#digimon pokedex lol
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Afterthoughts Story : Cyber Sleuth
Game: Digimon Story : Cyber Sleuth (March 12, 2015)
Console: Nintendo Switch
Alright, let's do this. So, my last RPG that I played through before taking a break so I wouldn't have anything overlapping with the most important game ever coming out this Friday Is Digimon Cyber Sleuth, obviously. I got this game for Christmas a few years back now but didn't end up playing it until this year, and finally beat it right at the end of October. So here I am, telling you about my wonderful digiexperience!
Like always, not a review, just my thoughts. Please don't take my word as gospel, just my impressions while playing. Play anything I talk about you that interests you.
So, honestly, as much as I enjoy Digimon from afar. I've never been a hard core Digimon guy. I've seen a bit of Adventures, I always liked the designs, and I follow that Digimon a day twitter that has shown me a lot of AMAZING creatures from it. But truth be told, I just never really got into the series. However I saw how popular this game seemed to be, and knew it was a turnbased RPG, so I figured it'd be a great jumping in point for me. And honestly, I was right! I had a fantastic time with this game!
Stuff I liked
I was very pleasantly surprised by this game. I really wasn't sure what to expect since Digimon is a little out of my wheelhouse, but honestly I think this was a really solid RPG with a lot of high points. I think the graphics are nice, it's not the most mind blowing thing visually outside of EDEN but when you go into digital worlds I think the game looks SUPER cool and felt like playing Summer Wars. Which makes sense, but still lol. The soundtrack is also REALLY good, much to no one's surprise, I particularly enjoyed the battle themes. The boss theme and the Eater themes were my favorites, but I also enjoyed the song that plays in the Digital Shift dungeons and the Digital World.
The gameplay was very good too and honestly really surprising to me. I know they're wildly different series, but I HAVE been playing through the Pokemon games lately, so I couldn't help but draw comparisons between the two. And while this is a monster collection game, they play NOTHING alike. In fact, Cyber Sleuth plays a LOT more like a traditional JRPG. And personally, I really like that. Things are a little linear which is fine for my lizard brain. But particularly I think the combat helps this game feel a lot faster than Pokemon can at times. Since every battle has you with 3 monsters that you can swap out during combat, and fully deck out with multiple pieces of equipment, and even completely change their movelist to your liking whenever you want. I think it works very well and while it is SIMILAR to Pokemon, and it might be more my style, I think it's good that they're so different, I don't know if I'd want Pokemon to straight up rip this off even if I think there is some convenience and maybe even some polish it could borrow from this?
In regards to that polish, I do love that every Digimon is like a full fledged party member in a more traditional RPG sense. But something I was REALLY shocked by was the amount of animations each Digimon has. They all have a standard attack, signature attack, buff, damage, death, and victory animation totally unique to themselves! From what I noticed, they're not even copied between evolutions. AND your current party follows you on the map, it's really cool! I also enjoy that digimon you aren't using can be put on the farm to gather items and sidequests, or even be fed to your other Digimon for EXP. It's small but it's a neat addition.
And as long as I'm on the subject of the monsters themselves, if you've seen my thoughts on the Pokemon games you know a HUGE aspect of those games for me is the Pokedex of the region. The monsters really make or break the monster collection game for me, of course. They're the main reason I'm playing it! And while it might be unfair to give it praise for this, since it's had years of monsters to pull from. As an outsider of the series, Cyber Sleuth MORE than delivers on its monster catalogue! There are SO many monsters to meet and recruit through the game, and so many of them were brand new to me! Obviously I had the classics I know like Agumon (one of my personal faves cause, dinosaur) but there were SO many new Digimon I had never heard of before that I fell in love with. Stuff like Pumpkinmon, Geckomon, Lekismon, Zubamon (who I just learned can turn into a sword!? SO BAD ASS!!), and my new personal favorite: Groundramon! It seemed like there was ALWAYS something new to find even when I digivolving the same creature over and over, I was always finding new creatures and still didn't get most of the catalogue filled.
Outside of that stuff, I enjoyed the story a lot. There were a lot of turns and twists that kept it interesting, and I always really enjoy plots about the relationship between the real world and cool MMOs. I think the Eden Syndrome stuff is probably a little tried but it worked! I thought the Eaters were mysterious and freaky. I liked how the plot was framed around solving cases as a detective, it was a very unique format for an RPG. I liked a lot of the characters, they were all very fun. Nokia and Yuuko were funny, I liked Arata, and Kyoko was SO hot! The game is also hilarious! It sometimes gives the energy of like "we weren't given a proper script to translate so we went a little nuts" but honestly I think it worked. The game is serious when it needs to be but is still super funny when it can be and is generally very unhinged at times in a good way. Overall it was a very fun and funny experience!
Also, the ending where you're rebuilt from the memories of your Digimon team was SO cute, I loved that, what a cute little detail as a final goodbye from your party.
Stuff I didn't like
However, as you can probably tell from the translation thing, this game is a little rough around the edges. I'd say overall the quality is very high, but there's a couple things here and there that make it feel not 100% there, if that makes sense?
So, a small one that didn't come up a lot but came up more than you'd expect was text formatting issues. This makes sense because Japanese text can probably fit a whole novel into the textboxes, while English text can be a lot longer. But sometimes text would go off screen, or there would be times where I could select lines in a dialogue box that was CLEARLY not a dialogue choice? Or sometimes I felt like they'd attribute the lines to the wrong characters. It never massively got in the way, and most of the time it's not an issue. But it's still odd and something I've never seen before.
Then there's the character designs. I like the protagonist's design. I like Kyoko and Yuuko too. And obviously the Digimon rule. But like Arata and the detective and Date all kinda look basic? Like I maybe couldn't pick them out of a crowd? And it weirded me out the WHOLE time that Nokia looked almost identical to me. Was us being separated at birth removed from our memories too? I felt similarly about Jimiken, who really didn't look as cool or noticeable (despite looking like Jimiken) to be a reoccurring threat through so much of the early game. Overall I don't think any character designs are bad, just some of them are underwhelming among the humans.
The only real issues I have with the Digimon are that there's too many Vaccine types. I ended up having tons that turned into Vaccines in the end and basically had no null types. It was very odd. And also, I do kinda wish you could digivolve for the stats without having to change the Digimon's designs. Some of them have great designs but their digivolutions kinda... suck. Like Geckomon's evo looks really stupid imo, so I had to turn him into Whamon. Who changed from Virus to Vaccine. Stuff like that genuinely got under my skin sometimes. I don't like Zabueagermon. That name is stupid. I like Zabumon. Give him back to me!
However, my biggest problem with this game. Is that it can kinda drag sometimes. In a few ways. Some smaller ways are like, when you need a new mission. Instead of just giving it to you, sometimes they make you leave the office, get a call, then IMMEDIATELY walk back inside the office. Or worse, you have to walk all the way somewhere to get a job, then go back to the office to accept, THEN GO BACK to where you got the job and continue. Or sometimes characters will just kinda talk on and on and on forever until I'm totally lost from the conversation. I know it's kind of the joke with Kyoko, but it happens a lot and especially towards the end of the game. Genuinely took me out of some story moments where I couldn't keep up with what long-winded comparison she was going on about.
And that ties into my final thought on this, that the game kinda starts to drag in general towards the end. Like, it feels like nothing is happening for a large portion of the game, then the portal opens and things get exciting. And then things just kinda stop and start dragging again. Even story relevant stuff just didn't feel exciting or sometimes out of place. The worst example being when you travel to an alternative reality to get a character who died off screen to come help you because he's still alive in this world. Was that world a reference to a Digimon series I should've been aware of? This new character who joins you from this reality just shows up out of NOWHERE and realistically this whole situation is kinda meaningless? Like this didn't need to happen, it just does for some reason and then kinda never gets addressed again. WE WENT TO AN ALTERNATE REALITY? Idk it just feels very odd. And then some late game dungeons just kinda go on or are kinda repeats of earlier dungeons with tedious copy/paste puzzles. And then you finally get to the end and you have to fight the same security system over and over until you FINALLY get to the final boss. Again it's not the end of the world, but after a bit I really like feel like the game was just overstaying its welcome a little.
Final Thoughts
Honestly though? Overall I think this game was FANTASTIC and a really good introduction to Digimon for me! I didn't even fully go into some other systems and concepts I enjoyed like crossover attacks, how you recruit digimon by scanning them, the theming of dungeons using firewalls and you actually having to hack stuff using computer functions. It's cute!
Color me intrigued, I'm certainly interested in Digimon now. I know there's a remarkable amount of RPGs and Fighting games in the series, so I'll probably check out some of those. I might watch some of the anime. I'm a little card game crazy and Groundramon has a few cards in the TCG! I'm even working on my first Digifake and joined a Digimon Discord with some of my friends. There's a whole new digital world for me to jump into!
Thanks for reading! I totally understand why Digimon is so beloved by people, and it was genuinely really fun to finally dive into something from it full on. SO MANY COOL REPTILES IN THIS SERIES! You can see my full team right here (x)!
As for Hacker's Memory. I'm not gonna play that right now. It's longer than the base game. That's not DLC, that's a sequel!! Which is a great deal for sure! But, sheesh! I'll be sure to play it later!
