wise move that worked out, though it didn't seem like it would be that way at first. This is an anecdote but if it resonates with you academically, I would talk to an advisor to decide the best course of action.
The ivy breaking out of the grave shows that you have a free spirit which cannot be tamed down by the obligatory demands of society. There is a strong need to embrace your full authenticity here so to make the changes you want to see around you, and to walk away when your surroundings refuse to change. Like moving away from a noisy apartment because you're staying true to yourself when you say you can't sleep with so much noise. If no amount of communication with the roommates or neighbors will help, moving may be the next best option. You must exchange where you are now for where you want to be next, as you deserve to thrive in a setting that nourishes your mind and soul's unique potential. You must give up the ever-present order to be agreeable to those who disrupt your boundaries and personal peace if you wish to embrace more intellectual and creative freedom, or even just extra sleep at night.
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Pile 3 - Purple, Book 💜📖
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III Empress, Judgement, XVIII Moon; Hermit Crab; Fire; "i am brand new + teenager me + childhood me + baby me + source"; 61 - Each Morning We May Be Born Anew. What We Do Now is What Matters Most.
How's it going, pile 3? There is a quiet feminine energy to these cards. This pile could be getting in touch with their more magnetic traits, or doing traditionally gentle hobbies to relax. I'm imagining a spa with massage and saunas, where rewinding becomes an activity in itself. I'm seeing a powerful transitional phase here with three major arcana in a row, so it may explain bouts of tiredness and confusion. Being totally switched to On mode would cause firing from every cylinder at this point in time, like a stressed snake biting its tail. Wow, I'm even yawning and tearing up while typing this, so like pile 2 there is a strong emphasis to getting much needed rest. But for you, group 3, I think this rest is really necessary to heal critical parts of you that haven't had the chance to before, things that must be put back in place before you can move forward completely. You're in a phase of deep healing on a physical and emotional level.
When we wash, we shed away old skin, and it's shown here in the cards that this is happening incrementally. As you purge and release old memories and issues of the past, those parts of you will start to feel smaller as you grow and take on greater challenges. The grade school felt big and scary until you were in high school, which by then it felt small and quaint. Much in the way that people dream at night in order to reconfigure the mind, letting go of unwanted information and consolidating important details, this is how your healing process is taking place. It doesn't always feel great in the meantime, but the greater comfort comes from knowing that it's a necessary step. Whoever told you that taking baths was only for cleansing is wrong. It may be why people technically use baths, but taking a shower just to cry and let all the sticky emotions go down the drain is also a valid reason. Whoever told you that you needed to have a good time on your breaks is also wrong. If you're going through an emotional period, every minute spent to give the feelings room to breathe and speak out is worth it. It's like ghost hunting: not everyone understands it until they feel the calm in the air.
This is a delicate phase where you're getting back in touch with yourself again. Exchange away the need to worry about what others may think of your healing process. These things happen in cycles, which don't respond to "now and forever" commands to stop. You get to decide when you're ready to step out of hiding. The only emotion to let go of once and for all is the guilt carried from having so much to feel. It can be infuriating how society makes feeling grief or even moodiness into such a big deal, instead of giving the same compassion that's given to those who are physically unwell. You don't need this kind of guilt, even if it was pushed into your hands by those who can't even utter an apology themselves. Deep emotional restoration is available to you, as you're in a phase where you're transforming and letting baggage fall away to make room for powerful growth. Let the passion rise and fall and exchange the guilt of flying away from the sorrow inflicted upon you. You have a right to heal as you wish.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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dcdreamblog · 20 days ago
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Well the reality is that while Garrick himself was very flattered by the town's faith in him. And while the JSA was deeply invested in getting the town up and running again after a very violent run in with some extra normal events. The point is that Jay Garrick, the man, was just NOT comfortable being a mayor.
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(An election poster of Garrick made by a Monument Point resident)
Look, the nitty gritty is that Jay Garrick is an older man, he already does more than men half his age could be expected to juggle as patriarch of The Flash Family, the Justice Society and the superhero community at large. That's on top of being a man with functioning mental health one assumes. The time he spent as Monument Point's mayor was so that he could center the JSA's efforts on rebuilding Monument Point to the best of his ability.
But once that was done, very soon afterwards his long lost daughter and sidekick was returned to him by an accident of cosmic nature. Not long after THAT his beloved wife of nearly 80 years passed away after a prolonged battle with terminal illness. I don't even have the words to describe the kind of emotional whiplash that must have incurred, losing someone who has been your partner for most of a century so soon after rediscovering a child that had been wiped from your own mind for nearly as long. Emotional exhaustion and a need for personal distance would be enough of a reason that no one could argue with him about.