I also want to give a shoutout to Helryu on Deviantart! Usually for the game cover banners at the top of posts I'll take banners from online stores, twitch, or news sites. Stuff that's probably game assets already. But they actually didn't have one for JUST cyber sleuth, they all came with Hacker's memory. So I was very happy to see Helryu did the dirty work for me. Thank you! They make lots of twitch game banners so go check them out if you need any.
That's all from me! Go out and play a game from a big franchise you've wanted to check out!
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20 Questions for 20 Writers (where did the other 10 questions go?)
Thanks for tagging me @marvel-starwarsfangirl :D.
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
I would love to make writing a way of life for me but it's mostly a hobby. However, my mind always thinks of writing, so it's a way of life in my head. Ideally, it would always be a way of life for me haha.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
I attempt and want to keep journals of my ideas. Often my notes are what I type to others since I love to discuss them. In a nutshell, I gotta compile those conversations into actual notes lmao.
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Kingdom Hearts were my main inspirations when I was in 3rd grade. It all started when I roleplayed stories outside and it was a long process of my desire to write.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
Both! I feel terrified of someone I idolize reading my first draft because I don't have a lot of confidence in my own writing...it's why I struggle with writing at all despite all the writing in my head. I'm also super insecure about my singing abilities.
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
Not really but it does really help me understand why a character feels and does what they do.
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
When I post a fanfic, I would definitely post it on AO3. Really hoping to write a Phineas and Ferb one I had in my mind for quite a while haha.
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
I would be satisfied with actually writing the fanfic! Once I do no matter the wordcount, I'll be so satisfied.
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
Note: These are some of them.
Movies: Star Wars (All movies...okay maybe except for the romance scenes in AotC lol), Lord of the Rings, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Spider-Verse movies, Nimona.
Shows: Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, Amphibia, The Owl House, Digimon Adventures and Tamers, Regular Show, Hilda, Star Wars (Andor, Rebels, and Bad Batch), Ninjago, Community, Lupin (Parts IV-V), BoJack Horseman, Green Eggs and Ham, Lackadaisy.
Books: Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule and Rising Storm by Caven Scott, Animal Farm and 1984 by George Orwell (They were a major part of my literary journey into writing).
Fics: Timeslip by @nekodatta, MoonShadow by @a-e-redacted, Pokedex by Birdboy, Pokemon Conquest: The Legend of Ransei by Imperator Justinian, Long Distance by DoubleRainbowPudding.
(Bonus) Video Games (Just some of them lol): Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy (Especially VII, IX, and XVI), Pokemon, TWEWY, Fallout (Sadly I have never played the games yet but the story and lore of the series is amazing), Ni No Kuni, Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Hacker's Memory, Eastward, Sable.
9. What's the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
If they like my story, I know it's small but every positive comment helps me write more.
10. What defines your writing style?
I would like to go for either a single-POV or multiple-character POV writing style. I might use the third person for the latter but also some signals to indicate their inner thoughts almost as if they're reacting to the written events. I think of The Catcher in the Rye as an inspiration for aspects of the writing style I want to further develop.
I love to tap into the emotions, desires, and insecurities everyone has from villains to heroes. It is what helps me write these characters and get myself invested. I also really love weaving the in-universe past with the in-universe present of the story. It gives a story a sense of a tragedy or a heartwarming continuation when those direct or symbolic parallels are made.
Tagging: @hshfsjzjsgj, @legendarycollectorcomputer
20 Questions for 20 Writers (where did the other 10 questions go?)
Tagged by: @evilwriter37
1. Is writing a hobby or way of life?
I think it started as a hobby for me, but at this point, thanks to The Bad Batch getting me back into writing, it is a way of life.
2. A journal full of writing notes or a clean, completed manuscript?
Gonna go with the notes. The amount of notes I have to take now because of my TBI. Wow.
3. Who (or what) is your writing inspiration?
Well, I'd definitely say The Bad Batch, and I think my friend Marshall, honestly. Talking with him about writing and writing techniques and all that gets me really excited.
4.Which is worse: someone you "idolize" reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
Definitely the first draft one. Thanks to the TBI my first drafts miss so many things, and I constantly have to go back and add details I had completely forgotten existed. I used to sing all the time, and had an excellent singing voice before COVID, so maybe even now with a bad singing voice I wouldn't mind too much. I'm used to performances.
5. Has writing from someone else's POV ever changed your own perspective?
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
AO3! Though I love posting my Summer of Bad Batch fics here. The reception I get is amazing.
7. AO3 wordcount, and are you satisfied with it?
1,907,782. And hell no. I want to hit 2 million!
8. What movie/book/fic gripped you irrevocably?
Movies and shows: Doctor Who, Supernatural, The Lord of the Rings, The Bad Batch
Books: Throne of Glass, Mistborn
Fics: (Okay, I love your answer for this, @evilwriter37, thank you!) As for fics I'd say Series Failsafe- Post Plan 99 from @clownery-and-fuckery. He really got me back into reading fanfic. And also System Upgrade from @just-here-with-my-thoughts. (Sorry I haven't had time to finish reading it yet!) Also probably 30 Days (on the road to healing) by @marvel-starwarsfangirl because Crosshair journaling is so intriguing!
9. What's the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
Probably that I write as well as canon or better than canon, and everyone's in character. And yes, I have been told that multiple times.
10. What defines your writing style?
You know, I'm not sure. @evilwriter37, any guesses here?
Tagging: @clownery-and-fuckery, @squad-724, @just-here-with-my-thoughts, and @marvel-starwarsfangirl (Sorry if I'm missing anyone? My memory's bad today.)
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Fair enough lol, I'm just excited that we have a darker installment in the series, seems like bandai either rlly likes the dark themes or they realize the fans like it, or both, could be both -Cookie anon
(honestly, I REALLY enjoy the fact that they're taking a darker turn with Digimon (or at least more so) cause like
When you really look at how Digimon are, it makes sense in a way. Compared to pokemon that tries to be wholesome but have that hidden dark stuff in Pokedex entries, I really do enjoy it
After all, the digital world IS an eat or be eaten place, it's p dangerous!! But sjfjjgd
Again, I enjoy the darker side of it. It just makes sense snfjgkd
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Digimon Adventure (Blind Watch) - Episode 26
This episode was actually kinda hype. Especially the end where we got Garudamon reveal AND a hint that Taichi's sister will come back next episode. Yesssss. I'm always a sucker for the "hidden team member" characters so I'm super pumped.
Out of all the ultimate evolutions thus far, Garudamon is definitely my favorite. Their design looks super unique compared to some of the other ultimate evolutions where they just slapped on some accessories and called it a day lol.
Digimon Introduced: Flymon, Garudamon, Devidramon (they never said their name, but they showed up lol)
-Pretty hilarious that their mode of transportation is a swan boat. Imagine how exhausting that would be. I thought it was a nice touch that it was all banged up and fixed with tape at the beginning of this episode.
-So I only JUST realized that he's called "Vamdemon" because "Vampire + Demon" lol. That's so dumb. At least his design isn't as similar to Devimon's as I first thought. He looks like a Castlevania villain. Kinda campy with his swishy cape and purple lipstick. I can dig it.
-So they use a pokedex "digimon analyzer" now which feels kinda shoehorned in. Gennai's whole character feels very random. Both too convenient and very inconvenient at the same time!
-We get the reveal that Sora was hiding from everyone out of shame because she was worried that her crest would never shine. The explanation didn't really make sense to me. "My mom was mean that one time so I'm incapable of love!" Yeah...I don't think that's how it works, Sora. I kind of wish they had taken the Frozen route and made it so Sora thought love = romance but then realized her platonic love for her friends was just as valid. Oh well.
-Other than Joe briefly acknowledging it, I'm kinda surprised no one thought of the more romantic implication's of Sora's crest. Taichi was immediately like "that's perfect, because you care about your friends so much!" Then again, there are a bunch of ways to talk about love in Japanese, so maybe I'm thinking about it from a Western POV.
-Sora comparing her love for Piyomon to her mom's love for her kind of bugged me. Her mom still basically disowned Sora (at least briefly) for prioritizing soccer over flowers, so it's not like it was just about the leg injury. Oh well, glad she got over her trauma lol
-The characters finally learn the meaning of their crests and are like "neat :')" Again, feels kind of weird that they didn't learn that as they got them. I guess it is a little cool to understand what made them glow in retrospect. Also, maybe if the kids knew the meaning behind each crest maybe they would have tried to force them to glow and it wouldn't have been genuine?
-Devidramon pulling the carriage straight up looked like a dude in bondage wear. I was like "Oh myyyy..." He's too human shaped!
-I like Vamdemon's deep voice but for some reason he did his evil laugh in slo-mo at one point and it just sounded awkward lol
-The name "Garudamon" plus the design both feel like they come from the Legend of Zelda world.
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Japan Package
Yeah, another off topic post... I don’t really have anywhere else to put this, though! Maybe you guys can learn more about me. =:3
I’ve always been a collector, especially of things from Japan... COVID has basically killed that for me with EMS taking almost 2 years to return and the skyrocketing prices of goods and shipping. So, with that said, this will be my last big collection post for a very, very long time [in regards to Japanese merch, I am still collecting FNAF!]
Anyone whose read my blog knows I’ve been hyped for Legend of Mana HD Remaster... and I nabbed a few things last minute when it was announced:

A large rabbite plush! This kinda goes with my collection of yellow bunnies, so I splurged since it served more than one interest for me.

Elazul and Pearl from the Square Millennium Collection.I already had these at one point but lost Pearl along the way, so I replaced them.

Some Legend of Mana trading cards (they’re sealed) and Pokemon Gold playing card deck. This will Segway me into my Gold/HeartGold stuff...

Moo-moo milks! The top one holds cold/hot drinks and the bottom one is a metal thermos.

Lyra and co. I waited so long to complete my set for Johto... she was a pretty penny unfortunately.

A bunch of various Gold related items. I don’t know much about them. A keychain, a small toy, and a postcard book. I should probably mention I got these items before the Pokemon Scalping Craze of 2021 took effect...

Pokemon Stadium 2 CIB, Pokemon Gold CIB, some kind of physical Pokemon Heartgold thing (I believe it’s just the download card. I know it isn’t the normal game.) and finally, one of my grails-- a lightly used Johto Gameboy Color w/a cartidge of Gold.

Pokemon Johto themed Pokeballs! This was a premium Bandai exclusive. I got it for the GS ball, NGL. While taking photos, my wife noticed that all of them open... except the GS ball of course! I did get this used so it was missing the dispenser parts and candy, but I didn’t care. I have the stands and belt attatchments--so looking forward to having these when I eventually cosplay Gold/Hibiki/Ethan.