But, class act that he is, that's not the reason he cited in his resignation.
Jay Garrick was a biochemist by education but has spent most of the last century with his main profession being "superhero" in one form or another. His college degree is from the 1930s and he has no experience in politics, government or law. While he has leadership "credentials" it's leadership of a small organization usually numbering under a dozen people that he all knows and trusts personally. Calling the shots is easier when you know the person you're calling them to would take a bullet for you.
He also expressed fear that he's simply too outmoded for politics in the 21st century. He's not fluent in most forms of digital technology, he (as anyone who has seen his attempts at Tweeting would know) is NOT a born social media communicator and by his own admission he's not fully trustworthy in his understanding of the nuances of modern politics. To quote the man himself.
"My understanding of feminism is that women are my equal in every way. My understanding of race is the same. My understanding of queer issues is that so long as people are happy it's also the same. That's all I've got. I don't know the right words, I haven't read the right theory, my continuing to hold this office would be functionally 'Rule by Stargirl' because she's the one who has to explain the trending news items to me and she's not even old enough to drive!" *pause for laughter* "I'm ignorant, truly. If someone asked me my opinion on transgender healthcare I'd have to wait for a transgender person to tell me what my opinion is!" *pause for more laughter* "Nobody wants or needs a mayor whose only tool in the toolbox is asking his grandkids. Monument Point deserves. NEEDS better."
My commentators pointed out after the speech the bitter irony that a politician whose only policy strategy is "listen to the minorities" would be a refreshing change of pace in politics at any scale. But no one could argue with his obvious discomfort at being elected simply because the people of the city felt some sort of...heroic gratitude toward him.
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starrycross777 · 18 days ago
✨️Friendship Among the Stars✨️
These two OC's are my favorites so much so that they are the two units I designed an entire story for now
👾Alien: Luna
⭐️Hybrid: Mika
If there was a song that represented their vibe, I would choose this one
If you like reading I hope you like what I wrote (it was a story when I was 17 so it was my first attempt at that time)
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In a small village on the outskirts of the city, where nature and technology intertwined, Mika spent most of her time helping her grandfather in his unusual barn. But this wasn’t an ordinary barn—it was home to robotic animals, creations of her grandfather’s genius. Mika loved working there, finding joy in fixing and improving these mechanical creatures.
One day, her grandfather sent her to fetch some tools from an old storage shed near the hills. Carrying a toolbox, she walked across the fields when a strange buzzing sound filled the air, followed by a sudden flash of blue light. Looking up, she saw what appeared to be a small meteor streaking down before landing—surprisingly gently—in an abandoned field next to the barn.
Curiosity got the best of her. Mika sprinted toward the site, only to find a strange, dust-covered spacecraft emitting smoke. It looked like it had made an emergency landing. She hesitated for a moment, then cautiously stepped closer, reaching out to touch its cool metallic surface. Just then, a faint sound came from inside.
She quickly stepped back as the spacecraft’s hatch slowly opened. From within, a girl emerged—her skin a deep shade of violet, her glowing eyes scanning the surroundings warily. Small antennae adorned her head, along with sleek digital-looking hair accessories.
"Who... are you?" Mika asked, staring in astonishment.
The girl hesitated, as if unsure whether to trust Mika, before finally speaking in a soft voice.
"My name is Luna... and I need help."
Despite the shock, Mika felt no fear. Instead, a strange excitement bubbled within her. She had always felt different from those around her, and now, standing before her, was someone who seemed just as out of place in this world as she was.
With a confident smile, Mika extended her hand and said,
"Well, Luna… welcome to Earth!"
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👾⭐️Background: Luna – The Runaway Princess
Far beyond Earth, deep in the cosmic expanse, lay the planet Velmara—a world of towering crystalline cities, floating islands, and an advanced civilization that thrived on technology and strict order. Among its rulers was Queen Xyara, a powerful and unyielding monarch who sought to expand her empire through control and precision.
Born into the royal family, Luna was expected to follow in her mother’s footsteps, inheriting the throne and continuing the Velmarian legacy. However, Luna was different. Unlike her mother and the council, who valued authority above all else, Luna was curious, rebellious, and drawn to the unknown. She spent her days sneaking into the archives, learning about distant planets, and questioning the rigid laws that bound her people.