Another grail. I already had the Gold Pokedex and Pokegear. I decided to get the HeartGold Pokedex/Gear. I haven’t tried it out yet!
Since Pokemon relates to Digimon, I’ll post the tiny amount of items I got. I no longer actively collect in this community outside a few unique items that I may want, so this is the end of my Digimon collection for the most part.

Not much to say regarding these. I had an atrocious time getting the shot glass the first time around, so I finally buckled and got it via a proper proxy. Weregarurumon, although a plush I don’t particularly like, was one of the last I needed to complete the line of plushes for the Gabumon line.

I’ve been after the Tsukuda Hobby Misato Vinyl figure for years. I finally snagged her. I’ve always loved this line, but sold most of it a long time ago. I don’t really have a huge collection for Misato, but she was always my favorite and I like this piece to represent her in my collectibles.

Jack from Radiata Stories. This was to complete my Star Ocean Trading Arts set. I also got the remainder of the Valkyrie Profile Trading Arts I was missing, but I didn’t picture them because they were thoroughly wrapped and I don’t want to lose pieces when I move.

My MAIN collection is Star Ocean: the Second Story (and all of it’s iterations). If I ever make an exception to my no major packages importing rule, this would be why. An Amanesis keychain, a calendar and a small pocket book.
Okay, maybe I lied... my MAIN collection is Aerith Gainsborough... I love and adore her; always have!

Aerith photo cards! I guess they were from Skytree? I don’t remember... Also some cards for Star Ocean EX, Pokemon Gold / Silver, and Ayumi Hamasaki.

More Skytree items! These are edible. One is a bottle with hard sugar candy and the others are various suckers w/edible flowers!

It took all I had not to cry when opening the music box... lol
Lastly... I was going through some bad times last October and I really rediscovered my love for Ayumi Hamasaki circa 1999-2001. I really wanted to embrace it and went a little nuts =:p If you haven’t heard her work, I highly recommend it. In fact I think A*BEST is probably my second favorite music album of all time. It’s in my top 3 for sure!

A photobook. Some CDs! Remember how much I love A*BEST? I got the anniversary edition. Included a book, CD/DVD/BluRay combo, a shirt, and a special collectors box. AyuMiX and M~ were replacements because mine are worse for wear nowadays. LoveAPPEARS and the blue CD are new. The blue CD is actually a release BEFORE Ayumi Hamasaki’s first single--it’s pretty rare! I’m excited to hear it!

A keychain, flipflops, and a stationary type set w/a binder, clear file, stickers, ect.

An uncommon Ayu-pan! She is proportional.. as opposed to the chibi design they normally have. And a mousepad! Sold at one of her early concerts!

Vinyl records of her singles: M~ and Endless Sorrow.

A CD single style keychain and a card for Endless Sorrow rounds out the lot.
It’s been an adventure... and I’m really sad to see it end until things settle down again, IF they do...
I wanted to say I have almost all the non essentials packed for my move, so I may be able to post some actual FNAF content in a week or so! =:3 Thank you for checking out the fun with me!
#japan package#covid delay#legend of mana#pokemon gold#pokemon heartgold#digimon#yamato ishida#weregarurumon#star ocean#radiata stories#valkyrie profile#trading arts#squaresoft#star ocean 2#star ocean the second story#aerith gainsborough#aeris gainsborough#final fantasy vii remake#ayumi hamasaki#m#endless sorrow#neon genesis evangelion#misato katsuragi#tsukuda hobby#avex trax#bandai
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Tamers with Pokemon teams set 1
I just decided it'd be fun to try and give all the Tamers kids a pokemon team. This post is going to be teams for Takato, Henry, Rika, Jeri, and Ryo. Set 2 is going to be the rest of the kids: Kazu, Kenta, Suzie, Alice, and Ai and Mako.
The rules are: no doubles (including from teams in the next set) and no Legendaries/Mythicals.
Now my logic here is gonna be on what pokemon I feel fit the characters the best, so the team comp. are probably gonna suck as an actual team. Honestly my logic ranges from flimsy to decent so this'll be fun (also it's been awhile since I've watched Tamers so I might get things wrong). Also for the sake of this project I'm taking Dex entries seriously.
Takato's was relatively easy in comparison to others, tho the last pokemon gave me a bit of a struggle. I don't have good reasons for half his team lol.
Smeargle- I chose Smeargle for Takato solely because it loves to paint which connects with Takato's drawings. They're drawing buddies.
Bisharp- Yeah, Bisharp is here because it gives me knight vibes that remind me of Gallantmon. Also it's dark/fighting type fits since Gallantmon is a virus type digimon.
Eevee- Honestly, I couldn't decide which eeveeloution would fit Takato the best so I just gave him Eevee. Yeah I don't have much of a reason besides really feeling like Eevee fits Takato.
Deino- Deino is a baby. You know who else is a baby? Guilmon! Also it's fully evolved form Hydreigon reminds me of Megidramon due to it's dex entries saying it will attack anything that moves (BW ep 100 and 107).
Rockruff- Similar to Deino, It's midnight form is thrilled by battle. Meanwhile it's miday form is more calm and cautious, and also being v loyal. So it could either represent Megidramon, like Deino, or be more fitting of Takato's personality.
Dragapult- I really wanted to give Takato a dragon type and Dragapult just felt right? Yeah sorry, I'm bad at explaining things.
I struggled with Henry the most tbh, idk why it was so hard for me to figure out his team. Probably has the most diverse team of the bunch. Two of these are here partly because I couldn't think of anything else.
Altaria- Altaria is known as a peaceful pokemon, unless it's provoked and then it'll decimate you. Henry is pretty pacifistic, but does fight when needed so I felt Altaria was the perfect pokemon for him.
Mienfoo- Minefoo is called the martial arts pokemon and since Henry practices Tai Chi, I felt it fit. Just... ignore that the martial arts it's based on is kung fu. I couldn't find one that was inspired by Tai Chi so I either missed it or it doesn't exist.
Abra- Yeah uhhh... I don't really know how to explain this one? Just a Feeling(tm).
Audino- Giving him Audino because I feel like it would help him babysit Suzie.
Skarmory- I just felt I needed to give him a steel type becuase of terriermon's evo line tbh. It's pokedex entry says it can go over a hundred mph, so yeah being fast and being able to fly is why I chose Skarmory as the steel type to give to Henry since Rapidmon can also fly and go fast. Tho it is nowhere near as fast as Rapidmon who can apparently go near the speed of light if we take it's desc. seriously.
Leafeon- Leafeon, like Altaria, is described as pacifistic, but will fight if needed. So same reasoning as Altaria.
Yeah I just gave Rika Pokemon that had connection to aura (Riolu, Meditite, and Gardevoir), were based off of Japanese myths/legends (Ninetails and Froslass) or fit the theme of the team comp (Chingling). Actually I might be the most satisfied with Rika's team out of everyone's.
Ninetails- This one is pretty obvious, Ninetails is the stand-in for Renamon. For obvious reasons.
Riolu- Riolu is here to demonstarte Rika's character growth. In order to evolve Riolu you need to have a high friendship with it, so Riolu will only evolve after Rika learns about The Power of Friendship(tm). Chosen over other pokemon that need high friendship to evolve because of it's connection to aura.
Chingling- Kinda the same reason as Riolu but also because it's based off of shrine bells which are supposed to ward off evil and it's evolved form, Chimecho, is based off wind chimes/bell chimes that are for the same purpose as the shrine bells. Taomon uses tailsman's to attack and Sakuyamon has a mode called Miko Mode (Miko aka Shrine Maiden). So yeah, chosen for connection to shrines.
Froslass- Did I choose Froslass as a reference to Rika being called the "Ice Queen"?? Yes, yes I did. And also because Froslass is based off the Yuki-Onna, a spirit from Japanese folklore, so she fits the theme of the team.
Gardevoir- Gardevoir being a psychic type helped it be placed in Rika's team, since I get the feeling the psychic typing best fits her. Also you can make a case for Gardevoir being partly inspired by a protector spirit (and/or guardian angel, whichever) and therefore fitting the theme.
Meditite- Again psychic type, and also meditation. And meditation has a connection to aura so... yeah. Also it's training it's spirtual power so there. Spirit connection again.
Look, she deserves buff pokemon, have you seen Leomon? But yeah half buff and half cute team for Jeri, she can pull off the duality. Yeah the reasons here are flimsy, but whatever.
Incineroar, Machoke, and Pangoro- Mostly chosen because they are big and buff, like Leomon. Also Incineroar is good with kids and Pangoro can't stand bullies. So that fits Jeri.
Teddiursa- Cute baby that becomes a big bear, fitting i think. Also being able to learn both fighting and fairy moves.
Mimikyu- It was either Banette or Mimikyu and Mimikyu ended up winning due to it's fairy typing and really just wanting to be loved.
Togepi- Honestly? Just a representation of Calumon. Since Calumon doesn't have a partner I felt Jeri was the best pick here. Could have a symbolic thing where it evolves to Togetic to show Jeri getting better after The Incident (Ya know, assuming we could have an equivalent to that in Pokemon verse).
Don't give Ryo an all dragon team challenge. Threw some steel in there too becuase ya know, Justimon. You'd think with him being my favorite this'd be the easiest one and one where I had good reasoning.
Garchomp- Garchomp can fly. I did not know this until I read it's dex entry. This is sorta relevant since Garchomp is a stand-in for Cyberdramon in this case.
Salamence- Ironically Garchomp and Salamence sometimes fight each other over prey, so that's fun. But yeah Salamaece is here due to uh... a feeling.
Kommo-O- Also a stand-in for Cyberdramon, because it's said to be seeking strong opponents in order to gain power to defeat the darkness (never clarified). Which mirrors Cyberdramons desire to find the "ultimate enemy" he's supposed to defeat.
Absol- Absol is able to sense when disaster is coming and considering how much trouble Ryo tends to get into it would be a big help. There was another reason but I forgot it... moving on.
Bastiodon- Chosen for steel typing and being gentle despite it's intimidating appearance, like how Cyberdramon is (when there isn’t a threat around).
Aggron- Again, chosen for steel typing and being draconic like. Also despite not being a dragon type, it still kinda acts like a dragon.
Alt. Pokemon: Gallade- Would probably replace Bastiodon or Aggron, I just felt it wouldn't fit too much with it's typing (fighting fits but psychic doesn't). Gallade just fits for Justimon I think.
Anyway I'm bad at explaining things, if you couldn't tell. Rika's team is the only one where I feel 100 percent satisfied with. But yeah set 2 should be out either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. Honestly probably tomorrow and who knows? I might do this with the Adventure and 02 kids too. I'd do it with other series too but idk much about the characters.
I was also thinking of doing a reverse of this and give Pokemon characters a Digimon partner, but who knows.
#Digimon#Digimon tamers#Pokemon#takato matsuki#henry wong#rika nonaka#jeri katou#ryo akiyama#look#I am#not the best at this kind of thing#Feel free to give your own opinions on this#I'm v curious#also#why does gallade fit for so many of them in my mind#Takato and Ryo#and also kinda Rika and Kazu#brain why#also look#Cyberdramon really is a gentle giant#he just gets v violent when there's a threat#This took longer than expected tbh