Her curiosity was seen as a flaw, a sign of weakness. The more she questioned, the more her mother tightened her grip, forcing her into endless training sessions to mold her into the perfect heir. But Luna longed for freedom—to see the universe beyond her mother’s reach.
One fateful night, after overhearing a conversation about an arranged political alliance that would strip her of any remaining autonomy, Luna made her decision. Using her knowledge of Velmarian engineering, she stole a small exploration craft, programming it to take her as far from Velmara as possible. However, something went wrong during her escape—the ship’s navigation system malfunctioned, and she crash-landed on an unfamiliar blue planet: Earth
I designed Luna's little sister once, although I didn't really like her design
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Thanks for reading
I hope you enjoyed it🩷
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pikxelbit · 4 months ago
A/N: Really cheesy but idk, I wrote it because someone gave me a prompt, (not specifically for Turbo, just a simple prompt for a story).
Sway With Me
Turbo x Reader | One shot | 1,225 words
Warnings: None
Prompt: You and him get stuck in a garage as you both wait for the rain to stop. While waiting, you find a radio and get the idea of dancing.
Cold winds start to blow harder through the game as the racetracks started to darken along with it's landscape. It was strange to have weather here, althought the game did have a low budget when in the making, it seems the developers added a bit of an easter egg to this digital world. Although they could have saved the money and effort for better graphics, this was still something to cherish. As useless and pointless to have weather change in this game, it is still quite an interesting phenomenon.
Both you and Turbo were wrapped up in a friendly banter after the arcade closed. Standing around, his grin would continue to persist as you continue to reply.
"Hey, come on it was fun wasn't it?" Turbo spoke, a grin widening slightly on his face.
"You told me you wouldn't go too fast!" Pointing your finger at him, you try to fix your hair. It was messy and tangled up, all because Turbo chose to speed up the pace when driving both of you here. With your lack of helmet, you ended up with shuffled up locks.
"What'd you expect, I'm 'Turbo'. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?" He commented back, snickering slightly as he replied.
"Turb-" as you were about to reply, a sudden shift in the air managed to get your attention. With one single drop of water front the sky, Turbo quickly knew what was going to happen.
"Well, I think we should go..." Turbo murmured, looking up at the clouds quickly forming in the sky.
Getting back into his racecar, he urges you to sit beside him, "Come on, or do you want to get wet?"
"You won't go too fast again right?" You asked, taking a seat beside him.
Without a moment left to lose, Turbo didn't answer. Starting up the engine, he only gave you a smirk before the car accelerated quickly towards the garage.
Surprised at the sudden pace, you try to get a grip on anything that would help you stay in your seat. Gripping on Turbo's shoulder and a part of his car, you managed to remain seated in the car as both of you quickly arrive at the garage.
"Geez, didn't know you were that clingy," Turbo teased lightly towards you.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you take your hand off him and his car before removing yourself from Turbo's vehicle. After only a few drops of rain pitter pattered, the storm would quickly escalate. Quickly opening the door, both of you took shelter in the garage.
This was normal, well at least for Turbo. The quick exange in his games' weather was an astonishing view but not a good experience to get in. As it rained, dark grey clouds would continue to appear from nowhere, making it look like both of you are going to be stuck here for a while.
"Jeez..." You mutter under your breath as you silently watched the rain get a bit stronger from inside of the garage. Having all the doors and windows closed, you were left with a feeling of bordome. Looking around though, you managed to get yourself entertained.
You did get inside this garage a few times in the past. Although you never really did get to inspect it fully. Now feeling a sense of boredome starting to sprout, you find yourself a bit more focused on certain details you've missed in the past. Looking around now, you notice a dusty as well as toolboxes neatly placed on the desk. There seemed to be the usual things a mechanic should have when tasked to fix a car. Moving onwards though, as your eyes continue to wander, it suddenly stops once your vision sees a few dirty boxes in the shelves. Noticing, Turbo takes it upon himself to guess what you're thinking of.
"What, hoping to find something?" he asked, his gaze redirected to the boxes as well.
"Not really," you replied stepping forward the shelves, "just curious..."
"What, curious of a few dusty boxes probably filled with junk?" Turbo joked as he took one box from the shelf.
"Well you never really know what could be inside," you replied as you stepped forward to inspect the box Turbo placed down.
The box was of course dirty, on top was a thick layer of dust, enough to make you sneeze. Although a bit old, the box stood mighty and stable to hold certain objects.
Opening the box, you both looked inside and see...
"Whoa, a radio..?" You asked, curiosity sparkling in your eyes.
"Heh, haven't seen this in years," Turbo exclaimed in wonder as he took out the old radio from the box, placing it on top of a desk nearby. The radio was shaped like an oval when looking at it from the front and from the top, on the side though, it's appearance was half of an oval. Plopping it down slowly on the desk, you both exchange looks before proceeding to search through the box.
Tinkering slightly with the radio's antennas you asked Turbo, "How did you even get a radio?"
"Ehh, Flash (one of his bros), managed to find it somewhere in the Game Central Station. I don't really know but he did sort of tinker with it before putting it away for some reason," Turbo explained, pulling out a cassette tape from the box.
"Let's see if it still works yeah?" You comment, before plugging the radio somewhere. Agreeing, to your idea, Turbo inserts the cassette tape into the radio.
A nice, playful tune starts to play, although not really clear, the sounds emenating from the player was enough to make you want to dance.
"May I have this dance?" you ask, raising your hand for him to hold. He hesitates for a second, he didn't really know how to dance...
"I'll teach you a few tricks I know, it'll be fun I promise," a smile stretching on your face, you continue to keep your hand in place for him to reach. A few seconds pass by and he doesn't answer for a while. But as you continue to gaze at him, he couldn't help but say yes.
"Fine..." He mutters under his breath.
Surprised, you suddenly pull him close to you, "Let's have some fun yeah?" Still holding his hand, you try to guide him through a dance. Although a bit wonky at the start he manages to get the hang of it after only a couple of tries, which was quite impressive.
"You're doing really good," you spoke, swaying your hips as you follow the rythm of the song.
"I think I'm getting the hang of it," Turbo replies, following suit as he tries to complement your moves with his own.
Still holding hands, as you twirl and twist, Turbo's hold on you tightens slightly a few times as you're moves would sometimes need support from him. Still having fun altogether though, you both dance with each other, a smile stretched on both of your faces.
Smiling and laughing, both of you enjoy your time together under the shelter of this garage. Although the weather may be in a bad mood, you both find yourselves uplifted in each other's arms as the tune of each song guides both of you through sweet moments of happiness.
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yulia-inferis · 2 months ago
How To Make Your Picture Look Like Shit (Weirdcore Dreamcore Baidexweb Whateverelsecore)
Download image toolbox https://github.com/T8RIN/ImageToolbox
Go to resize and convert
Change file type to jpg or jpg2000
Reduce the ratio and quality (play around with it)
Ratio: 500 pixels or less for that trashy jagged edges
Quality: 50% or less for prominent jpg artifacts
Play with jpeg compression algorithms (scale Mode): you have a lot to choose from, so pick whatever you like
Save and re-resize and convert back up to original pixel ratios if you reduced it ( You can convert file back to png or jpg if you are using jpg2000 since programs like ibispaint wont accept that file type)
Bring it into your digital art workstation (bring multiple types to blend different artifacts/ jpeg algorithm amounts if wanted using transparency, blending, and eraser tools).
Lastly, flatten image, sharpen, tone curve, exposure, etc., to test (experiment with different sharpening amounts and blend them).
Rest is up to you but dont be afraid to experiment
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comicaurora · 2 years ago
As someone who’s thinking about creating a webcomic (largely for myself but may potentially make it public), can you provide advice on outlining and panelling? Those are the things I think I’d need some of the most help with other than backgrounds which… I can figure that out myself. Probably.
Good question! I've answered a similar one about paneling in depth here.
Outlining/storyboarding is a different animal, and depends strongly on your personal writing style and how your brain works.
There are a few ways you're "supposed" to write/outline comics, but pretty much all of them start as a script, similar to a screenplay. You note down character dialogue, the panel it takes place in, what the character is doing at the time.
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You describe the panel like a shot in a movie - establishing shot, long shot, close up - and contain within that panel the script for what you'll put in the word bubbles. You might also include a thumbnail for what the page layout you're envisioning would look like.
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This is because most comics are made by teams of more than one person, and the person who writes the plot/dialogue is not the person who does the layout and sketches - and usually that's not the same person who does the inking, the coloring or the lettering. So each stage of the process needs to be clearly laid out.