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Hmm. So the presentation was not as much as I hoped it would be. They spent way too much time on mobile shit instead of the actual games
But what we did get was okayish for BDSP and actually pretty rad for LA.
So for BDSP we can pretty much safely say there's probably not going to be anything particularly new like forms or variants added in since the majority was just rehash from DP. In fact I can safely say we're probably not getting Battle Frontier given how "faithful" they wanted to stay. What we did get was a hideaway, which does have some Platinum exclusive Pokémon, and they showed off some Pokémon like Electivire and Magmortar that weren't originally available in the base DP before the National dex. Don't know if that's enough to confirm they'll be available before then, but it would be pretty shit of them to show those off and not add them in the regular journey. Its a concern because Masuda omitted stuff from ORAS because they weren't in Ruby and Sapphire,, and in DP a lot of native Pokémon weren't available until after the champion, as well as Platinum adding much needed improvements to the pokedex. Anyway, the Hideaway might be useful for hunting Honey Tree Pokémon since we saw Munchlax in one. Other than that, some stuff looks better and Barry no longer has lemon jello hair, Contests are now... rhythm games I guess? Following Pokémon are back, and there's character customization. Not quite as in depth as SwSh or XY, but not crappy reskins like LGPE. There's effort to make the outfits look good and varied too.
Now the real meat to this was Legends Arceus. First off, Sinnoh used to be called something else. Second, we have regional variants and evolutions, including for Stantler, Basculine, Growlithe, and Braviary. Keep in mind we also still have an unknown climbing Pokémon from the preview pics that are floating around and whatever that giant murder duck was. This is exciting because it opens doors for a variety of things, possibly for exclusive evolutions or forms for the starters. Other than this, the combat is interesting, it reminds me of Digimon Story games, particularly Cyber Sleuth where you can move multiple turns in a row if you outspeed your opponent, and can choose to increase power or increase speed of a move accordingly. It's not a bad system tbh. The only thing that might get annoying is if the opponent outspeeds you so much that it can take 10 turns in a row like a certain Cyber Sleuth boss.
Other than that, new characters. I sort of had a feeling we'd see ancestors for Rowan and Cyrus, but this is a new take I wasn't expecting. Ngl I'm kind of expecting the Rowan look alike to be the villain. The professor is... let's be real, forgettable, lame, boring, etc. However, we now see that Team Galactic appropriated its logo and name from the team that built the first pokedex, which is very cool and true to life in comparison to real life assholes tbh
As far as anything else, I'd say there's a lot of improvement since we first saw it. The village looks alive, the world looks really pretty, and the BoTW elements are really showing off here with how you ride Pokémon and have to avoid DYING. Seriously, that Luxray scared me. I love it
I was kind of hoping they'd keep the BoTW influence going further with puzzles to solve like shrines as the main objective, but it certainly seems like the pokedex is the actual goal here. Which hopefully won't be as tedious as filling the ACTUAL pokedex. Overall though, I'm pretty hyped up.
I am laughing my ass off at the poor schmucks that were expecting SwSh DLC to add in new Pokémon. They made sure to mention that SwSh is still gonna be the game for competition and stuff, but they certainly ain't touching it anymore lol
So, I'd give this Present a 6/10. It loses points for wasting my time with mobile bullshit literally nobody asked for that could've just been Twitter announcements, and it didn't really have much of what I wanted from BDSP, and the last sucker punch for SwSh was just so bad it's hilarious. In fact, I know people will be pissing and screaming because they didn't show off the 2 billion new Megas they claimed "had" to be added in BDSP. However, the stuff for Legends Arceus is pretty much everything I wanted to know about. I do have more questions and I'm curious about what else they're hiding with it, but I am actually hyped for a Pokémon game again. The only thing I'm still in the dark about is the director, because if it's Ohmori, I'm gonna be worried.
Don't fuck it up, Game Freak. Just take your time and make a good Switch game for once.
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so. epic gamers. you all may be wondering what on earth ryou and osamu are up to and what kind of universe they’re in that osamu has a partner.
well glad you asked, nobody at all, let us begin that trail of discussion right under this cut.
I’m assuming at this point that at least some of you have seen essie’s theory on how and why Osamu could’ve been a secondary partner to Milleniummon? Ya know, this one? [x]. If you haven’t, go read it! It’s good! If you haven’t and also you don’t want to, well first off, mean, but tl;dr: Milleniummon is a jogress which implies only one of his halves originally belonged to Ryou, and because Ken wasn’t intentionally made a chosen, that means the digivice that appeared in the Ichijouji household could’ve been Osamu’s. Connect the dots and you get a baseless but plausible headcanon that Osamu and Ryou were intended to own the two halves of Mille’s whole.
So you might be thinking, Iggy, your Osamu doesn’t have a digimon, how is this reconciled with your main verse? The answer is that it doesn’t really affect it. In the default verse, Osamu dissects the digivice and the Gennai Order decides that’s bad, so he’s blacklisted from digimon work and barred from entry to the digital world. This doesn’t mean that he couldn’t have had an assigned partner before that point. Just that they’d never meet.
The divergent point in the timeline that allows this new, fun, wildly negligent of canon AU to occur is simply that he does in fact go to the digital world as the Gennai Order intended. Obviously there was some kind of danger around this time that they felt a need to try and summon a child in the first place, but whatever it was mustn’t have been very worrisome in the end, considering they made no further efforts.
We’ve decided that this occurs within the same summer of 1999 wherein Adventure happens, but a bit earlier. Of course, in digital world time, this means years and years, and within the spaces that Osamu is absent, his partner grows to be the Mugendramon also seen in Adventure.
Mugendramon has already been a Dark Master in at least one iteration of self before this, seeing as the original chosen also fought him, so he’s got a pretty good idea of what he wants to do, and he sets up an evil base in the city shown during episode 48-49 of Adventure. Osamu doesn’t have the emotional energy to care about his partner’s crimes, what with his rigorous and spiritually taxing schedule forced onto him by his parents, and he mostly uses his digivice to take extended depression naps in the faster paced time of the digital world.
Osamu and Mugen aren’t the mushiest of partners, but they have a symbiotic relationship nonetheless. Osamu is an infinite battery for evolving digimon, Mugen provides a safe space and an ear to talk or cry into if necessary.
At some point, he starts bringing Ken along to have more playtime with him, Ken finds a little Minomon floating around the base and gives his Niichan some puppydog eyes as he begs to keep it.
Also they steal Ryou’s partner’s egg and kidnap him to play in the base.
Moving on, Adventure happens, Mugen is reformatted and loses his status, and worse still, time is reset to match the real world’s, so Osamu’s newly adopted coping mechanism is ripped away from him, and his depression hits an all time low as he can no longer rest or play with Kenny or enjoy life to any extent.
Then the accident happens around October.
The Anode/Cathode game doesn’t happen, because Milleniummon doesn’t exist as a villain and nothing in that game can exist in separation from him.
Tag Tamers does, the next summer, the day after Bokura No War Game, because the villains here can exist independently of Mille. There are changes, though. Osamu and Ryou aren’t separated into split worlds like Ken and Ryou are in canon because that was a Mille thing. They also never get to keep any of their recruits from dungeon to dungeon. As there is no overarching threat that’s going to kill everything forever, the digital world’s motive to aide their quest extends as far as the locals not wanting their villages to be ransacked, and said villagers abandon the boys as soon as they’ve served their purpose in that location. Also Osamu has to be carried around like a baby, lol. Ken gets relegated to his position as sentient pokedex at this point, too.
Additionally, since time is never thrown back out of sync with the real world by the events of Anode/Cathode, this game happens over the span of Real Months, so both of the boys are now missing children as well as being very stressed out about the time they’re losing.
Unfortunately for them, the Gennai Order thinks having the timelord jogress around to solve all their problems for them is just a bit too convenient to throw away. So they don’t get to go home like they’d been promised they could.
Ryou gets his usual amnesia/mutism bundle so that he only remembers how to be a good boy who follows orders, but since Osamu isn’t really instinctively predisposed to obedience, and his motives to fight are namely through loyalty to Mugen, helping his partner’s world not die, and to finish the war as quickly as possible so he can go home to his brother, other methods are used.
If memories can be erased, they can be disoriented. Osamu develops a very skewed sense of time passing, so that every time he asks when he can go home, they can just say “in a few more battles” each time and arouse no suspicion or defiance. Ken is blocked from messaging his brother and replaced with a bot that mimics him and convinces Osamu that Ken is still seven and happy and patiently waiting for him, while his real brother is desperately fighting for a way to get his family back.
aaaaaand that’s about covers it??? anyways all aboard the pain train babey!!
#also 02 never happens bc why would it when the gennai order have an obedient and unstoppable war machine#what once was happy now is sad ; verse#notes;
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Digimon frontier ocs?
Randomly started rewatching CactusCasual's great Digimon Frontier critique series. He's leaving youtube soon and making the weird decision to delete his whole account and everything he's ever done. But he's uploaded a bunch of his best stuff to google drive so if people wanna keep.it they can. Still i think its a lil dumb to not just leave the account open even if you're not using it? I dont know anything about why he's quitting the site though so maybe he has his reasons.
ANYWAY this got me thinking again about how Frontier is so goddamn boring and weirdly cliche and badly paced, and like everyone just focuses on "but they changed how digivolution works" and ignores all the actual reasons its bad. Like, kids have fused with digimon in previous seasons too! And haven't we all wished we could be the awesome characters like angemon and etc? A digimonny power rangers henshin thing isnt an inherantly bad idea, it was just executed badly. I dislike it cos it meant we completely lost any sort of digimon and human bonding experience plotline. They gave us two recurring digimon characters but they were just basically a pokedex and the world's least funny comic relief. Gimme a version of the show where the kids actually talk to their "spirit evolutions"! Like maybe they have a digimon partner but its forever stuck in baby form or spirit egg form and cant fight without fusing with a human host? Or just give us a better non-combat digimon pal like bokomon and neemon but like.. Fully developed with their own character arc and relationships with everyone else. Maybe ophanimon could have been around the whole time and been a mentor and parental figure? And we could actually explore her moral ambiguity, cos seriously the show makes her kind of a "ends justify the means" asshole and just NEVER AKNOWLEDGES IT. Wtf was up with that scene where she illusions Cherubimon with a fake dream of him being purified and getting to just go back home and be friends? And then she just backstabs him and we never mention it again. Like seriously even if she couldnt actually cure him that scene at least revealed that he WANTED to be cured and it made him so much more sympathetic! If he can be reasoned with, maybe they could have talked him down and then gone on an adventure together to find an actual cure for him? Also seriously what is up with his entire plot! Cos he just gets 'infected with darkness' cos he 'had darkness in his soul' but its just cos he thought the humanoid digimon were being racist against the beast digimon? And like.. The council was 2/3rds humanoid with him as the only beast representative and since he got infected by evilness they never remotely tried to recruit a new one or listen to what beast digimon have to say. So he was kinda right, yo! Also wtf with the reveal that actually no everything we just said is pointless because his REAL motivation was just blindly obeying ANOTHER humanoid digimon that comes out of nowhere to be the final boss. Also what is up with all the increased sexism in this series!! Its so weirdly worse than even adventure which had the excuse of being "a product of the times" yet still had way better variety of female characters and less bigoted stuff! And frontier came right after tamers which was one of the best series for gender equality and even used the medium of the setting as an opportunity to talk about the subject. Shame they censored that in the dub tho, Renamon talking about how digimon have no biological sex and how she only came to think of herself as a girl when she came to the human world. And rika's family accepting her and inviting her to family girls's night and stuff! Like as a metaphor for transgender issues it really worked to try and explain it to a younger audience in a natural way. And then one season later in frontier we have ONLY ONE GIRL IN THE CAST and wah wah whining about fashion and oh no she cant ever win a fight and her goddamn spirit form is in skimpy lingerie despite her being 12, and the show is always perving on her! And then she loses her powers halfway through the first season without winning a single fight, and has to be the damsel in distress to motivate the dudes in a stupid love triangle. And even when she does get to fight she's only allowed to fight the ONE SINGLE GIRL ON THE VILLAIN TEAM and they have stupid slap fights and "who's the most pretty" and BEACH EPISODE and GAHHHHH
...anyway as you can see i have a lot of reasons why i didnt really like the series. But what i meant to make this post about (BEFORE I GOT DISTRACTED) is that the fundemental concept itself isnt bad, they just wasted all its potential. And its a really good concept for ocs! Make your own digi superhero person and explore the fragmented world doing stuff offscreen during the series! Like they left so much open?? We know that other kids also got on other trains to the digiworld and they all just failed or gave up or got captured by the bad guys. And we know there's a bunch of spirits that the heroes never use because the villains got them again, so its cool to imagine an alt universe where the roles were swapped. What if different kids became the chosen heroes? What if different spirits were corrupted by the villains? What would a good guy Grumblemon be like? What would the kid be like who got that spirit? Would their evolution form be wildly different from grumblemon? Do the villain forms and purified forms look as different as Duskmon and Lowemon did?
So yeah i wasted so much space here blabbering, so i'll probably make a separate post about my oc ideas lol. But i'd love to see other people's ideas for ocs/reinterpretations/other ways to fix that wasted potential!
So! Digimon frontier oc ideas!
To start off,have an undeveloped idea of someone on the team having Angemon as their spirit evolution. Cos it would have made the transition to such a new series a lot easier if they had some sort of "hey this is for you" to the fans of the previous ones. And angemon is the Adventure digimon that already looks the most like a regular human in a weird mask.
SPEAKING OF WHICH! less regular humans in weird masks! Whats the point of "you turn into a digimon" if you dont turn into a digimon? Like i know the whole gimmick is "humanoid mode and beast mode" but even the beast modes often look like humans in a costume! And there's been so many humanoid digimon before who actually looked like HUMANOID MONSTERS rather than just normal dudes cosplaying! There's literally nothing "monster" about agunimon, he's just a guy in some knight armour. Like the most you can do is charitably assume maybe the horns are his own and not just attatched to the helmet. And its annoying cos the villains have way cooler evolutions! And also double annoying that they always bend the humanoid/beast rule in such transparently self serving ways. Tommy gets two beast forms cos he's meant to be the cute mascot-looking character. Zoey gets two human forms cos she's meant to be grossly sexualized all the time. When kouichi turns from bad to good he loses his interesting looking actually monsterous evolutions and just becomes another dude in an armour. A friggin palette swap of his brother!