This is not how things work for comics made by a single person, and this is also not how my brain works in specific. If I try to write a script first, the characters inevitably end up being incredibly wordy and go off on philosophical tangents, and the dialogue doesn't fit right on the panels. And once I start drawing the actions I've choreographed, half the time I'll only get a few panels in before a character wants to do something unexpected but much more interesting that completely derails all my best-laid plans. None of my scripts ever survived contact with the page.
Fortunately, because I make art digitally, I can do things like "write all the dialogue straight onto the blank page" and then move/edit the text however I want. So the process I've developed that works for me specifically involves me storyboarding out the dialogue and paneling straight on the page rather than starting with a screenplay or script.
That's not to say it goes straight from my brain onto the page. If I'm stuck on a scene I'll usually crack open a little notes file and write out things like "what just happened, what is this character feeling, what do they want to do next" or just spitball possible dialogue options or write out a little mini-timeline of events in linear order. This gives me a guideline to reference when I sit down to storyboard, and it can help me work through a little knot of writer's block. Even then, the dialogue I hash out there isn't going to be as well-paced or as good as what I end up putting on the final page. It's a first draft of a scene - translating it onto the page, it'll play out differently.
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This works well for my storytelling approach, which is flexible and character-driven. I like to give myself a lot of options - a toolbox to play with - and that means my outlines are often very loose, and can change a lot before I put them on the page. But this is a strategy I developed for myself through trial and error - it's not going to work for everybody.
I recommend you start off by reading a wide array of comics with an eye for how they were laid out and scripted, and test a few methods for yourself to see what works best for you. And also read Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics, it's an incredibly valuable crash course!
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tjodity · 10 months ago
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did some art for an oc for a sci fi setting I'm thinking a little. Her name will probably change but I was struck really strongly by his personality and details abt his character before I got a solid name. she was originally going to be thrown into a sort of space opera thing but I kinda want to write space station fluff now
[ID 1: A large white square with text and several pieces of art digitally drawn on. The main text reads "Taraneh. She slash he. Grew up on a planet; currently works maintenance on a space station. Aroace. Hobbies include trying to cook, kissing her giant insect friend, and trying to write poetry." Main text ends. The main drawing is a sketched headshot of Taraneh. She wears a hijab folded so that it wraps across the bottom half of his face, across her head, and draped around her shoulders. A hair band decorated with a simplified lunar cycle is partially visible on her forehead below her hijab. She has acne scars around her cheeks. Her pupils are dark and she has small wrinkles around her right eye. Her left eye is half closed and looking in a different direction, with more wrinkles beneath. Her eyebrows are scraggly and thin. She looks neutral. A smaller drawing towards the left shows Taraneh in a hijab that doesn't cover her face. Her smile is slanted, and she looks excited. There is a blank text bubble beside her. She is making broad gestures with her hands. A note beside it says "Can't emote with his full face but feels a lot of things and uses her hands to emote more." Note ends. A doodle towards the top is labelled "Work uniform." Taraneh wears a hijab similar to those used for sports, with no folds, and she wears a respirator on her face. She wears a tanktop above an undershirt which covers her arms. She wears jeans with kneepads and a carabiner with tools attached. She is sweating, wiping her face with a towel. Her other hand holds a toolbox. There are two drawings to the right. Both are colored. The first is labelled "Teens". In it Taraneh is thinner and shorter, a teenager. She wears a a layered outfit, with embroidery, ruffles, and flower patterns running down the arms. Her skin is dark, and she wears a teal hijab. He is waving at the camera. The second drawing is labelled "Early thirties". It depicts Taraneh more closely to how she appears in the other drawings, taller and with broader shoulders and slightly darker skin. She wears grey boots and a dark blue baggy jumpsuit. Over the jumpsuit she wears a dark grey simple skirt with large pockets running across it, and a grey coat with purple and orange coloring around the collar. Above that he wears a blue satchel. She wears a teal hijab and a dark blue hair band. He is standing with his arms at his sides. The fourth drawing is back to being colorless. It depicts a tall alien creature from the chest up. The alien's head is comparable to a praying mantis, except that there are odd cones at each side of their head, their mandibles sit in a circle on their neck, and the lower half of their face is a segmented vent-like structure. Their torso resembles a human, if it was covered in an exoskeleton. Taraneh has her arms wrapped around the alien's neck, and is leaning into their shoulder. She is hugging them. His eyes are closed and he looks happy. The alien seems startled and raised one of their claws in surprise. Both Taraneh and the alien are blushing, though the alien more so. The caption reads "Me and my boy best friend." END ID]
[Images two and three are higher resolution depictions of the last three drawings.]
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