Anyway anyway LOL IM RAMBLING AGAIN yo...
Ideas for ocs!
I was thinking of a main girl character who's basically just a "fuk u" to all the stereotypes they did with Zoey. Actually gets a monster lookin beast form and a warrior lookin human form and actually gets to goddamn fight! Maybe her name is Hilda or Hildegarde? And i'm imagining her as a chubby nerdy kid with glasses and curly hair and a super cute oversized sweater kind of fashion sense. And her main spirit form would be this super badass lady knight giant orc thing who can Protec All The Peoples! Maybe earth element or the irony of being light element but she's this big ol monster goblin with just a tiny pair of angel wings on the back, lol! And then her personality is normally super shy and socially anxious, but she actually finds the digimon world kind of freeing? She's a total badass in battle and acts like a big ol powerful protector of all her friends! And she's always super excited aboyt adventuring and gets carried away comparing stuff to her favourite books. And now we must learn everything about this new place!! TO THE DIGI LIBRARY!!! So she's able to be confident and bubbly when it comes to actual adventure stuff, but she's still shy about regular life and anything social. Maybe its her weakness? Like she's scared about going home because she thinks she'll be "just a nobody" again, and lose all the great friends she made here. And also maybe a backstory of her heroic side still existing even before she got magic powers, but in the most tragic way? She managed to fend off a burglar once all on her own, she just snapped and did everything possible to defend her family, even though this was a man three times her size! But instead of being seen as a hero it just made all the neighbours and kids at school spread rumours about her being dangerous. Oh she must be in *a gang* if she knew how to fight like that! Oh its so *dangerous* for a kid that age to have such anger inside! Maybe she's a *scary mentally ill person*! So the whole situation ruined her social status even more and made her retreat even more inside her shell. And this is why the circumstances of the digital world are such a wish fullfillment for her and she's so scared of just waking up and it all being a dream. I think the villains could manipulate her fears, and it could maybe lead to her Skullgreymon Moment?
And then another idea i had was for a trans boy? I just thought this would be a good framework to explore LGBT stuff. He'd maybe be the wind element? And his personality would be very "classic shonen hero" but without the "dumbass" part, instead he's the cynical planner type dude while Hilda is the "i didnt even think, i just wanted to save everyone" type. But he's still super peppy and tries to be the class clown all the time so people will like him, and loves to climb trees and stuff. I think maybe his fighting style would be all about trickery and random chance? If there was such a thing as an element of surprise then he'd have that one! And then his story is that he doesn't have anyone supporting him for who he truly is at home, and he's afraid that his new friends will call him a freak too if they find out. He took the opportunity and cut his hair short as soon as this adventure started, and just introduced himself to everyone as a boy. But he's scared that people will find out he "lied" even though he didnt, he's just been so beaten down with the idea that he's not allowed to be himself and he has to pretend to be everyone else's idea of an ideal cis man or else they'll reject him. So maybe he starts off a bit obsessed with cliche masculinity and has low confidence about himself? And this could reflect in his digivolutions actually changing! He starts off with a really over the top buff warrior dude form, even though his fighting style is entirely about speed and trickery. So he tends to get into trouble with this fake form getting in the way of his ability to fight. And then when everyone accepts him he gets all powered up and changes into a new form! A way less "cliche macho" dude who looks like a stage magician instead and actually synchronizes with his element to become super powerful! And he's all like "oh no i became less manly" but everyone is like "wtf dont let yourself believe you're any less of a man because of dumb stereotypes!" And Also Big Friendship Hugs.
And then maybe this provides a resolution to both him and Hilda's plots? Like when the story is over they still stay friends in the real world, and having a friend who supports them gives them enough power to withstand all the haters and stay confident in themselves. But itd be kind of a coincidence for all the digidestined to live in the same city lol! So maybe in real life they live at least a few towns away, and they become long distance pals who send letters/emails. Because I LOVE ALL MY LONG DISTANCE PALS!! Also itd make sense to have a Internet Good message in a digimon show, lol.
And then i dunno about the rest of the team yet but i thought itd be good to have a sort of moral divide? Like these are the two who have a shitty home life and dont want to leave the digital world. But then the other half of the group has big reasons to wanna go home. So the villains could play on this difference in goals and make them fight amoungst each other. Just generally make the villains more actually competant, yknow? Oh also if there's a Dark Agunimon on the villains he needs to be EVEN MORE of a boring human in a costume! Cos it sucks that all the villains have better character designs and the show seems to think theyre worse ones. Give me one case of more boring not meaning more heroic!
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Random confession time!
Because honestly I'm choking myself by keeping this odd new excitement in life. So, just random ramble. Sorry for no digimon content, content on it has been low recently. Anyway... ...I somehow got hooked on Pokemon. I'm soon-to-be 24 years old young lady, and I got hooked on Pokemon. I don't even know exactly why. This hook came in form of the newest Pokemon 3ds game, Pokemon Moon. I loved it. I had finally found a game that I could enjoy playing on a fly, and focus on the aspects I kinda would like to do with digimon, but can't because no digimon games are for 3ds. Despite not usually being a jrpg fan, the gameplay felt nice in Moon. I love filling ny pokedex and oh god, I loved customising my trainer. Also, Rowlet is freaking cute. And Decidueye has certainly become my favourite pokemon of them all. Well, after completing Moon's story, I was left with a craving feeling of wanting more. So I got Pokemon X. Because it has trainer customisation as well lol. It proved to be harder than Moon to me, because I was bad with remembering types and such, but it was so enjoyable. And Pokemon Amie system seemed to do wonders to my recent anxiety problems. I felt happy. Pikachu is the cutest thing ever in Pokemon Amie. However, after finishing X, I felt empty again. I wanted to see more pokemon. Then I somehow thought that hey, why not check the newest Pokemon season? Since I so loved Alola region. My childhood memories of TV show were kinda bad imaged, and I prepared to have the mindset of "nope" the instant I saw first 5 mins. Well... the opposite happened. Before I noticed I caught up til newest episodes in japan, and noticed myself having fun while watching it. Ash, or as I kinda prefer due to watching in japanese, Satoshi really grew on me, mainly because I LOVE his relationship with Pikachu. It's so sweet. Then I decided to rewatch the very first episode to see how Satoshi's journey started. Mm, I did remember right about start being quite annoying, but the way Pikachu grew on Satoshi was nice to see. However, I felt like I would not like the early show so I dropped it. THEN I kinda decided to check how the XY series was, since I did enjoy the X game, and heard people liking a more "mature" Satoshi in it. In the end, even thou it had it flaws, I liked the series lots and it now has a warm spot in my heart. Serena, Eureka (Bonnie) and Citron (Clemont) were enjoyable companions, and well, I may have ended up with shipping Satoshi with Serena. I mean, they're cute. Dedenne is the best pokemon in the series thou. Oh, and Greninja/Gekkouga. Aaaah all them pokemon were great! But pheeeeeeeeew. That's all I wanted to let out. Tldr; I got hooked on Pokemon and now feel extemely thankful for it. I feel like my anxiety problem is slowly fading away while playing and watching it. I have no regrets, even if I have no to talk it with. (And now to decide whether I want to make a side blog for pokemon gifs or not.)
#blog stuff#I'm rambling#pokemon#Hopefully this post helps me feel at ease with this new hook#I'll work on the digimon tri theory post soon!
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